Activated Carbon and Its Application E 2012

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Activated Carbon

and its Applications

Activated Carbon and its

Since the early days of 1920 large-scale activated carbon production in

the large-scale activated carbon has steadily increased in importance
to industry. Continual improvement and optimisation of production
processes and new raw materials have led to the advanced level of
adsorption technology in use today.

Donau Carbon, which is part of the Donau Chemie Group, has been
involved for decades with the development, sale and industrial use of
activated carbon and with the construction of plants in which it is used.

Activated carbon lies at the heart of a number of different processes

used in the industry. Environmental problems affecting air and water
are solved through the use of activated carbon, and new applications
are being continually developed in rapid succession.

Of particular interest in the field of environmental protection is the

reactivation and subsequent reuse of spent activated carbon and the
recycling of activated carbon that is no longer amenable to regeneration
or reactivation.

This brochure provides a general overview of the manufacture, charac-

teristics and the potential uses of activated carbon in a variety of fields
of application.

Our application engineers and our special laboratory for adsorption

technology are available to provide further information and consultation
on specific technical problems.

2 2

Introduction 4

Activated Carbon – Production and Product Forms 4

Adsorption on Activated Carbon 5

Mathematical Models for the Description of Adsorption Processes 6

Factors Affecting Adsorption 7

Characteristic Data and Performance Testing 8

Application Technology for Gas Purification 10

Application Technology for Water Treatment 11

Application Technology for Decolourization and Liquid Treatment 13

Reactivation 15

Recycling 15

3 3
Introduction The activation process itself is carried out in rotary kilns, multiple-
hearth, shaft or fluidized bed furnaces or in fluid bed reactors.
The adsorptive properties of charcoal were first observed near the end
of the 18th century. It was discovered that charcoal was capable of The most common product forms of activated carbon include:
decolourizing certain liquids. This discovery led to the first industrial use
of charcoal in an English sugar refinery in 1794. ■ extruded (usually in the form ofcylindrical pellets)

Modern activated carbon manufacturing technology dates back to the ■ broken (granular or broken activated carbon)
patent registered by R. v. Ostrejko in 1901.
■ powder, in specified particle sizes
Today, activated carbon is used in a wide range of industrial applications,
including gas and air cleaning involving traditional reusable substance Specially manufactured types include:
recovery applications. Heightened environmental awareness and the
enactment of strict emissions guidelines have led to the development ■ spherical activated carbon pellets
of new applications, most notably in the area of air pollutant removal.
■ activated carbon fibres and fibre mats and
Activated carbon is also being used to an increasing extent in the treat-
ment of water, including drinking water, groundwater, service ■ honeycombs
water and waste water. Its primary role in this context is to adsorb
dissolved organic impurities and to eliminate substances affecting odour, The manufacturing and activation processes and the basic raw material
taste and colour in halogenized hydrocarbons and other organic pollutants. used have a determining influence on the adsorptive capacity of activated
carbon products in use. The size of the inner surface area and the pore
Yet another broad field of application for activated carbon is the treat- structure are particularly depen-dent on the activation process used.
ment, purification and decolourization of liquids, which is of
particular importance in the pharmaceuticals, food, beverage and other
Differential Pore Radius Distribution
The selection of the most suitable type of activated carbon for a specific
application depends on the physical and chemical properties of the
substances to be adsorbed. Aside from this material data, other process- Wood-based steam activated carbon
related factors also play a role in the adsorption process.

Activated Carbon – Production and

Product Forms
Activated carbon is made from carbonaceous raw materials such as
charcoal, peat, lignite, bituminous coal, fruit stones (e.g. olive pits),
coconut shell, etc. These materials are activated using one of two distinct
Pore radius (nm)
In the gas activation process, previously carbonized material is sub- Fig. 1a
jected to the oxidizing action of a stream of gas, such as steam, carbon
dioxide, air or a mixture of these. Activation temperatures typically range Fig. 1a and 1b show the differential pore radius distribution of two
from 700 to 1.100° C. In the resulting water-gas reaction different powdered activated carbons. Pore radius distribution is analyzed
only within a range of up to 100 nm, as it is not possible to distinguish
C + H2O CO + H2 between pore radius and particle intervals in powdered carbons using
C + 2 H2O CO2 + 2 H2 mercury porosimetry.

the carbon is partially gasified, and a porous, highly activated carbon

skeleton is produced.

In the chemical activation process, nonincinerated carbonaceous

material is initially mixed with dehydrating or oxidizing chemicals and
heated to between 400 and 800° C. The activation agent – zinc chloride,
phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, etc. which may be used – is leached out
and recovered.

Differential Pore Radius Distribution Adsorption is always an exothermic process, i.e. adsorption heat
is released. This physically determined warming effect can be significantly
intensified by chemical processes involving the reactive surface oxides
Wood-based chemically activated carbon of fresh activated carbon and the substances to be adsorbed. As deposits
accumulate, adsorption heat diminishes. Nevertheless, the activated
carbon may continue to heat as a consequence of the condensation
heat produced by capillary condensation.

