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JUNE, 2018







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Table of content……………………………………………….……………………………….III

List of table ……………………………………………………….………………………..….VI

Abstract ………………………………………………….………………………………….…VII

Chapter One; Introduction

1.1. Back ground of study …………………………………………………………….
1.2. Statement of the problem ………………………………………………………….
1.3. Research Question------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.4. Objectives’ of the study ……………………………………………………………...

1.4.1General Objective-----------------------------------------------------------------------

1.4.2 Specific Objective-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.5. Significance of the study-------------------------------------------------------------------

1.6 Scope of the Study-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.7 Research Methodology------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1.7.1 Description of study Area-----------------------------------------------------------------------

.1.7.2 Research Design-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1.7.3 Source of Date and Type-----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Primary Data------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secondary Data-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.7.4 Data Collection Tools-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.7.5 Sampling Technique and Sampling Procedure-----------------------------------------------------
1.8 Data Analysis and Interpritation------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.9Limitation of the Study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter Two ;Review Related literature

2.1 Urbanization and Land Administration General Out Look------------------------------------------

2.1.1 Urban Land use policy------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.1.2 Land use Regulation Retard Economic Development------------------------------------

2.2 Land Administration-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.2.1 Land Management---------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.3 Urban Land Use-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.3.1 Land Development----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.3.2 Land use Planning--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.4 Planning Tool----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.4.1 Master Planning---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.5 Relation Man With Urban----------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.6 Urbanization---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.7 Development Impacts of land administration on urban cites

2.7.1Titling of New Area of mostly on the urban periphery under squatter relocation programs---

Chapter Three ;Data analysis and Interpretation-----------------------------------------------

3.1 Demographic Characteristics of respondents----------------------------------------------------

3.2 Factors hinder the resident from getting land--------------------------------------------------

3.3 Ensuring better performance of land administration institution--------------------------------------

3.4Good Urban land Administration Bringing urban development--------------------------------------


3.5Factors affecting land administration to achieve urban development--------------------------------


3.6 Measures that should be taken to solve land administration problems------------------------------

3.7 Qualitative Data Gathered Through Interview and Interpritation--------------------------------

3.7.1Land distribution System and the beneficiary Epectation-------------------------------------------

-3.7.2 Fair distribution of land between rich poor-------------------------------------------------------

3.7.3 Factors in failure of good urban land administration system------------------------------------

3.7.4 Squatter settlement and reason for its existence---------------------------------------------------

3.7.4 Impacts of Land Administration on the life of Residents------------------------------------------

-Chater Four Conclusions and Recommendations--------------------------------------------------------






First I would like to express my heart felt thanks to God and his mother st virgin marry for
helping me through all my life to accomplish this paper. Next my special thanks for my darling
advisor ALEMNESH TSEHAY who scarified her precious time to review my paper and given me
consistent advice and guidance to accomplish this paper and also I thanks my friends Essays
Temesgen and Lalem who are help me morally .Finally for my families who support me
financially especially my brother Mamush Markos to accomplish this work


The research is done on the title of the an assessment of the problems of land
administration in Gubre Sub-city the researcher used both qualitative and quantitative
research design and also both data types are used ,interview and questioner are applied to
gather data the researcher used probability sampling ,particularly purposive sampling and
analysis are through tables ,percentages and numbers and also by using words ,phrases
and sentences the result of this study shows that there are impacts that hinders the
residents from getting land and come up with possible solutions and recommendations to
avoid the problems.
Chapter One; Introduction

1.1 Background Of the Study

Land administration is a process of determining and delaminating the

ownership and uses right of the land (Williamson :2004). Land administration
also facilitates the implement action of land use policies, supporting economic
development management and social stability in both developed and developing
countries (Ibid).

Systems for the administration of land use issue are commune public service
at local or national level in a most states of the world (New geography;2o12).
Such organization has evolved or has been established of different times in
different societies but, their, emergency in such diverse situation suggest that
they fulfill an essential public service (Ibid). The economic and social rational
that underlies the evolution system is essentially universal. (Ibid). studies show
the urbanization, growing at faster rate in Ethiopia not only the urbanization,
but also the rapid increase of urban population is very high this as creating
negative impact on the countries social and economic development at large

As the number of urban resident increase from time to time the requirement of
land is obliviously high that well of that construct house industries, recreation
center and etc (Abuyi 2000).

