Open Source Guidebook
Open Source Guidebook
Open Source Guidebook
This research project by Aric Toler, a contributor at RuNet Echo and Bellingcat, offers a series of guides,
tutorials, and walkthroughs on understanding and conducting open-source research on the Russian-
language Internet (RuNet). The primary focus of the project is providing instruction on the nuances of
Russian-language research relating to the conflict in eastern Ukraine by using contemporary case studies.
To show how these methods are useful in other conflicts, this project will also explore some similar open-
source work being done on the Syrian conflict. The finished product will help readers learn how to
understand and conduct such research.
There are more Internet users in Russia than any other European country, yet there are no detailed guides
or tutorials available to guide non-Russian speakers on navigating the wealth of open-source information on
the RuNet. Many, if not most, of the guides will be accessible to those with little-to-no Russian skills, giving
non-Russian speakers the tools and confidence to access information on the RuNet.
The project helps researchers, journalists, and anyone interested in understanding more about the Russian
Internet to verify sources and understand information found on Russian social media. It also provides some
techniques for media forensics involving images and videos, including the different levels of verification
needed for different uses: journalistic, evidentiary, as well as other avenues.
The motivation for carrying out this project is to satisfy a demand among English-speakers for learning
materials about carrying out and verifying open-source research on the RuNet. There is a wealth of
information on the RuNet that is of interest to specialists, journalists, and the general public in the English-
speaking world. There are currently no guides, however, that provide instruction for navigating and verifying
these sources that differ from English-language counterparts. Important sources for research data include
exclusively Russian-language social networks like Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, along with others that
function in Russian-language pockets on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and elsewhere.
Open-source research can complement traditional journalism by generating leads and supplementing on-
the-ground reporting. For example, the author of this project, Aric Toler, provided open-source research on a
particular Russian soldier who fought in Ukraine to VICE News journalist Simon Ostrovsky to assist him in
following his “journey” from his hometown to the battlefields of Ukraine (see “Selfie Soldiers: Russia Checks
Into Ukraine”). In another example, open-source research from Bellingcat into the downing of Malaysia
Airlines Flight 17 provided material for a 60 Minutes Australia investigation at the site of the tragedy.
Each installment of RuNet Echo’s guidebook includes a detailed tutorial, accompanied by case studies,
teaching readers how to conduct a particular kind of open-source research.
How to Conduct Open-Source Research on the Russian Internet
What we do: Global Voices reporters cover how citizens use the Internet and social media to make their voices heard, often
translating from and to different languages.
So You Want to Conduct Open- from a variety of traditional media outlets, such as
Source Research the BBC, and emerging projects, like Storyful.
• Photos
• Videos
“Dreaming” by a4gpa. October 3, 2009. CC 2.0. • Vetting Sources
Edited by Kevin Rothrock.
Before diving into the specifics of
There are countless ways to verify an image,
investigating open-source data on the RuNet
depending on the various elements of the source.
(Russian-language Internet), it's useful to
One of the most common ways to verify a
understand the general verification processes that
photograph is by geolocating the image, which
are applicable to all sources of open-source
involves confirming or rejecting a photograph's
intelligence (OSINT). For a comprehensive
location by matching visible elements to outside
treatment of the verification of digital open-source
sources, such as road signs, topographical
intelligence, you may want to see the Global
features, and landmarks. Another way to verify
Voices social media verification guide or
claims about an image is to verify the time that it
the Verification Handbook, written by journalists
was taken, either through seasonal differences (for
example, is snow visible in a photograph logos are plastered onto it, including the Web
supposedly taken on the day after reports of heavy address of, implying that the site’s
snow?) or specific times, by measuring observable photographers recorded the image themselves or
shadows. These two verification methods— hold the rights to the photograph.
geolocation and “temporal” location—will be
covered in extensive detail in a future installment
of this series.
How do you conduct such a search?
