Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction Techniques For OFDM Signals

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 96– No.22, June 2014

Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction Techniques for

OFDM Signals
Neeraj Sharma
University Institute of Engineering & Technology
Panjab University SSG Regional Centre
Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India

ABSTRACT systems. As a result of this problem, the Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has of Analog-to-Digital Converter and Digital-to-Analog
been adopted as a standard for many modern wireless Converter is reduced, which further degrades the efficiency of
applications requiring high data rate due to bandwidth the high power amplifier at the transmitter side. As more
efficiency, resistance to frequency selective fading and simple efficient Power Amplifier is essential in a mobile terminal due
digital realization using IFFT/FFT operations. However, to the limited battery power, the PAPR problem is more
physical implementation of the OFDM system suffers from troublesome in the uplink design. Hence it is essential to
several difficulties. One of the major limitations of OFDM is reduce PAPR in OFDM based systems.
that it suffers from high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), The methods used to reduce PAPR in OFDM can be classified
which results in inter-carrier interference (ICI), high out-of- based on various criteria. First, these schemes can be
band radiation, and degradation of bit error rate performance. classified as Distortion based techniques and Non-distortion
In this paper, different OFDM PAPR reduction techniques are techniques [3]. Distortion based techniques introduce re-
reviewed and analyzed based on their computational growth of spectral components in the signal. The Peak
complexity, bandwidth requirement and error performance. Clipping and Filtering is the simplest distortion based
technique, but it can cause in-band as well as out of band
Keywords interference as it may destroy the orthogonality among
OFDM, PAPR, Companding, PTS, SLM, TR and TI subcarriers (SC) in the OFDM signal [4]. Modifications to this
technique are proposed in [5]. Another important distortion
1. INTRODUCTION based scheme to reduce PAPR is companding. Various types
Conventional single carrier modulation techniques have a of companding techniques e.g. μ-law companding [6],
major limitation that these schemes can achieve only small exponential companding [7], and trapezoidal companding [8],
data rates mainly owing to the multipath nature of the wireless [9] are proposed in literature.
channel. These days many wireless multimedia applications
require high data-rates. However, with increase in data-rate of Non-distortion PAPR reduction schemes include Coding
a communication system, the period of symbol is reduced, technique [10], Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS) [11] and
which leads to severe inter-symbol interference (ISI), thereby Selective Mapping (SLM) [12]. These techniques do not
necessitating a complex equalization procedure at the distort the OFDM signal as a result of which no spectral re-
receiver. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing growth takes place.
(OFDM) is a special kind of modulation technique, in which
whole of the frequency selective fading multipath channel is Secondly, the PAPR reduction techniques can also be
divided into numerous narrow sub channels which are classified according to the computational operations
orthogonal and offer flat fading. In OFDM system, a stream performed in the frequency domain. Based on this criterion,
containing high-speed data is transmitted using a number of these schemes can be termed as multiplicative and additive
parallel lower data rate subcarriers. As the individual data rate schemes [13]. Multiplicative schemes include SLM and PTS,
is much less the total data rate, ISI is avoided owing to the and Additive schemes include Tone reservation (TR) [14],
long symbol duration [2]. Tone Injection (TI) [15], and clipping.

Due to its advantages, OFDM modulation has been employed Thirdly, these techniques can be classified as deterministic or
in many wireless applications such as Wireless Personal Area, probabilistic schemes [13]. In deterministic techniques such as
Local Area and Metropolitan Area Networks, Digital Audio Peak Clipping, the PAPR of the signal is kept below a
and Video Broadcasting [3]. It is also being used as a prefixed threshold level. In this process, the OFDM signal
modulation technique for IEEE 802.20, IEEE 802.16 and gets distorted. In probabilistic techniques, several OFDM
3GPP-LTE [3]. A simple one tap equalizer is required at the signals are generated and the one having smallest PAPR is
receiver side as the effect of ISI is eliminated by introducing transmitted. This method includes PTS, SLM, TI and TR
cyclic prefix (CP) [2]. techniques.