Accordingly, the researcher will try to investigate how, urban land

administration and urban development related in a cause of Dilla urban land
administration particularly sesa sub city administration with challenges and
prospects of urban land administration on urban development.

1.2 statement of the problem

Urban land administration is essential for managements of land in urban areas

that are available, for housing recreation centers, commercial centers and etc
(Sudhakar Reddy, 2000). The current land administration development practice
in Ethiopia of in everywhere characterized by inadequacy, service and
administration management is poor, because the system is new and its
importance is emerged or it has been aroused since the second world war,
when the need for planning of urban places was universally felt (Dubey,
1969)cited in sudhakar reddy. a bid by in the cause of those the urban land
management are in aspirate or un affordable land use building standard

The amount of revenue collected from property tax is very law was compared to
other sources of revenue. Squatted settlement an illegal constructed is some
problems related to land administration (Abuyi, 2006).

In Gubre Sub-city the land admnistration is not effeectivelly carried.Extent

there are some problems related to land administration, inadequate access to
land, conflict between societies on acquires of land squatter settlement. So the
researchers will asses these problems of distribution between rich and poor
peoples,illegal settlement is the most problem of land administration on Gubre

1.3 Research questions

A. What the challenges of urban administration on Gubre sub-city?

B. What are the mechanism of addressing the program of land
administration in Gubre Sub-city?
C. What are the possible solutions and recommendations to solve the

1.4 Objectives of the study

1.4.1 General objective

General objective is assessing the problem of urban land administration in

gubre sub city.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

 To identify challenge of Gubre Sub-city land administration.
 To identify the mechanism of addressing the problems of Gubre
land administration
 To suggest and recommend possible solutions
1.5 Significance of the study

This study could benefit other researchers on the same topic as secondary
data source. The will be recommendations and proposed solutions could be
used as inputs by the urban land administration. It also use it as one target to
identify the problem and also it used as secondary source for later researchers.

1.6 Scope of the study

The scope of study is to be conduct specifically focused on assessing the

problem of land administration on Gubre sub city in regional state of Southern
Nation Nationality.

Kana Ch-3 irratti hojjenna haala tessuma lafashe,Sanyii nm achi jiratu,haala


1.7 Research methodology

1.7.1 Discreption of study area

Gubre Sub-city is one of zone in south nation nationalities and people’s

regional state.

The capital city of Chea Woreda,there are also sub cities such as Bedicha,
Haruwolabu, and sesa sub cities. But the study only conducted in sesa sub
city because the problems are visible in the area such as squatter settlement
and inadequate access to land. Sesa situated between north Sidama zone,
Haru wolabu sub city from south, Oromia, region western and Bedicha sub city
in the eastern direction. The total population of sesa is 25955 from this 12178
are females, and 13777 males.

1.7.2 Research design

The methodology that the researcher would used both qualitative and
quantatative ways of data analysis and the researcher will use table and
percentage to present the data and will employ a descriptive approach.

1.7.3 Sources of data and type

The researcher may used two types of data those are the primary and
secondary data. primary data

The primary data would be collected through questionnaire and face to face
interview. secondary data

Secondary data that the researcher will collect be from different literature news
paper magazine and others.

1.7.4 Data collection tools

The main data collection tool that the researcher would use in this study was
asked both open and closed ended questions and interview. The researcher
would asked questionnaire to urban land beneficiaries and would have
interview with land administration officials.