Adsorption is normally reversible. This reverse adsorption is known as

desorption. Technically speaking, the regeneration of adsorbate-laden
activated carbon is achieved by exposing it to heat, e.g. in water vapour,
hot gas or vacuum. The resultingrecovery of adsorbates plays an impor-
tant role in solvent recovery processes, for example:

Pore radius (nm) If an adsorbent such as activated carbon is brought into contact with
Fig. 1b an aqueous solution or a gaseous medium containing adsorbates, the
adsorbate concentration of the medium is reduced as adsorbates accu-
mulate on the activated carbon. After a sufficient period of time, a
Adsorption on Activated Carbon stationary balance will be achieved between the adsorbate concen-
tration in the liquid or gaseous medium and the concentration on the
Adsorption is understood as the accumulation of gaseous components, adsorbent. This is known as adsorption equilibrium.
or solutes dissolved in liquids, on to the surface of solids. Adsorption is
primarily a physical process, i.e. substances deposited on the solid do The degree of adsorbate accumulation on activated carbon in relation
not undergo any chemical reaction with the adsorbent. The adsorbing to the concentration of the same substance in the surrounding medium
solid is referred to as an adsorbent, and the substance to be adsorbed is referred to as adsorption capacity. The maximum achievable accu-
from the liquid or gas phase as an adsorbate. mulation depends primarily on the characteristic properties of the adsor-
bent, the properties of the adsorbate substance and other physical and
If chemical substances (impregnating agents) are applied to an adsorbent, chemical conditions affecting the adsorption process.
these agents may react with solutes in a process known as chemi-
sorption, in which the deposited substances are chemically altered. Adsorption isotherms (Fig. 2) can be derived depending on the concen-
tration adsorbate substance and the temperature. This material-specific
In adsorption, molecular attractions known as van der Waals forces play balance can be calculated for a wide range of substances in both the
an active part. One important phenomenon involved in adsorption liquid and gas phases using empirical isothermic equations.
processes in the gas phase is capillary condensation, which triggers
condensation of adsorbed vapours as deposits accumulate in the pores
of the activated carbon. This effect, which takes place primarily in the
micropores, results in much higher adsorbate deposits on the adsorbent Equilibrium loading
than could be achieved through pure adsorption. x (wt. %)

Concentration in gas stream c (g/ccm)

Fig. 2 Loading profile of an adsorber bed

Adsorption velocity depends, among other things, on the type of
activated carbon, pore size, pore radius frequency and distribution, the
physical and chemical attributes of the adsorbate, the properties of the
ambient gas or liquid phase and a number of process-related parameters.
Adsorption speed diminishes with progres-sive saturation of the activated zone

In the fixed bed process, the medium to be purified flows through an Adsorptions
adsorber filled with activated carbon and deposits adsorbatea onto the zone
activated carbon. As the adsorbate concentration in the medium decrease, zone
the concentration on the activated carbon increases, forming a concen-
tration profile in the adsorbent bed and a corresponding profile in the
interparticle volume of the corresponding activated carbon bed. Within

effluent concentration
this profile, the concentration falls from the initial inlet concentration
value to the effluent value (Fig. 3). The adsorption zone is the concen-
tration incline that forms along a layer of activated carbon during the

adsorption process, whereby the effluent concentration is reduced to a
defined value. The length of the adsorption zone can be influenced by
Adsorber run time
various factors such as humidity, impurities (matrix effects) and displace-
ment effects in use on different adsorbate components. Fig. 3

The activated carbon is loaded in relation to the adsorption equilibrium

on the inflow side and is initially free of deposits on the outflow side The residual load is the quantity of adsobates that, for reasons of eco-
of the adsorber. The concentration and load profiles shift in the course nomy (e.g. high steam consumption during regeneration) is not fully
of adsorber run time in the direction of flow. Once this zone reaches the removed from the activated carbon during desorption. The adsorption
end of the activated carbon bed, the adsorbate concentration in the capacity for the subsequent adsorption phase is thus reduced by the
filter outlet rises until the effluent concentration ultimately reaches residual concentration. The practical available adsorptive capacity re-
equilibrium with the inlet concentration. maining in regenerated activated carbon after subtraction of the residual
concentration is known as the cyclic capacity.
Plotting the concentration profile against the length of the column
produces a breakthrough curve as depicted in Fig. 3. Activated carbon The time required by the adsorption process is a key factor in the deter-
utilization improves in proportion to the thickness of the activated carbon mination of filter dimensions. In addition to diffusion mechanisms, the
bed relative to the length of the adsorption zone. In other words, the total dependence of concentration reduction on time and the influence
configuration of the adsorption zone is of crucial importance to the of operating conditions affecting the activated carbon bed through which
efficiency and economy of the percolation process. The longer the ad- the medium flows are also of crucial importance.
sorption zone, the thicker the activated carbon bed must be. The corre-
lation between effluent concentration and adsorber run time is generally
referred to as breakthrough behaviour.

