Parity Equations For Fault Detection and Isolation: I. Fagarasan, S.St. Iliescu
Parity Equations For Fault Detection and Isolation: I. Fagarasan, S.St. Iliescu
Parity Equations For Fault Detection and Isolation: I. Fagarasan, S.St. Iliescu
A general FDI scheme for a process consists of two levels Another possibility is to generate a polynomial error (Figure
(Figure 1), a symptom generation part and a diagnostic part. In 2b):
the first level, symptoms are generated based on residuals and
these features indicate the state of the process. In the second rx ( s) = AM ( s ) y ( s ) − BM ( s )u ( s )
one, the relations between symptoms and faults are established. HP =HM (3)
To detect and isolate a fault is important to find the significant = BP ( s ) f u ( s ) + AP ( s ) f y ( s )
symptoms, which are robust against noises or disturbances.
Both situations (Figure 2) lead to different time-responses
for additive faults, ry(s) corresponds to output error for parame-
ter estimation and rx(s) to state-equation error [9].
equations. A residual generator is used for this purpose. PROCESS
The residual generator is a linear algorithm acting on the ob- Time Time Time Time
servable variables. Its generic form is:
Figure 3. Time behaviour of the fault: a) permanent or step type; b) positive
ramp; c) non-permanent; d) pulse; e) noise.
r ( s ) = V ( s )u ( s ) + W ( s ) y ( s ) (4)
r ( s ) = W ( s )[ y ( s ) − H P ( s )u ( s )] (6)
A MIMO model was choose in order to offer proper condi-
Ideally, the residuals should remain unaffected by noise, dis- tions to design parity equations. An example of a heat ex-
turbances or model errors. However, these factors lead to make changer model, a MIMO system with m inputs and r outputs is
residuals non-zero, and thus interfere with the fault detection. presented in [8]. For each output a linear local model could be
Therefore the residual generator needs to be designed to have considered taking into account all process input:
minor deflections at these factors. Many efforts in designing
residual generators are going into achieving sufficiently robust BP ( s )
y( s) = u (s ) ;
residual performance. AP ( s )
Another important characteristic of the residual generator is
fault sensitivity of the residuals. This characteristic is evaluated y ( s ) = [ y1 ( s ) ... yr ( s )]T (7)
in accordance with the triggering limit, the value of a particular u ( s ) = [u1 ( s ) ... um ( s )]T
fault, which brings a particular residual to its threshold, consid-
ering that no other faults are present.
The FDI scheme was tested on a heat exchanger case by pre-
In addition to having robust detection properties, the residual
senting several different process and sensor faults (TABLE I),
generator needs to be designed to support the isolation of
using the model library (figure 5).
faults. Isolation always requires a set of residuals. To facilitate
The considered system inputs are: water input temperature
fault isolation, the residual set needs to have distinctive proper-
ties, unique characteristics of particular faults. Residuals sets θLi, water speed wL (or water flow ML), air-wall thermal flow
designed with this objective in mind are referred as structured qWG (or air flow MA) and air input temperature θAi . The system
or directional residuals. Structured residuals are so designed outputs considered of major interest are the water output tem-
perature θLe and secondary, the air output temperature θAe.
1 0 H1 ( s ) ⋅ H qL ( s ) •
TABLE I r ( s ) = wT ( s) ⋅ ⋅θ Le ( s ) + ⋅θ Ae ( s) − ⋅ M A ( s) −
Fault Fault examples 0 1 H 2 ( s) ⋅ H qA ( s)
F1 - permanent additive step fault on sensor, offset H ( s) ⋅ H wL ( s) • H1 ( s ) ⋅ H θ L ( s )
− 1 ⋅ M L ( s) − H ( s ) ⋅ H ( s) ⋅θ Li ( s)
to sensor signal (±10%) H ( s ) ⋅ H ( s )
2 wA 2 θA
F2 - incipient additive ramp fault on an actuator ( 11 )
F3 - multiplicative fault on process parameters To obtain the decoupled residuals for each measured signal,
a specific condition must be satisfied in order to remove the
dependency by each measurement.
(S51) For example the residual rϑLi is decoupled for the measure-
ment of the water input temperature sensor θLi by satisfying a
u2=θ Li HwL condition like:
y1=θ Le
HθL (T41) H ( s ) ⋅ Hθ L ( s ) ( 12 )
wT ( s ) ⋅ 1 ⋅ θ Li ( s) = 0
Hτ L H 2 ( s ) ⋅ Hθ A ( s )
(F31) The above condition is satisfied if:
wθTLi (s ) = [ − H 2 ( s) ⋅ Hθ A (s ) H1 ( s) ⋅ Hθ L ( s)] ( 13 )
y2=θ Ae A solution for the decoupled residual generator elements is
HθA (T52) underlined:
Hτ A rϑLe ( s ) 0 1
ϑ Ae ( s ) 1 0
r (s) = − H H 1 0
Figure 5. Heat exchanger MIMO model structure.
