Indesign - Resume Help
Indesign - Resume Help
Indesign - Resume Help
0 | March 2014
for Adobe InDesign CS4+ / Photoshop CS3+
Master Pages explained and what they are for
All of the Paragraph/Character & Object Styles explained with examples
Getting Started Guide
Overview of Baseline Grid & Type Alignment
Tips and Guides for InDesign to make the
most of your Template purchase
Installing Fonts
A quick guide to downloading and installing the
fonts needed to edit this template.
Unless you already have the following fonts installed on your computer,
you will need to download and install them before editing the template.
The fonts used are Roboto, available for download from the following link:
Below are some simple instructions for installing font(s) for your operating system:
• Ensure you include all the different ‘weights’ (bold, italic, extra bold, etc.)
when installing the font as there will be a separate file for each of these.
Windows 8
• Extract the fonts, from the downloaded ZIP file, to any directory.
• Select the fonts and right-click (or double click an individual font).
• Select Open (in the case of several selected fonts).
• Click Install from the preview window (1).
• Place the font files into /Library/Fonts (for all users) or
into /Users/Your_username/Library/Fonts (4)
• Note: If you have Font Book installed, double-clicking on the font file will open
Font Book automatically. You’ll see a dialog box with a preview of the font. Press
‘Install Font’ (bottom-right of the window) (5) and the font will be installed.
Template Master Pages
Master Pages in InDesign - what they are and how they can
help you keep your layout consistent, and save you time!
Apply the None Master from the The following pages in this help file will explain the Paragraph/
Masters section of the Pages panel. Character/Object Styles and how to apply them to speed up
your editing process. It also has information on the Baseline
Grid that is used for the typography and how to edit the ‘Skills’
section for the InDesign and Photoshop versions.
Template Baseline/Document Grid
An overview of the Baseline/Document Grid that is used to align
the typography and other graphic elements in the template.
If you want a quick preview of your layout without any guides just press
W, this will allow you to quickly assess how your layout is shaping up.
You will need to do this for all of the styles that you no
longer want to align to the Baseline Grid. Although it
4 may be best and save you time to only edit the style
that seems to be causing issues within the layout.
Template Paragraph Styles
An explanation of the included Styles and how
they are used to customise your layouts.
APPLYING Below are the Paragraph Styles that control the formatting of the text
Paragraph Styles included in the template; everything from body text to headings.
Template Character/Object Styles
An explanation of the included Styles and how
they are used to customise your layouts.
About Character Styles Below are the Character Styles that control inline
formatting of the text included in the template.
The Character Styles included
are used for inline styles, for
example, highlighting a word in Window > Styles > Character Styles
the title of a layout. You can see
examples throughout the sample Bold
layouts and they are very versatile Very simple style for making inline words in your text bold where
in expanding the options available. the Paragraph Style would make all the text bold.
Template Photoshop Version
There are Photoshop (PSD) versions of the InDesign
Templates included, here’s a quick run through...
Editing a In the folders PSD A4 / PSD US Letter, there are five A4 size Templates (PSD A4)
‘Smart Object’ and five US Letter size Templates (PSD US Letter) for each coloured version the
template. Each PSD contains well organised layers/layer groups which are colour
The image placeholders included coded (explained below) for ease of finding which elements you need to edit.
in the PSD files are Smart Objects
so all you have to do is drop in
your own photos/artworks. PSD Layer Colour Coding
Follow these steps to edit the The layers within the Photoshop files are organised and colour coded based
contents of a Smart Object: on their function, the following text explains what each colour means:
Template Adding Your Photo
Follow the instructions below to re-create the style of the photo included in the template preview.
The photo is held inside the
coloured image box at the top
of the layout. To re-create the
preview style you need an image
that is greyscale, preferably with
a white isolated background.
To add your photo, there is an
Add Photo folder. Expand this
and double click the Add Photo
Here Smart Object Icon.
Template Skills Section
How to edit the Skills section for the InDesign and
Photoshop versions of the template.
The ‘Skill’ bars in the InDesign
template are created using
simple stroked lines. The
coloured line on top can be
edited using the Selection
Tool (Black Arrow).
Grab the right anchor of the Snap to the Document Grid to help
selected line and drag to scale. you to scale the bar accurately.
The ‘Skill’ bars in the
PhotoShop template are
created with the Shape Tool.
Exporting to a PDF file
For those unfamiliar with exporting as a PDF from InDesign
or Photoshop, I’ve included a short guide below.
by bilmaw on Creative Market |