There are various free tools that will analyze a
photograph’s metadata and compression
information, allowing further verification of an
image’s veracity. The results are not always clear,
however, and depend on the copy of the file
uploaded. For example, a JPEG that has been
resized, recompressed, and changed from the
original file will have much less reliable data than
the original full-resolution image recorded by a
TinEye works roughly the same as a reverse camera. Still, if you would like to try to analyze an
Google Image Search, but will usually return fewer image through ELA (error-level analysis) or its
results. The mechanisms are the same as Google metadata, visit,,
Image Search, where you can either upload an and Izitru.
image file or provide a URL.
Instead of digital forensic tools, you can also rely
on the naked eye. The easiest way to detect a
Photoshopped image is by examining an image's
shadows and reflections.The Moscow
Times, StopFake, and many others have noted Just as with many hoaxes in the English-language
that Russia’s Investigative Committee used a corners of the Internet, a simple reverse Google
Photoshopped image of Donetsk in flames on the Image Search or critical eye can stop many
cover of a book entitled The Tragedy of Southeast falsehoods in their tracks.
Ukraine. When examining this image—which was
also used in a news article on the site Videos—it is clear that the reflections in
Unlike images, there are no services available for
the water are incorrect.
reverse video lookup. This means that when you
find a video, there is no fast solution for verifying
its original source. However, there are still ways to
carry out a reverse-verification of a video to see if
supposedly new evidence is actually rehashed
This video on Vkontakte, Russia's most popular
social network, is titled “SHOCK!! July 19, 2014 at
3pm, a BRUTAL shelling from a GRAD of the city
of Gukovo.” The video, posted on July 19, 2014, is
apparently from Russian state television
channel Rossiya 2, and shows soldiers loading
missiles into a Grad multiple launch rocket system
and firing them. Without any specific identifying
features, it is hard to verify the time, location, and
original source of this video based on context clues
alone. However, by taking a screenshot of
particular moments in the video, we can find the
original video source.
Once you verify that a video is unique, the location
and time of the photograph should be verified to
greatest extent possible. In April 2015, wildfires
ravaged much of Siberia, including the region
known as the Zabaykalsky Krai. A video emerged
onYouTube and Russian social networks,
including Odnoklassnki, showing a hellish scene of
cars driving through thick smoke. Reverse image
searches did not reveal any duplicates of this video
after it was posted on April 14, meaning this video
could not be verified debunked using this method
alone. The time stamp on the video itself
checks out, showing April 13, 2015; however, this
information could be modified or digitally added,
and is thus not a reliable means of verification. An
inspection of the license plates in the video
showed that the code was 75 (top right, after НК):
Verifying the reliability of sources on social media
is not too different on the RuNet than it is with the
rest of the Internet, but there are some special
considerations one should make. While there are a
number of “bots” that send out identical tweets in
every language, there is an especially large
concentration of them on Twitter writing
in Russian. This trend is particularly true with
politicized events, as both pro-Ukrainian and pro-
Russian headlines are spammed across hashtags
and keywords, making open-source investigation
more difficult.
Cross-referencing the license plates codes in
Russia shows that this code is indeed local to the In the screenshot below, we see that an identical
Zabaykalsky Krai, lending additional credibility to tweet has been sent by dozens of Twitter bots at
the video. Additionally, the user who uploaded the the same time. The tweet reads “A source says
video to YouTube has one other upload from a bomb threat has been called in at two hotels in
months before the wildfire video—a local news Moscow,” with a number of people with generic
broadcast segment for Khakassia, located not Russian names spreading the information.
far from the Zabaykalsky Krai. With all of these
factors combined, there is no open-source
information available that leads us to think
this video was fabricated or falsely represented.
Vetting Sources
This bomb threat did actually take place, but these
bots are not reliable sources of information. So,
how do you find out if a source is a real person, or
just a bot? Other than the context clues of the
account’s tweets, such as sending out thousands
of tweets with only a handful of followers, you can
reverse image search the user's avatar.
After copying the URL of the avatar (or just clicking Here, we see that the avatar of “Mashka” is
“Search Google for this image” in the Chrome Web actually a woman named Dasha Makarova, and
browser), paste the link into a reverse Google that the Twitter user’s avatar was almost certainly
image search to find similar pictures elsewhere stolen from the woman’s VKontakte page.