1.7.5 Sampling technique and sampling procedure

In conducting this study the researcher would use probability and purpasive
sampling techniques with regarding to this the researcher selected 30 peoples
from total population of sesa 25955. The reason behind selecting this sampling
method is available and believable that is more appropriate get relevant
information from the study area. The researcher purposively selects 10 urban
land administrator’s worker
s and 20 urban land beneficiaries from sesa.becuase I would like to ask both
persons these are persons which get benefiting and not benefiting from the
land because to get different and conducive idea while came to administrators
the issue must shows them and when come to the sampling 30 people from the
total of 25955 take more is asks more power and not appropriate to get detailed

1.8 Data analysis and interpretation

The researcher would use both qualitative and quantitative methods the data
that would collected from questionnaires are analyzed by using quantitative
method using tables and percentages and the data that will collected from
interviews are analyzed by qualitative methods by using words sentence and

1.9 Limitation Of The Study

Adequate and reliable information is important to under take any kind of

research activities. But to do this research there are limitations. Among that
the following are the major ones;

 .lack of material
 .lack of experience to conduct the research
 .lack of adequate and reliable information

Chapter Two

Review of Related Literature

2 .1 Urbanization and land administration general out look

2.1.1 Urban land use policy

It maintains an increase of urban economic productivity in 1990s, which ensures

that adequate supplies of serviced land are available for productive enterprises and
as well as residential and social issues. The critical policy objective, which should
concentrate on the provision to support and facilitate economic c activities .But
poor infrastructure conditions, has dramatic affects on economic productivity.
Recent research on urban infrastructure in Nigeria illustrated that un realizable
infrastructure serves impose heavy costs manufacturing infrastructure and also in
Lagos infrastructure related challenges (LEE and ANAS ,1989).compressive land
use zoning first appeared in new York city in the early part of this century
[Cadawallader; M.1996].In1916 the state legislature delegated the authority to the
city which then enacted the first comprehensive zoning ordinance in North
America [Goldenberg and Harwood 1980].As one might imagine the
administrative structure related with urban use regulation is often exceedingly
complex zoning activity in typical community may involve planning board,
zoning enforcement officer, building inspector and so on[cadawaller
M.1996].Delays are inevitable when these or individual s have backlog of work
and the role of independent planning commission has been subject to increasing
attacs these lay planners who often administrator the subdivision regulations and
recommend zoning changes have been criticized on some grounds such as lack
expertise of professional planners un like the city council or the legislative bodies
and lack political accountability[ibid].

Per urban areas are often the front line of urban transformation and transition
particularly intermesh of land tenure arrangements administration and governance
(UN habitat, 2013) readjustment of land changes in the authority over planning are
carefully managed such that new arrangements respect existing land planning
choices changes in planning authority should be managed to inshore village or
customary authority how where previously held planning responsibility are not
completely disempowered the new urban land administration leading them to
changes (Naab et al, 20013) .

Example Ghana experience demonstrates growing demand for land mostly from the
non agricultural sector results in land scarcity higher and values and grater demand
for planning for customarily land and customary system often struggle to deal with
this new demands and in some cases disintegrate(Naab etal,20013) .

The resent attempt by Ethiopia federal government to incorporate land in the

surrounding in Oromo region in to Addis Ababa in accordance with new city master
plan provides un example of how badly managed process can fell resistance and
violence (ODI report urbanization land and property rights 1:2016),

2.1.2Land use regulation retard economic dynamism

Anther world wide problem affecting the productivity of firms is the extent and
complexity of government regulations and municipal regulation over plant sighting
and constriction businesses operations and licensing create enormous barriers for
firms, therefore policies that prevent the birth of new firms kill the incubator effects
of cites agglomeration economy and directly limit the economic growth (Lee,1985).

2.2 Land Adminstration

Land administration is the combination of the roofline process that regulating land
property development and use of land ( sudhaker reddy 2000). According to united
nations of economic commission for Europe ( 1996 ) land administration is a
process of determining , recording and disseminating information about the owner
ship use right and use of land through implementing and management policies .
land administration facilitates the implement action of land use policies supporting
economic development , environmental management social stability in both
developed and developing countries ( willing mson’s 2004 ) .

2.2.1 Land Management

It is system of land administration concerned with appropriate use of land for

different activities controlling the general performance of urban growth through
different measures and efficient utilization of urban land an also it is a process of
managing the use of land development in both rural and urban ( chris tp person and
Byrne ; 2006 ).

