For Characters Levels 1-3: ©2017 Cawood Publishing

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The document provides an overview of the city of Wyld, including its geography, rulership, and social issues.

The city of Wyld is the capital and largest city in the kingdom of Myrr, located on the western coast near the Mystwood forest.

Notable locations in Wyld include Castle Wyld, the Wyld Guard barracks, and the poorer Fields of Wyld where many peasants live.


©2017 Cawood Publishing


Written by Andrew Cawood

Illustrated by mArk Adelhoch

And Brandon Chang



Open Gaming Content throughout this book. OGL included on pages 45 – 47

Table of contents

The City of Wyld ............................................................................. 5

Map of City of Wyld/Northwest Area ............................................... 7
A1 Wyld Life ................................................................................... 9
A2 Some Enchanted Evening ........................................................ 16
NPC Section ................................................................................. 22
Encounters .................................................................................. 27
Rooftops Chase Table .................................................................. 30
Inns and Taverns ......................................................................... 31
New Monsters .............................................................................. 34
Maps of the Catacombs of Wyld .................................................. 39
Maps of Evenglow Manor.............................................................. 41
Map of the Continent of Myrr ....................................................... 43
Myrrian Calendar ......................................................................... 44

The city of Wyld is the center of power and seen in daylight. The evil nobles are the owners of
commerce in western Myrr (MEER). This bustling the elegant Evenglow Manor in the High District.
city sits on Pendrell Bay just south of the Mystwood. If one was looking for a rowdy, friendly tavern the
A stone wall surrounds the whole city and Castle best bet would be The Fiendish Friend. It is owned
Wyld can be seen for miles around. Large gates can by the wealthy Stokes family. On the other end of the
be found on the east and north ends of the scale is the Lonely Unicorn. The Greenwood noble
community. Wyld Guard soldiers collect a small toll family own this peaceful establishment located near
from anyone who enters the city. The Wyld Guard the eastern gate. Protecting the city to the west is a
are led by their solemn captain, Cronem Berg. The fortress at the entrance to Pendrell Bay. Kellan
Castle Wyld compound is heavily guarded. The Fortress is quite old and dominates Vigil Island. A
neighbouring Fields of Wyld are home to all the couple hundred Wyld Guard are also stationed there
farms that provide food and other resources for the with two longships. The most pressing issue in the
city. Poverty is rampant in Wyld and becoming more city are recent explosions that went off in the Central
of a problem each day. The poorest of all are the Market. Magical fireballs exploded near the market
peasants who can’t even afford to live in the city. and a few innocent bystanders were killed.
Some can’t even pay the toll to visit Wyld. Many live Unfortunately the nearby Temple of Rogan was also
in shacks and small cottages on the nearby Fields of badly damaged. The Wyld Guard are said to be
Wyld. investigating these attacks.
Young Queen Danara Bane rules the large city.
 Castle Wyld compound. The area is on a hill and
However, she hides her true nature beneath her
looks down to the docks in the west and looms over
nobility. The Bane royalty have ruled since 489 MY.
the Lost District to the south and the rest of the city
Many noble families make their home in Wyld and
in the north. A stunning tower rises far out of the
own most of the wealth is in their hands. The
center of the main structure. The huge castle is the
majority of these nobles live in the High District near
home of the queen and is one of the most heavily
the docks. How the nobles have become so wealthy
guarded places in all of Myrr. The elite Queensguard
is abundantly clear. One can see many wagons
are responsible for the defence of the compound.
hauling away timber and other natural resources at
These heavily armed soldiers also keep their stables
all hours of the day. Ships bound for Port Telvan and
near the Castle Wyld compound.
Stonehelm are usually laden with timber and other
goods. The port is very large and a number of tall  The High District. On the far northwestern side of
sailing ships are usually moored there. Two massive the city one can find the home of the nobles. A high
stone bridges, Pendrell Bridge and West Bridge, stone wall separates this area from the main city. It is
connect the port to the rest of Wyld. adjacent to the docks area. There are several large
mansions in this district. The Wyld Guard rarely
The city is also famous for being the home of the
enter this neighborhood as the Queensguard have
statues of the Twelve. A dozen twenty foot tall stone
taken their place.
statues of the Myrrian heroes stand near the main
docks. Folk come from all corners of the continent to  The Lost District. The Lost District is a very large
look upon these stunning works of art. Many artists, slum and home to most of the residents in the city. It
bards, and writers make their home in the city. It is is located on the far southern part of the city, behind
also known for its exuberant and loud heralds. The the Castle Wyld compound. The streets are filthy and
criers will make their way into one of the large the buildings are in a dilapidated state. The Wyld
outdoor markets and shout out the daily news. Even Guard patrol this area on a regular basis. Brawls are
a few of the jaded nobles will gather and listen to the constantly broken up by the soldiers, usually after the
talented heralds. Several elements of the evil combatants have tired themselves out a bit. Eels
Alliance faction operate in secret in the city. The Von Tavern is known as the wildest tavern in the entire
Bladens use the cover of darkness and aren’t usually city. It is also known for producing some of the most

talented bards in all of Myrr. If a performer can Guard: 900 Wyld Guard (guards), 100 Queensguard
flourish in this challenging environment, they are (elite guards1), 400 horses, 3 warships, 4 longships
sure to be successful. Many of these bards study at Fortifications: a massive stone wall surrounds the
the Nightingale College in Nox before finding work city
in Wyld.
Prison: Small prison in Castle Wyld. There is also a
 Central Market. The largest market sits in the very large dungeon prison in Kellan Fortress on Vigil
center of Wyld. People know they can find almost Island. The island is on the far western side of
anything in this sprawling market. However, the Pendrell Bay
prices are not cheap. One does not come to the
Central Market to find a good deal. Factions: the Alliance, the Wyld Gang, Captain
Kale’s Pirates, the Broken Circle, the Enders, the
 The Wyld Market. Just inside the eastern gate is Greenwood Traders
one of the busiest markets in Wyld. A wide range of
products can be found here. Food, jewels, metals, and Temples: Amara, Balthor, Habbasham, Morthos,
weapons and armor are some of what is available. Rogan, the Sea Goddesses, Sienna, Xavian

 Docks Market. Located on the west side of the

Pendrell and West bridges is the Docks Market. The Wyld Gang
Some locals say that the fresh fish and other seafood
found here is the best in Myrr. Headquarters: The Wyld Catacombs under the city of
 The North Market. Much of the food grown in the
Fields of Wyld ends up in this sprawling street Leader: Milo Hilltopple (halfling male, 4th level
market. There are also many skilled hirelings for rogue, LE)
hire. Allies: Captain Kale’s Pirates, the Alliance
 The Great Square Market is near Castle Wyld and Rivals: the Wyld Guard
one can purchase hirelings and jewelry Members: 20 halflings (mostly rogues), 20 thugs
 Central Market is an enormous market right in the Mounts: 12 large mastiffs
middle of the city. One can purchase potion
ingredients, spell components, clothes, fresh fish, Symbol: the letters ‘WG’ written in red
baked goods, weapons and armor. One of the most notorious groups in all of Myrr is the
Population: 18 000 (16 000 humans, 1000 halflings, Wyld Gang. For many years they weren’t taken
500 hill dwarves, a few others, includes 800 slaves) seriously and they took advantage of that. Milo and
his gang are vicious killers and would do anything
Government: Absolute monarchy. The Queen of for fame and fortune. Their leader is quite impressed
Wyld rules this city that they are part of the Alliance and he enjoys
Leader: Queen Danara Bane (female vampire, LE) visiting Bladen and Damos and meeting with the
vampire nobles. The gang’s main hideout is in the
Coat of Arms: a shield with the top half red and the
Catacombs of Wyld underneath the city. The
bottom half blue. A stylized golden letter ‘W’ sits at
members are mostly rogues, but there are a few
the center
fighters and wizards in the gang.
Resources: armor, electrum, fish, foodstuffs, gems,
hirelings, potion ingredients, silver, timber, weapons
See New Monsters section

Areas 1-9 are part of the main adventure. The other areas (all marked with a ‘W’) can be used to add more
encounters to the main adventure.

