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Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Contents Chelsea®
What is a Power Take-Off?
The various types, what they do and the benefits of each ................................................................................... 1

P.T.O. Operation
How P.T.O.s work, gears, gear pitch and gear ratio ............................................................................................. 4

P.T.O. Types and Arrangements Review Exercise .............................................................................................. 6

How to Specify a P.T.O.

Information necessary to understand proper specification .................................................................................. 7

Specifying a P.T.O. Review Exercise .................................................................................................................. 10

Installation and Conversion of P.T.O.s

Explanation of installation of Side-mount and Countershaft P.T.O.s, driveshafts and conversions .................... 11

Installation and Conversion of P.T.O.s Review Exercise ................................................................................. 17

P.T.O. Troubleshooting
Review Exercise ................................................................................................................................................. 22

Glossary of Power Take-Off Terms ..................................................................................................................... 23

Glossary and Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 24

III Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs

IV Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
What is a Power Take-Off? Chelsea®


A Power Take-Off, or Why use a P.T.O.? Who would consider using a trips per any given unit of
P.T.O. gives a truck versatility wants to unload a truck by permanent scaffold on a time. It can also give
beyond its usual function of the shovel method? Who truck bed for aerial jobs? mobility to equipment
providing transportation for wants to operate a snow A P.T.O. makes it possible needed for relatively short
materials. It directs power plow blade by a hand- to utilize all or a portion of periods at different
to the auxiliary equipment powered winch? How the truck’s engine power locations such as the post
to perform work at the site could we pack trash in the to do these and many hole digger, cable stringer,
and/or enroute. garbage truck? Who more tasks. etc. A P.T.O. eliminates
the need for a second, or
A P.T.O. increases a auxiliary, engine to power
truck’s efficiency by the equipment. The
allowing it to unload faster P.T.O.s simple design and
and, thus, make more rugged construction
makes it cost-efficient and
trouble-free. It requires no
special cooling system,
has no ignition system,
nor requires other routine
engine maintenance. The
relatively smaller size and
greater mounting adapt-
ability of the P.T.O. affords
more space efficiency
when compared to a more
bulky auxiliary engine that
requires valuable truck
bed space and location
arrangement. Both the
initial investment and
operating costs for a
P.T.O. are much lower
than an auxiliary engine.
These advantages make
the P.T.O. the single most
popular auxiliary add-on
for new trucks.

1 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
What is a Power Take-Off Chelsea®
P.T.O.s come in various The Side Mount P.T.O. Top Mount P.T.O.s are Countershaft P.T.O.s are
types and sizes which are is attached to the side of designed to operate from, mounted behind certain
necessary because of the the main transmission, or and are attached to, the transmissions and replace
many different functions auxiliary transmission. top of the auxiliary the normal bearing cap at
P.T.O.s perform. Also, This is the most common transmission. They are the rear of the counter-
there are no standard P.T.O. in use and may be used in heavy-duty shaft. This concept has
types of heavy-duty trucks available for mounting to applications. Each unit is long been used on some
or truck transmissions. the side of the transmis- designed to function with European truck transmis-
Because vehicle manu- sion with either an S.A.E. a specific auxiliary. Also, sions and is available now
facturers do not always standard six or eight-bolt since it is attached to the on certain American-built
know the ultimate use of opening. When referring top of the auxiliary, it must twin countershaft trans-
their products, their to left-side or right-side also provide shifting missions.
transmissions are usually mounting, always view the capabilities for both the
specified only for a certain transmission from the transmission and the
type of use. This use is driver’s seat, rather than P.T.O.
likely to change several from the front of the
times during the life span vehicle.
of the vehicle, therefore
different types of P.T.O.s The Split Shaft P.T.O.
are needed to meet is designed to transmit
changing power and/or engine power and torque
speed requirements. For from the driveshaft. It is
example, a truck chassis attached within the
for a refuse truck usually vehicles drivetrain, behind
needs a different type of the transmission, and
P.T.O. than one with a requires special mounting
wrecker body. to the chassis frame.

There are six basic types

of P.T.O.s
• Side Mount
• Split Shaft
• Top Mount
• Countershaft Side


Top Mount

Split Shaft

2 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
What is a Power Take-Off? Chelsea®
These models are Crankshaft-Driven Driven P.T.O. is preferable provided since they run
mounted to a splined P.T.O.s are driven by the since it can be engaged directly off the engine
countershaft extension on front of the engine without shutting off the flywheel with no way to
the rear of certain crankshaft. They are used engine. A mechanical shift stop rotation except to
transmissions and are in heavy-duty and extra- can be used as long as turn off the engine. They
engaged through the use heavy-duty applications the engine is shut off must be “designed in” by
of an air-actuated clutch that require auxiliary when engaging or engine and transmission
collar. power while the vehicle is disengaging the crankshaft manufacturers and are
in motion. (Side Mounted unit. seldom, if ever, retrofitted
One benefit of the P.T.O.s could cause in the field.
Countershaft P.T.O. is that premature failure of the Flywheel P.T.O.s are
there are no meshing synchronizers in a “sandwiched” between the
input gears and, transmission if the P.T.O. bellhousing and the
consequently, no need to were in operation during transmission. Most allow
adjust backlash. The the shifting of gears.) A full engine torque for
gear-type countershaft clutch-type Crankshaft- intermittent operation. No
P.T.O.s have factory disconnect is normally
adjusted backlash between
the internal gears.



