Learning Module Unit 1

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Nature of Inquiry and Research


The learner demonstrates understanding of:

a. the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative

b. the importance of quantitative research across fields
c. the nature of variables


The learner is able to decide on suitable quantitative research in different areas of



The learner:

a. describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of

quantitative research
b. illustrates the importance of quantitative research across fields.
c. differentiates kinds of variables and their uses
Lesson 1 Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses, and
Kinds of Quantitative Research

Lesson 1.1 Characteristics of Quantitative Research


The students are expected to:

1. describe the characteristics of quantitative research
2. identify the characteristics of quantitative research described in statements
3. complete the Star Diagram in summarizing the characteristics of quantitative


Quantitative Research is an objective, systematic, empirical investigation of the observable

phenomena through the use of computational techniques. It highlights numerical analysis of data
hoping that the numbers yield unbiased results that can be generalized to some larger population and
explain particular observation. Simple quantitative research is concerned with numbers and its
relationship with events.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

1. Objective. Quantitative research seeks accurate measurement and analysis of target
concepts. It is not based on mere intuitions and guesses. Data are gathered before proposing a
conclusion or solution to a problem.
2. Clearly defined Research Questions. In quantitative research, the researchers know in
advance what they are looking for. The research questions are well defined for which objective answers
are sought. All aspects of the study are carefully designed before data are gathered.
3. Structured Research Instruments. Data are normally gathered using structured research
tools such as questionnaires to collect measurable characteristics of the population such as age, socio-
economic status, number of children etc.
4. Numerical Data. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, often organized and
presented using tables, charts, graphs and figures that consolidate large numbers of data to show
trends, relationships or differences among variables.
5. Large Sample sizes. To arrive at more reliable data analysis, a normal population
distribution is preferred. This requires a large number of population size, depending on how the
characteristics of population vary. Random sampling is recommended in determining the sample size to
avoid researchers’ bias in interpreting the results.
6. Replication. Reliable quantitative research can be repeated to verify and confirm the
correctness of the results in another setting.
7. Future Outcomes. By using complex mathematical calculations and with the aid of
computers, if-then scenarios may be formulated thus predicting future results.
Source: Faltado, R.E., Bombita, M.B., & Boholano H. B. (2017). Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research for SHS) (pp 1-2). Cubao,
Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.

Describe each of the characteristics of quantitative research on the space provided below.

1. Objective. - __________________________________________________________________
2. Clearly defined Research Questions. - _____________________________________________
3. Structured Research Instruments. - ________________________________________________
4. Numerical Data. - _____________________________________________________________
5. Large Sample sizes. - __________________________________________________________
6. Replication. . - ________________________________________________________________
7. Future Outcomes - ____________________________________________________________


On the space provided before the number, identify the characteristics of quantitative research
being described in each of the following statement. Write your answer on the space provided before the

______________________ 1. In presenting the results in quantitative research, researchers

commonly use numbers and statistics.
______________________ 2. Normally, the researcher uses structured research tools such as
questionnaires to collect measurable characteristics of the population.
______________________ 3. In quantitative research, the researcher can predict future results
through complex mathematical calculations and with the aid of
______________________ 4. The researcher must not make the interpretation of the data with
mere intuitions and guesses.
______________________ 5. Quantitative research requires a large number of population size,
depending on how the characteristics of population vary.
______________________ 6. Conclusions and problem solution are proposed by the researcher
after gathering data.
______________________ 7. Reliable quantitative research can be repeated to verify and confirm
the correctness of the results in another setting.
______________________ 8. The research questions are well defined and stated in advance for
which objective answers are sought.
______________________ 9. All aspects of the study are carefully designed before data are
______________________ 10. The researcher used pencil and paper test to determine the attributes
of the respondents of the study.

