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Indesign - Resume Help

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Template Documentation | Version 1.

0 | March 2014

for Adobe InDesign CS4+ / Photoshop CS3+

Master Pages explained and what they are for

All of the Paragraph/Character & Object Styles explained with examples

Getting Started Guide
Overview of Baseline Grid & Type Alignment
Tips and Guides for InDesign to make the
most of your Template purchase

by bilmaw on Creative Market | www.creativemarket.com/bilmaw

Template Documentation
Everything you need to know about this professional template and how to
create your own beautiful layouts and include your own information.

Thank you for purchasing this Contents

template and hopefully you will
find it easy to update and use. Installing Fonts 3
A quick guide to downloading and installing the
You’ll find well organised Master fonts needed to edit this template.
Pages, Swatches, Paragraph,
Character and Object Styles. Template Master Pages 4
Each template has been all Master Pages in InDesign - what they are and how they can help
set up for you and is ready to you keep your layout consistent, and save you time!
go. Even a novice in InDesign
or Photoshop will be able to Template Baseline/Document Grid 5
add their own information. An overview of the Baseline/Document Grid that is used to align the
Now we’ll go through how things typography and other graphic elements in the template.
are organised and used, plus
tips on editing your templates. Template Paragraph Styles 6
An explanation of the included Styles and how they
are used to customise your layouts.
Template Contents
Template Character/Object Styles 7
The files included are: An explanation of the included Character/Object Styles,
how they relate to Paragraph Styles and using
• A4 & US Letter InDesign them to customise your layouts.
(.INDD) version for use
in CS6 and above. Template Photoshop Version 8
Overview of the PSD files included and how they are organised.
• A4 & US Letter InDesign (.IDML)
version for use in CS4/5. Template Adding Your Photo 9
Follow the instructions below to re-create the style of
• A4 & US Letter Photoshop the photo included in the template preview.
(.PSD) versions for use
in CS3 and above. Template Skills Section 10
How to edit the skills section in the InDesign and Photoshop versions.
• High Resolution PDF
versions of all files. Exporting to a PDF file 11
A short guide for exporting as a PDF from InDesign or Photoshop.
• 36 Social Icons (.INDD,
.IDML, .AI & .EPS files).

• This documentation PDF.

Image Credits From the Author

The images used in the template I hope you find everything you need in this documentation
preview are for illustrative and have fun creating your own Resume/CV.
purposes only and are not If you have any questions about the template or this help file,
included in the download. you can contact me through Creative Market or visit
www.bilmaw.com and use the contact page. Enjoy! ~ Billy (bilmaw)

Installing Fonts
A quick guide to downloading and installing the
fonts needed to edit this template.

Unless you already have the following fonts installed on your computer,
you will need to download and install them before editing the template.

The fonts used are Roboto, available for download from the following link:

Below are some simple instructions for installing font(s) for your operating system:

• Ensure you include all the different ‘weights’ (bold, italic, extra bold, etc.)
when installing the font as there will be a separate file for each of these.

• You will probably have to restart the any programme

2 already opened like InDesign, Adobe Photoshop etc, before
any newly installed font is available for use.

Windows 8
• Extract the fonts, from the downloaded ZIP file, to any directory.
• Select the fonts and right-click (or double click an individual font).
• Select Open (in the case of several selected fonts).
• Click Install from the preview window (1).

3 Windows 7 & Vista

• Extract the fonts, from the downloaded ZIP file, to any directory.
• Select the fonts and right-click.
• Select Install (2).

Windows XP, Windows 98 & Windows 95

• Copy & Paste the fonts into the Fonts Folder,
usually found in C:\Windows\Fonts (3)
• Note: Don’t extract the fonts directly into the Fonts Folder (say,
from a Zip file), as they won’t install correctly. You must extract
4 them somewhere else first then Copy/Paste them over.

• Place the font files into /Library/Fonts (for all users) or
into /Users/Your_username/Library/Fonts (4)
• Note: If you have Font Book installed, double-clicking on the font file will open
Font Book automatically. You’ll see a dialog box with a preview of the font. Press
‘Install Font’ (bottom-right of the window) (5) and the font will be installed.

Font Management Software

5 You may also be using font management software such as
Extensis Suitcase, in which case you can refer to your particular
software’s help file on installing fonts in your programme.

Template Master Pages
Master Pages in InDesign - what they are and how they can
help you keep your layout consistent, and save you time!