3 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
P.T.O. Operation Chelsea®


Spur Left Right or the point midway

Gear Hand Hand between the base of the
Helical tooth and the tip of the
Helical tooth, and a line drawn
tangent to the tooth profile
at the pitch diameter. The
pressure angle is impor-
tant because gears with
different pressure angles
will not mate and will
make a great deal of
The typical P.T.O. is spur gears and there are other must be left-handed. noise when meshing.
designed to pick up engine helical gears. On a spur If they are not matched, Different pressure angles
power, through rotation, gear, the teeth are cut they will clash. Helical mean different gear tooth
and transfer it to another straight across the gear gears also must have the designs.
piece of equipment. This parallel to the rotational same tooth construction in
is done either by mounting axis. Helical gears have terms of pitch, pressure
the equipment directly to their teeth cut on an angle angle and helix angle.
the P.T.O. or by connecting diagonally across the Helix angle is the degree
the equipment with a gear. This gives the gear of the angle cut across
small driveshaft. The teeth a slanted or twisted the gear.
P.T.O. input gear meshes appearance.
with one of the gears in The pressure angle of
the vehicle’s transmission. Helical gears may have a gear is the angle
The rotation developed by their teeth with a right- formed by a line
the engine drives the handed or left-handed drawn perpendicular
transmission, which turns slant. If you were to put to the pitch diameter
the P.T.O. gear, and the palm of your hand
rotates the P.T.O. output directly on the helical gear
shaft. teeth, you could tell what
type of gear you had.
The most important part Right-handed helical gear
of a P.T.O. is the gear, or teeth will slant up towards
gear set. Rotation is your right thumb, while
picked up by gears left-handed helical gear
meshing or mating with teeth will slant in a line
other gears, and in order with your left thumb.
for the P.T.O. to work, the
gears must mesh properly Obviously, a spur gear
with the transmission’s will not mesh properly
P.T.O. drive gear. It is very with a helical gear. It will
important, therefore, to mesh only with other spur
know the design and gears and only with those
specifications of the gear
teeth in the transmission.
that have the same tooth
construction. Helical gears
Side Mount
not only must mesh with P.T.O.
In P.T.O.s two types of each other, but one must
gears are used. There are be right-handed and the

4 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
P.T.O. Operation Chelsea®

Teeth Driving
6 Inch Gear
Gear Pitch:
36 ÷ 6 = 6 24 Teeth
Gear pitch is the
measure of the size of the
teeth and is determined
by the number of teeth in
a given area. A simple
way of determining gear
pitch is to divide the Driven
number of teeth by the Gear
pitch diameter of the gear.
Therefore, if a gear has
thirty-six teeth and has a
six inch pitch diameter, it Gear ratio is another P.T.O. gear ratio is easy revolutions per minute
has a gear pitch of six. important part of P.T.O. to understand. For example, (R.P.M.). The formula for
Spur P.T.O. gears are operation. The P.T.O. gear when a small gear with determining torque is:
normally identified as five, ratio can actually modify twelve teeth drives a T = Horsepower x 5252 or
six or seven pitch gears. the operating speed of the larger gear with twenty- Speed (R.P.M.)
Gear pitch is vitally engine to the requirements four teeth, it makes one
50 x 5252 = 262.6 lbs.ft. Torque
important since the P.T.O. of the P.T.O.-driven revolution while the other
gear must have the same device. The proper P.T.O. gear has turned only
pitch as the transmission model has the necessary halfway. The speed of the
The larger gear turned
gear in order to function torque capacity and larger gear is only half
only half as fast as the
properly. operating speed that most that of the smaller gear,
small gear. To measure its
clearly meets the needs of and even though the
the application. speed of the larger gear is
less, the torque or twisting 50 x 5252 = 525.2 lbs.ft. Torque
force is twice that of the 500
smaller gear. or twice that of the small
The gear ratio is
determined by dividing the If however, the situation
number of teeth in the was reversed with the larger
driven gear by the number gear driving the smaller gear,
of teeth in the driving gear the small gear would rotate
(24 ÷ 12 for a gear ratio of twice as fast as the larger
2 to 1). gear, but the torque would
rotate twice as fast as the
Although the gear ratio larger gear, but the torque
in the example given is 2 would only be half as great.
to 1, the change in torque
is 1 to 2. This is arrived at
by dividing the number of
teeth in the driven gear:
12 ÷ 24 = 1 to 2. Assume
the engine horsepower is
50 and the speed of the
small gear is 1000

5 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
P.T.O. Types & Arrangements - Review Execise Chelsea®

True or False
____ 1. The three basic ____ 7. For gears to mesh ____ 11. A P.T.O. may ____ 14. The most
parts of a P.T.O. are the properly, they should be require a different assem- common P.T.O. in America
case, shaft, and gears. the same pitch, size and bly arrangement to clear is the Countershaft P.T.O.
type. the chassis or frame, and
____ 2. The two types of to improve P.T.O. shaft ____ 15. The P.T.O. gear
gears that can be found in ____ 8. Torque is the alignment. ratio will modify the output
P.T.O.s are spur and twisting power or force speed of the engine to the
helical gears. necessary to overcome ____ 12. The benefit of requirement of the driven
resistance. the Chelsea Countershaft device.
____ 3. A helical gear has P.T.O. is that there are no
teeth that are cut straight ____ 9. If the horsepower meshing input gears and, ____ 16. A P.T.O. will not
across the gear parallel to is constant, the more consequently, no backlash increase a vehicle’s
the rotation axis. R.P.M.s a P.T.O. shaft to adjust. horsepower.
turns the greater the
____ 4. There are two torque will be. ____ 13. All P.T.O. gears ____ 17. If a gear has 35
types of helical gears ... are in constant mesh with teeth and a diameter of 5
right and left-handed. ____ 10. In a heavy-duty the transmission output inches, then its pitch is 5.
application, where full gear.
____ 5. A right-handed engine power is required, ____ 18. If a small gear
helical gear in a P.T.O. will a top mount P.T.O. should has 15 teeth and drives a
only mesh with the other be used. gear with 45 teeth, then
right-handed gears. the gear ratio is 3:1.

____ 6. Gear tooth

construction is important
because most P.T.O.s are
purchased to match the
reverse gear of transmis-

Split Shaft

1-T; 2-T; 3-F; 4-T; 5-F; 6-F; 7-F; 8-T; 9-F; 10-T; 11-T; 12-T; 13-F;
14-F; 15-T; 16-T; 17-F; 18-T.