Summarize the characteristics of quantitative research by completing the Star Diagram below.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research


Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Section: _________________________________________ Score: __________________________

On the space provided before the number, identify the characteristics of quantitative research
being described in each of the following scenario. Choose the letter of your answer from the choices
inside the box.

a) Objective.
e) Large Sample sizes.
b) Clearly defined Research Questions.
f) Replication.
c) Structured Research Instruments.
g) Future Outcomes.
d) Numerical Data.

_________ 1. Cita presents the findings of her study by using frequency, percentage, and
_________ 2. Divina makes sure that all of the questions to the data needed in her study are
included in her study.
_________ 3. Even the result of the study is not the same with his expectations; Mario did not
manipulate any data on his research.
_________ 4. In order to gather data from the respondents, Ace distributed questionnaires to
the participants of his study.
_________ 5. The researcher selected 315 students from the 1500 students in Grade 7
_________ 6. Gene interpreted the data based from the findings collected.
_________ 7. Maria made sure that she has collected the necessary data before making
_________ 8. To determine if there is the same result in Makati City, Martin repeated the study
conducted on the effect of smoking to pregnant women in Pasig City.
_________ 9. Mina proposed conclusions and solution to problem only after collecting and
analyzing the data.
_________ 10. Diane used the entire target population as participants of her study.

Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Lesson 1. 2 Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research


The students are expected to:

1. explain the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research
2. classify situations in conducting study whether it is strength or weakness of
quantitative research
3. complete the T-chart in summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative


Conducting of quantitative research has both advantages and disadvantages to the researcher.

Strengths of Quantitative Research

 It is objective. Since it provides numerical data, it can’t be easily misinterpreted.

 The use of statistical techniques facilitates sophisticated analyses and allows you to
comprehend a huge amount of vital characteristics of data.
 The numerical data can be analyzed in a quick and easy way. By employing the statistically
valid random models, findings can be generalized to the population about which information is
 Quantitative studies are replicable, standardized approaches allow the study to be replicated in
different areas or over time with the formulation of comprehensible findings.

Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

 Quantitative research requires large number of respondents, it is assumed that the larger the
sample is, the more statistically accurate the findings are.
 It is costly. Since there are more respondents compared to qualitative research, the expenses
will be greater in reaching out to these people and in reproducing the questionnaires.
 The information contextual factors to help interpret the results or to explain variations are
usually ignored. It does not consider the distinct capacity of the respondents to share and
elaborate further information unlike the qualitative research.
 Information are difficult to gather using structured research instruments specifically sensitive
issues like pre-marital sex, domestic violence, among others.
 If not done seriously and correctly, data from questionnaires may be incomplete and inaccurate.
Researchers must look on respondents who are just guessing in answering the instrument.

Source: Faltado, R.E., Bombita, M.B., & Boholano H. B. (2017). Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research for
SHS) (pp 2-3). Cubao, Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.

What are the strengths of the quantitative research? Cite and explain briefly.

What are the weaknesses of the quantitative research? Cite and explain.

What are the possible solutions to overcome some of the quantitative research’s weaknesses?


Identify whether the following statement is a strength or weakness of a quantitative research.

Write YES if you consider the item as strength and NO if you consider it as a weakness.

______ 1. Using of questionnaire in collecting data.

______ 2. Gathering information using structured research instruments specifically on sensitive
______ 3. Capacity of the respondents to share and elaborate further information.
______ 4. Objective in making conclusions and solution to problem.
______ 5. Using of large number of respondents on collecting data.
______ 6. Possibility to replicate reliable research paper.
______ 7. The expenses in reaching out people and in reproducing the
______ 8. Analysing data using numbers and statistics.
______ 9. The use of statistical techniques in facilitating analyses and comprehension of huge
amount of vital characteristics of data.
______ 10. Use of numerical data on making analysis and interpretation.

Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research by completing the T

Chart below.

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

Strengths Weaknesses

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Section: _________________________________________ Score: __________________________

Identify whether each of the following situations in conducting the quantitative research
is a strength or weakness. Write S if you consider it strength, and W if it is weakness.

