Go Winds: NEW Manyfaces of Go NEW Yutopian Books Handbook of Star Point Joseki
Go Winds: NEW Manyfaces of Go NEW Yutopian Books Handbook of Star Point Joseki
Go Winds: NEW Manyfaces of Go NEW Yutopian Books Handbook of Star Point Joseki
- Stronger Go Engine. It's several stones
stronger than version 10 and won the world
computer go championship in 1998 and took HANDBOOK OF
Volume 6 Number 3 2002 Fall $3.00 second in 2001.
- New and improved go problems. Over 2000 STAR POINT
go problems for all levels of play. The program
selects problems for you according to how well JOSEKI
you have solved previous problems. Problems A complete foundation course for essential
are shown in random orientations so it's like Star and 3-3 Point Joseki, that presents basic
having 16,000 problems. handicap and even game opening strategies.
- Built in IGS client so you can play on the Sanno Hirotaka 9 dan and Aiba Kazuhiro
Internet using a familiar interface. collaborated and produced a set of easily read and
- Realistic sounds understood basic joseki. The book is perfectly
- Improved Printing. Print game series suited for lower kyu players, but upper kyu
diagrams. players can also hone their basic skills.
Other new features include: By playing at either the star or 3-3 point, a
- Better game navigation and editing: Ctrl-click corner is disposed of with a single play by not
on a point to go to a play. Delete this play and anticipating a corner enclosure. This is a strategy
all plays to the end of the game. Promote a play for developing one's game rapidly.
to be the main line rather than a variation. Mark We hope the reader will have fun getting
all play numbers from a play to the end of the strong. Enjoy! Price: $19.50 - 20% s/h: $1.50
- Game score graph plots a graph of the score vs
play number. Click to go to a position. HANDBOOK OF
- Eight recent files rather than four
- Additional Joseki in the Joseki Tutor HANDICAP GO
- Score and territory displays are now modal This book is an essence of nine through three
- "View|All Play Numbers" shows the play stone handicap games with selected patterns that
numbers on every stone are most likely to arise. Instruction is geared to
- Rotate the go board the significance of the placement of the handicap
- Adjust graphics for flatter or rounder stones. stones and the correct way to assess the opening
- Memorizes the window status and location of the game. Therefore, the motto followed here
- 7x7 and even board sizes is the iron-clad rule for black in handicap to:
- More hotkeys and shortcuts "Strike in the opening." The policy is an
- Update your go problems from the Internet unwavering adherence to thick and strong tactics,
- Computer Solves Problem is much stronger, discarding the negative strategy of defending the
and gives better explanations. corner with a knight.
- More professional games and over 1000 But while encouraging aggressive tactics when
commented games from Go Teaching Ladder conditions merit them and presenting examples to
- Improved error messages for badly formatted back them up, this is not everything. The point is
sgf files that there are many options available, including a
- Play against the Joseki library in the Joseki diagonal attachment, a one point jump and a
Tutor pincer, depending upon the handicap stones at
- See play numbers in the Joseki Tutor and go one's disposal. The whole board diagrams
to a play or the end of a sequence presented are refined examples from instructional
- Adding a text mark defaults to the next unused games, with positions elaborated upon to the end
letter result. The purpose has been to explain the key to
- File|Open and |Save folders are remembered each pattern so that the reader might use them to
- Edit problem files directly fight effectively. As far as possible, the intent has
- And many more. been to make this the bible of handicap go. Price:
Price $90, s/h $3 $17.50 + $1.50 s/h
Go has finally permeated into the consciousness of how Takemiya Masaki, another student in the Kitani
GO WINDS Promoting A True the Western World. Now it’s time for it to take root dojo, often denigrated his play. After losing a game,
and hold. Let’s all plant the seeds of understanding Takemiya would wonder, “How can a weakling like
Understanding of Go and watch them grow. you beat me?!”
HI! By Robert Terry So I found myself enjoying the book much more
than I had expected. But what was more startling was
Welcome to Yutopian Enterprise’s Go Winds, The opening scene of “From Russia With Love,” A Sure-Fire Way to when I met the other player of the UCLA Go Club to
designed to add spark to the winds of your Go considered by many to be the best James Bond give him the book. We sat down to play and I found
studies. If you have any suggestions for movie, features the closing moments of a chess game Boost Your Strength myself defeating him without any trouble. And the
improvement please let us know. We are providing during which a brilliant attack defeats the Russian By Robert Terry same thing happened when I played others in the
a series of translated articles from the Chinese and player, “Kronstein.” Brilliant is certainly the word to club. And again a few days later when I went to play
Japanese Go scene and a series of articles on an describe it. The original game, which the actors in Consider the following true story. In 1978 I had at the Japanese club in Little Tokyo. As a matter of
application of Go shapes. Enjoy! the movie reenacted, was played by Boris Spassky been studying Japanese for several years, had fact, I had gained a stone in strength over the course
against David Bronstein in the 27th USSR translated articles from Kido magazine which were of two weeks! And it was due solely to reading that
CONTENTS Championship in 1960. Spassky daringly essayed the published in the American Go Journal and I was a single book. I had done nothing else to boost my
Promoting A True Understanding of Go . . . . . 1 King’s Gambit to devastating effect. strong dan level player. As the librarian of the UCLA strength, and in fact, I had not deliberately been
A Sure-Fire Way to Boost Your Strength . . . . . 2 “Night Plays” shows Gene Hackman, one of our Go Club, I ordered books from Japan and distributed trying to improve at that time, nor did I read
1984 10 Dan Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 times great actors, pondering a chess position in them to the other members. So I was in the pleasant Kobayashi’s book with the expectation of getting
1st Kisei Tournament Semi-Final . . . . . . . . . . . 8 which successive knight moves would lead to a position of seeing the best of the new go books stronger. It had simply happened without my being
Lee Changho’s End Game Techniques 2.03 . . 12 mate. Again, a real game, Emmerich-Morritz, 1922. before most other players in America. And the most aware of it. In that case, what was it about
Sangit’s Column Part 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 “The Seventh Seal” is perhaps the great Ingmar exciting books that were published around that time Kobayashi’s book that produced that effect?