6 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
How to Specify a P.T.O. Chelsea®

If all vehicles were one-speed, single-gear application sheet will help The second step, after
created and designed units to extra-heavy-duty you organize your you have the transmission
equally, there would be no units, units with reverse information and make this make and model, is to
problem in selecting the operation, and even those task much easier. refer to the Chelsea®
correct P.T.O. You could with two speeds forward Applications Catalog for
simply ask for one. But and one reverse. The form first calls for a listing of the P.T.O.s that
have you ever gone into a determining the make and will fit your particular
hardware store and just To begin analyzing any model of transmission transmission. Next a
asked for a hammer? You P.T.O. application, you being used. The information number of questions need
know how the salesman need to determine the is available from the to be answered concern-
probably responded? necessary technical identification tag found ing the particulars of your
“ ‘What are you going to information about its work located on most transmis- P.T.O. application. . . . .
use it for?’ ‘What weight and the installation sion cases.
do you want?’ ‘Do you
want a tempered, forged
requirements. A P.T.O. Locate
or cast head?’ ‘Fiberglass Transmission Tag
or wooded handle?’ ”
Selection of a P.T.O.
requires the same kind of
job analysis but is some-
what more detailed and

A P.T.O. must be able to

transmit a sufficient
amount of power to some
other driven equipment.
To accomplish this,
P.T.O.s are available in
many sizes and with
various capabilities to
meet output requirements.
They range from light-duty,

7 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
How to Specify a P.T.O. Chelsea®

Chelsea® Catalog will

help you find the actual
type of R.P.M. that meets,
or exceeds, the torque
requirements of your
Engine Opposite Engine particular application. Use
the application page in
matching the R.P.M.’s from
this list with the speed and
rotation requirements until
the one that best fits the
What type of equipment determine what direction torque divided by .7 application is identified.
is to be driven by the you choose. equals 200 lbs. ft. of Torque Note the model number
P.T.O.? Is it a hydraulic and necessary part
(140 ÷ 7 = 200 lbs. ft.)
pump? Is it a winch, or Note: A rule of thumb for numbers for any mounting
1 10
any other number of Allison transmissions parts that are listed along
mechanical devices (highway) is “P.T.O. the same lines as the
This would be the
requiring power? The rotation will be opposite R.P.M. number. Then,
increased torque
power requirements of that of the same type of determine what options
requirement needed for
the driven equipment P.T.O. when it is bolted to are needed and change
continuous application in
should be provided by a manual transmission” the R.P.M. part number
this example.
the manufacturer and because of a lack of a prefixes and suffixes to
should include the input countershaft in the reflect the correct options.
In the last step, the
horsepower necessary Allison’s.
General Information
for proper operation.
section of the
In the fifth step, the
The third step is to
torque requirement for the
determine P.T.O. speed.
P.T.O. is calculated by
This speed relationship is
using the torque formula
stated as a percentage of
mentioned earlier:
P.T.O. speed to engine
speed. For example, if the HP x 5252 = lbs. ft. of Torque
required pump speed is R.P.M.
100 R.P.M., and the plus data gathered from
engine operating speed is the customer. If the
1500 R.P.M., the percent- application is “continuous”
age of P.T.O. to engine (the P.T.O. is in operation
speed is approximately more than five minutes
two-thirds, or approximately out of every 15), the
67 percent. torque handling require-
ments of the P.T.O. must
The fourth step is to be increased. This
determine which direction increased torque
the P.T.O. is to turn. There requirement can be found
are two choices: engine or by dividing the torque
opposite-engine. The required by .7. For
requirements of the example, 140 lbs. ft. of
device being driven will

8 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
How to Specify a P.T.O. Chelsea®

Pressure Lubed

is important to remember
to read the footnotes.
Some transmissions may
not be able to withstand
the torque capacity of the
P.T.O. and its application
Lubricant or some other unique
Hose feature of the unit may be
pointed out by the foot-

Automatic transmissions pressure-lubricated during connected to the Proper application,

have special P.T.O. operation. This is neces- transmission’s oil cooling many times can mean the
application considerations. sary because the oil in line. Lubricant is then difference between a long
The choice of units is most automatic channelled directly to the and productive life cycle
qualified to those that transmissions is not critical wear points of the with little or no downtime
have the capability of concentrated near the P.T.O. Adapter assemblies or a constant irritation with
pressure lubrication. P.T.O. opening in enough are never used on an failures and frequent
Power Take-Offs for quantity to effectively lube automatic transmission repairs. For additional
automatic transmissions the P.T.O.s wearing parts. because they do not have application information,
are assembled with a When a P.T.O. is applied pressure-lubricated use the Chelsea P.T.O.
special, drilled idler shaft to an automatic design features. Applications and
which allows the input transmission, the pressure General Information
gear bearings to be lubrication hose must be Once the proper P.T.O. Catalogs. These catalogs
part number has been should be read and
selected, review the completely understood
application and make sure before any application is
that you have included all started. They contain
of the necessary informa- updated information and
tion. When selecting any detailed instructions for
P.T.O. from the catalog, it specifying Chelsea units.

9 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Specifying a P.T.O. - Review Exercise Chelsea®

True or False
____ 1. A P.T.O. is se- ____ 5. In a continuous ____ 8. P.T.O. adapter ____ 11. When specifying
lected to match a vehicle’s duty application, to assemblies can never be a P.T.O., it is a safe bet to
transmission gears rather identify the increased used on automatic specify units that meet or
than its engine horse- torque handling require- transmissions because exceed the torque ratings
power. ment of a P.T.O. divide the they do not have pres- required for the applica-
torque required by .7. sure-lubricated design tion.
____ 2. For proper P.T.O. features.
selection, it is important to ____ 6. The direction of a ____ 12. Any P.T.O. will
know the horsepower P.T.O.s rotation will affect ____ 9. Footnotes in accept the full power
requirement of the P.T.O.- the torque rating. Chelsea P.T.O. catalogs output of a transmission.
operated equipment. indicate a price change
____ 7. Only those P.T.O.s for particular units. ____ 13. To put a P.T.O.
____ 3. If the P.T.O.s that have the capability for into reverse, simply shift
speed is 1000 R.P.M. and pressure lubrication can ____ 10. The first step the transmission into
the engine speed is 1500 be specified for automatic when specifying a P.T.O. reverse.
R.P.M., then the percent- transmissions. is to ask whether a six-
age of P.T.O. to engine bolt or eight-bolt unit is ____ 14. Air-operated
speed is 75%. needed. control is not available for
a single-gear P.T.O.
____ 4. If a P.T.O. is in
operation more than five ____ 15. Reverse speeds
minutes of every fifteen, are available for most
then the torque handling P.T.O. models.
capability of the P.T.O.
must be increased.


