16boba03 Dinh The Huy Rm01
16boba03 Dinh The Huy Rm01
16boba03 Dinh The Huy Rm01
MAY 2019
STUDENT ID : 161401050
E-MAIL : [email protected]
To date there have been no studies of how both sex and ethnicity might affect the
incidence of both sexual and ethnic harassment at work. This article represents an
effort to fill this gap. Data from employees at 5 organizations were used to test
whether minority women are subject to double jeopardy at work, experiencing the
most harassment because they are both women and members of a minority group. The
results supported this prediction. Women experienced more sexual harassment than
men, minorities experienced more ethnic harassment than Whites, and minority
women experienced more harassment overall than majority men, minority men, and
majority women.
2. Intronduction
Abuse, sexual harassment at work has never been an old story. Recently, when the
information of a sex scandal in the workplace caused a stir in public opinion, people
mentioned it as a problem. But the fact that workplace abuse and sexual harassment
still silently takes place, some people are aware but are silent but there are victims
who do not know that they are sexually harassed.
“Sexual harassment in the workplace has existed for a long time, the more popular the
society is. However, preventive measures are weak. There is currently no specific
penalty for sexual harassment but only specific offenses such as rape, rape. That is,
only when sexual harassment acts constitute rape, rape, humiliation, or other
humiliation, does the person carrying out illegal acts be prosecuted for criminal
liability. While countries like Britain, the US, France, sexual harassment acts can be
imprisoned, our country only stops at administrative sanctions ”
With Vietnamese culture sexual harassment is still a sensitive issue, so many victims,
despite evidence, are still afraid to stand up for fear of being scrutinized, known or
affected by personal honor.
Though employees may experience both sexual and ethnic ha-rassment on the
job, to date there have been no studies that have examined how an
individual’s sex and ethnicity might jointly affect his or her experiences of
both types of harassment at work. Studies of sexual harassment have focused
on women’s experi-ences and have led to the development of theories and
measures that are largely based on White women’s experiences and that
overlook or even exclude those of minority women (Cortina, 2001; Mecca &
Rubin, 1999). Studies of ethnic harassment have com-pared the prevalence of
Whites’ and non-Whites’ experiences of ethnic harassment (e.g., Schneider et
al., 2000) but have ignored the influence of sex.
There are two origins that regulate the sex of the human being, the biological origin
and the social origin. Between men and women there are significant differences in
physiological anatomical characteristics, which leads to a clear psychological
A longstanding debate exists regarding who has it worse: women or ethnic minorities.
One educator jokingly referred to this issue as “the oppression Olympics” (R. Ely,
personal communication, October 1994). Those taking the position that ethnic
minorities are more disadvantaged than women argue that the oppression of one
ethnic group by another takes on particularly violent forms (cf. Sidanius & Veniegas,
2000), and they point to the depressingly common examples of ethnic segregation,
slavery, and genocide. They argue that heterosexual interdependence prevents the
same level of brutality against women by men. It appears that ethnic minorities expect
to be discriminated against more than do women (Levin, Sinclair, Veniegas, &
Taylor, 2002).
We have found no study that has examined how both sex and
ethnicity might affect the experience of both sexual and ethnic
harassment at work. Most comparative work remains focused on the
position of women compared with that of men or the position of
Whites compared with that of minorities. For example, the U.S. Merit
Systems Protection Board (1981, 1988, 1995), which has conducted
the largest studies of sexual harassment at work, does not separate
data by ethnic group. Studies that have focused on the experiences of
minorities often have studied minorities exclusively (e.g., Buchanan
& Ormerod, 2002; Cortina, 2001; Cortina, Fitzger-ald, & Drasgow,
2002; Essed, 1992; Pak, Dion, & Dion, 1991; Segura, 1992). Thus,
there is an absence of empirical data on the comparative experiences
of White women, minority women, White men, and minority men
with respect to sexual and ethnic harassment at work (Murrell, 1996).