The breakthrough point in the fixed bed process is the point at which Mathematical Models for the Description
the first traces substance to be adsorbed appear in the purified medium of Adsorption Processes
once it has passed through the activated carbon bed. The concentration
accumulated on the activated carbon prior to this point is known as Single substances
the breakthrough concentration.
As in all physical-chemical processes, equilibrium is eventually achieved
Retention behaviour refers to the capacity of the activated carbon between adsorption and its reversal
to capture an adsorbed substance. Good retention behaviour makes
desorption difficult and is thus desirable where no regeneration is
planned. adsorption desorption,

which is described by the Freundlich Equation. Adsorption equilibrium

a is a function of temperature and also depends upon the properties of
Flue gas the adsorbate, the pH value and the type of activated carbon used.

a Adsorbens In gas phase applications, lower temperatures favour adsorption; in the

liquid phase, particularly in the treatment of viscous liquids, elevated
temperatures are normally used in order to exploit the advantages of
higher diffusion rates and lower viscosities.

The specific correlation between load concentration and residual concen-

tration at a constant temperature for each specific adsorption process
forms an isotherm, which is described mathematically in a number of
different isothermic equations.

The Freundlich isotherm equation is used for virtually all isotherm
descriptions of adsorption in liquid solutions:
Adsorption Isotherms


Q ... quantity adsorbed

C ... residual adsorbate concentration in the liquid solution tetrachlorethane

Load (g/kg)
(mg/l; g/ccm; ml/ccm, etc.)

k, n ... constants trichlorethane

The constant k corresponds as a numerical value to the adsorbate load

at a residual concentration of 1.0. The k value is useful only in conjunction chloroform from water (20°C)

with the selected units of adsorbate load and concentration. 1,1,1-trichlorethane

In the graphic representation of the adsorption isotherms, the experi- Residual concentration (mg/l)

mentally derived equilibrium loads for various different concentrations

Fig. 4
are entered in a dual-logarithm coordinate system. If the Freundlich
Equation applies, the curve is straight. This is the case for most substances
within a given concentration range. Factors Influencing Adsorption
(Fig. 4)
Aside from the properties of the substances to be removed, including
The exponent n expresses the incline of the straight curves.
■ chemical molecular characteristics
Multi-substance mixtures ■ molecule size
■ hydrophilic behaviour
In actual practice, liquids frequently contain several different pollutant ■ polarity,
substances. During adsorption, the different components compete for
adsorption space on the activated carbon, often leading to overlayering the primary factors influencing adsorption are adsorbent characteristics,
and displacement effects. As a result, the load capacity for the separate such as
components is reduced during simultaneous adsorption of other sub-
stances. The more adsorbent the other substances are, the greater the ■ the size of interior surface area
reduction factor. ■ pore structure
■ chemical properties
The position of the adsorption isotherm for each separate substance is
influenced by the concentration and the adsorbability of the other compo- and other physical and chemical conditions, including
nents of the mixture, which is why the Freundlich Equation used to
determine isotherms of single substances does not provide a satisfactory ■ solute adsorbate concentration
solution. The computation of reciprocal adsorption behaviour influences ■ temperature
is very complicated and requires a knowledge of the exact composition ■ composition of the solution or gas mixture
of the mixture and the adsorption isotherms of each individual substance. ■ the pH value of the solution during adsorption in the liquid phase
■ relative humidity during adsorption in the gas phase
Adsorption kinetics (Fig. 5 and 6)

Adsorption equilibrium is not generated spontaneously, as absorbate

molecules must first be transferred from the solution to the adsorbent
particle and then from the surface to the interior of the particle. The
progress of adsorption over time until equilibrium is reached is referred Concentration: 1% by vol. = 24,2 g/ccm
to as adsorption kinetics.
Loading (% by wt.)

Particle size and pore structure have a significant impact on the kinetic
properties of activated carbon. The smaller the particle, the shorter the
distances travelled by an adsorbate from the liquid solution to the point
of adsorption and thus the more rapid the adsorption process.

Accordingly, adsorption equilibrium is quickest with powdered activated


With the granular carbons ordinarily employed in fixed bed adsorbers,

Temperature °C
the adsorber filtration rate and the pore structure of the activated carbon
both have a significant impact on adsorption kinetics.
Fig. 5 Influence of temperature on adsorption capacity

Pore Structure and Interior Surface Area Loading (% by wt.)
Since adsorption involves the accumulation of molecules on the surface toluol (8 g/ccm)
of an adsorbent, the quantity of substance accumulation depends to a
significant degree on the size of this surface area. The outside surface
plays a limited role in this process. More important is the size of the toluol (0,5 g/ccm)
interior surface, known as the BET surface, which is formed by countless
pores and capillaries in the activated carbon.

