Take Your Adventures West of The Misty Mountains With This Guide To The World's Greatest Fantasy Setting
Take Your Adventures West of The Misty Mountains With This Guide To The World's Greatest Fantasy Setting
Take Your Adventures West of The Misty Mountains With This Guide To The World's Greatest Fantasy Setting
Based on The One Ring Roleplaying Game by Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi
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- contents -
Introduction 4 The Regions of Worthless Trinkets 93
How to use the Rivendell Region Guide 5 Eastern Eriador 34 Precious Objects 95
The Passing of Years 5 Elements of the Landscape 34
Eregion 34 Not All That
Imladris 6 The Trollshaws 38 Glitters... 97
The Hidden Valley 6 The Coldfells 41 Magical Treasure Indexes 97
The Last Homely House 7 The Ettenmoors 44 How to Compile a Magical
Rivendell Map 8 Mount Gram 46 Treasure Index 97
The House of Elrond map 10 Angmar 50 New Enchanted Qualities 98
Notable Characters 12 The South Downs and Weather Hills 55 Cursed Items 99
Elrond Halfelven 13 The North Downs 59 How to Design a Curse 100
Arwen Undómiel 15 The Barrow-downs 62 Examples of Curses 101
Glorfindel 16 Tharbad 65 Pre-generated Magical Treasure
Erestor 17 Index Sheets 103
Lindir 19 Evils of the North 69
Damron, the Elven-smith 19 Powerful Adversaries 69 The Eye of Mordor 110
The Elf-lords of Rivendell 20 New Especially Strong Abilities 69 The Hunt 110
The White Council 21 New Exceptional Troupe Abilities 70 The Hunt Intensifies 111
Things to Do While in Rivendell 22 New Creature Abilities 70 Resetting the Hunt Score 112
Staying at the Last Homely House 22 Concerning the Undead 72 The Veil 112
New Fellowship Phase Undertakings 23 Walking Dead 73 The Eye Awareness Check 113
Wights 73 Revelation Episodes 113
A History of Eriador 27 Wraiths 73 Examples of Revelation Episodes 114
The Realm of Arnor 27 Ghosts 73
The Third Age 28 Special Abilities of the Undead 73 High Elves of Rivendell 116
The Rise of Angmar 28 Monsters of Eriador 75 Cultural Virtues 118
Arthedain Stands Alone 29 Dangers of the Wild 75 Cultural Heirlooms 121
The End of Arnor 29 Emissaries of the Enemy 79
The Fall of Angmar 30 The Restless Dead 82 A Barren and Pathless
The Dúnedain go into Hiding 31 The Lord of the Nazgûl 87 Country 122
Rise of the Rangers 31 Journey Event Tables 123
The Orc Wars 32 Ancient and
The Long Winter 33 Forgotten Treasures 90 High Elf of Rivendell Pre-generated
Two Centuries of Oblivion 33 What is a Hoard? 90 Character Sheet 137
Recent Years 33 Magical Treasure Rolls 91 Blank Magical Treasure Index Sheets 139
How to Make Magical Treasure Rolls 92 Index 141
Rivendell Region Guide
- Introduction - and haunted. All about are scattered old ruins, and nature
has been taking over with the passing of centuries.
The Rivendell Region Guide takes Adventures in Middle- Next, the region’s inhabitants, if any, are described. Most
earth across the Misty Mountains and into Eriador where of Eastern Eriador has been abandoned long ago, and is
the Rangers of the North strive to protect the lands of their all-but-deserted of civilised folk in the Third Age of Middle-
lost kingdom, and the High Elves of Rivendell maintain a earth. Its denizens are generally wicked creatures that profit
bastion of their ancient culture. from the inhospitable nature of these Lone-lands to hide.
The first part, Imladris, describes the House of Elrond, Fourth and fifth come the Notable People and Notable
the hidden refuge of the hardiest adventurers of the Third Places of the region. As previously stated, anyone who
Age, and home to personalities like Glorfindel and Arwen lives in the wilds of eastern Eriador is generally a wicked
Evenstar. The valley of Rivendell offers an invaluable creature, or the occasional madman. But there are still
sanctuary to those few who can find it, and a number of those out there who have chosen to be there for a reason or
unique undertakings are described herein for a visitor to a cause, and who may help – or hinder! – the companions
attempt during the Fellowship phase. in the course of their adventures.
A History of Eriador and The Regions of Eastern The Notable Places entries detail locations worthy
Eriador explore the history and geography of the lands of mention, ancient ruins of historical significance
of eastern Eriador, from the Greenway in the west to the or landmarks that heroes are likely to visit in their
foothills of the Misty Mountains in the east; from Angmar wanderings. As always, everything in this book can be
in the far north to Tharbad and Eregion in the south. Each either used or ignored by the Loremaster: what exactly
region is broken down according to the following scheme: awaits the Company in Eriador must remain a mystery.
Several new Fellowship phase undertakings are included
First, the region in general is described, noting its borders in this chapter, accompanying certain special locations in
and its major features. Any scenery that might play a special Eriador.
role in combat is noted as well.
The fourth part, Evils of the North, contains a bestiary
Secondly, any important flora or fauna are noted. Eriador for Eriador with new dangers of the wild, emissaries of
was once home to ancient kingdoms, but now is desolate the enemy and especial attention paid to undead. In these
lands, the dead do not rest easily, especially with the Witch- of new gaming material that complements Adventures in
king walking in the North. Middle-earth. It is intended primarily for the Loremaster,
who can use this material to greatly enhance an ongoing
The fifth and sixth sections provide rules to introduce campaign.
Ancient and Forgotten Treasures in the form of Hoards
and the rules for magical gear are expanded in Not All The new rules presented herein are especially suited to a
That Glitters… with new properties, cursed items, and veteran gaming group, counting a number of experienced
rules for Magical Treasure Indexes. heroes in its Company. Players may be allowed to read a
few selected parts of this guide, but should generally refrain
The seventh section The Eye of Mordor presents optional from doing so.
rules that the Loremaster can use to reflect the troubling
influence of the Shadow upon the land. Adventurers The companion volume to Rivendell Region Guide is
should be wary lest their activities attract the attention of entitled Eriador Adventures. This supplement contains
the Enemy or simply draw an ill-luck upon themselves that six adventures set in eastern Eriador and based out of
will plague all their endeavours. Rivendell itself. Many of the Loremaster characters and
locations featured in this guide play key roles in these
Next, the High Elves of Rivendell are presented as a adventures. You don’t need Eriador Adventures to use the
new culture for use in Adventures in Middle-earth. While Rivendell Region Guide, but you do need this supplement to
possessing great power, the growing power of the Shadow play Eriador Adventures.
affects the Firstborn deeply.
The Passing of Years
Finally, as the Company journeys across A Barren The material presented in the Rivendell Region Guide
and Pathless Country they will chance across many assumes the year is some time after 2951, possibly as far
strange things. This chapter provides examples for all into the Tale of Years as the year 2977, the ideal date for
Journey Events and sample meetings with the denizens the conclusion of the Mirkwood Campaign.
of Eriador.
For Loremasters who wish to set their games in Eriador to
How to use the Rivendell Region Guide be contemporary with the starting date in the core rules
This supplement serves as a gazetteer to the places of people (2946), note that life has changed little in these lands in
of this part of Middle-earth and is an invaluable source the past few decades.
Rivendell Region Guide
Finding Rivendell
It was not so easy as it sounds to find the Last Homely When a journeying company approaches Rivendell, the
House. Guide must pass a check to find the path marked with
white stones. If the Guide of the company is an Elf,
Adventurers attempting to enter Rivendell without leave possesses the Elf-friend title or is at least a 4th level
or invitation from Elrond and who lack an appropriate hero, then he needs only to succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom
guide will find it very difficult to find the right path. (Survival) check. Otherwise, the Guide uncovers the
To an inexperienced eye, the landscape appears devoid of proper path only by passing a DC 30 Survival check
any useful landmarks, and even a veteran traveller will instead.
be confused by the nondescript quality of the territory.
The Guide may attempt the Survival check once a day.
While Rivendell is certainly a remote place, the reasons The first failure has no impact, but any additional
for such travelling difficulties are not immediately failures cause each member of the Company to gain a level
apparent. In truth, Imladris is a secret valley, hidden to of Exhaustion as the companions search amidst unexpected
the eye of the Enemy by the power of its Master, and the narrow valleys, gullies and dark ravines and dangerous
Elven Ring he wears. bogs that at first seem green and pleasant places.
All those who are in grave need of good counsel or The Last Homely House
protection come looking for the Last Homely House. But The House of Elrond itself is a large mansion with many
the path to Rivendell is not for everyone to find (see above). halls, pillared porches and comfortable rooms for guests.
Several outbuildings are connected to the main house
bycovered walkways and winding paths, and gardens and
Cairn of the Crag-king terraces open above the steep bank of the river. Bells ring
to summon the guests of Elrond to the Great Hall when
meals are served, or to signal the beginning of important
n gatherings.
Rivendell Region Guide
The doors open on a corridor that leads to the Entrance of the high table is reserved for someone else: against
Hall and to the two great halls of the House of Elrond to the tapestry hanging upon the east wall is a chair placed
the left and right (to the right is the Great Hall, while to the under a canopy, and there used to sit Celebrían, daughter
left is the Hall of Fire). There are no guards set to watch the of Galadriel and wife of Elrond, before she departed over
front doors – no enemy may enter Rivendell without the the Sea. Today, the chair is reserved for Arwen, their
Master of the house being aware of it. daughter, when she resides in Rivendell with her father.
Entrance Hall The woven cloth set upon the wall above the high table
The wide opening facing the threshold of the House of shows an Elven ship sailing into the High Sea, heading
Elrond reveals the magnificence of its Entrance Hall: a West. The craft of its makers is such that whoever looks at
long, high passage leading across the building to the the tapestry experiences something different, depending
East Porch and the gardens beyond. It is paved with large on the wisdom of the viewer: some feel a sea-breeze gently
flagstones quarried from the Misty Mountains and is blowing, some smell a sweet fragrance on the air, or hear
illuminated by lanterns hanging from the carved beams the sound of singing as if it came over the water; others
crossing the vaulted ceiling. The central lantern, by far swear they can see distant white shores appear over the
the largest, was made by the Dwarves of Moria, and its horizon, beyond the rolling waves…
reddish light makes the passage look like it’s dug deep
underground. The Hall of Fire
The Hall of Fire is as wide as the great hall of Elrond, but
Passages open to the left and right, and two flights of it is mostly empty, without a screens passage, nor tables
stairs lead to the upper floors. Along the walls of the hall or dais. On most days, the only source of light is a bright
hang the arms of the household of Elrond, together with fire burning in a great hearth between two rows of carven
many banners, flags and pennants, relics from a time pillars. The fire is fed all year round, and guests of Elrond
when Elrond was the herald of Gil-galad and marched come here to find comfort and peace, as merely being in
with his host. the Hall of Fire seems like a cure for the spirit.
The Great Hall On high days the hall comes to life with the sound of many
The main hall of Elrond’s house is found to the right side fair voices. Elvish minstrels play the songs they spent
of the building, and it is a high room more than three decades perfecting, and poems and tales of distant ages
times as long as it is wide. The hall is entered through a of the world are recounted for evenings on end.
screens passage, leading from the entrance corridor. The
high table stands upon a dais, at the opposite end of the Other folks fall easily under the spell of the Hall of Fire,
hall, and two long tables are placed perpendicular to it, and may find themselves spending many evenings sitting
to the sides of the great hearth that opens in the middle and thinking, or looking for (and finding!) the right words
of the hall. Above the screens passage is a balcony, where for a new poem or a song. And if they are skilful enough,
Elvish minstrels play their sweet music. or just lucky, the Elves might even recite their poems or
sing their songs.
Tall stained glass windows line the side of the hall facing
south, with the largest and most decorated one opening The Eastern Porch
above the high table. A vestibule leads to the terraces The eastern porch opens on the high garden overlooking
outside, while the doors to the left open on the kitchen the banks of the mountain stream. Several paths start
and pantry. from here and follow the course of the loud-flowing
Bruinen towards the mountains, or wind up to the left, in
When meals are served or guests are received, Elrond the direction of the pine-woods to the north of the house.
sits on a great chair at the right end of the high table. He The bubbling of the falling water mingles ever with the
usually invites his most distinguished guests to sit to his sound of music being played somewhere in the house of
right and left sides. But the place of honour in the middle Elrond.
Rivendell Region Guide
Rivendell Region Guide
In the warmer months of the year, but even as late as One day will come when someone will endeavour to
October, the Master of Rivendell gathers his friends and translate those stories, and to make available the lore
guests here in the eastern porch, to enjoy the fresh air and of Rivendell outside of its boundaries; it will be a work
the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves. Important of great skill and learning, one that will take years to
councils and debates are always held here, as Elrond complete and fill many volumes…
finds the open air to be most congenial to the discussion
of weighty concerns. Vault
A vast complex of underground chambers extend beneath
Upper Floors the House of Elrond. There are many cellars for the storing
Stairs lead from the ground floor to the upper floors. Here and ageing of liquors and wine, and vast pantries for the
are found the private quarters of the Lord of Rivendell, keeping of food.
those of his family members and of the most prominent
members of his household. Several private rooms of Deeper underground lie crypts where many precious and
differing size are reserved for guests. Most rooms have worthy things saved from the ruin of Eregion are kept
one or more windows and flat ceilings crossed by dark hidden. These treasures are secreted behind doors sealed
wooden beams, carved with ornamental motifs. with locks devised by the most cunning smiths of the
Eldar. Only Lindir, the butler of Elrond, knows the secret
On the uppermost floor is housed a small dovecote, with of their opening, and keeps a record of what lies there and
domesticated pigeons, doves and other small birds. They where all the underground passages lead.
are sometimes used as carriers of messages by Elrond,
and are personally trained and attended by him. Outbuildings
The valley of Imladris has given refuge to the survivors of
The Upper Solar an entire folk and have seen the mustering of the greatest
Guests of Elrond also have access to a quiet solar, a large host of Elves and Men since the breaking of Thangorodrim.
room facing south; here, they can comfortably sit to read Many fields, vineyards and orchards dot the landscape,
and write at their leisure, or play a game using the marble and several buildings stand close to the House of Elrond.
chessboard with wooden pieces placed in front of one of More lie hidden in the nearby dales, the remnants of the
the largest windows. The chess set was crafted in Númenor, many dwellings and settlements that once attended to the
and was brought to Rivendell by Elendil as a gift to Master needs of a much greater number of inhabitants.
Elrond. It is said that Gil-galad and the High King of the
Dúnedain played many games on this chessboard, as they Among the outbuildings is the distillery used by Erestor,
prepared for the War of the Last Alliance. Damron’s smithy, an infirmary with adjoining baths,
a cloister, a garner, several mills and stables, and an
Maps & Books of Lore armoury and training ground.
Even if much of the knowledge and traditions of the Elves
is preserved in songs and tales by their minstrels and lore-
masters, the Lord of Rivendell keeps many “storied and Notable Characters
figured maps and books of lore” in his house. Precious
manuscripts can be found in his private quarters, in some The Last Homely House is home to a great number of
rooms for guests, in the solar, and in a secret room whose important personalities. The household of the Master of
door can be opened only using a key that Elrond always Imladris counts many Elf-lords of great renown, and since
keeps with himself. The collection of Elrond is a veritable the time of Aranarth, son of Arvedui and first Chieftain
wealth of knowledge, unparalleled in these corners of the of the Dúnedain, the Heirs of Elendil have been raised in
world. But this body of wisdom mainly concerns the deeds Rivendell, to better defend and preserve the lineage of the
of the Elves in the Elder Days, and as such it is written in kings of the Northern Realm. In the Hall of Fire, many
scripts and tongues that are dark even to the most learned adventurers and wanderers can be found resting from
of scholars not belonging to the Firstborn. their toil, as guests of Elrond.
Elrond Halfelven
"…my memory reaches back even to the Elder Days.
Eärendil was my sire, who was born in Gondolin before its
fall; and my mother was Elwing, daughter of Dior, son of
Lúthien of Doriath. I have seen three ages in the West of
the world, and many defeats, and many fruitless victories.".
Rivendell Region Guide
Elrond, Master of Rivendell The Ring of Air. Elrond can use his bonus action to
Medium Elf interact with something in the environment at range (for
example an old tree might suddenly tumble down, or a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA stream temporarily swell to a torrent when an enemy
17 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) crosses it) to create combat scenery. Or he may cloak an
Armour Class 17 (Elven-hauberk, see below) ally with the ring’s magic. That ally gains a +4 bonus to
Hit Points 110 (20d8+20) their AC until the end of Elrond’s next turn.
Speed 30 ft Actions
Saving Throws Intelligence +9, Wisdom +8 Multiattack. Elrond can make two attacks with his
Skills History +9, Insight +8, Lore +13, Medicine +12, Spear of the Last Alliance.
Traditions +9 Spear of the Last Alliance. Melee Weapon Attack: +7
Senses passive Perception 14 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 9 (1d12+3) piercing
Languages Quenya, Sindarin, Westron damage. On a hit, the Elf-Lord can use his bonus action to
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) make another attack at another target within reach.
Elven-hauberk. If Elrond ever went to war, he would Hands of the Healer. In combat, Elrond can use his
wear the armour that he bore as Gil-galad’s herald, action to restore 8 (1d8+4) hit points to a creature within
a hauberk crafted by Damron the smith himself. It is 5 feet of him. Outside of combat he can spend 10 minutes
so cunningly made that Elrond adds his full Dexterity with a creature to remove a condition. He may also spend
modifier to his Armour Class. 10 minutes with a creature to restore all of its hit points. If
Leader of Imladris (Lair Action). If Elrond is near he does so, he cannot use this ability again until he takes
Rivendell, he may use a Lair Action to summon an a short or long rest.
Elf-Lord (Loremaster’s Guide, page 77) to aid him. The Elf- Reaction
Lord arrives at the end of Elrond’s next turn.
Foresight. Elrond is gifted with the ability to perceive
Legendary. Elrond may take two legendary actions each
much that is hidden from others. He may use his reaction
turn. Each legendary action allows him to either use his
to add 4 to his AC against one melee attack that would hit
Foresight ability without using his reaction, attack with
him. He does not need to see the attacker.
his Spear of the Last Alliance or use his Hands of the
Healer ability.
When Celebrían said her last farewell to Imladris, Elrond Elrond doesn’t leave the valley of Rivendell often, as he
saw in her eyes the fate of the Elder Kindred still dwelling has many duties to attend. However, he is likely to be well
in Middle-earth – to fade, or depart. From that day, Elrond informed about his visitors and perhaps knows more of
has redoubled his efforts in guiding others, providing their errand than even they do…
advice and refuge to those who are lost, and attempting
always to heal the hurts of the world at the best of his Motivation: I am one of the guardians of Middle-earth
powers. and I lay upon myself the solemn oath of aiding all who
would protect it from the Shadow.
Meeting the Master of the Last Homely House
The Lore-master of Imladris appears as neither old nor Expectations: +1 if the Company brings news to Imladris
young. In his countenance is combined the wisdom of – Elrond knows much but is always happy to learn more;
a king and the vigour of a strong warrior. He wears a +2 if the heroes have a member or ally of the White Council
circlet of silver upon his dark hair, and in his eyes are the as a Patron; -1 if they ask Elrond to make decisions on
memories of years uncounted. their behalf – he is a counsellor and lore-master but not a
leader of Men.
When at home, Elrond can often be encountered in the
eastern porch, discussing important matters with a guest, Elrond as a Patron
or playing an ancient tune on his silver harp in the Hall Since the founding of Imladris, Elrond has been preparing
of Fire. for the coming war. He was there when Isildur failed
to destroy Sauron once and for all, and he has been Arwen Undómiel
expecting the return of the Shadow ever since. He is one of Young she was and yet not so. The braids of her dark hair
Sauron’s chief foes, and he has the gift of foresight. If the were touched by no frost; her white arms and clear face were
companions go to Elrond for advice, he will help them in flawless and smooth, and the light of stars was in her bright
a measure that is proportioned to their willingness to fight eyes, grey as a cloudless night; yet queenly she looked, and
the Enemy. thought and knowledge were in her glance, as of one who has
known many things that the years bring.
Whoever has been granted access to Rivendell may meet
Elrond, but he has no time for idle talk – someone who Arwen is the daughter of Elrond, a kinship that her looks
entered the valley for nothing more than expedience will betray so evidently that whoever sets his eyes on her
find that Elrond doesn’t entertain guests indefinitely. can guess it. Her mother was Celebrían, the daughter of
Galadriel and Celeborn of Lórien.
Conversely, if he deems an appeal to be of appropriate
consequence, he will take action, either granting refuge
or direct help. Elrond is a master of healing and one of
the Wise of Middle-earth, and in his household are Elven-
lords of great power.
Rivendell Region Guide
Seeing Arwen
Arwen turned towards him, and the light of her eyes
fell on him from afar and pierced his heart.
Rivendell Region Guide
Some among the Elves of Rivendell say that all versions of A companion that is given the tonic while by treated by
the cordial of Imladris share a fundamental constituent: another character during a long rest not only recovers
a small measure of a nectar distilled of old from flowers all of their hit points but can either recover all of their
that once blossomed in the Undying West. This is said to Hit Dice (instead of half) or remove a condition. If the
be a bright yellow liquid contained in a crystal vial, kept hero is being tended to by Elrond, he may grant both
safe in Erestor’s most private reserve. It would be a great benefits in a single long rest.
misfortune if the invaluable substance would run out and
found to be irreplaceable, or be lost or stolen.
For centuries Damron could not forget the ruin of all the
wonderful things that the Elves and the Dwarves created
in Eregion and in Khazad-dûm, nor could he forgive. At
the time of the Last Alliance, his thirst for vengeance drove
him to spoil this part of the valley of Imladris of all trees;
under his command, the Elven weaponsmiths burned
them all to fuel their forges, as they laboured to arm the
host of Gil-galad and Elendil.
Guests who think that Lindir is just the butler of the house
should think again, though – the soft-spoken Elf is among
Elrond’s most trusted friends and his personal squire in
times of war. He used to leave Imladris on errands and
missions, but has refrained from doing so since the Lady
Celebrían was seized by Orcs in the Redhorn Pass and he
failed to rescue her before she was harmed by her captors.
Rivendell Region Guide
No one knows what Aragorn told Damron upon receiving Their father often sends Elladan and Elrohir together
the precious heirloom, but the young man seemed out upon errantry, on great scouting journeys or as
transfixed as he uttered a few words to the Elven-smith. messengers to distant lands, as they are hardy travellers,
Since that day, Damron has devoted himself to the art and have a deep knowledge of the lands on both sides of the
of mending and restoring ancient devices and weapons, Misty Mountains. The young boy Estel was often sent with
abandoning all other pursuits. them far afield, even before he turned twenty, to temper his
character and teach him the ways of the wild.
The Elf-lords of Rivendell
"And Elves, sir! Elves here, and Elves there! Some like kings,
terrible and splendid; and some as merry as children." Elrohir
Medium Elf
Many High Elves live in the House of Elrond. Among them STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
are powerful Lords who have fought in many wars in the 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2)
West of the World, and who are now weary of battle and Armour Class 17 (Leather Corslet, Shield)
seek only what peace Middle-earth has to offer them; Hit Points 85 (10d8+40)
others are lore-masters and craftsmen, who study ancient Speed 30 ft
texts or labour tirelessly at the forge; others more are Saving Throws Dexterity +6, Wisdom +5
minstrels, who compose songs and tales about faraway Skills Animal Handling +5, Perception +5, Survival +5,
lands and the deeds of the heroes of old. Riddle +6
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Quenya, Sindarin, Westron
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Hatred (Orc-kind) (Recharge 3-6). Elrohir remembers
the terrible fate that Orc-kind inflicted upon his mother.
He will use his bonus action to gain Advantage on attacks
against them this round.
Hawk’s Eye (Recharge 3-6). Elrohir can use his bonus
action to negate Disadvantage due to being at long range
for this turn.
Many Long Leagues. If Elrohir is with the Company on a
journey then a companion can spend Inspiration to allow
a long rest. This ability can only be used once per journey.
Multiattack: Elrohir can make two attacks with either his
Long Sword or his Great Bow.
Long Sword: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) slashing damage or 10 (1d10+5)
slashing damage if used with two hands.
Great Bow: Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
150/600 ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage.
Uncanny Dodge. If Elrohir can see an attacker that has
The sons of Elrond, Elladan and Elrohir, are counted
struck him, he may use his reaction to halve that attack’s
among the Elf-lords of Rivendell. Twin warriors in the full damage.
of their strength, they are dark-haired and grey-eyed like
their father, and said to be so much alike that only those
who know them well can tell them apart. Ever eager to
fight the shadow, their enthusiasm has turned to vengeful
fervor since when Celebrían their mother was made
prisoner by the Orcs.
The White Council met for the first time in Rivendell in the
year 2463. There, the Wise discussed the growing threat of
Elladan Dol Guldur. Círdan the Shipwright was also in attendance,
Medium Elf as well as the Master of Imladris, Elrond Halfelven.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Though Gandalf the Grey was voted to be the head of the
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 13 (+1)
council, he declined the obligation and the charge was
Armour Class 17 (Leather Corslet) given instead to Saruman the White. The council long
Hit Points 85 (10d8+40)
discussed the malice of Sauron, a shadow still lingering in
Speed 30 ft
Middle-earth, his defeat notwithstanding, and what could
Saving Throws Dexterity +8, Wisdom +6
be the cause of the darkness rising in Mirkwood. In the
Skills Athletics +6, History +5, Perception +9,
Traditions +5 end, it was deemed necessary that each member of the
Senses passive Perception 19 council should go back into the world with a vigilant eye
Languages Quenya, Sindarin, Westron and a silent tongue; the Wise feared that if they gathered
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) too openly or too often, then the Enemy would take notice
Hatred (Orc-kind) (Recharge 3-6). Elladan will never and waylay their efforts.
forget his mother’s suffering at the hands of Orc-kind. He
will use his bonus action to gain Advantage on attacks
Though a long time would pass until the next formal
against them this round.
Hunter. Elladan gains +3 to all of his Perception checks
meeting of the White Council, they maintained contact
(included above). with one another, as each individually set about hindering
Well-travelled. If Elladan is with the Company and they the efforts of the growing shadow. In 2850 Gandalf the
are travelling in Eastern Eriador or the Western Vales then Grey took it upon himself to discover the truth behind
the Guide rolls 1d8+4 for the Embarkation Roll. Dol Guldur and its mysterious Necromancer. He found
Actions his darkest fears to be true; the Necromancer was none
Multiattack: Elladan can make two attacks with either other than the Dark Lord himself, Sauron. His spirit had
his Broadsword or his Great Bow. endured and his power was growing.
Broadsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+3) slashing damage.
Great Bow: Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
Desperately concerned, the next year Gandalf bid that
150/600 ft, one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) piercing damage. those still dedicated to the cause of the Free Peoples must
Reaction assemble once more. Saruman counselled against this,
Parry. Elladan adds 3 to his AC against one melee attack fearing the watch of Sauron and his growing power. He
that would hit him. To do so, he must see the attacker and believed secrecy was the council’s greatest strength, to be
be wielding a melee weapon. surrendered only at the utmost of needs. But Saruman’s
concerns went unheeded, much to his displeasure, and the
White Council met again in Imladris that spring. Gandalf
asked the assembly to strike at Dol Guldur, stronghold of
The White Council the Necromancer, now known to be Sauron.
"It was I who first summoned the White Council. And if my
designs had not gone amiss, it would have been governed by He told of the blight that had taken hold in Mirkwood
Gandalf the Grey…" and feared that if they did not act soon, then Sauron’s
power would grow too great for even the council itself
It was in the waning years of the Third Age that Galadriel to intervene. Though others considered the wisdom of
of Lórien called for a gathering of the Wise and powerful, his words, it was Saruman, acting as head of the White
a congregation later known as the White Council. Its Council, who judged such a thing unwise. Crying for
members included the Lady of the Galadhrim herself, her patience and wisdom, Saruman convinced those gathered
husband Celeborn, and the mysterious Wizards Gandalf to maintain their secrecy: the White Wizard confided
and Saruman – though it is said that others counted to his allies that he had been studying tomes and texts
among the Wise had been part of it since the beginning. concerning the Enemy.
Rivendell Region Guide
With the Ruling Ring lost to knowledge, Saruman said, is also true: proud chieftains and rulers who resent the
there was little fear that Sauron could truly threaten meddling of Wizards and ‘Elven sorcerers’ might leave
Middle-earth again, and he believed that Gandalf’s heroes on a mission waiting at their doors…
“fearmongering” had clouded his judgement – along with
his acquired passion for Galenas, the sweet leaf of the ‘Agents’ of the White Council
Halflings. While it is unlikely that the companions would be made
aware that they are acting directly on behalf of a council
In 2941, Gandalf once again urged the White Council to member, particularly trusted individuals might be aware
strike at Dol Guldur. In the intervening years, more and of whom they serve. In most cases, their goals would seem
more Men had returned to Wilderland and he saw a true and noble, but it might not always be so. If the player-
chance that the North could prosper if the Necromancer heroes were acting in the service of Saruman, for example,
was dealt with. This time, to Gandalf’s surprise, Saruman they might be unwitting pawns in his attempts to discover
agreed. Before autumn of that year the White Council the location of the One Ring or even hide the truth of its
and a few select allies stormed Dol Guldur and the Dark evidence from other council members.
Lord was forced to flee before them; he abandoned his
stronghold, but remained undefeated. Indeed, Saruman once called himself “Ring-maker,” and
characters who are active late in the Third Age might be
Ten years later the Dark Lord Sauron declared himself sent on errands retrieving the necessary materials and
openly. He had returned to the tower of Barad-dûr and ancient lore so that he can craft a ring of his own to rival
had begun rebuilding a great and terrible army. In the One Ring.
response to this, the White Council met one last time in
the year 2953. Saruman tried to convince the other Wise
that even though the Dark Lord had revealed himself after
centuries, he had no true power. Without the Ruling Ring, things to do while in
Sauron could do no lasting harm to Middle-earth, and
Saruman claimed that he had learned that the One Ring - Rivendell -
had been lost to the sea, when it slipped from Isildur’s
finger and was washed down the Anduin River. Gandalf Merely to be there was a cure for weariness,
the Grey was not so certain… fear, and sadness.
The White Council as a Patron Bilbo once described Rivendell as ‘a perfect house, whether
Any member of the White Council might serve as a patron you like food or sleep or story-telling or singing, or just
to a company of adventurers, as the Wise will easily find sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them
a worthy (and dangerous!) endeavour for heroes eager all’. So it will be with your Company, for once welcomed
to fight the darkness. In addition to Elrond, Galadriel, into the House of Elrond, they too will find it a Sanctuary
Gandalf and Saruman, there are a number of other proof against all the troubles of the world.
personalities who may be considered to have attended one
or more of their meetings. As one of the Wizards, Radagast
the Brown is a likely candidate, as well as powerful Elf- Staying at
lords such as Círdan the Shipwright, Celeborn of Lórien the Last Homely House
or even Thranduil, the Elvenking.