APPLYING Master Pages - Where to Start

Master Pages
The Master Pages included in the
To apply a master to one page, drag template include guides to help with
the master page icon to a page icon your layouts and also elements that
in the Pages panel. When a black repeat throughout the template (e.g.
rectangle surrounds the desired background graphics). You can edit
page, release the mouse button. Master Pages by double clicking on
the thumbnail in the ‘Pages’ window
(Top Menu > Window > Pages)
and then making any changes.

This template uses a ‘Main’ Master

Page which contains elements
that repeat throughout the entire
document and once these details
are edited they will be updated on
every page of the template. This
should be your first edit as it contains
important information such as your The ‘Pages’ Palette, with the
name and contact details etc. ‘Main’ Master Page highlighted

Creating your Resume/CV

Each page has been created for you, but if you would like to add more or
APPLY a Master to edit pages follow these instructions. Create a new page in your document
multiple pages via the Pages Panel > Insert Pages or with the Top Menu - Layout >
Pages > Insert Pages and then select which Master you’d like to use.
In the Pages panel, select the
pages to which you want to You can copy/paste any layout elements that have been created
apply a new master. Then press for you throughout the layout to customise the Resume/CV to your
Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac needs. You can also refer to the supplied PDFs or the screenshots
OS) as you click a master. of this template on Creative Market if you need any ideas.

Adding your own details is just a case of editing the existing

UNASSIGN text boxes included in the template. You can delete the
Master Page placeholder text and place your text/information.

Apply the None Master from the The following pages in this help file will explain the Paragraph/
Masters section of the Pages panel. Character/Object Styles and how to apply them to speed up
your editing process. It also has information on the Baseline
Grid that is used for the typography and how to edit the ‘Skills’
section for the InDesign and Photoshop versions.

Template Baseline/Document Grid
An overview of the Baseline/Document Grid that is used to align
the typography and other graphic elements in the template.

Using the Baseline/Document Grid

This template has been carefully
constructed and uses a perfectly aligned
Baseline and Document Grid, based on the
Body Text font size, to create sleek and
organised layouts with minimal effort.

The Blue Horizontal Baseline Grid is

used by the majority of the Paragraph
Styles and automatically aligns your
text. You can turn the Baseline Grid
On/Off under Menu > View > Grids &
Guides > Hide/Show Baseline Grid. Blue Line - Baseline Grid
Grey Line - Document Grid
1 The Grey Document Grid is used to align Purple Line - Column Guide
all your graphic elements. You can turn
the Document Grid On/Off under Menu > View > Grids & Guides > Hide/Show
Document Grid. You can also snap to the Document Grid to make creating layouts
even easier under Menu > View > Grids & Guides > Snap to Document Grid.

If you want a quick preview of your layout without any guides just press
W, this will allow you to quickly assess how your layout is shaping up.

Turning Off Alignment with the Baseline Grid

2 The Baseline Grid makes aligning text and graphic
elements easier but if you are unfamiliar with using
it and would like to remove the functionality or if
it’s causing problems follow these few steps:

1. Open the Paragraph Styles Palette (Window > Styles

> Paragraph Styles), you will see a list of all the text
styles used in the template (you may have to expand the
folders by clicking on the grey triangles beside them).
2. Right-Click on a style and select Edit “<Style Name>”...

3. In the dialog box, select Indents and

Spacing in the left column.

4. Next, at the bottom of the dialog box change the Align to

Grid drop-down list from ‘All Lines’ to ‘None’, then click OK.

You will need to do this for all of the styles that you no
longer want to align to the Baseline Grid. Although it
4 may be best and save you time to only edit the style
that seems to be causing issues within the layout.

Template Paragraph Styles
An explanation of the included Styles and how
they are used to customise your layouts.

APPLYING Below are the Paragraph Styles that control the formatting of the text
Paragraph Styles included in the template; everything from body text to headings.

Using these styles is as simple

as just highlighting either the GROUP / TOP PAGE Window > Styles > Paragraph Styles
text or text box you wish to
change, then clicking on the Name
desired style in the style palette. White text along the header for the resume owners name.