Location Name Details
W1 Pendrell Stables Stabling costs 5sp/day. Stabling for a dozen horses
W2 The Fiendish Friend/Tavern1 Barkeep: Yandle/Modest quality tavern
W3 The Fat Goblin/Tavern1 Barkeep: Jakar/Modest quality tavern
W4 High District Stables Stabling costs 1gp/day. Stabling for 20 horses. 4 guards
W5 Lord Manor Home of the Lord family. 4 elite guards, 4 mastiffs
W6 Greenwood Mansion Home of the Greenwood family. One guard
W7 Nagg Manor Home of the Nagg family. Three guards
W8 Ashmore Manor Home of the Ashmore family. Four guards, one mastiff
W9 Pendrell Manor Home of the Woodgrove family. Two guards
Twelve 20 ft. tall stone statues of the legendary twelve
W10 Statues of the Twelve
adventurers who saved Myrr in the Dark Times
The goddess of love is worshipped here
W11 Temple of Amara
Clerics (2nd, 3rd, and 4th level)
The god of wisdom is worshipped here.
W12 Temple of Balthor
Clerics (1st, 2nd, and 6th level)
W13 Outdoor Worship Area People from around the city come here to worship
The god of justice and light is worshipped here.
W14 Temple of Rogan
Two clerics (3rd and 6th level) One paladin (2nd level)
W15 Temple of Habbasham The god of trade is worshipped here. cleric (4th level)
W16 The Axemen/Store Owner: Valrik/Weapons and armor. Five guards
W17 The Lonely Unicorn/Inn1 Rooms cost: 2gp/Wealthy accommodation
W18 West Goods/Store Owner: Tasha/General goods. One guard
W19 The Dead Orc Inn1 Rooms cost: 1sp/Poor accommodation
W20 Arcana Arcana/Store Owner: Emeric Riddle /Magic items and potions
W21 The Jumping Fish/Tavern1 Barkeep: Oliver/Poor quality tavern
W22 The Blue Fairy/Inn1 Rooms cost: 1sp/Poor accommodation
W23 The Sun and the Moon/Inn1 Rooms cost: 5sp/Modest accommodation

W24 The Horseshoe/Tavern1 Live music, Two guards

More info on these establishments can be found in the Inns and Taverns section

This module is set in the World of Myrr campaign Here is the notice:
setting. See Cawood Publishing’s website: Wanted: Brave adventurers to help catch a thief. The However, it could be located Wyld Guard haven’t been of much use. My tavern has
anywhere and the adventure could easily work for been robbed several times. Meet me at the North
other fantasy RPG systems. Market on Fieldday, the 56th day of Bloomtime. I’ll
be the old dwarf with a greataxe strapped to my back.

The Adventure (see the Wyld Northwest map, page 7/#1 is the
location of the North Market)
This adventure takes place in the city of Wyld. The
bustling settlement is one of the biggest on the small
continent of Myrr. Wyld is the center of power in the
western part of Myrr. Our intrepid band of
adventurers will need to respond to a request from a
tavern owner. This adventure helps the PCs learn
about the Wyld Gang’s connection to the evil
Alliance. The story involves a couple of taverns and
part of the catacombs under the city.

Notes for the Game Master

This module is intended to introduce the evil
Alliance to players in the World of Myrr. The
Alliance are led by vampire noble families and
several devils. A nasty gang of halflings called the Encounters
Wyld Gang do some of the dirty work for the
powerful Alliance. This module showcases this evil 1. Meeting the Dwarf in the North Market
halfling gang’s headquarters. In order to set up the
The North Market is quite busy when your party arrives.
next module A2, the stories of Maria Robbins and
The numerous carts and stalls are doing a thriving
Candyce Ashmore (see the NPC Section) can be
business. Fresh produce from the Fields of Wyld makes
highlighted. The story can lead to more adventures up the bulk of the sales in the market. There are a few
involving the Alliance. If wanted the module can be other items on sale as well. Almost everyone is human so
expanded to involve more of the city and other it’s easy to spot the old dwarf. You also notice a very
factions. The Game Master can also alter the stats of attractive young woman talking to a tall, dashing
the monsters included to suit his/her needs. nobleman. The young brunette is clad in long leather
boots and brown leather armor and she carries a
shortsword. The noble wears the same red, blue, and
Adventurers Hired! gold colours as the Wyld Guard. His long white hair is
striking. He seems completely focused on the young
You’re hired! Your band of adventurers have responded woman.
to a notice you found in one of the markets in the
bustling city of Wyld. Their client is Baldin, a drunken dwarf. He offers the
party 50gp to help him out. The dwarf wants to catch
The party could make the city their home, or arrive a thief that has robbed his tavern on more than one
on the scene as newcomers. occasion. He explains he’s not fast enough to catch

the rogue. Baldin is actually one of the legendary halfling is CE and is armed with two shortswords. He
Twelve, famous Myrrian heroes (see the NPC section is carrying a note, 5gp, a potion of healing, and
for more info). The dwarf takes the party to his Baldin’s greataxe is strapped to his back. This is the
nearby tavern. note:
One of the Von Bladen nobles, Sirus Von Bladen Bring any stolen goods to the Drunken Bugbear.
(see NPC section) chats with a young bard named Make sure nobody sees you using the secret entrance
Maria Robbins (see NPC section). The dwarf tells the to our headquarters.
party the Von Bladens are wealthy nobles and live in Meg Hilltopple
the High District. Baldin says there are rumors that
the Von Bladens are vampires. He also mentions that Merrin is trying to make his way to the Drunken
Maria is a popular singer in the slum known as the Bugbear tavern. Once there, he plans to use the secret
Lost District. entrance and escape to the Wyld Gang’s

2. The Purple Rabbit

Note: If the party fail to catch the thief, Baldin finds
A wall of sound greets the party as you enter the Purple out the culprit ran into the Drunken Bugbear tavern.
Rabbit. Some local entertainers are playing a lively song. Apparently a friend of the dwarf, named Tanis,
A couple of young men jump up and dance on one of the spotted the halfling.
tables. In the background, a handsome half-elf male is
pouring drinks at the bar.
The tavern is busy and full of locals. The handsome 3. The Drunken Bugbear
barkeep is very friendly. The Purple Rabbit tavern is This tavern is even busier than the Purple Rabbit.
made of wood and the ceiling is 10 ft. high. Attracting a lot of attention is a young blonde-haired
woman who is selling several sets of fine clothes. Four
elderly merchants are talking to her at the moment. A
2a. The Thief Attempts to Escape painting of soldiers fighting off hordes of goblins is just
All of sudden, a small hooded figure runs out from a visible on the far wall. The warriors are wearing the red,
nearby door. “That’s him! He’s got my axe!” shouts blue, and gold colors of Wyld. Two surly looking men sit
Baldin. The leather-clad halfling smashes through a on chairs on either side of the painting.
window out onto the street. “Get him!” yells the dwarf. The young woman is Candyce (see NPC section).
The PCs pursue this halfling by using the Rooftops She works for some merchants in the city and is very
Chase Table on page 30. popular. The tavern is full of locals; city guards,
entertainers, halflings, and nobles. Drinks are being
ordered quickly and the staff are rushing around to
serve everyone. It’s so noisy that Wisdom
2b. On the Rooftops of Wyld (Perception) checks are made at -2. The painting is in
The halfling climbs up the side of a nearby building and fact a minor illusion, the nearby pair of thugs make
takes off across the rooftops. As you begin pursuit, the sure nobody gets near it. Anyone could just step
halfling turns and shouts, “You’re not taking me alive!” through and head down a flight of stone steps into the
catacombs. However, nobody ever gets close
The slate roofs are uneven and most buildings are so
enough. The thugs will attack anyone who tries to get
close together it’s fairly easy to leap across. The
near the painting. They are hired by the Wyld Gang
larger gaps require a DC12 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
and have been with the halflings for about a year. The
check. If the players fall, they drop 10 ft. to the
thugs know the gang headquarters is through the
ground. If the PCs catch the rogue he will fight to the
painting, down in the Catacombs of Wyld. The thugs
death. If he’s losing the battle he’ll kill himself. He
are CE and armed with shortswords.
is a 1st level rogue named Merrin Lowhill. The

The Catacombs of C. Guard Room
Wyld A grimy human skeleton lies outside this room. Two
thugs, who patrol the entrance to the dungeon area, are
Maps on pages 39 and 40. See the Encounters section eating and playing cards here. The simple room only
for random encounters in the Catacombs of Wyld. contains old wooden chairs and a wooden table.
All the areas are lit by torches and braziers so light The space is 20 ft. by 20 ft. The thugs are violent and
is not usually an issue. will attack any intruders. Thirty copper pieces are
The sewer winds its way through the catacombs. piled up on the table.
Living in the slime and sludge are numerous
quippers. Players must make a DC11 Dexterity Save
if they get too close. On a fail, they slip and fall in. D. Storeroom
After walking through the painting you find yourselves at This chamber is another storeroom. This dirty stone
the top of a flight of stone stairs. Torches in sconces on room is lined with a number of rotten shelves full of
the sides of the passage light the way. These are the bottles.
Catacombs of Wyld, which run underneath the city. The The shelves contain three dozen empty bottles, ten
sewers and other tunnels are made from stone. A bottles full of water, and a number of empty sacks.
disgusting stench reaches your nostrils. Nothing of value is stored here.