"You are in Rivendell, and you need not worry about
The first consequence of being on a mission sponsored by anything for the present."
a council member is that the Company gains special credit
to the eyes of all its other members, and to those of all Adventurers come to Rivendell to rest and find counsel,
the Free Peoples leaders who recognise and appreciate the and leave their fear and anxiety behind. Who chooses to
efforts of the White Council. Unfortunately, the opposite stay here learns what it means to treasure every season
and every passing day, and would gladly stop here for New Fellowship Phase
ever and ever. Such is the enchantment of the valley of
The hall of Elrond’s house was filled with folk: Elves for
Effects on Shadow the most part, though there were a few guests of other sorts.
For as long as they remain in Rivendell, all companions are
considered to have a score of 0 Shadow points (including Here follow several new additional Fellowship phase
permanent Shadow). When they leave the house of Elrond, undertakings. A number of them can be chosen exclusively
they soon start to again feel the burden of their sorrows, by companions who gained access to Imladris and are
and their Shadow score reverts to normal in a few days. spending a Fellowship phase there; others can be used
elsewhere too. More Fellowship phase undertakings
Additionally, players should note that companions linked to locations outside of the valley of Imladris are
spending a Fellowship phase in Rivendell may choose the described in the Beyond Rivendell chapter.
Heal Corruption undertaking and make two checks instead
of one. Both checks remove Shadow points according to the Go See a Lore-master
rules on page 201 of the Player’s Guide. For High Elves this "These are not of troll-make. They are old swords, very old
counts as only one undertaking and thus they gain only 1 swords of the High Elves of the West, my kin. They were
permanent Shadow point. made in Gondolin for the Goblin-wars."
Rivendell Region Guide
check, regardless of the composition of the company (see 7-12: Useful Information. The Loremaster must provide
Finding Rivendell, on page 7). at least one useful element of information about your
Receive Title (Friend of Elrond)
A hero who has caught the eye of Master Elrond because 13-15: Precious Information. The Loremaster must
of his actions, or even potential capabilities, may — with provide two useful elements of information about the
the Loremaster’s permission — choose this undertaking researched subject.
and secure his connection with the Last Homely House.
16-17: A Mystery Revealed. You have uncovered
The companion receives all the normal benefits something substantial — the Loremaster must provide two
connected to the Receive Title undertaking described on useful elements of information. Furthermore, once in the
page 201 of the Player’s Guide, here briefly summarised: next Adventuring phase you can recall your time spent
The companion is regarded as two steps higher than the amidst the lore of Elrond to gain Inspiration.
Cultural Attitude Chart would indicate. A Friend of Elrond
is granted permanently a room on the upper floor of the 18-19: Great Secrets. You have discovered everything
Last Homely House, and a special place at his table. Any that was possible to find about your subject in the place
monetary benefits they collect due to their Title usually that you have been making your research. During the next
come in the form of fine gifts from the Elves rather than Adventuring phase, the first time you are called to make an
ready coin. Intelligence check, you can spend Inspiration to use your
knowledge gained here to succeed, as if you had rolled
Researching Lore in the House of Elrond exactly what was needed. If no result on the die would
…they pondered the storied and figured maps and books of generate a success, you cannot use this benefit.
lore that were in the house of Elrond.
20: Favourable Information. You may either select A
If a companion is spending the Fellowship phase in Mystery Revealed, or roll again with Advantage.
Rivendell, he may profit from the wealth of lore it guards.
When a hero chooses this undertaking, he first specifies There and Back Again
the subject he is researching (a place, an individual, a One autumn evening some years afterwards Bilbo was
historical event); then, he makes a DC 15 Intelligence sitting in his study writing his memoirs – he thought of
(History, Lore, Nature or Riddle) check. If this check is calling them "There and Back Again, a Hobbit’s Holiday".
failed, the companion rolls on the following listing with
Disadvantage. If Elrond is a patron of the Company, the If a hero returns home for a Fellowship phase and spends
hero receives Advantage for the roll. an entire season or more without going on adventures, he
may choose this undertaking to dedicate himself fully to
1: Wasted Time. There is no evil in the Last Homely his family and folk.
House, but a curious mind runs a different risk: you have
fallen prey of the enchantment of Rivendell, and have Spending time in front of a cozy hearth, while enjoying an
spent many days and evenings listening to the Elves telling everyday life confirms a hero that his efforts are not spent
their tales of the distant past, listening to their fair music, in vain: in the next Adventuring phase the companion can
and sometimes sleeping in a corner in the Hall of Fire! grant himself Inspiration a number of times equal to half
Unfortunately, you completely forgot about the topic you his Proficiency Bonus, rounded up.
were researching…
But staying close to one’s family and friends bitterly
2-6: Nothing Useful. You have spent days and nights reminds an adventurer of what he is going to lose should
pouring over dusty books and crumbling parchments. If he fall in his struggle against the Shadow: the companion
this is the first time you’ve received this result, you may gains 1 permanent Shadow point.
roll again, this time with Disadvantage.
Rivendell Region Guide
Singing Songs
"It is a fair tale, though it is sad, as are all the tales
of Middle-earth, and yet it may lift up your hearts."
He was silent for some time, and then he began not to
speak but to chant softly…
A History of Eriador
- eriador - that their new realm alone would not hold against Mordor’s
power forever. So, Isildur travelled north to his father in
Arnor while Anárion led the war effort in the South.
The Realm of Arnor Elendil took counsel with Gil-galad and together they
In the late years of Númenor its kings became haughty formed the Last Alliance of Elves and Men in the year 3430.
and proud. In their arrogance they took the Dark Lord After three years of preparing their forces, the combined
prisoner, to prove they were truly the greatest power in the host of Arnor and Lindon crossed the Hithaeglir (Misty
world. This was to be their undoing, as the Enemy deceived Mountains) over many passes. They marched down the
them into attacking the Powers in the West. In a great Anduin Vales, where they were joined by numerous allies,
cataclysm Númenor was destroyed, but those who had and finally met the Enemy over the plain of Dagorlad.
remained faithful escaped the destruction in nine ships. The battle was long and terrible, but in the end the Free
Elendil the Tall was their lord and with four ships he landed Peoples were victorious, and they advanced into the Black
in northwestern Middle-earth, where he was greeted and Land to lay siege to the Dark Tower itself.
welcomed by Gil-galad, the High King of the Noldor.
Rivendell Region Guide
In the aftermath of the battle, Isildur became the High But the division of Arnor was not without consequences.
King of the Númenóreans in Exile and marched out to take In Cardolan and Rhudaur the lords who supported the
his residence in the North. But on his way to Rivendell, younger sons of Eärendur requested and obtained many
his company was attacked near the forest of Mirkwood privileges in return for their help, and this weakened the
and everyone was killed, including the King and his three authority of the kings of those lands since the beginning.
elder sons. Thus began the line of the Kings of Arnor with The king of Rhudaur had to concede much to the local
Valandil, the fourth son of Isildur. aristocracy, and that led to the independence of the
indigenous Hill-men in the northernmost reaches of his
The Third Age domain.
It is said that the birth of the realm of Arnor was tainted
by the death of Isildur. In the North, the Tale of Years does The Rise of Angmar
not record any great deeds, unlike that of Gondor in the The first few centuries following the founding of the
South. The losses that the Dúnedain of Arnor suffered successor kingdoms saw a peaceful co-existence between
during the war contributed to this stagnation, but this lack the three realms, but from the year 1000 of the Third Age
of relevance is owed more to the position of the Northern a number of petty wars were fought for the control of the
Kingdom: in the west it bordered on the land of the Eldar, fortress of Amon Sûl and its great Seeing Stone.
to the north lay a deserted waste, to the east the Misty
Mountains formed a formidable barrier, and to the south In the year 1230 the King of Cardolan was killed and his
lay the Sea. Or perhaps its people simply grew complacent. army destroyed while besieging the usurper of the throne
Whatever the reasons, at the start of the Third Age, Arnor of Rhudaur. Years of anarchy in Cardolan followed, until
languished. a new prince came to the throne, proving himself capable
of restoring the peace, and the realm was allowed to
In the year 861 King Eärendur died and his three sons prosper again for some time.
could not agree on his successor. For long it had been the
custom and law of the Dúnedain that the eldest son of the In the year 1300, the Lord of the Ringwraiths came to
king would succeed him on the throne, and this would Eriador in disguise and established the realm of Angmar
have made the eldest son, Amlaith, the undisputed ruler. in the north-eastern marches of Arnor. At first it was little
The other sons contested this with the support of many heeded since the kingdom lay in such a remote location
nobles from the south and east of Arnor. Many of these and its master had successfully hidden his true nature by
lords were the descendants of the first settlers that arrived acting through his servants.
in Eriador from Númenor, and were characterised by a
strong and independent spirit. They backed the younger By the actions of the Witch-king of Angmar, the line of Isildur
sons of Eärendur in arms, and for many months tensions perished in Cardolan, as it already had in Rhudaur. Then
rose. War seemed inevitable. Argeleb son of Malvegil, the King of Arthedain, claimed
the lordship of all Arnor. The claim was supported by
Despite his failure to secure the undisputed kingship, Cardolan but opposed in Rhudaur, where the Dúnedain
Amlaith was aware of the disastrous consequences that had always numbered few, and where the native Hill-men
a war would bring to the northern Dúnedain. Thus he now ruled the land in secret alliance with Angmar.
offered to divide the realm into three kingdoms, one for
each brother: Arthedain in the north-west, Cardolan in King Argeleb planned to defeat the Hill-men and restore
the south, and Rhudaur in the north-east. The offer was Rhudaur to its place as part of Arnor, but the Dúnedain
accepted. Though the line of Isildur failed to preserve underestimated the strength of Angmar. In the First
Arnor as a unified entity, bloodshed and kin-strife was Northern War (1355-1356), Arthedain and Cardolan were
avoided and the successor kingdoms knew peace for a defeated and King Argeleb slain. It was at this time that the
time. As a symbolic gesture, Amlaith removed his seat to weather in eastern Eriador began to grow harsher. With
Fornost, for Annúminas had long been associated with hindsight, the worsening conditions could be attributed to
Elendil’s seat as the High King of Arnor. the rising power of Angmar.
A History of Eriador
The decades following the First Northern War saw Arthedain prevailed, and the Third Northern War ended
Arthedain and Cardolan defend their borders fiercely in 1851 in a great victory for King Araval. Attempts were
against incursions from Rhudaur. But in the year 1409, made to re-occupy the north-western regions of former
Angmar unleashed a long-planned attack, and the Cardolan, but the presence of fell spirits terrified any who
Second Northern War began. By this time, Rhudaur was tried.
firmly under the control of the Witch-king, and the Hill-
men obeyed utterly the will of their dark master. The But this was but a brief respite: for the rest of the reign of
war ended with a catastrophic defeat for the Dúnedain. Araval a number of unusual blights affected the land of
The high towers of Amon Dûn and Amon Sûl were sacked Eriador and many illnesses plagued its people. It was at
and King Arveleg slain. Deep raids by roving enemy this time that the Lord of Angmar became openly known
forces reaped many lives in Arthedain and especially in as the Witch-king and it was first suspected that he might
Cardolan. The population of Annúminas was decimated be a direct servant of Sauron – perhaps even one of the
and the city of Elendil finally deserted. Nazgûl.
With the support of the Elves of Lindon, the onslaught of Warfare along the borders intensified in 1891 when
Angmar was eventually stopped, but the cost was high. Araval’s son Araphant took the throne, and the future
Cardolan was broken, its last prince and sons lying dead looked dark for Arthedain. But during his reign alliances
on the battlefield, its army annihilated and the countryside with Gondor were reaffirmed. The Southern Kingdom was
ravaged by marauding Orcs and Hill-men. beset by many perils too and it was first suspected that a
greater evil might be behind the calamities that befell the
The only surviving heir to the crown of Cardolan was descendants of Númenor.
the daughter of Arveleg, but she was soon killed too. The
surviving fiefdoms of the realm began bickering for power. Arvedui, son of Araphant, wedded the daughter of King
Cardolan never recovered from this disaster and slowly Ondoher of Gondor in the year 1940, thus sealing the new
faded away. But the victory was costly for the witch-realm friendship and alliance between the two realms. Both
of Angmar, and for long years Arthedain was left in peace pledged a promise of mutual defence. Gondor was the first
to succour its wounds. to call upon this when the Wainriders invaded in the year
1944, but Arthedain was unable to send any help. Angmar
In the year 1600 a small folk of good-natured creatures had renewed its attacks as well, and King Araphant was
calling themselves Hobbits appealed to King Argeleb II hard put to hold his borders. King Ondoher of Gondor was
for land to settle in. The extensive royal demesne west of slain in battle with the Wainriders, along with his sons.
the town of Bree had fallen into disuse after the war of Arvedui tried to claim the crown of Gondor for himself
1409 and the Hobbits were granted this land under the through his wife, but he was refused the request.
authority of the King in Fornost.
The following years saw Angmar threaten constantly the
In the year 1636, another disaster struck when the Great borders of Arthedain, weakening the power and influence
Plague reached Eriador and devastated what remained of its kings with every passing season.
of the population of Cardolan. The last Númenóreans of
that land either perished or fled to Arthedain to join their The End of Arnor
relatives there. In the wake of the plague the ancient burial The final blow to Arthedain came with the Fourth Northern
grounds upon the hills of Tyrn Gorthad became infested War in the year 1973, almost ten years after Arvedui had
with evil spirits out of Rhudaur and Angmar. ascended to the throne in Fornost. Near the end of that
year, the Witch-king unleashed the greatest army ever
Arthedain Stands Alone assembled in the North. At the first signs of the impending
In the two hundred years that followed the plague invasion in the autumn of 1973, Arvedui called to Gondor
Arthedain was allowed to recover and even expand. for help, but even though King Eärnil II sent a mighty force
Despite renewed aggressions from Angmar, the people of as swiftly as he could, it was too late.
Rivendell Region Guide
The resistance of Arthedain was valiant. King Arvedui ancient treasures of Arnor were lost beneath the waters,
had assembled a force so strong upon the North Downs the two Seeing Stones of Elendil amongst them.
that the Witch-king had to focus against it to counter the
threat. Fornost was tenaciously defended by the second The Fall of Angmar
son of the King, stopping what forces of Angmar were Under the leadership of Círdan, the Elves of Lindon,
arrayed against it. the forces of Gondor and what remained of the army of
Arthedain prepared their counter-attack. Finally, in the
When Arvedui was finally engaged in battle, his army was summer of 1974, their host marched east to confront the
destroyed, but many of Angmar’s best troops perished in Witch-king. The battle was long and hard, but the arrival
the battle as well. The troops fighting in defence of Fornost of the cavalry of Gondor and the losses that the army of
were defeated too and the city fell, but many of the folk of Angmar had suffered fighting Arvedui combined to tip the
Arthedain were allowed to flee westward to Lindon, led by scales in favour of the Free Peoples. The battle became a
Aranarth, Arvedui’s heir. rout and after a final confrontation with Prince Eärnur,
the Witch-king fled before the Elf-lord Glorfindel. The
Even so, the great part of the people of Arthedain perished. Witch-king was recognised not only as one of the Nazgûl,
Many others were enslaved by the soldiers of the Witch- but as their chieftain.
king, who wanted not only to conquer Arthedain, but to
destroy its people. With the battle won, the victorious leaders sought counsel
and resolved that the threat of Angmar not be allowed
King Arvedui escaped, but he was unable to join his allies to arise again. Once the winter subsided, the armies of
in Lindon and was driven northwards. He repaired at the Gondor marched north. The High Elves of Rivendell,
Bay of Forochel, where he awaited rescue with the help of led by Glorfindel and the sons of Elrond, joined in this
the Lossoth, the Snowmen that lived in that cold land. As campaign. The Witch-king had abandoned his kingdom,
soon as Círdan heard of his fate, he sent a ship to the King’s fleeing south. His task was accomplished and he returned
aid, but to no avail. The King and his followers drowned to his Master. His servants remained without a lead, and
when the ship foundered in the treacherous ice soon after stood no chance against the assembled forces of the Free
leaving for the Grey Havens in March 1975. Many of the Peoples.
A History of Eriador
This task took many long years, and for that time the Men
of Gondor had troops stationed in the North to help the
remnants of the army of Arthedain.
Rivendell Region Guide
The Orc Wars The army from Moria trampled through Eregion and
In the year 2740, the first major Orc invasion of Eriador reached the marshland of Swanfleet, where the Hoarwell
began. It was known to Arassuil, Chieftain of the Dúnedain, joins with the Glanduin river, north of Tharbad. Here
that the Orcs of the mountains had for some time harassed the Orcs crossed the stream in many boats and barges,
the communities of Men living in the Anduin Vales, but taking by surprise the scanty garrisons on the other
he deemed them not to be a threat. Alas, his judgement side — the river had been until that moment considered
proved wrong and the people under the watch of the an impassable border. The Enemy was left free to roam
Rangers paid a high price for it. After a few skirmishes in across Minhiriath, and many warbands fell upon its
the foothills of the Hithaeglir, Orcs started to appear in communities.
great numbers in the regions to the west.
Its defenders were almost defenceless against the
The vastness of Eriador made it impossible for the Rangers marauding Orcs, as many warriors had left to travel
to mount an effective defence, and more and more north, expecting to meet the enemy in the regions of
warbands struck with impunity and retreated to Mount central Eriador. Only those who took refuge in the city
Gram, laden with booty and slaves. Those who lived the of Tharbad were spared, as its ruinous fortifications still
closest to the Misty Mountains suffered the gravest losses, proved unassailable by the Orcs.
and many deserted their settlements.
In the year 2745 the Orcs entered Eriador with two armies,
one issuing from Mount Gram and one from Goblin-town.
It is said that the Orcs were spurred into action by Azog,
the Orc-chief from Moria who would later bring so much
grief to Durin’s Folk. The Orcs from Goblin-town targeted
the lands around the river Hoarwell and caused great
damage there, while those from Mount Gram headed
directly west.
But the worst was still to come. Two years later, in 2747 the
Orcs attempted their most grievous stroke so far. With the
intent of breaking any resistance, they invaded Eriador The smaller hamlets and settlements of Minhiriath were
with three hosts this time, from Mount Gram, Goblin-town less fortunate, and were pillaged and put to the flame.
and Moria. They overwhelmed all defences close to the Their inhabitants fell under the blades of the Orcs; the loss
mountains, and marched west. of life was enormous.
A History of Eriador
In the North, things proved less disastrous, but not much The regions that were formerly part of Angmar and
less so. The Orcs were able to advance as far as Lake Rhudaur became utterly inhospitable, infested by Orcs,
Evendim before they could be stopped, and wreaked Wolves and other fell creatures. Trolls started to come
havoc in the countryside. Eventually, a force of Hobbits led down from the mountains to dwell in the highlands to the
by Bandobras Took, the Bullroarer, met them at the Battle east of the Hithaeglir.
of Greenfields. The Orcs from Mount Gram were routed
on the field, and their chieftain, Golfimbul, was slain. Recent Years
In the year 2911, only thirty years before the death of the
The Long Winter Dragon Smaug, another extraordinarily harsh winter
Ten years after the great Orc invasions, another terrible began. Known to history as the Fell Winter, it was not as
calamity struck the north-west of Middle-earth. In the last devastating as the cruel season of the years 2758 and
months of the year 2758 snow and frost began to appear 2759, but it was vicious and long nonetheless. From
very early, a sign of a coming cruel season: the Long mid-December to the end of February, Eriador lay under
Winter lasted for almost five months, crushing Eriador in a deep blanket of snow. White wolves, a threat that was
its frozen grip. In many places the stores of food began to hardly remembered in the westlands of Eriador, ranged as
run low already by the end of December due to a meagre far as the Shire and caught many an unwary Hobbit and
harvest. Man in their cruel jaws.
The Shire itself suffered dearly from the winter, but for The following spring saw massive floods from the melting
many of the already weakened communities of Eriador snow drowning the lands along the great rivers of Eriador.
this was the death-knell. Thousands died from starvation, The rising and swift-running waters compromised the
or were killed by the cold. The number of the Dúnedain already weakened structure of the great bridge at Tharbad,
surviving in Eriador was reduced as well. causing its collapse. The ancient settlement, by this time a
dilapidated husk of a city, was abandoned by its last few
Two Centuries of Oblivion inhabitants, leaving other, less savoury sorts of creatures
With twenty years of almost constant trouble and adversity, to dwell among its ruins.
the surviving communities of Eriador were grievously
diminished. In the course of the following two hundred After almost three thousand years of history, the eastlands
years, most settlements outside of the Shire and Bree-land of Eriador are empty of all save birds and beasts. These
slowly dwindled into nothingness. The only surviving city lone-lands see sometimes Rangers pass among the
of Eriador remained Tharbad, now a shadow of its former shadows of the hills, but they are now few. The Men of
self and lacking a population capable of maintaining its Bree give them scornful names, and the inhabitants of the
ancient buildings and fortifications. Shire know nothing about them.
Rivendell Region Guide
The Regions of the night, they might well find they share their campsite
with an old statue. Every ruin should remind them of the
Eastern Men who have gone before them, and underline how little
now remains of their legacy.
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
though few will speak of it openly. It is said that the stones with only the savage wolves to call them home. The Gate
themselves whisper lamentations that only the Eldar can Stream itself once guided travellers to the walls of Khazad-
hear. Dwarves too have songs of these lost times, when the dûm and the now-lost Hollin Gate. But only shadow and
Elves of Eregion and the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm worked regret remain in this place today, alongside a growing
together to forge treasures the like of which has not been sense of dread.
seen since the Elder Days.
Combat Scenery: covered pits, freezing cold (when
Caradhras stirs), foundations, old walls, pillars, ravines,
varied slopes
Eregion c
Many wild beasts make their home in the land of Hollin at
all times. Hawks soar high up in the sky, while small birds
Lone-lands nest in the bushes and holly trees, and fly in large flocks
in winter. The jewel-smiths of Eregion imitated the delicate
hue of the blue eggs of dunnocks in their works, and Elven
e ith maids taught greenfinches and goldfinches to sing; their
M pleasant and silvery song still takes on a superior musical
Caradhras E quality sometimes, as they never forgot the teachings of
Eregion the fair folk.
c Redhorn
Pass Closer to the foothills of the mountains the song of the
Moria E birds becomes louder, as black ouzels join in the chorus
on from atop large rocks. Their mournful song and dark
The Whispering Halls plumage decorated by a white circle around the neck seems
to celebrate the creations of the ring-makers of Eregion.
While Eregion was once a thriving realm, no folk dwell
here now. It is a wild country, mourned by the Elves of
Rivendell, forgotten by Men and remembered by the
Dwarves only in works of metal and of stone and in songs
and tales, as under the nearby mountain range was the
Though it has long been abandoned by the fair folk who land where their fathers worked of old.
once dwelt here, brave travellers pass between the rivers
in the Land of Holly, for there climbs the only passage over Notable Characters
the Misty Mountains between Rivendell and the Gap of
Rohan. Under the side of cruel Caradhras is the Redhorn Aiwiel
Gate, a narrow and treacherous path that is usable by Aiwiel is a High Elf from Rivendell. She often journeys
skilled or desperate wanderers who seek swift passage south to Eregion to wander for a season among its ruins,
into Wilderland. listening to voices from the past. Aiwiel knows that locked
inside the ancient stones dotting the landscape are the
Evidence of Hollin’s past magnificence becomes more memories of many who lost their lives in the war against
apparent as one reaches the banks of the River Sirannon Sauron, and that many birds still sing songs that were
to the south. There, the proud capital of Eregion arose with taught to their kin long ago. She knows that because her
its wide halls, the home of the greatest jewelsmiths of the brothers worked those stones, and she and her sisters
Noldor. Now its ruins are buried beneath moss and vine taught the birds their songs. But they are gone. They
Rivendell Region Guide
sought the Havens long ago, or died in the war. Aiwiel has Aiwiel is soft-spoken, wise, and wary of any wanderer she
no kin still living in Middle-earth, and she desperately might encounter in the wild. Visiting the ruins, she spends
clings to what memories she is left to mourn. long days sitting against half-crumbled walls of stone,
or listening to the song of the birds. What she hears she
keeps for herself, but she won’t refuse help to travellers
Aiwiel who show respect for the past and who are not out to
Medium Elf depredate the land of its hidden treasures.
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) Motivation: The land remembers the Elves of Eregion and
Armour Class 13 (Leather Corslet) weeps for our loss. So do I.
Hit Points 66 (12d8+12)
Speed 30 ft Expectations: +2 if the Company is singing a song in the
Skills History +5, Perception +4, Performance +6 Elvish mode when they chance upon her, or if they use
Senses passive Perception 14 music to set her at ease; -1 if the heroes express ignorance
Languages Quenya, Sindarin, Westron
about the history of the land; -2 if they bear items recovered
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
from the ruins of Aiwiel’s people.
Two-weapon Attack. When Aiwiel makes a Dagger attack,
she may use her bonus action to make a second Dagger
attack, using the same to hit and damage values. The Warg of the Redhorn Gate
Actions The wild wolves known as Wargs do not come west of the
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Misty Mountains, as there is nothing for them to prey
5 ft or range 20/60, one target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3) piercing upon, unless they are sent on an errand by their dark
damage. Master. Those who keep a watch on the land of Eregion
Song of Urgency. Aiwiel may use her action to sing
speak of a great grey Warg who prowls the foothills, as if
encouragement to her allies. Heroes that hear the song are
moved to act with haste. A hero may use his reaction and scouting its tracks and passes. No one knows where the
spend Inspiration. Those that do gain +2 to AC, Advantage Warg dwells and rumours say that it never stops in one
on Dexterity saving throws and an additional action on place for long, so that he is not discovered by the High Elves
their turn. The action can only be used to Attack (one or the Rangers of the North. In truth, whoever approaches
weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide or Use an
Object. The effect lasts until the end of Aiwiel’s next turn. the peak of Caradhras with the intention of crossing the
Redhorn Gate risks to meet this dreadful creature, as the
Warg hides in a cave opening along the mountain pass.
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
The Warg of Eregion is a Hound of Sauron (see the If they make it to the top, the path starts to climb down,
Loremaster’s Guide, page 114), except that it also possesses eventually descending into a deep-shadowed valley,
the Denizen of the Dark special ability. called Azanulbizar by the Dwarves, the Dimrill Dale by
Men, and Nanduhirion by the Elves. There lies the smooth
Notable Locations waters of Kheled-zâram, the Mirrormere, and the springs
of the River Silverlode.
The Redhorn Pass
Where the Misty Mountains turn to the south-west, three The Whispering Hills
peaks rise above all the others in the range. The tallest Legends say that in the western part of Eregion there was
stands out like a bare horn of red rock tipped with snow, once a great city of those Elves who above all loved skill
and is called Caradhras; beyond it rise the Silvertine and beauty. Among them was Celebrimbor, the greatest of
and Cloudyhead, also known as Celebdil the White and the jewelsmiths of the Noldor. He forged the Three Rings of
Fanuidhol the Grey. Under the southern side of Caradhras Power, the greatest and most tragic of all artefacts crafted
climbs the high pass that is called the Redhorn Pass. The by the Eldar since the breaking of Thangorodrim, and he
travellers that have attempted the climb call the mountain refused to bring them under the control of Sauron and
cruel, as its snows and biting winds seem at times guided his Ruling Ring. For this reason Sauron made war against
by a sinister purpose. Indeed, during the cold months it is the realm of Eregion, and destroyed the city of the Elves,
as though the mountain itself grows fierce and indignant slaying its inhabitants or forcing them into exile.
that any would even dare to cross it.
Nothing remains of this once-magnificent city. Its ruins
But those who seek to cross the Misty Mountains here do cannot be distinguished from the broken stones that litter
not have many chances: they either brave the Redhorn the shores where the Sirannon meets the Glanduin river.
Pass, or pass through the ancient underground realm But in Rivendell some believe that under the earth, vast
of the Dwarves, Moria. The Redhorn Pass winds high halls must lie silent and undisturbed, with their treasuries
up into the mountains for many miles in a twisting and of forgotten lore still intact behind reinforced gates.
climbing path. The narrow road winds under sheer walls Abandoned when the High Elves fled and undiscovered by
of rock to its left, and runs along deep ravines on its right. the forces of the Enemy, these legendary places might still
Sometimes, great blocks of stone bar the way, and must be await for someone to find them, or might have been buried
removed before a company can proceed. by the weight of the centuries under their collapsed ceilings.
Rivendell Region Guide
The Trollshaws wayward Orcs, they hunger for the meat of traders on the
Great East Road, they thirst for the ales and wines that
From the Last Bridge over the Hoarwell to the Ford of traders’ carts carry, and covet the gold of their treasure-
Bruinen, the great East Road winds for thirty dreary chests… what they love less is the gleaming steel of their
leagues under the threat of the Trollshaws. It’s a rocky guards’ swords…
forest country, the beginning of far harsher lands to the
north. Beeches and pines rise thick from steep sullen These Trolls hide from the daylight in caves under high
hillsides and cliffs. The road passes through long, steep cliffs. Peoples of old quarried hard stone for their castles
valleys under high ridges and alongside brooks where and left deep gouges in the rock of the hillsides and
sleepy willows sway. Under the eaves of the Trollshaws ravines. Sometimes a Troll-hole even sports a huge door
the noon sun leaks thin and pale and the nights are damp for greater shelter; surely nothing a Troll could fashion,
with fog and frequent drizzles of soaking rain. Travellers but perhaps the work of a sorry Dwarf enslaved for the
who are canny enough to keep their fires dim and hidden task. By damp and unhappy night, the smartest of Trolls
at night often pass through the Trollshaws without sometimes light campfires on the hilltops. Hill-fires are
trouble; often enough that the road still sees use. But even likeliest near the road, where unwary travellers might
an uneventful journey is grim and silent through lands succumb to the promise of warmth and comfort. But the
where an old shadow of evil never quite lifted. uneven, broken ground is trackless and pathless, choked
with twisted roots and grasping branches, and climbing
On hilltops from time to time ancient ruins can be spied. a hill for a campfire’s cheer leaves an exhausted traveller
Narrow-windowed watchtowers and squat keeps were an easier prey. Finding a trail off the road might make
built by conquerors to guard the land they usurped; but the climb to the hilltops easier but should in fact be its
now they are jagged remnants after a thousand years of own kind of warning: a meandering swath of broken trees
abandonment and plunder. No adventurers or would-be and upturned stones, smashed and torn by huge, strong
warlords occupy them. Travellers pass by as swiftly as hands doesn’t bode well.
wisdom can take them. Only Trolls linger in the Trollshaws.
Combat Scenery: boulders, crags, fallen trees,
The Trolls come south from the Coldfells, the Ettenmoors foundations, pillars, ravines, rubble, thickets, unstable
and the mountains beyond. Weary of hunting sheep and or windowed walls
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
Since the end of the North-kingdom and the flight of the Witch-king of Angmar, this land has preserved one of
the greatest secrets of the Third Age. When Aranarth took the title of Chieftain of the Dúnedain, his folk went
into hiding. They became a wandering people, but they kept returning to a fastness in the wilderness, a stronghold
secreted in the angle of land between Mitheithel and Bruinen. There, the Men of the West saved the line of the
Kings of Men from disappearing from the North, nurturing their traditions and never ceasing to guard over the
lands of Eriador. In this endeavour, the Rangers had always the allegiance of Elrond of Imladris, who protected the
secret of the Rangers, and welcomed them in his house.