_______ 1. The inability of the depressed teenagers to express their answer using

_______ 2. Jelo gathers data from large number of earthquake victims in his

_______ 3. Monique is unable to consider her own opinion and belief in analyzing
and interpreting the data she has gathered from her participants.

_______ 4. Lucy went to Bohol to reach out the participants of her study at her own

_______ 5. Tricia patterned her study in the study conducted by her instructor

_______ 6. Jason reproduces the questionnaires of his study at his expense.

_______ 7. Jake used numbers and statistics in analyzing the correlation of the
variables of his study

_______ 8. Manny uses questionnaires in gathering information about child abuse

from his participants.

_______ 9. Michelle uses statistical techniques in analyzing huge amount of vital

characteristics of data of her respondents.

_______ 10. Maxine utilizes questionnaires in collecting data in her study.

Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Lesson 1.3 Kinds of Quantitative Research


The students are expected to:

1. explain each of the kinds of quantitative research in your own word
2. classify the statements on kinds of quantitative research whether it is true or false
3. complete the Flower Diagram in summarizing your learning on the kinds of quantitative


The kind of research is dependent on the researcher’s aim in conducting the study and the
extent to which the findings will be used. The following are the various kinds of quantitative research
that a researcher may employ.

Kinds of Quantitative Research

Descriptive Research. This design is concerned with describing the nature, characteristics and
components of the population or a phenomenon. This design attempts to find general attributes of the
presently existing situation and determine the frequency with which it occurs. Descriptive research is
used if, for example the research wants to know how many hours senior high school spend in social
media, the number of malnourished students who failed in the achievement test, and how healthy is the
food served during the recess in the public school.

Correlational Research. It is a systematic investigation of the nature of relationship, or associations

between among variables without necessarily investigating into causal reasons underlying them. It is
also concerned with the extent of relationships that exists between or among the variables. For
example, if pre-board examination results can be used to predict performance in the Licensure
Examination for Teachers (LET), then the higher the pre-board grade, the most likely be the score in
the LET. Correlational research is employed if you like to know, for example, if the following factors are
related to each other: sex and mathematical ability, marriage and cancer recovery, occupation and life

Evaluation Research. It aims to assess the effects and impacts or outcomes of practices, policies and
programs. Assessing of nursing care in a hospital and determining the impact of new treatment
procedure for patients are examples of evaluation research.

Survey Research. It is used to gather information from groups of people by selecting and studying
samples chosen from population.it may be done in various ways like face-to-face, phone, mail, and
online. A survey research may be cross-sectional if the information is collected from a sample in just
single point of time just like the child-rearing practices of single parents, and population practices of
unmarried couples. A survey research is considered longitudinal if the researcher collects information
on the same subjects over a period of time, sometimes lasting many years in order to study the
changes through the years. Longitudinal survey is utilized, for example, to determine the growth of rice
yield in the country and the rate of promotion of doctorate degree holders five years after earning the
Causal Comparative Research. It is also known as ex post facto (after the fact) research. This kind of
research derives conclusion from observations and manifestation that already occurred in the past and
now compared to some dependent variables. It discusses why and how a phenomenon occurs. For
example, a researcher is interested in how weight influences stress coping level of adults. Here, the
subjects would be separated into different group (underweight, normal weight, over weight) and their
stress-coping levels measured. This is an ex post facto design because pre-existing characteristic
(weight) was used to form the groups.

Experimental Research. This research utilizes scientific method to test cause-and-effect relationships
under conditions controlled by the researcher. In this case an effort is made to determine and impose
control over all other variables except one. An independent variable is manipulated to determine the
effects on the dependent variables. For instance, a teacher would like to know if a new teaching
strategy is effective or not so he/she teaches one section using the new strategy and teaches another
comparable section without the new strategy, then an achievement test was given to the two sections.
The manipulated independent variable is the new teaching strategy which is being tested if it has an
effect on the dependent variable which is the achievement of the students. Notice that the sections are
comparable with one another meaning all other variables are controlled by the teacher.