1-T; 2-T; 3-F; 4-T; 5-T; 6-F; 7-T; 8-T; 9-F; 10-F; 11-T;
12-F; 13-F; 14-F; 15-F.

10 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Installation and Conversion of P.T.O.s Chelsea®

1/2 Inch
Line .006-.012”
Too Tight:

Six Eight Too Loose:

Bolt Bolt

There are no secrets or

special tricks to success-
fully installing a Chelsea
offer six-bolt torque capa- fluids. If filler blocks are deterioration. A correct
P.T.O. All the necessary
bilities with a eight-bolt used, a gasket must be meshing of gears is
information can be found in
mounting pad and simplifies inserted between each obtained when like-gears
the Owner’s Manual
installation. Eight-bolt one. Sometimes, to provide operate with a backlash of
accompanying each unit.
P.T.O.s however, should for correct backlash, two or from .006 to .012’’ clear-
Start at the standard P.T.O.
never be mounted by any more gaskets may be ance. Backlash should be
opening, correct the
means to a six-bolt opening. required. checked with a dial indica-
backlash by use of gaskets,
tor at the time of the
filler blocks and adapter
Eight-bolt openings are Backlash is the clear- installation.
assemblies, torque the
available on many ance needed between the
bolts, and connect the
transmissions and permit meshing of gear teeth to NOTE: In cooperation with
proper shifter parts. It’s just
the use of larger mating permit a quiet, smooth the transmission manufac-
that simple. The value of
gears, thus providing operation. An assembly turers and Chelsea many
the Owner’s Manual is that
greater torque handling which is too tight will result automatic and some
it gives the installer the
possibilities. Eight-bolt in a “whining” noise. If it is manual transmissions now
necessary detail to under-
mountings are usually too loose, the assembly will use special gaskets which
stand how a P.T.O. should
desirable and should be make a “clattering” sound. eliminate the need to check
be properly installed.
used for heavy-duty and Both conditions are backlash on those units.
extra-heavy-duty applica- undesirable because they
For example, the stan-
tions. Side Mounted P.T.O.s will result in loss of power,
dard location of the P.T.O.
drive gear is a half inch to
are mounted directly to the
transmission, separated
overheating, or
excessive gear
the front, or rear, of the
only by a gasket, or
P.T.O. opening’s vertical
gaskets. However, in some
center line.
cases, to obtain a correct
meshing of gears, other
These openings are
standard S.A.E. six-bolt or
mounting parts such as Block
filler blocks or adapter
eight-bolt openings. If it is
gear assemblies may be
necessary to install a
six-bolt P.T.O. in an eight-
bolt opening, this may be
Gaskets are available in
accomplished by the use of
an adapter plate in which
either .010 or .020 inch
thicknesses. A gasket must
case the P.T.O. is mounted
be used between all
to the adapter plate. Also
mounting surfaces to insure
available are the Chelsea
against loss of lubricating
489 and 680 Series that

11 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Installation and Conversions of P.T.O.s Chelsea®

Installing a Chelsea® Sidemount P.T.O.

(For 6 or 8 Bolt Mount Step 3. Install the proper

Applications) studs in the P.T.O. aper-
ture using a stud driver.
Step 1. Drain the oil from Where holes are tapped
Filler blocks are available An adapter gear is often
the transmission and through the transmission
in various thicknesses and used to change the
remove the P.T.O. aper- case, use a sealant to
should be used when the direction of the output
ture cover plate. prevent leaks.
distance between the shaft rotation in the P.T.O.
mating gears requires Most adapter gears will
NOTE: Avoid contact of
their use. This is preferable not affect the output
the sealant with automatic
to the use of a large speed of the P.T.O.
transmission fluid in
number of gaskets and However, instead of using
automatics. Always check
will prevent possible an adapter gear, it is
to be sure that the studs
leakage. Therefore, do not sometimes possible to
do not interfere with
stack more than four use a “deep mount” P.T.O.
transmission gears.
gaskets together. to accomplish the neces-
sary mating of gears. A Step 2. Discard the cover
deep mount has a milled plate and cover plate
case to allow the input gasket. Then clean the
gear to extend a greater aperture pad using a putty
distance into the transmis- knife or wire brush.
sion case.
NOTE: Stuff a rag in the
opening to prevent dirt
from entering the Tighten the studs securely
transmission while you and torque to 45-50 lbs. ft.
An adapter gear is used are cleaning it. (6.22-6.91 Kg. meters) for
when it is not possible to an eight-bolt, and 30-35
mount a P.T.O. with the Using your hand, rock the lbs. ft. (4.14-4.84 Kg.
input gear in direct mesh P.T.O. driver gear in the meters) for a six-bolt unit.
with the transmission transmission, and the
drive gear. This unit driven gear in the P.T.O.
resembles a filler block assembly. Rocking the
with a gear attached to gears provides you with
the opening. The adapter one important piece of
gear picks up the power information: It shows you
from the transmission the amount of backlash
gear and transfers it to the that has been designed
P.T.O. input gear. When into each. This is helpful in
such a unit is used, establishing the proper
however, it must contain a backlash when installing
gear construction which the P.T.O.
will mesh with both the
P.T.O. and the transmission

