Watermelon Diseases - A Practical Guide To Identification and Control
Watermelon Diseases - A Practical Guide To Identification and Control
Watermelon Diseases - A Practical Guide To Identification and Control
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The diagnostician must have very good observation skills, and he or she also special growth habits, colours and growth rates. If you do not know what to expect
needs to be a good detective. It is important to keep an open mind until all of of the plant you cannot recognize when something is wrong.
the facts related to the problem can be collected. The possibility of multiple
causal factors must also be considered. Control measures depend on proper Check for Symptoms and Signs
identification of diseases and of the causal agents. Therefore, diagnosis is one Identify characteristic symptoms. Describing the characteristic symptoms
exhibited by a specimen can be very difficult to do accurately. Because of this, it is
of the most important aspects of a plant pathologist's training. Without
often difficult, if not impossible, to determine what is wrong with a plant when a
proper identification of the disease and the disease-causing agent, disease
person is describing symptoms over the phone.
control measures can be a waste of time and money and can lead to further Underdevelopment of tissues or organs. Examples include such
plant losses. Proper disease diagnosis is therefore vital. symptoms as stunting of plants, shortened internodes, and inadequate
development of roots, malformation of leaves, inadequate production of
Often, plant pathologists have to rely on symptoms for the identification of a chlorophyll and other pigments, and failure of fruits and flowers to develop.
disease problem. Because similar symptoms can be produced in response to Overdevelopment of tissues or organs. Examples include: galls on roots,
different causal agents, the use of symptoms alone is often an inadequate method stems, or leaves, witches' brooms, and profuse flowering.
for disease identification. The identification of the disease-causing agent may take Necrosis or death of plant parts. These may be some of the most
a week or more. One needs to ask many questions related, in order to eliminate or noticeable symptoms, especially when they affect the entire plant, such as
identify possible causes of the problem. He also needs to consider various wilts or diebacks. Other examples include shoot or leaf blights, leaf spots,
environmental and cultural factors. As a result of his questions and observations he and fruit rots.
may: Alteration of normal appearance. Examples include mosaic patterns of
Be able to identify a disease and disease-causing agent, light and dark green on leaves, and altered coloration in leaves and flowers.
Be able to narrow the problem down to several possibilities which will
require further study in the laboratory before he can make a final diagnosis,
or Identify symptom variability. Variations in symptoms expressed by diseased
Be completely baffled by the problem. plants may lead to an improper diagnosis. These variations can result from a
couple of factors. It is possible that there is more than one problem present, and in
some cases there may be more than one pathogen infecting a plant. Symptoms
This article presents the various steps/activities which are associated with associated with these infected plants may be significantly different from the
accurate plant disease diagnosis. The process may vary with different diseases and symptoms expressed in response to each of the different pathogens acting
conditions but the overall process is relatively consistent. The steps all require separately
careful observations and questions. The steps include:
Look for signs of biotic causal agents. Signs of plant disease agents are the
Know what Normal is observable evidence of the actual disease-causing agent. Signs may include the
Proper plant identification. Identification of affected plants is one of the first mycelia of a fungal agent, fungal spores, and spore-producing bodies. Indications of
steps in diagnosing a plant disease. Both scientific and common names of the plant insects causing problems may include the actual insect, insect frass, mite webbing,
should be noted. and insect eggs. Signs are much more specific to disease-causing agents than are
Recognize healthy plant appearance. It is important to know the normal symptoms and are extremely useful in the diagnosis of a disease and identification
appearance of the plant species you are investigating. Each plant species has of the agent causing the disease. The use of a hand lens and a knife can be valuable
for a diagnostician in the field.
Identify Plant Part Affected - Are symptoms associated with specific plant triangle of glass tubing on which the sample is placed so that the sample is not
parts? directly on the wet filter paper but is exposed to humid conditions. This type of
It is important to note if the symptoms observed are associated with specific plant moist chamber will work for small and relatively flat specimens such as leaves.
parts. For example, is a wilt observed correlated with a disruption of the vascular Plastic bags or boxes may be necessary for larger specimens. Saprophytes that are
system which may be indicated by browning of the vascular system or are the roots present on the specimen can also be encouraged to grow in a moist chamber and a
of the plants abnormal including rots, decreased feeder roots, etc.; are necrotic brief surface swab with 70% isopropanol or 0.1-1% sodium hypochlorite may be
lesions observed strictly on younger leaves? The symptoms of some diseases are useful in reducing these saprophytes. Moist chambers are generally incubated at
most commonly seen on specific plant parts and this observation can be important room temperature.
in diagnosis.
Isolation and identification of biotic plant disease causal agents. Isolation of
Check distribution of symptoms. One of the first things that a diagnostician fungi usually requires that pieces of infected plant tissue be placed on various
should note is how the diseased plants are distributed over the affected area. Are nutrient media. The organism that grows out of this tissue is then isolated in pure
they distributed uniformly across an area or are they localized? Is there a definite culture. Bacteria are often isolated by chopping up infected tissue in a small
pattern to the distribution? For example, does it occur only along the edges of a amount of sterile water. This water: bacteria suspension is then streaked onto a
greenhouse near open windows, next to roadways or driveways, in low spots of a bacteriological medium such as nutrient agar. Several problems can occur when
field, along a planted row, or is it affecting plants at random in a field? This trying to isolate the plant pathogenic agent. The infected plant tissue may contain
distribution can be especially important in looking at the possibility of non- one or more saprophytes which have moved into the infected tissue. These
infectious problems, such as improper herbicide use or various soil factors. A saprophytes may outgrow the plant pathogen on the nutrient medium, obstructing
uniform pattern on an individual plant and uniform damage patterns over a large accurate identification of the pathogen. In some cases where a specific plant
area are generally not associated with biotic agents, but are usually due to abiotic pathogen is suspected, a medium selective for the suspected pathogen may be
agents. utilized. It is also beneficial to attempt to isolate the plant pathogen from the
margins of the diseased tissue where the pathogen is more numerous or more
Check for host specificity. Is the problem occurring in only one plant species or active than saprophytes that quickly colonize the recently killed tissue.
are different plant species affected? If different plant species are affected, this
suggests the possibility of a non-infectious problem which could be related to Diagnostic tests for identification of biotic causal agents. A major problem in
cultural or environmental problems. However, Phytophthora and Pythium root identification of biotic causal agents is the inability of some infectious pathogens to
rots can cause problems on many different plant species; therefore, the fact that grow on artificial media. Viruses, as well as some fungi (e.g. powdery and downy
more than one plant species is affected does not completely eliminate infectious mildew causing agents) and some prokaryotes (e.g. phytoplasmas), require a living
agents. If there is more than one species of plant involved, are these plants closely host in order to grow. In cases where the plant pathogen is difficult or impossible
related and can they be infected by a common pathogen? to grow on artificial media, other methods may be used for their detection, such as
the use of serological tests for viruses. Viral identification is often accomplished
Laboratory Tests utilizing ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) which is based on the
Sometimes neither symptoms nor signs provide enough specific or characteristic binding of an antibody produced to a specific virus with the virus in the infected
information to decide the cause of an infectious plant disease. In such cases, it may plant material1. More tests are currently being developed using the polymerase
be necessary to bring a sample back to the laboratory for further tests to isolate chain reaction (PCR) for detection of specific organisms. These types of reactions
and identify the causal agent. take specialized equipment and reagents, and the tests are not commonly done
outside diagnostic and research laboratories. Other techniques used for the
Incubation of plant material. One of the first steps when getting back to the identification of viruses include negative staining and electron microscopy to view
laboratory may be to place a sample of the diseased tissue under conditions that the viral particles in plant tissue or suspensions.
will allow an infectious agent to grow and possibly induce sporulation. This can be
accomplished by placing a leaf in a moist chamber. A moist chamber can be a
sterile petri dish containing a wet filter paper in the bottom of the dish and a
This principle is defined as any measure that prevents the introduction of a Use of disease-resistant plants is the ideal method to manage plant diseases, if
disease-causing agent (pathogen) into a region, farm, or planting. The basic plants of satisfactory quality and adapted to the growing region with adequate
strategy assumes that most pathogens can travel only short distances without the levels of durable resistance are available. The use of disease-resistant plants
aid of some other agent such as humans or other vector, and that natural barriers eliminates the need for additional efforts to reduce disease losses unless other
like oceans, deserts, and mountains create obstacles to their natural spread. diseases are additionally present.