Photos taken using a scanning electron microscope provide an excellent

visual representation of the pore characteristics of activated carbon
(Fig. 7).

Activated carbons employed in gas and air treatment ordinarily have a

BET surface area within the range of 800 – 1,500 m2/g. Activated constituent H2O
carbons used in water purification generally have BET surfaces areas of
between 500 and 1,500 m2/g. In adsorption, both interior surface and
pore radius distribution play an important role. Figs. 8a and 8b show
the pore distribution of two granular carbons made of different raw
materials, both steam activated. Relative humidity (%)

Distinction is made in the characterization of pore size between micro-,

meso- and macropores. Pores with radii of 1nm or less are classified as Fig. 6 Influence of relative humidity on adsorption capacity
micropores. These pores have a determining influence on the total size
of the interior surface area. Adsorption takes place primarily in the micro-
and mesopores (1-25 nm). Macropores, with diameters of >25 nm,
serving as access pores.

Activated carbons with open pore structures and good desorption

characteristics are used in the recovery of solvents with mid- to high
boiling points, whereas activated carbon types with higher micropore
concentrations are used for highly volatile substances.

In liquid phase adsorption processes, macropores serving as access pores

also have a substantial impact on adsorption kinetics.

Characteristic Data and Performance Testing

Depending upon the raw materials and activation methods employed,

activated carbons may differ widely with respect to quality and adsorptive
properties. These differences are reflected in the characteristic data
(quality features) of the various grades of activated carbon.

Fig. 7

In general, carbon properties are described on the basis of characteristic Differential pore radius distribution
data. Apart from our own laboratory test procedures, international testing
standards are given high priority, particularly the methods recommended
Bituminous-coal-based steam activated carbon
by such bodies as

■ the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials),

■ the AWWA (American Water Works Association) and

■ the CEFIC (Conseil Européen des Fédérations de l'Industrie


Also applicable to the grading of carbons used in water purification are

the regulations contained in
Fig. 8a Pore radius (nm)
■ European Standard (DIN EN / CEN Comité Européen
de Normalisation)

Other standards are employed for special applications, including the Coconut-shell-based steam activated carbon
International Wine Code and the FCC (Food Chemicals Code).

Depending upon the particular application, different performance char-

acteristics relevant to quality assurance and the issuance of certificates
of analysis may also be taken into account.

Typical testing criteria include:

■ water content
■ ash content
■ pH value
Fig. 8b Pore radius (nm)
■ bulk density and vibration density
■ iodine adsorption
■ molasses decolourization behaviour
■ methylene blue adsorption
■ tetrachlorocarbon or butane adsorption
■ adsorption isotherms of various solvents (e.g. cyclohexane)
■ particle distribution / screen analysis
■ hardness

In addition, special measurements/tests

are performed, including:

■ BET surface
■ pore radius distribution
■ phenol concentration
■ chlorine half-life
■ water- and acid soluble components
■ other purity tests

Substances typically used in the testing of activated carbon for use in

water purification include halogenated hydrocarbons or phenol.

BET surface and differential pore
radius distribution 10,0

The interior surface of activated carbon is measured and evaluated using

Extinction difference/g of activated carbon

the BET method (Brunauer-Emmert-Teller). For this purpose, the nitrogen n
isotherm is measured at – 196° C. Assuming a monomolecular deposit car
of nitrogen molecules on the interior surface of the activated carbon, i vat
the interior surface area is calculated based on the surface required for e mi
a single N2 molecule (approx. 0.16 nm2) (DIN 66 131). n
1,0 carbo
To determine the integral pore volume and the differential pore radius
distribution, nitrogen adsorption at – 196° C and nitrogen desorption
are measured (DIN 66 134; ASTM D 4222). Analysis is performed using 0,5
the method developed by Barrett, Joyner and Halenda under the
assumption of cylindrical pores based on the Kelvin Equation (ASTM
D 4641). The determination of pore radius distribution in the macropore
range is performed using mercury intrusion (DIN 66 133; ASTM D 4284). 0,1
0,01 0,05 0,1 0,5 1,0
Analysis is based on the assumption of cylindrical pore configuration
according to the Washburn Equation. Extinction after decolourization

Activated carbon pores are categorized by volume in accordance with

the IUPAC Classification System, which distinguishes between micro-, Fig. 9 Molasses Test
meso- and macropores:

micropores r = 0.2 – 1 nm 0
mesopores r = 1 – 25 nm
macropores r = > 25 nm 10
% Decolourization

Molasses test
The molasses test is the standard method employed to deter-mine the
decolourizing capacity of activated carbon. The decolourization of a
standardized molasses solution with activated carbon is determined 40
by colorimetry (photometric extinction measurement) and compared to
that of a standard activated carbon. 50
The rise in the adsorption isotherm determined using the Freundlich
Equation provides reliable information on the decolourization behaviour 60
of an activated carbon. (Fig. 9).