To find the original source of this tweet, search the
headline on Twitter and find the first person who
tweeted those exact words on the day of the flood
of bot tweets. The original source of this tweet
comes from @_ainequinn, a more reliable user
than the other bots, as he has over a thousand
photograph is commonly reused in reports
about emergency responses in Moscow, appearing
in various news stories as far back as 2011.
While the more human-seeming Twitter account
appears to be a more reliable source of information
than a horde of bot accounts, the photograph that
accompanied the tweet is generically used and not
truly from the scene of the bomb threat. Thus, as
we see from these examples, it is always
necessary to verify specific pieces of information
using all available means.
What You Need to Know About Contents
Russian Social Networks to • VKontakte
Conduct Open-Source Research • Odnoklassniki
• Moi Mir
• VKontakte (or VK, which means “In Contact”)
is by far the most popular social network in
Russia. The layout is basically the same as
Facebook of years past, but with added
quirks and a heavy dose of pirated content.
• Odnoklassniki (“Classmates”) is the second
most popular platform in Russia. The
demographics for this service tend to skew
Image created by Kevin Rothrock. older than other services, but it's still
immensely popular.
Outside of the familiar English-language social • Many Russians and Ukrainians also maintain
networks of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and too profiles on Moi Mir (“My World”), a service
many more to name, there is a handful of social operated by Accessing information
media platforms used either exclusively or on a stranger’s Moi Mir account is more
primarily in the post-Soviet world. While the restricted than it is with the other services
instructions and tips laid out here are meant listed here.
specifically for Russia's homegrown
social networks, the general approach is the same VKontakte
for research conducted on any such website—
VK is by far the most important and popular social
especially regional networks.
network in Russia and Ukraine. The same is true
in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other Russian-
speaking former Soviet states. In 2014, there were
more than 60 million VK users in Russia,
compared with only 10 million Facebook users.
Learning the ins and outs of this social network is
essential in conducting open-source research on
the RuNet.
• The military service information is also
unique to VK, when compared to Facebook.
Many soldiers and veterans will have
numerous battalions and groups listed here.
Russia has military conscription for young
men, and many (but not all) men will have
some military experience, whether it is listed
on VK or not. Contract soldiers will often list
multiple military units in which they served,
possibly with both conscripted and
contracted units. Additionally, soldiers will
often join public groups for their military unit.
• Click “See All” next to photos to see all of a
user's albums and profile pictures in one
The account-setup process is very similar to
Facebook's, with user-inputted personal
information, pictures, a place for “posts” (similar to
a Facebook timeline), and a list of friends. Note
some of the highlighted sections in the image
below, which are of use when tracking Russian,
Ukrainian, and separatist soldiers, for instance:
The search functions on VK are much more robust
than on Facebook, and very easy to use. If you
were to look for soldiers from Pskov, Russia
serving in 2014, the search parameters below
yield numerous results:
You can also use more advanced options in
specific cases, to narrow your results to show just
users with certain kinds of employment, military
service, or education, past or present. For
example, if you wanted to conduct research on
corruption in Kyiv, you could search for specific job
titles, such as civil clerks, police officers, judges,
and so on, then scavenge the available open-
source information to find signs of conspicuous
wealth or lavish trips.
Of course, not every one of these results will be Registering for Odnoklassniki is a bit easier than
police officers. For example, one search result is VK, since you do not need to provide SMS
someone who is part of the “Group for the Support confirmation. However, unlocking extra account
of the Police,” and is likely not an actual police features requires SMS confirmation.
officer. Additionally, there are hundreds of other
police officers who are simply not on VK, or did not
list their job titles in searchable fields. If you're
looking for someone who isn't discoverable using
this kind of search, it's important to track networks
of contacts (partners, relatives, colleagues, and so
on) who might provide more information for your
research topic.
After registering, you will be greeted by the home
page, which looks quite a bit different than VK
(and, by extension, Facebook).