Symptoms Conditions for disease development Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
Symptoms of angular leaf spot Conditions after transplanting to the Treatment of seed for 20 minutes Streptomycin sulphate+ 6g/10 litre 15 Should be used on
are a chlorotic halo and may field, which are typically hot and dry, with water at 122 F (50 C) tetracycline hydrochloride younger stage of the
appear “shiny” (due to bacteria usually do not favour angular leaf spot containing various acidic organic (Agrimycin) crop growth, do not use
on the lesion surface). Small development. However conditions this chemicals reduces the number of during fruiting stage
irregular lesions expand and year differ. The current cool bacteria in the seed but does not Copper oxychloride 3g/litre 4 Used as soil drenching
become angular. On watermelons wet weather is highly favourable for entirely eliminate them. (Blitox) at the root zone of the
the borders are chlorotic. Older angular leaf spot. Do not grow cucurbits in the same plant
lesions may turn brown, dry and The disease may be seed borne. In field or garden area more than
tear to produce a tattered addition it has a wide host range and once every 3 or 4 years. Rotate Copper hydroxide 2g/litre 0 7-10 day interval
appearance. can also survive as an epiphyte on with other vegetables, flowers, or (kocide) application
Small, round to irregular, water- several weeds. The pathogen spreads small fruits. Avoid fields that
soaked spots appear on infected from plant to plant in splashing rain, receive run-off water from nearby
leaves. The spots expand until irrigation, or mechanically (such as on cucurbit fields. Cuprous oxide 2g/litre 7 7-10 day interval
they are limited by larger veins, hands, windblown sand, or Avoid cultivating, harvesting, or (Nordox)
which give the spots an angular equipment).Pseudomonas syringae pv. otherwise handling plants when
appearance. The spots on the lachrymans, is widespread and they are wet. Limit the use of Copper sulphate 2g/litre 1 5-10 day interval; a
(cuproxat) tank mix with
upper leaf surfaces turn whitish particularly damaging after extended overhead irrigation and excessive
mancozeb will give
gray to brown and die. On the and frequent summer rains, especially levels of nitrogen fertilization. added control
lower leaf surfaces, the lesions when temperatures are between 75 Note: Copper sprays should not be continued in dry weather,
are gummy and shiny. and 82 F (23 to 28 C). especially hot, dry weather, because the sprays may cause plant injury.
Water-soaked, "oily" areas on the The greenhouse is an excellent 1. Purchase watermelon seed that has been tested negative for bacterial fruit blotch in a seedling grow-
underside of the cotyledons or seedling environment for spread of out test.
leaves often paralleling the veins with a BFB. High temperatures and 2. Monitor transplants for symptoms.
yellow halo are characteristic symptoms. humidity are requisites for 3. Try to segregate triploid seedless varieties and seed lots from diploid seeded varieties in the
The infected areas dry up and become development of BFB. Many greenhouse.
elongated, angled, black, necrotic patches. transplant production 4. Reduce physical contact with the seedlings.
Some seedlings will collapse and die greenhouses top-water 5. If suspicious symptoms are observed, remove infected plants and have them diagnosed immediately
immediately from infection. Others can transplants, which aids in for bacterial fruit blotch. If transplants are confirmed to have BFB, destroy all transplants from that
retain the bacterial infection and will not splash dispersal of the seed lot. Transplants from other varieties in the same house should not be planted in the field
exhibit symptoms until fruit set. The pathogen to other plants.
lesions on leaves tend to be small, dark, Bottom watering of Trade Common name Rate per Comments
and angled. Leaf lesions are significant transplants will help control name acre
reservoirs of bacteria for fruit infection. BFB. Movement of infected
Leaf lesions will usually be observed at plants from the greenhouse to Kocide 2000 Copper hydroxide (54 percent) 700 g applied immediately after planting on a 7- to 10-day
temperatures above 90 degrees the field can have serious schedule
Fahrenheit. Stems, petioles and roots are consequences. Once in the
Kocide 4.5 LF Copper hydroxide (38 percent) 600 ml applied immediately after planting on a 7- to 10-day
not infected, and thus do not show field, high temperature, schedule
symptoms.. The diagnostic symptom of humidity and wet weather
BFB is a dark green stain or blotch on favour spread of the disease. Kocide DF Copper hydroxide (61 percent) 900 g Apply at 14-day intervals.
the upper surface of the developing fruit. Diseased fruit decays and
The blotch may be 0.5 inch in diameter at infected seeds and cucurbit
ManKocide Copper hydroxide (46 percent) + 1200 g Apply at 14-day intervals. pH of spray solution
first, but will rapidly expand to cover the weeds (e.g., citron) are hosts DF Mancozeb must be above 6.5.
entire fruit surface within a week if for the BFB pathogen
environmental conditions are favourable
Anthracnose of watermelon
Causal agent: Colletotrichum orbiculare
Symptoms Conditions for disease Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
development measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
Symptoms typically are much more Warm, wet weather is Fall tillage and crop rotations of at Mancozeb 2g/litre 5 Used as a protective
common on watermelon than on favourable for anthracnose least three years without a cucurbit (Dithane M-45) application; 5-7 days
cucumber or muskmelon. On leaves, infection and spread. Moisture crop will help reduce crop residue interval
the lesions are typically irregular and is needed for infection to take and thus help manage anthracnose. Chlorothalonil (kavach) 2g/litre 0 Can be used as a
jagged in appearance. The centres of place and rain helps disperse Host resistance exists in some protective application;
5-7 days interval
larger, older leaf lesions may fall out, the fungal spores from plant to Watermelon varieties to
which gives the leaf a plant. Symptoms often become anthracnose. Pyraclostrobin 1g/litre 0 7-14 day interval; no
“shot-hole” appearance. severe Anthracnose may be transmitted on (cabrio) more than two
Stem lesions are light brown and when the plant canopy has seed. Growers should inspect sequential application;
appear spindle-shaped. Muskmelon developed sufficiently to transplant seedlings carefully for
and watermelon fruit also may have provide a favourable this disease upon delivery. Azoxystrobin 0.5ml/litre 1 No more than two
anthracnose lesions that appear environment for the fungus to Greenhouse-grown transplants (amistar) application per season,
sunken and round, and may be orange infect. should be inspected regularly for can be tank mixed with
or salmon-colored. Such lesions often anthracnose symptoms. Poor protectant fungicide
start on the lower surface of the fruit sanitation can lead to the survival
where moisture accumulates. of the anthracnose fungus from Copper hydroxide 2g/litre 0 7-10 day interval
year to year in a greenhouse. (kocide) application
For mixing chemical always see the label of the product.
Symptoms Conditions for disease Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
development measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
Foliar symptoms include yellowing, The fungus can be spread Avoid planting susceptible plants in Azoxystrobin+ 0.5ml/litre+ 1 Make two applications,
wilting, and necrosis (death) of foliage. through contaminated soil and soils known to be infested with the Chlorothalonil 2g/litre (Drenching)the first at
Herbaceous plants may collapse, while via infested (but not necessarily fungus. the 1 to 3 leaf stage and
dieback is often observed on woody diseased) plant material. Spores Plant only disease-free plants in the the second just prior to
vine tip over or 10-14
plants. Severely infected plants can also be easily moved in landscape. Examine planting
days after the first,
eventually die. Above-ground foliar water. Black root rot is favoured material carefully prior to planting whichever comes first.
symptoms are the result of root decay; by: to ensure that roots appear healthy Flusilazole(Nustar) 2ml/10litre 14 Apply at early stages of
as a result, the reduced root system is • Wet soils and white in colour. crop growth, not more
unable to take up sufficient water and • Soil temperatures between Plants with blackened roots should than 2 applications per
nutrients to support foliage and stems. 55o and 65o F not be used. season.