Despite its advantages, some problems still need to be Lastly, the PAPR reduction techniques can be classified
resolved in the design of OFDM systems. One of the depending on whether these transform the original OFDM
prominent problems is high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio signal before or after the multi carrier modulation at the
(PAPR) of the transmitted OFDM signals. The transmit transmitter [9]. Techniques like coding, SLM and PTS fall
signals in an OFDM system can have high peak values in the under the first category and different types of companding
time domain as many subcarriers are added due to IFFT techniques belong to the second type as they change the
operation at the transmitter. Therefore, OFDM systems have a formation of the signal after multi carrier modulation.
high PAPR as compared with single-carrier communication

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 96– No.22, June 2014

max  xL [n] 
In the remaining paper, the distribution of PAPR is analyzed 2
based on the characteristics of OFDM signals. Then various  
PAPR  xL [n]  0  n  NL 1

 
techniques to suppress PAPR in OFDM systems are described (5)
and reviewed. Various criterions for the choice of appropriate E xL [ n ]
PAPR reduction technique are also discussed in this paper.
2.3 Complementary Cumulative
Distribution Function (CCDF) of PAPR
2.1 OFDM System Model The CCDF can be used to estimate the bounds of the PAPR
OFDM is a block transmission scheme. At the transmitter and is generally used as a performance indicator for most of
side, a block of N data symbols represented as the PAPR reduction schemes.
X   X k , k  0,1,...., N  1 is first converted from serial to
As per probability theory, the CCDF represents the
parallel stream. Each symbol modulates separately one of the probability that a random variable X will be having a value
subcarriers taken from  fk , k  0,1,....., N  1. greater than or equal to real valued number x [14]. Central
limit theorem suggests that the real and imaginary parts of the
To ensure, the subcarrier frequencies, f k  k f , are separated discrete OFDM signal follow Gaussian distributions for
sufficiently large number of subcarriers, assuming that each of
equally with subcarrier spacing f  1 NTs . Here Ts is the
imaginary and real parts have zero valued mean and a
original symbol period and NTs denotes the OFDM block variance of 0.5. This implies that the amplitude of an OFDM
period. signal follow Rayleigh distribution.
The OFDM signal is generated by the summation of the The CCDF of the PAPR denotes the probability that the
orthogonal and modulated subcarriers. Hence the complex PAPR of the transmitted OFDM symbols exceeds a preset
baseband OFDM signal in continuous time domain can be threshold value.
represented as [3],
For an OFDM system with N subcarriers, in which sampling
N 1 is done at Nyquist rate, the CCDF of PAPR represented as
X e
1 2  fk t
x (t )  k
, 0  t  NTs (1) [14]
N k 0

Pr ob PAPR    1  1  e  

The discrete time baseband OFDM signal which is sampled at (6)

the Nyquist rate t  nTs can be expressed as
where,  is the fixed threshold level. The above relation is
N 1 k valid if the N time domain samples are mutually independent
j 2

X e
1 n
as well as uncorrelated. The above expression does not hold
x[ n]  k
, n  0, 1, ......., N  1. (2)
N k 0
when oversampling is applied and when the number of
subcarriers is not large as the assumption of Gaussian
The discrete time OFDM signal is needs to be sampled at distribution does not hold in that case.
more than Nyquist rate for better approximation of the
continuous time signal. Let it be oversampled by a factor of L For an OFDM system with sufficiently large number of
subcarriers, the preceding expression does not hold good. For
i.e. the sampling frequency fs  L / Ts . The discrete time such a system, an approximate expression of CCDF can be
OFDM signal can then be expressed as, given as [16]

 
Pr ob PAPR    1  1  e
N 1 2.8 N
j 2

X e
1 (7)
xL [ n ]  k
, n  0, 1, ......., LN  1. (3)
N k 0
Figure 1 represents the distribution of the PAPR of the OFDM
It is to be noted that the time-domain samples of the OFDM signal with 256 number of subcarriers and different values of
signal which is L-times oversampled, are actually LN-point oversampling factor L. As evident from the figure, the PAPR
IFFT of the data block with ( L  1) N zero-padding. An does not increase much beyond L  4.
oversampling factor of L  4 is enough to successfully
represent the peak value of the continuous time OFDM signal 3. PAPR REDUCTION TECHNIQUES
[16]. Several techniques have been proposed till date in the
literature for the reduction of PAPR in OFDM systems. PAPR
2.2 Peak-to-Average Power Ratio reduction technique should be appropriately selected as per
The PAPR of an OFDM signal x(t ) in continuous time the system requirements, as no single technique may be
suitable for all systems.
domain is defined as the ratio of maximum instantaneous
power to its average power 3.1 Amplitude Clipping and Filtering
The idea of clipping technique is to clip the peak of the OFDM
max  x(t ) 

0  t  NTs   signal below a prefixed threshold level [5]. The output of the
PAPR[ x(t )] 
 