Decolourization curves 80

In order to assess the decolourization capacity of different types of

activated carbon under empirical conditions, decolourization curves
are ascertained for each solution requiring treatment under the specific A
conditions prevailing at customer facilities. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

In this process, different quantities of solution are treated with the same mg of activated carbon/100 ml of solution
quantity of each activated carbon tested under defined temperature and
contacttime conditions. After filtration, the residual colour is measured
photometrically and compared with the control solution which has Fig. 10 Decolourization curves of two
different activated carbon - Types A and B
undergone the same procedure. Colour filters are selected on the basis
of the complementary colour for each sample tested. The percentage
rate of colour extinction in the individual filtrates is entered in a curve
diagram and referenced against the rate of extinction in the control
solution. (Fig. 10) Application engineering:
gas purification
Methylene blue titration Granular activated carbon has a wide range of uses in both gas and
exhaust air treatment applications:
This test is used to determine the quantity of a 0.15 % methylene blue
solution that can be decolourized by 100 mg of activated carbon (dry ■ Recovery of solvents, e.g. in rotogravure printing operations, from
substance) within 5 minutes. coatings and in the packaging, food and chemicals industries

■ natural gas purification; removal of H2S and BTX Impregnated activated carbon

■ flue gas cleaning at waste incineration plants for the removal of A number of different pollutants are either partially or totally resistant
dioxins and heavy metals to separation through adsorption (e.g. chlorine, ammonia, amines, sulphur
dioxide, mercury, hydrogen sulphide, mercaptanes, formaldehyde, carbon
■ exhaust air treatment following production processes for the removal oxide sulphide, etc.)
of organic impurities
These substances can be removed with specially impregnated activated
■ purification of process gases, e.g. CO2; scrubbing and separation carbons that have a chemisorptive effect. In chemisorption, the substances
of oil from compressed air to be removed are either chemically bonded by the impregnating agent
on the activated carbon or converted by these agents into a form that
■ removal of pollutants in airconditioning, ventilation and exhaust adsorbs on activated carbon. Impregnating agents include metal salts,
systems iodine, sulphur as well as acids and bases.

■ removal of odorous substances in kitchen exhaust hoods and Ground air treatment
refrigerator filters
A major area of application in the field of exhaust air treatment is the
■ emission control, e.g. at filling stations and during tank ventilation cleaning of polluted soil. By suctioning off ground air, solvents contained
for motor vehicle and industrial applications in the soil are removed and can then be adsorbed onto activated carbon.
Depending upon solvent concentration in suctioned air, either conventional
■ pollutant removal in car interior ventilation systems adsorbers or solvent recovery systems are used.

■ in gas masks Donau Carbon supplies compact systems, mobile adsorption units and
other solutions for these applications, including all required services.
■ in cigarette and cigar filters

■ as a carrier medium for special impregnating agents or catalysts

Application engineering:
Donau Carbon supplies special grades of activated carbon for all of the Water Treatment
various applications, each designed to meet specific requirements.
Product types are Supersorbon, Desorex, Contarbon, Oxorbon, Kombi- Objectives
sorb, Sulfacid, Sulfosorbon and Alcarbon.
In the water treatment sector, activated carbon is used either in powdered
■ Supersorbon-/Sulfosorbon types are used for solvent recovery (suspension process) or granular (fixed bed process), depending upon
processes in various industries and are steam or heat gas regenerable. the specific application and process. The objectives pursued with
the use of activated carbon in water treatment have changed
■ Kombisorb types are used in fixedbed filters to separate dioxins
significantly in recent decades.
and heavy metals in waste disposal/incineration facilities. These
types can be used at higher temperatures.
Years ago, activated carbon was employed primarily for the
removal of excess chlorine and the elimination of substances
■ Desorex-/Oxorbon types are used for the removal of hydrocarbons,
affecting odour and taste from relatively good-quality raw
BTX etc. in exhaust gas purification systems. Impregnated types
water. Increasingly exacting quality requirements for drinking
are used for the removal of H2S, Hg, PH3 and other impurities.
water, coupled with increasing pollution levels in untreated
water (groundwater and surface water), have led to the
■ Sulfacid types are suitable for the removal of sulphur dioxide in
optimization of activated carbon as a means of guaranteeing
pigment production, roasting and sintering plants or sulphuric
acceptable drinking water quality. In parallel, changes in
acid production.
treatment processes, such as the reduction of high-strength
chorine treatment, have resulted in the elimination of traditional
■ Contarbon types are used for catalyst.
■ Alcarbon types are used for special applications.
In recent years, the use of activated carbon processes has
become widely established in drinking water treatment,
groundwater rehabilitation and the treatment of service water.
Likewise, activated carbon is being used to an increasing
extent in waste water treatment, whether it be in the systematic
treatment of individual effluent streams (e.g. in the chemicals
industry), in the removal of substances toxic to bacteria in
biological waste water treatment or in tertiary waste water
treatment, where effluent restrictions are particularly severe.
Yet another application for activated carbon is found in the
treatment of landfill seepage.