In game terms, when a Dúnadan companion goes home during a Fellowship phase, he may actually return to a
hidden refuge of his folk somewhere in Eriador, or go back to the fastness of the Men of the West in the Angle.
Only animals too small for Trolls to catch thrive in the
The Trollshaws Trollshaws: hedgehogs and badgers, rabbits and foxes
n and mice. Even they live furtively, instinctively fearing the
pall that lies over the Trolls’ domain. Birds are surprisingly
The Refuge of the rare – they fly to healthier woods – and birdsong is sadly
E n lacking. Ponies and horses tend to be skittish and fearful,
Castle Hill prone to bolting even if their masters are oblivious to the
The Last dangers of travelling here.
Bridge The Troll-Hole Rivendell
Notable Characters
a Berk the Gatekeeper
A Stone-Troll named Berk lives near the Great East Road.
The Angle Signs of his territory are plain to those who look: beech
trees and pines knocked over or torn from their roots and
c scattered along the road on a stretch where the hillside
rises up to the north and drops steeply to the south. Berk
n sometimes piles up the trees across the road as a barricade
to force travellers to stop and move them (he calls this his
‘gate’). When Berk’s luck holds, their work lasts till dark,
or even better the travellers camp there for the night, and
he can emerge and pillage.
Rivendell Region Guide
they got themselves turned to stone a few years ago (see Other Trolls ignore her, except when she stumbles across
the Troll-Hole below). Berk is a Greater Stone Troll, see them and robs them of whatever they’ve robbed from
page 76 for his stats. someone else. Rine’s home would make a fine shelter for
travellers, if they didn’t mind the steep hike and if they
could contrive a way to force her out. But sooner or later
some other Troll would remember the Queen’s castle and
Berk’s ‘Gate’ take it over himself.
Companions travelling with ponies, horses or a cart
must clear the obstacle from the road to continue. Rine’s hoard in the darkest corner of her castle includes
Removing the trees from the road is an ability check 50* in gold and finery that she’s taken from other, more
requiring a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. Each industrious Trolls. Among the gold is buried a Dwarvish
attempt to clear the path requires an hour. If darkness wind-up toybox. Rine kept it because she likes the painting
falls, Berk arrives… of a Dragon on its top. See page 81 for stats of the Queen
of Castle Hill.
Notable Locations
The Troll-Hole
William Huggins and his friends Bert and Tom were
garrulous, quarrelsome Stone-Trolls who lived in a
hole near the road. They are now returned to the stone
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
that made them, having been trapped in the sunrise on The Coldfells
a hillside by the cleverness of Gandalf the Grey, and
passersby might pause and inspect the three stone statues. North of Rivendell and the Trollshaws, the chilly uplands
fall only reluctantly away from the mountains. High,
Their Troll-hole remains, with a huge door on a single steep hills and broad plateaus loom over deep crevasses.
great hinge. Someday the hole will be abandoned again In some ravines the ground is soft and fertile enough for
and forsaken for years, but for now it’s home to a Stone- bogs to form, choked with biting flies in the summer and
Troll named Berk (see Berk the Gatekeeper, on page 39). slick with icy muck in the winter. In more places, the bitter
He was only too happy to learn that William Huggins and mountain streams trickle over hard and stony ground.
his lot had let themselves be turned to stone, because he In the folds of earth and rock, where weaker stone was
had coveted their cave – and its heavy door – for longer carved away by water over the ages, caves and caverns
than he could remember. offer shelter from the sun.
The Rangers are careful to keep the tower a secret. They Rivendell
The Troll-Hole
might come out to aid a beleaguered traveller but only E E
after leaving the tower and approaching from another
direction. Companions who set out to inspect every ruin a
along the road will eventually find the secrets of this one (a
Ranger hero who has the The Star of the Dúnedain Cultural
Heirloom automatically knows about it). If they linger and Hardy and sparse grasses spot the hills and here and there
are careless, they’ll be discovered by Trolls in turn. a thicket of trees grows atop a plateau. On some hilltops
stand the ruins of ancient Rhudaur, the stumps of watch-
towers or keeps long fallen to rubble, insignificant dots
atop the vast and sprawling fells.
Rivendell Region Guide
It is a dreary land between the headwaters of the Bruinen Ranger companions spending their Fellowship phase in
and the miry springs of the Hoarwell: cold and silent but Rivendell or at home may choose this undertaking to
for the howling of wolves, the rare cry of a bird of prey, or travel to the site where Arador was slain. Here, they
the bellow of a Troll that’s found a blood-hot meal. leave flowers on a cold, still blood-stained stone hidden
in the plateaus and remember not just their former
No wise travellers come to the Coldfells; even the most lord, but all who have come before them. By drawing
experienced Rangers of the North know little of it. Arador, upon the strength of your ancestors and remembering
chieftain of the Dúnedain, was captured and slain by Hill- the legacy of glories out of Númenor, you gain resolve
Trolls among the plateaus in TA 2930. Even his doughty in your struggles. In the following Adventuring phase,
people avoid it as a cursed and barren place. the first time you have Advantage on an ability check,
attack roll or saving throw, you gain Inspiration after
Combat Scenery: bogs, cliffs, fallen trees, foundations, the dice are rolled.
narrow cave-walls, ravines, rock edges, steep slopes,
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
Wildlife and his bodyguard threw down the last of the Rangers
Sheep and goats graze among the thickets and on the and captured their chieftain for sport, thus securing
grasses of the highest places, where the treacherous Bloodstump’s fame.
ground is difficult for wolves and too much work for any
but the hungriest Trolls. Sometimes the sheep wander, Bloodstump’s own limbs are hale and frightfully hearty
and then the wolves feed well. Otherwise the wolves slabs of flesh hard as stone. See page 79 for a description
pursue rabbits and mountain deer that venture too far of Bloodstump.
into unwholesome lands. Pigeons nest among the rocks
and are hunted by merlins and falcons.
No Free Peoples live in the Coldfells. Even the Orcs and
Goblins of Mount Gram never venture into it. It is home to
Hill-Trolls in uncounted numbers, as strangers who enter
among the fells are quick to learn. Stone-Trolls lurk here,
too, but fewer. They have a long tradition of venturing out
across the grass and hills from cave to deep thicket by
Notable Characters
Bloodstump the Hunter
Hill-Trolls are rarely known by name, but one chief among Notable Locations
them is more infamous than the rest. The monster called
Bloodstump led the Hill-Trolls that pursued and slew The Cairn of the Crag-King
Arador, chieftain of the Dúnedain, in 2930. Atop the long steep slope of one of the greatest hills of
the Coldfells, one ancient cairn rests undisturbed by the
A cruel and evil creature, Bloodstump didn’t need a reason malevolence of plundering Trolls. The Trolls hold it in
to hunt for man-flesh, but he started to relentlessly prey superstitious dread, fearing it as much as the peoples of
on those dangerous little creatures that came hunting so Eriador fear the Coldfells themselves.
far north after a visit to Mount Gram. The Troll entered
the Orc-fastness following a strange urge his dull senses The stones of the cairn are huge, six to eight feet across
could not explain, and emerged from his depths wielding and three or four feet thick, gathered in a pile forty feet
a great black mace, a dreadful weapon forged in Carn long and ten feet high. The Hill-Trolls only mutter to each
Dûm when Angmar threatened the North. other of the Crag-king lying beneath, a Giant of the old
days and the old ways. Those Trolls with wit enough for
Armed with that strange gift, Bloodstump began his memory say the Crag-king’s stone bones wait to stir and
pursuit of the Rangers. On one fateful eve, his war-band rise at the end of days when the hated sun fails at last.
encountered Arador and his men. Bloodstump cannily let
other Hill-trolls rush forward at the onset of battle, and If he’s disturbed before then… well, everyone knows what
closed in when the tall Men were wounded and exhausted happens when you rouse a Troll. How much worse would
and their bright swords dulled. The great Hill-Troll chief the Crag-king be?
Rivendell Region Guide
What truly lies beneath the great stones, if anything, no There are few caves on the moors, so the Trolls that prowl
one knows. Desperate companions might find respite that land take shelter from the wan sun beneath the peat
on the Crag-king’s hill, where Trolls fear to go, but it’s a of the bogs and emerge again at night, or are slowly
blighted place that requires a Corruption check (a DC 15 turned into Ettins. Travellers venturing onto the moors
Wisdom saving throw) once per day. might think themselves surprisingly safe by day, only to
find a Troll lurking under their very camp and hungry by
The Ettenmoors
Between the Ettenmoors and the Coldfells lie the Ettendales:
‘We have come too far to the north,’ he said, ‘and we must broad, open valleys running between high hills, wet with
find some way to turn back southwards again. If we keep fog and the streams that feed the growing Hoarwell. Some
on as we are going we shall get up into the Ettendales far of the valleys, particularly west of the Hoarwell’s streams,
north of Rivendell. That is Troll-country, and little known might have made fine farmlands in the days when Men
to me.’ lived on the moors and Trolls did not venture too near. But
those days were long, long ago.
Beyond the Coldfells, bleak highlands rise in the shadow
of the Misty Mountains. The ground here is softer than Anyone foolish enough to travel there might stumble
in the Coldfells and the Trollshaws beyond. Incessant across ruins and the rubble of stout stone farmhouses
fog, drizzling rain and cold mountain springs soak into crumbling for a thousand years and long since torn down
the greedy earth, which traps their waters in bogs atop and burned.
the long, wide slopes and in the folds and valleys. Only
slowly do the bogs seep out into streams that gather and Combat Scenery: bogs, cliffs, fallen trees, moorland
ultimately become the mighty Hoarwell, which the Elves heather, old walls, pits, rock edges, rubble, varied slopes
call Mitheithel.
The Ettenmoors are an open wasteland, thick with peat Voles, hares, frogs and vipers crawl and slither among
and overgrown with low green shrubs and hardy grass. the scrub brush and grasses of the moors and dales.
Heather blooms briefly in the spring, but nothing of cheer There may have been deer upon a time, but they are long
can live long in the moors. Colourful bulbs soon darken extinct since the region gave over to Trolls. Wolves on the
and wither and leave the rolling hills grim and grey again. Ettenmoors are sometimes a danger as serious as Trolls.
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
They prefer darkness but can pursue their quarry by day, by which some Hill-men leave their bodies and take the
and they have a long affiliation with the cruel Wargs and shape of wolves by night to hunt and slay. As these things
the Hill-men of Rhudaur. go, Dreorg’s rule was overthrown. As his rivals battered
down the door to his hall, Dreorg fled his body and his
Inhabitants spirit joined a Warg-pack nearby. As a spear plunged
The moors and dales were home to Men in three ages of into his heart, Dreorg’s spirit seized onto one of the wild
Middle-earth, but no longer. For a thousand years they have wolves and refused to depart. The two spirits struggled
been abandoned, ever since the defeat of the Witch-king at but Dreorg proved the master.
the Battle of Fornost – deserted by all but the hardy Trolls
that survived the destruction of the fleeing Wraith-lord’s
forces. Today the Ettenmoors and Ettendales are home only
to those Trolls – mainly Stone-Trolls and a handful of Hill-
Trolls – and to the creatures that give these regions their
name: the Ettins, an older and stronger kind of Troll, who
are rumoured to survive even the direct light of the sun…
The Ettenmoors
Mount Gram
Notable Locations
The Burial Bog
The Refuge of the
On the southern fringe of the Ettenmoors, a bog between
Dúnedain two wide rising slopes holds unhappy remnants of the
E n past. Here the Men of Gondor and the Elves of Imladris
and Lindon rode down the rear-guard of the fleeing
Witchking. The corpses were abandoned to the bog. But in
Notable Characters the bog things decay slowly.
Dreorg the Wargling A thousand years later the bodies can still be seen, withered
Long ago there was a chieftain-priest of the Gundabad Hill- and stained black by brackish water but recognisable. Even
men named Dreorg. Dreorg was a master of the sorcery their swords are with them, a little corroded but still stout.
Rivendell Region Guide
What’s worse, though, is that during his rule over Angmar Mount Gram
the Witch-king employed many sorcerous means to
defeat his hated enemies. He sent evil spirits to haunt A long spur juts out of the western Misty Mountains, far
their barrows and cairns, including those of their ancient into the north. For a hundred miles its slopes spread out
ancestors on the Ettendales and the Coldfells, and wove and curve northward, as if to point to the ruins of accursed
many dreadful spells. When the Witch-king fled, the Trolls Angmar where the Witch-king once dwelt. The tallest, most
that remained overturned the old cairns and barrows, jagged, most threatening peak in this spur is Mount Gram,
leaving them exposed and plundered. a horn of rock rising from the slopes of other mountains
as if they collapsed under its weight. Thousands of years
In time, the Witch-king’s sorcery was dissipated, but it ago it was delved and fortified by Dwarves, but it is now a
lingers still in dark places, such as where the bogs hide home to monsters in a blighted land.
countless bodies under the peat and away from the light
of day.
Every traveller knows that Stone-Trolls turn to stone
The Peak of Mount Gram
Mount Gram E
if exposed to the light of the sun. But only the Wise
suspect that sometimes a spark of life survives inside
them, ready to be roused by the dark will of their o
Golfimbul’s Gully
Master. In fact, a number of strange rock formations E
can be seen in the Ettenmoors; some of these weathered
piles of stones are actually very ancient Stone-Trolls, o
caught at some time by surprise by the light of a The Burial Bog
distant Sun. n E
Cairn of the Crag-king
These Ettins, as they are called, are today almost
indistinguishable from great piles of rock when they n
stand still, and they rarely move at all. But if they
do, they are extremely dangerous as they are animated
by a reckless brutality and thirst for destruction. See
page 76 for more about Ettins. Deep beneath its roots is a Goblin fastness, a complex maze
of a thousand holes and pits. For centuries, the Orcs of the
Misty Mountains inhabiting Mount Gram have bitterly
fought against the Rangers guarding the regions to the
west of the Ettenmoors, the Coldfells and Trollshaws, and
against the guardians of the hidden sanctuary of Imladris.
Out of its gates issued the invading army that was defeated
centuries ago at the Battle of Greenfields, when a Hobbit
muster led by Bandobras Took, the Bullroarer, routed the
Goblin horde of King Golfimbul.
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
Combat Scenery: cliffs, crags, disturbing echoes, low the Third Age, the forces of Gondor, Lindon and Imladris
ceilings (caves), narrow walls (caves), pits, rock edges, put the Witch-king of Angmar to flight and destroyed all
steep slopes, unstable stalactites (caves). of his works and peoples. Mount Gram was not spared,
although deep tunnels known to no Elf or Man surely hid
Wildlife many a fleeing Goblin.
Mount Gram holds horrors within, but its cold slopes
show little sign. Rugged goats and sheep range the slopes Two hundred years ago, around TA 2740, Orcs and
and eat the hardy grasses that cling here and there to the Goblins began multiplying in the mountains and infesting
thin soil and rock. Mountain hares and red squirrels dig in Eriador once again. From Mount Gram a great Orc-
the shadows of high pine stands, watched by ptarmigans chieftain led warbands to burn and pillage far away. That
and finches and pursued by snowy owls. The magpies took them to the Shire, whose little people looked to be the
watch such antics from their high perches on the slopes of best possible pickings. But the Hobbits destroyed the Orc
the mountain. There’s better hunting on the grim slopes of warband and slew its chief, Golfimbul. Mount Gram has
Mount Gram than in any of the Troll-lands to the south, grown and the evil in it has deepened ever since. Many
but if Goblin look-outs spot intruders, a hunting party of Stone-Trolls and even Hill-Trolls have been brought in
their own is sure to emerge. from the Ettenmoors that stretch away to the south, and
Cave-Trolls have lumbered through endless tunnels from
Inhabitants deep in the Misty Mountains. The raiding Orcs and Trolls
Mount Gram has been home to tribes of Orcs and of Mount Gram make the countryside of haunted Angmar
Goblins since they first seized Mount Gundabad and the deadly. They cast hungry eyes to the south-west and the
surrounding mountains and tunnels from the Dwarves seemingly defenceless lands of Hobbits and Men, but they
in the middle of the Second Age. For more than three have been bade to wait. And so the years pass as Mount
thousand years it was an Orc stronghold overlooking the Gram festers.
west. Its strength was redoubled at the end of the Second
Age when the Dúnedain founded the kingdom of Arnor, The Orcs of Mount Gram reserve a special degree of spite
“right on our doorstep” as the Orc-chiefs put it. for Hobbits. Most creatures of the Shadow seem surprised
that Hobbits even exist, but the Mount Gram Orcs
When the Witch-king came to Angmar in the Third Age, the remember Greenfields. See pages 78-79 for more about
Orcs of Mount Gram were ready to serve. In the middle of the Orcs of Mount Gram.
Rivendell Region Guide
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
Radgul wouldn’t have to think hard about sticking a Radgul and his servants watch it under cover of darkness,
knife in Gorgol and all his Gundabad rivals, too, if the slipping between the shadows cast by massive stones that
opportunity came up. What’s more likely to foul things up have been worn into odd shapes by the progress of years,
for Radgul is his old grudge against Hobbits. If any Orcs of ready to ambush any travellers. The gully itself winds to
Mount Gram spy even a single Hobbit near the mountain, and fro, with several pathways that separate from the
the Orcs will take it as a warning of war and Radgul will main cleft only to double back, go in endless circles or
be right at the front, preparing to march on the Shire even lead to dead ends where would-be assassins wait for easy
though such a march will scatter his followers and leave prey.
them vulnerable to threats from every side.
The Peak of Mount Gram
See Radgul’s description on page 74. Rising almost to the heights of the Misty Mountains
themselves, the very top of Mount Gram is a snowcapped
Notable Locations horn of broken rock. There nest great flocks of magpies,
birds deemed to be cunning and wicked, even more than
Golfimbul’s Gully the Crebain of the south. Attracted by shiny objects,
Travellers journeying north from the Ettenmoors might they watch with keen eyes for any gleam of precious
be tempted to shorten their trek across this inhospitable metal or stone that might pass under their gaze. The rare
region by taking a path cutting across the near-impassable mountaineer who makes his way to the top of Mount Gram
mountain range. It is a jagged, shallow cleft that passes finds circles of stones cobbled together with scattered
through the ancient stone of the mountain, cut by ages of bones and even stolen weapons and other treasure,
rain and wear. Its high walls of natural stone are smooth claimed by the magpies of Mount Gram. It is said that
and its floor is as slick as a riverbed. It is an easy passage; great artefacts can be found here, if one could only survive
but certainly not a safe one. the climb (see The Magpies of Mount Gram below).
If the heroes want to recover what has been taken from them, or if they noticed the magpies and located their nests
(a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check), they may attempt to climb the mountain to the top. The trek is a
lengthy endeavour, taking at least a couple of days. The first day is a long and tiring walk, but devoid of any real
danger (unless they did something to alert the local Orcs…). The last day is a different thing: to get to the top of
the peak, the heroes will have to climb a rock face, trying not to fall below. Each hero must make three DC 20
Strength (Athletics) checks to climb the steep slopes.
A companion with an appropriate Region-lore speciality may either invoke his Trait to gain Advantage on his own
checks or assist another climber and give them Advantage on their Athletics checks. Heroes who fail an Athletics
check fall for 20 feet, or for 50 feet if they roll a 1 on the d20. Any companion who braves — and survives — the
ascent to Mount Gram will find a hoard containing 20** Treasure (and all the items stolen from them).
Rivendell Region Guide
Mountains of Angmar
Carn Dum
The Frozen Path
The Grey Waste
The Peak of
Mount Gram E
Mount Gram
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
who enter the region. These minions and slaves march defeated in the Battle of Fornost, these corrupted people
north in small groups and vanish into the foothills of the were routed and fled, scattering across the land. The
Mountains of Angmar. No scout from Rivendell or Ranger remnant of those foul slaves established small camps in
has been foolhardy enough to follow them closer than a the valleys along the southern borders of the Grey Waste,
few leagues of Carn Dûm, so their ultimate destination is or hid in mountain caves. In time, these settlements
unknown. became villages, and they were able to endure in the
darkened North.
The region that became known as the realm of Angmar Recently, the former minions of the Witch-king have
was originally inhabited by a worthy folk of strong and started again to traverse the Grey Waste heading north,
hardy Men. They toiled hard and long to carve a meagre to approach the secret roads that lead to Carn Dûm as if
existence in an unforgiving land, and were not prepared they were unified by some dark will. Hill-men and Goblins
for war when evil Men came among them and enslaved alike can be seen plying their way across the waste and
them by force of arms and sorcerous means. For these then the snow, as if searching for something dark and lost
invaders were servitors of the Dark Lord, and from their – maybe remembered only in broken songs in the honour
allegiance to the Shadow they had gained great gifts. of their long-absent lord.
When in a later age of the world the Lord of the Nazgûl Notable Characters
came to this land, he was welcomed by the descendants of
that folk, by that time turned fully to evil ways, and made Burzash, Orc Warlord
their Witch-king. One among the many Orcs that are being drawn out of
their lairs in the mountains to journey north towards
At the peak of its power, the realm of Angmar extended Carn Dûm, Burzash is not satisfied leading only his
its influence on both sides of the Misty Mountains. Its own tribe. Moving across Angmar, Burzash has set his
armies gathered many evil Men and Orcs, and other will to dominating lesser Orcs and uniting them under
fell creatures. When the Lord of the Nazgûl was finally his banner. He is a fierce creature, commanding and
Rivendell Region Guide
merciless. Gathering Orcs, Goblins and Hill-men to him, Carn Dûm (see page 77), Hill-men of Rhudaur (see page
he moves across the Grey Waste, slaughtering those who 77-78), and reinforced by a pair of great Mountain-
do not bow to his will. Trolls (page 109 of the Loremaster’s Guide) whom he
had attracted to his service under the promise of war and
slaughter. The entire warband counts as Bloodthirsty and
are a Vengeful Band.
Upon the defeat of the Witch-king, many of the Hill-men that once served him fled across the Misty Mountains
and now dwell about the Vales of Gundabad (see Rhovanion Region Guide, page 14). But some remained in the
cold wastes of Angmar, hiding in caves and secret valleys lest the vengeful armies of Gondor and High Elves slay
them. Their descendants hide still, degenerate, wild warriors who live and fight with the Goblins of this region. In
the past few years, something has been calling them back to the black towers of Carn Dûm, a call felt in their blood.
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
Rivendell Region Guide
The wasteland is dotted with the ruins of their ancient The Watchtowers
encampments and watchtowers, broken by the wrath of Carn Dûm was the capital of the witch-realm of Angmar,
the Men of the West and their victorious allies. The many and the roads that led to that citadel where protected by
roads and tracks that connected those settlements are many towers and keeps, built against the high peaks of
now buried in the fine, grey dust that chokes everything the northern mountain range. There, the foul servants of
when stirred by the cold winds. the Morgul-lord maintained stores of arms and from their
gates they struck swiftly and brutally any enemy who
The silence that reigns on the Grey Waste at night is broken dared to approach.
only by the moans and cries of the many ghosts that
wander aimlessly in the dark. Hopeless is the wanderer The Men of the West destroyed most of these towers,
that dares to explore the ruins of the Grey Waste, for when leaving only piles of large blocks of stone. But some
the Sun fails and the moon is dead the restless Spectres survived, as they were hidden among inaccessible crags,
of the unlucky Men who were deceived by the promises of or perched up on high, where the ice defended them from
the Morgul-lord go out to haunt any living being with their the anger of the Dúnedain.
laments (see page 85 for more information on Spectres).
Today, small lights appear briefly behind the arrow-slits
The Frozen Path of some of these ancient keeps, snuffed out hastily by
Those who brave the Grey Waste and reach the foothills creatures made furtive by vows of secrecy. One by one,
of the Mountains of Angmar may stumble upon the traces these long-abandoned towers are manned again, and
of the ancient road that servants of the Witch-king carved their ancient stonework is repaired and made ready. Once
through this merciless land. Known as the Frozen Path, they are all filled, Angmar might once again be considered
this hidden trail winds in the shadow of massive peaks, a living realm, the staging ground for the Enemy’s armies
atop the crest of naked hills and along high cliffs and in the North.
down into low, snow-filled dales.
Carn Dûm
At times, advancing on the path becomes extremely Under the rulership of the Witch-king hordes of servants of
dangerous to all but the most experienced of mountaineers, the Dark Lord issued from the mighty gates of Carn Dûm
as the road crosses over open chasms by means of thin to prey upon the North for almost seven hundred years.
bridges of rock, or is blasted by freezing winds. If followed,
the Frozen Path connects all the watchtowers built along After the defeat of the Lord of the Nazgûl and his armies at
the Mountains of Angmar, even if to reach most of the the Battle of Fornost in the year 1975 of the Third Age, most
existing ones secret tracks leaving the path must first be of the settlements and strongholds of the dark kingdom of
found and then followed. Angmar were destroyed and their inhabitants driven into
hiding. But its capital could not be annihilated fully, and
something has been permitted to lie in its deeps, waiting,
and now it has awakened again as the world darkens.
Winds from the Wastes
Though the citadel is wrapped in ice and broken, it stirs
The cold winds that blow among the Mountains of once more to life.
Angmar carry upon them fell voices, whispers coming
from the frozen wastes of the far North. All those who The citadel of Carn Dûm was crafted in mockery of
hear their call are beset by fear and doubt, and only the Númenórean architecture. Its towers rise from the very
most strong-willed and fearless are able to cast aside stone of the northernmost mountains of Angmar. Its gates
the shadows summoned in their minds. Companions can be found beyond a great cleft between two high ridges
travelling along the Frozen Path must pass a DC 10 of black stone known as the Red Valley. But the citadel
Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened until they itself just gives a hint of its true vastness; caverns run deep
take a long rest. into the mountains and to the very depths of the earth. No
one has explored these tunnels. Whispers and rumours
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
speak of passages leading to gigantic underground halls land, deserted since many long years. Here, the folk of
and great forges, once used to craft arms, armour and the lost realm of Cardolan took their last refuge, trying to
machinery for the war against Arnor. escape a great plague that came from the south and killed
most of their people.
In recent times, Orcs, Hill-men and Trolls have started to
return to this desolate place, as if something was calling North of the road and to the east of the Midgewater
them back. What they find there when they arrive no one Marshes is another line of hills rolling northwards and
knows yet. If indeed the dark flame of the Enemy has been called the Weather Hills. The highest of them, Weathertop,
rekindled in the North, then surely it burns hottest in the is the closest to the old road, its conical shape ending in
halls of Carn Dûm. a flat top. On this high place, crumbling stone walls and
stairs rise from the earth in a circle of jagged stone teeth
broken by the passage of many long years.
The South Downs
and Weather Hills Streams criss-cross the hidden dells and alder-trees
can be seen sprouting up in small patches. In the clefts
On its route to the mountains, the great East Road passes among the heights stand the ruins of old works of stone,
between two regions of hilly terrain. To the south, low, overgrown walls and half-filled dikes. But the ruins on
green hills run from east to west, for more than one Weathertop are by far the most prominent feature of this
hundred miles. Called the South Downs, it is a lonely region. Here stood a great watch-tower, raised in the days
Rivendell Region Guide
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
No Men make their abode in the Weather Hills or in the Arbarad
South Downs. Only the Rangers come here, to keep a Medium Human
watchful eye upon the great East Road. But they built no STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
settlements on these heights. When they make camp on 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1)
the hills, the Rangers of the North go to great lengths to Armour Class 14 (Leather Corslet)
conceal their passage. Hit Points 65 (10d8+20)
Speed 30 ft
Notable Characters Skills History +4, Perception +7, Survival +5
Senses passive Perception 17
The Warden of Amon Sûl Languages Westron, Sindarin
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
The Rangers of the North try to make sure that there is
Deadly Names. Arbarad can spend his bonus action to
always at least one of their company near Amon Sûl, to
add 3 (1d6) radiant damage to a servant of the Enemy
both tend the ruined tower and watch the old road.No one that he has just struck in combat.
is here more often than Arbarad. This stoic, travel-worn Hunter. Arbarad gains +2 to all of his Perception checks
wanderer spends many days scouring the land, watching (included above).
for trespassing creatures and looking for any ancient Secret Places. If Arbarad is in the South Downs, the
testimony of the lost realm of his people. While dedicated Weather Hills or the North Downs he always knows a place
to his tasks, Arbarad is also always ready to help lost where the Company may take a long rest. It requires a
successful Audience for Arbarad to lead them there, however.
wanderers find their way back to the road, should they
become lost in the maze-like hills.
Multiattack. Arbarad can make two attacks with either
his Long Sword or his Great Bow.
Motivation: This is a dangerous land; you should not Long Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft,
wander from the Road or you will come to a bad end. one target. Hit: 5 (1d8+1) slashing damage or 6 (1d10+1)
slashing damage if wielded with two hands.
Expectations: +1 if the Company has a Dúnadan or Great Bow. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
High Elf; -2 if they insist that they are ‘adventurers’ who 150/600 ft, one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage.
are prepared for the Wild — Arbarad has too often buried
those who made similar claims.
Rivendell Region Guide
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
The North Downs Rangers who hear such a name on their visits to Bree are
quick to remark that the local folk know nothing of the
The ancient Greenway crosses the great East Road near true hauntings that infest the land, just a few miles away
the town of Bree and continues north, towards the high from their doors.
hills called the North Downs. These grassy hills roll in a
north-eastern direction for many leagues, before they give Combat Scenery: ancient dykes, broken pillars, fallen
way to the flat, broad lands between the Downs and the statues, foundations, pits, rubble, thickets, unstable walls,
mountains to the east. Verdant and lush, these are wild warm sun breaking through the clouds
lands that were once the heart of a great kingdom, but that
are now deserted. Wildlife
The North Downs are wild and teeming with life. The short
What is left are just half-buried ruins that have been and hardy grassland is covered by flowers in spring and is
reclaimed by time and nature, and are guarded by those home to thousands of butterflies. Sheep and rabbits graze
strange wanderers that the Bree-folk call the Rangers. on the hilltops, while kestrels fly low in search of prey.
There were once many woods over the North Downs, but
the Men of the West felled those trees long ago, and only
small groves of oaks now remain. The stones and ruined
walls that dot the land are covered with ivy and leaves.
The North Downs
n It is said, with the exception of the Shire-folk, that no one
lives within many days of Bree and the high hills of the
North Downs are no exception. But the Rangers of the
North go there, and they maintain several of their secret
The Tower of Twilight refuges in hidden dales and on the hilltops, where greater
E ruins still endure.
n Notable Characters
The Dome
of Sight North Downs Gishak Gashnaga
E Fornost Erain
The town of Bree and the Shire to the west may seem
quiet places. But their peace is something that is assured
Rivendell Region Guide
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
Notable Locations once a vast and lofty dome, but it collapsed at the time of
the sack of the city. In this place, the Seeing Stones of the
Fornost Erain North-kingdom were kept for many years: the chief stone
There are many names for this former capital of Arnor that was first in the Tower of Amon Sûl, and the Stone of
and Arthedain: Fornost, Fornost Erain and Norbury of the Annúminas, now both lost to the sea.
Kings, but it’s been long since anyone called it other than
Deadmen’s Dike. In the southern shadows of the North Should a companion enter the Dome of Sight, he might
Downs, what was left of Fornost has been reclaimed by recover one of the ceramic tiles that covered the interior of
nature. Its tall towers were broken during the siege of the the dome (a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check).