Go Stories Part 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Bergman’s finest film. In it a knight, played by the was the “Modern Stars” series from the Nihon Kiin. I should emphasize how unusual this is. A beginner
Go Shapes Part 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 inimitable Max von Sydow, challenges the Devil to I jumped at the chance to order them. gains a stone or two in strength over a short period.
a game of chess. The struggle that ensues is related This series covered the careers up to that time of But I was already a strong dan player, at least 2 or 3
to all sorts of profound philosophical questions. the younger generation of players. Ishida Yoshio, dan in strength. At that level, it is very difficult to
Do you detect a trend here? “Searching for Bobby Takemiya Masaki, Otake Hideo, Kato Masao and get stronger quickly. For the average amateur dan
Volume 6, Number 3
Fischer” is another movie in which chess is depicted Rin Kaiho were those featured. Later, supplementary player, it takes months of concentrated study to gain
Fall 2002
seriously and accurately. Many other examples exist. volumes on Kobayashi Koichi and Cho Chikun were a stone in strength. To leapfrog over that process is
But what is offered to the public in regards to go? added. I ordered all seven volumes. practically unheard of. Especially in isolation,
Published by Yutopian Enterprises
Nonsense (to employ a euphemism). “A Beautiful When the books arrived, I was overjoyed. They without personal instruction from a strong teacher.
2255 29th Street, Suite #3
Mind,” starring Oscar-winner Russell Crowe, is the were all that I expected and more. It was wonderful Again, the question must be asked: What was in
Santa Monica, Ca 90405
latest example of go used as a “prop” in the media, plunging into the set and reading all about these Kobayashi’s book that produced a profound effect?
Tel: 800-YUTOGO-3; FAX 310-578-7381
without any finesse, sophistication or understanding fantastic professional players in their own words. In my opinion, it Kobayashi’s simple approach to
e-mail: [email protected]
of its nature. The stones are haphazardly thrown on The only problem was that I had told other people in the game. He puts in down-to-earth language
web-site: www.yutopian.com
the board with no rhyme or reason to its appearance the club about these books and they also wanted to complex matters that would otherwise be
in the storyline, except as something “exotic” and see them. One player was particularly insistent and incomprehensible to amateurs. I eventually read all
Published Quarterly
vaguely “Oriental,” and context or significance are I ended up asking him to wait two weeks and I of the other six volumes in the series, giving me a
Price: $3/Issue Subscription: $10/Year
signally lacking. Since major motion pictures that would give him one of the books to look over. balanced perspective. The next book that I read was
(U.S. customers with a $50 order or more per
depict go being played are few and far between, What was I to do? I had to relinquish one of the the one featuring Kato Masao.
year receive the magazine free.)
aficionados tend to be content for small favors. Hey, books, and knowing that particular member of the “Killer Kato!” What is more interesting than
it’s better than nothing... club well, I knew he might keep the book for a long studying his masterpieces of attacking prowess?! But
Translations by
This kind of mind set is false and self-defeating. time. So I decided to pick out what I thought would imitating that style is impossible. In fact, at several
Sidney W. K. Yuan and Robert Terry
Go deserves better. Instead of passively accepting be the least interesting book of the series to give to points in that volume it is remarked that killing
Editing, Layout, Diagrams by CR Hutchinson
nonsense like this, we should adopt an active stance him. I chose the volume of Kobayashi Koichi’s. stones is harder than making life for stones under
Diagram Creation Software - Go Write
in regards to the game. At that time, Kobayashi had won the Tengen title, attack. Then I read Takemiya’s “Cosmic Style” that
Proof Assistance - Anthony Blagrove
Think of how you learned about chess: seeing a but besides a number of minor titles, he had not won excites the imagination of all go players. But again,
chess set in a library or a study, playing with a a major tournaments. Although he was regarded as just understanding his analysis, or imitating it, is
All rights reserved according to international
variety of board games including chess in a toy box an up-and-coming player, his games were also very difficult. Cho Chikun? The depth of his reading
law. Go Winds or any parts thereof may not be
or travel kit, being exposed to Bobby Fischer’s criticized as being somewhat colorless. Nevertheless, is remarkable, but out of amateurs’ league. Otake
reproduced in any printed form, nor stored in
exploits related in the media, encounters with before surrendering the book to the other member, I Hideo? A master of aesthetics in go that few can
any electronic retrieval system, nor recorded in
friends, relatives, in school, etc. determined to first read it cover to cover. equal. Rin Kaiho? Incomparable tenacity. Ishida
any other medium without written permission
Now how did you learn about go. “A friend taught The book was actually more interesting than I had Yoshio? Try to imitate a computer? No way!
from the publishers, except for short excerpts as
me.” Isn’t that it? Ever see it anywhere else? imagined. Kobayashi related that he had entered the But Kobayashi is different. He breaks down the art
a part of a written review.
A proactive stance will effectively promote go. Do Kitani dojo as an amateur 5 dan player, but within a of analysis to a level that is accessible to anyone. On
you see chess in a library? Put go there. Toy boxes year had gained three stones in strength. Later on, he the following pages, you can see this for yourself. It
Printed in America
and travel kits? The same. Talk to people in the stated that as a weak professional player, he just is practically impossible to read his words and not
media. And don’t forget to keep in close touch with started to understand the true nature of the game. gain invaluable insights into the game. And don’t be
friends, relatives and schools in your area. And he passed along other pieces of trivia, such as surprised if you get stronger in the process...
Vol 6, Num 3 Go Winds Fall 2002 1 2 Go Winds Fall 2002 Vol 6, Num 3
J and cannot be captured. If white uses the play at 4 threats will be difficult for both sides. Coming under a large
1984 Honinbo League to attack with the checking extension at 5, black can When white invades at 52 black has no choice but scale attack like this
(Translated by Robert Terry from 1984 Kido Mag fight back effectively with K. to oppose this with 53. Connecting the ko and would be disagreeable for
White develops comfortable shape by playing at allowing white to connect underneath to the corner white.