Root symptoms begin as dark brown to • High soil pH (over 5.8) Note:
black lesions that contrast sharply to • Cultural conditions which For mixing chemical always see the label of the product.
otherwise healthy white portions of induce stress (e.g. high soluble
roots. Black root rot lesions often begin salts, excessive nitrogen
in the middles of roots and expand in fertilizer, low organic matter,
both directions. As the disease etc.)
progresses,larger portions of roots are Poor drainage and soil
affected until the entire root system temperatures of 17-25°C favour
appears black and decayed the disease.
It affects a wide range of crops
and survives in the soil for long
periods. Common sow thistle is
a weed host.
Symptoms Conditions for disease Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
development measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
Cercospora leaf spot is generally The fungus overwinters in To manage this disease, avoid overhead Mancozeb 2g/litre 5 Used as a protective
limited to the leaves but can affect crop debris and on weeds irrigation if possible, or water in the early (Dithane M-45) application; 5-7 days
petioles and stems in a favourable in the cucurbit family. The morning hours when leaves are already interval
environment. Dark spots are usually spores can be wind-blown wet with dew. Remove and destroy old Chlorothalonil (kavach) 2g/litre 0 Can be used as a
first seen on older leaves and are or carried in splashing cucurbit vines and residues, since this is protective application;
5-7 days interval
circular to irregularly shaped, with water. Free water on leaf where the fungus survives the winter. Keep
Pyraclostrobin 1g/litre 0 7-14 day interval; no
lighter colored centres and darker surfaces is required for the garden well weeded to prevent a
(cabrio) more than two
margins. Tissue surrounding the infection, which is buildup of humidity in the canopy and take
sequential application;
spots often yellows. Centres of the favoured by temperatures special precautions to destroy weeds in the
spots may drop out, leaving holes in of 79 - 90 degrees F. The cucurbit family, such as bur cucumber and Azoxystrobin 0.5ml/litre 1 No more than two
the leaves. As lesions expand they disease progresses rapidly coyote gourd. Rotate away from cucurbits (amistar) application per season,
often merge, blighting entire leaves. at these temperatures and (melons, squash and cucumber) for 2 - 3 can be tank mixed with
Lesions don't form on the fruit, but infections of new leaves years, if possible. protectant fungicide
Copper hydroxide 2g/litre 0 7-10 day interval
if disease is severe enough for can occur every 7 - 10
(kocide) application
defoliation to occur, fruit may be days.
smaller and of a lesser quality. Difenoconazole 0.5ml/litre 14 2-3 application per
(Score) season
For mixing chemical always see the label of the product.
Symptoms Conditions for disease development Cultural and Biological control measures if any
The charcoal rot fungus attacks Macrophomina phaseolina is a soil borne Start looking for charcoal rot during the vegetative growth stage, and note infections to make
roots, stems and fruits. Stems fungus occurring in most soils in management decisions for the next crop. Rotation to a nonhost crop for 2 to 3 years can be an
develop basal cankers that girdle California. The fungus persists in soil as effective disease management strategy in some crop production systems. However, avoidance of
the stem, resulting in yellowing of microsclerotia for 3 to 12 years and can drought stress throughout the growing season is paramount to disease management. Leaching soil to
foliage and eventual wilting and infect 500 plant species. The pathogen reduce salinity levels, particularly at soil surface layers, may help reduce the incidence of disease in
collapse of the entire plant. most commonly infects melon stems at drip-irrigated fields. Further, destruction of infected plant tissue before the pathogen reproduces at
Initially the lesions are brown and the soil line within 1 to 2 weeks after the end of the growing season will prevent a build-up of soil inoculum. The use of grafted transplants
may have amber colored droplets planting, but the first disease symptoms (i.e., susceptible scions grafted onto resistant cucurbit rootstock) has been proposed as an effective
on them (resembling gummy stem occur late in the growing season, usually management strategy for the control of charcoal rot as well as many other soil borne root-infecting
blight), but they later become light within 1 to 2 weeks of harvest. pathogens where the use of chemicals is not feasible. No preplant or post plant chemical control
tan in colour and are dotted with The fungus is a stress pathogen and measures have been reported. Solarization is not promising for diseases favoured by heat like
small, spherical dark colored disease incidence increases with charcoal rot.
fruiting bodies (sclerotia). Fruit increases in water stress, a heavy fruit
develop large sunken areas that load, and high temperatures. Although
are dark grey to black in colour. severe charcoal rot is relatively
uncommon in furrow- irrigated fields;
Collapse of watermelon
Causal agent: Monosporascus cannonballus
Symptoms Conditions for disease Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
development measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
Monosporascus cannonballus infects Infection is favored by warm soil At present, there is no one Methyl bromide See the label ----- Preplant, tarped, ormulched for
the roots of plants, primarily the temperatures (25 to 35 °C). In method available that is both cost 24-48hours. Application 10-14
secondary and tertiary roots. climates where double cropping of effective and long lasting that days before planting.
Infection can occur very early in the melons occurs (two crops per provides adequate control of the Metam See the label ------- Preplant, tarped, ormulched for
growing season, but above ground year), disease typically is more disease. sodium(vapam) 24-48hours. Application 10-14
symptoms are not usually apparent severe in the late-summer or Destruction of infected roots days before planting.
until much later in the season. The autumn-planted crop than the immediately after the final Chloropicrin See the label -------- Preplant, tarped, ormulched for
primary symptoms are necrosis of spring or winter-planted crop. harvest is critical to maintenance 24-48hours. Application 10-14
the small roots and lesions on the Perithecia are formed on the roots of low soil populations of the days before planting.
larger roots, typically around the root most abundantly late in the season pathogen (not only in fumigated Fumigate only as a last resort when other management strategies have
junctions (Figure1), however the but may form throughout the life soils but also in fields that have not been successful or are not available. Tarp seal is mandatory for
most dramatic symptom is the cycle. When mature, the Perithecia little or no history of the disease). application of this product in cucurbits. Fumigation may temporarily
collapse of the vine late in the season. rupture, discharging the An immediate postharvest raise the level of ammonia nitrogen and soluble salts in the soil. This is
Root colonization and necrosis ascospores into the soil. External application of metam sodium most likely to occur when heavy rates of fertilizer and fumigant are
continues throughout the life of the stresses, both biotic and abiotic, (applied via the drip irrigation applied to soils that are cold, wet, acid, or have high inorganic matter. To
plant causing increasingly more may exacerbate disease symptoms system) or cultivation (which lifts avoid injury to plant roots, fertilize as indicated by soil tests made after
damage to the root system. In severe and speed up wilting and vine the roots onto the soil surface for fumigation. To avoid ammonia injury and/or nitrate starvation to crops,
cases, larger roots, including the collapse rapid desiccation) will inhibit avoid using fertilizers containing ammonia salts and use only fertilizers
taproot, become infected. The above pathogen multiplication in containing nitrates until after the crop is well established and the soil
ground symptoms displayed as a infected roots and prevent a temperature is about 65° F. Liming highly acid soils before fumigation
result of root damage are early buildup of inoculum (ascospores) stimulates nitrification and reduces the possibility of ammonia toxicity.
season stunting of the plant and a in soil.
gradual death of the leaves, beginning
with the crown leaves.
Symptoms Conditions for disease Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
development measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
In the early stage of the leaf spot phase, These lesions can coalesce. The To manage this disease, avoid overhead Mancozeb 2g/litre 5 Used as a protective
lesions appeared round, oblong, and/or disease is favored by wet irrigation if possible, or water in the (Dithane M-45) application; 5-7 days
irregular in shape, were dark brown to weather conditions that favor early morning hours when leaves are interval
black in color with a light interior, and the development of other foliar already wet with dew. Remove and Chlorothalonil 2g/litre 0 Can be used as a
possessed a yellow halo around the pathogens destroy old cucurbit vines and residues, (kavach) protective application;
5-7 days interval
perimeter of the lesion. Frequently, the Average daily humidity between since this is where the fungus survives
necrotic leaf tissue broke away leaving 76 ± 9%, and average high and the winter. Keep the garden well Pyraclostrobin 1g/litre 0 7-14 day interval; no
the appearance of shot holes in the leaf. low temperatures 32.3 ± 2.7°C weeded to prevent a build-up of (cabrio) more than two
On some leaves, a majority of lesions and 22.5 ± 1.3°C, respectively humidity in the canopy and take special sequential
were at the leaf margin suggesting favored the disease precautions to destroy weeds in the application;
fungal entry through the hydathodes or development. cucurbit family, such as bur cucumber Azoxystrobin 0.5ml/litre 1 No more than two
that guttation provided a more and coyote gourd. Rotate away from (amistar) application per
favorable environment for infection. cucurbits (melons, squash and season, can be tank
Older leaf spots frequently exhibited cucumber) for 2 - 3 years, if possible. mixed with
concentric rings along with sporodochia protectant fungicide
Copper hydroxide 2g/litre 0 7-10 day interval
arranged in a somewhat concentric
(kocide) application
For mixing chemical always see the label of the product.