Witch-king of Angmar and the city was sacked. Now, late Kept as an amulet, the tile confers a bonus of +1 to all rolls
in the Third Age, the stones that once paved the streets made using the Perception skill.
have been uprooted by trees hundreds of years old and its
once-white stone walls are covered with winding ivy and The Tower of Twilight
spreading lichen. Indeed, an unwary traveller might walk The westernmost hill of the North Downs is known as the
within a few feet of this place before realising that beyond Tower of Twilight. Only the Rangers remember the reason
the green walls lie the ruins of an ancient city. for that name, for there stood of old a fortress called
Amon Dûn, the Hill of the West. Proud it stood upon
The Bree-folk believe that foul spirits haunt the ruins of the tallest hill, until it was cast down in ruin at times of
Fornost Erain. The Rangers let the simple folk entertain war. Legends tell of how the Dúnedain would climb to its
such idle thoughts, as these superstitions let them conceal highest balcony to gaze far and see in the morning sun the
their activities and protect their charges from the greater twinkling lights of Lake Evendim and the great capital of
dangers of the Wild. Arnor, Annúminas.
Rivendell Region Guide
The Greenway and the East Road monuments to noble kings of old, but time and shadow
There is an old meeting of ways outside the western edge have not been kind to the Barrow-downs and long ages of
of the village of Bree. At the time of the two kingdoms of rain and harsh weather have shaped them into unnatural
the Dúnedain, a great stone road ran from the gates of monoliths whose true purpose is forgotten.
Fornost Erain to as far as the harbour of Pelargir on the
southern borders of Gondor, and another stretched from To the north, a steep wall runs along an overgrown dike
west to east, connecting the Grey Havens to Rivendell. But from east to west, marking the boundary of a kingdom
with the passage of the centuries even the roads of the that disappeared long ago. The stonework is still sturdy,
Men of the West have fallen into disrepair. but many gaps open along its length of many miles.
in its time of decline, groups of hardy wanderers set foot
upon this Greenway, as it is called now, to journey from
north to south and back again. The great East Road sees
more traffic, as Dwarves from the Ered Luin still embark
upon the long journey that takes them east, as far as Bree-land c
Wilderland and the Lonely Mountain, and Elves go the Brandywine a
opposite way, when they tire of Middle-earth and seek the Bridge Midgewater
Bree Marshes
shores of the Sea. E
Old Forest
Wanderers travelling across Eriador cannot find a faster The Great
way to cross the land, as even if the country is traversed Barrow Stone
by many paths, no track cuts distances in a straighter way
Barrow n
than the old roads of the kings. But if in need of secrecy, Downs
heroes might have to search for a different solution, as
travellers on the road are easily spotted, and the Enemy o
has many eyes. The Greenway and the East Road are
South Downs
considered to be good roads as far as the rules for journeys
are concerned (see page 176 of the Player’s Guide) but the
Sarn Ford
Company suffers a modifier of -2 to their Veil score (see
the rules for Eye Awareness checks at page 113).
The Barrow-downs Stone doors set into the sides of the larger hills mark the
entrance to tombs of dead warriors and chieftains. Men
Long shadows reach from the eastern border of the interred their dead here since before the Dúnedain came
Old Forest to clutch at the fog-shrouded hills known in to the shores of Middle-earth, and their descendants
Sindarin as Tyrn Gorthad and to the Men of Bree simply continued to cut the soil to dig underground chambers
as the Barrow-downs. Rolling mounds of earth rise and and corridors for thousands of years.
fall, catching clouds of mist in their small valleys.
This tradition was honoured by the Men of the West and
Many of these mounds have upon their crest large thus it was preserved in the days of Arnor. Many of their
stones that hint at the greater structures that once stood princes and lords were buried here, together with their
atop them. These ancient landmarks may have been treasure and favourite gear of war. But it was not their fate
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
to rest in peace – at the time of the war with the witch- and rumours speak of more than one crypt that has
realm of Angmar, evil spirits entered the barrows and become infested with large spiders that flit from shadow
have dwelt there ever since. to shadow in search of prey.
Today, the fog in the Barrow-downs rises in dense patches Carrion birds can be spotted perched upon rocks and
in the morning, and dissipates slowly in the midday sun barrow stones. Their harsh cries echo between the hills
only to find a new home upon the top of the hills. This and their unblinking eyes watch closely all those who
mist makes passage difficult for any traveller, including pass, as if they were waiting for some ill-fate to befall them
the Rangers. The eyes of all wanderers are left with only so that they might find a new meal.
a dead grey wall to gaze upon and sound is buried in its
all-consuming blanket. Inhabitants
No men make their homes within the confines of the
Combat Scenery: ancient dykes, eerie mist, rocky Barrow-downs. It is seen universally as a place of ill-omen
outcrops, slopes, standing stones (huge boulders), and those forced to travel through this region hasten their
unstable walls steps so that they might pass beyond its borders before
the sun fades into the West and darkness fills both valley
Wildlife and sky. It is said among the Bree-folk that foolish tomb
There are few wild creatures within the confines of the robbers occasionally enter the Barrow-downs, hoping to
Barrow-downs, in spite of the thick grasses that grow find ancient and glittering treasure hidden in its graves
upon the hilltops and the aged trees that sometimes grow and hills. Few return and those who do speak little of what
along its eastern edges. It is almost as though the Barrow- they have seen for fear that they may draw the evil that
downs devour natural creatures who come to dwell within dwells here to follow them beyond its borders.
its borders. Indeed, Rangers and other hearty folk who
cross this land report discovery of the carcasses of deer Notable Characters
and other wandering beasts who seem stricken dead by
some unknown malady and left to rot. Mad Ostley
White-haired and wide-eyed, Mad Ostley was named so by
The only animals that seem to thrive here are vermin and the Bree-folk. For years he has travelled into the Barrow-
scavengers. Rats are known to hide in the open tombs, downs seeking treasure and riches, but with each failed
Rivendell Region Guide
The Wight-king
The Wight-king of the Barrow-downs is the chief of all
blighted creatures who dwell in that land. Whether he is Notable Locations
the corrupted spirit of the last King of Cardolan who was
entombed in the Barrow-downs before the Great Plague or The Great Barrow Stone
the malicious spirit of some fell captain who once served Near the Old Forest upon the western edges of the Barrow-
Angmar, none can know for certain, for his name has downs is a great mound upon which is set a single massive
been lost to the past. Now he dwells in the greatest tomb of stone. This great pillar is larger than any other in the downs,
the Barrow-downs, where his vile will sets all the lingering as is the hill upon which it rests. It is cold to the touch on
dead that dwell there to an evil purpose. even the hottest days of summer and legends speak of a
curse that has been laid upon it, to plague whoever enters
The few who have laid eyes upon the Wight-king describe the Barrow-downs with the intention of depredating the
an ancient skeletal warrior clad in broken armour, dead of their riches. A company passing by the stone sees
bearing a cracked shield and wielding a tarnished black their Hunt score raised by a number of points equal to
blade. His eyes burn with a frozen light and he moves the highest Shadow score among all companions (see the
with the slow certainty of death. By his dark will all dead rules for the Eye of Mordor on page 111).
things of the Barrow-downs are driven forth, a mockery of
the armies of Cardolan that once made this realm noble. Barrow Tombs
He is a terrible foe in battle, his very presence spreading The downs are littered with the tombs of warriors and
corruption, and even the Rangers of the North would not kings whose names and deeds have long been forgotten
dare face him openly. He leaves his hidden tomb only by all but the wisest Men and Elves of Eriador. Though
under the cover of darkness, though in recent times he some foolhardy plunderers come to these dank burial
has become more restless and driven. None know to what caves seeking ill-gotten riches, they are often driven away
evil task he has now been set, only that he seeks to bring by the unnatural chill that claws at them upon entry or,
all that was once living or might be slain into his growing worse yet, the dark whispers carried upon the wind as it
army. See the description of the Wight-king on page 86. sweeps through the darkness.
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
Entering a Barrow
The rumours of treasures hidden in the barrow tombs
are not without merit. Indeed it is true that relics and
South Downs
artefacts of the Kingdom of Cardolan can sometimes
n E
be found laying beside the bones of those who fell to The Wolf-Den of
the Witch-king of Carn Dûm centuries ago. But these the South Downs
tombs are not to be visited lightly, for they are blighted
places: those who enter a tomb in the Barrow-downs
must make a Corruption check (a DC 15 Wisdom Lone-lands
saving throw) when they first enter and an additional n
check for every hour they remain within. Those who Gr
ee el
fail gain 1 point of Shadow. Additionally, entering a nw
tomb with the intention of plundering it for its contents ith
is a Misdeed (see the Adventures in Middle-earth
Player’s Guide, page 182), worthy of an automatic
gain of 3 Shadow points. The Swanfleet
Barrow tombs are generally shallow and house only Tharbad E The Crossing
the remains of one long-dead warrior or prince. of Tharbad
Legends talk of great mounds that go deep within the od
Rivendell Region Guide
today. To the east, the delta of the River Swanfleet marks Wild fishermen and fowlers from Enedwaith sometimes
the borders of Eregion, where the Mitheithel and Glanduin go upriver along the Greyflood in search of fish and
unite. birds to catch with their keenly thrown spears. Bands
of Dunlendings come north from their own country to
Combat Scenery: bogs, broken pillars, covered pits, waylay both beast and Man who might be found in this
foundations, huge boulders, incessant buzzing, mud, region.
river shallows, rubble, thick fogs
Few Rangers of the North travel so far south as Tharbad,
Wildlife but when they do they are especially wary of any creature
The wild fens around Tharbad are teeming with all on two legs that might trespass into their territory.
manner of birds and beasts. Great birds, long of leg and
with sweeping beaks sit upon the shores of the Greyflood Notable Characters
and pluck the fish from the waters as they swim by.
Swans, white and fair, still nest in the lower reaches of the Kyna
river for which they are named, the Swanfleet. Great hares Though the Wild Men of Enedwaith rarely travel inland as
hide amidst the few rising mounds that dot the landscape far as Tharbad, Kyna is an adventurous young woman.
while the low song of smaller birds can be heard in spring. Boasting her desire to fish in “unchallenged waters”, she
Of late great black crows have been seen moving in large leaves her village for weeks on end to reach the crumbling
flocks from Dunland across the river. These Crebain build town. The ruins fascinate her, and she often spends more
great nests in the few stone ruins of Tharbad and drive hours exploring them than tending to her duties as a
out all other creatures. Learn more about the Crebain of huntress and fisherwoman for her people.
Tharbad on page 75.
She knows the fens west of Tharbad quite well, better than
Inhabitants any other of her kind. Though she is curious regarding
There are no fixed settlements in the great fens of Tharbad. the travellers who pass through the realm, she is wary
The air is still not wholesome enough. But even though of the many threats that plague the waters surrounding
this is a forsaken land it is not wholly uninhabited. the Greyflood.
The Regions of Eastern Eriador
Motivations: Speak quickly and tell me truly if you are Typically, he observes them from a distance and retreats
friend or foe, for your life may be forfeit if you lie to me! if he falls under their gaze. Bradan doesn’t know why
his chieftain is seeking news from the north, though he
Expectations: +1 if a person of Bree is with the Company suspects that his lord is reporting to a greater, unknown
— Kyna’s folk still tell tales of the ancient town; -2 if master.
anyone tries to assert authority with Kyna — be they from
Gondor, the Dúnedain or the High Elves… the fishers of
the Enedwaith are free folk. Bradan of D unland
Medium Human
Kyna of Enedwaith 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1)
Medium Human Armour Class 16 (Spiral armour)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points 44 (8d8+8)
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) Speed 30 ft
Armour Class 15 (Leather corslet) Skills Insight +4, Perception +4, Stealth +5
Hit Points 39 (6d8+12) Senses passive Perception 14/19 (see below)
Speed 30 ft Languages Westron
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Skills Athletics +4, Nature +3, Survival +3
Senses passive Perception 11 Secret Folk. If Bradan is making a roll to hide from
Languages Westron others, to detect an ambush, discover a trap or discover
Challenge 1 (200 XP) treachery he has Advantage on the check. This will most
commonly be applied to Insight, Investigation, Perception
Region-lore (Enedwaith). If Kyna is with the Company
and Stealth checks.
for a journey that begins or ends in the Enedwaith or
Tharbad, the Guide rolls 1d8+4 for the Embarkation Actions
Roll. Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
Hatred (Orc-kind) (Recharge 5-6). Kyna and her folk feet, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
hate Orcs and she will spend her bonus action to gain Reaction
Advantage on attack rolls against them whenever she Survivor. When outnumbered by his opponents, Bradan
can. always uses the Dodge action. When an opponent misses
Actions him, he can make a single melee attack as a reaction.
Spear: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 feet or range 20/60 feet, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2)
piercing damage or 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage if used
with two hands to make a melee attack.
Great Bow: Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range Notable Locations
150/600 feet, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage.
The Crossing of Tharbad
No one but the Wise might guess that the devastated
marshland surrounding the ruins of the stone bridge
Bradan could once be a thriving city of Men. Few birds or beasts
Young and eager to prove himself, Bradan is a young scout draw near these abandoned buildings and a heavy mist
from Dunland, known among his tribemates as a man hangs between broken towers and collapsing walls on all
whose long stride and quick feet has led him far and wide but the brightest of summer days. Folk say that treasure
across his homeland. Having recently come into manhood, can still be found beneath the murky waters where wide
Bradan has been charged by his chieftain with the streets and roads once ran, but none can say for certain.
exploration of the lands north of the borders of Dunland. Those who brave this abandoned place risk their own
lives, for deadly creatures are believed to dwell in the
Though he speaks only a few words in the Common dark places of Tharbad, guarding submerged piles of old
Speech, Bradan is curious when he encounters strangers. gold.
Rivendell Region Guide
Evils of the North
- the North -
are in play: that long rests are hard to come by, Legendary
Weapons and Armour (or other magical items) are rare
and that the Loremaster will make steady use of the
monster’s special abilities and terrain modifiers.
“…dark things come from the houseless hills,
or creep from the sunless woods…” But most importantly, they assume that the maxims
on page 89 of the Loremaster’s Guide are in use. While
From the barren lands of old Arnor to the forsaken numerically speaking a single Black Uruk might be a
paths of Eregion, the land of Eriador is home to dozens challenge for a Company of four level 2 heroes, it is more
of dangerous denizens. Some of these foes have seldom likely that such a foe would serve as a commander for a
been challenged by any hero and are powerful by any force of lesser Orcs and Goblins and be set against a more
measure, whether separately or in great troupes. Others experienced group of heroes. Perhaps a Black Uruk and a
are unique creatures that hate the free people and trouble handful of Snaga Trackers would ambush the Company
them whenever they may. And while the dead outnumber in a place where the Snagas can make use of their Sneak
the living in Eriador, the dead do not always rest easily in Attack abilities. It certainly would be the rare fight that is
this land. fought on a bare field in bright sunshine with the Goblins
in the open!
Rivendell Region Guide
ability. That enemy must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving Driven. If a member of the troupe has taken damage
throw. If it fails the saving throw the attack fails and it since the end of its last turn, it has Advantage on its first
becomes Frightened of the creature until the end of the attack roll.
creature’s next turn.
Easily Unnerved. When a member of this troupe is killed,
Great Might (Recharge 5-6). The creature may use its select another living member of the troupe. It takes 2 (1d4)
reaction when it takes damage from a melee or ranged psychic damage as it sees its ally slain.
weapon attack: the damage amount is reduced by the
creature’s Strength modifier, to a minimum of 1 point of Formidable. Each member of the troupe improves its
damage taken. Armour Class by 1.
Legendary. This creature is an exceptional example of Skillful. Select one of the creature’s listed skills. Each
its type. It gains from 1 to 3 additional legendary actions. member has Advantage on all ability checks for that skill.
Each legendary action corresponds to one of the actions or If the troupe contains monsters of different types, each
abilities that it already possesses. Activating a legendary type may select a different skill. If the creature does not
action does not consume the creature’s bonus action or have any skills then this ability has no effect on them.
Trained. Select one basic attack action (not Multiatttack
Unyielding (Recharge 5-6). The creature can use its or an action with limited usage or an action that prompts
bonus action to gain temporary hit points equal to twice a saving throw or other additional effects). Each member
its Constitution modifier. of the troupe now has Advantage on that attack. If the
troupe contains monsters of different types, each type may
Wicked Cunning (1/day). The creature can use its bonus select a different basic attack.
action to activate this ability. For the remainder of the
combat, it adds the higher of its Intelligence or Wisdom
modifier to its Armour Class.
Evils of the North
Amphibious. The creature can hold its breath for such just attacked it. If the creature inflicts a critical hit with this
long periods that it is effectively a water-breather in ability, the target is knocked Prone as the blow strikes a
combat situations. knee or other joint.
Broken Blades (1/day). The creature may invoke this Ensorcelled. The creature has been dominated by the
ability as a bonus action. It automatically scores a critical will of another, and no words will cause it to stray from
hit with all successful attacks this round. Afterwards, its its mission. The creature is immune to being Charmed or
weapon is destroyed. Frightened and takes no damage from Psychic attacks.
Battle Cry (1/day). The creature may use its action to Fear of Fire. The creature is fearful of fire. If a torch or
activate this ability. Each creature of the same type within other flame comes within 10 feet of it, the creature suffers
30 feet of the acting creature gains Advantage on attack Disadvantage on its attack rolls.
rolls until the start of the acting creature’s next turn. The
creature may then make one attack as a bonus action. Fearsome Bellow. As a bonus action the creature may
scream at a target within 20 ft. That target must make a DC
Bewilder. The creature can briefly assume a different 13 Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened until the
shape, confusing all around it. All creatures within 30 end of the creature’s next turn.
feet of the creature must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving
throw or be Stunned for 1d4+1 rounds. As long as the effect Hate Sunlight. This creature despises the cleansing light
lasts, the creature may then make a melee attack against a of the Sun. If it is exposed to direct bright sunlight, it takes 3
Stunned creature as a bonus action. The creature can only (1d6) psychic damage each round.
use this ability once per long rest.
Hawk’s Eye (Recharge 4-6). The creature may use this
Bodyguards. The creature is always surrounded by other ability as a bonus action. It does not suffer Disadvantage
creatures of the same type whose duty it is to protect their on attack rolls due to being at long range this turn.
leader. At least one other creature in its retinue gains the
Thrall special reaction ability (see page 72). Horrible Strength. If the creature makes a successful
melee attack, it may use its bonus action to cause additional
Camouflage. The creature has Advantage on all stealth damage equal to its Strength modifier of the same type to
tests in a certain terrain type. the target.
Commanding. Allies of the creature gain Advantage on Keen Hearing and Smell. The creature has Advantage on
attack rolls against enemies engaged with the creature. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Craven. If the creature starts its turn with less than half Leadership. As a bonus action, the creature can command
its total hit points, it must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving a nearby ally of the same type. That ally takes its turn
throw. On a failure, it becomes Frightened and must use immediately after the acting creature.
its Dash or Disengage action to move away from any
enemies. If movement is impossible, it will take the Dodge Region Dweller (Recharge 5-6). If the creature is within 5
action. feet of a scenery feature specific to its region, it may use its
bonus action to gain half-cover from it, even if the feature
Cunning Speech. If the creature has a chance to speak, would not normally provide it.
then any intelligent foes that share the creature’s language
within earshot must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw Nimble Escape. The creature can take the Disengage or
or suffer Disadvantage when attacking the creature. Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Deadly Spear-Thrust. The creature may use its reaction Pack Tactics. The creature has Advantage on an attack
to make a single melee attack against a creature that has roll against a creature if at least one of the creature’s
Rivendell Region Guide
allies is within 5 feet of the creature and that ally isn’t Concerning the Undead
"Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead,
Parry. The creature adds its Proficiency Bonus to its I will smite you, if you touch him."
Armour Class against one melee attack that would hit
it. To do so, the creature must see the attacker and be Many undead horrors haunt the lonely lands of old Arnor,
wielding a melee weapon. in the shadow of the darker woods, and under the still
waters of rotting marshes. Some are simply what remains
Reckless. The creature may choose to gain Advantage on of the ill-will of evil Men and proud Elves; others were
all attacks it makes in a round, but all attacks on it gain minions of the King of Angmar, sent to infest barren hills
Advantage until the start of its next turn. and lonely barrows; others more are the restless souls of
chieftains and warriors who fell prey to evil curses.
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the creature deals an
extra 3 (1d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon
attack and has Advantage on the attack roll, or when the
target is within 5 feet of an ally of the creature that isn’t
Incapacitated and the creature doesn’t have Disadvantage
on the attack roll.
Tough Hide. The creature is resistant to non-magical The Loremaster be warned though! While precise
bludgeoning and slashing damage. definitions are generally something to be desired in a game,
sometimes they provide an explanation to things that
Weak Spot. If the creature uses a special ability that uses should remain inexplicable, robbing a legendary world of
an action, any heroes that are within range may use their its mystery. Keeping a level of uncertainty and providing
reaction to make a single attack. For this attack only, the only glimpses of a world that defies understanding goes
creature is considered vulnerable to Piercing, Slashing a long way in preserving a sense of wonder in those who
and Bludgeoning damage. take part in the game.
Evils of the North
Walking Dead The Nazgûl are a superior form of wraith and have their
These monsters do not have much in common with own special abilities.
the other undead creatures, as they are the product of
some dark enchantment, and do not have a spiritual Typical Special Abilities: Dreadful Spells, Fear of Fire,
component. The walking dead are the bodies of the dead Strike Fear, Unnatural Vitality, Visions of Torment
that have been reanimated by sorcery. In game terms,
their characteristics vary wildly, based possibly on how The Fell Wraiths included in this supplement are an
old the reanimated remains are, and how much power example of Wraiths.
have been infused in them. Generally, the walking dead
are destroyed instantly if their source of power is undone Ghosts
(for example, the sorcerer who reanimated them is killed). The Ghost-form special ability defines once-living beings
that do not have a physical body any more, but that are
Typical Special Abilities: Fell Spirit, Strike Fear. still able to affect the world of the living in some way.
They may be the manifestation of restless souls of dead
Examples of the Walking Dead include the Undead Men or faded Elves, still trapped in the circles of the
Warriors from Wilderland Adventures, and the Bog world by some strong obligation, like a broken oath or
Soldiers described on page 82. an unfulfilled promise.
Rivendell Region Guide
Feast on Suffering. Whenever a foe suffers a critical Words of Power and Terror (Recharge 6). A potent
hit or is reduced to 0 hit points, the creature can use its sorcery, it is employed as a reaction when a player
reaction to regain 7 (2d6) hit points. announces the expenditure of Inspiration or Hit Dice to
invoke a special ability, artefact blessing or a power of a
Fell Spirit (Recharge 5-6). When the creature would legendary weapon or armour. The resource is still expended
be reduced to 0 hit points, it may use its reaction to add but the effect is cancelled.
temporary hit points, rolling a number of d6s equal to the
creature’s Proficiency Bonus. Nazgûl Abilities
The following abilities are limited to Ringwraiths. The
Ghost-form. This creature is insubstantial and cannot Difficulty Class given for saving throws is a base level, the
be easily hurt by normal means. It has resistance to growing threat of the Shadow can increase the power of
acid, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and the Nazgûl.
slashing from non-magical attacks. It is immune to cold,
necrotic and poison damage and the following conditions: Black Breath. The Nazgûl can use its action to target a
Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Grappled, Paralysed, creature within 10 feet. That creature must make a DC
Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained. 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature
gains 1 Shadow point and becomes Unconscious. The
Incorporeal Movement. The creature can move through creature may be revived as an action, but are Miserable
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. until it takes a long rest. On a success, the creature gains 1
It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an Shadow point but remains awake. If a Ringwraith targets
object. an Unconscious creature then it is subject to The Black
Shadow (see the opposite page).
Spells of Despair. As an action, the creature can force
one target within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw Deadly Voice. The Ringwraiths scream at their enemies
with the DC equal to 10 plus the target’s Shadow score. If with long-drawn wails that rise to deafeningly high
the target fails the saving throw they become Frightened piercing note. The Nazgûl can use its bonus action to make
of the creature until the end of its next turn. a Frightened creature become Stunned until the end of the
Ringwraith’s next turn.
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the creature to
0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw Dwimmerlaik. If a hero strikes the Nazgûl with a critical
with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is hit, it may use its reaction to invoke this ability. The hero
radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the creature must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw. If it fails, the
drops to 1 hit point instead. hero’s weapon shatters, and the hero receives the damage
total instead of the Ringwraith. Legendary weapons might
Unnatural Vitality. The creature can use its bonus action not be destroyed, but are lost as a cold pain shoots through
to regain 6 (1d12) hit points. It cannot use this ability to the hero’s body and she drops the weapon.
exceed its normal hit point maximum.
Shadow of Fear. The Nazgûl can direct its terrible will
Visions of Torment. As an action, the creature can force upon any Frightened mortal (Dwarf, Hobbit or Man) such
one target within 60 feet to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving that the victim becomes an agent for the Shadow. The
throw or take psychic damage equal to 2 (1d4) plus its Ringwraith may use its action to force the target to make
total Shadow score. a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target
gains 1 point of Shadow and is compelled to carry out
Wraith-like. This is a creature of shadow, animated some service (such as reporting information to the Nazgûl)
by undying hatred. It has resistance to all non-magical or perform a secret task. The compulsion lasts a number
weapon damage and its base Armour Class is equal to 10 of weeks equal to the hero’s Shadow score. A spellbound
plus twice its Dexterity modifier. hero is loathe to perform the compelled action and is
Evils of the North
Crebain of Tharbad
Small Beast
Monsters of Eriador 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 5 (-3)
Armour Class 13
"…there’s dark shapes in the woods, dreadful things that it Hit Points 7 (2d6)
makes the blood run cold to think of." Speed 5 ft, fly 60 ft
Saving Throws Dexterity +5
Some of the following creatures described make use of the Skills Perception +4
extraordinary special abilities provided in the previous Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 14
Languages —
pages for the creation of Powerful Adversaries. A few
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
others possess totally unique capabilities, described in
Flyby. The crebain doesn’t provoke Opportunity Attacks
full in their individual entry. when it flies out of an enemy’s reach.
Keen Sight. The crebain has Advantage on Wisdom
Dangers of the Wild (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
The wild and trackless lands of Eriador hide many enemies Actions
— foes to freeze the heart the Rangers say and they know Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
better than most what hides in the desolate hills and steep target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.
valleys of the North.
Rivendell Region Guide
Large Giant (Troll-kind)
21 (+5) 8 (-1) 23 (+6) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
Armour Class 9
Hit Points 161 (14d10+84)
Speed 20 ft
Damage Resistances non-magical piercing and
Senses tremorsense 60 ft, passive Perception 10 (15 if
two-headed, see below)
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Greater Stone-Troll Four-armed. An Ettin with four arms can employ both
Large Giant (Troll-kind) Seize Victim and their Crushing Blow attack on the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA same round. Four-armed Ettins automatically recharge
21 (+5) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 6 (-2) their Seize Victim ability without rolling.
Horrible Strength. If the Ettin makes a successful melee
Armour Class 16 (natural armour)
attack, it may use its bonus action to cause 5 additional
Hit Points 126 (12d10+60)
Speed 30 ft damage of the same type to the target.
Two-headed. Ettins with two heads are much harder to
Saving Throws Dexterity +4 catch unawares. Any attempts at Stealth are made with
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 8 Disadvantage and the Ettin gains Advantage on both
Languages Westron, Orcish
active and passive Perception checks.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Sunlight Curse. Stone-trolls become Petrified and turn
into stone if they are touched by the bright light of the Crushing Blow. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
sun. Once the sun rises, a Stone-troll must make a DC ft, one target. Hit: 18 (2d12+5) bludgeoning damage.
10 Dexterity saving throw at the beginning of its turn in Seize Victim (Recharge 5-6). The Ettin may choose to
order to find enough cover to avoid being turned to stone. spend an action grabbing a creature within 5 feet of them.
On a failure, the Stone-troll becomes Petrified. The target is automatically Grappled if it is of Medium
Actions size or smaller. To escape the Troll’s grasp, the target must
use an action to escape: they must succeed on a DC 15
Multiattack. The Stone-troll makes two attacks: one with
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
its troll-club and one slam.
If the creature fails, it takes 5 bludgeoning damage and
Troll-club. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft,
remains Grappled. An Ettin can seize a number of victims
one target. Hit: 14 (2d8+5) bludgeoning damage.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one up to the number of hands that it possesses, but cannot
target. Hit: 16 (2d10+5) bludgeoning damage. use Crushing Blow if it does not have a free hand.
Evils of the North
Hill-men of Rhudaur
On some… (hills) were old castles with an evil look, as if
they had been built by wicked people.
Rivendell Region Guide
Hill-man of Rhudaur
Medium human (Evil Men)
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+0)
Armour Class 12 (Hide Armour)
Hit Points 27 (5d8+5)
Speed 30 ft
Skills Athletics +4, Shadow-lore +2
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Orcish, Westron
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Hatred (Dúnedain) (Recharge 5-6). Once, long ago,
Rhudaur was under the dominion of the Dúnedain. While
their hatred is centuries old, it has not grown cold. A Hill-
man can use his bonus action to gain Advantage on any
attack rolls against a Ranger this round.
Raven Spirits. Rumours say that when a Hill-man dies
his spirit returns as a raven, to watch over his folk and
spy on his dark master’s foes. No one knows for certain
if their sorcery is still so strong, but when the Hill-men
are about, the ravens are never far away… When the first
Hillman dies in combat, a flock of ravens swoops down
on the battlefield. When this happens, all enemies of the
Hill-men have Disadvantage on their attack rolls until the
end of combat. Each raven has AC 12 and 1 hit point but
they have no attacks and are so numerous that defeating
them with weaponry is almost hopeless.
Orc-axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage or 6 (1d8+2)
slashing damage if wielded with two hands.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft or range 20/60 ft, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing
damage or 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage if used with two
hands to make a melee attack.
Curse of the Hill-men (1/day). The Hill-man can use
Mixed Warbands his action to target a single hero who must then make a
Corruption check, a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On
If a group of adversaries includes both Goblins of Carn
a failure, the hero loses Inspiration and gains a point of
Dûm and Hill-men of Rhudaur, then the Goblins Shadow. On a success the hero still loses Inspiration. If
are emboldened (they are not considered Craven any the hero does not have Inspiration, they gain Disadvantage
more), and they gain Advantage on any active or on their next ability check, attack roll or saving throw.
passive Perception checks.
A typical mixed warband will have as many Hill-men Orcs of Mount Gram
as the Company has heroes and half as many Goblins The Orcs of Mount Gram have a long memory of their
serving as scouts or lookouts. They are an Easily defeat at the hands of Bullroarer Took and fiercely hate all
Unnerved troupe and count as Challenge 5 rating Hobbits, relentlessly attacking a company that includes
if you treat them as a single entity for determining one. The secret visits of the Wraith-lord to Mount Gram
Experience points. has fueled their hatred and has apparently made them
more independently ambitious than others of their ilk.
Evils of the North
Rivendell Region Guide
Large Monstrosity (Warg-kind)
17 (+3) 16 (+3) 21 (+5) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)
Armour Class 14 (natural armour)
Hit Points 94 (9d10+45)
Speed 50 ft
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 14
Languages Westron, Wargspeech
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Great Leap. Dreorg is capable of jumping huge
distances. He may make a special Dash action to go twice
his normal movement in a single jump. Any opponents
in melee combat with him when he uses Great Leap get
Opportunity Attacks as normal.