40th Annual Honinbo League, White: Kataoka the vital point of 36 and then makes robust shape would be no good. When black plays the
Satoshi 7 dan, Black: Kobayashi Koichi, 10 Dan. with white 38. Since black played the slack Peeping at black 55 is something of a bad play, but ko threat of 77 white
Played on December 27, 1984 at the Nihon Kiin. 189 extension of 35, white was allowed to make the one cannot concern oneself with that at this point. resolves the ko with 78,
plays. Black wins by resignation. box-like shape on the right side, getting a From now on finding ko threats and determining allowing black to play
comfortable position. Neglecting to play the vital how to answer them will become more and more 79. What would have
Diagram 4
point has put black right back at the starting block in difficult. happened if white had
this game. Attaching at white 58 and playing the crosscut of responded at 79 instead?
white 60 is proper in this situation. White 60 at 44
instead would be questionable.
Figure 1 (1-40)
Vol 6, Num 3 Go Winds Fall 2002 3 4 Go Winds Fall 2002 Vol 6, Num 3
Figure 3 - Since the right side has been sliced Positional Judgment 1 Kobayashi Style - Let's When I built up the position with the thick play of
apart, white must deal with that situation [sabaki] analyze the position following white 102. White black 127, I knew that I had won the game.
first. But I didn't expect the simple jump to white 80. territory: upper left, 11 pts.; left side, 2 pts.; lower White 130 is a natural play.
left, 12pts.; lower side, 5 pts.; right side, 12 pts.; Diagram 11 - If white plays the diagonal play at 1,
Diagram 6 - I thought TOTAL: 42 pts. Opposed to this, black must have at black replies with 2 and 4, and considering the fact
that white 80 should least 48 pts. Black territory: upper right, 8 pts.; lower that black A, white B and black C is a forcing
exchange 1 for black 2 right, a minimum of 20 pts.; left side, 8 pts.; sequence that has to be answered, black can play out
and then play 3. Kataoka TOTAL: 36 pts. at 6, capturing white's group on the right.
felt that by playing this So at this point black must amass more than 10 pts. With black 131 and 133, black captures four white
Diagram 8 Diagram 9
way black could make somewhere. But black also has thickness on the stones, but since white then cuts at 144, white does
the attachment at A and it It is natural for white 100 to reinforce the corner. lower side operating toward the center, and since not suffer a loss in this exchange.
would be difficult for Diagram 9 - If white cuts at 1, black plays 2 and white has weak stones on both the left and the right
white to hane over attacks with 6 and 8. This is a deadly ko for white. sides, even unskillful play should be sufficient to
Diagram 6
black's stone at B. But I gather in 10 pts. Playing well should gain black
still think that this way several pts. more than 10, and to that extent, black
was best. I would play this way myself. indeed has a winning advantage of several pts.
Black peeps at 81, avoiding the variation just given Black jumps to 103, putting pressure on white's
with white playing 89. Then black connects to the group on the left side. White reluctantly presses at
group above with black 83. The Immediate hane 104 in exchange for black 105, and then white peeps
over black's stone with white 84 is the losing play. at white 106 before turning to play at white 108,
This is still a small play. A white hane at 96 is reinforcing the position. Neglecting this area to play
urgently needed here. something elsewhere will leave white with no
response to the severe play of black A.
White urgently needs to reinforce the center, but
allowing black to cut would entail an unbearably
large territorial loss in the corner, so white doggedly
tiger links at 114.
Black's intention behind playing the hane over
white's stone with 115 is to gain the impetus to play
out at black 117, cutting off white's group in the Figure 5 (145-189)
Figure 4 (101-144) center. White realized this, but had no choice but to Figure 5 - The endgame has commenced and when
Figure 4 - With the tiger link of 101, black seals cut at 116 in order to make viable shape. black presses at 145 white plays 146 and 148, eyeing
Diagram 7 white in, expending a play to do so. But the upshot Since the white group here is cut off from the from afar the cut at white 76.
is that fighting the ko has not turned out to have position below, the diagonal play of 118 is in order. Black abandons the three stones in the upper right
White 1 is the only play in this board position. If been the wrong thing to do. Black is left without any With the plays from black 119 through 123, black's to their fate and makes the diagonal play of 151. In
black answers at 2, white stabilizes the corner with weak groups on the board and the position is an easy territory on the left side is increased by response to this, white cannot omit the play-in-a-row
3. Black then jumps to 4, and the play to come will one to play. White next at A, a natural play to run approximately 8 pts. compared to the calculation of white 152. If white does not play here, black can
be difficult for both sides. White 84 must be deferred out with the stones on the right side. Leaving things given in the Positional Judgment section previously, play out from the upper left.
to later on. as they are would allow black to capture with B, while white's territory is reduced by 4 or 5 pts. On
When white plays at 84, black cuts at 85, leading to leaving white without hope. top of that white 124 is an unavoidable play,
the continuation through white connecting patiently safeguarding the corner. If white plays
underneath at 94. This is not very big in terms of elsewhere, the corner can be deprived of eyes.
territory, while white's three stones in the center are
now cut adrift, a minus on white's side. Furthermore,
if white omits playing 94, black A is possible.
Black 95 is a magnificent hane, the key point on
the board. With this play black's fortunes suddenly
become very bright.
Perhaps white should have played 98 at 99 instead.