(4) amplitude clipper can be expressed as
E x (t )

 x, x μ
C  x   (8)
where E 
 denotes the expectation operator. 
μ, x >μ

The PAPR of the OFDM signal after L times oversampling is where μ is the prefixed threshold level selected for clipping
given by and is a positive real number.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 96– No.22, June 2014

decompanding process expands the channel noise at the

receiver resulting in increase in BER.
A large number of companding techniques have been reported
and studied in literature. All these techniques distort the shape
of the OFDM signal.
In μ-law companding, the peak value of the OFDM signal
remains unchanged, but the average power of the OFDM
signal after companding is increased and hence the PAPR is
reduced [6]. Exponential companding [7] transforms Rayleigh
distributed amplitude of the signal into a uniformly distributed
OFDM signal by employing an exponential function.
Another companding technique called Trapezoidal
companding is a good method to suppress the PAPR of signal
with comparatively low error rate [8]. It employs a piecewise
function which is defined in three different magnitude
intervals of the OFDM signal.
Fig. 1 Distribution of PAPR of L times oversampled
OFDM signal In [9], a general design criterion was proposed to make an
optimum tradeoff between the PAPR reduction and error
The task of the OFDM receiver is to estimate clipping done at performance. It is proved that appreciable PAPR reduction is
the transmitter to undo it at the receiving end accordingly. As it feasible by a proper choice of the companding transforms and
is very difficult for the receiver, the signal gets distorted, since their parameters.
both in-band and out-of band distortion is introduced. Due to
in-band distortion, orthogonality among the subcarriers is lost,
3.3 Coding
which degrades the BER performance. In addition loss of Block coding is one of the well-known techniques for
spectral efficiency also takes place due to out-of band decreasing PAPR in which input data is encoded into a
distortion. codeword having low PAPR. In [10], a method is
demonstrated to decrease the value of PAPR of OFDM signal
An easy way to reduce out-of band distortion is to filter out the which has four subcarriers. The three-bit input data is mapped
signal after clipping operation, but it cannot reduce in-band into four-bit codeword, the fourth bit being the parity bit in
distortion. Moreover, the effect of clipping is undone to some the frequency domain. Later the use of Cyclic Code was
extent as filtering can cause peak re-growth. Hence in practice, demonstrated in [19] with good results. An efficient Simple
a repeated dual operation of clipping followed by filtering is Block Code was used in [20], but it is not useful for large
employed [5], [17]. But it also comes at the cost of increased frame size. To overcome this limitation, two methods namely
computational complexity. Complement Block Coding [21] and Modified Complement
Block Coding techniques [22] were proposed. These
The clipping and filtering methods also includes peak techniques also offer flexibility in choosing the frame size,
windowing technique in which the OFDM signal is multiplied coding rate and low implementation complexity. In these
with a correcting function. Gaussian, Kaiser and cosine filters schemes, the probability of OFDM signals with large peaks is
can be used as correcting functions as these filters have nearly reduced by using the extra bits which are added to the original
rectangular frequency spectrum. As a result, out-of band bits containing information.
frequency spectrum is greatly suppressed [18].
Table 1 shows the comparisons of the PAPR reduction
3.2 Companding achieved by using various coding schemes [16]. Here N, n and
Companding is a good technique as it can effectively reduce R represent the number of subcarriers, frame size and coding
the PAPR with less complexity irrespective of the number of rate for the concerned coding scheme. It is clear from the table
subcarriers in the OFDM signal. The principle of companding that a PAPR reduction of nearly 3-dB is achievable for coding
is to decrease the dynamic range of signal by compressing rate R  (N 2) N by using Simple Block Coding technique
high peaks and/or by increasing the level of small signals.
(CBC) with large frame size. In addition the results obtained
Compressed original signal can be reconstructed at the
receiver side by performing the reverse operation. for various values of coding rate R  (N 1) N are almost
same for CBC. Further, additional 3-dB more PAPR reduction
The companding technique makes the distribution of the can be achieved by using Modified Complement Block
signal quasi-uniform as it compresses the signal, ensuring that Coding (MCBC) as compared to other coding methods for
the signal peak does not exceed system's limitations. It has any frame size, if the coding rate is 3/4. This feature of
been reported in literature that the companding techniques flexibility in the selection of coding rate and less complexity
have better performance than clipping [6]. makes the CBC and MCBC methods suitable for OFDM
In OFDM signal, large peaks occur very rarely just similar to based systems loaded with large frame size and high coding
speech signals; hence the same companding technique can be rates.
used to improve the performance of OFDM at transmitter A PAPR of more than 3 dB can be attained by employing
side. Golay complementary sequences as code words [23].
However the reduction in PAPR is obtained at the cost of Although, these sequences have better error correction
degraded BER. Two factors are responsible for this problem: capabilities and low PAPR, large data loss occurs. In general,
Firstly, companding shifts the data symbols at the transmit the reduction in PAPR in all coding schemes can be achieved
side from their original constellation locations. Secondly, the only at the cost of data rate.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 96– No.22, June 2014