2. 3.Urban Land Uses

Urban land use deals with to problem emerging in urban centers in the process of
selecting and translating in to action, the optimum utilization of limited land
between shopping centers and residential areas (Sudhakar reddy, 2000) . The
geographical land use in urban area is a prime interest to the city planners . The
differentiation in land use patterns in urban area is vary due to internal
differentiation in localities of commercial establishment administrative offices
factories and residents (Ibid).. Due to interface in urban population and size of
population the land changes . All these add a dynamic to urban land use study
(Ibid). urban center is a collection of have non-agricultural people rural land
lessens , subsequent poverty , shrinking economic and employment opportunities
are high or have to large in fluent of migrants in to urban centrals (Ibid). The
receiving urban centers have not been able to accommodate the in flak , as the result
government , number of public utilities and in urban areas of developing countries
compaction among land users high land prices , poor system of land allocation and
communization of land and the absence of legitimate residential status are
problems which have obscured to challenge of to poor for obtaining even minimal
plots of land within proximity in employment centers (Ibid). Urban landlessness in
developing countries rises from the nature of socio economic system rather than
from obsolete scarcity ( Ojangu, 1992 ).

2.3.1 Land Development

Rafers to the land scope in number of ways such as changing land in natural
proposed such as housing sub diving real state in to lot typically for to porous of
human and development property[Reddy ; 2000) . Land development is a complex
highly coordinated and planned under taking that require for success, profit motive
on the part of development as well as apart of appreciation of human municipal ,
needs and it depends on the availability of land control with plans a lactase and
regulations[ibid]i .

2.3.2 Land Use Planning

It is a part of larger process of city planning and it is basically concerned with

location , intensity and amount of land development repulsed for various used of
space functioning of the city eg. Industry wholes soling business, housing recreation
education religious and cultural activities of the people (Chapin, 1957) cited in
Shudhakar reddy[ 2000] .

2 .4 Planning Tool

2.4.1 Master Planning

Master plan is a blue print for various perusals flute are contemplated to improve
the existing condition of the city and to control it facture growth in coordinated
manner (Reddy, 2000) . In the other words any scheme land development in urban
areas is known as , master plan (Ibid). master plan is a programme of feature
development of the city and construct the ntire city as unite

Generally master plan is prepared to reconstruct the city with planned housing and
modify the areas with advanced service facilities ( Ibid).

2.4.2 Relation of Man with Urban

The urban settlement to day as serves a unique function in the organization of

international trade, industrial innovation and management (Reddy, 2000). The
rapid emergence of such massive unit of settlement has how ever brought with it
acute planning problems , the essential need is to anticline the long term effects at
the out set . so that the efficient solution can to formulated the problems caused by
metropolitan on growth before they become curial . But the finest statistical
analysis will be no use without government anciently to implement the in dictated
policy unfortunately mega policy does not respect administrative boundaries and
its paretic extent , greatly exceeds any exciting regional unit of government (ibid).

2.5 Urbanization

Urbanization deals with the land as well as machine production ( sudhakar Reddy ;
2000). It is closely Include with the concentration of people at one place through
migration from fringe and surrounding areas with an abating hope for feature
materialistic self development (ibid ).

Hence urbanization is the component of regional economic development because

urban center provides of inter alis variety of centralized services for the
surrounding zones of indulgently example ; marketing of surplus agricultural
products, cottage industry product engineering goods etc (Ibid).

The term urban refers to towns or cities having marked secondary and tertiary
functions along with municipality or notified area committee (Ibid).

On the other hand it is a process of population increase on urban areas and indicates
that the growth of secondary and Territory activities such as manufacturing trading
and etc (Ibid).