12 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Installation and Conversions of P.T.O.s Chelsea®
After assembly, refill that the use of a P.T.O.
transmission with oil and requires the addition of
briefly operate the P.T.O. from one to two extra
and check for noises quarts of oil to the trans-
resulting from incorrect mission, depending upon
mounting as well as the
proper positioning of the
sliding gear. If a whining
Step 4. Place the correct Step 5. Secure the P.T.O. sound is heard, gaskets
number of gaskets over to the transmission. Use should be added to
studs. Do not use sealant self locking nuts provided provide more gear
right away between gaskets with the P.T.O. clearance. If a clattering
because you may want to noise is heard, it is
add or subtract gaskets to The 221 Series must necessary to remove one
obtain proper backlash. always have a copper or more gaskets to
when mounting any P.T.O., washer under its one cap- provide a tighter fit. This
use gaskets between all screw head that goes pre-testing is important as
the size of the P.T.O. You
mounting surfaces but do through the inside of the many P.T.O. failures are
should anticipate a slight
not stack more than 4 housing. Fasten the P.T.O. due to faulty installation. If
increase in P.T.O. noise
gaskets together. For a to the transmission: there is any doubt about
level as the oil thins out at
transmission with a torque six-bolt P.T.O.s to the installation, always
operating temperature.
standard mounting depth, 30-35 lbs. ft. (4.14-4.84 check the Owner’s
After the P.T.O. has been
usually only one thick kg. meters) and eight-bolt Manual. Also, remember
in operation for a period of
(.020 [50mm]) gasket will P.T.O.s to 45-50 lbs. ft. time, check the torque of
be required. At least one (6.22-6.91 kg. meters). the mounting bolts and
gasket must always be Refer to the Owner’s the general operation of
used on either side of filler Manual for steps to check the unit. Look for leaks or
blocks, adapter assemblies, for proper backlash. other problems that may
or adapter plates. More have arisen. Correct them
gaskets may be required before serious damage
in order to establish occurs to either, or both,
proper backlash. the P.T.O. and transmis-


Add or Subtract Gaskets

to Achieve Proper Backlash

13 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Installation and Conversions of P.T.O.s Chelsea®

Installation of Chelsea® Countershaft P.T.O.s

The basic installation of Next, (if you’re working Install spring over Next, the shift valve can
a Chelsea Countershaft with a 540 unit) install the countershaft extension. be installed in the cab
P.T.O. is simple. First, long studs in the back of NOTE: Make sure spring using the template and
remove the bearing cap the case. is installed against the instructions found in the
that covers the extended bearing of the transmis- Installation Manual. Add
countershaft at the rear of sion. the prescribed amount of
the transmission. lubrication and run the
unit for a few minutes to
check for leaks. Then
check the lube level from
the transmission oil

Then mount the new The installation and

bearing cap and gaskets servicing of the Counter-
in the proper order over Mount the unit on the shaft P.T.O. is simplified
Then insert the clutch the shaft hole. countershaft and tighten when one uses the
gear that’s included in the NOTE: The lube holes the cap screws and stud information available in
installation package into must line up with the bolts to the proper torque. the Chelsea Counter-
the P.T.O. transmission holes as shaft Application and
shown. Installation Manual. Use
this booklet to answer
questions concerning
proper P.T.O. operations
and installation.

Install the two male

connectors to the air shift
cover and plumb the
system. (Refer to Owner’s
Manual for additional

14 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Installation and Conversions of P.T.O.s Chelsea®
Besides direct mounting a
pump to a P.T.O., you can
transfer power by means of
a P.T.O. driveshaft. A P.T.O.
driveshaft transmits torque
from the P.T.O. output shaft End Yoke
to the input shaft of the
driven accessory. The
driveshaft must be capable
of transmitting the maxi-
mum torque and R.P.M.
required by the accessory,
plus allowing for any shock
loads which may develop.

NOTE: Chelsea strongly

recommends the use of
pump supports (Support
Brackets) in all applications.
P.T.O. warranty will be void if torque. This length change, A bar-stock constructed the flange type construction
a pump bracket is not used commonly called “slip P.T.O. driveshaft is primarily would be best suited for an
when: 1) The combined movement,” is caused by aimed at low-torque application where the
weight of pump, fittings and movement of the powertrain applications operating at complete driveshaft would
hose exceed 40 pounds. 2) due to torque reactions and less than 1200 R.P.M. be removed often. This can
The combined length of the chassis deflections. Since P.T.O. driveshafts requiring easily be accomplished by
P.T.O. and pump is 18 most P.T.O. driveshaft additional torque or R.P.M. removing bolts, nuts, and
inches or more from the applications are for strictly should be tubular construc- washers used to connect
P.T.O. centerline to the end intermittent service, a tion. With tubular construc- the flange yoke and
of the pump. precisely balanced shaft is tion, the 100 Series companion flange. Except
rarely used. The most driveshafts are capable of where power is being
The P.T.O. driveshaft common design used in running up to 4000 R.P.M., transmitted wholly by gears,
operates through constantly these intermittent service and Spicer® 1280-1310 shafts, or pulleys, some
changing relative angles applications are of solid series are capable of type of universal joint is
between P.T.O. and driven shaft design using hex, running up to 6000 R.P.M. recommended. Other
accessory, therefore the square, or round bar-stock. applications that use P.T.O.-
length of the driveshaft P.T.O. driveshafts are type driveshafts are off-road
must be capable of chang- available with end construction machinery.
ing while transmitting Direct fittings of the
end yoke or
Mount flange con-


15 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Installation and Conversions of P.T.O.s Chelsea®
front and the output shaft
is to the rear. Should you
3 4 want a “standard mount”
on the left side of the
transmission with the
drive one-half inch to the
front of the vertical center
line of the opening,
assembly arrangement #5
would be used.

Changing the assembly

arrangements of any
P.T.O. is essentially a
process of first removing
the input gear and chang-
5 6 ing its position on the idler
shaft. Then, remove the
output gear and shaft and
P.T.O. Conversion change the position of
that gear. For more
Occasionally it becomes When working with The #3 arrangement, for
detailed information
necessary to change the assembly arrangements, example, is known as the
concerning disassembly
assembly of a P.T.O. for always have an under- “standard mount” when
and reassembly of a
one or more of the standing of the position of mounted on the right side
P.T.O., refer to the
following reasons: the gears and shafts in of a transmission with the
Chelsea Service Manual
• To change the position the four basic arrange- drive gear one-half inch to
on the particular unit.
on a transmission from ments. The only difference the front of the vertical
right side to left side, or between assembly center line of the opening.
vice versa. arrangements are the The input gear is to the
positions of the gears
• To change the P.T.O. within the housing and the
input gear to one that side of the housing where
will mate with the the output shaft protrudes.
transmission drive gear.
• To change the direction
of the output shaft from
pointing towards the
rear of the vehicle to
pointing towards the
front, or vice versa.
• To change the standard
output shaft arrange-
ment to a direct mount-
ing pump arrangement.