100 OKs, which allows 50 days of anonymous use,
costs 100 rubles (not even $2). You can buy these
credits with a variety of payment methods,
including credit cards. Moi Mir
Like VK, Odnoklassniki has a robust set of search The third-most popular Russian social network
parameters: is Moi Mir, an offshoot of the web service,
not unlike the relationship of Google+ to Gmail. As
of 2014, Moi Mir had about 25 million Russian
users—roughly the same number of active
Russian Facebook users in the same year.
when someone typically wakes up and goes to based on location, as the site is not accessible in
sleep. English.
Want to Research the Russian identifies and explains free resources that allow
Internet But Don't Speak Russian? you to conduct Russian-language open-source
research without knowing the language. Here you'll
We Can Help. also learn how to navigate search algorithms on
Google and Twitter to retrieve usable information.
• Google Translate
• Abbreviations and Acronyms
• Searching in Russian
Google Translate
website’s URL into the translation box and see the can greatly differ from printed Russian text. Below,
entire page translated into any given language. the phrase до свидания (“do svidaniya,” or
“goodbye”) is successfully rendered into type by
If you have trouble reading the Russian alphabet, Google’s handwriting tool:
Google Translate's “drawing” function, which
allows you to outline letters using your mouse or
trackpad, converts the sketches into editable,
translatable text. See below for an example with a
Магнит (“Magnit,” meaning “magnet”) supermarket
possible to decipher the information, even without this acronym is short for “реактивная
speaking Russian. система залпового огня / ракетная
система залпового огня” (reactive system
г.Донецк Ленинский р-н обстрел РСЗО of volley fire / rocket system of volley fire).
“Ураган” The English equivalent to this is “multiple
rocket launcher system” (MLRS), which in
There are three abbreviations here, all of which are
this case refers to the Uragan (“Hurricane”)
very common among videos related to the
Ukrainian conflict:
Therefore, the title of the video is “City of Donetsk
Leninskiy district shelling MLRS ‘Uragan’”
Searching in Russian
A search on for the abbreviation “г.” In English, words rarely change based on their role
1. г. Донецк: The first listing for “г.” On in a sentence, but they occasionally will add a
brings up “город” (city), which is also the letter to indicate count or possession (soldier,
second entry on the Wikipedia page listing soldiers, soldier’s, soldiers’), or in the case of some
abbreviations. This describes the city of pronouns to indicate subject or object (who or
Donetsk (Донецк). whom, he or him, she or her, and so on).
2. Ленинский р-н: Both the website
and Wikipedia say this means “район” Things are not so simple in Russian, as there are
(region/district) for this abbreviation. This about a dozen forms for each word (indicating
describes the Lenin (Ленинский) district. singularity or plurality and case), and
3. РСЗО: This has nothing to do with towns, so several different conjugations of verbs. Depending
we must rely on Sokr, which tells us that on its role in the sentence (subject, direct object,
indirect object, plural, plural direct object, and so
on), the word “cat” can have the following nine
declined (changed) forms: кошка, кошки, кошке,
кошку, кошкой, кошек, кошкам, кошками,
кошках. Making things more complicated, each of
these spellings returns different results in a Twitter
search—for example, the simple “cat” or “cats”
forms of the noun will bring back far more results
than advanced searched for “with a cat” or “with
specify the results, there is no need to worry about
noun and verb forms when searching on Google in
2. Эвакуировали в Казани (“evacuated in
If you are not familiar with Russian, it is difficult to opaque acronyms, Twitter searches, and Google
know what phrases and search parameters to use to assist your research efforts.
to maximize results. So, it’s a good idea to enter
general Russian terms and phrases into Google—
such as “evacuation” and “Kazan”—and then copy
the terms used most often. After we did this with
the news results from Google, we found many
more relevant results in our Twitter search,
which—it's important to recall—is not very
accommodating to the malleable nature of Russian
nouns and verbs.