Diagram 8 - The usual continuation would be for
white to play out into the center with the plays from
1 to 5. White might have been troubled by the
Diagram 10 Diagram 11
thought that after this it becomes easy for black to
start a ko fight with 6 and 8. [White has played twice Diagram 10 - If white fails to play in this corner,
as many stones in this area as black has, and risks a black 1 through 5 create a four point oversized eye
big loss in the corner or an equivalent loss elsewhere [nakade, a dead shape for white]. White would have
from the ko fight.] to resort to a ko fight at some point with A, black B Positional Judgement 2
Positional Judgement 1 and white C. Positional Judgment 2 Kobayashi Style -
Vol 6, Num 3 Go Winds Fall 2002 5 6 Go Winds Fall 2002 Vol 6, Num 3
Following white 152, let's once again analyze the effectively parried by black 4 through 10, and after Takemiya took great pains over white 16, an
position on the board. White territory: upper left, 21 white 23, black A, white B and black C a ko fight 1st Kisei Tournament interesting play. If white does not stabilize the group
pts.; lower left, 7 pts.; lower side, 6 pts.; right side, results. However, black has ko threats to make eyes here, it will be a bit difficult to play freely elsewhere.
16 pts.; TOTAL: 50 pts. Black territory: left side, 22 to live in the center, and can also play at blackD. It Semi-Final Diagram 1 - White 1 is the usual maneuver.
pts.; upper right, 10 pts.; lower right, 19 pts.; is no good for white to initiate this ko fight. (Translated by Robert Terry from Jan 77 Kido Mag) Diagram 2 -If black extends at 4 with 19, the
TOTAL: 51 pts. Now, if black can secure enough In the exchange through black 181, white gains 31 maneuver does not favor black.
pts. in the center to cover the komi, then from a pts., while black's profit is 25 pts. But white started White: Takemiya Masaki, Honinbo, Black: Fujisawa If white 22 at I, then black attacks with J.
theoretical standpoint the game is won. the sequence with 166, etc., a loss of 5 pts., so the Shuko, Tengen, Played Nov 11, 1976 at the Nihon
If black blocks at A, the lower right area expands result is equal. Kiin. 248 plays. Black wins by 1/2 pt. Commentary
to 26 pts., so even if black's territory in the center is After black 189 there is a 13 pt. difference on the by Rin Kaiho 9 dan in KIDO, Jan. 1977.
only 5 pts., black's TOTAL is 63 pts. Black is solidly board. Therefore, white resigns. This game was A Stunning Half Point Loss for Takemiya
ahead by 10 pts. on the board. One can safely say played at the very end of the year, when Kataoka had
that this is a certain win for black. lost his Tengen TItle and I had lost my chance to
challenge for the Kisei Title, so it was a trying year
Diagram 12 - Playing for both of us. Each of us tried to take out our
the sequence from the frustrations in this game.
diagonal play of black 1 189 plays. Black wins by resignation.
through white 6, pulling
out the stone, is big for
black. In addition, a
play-in-a-row at black A
deprives the white group
Diagram 12
below 6 of eyes [meaning
that white ends up with
no pts. at all in this area]. 501 OPENING PROBLEMS Figure 2 (25-52)
When black plays at 153, white plays at 154, By Richard Bozulich and Rob van Zeijst Aiming to Attach at the Waist
hoping that black will answer at 172 and white can Black 25 is secure but if 25 at 43 and white blocks
then play at170. This book provides a vast number and a large at A, then black cuts at B and white is in danger.
However, black ignores this to surround the lower Figure 1 (1-33) White 26 at C is also possible, and after black 27
variety of opening problems for the
center with 155. Playing this play is what gives rise inexperienced player. Explanations are brief, White 16: A Painstaking Play for Sabaki through 31, white can jump with 32 at D and if the
to the exchange that follows. with emphasis being placed on principles to give If black 5 plays the low Chinese Opening at A, game proceeds with a black big knight at E, with
After black 163, white makes a series of do-or-die the reader a feeling of what a good opening white can cap at B. If white 6 at 7, then black 7 at 6 white 26 and 30 in place, white gets a good attack at
plays, starting with 166. This leads to white cutting move is. To this end each problem is presented or black 27, white 30 and then black 6. Plays at 6 F. However white 26 is in good relationship with the
at 176. A large scale exchange results. In reply to by stating an opening principle that can be used and 7 are equivalent options. If black 7 approaches upper left corner and white 26 at C would not be.
white 176 black 177 is a calm and collected play. to solve the problem. By seeing how these at C, then white will pincer at 7. If white 8 takes the White 32 is a knight attack that leaves black an aim
White cannot prevail in the fight that would ensue opening principles are used in games, your big point at 26 then black defends the right at 20. If to attach at the waist of, where white 32 at D is more
following a white connection at 81. intuition in the opening will become highly black 9 at 17 then white 20, black 24, white 10, stable. Again if black 33 at E, then white gets a
developed. K36 Opening Theory Made Easy - black D, is another maneuver. If black pincers white strong attack at F. Black 33 gives black a stable
reprint. Price: $15, $1.5 s/h 8 at E white will invade at the 3-3 point. Black chose shape. Also if white strikes at G, then black would
the 11 through 13 maneuver instead of 11 at D. In have to extend at H to get a stable shape if black 33
the Chinese Fuseki if white 14 at 15 then black F were at E.
and white is under pressure with black 5. White 10
is aiming to invade the lower right side. If white Diagram 3 - Black is
invades at G then black double attacks up and down reluctant to reply to white
with D. White 14 and black 15 is the normal follow 34 with since after
up. If white 14 at H and black 15, white is favored. white 1 and black 2,
Go World Thus, if white 14 at H black will approach at F. white can connect to 3
Special - $28 for 5 issues instead of 4 via A.
Current issue #96 (Autumn 2002) White 34 gives black a
big knight’s waist to
Diagram 3 Black’s counterattack at
35 indicates a roused
fighting spirit. Shuko Sensei called it "the only
play." Indeed, this is a vital point that makes it
Diagram 13 difficult for white to come up with a good
Diagram 1 Diagram 2
Diagram 13 - If white connects at 1, black can continuation. Black threatens to cut white's knight at
handle the situation with 2. White 3 through 9 can be 32 and big knight at 34.