Source: Faltado, R.E., Bombita, M.B., & Boholano H. B. (2017). Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research for SHS) (pp 3-
4). Cubao, Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.


Answer the following questions briefly and comprehensively using your own words.

What is descriptive research? __________________________________________________________


What is correlational research? ________________________________________________________


What is evaluation research?___________________________________________________________


What is survey research? When can we consider that a survey research is cross sectional?
Longitudinal survey?_________________________________________________________________
What is causal comparative research? ___________________________________________________

What is experimental research? ________________________________________________________



True or False. Write True if the statement is correct, and False if it is incorrect.

______ 1. Experimental research attempts to find general attributes of the presently

existing situation and determine the frequency with which it occurs.
______ 2. Survey research derives conclusion from observations and manifestation
that already occurred in the past and now compared to some dependent
______ 3. Causal comparative research design is concerned in assessing the effects
and impacts or outcomes of practices, policies and programs.
______ 4. Evaluation research is concerned with describing the nature,
characteristics and components of the population or a phenomenon.
______ 5. Correlational research is concerned with the extent of relationships that
exists between or among the variables.
______ 6. Survey research is used to gather information from groups of people by
selecting and studying samples chosen from population.
______ 7. Experimental research manipulates an independent variable to determine
the effects on the dependent variables.
______ 8. Descriptive research systematically investigates the nature of relationship,
or associations between among variables without necessarily investigating
into causal reasons underlying them.
______ 9. Experimental research design used pre-existing characteristic to form
______ 10. Descriptive research design utilizes scientific method to test cause-and-
effect relationships under conditions controlled by the researcher.

Summarize the kinds of quantitative research by accomplishing the flower diagram


The Kinds of Quantitative Research


Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Section: _________________________________________ Score: __________________________

Identify the kind of quantitative being described in each of the following scenario. Choose the
letter of your answer from the choices inside the box.

a) descriptive d) survey
b) correlational e) causal comparative
c) evaluation f) experimental

____ 1. The researcher aims to determine how height affects job applicants’ self

____ 2. The researcher aims to determine the impact of K-12 curriculum to instruction
performance of college instructors

____ 3. The researcher aims to know how frequent do the teenagers smoke in a week

____ 4. The researcher wants to determine how gender affects leadership

performances of SK chairmen of Pasig City

____ 5. The researcher wants to determine the academic achievement of the children
in rural areas of Pasig City.

____ 6. The researcher wants to determine the effect of ICT if implemented in the
students’ participation in the classroom

____ 7. The researcher wants to determine the waste management of the employees
in SM Megamall

____ 8. The researcher wants to investigate how time schedule affect the academic
achievement of students in Mathematics.

____ 9. The researcher wants to investigate the relationship of socio economic status
to the academic performance of the students.

____ 10. The researcher aims to enhance students’ class participation by employing
positive discipline

Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Lesson 2 The Importance of Quantitative Research across Fields


The students are expected to:

1. illustrate the importance of quantitative research in different areas of discipline
2. classify research topics to what discipline it contributes
3. complete the Field Matrix in summarizing your learning on the importance of research
across fields


The Importance of Quantitative Research

In the area of Accounting, Business and Management (ABM), researchers can help design
a new product or service figuring out what is needed and ensure that the development of a product is
highly targeted towards demand. Businessmen can also utilize research results to guarantees sufficient
distribution of their products and also utilize research results to guarantee sufficient distribution of their
products and decide where you need to increase their product distribution. Conducting researches can
also help a business determine whether now is the proper time to open another branch or whether it
needs to apply for a new loan. It may also help a small business decide if a procedure or strategy
should be changed to meet the requirements the customer base. Research is important for any
organization to remain competitive its customers and their preferences, establish the enterprise in the
most feasible location, deliver quality goods and services, analyze what competitors are doing and find
ways on how to continuously satisfy the growing and varied needs of the clients.