Unearthing Local Stories on the virally on the Internet originate in small, relatively
Russian-Language Internet unknown communities.
tracking down the original source, or by
investigating other claims through these pages.
neighboring town?” and “Does anyone know a You can find these local groups by searching the
good place to get my cell phone fixed?” Internet for the words “Подслушано в” or
“Типичный,” plus a city or region name. Providing
When news breaks in certain localities, however, the correct grammatical case of the word is not
these groups can transform into platforms for important, as websites like Google can bring
heated discussions. When war came to eastern relevant results for both “в Донецк” (to Donetsk)
Ukraine, some Vkontakte communities became and “в Донецке” (in Donetsk), even if one is used
digital spaces to talk about the conflict from local incorrectly. The search results for “Подслушано в
points of view. The topics in these groups include Донецке” reveal numerous groups, including
talk of troop movements, checking in on the safety mirrors for these communities hosted on
of residents in certain apartment buildings, and LiveJournal and (where user-submitted
sharing photographs and videos of the scenes questions are posted), as well as the addresses of
from the conflict. the Vkontakte groups.
are archived. First, click the link that lists how
many posts there are in the group (see the red box
you replace the number (120 below) with a larger group on July 17, shortly before MH17 was shot
number, you will be able to quickly navigate down.
through old posts. It could take a while, but after
entering a few numbers, you can find the correct
period of time. For example, if you replace the
number 120 above with 1680, then posts from July
17 and 18, 2014, will appear.
down near Snizhne. According to Ukrainian
security services, a convoy of three tanks and two
BTRs escorted the Buk system through Snizhne
on July 17. Thus, we can use local communities to
find eye witnesses who can verify—or refute—the
official accounts of government officials.
Many Russian Internet users turn to Odnoklassniki In some communities, public message boards and
to organize discussion groups almost as often as forums are still popular, though they are not nearly
thye use Vkontakte. With a simple Google search, as widely used as groups on Vkontakte and
you can find nearly every one of these groups Odnoklassniki. To find these less common
without much trouble. Here is a search string that communities, search the city name along with
will identify numerous local groups on keywords that include the word “форум” (forum).
Odnoklassniki dedicated to the Russian city of In the search below, two unique message boards
Novosibirsk: and two Vkontakte groups reveal the so-called
“Kharkov Forum” (Харьков форум). The first
result, Kharkov Forum, has hosted millions of
messages over the past several years,
addressing topics including politics, sports, and
help for soldiers and wounded civilians in the war, Zabaikalye” public Vkontakte group organized
and included local chatter about road conditions. response efforts and distributed useful information
to locals about avoiding the approaching forest
fires. Additionally, locals wrote in this group to
disseminate information and to organize volunteer
and humanitarian efforts.
Researching the RuNet by broadly searching
Google, Twitter, and Vkontakte searches can only
get you so far. To get through to a more specific,
localized stratum of information, you must be able
to locate and navigate the groups described
above. While much of the open-source research
concerning Russia and Ukraine over the past 18
months has focused on the Ukrainian conflict,
there are still seemingly endless pools of
information on local networks for nearly any other
topic of research, from wildfires to local oddities.
Herein Lie the Secrets of imagery accessible for Russian and Ukrainian
Geolocation cities.
• Google
• Yandex
• Wikimapia
exported, as well as many other features. In short,
Google Earth is geared towards the power user,
while Google Maps is for more casual use.
corner of your satellite imagery. After rolling back
the imagery to a previous date, we see that this
training ground was pristine farmland in October
2013—revealing that the camp sprung up anew
after the Ukrainian crisis began.
road maps, satellite imagery, and selective The top version is the English site, and the bottom
coverage of street-level imagery. is Russian. For the remainder of this tutorial, the
Russian version (bottom) will be used, but the
There are two ways to access Yandex maps— English version is roughly equivalent and the
through and through instructions should mostly translate over. As you'd expect, the latter is in
English, and the former in Russian. They are Instead of “street view,” Yandex uses what it calls
largely the same, but the layouts are slightly the “Panorama” view for street-level imagery of
different. certain cities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,
Kazakhstan (Astana, Almaty, and Karaganda), and
Turkey. As evident in the map below, only fairly
large cities and roadways have Panorama imagery
available, indicated by the shaded blue areas. You
can turn on Panorama imagery by clicking the
Panorama (Панорамы) button in the top-right of
the page.