Table 1. Performance Comparison of some coding represented by many equivalent points in the expanded
Techniques constellation. This results in extra degrees of freedom and
hence can be utilized for reducing PAPR. This method is
PAPR Reduction (dB) named so because the process of replacing a signal point in
N n R the original constellation by a new point in the expanded
4 1 3/4 3.56 3.56 - 3.56 constellation is same as applying a subcarrier of appropriate
1 7/8 2.59 2.52 - 3.66 frequency and phase to the original OFDM signal.
2 3/4 2.67 3.72 2.81 (R=3/4) Unlike TI, it is essential to send side information along with
1 15/16 2.74 1.16 - the transmit signal in case of TR.
2 7/8 2.74 2.52 - 3.74
3 13/16 2.74 - - (R=3/4)
4 3/4 2.74 2.98 3.46 TECHNIQUES
1 31/32 1.16 0.55 - PAPR reduction can be achieved only at the expense of
2 15/16 1.16 1.16 - bandwidth, data rate, BER performance, complexity and/or
3 29/32 2.75 - - power efficiency. An efficient trade off of these conflicting
32 -
4 7/8 2.50 2.51 - factors must be made before selecting an appropriate PAPR
5 27/32 2.75 - - reduction technique as follows:
8 3/4 2.75 3.00 3.45
4.1 Decrease in PAPR
Obviously this factor is the most important point in selecting
3.4 Selective Mapping and Partial an appropriate PAPR reduction technique. But care must be
Transmit Sequence taken to avoid other unwanted associated drawbacks such as
distortion introduced by the techniques.
In SLM, the transmit side produces a set of OFDM signals,
where all signals represent the same information as the 4.2 Increase in Power of Transmit Signal
original signal. Then the one having the lowest PAPR is
Certain techniques require an increase in the average power of
transmitted [12]. However this method is more
the transmit signal after using PAPR reduction method. TR
computationally complex as more than one IFFT blocks are
and TI need more signal power at the transmitter side. This
required at the transmitter. In addition, the useful data rate is
necessitates a HPA with large linear operating range resulting
suffered as additional overhead bits will be required to get
in degraded BER performance.
back the original data at the receiver. In [24], modified SLM
is suggested to reduce the computational complexity and to 4.3 Effective Loss in Data Rate
decrease the amount of side information required to be Some PAPR reduction techniques decrease the effective data
transmitted. rate of the OFDM signal. These include block coding, SLM
In PTS, the original input data block is divided into multiple and PTS. In block coding, parity check bits are required to be
disjoint sub-blocks. All subcarriers belonging to each sub- added. In SLM and PTS, transmit side information is needed
block are scaled by a phase factor. All these phase factors are to be sent to enable the receiver to bring back the signal to its
statistically independent. Subsequently, the signal with the original constellation size. When channel coding is also
lowest PAPR is selected for transmission. There are different applied, further loss of data rate takes place.
methods for dividing the data blocks into multiple sub-blocks.
These include pseudorandom partition, interleaved partition 4.4 BER Performance Degradation
and adjacent partition. Pseudo-random partitioning is the best This important factor is closely linked to the increase in power
among these methods. An improvement over existing PTS in of the transmit signal. In some techniques, if the transmit
MIMO-OFDM systems was proposed recently in [25], in signal power is fixed; there might be rise in BER at the
which the authors used constant modulation algorithm (CMA) receiver. In some techniques such as SLM and PTS, if the side
to solve the phase optimization problem. The resulting information is not received properly, the entire data block may
method has less computational complexity without any be lost. This will also degrade the BER performance at the
degradation in error performance compared with existing receiver.
4.5 Computational Complexity
Similar to SLM, the PTS also suffers from computational Generally, more complex techniques perform better as far as
complexity and low data rate. However PTS is less complex reduction in PAPR is concerned.
than SLM. Moreover it performs better than SLM so far as
PAPR reduction is concerned. However PTS requires more 4.6 Bandwidth Expansion
bits for sending the side information than SLM [26]. The bandwidth of any communication system is a valuable
and scarce resource. Those PAPR reduction techniques should
3.5 Tone Reservation and Tone Injection be preferred which required less bandwidth.
Both these schemes reserve a subset of subcarriers (also called
tones) for the generation of a PAPR reducing signal [14], [15].
These reserved tones are not meant for data representation.
The common block diagram of TR and TI is shown in figure
In TR, the goal is to determine signal c which must be added
to the original signal x to decrease PAPR.
In TI, the constellation size is extended in such a manner that
every signal point in the original constellation can be Fig. 2. Block diagram of TR/TI

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 96– No.22, June 2014

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