Vol 6, Num 3 Go Winds Fall 2002 7 8 Go Winds Fall 2002 Vol 6, Num 3
Black 59 is the only play here. A white diagonal at Missed Opportunities for White
59 would be good for white. Since black can force at If white 70 at 75, black exchanges A for white 81,
R, white is hindered from penetrating at S. Black 59 leaving the jump at black 77 for later. If white
attacks white, makes shape for black's group, and, answers black A with white B, black plays the
according to circumstances, can be used to develop diagonal attachment at 70. White 70 occupying the
a large framework. So, it is a play with three aims. point at 78 would be more usual, black would be free
In response to black 59, white pushes at 60 and the to invade the left side at several points.
following plays. Takemiya seems to find expending White 72 abandons all hope of attacking black by
a play to make life for white's group here descending at C. After black D, white E and black
Diagram 4 disagreeable. 101, white has no good continuation to follow.
Replying to white 72 with black 97 would not be
Diagram 4 - Black 1 illustrates a favorable cut. good. When white plays 96, immediately making
Black 39 is a secure peg. Taking the offense at J is small scale corner life in gote with the diagonal F,
bad since white can force at L and K. J aims at white 95, Black G, white C, black H is no good.
attaching at M but white’s peep at L strengthens Instead, later on, black 95 becomes the proper line
white’s upper right position. White 40 and 42 to follow in this position.
eliminate black’s potential for poking at I and Black is inclined to settle the shape with 75 and 77.
attaching at K if white pokes at N. Black 43 takes Figure 3 (49-74) If white answers 77 at 79, black benefits.
white’s vital eye point. If white 44 at O black 50 Extending on Neutral Points
Diagram 10 Diagram 11
leaves white with an unstable shape. If black 49 at 50, then white A, black 49, white 51,
black B, white C, black D, white E, and black F Diagram 10 - It seems to me that after playing at
gives white a settled 10 point position on the upper 1 and 3, and then making life with 5 through 9, white
right, and white can extend at G on the lower side. can look forward to taking advantage of poking at A
Black is dissatisfied. and cutting. The profit white consolidates here and
Black 51 forcing white to make an unsettled shape on the lower side should not be disparaged. Black
with 52 is gratifying for black. If black gets a stone must invade the left side, so it will be difficult to
at H, black can aim at taking away white's eyes with make territory in the center at the same time.
black I, white J, black K, white L, and black A. Starting with 60, white pressing continuously Diagram 12
Black has been aiming at 53 for some time. White through white 66 in lieu of making life in the upper
54 is a forcing play. If black neglects to answer, right is not favorable. Black occupies an ideal Diagram 12 - With 78 white aims at 1 later on. If
white 55, black M, and the clamp at white N point resulting in white just occupying worthless white plays right away, black anticipates the
destabilizes black's corner. points. Capturing black's stone on the star point with continuation from fencing-in at 8 through 14 to be
70 is a small play. The whole value in playing inevitable, and attacks at A or some other tactic. This
through white 66 was in avoiding adding a play to is bad for white. So white keeps 1 in reserve.
make life for the group here. Black 79 prevents the maneuver in Diagram 12.
Diagram 11 - White 72 answering black 1 with 2 However, it was bigger for black to invade at I.
Diagram 5 Diagram 6 and the following would have avoided potential Black 79 and 81 are a result of the position’s
problems in this area. White 4 at 5 would leave black impetus. But since they aim at attacking white, white
Diagram 5 - Black 45 at 2 is better since black can free to create difficulties with an attachment at A. defends at 82.
poke with the sequence 6 through 10. Then after 11 White descending at 3 would not endanger black. Black 83 and white 84 trigger a brilliant maneuver.
and 12, black A, white B, and black C gives black a However, instead of white 84...
Diagram 8 Diagram 9
stable position. White cannot play elsewhere since
black can cut at D. Diagram 8 - Black could probe white's response by
Diagram 6 - After 45, black must extend at 47. If poking at 2 and 4. After black 10, play might
black pegs at 4 white gets a flexible position after 7. continue with white A, black B, white C and black
D. Considering that white E threatens to cut two
Diagram 7- White’s cut lines above and invade below, black D is
at 48 is able to waste unavoidable. Next, white can attack with F. The
black 43. If black defends result is difficult to evaluate. Black 55 is sufficient.
at 1, after 7, white has Diagram 9 - White 56 at 1 does not work out well
good potential at A and B since black’s block at 2 is severe. If black 2 extends Diagram 13
for attacking black. at 9, after white 2, black A, white pokes through at
However, after black 47 B, leaving black stymied for a reply. Diagram 13 - It seems that white 1 is possible.
and 49, black can aim to With white 58 there comes a lull in the fight. If Black responds with 2 through 6, and then adopts the
cut at B. Black 51 is white omits 58, the group is thin and weak. For standard tactic of 8 and 10. The plays through black
boasting attack. instance, black 58, white O can be followed up with 30 result in a ko, but white has the ko threats of A
a black peep at P and atari at Q with black aiming to and B available, so I do not think that black could
Diagram 7 cut white’s group in half with a play below P. Figure 4 (70-116) (90@83) successfully pull this off.
Vol 6, Num 3 Go Winds Fall 2002 9 10 Go Winds Fall 2002 Vol 6, Num 3
Black 85 and black 87 results in a skillful finesse Diagram 18 - White Chased by Time Trouble 201, white is able to employ the fencing-in tactic of
through white 94. If black 87 connects at 88, white 116 is a mistake. After At this play, white was in severe time trouble and white 204. This forces black to connect on a neutral
extends at 87, neutralizing the effectiveness of the skillful finesse of 114 this is why the previous variations were overlooked. point at 205, which is inefficient.
black's position. White 94 lays waste to black's large white should play at 1. Black capturing with 117 and 119 is worth close to However, next it is white's turn to make a bad play
territorial framework in the center, but in exchange Following this 30 pts. If black were to play on the upper side first with 212. Black is able to employ the sequence 215
black bursts into the left side. deployment, in Figure 5 instead of white 116 it would be worth 20 points. through 219.