Like Google Maps, Yandex can place geolocated
photos from users onto their maps, giving you
additional views of a location from the ground.
image (bottom-left red box), and the date of the
photograph’s upload (bottom-right red box). Turn
on the photographs overlaid on the map by
selecting Photographs (фотографии) in the top-
right corner.
This tweet was posted a few hours before the MH17 1. в Снежном: in Snezhnoe
disaster, showing a Buk anti-aircraft system 2. дом 50 лет октября: house/building 50
supposedly in the town of Snezhnoe. By using Years of October
Wikimapia, we can locate some of the landmarks 3. в нем пирка: in it is pirka
mentioned in the tweet and verify the location of 4. уголек: ugolek (small piece of coal)
the image. 5. фуршет: furshet (buffet, smorgasbord)
location and look for the other landmarks
mentioned in the tweet: Ugolek, Firshet,
and Pirka.
Whatever a photograph's location, there are
always geolocation options—whether it's a
livestream from the street, or a blurry satellite
photo from 2012. Using the resources described in
this guide, you should be able to find the most
accurate and helpful image available for locations
in Russia and Ukraine, whether it's from Google,
Yandex, Wikimapia, or sites less useful for Russia
and Ukraine, such as TerraServer or Bing Maps.
Triangulating Sources to Thin the possible on individual events, in order to discern
Fog of War fact from fiction. This guide will show you how to
find pro-separatist, pro-Ukrainian, and
independent-observer (OSCE) reports for specific
days, using as a case study the January 13, 2015,
shelling attack on a civilian bus near the town of
Volnovakha, which resulted in the deaths of 12
• Separatist dispatches
Ghost village, by Christos Tsoumplekas. January • Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council
6, 2012. Ano Simi, Crete, Greece. CC 2.0. Edited • The Organization for Security and Co-operation in
Many of these dispatches duplicate the same • Донбасс Центр (Donbass Center),
information, but they may also contain additional with dispatches from a variety of sources,
photos, videos, and context: including journalists, specific officials, and
individual militants.
• Сводки от ополчения Новорссии (Dispatches
from the militia of Novorossiya) Searching for one of these outlets (Новости
Vkontakte group. This post was previously Новороссии) with the date parameters of the day
called Сводки от Стрелкова Игоря of and after the attack, we find dispatches on pro-
Ивановича (Dispatches from Igor Ivanovich separatist for the two days:
Strelkov), containing dispatches supposedly
from the infamous separatist commander
himself, though the texts were actually
authored by others. Some of the posts were
taken from messages that Strelkov (Igor
Girkin) supposedly posted through other
• Новости Новороссии (News of Novorossiya)
• Русская Весна (Russian Spring)
• Новости Донецкой Республики (News of the
Donetsk Republic)
• Новороссия Информационное
For the January 13 report, the separatist dispatch
Агентство (Novorossiya Information Agency) says, “The armed forces of Ukraine shot up a
• Военные сводки с Юго-Восточного
passenger bus with peaceful citizens at a
фронта (War dispatches from the checkpoint near Volnovakha. 10 people are dead,
Southeastern front) 13 are wounded.” More information can be found
searching for another of these dispatches—the
News of the Donetsk Republic—with the data separatist attack with a Grad artillery system, as
parameters and the keyword “Volnovakha” in Rozhin's argument goes, there would be dozens of
Russian: shells fired at the location.
from ATO dispatches and National Security and
Defense Council reports on social media, such as
NSDC's English-language Twitter account.
Ukrainian news outlets published a video of the separatist allegations of a landmine triggering the
attack from security footage, showing attack or a Ukrainian “false flag” attack against its
approximately 88 shells fall around the checkpoint, own checkpoint.
with fire seemingly coming from the northeast in
the direction of separatist-held Dokuchaievsk. The OSCE's Special Monitoring Mission
(SMM) arrived at the location of the incident at
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in 5:45 p.m. and witnessed the removal of two dead
Europe (OSCE) passengers from the bus. The bus had shrapnel
damage consistent with a nearby rocket impact,
The OSCE is the only international organization estimated by the SMM to be 12-15 meters from the
allowed to conduct monitoring in eastern Ukraine, side of the bus. The SMM visited the Volnovakha
thus making it a valuable resource for hospital where the staff confirmed that 10 persons
independent information about the conflict. The on the bus were killed instantly, while two died
OSCE produces daily updates, along with spot later in the hospital. Another 17 passengers were
reports on special events, regarding any fighting injured.