A. Storeroom E. Garbage Room

This simple stone room is being used as a storeroom. A If the sewers smelled bad, then this will be even more of
number of barrels, crates, and sacks are stowed here. an assault on the senses. The foulest stench fills this
Scurrying sounds can be heard in the back of the room. chamber full of garbage and other filth.
This stone chamber is 10 ft. by 10 ft. A swarm of This large garbage area is 15 ft. by 40 ft. The Wyld
rats have made this place their home. The rats will Gang throw their garbage in here and their bugbear
attack anyone who enters the storeroom. The four later drags it into the sewers in a place where it will
crates are full of 8 blankets and 12 sets of clothes be washed away. The place smells disgusting. A
(common). Two barrels are full of salt and one is full couple of giant rats are hiding in the mound of trash.
of water. Lying under the empty sacks are 3 gp. A +1 ring of protection is also buried at the center of
the filth. A human skeleton lies to the south of the
chamber entrance.
B. Storeroom
You find another small room used to store supplies. It is
made from gray stone like the rest of the dungeon. F. Storeroom
Several small puddles sit near the door. The door is ajar. Looking inside you see a halfling clad in
brown leather armor sorting through a number of darts.
This stone chamber is 10 ft. by 10 ft. Three wooden
The projectiles sit on one of two wooden crates in the
crates are stored here. They are empty as the kitchen
staff have just returned them. Nothing of value is
found here. This stone chamber is 10 ft. by 15 ft. The halfling is
Gabs Topfoot, one of the Wyld Gang. Gabs is a 1st
level rogue, LE. The halfling wields two
shortswords and has a key that unlocks the armories.
He is trying to find some darts and has just realized
half of them are broken. One crate holds 8 useable
darts, a dozen broken darts and 30 arrows. The other

crate has ten days of rations and four travelling This bare chamber is occupied by a solitary crawling
cloaks. He will shout for help from the nearby thugs. claw. It will scuttle across the dusty floor and attack
any intruder.

G. Armory
K. Living Quarters
You discover a space with a few wooden crates inside. A
number of weapons hang on a rack on the wall. Sets of This chamber is obviously one of the living quarters for
footprints lead back and forth across the dusty floor. the gang. Many simple beds fill this room. A large orange-
skinned humanoid is sweeping the floor and a man
The door is locked, key is with Gaps Topfoot (Area snores from one of the beds.
F). This chamber is 15 ft. by 15 ft. The footprints are
made by small humanoids. More armor and weapons This chamber is full of beds used by the gang. It’s
are stored in the crates. All together there are four one of their sleeping areas. A bugbear is cleaning the
suits of leather armor, four shortbows, two room. The gang like to use his muscle at times but he
shortswords, four daggers, and twenty arrows stored is treated poorly by them. The sleeping man is a
here. A successful DC12 Intelligence (Investigation) thug. The bugbear is armed with a morningstar and
check will find a secret door. the thug has a shortsword.

H. Hidden Room L. Damaged Room

Inside this secret chamber are four sacks. A horrible The door is partially open. When the party enters you are
bloody stain covers most of one of the walls. greeted by a pile of rubble.
This hidden room contains some of the stolen items This chamber is damaged after part of the roof caved
from the city above. The halfling gang have stored in. With a DC13 Strength check someone can move
some of their wealth in this stone room. enough rubble to get past and find the wooden chest.
The wooden chest is trapped. Characters can find the
The sacks contain:
trap if they make a DC12 Intelligence (Investigation)
1. 25gp and two silver rings worth 15gp each check. The trap releases a small amount of poisonous
2. 30sp and a potion of water breathing gas. (1d4 poison damage to whomever opened it)
3. 50cp and a small mirror Inside are 9gp and a shiny +1 dagger.
4. Four sets of fine clothes

I. Storeroom M. Stone Basin

This small space contains three old barrels. Multiple This open area has a large stone basin to the west. There
cobwebs cover the edges of the chamber. It reeks of stale is another wooden door to the north.
beer. This basin has one solitary quipper in the water. He
This room is used to store mead and water. Two of is bugbear’s pet (Location K).
the barrels are filled with water. The other barrel is
full of Krull Mead. This is a really low quality mead
known to be sold in the poorest taverns in Myrr. N. Guard Room
This room contains a table and chairs, a wooden
chest, and two large barrels.
J. Small Chamber
This room is used by two thugs who are patrolling
This room is pitch black. Something is making the catacombs. This space is 20 ft. by 25 ft. The
scratching sounds in the back of the room. barrels and chest are empty.

O. Old Storeroom S. Armory
This space appears to be completely empty. Pieces of The door to this room is locked. A number of open
rotten wood lie scattered around the chamber. wooden crates can be seen from the doorway. You can
Something is scratched on the far wall in very small see suits of leather armor, swords, bows, daggers, and
letters. arrows inside.
This chamber was used as a storeroom until a patch This chamber is 15 ft. by 15 ft. There are four suits
of green slime moved in. It is sitting on the ceiling of leather armor, four shortbows, six shortswords, ten
waiting to drop on anyone who enters the room. daggers, and sixty arrows stored here. Gabs Topfoot
Players who make a DC 11 Wisdom (Perception) (Area F) has the key to the door.
check can see it. The scratches on the opposite wall
say ‘Watch out for the slime’ in Common.
T. Kitchen Area
This area is full of delicious smells and the sounds of pots
P. Deserted Chamber banging and knives chopping. Many foodstuffs are on the
This room is dark and you are unable to see a thing. tables and shelves of this kitchen. A large hearth keeps
the room very warm. Above the fire is an opening in the
Nothing is barring entry as the door is unlocked. The ceiling. An overweight human cook and two human
gang don’t use this area any more. There is nothing slaves are busy at work making a huge pot of stew. The
of value in here. A shadow lurks inside and will cook has two daggers on his belt. “Out! Out!” yells the
attack anyone who enters. portly man when anyone walks in.
This space is 20 ft. by 20ft. A cook (1st level fighter)
Q. Jail and two slaves (commoners) are making meals for
the Wyld Gang. The cook is armed with two daggers
The door is locked. When you open the door you see a and will fight if the PCs don’t leave immediately.
man and a woman tied up on the floor. The slaves won’t fight and will take any opportunity
This is the jail for the Wyld Gang. They plan to sell to escape. They have heard other slaves have been
these two prisoners to the Von Bladens. The two turned over to the Von Bladens. Several tables have
commoners are scared and hungry. They are tied up jars of spices and sacks full of ingredients. A stack of
with a 50 ft. long rope. Both worked at the docks firewood is on the north side of the kitchen.
before being captured.

U. Training Area
R. Storeroom You enter a huge open area lit by several large braziers.
This chamber is lined with a number of shelves. Mostly The sewer winds through the middle of the area and a
empty bottles fill the shelves. There appear to be a few number of doors lead off the main chamber.
that aren’t empty. This area is usually used for training purposes by the
This chamber is 15 ft. by 15 ft. There are two potions Wyld Gang. The halfling gang practice sword
and one bottle of poison. They are; potion of growth, fighting and archery in this space. A swarm of
and a potion of climbing, and a potion of poison. The quippers swims in the nearby sewers.
gang forgot about these items and assumes there’s
nothing of value in this storeroom.

V. Large Living Quarters Y. Gang Headquarters
After opening the door, you see a room full of ordinary Two large mastiffs bark loudly as the party enters the
beds. Two halflings are asleep here and a couple of living quarters. A female halfling in black leather armor is
mastiffs suddenly sit up. There are nine beds, three shouting at three other halflings. You see another halfling
tables, and a wooden chest in these quarters. tied up and propped against a wall. A long table and
chairs lie in front of a chest and a small bookcase. You
This chamber is the largest in the complex. Nine of also see eight simple beds lined along the stone walls.
the halfling gang are quartered here. The living
quarters are 30 ft. by 30 ft. Two Wyld Gang This chamber is 60 ft. by 60 ft. The leader of the
members, are sleeping here. They are both 1st level gang, Milo Hilltopple, is away in the city of Bladen.
rogues armed with two shortswords. Each of the He is meeting with the Von Bladen vampire nobles
halflings also carries 5sp and two days of rations. in Bladen Castle. In his place, his arrogant sister,
They are being guarded by two mastiffs as they Meg Hilltopple (see NPC section) is in charge. She
sleep. is a 3rd level rogue and is scolding three other gang
members, all are 1st level rogues. Each of the gang
are armed with two shortswords.
W. Guardroom The prisoner is Tully McFaster (see NPC section).
One large wooden table with chairs fills the center of this He’s been reporting the gang’s activities to the Wyld
simple chamber. Three humans in brown leather armor Guard. As soon as the party comes in he starts yelling
are arguing here. for help. A full barrel of Queen’s Ale sits in the far
corner of the room. The bookcase is empty.
The guard room is 15 ft. by 15 ft. Three hired thugs
are in this chamber having a meal. They are armed
with shortswords and have been hired by the Wyld Z. The Chest’s Hidden Compartment
Gang. They will attack anyone not in the gang.
However, if the party attempts to persuade the thugs At the bottom of the empty chest you find a hidden
to abandon their posts they do so with advantage. The compartment. You see coins, a scroll, a sealed envelope,
Wyld Gang treat the thugs poorly and pay them even and a flask with blue liquid inside.
worse. The chest contains 18gp, a spell scroll – hold person,
and a potion of healing.
X. Meeting Area The envelope contains a letter that outlines the
agreement between the Von Bladens and the Wyld
Like most of this part of the dungeon, sizeable braziers Gang. Smuggling weapons to the city to Bladen and
light this open area. Four stone pillars stretch up to the extorting businesses are the main activities
ceiling. In the far corner of this bare space are four undertaken by the gang of halflings. The Von
wooden barrels. A large amount of noise emanates from Bladens take most of the profits and the gang keep
the door to the north.
the nobles’ hands clean. The nobles have agreed to
This chamber is used for meetings when the keep the Wyld Guard away and let the halfling gang
headquarters area is too crowded. The barrels are full operate freely. The leader of the gang, Milo
of Krull Mead, the cheapest, foulest mead in all of Hilltopple, meets with Sirus and Roch Von Bladen
Myrr. on a regular basis at Evenglow Manor in the High
District of Wyld.