16 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Review Exercise Chelsea®

True or False
____ 1. There are no ____ 10. When installing a ____ 14. After a P.T.O. ____ 18. An imbalanced
standard P.T.O. openings P.T.O., be sure the has been installed, add P.T.O. driveshaft can
on most transmissions. opening on the transmis- extra oil to the transmis- cause vibration in the
sion is protected while the sion depending on the driven equipment and the
____ 2. The standard gasket is being removed. size of the P.T.O. P.T.O.
location of the P.T.O. drive
gear is a half-inch to the ____ 11. Copper gaskets ____ 15. The Chelsea ____ 19. The 4 basic
front or rear of the P.T.O. are used to prevent rust Countershaft P.T.O. does assembly arrangements
opening. under the capscrew not need to be adjusted affect the direction of the
heads. for backlash during shaft and the position of
____ 3. A six-bolt P.T.O. installation. the gears.
can be installed in an ____ 12. Avoid contact of
eight-bolt P.T.O. opening any gasket sealant with ____ 16. All Chelsea ____ 20. The gear in a
by using an adapter plate. the automatic transmission Countershaft P.T.O.s are P.T.O. can be changed
fluid in automatic trans- air shifted. from spur to helical, or
____ 4. Eight-bolt P.T.O.s missions. vice versa.
are used only in low-torque ____ 17. If a P.T.O.
and light-duty applications. ____ 13. If a clattering driveshaft is used to
noise is heard after a transmit power from the
____ 5. Filler blocks and P.T.O. has been installed, P.T.O. to the driven device,
adapter gear assemblies add more gaskets until it must contain sufficient
eliminate the need for the noise is eliminated. “slip movement” to
gaskets when mounting change length during
a P.T.O. operation.

____ 6. Backlash is the

clearance needed
between the meshing of
gears to permit a quiet,
smooth operation.

____ 7. A P.T.O. assembly

that is too tight will make
a “whining” sound after it
is installed.

____ 8. The correct

amount of backlash for a
Side Mount P.T.O. installa-
tion is from .006 to .012
inches in clearance.

____ 9. If an adapter gear

is used in a P.T.O. installa-
tion, it will not change the
P.T.O.s direction of rotation.

1-F; 2-T; 3-T; 4-F; 5-F; 6-T; 7-T; 8-T; 9-F; 10-T; 11-F; 12-
T; 13-F; 14-T; 15-T; 16-T; 17-T; 18-T; 19-T; 20-T.

17 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
P.T.O. Troubleshooting Chelsea®
The Chelsea P.T.O. is
designed and built to
meet the rugged demands
of the Mobile Equipment
Industry. With proper use
and maintenance, the
Chelsea P.T.O. will provide
a long service life, both
on-highway and off. Yet, if
a problem does arise, it is Improper Installation
important to diagnose its and Operator Abuse are the
causes and correct it at Leading Causes of P.T.O. Failure

The first place to look satisfactory for the job being P.T.O. can normally be pattern will occur on the
when troubleshooting a done. A P.T.O. works best identified immediately by gear teeth. These patterns
P.T.O. failure is in the when it is properly specified the sound it makes. It will will lead to fatigue and
application itself. Repeated for the transmission and job “whine” if installed to early tooth failure. To help
or premature failure may be requirement. tightly, or “clatter” if it is prevent this from occur-
a sign of an incorrect installed to loosely. ring, always test the P.T.O.
application. This can be If the P.T.O. was cor- Sometimes, the vehicle for noise just after it is
discovered by using the rectly specified and then itself may contribute installed.
Chelsea HY25-3001/US failed prematurely, there enough noise to mask the
General Information are two likely causes: sound of the P.T.O. and Whatever the reason for
Catalog or HY25-3000/US improper installation and/ one may not notice the a P.T.O. failure, there will
Applications Catalog. or operator misuse. These problem. be confusion over who, or
Check to see if the proper are tough problems what, is at fault. More than
P.T.O. was specified for the because they involve If a problem is allowed likely the product will be
transmission, then find out if people as well as product. to continue, then damage blamed. Although the
the torque handling capa- An improperly installed to the P.T.O. will result. A P.T.O. cannot defend itself,
bilities of the P.T.O. are unit that has been its failed parts will tell a
mounted to loosely could story.
result in broken gear
teeth. A unit that is
Exploded View mounted too tightly
of Typical PTO could result in prema-
ture wear to the gear
teeth. Also, when a P.T.O.
is installed without
enough filler blocks,
spacers, or gaskets
between it and the
transmission, a deep wear

18 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
P.T.O. Troubleshooting Chelsea®
Another possible
problem during vehicle
operation is “shock load.”
This occurs when the
torque demands on a
P.T.O. are suddenly
greater than it was
designed to take. “Shock
The first parts to inspect load” could be caused by P.T.O. shafts are also When inspecting a
should be the gears. Check torque overloads, im- vulnerable to operating P.T.O. output shaft, always
the surface of the gear proper shifting, equipment abuse. If the shaft break is inspect the keyway.
teeth for signs of pitting . . . failure, or excessive loads irregular, this usually Sometimes a P.T.O. will
pitting is a normal wear over a short period of indicates a torsional fail because of a dis-
pattern in most cases. time. If this happens, the overload. Bending fatigue placed keyway on the
However, contaminants in P.T.O. is likely to fail failure usually shows up shaft caused by a loose
the oil or an installation that immediately. The vehicle as a smooth, flat break. To fitting yoke or equipment-
is too tight will cause operator may not even be correct a P.T.O. shaft freeze-up. Proper mainte-
severe pitting. aware of the reason for problem replace the failed nance on auxiliary equip-
the P.T.O. failure. shaft and check the speed ment and replacing a
Once pitting of the gear and operating angle of the worn yoke and/or P.T.O.
surfaces has begun, there universal joint. Also, make driven shaft will prevent
is nothing that can stop it. sure the P.T.O. driveshaft this problem.
Severe pitting will eventu- is properly phased, (yokes
ally lead to gear tooth in-line with each other). If
failure, therefore the a driveline is improperly
damaged gear should be installed it will cause
replaced when a P.T.O. is vibration, which may lead
repaired or rebuilt. to P.T.O. driveshaft or
Worn gears can easily
driven equipment prob-
be affected by “shock
load.” If the worn gears
are not replaced, they can
eventually lead to broken
gear teeth. This is the
most severe form of P.T.O.
failure. Worn or damaged
gears are likely to break
because of their reduced
Sometimes a gear will
load carrying capacity. To
chip a tooth because of
prevent the possibility of
mishandling or improper
broken gear teeth, always
shifting. Even though a
inspect auxiliary equip-
P.T.O. may continue to run
ment for possible freeze-
with a chipped tooth, the
up. Also, recheck P.T.O.
damaged gear should be
application, operating
replaced immediately. It
conditions and P.T.O.
will damage the other
teeth it comes in contact
with during operation, not
to mention the possible
damage which could
result from the loose chip.
Deep Mesh Pattern
If the problem is allowed Caused by Improper
to continue, then failure to
other parts in the P.T.O. or Backlash Adjustment
transmission could result.