You can also use Quick Occupation/Job Title

Apply (Ctrl/Cmd - Enter), Small coloured sub-heading under the name for the persons job title/profession.
and choose the desired style
from the pop up menu. Title - White
Large white title used for intrductory text (e.g. HELLO)

Explanation of Small Title - White

‘Based On’ Smaller white subtitle below the main title (e.g. this is my Resume)

The styles in InDesign have a

clever feature in that you can GROUP / TITLE Window > Styles > Paragraph Styles
create a style ‘based on’ another.
Meaning if you change an Section Title
attribute in the parent or starting Coloured title for introduction to each section of the resume (e.g. Employment)
style, each style that it’s based
on will follow those changes. Title - Black
Bold text used for important parts of information such as Name, Address etc.
This feature is present in the
main styles used in this template Title - Colour
including Titles, Subtitles and Bold text in main colour used for dates in the Employment and Education sections.
Body text. For example: if
you edit the font in the first of
these styles in a group, they GROUP / BODY TEXT Window > Styles > Paragraph Styles
will all change accordingly.
Body Text - BLACK
This feature can also be switched Main style for most of the text in the template. Used for
off by choosing [No Paragraph everything except headings and sub-headings.
Style] under ‘Based On:’ to make
the style function independently. Body Text - WHITE CENTRE
Main text style only in white with centred justification.

Template Character/Object Styles
An explanation of the included Styles and how
they are used to customise your layouts.

About Character Styles Below are the Character Styles that control inline
formatting of the text included in the template.
The Character Styles included
are used for inline styles, for
example, highlighting a word in Window > Styles > Character Styles
the title of a layout. You can see
examples throughout the sample Bold
layouts and they are very versatile Very simple style for making inline words in your text bold where
in expanding the options available. the Paragraph Style would make all the text bold.

To use just highlight the text you

wish to style and click the name
of the Style in the Character Styles
palette. These styles can be applied
to any Paragraph Style, so please
experiment and use the samples
in the template as a guide.

About Object Styles Window > Styles > Object Styles

Object Styles are used for

the graphic elements in your Skill Bar Background
layouts. They are very useful as Thick stroke style used on the skill bars as a background in the Master Page.
you can not only store attributes
like colour and stroke but you Skill Bar
can define the Paragraph Styles Thick stroke style in main colour used as the editable part of
of text contained in the box. the skill bar for you to adjust to suit your skill level.

Included are styles for specific Colour SOLID LINE

elements of the layouts as This style is used as a section divider for different parts of the layout.
well as some generic styling
which can be used anywhere,
so feel free to experiment.

NOTE: Object Styles don’t control

size or position but you can
copy and paste or refer to the
Master Pages for examples.

Template Photoshop Version
There are Photoshop (PSD) versions of the InDesign
Templates included, here’s a quick run through...

Editing a In the folders PSD A4 / PSD US Letter, there are five A4 size Templates (PSD A4)
‘Smart Object’ and five US Letter size Templates (PSD US Letter) for each coloured version the
template. Each PSD contains well organised layers/layer groups which are colour
The image placeholders included coded (explained below) for ease of finding which elements you need to edit.
in the PSD files are Smart Objects
so all you have to do is drop in
your own photos/artworks. PSD Layer Colour Coding
Follow these steps to edit the The layers within the Photoshop files are organised and colour coded based
contents of a Smart Object: on their function, the following text explains what each colour means:

1 In the template, select

the Smart Object layer Green is a placeholder
in the Layers panel. layer. This usually includes
elements such as margin/
2 Choose Layer > Smart Objects > guides or shapes that
Edit Contents. are for reference only
Or you can simply double-click and are designed to be
the Smart Objects layer turned off before exporting
thumbnail in the Layers panel. your final artwork.

3 Place or Copy/Paste your own

photo/artwork. Red are background elements
Scale or crop your image including headers, footers,
to suit the layout. dividers other elements
which can usually be left
4 Choose File > Save to untouched once you’ve
incorporate the edits. added your own details.

5 Close the file.

Yellow contains text
6 Return to the Photoshop information and smart
template, which contains your objects. These layers are all
Smart Object. editable for you to include
If all goes as expected, all your own information.
instances of the Smart Modifying the contents of
Object are updated. a smart object is explained
on the left of this page.

Backwards Above: Screenshot of the PSD Layers

Compatibility (File: my resume v1 A4 1.psd). Green
Guides, Yellow Text Layers / Smart
The Photoshop Files included Objects and Red Background Elements.
were created with CS6 and saved
with Maximum Compatibility
enabled. They have been tested
as far back as Photoshop CS3
and are fully intact and editable.

Template Adding Your Photo
Follow the instructions below to re-create the style of the photo included in the template preview.

NOTE: You have to use a GREYSCALE image for InDesign!

The photo is held inside the
coloured image box at the top
of the layout. To re-create the
preview style you need an image
that is greyscale, preferably with
a white isolated background.