The adventure continues in A2 Some Enchanted


The Adventure Maria Robbins was just seen entering Evenglow
This second adventure of the Adventures in Myrr is
also set in the city of Wyld. In the first module, A1
Wyld Life, the PCs found a letter in the Wyld Gang’s The High District
headquarters. This letter will lead them to Evenglow
Manor in the High District. The manor is owned by The High District is surrounded by a high stone wall and
the Von Bladen nobles, a cruel and evil family. There the gate is guarded by four Queensguard. They wear long
are rumors the family are actually vampires, but red cloaks with black chain mail underneath. Strapped to
nobody has proved it. their backs are huge greatswords.
The Von Bladen’s residence in Wyld is located in the
wealthy High District. A 20 ft. high white stone wall
Notes for the Game Master borders this area. The four Queensguard are elite
This adventure showcases a manor owned by the guards. They have their greatswords and two are
Von Bladens, one of the two powerful noble families also armed with longbows. If the PCs choose to
leading the evil Alliance. The heroes have also confront them they will ring a nearby bell that
learned that the young bard, Maria Robbins (see NPC summons a dozen more Queensguard. If the PCs
section), has just been seen going into the manor. The survive the fight, they will be taken to the dungeon
PCs must arrive on the scene at night. At this time in Castle Wyld. If the party is thrown in jail, Baldin
the Von Bladen nobles who live there are away. They will bail them out the next day.
also learn confronting them face-to-face is suicide at
this point. The theme of the module is enchanted
items. Almost all of challenges in the manor are 4. High District Gate
animated objects and traps. Some are new monsters The gate is flanked by two golden crescent moon statues.
found in the New Monsters section of this module. The Queensguard question the party as soon as they
The adventure can be expanded to involve more of approach. Baldin’s friend gets you past the guards.
the city and other factions. The Game Master can
also alter the stats of the monsters included to suit The four Queensguard listen calmly to Baldin’s
their needs. friend and accept his story. Tanis explains that the
characters are staying at one of the manors. After
getting the adventurers inside, Tanis leaves.

Following the Lead

You have learned that the Von Bladen noble family are 5. Queensguard Barracks
working with the Wyld Gang. There is more and more Two red cloaked Queensguard guard their barracks area.
evidence pointing towards the evil Alliance having a Inside are half a dozen more of the elite force.
presence in the city of Wyld.
If the PCs are caught trespassing, these elite guards
The adventuring party have found a disturbing letter will throw them out of the district. If the PCs attempt
linking the Wyld Gang to the powerful Von Bladen to use force, these elite guards will attempt to
noble family. They need to head to the High District overpower them and throw them into the dungeon in
to investigate Evenglow Manor (see the City of Wyld Castle Wyld. If the party is thrown in jail, Baldin the
map on page 7). A friend of Baldin the dwarf (see dwarf will bail them out the following day.
NPC section), named Tanis, has promised to get the
party past the gate at the High District. He says that

6. The Manors sconces with torches throughout and many candles,
light is not an issue.
Beautiful mansions fill this wealthy part of the city of
Wyld. The elegant homes are known for their stunning Two men in brown studded leather armor are guarding
design. Their beauty is highlighted by the moonlight that the manor. One remains at the drawbridge entrance
shines down onto the city. while the other patrols around the building. They both
carry torches and are armed with halberds. The wooden
The High District is quiet at night, other than the doors of the manor are painted red. The iron doorknobs
occasional pair of Queensguard patrolling the area. are carved like a human skulls.
The wealthy nobles usually walk to the stables and
leave on horseback or carriages. Not many folk
actually walk around the area.
Hired Guards at the
7. The Gardens
See maps on pages 41 and 42. Both of these men are
Stunning, orderly gardens sit in the center of the wealthy hired guards. They will question anyone who
district. Large bushes and numerous flowers make their approaches the manor. If the fight starts to go badly,
home here. Many beautiful colors shine in the dark night. they will run away. The Von Bladens have not paid
Few people visit these gardens at night. It is a very the men well and treat them with distain. The
peaceful and calm space. Large bushes make it drawbridge can easily be lowered but the front door
difficult to see who is inside the garden area. is locked. Each of the guards has a key. Players can
also force the front door open with a DC12 Strength
check. The wall surrounding the manor is 20 ft. tall.
8. High District Graveyard
A permanent dark mist seems to hang over the E1. The Foyer
graveyard. Ornate tombstones dot the grassy area.
Elaborate stories of the dead are carved on the stone This foyer is all made of marble with two beautifully
markers. carved wooden chairs. An eerie silence consumes the
area. You also notice a sweet smelling odor which fills the
If the Queensguard catch any intruders in the air.
graveyard they remove them with a warning. The
elite guards will escort the trespassers out of the The foyer is beautiful and imposing. The chairs could
district and tell them never to return. Only the nobles be sold for about 10gp each. If players follow the
in the High District are allowed to visit the graves. smell it will lead them to E10.
There are graves for all the noble families including
the Von Bladens. However, none of the Von Bladen
graves are older than 180 MY. If the party stop here E2. The Sitting Room
the guards at Evenglow Manor will have a hard time You enter into a large sitting room. There are three sets
noticing them because of the mist. of high quality tables and chairs. The furniture is polished
so much it sparkles in the candlelight. Bookshelves
border the spacious chamber. On each of the four walls
9. Evenglow Manor is a stylish longsword. Four pillars rise ten feet to the
ceiling. Two carved iron bowls sit on either side of one of
A beautiful, gothic style mansion sits on the edge of
the chairs. A massive red pentagram has been inscribed
Pendrell Bay. Like the other manors a sign indicates the
on the floor.
name of the manor, ‘Evenglow Manor’. A small
drawbridge is the only entry point as a high wall Disturbingly the pentagram has been inscribed with
surrounds the large building. blood…human blood. The four longswords on the
The mansion is empty at the moment as the Von walls are flying swords. They will animate and
Bladens are visiting the queen. The house has attack any intruders. If the PCs look in the bowls,

they find the containers are both filled with human animate. A shadow hides in a dark corner on the
blood. The furniture is worth 50gp. ceiling. A character making a DC14 Wisdom
(Perception) check will locate the monster. It will
attack anyone who is trapped by one of the snare
E3. The Dining Room chairs. Guests of the Von Bladens socialize in this
area. However, none are staying in the house right
A long wooden table dominates this dining room. An
ornate set of dishes and cutlery are set out on an
expensive red tablecloth. Stone pillars and large plants
are found each corner of this area. Numerous candles on
the table light the entire dining room.
E7. Storeroom
Loud snores come from a skinny man sleeping in a small
This lengthy room is used by the Von Bladens to
bed. Several old barrels can be found in this room.
entertain their guests. The items on the table are in
fact a dinner set of death1. It will animate and attack This is a storeroom and the living quarters for the
any intruders. The wooden barrels are filled with the cook, Hansen. He is a commoner and will fight any
famous and rather tasty Damos Wine. intruder with his dagger. He is aware of the animated
objects and traps in the house. However, he won’t
give away the locations of any of these. He knows
E4. The Hallways nothing about the Von Bladens’ activities. One barrel
is full of water, the other is full of delicious Damos
Several portraits hang in the hallways. All thirteen of the
Wine. Hansen often has a few glasses before bed.
Von Bladens are depicted. Most of the attractive nobles
have long dark hair and wear lavish clothes. A shining suit
of armor sits at the south end of the central hallway.
E8. Downstairs Guest Room
The suit of armor is actually a suit of animated
This chamber is found adjacent the Games Room. There
armor. It will animate and attack any intruders.
is a bed and an iron chest on either side of the door. The
furniture is all dark hardwood.
E5. The Kitchen This is the downstairs guest room. Nobody is staying
here at the moment. Each chest contains a set of fine
A large, orderly kitchen is found here. Several tables and
a few barrels are spread around the room. The counters
are very clean and everything seems to be put away in
containers. A number of herbs line shelves on the walls.
Several sacks are piled neatly on the table. E9. Upstairs Storeroom
The cook is asleep in the nearby storeroom and the A number of wooden barrels and seven long mirrors are
stored here. There is also a 10 ft. long ladder which can
other staff don’t live in the manor. The barrels all
be used to access the roof.
contain salt. Potatoes, leeks, tomatoes, and carrots
some of the foodstuffs found in the sacks. Three The barrels are full of salt, potatoes, and flour. The
knives sit in a pile of pots and pans. Von Bladens asked for the servants to move all the
mirrors into this chamber. If someone is adventurous
enough to go up on the roof, they will be rewarded.
E6. The Games Room Both with a gorgeous view and a surprise. The Von
This space contains two tables with chairs and another Bladens have stashed a lantern of revealing up there.
door to the east. Chess sets are laid out on each of the Roch Von Bladen is quite the romantic and enjoys
tables. The games seem to have been partially the stunning views of Pendrell Bay and the city.
The chess sets are worth about 50 gp. Each table has
one snare chair1. If someone sits in one they will