2.6 Development impacts of land administration on urban cites

W e can observe social and economic impacts of titling the existing informal
settlements in the urban areas. This new result in dramatic increase in land values
over very short times span particularly in well located area which may incarnate
compurgation between potential benefiters adversely affect tenants and market
driven displacement of new titled owners. Un aware of the enhanced market for
value of there property and or forced in to distress in to sales in order to cope with
major economic difficulties (Ravallion M.S and Sangraula,2007;27]

2.6.1Titling of new area of mostly on the urban periphery under squatter

relocation programs

This programs are usually under taken as part of slum or of city beatification or
market driven development programs and such approaches have the intended or
unintended consequence of forcing the poor out of cities obtain with no or minimal
compellation except the relocation site.(WB, 2004 )


This chapter contains two parts the first part deals with analysis and land beneficiary
questionnaire and the second part deals with analysis and interpretation of interview of land

3.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents

Item Respondents
No Percentage
Sex %
Male 12 66.67%
Female 6 33.33%
Total 18 100%
Age category -
Below 20
20-30 2 11.11%
31-40 6 33.33%
Above 10 55.56%
Total 18 100%
Education status
Illiterate 6 33.33%
Primary school completed 6 33.33%
Secondary school completed 6 33.33%
Total 18 100%
Mattial status
Married 10 55.56%
Un married 6 33.33%
Divorced 2 11.11%
Total 18 100%
Orthodox 10 55.56%
Protestant 4 22.22%
Musilm 2 11.11%
Catholic 2 11.11%
Total 18 100%
It is possible to understand from table 3.1 that 66.67%precent are male and
remaining 33.33% are females. This shows that male respondents are participated
more and when concerning their age categories of the highest rates of respondents
are the age above 40 so it implies that the old are more participated in this
questionnaire when look their educational level33.33% are illiterate,33.33%
primary school completed and 33.33% secondary school completed. When
concerning their marital status 55.56 are married 33.33 are unmarried and
11.11are divorced. This shows that married are dominated the unmarried and
divorced and when come to religion 55.56% are orthodox 11.11% percent
Muslims 22.22% percent protestant and 11.11% catholic. This shows that large
number of Christian orthodox’s are more participate in this questionnaire

3.2 Factors hinders the resident from getting land

No Item Respondents
No of Percentage
1 Is there to me thing that hinders you
from unsung ( getting ) benefit from
existed land
Yes 14 77.78%
No 4 22.22%
Total 18 100%
Source; Data gathered from questioner, 2016

Table 3.2 shows that 77.78% of the respondent responded that there are factors
hindering urban residents of the sub city ( Sesa) from getting land while the
remaining 22.22% respond that there are no factors hindering the urban residents
from getting land so make a procedure these residents to get land that is the
administration system be effective.

3.3. Ensuring better performance of land administration institution

Majority of the respondent’s suggest that ensuring better performance and

administration as follows:

No Item Respondents Percentage (%)

What do you suggest or
command land those land
sector problem
Must use city master plan 8 44.45%
Giving development and 3 16.67%
training for society land
administers and for
Implementing rule and 1 5%
regulation of land
administration system
All 6 33.88%
Total 18 100%

Source: Data gathered from questioner, 2016

Majority of the respondents responded that to solve land sector

problem the administrators use master plan appropriately which shows
every activity which related with land are absences of master plan that
44.45 percentage said this and 33.88 percent said that giving
training for the society and the investors and for administers and
implementing rule and regulation for land administration system and
the administrator system and the administrator must use master plan
therefore these are the conducive alternatives to solve the sector
problem of this sub- city

3.4 good urban land administrations in bringing urban development

No Item Respondents
No of Percentage
2 How can good urban land
administration bring urban
by providing equal access 2 11.1%
to land chance to both rich
and poor section of the
By specifying areas that are 3 16.67%
protected for public
purposes public services
By using effective city 3 16.67%
master plan
All 10 55.55%
Total 18 100%
Source: Data gathered from questioner, 2016

As table 3.4 indicates large number of the respondents 55.55% respond that
there is good urban land administration which can bring about urban
development by full filling all the criteria such as providing equal access to
land title for both rich and poor section of to society, specifying areas that
are protected for the public service sector and implementing effectively the
city master plan. While 16.67% of them stated that specifying area that are
protected for public purpose and also the same percent said that using city
mater plan effectively and also the remaining.
11.11% respond that by providing equal access to land for both rich and
poor section of the society . Based on the above data the most important
factor to bring urban development is to fulfill all the criteria
3.5Factors affecting land administration to achieve urban development