observed, groups of vehicles spotted,
investigations into particular attacks, and other The OSCE later confirmed that a Grad rocket, fired
events. The daily OSCE updates can be from the northeast of Volnovakha, was the source
accessed here, along with the spot reports. of the attack on the bus. This information
corroborates Ukrainian accusations that
One of the most widely discussed OSCE updates separatists fired an artillery attack from territory to
was its spot report on the Volnovakha bus attack, the northeast of Volnovakha, as seen in the
following a separatist artillery attack near a checkpoint. security footage from the checkpoint.
With allegations flying from both Ukraine and
separatist forces, the OSCE report was a
stabilizing force in the controversy, dismissing
Thinning the ‘fog of war’
How to Comb Russia's TV News video archives, in order to compare coverage of
specific events.
through its easy-to-use video archive, sorted by date Saturday” (Вести в субботу), “Vesti at 8:00 p.m.”
(if you cannot read the months, check a reference (Вести в 20:00), and so on. A livestream of the
guide here from The archive channel can be viewed here.
goes back to 1999, providing a wealth of easily
accessible information. The website makes it very easy to search for news
segments, categorizing them by date and by specific
program. After clicking on a Vesti segment, you can
search by a calendar (календарь) to find a news
broadcast on a specific date, going back to 2012.
Russia 1 (Россия 1)
will bring theofficial television station’s website and
the YouTube channel for the station, giving us an
archive of nearly all of their local news broadcasts.
As with Russia 1, there are vast video archives for Additionally, Russia 24’s vast news broadcast
the news broadcasts for this channel, accessible archives are accessible (going back a few years)
by category and show here. You can filter the on its YouTube channel. The programs are filtered
results by date after searching a term (click the on the YouTube channel by theme (such as the
magnifying glass in top-right corner), then selecting more-than-1,000 videos on the “Situation in
a date range. Ukraine” channel) or by program.
NTV (НТВ) the control of Media-Most and, after 2001,
Gazprom Media. NTV is nominally independent,
but the state has a majority stake in Gazprom,
effectively putting the Kremlin in control of the
network's major editorial policies.
(“Сегодня” and “Итоги дня”) using NTV's YouTube to search (the first one, after “от”) and the day after
channel. the desired date (after “до”). For example, if you
wish to search for a news segment on December
Zvezda (Телеканал звезда) 1, 2014, the graphic below show the needed
search parameters (along with a key word in
This is the Russian Defense Ministry's television
Russian after “По контексту”):
network. As you might imagine, Zvezda airs
programs that focus on the Russian military,
including documentaries, news programs, and war
movies. The news itself is very pro-Kremlin, and
sometimes it publishes and airs unverified content
from fringe websites, such as a story claiming that
“thousands” of ISIS fighters arrived in Odessa in
November 2015. A livestream of the channel can
be viewed here.
LifeNews (ЛайфНьюс)
topic—these archived broadcasts often provide
incredible amounts of information, along with a
window into the source that the vast majority of
Russians rely on for their news.
How to Learn More About the Big the portals and databases you can use to learn
Wigs and Public Officials in Russia more about public figures and big-wig individuals,
even if you have little or no knowledge of Russian
and Ukraine or Ukrainian.