6. Hypothesis
Women of color began to theorize about their uniquely disad-vantaged position in the
1970s and 1980s (Almquist, 1975; Hull etal., 1982; D. K. King, 1988; Moraga,
Anzaldu ´a, & Bambara, 1981). A major hypothesis coming out of considerations of
the joint effects of sex and ethnicity on discrimination was the double jeopardy
hypothesis. This hypothesis proposes that minority women face a double whammy of
discrimination (Beal, 1970; Bond & Perry, 1970; Chow, 1987; Epstein, 1973; Garcia,
1989; Jackson, 1973; M. King, 1975; Lorber, 1998; Reid, 1984): They are
discriminated against both as women and as minorities. According to this hypothesis,
minority women are the primary targets of harassment and discrimination because
they face both sexual and ethnic prejudice. Consistent with this hypothesis is research
showing that Black and Latina women earn the lowest wages (Browne, 1999),
have the least authority in the workplace (Browne, Hewitt, Tigges, & Green,
2001; Maume, 1999) and are the most concentrated in undesirable jobs (Aldridge,
1999; Spalter-Roth & Deitch, 1999). These outcomes represent the economic and
occupational segregation of minority women into the lowest ranks of the workforce.
However, it remains an open question whether minority women experience more on-
the-job harassment overall than do other employees in similar roles in the same
organizations. The double jeopardy hypothesis says they do:
Hypothesis 1: Minority women experience more overall ha-rassment than any other
sex– ethnic group
There are two versions of the double jeopardy hypothesis (see Figure 1). The first is
additive and reasons that minority women and majority women experience equivalent
amounts of sex dis-crimination, that minority women and minority men experience
equivalent amounts of race discrimination, and that adding the two sources of
discrimination together (sex and race) leads to the result of minority women
experiencing the most discrimination. In terms of harassment, this additive version
predicts the following:
Hypothesis 2a: Sex of target has a main effect on sexual harassment: Women
experience more sexual harassment than men. Ethnicity of target has no effect on
sexual harassment, and there is no interaction between sex and ethnicity of target on
sexual harassment.
Hypothesis 3a: Ethnicity of target has a main effect on ethnic harassment: Minorities
experience more ethnic harassment than Whites. Sex of target has no effect on ethnic
harassment, and there is no interaction between ethnicity and sex of target on ethnic
The main effects of sex of target on sexual harassment and ethnicity of target on
ethnic harassment combine to produce the following prediction for overall
Hypothesis 4a: Sex and ethnicity of target have main effects on overall harassment:
Women experience more overall harassment than men and minorities experience
more overall harassment than Whites. There is no interaction between sex and
ethnicity of target on overall harassment: Minority women experience an amount
equivalent to the sum of the amounts experienced by White women and minority men.
Though both versions of the double jeopardy hypothesis predict that minority women
experience the most harassment, they differ in two ways (see Figure 1). First, the
additive version predicts a main effect for sex only on sexual harassment and a main
effect for ethnicity only on ethnic harassment, but the multiplicative version predicts
main effects for sex and ethnicity on both sexual and ethnic harassment. As
minorities, minority women should be more vulnerable than White women to sexual
harassment, and as women, minority women should be more vulnerable than minority
men to ethnic harassment. Second, the multiplicative version pre-dicts an interaction
between sex and ethnicity for both types of harassment, suggesting that the dually
subjugated position of mi-nority women amplifies their experience of both sexual and
ethnic harassment to a level higher than that suggested by the additive hypothesis (see
Figure 1). The multiplicative version of the double jeopardy hypothesis predicts the
harassment than men. There is an interaction between ethnicity of target and sex of
target on ethnic harassment: The amount experienced by minority women exceeds the
sum of the amounts experienced by White women and minority men.
Hypothesis 4b: Sex and ethnicity of target have main effects on overall harassment:
Women experience more overall harassment than men, and minorities experience
more overall harassment than Whites. There is an interaction between sex of target
and ethnicity of target on overall harassment: The amount experienced by minority
women exceeds the sum of the amounts experienced by White women and minority
Despite the intuitive appeal and widespread acknowledgment of the double jeopardy
hypothesis, remarkably little research has set out to systematically confirm or deny it
(Browne & Misra, 2003; Sidanius & Veniegas, 2000). To our knowledge, no study
has simultaneously examined sexual and ethnic harassment and com-pared minority
women’s experiences with those of minority men, majority women, and majority
men. This study thus provides a first empirical test of these hypotheses.
7. Conclusion
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