No Item Respondents
No of Percentage
3 How land administration
fail to achieve urban
for lack of knowledge on 8 44.45%
procedures of land
administration and
distribution system
Lack of knowledge on how 1 5.5%
to maintain the quality of
urban land
By selling land 1 5.5%
Lack of giving training and 8 44.45%
A for the administration
and resident how to use
Total 18 100%
Source: own survey 2016
Table 3.6 shows that A44.45% of the respondents responded that land
administration fail to achieve the urban development by the reason
that lack of knowledge about procedures of land administration and
distribution system and also the same percentage 44.45% said that
land administration fail to achieve urban development by the reason
that lack of giving training and development to administration and
residents how to use land so it is possible to conclude that land
administration fail to achieve the urban development by the reason
such as , lack of knowledge about procedures of land administration
and distribution system, lack of giving training and development to
the administration and residents how to use land and related problems.

3.6 The measures that should be taken to solve land administration problems

No Item
2 What do you suggest to ensure Norseman Percentage %
better per for mince of land
administration institutions
By giving and train train and 10 55.55%
development to employs
institution is a time
By implementing rule and 3 16.67%
regulation of land administration
By telling land administration 2 11.11%
official how they distribute land
to residents
By identifying weak and strong 3 16.67%
side of the organization in
distributing land to the
beneficiaries .
Total 18 100%
Source; questionarey survey 2016

Table 3.3 shows that majority of the respondents responded that to ensure better
performance of land administration institution giving train to the employs of land
administration institutions from this I understood that they lack courses or they do
not taken courses which are related with land administration there fore they must
take train and take these courses to ensure better performance of land
administration institutions.

Implementing the existing rules and regulations of land administration system,

Identifying weak and strong side of land administration system and trying to avoid
weak side, while continuing with the strong one so as to bring urban development.
Weak sides such as corruption, lack of knowledge about the system.

By doing this and the related correcting measures it is possible to the above raised
questions, in order to bring the change on urban development.

3.7. Qualitative data gathered through interview and interpretation.

The researcher has undertaken direct personal investigation with the land
administers of the city( key informants) by asking them different questions both
structured and unstructured interviews. And the researcher has acquired detailed
information about the impact of urban land administration on the development of
urban cite such as Dilla.
3.7.1 Land distribution system and beneficiary expectation

The respondents’ forward that land administration in Dilla town and Sessa sub city
is good to some extent through it is difficult to fulfill the whole beneficiary’s
expectations. Sometimes squatter settlement such as illegal occupation of land
takes place through land administration rule and regulation prohibit illegal
occupation of land in this manner the these action of beneficiaries resulted for
imbalanced system. Since this imbalance brings about conflict among different
groups of the society it adversely affect the development of this urban cite and the
sub city in fact. Thus it is obvious that the measure that has to be taken place is to
correct this in balance so as to match the beneficiaries’ expectation with the
system of land administration. And this could be one way for urban development.

3.7.2 Fair distribution of land between rich and poor.

Most of the key informants stated that fair and legal distribution of land between
rich and poor is also important to bring urban development. They have stated also
if there was fair distribution of land among the residents they could have been
minimized squatter settlements as most of society get equal access to land. This
could also be one factor to reduces the illegal occupation o

However, some of key informants from land administration office stated that there
if fair distributions of land among every section of society like between the rich get
lands to invest on while the poor fairly acquired a plot of land to reside on. This
indicates that there is equal access to land between rich and poor. As most of the
key informants stated one can understand that still there is a problem in creating
accessibility of land between poor and rich.
3.7.3 factors that result in failure of good urban land administration

The key informants stated that there are many reasons that cause of land
administration to achieve the expected development. Some among the reasons are
lack of enough control on those occupied and occupying public land are the main
problems in this urban cite and the sub city those have contributed for the failure of
urban land administration. Therefore, as per the statement provided to the
researcher illegal occupiers and responsible personals of land administration
should be controlled.