19 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
P.T.O. Troubleshooting Chelsea®
ing the P.T.O. installation
and making the proper
adjustments regarding
cable length, gear
position, or shift lever.

Remember, a lever-
operated shift linkage
Undershifting allows
One of the most serious should not be connected Seals and O-Rings may
incomplete gear tooth
problems a P.T.O. can suffer to a wire shift cover. The cause special problems in
contact with the driver
is a cracked case. This mechanical advantage of P.T.O. operations. Im-
gear. This means only
condition can lead to oil loss the lever is often too proper installation or heat
part of the tooth width is
and eventual transmission great for the wire shift build-up can cause
transmitting the torque
failure. Improper installation, cover and could severely O-Rings and seals to fail
and R.P.M. during P.T.O.
poorly torqued bolts, or an damage it. Also inversely, prematurely. Once seals
operation. This situation
unsupported direct mount don’t use a cable with a or O-Rings fail, they
can lead to gear failure or
pump can cause such a lever shift cover. The should be replaced. The
it could cause the P.T.O. to
problem. A P.T.O. case can cable isn’t capable of proper procedure for
jump out of gear. These
also be damaged by foreign transmitting the force installing these parts is to
two problems can be
objects meshing between necessary to shift a lever lubricate them first so they
overcome by checking
the gear teeth, severe mechanism. will easily slide on the
linkage adjustments and
shock load, or even hitting proper operator training. shaft.
an obstacle in the road.

Prevention is the best

cure for P.T.O. case dam-
age. Therefore, always
torque the P.T.O. flange
bolts in sequence and the
proper specifications. Also,
be sure to check the weight Most shifting complaints
of the direct mount pump are caused by improper
shifting procedure or Shifting problems can
and, if it is over forty also be caused by a worn
pounds, make a support incorrect linkage installa-
tion. Both of these situa- or elongated shifter
bracket for it. poppet hole. This causes
tions will cause premature
wear on the shift pad or the P.T.O. to jump out of
fork and the shift rod or gear and the parts in the
rail. To prevent this shifter assembly to break
premature wear, avoid or become loose. If this
overshifting or happens, replace those
undershifting the P.T.O. parts that are worn.
Overshifting causes the
shifter fork to press
Shifting problems are against a P.T.O. gear
sometimes a complaint an during operation. This
operator will have about results in unnecessary
his P.T.O. A P.T.O. that is friction and wear.
hard to shift may be
caused by a tight bend in
the shifter cable, poor
leverage, a gear that is
installed backwards, or
too tight of an installation.
Many of these problems
can be solved by inspect-

20 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
P.T.O. Troubleshooting Chelsea®
specified in the Chelsea
Owner’s Manual to insure
that it is always clean and
free of abrasives.

Chelsea P.T.O.s are

designed and built to
match a vehicle’s transmis-
sion. The gear’s of a P.T.O.
are of the same quality as
the transmission’s gears.
Successful operation
depends on proper specifi-
cation and installation.
Always consult your
Chelsea Applications
Guide and Installation
Manual when working with
Chelsea P.T.O.s. doing this
Remember, when analysis. Generally, operated P.T.O. is erratic will prevent serious P.T.O.
troubleshooting any incorrect air/oil pressure, operation. Check the air problems.
clutch-operated P.T.O., lack of lubrication, or system for the proper
carefully inspect all excessive heat build-up pressure and inspect it for
components for wear or will directly contribute to cleanliness. A dirty or
damage. Burnt clutch poor air clutch operation contaminated system will
plates, welded clutch and eventual failure. affect the entire P.T.O.
pack, or a burnt driving operation, so inspect it
hub are three easily A sure sign of potential periodically and change
identifiable conditions that trouble with a clutch the oil at the interval
lend themselves to failure

Burnt Welded Burnt

Clutch Clutch Driving
Plates? Pack? Hub?
21 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
P.T.O. Troubleshooting - Review Exercise Chelsea®

True or False
____ 1. A correctly ____ 7. A damaged gear ____ 12. If a direct mount ____ 17. When checking
specified P.T.O. usually should be replaced pump is over forty a P.T.O. for vibration,
fails because of improper immediately or it will pounds, use copper always remove the
installation or operator damage other gears in a washers on the flange driveline first, and run the
abuse. P.T.O. or transmission. bolts to prevent leaks. unit before inspecting it.

____ 2. An improperly ____ 8. “Shock load” ____ 13. Never connect a ____ 18. Erratic operation
installed P.T.O. can occurs when the R.P.M. lever-operated linkage to of an air clutch P.T.O. is
usually be identified by demands on a P.T.O. are a wire-shift cover of a usually a sign of age in
the sound it makes. greater than the unit was P.T.O. the P.T.O.
designed to take.
____ 3. A unit that is ____ 14. Overshifting a ____ 19. Excessive heat
mounted too loosely could ____ 9. P.T.O. shafts are P.T.O. causes the shifter build-up will have little
result in broken gear teeth invulnerable to operator fork to press against a effect on an air clutch
and one that is too tight abuse because they are P.T.O. gear during opera- operated P.T.O.
could result in premature stronger than P.T.O. gears. tion.
gear wear. ____ 20. The gears of a
____ 10. The speed and ____ 15. A worn shifter P.T.O. are of the same
____ 4. The best way to operating angle of a P.T.O. poppet hole can cause a quality as a vehicle’s
test for P.T.O. noise is to shaft will affect its phasing P.T.O. to jump out of gear. transmission gears.
ask the vehicle operator if and cause the shaft to
he hears anything un- become unbalanced. ____ 16. Undershifting a
usual when he uses a P.T.O. allows incomplete
P.T.O. ____ 11. Always use wire gear tooth contact with
locking stud kits on the driven gear.
____ 5. Pitting of gear bottom mounted P.T.O.s
teeth is usually an abnor- to prevent them from
mal wear pattern. coming loose.