Donau Carbon’s Hydraffin grades, available in powdered or

granular form, are used for water treatment.

The fixed bed process Groundwater clean up

In this process, the medium to be treated is passed through layers or Unfortunately, experience has shown that groundwater is often polluted
beds of granular activated carbon contained in filters or adsorbers. Both with volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons and other organic solvents or
open and closed pressure filters are used in water treatment applications. organic substances introduced for agricultural purposes.
At large water treatment plants, open concrete filter basins are often
used. The economic and environmental advantage offered by the fixed The chlorinated hydrocarbons most frequently found in groundwater are
bed process is that the granular activated carbon used in the adsorber tri- and tetrachloroethylene (per), dichloromethane and 1.1.1-trich-
can be thermally reactivated. lorethane. Some of these substances are so stable, that they are still
detectable after decades once introduced into groundwater and dispersed
Metering processes over a wide area.
The rehabilitation of groundwater contaminated with such dissolved
In water purification, powdered activated charcoal is stirred into the organic substances, e.g. within the scope of groundwater conservation
medium to be treated. The powdered activated carbon is added either measures or the treatment of groundwater to obtain drinking water, is
in dry form or as a watery sludge and then, following a specified reaction almost always carried out using activated carbon. At high contaminant
period, separated by filtration, in most cases supported by the addition concentrations, a stripper unit may be incorporated in advance of the
of flocculation agents, together with other turbid substances, through activated carbon filter.
gravel, multilayer filters or other filter systems adapted to the specific
application. The advantage of the use of powdered carbon is that it Service water treatment
provides for timely, optimized and systematic dosage.
Basically, service water treatment involves the same problems as are
Drinking water purification encountered in drinking water treatment. Service water is understood
to be used water which must be cleaned prior to re-use. Typical examples
It is common practice in drinking water purification to use activated of service water are cooling water, boiler feed water, condensate water,
carbon in combination with other treatment processes, such as flocculation, swimming pool water and aquarium water.
oxidation, filtration, etc. Used in this way, activated carbon can serve a
variety of functions. Boiler feed water treatment

Adsorption of solute organic matter Water used to fill high-pressure boilers must be free of oxygen, as a precaution
against corrosion. Oxygen in feed water is converted into nitrogen and water
The removal of solute organic substances is accomplished primarily through the addition of hydrazine hydrate (N2H4 – H2O). This reaction is accel-
erated in cold water by filtration through granular activated carbon.
through adsorption processes. If the water to be treated contains bio-
degradable substances, the purification effect can be enhanced by settling
Condensate and contact water treatment
microorganisms on the activated carbon. Organic components in water
may come from a number of different sources. Even ground and surface
Hot condensate is sometimes contaminated with lubricants. These oils
water may occasionally contain such organic substances as humous
must be eliminated as thoroughly as possible prior to reuse of the con-
matter in concentrations high enough to affect taste. Surface water,
densate, particularly in high-pressure boilers. For high oil concentrations
particularly river water, still contains – even after bank filtration –
is it advisable to de-oil the condensate using a mechanical oil separator
numerous organic compounds, of which only a fraction are normally
prior to treatment with activated carbon. Fine cleaning can then be
accomplished through granular activated carbon.
It has been determined that groundwater is polluted to an increasing
The treatment of contact water is closely related to that of condensate
extent by chlorinated hydrocarbons and organic compounds originating
water. In solvent recovery systems, the steam regeneration process pro-
from pesticides, herbicides and insecticides used in intensive agriculture.
duces a highly solventladen condensate which normally consists of
organic and aqueous components. The aqueous phase (contact water)
This man-made water pollution, in particular, not only affects the odour
is saturated by solvents and is frequently cleaned by routing it through
and taste of water but may also have longterm toxic or carcinogenic
layers of granular activated carbon.
effects in human beings when consumed over a period of years.
Swimming pool water treatment
The use of activated carbon makes it possible to remove even the smallest
traces of such harmful substances very efficiently from water. Special,
Swimming pool water is cleaned mechanically and chemically in recircu-
highly active, abrasionresistant and easily regeneratable activated carbons
lation systems. Several different combinations of processes (described
have been developed for water purification applications.
in DIN 19643-1 to 5) are available for swimming and bathing pool water
treatment. Filtration through activated carbon removes chlorine-nitrogen
Dechlorination, Deozonation
compounds, halogenated organic compounds /THM, AOX) and organic
compounds with a high degree of efficiency. Residual traces of ozone
Oxidizing agents such as chlorine, hypochlorine, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen
and chlorine are also eliminated.
peroxide and ozone are frequently used for disinfection and organic
substance removal in water purification systems. In most cases, excess
Aquarium water treatment
oxidants must then be removed from the water. This can be accomplished
effectively through catalytic decomposition of the oxidants on the surfaces
Water used in fresh and salt-water aquaria are contaminated with toxins
of granular activated carbon. The smaller the activated carbon particle,
contained in animal excrement and decomposing food. These pollutants,
the greater the dechlorination capacity.
along with medication residues, can be removed by filtration through
activated carbon.