E10. Master Bedroom West E13. Small Guest Room #3
A table sits in a small area filled with potted plants and a This bedroom has two beds to the left and a table with
few barrels. Sweet smelling pipe smoke fills the air. An some chairs on the right. Paintings of a fleet of tall ships
open doorway leads into a huge bedroom. The first thing arriving in the city of Wyld cover a couple of the walls.
that grabs your eye is Sirus Von Bladen standing before a
fireplace on a pentagram. The handsome noble with long There is a swarm of bats hanging from the rafters. If
white hair and a red cloak has just turned to face you. a PC makes a DC11 Wisdom (Perception) check they
You see his hand move towards a shining longsword. notice the creatures. The tiny beasts will swoop down
Everything in this bedroom is red, all the furniture and and attack any intruders shortly after they enter the
other items. The bed is a beautifully carved, work of art. bedchamber. A former guest stashed a shortsword
A stylish rug sits at the foot of the bed and a stone inside the far bed.
gargoyle watches over the chamber.
This bedroom is usually used by Sirus Von Bladen. E14. Small Guest Room #4
His image is an illusion triggered the fire. Sirus is
currently staying in the city of Bladen. The only way This chamber is filled with three beds. The familiar
the illusion disappears is if the fire is put out. The checkerboard floor stretches out throughout the
coffin in the corner is one of his many resting places. bedroom. A large painting of a white-haired nobleman
The rug is a rug of smothering and it and the hangs on the far wall.
gargoyle will attack any intruders. Inside the chest is Guests rarely use this room as it has a nasty trap
a saddle of the cavalier, a chime of opening, and four inside. The Von Bladens usually use this room to get
bloodstones. rid of enemies. Numerous victims have perished in
this trapped room. If any intruder steps on any of the
dark squares on the checkerboard pattern, a trap is
E11. Small Guest Room #1 sprung. A magical flame, in the shape of a dragon,
Opening the door you see a large bed with black sheets. shoots up and does 1d8 fire damage. Characters must
A small wooden chest sits on the floor to the right. make a DC14 Dexterity save or take damage.

One of the many guest rooms in Evenglow Manor. A

fine traveling cloak and a light crossbow can be
found in the chest. However, the light crossbow is
cursed. Anyone who fires it will be sent flying back
10 ft. and land prone.

E12. Small Guest Room #2

A bed sits to the right and a table and chairs are found on
the left. Paintings of the soldiers fighting goblins can be
seen on the walls. A beautiful red mirror is on the wall to
the right.
The room is not used as much as the other guest
rooms. The Von Bladens have refused to use this
chamber until the mirror is moved. In fact, it is a
magical Myrr mirror1.

E15. Master Bedroom East
You discover another large bedroom on the top floor of
the manor. Everything in this bedroom is painted dark
purple. As with the living room downstairs, there is a
gruesome red pentagram on the floor. The chamber is
furnished with a couple of chests, a very large bed, and a
PCs will discover the pentagram is harmless, but
definitely made of human blood. Roch Von Bladen
usually stays in this room and the coffin is one of his
resting places. The farthest chest is a mimic and two
shadows hide under the bed. The mimic will animate
and attack any intruders who are in range. After it
surprises the heroes, the shadows will join the fight.
If the characters search the other chest they find the
 50gp
 5pp
 Three quills
 One bottle of ink
 Half a dozen sheets of parchment
 Three empty vials
 bracers of archery
 An elegantly written note:

Landis Kyzan,
We’ve kidnapped Maria Robbins, Chase
Lord, and Candyce Ashmore. They might be
candidates and should be useful in your
experiments. We’ll have them brought to the
village of Myrr on the coast.
Long Live the Alliance,
Roch Von Bladen

See New Monsters section
MY – Myrrian Year (currently 566 MY)

Here are images of the kidnap victims; Maria, Chase,

and Candyce (More info in NPC section)

Sirus Von Bladen, vampire male, LE. CHA 17. He appears
to be a tall, handsome noble with long white hair. Sirus
lives some of the time in Evenglow Manor. Most of his
Important NPCs family live in the city of Bladen in central Myrr. He is often
out all night and usually rests in a coffin in the manor in
the daytime. Sirus can be used to toy with the characters
Baldin, dwarf male, 10th level fighter*, LG. An old dwarf but a direct confrontation would be suicide.
with black hair and a black beard. He is the owner of the
Purple Rabbit tavern. One of the legendary Twelve, the
heroes who saved Myrr during the Dark Times. He has Other City of Wyld NPCs
become quite disillusioned and is a pathetic drunk.
Baldin hides a dark secret about the Twelve. *He’s such Leaders
a drunk, he is effectively a 1st level fighter. The Bane family: Queen Danara is the ruler of Wyld
and resides in Castle Wyld. Lord Hugo and Lord
Hynes live in Bane Mansion in the High District.
Maria Robbins, human female, 3rd level bard, NE. Maria
is very attractive and quite athletic. She has medium  Queen Danara Bane, Ruler of Wyld, vampire
length brown hair and blue eyes. She is a talented singer female, LE
and will do anything for fame and fortune. Maria is very Her speeches are known to enthrall listeners and
popular and is extremely charming. A number of the her eyes seem to hypnotize people. The young queen
merchants and nobles want her hand in marriage. is always accompanied by two white cats. Her two
evil white cats are in fact wraiths in disguise.
Tully ‘the disaster’ McFaster, halfling male, 1st level  Lord Hugo Bane, vampire male, LE
fighter, LG. Trouble seems to find him wherever he goes.  Lord Hynes Bane, vampire male, LE
Tully is short in stature with dark brown hair. This halfling
is a loyal, brave warrior. However, he can be rather
reckless. The Von Bladen family: Their residence in Wyld is
called Evenglow Manor. This gothic manor is
located in the High District next to a graveyard. The
Candyce Ashmore, human female, 1st level sorcerer, LG. manor is protected by many enchantments. Roch has
A tall, beautiful woman with blonde hair. Most striking recently moved a mirror of travelling to Bloodtooth
are her clear blue eyes. She is interested in traveling to Island.
other parts of Myrr to sell fine clothing. She is well-
known in Wyld because the local tailors have her wear  Roch Von Bladen, vampire female, LE
their outfits to galas and balls. Candyce has learned of  Sirus Von Bladen, description in opposite column
her family’s connection to the sinister Broken Circle
slavers. She plans to tell the Wyld Guard everything she
knows. Morton Buckley – Steward of Wyld, human male, 33
years old, 7th level rogue, NE

Meg Hilltopple, female halfling, 3rd level rogue, LE. The He wields a wand that can cast fireballs. The
head of the Wyld Gang when her brother, Milo steward also wears a cloak that protects him from
Hilltopple, is out of town. An arrogant, cruel, and non-magical weapons.
calculating halfling. Captain of the Guard, Cronem Berg, human male, 42
years old, 8th level fighter, LN
He is in charge of the Wyld Guard. Cronem has a
manor near Castle Wyld and a farm in the Fields of

Clerics is not welcome at their home in the High District.
This young paladin lives in a castle in the Mountains
Cleric of Rogan – Brother Bean, human male, 26
of the Moon. Justine wields a magical longsword and
years old, 9th level cleric, LG
wears plate armor.
Cleric of Amara – Eloise Penn, human female, 25
 Jordan Lord, human female, 24 years old, anti-
years old, 8th level cleric, NG. She performs most of
paladin, LE. Daughter
the unions (weddings) in Wyld.
Cleric of Balthor – Gorshaw, human male, 38 years
old, 8th level cleric, N. The Ashmore family: the Ashmores will support the
most powerful group around. They live in Ashmore
Cleric of Vaux – Alaniz, human female, 28 years old,
Manor in the High District. At the moment they
8th level cleric, NE
support the Queen of Wyld. The Ashmores also fund
Cleric of Sienna – Behalla, human female, 22 years the Broken Circle slaver gang. Their young daughter
old, 4th level cleric, N has very different values than the rest of the family.
 Amber Ashmore, human female, 38 years old, 3rd
Nobles level sorcerer, NE. Wife of Sterling