____ 6. Severe pitting of

gear teeth will eventually
lead to gear tooth failure.

1-T; 2-T; 3-T; 4-F; 5-F; 6-T; 7-T; 8-F; 9-F; 10- F; 11-T;
12-F; 13-T; 14-T; 15-T; 16-T; 17-T; 18-F; 19-F; 20-T.

22 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Glossary of Power Take-Off Terms Chelsea®
Counter Shaft—Second-
ary shaft in the transmis-
.006-.012” sion on which the P.T.O.
drive gear frequently

Deep Mount—P.T.O.
Aperture—Standard Backlash—clearance whose design permits its Helical Gear—A gear
S.A.E. size opening on needed between the input gear to extend whose teeth are cut on an
either side of the trans- meshing of two gears to further into the transmis- angle diagonally across
mission which permits the permit quiet, smooth sion case to permit direct the gear either with a right
installation of a Power operation. Recommended contact with the transmis- or left-hand slant. In order
Take-Off. May be either distance is .006 to .012.” sion output gear. for helical gears to mate,
six or eight-bolt opening. This is checked at pitch one must slant to the
line. Engine Speed—Revolu- right. . . the other to the
tions per minute of engine left.
Constant Mesh— crankshaft which deter-
Relation of two or more mines the speed available Horsepower—A measure
gears which always rotate to the transmission or of the capacity for doing
in continual contact with P.T.O. work per unit of time. One
each other. horsepower is the energy
required to lift 550 lbs.,
Adapter Gear—A single one foot in one second.
gear assembly which
transmits torque between
the transmission output
gear and the P.T.O. input
gear. Used when the
Filler Block—Fiber or
distance between gears is
metal plate of various
too great to permit direct
thicknesses, assembled
meshing, or to reverse
between the transmission Idler Shaft—Normally the
P.T.O. rotation.
and the P.T.O. for the shaft that the input gear
purpose of extending the rotates on. Transmits
Assembly Arrange-
distance between drive power to the output gear
ment— Refers to the
and input gears to permit and shaft.
location of the output
proper meshing.
shaft in relation to the
gear. The preferred Intermittent Operation—
Gear Ratio—The relation- Normally a stop-and-go
arrangement is with the
ship of the number of operation, such as five
output shaft to the rear.
teeth on the output gear minutes on/fifteen minutes
to those on the input gear. off, ten minutes on/30
For example, a gear of 45 minutes off. If heat builds
teeth driven by one up through repeated
containing 15 teeth would activity (through repeated
provide a ratio of 3:1. cycling operations or high
Hence, a gear of 15 teeth loads), the activity ceases
driven by one containing to become intermittent
45 teeth would have a and would then be classi-
gear ratio of 1:3. fied as continuous

23 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US Understanding Power Take-Offs
Glossary and Abbreviations Chelsea®
Input Speed—Revolu- Pitch (Gear)—The Abbreviations
tions per minute which the measure of the size of the lbs. ft.—Pounds Feet.
transmission output gear gear teeth determined by Torque force developed or
is capable of delivering to the number of teeth in a required to overcome
the P.T.O. input gear. given area measured at resistance.
the pitch line. P.T.O. gear
pitch is normally classified fpm—Feet per minute.
as 5, 6 or 7-pitch. Spur Gear—A gear gpm—Gallons per
whose teeth are cut minute.
straight across the face of hp—Horsepower.
the gear. I.D.—Inside diameter.
Pitch O.D.—Outside diameter.
Standard Assembly plv—Pitch line velocity.
Input Gear—The P.T.O. Arrangement—Output p.s.i.—Pounds per square
gear first accepting the shaft towards the rear of inch (pressure)
torque from the transmis- the vehicle and below the rpm—Revolutions per
sion output gear. Pitch Diameter—the P.T.O.s centerline. minute
distance across the center S.A.E.—Society of
Mainshaft—The output of the gear measured Torque—Effort required Automotive Engineers.
shaft of the transmission from the pitch line of one to perform a twisting or
that sends power to the tooth to the pitch line of turning motion, often
driven unit, such as a rear the tooth directly opposite referred to as the force
axle. that tooth. necessary to overcome
Output Shaft—The shaft Pitch Line Velocity—the
transmitting the torque speed of rotation in feet Transmission—A gear
from the P.T.O. to the per minute of a gear box which receives its
device or unit which it measured at the pitch line. power from an engine and
operates, i.e., hydraulic which operates as a
pump, winch, etc. Pressure torque multiplier for the
purpose of regulating
Output Gear—The speed and applying
driving gear which acti- torque as required.
vates the output shaft.

Pressure Angle— The

angle formed, measured in
degrees, by a line drawn
Pitch perpendicular to the pitch
line, and a line drawn from
the same point on the
Pitch Line—The point on pitch line tangent to the
the gear tooth midway tooth profile.
between the base of the
tooth and the tip of the Power Take-Off—A gear
tooth. box attached to a trans-
mission, receiving its
power through that
transmission for the
purpose of transmitting
that power to another
mechanical or hydraulic
device, according to the
speed and torque required
to operate the device.

24 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA

25 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA

26 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA

27 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Chelsea Products Division
Olive Branch, MS 38654 USA
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Chelsea Products Division
8225 Hacks Cross Rd • Olive Branch, MS • 38654
Phone (662) 895-1011 • Fax (662) 895-1019

Bulletin HY25-0063-B1/US 06/02

© Copyright 2002, Parker Hannifin Corporation, All Rights Reserved

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