The vascular system in crown rot Crown and foot rot of watermelon
infested plants is not discolored
Causal agent: Fusarium solani
Symptoms Conditions for disease Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
development measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
The first sign of an affected plant is The ascospore germination Do not allow rockwool blocks to Copper oxycloride 3g/litre 3 Used as drenching in the
leaf wilt, which is eventually followed occurs during prolonged periods dry out at the top because (Blitox) soil; for large scale
by vine wilt and plant death. of high humidity (ie. greater than damaging levels of evaporated application drenching is
However, unlike Fusarium wilt 95%). fertilizer salts may accumulate not feasible.
caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum, A slow temperature increase around the stem base and thus Carbendazim 1g/litre 3 Used as drenching in the
(Bavistin) soil: for large scale
the vascular system in crown rot early in the morning of 1°C per favour infection.
application drenching is
infected plants is not discoloured. hour ensures that fruit and stem Avoid dripping fertilizer solution not feasible
Examination of the stems reveals temperatures reach daytime at the stem base by positioning the Note
dark reddish to brown surface targets before sunrise. Also, if the dripper away from the stem base. 1) For tank mixing of different chemicals see the label
discoloration and a restriction of greenhouse has restricted Avoid excessively high fertilizer 2) Soil fumigation with effective materials is the only chemical control
growth at the soil line.At the neck, ventilation and poor drainage, concentrations that contribute to available for reducing soil borne populations of the pathogen.
damaged tissues are wet and shows a this may create a "wet" climate salt damage. 3) Various chemical (e.g. chloropicrin, dazomet, formaldehyde, metam
dark brownish tint.This damage that N. haematococca can exploit Avoid overlap of crop production sodium) or non-chemical (e.g. steaming, solarization, bio fumigation)
eventually surround the rod several for ascospore germination. since the airborne spores of methods can be used on infested soil. None are 100% effective and
centimetres. The roots located in the Perithecia present on rockwool Nectria haematococca could be they will only penetrate to a limited depth. Plants can still become
same layer of the soil are also blocks and on fruit lesions spread from the old crop to the infected if the wilt pathogen is re-introduced into the treated area by
drainage / run-off water or capillary action, or by the roots growing
affected. Their cortex yellow, brown provide further aerial inoculum early seeded peppers.
down beyond the treated soil.
and decomposes. The shank portion which, when accompanied by a Seedling root dip treatment of bio 4) Fungicide treatment against wilt diseases gives variable and often
near the surface is covered "wet" greenhouse climate, result control agents like Trichoderma poor results. For this reason there are few specific recommendations
by mycelium white to pinkish which in numerous fruit and stem viridae or Trichoderma harzianum
form sporodochia and macroconidia. infections. during transplanting(10g/1litre of
The fruits are also attacked a moist water)
and soft rot develops on the part in
contact with the ground.
growth on the underside of the lesion pathogen, resulting in multiple
is a key to diagnosing this disease. infections on the leaf.
Symptoms Conditions for disease development Cultural and Biological control measures if any
Fungal infection may occur at any age of Symptoms of disease incidence are expected to be There are no fungicides available for this disease management can be achieved
the plant. For young seedlings damping most severe at temperatures between 25-27 C. This through crop rotation, use of resistant varieties and other culturalpractices.
off may occur and rot in the soil, where disease is not spread above ground from plant to 1. Crop rotation: Controlling this disease is very difficult once the soil is infected.
the hypocotyls are surrounded by a plant, but rather from fungal spores in the soil. The Crop rotation for 4-10 years might reduce the density of the fungus in the soil
watery and soft rot causing the plants to fungus can be introduced to the soil through and with it disease incidence. Crop rotation should be done with non-cucurbit
become stunted. Later wilting occurs in contaminated seeds, in compost, from farming tools vegetation. Avoid planting watermelon in the same field for minimum of 5-7
more mature plants causing the plant to and vehicles, and with drainage water, in the field years.
die. A one sided wilting and others this symptoms often occurs in patches. When the 2. Use of disease free transplants and seeds when transplanting in the green
remaining healthy, flaccid, withered and plants are dead, the fungus remains on dead vines or house, the soil used must be pathogen free or disinfected by steam or soil
brown leaves, as well as vascular in the soil in the form of white mycelia, macroconidia fumigation.
discoloration are common disease and chlamydospores until a new susceptible host is 3. Bio control strategies for this disease are not commercially available this time
symptoms. The roots of infected plants available. This disease can be quite severe in fields but may become a management option in the future. Green house studies of
may be healthy, but the vascular tissue is with light sandy soils with pH 5.5-6.5 and less than organic fertilizers in combination with different antagonistic strains of
brown and discolored. Thus rotten roots 25% soil moisture and high nitrogen content. nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum and other microorganisms have shown
are not necessarily associated with promise, but are insufficient for recommendations at this time.
Fusarium wilt disease.
Symptoms Conditions for disease Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
development measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
The most distinctive symptoms of Phytophthora parasitica and P. Provide good drainage and prevent Mancozeb 2g/litre 5 Used as a protective
Phytophthora root rot are the capsici occur in most soils. flooding. Avoid wide fluctuations in soil (Dithane M-45) application; 5-7 days
brown lesions on roots of all Infection of plants occurs at moisture, which predisposes plants to interval
sizes. The xylem of the roots any stage of growth when infection. Keep tops of bed dry to Fosetyl aluminium 3g/litre 14 Preventive treatment
above the lesions often turns there is free water in the soil. avoid buckeye rot of the fruit. Planting (Aliette) prior to disease onset
yellowish or brown in colour. In Damage is greatest in poorly cereals as a rotation crop may reduce the foliar application
severe cases, nearly all roots may drained, compacted, or level of infestation in the soil. Resistant
be girdled or rotted off. overirrigated soils. varieties are not yet commercially Azoxystrobin 0.5ml/litre 1 No more than two
Aboveground, infected plants are available. (amistar) application per season,
slow growing and may wilt or die can be tank mixed with
in hot weather. When fruit in protectant fungicide
contact with the ground are Dimethomorph 1g/litre 2 5-10 days interval, not
infected, the disease is (Acrobat) more than five
calledbuckeye rot. Symptoms application per season
include tan or brown spots with Note:
concentric rings. Phytophthora For mixing chemical always see the label of the product.
capsici also causes greasy,
purple-brown stem lesions.
Plectosporium blight of
Causal agent: Plectosporium tabacinum
Plectosporium tabacinum infects stems, Plectosporium tabacinum Disease management Azoxystrobin+ 0.5ml/litre+ 1 Make two applications,
leaf veins, and fruit. Symptoms of occurs in soil and decaying recommendations include a Chlorothalonil 2g/litre the first at the 1 to 3 leaf
Plectosporium blight are very distinctive plant material. Little is known three-year crop rotation, stage and the second just
and easily distinguished from other about the disease cycle, but planting in sites with good air prior to vine tip over or
10-14 days after the first,
cucurbit diseases. Initially, lesions on stems spores are most likely spread circulation to encourage rapid
whichever comes first.
and leaf veins are small, white, and by wind and rain. drying of the foliage, switching
Chlorothalonil (kavach) 2g/litre 0 Can be used as a
diamond-shaped. Lesions quickly coalesce, to trickle irrigation, scouting protective application;
causing the entire surface of the vine or leaf fields to confirm the presence 5-7 days interval
vein to turn white. Because leaf lesions are of Plectosporium, Copper hydroxide 2g/litre 0 7-10 day interval
restricted to the veins and do not spread to (kocide) application
the interveinal tissue, they may be
overlooked in the early stages of disease Pyraclostrobin 1g/litre 0 7-14 day interval; no
development. Leaves on severelyaffected (cabrio) more than two
vines die and complete defoliation may sequential application;
occur in severe cases.