Keen Hearing and Smell. Dreorg has Advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Pack Tactics. Dreorg has Advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of his allies is within 5
feet of the creature and the ally isn’t Incapacitated.
Savage Attack. When Dreorg scores a critical hit, he
does an additional 5 (1d10) damage. This damage is not
Dreorg the Wargling doubled by the critical hit.
Dreorg the Wargling was once one of the Hill-men living in
the vale of Gundabad, to the east of the Misty Mountains.
Multiattack. Dreorg makes two attacks: one bite and one
To escape death, his spirit fled his form and entered that claw attack.
of a particularly large, savage Warg. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage. If the target is a
creature, it must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
be knocked Prone.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
target. Hit: 11 (1d12+5) piercing damage.
Snake-like Speed (Recharge 5-6). Dreorg is adept at
avoiding injury and can use his reaction to halve the
attack damage on an attack that he is aware of.
Dreorg’s Warg-band
Dreorg is always accompanied by the most cruel wolves
of his pack: at least three Wolf Leaders (see page 112
of the Loremaster’s Guide). Wolves led by Dreorg do
not suffer the effects of the Fear of Fire special ability
and are additionally considered Thralls of Dreorg.
If you count the troupe as a single entity, it will be
Challenge 10.
Evils of the North
Rivendell Region Guide
Barrow-wights walked in the hollow places with a clink of
Radgul rings on cold fingers, and gold chains in the wind.
Medium humanoid (Orc-kind)
17 (+3) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Sent to the hills of Tyrn Gorthad by the sorcery of the
Witch-king of Angmar to plague his enemies in the wars
Armour Class 18 (cobbled-together Orc armour, Huge
Hide-shield) against Arnor, these restless spirits still rise from their
Hit Points 59 (7d8+28) tombs under the dreaded Barrow-downs. Known as the
Speed 30 ft Barrow-wights, they are drawn by the life and warmth of
Skills Deception +5, Investigation +5, Persuasion + 5 those unfortunate travellers who are lost in the trackless
Senses passive Perception 11 region. They strike from the cover of thick mists, or under
Languages Orcish, Black Speech, Westron the cloak of night, seeking to subdue their prey with their
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
spells and take them into their barrow tombs. There, the
Hatred (Hobbits) (Recharge 5-6). Radgul can use
victims are sacrificed in a twisted ceremony that harkens
his bonus action to gain Advantage on any attack rolls
against a Hobbit this round. back to their once-noble lives, for the corruption of Angmar
Horrible Strength. If Radgul makes a successful melee lingers on even beyond death and the passage of time.
attack, he may use his bonus action to cause 3 additional
damage of the same type to the target.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Radgul has
Disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Orcish Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft, one target. Hit: 8 (2d4+3) slashing damage.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft or range 20/60 ft, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing
damage or 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage if used with two
hands to make a melee attack.
Commanding Voice. Radgul can inspire his allies
with his sly words and half-empty promises. He may
use his reaction to utter a command or shout a warning
whenever a non-hostile creature, that he can see within 30
feet, is about to make an attack roll or a saving throw. The
target can add a d6 Command Die to that roll, provided
it can hear and understand the message. A creature
can benefit from only one Command Die at a time and
creatures that possess Commanding Voice cannot benefit
from this effect.
Evils of the North
Bog Soldiers
…so utterly was Angmar defeated that not a man nor an orc
Barrow-wights of that realm remained west of the Mountains.
Medium Undead
17 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)
Beneath the bogs of the Ettenmoors lie the bodies of the
Witch-king’s rearguard, withered and stained black by the
Armour Class 13 (tattered remnants of armour)
Hit Points 45 (6d8+18) foetid muck but recognisable still, even though a thousand
Speed 30 ft years have passed. On dark, moonless nights, dozens of
Damage Resistances non-magical bludgeoning, undead soldiers rise again from the silent waters.
piercing and slashing
Damage Immunity poison
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion,
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3
Senses blindsight 30 ft, passive Perception 13
Languages Westron
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Denizen of the Dark. The Barrow-wight is particularly
adept at using the environment and shadows to its
benefit. It may take the Hide action, even in plain sight.
It makes a Dexterity (Stealth) check and any foes must
make an opposed Wisdom (Perception) check to track its
Fell Spirit (Recharge 5-6). When the Barrow-wight
would be reduced to 0 hit points, it may use its reaction to
add 7 (2d6) temporary hit points.
Hate Sunlight. The Barrow-wight despises the cleansing
light of the Sun. If it is exposed to direct bright sunlight, it
takes 3 (1d6) psychic damage each round.
Ancient Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
Chilling Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
5 ft, one target. Hit: The target must make a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or become Stunned until
the end of the Barrow-wight’s next turn. If the target is
already Stunned then the target becomes Unconscious
until it completes a short rest instead. Unconscious
companions are dragged into the wight’s barrow to be
sacrificed; if found in time, they may be roused with a DC
10 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Wight Song (1/day). Barrow-wights chant a low,
chilling song to subdue their foes with the dark
enchantment of their voice. Each creature within 60 feet
of the Barrow-wight must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving
throw. Creatures that fail the saving throw are Stunned.
A Stunned creature can repeat the saving throw at the
beginning of its turn, ending the effect on a success.
Rivendell Region Guide
Bog Soldier
Medium Undead
13 (+1) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 3 (-4) 7 (-2) 3 (-4)
Armour Class 8
Hit Points 22 (4d8+4)
Speed 20 ft
Damage Immunity poison
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 8
Languages None
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the Bog Soldier
to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw
with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage
is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the Bog
Soldier drops to 1 hit point instead.
Fell Wraith
Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, Medium Undead
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage.
Grasping Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ft, one target. Hit: the target is Grappled (Escape DC 11) and 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 9 (-1)
the Bog Soldier can spend an action to drag the character Armour Class 16 (Wraith-like, Shield)
into the deepest part of the muck… see the Bog combat Hit Points 45 (6d8+18)
scenery entry on page 91 of the Loremaster’s Guide. Speed 30 ft
Damage Resistances Non-magical bludgeoning,
piercing and slashing
Damage Immunity poison
Fell Wraiths Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Poisoned
"…you would have become like they are, only weaker and Senses blindsight 30 ft, passive Perception 12
under their command. You would have become a wraith Languages Westron, Adûnaic, Sindarin
under the dominion of the Dark Lord…" Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Fear of Fire. If a torch or other flame comes within 10 feet
of it, the Fell Wraith suffers Disadvantage on its attack rolls.
It is said that many who died in the wars against Angmar
Unnatural Vitality. The Fell Wraith can use its bonus
fell victim to the Black Shadow, the terrible illness spread action to regain 6 (1d12) hit points. It cannot use this
by the Nazgûl. But many others did not perish, and were ability to exceed its normal hit point maximum.
slowly consumed by it instead. Condemned to a perpetual Wraith-like. The Fell Wraith has resistance to all non-
anguish by the sorcery of the Ringwraiths, they are still magical weapon damage and its base Armour Class is
equal to 10 plus twice its Dexterity modifier.
today their slaves, pale reflections of their dark masters,
always intent at spreading darkness and corruption at
Broadsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft,
their command. Fell Wraiths appear as crooked wanderers,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) slashing damage.
roaming among ancient ruins and the sites of forgotten Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
battles. They are generally wrapped in cloaks to hide their 5 ft or range 20/60 ft, one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing
spectral features; their flesh is almost transparent, and damage or 5 (1d6+1) piercing damage if used with two
hands to make a melee attack.
their eyes seem to glow like embers. If encountered in the
Strike Fear (Recharge 5-6). As an action, the Fell Wraith
hours of twilight, they may pass as Men, as they can speak, may force each opponent within 30 ft to make a DC 14
even if with an unusual hissing voice and strange accents. Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened until the end
Fell Wraiths carry old weapons and battered shields, relics of the the Wraith’s next turn.
from an age of strife they employ to deadly effectiveness.
Evils of the North
There they stood silent, hardly to be seen, save for a red
gleam in their eyes…
Medium Undead
Not all the spirits that tarry in Middle-earth are bound 1 (-5) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
to the service of Sauron, yet all feel the pull of his will.
Armour Class 12
Powerful and strong-willed Men or Elves who died while Hit Points 54 (12d8)
pursuing acts of passion and great pride are often so Speed 0 ft, fly 50 ft (hover)
consumed by their obsessions that they can linger on after Damage Resistances Acid, fire, lightning, thunder;
death, haunting places they once used to love or inhabit. non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
Spectres are restless spirits that, while not violent in Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion,
Frightened, Grappled, Paralysed, Petrified, Poisoned,
nature, sow sorrow and despair, seeking the lamentation
Prone, Restrained
of others in regret for their own misdeeds. They manifest Senses blindsight 30 ft, passive Perception 11
only in the dead of night, and never far away from their Languages Those it knew in life
haunting places. Their apparitions are said to intensify at Challenge 3 (700 XP)
times of great unquiet and coming death. Black Dread. When forced to make a Wisdom saving
throw against this creature targets automatically have
Disadvantage on the roll.
Ghost-form. This creature is insubstantial and cannot
be easily hurt by normal means. See the damage and
condition resistances and immunities above.
Incorporeal Movement. The creature can move through
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult
terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn
inside an object.
Grieve (Recharge 5-6). As an action, the creature
may force each opponent within 30 ft to make a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw (with Disadvantage, see above)
or experience a harrowing sorrow, causing him to gain
3 (1d4+1) Shadow points. If the target rolls a 1 on the
saving throw, the target is also Stunned until the end of
the Spectre’s next turn.
Visions of Torment. As an action, the creature can
force one target within 60 feet to make a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw (with Disadvantage, see above) or take
psychic damage equal to 2 (1d4) plus its total Shadow
Rivendell Region Guide
The Wight-king
Cold be hand and heart and bone,
and cold be sleep under stone:
never more to wake on stony bed,
never, till the Sun fails and the Moon is dead.
In the black wind the stars shall die,
and still on gold here let them lie,
till the dark lord lifts his hand
over dead sea and withered land.
It is said that a spirit great and terrible dwells in the greatest mound of the
Barrow-downs. Clad in ancient armour that has been pitted and ruined
with age, he wields a broken blade with skeletal hands. All who look
upon him know ruin and it is said that none who have fallen under his
gaze are ever free from nightmares and restless slumber. He is said to wander
between the fog banks of the downs at night, searching for lost travellers to
take with him into his grand mound so that they might kneel forever before his
subterranean throne.
The Wight-king action to regain 6 (1d12) hit points. He cannot use this
Medium Undead ability to exceed his normal hit point maximum.
19 (+4) 13 (+1) 21 (+5) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) Multiattack. The Wight-king makes an attack with his
Armour Class 15 (tattered remnants of armour) sword and his Chilling Touch.
Hit Points 104 (11d8+55) Ancient Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
Speed 30 ft ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage.
Chilling Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Damage Resistances non-magical bludgeoning, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: The target must make a DC 14
piercing and slashing Constitution saving throw or become Stunned until the
Damage Immunity poison end of the Wight-king’s next turn. If the target is already
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Poisoned Stunned then the target becomes Unconscious until it
Skills Intimidation + 5, Perception +4, Stealth +4 completes a short rest instead. Unconscious companions
Senses blindsight 30 ft, passive Perception 14 are dragged into the Wight-king’s barrow to be sacrificed;
Languages Adûnaic, Westron if found in time, they may be roused with a DC 10
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Barrow of the Dead (Lair action, Recharge 6). If the Darker than the Darkness (1/day). The Wight-king can
Wight-king is in the Barrow-downs, he may use a Lair spend his action to summon a supernatural darkness.
action to call the evil spirits of Tyrn Gorthad to him: 3 It is centred on the wight and extends out to a radius of
(1d4+1) Barrow-wights arrive at the end of his next turn. 15 feet. Torches and other non-magical light sources do
Denizen of the Dark. The Wight-king is particularly not pierce the darkness. A magical light can counter the
adept at using the environment and shadows to its darkness effect but does not dispel it. The darkness lasts
benefit. He may take the Hide action, even in plain sight. until the Wight-king is slain or he spends a bonus action
He makes a Dexterity (Stealth) check and any foes must to cancel the effect.
make an opposed Wisdom (Perception) check to track Wight-king Song (Recharge 5-6). The King chants
his movements. a low, chilling song to subdue his foes with the dark
Hate Sunlight. The Wight-king despises the cleansing enchantment of his voice. Each creature within 60 feet
light of the Sun. If he is exposed to direct bright sunlight, of the Wight-king must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving
he takes 3 (1d6) psychic damage each round. throw. Creatures that fail the saving throw are Stunned.
Unnatural Vitality. The Wight-king can use his bonus A Stunned creature can repeat the saving throw at the
beginning of its turn, ending the effect on a success.
Evils of the North
Rivendell Region Guide
"Alas! the wounds of this weapon are beyond my skill to
The Lord of the Nazgûl,
Unclad and Invisible heal."
Medium Undead
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Enemies of the Nazgûl who die when pierced by a Morgul-
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) knife do not rest, but become Fell Wraiths under the
Armour Class 12 dominion of the Dark Lord. If a companion is struck by a
Hit Points 190 (20d8+100) Morgul-knife, the hero must make a Constitution saving
Speed 30 ft throw.
Damage Immunities non-magical bludgeoning,
piercing and slashing; cold, psychic The DC is equal to 10 plus the damage done to the
Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened, Frightened,
companion by the knife. If the strike reduces the hero to 0
Paralysed, Petrified, Stunned
Skills Intimidation +10, Perception +6 hit points, the saving throw is automatically failed. If the
Senses Truesight 30 ft (otherwise blind), passive saving throw is a failed, the blade of the knife has broken,
Perception 16 and a splinter of the evil thing is within the hero.
Languages Black Speech, Orcish, Westron
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Such an injury must be treated by a master of healing like
The Black Captain. The Nazgûl are fearsome
opponents, but they are made even more formidable when
Elrond Halfelven or a Scholar familiar with The Weapons
encountered together with their Chieftain. If the Lord is of the Enemy as soon as possible. Treatment requires the
accompanied by one or more Nazgûl, a target forced by healer tend to the victim during a long rest and succeed
any Ringwraith to make a saving throw makes that roll at at a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check. If this does not
happen, the victim becomes sick and does not recover,
Legendary. The Lord can take two Legendary actions
each turn to use either his Black Breath, Spell of and will soon be overcome: the wounded hero resists for
Prohibition or Thing of Terror abilities. a number of days equal to 12 plus the victim’s Wisdom
Thing of Shadow. The Ringwraith is Invisible. modifier, then if he is still without cure he dies in pain,
Actions only to rise later as a Fell Wraith.
Black Breath. The Lord can use his action to target a
creature within 10 feet. That creature must make a DC But a Morgul-wound will never truly heal. A hero who
16 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature
sustained such a grim injury feels a great chill spreading
gains 1 Shadow point and becomes Unconscious. The
creature may be revived as an action, but is Miserable from the spot where he was pierced whenever he is
until it takes a long rest. On a success, the creature gains 1 traversing an area considered Blighted, or finds himself in
Shadow point but remains awake. If a Ringwraith targets sight of a Ringwraith: the companion must pass a DC 20
an Unconscious creature then it is subject to The Black
Wisdom saving throw or gain a level of Exhaustion.
Shadow (see page 75).
Shadow of Fear. The Lord can direct its terrible will
upon any Frightened mortal (Dwarf, Hobbit or Man) Moreover, the pain will return every year on the day the
such that the victim becomes an agent for the Enemy. The character received the Morgul-wound, and the companion
Ringwraith may use its action to force the target to make will have to pass a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw, or gain
a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, see The
Shadow of Fear (page 74).
5 (1d6+2) Shadow points.
Spell of Prohibition. The Lord can use his action to force
one creature within 30 feet to make a DC 16 Wisdom There is only one positive side for those who survive a
saving throw. On a failure, the target is Stunned until the Morgul-wound: his senses become sharper, and he is
end of the Ringwraith’s next turn and drops any items that
more aware of things that cannot be seen. For example,
it is carrying.
Thing of Terror. The Lord can use his action to cause any the companion can see more in the dark than most,
number of targets within 60 feet of him to make a DC 16 including Dwarves and Elves. In game terms, the hero
Wisdom saving throw. Those that fail are Frightened until gains Advantage on all Perception checks.
the end of the Ringwraith’s next turn.
Evils of the North
The Witch-king to the ruins of his own fortress, Carn Dûm, and the Orc-
"Then the Witch-king laughed, and none that heard it ever stronghold of Mount Gram. When in the North, the Lord
forgot the horror of that cry." of the Nazgûl may manifest himself once again clad in the
guise of the Witch-king of Angmar: a tall, kingly warrior,
The former ruler of Angmar, the Witch-king has at times black-robed and black-masked, wielding a long sword of
paid a visit to his ancient realm, travelling as far north as steel.
The Lord of the Nazgûl The Ringwraith can use his bonus action to add 5 (1d6+2)
as Dark Undead necrotic damage.
Medium Undead Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage.
Morgul-knife. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)
5 ft, one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing damage and see
Armour Class 12 Morgul-knives, page 88.
Hit Points 190 (20d8+100) Black Breath. The Lord can use his action to target a
Speed 30 ft creature within 10 feet. That creature must make a DC
Damage Resistances non-magical bludgeoning, 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature
piercing and slashing; cold, psychic gains 1 Shadow point and becomes Unconscious. They
Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened, Frightened, may be revived as an action, but are Miserable until
Paralysed, Petrified, Stunned it takes a long rest. On a success, the creature gains 1
Skills Intimidation +10, Perception +6 Shadow point but remains awake. If a Ringwraith targets
Senses Truesight 30 ft (otherwise blind), passive an Unconscious creature then it is subject to The Black
Perception 16 Shadow (see page 75).
Languages Black Speech, Orcish, Westron Shadow of Fear. The Lord can direct its terrible will
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) upon any Frightened mortal (Dwarf, Hobbit or Man)
The Black Captain. The Nazgûl are fearsome opponents, such that the victim becomes an agent for the Enemy. The
but they are made even more formidable when Ringwraith may use its action to force the target to make
encountered together with their Chieftain. If the Lord is a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, see The
accompanied by one or more Nazgûl, a target forced by Shadow of Fear (page 74).
any Ringwraith to make a saving throw makes that roll at Spell of Prohibition. The Lord can use his action to force
Disadvantage. one creature within 30 feet to make a DC 16 Wisdom
Deadly Voice. The Ringwraiths scream at their enemies saving throw. On a failure, the target is Stunned until the
with long-drawn wails that rise to a deafeningly high end of the Ringwraith’s next turn and drops any items that
piercing note. The Lord can use his bonus action to make they are carrying.
a Frightened creature become Stunned until the end of the Thing of Terror. The Lord can use his action to cause any
Lord’s next turn. number of targets within 60 feet of him to make a DC 16
Fear of Fire. If a torch or other flame comes within 10 Wisdom saving throw. Those that fail are Frightened until
feet of him, the Lord suffers Disadvantage on his attack the end of the Ringwraith’s next turn.
rolls. Reaction
Legendary. The Lord can take two Legendary actions Dwimmerlaik. If a hero strikes the Lord with a critical
each turn to use either his Black Breath, Spell of hit, he may use his reaction to invoke this ability. The
Prohibition or Thing of Terror abilities. hero must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw. On a
Unyielding (Recharge 5-6). The Lord can use his bonus failure, the hero’s weapon shatters, and the hero receives
action to gain 10 temporary hit points. the damage instead of the Ringwraith. Legendary
Actions weapons might not be destroyed, but are lost as a cold
Multiattack. The Lord makes one attack with his Black pain shoots through the hero’s body and she drops the
Sword and one with his Morgul-knife or Claw. weapon.
Black Sword of Mordor. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to
hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage.
Rivendell Region Guide
Forgotten But such remarkable things are not meant to remain lost
- treasures -
forever. Their original purpose may have been forgotten
with the passing of centuries, together with the name of
their makers, but each item is part of a story and the tale
is not yet complete. A day may come when a worthy blade
Before him were the bones of a mighty man. He
will be found in a barrow among swords of lesser lineage,
had been clad in mail, and still his harness lay ready to serve a new fate in the hands of a hero; or, if the
there whole… his hauberk was gilded. His belt treasure had been left to rot in the shadow for too long, to
was of gold and garnets, and rich with gold was work a curse upon him and draw him to a miserable end!
the helm upon his bony head face downward on
These rules introduce Hoards, ancient stores of treasure
the floor.
possibly containing jewels and artefacts created in past
ages and possessing exceptional qualities, and Magical
There is more than just gold and precious stones to be found Treasure rolls, should the players attempt to search for
in deserted caverns and dark dungeons under the earth. anything unusual amongst the silver and gold.
In past ages of the world, Men, Elves and Dwarves long
laboured to craft marvellous things from metal and stone, What is a Hoard?
and put into their work all their lore, power and subtle skill. A Hoard is treasure, but it is different from a bag of coins
offered by a rich merchant for some service. Most Hoards
These wondrous jewels, famous blades and suits of are ancient, or at least have items of days gone by amidst
armour were given to sons and daughters as gifts, hoarded more recent loot. A pile of old gold found in a Goblin cave
as treasures by greedy kings and lusted after and even is a Hoard, as is the collected ‘shiny bits’ tossed into the
Sentimental Value
Items in a Hoard possess more value than the simple Should a companion make a gift or otherwise offer such
weight of their precious metals or fine-cut jewels. Each an item to members of a folk whose tradition hearkens
was made for a purpose, even if no-one in these fading back to the time when the item was crafted, he would
years now knows it. receive more than its intrinsic value in return. Such
appreciation can increase the value of the item, perhaps
A golden crown found among the ruins of an ancient doubling it or making even a Worthless Trinket fetch
castle will have more value if brought to someone able to a few gold pieces from the right buyer. It might also
recognise it as a relic out of a familiar past, made for an provide for non-monetary benefits: Advantage during an
honoured ancestral ruler by a crafter that was legendary Audience, easing the opening of a Sanctuary or special
to her people. While some objects will have lost their story consideration from a Patron. But the provenance of an
along the way, the recovery of an item from a Hoard can object might also lend itself to a new mission for the
allow a hero to become part of a larger story, with a rich Company… what if a precious heirloom, long lost in the
history. Who made the item? Who commissioned it? Who Wild, could be restored to its rightful place? Or perhaps
was it for? Was it a gift, a reward or a trophy? How did a thing tainted by Shadow has been found, and the curse
it come to rest in the Hoard? How many hands have held can only be lifted once the heroes know how it came to be
it and wondered these same questions? among the Enemy in the first place…
Ancient and Forgotten Treasures
corner of a Troll warren. The rarest and most fantastic Once the Company’s magical treasure rolls are complete
Hoards found in the Wild will be those of Dragons, as no more items remain to be found.
their lust for the bright and beautiful is unmatched in
Middle-earth. For example, Trotter’s company finds an old hoard,
amounting to a value of Treasure 50**. The Hobbit makes
The coffers of an Elf-lord or Dwarven chieftain may qualify a Magical Treasure roll to check if he finds anything of
as a Hoard as well; however, what is really important is unusual worth, receiving only Ordinary Treasure. He
how the companions acquire it, as theft is a Misdeed, spends two Hit Dice and rolls again…
causing an automatic Shadow point gain.
Rivendell Region Guide
Worthless Trinket (Touched by the Even ordinary treasure has a story, a Loremaster might
Shadow 6), plus Ordinary Treasure. wish to hint at the origins of the treasure in her description
Ordinary Treasure (Touched by the or use the Where Did It Come From? table on page 95 as
4 – 17
Shadow 6). inspiration.
Precious Object (Touched by the Shadow
If you are eligible, you may spend two Hit Dice to ignore
Wondrous Artefact (Touched by the
Shadow 5-6).
this result and roll again on the Magical Treasure table.
Legendary Weapon or Armour (Touched
by the Shadow 4-6).
Ancient and Forgotten Treasures
2 A vase, made of pewter or fine ceramic that is of ancient origin. It might possess some sentimental value.
A magical Dwarven toy set, but part of it is broken or missing. Perhaps the owner of the Hoard has defiled
or modified the toy in some way.
A purse or pouch with some small magic about it. Perhaps it squeaks or talks when opened, or if an
4 individual ties a knot in its drawstring, the knot falls apart easily for that person but is extraordinarily
difficult for anyone else to untie.
A book, slashed, torn or burnt. It requires a DC 10 Intelligence (Riddle) check to make anything of the
writing inside, which is likely to concern only the small doings of ordinary folk.
A sickle, set of firemaking tools, lantern, or another useful item for a farmer or craftsperson. The item is not
magical but is well-preserved and might have utilitarian or sentimental value for the right person.
A crude talisman of stone, wood or copper. A leather cord runs through a hole in the figurine so that it
7 could be worn about the neck or on an arm. It has been handled so much that it is hard to determine the
original shape of the figure.
A bag that contains several smaller pouches. Each pouch contains a pungent herb. None are useful for
medicinal purposes, but will aid in cooking a variety of meals.
A pair of fur-lined boots, of just the right size for the hero who discovered them. They are stiff with age and
caked with blood and mud, but with some care they still have years of service in them.
Several flasks that are obviously part of a larger set. Whatever liquid it contained (most likely alcohol)
10 has either dried up or turned bad over the long years. They are of simple green glass and of little value
A small musical instrument, made of wood or non-precious metal (a set of pipes, a flute, a bell, hand drum
or other similar item).
Rivendell Region Guide
A set of travelling cookware or serving items (wooden bowls, plates, silver utensils, copper or iron pots and
pans or similar things) from a distant culture. If this Hoard is ancient, they will almost certainly be useless.
A wheelbarrow, woven basket, wooden barrel or cask, or any other suitable storage container. It is empty
but serviceable.
A key (made of brass, iron or silver). It fits no lock found anywhere in the vicinity. It might be found with a
piece of string, length of chain or just tucked into the rotting remains of clothing.
A wooden token with some small faded scraps of paint still on the front of it. On the back someone has
carved a name from one of the local cultures. The edges are worn smooth.
2d6+3 buttons or beads, made of brass, bone, gold or wood. They might be a matched set or a haphazard
collection by the Hoard’s owner.
17 A set of fine clothing of a type preferred by one of the local cultures. It might well be torn, soiled or bloodied.
A set of jugs or baskets that once carried grain, oil or alcohol. Whatever remains is foul or rotten, or the
18 tops of the jugs might be broken and the contents missing. Perhaps they bear the markings of a trading
house of Lake-town.
A small metal flask (copper, iron or lead) still within the rotted remains of a cloth carrying sack. The stopper
is missing and the flask is entirely empty.
A collection of arrows remarkably intact and without rot or rust, wrapped in a cloth bundle. Each arrow
has fletching of a different colour. (1d6+1 arrows, no special abilities)
A wooden bowl, stained and burnished with some dark lacquer. Exceedingly fine carvings line the
21 outside of the vessel, the illustrations appropriate for wherever it was found (trees and forest creatures for
Mirkwood, running horses for Rohan, stern folk and tall ships for the coasts of Gondor, etc.)
A small hand mirror, made of tarnished silver with a frame made of pewter or ivory from an oliphaunt. It
would take considerable effort to make it presentable again.
A scabbard that chance (or other factors) has preserved over the long years. It bears runes of a kind not
seen in the area for an age or more. The weapon it once held is missing or broken.
A marvellously large seashell of many colours. When a mortal holds it up to their ear, they hear nothing but
silence. What an Elf might hear is unknown…
A clasping amulet of gold or silver on a fine chain of the same metal, now broken or in pieces. Whatever it
once held is long gone.
26 A little soft wallet on a string. Inside is an old wooden pipe and a pinch or two of pipeweed.
A bottle of lamp oil that is thicker and more viscous than normal. However, even a small amount of this oil
27 will allow a lamp to provide a bright light for a long time.(1d4+3 uses, 8 hours per use, you cannot use this
oil to attack a creature as it does not splash.)
An ornate walking staff, made for the height of a Hobbit or shortish Dwarf. It has an iron foot, and a copper
28 handle that unscrews to reveal a hollowed out compartment. Within is nothing other than shards of glass
and a small cork stopper.
A fanciful mask, like those favoured in Dorwinion for party-going. The imagery and construction of the
mask might provide clues as to who made it and for what reason.
A map or diagram on a scrap of vellum, possibly of a distant location. The ink is faded and maybe other
hands have added their own notes. Roll 1d8. 1-5. The map leads nowhere or to a place that has already
been looted. 6-7. The location is undisturbed but some guardian keeps watch over it. 8. The map has a
secret that only a DC 20 Intelligence (Riddle) check reveals.
Ancient and Forgotten Treasures
8 Hobbits
11 Woodmen or Beornings
Precious Objects
He chose for himself from the pile a brooch set with blue
stones, many-shaded like flax-flowers or the wings of blue
butterflies. How Precious Objects Work
The extraordinary quality of a Precious Object is
This category includes gemstones, jewels, silver and represented by an enhanced value, setting the object’s
gold ornaments whose quality is an extraordinary and worth much beyond that of ‘ordinary’ treasure. This rating
enchanting beauty, either due to a prodigious level of may be anywhere between 20 and 120 gold pieces, and
craftsmanship or a subtle magical virtue. The Loremaster can be set using the Precious Object Value table (see next
may use the directions presented in this chapter to create page), or chosen directly by the Loremaster, taking into
an item at the moment it is uncovered, or to design them consideration that the uppermost rating (120 gold pieces)
carefully to include them in the campaign’s Magical may afford a companion to live at a Prosperous Standard
Treasure Index (see page 97). of Living for ten years.
Rivendell Region Guide
1D6 Craftsmanship
Precious Objects Descriptions 1 Mannish (Númenórean)
Roll on each table to assemble a description and value for 2 Elven (Eregion)
the Precious Object. 3 Dwarven (Khazad-dûm)
4 Dwarven (Erebor)
5 Dwarven (Beleriand — Nogrod or Belegost)
1D10 Main Material 6 Elven (Beleriand)
1 Pearl
2 Sapphire
3 Ruby
4 Amethyst (pink to purple) 1D6 Value
5 Adamant (diamond) 1 1d6+14 gold pieces
6 White Elf-gem (see Gems, Jewels and Crystals) 2 2d6+28 gold pieces
7 Clear crystal 3 3d6+42 gold pieces
8 Emerald 4 4d6+56 gold pieces
9 Green Elf-gem (see Gems, Jewels and Crystals) 5 5d6+70 gold pieces
10 Green crystal 6 6d6+84 gold pieces
Not All That Glitters...
Rivendell Region Guide
application. Future supplements will also include sample armour. The following list provides a few more options that
indexes, to illustrate the sorts of magical treasure found in are of lesser renown but of significant power all the same.
another region or connected to a specific series of events.
Ancient Elven-craft
Loremasters are encouraged to create their own indexes Craftsmanship: Elven
though, based around the composition of the Company Item: Medium Armour
playing in their campaigns. Special: Bane
Not All That Glitters...
Runes of Protection your bonus action to make a single melee attack with this
Craftsmanship: Dwarven weapon.