In the field of Science , Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), medical

practitioners, for example, conduct researches to obtain information about disease trends and risks
factors, results of various health interventions, patterns of care and health care cost and use. The
different approaches to research provide complementary insights. Researchers help in determining the
effectiveness and even side effect of drugs and therapies in different populations and various. It is also
necessary in evaluating experiences in clinical practice in order to develop mechanisms for best
practices and to ensure high-quality patient care. Researches in this field ultimately aim for man’s
As for engineers, architects, and other builders, research helps in providing designs which are
creative, conveniently beautiful and at the same time give more convenience and efficiency as they
utilize modern technology to adapt the ever changing society. New materials and procedures may be
developed so as to further strengthen the structural materials that can withstand various calamities and
In the discipline of Humanities and Social sciences, research aims to provide solutions to the
social problems directly felt by people. Researchers in this field deal more on societal behaviors and
social issues such as stress, worker ethics, organizational commitment, leadership style and child
labor, teenage pregnancy, human trafficking, to drug addiction and other forms of criminality. Social
science researches lead to the understanding of social interactions that may lead to the formulation of
new theories and practices that can contribute to societal development and welfare.
As a whole, research can help us understand and assess the things and occurrences around
us. It provides us the rationale and justifications for one’s decisions and actions. It gives us the
opportunity to discover various means of identifying problems, find ways of dealing with life’s
challenges and to come up with innovative materials and mechanism that can improve the quality of

Source: Faltado, R.E., Bombita, M.B., & Boholano H. B. (2017). Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research for SHS) (pp 3-
4). Cubao, Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.


What are the benefits does research provide in the area of Accounting, Business and Management

How does research become beneficial in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM)?

How does research help people in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)?

How does research help the people in the field of Technical Vocational Livelihood?

The following are research topics. Identify the field where such research topics can make
contribution. Write ABM if it contributes to Accounting, Business and Management, STEM if you
consider it helpful in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and HUMSS if it
contributes to Humanities, and Social Sciences.

____________ 1. adultery
____________ 2. building designs which are more convenient and efficient
____________ 3. Cyber bullying
____________ 4. decision to increase product distribution
____________ 5. depression
____________ 6. development of structural materials that can withstand
various calamities and disasters.
____________ 7. effectiveness and side effect of certain drugs
____________ 8. procedure or strategy to meet the requirements of the
____________ 9. risks factors of certain disease
____________ 10. sufficient distribution of products


Summarize the importance of quantitative research across fields by accomplishing the Chart
matrix below.

The Importance of Quantitative Research across Fields

In the field of In the field of In the field of


Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Section: _________________________________________ Score: __________________________

Illustrate on the box below the importance of Quantitative Research across fields by
making an info graphics.

Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Lesson 3 The Nature of Variables

Lesson 3.1 Variables and Its Types


The students are expected to:

1. discuss the variable and its types in your own word
2. categorize the variables according to its type
3. complete the Square Matrix in summarizing your learning on variables of quantitative


A variable is a central concept in research. It is measurable characteristic that changes in value.

It may vary from one group to another group, one person to another or even with the same person over
A variable is anything that may assume varied numerical or categorical values. For instance,
sex is a variable, it may be male or female but it would not be applicable as a variable if the setting is
an exclusive school for girls. Socio economic status is a variable; it may range from zero to billion
pesos. Educational attainment of parents is another variable, it may be from did not attend school to
post-doctorate degree.

Types of Variables
The two types of variables are continuous and discrete variables.

Continuous variable. A variable that can take infinite number on the value that can occur
within a population. Its values can be divided into fractions. Examples of this type of variables include
age, height, and temperature.
Discrete variable. Known as categorical or classificatory variable, on the other hand, is any
variable that has limited number of distinct values and which cannot be divided into fractions such as
sex, blood group, and number of children.