Waste water treatment Granular activated carbon (Epibon grades) is employed in a fix bed
system in what is known as a percolation process.
Among the wide range of physical, chemical and biological processes
used in waste water treatment, activated carbon adsorption is gaining The stirring or suspension technique
steadily in importance. The use of activated carbon is especially advisable
in cases requiring the removal of toxic substances or pollutants that are In this process, which is probably the most commonly used approach,
not easily biodegradable. activated carbon is introduced directly into the solution to be treated
or metered in as a liquid suspension (e.g. 15 %). The suspension can
Activated carbon is almost always employed in the treatment of waste be made with water, condensate or a previously purified solution.
water in the paper, textile and petrochemical industries. In practical
situations, it is rarely possible to identify the components of mixtures The length of exposure to activated carbon depends upon the physical
contained in waste water. Consequently, such non-specific parameters properties of the liquid to be treated, i.e. its viscosity, temperature, pH
as the following are used to determine pollution levels: value, and the specific substances that are to be removed. Contact times
ranging from 15 to 30 minutes are ordinarily sufficient.
■ TOC (dissolved organic carbon), DIN EN 1484
Layer filtration / percolation
■ COD (chemical oxygen demand), DIN 38409 Part 41/43
In the less commonly used layer filtration process, a filter layer is built
■ AOX (absorbable organic halogens), DIN EN 1485 up by accumulating powdered activated carbon on a filter element –
with the aid of a filtration enhancer, if necessary – through which the
As impurities found in waste water exhibit widely differing adsorption solution to be treated is then filtered.
behaviour, tests must be performed for the purpose of obtaining data
for adsorption system design and the selection of the most suitable type Layer filtration is similar to the percolation process used in decolourization
of activated carbon. and liquid purification, in which granular activated carbon is employed
in adsorption columns. Typical of both processes is the distribution of
Donau Carbon offers a wide range of powdered and granulated Hydraffin solute concentration within the layer or the adsorption column. The
products for the various water and waste water treatment applications. highest concentration is found on the influent side/end, the lowest on
Silverimpregnated grades of activated carbon for drinking water filters the effluent side. This pattern of distribution shifts in the direction of
are also included in our product program. flow as deposits accumulate.

Landfill seepage treatment Multiple applications

Several different processes are used in the treatment of water seeping In adsorption, an equilibrium is achieved between solute concentrations
from landfills. in activated carbon and the medium to be treated.

In addition to such techniques as biological treatment, precipitation/ After one-time use in the stirring process, the adsorption capacity of an
flocculation, chemical oxidation, reverse osmosis and vapourization, activated carbon is not exhausted. Its residual adsorption capacity
activated carbon adsorption now plays a major role as well. depends, among other things, on the point at which adsorption equilibrium
is reached. If this point is low, the residual capacity is larger. The adsorp-
Powdered activated carbon is seldom used in newer facilities. In most tive capacity of activated carbon can be optimally exploited if the
cases, granular activated carbon is used in fixed beds, followed by reac- activated carbon used to treat a weaker, pretreated solution is then
tivation. reused a second or even a third time with progressively "darker"
solution. In this multiple use process, the heavily polluted effluent
Adsorption is often employed following other pollutant-reducing treat- solution is precleaned with previously used activated carbon and then
ments, which increases the effectiveness of the activated carbon process. treated again with fresh carbon. (Fig. 11)
Adsorption removes COD compounds and AOX compounds, which are
not readily biodegradable. Achievable pollutant loads depend primarily
on the influent concentration.

Application engineering: Liquid treatment and decolourization

A major field of application for adsorption technology is the treatment

of liquids of all kinds, including sugar solutions, glucose, vegetable oils
and fats, glutamate, spices, wine, beer, fruit concentrates, plant extracts,
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Apart from simple decolourization, activated carbon also removes other

solute organic impurities as well as substances which affect odour and

Ordinarily, powdered activated carbons (Carbopal grades) are used

instirring/suspension processes or bed filtration.

In many cases, powdered carbon can be used in multiple applications.

Guidelines for use

The filtration behaviour of powdered activated carbon depends on both non-decolourized solution
the degree of fineness and, in particular, the particle shape of the ground
activated carbon.