The Lord Family: they live in the High District, the She is very interested in Chase Lord, but the
wealthiest area in the city of Wyld. The Lords have young rogue has spurned her advances.
two manors in the area as well as a manor and several  Sterling Ashmore, human male, 36 years old, NE.
stables on the Fields of Wyld outside the city. They Husband to Amber
also sponsor the annual Wyldwood race every spring.
Contestants race carts pulled by horses from Bend to  Gunnar Ashmore, human male, 22 years old, 4th
Calder. The Lord family usually offer a sizeable prize level fighter, NE. Son
for the winners. Some teams have won over a He is an obnoxious, loud young man. Gunnar has
thousand gold pieces in the famous race. fallen in love with the bard Maria Robbins.
 Malcolm Lord, human male, 47 years old, 9th level  Candyce Ashmore, description on page 22
fighter, LE. Husband of Meghan Lord
He uses a helm that enables him to teleport. He, The Woodgrove family: the Woodgroves own the
his wife, and their youngest daughter are supporters very popular Bayside Tavern in Wyld. They prefer to
of the Queen of Wyld. The powerful noble is also
stay out of politics and enjoy their lavish lifestyle.
having an affair with the much younger Genie The Woodgroves live in Pendrell Manor in the High
 Meghan Lord, human female, 39 years old, 4th
 Virgil Woodgrove, human male, 38 years old, N.
level warlock, LG. Wife of Malcolm Lord Husband of Vanessa
 Chase Lord, human male, 21 years old, 4th level  Vanessa Woodgrove, human male, 40 years old, N.
rogue, CG. Son Wife of Virgil
He is caught between two elements of his family,
 Vanity Woodgrove, human female, 22 years old,
his evil parents and youngest sister and the good
1st level bard, NG. Daughter
older sister. This young man is eager to join an
adventuring party and escape the drama of his home.
 Justine Lord (Nya), human female, 25 years old, 9th The Greenwood family: the Greenwoods are not
level paladin, LG. Daughter happy with the leadership of the Queen. It is common
knowledge that the Von Bladens associate with the
She is also Nya, the head of the Knights of the queen and this worries the Greenwoods. They own
Moon. Although nobody knows about her secret
identity. She has had a falling out with her family and

the peaceful Lonely Unicorn inn. The nobles live in wants her to join his Wyld Gang. Caroline is also a
Greenwood Mansion in the expensive High District. talented dancer and painter.
 Roman Greenwood, human male, 60 years old, LG.
Husband of Ashlyn The Myre family: their ancestors were the tyrannical
 Ashlyn Greenwood, human female, 41 years old, rulers of the Mystwood years ago. The current family
LG. Wife of Roman are the owners of Myre Goods. There are several
stores located around north-western Myrr. The stores
 Genie Greenwood, human female, 21 years old, 4th carry all kinds of equipment including weapons and
level ranger, CN. Daughter armor. Like their ancestors the family will use violent
A very talented and beautiful ranger. However, means to get what they want. The Myres live in a
she has not been training hard and has been more large mansion in the northwest part of the city.
focused on her affair with Malcolm Lord. She is also
 Jakkard Myre, human male, 46 years old, 6th level
very jealous of her older sister, Rachel. Her parents
fighter, CE. Husband of Fran
are worried about her and have their suspicions about
Malcolm Lord. He is the leader of the Myre family.
 Wesley Greenwood, human male, 21 years old, 3rd  Fran Myre, human female, 38 years old, CE. Wife
level fighter, CN. Son of Jakkard
He travelled north to join the Telvan Knights but  Mabban Myre, human female, 61 years old, 7th
was turned away because of his horrible attitude. level sorcerer, CE. Grandmother
Wesley is angry and ready to take out his frustrations.  Rickar Myre, human male, 42 years old, 3rd level
 Rachel Greenwood, human female, 23 years old, fighter, CE. Cousin. Husband of Jalice
5th level ranger, LG. Daughter
 Jalice Myre, human female, 37 years old, CE.
She is a vampire hunter and has a hidden lair in Cousin. Wife of Rickar
the Wyld Catacombs. There is a secret entrance in
 Gabriel Myre, human male, 28 years old, 5th level
her chamber into the catacombs. Her parents adore
rogue, CE. Son of Mabban
her and this makes her sister, Genie, even more
jealous.  Gavin Myre, human male, 21 years old, 4th level
fighter, CE. Son of Mabban

Nagg family: the Nagg family are free spirits. They  Mylas Myre, human female, 18 years old, 3rd level
are rather independent, especially their two fighter, CE. Daughter of Jakkard
daughters. The teenagers are always up to something  Farley Myre, human male, 18 years old, 1st level
and get into a lot of trouble. The Nagg family make fighter, CE. Cousin
Nagg Manor in the High District their home.
 Fredrika Nagg, human female, 35 years old, CN.
 Olivia Nagg, human female, 18 years old, 3rd level
rogue, NE. Daughter
Olivia will try to get away with anything she can.
The young noble will cheat and steal whenever
 Caroline Nagg, human female, 18 years old, 4th
level rogue, CN. Daughter
Her heart was broken after the death of her father.
She has met Milo Hilltopple and the evil halfling

Master Zachary Topping, human male, 43 years old, Others
4th level fighter, NE
The Wyld Gang
He is a wealthy merchant who lives in Eel Cove
just north of Wyld. Master Topping owns Eels tavern  Milo Hilltopple, Leader of the Wyld Gang, halfling
in the Lost District and the Dukes and Daisies tavern male, 110 years old, 8th level rogue, NE
near the docks. He enjoys the company of young Milo wears magical studded leather armour and
women. Like a few other men in Wyld, he has his eye uses two magical daggers. He also has a set of pipes
on Maria Robbins. that can control swarms of rats.
Jasper Fast, human male, 58 years old, 3rd level  Red Apple, halfling male, 125 years old, 8th level
fighter, NE wizard, NE
He is an older, wealthy merchant. Jasper lives in  Meg Hilltopple, description on page 22
the High District with Eden Hawkins. He is good
friends with Master Topping and they share similar  Reed Hilltopple, halfling male, 65 years old, 4th
interests. He owns the Horseshoe tavern and the level sorcerer, NE
Edgewater Inn.  Berric Thornlow, halfling male, 21 years old, 4th
Murphy Meyer, human male, 38 years old, CN level fighter, NE
He owns the Hammer tavern. Murphy is  Tinnan Thornlow, halfling male, 20 years old, 3rd
independent and doesn’t support the queen or her level rogue, CE
enemies.  Morrin Thornlow, halfling male, 25 years old, 2nd
level rogue, NE

Ambassadors  Rinnan Thornlow, halfling male, 21 years old, 1st

level rogue, NE
The Nerathian Ambassador
 Gabs Topfoot, halfling male, 23 years old, 1st level
Phandar Nillion, high elf female, 245 years old, 5th rogue, LE
level ranger, CG
 Naela Hilltopple, halfling female, 31 years old, 3rd
Phandar is stationed at a beautifully built manor level rogue, NE
in the northern part of the city. She has a unit of
twenty Nerathian Knights stationed with her in  Merrin Lowhill, halfling male, 28 years old, 1st
Wyld. Phandar enjoys her life in the city but is level rogue, CE
worried about the recent aggressive stance of the
Bane royal family. She is also one of the elves who
are wary of the Stonehelm, as they have now signed Baldin, description on page 22
the Rakkas Bay Treaty with Wyld.
Maria Robbins, description on page 22

Eden Hawkins, human female, 27 years old, 8th level

bard, NE
She provides companions for those who can
afford it. Eden is very seductive and charming and
will do anything for more power and wealth. She
currently lives with Jasper Fast in the wealthy High

Arah Fair, human female, 26 years old, 7th level bard, Bard College. Her large white mastiff Lily is always
LG by her side and offers her protection.
As times have gotten darker in Wyld, a few
individuals have stood against the tide of evil. One of
those people is the bard, Arah Fair. Unlike Maria
Robbins she is an established singer and well Tully ‘the disaster’ McFaster, description on page 22
respected. Arah is graduate of the famous Raelen

Encounter Table: City of Wyld

D100 Encounter D100 Encounter

01-02 Urchin Gang 51-52 Commoner

03-04 Noble 53-54 Cat
05-06 Shadow 55-56 Guard
07-08 Guard Patrol 57-58 Swarm of Rats
09-10 Commoner 59-60 Tavern Brawler
11-12 Shadow 61-62 Commoner
13-14 Rat 63-64 Slavers
15-16 Acolyte 65-66 Noble
17-18 Mastiff 67-68 Apprentice
19-20 Giant Rat 69-70 Cultist
21-22 Merchants 71-72 Guard Patrol
23-24 Entertainer 73-74 Bounty Hunter
25-26 Commoner 75-76 Commoner
27-28 Spy 77-78 Mastiff
29-30 Apprentice 79-80 Swarm of Rats
31-32 Cult Fanatic 81-82 Guard
33-34 Acolyte 83-84 Apprentice
35-36 Swarm of Rats 85-86 Urchin
37-38 Merchant 87-88 Wererat
39-40 Rat 89-90 Commoner
41-42 Tavern Brawler 91-92 Entertainers
43-44 Guard 93-94 Thugs
45-46 Commoner 95-96 Cult Fanatic
47-48 Cat 97-98 Doppleganger
49-50 Giant Rat 99-00 Priest

Encounter Table: Catacombs of Wyld

D100 Encounter D100 Encounter

01-02 Ghost 51-52 Swarm of Rats

03-04 Thugs 53-54 Giant Rat
05-06 Cult Fanatic 55-56 Skeleton
07-08 Gray Ooze 57-58 Swarm of Bats
09-10 Cultist 59-60 Urchin
11-12 Slaver 61-62 Cultist
13-14 Swarm of Rats 63-64 Slavers
15-16 Thug 65-66 Rat
17-18 Quipper 67-68 Gray Ooze
19-20 Giant Rat 69-70 Thug
21-22 Skeleton 71-72 Cultist
23-24 Rust Monster 73-74 Slaver
25-26 Urchin 75-76 Rust Monster
27-28 Quipper 77-78 Wererat
29-30 Giant Rat 79-80 Swarm of Rats
31-32 Cat 81-82 Ochre Jelly
33-34 Cultist 83-84 Swarm of Quippers
35-36 Swarm of Rats 85-86 Urchin
37-38 Urchin 87-88 Giant Rat
39-40 Wererat 89-90 Zombie
41-42 Quipper 91-92 Slavers
43-44 Gray Ooze 93-94 Thugs
45-46 Bat 95-96 Shadow
47-48 Rust Monster 97-98 Black Pudding
49-50 Giant Rat 99-00 Doppelganger