Types of Continuous Variables

Continuous variables can either be interval variable or ratio variable.
Interval variable is a measurement where the difference between two values does have
meaning such as temperature, age, exam result, grades and etc.
Ratio variable possesses the properties of interval variable and has a clear definition of zero
indication that there is none of that variable such as height, weight and distance.
Types of Discrete Variables
Discrete variables can either be nominal variable or ordinal variable.
Nominal variable is a variable with no quantitative value. It has two or more categories but does
not imply ordering of cases like eye color, business type, religion, sex (dichotomous).
Ordinal variable is a variable that has two or more categories which can be ranked like
educational attainment using coding; elementary = 1 , high school = 2, college undergraduate = 3,
college graduate = 4 and graduate studies = 5

Source: Faltado, R.E., Bombita, M.B., & Boholano H. B. (2017). Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research for SHS) (pp 6-7). Cubao,
Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.


What is variable?

What are the two types of variables? Discuss each.


What are the types of continuous variables? Discuss each.


What are the types of discrete variables? Discuss each.


On the space before the number, write I if the variable is Interval, N if nominal, R if Ratio and O if

______ 1. Body temperature in Celsius

______ 2. Citizenship
______ 3. Cups of rice consumed in a day
______ 4. Distance travel in an hour
______ 5. Emotion
______ 6. Fast food chain
______ 7. Strand taken
______ 8. Grade in Physical Education
______ 9. Score in short quiz
______ 10. Year level


Summarize the types of variables by accomplishing the Square Matrix below.

The Types of Variables

Interval Variable Nominal Variable

Ratio Variable Ordinal Variable


Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Section: _________________________________________ Score: __________________________

Given the choices below, classify what type of variable are the following. Write the letter of
your answer on the space provided.

A. Interval
B. Nominal
C. Ratio
D. Ordinal

______ 1. Age as of January 2019

______ 2. Brand of shampoo

______ 3. College Course

______ 4. Gender

______ 5. Hair color

______ 6. Internet Usage in a day

______ 7. Music genre

______ 8. Number of Years in Service

______ 9. Occupation

______ 10. Periodical Test Score

Parent’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________________

Lesson 3.2 Dependent and Independent Variables


The students are expected to:

1. discuss the dependent and independent variables in your own word
2. locate the dependent and independent on research topics
3. complete the Venn Diagram showing the similarities and differences of dependent and
independent variable


Dependent and Independent Variables

Dependent variable also called as outcome variable; it is a result or effect of the changes
brought about by another variable
Independent variable. The cause variable or the responsible for the conditions that act on
something else to bring about changes
In a certain study, a group of students was subjected to aroma therapy using essential oils while
reading, and another group with normal conditions, then after a month both groups took a reading
comprehension test. In this case, the reading comprehension test score is the dependent variable and
exposure to aroma therapy is the independent variable. This is because the test score is dependent on
whether or not the student was exposed to aroma therapy. The independent variable exposure to
aroma therapy is independent variable because it is something that brought about the change.
Source: Faltado, R.E., Bombita, M.B., & Boholano H. B. (2017). Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research for SHS) (pp 7-8). Cubao,
Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.


What is dependent variable?


What is independent variable?


Classify the each of the underlined variables whether it is Independent or Dependent of the
following research topics. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Developing critical thinking with the use of logical thinking

Independent: _______________________________
Dependent: ________________________________
2. Effectiveness of Exposing Classical Music on Consumer’s Behavior.
Independent: _______________________________
Dependent: ________________________________
3. Impact of ICT on Student Achievement in Accounting
Independent: _______________________________
Dependent: ________________________________
4. Increasing Reading Interest through Paired Reading.
Independent: _______________________________
Dependent: ________________________________
5. The collaborative learning in increasing communicative competence
Independent: _______________________________
Dependent: ________________________________


Using the Venn diagram, show the similarities and differences of dependent and independent

Independent Dependent

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Section: _________________________________________ Score: __________________________

Supply the information needed below.