Tebuconozole 1ml/litre 7 For suppression only; 10-
(Folicur) 14 day interval
For mixing chemical always see the label of the product.
Symptoms Conditions for disease development Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
The first symptoms of Powdery mildew likes warm Crop rotation and many other Azoxystrobin 0.5ml/litre 1 No more than two
powdery mildew usually temperature and moisture, and often cultural practices have limited (amistar) application per season,
appear in mid to late summer. forms within dense foliage in the field. effect on the incidence and can be tank mixed with
Once the spores land on a Once mildew colonies form on the leaf, development of powdery mildew. protectant fungicide
susceptible leaf, they infect the temperature and moisture are less Selecting a site with good air Chlorothalonil (kavach) 2g/litre 0 Can be used as a
outer layer of cells, and then important to the pathogens ability to circulation and low humidity may protective application;
produce new spores which are spread. Rain can wash off powdery help reduce infections. New 5-7 days interval
further carried by air currents. mildew spores when they have just plantings should be separate from
Myclobutanil 1g/litre 0 7-10 day interval;30 day
Powdery Mildew is readily landed on the leaf surface, but once old plantings to avoid the spread of (Systhane) plant back restriction
diagnosed in the field as white infection begins the colonies will not inoculum. Control of cucurbit
powdery colonies on the wash off. The microclimate has a great weeds and other weeds may also
leaves surface. The pathogen effect on powdery mildews ability to be helpful. Pyraclostrobin 1g/litre 0 7-14 day interval; no
can also infect the underside infect. Leaves within a canopy can be In general, healthy, vigorous leaves (cabrio) more than two
of the leaves causing yellow warmer and surrounded by more and stems are less prone to sequential application;
spots to form on the leaf upper moisture than outer leaves. Low lying infection. Plants under nutritional Tebuconozole 1ml/litre 7 For suppression only; 10-
surface. Typically in the field areas of a field where there is less air stress in most cases will develop (Folicur) 14 day interval
older leaves are more flow favor infection. Powdery mildew powdery mildew much sooner
susceptible than new tissue. also likes shade, one of the reasons for than plants the same age grown Note:
its ability to develop quickly in dense under a good nutritional program. For mixing chemical always see the label of the product.
Symptoms Conditions for disease development Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
measures if any Chemical name Dosage PHI Remarks
Symptoms begin where the fruit comes Southern blight is caused by the soil- Remove infected plants and fruit Carbendazim 1g/litre 3 Soil drenching after
in contact with the soil surface. Affected borne fungus Sclerotium rolfsii. This Whenever practical. ( Bavistin) planting at the root
areas are soft and water-soaked, later fungus survives as mycelium and sclerotia Deep plow plantings early to bury zone to avoid the
becoming covered with a dense mat of in the soil and in decomposing plant sclerotia and to allow for the infection of the
Sclerotium once
white, fan-like fungal growth. As the residue. The fungus is moved by running complete decomposition of plant
disease progresses, numerous small, water, on infested soil particles clinging residues. Pyraclostrobin 1g/litre 0 7-14 day interval;
round fungal survival structures to cultivating tools, on infected plant Practice crop rotation using less (cabrio) no more than two
(sclerotia) develop in the fungal mat. material, and as sclerotia mixed with susceptible plants such as corn, sequential
Initially the sclerotia are white; later seeds. Disease development is enhanced sorghum, small grains, and grasses. application;
becoming light brown, reddish brown, by high temperatures and humidity. Tebuconozole 1ml/litre 7 For suppression only;
(Folicur) 10-14 day interval
or golden brown in colour. Each Southern blight is also more severe where
Sclerotium is roughly the size of a undecomposed organic matter is left on
mustard seed. The pathogen also attacks and in the soil. Sclerotia enable the fungus
stems and crowns, resulting in sudden to survive adverse conditions and can For mixing chemical always see the label of the product.
wilting of the foliage. persist in the upper layers of soil for
many years.
Symptoms Conditions for disease Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
development measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
In mature plants, Pythium causes Pythium can be introduced Follow a strict greenhouse sanitation Metalaxyl(Ridomil MZ 2g/litre 21 use preventatively; one
crown and root rot, where plants into a greenhouse in plug program throughout the year and a gold) days application per crop
suddenly wilt when weather turns transplants, soil, growing thorough year-end clean up. Clean and cycle; apply as drench
warm and sunny and when plants media, and plant refuse and disinfest all interior greenhouse surfaces immediately after
have their first heavy fruit load. irrigation water. Greenhouse and equipment including tools, hoses,
Propomocarb 1g/litre 2 use preventatively;
Often, upper leaves of infected insects such as fungus gnats walkways, carts, totes, troughs, tanks maximum 2 applications
plants wilt in the day and recover and shore flies can also and water supply lines. Use sterile per crop cycle after
overnight but plants eventually die. carry Pythium. Pythium sprea propagating media. Remove dying transplanting, thereafter 7-
In the root system, initial symptoms ds by forming sporangia, plants by placing them directly into 10 days interval
appear as brown to dark-brown sack-like structures, each plastic bags for disposal away from the Rotate registered fungicides with different chemical groups and strictly follow
lesions on root tips and feeder roots releasing hundreds of greenhouse. label directions to avoid resistance development in Pythium.
and, as the disease progresses, swimming zoospores Avoid low light levels, low pH, high salts
symptoms of soft, brown stubby Wet areas in the greenhouse and warm growing conditions (above
roots, lacking feeder roots, become where Pythium is more likely 28°C) which favour Pythium. In
visible. In larger roots, the outer to be present. greenhouse cucumbers, the nutrient
root tissue or cortex peels away Low light levels, low pH, high solution should be delivered at pH 5.0
leaving the string-like vascular salts and warm growing for approximately 5 weeks followed by
bundles underneath. Pythium rot conditions above28°C which adjusting the pH to a 5.8-6.2 regime for
also occurs in the crown tissue at favour Pythium. one week.
the stem base. In Watermelon, Target rockwool block wetness at 70-
diseased crown turns orange-brown 75% between watering.
in colour, often with a soft rot at the Use T. harzianum preventatively; apply
base; brownish lesions extending 10 to growing medium soon after
cm up the stem base may be seen. transplanting, repeat thereafter once in
20 days
sclerotia of
Foliar chlorasis and early dahliae
Partial foliar wilt associated with stages of necrosis associated
early stages of verticillium wilt with verticillium wilt
Symptoms Conditions for disease Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
development measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
or ml/litre)
Yellow, V-shaped lesions form The fungus penetrates the root of a Fungicides are generally not Fosetyl 80% WP 2.5g/litre 3 days Foliar application
at the margins of older susceptible plant in the region of economical for control of Verticillium
leaves. As the disease elongation and the cortex is wilt.
progresses, these lesions will colonized. From cortex, the hyphae The disease may be controlled Carbendazim 50% WP 1g/litre 14 days Soil drenching in
enlarge and occupy a good penetrate the endodermis and invade through the use of resistant cultivars bedseeds
proportion of the leaf surface, the xylem vessels where conidia are and pathogen-free plants.Among the
maintaining their formed. Vascular colonization occurs recommended cultural measures for
characteristic V-shape. as conidia are drowning up into the preventing the disease are: removal Note
The vascular tissue of infected plant along with water. As the of diseased plants or plant debris and 1) For tank mixing of different chemicals see the label
plants becomes brown and diseased plant senesces, the fungus the careful use of nitrogen fertilizers. 2) Soil fumigation with effective materials is the only chemical control
available for reducing soil borne populations of the pathogen.
discoloured, causing the plant ramifies throughout cortical tissue Soil solarisation (by covering the soil
3) Various chemical (e.g. chloropicrin, dazomet, formaldehyde, metam
to wilt and eventually die. then produces Microsclerotia which with transparent polythene sheets sodium) or non-chemical (e.g. steaming, solarization, bio fumigation)
Premature foliar chlorosis and are released into the soil with the during summer) in sunny climates methods can be used on infested soil. None are 100% effective and
necrosis and a tan to brown decomposition of plant material. can be also helpful. The method, they will only penetrate to a limited depth. Plants can still become
colored discoloration or Temperatures not exceeding an which could be applied with low infected if the wilt pathogen is re-introduced into the treated area by
streaking of the vascular average of 21-25°C facilitate doses of soil fumigants, is especially drainage / run-off water or capillary action, or by the roots growing
system, however, are infections. Long distance applicable to countries around the down beyond the treated soil.
characteristic of all hosts. dissemination of the pathogen occurs Mediterranean basin. 4) Fungicide treatment against wilt diseases gives variable and often
Microsclerotia formed in the through infected seed tubers and poor results. For this reason there are few specific recommendations
dying issue are frequently planting stock. Once established in
visible with a hand lens. the field spread of the pathogen
Symptoms of wilting are most occurs by irrigation water, diseased
evident on warm, sunny days plant debris or soil particles removed
by agricultural tools and machinery.