Monster List: City of Wyld

Monsters CR
Cat, Commoner1, Rat 0
Cultist, Entertainer2, Giant Rat, Guard, Mastiff, Merchant2, Noble, Slaver2 1/8
Acolyte, Swarm of Rats, Urchin2 1/4
Apprentice2, Shadow, Thug 1/2
Spy, Tavern Brawler2 1
Bounty Hunter2, Cult Fanatic, Entertainers2, Guard Patrol2, Merchants2, Priest, Slavers2, Wererat 2
Doppelganger, Thugs2 3
Urchin Gang2 4

Commoner: Artist, Baker, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Cart Driver, Farmer, Fisherfolk, Harlot, Herald, Hunter,
Jeweler, Mason, Messenger, Moneylender, Peasant, Pilgrim, Tailor, Tavern/Inn worker, Undertaker
Apprentice, Bounty Hunter, Cultists, Elite Guard, Entertainer, Entertainers, Guard Patrol, Merchant, Merchants,
Slaver, Slavers, Tavern Brawler, Thugs, Urchin, Urchin Gang (see New Monsters section)

Monster List: Catacombs of Wyld

Monsters CR
Bat, Cat, Quipper, Rat 0
Cultist, Giant Rat, Slaver1 1/8
Skeleton, Swarm of Bats, Swarm of Rats, Urchin1, Zombie 1/4
Gray Ooze, Rust Monster, Shadow, Thug 1/2
Swarm of Quippers 1
Cult Fanatic, Cultists1, Ochre Jelly, Slavers1, Wererat 2
Doppelganger, Thugs1 3
Black Pudding, Ghost 4

Cultists, Slaver, Slavers, Thugs, Urchin (see New Monsters section)

After each turn roll a d20

d20 Complication
1 A companion bumps into you. Make a DC13 Dexterity save or you’re knocked off the roof.
2 Smoke from a chimney obscures your view. Miss your next turn.
3 Your footwear comes loose. Make a DC12 Dexterity save or fall prone.
4 Wind blows debris in your face. Next turn you move through difficult terrain.
5 Rain or oil on the roof. Make a DC10 Dexterity save or slip and fall prone. 1d4 damage
6 A swarm of rats rush towards you. Next turn you move through difficult terrain.
7 A maze of crates and barrels on roof. Difficult terrain for 30 ft.
A swarm of ravens flies across your path. Make a DC10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or difficult
terrain for 30 ft.
9 A guard mistakes you for a wanted criminal. He shoots an arrow at you.
10 Your foot gets stuck in a hole in the roof. Make a DC11 Dexterity save or fall prone.
A beggar (commoner) blocks your way. Make a DC12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics)
check or difficult terrain for 30 ft.
12 You come across a rooftop brawl (two thugs are fighting). Difficult terrain for 30 ft.
13 Run into a clothing line. You’re knocked prone.
14–20 No complication

Location Type Name Rooms Quality Innkeeper/Barkeep Staff Meals Drink
Wyld Tavern The Purple None Poor Osduran 6 bark soup, Krull Mead
Rabbit human chicken stew
male, 35
3rd level fighter
Wyld Tavern The Fiendish None Modest Yandle 12 apple pie, Myrr Mead,
Friend human chicken stew, Queen’s Ale,
male, 38 roast pig, Raven Mead,
CN squash soup, Wyld Mead
wild boar
Wyld Tavern The Hammer None Comfortable Quarrel 12 cherry pie, Aern Wine,
halfling pike, turkey Queen’s Ale,
male, 87 soup, Roan Mead,
3rd level fighter venison, wild Wyld Mead
LG boar chop
Wyld Tavern Kate’s Tavern None Comfortable Kate 10 apple Aern Wine,
human crumble, Roan Mead,
female, 37 baked goat, Wyld Mead
LN mutton, pike
Wyld Tavern The Lazy Goddess None Wealthy Ewan 15 fruitcake, Moon Wine,
human mutton, Road Mead,
male, 29 potato soup, Wyld Wine
CN pike, venison
Wyld Tavern The Bayside None Aristocratic Marnie 20 apple Moon Wine,
Tavern human crumble, Queen’s Ale,
female, 56 mutton, pike, Raven Mead,
CG quail Wyld Mead
Wyld Tavern The Horseshoe None Modest Nathan 14 baked goat, Myrr Mead,
human fish soup, Road Mead,
male, 27 mutton, Wyld Mead
N pheasant

Inns and Taverns of Wyld continued

Location Type Name Rooms Quality Innkeeper/Barkeep Staff Meals Drink

Wyld Tavern The Last Wave None Poor Henrik 9 fish soup, Krull Mead,
human onion soup, Myrr Mead
male, 54 wild boar
Wyld Tavern Dukes and None Poor Tharb 12 cabbage Aern Wine,
Daisies mountain dwarf soup, chicken Krull Mead,
male, 137 stew, fish Myrr Mead,
LG soup, meat Rock Mead
Wyld Tavern The Fat Goblin None Modest Jakar 15 pike, potato Krull Mead,
tiefling soup, Roan Mead,
male, 26 pumpkin pie, Wyld Mead
N wild boar
Wyld Tavern Eels None Squalid Tessier 14 bark soup, Krull Mead,
human chicken soup, Myrr Mead,
male, 52 meat pie, Rock Mead,
5th level fighter tomato soup Wyld Mead
Wyld Tavern Jen’s None Poor Megg 12 bark soup, Aern Wine,
human onion soup, Krull Mead,
female, 24 wild boar Myrr Mead,
CG chop Rock Mead
Wyld Tavern The Jumping Fish None Poor Oliver 14 Baked goat, Myrr Mead,
Tavern human mushroom Wyld Mead
male, 26 soup, pike
Wyld Tavern The Clever Miller None Poor Sam 12 fish soup, Krull Mead,
human meat pie, Myrr Mead,
male, 23 mushroom Rock Mead
LN soup

Inns and Taverns of Wyld continued

*There’s a tavern inside the inn as well. So food and drink are available.

Location Type Name Rooms Quality Innkeeper/Barkeep Staff Meals Drink

Wyld Inn The Sleeping 2gp Wealthy Danni 16 None None
Dwarf Inn halfling
female, 28
Wyld Inn* The Blue Fairy 1sp Poor Ophella 6 chicken stew, Llynd
half-elf meat pie, Mead,
female, 59 onion soup Myrr
CG Mead
Wyld Inn The Edgewater 5sp Modest Robb 12 None None
Inn human
male, 48
Wyld Inn The Lonely 2gp Wealthy Xavier 14 None None
Unicorn human
male, 27
4th level sorcerer
Wyld Inn* The Sun and the 5sp Modest Grace 15 cherry pie, Roan
Moon human mutton, Mead,
female, 29 squash soup, Wyld
LG venison Mead
Wyld Inn* Olaf’s Inn 5sp Modest Olaf 12 chicken soup, Aern
human fish soup, Wine,
male, 46 mutton, pike Myrr
N Mead,
Ale, Wyld
Wyld Inn* The Dead Orc 1sp Poor Jasper 10 boar ribs, Krull
Inn human chicken stew, Mead,
male, 27 pike, potato Myrr
1st level fighter soup Mead,
CG Wyld

Damage Immunities/poison, psychic
Animated Object/The Condition Immunities/blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses/blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 6
Dinner Set of Death Languages -


The Dinner Sets of Death are constructs that appear to be
fine plates, goblets, and cutlery. They will animate and Antimagic Susceptibility. The mirror is incapacitated
attack any intruders in range after being laid out. while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by
dispel magic, the mirror must succeed on a Constitution
Medium construct, unaligned saving throw against the caster’s spell save DC or fall
AC15 Hit Points 5d6 Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) unconscious for 1 minute.
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (0) 1 (-5) 5 (-3) 1 (-5) False Appearance. The mirror is indistinguishable from
Saving Throws/Dexterity +4 a normal mirror.
Damage Immunities/poison, psychic
Condition Immunities/blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, Actions
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Horrifying Reflection. Each non-undead creature within
Senses/blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 7
Languages - 30 ft. of the mirror that can see his/her reflection must
succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be
CHALLENGE RATING 1/4 (50 XP) frightened for 1 minute. A frightened target can repeat
Antimagic Susceptibility. The dinner set is incapacitated the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If a
while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for
dispel magic, the dinner set must succeed on a it, the target is immune to the mirror’s Horrifying
Constitution saving throw against the caster’s spell save Reflection for the next 24 hours.
DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute.
False Appearance. While the dinner set remains
motionless and isn’t flying, it is indistinguishable from a Animated Object/Snare
normal dinner set.
Self-destruction. If the Dinner Set of Death hit on an Chair
attack roll you must roll a d20. If a 5 or less is rolled the Snare chairs are animated objects that can squeeze those
construct is destroyed in its attempt to attack. Anyone who sit on them. The chair’s arms will animate and wrap
within 5 ft. of the destruction takes 2 hit points damage. around the head and torso of the victim.
Actions Small construct, unaligned
Slash and Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach AC12 Hit Points 6d10 Speed 5 ft.
5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) slashing damage and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
(1d6) bludgeoning damage. 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Skills/Athletics +8, Deception +7, Intimidation +7, Persuasion +7
Senses/passive Perception 12
Languages/Common and one other