Research Topic Independent Dependent

Variable Variable
1. The relationship of Parents’ Educational
Background to the Academic
Performance of the Elementary Students
2. The influence of texting in decreasing the
students’ grammatical competence
3. The impact of Koreanovelas on the
Filipino value system
4. The relationship of corrupt practices and
the resignation of the employees
5. The use of Eco Brick Project in Waste
Management Performance of HUMSS
6. Time spent studying and its effects the
test scores of TVL students
7. Relationship between disposable income
and location amongst young adults
8. Salary and job satisfaction among
Greenwoods residents
9. Number of hours invest in the gym to the
body built of the male employees
10. The skin color and the self-esteem of the
Facebook users

Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Quantitative research has seven characteristics which include: (1) objective - impartial,
unbiased and neutral type of research; (2) Clearly defined questions – definite questions like what,
which, how much, and the like are asked and collected); (3) structured research instruments – this type
of research surveys, questionnaires, software in collecting data from participants; (4) numerical data –
this uses numbers and statistical treatment which produce unbiased results; (5) large sample size –to
represents the population (6) replication - high reliability of the study to determine stability and
consistency; and (7) future outcomes - new concepts and further studies can be formulated by using
Quantitative type of research is beneficial to researchers in some ways. Since it is numerical,
the researcher maintains its objectiveness in interpreting data. With the use of statistical techniques,
data become easy to analyse and interpret even it requires large sample size. Additionally, it is
replicable, thus, ensures high reliability of results. However, quantitative research can be burden
somehow to its researcher specifically on the number of sample which requires the researcher to
become financially and physically capable to handle expenses in reaching out participants and
reproducing instrument. Moreover, the fact that quantitative research uses structured instruments, the
participants are limited in expressing further information specially to sensitive topics, and are most likely
to make fun guessing the answers.
There are 6 kinds of quantitative research the researcher may utilize. (1) Descriptive Research
which focuses on describing the nature, characteristics and components of the population or a
phenomenon. (2) Correlational Research is a systematic investigation of the nature of relationship, or
associations between among variables without having investigation into causal reasons underlying
them. (3) Evaluation Research is used to assess the effects and impacts or outcomes of practices,
policies and programs. (4) Survey Research where researcher gathers information from groups of
people by selecting and studying samples chosen from population done in various ways like face-to-
face, phone, mail, and online. A survey research may be cross-sectional and longitudinal survey. (5)
Causal Comparative Research (also known as ex post facto/after the fact research) derives
conclusion from observations and manifestation that already occurred in the past and now compared to
some dependent variables. It discusses why and how a phenomenon occurs. (6) Experimental
Research utilizes scientific method to test cause-and-effect relationships under conditions controlled by
the researcher.
Quantitative research is beneficial across fields. It can help people understand and assess the
things and occurrences around them. It provides them the rationale and justifications for decisions and
actions they may do. It leads the people to discover various means of identifying problems, finding
ways of dealing with challenges and coming up with innovative materials and mechanism that can
improve the quality of lives.
A variable is measurable characteristic that changes in value. It may vary from one group to
another group, one person to another or even with the same person over time. The two types of
variables are continuous (a variable that can take infinite number on the value that can occur within a
population) and discrete variables (categorical or classificatory variable, any variable that has limited
number of distinct values).Continuous variables can either be interval variable (a measurement where
the difference between two values does have meaning) or ratio variable (has a clear definition of zero
indication that there is none of that variable). On the other hand, discrete variables can either be
nominal variable (does not imply ordering of cases) or ordinal variable (can be ranked).
In research, variables can be dependent variable (also called as outcome variable; it is a result
or effect of the changes brought about by another variable) and independent variable (the cause
variable or the responsible for the conditions that act on something else to bring about changes).