Symptoms Conditions for disease development Cultural and Biological control Chemical control
measures if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
The common above ground Lesion nematodes overwinter as eggs, In fields infested with root knot Methyl bromide As a 15 Preplant, tarped, or
symptoms of damage induced by P. larvae, or adults in host roots or soil. nematodes, crop rotation may not be fumigant mulched for 24-48
brachyurus are very similar to those The length of the life cycle depends on feasible because of their extensive hours. Application 10=14
caused by other root parasitic the species and the soil temperature. host range; care is needed in the days before planting.
nematodes, such as stunted growth, For example, the optimum selection of rotation crops because Oxamyl 2ml/litre 14 Foliar applications are not
(vydate) effective for moderate and
reduced plant vigour, leaves temperature for population some may be good alternate hosts.
high populations of
exhibiting chlorotic symptoms, development on soybeans for P. alleni, New resistant varieties of peppers nematodes.
defoliation and gradual decline in P. neglectus, and P. scribneri is 86°F may prove useful. Soil solarization Carbofuron 4kg/hac 30 Soil application,
yield.The type, colour and size of the (30°C) while that for P.penetrans is may help to lower the nematodes in (Furadan) application into soil
lesions vary according to the level of 77°F (25°C). The optimum for P. the top layers of the soil and avoid an before planting.
infestation, age of the lesion and the hexincisus on corn is 86°F (30 °C). early infestation of the plants. Roots
host species. Lesions are formed Lesion nematodes remain inactive are likely to become infested as the Fenamiphos 30L/hac or 7 days Soil application Apply
during feeding. Initially they are when soil temperatures are below season progresses by nematodes (nemacure) 1L/100 prior to anytime from 7 days
small but as the nematodes feed, the 59°F (15°C); except for P. penetrans, that survived in the deeper soil litre of planting before up to the time of
lesions enlarge, often girdling and there is little activity until layers. water planting.
later severing the root. Feeder roots temperatures rise above 68°F (20°C). Application of 2 kg of MULTIPLEX Note
For tank mixing of different chemicals see the label
thus get destroyed and the entire P. penetrans completes its life cycle in Niyantran (Poaecilomyces) in 100 kg
root system is reduced. When the 30 days at 86°F (30°C), 35 days at FYM and broadcast to 1 acre
lesion breaks open, the cortex 76°F(24°C) and 86 days at 59°F (15°C). uniformly.
sloughs off like a sleeve, leaving only Although the other species have not Application of 250-400 kg of neem
the vascular cylinder. Secondary been thoroughly studied, their cake/hac
pathogens often enter these lesions developmental biology is probably
causing rot. similar to that of P. penetrans
Symptoms Conditions for disease Cultural and Biological control measures Chemical control
development if any Chemical name Dosage(g PHI Remarks
Plants affected by plant-parasitic The host range of these three In fields infested with root knot nematodes, Methyl bromide As a 15 Preplant, tarped, or
nematodes show foliar symptoms nematode species is very wide crop rotation may not be feasible because of fumigant mulched for 24-48
similar to those caused by inadequate and includes many agricultural their extensive host range; care is needed in hours. Application 10=14
moisture, poor nutrition or root rot. crops and weeds. the selection of rotation crops because some days before planting.
Affected plants may be stunted and Disease is most severe in warm may be good alternate hosts. New resistant Oxamyl 2ml/litre 14 Foliar applications are not
(vydate) effective for moderate and
have pale or yellow-green foliage. areas with long growing varieties of peppers may prove useful. Soil
high populations of
They may wilt readily under warm, seasons. In general, lighter, solarization may help to lower the nematodes.
breezy conditions even when soil sandy soils favour nematode nematodes in the top layers of the soil and Carbofuron 4kg/hac 30 Soil application,
moisture is adequate. Plant infection and result in more avoid an early infestation of the plants. (Furadan) application into soil before
symptoms may range from the severe damage to roots. Roots are likely to become infested as the planting.
undetectable to plant death, season progresses by nematodes that
depending on the susceptibility of the survived in the deeper soil layers. Fenamiphos 30L/hac or 7 days Soil application Apply
plant, environmental conditions and Application of 2 kg of MULTIPLEX Niyantran (nemacure) 1L/100 prior to anytime from 7 days
the number and species of nematodes (Poaecilomyces) in 100 kg FYM and litre of planting before up to the time of
attacking the plant. Established broadcast to 1 acre uniformly. water planting.
plants usually can withstand Application of 250-400 kg of neem cake/hac Note
For tank mixing of different chemicals see the label
nematode feeding on the roots, but
young plants are particularly
Symptoms may resemble those caused by PRSV-W The virus is spread in a non-persistent manner Use of resistant varieties, Use virus free seedlings.
depending on the strain involved. by a number of aphid species including Myzus Remove infected plants as early as virus symptoms are observed to prevent/minimize
Leaves of affected plants show yellow persicae. The virus is also easily transmitted spread of the virus by aphids.
mosaic(dark green bubbles on the leaf contrast mechanically through contaminated tools Remove weeds that serve as alternate host/virus reservoirs.
with lighter green of rest of the leaves). Severe
implements. There is circumstantial evidence Disinfect tools, farm implements with chlorine solution before moving from diseased
malformation, blisters serrations and extreme
of seed transmission but it has been very areas to healthy areas.
reduction in the size of leaf lamina
difficult to prove. Chemical control
The virus is found in infect wild cucurbits 1. Spray seedlings with Acephate (0.15%) or Monocrotophos (0.1%) prior to
which may be important reservoirs. transplanting.
2. Spray insecticides like Monocrotophos (0.15%), Acephate (0.15%), at fortnightly
intervals after transplanting till flowering stage.
3. Chemical spray followed by neem seed kernel extract (2%) is also effective in
rotation with insecticides.
4. Spraying imidacloprid(confidor) at the rate of 1ml/litre of water to control of
sucking insects
Watermelon plants showing shorter internodes and Diseases occur throughout the entire year but the Use virus free seedlings, remove infected plants as early as virus
erect shoots. At an early stages oily spots can be disease incidence is generally higher during dry and symptoms are observed to prevent/minimize spread of the virus by
clearly seen on the upper leaf surface. Old infected hot periods when thrips populations increase rapidly. thrips. Remove crop debris, weeds and other sources of thrips after
plant become pale to whitish yellow with green The virus is transmitted by thrips species, thrips the cropping season. Plowing and harrowing may help reduce vector
mottle. Disease leaves showed malformed with palmi in a persistent (Propagative) manner (vector population in the soil. Control thrips population by using plastic
narrow or curled leaf blades and appeared moldy can acquire and transmit the virus after feeding for mulch, blue sticky traps.
because of the presence of many hairs. The surface several minutes to hours: virus replicates inside the Chemical control
of infected fruits have ring spots which later turn to vector) young thrips (larval stage) acquire the virus 1. Spray seedlings with Acephate (0.15%)
tan necrotic or scab like lesions. and adult thrips spread the virus from plant to plant or Monocrotophos (0.1%) prior to transplanting.
during feeding. The virus is not seed transmitted. 2. Spray insecticides like Monocrotophos (0.15%), Acephate
(0.15%), at fortnightly intervals after transplanting till
flowering stage.