The degree of fineness of powdered activated carbon is adapted to

ensure optimum filtration characteristics during the production process. reaction tank
Filtration problems may arise in the presence of certain secondary sub-
stances in the solution (e.g. colloids). In such cases, we recommend the
use of filtration enhancers such as kieselgur, perlite or cellulose fibres.

The first step in this process is to accumulate a precoat of this filtration filter activated carbon
enhancer on the filter element before the filter is exposed to the solution (third use)
containing the activated carbon. pre-decolourized
In special cases, filtration enhancers can be added directly to the activated fresh activated carbon
carbon suspension. This does not affect the adsorption capacity of the
activated carbon. reaction tank

The powdered activated carbon can then be separated using filter presses,
candle filters and rotary vacuum filters.
safety filter
Our program of activated carbon products for the purification and decol-
ourization of liquids encompasses a wide range of carbon qualities, each activated carbon (second use)
with different adsorption capacities and other characteristics, for a
multitude of applications: decolourized solution

■ Cleaning and decolourization of softeners, shellac, glycerin, enzymes,

paraffin, Vaseline, wax, fine chemicals, organic acids and other
products Fig. 11 Two-stage applications of powdered activated carbon

■ Decolourization and deodourization of gelatins

■ Cleaning of galvanizing baths

■ Decolourization and purification of intermediate and endproducts

of the pharmaceuticals industry

■ Purification and decolourization of sugar solutions

■ Purification and decolourization of solutions used in the production

of glucose, dextrose and other starch products as well as lactose

■ Decolourization of seasonings and glutamate

■ Treatment of vegetable oils and fats

■ Decolourization and deodourization of juices and fruit extracts;

treatment of wine

■ Treatment of beer, wort and final runnings of wort for flavour

enhancement, colour adjustment and the removal of undesirable

Delivery of Reaktivation System
used - Schematic Diagram -
activated DO
carbon UC
AR Quencher Neutralization

Separator Smoke-

Waste water
Reincineration chamber


Rotating shaft
Activated carbon Cooling unit
Natural gas
Exhaust gas
Waste water DONAU CARBON
Screening for Screening for
big-bag filling outdoo silos
Delivery of reactivated carbon

Fig. 12

CO + H2

Gas scrubber
Furnace gas

Charged or exhausted granular activated carbon can often be reactivated

using a thermal process that is very similar to the original activation
process. The activated carbon can then be reused. Thus reactivation is
Raw materials
an economical and environmentally sound alternative to disposal.

A number of different technical systems can be used in the reactivation

of activated carbon, including: Loaded activated

■ rotary kilns Pneumatic

conveyor system
Calzium carbide Calzium carbide
■ multiple-hearth furnaces bath 2000 °C
■ fluidized bed furnaces

Activated carbon passes through the following steps in the reactivation Fig. 13

■ drying (up to 100° C) Recycling

■ desorption and pollutant pyrolysis (100 – 700° C)
■ activated carbon reactivation (watergas reaction) (above 700° C) It is not always possible to regenerate or reactivate used activated
carbon. Through intensive development efforts, Donau Carbon has
C + H2O CO + H2 created an environmentally safe method for recycling such activated
carbon using a carbide process.
The pollutants released during the reactivation process are then incinerated
at temperatures of up to 1.200° C. The flue gas is then scrubbed. The In this process, the used, exhausted activated carbon is introduced
process sequence, which is adapted to specific application requirements through hollow electrodes directly into the molten carbide, where all of
and types of activated carbon, guarantees high reactivate quality. In the pollutants attached to the activated carbon are thermally decomposed
most cases it is possible to restore the original adsorption capacity of at a temperature of roughly 2000° C. In the process, the activated carbon
the activated carbon. (Fig. 12) is converted along with the burnt lime into carbide. (Fig. 13)

Donau Carbon world-wide

Stammhaus / Headquarters
Donau Carbon-Gesellschaften / Donau Carbon Subsidiaries
Konzerngesellschaften / Group Companies
Vertretungen / Representative offices & Agents

Donau Carbon GmbH & Co. KG Donau Carbon Philippines Corp.

Gwinnerstraße 27-33 Zone 1
60388 Frankfurt /Germany Sitio Tagbak
Tel.: + 49 (0) 69 40 11-6 50 Bo. Cogon, El Salvador City
Fax: + 49 (0) 69 40 11- 6 59 Misamis Oriental, Mindanao Philippines
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Donau Carbon Corporation

25 Route 22 East Donau Carbon Pischelsdorf
Springfield, New Jersey 07081/USA 3435 Zwentendorf/Austria
Tel.: + 001 (9 73) 3 79 51 03 Tel.: + 43 (0) 22 77 25 10-2 79
Fax: + 001 (9 73) 3 79 51 02 Fax: + 43 (0) 22 77 25 10-3 26
e-mail: donaucarbonus@aol. com e-mail: [email protected]

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