Q2 Week G - Forms of Society and Social Systems

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Grades 1 to 12 School Grade Level Grade 12

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area Introduction to the Philosophy of

the Human Person
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

The learner understands the interplay between the individuality of human beings and their social contexts
A. Content Standards

The learner evaluates the formation of human relationships and how individuals are shaped by their social contexts
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Compare different forms of Compare different forms of Explain how human relations are Explain how human relations are
Write the LC code for each societies and individualities (e.g. societies and individualities (e.g. transformed by Social System transformed by Social System
Agrarian, Industrial and virtual) Agrarian, Industrial and virtual)

PPT11/12 – Iig -7.2 PPT11/12 – Iig -7.2 PPT11/12 – Iig – 7.3 PPT11/12 – Iig – 7.3
The Human Person in Society The Human Person in Society The Human Person in Society The Human Person in Society
- Forms of Societies - Types of Individuals in the - Definition of Social System - How Social System transformed
Society human Relations
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources School quipper.com School quipper.com School quipper.com School quipper.com

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson
presenting the new lesson
5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes

B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask these questions : Ask this question Ask this question Ask the students if they belong to a
lesson 1. Where do you live? Imagine the people living in particular organization? If yes what type
2 . How can you describe the your community, What can you What do you observe in the of organization? Please describe.
place? say about them? community/society where you
are living in?

2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes

C. Presenting examples/instances of Picture Analysis Rearrange the jumbled letters to Sentence Completion Think Pair and Share
the new lesson form a word related to types of Choose a partner and complete the
Show pictures of Urban and Rural individuals in the society. Social System is …… table
settings. 1. E P R U P
What can you say about the 2. L E M D D I Individual’s Societal
pictures? 3. N G I K W R O behaviour norm
Can you relate your present living 4. W E R L O 1.
condition to the pictures? Why? 2.
5 minutes 3 minutes
5 minutes 5 minutes
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the Forms of Societies Discuss the forms of Discuss the definition of Social Conduct a Role Playing about
practicing new skills #1 using power point presentations Individualities in the Societies System using power point different type of Social System for
using power point presentations presentation. example:
Agricultural- it focuses on the
production of crops and raising of Lower Class-experiences Social System – an organization Religion
animals poverty, homelessness and of individuals into groups or Political Affiliation
Industrial- it introduce fuel driven unemployment structure that have different Culture
machinery in goods production. Working Class- constitute blue functions, characteristic origin or
Virtual- technology is used in collared workers status
every aspect of life and work. Middle Class- consist of white 20 minutes
collared workers. 20 minutes
25 minutes Upper Class-consist of
individual born into aristocratic

20 minutes

E. Discussing new concepts and Show examples of pictures that From your observation what are the
practicing new skills #2 depict social system Positive and Negative Impact of Social
System to themselves as a member of
5 minutes the organization?
5 minutes
F. Developing mastery (leads to Concept map: words associated Charade Making a collage that makes up Make a sketch showing the impact of
Formative Assessment 3) with the terms Agrarian, Industrial, Each group will portray the a social system social system to human relations. For
Virtual Societies highlight of each type of example:
individuals in the societies and 10 minutes Religion
the other group will guess the Political affiliation
10 minutes correct answer Culture

10 minutes
5 minutes

G. Finding practical applications of Given the chance to choose which Which type of individuals you Is it possible for a nation not to Is being a part of social group develops
concepts and skills in daily living form of society would you like to and your family belong? Why? have all types of societies and your human relation? How?
live why? individuals within the social
3 minutes 3 minutes systems? Why? Why not? 3 minutes
5 minutes
H. Making generalizations and Ask the students to share what Ask the students to make a Sharing of what the students Make a summary on how human
abstractions about the lesson they have learned from the lesson creative Graphic Organizer have learned from the discussed relations are transformed by social
containing what they have lesson system
5 minutes learned from the lesson

5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes

I. Evaluating learning Short Essay Conducting a Graded Provide a 5 multiple choice Write a short reflection on how social
Comparing the Forms of Societies Recitation questions. system transforms human relations

5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes

5 minutes
J. Additional activities for application or


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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