Animated Object/Myrr CHALLENGE RATING 6 (2300 XP)

Antimagic Susceptibility. The chair is incapacitated
Mirror while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by
dispel magic, the chair must succeed on a Constitution
These full-length mirrors appear to be ordinary, they are saving throw against the caster’s spell save DC or fall
far from that. This construct will cause many to be unconscious for 1 minute.
frightened of the reflection of their own reflection.
False Appearance. While the chair remains motionless
Medium construct, unaligned and isn’t flying, it is indistinguishable from a normal
AC12 Hit Points 5d6 +6 Speed 0 ft. chair.
1 (-5) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)

Actions Languages/Common and two others

Squeeze. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., CHALLENGE RATING 2 (450 XP)
one Medium or smaller creature. Hit: The creature is Keen Hearing and Sight. The bounty hunter has
grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
target is restrained, and at risk of suffocating, and the hearing or sight.
chair can’t squeeze another target. In addition, at the
start of each of the target’s turns, the target takes (2d6 + Actions
3) bludgeoning damage. Multiattack. The bounty hunter makes two melee attacks
or two ranged attacks.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Apprentice one target. Hit: (1d10 + 3) slashing damage, two-
Apprentices are young spellcasters training to be skilled
wizards. Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 3) piercing
Medium humanoid (any race), any damage.
AC12 (15 with mage armor) Hit Points 3d8
Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)

CHA Elite Guard
Skills/Arcana +3
Elite guards are well trained and tougher than the usual
Senses/passive Perception 10 guards.
Languages/Common and one other
Medium humanoid (any race), any
Spellcasting. The apprentice is a 3rd level spellcaster.
AC18 (chain mail and shield Hit Points 5d8 +4
Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 Speed 30 ft.
to hit with spell attacks). The apprentice has the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
following wizard spells prepared: 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Skills/Intimidation +3, Perception +3
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, prestidigitation, ray of Senses/passive Perception 13
frost Languages/Common
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, detect magic, mage
armor, magic missile, shield CHALLENGE RATING ¼ (50 XP)
2nd level (2 slots): hold person, misty step, scorching Actions
ray Longsword. Melee attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Actions target. Hit: (1d8 + 2 or 1d10 +2, versatile) slashing
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2 or 1d10 + 2, versatile) Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
bludgeoning damage. 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft.,
one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Entertainers are less skilled than bards and can be actors,
Bounty Hunter storytellers, dancers, singers, musicians or poets.
The bounty hunter will track down wanted criminals. Medium humanoid (any race), any
Evil bounty hunters will find them dead or alive.
Medium humanoid (any race), any AC11 (leather armor) Hit Points 1d8 + 2 Speed 30 ft.
alignment 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
AC15 (studded leather armor) Hit Points 9d8 Speed 30 ft. Skills/Perception +1, Performance +3, Persuasion +3
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses/passive Perception 12
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) Languages/Common and two others
Skills/Deception +2, Perception +2, Stealth +3
Senses/passive Perception 12 CHALLENGE RATING 1/8 (25 XP)

Actions Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
one target. Hit: (1d6) piercing damage.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack. +3 to hit,
range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8) piercing damage.
Tavern Brawler
The tavern brawler is a thug who is skilled at unarmed
Merchant Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic
Merchants sell and trade goods. They can be found in alignment
settlements or on the road. AC15 (no armor) Hit Points 10d8 + 5 Speed 30 ft.
Medium humanoid (any race), any 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
alignment Skills/Perception +1
Senses/passive Perception 11
AC13 (studded leather armor) Hit Points 1d8 + 4
Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Skills/Perception +1, Persuasion +3 Actions
Senses/passive Perception 11
Languages/Common and two others
Multiattack: The tavern brawler makes two unarmed
(melee) attacks.
Unarmed. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Actions one target. Hit: (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Bonus Action: Can use a bonus action to grapple. DC13
one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
Strength escape.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
Urchins are young people who live on the streets of large
Slaver settlements.
Slavers are engaged in capturing, using, and selling
slaves. They often have wealthy sponsors. Medium humanoid (any race), any
Medium humanoid (any race), evil AC13 (leather armor) Hit Points 1d8 Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
AC14 (leather armor) Hit Points 4d8 Speed 30 ft.
Skills/Performance +3, Persuasion +3, Stealth +4
Senses/passive Perception 11
14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Skills/Intimidation +1, Perception +1
Senses/passive Perception 11 CHALLENGE RATING 1/4 (50 XP)
Languages/Common and one other
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the urchin can use
CHALLENGE RATING 1/8 (25 XP) a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide
Pack Tactics. The slaver has advantage on an attack roll action.
against a creature if at least one of the slaver’s allies is Pack Tactics: The urchin has advantage on an attack
within 5 ft. of the creature and ally isn't incapacitated. roll against a creature if at least one of the urchin’s
Actions allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., incapacitated.
one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2 or 1d10 + 2, versatile) slashing Actions
damage. Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120
ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. Slavers
Slavers are a group of eight slavers.
Groups of Monsters Medium humanoids (any race), evil
Entertainers AC14 (leather armor)
Hit Points 4d8
Speed 30 ft.
Entertainers are a group of four entertainers. They are 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
less skilled versions of bards. Skills/Intimidation +1, Perception +1
Senses/passive Perception 11
Medium humanoids (any race), any Languages/Common and one other
alignment CHALLENGE RATING 2 (500 XP)
AC13 (leather armor) Hit Points 1d8 + 2 Speed 30 ft. Pack Tactics. The slaver has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the slaver’s allies is
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Skills Perception +1, Performance +3, Persuasion +3
within 5 ft. of the creature and ally isn't incapacitated.
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common and one other
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
CHALLENGE RATING 2 (500 XP) one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2 or 1d10 + 2, versatile) slashing
Actions damage.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
one target. Hit: (1d6) piercing damage. 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6) piercing damage.
Urchin Gang
An urchin gang has eight street urchins in it.
Merchants Medium humanoids (any race), any
Merchants are a group of three merchants with four
guards. alignment
AC13 (leather armor) Hit Points 1d8 Speed 30 ft.
Medium humanoids (any race), any STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
alignment Skills/Performance +3, Persuasion +3, Stealth +4
AC13 (studded leather armor) Hit Points 1d8 + 4 Senses/passive Perception 11
Speed 30 ft. Languages/Common
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) CHALLENGE RATING 4 (1 000 XP)
Skills/Perception +1, Persuasion +3 Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the urchin can use
Senses/passive Perception 11 a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide
Languages/Common and two others
Pack Tactics: The urchin has advantage on an attack
Actions roll against a creature if at least one of the urchin’s
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t
one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. incapacitated.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range Actions
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120
ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Other Monster Groups
Type of Group Number Challenge Rating Experience Points
Cultists 6 Cultists CR 2 300 XP
Guard Patrol 8 Guards CR 2 500 XP
Thugs 4 Thugs CR 3 800 XP

Wyld Catacombs I

Wyld Catacombs II

Evenglow Manor Main Floor

Evenglow Manor Upper Floor

The Days of the Week and the Sun Quarters

The Myrrian Week

A Myrrian week is seven days long.

Day Purpose
Goodday work
Riverday work
Hillday work
Woodsday work
Restday rest
Fieldday work
Skyday worship

The Sun Quarters and Their Festivals

A Myrrian year is 364 days long.
Each sun quarter has twelve weeks and then a week-long festival.

Sun Quarter / Festival Duration

Bloomtime (Spring) 84 days
Festival of Water 7 days
Suntime (Summer) 84 days
Festival of Fire 7 days
Moontime (Fall) 84 days
Festival of Earth 7 days
Dreamtime (Winter) 84 days
Festival of Wind 7 days

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy
Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell,
Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

System Reference Document, © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave ArnesonSkreyn’s Register: The Bonds of Magic. ©
2002, Sean K Reynolds

5e Options: Rogue Archetypes Shadow Warrior. ©2015, Rogue Genius Games. Designers: Owen K.C.
Stephens and Rich E. Howard.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn,
based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

Ponyfinder: 5th Edition © 2015, Silver Games, LLC; Authors: David Silver.

The Book of Experimental Might Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

Advanced Races: Centaurs. © 2014 Open Design; Author: Karen McDonald.

Advanced Races: Dragonkin © 2013 Open Design; Authors: Amanda Hamon Kunz.

Advanced Races: Gearforged. © 2013 Open Design; Authors: Thomas Benton.

Advanced Races: Kobolds © 2013 Open Design; Authors: Nicholas Milasich, Matt Blackie.

Advanced Races: Ravenfolk © 2014 Open Design; Authors: Wade Rockett.

Advanced Races: Shadow Fey. © 2014 Open Design; Authors: Carlos and Holly Ovalle.

Advanced Races: Trollkin. © 2015 Open Design; Authors: Steven T.Helt, Stephen Rowe, and Dan Dillon.

Midgard Heroes © 2015 Open Design; Author: Dan Dillon.



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