Open your Pages Palette and

double click the Main Master Page. Select the M-Main Master Page. Select the top colour image box.
Click on the top colour section
and the choose File > Place from
the Main Menu (Cmd/Ctrl + D).

Use the White Direct Selection

Arrow to move your image around
inside the box until you’re happy

With the image selected,

choose the Secondary Colour
from the Swatches Palette
to match the colours. Place your image (Cmd/Ctrl + D). With the image selected, chose
the Secondary Colour Swatch.

To add your photo, there is an
Add Photo folder. Expand this
and double click the Add Photo
Here Smart Object Icon.

This will open the file, from there

paste in your image. Feel free to
move your image around until
you’re happy with the crop. You can Double click Add Photo Layer Icon. Paste your image (Cmd/Ctrl + V).
open the Smart Object again later
and move it around if you need to.

Save your changes and close

the Smart Object. You will
see the image updated in
the top half of the layout.

The colour is added by a

Gradient Map Adjustment
Layer above the image. Save then close, and the image will The colour is added by the
be updated in the the template. Gradient Map above the image.

Template Skills Section
How to edit the Skills section for the InDesign and
Photoshop versions of the template.

The ‘Skill’ bars in the InDesign
template are created using
simple stroked lines. The
coloured line on top can be
edited using the Selection
Tool (Black Arrow).

Grab the anchor on the right side The ‘Skills’ Section

of the line and scale to suit your
capability in a skill. You can use
the Document Grid (Menu > View
> Grids & Guides > Hide/Show
Document Grid) and also snap to
the Document Grid to help you
(Menu > View > Grids & Guides
> Snap to Document Grid).

Changing the colour is a

case of selecting the line and
choosing a colour from the
Swatches Palette (Menu >
Window > Colour > Swatches).

Grab the right anchor of the Snap to the Document Grid to help
selected line and drag to scale. you to scale the bar accurately.

The ‘Skill’ bars in the
PhotoShop template are
created with the Shape Tool.

You can edit them with the

Direct Selection Tool (A) then
grabbing the anchor on the
right side to scale the line.
Hold Shift while dragging
to keep the line straight or
nudge using the arrow keys.

You can change the colour by

double-clicking the Layer icon
and choosing your new colour Select the correct Layer for editing Click and drag the line anchor
from the picker that pops-up. from the Layers Palette. with the Direct Selection Tool (A)
or nudge with the arrow keys.

Exporting to a PDF file
For those unfamiliar with exporting as a PDF from InDesign
or Photoshop, I’ve included a short guide below.

What is a PDF and Export as PDF from InDesign

why use it?
When you are finished editing
the template and have
completed your resume/
cv, you may want to upload
to job search websites and
have a file that you can email
to potential employers.

The perfect file format to

accomplish this task is a PDF
(Portable Document Format).
This file is a compressed, widely
accepted file format that is easy 1. Choose File > Export from the 2. In the dialog box, rename and/or choose
to upload and email. Another menu at the top of the screen. a place to save your file. From the ‘Format’
bonus is that nothing in your drop-down menu select ‘Adobe PDF (Print)’.
layout will change when viewed
on a different computer, so your 3. In the next dialog box, from the Adobe PDF
potential employer will see your Preset drop-down menu select either ‘Press
Resume/CV as you intended. Quality’ or ‘High Quality Print’ if you intend to
print out your PDF and ‘Smallest File Size’ if
you intend to email or upload to a website. I
Printing a PDF and would advise saving a Print-Ready and Web
including ‘Bleed’ version and naming them accordingly so you
have a Resume/CV ready for when you need it.
If you’d like to get your Resume/
CV printed professionally by Press Export (Save PDF in Photoshop) and
a Printing Company, you can the PDF will be made in the background in
export your PDF with ‘bleed’, no more than a few seconds depending on
which is a little extra around the your computer and the complexity of the file.
edge for the Printing Company
to cut into so the colour goes
to the very edge of the page.

InDesign - When exporting,

choose ‘Marks and Bleeds’
from the left column (step 3)
and tick the ‘Use Document
Bleed Settings’ box, then
Export as normal.

Photoshop - The PSD files

in this template already
include bleed so just export 1. Choose File > Save 2. Rename and/or choose a place to
for PDF as normal. As from the menu at the save your file. From the ‘Format’ drop-
top of the screen. down menu select ‘Photoshop PDF’. Then
follow STEP 3 for InDesign above.

by bilmaw on Creative Market | www.creativemarket.com/bilmaw

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