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Section: _________________________________________ Score: __________________________

Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct but if it is false, change the
underlined word or group of words to make the whole statement true. (1 point each)
______________________ 1. Dependent variable is a variable in research that causes a
change especially on other variables.
______________________ 2. Continuous variables can either be nominal variable or
ordinal variable.
______________________ 3. Nominal variable is any variable that has limited number of
distinct values and which cannot be divided into fractions.
______________________ 4. Researchers in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) deal more on societal behaviors
and social issues.
______________________ 5. In the area of Humanities and Social Sciences, researchers
can help design a new product or service figuring out what is
needed and ensure that the development of a product is
highly targeted towards demand.
______________________ 6. Correlational Research is also known as ex post facto (after
the fact) research.
______________________ 7. Evaluation Research aims to assess the effects and impacts
or outcomes of practices, policies and programs.
______________________ 8. In descriptive research, the researcher manipulates the
independent variables to determine its effects on the
dependent variables.
______________________ 9. Data are normally gathered using structured research tools
such as questionnaires to collect measurable characteristics
of the population
______________________ 10. Information are difficult to gather using structured research
instruments specifically sensitive issues like pre-marital sex,
domestic violence, among others.

Classification. Classify the following variables whether it is Interval, Nominal, Ratio or

Ordinal. Write your answer on the space provided before the number. (1 point each)
______________________ 11. Civil status
______________________ 12. Milktea flavor
______________________ 13. Mobile data consumed in a day
______________________ 14. Room temperature in Fahrenheit
______________________ 15. year level in college
Identification. Each of the underlined word/phrase is variable. Indicate whether it is
dependent or independent. Write DV if you consider it dependent variable, and IV if you
consider it independent variable
______________________ 16. Effects of k-12 curriculum on professional growth of academic
track students
______________________ 17. Gender and leadership performance of school administrators
in Makati City
______________________ 18. How does parents’ employment status influence the
academic performance of elementary students
______________________ 19. The effect of climate on classroom attendance of Home
Economics students
______________________ 20. Time spent playing online games of the high school students
and its effect on the their academic performance

Multiple Choice. Given the choices in the box, identify the word/phrase being described on
each of the statement/situation below. Write your answer on the space provided before the
For 21 -25 Characteristics of Quantitative Research

A. Objective.
E. Large Sample sizes.
B. Clearly defined Research Questions.
F. Replication.
C. Structured Research Instruments
G. Future Outcomes.
D. Numerical Data.

_________ 21. In order to arrive at more reliable data analysis, Maine used
standardized number of participants to represent the population.
_________ 22. Mario presented his data in the form statistics
_________ 23. Neri did not based his study on guess work
_________ 24. Roger wants to ensure the correctness and verify the findings of
different but reliable already conducted study.
_________ 25. Roel used survey forms in collecting data for his study.
For 26 -30 Characteristics of Quantitative Research

A. Descriptive Research D. Survey Research

B. Correlational Research E. Causal Comparative
C. Evaluation/Assessment F. Experimental Research

_________ 26. Eric assesses the food sanitation in a fast food chain.
_________ 27. Mr. Cruz is interested in determining how age influences maturity level of call
center agents. He separated participants into different age group (25 and
below, 26-40, 41 and above) and their maturity levels measured.
_________ 28. Ms. Guzman would like to know if music therapy is effective or not in the
academic performance of high school students so she teaches one section
using music therapy and teaches another comparable section without music.
_________ 29. Ms. Lorenzo wants to know how many fresh education graduates failed the
Licensure Examination for Teachers.
_________ 30. Tomy would like to know if family background and life span are related to
each other.
For 31 -35 Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

A. Strength
B. Weakness

_________ 31. You have to look on respondents who are unserious in answering the
_________ 32. You have to use questionnaire in gathering data about domestic violence.
_________ 33. You have to use numerical data in analysing and interpreting data.
_________ 34. You have to use large number of participants in conducting the study.
_________ 35. You have to spend more money and time in reaching out respondents and
reproducing questionnaires.

Sketch. Make a sketch showing the importance of quantitative research across fields. (5

Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________ Date: __________________

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