White’s capture at 102 is the only play here. If white will probably play At 122, white should push out at 129, exchanging Diagram 21 - White 1 here makes extra profit at A
white quickly plays at104, then black F, white 102 A, black B and white C, that play for black C. In that case, white is left with and B, most likely insuring a 1/2 pt. win.
and black H, sharply confining white's options. erasing black's territory the potential to play at E. If white fails to play at 224, black plays atari at
Black 103 at 104 is solid but not advantageous in the center. This is As might be expected, black 125 is the only play in 224, and then after black A, black 226 forces gaining
since white J, black K, and white L is big for white. terrible, so black might this position. an extra point.
White played 106 to gain time on the clock, but it play differently at 4. At 126, too, white should push out at 129, and after This was a thrilling game right to the finish.
is a bad play. It is not necessary to rush to play here. Diagram 19 - After black C, play at 132. 248 plays. Black wins by 1/2 pt.
white 3, it is difficult for Playing white 134 at 39 would give black the
black to try to endgame maneuver of black 51, white 52 and black
Diagram 18 consolidate the center clamp at F. LEE CHANG-HO’S
with 6. White can link Black 145 is a mistake. The biggest play is to
into that area with 9 and 11. If black replies at 12, extend at 48. ENDGAME
white has the skillful finesse of 13 and 15 to cut and
capture with 19. This would give white a TECHNIQUES -2
comfortable advantage in the game. (A translation of a Korean book, scheduled to be
published by Yutopian Enterprises.)
Diagram 14 Diagram 15
Diagram 14 - Simply playing the hane of white 1
Chapter 1
can lead to a ko with white 9 if black replies at 2.
Diagram 15 - If black answers at 2, white butts up
50 Elementary Problems
against black's position with 3. Then black makes
life with 4 and 6. However, white can force with the
an extension a A threating to kill the corner or to cut
two lines above A.
White’s severe peep at 108 is what Takemiya had
been aiming at. Eventually white manages to cut at
112, capturing three of black's stones.
Diagram 16 Diagram 17
Diagram 16 - Playing 109 by pressing at 1 results
in white's playing 2 through 6, which is no good for
black. If black uses 1 to connect at 6, white plays 2,
and after black A, white turns at B, giving white the
choice of blocking at either C or D.
Diagram 20
Diagram 17 - In response to black 109, as might
be expected extending at white 1is no good. Black Black 201 is Pattern 13
connects at 2, and then pokes at 4 and cuts at 6. In dangerous. Diagram 21
Pattern 13 – Black to play This may look like a
the end, black traps white's stones with 8 and 10. Diagram 20 - Black plays 1 and 3, and then black
corner life and death problem, but the question is,
White plays 110 to gain time on the clock. 5 insures the win.
Figure 5 (116-173) how much territory can black get in this corner?
Since black wedges between white's stones with
Vol 6, Num 3 Go Winds Fall 2002 11 12 Go Winds Fall 2002 Vol 6, Num 3
Solution Pattern 12 Solution Pattern 13 Diagram - 1.2 Joseki Analysis II Difficult The
SANGIT’S COLUMN push through with 1 and cut of 3 is an excellent
Part 14 sequence for amateurs to learn. After white cuts
with 3, the position becomes tense.
We are back in the study of three stone games Diagram - 1.2 Problem 1 What is black’s joseki
where white still plays 3-4 point and black still play?
approaches with a low kakari. Diagram - 1.3 Wrong Answer The block of black
1 is bad. The sequence to 6 is inevitable. Black is
cut apart. White has secured life in the corner since
he has A. Black 1 is wrong.
Diagram 1 Diagram 1
Diagram 1 – Correct answer Black’s attachment Diagram 1 – Correct answer black 1 is the most
at 1 is a sharp tesuji. White A against black 1 is not effective move to live. After black 3, black’s
good because of black B. After black 1, we can territory is five points.
assume the sequence white C to black F.
Diagram 1
Diagram - 1 White 3 was a popular play in
Diagram 2 Diagram 2 ancient times. Black’s answers range from A-F,
including tenuki and others. B, F and A are Diagram 1.4
Diagram 2 – Failure 1 Black 1 and 3 are Diagram 2 – Failure 1 Black 1 is wrong. After common. E is classical. D can lead to Diagram -1.4 Correct Answer Game Sequence.
commonly seen poor style. After white 4, comparing the exchange of white 2 and black 3, black’s territory complications. C is rarely seen. Standing up at 1 is joseki. White also stands at 2,
with Diagram 1, white’s territory is five points is three points. Black 3 at A is wrong, as white kills and then the sequence to white 12 is played. Both
larger. black’s group with B. sides have erred which will be discussed later.
Diagram - 1.4 Problem 2 What should black do
Diagram 1.1
Vol 6, Num 3 Go Winds Fall 2002 13 14 Go Winds Fall 2002 Vol 6, Num 3
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Diagram 3 Diagram 3.1 the market. Playing levels from 7kyu to 15 kyu of strength with up to 25 handicap stones in each level,
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Diagram - 3.1 Black has to play this kosumi with The “Test Your Strength Mode” allows the user to enter their rank, and based on the performance, the
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Diagram - 3.2 The
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to press with 1, though
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else is submissive.
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Vol 6, Num 3 Go Winds Fall 2002 15 16 Go Winds Fall 2002 Vol 6, Num 3
people style’. Thus, it is also possible that Lin was
GO STORIES referring to his fighting style when he said he GO SHAPES
Part 13 ‘couldn’t play’ go. Part 5
The Humbleness of a Gentleman is Like the Likewise, Su Dongbo also appreciated go in his Excerpts from Go Notes By Craig R. Hutchinson
Warmth of a Piece of Jade poems (e.g., Guan Qi Shi Xu) and appeared to have
a profound knowledge in go. Su liked to use go Understanding and being able to visualize the key
Playing Go and Moving Manure theory as analogies to our daily life. For example, link points in the basic three stones shapes will help
Su noticed that most scholars passed the entrance develop your skill for analyzing a board situation. Panda Poke 3 Panda Poke 4 Panda Poke 5
When it comes to the description of go players and examination and became civil servants at old age, Let’s now look at the key link points in the Panda
drunkards in history, ancient writers often like to much like a good go player prevailing at the end of shape near the edge of the board in Panda. As it the link with 2 gaining power over more points than
exaggerate. For example, the capacity of drinking a the game with profound strategy. Although go is stands can white purge the link in the shape? in Panda Pin 2. On the edge of the grid in this
pint of wine is often described as a gallon, and only a game, it can give us great insights in our daily position white cannot poke and purge the link with
drinking a gallon of wine is naturally compared to life… 3 and 5, but in the middle of the grid white can.
the capacity of the ocean. The same applies to go. In Panda Peep 2 white peeps at the link at 1. How
Good players are often hailed as ‘the best in the should black protect the link.
world’, or ‘no match in the world’. If this were the In Panda Poke 5 black ignored the peep and
played 2 elsewhere. White then poked with 3 and
case, then the world must be a really small place.