Item: Heavy armour
This armour was crafted and ensorcelled to provide A magical object carrying a taint differs from an
extraordinary protection against ordinary weapons. When unmarred object for the fact that the item has been
you take non-magical damage from an attack, you may partially corrupted by laying in the shadows for centuries,
spend Inspiration and two Hit Dice to negate that damage. forgotten. Sometimes, the treasure has been left to rot long
enough for the Shadow to have wound about it a darker
Swiftness fate.
Craftsmanship: Elven, Númenórean
Item: Close combat weapon If a companion discovers an item Touched by the Shadow
(see the Hoard rules on page 90), the Loremaster may
This weapon is exceptionally balanced and feels natural take the chance to introduce a Curse, in addition to the
to even the least experienced of its wielders. You may use mandatory Corruption check.
Rivendell Region Guide
A cursed item does not differ from an unmarred one, and it has a detrimental effect rather than a positive one. The
it is attributed to the companion exactly in the same way. Loremaster may consult the list of sample Curses found
The Loremaster simply proceeds to design the Curse that below to select one that he finds appropriate, or he might
is laid upon it, either by choosing a Curse he designed use them as inspiration to design new ones.
previously for his own campaign, or by creating it on the
spot using the rules below. A Curse may not be initially apparent, but instead be
turned on by a specific circumstance. If the Loremaster so
If the Loremaster isn’t sure and needs a hard and fast rule chooses, a Curse may be unveiled as part of a Revelation
to determine whether an object is indeed cursed, he can episode (see page 113).
roll a d12 and consult the table below:
Examples of circumstances that might trigger a Curse
include: leaving the area where the cursed item was
found; exposing the object to the light of the moon; at the
Treasure Provenance Item is Cursed
(Examples) on a (D12) first shedding of blood; in the presence of a specific type of
creature; upon entering a blighted area.
From the Hoard of a Troll 1
From the Hoard of a Dragon 1–2
Stolen from an ancient barrow 1–3
From a stronghold of the Dark Lord 1–4
Not All That Glitters...
Once a Curse has been removed, the item reverts to being Hunted
a regular Magical Item. The presence of the item does not go unnoticed, and one
type of enemy (Orcs, Evil Men, the Enemy) perceive it when
Examples of Curses they come near it. For the purposes of The Eye of Mordor
Then a wild thought of escape came to him. He wondered if rules this counts as the Enemy pursuing the Company,
he put on the Ring, whether the Barrow-wight would miss lowering the Veil score by 4 points. In addition, Journey
him, and he might find some way out. He thought of himself Events and Revelation episodes triggered by the company
running free over the grass, grieving for Merry, and Sam, may be made to revolve around these stalkers.
and Pippin, but free and alive himself.
Bad luck dogs the bearer at every turn, his victories turned
to defeats by simple – but persistent – misfortune. Any roll
of 1 on the d20 (even for ability checks or a saving throw)
means an automatic failure for the bearer.
The bearer’s arrival is preceded by dark warnings and
fell omens, filling the hearts of former allies with dread
and fear. Whenever the bearer is present for an Audience,
the Company makes both the Introduction roll and Final
Audience Check with Disadvantage.
The object does not love its bearer, and will try to cause
him harm, or otherwise trouble him. If a skill roll concerns
the item (as in the case of a skill check augmented by a
Blessing, an attack roll for a weapon, or an foe’s attack roll
for armour), the companion has Disadvantage on the roll
(for armour, the attacker gains Advantage).
When the item is revealed (a sword is unsheathed, a glove Owned
is removed to reveal a ring and so on) all shadows in the The item is owned or was created by another creature,
area seem to deepen, and all sources of light seem to grow much as the Ring was owned by Sauron. The item may
weak. The phenomenon is particularly serious for the have found its way into the hands of the companion so
bearer of the item, who finds his sight seriously impaired. that the hero might unwittingly return it to its master. The
The companion makes any ability checks that rely upon Loremaster should decide upon a specific enemy to be the
sight with Disadvantage. owner of the item, possibly choosing a recurring villain in
his own campaign. When in the presence of its owner, the
Since no source of light is able to dispel this darkness, item becomes useless: its special features turn out to be
bystanders may be confused and disoriented. completely ineffective.
Rivendell Region Guide
a Legendary Weapon or Armour the Shadow increase is provoking the bearer to dark thoughts of violence and
equal to the number of Qualities on the item. This Shadow murder.
increase cannot be removed or healed, and will raise the
hero’s Shadow score until the Curse is lifted. • Tyrannical (Lure of Power). The item foments a
sense of overconfidence and arrogance within the
Weakness bearer, causing him to belittle and undermine his
So long as he bears this Curse, the bearer displays the companions.
worst Flaw connected to his own Shadow Weakness. The
Loremaster can invoke it as per the normal rules, to impose • Treacherous (Lure of Secrets). The item fosters
Disadvantage, to make a saving throw to remain in control thoughts of paranoia and discord within the mind of
of themselves, or as a Failure Aggravation, and possibly to its bearer, causing him to mistake his friends for foes.
determine the effects of a Bout of Madness (see page 183 of
the Adventures in Middle-earth Player’s Guide). • Thieving (Dragon-sickness). The item glitters with a
sickly light that causes the bearer to desire more and
• Cowardly (Wandering-madness). When the curse more.
takes hold of the bearer, all he can think of is turning
tail and fleeing into the night. Note that this Flaw is temporary, and does not count
towards a companion’s full complement of four Flaws for
• Murderous (Curse of Vengeance). A terrible thirst the purposes of Succumbing to the Shadow.
for blood and malevolence lies within the item,
But how can the Ruling Ring of Sauron be created under the Magical Treasure rules? The short answer is that
it can’t: it is the greatest magical artefact ever created in the history of Middle-earth after all. But let’s indulge
a little bit more… The Ring would probably have a Greater Blessing of Stealth for its capability to make its
wearer invisible, but eventually reveal later to bestow another Blessing on the skill that better defines its wearer’s
ambitions and desires: Intimidation for a mighty warrior, Traditions for a leader of Men, Lore for someone who
would desire to create things, Insight for those who seek to know the hearts of others… But what about its Curses?
Well, let’s not even get started...!
Magical Treasure Index
The goal of a pre-prepared Magical Treasure Index is that when a player successfully finds an item in a
Hoard, the Loremaster can simply look at the index and find something that has been carefully crafted
to suit that Player-hero. This sample Magical Treasure Index was designed for the Mirkwood Campaign,
and is extremely rich and powerful. Each of the Legendary Weapons listed has been created with one of
the pregenerated characters from Adventures in Middle-earth in mind, as have a number of the Wondrous
Items. The needs of the campaign were considered in the making of this index and, whilst no one item is key
to the campaign, many of them may prove beneficial in its later stages.
Campaign Members: Lifstan the Barding, Beli the Dwarf, Beran the Beorning, Caranthiel the Elf,
Trotter the Hobbit and the Bride.
- Precious objects -
Notes: A green gem the colour of the first shoots of spring, set
A ruby that, by firelight, seems to glimmer with an inner into a golden brooch in the shape of a leaf. Possibly of
flame even after the fire has been extinguished. Set onto Westernesse craft. Worth 20 gold pieces.
a golden chain, whose fine links can only be Elven-
make.Worth 50 gold pieces. An iridescent pearl set within a simple silver circlet,
recovered from the sea of the Cape of Forochel. The
An adamant ring that catches the weakest of lights, even circlet is of Westernesse make. It is said that if one
when deep underground. Its size suggests it was made stares into the pearl for long enough, you can see into
for the fingers of a Dwarf. Worth 30 gold pieces. the past… or the future. Worth 120 gold pieces.
A coronet studded with sparkling white gems, made A pink-hued amethyst set into an intricately carved
long ago for the Dwarven nobles of Erebor. Worth 40 silver ring. The script carved upon it is in Quenya and
gold pieces. says “I leave my heart to you.” Worth 40 gold pieces.
- Wondrous Artefacts -
A war-horn, made by the people of the Northern A cloak lined with both enchantment and — more
Kingdom, and whose booming voice strikes fear in all prosaically — fur, which makes the words of the wearer
foes (a Blessing to Intimidation). all the more comforting (a Blessing to Persuasion).
A golden torc, inscribed with images of feasting and A ring made from silvered steel that reflects the
merry-making that lends grace to the voice of its wearer innermost thoughts of any in its presence (a Blessing to
(a Blessing to Performance). Insight).
- Wondrous Artefacts -
A simple Dwarven ring of iron that makes the hammer A seeing-stone, which, when held up to the dawn, shows
blows of the wearer strike the anvil with effortless what some hint of what has gone before in this place (a
precision (a Blessing to smith’s tools). Blessing to History).
A short rod that was once the symbol of the art of A broken shard taken from a mirror that once stood in
leechcraft in the city of Belegost, and that instills a sense an Elven manor, and through which ghosts of the past
of peace and calm to a patient (a Blessing to Medicine). may still be seen - albeit fractured in time and place (a
Blessing to Lore).
A golden circlet carved with Dwarven runes that causes
the wearer to find precisely what he is looking for (a A simple knife that seems to cut a path through thickets
Blessing to Investigation). and bushes with the utmost ease (a Blessing to
A magical ring, capable of sharpening the wits of any
who wear it (a Blessing to Riddle). An ivory horn that has been engraved with images of
defeated foes paying tribute to an ancient queen. When
A cloak of Elven make, the weave of which magically lifted to the lips of its bearer it makes not a sound, but
allows the wearer to blend seamlessly into his men are compelled to bow down before her (a Blessing
surroundings (a Blessing to Stealth). to Intimidation).
A walking stick tightly wound with an endless spiral of A beautiful golden ring that glistens with the light of the
Elven rhymes, which, when read aloud, seems to make sun, even at night, and that bestows a clarity of vision
the miles pass by all the faster (a Blessing to Survival). to its wearer (a Blessing to Perception).
Companion: Lifstan
Item: Rune-shield of Ossiriand Companion: Caranthiel
Item: The Crown of Spiderhollow
Type: Great Shield
Craftsmanship: Dwarven Type: Helm
Banes: n/a Craftsmanship: Elven
Qualities: Banes: Spiders
1. Reinforced 2. Rune-scored Shield 3.- Qualities:
1. Ancient Close-fitting 2. Runes of Clarity 3.-
Notes: So-called because, according to Dwarf legend,
its wielder could use it to hold back the seven rivers of Notes: At first glance this delicate headpiece looks
Ossiriand themselves. Whether there is any truth in the to have been woven from spider webs and ivy, but
legend is rather difficult to prove, but it is certainly effective closer inspection reveals that it is carved from wood so
at holding back onrushing tides of Orcs. Aside from its delicately that it only appears so.
ornate brass boss, cast in the shape of a roaring mountain
lion’s head, this sturdy iron shield appears somewhat
plain … except under certain moons, when its surface
takes on an almost mirrored sheen and secret Dwarven
runes glisten and gleam
Magical Treasure Index
This sample Magical Treasure Index is based on the adventures of Thorin’s company on their quest to reclaim
Erebor from Smaug, as though it were part of a campaign for Adventures in Middle-earth. Incidentally, the
Hoard of Smaug was likely rated at 1000***, whereas the Hoard of the Trolls was rated at 50*.
Campaign Members: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Fíli and Kíli, Balin, Dwalin, Dori, Nori, Ori, óin,
Glóin, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur.
- Precious objects -
- Wondrous Artefacts -
Notes: A sword with a jewelled hilt, Orcrist was Notes: To a Man or an Elf, this blade might only be
crafted by the High Elves of Gondolin for use in the a dagger, but to a Hobbit it is akin to a short sword.
Goblin-wars. Its name means Goblin-cleaver, but the Forged in Gondolin by Elven-smiths, this blade glows
Goblins know it better by the name Biter. blue in the presence of Orcs and their foul kin.
Notes: This shield, ornately decorated by a Dwarven Notes: This small mail shirt was once wrought for
craftsman of ancient Erebor, was made for a warrior a young Elf-prince in the ancient past. It is made of
now-long dead. Mithril and can turn even the most grievous of blows.
Notes: This silver-hafted axe was once wielded by Notes: Once gifted to the son of Girion, the Lord of
the King Under the Mountain and was believed lost Dale, this mail coat was wrought of silver but was
when Smaug the Terrible drove the Dwarves from the as strong as triple steel. Its like has never been seen
Lonely Mountain. Perhaps it was recovered when his before or since.
hoard was divided among the victors of The Battle of
Five Armies.
Magical Treasure Index
This sample Magical Treasure Index is based on the adventures of a Company adventuring in Eriador
itself, and as such is slanted towards Elven and Númenórean treasures. Compared to the other two sample
Magical Treasure Indexes, it is closer to what a ‘default’ power level should be, illustrating how you can
tailor the potential of the magical treasure to suit the needs of your game.
Campaign Members: Cirmacar the High Elf, Fareth the Dúnedain, Frida of the Lake, Thraindan the Dwarf,
Tom Mugwort of Bree.
- Precious objects -
A ruby hanging from a simple silver chain made by A delicate silver tiara decorated with a single diamond at
the Men of Westernesse. It is said that, on the coldest the peak, of such workmanship it could only have been
nights, the ruby is always warm. Worth 60 gold pieces. made in Eregion. Worth 100 gold pieces.
- Wondrous Artefacts -
Notes: A finely made but unadorned long sword, this Notes: This slight, silvered-steel helm was once
blade was said to have belonged to Arahel, one of the worn by a warrior of Belegost; what became of him
first chieftains of the Dúnedain. has been lost to the annals of time, but the helm itself
remains pristine.
Notes: The wood that this bow was made from was Notes: In ancient times the Elves of Eregion and the
hewed in ancient days from a Mallorn tree that had Dwarves of Khazad-dûm were fast allies, until ill-fate
been blackened by the fires of war. Something of befell both peoples. This shield dates from that time,
those dark days remains in the wood. and although of Elven craftsmanship it also bears the
runic marks of the Dwarves.
Companion: Cirmacar
Item: Hauberk of the Last Alliance
Type: Scale Hauberk
Craftsmanship: Elven
Banes: n/a
1. Elven-craft 2. Ancient Cunning Make
3. -
- mordor -
confronted by His vengeance. But some heroes wait in
secret places or move unseen among the common people,
hidden from the Enemy’s attention. The possibility that a
“The number must be few, since your hope is in company catches the awareness of the Enemy is expressed
in gaming terms through the optional mechanics
speed and secrecy. Had I a host of Elves in armour
concerning the Hunt and the Veil.
of the Elder Days, it would avail little, save to
arouse the power of Mordor.”
The Hunt
As the Twilight of the Third Age approaches and the War
of the Ring begins, the will of the Dark Lord pushes all There was an eye in the Dark Tower that did not sleep. He
wicked things to evil ends. Especially after the revelation knew it had become aware of his gaze. A fierce eager will
of Sauron in the year 2951, adventuring becomes more was there. It leaped towards him, almost like a finger he felt
and more dangerous, as the Shadow begins to awaken it, searching for him.
again and its spies and servants are put on watch.
The danger that a Company will attract the attention of
Many unfriendly things that have little love for Elves, Sauron depends on the composition of the group and their
Dwarves and Men are stirred into action, and those that experience level. The Enemy keeps a closer watch on those
dare to journey across Middle-earth find themselves often individuals he hates, or fears, the most. A Company of
plagued by an ill-fortune. Distant folks grow suspicious seasoned veterans that includes a High Elf of Rivendell will
and estranged once again. The arm of the Enemy is raise more suspicion and stir the minions of the Shadow
growing longer every day. more easily than a smaller group composed solely of
Hobbits on their first adventure.
Furthermore, these are the years of the fading of the Eldar,
and the waning of their power is felt in every corner of The Hunt score begins equal to the highest Proficiency
the land as a lengthening darkness. Everywhere but inside Bonus of the Company, and is further modified as below.
The Eye of Mordor
To keep track of the Hunt it is best to use a number of The Hunt Intensifies
counters or tokens (black or red glass beads are ideal) that During the Adventuring phase, the Company’s actions
should be placed on the gaming table, within reach of all may lead to an increase in the Hunt score. The Loremaster
players. You will need approximately 20-25 tokens. must keep track of these instances and update the Hunt
score accordingly.
There are many strange and dark powers in Middle- • Open displays of magical power invoked by a Wizard
earth, and not all of them are necessarily in league or another character capable of such feats increase
with the Dark Lord… the Hunt score accordingly. See Displays of Magical
Power, page 112.
Rivendell Region Guide
The following Virtues and features are considered Wise decisions on the part of the Company, discretion
magical for the purposes of increasing the Hunt score: amidst strangers and careful travel in the Wild can mask
the heroes from the Shadow. The Veil score is the measure
Beauty of the Stars Broken Spells
of how discrete the heroes are being, and what distractions
Compelling Words Healer’s Staunching Song
they can bring to bear against the attention of the Enemy.
Night-goer Skill of the Eldar
You may wish to represent this with some sort of counters
Staunching Song Wood-elf Magic
(white or clear glass beads, perhaps). This score starts
Words of Command
as the highest Wisdom modifier of the Company and is
further modified according to the table opposite:
Here follow some examples of undisguised magical feats of Loremaster characters that may cause an increase of
the Hunt score for a Company. Note that not every use of magic does apply; for example, tracing signs on a surface
that will be visible only to friendly eyes, or embellishing pipe-smoke or fireworks with shapes and colours does not
intensify the Hunt – unless they are done in the wrong place, or at the wrong time, of course!
• Lesser effects (+1 point): Illuminate a dark passage with a short blaze of magical light, open a locked door,
play tricks with voices or sounds.
• Major spells (+2 points): Light a fire in the storm, block a door against a powerful adversary, make a tree
burst into flames.
• Powerful spells (+4 points): Rain lightning down upon an advancing enemy, lend speed to a travelling company,
make the waters of a river swell with rage.
The Eye of Mordor
Rivendell Region Guide
Regardless of the details, whatever happens to the group running out of food as provisions are found to be
Company must spring naturally out of the ongoing flow of unexpectedly spoilt, a decision taken by heroes proving to
events experienced during a session; no Orcs appearing be the worst possible choice, an individual the Company
out of nowhere to attack while the Company is sleeping at was waiting for failing to show up at a crucial moment,
Beorn’s House! and so on.
Serious Misfortune
The Eye of Mordor
• Láthspell. The coming of the company is interpreted • Guided by Sinister Purpose. A potential threat the
as ill-news, and the heroes are given a colder welcome company had a chance to avoid is now waiting for
than expected: the introduction check of the Audience them. An Orc patrol they could try to ambush now
fails automatically, as suspicions are roused and automatically spots them; a Troll they could sneak
old prejudices flare up; if the Final Audience Check past sniffs them at the worst possible moment; an
is failed the companions are expelled, imprisoned or unnamed terror that was sleeping in the deep places
otherwise refused any help or support. of the world is now aware of their passage. If the
Company is on a Journey they are now subject to The
• Do not tempt me! A severe and tantalizing trap is Keen Eyes of the Enemy.
set before a companion and the hero must make a
DC 20 Wisdom check. The nature of the challenge • Reckless Hate. One enemy type that will be faced
may be overt or subtle, and should be based on the in combat soon gains the special ability Hatred
character’s Shadow weakness. If the hero fails the (subject), focused on one heroic culture represented
check, he is subjected to the same consequences of in the company.
a bout of madness (see the Player’s Guide, page 183)
and gains 1 or more points of temporary Shadow. • Deadly Strife. An enemy that will be faced in combat
soon gains the Hideous Toughness ability. The
• Lies and Threats. An ally becomes an enemy, through Loremaster might draw on the misfortunes of the
coercion, betrayal or even sorcery. The individual is Company to explain why the foe that they now face is
now bent to do harm to the companions, and either exceedingly difficult to defeat.
acts directly or schemes in the dark.
• We Come to Kill. One enemy type that will be faced
• A Weariness of the Heart. An unnatural sense of in combat soon gains the special ability No Quarter.
tiredness has gotten hold of the Company. Whether it
is due to some subtle sorcery or else it is not clear, but • No Common Foe. The Shadow moves against the
all companions immediately increase their Exhaustion Company and he does not stint in spending his hatred.
level by 1 and cannot reduce their Exhaustion to below The enemies that the heroes will face gain a special
level 1 until the Loremaster deems the spell has passed. ability — either one appropriate to their creature type
or the enemy group is now a troupe with one or more
• A Will That Lends Speed. An enemy that the beneficial troupe abilities.
Company was chasing or holding prisoner escapes,
as if helped or hidden by an unseen hand.
Rivendell Region Guide
Elrond Halfelven founded Imladris, the Last Homely House, in an age of darkness
and fear, when all that was good and fair in the world retreated before the growing
power of the Enemy. This place has ever been a secret refuge for the High Elves,
the eldest and fairest of all Eldar.
In Rivendell they have dwelt in peace for many long centuries, but as the Third
Age draws to a close, they have come to realise that the songs they sing in the
Hall of Fire will soon become sorrowful dirges once more. Remembering
past horrors and the ruin brought by the corruption of the Shadow, they
lament what the future may bring – though let us not say that they are
afraid. The High Elves are fair and tall, proud and powerful. They will
not cower before the rising darkness out of the East.
Yet the wanderer who comes to Rivendell finds the High Elves to
be creatures of contradiction. One moment they are merry
and fair, chiding the younger races in song and jest. The
next their faces turn grim and their words stern as
they speak of the fading of the world.
High Elves of Rivendell
Standard of Living Elvish Dreams — Your sleep is not like that of mortals.
The halls of Rivendell are filled with all manner of relics When you sleep, you can choose to send your mind into
and treasure of the olden days, preserved by Elrond and an “Elvish Dream” retaining full consciousness of your
his kin. Although dwindling in number, the High Elves surroundings and you needn’t close your eyes. Four hours
of Imladris still craft beautiful objects and they have spent in such dreams acts on you as if you had rested an
little need of anything from beyond their borders. Their entire night.
culture’s economy is ranked as Prosperous.
Against the Unseen — High Elves can perceive creatures
Bonus Equipment: A grey or slate blue travelling cloak, that dwell in the wraith-world, be they spirits or ghosts,
travelling gear for the current season, a backpack or even when they are normally Invisible to the eyes of the
saddlebags, a belt dagger, boots, 5d6 silver pennies, and living (including Unclad and Invisible Ringwraiths).
choose any two: A grey blanket, a hunting knife, a wineskin,
a white jewel on a chain of silver, any artisan’s tools or a Additionally, High Elves are immune to the Frightened
musical instrument. condition when the source of that condition is an undead
High Elf Traits
Your Player-hero has certain traits as a High Elf of Elf-wise — You have fought against the Dark Lord for years
Rivendell. uncounted, and will continue to strive against the Enemy.
You are proficient in Corruption checks. A Corruption
Ability Score Increase — Your Wisdom score increases check is any Wisdom saving throw that risks 1 or more
by 2 and you may increase any two other attributes by 1 Shadow points for failure.
Beset by Woe — High Elves cannot ever truly forget the
Adventuring Age – 500 to 1000. The High Elves of taint of the Shadow once it has left its mark on their
Rivendell are creatures from another age. They may spirit. Whenever you undertake to Heal Corruption, you
Rivendell Region Guide
immediately lose 1 point of temporary Shadow and gain 1 You are studying the ancient craft of the Elven-smiths of
point of permanent Shadow. You may then make an ability Eregion, the greatest craftsmen of your kin. You learn how
check to remove temporary Shadow points as normal (see to Evaluate Treasure when you first select this virtue. You
page 200 of the Player’s Guide). may later master the secret of how to Enhance Weapons
by training during your undertaking; finally, you discover
The Tools of War — You have proficiency with daggers, how to Enchant Weapons by spending another undertaking
spears, great spears, short swords, long swords, short training at your forge. Only Imladris (or another suitable
bows and great bows. Elven Sanctuary) can provide you the tools and materials
to make use of these abilities.
Subtlety of Craft — You have proficiency in one artisan’s
tool of your choice. Evaluate Treasure
You recognise the runes and secret symbols employed by
Languages — In addition to Westron (the Common the artificers of old to mark their work. When you discover
Tongue), you can speak, read and write Sindarin. You also a Hoard during an Adventuring phase you may treat the
use Quenya, the Ancient Tongue, in song and high matters Hoard rating as being one more * than normal, affording
of lore. you the opportunity to spend additional Hit Dice to make
another Magical Treasure roll.
Cultural Attitudes
The High Elves of Rivendell tend to remain within their Enhance Weapons
sanctuary or wander the lands by secret Elven ways. But Choose the Elven-smithing undertaking (see page 119) to
when great deeds must be done, those chosen by fate will retire to your smithy and customise a weapon to suit the
perhaps find themselves holding forth with the lords of combat characteristics of its wielder.
the First-born. The following table indicates not only how
High Elves are perceived by other cultures, but also how When you first enhance a weapon in your smithy, its user
others who visit them are received by the Eldar. gains a non-magical bonus of +1 to all his attack rolls
using the customised weapon. You may later undertake to
improve the same weapon once again, for a total bonus of
Cultural Virtues – High Elves +2. These enhancement bonuses are applied until the hero
of Rivendell wielding the weapon improves his Proficiency Bonus. When
this happens, the companion loses the associated bonuses,
Artificer of Eregion but you may eventually enhance it again, repeating the
Many eyes were turned to Elrond in fear and wonder as he customising procedure. Note that while certainly skillful,
told of the Elven-smiths of Eregion and their friendship you cannot improve the craftsmanship of old: you may
with Moria, and their eagerness for knowledge. only enhance a weapon that does not have a magical
*This category includes Bardings, Beornings, Men of the Lake and Woodmen.
High Elves of Rivendell
The Sword of Elendil was forged anew by Elvish smiths... the next Adventuring phase with these Hit Dice
already expended.
A companion who is an Artificer of Eregion may retire
to his smithy to give himself unto the hammer and • Finally, you may acquire Craftsmanship points by
anvil to either enhance a weapon or to enchant it. To gaining Shadow, at the cost of 1 Shadow for each
complete his work, an artificer must accumulate 6 Craftsmanship point gained.
Craftsmanship points, in one or more undertakings. To
gain Craftsmanship points, during the same Fellowship If you do not succeed in accumulating 6 points in the same
phase the companion may make a Strength check, spend Fellowship phase, take note of the number of points gained
Hit Dice or gain Shadow, or a combination of the three. so far, to resume the work at a later Fellowship phase
(the companion will have to choose the Elven-smithing
• Make a Strength check, adding your Proficiency undertaking again).
Bonus if you are proficient with smith’s tools. The
DC for Enhance Weapons is 12 plus the weapon’s new It is possible to improve an item for someone else. In this
attack bonus. The DC for Enchant Weapons is 15. case, the companion who will receive the weapon will
Gain 1 Craftsmanship point on a success, 2 points if have to stay in Rivendell for the Fellowship phase and
you succeed by 5 or more, and 3 if you succeed with a take part in the making of the artefact by renouncing to
natural 20 result. choose another undertaking. The artificer will still make
the Strength check, but it is the other companion who will
• Spending Hit Dice, you gain 1 Craftsmanship point might spend Hit Dice or gain Shadow to complete the
for each 2 Hit Dice you choose to spend. You begin work.
bonus. For example, you may not improve Dwarf-forged bewitched – by your countenance, even if afterwards they
weapons, Birthright weapons, certain Cultural Heirlooms, retain only a vague memory of anything but your glory.
or weapons that possess Enchanted Qualities. You can, Raise your Charisma score by 1 point, to a maximum
after an enhancing a normal weapon, enchant that of 21. Additionally, when you serve as spokesperson for
weapon once you learn the Enchant Weapons ability. the Company in an Audience you automatically gain
Advantage on the Introduction check. Finally, if you
Enchant Weapons succeed at the Final Audience check, you may select one
Choose the Elven-smithing undertaking to use all your of the benefits below:
cunning as an artificer to work some of the light of the
Blessed Realm into a weapon. The improved weapon now • When resolving an audience with Mortals (Dwarves,
may harm creatures that would be normally vulnerable to Hobbits, Men of all kinds), the Company counts as
enchanted weapons (like Wraiths and Ghosts, for example) having achieved the best possible result (succeeding
and deals magical damage of its normal damage type. by +6 or more, usually). Otherwise this benefit instead
raises the level of success by one step.
Beauty of the Stars
Pippin afterwards recalled little of either food or drink for • After resolving an audience with Mortals, choose a
his mind was so filled with the light upon the Elf-faces. Loremaster character: that creature retains only the
vaguest memory of what was said or agreed. This
Your beauty is so unearthly that all but the hardest-hearted effect counts as a magical Virtue for the purposes of
of Mortals can gaze upon you and not be swayed – or increasing a Company’s Hunt score (see page 111).
Rivendell Region Guide
Might of the Firstborn When you succeed at an ability check you may spend
…on his brow sat wisdom, and in his hand was strength. Inspiration. If you do so, you are considered to have rolled
a natural 20 on the die and gain whatever benefits such
By the power that is in them, Elf-lords can fight the most a result would grant for that check. When you use this
wicked among the servants of the Enemy. Virtue something unusual has taken place, something
that Mortal onlookers can only attribute to ‘Elf-magic’.
You may use your reaction and spend two Hit Dice to
prevent an enemy creature from taking an action on its Using this Virtue raises the Hunt score for the Eye of
turn. The creature can still use its bonus action if it has Mordor. See page 112 for more information.
one and that bonus action does not rely on the creature
High Elves of Rivendell
Cultural Heirlooms – High Elves Thanks to this secret knowledge, you have learned to
of Rivendell recognise the presence of the Shadow in an area. You
automatically recognise the threat of the Shadow when you
A High Elf adventurer winning renown can be rewarded are about to enter a Blighted place. When this happens,
for his deeds with gear of great worth, coming from the you may make a DC 10 Intelligence (Shadow-lore)
vault hidden under the House of Elrond, or from his check: on a success, you identify the source of the blight,
private collection. allowing you and your companions to have Advantage on
any required saving throws.
Lesser Ring
You have inherited a lesser ring, one of the many magic Additionally, if you traversed at least one Blighted area
rings that the smiths of Eregion made as essays in their during the last Adventuring phase and you succeeded
craft before it was fully developed. While certainly not in the associated Shadow-lore check, you may spend
comparable to the major works of those gifted craftsmen, a Fellowship phase compiling your experiences as your
this magic ring is a powerful and dangerous artefact, to be undertaking, you gain Advantage on the next check you
kept secret and safe. Choose one of your attributes, when make for this ability.
making an ability check using the attribute you may spend
a Hit Die to gain Advantage on the check. However, the Spear of the Last Alliance (Great Spear)
temptations of such power weigh heavily on your heart. If Thousands of spears were forged in the smithies of
you use this benefit and fail the check anyways you gain 1 Imladris to arm the hosts of Gil-galad, and their long
point of Shadow. staves of ash were capped by a long spike at the other end.
Books and Maps of Forbidden Lore When you succeed at an attack roll using a Spear of the
Elrond has entrusted you with the access to many precious Last Alliance, you may spend Inspiration to make a second
texts and ancient maps compiled by Elvish scribes and attack roll against a different opponent that is within the
long-dead scholars of the Dúnedain concerning the weapon’s reach.
Shadow and its effects on the land.