MA 2 qA H 1 H qL • θ Le ( s ) + θ Ae ( s ) − (14)
0 1
rM ( s ) − H 2 H wA H 1 H wL
The above transfer functions, their gains and time constants rϑ Li ( s ) − H 2 H θ A H 1 H θ L
are calculated in [2]. Considering the MIMO transfer function
model for the heat exchanger [2, 3] the next equations systems H 1 H qL • H H • H H
− M A ( s ) − 1 wL M L ( s ) − 1 θ L θ Li ( s )
is obtained, where H1 and H2 take into account the sensor H 2 H qA H 2 H wA H 2 H θ A
model and channel model between heat exchanger and sensors:
The design residuals relation (14) is necessary for fault de-
M• tection and identification. Each residual was designed to be-
A come independent to a specific measurement. In case that some
θ Le H 1 0 H qL H wL H ϑ L • (8) of the measurements are damaged, the decoupled residual rest
θ = 0 H ϑ A
Ae H 2 H qA H wA at a low value, instead all the other residuals are affected.
Li The relation (14) is completed with another two that repre-
sent the deviation of estimation values from the measured ones
representing the residual build up with an output error method:
r PϑLe (t ) = ϑˆLe (t ) − ϑLe (t ) ( 15 )
The design of parity equations starts with the mathematical
model of the process for water-air heat exchanger, Figure 5, rϑPAe (t ) = ϑˆAe (t ) − ϑAe (t ) ( 16 )
and equation (8).
To obtain the decoupled residuals for a measured signal, a spe-
Following the definition of the parity equations, for the heat cific condition must be satisfied in order to remove the depend-
exchanger case, these equations could be written using equa- ency of the residual from this signal. The solutions for residual
tion error method as: generator elements are depicted in TABLE II.
• The group of residuals affected or not permits to locate cer-
0 = θ Le ( s) − H1 ( s ) H qL ( s ) M A ( s ) − H1 ( s ) Hθ L ( s )θ Li ( s ) (9) tain faults. The residuals have the property to become zero if
any fault exists or be different from zero if a fault appears in
0 = θ Ae ( s) − H 2 (s) H qA ( s) M A ( s) − ( 10 ) measurements or process.
− H 2 ( s) H wA ( s) M L (s) − H 2 ( s) Hθ A ( s)θ Li ( s) To identify if a fault has occurred it must be established if at
least one residual exceeds its threshold value that implies that
The residual generator is introduced by: the residual is considered different from zero.
TABLE II faults the sensitivity is decreasing and only faults greater then
10% could be isolated. Smaller errors could be only detected.
Si Decupling condition: Solution:
Sensor’s fault
θ Le 1 T
wθ Le ( s ) = [0 1]
w T ( s ) θ Le ( s ) = 0 F31 S51 T32 T41 T52
(T41) 0
1 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 1 0
θ Ae w T ( s ) θ Ae ( s ) = 0
wθ Ae ( s ) = [1 0] rϑAe
(T52) r• 0 0 0 1 0
r• 0 1 1 1 1
MA H1 H qL w T
( s ) = − H 2 H qA H 1 H qL
(S51) wT ( s ) M A (s) = 0 MA ML
H 2 H qA rϑ Li 1 1 0 0 1
M H 1 H wL w• T
( s ) = [ − H 2 H wA H1 H wL ] r PϑLe 0 1 1 1 0
wT (s) M L (s) = 0 ML
(F31) H 2 H wA 1 1 0 0 1
r PϑAe
0 – undeflected residual
θ Li H1Hθ L T
wθ Li ( s ) = [ − H 2 Hθ A H1 Hθ L ] 1 – significant residual deflection
wT ( s ) θ Li ( s ) = 0
(T32) H 2 Hθ A
value C C % m3/h o
C o
C o
r θAe
The detection of a fault depends on the most sensitive resid- -20
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
ual and its isolation on the less sensitive one (but not on the time (sec)
t(s ec )
decoupled residual). To isolate the fault source a set of residu- Figure 6. Unified representation of residuals for a sensor T41 offset (10 oC)
als with different responses for each fault is needed. This prin-
ciple is illustrated by incidence matrix (TABLE IV), each col- Another example for an incipient additive fault in an actua-
umn representing a fault signature. The results presented in •
previous incidence matrix are valuable for investigated faults. tor, M L , is depicted in Figure 7. The early detection of the
This set of residuals is build to be very sensitive to faults in fault will depend on the most sensitive residual (rθLi).
temperature sensors, so a small deviation like 1÷3 oC (1÷6%
from maximal value) could be detected and isolated. For other
TABLE V. FAULT’S SIGNATURES output. Herein, MIMO processes were considered. For each
Fault in sensor θLi residual it was set a suitable threshold that allows detection or
1 oC 2 oC 3 oC 10 oC k=0.9-1.1 isolation decision for a fault by monitoring the residual deflec-
tions. The residual sensitivity depends on parity equation pa-
Sensor’s offset fault Sensor’s bias fault
rameter and input measured signals. It was underlined that de-
rϑLe 0 0 0 0 0 tection of a fault depends on the most sensible residual but, in
the mean time, the fault isolation depends on the less sensible
rϑAe 0 1 1 1 1 residual (no the decoupled one).
r• 0 0 1 1 1 An improvement of this method could be obtained by con-