There were quite a few scholars in history who were
NEW was is not able to purge the link on the edge of the
grid but in the middle of the grid white can.
good in go, and they are often referred to as having
‘unusual skill’. Most of these players were probably
KISEIDO BOOK Panda Panda Poke 1 Panda Poke 2 In Panda Peep 3, black ignored white’s peep at 1
and white peeped again at 3. Now how should black
proud of their games. Only Lin Hejing and Su
Dongbo of the North Song humbly referred to
One Thousand and In Panda Poke 1, white pokes at 1, and tries to cut protect the link?
with the poke at 3. But black is able to capture 1 in
themselves as ‘not knowing’ go, although both of
them seemed to have a profound knowledge of the
One Life-and-Death a ladder so white may not able to purge the link in
this position. In Panda Poke 2,white pokes at 1, and
game. Su often told people that there were three
things that he was not good at, ‘playing go’,
Problems tries to cut with the poke at 3. But black can trap 1 in
‘drinking’ and ‘singing’. Lin, on the other hand said Edited by Richard Bozulich a net at 4 so white can not purge the link in poke 2.
that there were two things he couldn’t do; moving
manure (in ancient societies, manure had to be It is the purpose of this book to provide a vast
manually moved out of the house) and playing go. number and a large variety of life-and-death
Lin was a poet in the North Song Dynasty, who problems for the inexperienced player. The Panda Peg 2 Panda Pin 3 Panda Pin 4
lived in Gu Shan of Hangzhou. He was never problems here are not hard; they range from
married and had no interest in becoming a civil very easy to moderately difficult. A dan In Panda Peg 2 black pegs the link with 4 and the
servant (the goal of most people in China at the player should be able to solve them withina link can no longer be assaulted with a peep, however
time). Lin often referred to plum trees as his wife minute, sometimes on sight, but it may take a Panda Peep 1 Panda Peep 2 Panda Peep 3 black 4 has not gained power over any more points.
and cranes as his sons. Most ancient poets liked to bit longer for kyu-level players. If you have In Panda Pins 3, 4 and 5 black is able to preserve
play go, which was a favorite pastime. Why Lin just learned the rules and played only a few In Panda Peep 1 white peeps at 1. Should black the link and gain power over more points.
compared playing go to moving manure is not clear. games, you will certainly benefit from protect the link with a peg or a pin?
Long Ying of the Ming Dynasty mentioned in Qi studying these problems. Price: $15, $1 s/h
Xiu Lei Gao, ‘Most scholars are good in go.
Although not every one thinks that go is profitable,
it is certainly not as disgusting as what Lin Hejing
described. It’s puzzling’. This is indeed puzzling
for go was a common theme in Lin’s poems, like Ti
Shi Bi and Chun Mu Ji Huai Cao Nan Tong. From
his poems, one sees that Lin not only knew go, but Panda Peg 1 Panda Pin 1 Panda Pin 2 Panda Pin 5 Panda Poke 6 Panda Peep 4
he also appreciated go. The issue is what Lin meant
by ‘couldn’t do’. Moving manure and playing go are In Panda Peg 1 black pegs the link with 2. Is there In Panda Poke 6 white tries to cut the link
two entirely different things. The former is probably another tactic to preserve the link? In Panda Pin 1 however black is able to preserve the link with the
something that Lin would not want to do, and the black pins the link with 2. Black 2 is also providing capture race through 16.
latter is something that he admitted he could not do power over more points than in Panda Peg 1. Is In Panda Peep 4 white is again assaulting the link
(well), due to his humbleness. There are two there another tactic to protect the link? In Panda Pin with two peeps at 1 and 3. What happens if black
distinctive styles of playing go, one emphasizing on 2 black can also pin the link with 2 and again black ignores the peeps? In Panda Poke 7 white is able to
theory and the other on fighting. Most ancient 2 is gaining more power over more points than in purge the link with 5 and 7. How should black
scholars were good in go theory and not in fighting. Panda Pin 1. preserve the link against the peeps in Panda Peep 4?
Therefore the former was known as the ‘scholar’s In Panda Poke 3 if white tries to purge the link In Panda Pin 6 black pins the link with 4 and also
style’ and the latter was known as the ‘common with the poke at 3, black again is able to defend the gains some power over more points.