Rivendell Region Guide A Barren and Pathless Country
and pathless these chance meetings to allow the heroes to learn more
about the folk they have met in their adventures, but you
- country -
may wish to reserve them until that time. After all, they
have something left to do before the end…
Journey Event Table Entry 1 (or less)
A Chance Encounter in the area. But not every lost traveller is as they appear… such
The Company meets a fellow traveller or group of travellers. a story might the opening of a cunning trap or a cover story
The Scout must make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to avoid told to explain things away to simple folk.
them, or any hero may make a Charisma (Persuasion) check
to interact with them. If the interaction is successful, the first Folulf and Arnulf
roll of the next event is made with Advantage. Failure results These two brothers are Woodmen from Wilderland and
in Disadvantage. have only recently crossed the Misty Mountains looking for
adventures. They are idealistic, and Folulf is superstitious and
Anar the Dwarf is quick to speak of ghosts and other spirits. They are likely to
Anar is from the Blue Mountains and often accompanies be found on the Road, in the Weather Hills or near Bree and are
caravans from those distant lands to the High Pass. He is in chasing whatever rumour they have most recently heard. If the
the Coldfells looking for the exit of the legendary Long Delve heroes have had met them before (during Eriador Adventures),
(see page 27 of the Rhovanion Region Guide). Anar and his their reaction will be coloured by that interaction.
brother Vinar (and Vinar’s child Ginar) appear in Eriador
Adventures but after those events they will yet again set out on Hidden Folk
their journeys. The heroes might meet the Dúnedain, though the heroes may
not know it unless a High Elf or Ranger is with the Company.
Cyrnan the Thief In the lands of the Angle and elsewhere there are many small
Cruel and gruff Cyrnan is an Outlaw Chief (page 74 of the refuges hidden amidst the hills and copses of trees and many
Loremaster’s Guide) and can often be found leading Thugs tasks that need doing. Farmer-folk tending sheltered fields,
and other Outlaws. If the Company has met Cyrnan during the others washing clothes or fishing for bream in the streams,
course of the Eriador Adventures, he may harbour a grudge children at play — all may be the secret defenders of Eriador
against the heroes. But if he is met by a well-armed company, in common guise.
he is more likely to exercise caution when dealing with them.
Cyrnan’s presence in the North Downs can either presage his Memories and Sorrow
involvement with the Enemy, or could be a result of the heroes’ There are few travellers in this land, but the Company
actions during an adventure. might chance across an Elf walking in a memory-dream,
remembering the lost land of Hollin. Or they might meet a
The Dead of Eriador small group of Dwarves, who have taken a pilgrimage to see
In the lands of the Coldfells or Ettenmoor, there is little chance the three mountains of Khazad-dûm: Barazinbar, Zirakzigil
that the heroes will come across living people. More likely and Bundushathûr in waking life, or who are on the way to
this Journey Event indicates that the Company has stumbled another place of their people. Whomever they meet, they
across some sign of the dead. It’s possible that they died long will have their own reasons for being in this land and are
ago or perhaps they are recent victims of the dangers in this unlikely to share them with the Company. Indeed, they will
land. But this close to the evil of Carn Dûm the dead do not likely be suspicious of the Company, for they will expect that
always remain still and silent… the companions hunt for treasure and not lost glories.
Thark, Chieftain of Angmar Thark is a Hill-man of Rhudaur as found on pages 77-78 but he
Among the Hill-men of Angmar is Thark, their chieftain. Broad gains the Big feature and Commanding Voice reaction. (See
and swarthy, his piercing eyes are the colour of night and page 116 and 119 of the Loremaster’s Guide.)
his face is marred by countless scars of war and survival.
Any wanderer who treads the many tracks and broken roads The Crossroads
of Angmar coming from the south may encounter Thark and Where paths meet, folk are likely to be found. Places like the
his faithful. Facing a well-equipped Company, Thark won’t meeting of the Greenway and the East Road or the crossing of
be openly hostile, but will offer his service as a guide and Tharbad are places that are too well-known to remain always
scout. Should his offer be refused, then Thark will resort to abandoned. But it is a dangerous folk that might be found
threats, requiring the payment of a tribute. In both cases, squatting among the ruined buildings of Tharbad or keeping
Thark won’t fight directly, but will lead the Company towards an eye out for slow-moving caravans along the East Road.
a more favourable confrontation: the lair of a Mountain Troll, The people that the Company meets here might be ambitious
a den of Goblins, or an encampment of his people. treasure-seekers or more dangerous Thugs or Outlaws.
Athelas, kindler’s lace and kingcups can all be found in the Eregion
Angle. It is likely that the Hunter has stumbled across a small covey
of red grouse and quick action will see roasted fowl on the
Angmar menu tonight. The fields of Eregion also hide many rabbit
There is no hunting and no herbs to be found in the icy and burrows and small streams that have bream, graylings and
deserted lands of Angmar. minnows.
Barrow-downs This region is too far to the east to make finding Kingsfoil likely,
A Hunter may come across a freshly dead deer, goat, or sheep and the quick-running waters of the rivers do not support
but will have to fight off carrion birds to claim the prize. Even hagweed. But reedmace can be found along their banks, and
so, there’s every chance that the meat will prove to be spoiled… kingcups can be found closer to the Misty Mountains. A lucky
make another Wisdom (Survival) check with Disadvantage traveller might discover water-lilies in a wide bend of one of
and only if it succeeds is the carcass fit to be eaten. the rivers.
Ettenmoors common sorrel (much tastier) can be found near where the
It is rare for a Hunter to find any creature larger than a vole in Men of the North once kept farmsteads.
these lands, but a quick and quiet one might be lucky enough
to stumble across a brown hare. But there are other sources of A keen-eyed traveller will find Kingsfoil here, along with
food… barley still grows in forgotten patches here, along with kindler’s lace and kingcups in season.
nettles and chickweed near the mountains and leafy plantains
that grow in the bogs. South Downs and Weather Hills
There are rabbits to be found in hidden burrows in the downs
Near the bogs one can find hagweed, reedmace and water- and tench can be found by a patient fisher in the marsh-lands.
lillies. It is said that shadow-thorn grows at the entrance to Red grouse also call this land home, though they are easily
Golfimbul’s Gully but few travellers are foolish enough to go startled.
looking for it.
Athelas can be found here, by those who know where to look.
Lone-lands Hagweed and Reedmace can be found in the Midgewater
The Lone-lands are home for hares and rabbits, pheasants and Marshes.
grouse. There are many streams where entire generations of
fish have lived without ever seeing the nets or barbs of fisher- Tharbad
folk. Sometimes the Hunter might stumble across a wild goat or The area around Tharbad is a joy to a Hunter: not only are
a sheep, but those are rare — it’s more likely that the Company there the many waterfowl and fish to catch, but the great
will hear the howl of a wolf instead. hares of Tharbad also are clever and worthy prey. Of course, it
always seems that you are being watched, and many a hunter
Reedmace, kindler’s lace and kingcups can be found here. It with bow or spear in hand has turned at some small noise to
is rare, but sometimes athelas can be found where the Men of be greeted with the rushing sound of black wings launching
Westernesse once travelled. the Crebain back into the sky and out of reach.
Mount Gram Hagweed, reedmace and water-lillies are all found in the
The slopes of the mountain are home to many animals, who fens around Tharbad. It is possible that a traveller might find
use the steep heights to avoid becoming the prey of trolls and athelas along the old road, as once the Dúnedain travelled it
worse things that haunt the lands around the mountains. The in great numbers.
Hunter has probably caught sight of a mountain hare or a
couple of red squirrels — good eating if you can manage to not Trollshaws
fall off the side of the mountain during the pursuit. The Hunter may have found a badger or a hedgehog, or,
perhaps, some hedgehog mushrooms (which are considerably
Kingcups and kindler’s lace can be found on the mountain- easier to prepare than their namesake). Rabbits are less likely,
sides and shadow-thorn sometimes can be found in dark as the foxes here are clever hunters.
crevices at the base of Mount Gram.
You might find athelas here, as the Dúnedain travel these
North Downs lands. Shadow-thorn can be found in the darkest corners of
One might easily find fat rabbits or a wary sheep to hunt, and the woods and there is a rumour that there is a pond full of
the thickets will hide hedgehogs or perhaps even a badger. hagweed hidden among the trees.
Sheep sorrel can be found everywhere in the downs, but
Journey Event Table Entry 3
An Obstacle each hero must make a Survival check (Athletics checks are
Something blocks the path ahead. The Guide must make a not allowed for this event). Those that fail are lost in the fog.
Wisdom (Survival) check and each other companion must A full day is spent to reunite the Company and those who lost
make either Wisdom (Survival) or Strength (Athletics). If the their way are made Miserable instead of gaining Exhaustion. If
Company has horses or ponies, one hero must make a Wisdom the Animal Handling check is failed, then a beast of burden
(Animal Handling) check. All checks have Advantage if they has been lost in the fog. Another day may be spent to recover
are on Paths both Swift and True, or Disadvantage if they face the creature, and the heroes may find other hunters tracing the
The Wearisome Toil of Many Leagues. If all are successful, the animal as well.
Arrival roll gains +1. If half or more are successful, there is no
penalty. If more than half failed then each hero gains a level Green Pleasant Places
of Exhaustion. If all fail add a -1 penalty to the Arrival roll to The Company has wandered into a field of bright flowers and
the Exhaustion. soft grasses, only to discover too late that it is a peat bog. They
must either carefully pick their way across it, or turn aside and
The Ascent try to avoid the moorland. What looks to be safe, solid ground
If the companions have taken a chance to climb Mount will prove to be a sucking morass that will easily swallow an
Gram or one of the Misty Mountains, they will face a deadly armoured adventurer up to his waist or higher!
challenge. Many obstacles (boulders blocking the path,
a sudden stop to the trail that requires a vertical ascent to Lost Paths
continue, a landslip that narrowly misses the companions) Traversing the winding mounds of Eriador is no easy task,
are likely to be the work of Orcs and Goblins. If they are and even the most experienced of guides sometimes leads the
climbing Mount Gram, the clever magpies of the peak will Company along a blind path. The companions seem unable
wait for moments like this to do their thievery — a cruel to find a straight way out of the hills. They stumble along, often
Loremaster might force a hero to make their Perception check retracing their steps and doubling back on themselves. For each
at Disadvantage as the magpies wait until the companion is failed check, add one day to the total time taken in the Journey.
distracted and then swoop in for the steal. (See page 49 for
more information on The Magpies of Mount Gram) Neekerbreekers
The companions find themselves in the Midgewater Marshes
Dangerous Crossings or some lesser bog. The maddening stings of the smallest
If the Company has dared to attempt the crossing at Tharbad insects are a nuisance, but the cricket-like creatures that cling
or is trying to ford a river like the Hoarwell then it is likely they to the reeds of the swamp by the thousands are a true blight. By
will be challenged… the waters may be extra high, affording night their endless squeaks of “neek-breek” and “breek-neek”
little chance to see what the next safe place to step will be, or fill the air and make rest uneasy. The companions must make
they may have receded and the companions are taking chances their checks at Disadvantage but there is no need for an Animal
and trying to wend their way from one high spot in the river to Handling check, if if the Company has ponies or horses.
the next. In places where small streams cut across the path,
there might be deep mud on both banks. Or what used to be a No Way Forward
basement of a farmhouse has collapsed in the waterlogged soil It is all too common for travellers on the Road to find that
and a sinkhole now blocks the Company’s way. their way is blocked by fallen trees or other debris (see Berk’s
‘Gate’ on page 40). It might even be that it is simple bad fortune
Deep Places and not troll-cunning responsible. Otherwise there are many
The companions have come across a crevasse too wide to jump sudden ravines and high ridges that must be dealt with, or
across (or perhaps their horses and ponies refuse to do so) and gone around.
must spend time and effort making a bridge. Or perhaps they
have found a steep drop, and the trail is littered with stones Old Ways
and small rocks. Then, as the heroes carefully descend, they There are many narrow trails in these lands, faint remembrances
realise that a cairn that once occupied the height has been of more populous times that only keen-eyed heroes will notice.
broken open, and they now walk amidst the bones of the dead. Some come to bad ends, others to the favorite campsites of the
Rangers. Many of the trails have some danger to them… stones
Fog on the Downs slick with morning mist at the top of a steep rise, loose scree
A thick fog lies on the land and it seems almost as if the mists that one must carefully tread, or a narrow log over a quick and
respond to some evil will as the companions struggle to cold stream.
maintain their bearings. Strange sounds confuse them and
Journey Event Table Entry 4
In Need of Help Ginnar the Dwarf
The Company meets someone who needs aid. If they choose The Company might chance across a singular Dwarf by the
not to assist each hero must make a Wisdom saving throw name of Ginnar. He and his siblings braved the lands of
to avoid 1 Shadow Point. If they do help, they make three eastern Eriador looking for abandoned Dwarven mansions on
checks, usually from Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, this side of the Misty Mountains. His brothers and sister fell to
Nature, Persuasion, Survival or Traditions. If all checks attacks by Trolls, Orcs and Wolves. Ginnar is more than half-
are successful then all heroes gain Inspiration and +1 to the mad and it will be extraordinarily hard to convince (a DC 20
Arrival Roll. If two checks are successful then one hero gains Charisma (Persuasion) check) for him to abandon his quest.
Inspiration and +1 to the Arrival Roll. If one check is successful
then +1 to Arrival Roll. If all rolls fail then a -1 modifier is Gondril of Rivendell
applied to the Arrival Roll. Gondril is a young elf of Rivendell with less than five centuries
of experience. However, she has proven to have a talent with
Adelard Took stonework and often travels Eriador to inspect ancient works
It is raining heavily and in the distance the company can see a and find new sources of material. She might be found anywhere
small figure holding a tent-like contraption overhead, trying to from Eregion to the North Downs as she is as interested in the
ward off the rain. Once approached, he will introduce himself works of other folks as much as her own people. She might be
as Adelard Took, from the Shire. Very perceptive companions looking for directions to a rumoured site, or simply wish for
will notice a gold name-plate bearing the initials “B.B.” on his some assistance with preparing some smaller samples from
umbrella handle. He explains that he’s gone wandering, first to large and heavy source materials. If she’s had worse luck, then
Bree and now he’s decided that he wanted to see Weathertop. a ruin that she was exploring might have collapsed around
He’s likely to be out of food, half-lost and a bit despondent at her. Gondril has a part to play in Eriador Adventures.
the persistent storms. But his first priority will be to see if the
Company has a spare pipe and a bit of pipeweed… Adelard is Larry Appledore of Combe
a champion blower of smoke-rings. Larry is a bright-eyed old man who is interested in alchemy
of fire. But he is a good-natured fellow who would rather
Erchamion the Dúnadan delight children with sparklers, squibs and crackers than
This grim-faced Ranger lost his hand to Dreorg the Wargllng making larger and more dangerous devices. He is a friend
(see page 80) but he still patrols the lands between the Refuge of Gandalf the Grey Wizard, and easily shares this fact with
of the Rangers and the Ettenmoors without fail. He may need anyone he meets. If the heroes have met the Company of the
help with tracking the movements of a warg pack, burying Wain in Eriador Adventures, it’s likely that the caravan is
the remains of a Hill-troll he has just slain, or escorting other nearby and Larry has gotten himself lost or distracted while
wanderers back to safer lands. Erchamion wears a dark brown seeking supplies. Otherwise, his trouble may be more serious,
cloak and wields a shield and broadsword but otherwise uses especially depending on the consequences of that adventure.
the stats of the Ranger found on page 76 of the Loremaster’s
Guide. Mad Ostley
Ostley hails from Bree, but he’s most likely to be found
Ilmari’s Tribe wandering the Barrow-downs, the South Downs, or possibly
The companions may chance across Hill-men in the lone- as far away as Eregion. In any case, Ostley’s secretive nature
lands, as they are almost the only inhabitants. Ilmari is the will make it difficult to aid him. He’s likely to protest that he’s
ancient chieftain of one such tribe, who has recently been not in any danger at all, even as his bedraggled appearance
raided by Orcs. For many long years he’s taught all in his tribe and lack of supplies says otherwise. The companions will find
to hate the ‘tark-men’ but he is desperate and now he thinks that they are at Disadvantage on the needed rolls until they
peace with the Rangers might serve his tribe over warfare. His succeed at a check. Further checks are made as normal.
nephew Usko, set to replace Ilmari as chieftain one day, thinks
his uncle has grown soft with age and wishes the old man was Talandil the Ranger
dead. But for now Usko simply grimaces and laughs at Uncle While the old Ranger can usually be found at Fornost Erain, he
Ilmari’s sad ramblings, despite the tribe’s meagre supplies does occasionally range out in the North Downs and perhaps
and poor prospects. The men are close cousins of the Hill-men beyond. If he is in need of assistance, the situation is grave…
of Rhudaur (see page 78) but as long as Ilmari remains in perhaps he’s caught sign of Gishak Gashnaga and his troops
command, he will favour talking over fighting. or someone might have disturbed the evil spirits of Deadman’s
Dike and now once more undead things must be set to rest.
Journey Event Table Entry 5
Agents of the Enemy almost all of Eriador. And so it is possible that while the
The Company approaches a hostile force. The Look-out must Company traverses a smaller swamp or marshland that they
make a Wisdom (Perception) check to spot the enemy early. might come to realise that they walk among the dead. Heroes
The Look-out has Advantage if the Company is Hidden from that remain focused on their journey might avoid disturbing
the Shadow or Disadvantage if they face The Keen Eyes of the the undead warriors, but curious companions may find that
Enemy. These modifiers apply to any rolls made outside of they face Bog Soldiers (see pages 83-84). There is one less
combat. If successful, they may either sneak away or ambush Soldier than the number of companions.
them (in which case the enemy is Surprised). If failed, the
enemy sets an ambush and the Player-heroes are Surprised. Gashnaga’s Warband (Challenge 7)
Gishak Gashnaga (see page 59) will sometimes send out one
Bloodstump’s Hunters (Challenge 9) of his lieutenants and a few trusty lads on a mission beyond
Bloodstump the Hunter has sent out his fellow Hill-trolls to hunt his temporary lodgings in the North Downs. They might go
and the heroes are too close for comfort. They’re likely to be down to the Weather-hills or into the Lone-Lands in search of
hunting in the Coldfells, the Trollshaws, the Ettenmoors or the supplies… they do not trouble Bree as Gashnaga is not yet ready
Lone-Lands. The band consists of one Hill-troll per companion to face the full force of the Rangers again. Gishak’s Lieutenant
plus a Hill-troll Chief (pages 108-109 of the Loremaster’s is another Great Orc, accompanied by one Orc Guard for each
Guide). They are a Deadly and Driven troupe. hero. See pages 97 and 104 of the Loremaster’s Guide.
Journey Event Table Entry 6
The Wonders of Middle-earth for Autumn, frost and snow for Winter. Or perhaps they are
The Company is presented with a spectacular sight. Each at the fullness of a season instead; the endless sunlight of
hero must make either a Wisdom check or an Intelligence Midsummer’s Day or they must keep watch during the long
(Investigation) check. These checks are made with Advantage hours of Yule-tide far from home.
in Fair Weather and Disadvantage under Foul Weather.
Smell of Rain
If successful, the hero recovers one level of Exhaustion or gains Outside, it is raining (or snowing, or sleeting). But the Company
one if they fail. If all heroes succeed, gain a +1 to the Arrival is out of the weather. Perhaps they’ve found themselves shelter
Roll or if all fail then the Arrival Roll gains a -1 penalty. in old ruins, a dry cave, a sturdy thicket or they were able to
set up camp before the rain came. Outside, the water comes
A Glad Morning down, and everything is a grey blur. Do the companions curse
As the sun rises over the distant Misty Mountains, light begins the weather and make ready to tromp through the wet? Or do
to spill over the horizon, brightening the entire land. Birds they welcome the delay and tell tales to pass the time?
sing out in greeting, and their calls seem to say ‘Day has come
again!’ Some companions may be heartened by this early The Day’s Ending
awakening, while others may regret being awoken so early and The sun is setting in the western sky, the red light breaking into
with so little rest while on the Road. many flickering beams of light as it disappears beyond the
horizon. Then the light fades and eventually fails entirely. For
The Beasts at Home some among the Company, it may be a reminder of the Sea
The Company can see some sign of the creatures of this and lands beyond. For others, it is just a herald of night and
land… they are either too small or too distant to hunt, but the darkness. A darkness that allows evil things to stir…
are instead a reminder that while most of Eriador has been
abandoned by the Free Peoples it remains home for the Twilight at the Water
animals of this land. They have their own errands, their own The light is fading and the Company is near to the water —
concerns and their own adventures to attend to, and have perhaps a lake or marsh, a river or a small stream. A chorus
little concern for the doings of those who go about on two feet of voices sings out, saying goodbye to the day and greeting
making a great racket. the night. Some might be troubled by the sounds of insects
and additional creatures, others might take comfort in the
Splendours of Nature knowledge that while the light is failing, life continues on in the
The Company has come across some remarkable location. It wild despite the oncoming night.
might be a ravine that opens up to a steep-sided valley with
trees and a waterfall within it, or a crooked tree that provides The Bright Stars
just the right amount of shade for a midday break, or a The Company has set camp for the night and there is a
pleasant bubbling stream that shares the companions’ path multitude of stars overhead, a vastness beyond measure
for a little while, or the sight of white mist in the distance, or or count. The lights overhead seem unaffected by Mortal
silver netting in a nearby thicket as dew collects on thankfully sentiments or any earthly concerns at all. Some may see such
small spider webs. a sky and feel that they are but a tiny thing, unknown to the
Powers that rule the world, but others may take hope from
Clear Skies Overhead seeing the ordered arrangement of the stars. The companions
Overhead, the sky is a bright blue without a cloud to be seen. can use History or Lore for their Intelligence check.
There is only a faint breeze, but the air is clean and fair-
smelling. The heroes can see further than usual, and their A Full Moon
road ahead (with all of its dangers and many turnings) is There is a bright moon overhead, so bright that it might dispel
temporarily made clear to them. Does such a vision strengthen some of the fear that the dark nights of Eriador bring. The full
their resolve or does it make the goals seem hopeless and vain? moon allows the Lookout to see farther, but they may rue the
light. In the night, the heroes see shadows moving behind trees
The Turning of the Seasons and luminous eyes watching the Company. The heroes must
The companions come across some signifier that the season decide if they welcome the moon or wish for it to wane and
is changing… newly sprouted plants in Spring, bright days leave them again in darkness.
and tall grass in Summer, falling leaves and sudden chills
Journey Event Table Entry 7
A Hunt may spend hours; where every casting of a spear or a line
The Hunter has a particularly excellent chance to catch a good or dragging of a net produces a fine catch. The Hunter may
meal. The Hunter must make a Wisdom (Survival) check. have been lucky enough to find such a place, or at least it may
These checks are made with Advantage with Feasts Fit for the seem to them that they have found it. It will be up to the dice
Kings of Ancient Times, and Disadvantage if the Company has to decide if the spot is worth the name, or simply another high
Meagre Supplies and Poor Meals. If successful by 5 or more, hope that fades away.
all heroes recover a level of Exhaustion and the Company
gains +1 to the Arrival Roll. Other successes recover a level Garden in the Wilderness
of Exhaustion only. If the check fails then the Company gains The Hunter has lucked into discovering a field of edible plants.
a level of Exhaustion. If the Hunter fails by 5 or more add a -1 It might be the long-lost descendants of a farm now lost to
penalty to the Arrival Roll. memory, or it might be a secret place of the Dúnedain or one
of the Elvish Wandering Companies. No matter who planted
The Bear of the Downs it, there is plenty enough and to spare. The heroes will eat well
There are rumours that a bear lives somewhere in the downs tonight, as long as they are lucky enough to find something
of Eriador, most often these legends place the creature in the that is ripe.
North Downs, but sometimes in the South Downs, the Weather
Hills or, rarely, the edges of the Barrow-downs. Such a creature Goat Chase
is dangerous to pursue; the Hunter has Disadvantage on the You have been lucky enough to spy a goat, which would make
check but any success counts as if you have succeeded by 5 or a fine meal for the Company. However, such beasts are clever
more. and nimble and will give you a merry chase before you’re
able to catch them. Goats can be found almost anywhere in
Black Grouse Eriador, though they are often found around Mount Gram, the
It is said that a kind of grouse hides in the Lone-Lands, Angmar Misty Mountains, the Weather Hills and the Barrow-downs.
and the Ettenmoors, bigger and darker than any other. It’s possible that such goats might have once belonged to a
Sometimes it even ventures into more southerly lands, and it farmer of Bree-land or even stranger folk.
is a prized catch. Listen for the song of a dove, but louder and
less learned… when the bird takes flight you will see a black Hart of the Wild
body, edged with white and a forked tail. The plumage is worth There are still herds of deer in Eriador despite the packs of Wild
keeping as well, as it might earn the Hunter a penny or two if it Wolves that range the lands. But a mighty buck in his prime is a
is in good condition. wily creature that is not easily caught. You have caught wind of
this magnificent prize and now must choose how desperately
Boar to pursue it. You may take on a level of Exhaustion before you
Vast swaths of Eriador were once farmland and small sounders make the check. If you do so, any success counts as if you had
of wild boar remain hidden in the wild places. Though they made the check by 5 or more.
are often hunted by the Wargs of the land, the Hunter may
be lucky enough to chance across some spore of the pigs and Sheep in the Heights
track them to their shelter. Even a single animal can sustain the In the reaches of the North and especially amidst the hills of
Company for some time, as long the pig-roast does not bring the mountains live many flocks of wild sheep. They are a hardy
other uninvited guests. kind, well-used to the cold weather and dangerous heights of
these lands. But a patient Hunter can get close enough to bring
Elk one down, hopefully in a place where she can recover the
Solitary and elusive, elk are but a rumour to the folk of the carcass without further danger.
Shire and Bree. But those Rangers whose paths cause them
to venture far into the Lone-Lands tell tales of a giant deer, as Wild Kine
large as a horse, with huge antlers that reach out like two great It is rumoured that in the Lone-lands there are herds of cattle,
hands with many fingers. If the Hunter were to come across driven feral by the loss of their masters. They are smaller
one of these fabulous beasts, the tale would be worth telling, and bolder than domesticated beasts but less wily than other
even if ends in woe. creatures of the wild places. If you have been lucky enough to
come across one, it is certain that the Company will eat well, if
The Fishing Spot you can manage the heavy beast’s body. If you only take cuts of
It is said that for every stream, every river, every pond and meat, it’s likely that nothing else will remain when you revisit
lake and marsh, there is one perfect place, where a fisher the spot, as there are many carrion eaters in Eriador.
Journey Event Table Entry 8
A Fine Spot for a Camp in Lore will know as mallos, the yellow bells of Lebennin far
The Scout has spotted a location that make make an excellent to the south. Long ago, a Elf-lord and his retinue, slain by
campsite. Make an Intelligence (Investigation) check. If the Enemy, were laid to rest in this hill. Some enchantment
the check succeeds by 5 or more then the Company recovers of the First-born still lingers in the earth, and this place is a
a level of Exhaustion and gains +1 to the Arrival Roll. On a safer campsite than any other that could be found among the
basic success the Company recovers a level of Exhaustion. On Barrows. The Scout has Disadvantage on the Investigation
a failure the Company gains a level of Exhaustion. On a failure check, as the Hill of the Elf Prince is hidden and often cloaked
of 5 or more the Company is in danger and might face enemies. in cold fog. But if the Company camps here, they will have
They also gain Exhaustion and a -1 penalty to the Arrival Roll. no fear of attack during the night. The Hill will play a part in
Eriador Adventures.
Amon Palan
Near to the East Road in the Angle, there is a hill that stands The Ivy Inn
above the others. The Rangers often camp here, to keep watch Along the Greenway there are ruins of a great-house that
over the Road. The top of the hill is clear of brush, but one can are now broken down and covered in greenery. It seems to
easily find wood for a fire nearby and a number of useful and be a place of quiet, undisturbed by any creature. Behind
edible plants grow amidst the grasses at the base of the hill. the ruins is a well, from which you can still draw out clear
The Dúnedain do not begrudge others using ‘their’ campsite, and cold water. The Dúnedain laughingly call the place the
but will not approach the Company unless a Ranger or High Elf Ivy Inn and camp here when they walk the North Road. It
is already among them. is rumoured that once the Ivy Inn was a true travellers’ inn
and that a Wizard laid a blessing on it that still persists. The
Bridge of Mitheithel Scout automatically has Advantage on their check here, and
When travellers come to the River Hoarwell, they find the Company is safe from enemies (though they still suffer the
themselves obliged to make for the Last Bridge, for even the other penalties on a failure).
Rangers do not know of other safe crossings. The bridge lies
at the bottom of the steep valley carved by the river and is a The Redhorn Pass
mighty construction with three arches through which the river Companions approaching the Caradhras know that they
swirls and gurgles. It is known that sometimes Lord Elrond might rouse the wrath of the mountain. If they are fortunate,
sends his folk to watch over the river crossing and folk often they will only encounter chill winds and falling rocks. Those
camp here. The thick forests of the valley of the Hoarwell might who seek shelter during the climb may face other dangers…
hide many dangers for a Company that is suffering ill-luck, The Scout has Disadvantage on the Investigation check as the
although Trolls are the most common danger here, the Enemy companion is distracted by eerie noises. If they fail the check
might have set Orcs and Goblins to plague traders and sow they fall Unconscious and cannot be revived for the length of
distrust among the Free Peoples. the storm (it lasts an entire night) and another hero must find
shelter from the worsening weather. When the companion
Cave of the Kings finally wakes up, they will relate a strange story about the
It is said that in the Lone-Lands there is a small cave tucked in storm being born of the battle that was raging between
amidst rocks that jut out at the base of a hill. If you are willing to southerly winds against the north wind above the clouds.
brave the darkness of the entrance and descend down a sloping
passage, you will come to a great cavern. Chance a little light, Weathertop
and you can see massive columns of white stone that seem to In the western flank of Amon Sûl is a sheltered hollow with a
sprout from both ceiling and floor. They guard the shore of bowl-shaped dell at its bottom. The dell has grassy sides and
an underground lake where blind fish swim. Legends tell that near to it is a spring of clear water emerges from the hillside.
some lords of the sundered kingdoms once held summer court Near to the hill are fallen rocks which hide a cache for the
here, but while the cave shows signs of occasional occupation Rangers of the North: firewood and other supplies, sometimes
there are no signs that such rumours are true. If the Company accompanied by hidden markings that the Dúnedain use to
is in danger, then something else might live in the cold lake pass secret knowledge along. The dell can be reached by
or enemies might camp outside the cave entrance, leaving the tracing the ancient hidden path that the Men of the West made
Company without another route to escape. long ago. Unless the Scout is a Dúnadan, the Investigation
check to find the dell is made with Disadvantage.
The Hill of the Elf Prince
Amidst the Barrow-downs is a singular hill that is covered
with golden flowers that those well-travelled or well versed
Journey Event Table Entry 9
Lingering Memory of Times Long Past Red Metal of New and Greedy Swords
The Company discovers a relic of past ages. Each companion The Company has found a token of the many wars fought in
must make a Wisdom check. If successful, the hero gains the North across the Ages of the world. It might be that they
Inspiration. If you succeed by 5 or more, you may remove a have stumbled across a singular barrow raised to honour a
level of Exhaustion. If the hero fails, you must make a DC 15 hero or lord, the gravesite of many warriors or an ancient
Wisdom saving throw or gain 2 points of Shadow. If you fail battlefield where one can still find rusted and broken blades.
the initial check by 5 or more, you must make the saving throw They might be sheltering in ruins, only to discover the broken
and gain a level of Exhaustion. If at least half the Company forge of a master weaponsmith or a storehouse of spears and
succeed at the check, add +1 to the Arrival Roll. Otherwise shields now useless with great age. Although many battles of
apply a -1 modifier instead. the North ended in defeat or victory that proved fruitless, the
warriors of old did have courage enough to stand against the
Children of Forgotten Kings Shadow and the companions might take heart from that.