3. Chemical spray followed by neem seed kernel extract (2%) is
also effective in rotation with insecticides.
4. Spraying imidacloprid(confidor) at the rate of 1ml/litre of
water to control of sucking insects
Initially chlorotic and stunted growth, leaf margin Diseases occur throughout the entire year but the disease Use virus free seedlings, remove infected plants as early as virus
become yellowish and severe stunting of leaves incidence is generally higher during dry and hot periods symptoms are observed to prevent/minimize spread of the virus by
can be observed, yellow spots is seen in later when thrips populations increase rapidly. thrips. Remove crop debris, weeds and other sources of thrips after the
stages and may turn in to small dotted spots all The virus is transmitted by thrips species, thrips palmi in cropping season. Plowing and harrowing may help reduce vector
the areas of leaf. a persistent (Propagative) manner (vector can acquire population in the soil. Control thrips population by using plastic mulch,
and transmit the virus after feeding for several minutes blue sticky traps.
to hours: virus replicates inside the vector) young Chemical control
thrips(larval stage) acquire the virus and adult thrips 1. Spray seedlings with Acephate (0.15%) or Monocrotophos (0.1%)
spread the virus from plant to plant during feeding. The prior to transplanting.
virus is not seed transmitted. 2. Spray insecticides like Monocrotophos (0.15%), Acephate
(0.15%), at fortnightly intervals after transplanting till flowering
3. Chemical spray followed by neem seed kernel extract (2%) is also
effective in rotation with insecticides.
4. Spraying imidacloprid(confidor) at the rate of 1ml/litre of water to
control of sucking insects
This virus is transmitted by whiteflies. Symptoms of The virus is transmitted in a persistent manner In the field, disease control is mainly aimed at eliminating or excluding the whitefly
the disease are crumpled leaves with yellowed, by Bemisia tabaci, especially biotype B. It is not vector, B. tabaci. Insecticides have been used in an attempt to reduce whitefly
mottled areas Image. Leaves have shortened petioles transmitted by mechanical inoculation.The density. Protecting rows of seedlings with spun-bonded polyester as a floating
that cluster around the vines. Squash is also vegetables as such would not be likely to carry cover has also been effective .
susceptible to this virus. Severe yield losses are B. tabaci. So the main risk of movement is in B. Chemical control
associated with infection of young seedlings, usually tabaci on other host plants (e.g. ornamentals), 1. Spray seedlings with Acephate (0.15%) or Monocrotophos (0.1%) prior
when whitefly populations are high. Infections of older given the fact that the vector moves readily to transplanting.
plants do not affect yield. from one host to another and that the virus can 2. Spray insecticides like Monocrotophos (0.15%), Acephate (0.15%), at
The squash leaf curl virus is economically important persist in the vector for several weeks after fortnightly intervals after transplanting till flowering stage.
only in fall-grown watermelons. To alleviate the impact acquisition. 3. Chemical spray followed by neem seed kernel extract (2%) is also
on yield, transplants should be used, rather than effective in rotation with insecticides.
direct-seeded plants. Fields should be ploughed under 4. Spraying imidacloprid(confidor) at the rate of 1ml/litre of water to
after harvest to minimize carryover of the virus to control of sucking insects
subsequent crops. The virus can persist in whiteflies
for 3 weeks after feeding on infected plants, so there
should be a 4 week break between melon crops.
Leaves of new growth are crinkled and CMV is transmitted primarily by aphids, but also by Using reflective mulch reduces the early season infection from aphids and gives
deformed with a slight yellowing to them. cucumber beetles, mechanically and to a lesser extent in an additional 2-4 weeks of a virus-free cucurbit field. Once the plants cover the
CMV produces a systemic infection in most seed. Many species of aphid can vector the virus in a non- plastic the reflective mulch ceases to be an effective deterrent. Pesticides only
host plants with the older plant tissues that persistent manner – the most common species in work to reduce the in-field spread of aphids and therefore, CMV and other
developed before infection rarely being Maryland are: Melon aphid Aphis gossypii and Green viruses.
affected by the virus. peach aphid Myzus persicae. The virus is acquired by Chemical control
aphids within 10 seconds after they begin to probe an 1. Spray seedlings with Acephate (0.15%) or Monocrotophos (0.1%)
infected plant. The virus can be transmitted to other prior to transplanting.
plants by aphids in less than one minute. This is why 2. Spray insecticides like Monocrotophos (0.15%), Acephate (0.15%), at
insecticides do not stop initial infections. Aphids lose the fortnightly intervals after transplanting till flowering stage.
ability to transmit CMV after about 2 minutes and 3. Chemical spray followed by neem seed kernel extract (2%) is also
completely lose the ability after 2 hours. effective in rotation with insecticides.
CMV is easily transferable through sap carried on the 4. Spraying imidacloprid(confidor) at the rate of 1ml/litre of water to
hands, clothes and tools of people harvesting fruit, control of sucking insects
weeding or turning vines in a watermelon field.
The first symptom is a clearing of veins, followed by PRSV is transmitted primarily by aphids, but Using reflective mulch reduces the early season infection from aphids and
development ofmosaic patterns or mottling consisting also by cucumber beetles, mechanically and to gives an additional 2-4 weeks of a virus-free cucurbit field. Once the
of irregularly shaped, dark green areas alternating a lesser extent in seed. Many species of aphid plants cover the plastic the reflective mulch ceases to be an effective
with light green or yellow areas. Leaves on some can vector the virus in a non-persistent deterrent. Pesticides only work to reduce the in-field spread of aphids.
species and cultivars are drastically reduced in size manner – the most common species in Chemical control
and growth is often retarded.Mosaic virus tends to Maryland are: Melon aphid Aphis gossypii and 1. Spray seedlings with Acephate (0.15%)
cause raised, blisterlike areas on leaves and to reduce Green peach aphid Myzus persicae. The virus is or Monocrotophos (0.1%) prior to transplanting.
leaf size severely. Zucchini yellow mosaic virus typically acquired by aphids within 10 seconds after 2. Spray insecticides like Monocrotophos (0.15%), Acephate
causes the leave lobes to become long and they begin to probe an infected plant. The (0.15%), at fortnightly intervals after transplanting till
narrow.Malformations of the fruit can occur with all virus can be transmitted to other plants by flowering stage.
three of the viruses.The fruit will exhibit bumps and aphids in less than one minute. This is why 3. Chemical spray followed by neem seed kernel extract (2%) is
the classic "ringspot". A severe isolate of PRSV has also insecticides do not stop initial infections. also effective in rotation with insecticides.
been shown to cause tissue necrosis. Aphids lose the ability to transmit PRSV after 4. Spraying imidacloprid(confidor) at the rate of 1ml/litre of
about 2 minutes and completely lose the water to control of sucking insects
ability after 2 hours.
PRSV is easily transferable through sap carried
on the hands, clothes and tools of people
harvesting fruit, weeding or turning vines in a
watermelon field.
An unusual disease of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in Diseases occur throughout the entire year but Use virus free seedlings, remove infected plants as early as virus
India, with symptoms of leaf crinkling, mottling, the disease incidence is generally higher symptoms are observed to prevent/minimize spread of the virus by
yellowing, necrotic streaks on vines, shortened during dry and hot periods when thrips thrips. Remove crop debris, weeds and other sources of thrips after
internodes, upright branches and necrosis and dieback populations increase rapidly. the cropping season. Plowing and harrowing may help reduce vector
of the buds was caused by the watermelon strain of The virus is transmitted by thrips species, population in the soil. Control thrips population by using plastic mulch,
tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV-W). thrips flavus in a persistent (Propagative) blue sticky traps.
manner (vector can acquire and transmit the Chemical control
virus after feeding for several minutes to 1. Spray seedlings with Acephate (0.15%)
hours: virus replicates inside the vector) or Monocrotophos (0.1%) prior to transplanting.
young thrips(larval stage) acquire the virus 2. Spray insecticides like Monocrotophos (0.15%), Acephate
and adult thrips spread the virus from plant to (0.15%), at fortnightly intervals after transplanting till
plant during feeding. The virus is not seed flowering stage.
transmitted. 3. Chemical spray followed by neem seed kernel extract (2%) is
also effective in rotation with insecticides.
