Golden Circle-Simon Sinek

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Golden circle is defined by the What, How, and Why.

What- Everybody in business knows this. This is by cost cut strategy, or differentiation business
How- Some know and some can do it's by your proprietary processor, USP, or some niche.
Why- This is not by profit, that is a result, but what is your purpose, cause, belief, exist.

Everything we do we believe in status quo to believe in doing differently way we challenge. How
they are Market designs simple use what we make great computers purchase of oh actually
status quo are products simple to use Simple design in user-friendly.

People don't buy what you do but why you do it!!

Reverse order of information why first not what or how.

Goal is not to do business with everybody by with what you have! They By why you have it goes
to believe why it's biology not psychology.
The Limbic brain this is where feelings trust loyalty why and how human behavior no capacity
for language.
The Neocortex is the what level rational analytical thoughts under capitalize, marketing
decisions, hiring decisions.
Law of diffusion Innovation Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore.
I believe and you should too! I have a dream, not I have a plan leaders aspired because we
want to leave for ourselves not because we have to.

Leaders have responsibilities there first to be killed will be sacrificed first. I want I Aspire I
believe it is responsible for others starts with absolute unconditional love.

Hiring needs to be more than looks at skill set they know it is for someone who is responsible for
others. I'm a leader of blank I want to be a leader of blank I aspire to be a leader of blank I
believe what it takes to be a leader of blank!

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