• Information on Organizations
• Missing Persons
Information on Organizations
To find out what the organizational affiliations of a
specific individual are, search for that
person's name (with patronymic, if possible) The website holds a vast amount of
using Google with the search parameter of information, but its results are often outdated, full
“,” restricting the results to this site. For of gaps, and somewhat unreliable. Regardless, if
example, when searching for the Russian you are looking for information about an individual
basketball player Andrei Kirilenko, some of the in Russia or Ukraine, you may find some success
results are clearly tied to him, including details with this site.
about Kirilenko serving as the president of the hosts a database with the addresses
Russian Basketball Federation. If you speak
and dates of births of millions of Ukrainians,
Russian, most of this information will be fairly
though much of this information is outdated and
clear, though a bit thick in bureaucratic language. If
now incorrect. From the site
you do not speak Russian, the categories of, you can input information into the
information are detailed below.
green fields to refine your search:
these income declarations must be published
electronically (although a new law passed in March
From left to right, the information given is the 2016 will require officials to publish electronic
person’s name, listed telephone number declarations—Global Voices). That's where the
(Poroshenko does not have a listed number), date project, ran by journalist and
of birth, city of residence, street, street number, anti-corruption activist Denis Bigus and his
building number, and apartment number. colleagues, comes in. Relying on crowdsourced
efforts, the site provides electronic copies of also hosts a limited directory of Russian officials’ paper income declarations.
citizens, accessible by clicking the correct city or
region on the website's main page. Also available is Unlike the sites previously described in this guide,
a limited directory of the license plates is written in Ukrainian, not
in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Russian. It is nevertheless quite easy to navigate
and Moscow. To find information in these vehicle and has an intuitive interface. To search for an
directories, either search within the individual, enter their name (in Ukrainian, but the
search engine, or use Google, by searching the name may be recognized in Russian, as well) into
person’s name, address, license plate number, or the search bar, and choose their name if they
telephone number, adding the search parameters come up in the auto-complete. Below, we'll
“” or “” try searching for Ukrainian President Petro
This search produces three results: Poroshenko
income declarations for 2011 (when he was a
presidential candidate), in 2013 (when he served in
the parliament), and in 2014 (by which time he
assumed the presidency). By clicking any of these
records, we see his digitized income declaration,
While this project is ambitious and quite useful,
along with a scan of the original document
there are obvious limitations: Ukrainians without
(accessible via the red PDF button in the upper
official governmental roles will not be represented
in this database, and the database is still
incomplete, as there is still an ongoing effort to
digitize a massive number of paper records.
Missing Persons
partner to a television show with the same name,
which features stories about searches for lost
loved ones in Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, and other
post-Soviet countries.
You've Read Our Open-Source Contents
Research Guidebook. Now Let's • Finding Photographs and Videos
Use It. • Finding Information From the Ground
• The View From the Sky
• Verifying Materials
Finding Photographs and Videos
Figure 1: Screen capture from a national news
broadcast. Figure 2: Screen capture from a local news
other websites and online services. (For
conducting such searches on Russian social
networks, see this RuNet Echo instruction guide.) By
searching some of the hashtags used for this
wildfire, such as #пожары2015(“wildfires 2015”)
and #чита (“Chita,” a large city where there were
wildfires), you can find a wealth of materials
documenting the disaster.
these respective topics). If you do not speak
Russian and are struggling to find the
right communities, check out our guide for non-
Russian speakers on conducting such research.
valuable contacts here, as many of the volunteer The View From the Sky
firefighters active in this group publicly share their
phone numbers and email addresses. While we've reviewed several ways to find
information produced on the ground, you
might also want to examine the situation from
above. As detailed in this guide, you can view
territory chronologically using services like Google
Earth. Looking at the Siberian areas affected by
the wildfires, you can see the full extent of the
damage. A comparison of a region outside of Chita
from May 2014 and then April 2015, shortly after
the end of the wildfires, shows some of the areas
most affected by the blazes.
in this guide. Lastly, when you find photographs and
videos to use in a report, it's essential that you
verify the location of the materials—otherwise, you
might end up using phony data. This guide will walk
you through the process of “geolocation”
ªverificating a photograph or video’s location).
Using the location mentioned in the caption above
(Mira Street, Shira, Khakassia, Russia), we can
see on Google Earth between July 2013 and April
15, 2015 that the buildings were indeed destroyed
after the April 2015 wildfires.
Conducting open-source research on the Russian Internet is not all that different from
carrying out such work online in other languages, but there are certainly aspects to the
RuNet that it's vital to consider. We at RuNet Echo hope our guidebook can help you bridge
some of these differences, and perhaps inspire you to do some digging on your own.