4. Spraying imidacloprid(confidor) at the rate of 1ml/litre of
water to control of sucking insects
The first symptom of the disorder is a slight, Blossom-end rot is a physiological disorder due to a short-age of calcium in the To avoid blossom-end rot, the grower should use
water-soaked discoloration on the blossom young fruit. Moisture imbalances or water stress aggravate the problem by cultural practices that allow for proper uptake of
end (opposite of the stem) of the fruit. As the interfering with calcium uptake in the plant. calcium by the plant.
lesions enlarge, turning leathery and dark Avoid water stress of fluctuating soil moisture
brown or black, they often become sunken During the day, the pores on the leaves are open and water transpires from by using infrequent, deep irrigation to keep the
into the fruit. Although the affected tissue is them drawing sap into the leaves. Since the fruit do not lose much water by soil uniformly moist. Do not allow plants to be
normally dry, bacteria and fungi may invade transpiration, they receive little of the calcium-containing sap. At night, the leaf water stressed at night. The best way to
the lesion, producing a soft, watery rot. pores close, root pressure forces sap into the plant, and the developing fruit get maintain even the soil moisture is by using
their share of calcium and other nutrients. If the plant is water stressed at organic or plastic mulch to prevent wide
night, the system fails and the fruit receive very little calcium, causing blossom- fluctuations in soil moisture.
end rot. Avoid over-fertilizing; do not use ammonium-
based nitrogen fertilizers.
Excessive salts in the soil, including ammonium, potassium, and magnesium To avoid injuring roots, do not hoe or cultivate
interfere with calcium uptake by plants and can result in blossom-end rot. Root near plants. Pull weeds next to plants or use a
damage caused by improper cultivation practices or excess soil water may also plastic mulch.
lead to blossom-end rot. The incidence of blossom-end rot varies with the Do not overwater, especially in heavy clay soils.
variety and is greatly influenced by environmental conditions.
Sunscald occurs on the side of fruit exposed to direct Fruit suddenly exposed to direct sunlight due to defoliation To prevent sunscald, the internal temperature of thefruit
sunlight. It first appears as a wrinkled area that can from disease, pruning or stem breakage are most likely to should not rise above 35° C (95° F). Encourage abundant,
be soft and lighter in colour than surrounding tissue. develop sunscald. Sunscald occurs when internal fruit healthy foliage with proper fertilization and irrigation. In
In peppers, this area later collapses and turns white temperature increases and tissue is damaged greenhouse operations, shade plants during summer to help
and paper-like. The affected area often turns black reduce the incidence of this disorder. Use disease-resistant
due to colonization by saprophytic fungi. Sunscald varieties, and follow an effective disease and pest management
primarily affects fruit, but leaves and stems also can program to help reduce losses due to sunscald.
be injured.
Fruit near maturity are more sensitive to sunscald
injury than immature fruit. Symptoms are similar in
appearance to those of blossom-end rot, but they are
consistently associated with exposure to direct
Ozone injury generally appears first on older leaves Ozone production at the ground level is the result of a Unfortunately when ozone injury occurs there is little the
as chlorosis or yellowing followed by a mottling and photochemical degradation of nitric oxides or other related air grower can do. If ground ozone levels decline below the
then a bleaching of small areas of the leaves. Severe pollutants. Although automobile exhaust and power plants are threshold for damage most plants will continue to grow, and
ozone injury will result in the necrosis of the older generally the primary sources of nitric oxides in the the effects will be minimal. If ozone levels remain high for an
leaves first, before reaching newer growth. atmosphere, ozone injury is often observed in areas far extended period of time, significant foliage can be lost, which
removed from automobile traffic. The production of ozone at may result in an increased chance for sunburned melons. It is
ground level is a light driven process. Therefore, high levels of important to recognize ozone injury; however, so that time and
ozone pollution are often seen during the hot days of summer, money are not wasted on unnecessary pesticide sprays.
typically in July, when light intensity is highest
Mature watermelon
vine decline (MWVD)
Causal agent: Mn, Zn, Cu toxicity
Initial MWVD symptoms include necrosis and wilting Mature watermelon vine decline can be serious effect on Use of recommended agronomic practices, that enhance the
of leaves, followed by the wilt and collapse of the watermelon crops. Efforts to identify a pathogen responsible proper root growth and deep root growth, and avoid growing in
vines. Vine collapse reduces fruit quantity, size, and for MWVD has been unsuccessful. Indicating cultural the acidic soils and also avoiding using too much fertilizers that
quality; prevents normal ripening; and exposes fruit condition that might contribute to the syndrome. Many make the root zone acidic, such as ammonium fertilizers and
to sunburn. On symptomatic plants, the root systems factors like transplanting, less organic matter content of the DAP.
are generally sparse — the primary roots are soil that decreases soil aeration, nutrition and water
necrotic (dead tissue) and the plant has few retention. Watermelon crop grown in black plastic mulch.
secondary roots. Excess uptake of the manganese, zinc, copper uptake in the
Symptoms often appear on mature plants in low, plant system due to soil acidic condition could contribute to
poorly drained areas. Under the right conditions, inhibition of watermelon root growth. Acid pH increases the
MWVD incidence will increase through the summer, Mn+2 solubility and phytoavailability which results in toxicity.
often resulting in the collapse and decline of large Mn+2 toxicity is characterized by competition with Mg uptake
portions of affected fields. Plants with MWVD often and utilization; Mn+2 can compete with cation uptake,
yield no marketable fruit. displace Mg+2 enzyme cofactors, displace Ca+2 in cell
membrane and enhance axillary shoot growth.
Target spot
stem blight
fruit blotch
Belly rot
leaf spot
leaf spot
leaf spot
ra blight
Azoxystrobin 11 1 ++++ - ++++ - - +++ ++++ - - ++R ++++R - +++R ++++
Chlorothalonil M 0 ++++ - ++ - - - ++++ - - ++ ++++ - ++ ++++
Cymoxanil 27 3 - - - - - - - ? ? ++++ - ++ - -
Dimethomorph 15 0 - - - - - - - - - + - + - -
Mancozeb M 5 +++ - +++ - - - ++++ - - +++ +++ + + ++++
Copper hydroxide M 1 + +++ + +++ ++ - ++ _ _ + + ? + +
(fixed copper)
Mefenoxam+mancozeb 4+M 5 ++ - ++ - - - ++ + - +++R ++ +++R - +
Myclobutanil 3 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - +++++R -
Fosetyle-al 33 1 - - - - - - - - - ++ - - - -
Propamocarb 28 2 - - - - - - - ? ? +++ + - -
Pyraclostrobin 11 0 ++++ - +++++ - - ? ? - - ++++R ++++R + +++R ++++
Tebuconazole 3 7 ? - ? - - - - - - - ++ - ++ -
1. Egel, D. 2001. Bacterial fruit blotch. In: Vegetable Crops Hotline. Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service
2. Hopkins, D. 1996. Blocking fruit blotch. The Grower 29(8): 9-10
3. Hopkins, D., and R. X.Latin. 2001. Diseases. In: Watermelons, Characteristics, Production, and Marketing (D. Maynard, editor). Alexandria, Va.: American
Society for Horticultural Science Press
4. Isakeit, T. 1999. Bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon. Texas Agricultural Extension Service Publication L-5222
5. Latin, R. X. 1993. Diseases and pests of muskmelons and watermelons. Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Publication BP-44
6. Champaco, E. R., Martyn, R. D., and Miller, M. E. 1993. Comparison of Fusarium solani and F. oxysporum as causal agents of fruit rot and root rot of
muskmelon. HortScience 28:1174-1177.
7. Nash, S. M., and Alexander, J. V. 1965. Comparative survival of Fusarium solani f. cucurbitaeand F. solani f. phaseoli in soil. Phytopathology 55:963-966.
8. Compendium of Cucurbit Diseases. T. A Zitter, D. L. Hopkins, and C. E. Thomas, eds. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.