While Eriador is filled with ruins from lost Arnor and the
successor kingdoms, it has been a thousand years since a king Shadows out of Dark Places
sat in Fornost Erain. The Company has found something that You have found some artefact of Carn Dûm, left behind when
brings the long wait of the Dúnedain into focus. Perhaps it the Witch-king’s forces retreated from the onslaught of Gondor
is some record from the time of Aranarth, relating how they and the High Elves. While the power of the Enemy no longer
are only temporarily setting aside their ambitions or a relic resides in the item, it is still an uncomfortable thing to behold
of the long days of waiting that the Rangers still endure. The and dangerous to keep, if for no other reason that others might
Dúnedain are sometimes gifted with foresight and even the think you allied with the Shadow. It is likely that the item is
shards of their earthenware or other ancient artefacts might graven with runes or has markings or illustrations upon it.
hint at days to come, predictions that eerily echo the present These are likely to be crude expressions of hatred, but the most
events that the Company now faces. dangerous will have writings in the Black Speech, which even
the Wise will fear to utter aloud.
Fair Memories of Ancient Days
The Company has discovered an artefact that signifies that Victory and Defeat
the North has not always known war and strife. Long ago, When Eärendur died and Arnor fell with him, Men turned
generations of Men were born, grew to old age and died, against each other, doing the Enemy’s work for him. While
content in life and free from fear of the Witch-king or other Amlaith’s wisdom prevented bloodshed for a while, eventually
great evils. This relic is a beautiful creation, made by those the successor kingdoms fought each other. Finding something
fearless folk to celebrate life and hope. It might be a brooch, from this time, during the time of the Northern Wars, is a
necklace, ring, belt buckle, hairpin or other piece of jewelry or reminder of dark days. Any Dúnedain must make the Wisdom
adornment. Perhaps this discovery will fill the Company with check at Disadvantage and does not receive Inspiration from
ambition to help restore peace to the North, or convince them such a find no matter what result occurs.
that such efforts are now futile.
When the World was Wider
Green Walls and White Walls After the breaking of Thangorodrim and the sinking of
It is easy to pass by the many ruins of Eriador and give little Beleriand, not all of the Edain departed for Westernesse. Some
thought to their builders or what the mighty stoneworks of took what they could salvage of the Elder Days and went to
old must have looked like when they were newly made. But live in Eriador. There, some Men had lived from the beginning
this place is different, and it carries you into what would seem of the world, for who else made the Great Barrows? The
almost a waking dream… for a moment you can see the new Company has found some signifier of the Elder Days, perhaps
stones being laid, hear the shouts of the workers, smell the an heirloom handed down a hundred generations only to be
limestone mortar… great were the ambitions of those who lost when the Witch-king’s armies came. Made of stone, metal
made these works and now all is fallen into ruin. Will you or bone, it bears runes that identify its ancient origin and
weep for the loss, or will you celebrate that which once was perhaps give clues as to days that are now only remembered in
even if it is no more? the sanctuaries of the Elves.
Journey Event Table Entry 10
A Place Touched by the Shadow Greed and Strife
The essence of something dark and terrible lingers here. The It is said that in the Elder Days the Great Enemy spent some
Scout must make an Intelligence (Investigation) check to measure of his power cursing the land itself, so that all who
avoid the area. If successful, the Company gains a +1 to their lived within the circles of the world will know grief and pain. In
Arrival Roll. If the Scout succeeds by 5 or more, each hero this place, that evil is strong and the companions will find that
gains Inspiration and may remove 1 temporary Shadow point. their words and deeds are taken astray. Loremaster characters
If the Scout fails, each hero must make a DC 15 Wisdom may argue with or turn against the Company, and the players
saving throw against Corruption or gain 1 point of Shadow. might be asked to narrate their own disagreements with each
If the Scout fails by 5 or more, some dark thing still lurks here, other, such that the characters may argue without the players
ancient and evil… doing the same. If an enemy is present, it will be something
that will trouble the heroes: Crebain that swoop in and then
Ancient home, long abandoned disappear, or fast-moving Goblins that take advantage of the
The Company has stumbled across the remains of a farmhouse darkness to hide from the Company’s retribution.
or other structure that a family once called home. Many years
have passed, but you can still walk amidst the stones or rotting Monster’s Dwelling
timbers and get a sense of the place where once people gathered You have found some place that seems a strong and safe place
together and shut out the cold and the fear with the warmth of to make camp. But as you explore the location, you realise that
love and pride. But they failed, and gravesites near the home you are not the first to find this stronghold, nor the first to make
or other signs of the Enemy’s victory may make you feel that no camp here… this was the lair of some evil creature in the past.
place is safe from the shadow. If an enemy is present, it is likely But they are not at home, and there may even be signs that the
to be a spectre of the family. Such folk relied on the Dúnedain creature is dead or has moved on. In Troll-country, the Company
and High Elves for protection and will blame them endlessly might stumble across unfortunates who have been turned to
and attack them first. stone by the light of the Sun. Most Trolls in such conditions are
vanquished, but it might be that it is a newly formed Ettin that
Dangerous Enchantment still retains much of its original appearance. If the Scout fails by
Between the sorceries of the Witch-king and the mighty workings 5 or more, they have misread the signs and the dwelling has not
of the High Elves, the bleak lands sometimes hide places of been abandoned. The monster returns and finds it has visitors…
singular power. The Company has stumbled across one such
thing… perhaps a spring that carries carries an enchantment Place of Oathbreaking
of confusion, a standing stone that lures those who rest The Company has come to a crossroads, a place where the
beneath it into a dreamless and unguarded sleep or a ring of forgotten roads of old Arnor once met. Long ago in this place,
stones where the companions finds themselves compelled to a group of Men swore allegiance to the King of the North or
speak in rhyme or find that all of their actions become a dance his successors. But when the armies of the Witch-king came,
that seems hard to end. If something evil lingers, then it could they quailed and fled instead. Now the crossroads is a place
be a clever Troll or Orc using an existing place for its benefit, or of ill ease, where the companions may find the promises that
a group of Fell Wraiths who have worked some ancient magic bind them together restraining and imbalanced. If an enemy
to create the enchanted spot originally. approaches, then they will be related to the oathbreakers:
perhaps Walking Dead that wear their bodies, or perhaps
Gravesite in the Wild Ghosts of the dead themselves.
The Company has found a pleasant space to camp: flat, with
good shade but no looming branches overhead, a small stream Watching Guardian
bubbling nearby, the weather is pleasant and temperate. The There are secret places where once, long ago, the Witch-king
entire place seems to be peaceful. Long ago, some great captain and his servants would prepare for battle or recover their
of the armies that fought against the Witch-king fell in a battle strength. These places are often protected by dread sorceries;
near this place. In wartime, returning the dead home was not evil spirits bound into statues and forced to serve their masters
always possible, and the soldier was laid to rest where the as eternal guardians and lookouts. As you prepare to make
Company now camps. But the great and the good of Eriador camp in some ruins, the feeling that you are being watched will
attract the attention of the evil spirits that haunt the land, and grow, and you soon become aware of an evil presence lurking.
now this is a place where the Shadow grows strong when the It may remain as quiet unease, or an active guardian might
sun fails and night comes. Any sort of undead might plague the let loose a high shrill cry to alert its allies. Such guardians are
Company if they find an enemy here. servants of the most dread servants of the Shadow: Great Orcs,
Wights, Wraiths, Hounds of Sauron or Secret Shadows.
Journey Event Table Entry 11
The Enemy is Abroad pages 97 and 104 of the Loremaster’s Guide. The troupe has a
Evil Men, Orcs, Goblins or other servants of the Enemy are Challenge 8 rating.
moving through the area. If the Company is subject to The
Keen Eyes of the Enemy, the confrontation is unavoidable, if Gorzim
the Look-out makes a Wisdom (Perception) check, the enemy The mighty Gorzim is a Hill-troll Chief (see page 107 of the
is Surprised on the first round of combat. If the Company is Loremaster’s Guide) who travels the North on missions for his
Hidden from the Shadow, the Look-out can use Perception master (the secrets of his errands and his lord are discovered
or Stealth to avoid the enemy. If the check fails, the enemy is in Eriador Adventures). He will often be accompanied by Orc
still Surprised on the first round of combat. If neither applies, Soldiers, Thugs or Outlaws, which he will readily abandon to
then each member of the Company must make a Dexterity save himself. These unfortunates will know little of Gorzim’s
(Stealth) check. If the Company has horses or ponies then one true goals in Eriador. The minimum for this encounter is
companion must make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check Challenge 9 with twice as many Orc Soldiers or Thugs as
as well. If any of these rolls fails, they have spotted and battle there are heroes.
is engaged with no advantage to either side.
Berk Few things other than rumours of Hobbits nearby could
Berk does not always tend his gate and sometimes when cause Radgul to stick his neck out of his stronghold of Mount
hunger drives him he ranges far from his Troll-hole in search of Gram. Unless, of course, his presence in the land is some
fresh meat. Without a hiding place to retreat to, he will exhibit clever stratagem to conquer Mount Gundabad or weaken its
Great Might in his fear and anger, and serves as a Challenge defenders. The warband has as many Orcs of Mount Gram
6 encounter. as there are companions, along with their leader, and ranks
as Challenge 5. They are likely to flee at the first serious
Bloodstump resistance, leaving behind tokens of Gorgol, son of Bolg (see
Sometimes Bloodstump will lead his hunter-trolls himself. This page 16 of Rhovanion Region Guide and page 48) in hopes that
band consists of Bloodstump and one Hill-troll per companion the heroes will misidentify their attackers.
(page 108 of the Loremaster’s Guide). They gain Battle-
hardened and Formidable as Bloodstump outfits them with The Warg of the Redhorn Gate
gear taken from the broken bodies of slain Rangers. The troupe The wind howls and it howls with wolf-voices. The Wargs
counts as Challenge 11 in total. are hunting in the West tonight, lead by the great Warg of
the Redhorn Gate (see page 36 for more information on this
Burzash Hound of Sauron). There are as many Wild Wolves as there
Burzash, the Warlord of the Grey Waste, will be encountered are heroes accompanying their leader, and the troupe counts
leading a mixed force as seen on page 51. There are twice as as being Trained in their Bite attacks. The wolfpack is a
many Goblins of Carn Dûm as there are heroes, an equal Challenge 6 rating.
number of Hillmen of Rhudaur along with Burzash and his two
Mountain Troll bodyguards. They are both Bloodthirsty and The Wight-king
a Vengeful Band, and have a total ranking at Challenge 15. It is said that on moonless nights, the Wight-king leads his
followers out of his grand barrow and they wander the land
Gishak Gashnaga looking for new subjects. Though he must return before the
When Gishak Gashnaga (see page 59) takes his own troops sun comes, the dead travel fast. The Wight-king’s excursions
into the field, they count as Driven as they fear their leader are part of Eriador Adventures. The Wight-king is joined by a
more than the weapon of any of the Free Peoples. Gishak is a Barrow-wight for each companion and the entire encounter
Great Orc, accompanied by one Orc Guard for each hero. See ranks as Challenge 10.
Journey Event Table Entry 12 (or more)
Many Meetings? Fly you Fools! Glorfindel
The companions have encountered a traveller upon the road, A rider approaches. He is tall and armour gleams from
but all may not be as it at first appears. If the Company began beneath his travelling robes. The horse is a magnificent beast,
the journey under Dark Signs and Evil Portents, it is a servant with a white coat that shines in the sun.
of the Enemy. If they started From Auspicious Beginnings then
it is one of the great powers for good. Otherwise, the Look-out Glorfindel has ridden out from Imladris and only one thing
must make a Wisdom (Perception) check. — the command of Lord Elrond himself — would cause the
protector of Rivendell to leave his post. Both Elrond and
If the Look-out succeeds by 5 or more, they recognise the Glorfindel are gifted with foresight and it’s likely that one of
traveller for someone of great standing and may immediately them has seen a vision of the future that involves the Company
remove 1 Shadow point, gain +1 to their Arrival Roll and (or at least their mission or destination). Glorfindel will initially
may seek an Audience with the traveller. On a basic success, be cautious, the Enemy has many tricks and many servants,
the traveller’s identity is shielded from them and the meeting some who do not even know that they serve an evil master. But
should use the rules for A Chance Encounter. Insight checks once trust has grown between the Elf Lord and the Company,
may reveal their true identity. he will tell them of the reason he has come, which will likely
involve some threat to Rivendell or its people.
If the check fails, each hero must make a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw against Corruption or gain 2 Shadow points. If the Company treats him as a stranger, he will likely leave
They must then hide from the enemy (using the rules in The them and continue to search… some visions never come to be
Enemy is Abroad) but also gain a level of Exhaustion and -1 and all must depend on the choices of individuals. The way is
penalty to their Arrival Roll. If the Look-out fails by 5 or more shut for those who do not wish to walk it.
then the Company is automatically spotted and they must flee.
Each hero gains 2 Shadow points, a level of Exhaustion and a Arwen
-1 to the Arrival Roll. The Company spies a woman walking, her head covered. She
carries a basket and seems to be on some sort of errand.
Gandalf the Grey
Ahead, the Company sees a traveller, bent with age and In recent days, Arwen has chosen to walk amidst the Dúnedain
leaning on an staff. His travelling cloak is stained and coated from time to time, providing aid and comfort where she can
with mud and dust from the Road. to a folk that have seen many trials. When the Company
encounters her, she is likely going to or returning from a secret
The Company has come across Gandalf the Grey. But has the place of the Rangers. However, she will be slow to reveal this
Wizard sought them out for a singular mission or is it chance information to the heroes (unless they have one or more
(if chance you call it) that makes their paths meet today? For Dúnedain among them and have recognised her). She rarely
Gandalf, the best kind of heroes stand against the darkness, travels alone, but her escort will wait hidden, to allow their
even when the odds are against them. He might tell them of Lady to judge for herself the merits of these travellers.
enemies that would chill the blood, to see how the companions
react to danger. If Arwen remains unknown, then she will beg off staying long
with the Company, saying that she has an urgent errand and
If he is satisfied, then he might ask them to do something for she dares not to tarry.
him… if he is not a Patron of the Company, then it will be a
simple task such as checking on other travellers or delivering Elladan and Elrohir
a cryptic message to an important person. But Wizards are A group of warriors is nearby. They have drawn weapons and
subtle and it’s likely that the Company will find themselves you hear them shouting to each other. There are two leaders
drawn into larger affairs as they complete the task. with bright swords that look so similar to each other that it
seems almost as if your eyes are bewitched.
Wizards are also quick to anger. Gandalf will quickly become
frustrated by a Company does not recognise him or asks foolish The two sons of the Lord of Imladris often lead sorties into
questions or wants help with things that they themselves can Eriador in pursuit of enemies. They have just fought off one
accomplish. In these cases, the Wizard will quickly take his such adversary and the approach of the Company (especially if
leave after some harsh remarks. they are not cautious) might be misunderstood. Once tensions
have calmed, it’s likely that the Company will be asked to The Lord of the Ringwraiths
temporarily join the Elves. Such a mission should prove a A stooped figure in dark travelling clothes is ahead. He turns
short but exciting affair as the heroes can encounter some of back and forth as if searching for something. He turns towards
the more dangerous foes of the North while still having the you as you approach.
assistance of the Elves in the battle.
If the heroes identify the traveller then they will likely hide from
If the Company does not realise who they are dealing with, they the Wraith. But this is no Fell Wraith and it’s likely that the
might think the Elves are one of the Wandering Companies heroes will find themselves outmatched (and the Lord of the
or dangerous renegades. Similarly, the Elves might judge the Nazgûl rarely travels alone, he will likely be escorted by Orcs
heroes to be common thugs and sellswords and warn them off of Mordor or worse).
of trying to seek for the fabled Rivendell.
If the heroes do not identify the traveller and think that they
Tom Bombadil speak with a shy stranger, then the Witch-king is amused
Close to the Barrow-downs, the Company might spy a short, and will speak to the heroes. He might ask if they have been
bearded man wearing bright blue clothes and oversized boots. to Imladris or where other strong defenders of the land might
He seems drunk or perhaps just merry and not at all steady hide.
on his feet.
The Wight-king
The companions have chanced across Tom Bombadil as he It is night-time and the Company has made camp. In the
walks the borders of his land. He will greet them with a nod distance, they hear singing. There is someone else out there, if
and a wink and a song on his lips. He is irreverent and answers you wish to leave the safety of the camp. The heroes might wish
most questions in a roundabout way. to investigate, but they take a chance to come under the effects
of the Wight-king’s song (see page 86). If they escape that effect
If asked who he is, he might answer Forn (if a Dwarf asks) or then they will recognise the Wight-king and his minions for
Orald (if someone from Rhovanion is asking) or Iarwain (if an what they are.
Elf is the questioner). But if all ask, he will give each answer in
turn and not be concerned with the apparent contradiction. If If the companions ignore the song, then the heroes will find
they ask where he’s going, it will be ‘this way and that’. But if disturbed earth near the camp, as if the dead dug their way out
the Company is in true need, he will set them on the Road to of their graves and walked together during the night.
Bree or otherwise make them safe.
Other Enemy Captains
If the companions don’t recognise Tom (or do not take him If the companions have rolled poorly, they might encounter
seriously) then he will soon depart, singing a song about any of the other captains listed on page 133 for the entry for
swans that have too high an opinion of themselves and river The Enemy is Abroad. But there is no confusing a Troll or Great
wrens that are too talkative. Orc for a fellow traveller. The Company will need to choose
whether to flee or face their enemies head-on.
- High elf -
14 +1 Strength
____ Dark Secrets. The best way to elude and defeat
+4 Dexterity
____ your hunters is to learn more about them. You
Hit Point Maximum ____________________________
+2 +2 Constitution
____ study all you can about the Shadow.
+0 Intelligence
Temporary Hit Miserable
Constitution +3 Wisdom
____ Points Hope
+5 Corruption
____ My example inspires others to do the same.
+1 Charisma
Skills Hit Dice Death Saves
Intelligence Despair
+2 Acrobatics (Dex)
____ 1 Successes
I put my friends in danger just by being with them.
10 +5 Animal Handling (Wis)
____ Failures
Total _______________
+1 Athletics (Str)
+0 -1 Deception (Cha)
____ History (Int) Attacks Features, Traits, and Virtues
Wisdom +5 Insight (Wis)
____ Name Atk Bonus Damage/Type
17 -1 Intimidation (Cha)
____ Night Vision - dim light 60 ft as bright light, in
Great Bow +4 1d8+2 piercing
+0 Investigation (Int)
____ darkness as if it is dim light.
+3 +0 Lore (Int)
____ Dagger +4 1d4+2 piercing Elvish Dreams - four hours of dream resting per
+3 Medicine (Wis)
____ night
+0 Nature (Int)
Charisma ____ Against the Unseen - You can perceive creatures
9 +5 Perception (Wis)
____ in the wraith-world (Invisible undead) and are
-1 Performance (Cha)
____ immune to becoming Frightened by the undead.
-1 -1 Persuasion (Cha)
____ Beset by Woe - When you undertake to Heal
+0 Riddle (Int)
____ Corruption, gain 1 permanent Shadow and lose 1
Shadow +0 Shadow-lore (Int)
____ temporary Shadow before making your check.
0 +2 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
____ Troubling to the Wise - you know some of the
Permanent +4 Stealth (Dex)
____ Great and the Good and can sometimes receive
0 +5 Survival (Wis)
____ favours from them. You also might know hiding
+2 Traditions (Int)
____ places in some castles and cities that you visit.
Warden’s Gift - you have one Gift die (a d6). You
can grant that die to an ally who may use it in the
15 Passive Perception (wisdom)
next 10 minutes and add it to one ability check,
G A slate blue travelling cloak, attack roll or saving throw. You regain the Gift die
travelling gear for the current season, after a long rest.
Other proficiencies & languages
a backpack or saddlebags, a belt Ever Watchful - spend a few hours travelling and
Proficiencies: The Eyes of Elves - you are S 17 dagger, boots, a white jewel on a talking with locals to make a DC 12 Intelligence
proficient in Perception. Elf-wise - you are chain of silver, smith’s tools. You also (Investigation) check with Advantage. Success
proficient in Corruption checks.The Tools of War have a great bow, 20 arrows, and a means you know news, rumours and important
- you are proficient with daggers, spears, great leather corslet and shield. individuals. Failure means you know some, but
spears, short swords, long swords, great bows, light don’t know what is true
armour and shields. Subtlety of Craft - you are
proficient with smith’s tools Cultural Virtue: None.
Languages: You can speak, read and write Westron
(the Common Tongue) and Sindarin. You use Quenya,
the Ancient Tongue, in song and high matters of lore. Standard of Living Prosperous
Magical Treasure Index
Loremaster: ________________ Campaign: ____________________________________
- Precious objects -
- Wondrous Artefacts -
Type: Type:
Craftsmanship: Craftsmanship:
Banes: Banes:
Qualities: Qualities:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Companion: Companion:
Item: Item:
Type: Type:
Craftsmanship: Craftsmanship:
Banes: Banes:
Qualities: Qualities:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
index -
Craven 71 (The) Eye of Mordor 110
- Crebain of Tharbad
(The) Crossing of Tharbad
Cruel Stroke
(The) Fall of Angmar 30
Cultural Attitudes Chart 118 Famous Weapons and Armour (blank) 139
A Cultural Heirlooms – High Elves of Rivendell 121 Fate and Predestination 92
(Nazgûl) Abilities 74 Cultural Virtues – High Elves of Rivendell 118 Fear of Fire 71
(New Creature) Abilities 70 Cunning Speech 71 Fearsome 69
(New Especially Strong) Abilities 69 (How to Design a) Curse 100 Fearsome Bellow 71
(New Exceptional Troupe) Abilities 70 (Lifting a) Curse 100 Feast on Suffering 74
(Special) Abilities of the Undead 73 Cursed Items 99 Fell Spirit 74
(Powerful) Adversaries 69 (Examples of) Curses 101 Fell Wraiths 84
‘Agents’ of the White Council 22 (New) Fellowship Phase Undertakings:
Aiwiel 35 D Elven-smithing 119
Ambush 70 Damron, the Elven-smith 19 Find and Prepare Athelas 56
Amphibious 71 Dangers of the Wild 75 Go See a Lore-master 23
Ancient and Forgotten Treasures 90 Dark Undead or Unclad and Invisible 87 Honouring the Fallen 42
Ancient Elven-craft 98 Darken 101 Open Rivendell as a Sanctuary 23
Ancient Ruins 34 Darker than the Darkness 73 Receive Title (Friend of Elrond) 24
Angmar 50 Deadly 70 Researching Lore in the House of Elrond 24
Inhabitants 51 Deadly Elusiveness 69 Return to Amon Dûn 61
Notable Characters 51 Deadly Spear-Thrust 71 There and Back Again 24
Notable Locations 53 Deadly Voice 74 Visit the Treasury of your Folk 25
Wildlife 50 Discovering the One Ring 102 Watch upon Amon Sûl 58
Arbarad 57 (The) Dome of Sight 61 Write a Song 25
Arthedain Stands Alone 29 Dreadful Spells 73 Finding Rivendell 7
Artificer of Eregion 118 Dreorg the Wargling 45, 80 Formidable 70
(Seeing) Arwen 16 Dreorg’s Warg-band 80 Fornost Erain 61
Asfaloth 17 Driven 70 Friend of Elrond 25
(The) Dúnedain go into Hiding 31 (The) Front Porch 7
B (The) Dwarven Toybox 40 (The) Frozen Path 54
(A) Barren and Pathless Country 122 Dwimmerlaik 74
(Entering a) Barrow 65 G
(The) Barrow-downs 62 E Gems, Jewels and Crystals 96
Inhabitants 63 Easily Unnerved 70 Ghost-form 74
Notable Characters 63 (The) Eastern Porch 9 (The) Ghostly Voices of Fornost 61
Notable Locations 64 Effects on Experience 23 Ghosts 73
Wildlife 63 Effects on Shadow 23 Ghosts of the Past 34
Barrow Tombs 64 Elbereth Githoniel! 120 Gishak Gashnaga 59
Barrow-wights 82 Elements of the Landscape 34 Gleaming Blade 98
Battle Cry 71 (The) Elf-lords of Rivendell 20 Glorfindel 16
Battle-hardened 70 Elladan 21 Goblins of Carn Dûm 77
Beauty of the Stars 119 Elrohir 20 Golfimbul’s Gully 49
Berk the Gatekeeper 39 Elrond, Master of Rivendell 14 (The) Great Barrow Stone 64
Berk’s ‘Gate’ 40 Elrond as a Patron 14 (The) Great Hall 9
Bitter Experience 111 Elven-craft 98 Great Might 70
Bewilder 71 Emissaries of the Enemy 79 Greater Stone-troll 76
Black Breath 74 Enchant Weapons 119 (The) Greenway and the East Road 61
Black Dread 73 Enchanted Helms 99 (The) Grey Waste 53
(The) Black Shadow 75 (New) Enchanted Qualities 98
Bloodstump the Hunter 43, 79 (The) End of Arnor 29 H
Bodyguards 71 Enfeebled 101 (Elrond) Halfelven 13
Bog Soldiers 83 Enhance Weapons 118 (The) Hall of Fire 9
Books and Maps of Forbidden Lore 121 Ensorcelled 71 Hate Sunlight 71
Bradan 67 Entrance Hall 9 Hawk’s Eye 71
Braving the Ford 68 Eregion 34 (New) Herb: Kindler’s Lace 122
Broken Blades 71 Inhabitants 35 (The) Hidden Valley 6
(The) Burial Bog 45 Notable Characters 35 Hiding from the Eye 23
Burzash, Orc Warlord 51 Notable Locations 37 High Elves of Rivendell 116
Wildlife 35 Cultural Attitudes 118
C Erestor 17 Description 117
(The) Cairn of the Crag-King 43 Erestor’s Medicinal Tonic 18 High Elf Names 117
Camouflage 71 Erestor’s Travelling Cordial 18 High Elf Traits 117
Carn Dûm 54 (The) Errantries of the King 13 Standard of Living 117
Cellars, Crypts and Caverns Map 11 (The) Ettenmoors 44 High Elf of Rivendell Character Sheet 137-138
Challenge Ratings 69 Inhabitants 45 (The) Hill-men of Rhudaur 52, 77
(The) Coldfells 41 Notable Characters 45 (A) History of Eriador 27
Inhabitants 43 Notable Locations 45 Hoard Ratings 91
Notable Characters 43 Wildlife 44 Horrible Strength 71
Notable Locations 43 Ettins 46, 76 (The) House of Elrond Map 10
Wildlife 43 Evaluate Treasure 118 How to Make Magical Treasure Rolls 92
Commanding 71 Evils of the North 69 How to use the Rivendell Region Guide 5
Concerning the Undead 72 (The) Eye Awareness Check 113 (The) Hunt 110
Rivendell Region Guide
Keen Hearing and Smell 71 (The) Queen of Castle Hill 40, 81 Undead Fortitude 74
Kyna 66 (Arwen) Undómiel 15
R Unnatural Vitality 74
L Radgul the Orc-Chief 48, 81 Unyielding 70
(The) Land Between the Rivers 39 Region Dweller 71 Upper Floors 12
(Staying at the) Last Homely House 22 (The) Realm of Arnor 27 (The) Upper Solar 12
(The) Last Homely House 7 Recent Years 33
Leadership 71 Reckless 72 V
Legendary 70 Recovery 23 Vault 12
Legendary Weapons and Armour 93 (The) Redhorn Pass 37 (The) Veil 112
Legendary Weapons and (The) Refuge of the Dúnedain 40 Vilya, the Ring of Air 15
Armour example 105, 107, 109 (The) Regions of Eastern Eriador 34 Visions of Torment 74
Lesser Ring 121 (The) Restless Dead 82
Lindir 19 Revelation Episodes 113 W
(The) Long Winter 33 (Examples of Revelation) Episodes 114 Walking Dead 73
Lone-lands 34 (The) Rise of Angmar 28 (The) Warden of Amon Sûl 57
(The) Lord of the Nazgûl 87 Rise of the Rangers 31 (The) Warg of the Redhorn Gate 36
(The) Lord of the Nazgûl as Dark Undead 89 (Things to do while in) Rivendell 22 (The) Watchtowers 54
(The) Lord of the Nazgûl, Unclad and Invisible 88 Rivendell Map 8 Weak Spot 72
Runes of Clarity 98 Weakness 102
M Runes of Protection 99 Weathertop 58
Mad Ostley 63 What does the Hunt represent? 111
(Using) Magic 111 S What is a Hoard? 90
(Displays of) Magical Power 112 Sentimental Value 90 (The) Whispering Hills 37
(How to Compile a) Magical Treasure Index 97 Serious Misfortune 114 (The) White Council 21
Magical Treasure Index (blank) 138 Shadow Gain 111 (The) White Council as a Patron 22
Magical Treasure Index example 103, 106, 108 Shadow of Fear 74 Wicked Cunning 70
Magical Treasure Indexes 97 Shadow Taint 101 (The) Wight-king 64, 86
Magical Treasure Rolls 91 Sigil of Guarding 99 Wights 73
Magical Virtues and Features 112 Singing Songs 26 (The) Witch-king 89
(The) Magpies of Mount Gram 49 Skill of the Eldar 120 Winds from the Wastes 54
Malice 101 Skillful 70 (The) Wolf-Den of the South Downs 58
Maps & Books of Lore 12 Smiting 99 Wondrous Artefacts 93
(Meeting the) Master of the Last Homely House 14 Sneak Attack 72 Wondrous Artefacts and Legendary
Midgewater Marshes 58 (The) South Downs and Weather Hills 55 Weapons and Armour 100
Might of the Firstborn 120 Inhabitants 57 Words of Power and Terror 74
Mixed Warbands 78 Notable Characters 57 Worthless Trinkets 93
Monsters of Eriador 75 Notable Locations 58 Worthless Trinkets and Precious Objects 100
Morgul-knives 88 Wildlife 56 Wraith-like 74
Mount Gram 46 Spear of the Last Alliance (Great Spear) 121 (The) Wraith-lord 87
Inhabitants 47 Spectres 85 (The) Wraith-lord of Mount Gram 48
Notable Characters 48 Spells of Despair 74 Wraiths 73
Notable Locations 49 Stealthy 72
Wildlife 47 (The) Steward of Carn Dûm 52
Strike Fear 72
Sunlight Sensitivity 72
Children kidnapped in the night, unusually cunning Trolls, a mysterious caravan, the fate of a company of
Hobbits, the legacy of the Dúnedain and an evil awakening beneath the barrows – six new stories set in the
ancient land of Eriador. Six adventures that need a company of heroes to undertake them.
Delve into the ruins of overgrown Fornost, walk amidst the cairns of the Barrow-downs and venture to the lair
of the Witch-king of Angmar himself, the ancient city of Carn Dûm — if you have the courage!
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