link with the block at 4. In Panda Poke 4, black pins
Vol 6, Num 3 Go Winds Fall 2002 17 18 Go Winds Fall 2002 Vol 6, Num 3
100 Challenging Go Problems for 100 Days of Study by The Nihon Kiin $17.50 s/h: $1.50
A Compendium of Trick Plays by The Nihon Kiin $17.50 s/h: $1.50
Beauty and the Beast, Exquisite Play and Go Theory by Shen Guosun $17.50 s/h: $1.50
Cho Hun-hyeon’s Lectures on Go Tactics $17.50 s/h: $1.50
Panda Poke 7 Panda Pin 6 Panda Poke 8 Panda Poke 14 Panda Poke 15 Panda Poke 16 Dramatic Moments on the Go Board by Abe Yoshiteru $12.95 s/h: $1.50
Essential Joseki, from The Master of Go Series by Naiwei Rui 9 dan. $17.50 s/h: $1.50
In Panda Poke 8 on the edge of the grid in this How should black preserve the link in Panda Peep Fighting Ko by Jin Jiang $11.95 s/h: $1.50
position white cannot poke and purge the link with 6? Panda Poke 14 shows one maneuver that can Fuseki Small Encyclopedia by the Nihon Kiin $19.50 s/h: $1.50
3 and 5, but in the middle of the grid white can. happen if black does not pin the link. Panda Poke Galactic Go, Volume 1 by Sangit Chatterjee & Yang Huiren $17.50 s/h: $1.50
15 shows how a black pin at 4 can preserve the link. Galactic Go, Volume 2 by Sangit Chatterjee & Yang Huiren $17.50 s/h: $1.50
Panda Poke 16 shows how a black pin at 4 can Go For Kids by Milton Bradley $17.50 s/h: $1.50
preserve the link if white pokes at 5 and black can Go Seigen’s Lectures, Volume 2, Winning a Won Game $17.50 s/h: $1.50
capture white 11 in a ladder. However, if the black Golden Opportunities by Rin Kaiho $20.65 s/h: $1.50
ladder is not good, black can protect the link as Handbook of Handicap Go by the Nihon Kiin $17.50 s/h: $1.50
shown in Panda Poke 17 on the edge of the grid in Handbook of Star Point Joseki by the Nihon Kiin $17.50 s/h: $1.50
this position, but cannot in the middle of the grid. Igo Hatsuyo-ron, Volume 1 by Dosetsu Inseki $17.50 s/h: $1.50
Intermediate Level Power Builder, Volume. 1 by Wang RuNan 8D $17.50 s/h: $1.50
Panda Poke 9 Panda Pin 7 Panda Poke 10 Killer of Go by Eio Sakata $17.50 s/h: $1.50
Lee Changho’s Novel Plays And Shapes, Volume 1 by Lee Changho $17.50 s/h: $1.50
In Panda Poke 9 white pokes with 5 and black is Master Go In Ten Days by Xu Xiang and Jin Jiang $17.50 s/h: $1.50
able to peg the link with 8. Nie Weiping On Go by Nie Weiping $17.50 s/h: $1.50
In Panda Pin 7 black pins the link with 4 also Pro-Pro Handicap Go by the Nihon Kiin $16.95 s/h: $1.50
gaining power over more points and Panda Poke 10 Proverbs by the Nihon Kiin $17.50 s/h: $1.50
again shows how on the edge of the grid in this Rescue and Capture, Yang's Pocket Series by Yang Yilun $9.95 s/h: $1.50
position white cannot poke and purge the link with Panda Poke 17 Panda Peep 7 Panda Poke 18 Star Point Joseki by Nihon Ki-in Handbooks, Volume 3
3 and 5, but in the middle of the grid white can. Strategic Fundamentals In Go by Guo Tisheng and Lu Wen $17.50 s/h: $1.50
Panda Peep 7 provides another double peep Tesuji and Anti-Suji of Go by Sakata Eio $17.50 s/h: $1.50
formation. Panda Poke 18 shows how white 1 The Thirty Six Stratagems Applied to Go by Ma Xiaochun $17.50 s/h: $1.50
provides a ladder break for white. Again what are the The Art of Capturing Stones by Wu Dingyuan and Yu Xing $17.50 s/h: $1.50
pin points that black can consider for preserving the The Art of Connecting Stones by Wu Piao and Yu Xing $17.50 s/h: $1.50
link in Panda Peep 7? Tricks in Joseki by Yang Yilun, $13.75 s/h: $1.50
Utilizing Outward Influence by Jin Jiang and Zhao Zheng $17.50 s/h: $1.50
Panda Pin 9 shows some pin Yang Yilun’s Ingenious Life and Death Puzzles, Volumes 1 and 2 Each $17.50 s/h: $1.50
points that black can use. The
Panda Peep 5 Panda Poke 11 Panda Pin 8 objective is to find which ) for Visit www.yutopian.com/go for other books.
pinning the link works best with
How should black preserve the link in Panda Peep the rest of the board. Here, in
5? If black ignores the link, Panda Poke 11 shows depth reading is required with
how white can purge the link with the pokes of 5 and respect to the whole board
7. How can black prevent white’s poke at 7? Panda Pin 9 strategy as well as local tactics.
The objective of a brief analysis
of the Panda link is to give you an idea of some of
the possible peeping and pinning tactics. Knowing
the peeps and pins that can occur for assaulting and
protecting the basic links is one of the foundations
for analyzing a grid position. The objective in go is This book is a complete foundation course for essential 3-4, 3-5, and 4-5 Point Joseki. Sanno Hirotaka
to find the plays that have more than one aim, e.g. a 9 dan and Aiba Kazuhiro collaborated to produce a compilation of basic joseki that is easily read and
peep and/or pin at more than one link. understood. Naturally, this book is perfectly suited for lower kyu players, but upper kyu players who
Panda Poke 12 Panda Poke 13 Panda Peep 6 I will continue to review some more of the shapes want to hone their basic skills will find it a valuable work to keep at hand. The purpose of this book is
for their peeps and pins in future notes. Analyze to help a Go player study and learn the basic 3-4, 3-5, and 4-5 Point Joseki that divides a corner section
Panda Pin 8 shows one tactic for pinning the link some of the shapes your self to become familiar with of the board. By playing at either the 3-4, 3-5 and 4-5 point, a corner enclosure is anticipated. The basic
at 4, again gaining power over more points. Panda their key points for producing (creating), pinning joseki covered here offer maneuvers on how to counter the formation of a corner enclosure. Many times
Poke 12 shows how black 4 protects link if white (protecting), pegging (fixing/connecting), peeping the book mentions how a particular joseki works well in a certain board position.
pokes. Panda Poke 13 shows another black pin at 4 (assaulting), poking (imperiling), and purging We hope the reader will have fun getting strong. Enjoy! Price: $19.50 s/h: $1.50
and how it protects the link. (destroying/cutting) their links.
Visit www.yutopian.com
Yutopian Enterprise’s web site for an on line Go Auction.