3.7.4 Squatter settlement and reason for its existence

Moreover, the key informants added that squatter settlement taking place in Dilla
town is to get illegally residential area which is against master plan of the city that
adversely affects not only sesa sub city but also Dilla town in general. Because, it
makes difficult to build infrastructures, green areas, communication centers which
designed by the master plan of the city and this affect quality of the city.

3.7.5 Impact of land administration on the life of residents

Finally, the key informants stated that the impact of land administration can be
easily observed on life of residents. Since the problems with regard to land
administration could worthily makes un appropriate or un conducive as they
become homeless. Thus, finally it resulted for migration from Dilla town to other
Chapter four

Conclusion and Recommendations

4.1 Conclusions

 From the findings the researcher has reached conclusion that loss
controlling mechanisms on illegal occupiers and responsible personals of
land administration has contributed most for the existing problems of land
 It is also concluded that the controlling mechanism is poor as it fails to
implement the rules and regulations with regard to land administration.
 The researcher has also concluded that there is unfair land distribution
between rich and poor mismatch between beneficiary’s expectation and land
administration system.
 The researcher has also concluded that one of the problems with regard to
land administration in Dilla town sessa sub is squatter settlement.
 It is concluded that the main impacts of illegal occupation is, its impact on
regional government revenue as it reduces the tax that has to be collected
where it most determines the development of regions and their respective
urban cites.

4.2 Recommendations

Land administration system is important for the urban growth as the the researcher
and the respondents believe. This is because of bringing the city and its sub- city
quality . so the following matters of the issues are strongly recommended to make
land so as to bring the urban development in this sub- city.
 Giving training for both land administrations and urban residents in this sub
city so as to a ware them how to use urban land
 Working to reduce illegal occupation of land and make them to take legal
punishment who occupy illegally land
 Giving training to more land administrative organ to develop their
 By identifying the weak and strong side of the organization in distributing
land to the beneficiaries
 Giving owner ship certificate for these who authorized to get land residents
and other purpose
 By implementing rule and regulation of land administration system
 Giving equal access to land chance for both rich and the poor so as to reduce
illegal occupation of land by the poor due to lack of capital to compute with
the rich to get land. These are what should have taken to appropriate and
bring about effective and efficient land administration system so as to bring
about the sub city’s development and avoid un necessary land administration




Dear respondent, the purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data for the study about
to assess the impacts of land administration on the development of Dilla town sub-city sesa.
Responding to this question will not create any harm. Therefore, you are kindly requested to
respond confidentially while you are asked.


 Put an “X” mark for your answer in open box( ).

 For close ended question give your answer on the space provided.
 Please give brief discussion for open ended questions.


A. Sex
B. Age
 Below 20
 20-30
 31-40
 40<
C. Education status
 illiterate
 primary school completed
 secondary school competed
D. Marital Status
 Married
 Unmarried
 Divorced
E. Religion
 Orthodox
 Protestant
 Muslim
 Catholic
1. Is there something that hinders you from using or getting benefits from the existed
 Yes
 No
2. If your answer for question number “1” is yes please list each
3. What do you sagest to ensure better performance of land administration
4. How can land administration fail or unable to achieve urban development?
 Because lack of knowledge about procedures of land administration and
 Because lack of knowledge how to maintain the quality of urban land
 By selling land
 Lack of giving and training development to dwellers how they use land
5. What do you sagest or recommend those land sector
6. To solve the impacts of observed in land administration on the development of this sub-
city what measure will be taken pleas
7. How can good urban land administration bring urban development?
 By providing equal access to land chance for both reach and poor section of
urban inhabitants
 Specifying areas that are protected for public service sector
 By implementing effectively city master plan


Dill a University

College of social science and humanity

Department of civics and ethical studies

An interview will be dedicated for land administrators of the study area.

1. Do you think land administration system in this sub-city is good as the beneficiary
2. If no what is the reason you think?
3. Is there fair distribution of land between the rich and the poor?
4. Why these occur if you think no fair distribution of land between rich and poor?
5. If there squatter settlement in this sub-city? If yes what do you think other reason for
this squatter settlement?
6. What do you suggest to reduce squatter settlement and unfair land distribution system?
7. Is there any impact of land administration on your life ?

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