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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

The capital of Afghanistan is:

(a) Kabul
(b) Kandhar
(c) Mazar-e-Sharif
(d) None of these
Answer: a

The capital of Albania is:

(a) Luanda
(b) Tirane
(c) Vienna
(d) Baku
Answer: b

The capital of Andorra is:

(a) Andorra la Vella
(b) Nassau
(c) Canillo
(d) Kieve
Answer: a

The capital of Angola is:

(a) Algiers
(b) Luanda
(c) Tirana
(d) Bishkek
Answer: b

The capital of Antigua & Barbuda is:

(a) Luanda
(b) St. John’s
(c) Canberra
(d) Colombo
Answer: b

The capital of Argentina is:

(a) Buenos Aires
(b) Canberra
(c) Vienna
(d) Baku

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

Answer: a

The capital of Armenia is:

(a) Canberra
(b) Yerevan
(c) Luanda
(d) Baku
Answer: b

The capital of Australia is:

(a) Sydney
(b) Canberra
(c) Perth
(d) Melbourne
Answer: b

The capital of Austria is:

(a) Vienna
(b) Nassau
(c) Luanda
(d) St. John’s
Answer: a

The capital of Azerbaijan is:

(a) Vienna
(b) Baku
(c) Canberra
(d) Yerevan
Answer: b

The capital of Bahamas is:

(a) Cat Island
(b) Nassau
(c) Crooked Island
(d) Luanda
Answer: b

The capital of Bahrain is:

(a) Manama
(b) Porto Novo

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(c) Doha
(d) Jeddah
Answer: a

Check Also: Oceans and Seas MCQ

The capital of Bangladesh is:
(a) Dhaka
(b) Minsk
(c) Chittagong
(d) Rajshahi
Answer: a

The capital of Barbados is:

(a) Bridgetown
(b) Portland
(c) Westmoreland
(d) Saint Patricks
Answer: a

The capital of Belarus is:

(a) Brazillia
(b) Minsk
(c) Manama
(d) Sarajevo
Answer: b

The capital of Belgium is:

(a) Paris
(b) Brussels
(c) La Paz
(d) Bogotá
Answer: b

The capital of Belize is:

(a) Belmopan
(b) Brasilia
(c) Ottawa
(d) San Jose
Answer: a

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

The capital of Benin is:

(a) Porto-Novo
(b) Bishkek
(c) Sarajevo
(d) Brasilia
Answer: a

The capital of Bhutan is:

(a) Minsk
(b) Thimphu
(c) Sarajevo
(d) Sofia
Answer: b

The capital of Bolivia is:

(a) La Paz
(b) Belmopan
(c) Bridgetown
(d) Sucre
Answer: a

The capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina is:

(a) Zenica
(b) Sarajevo
(c) Konjic
(d) Mostar
Answer: b

The capital of Botswana is:

(a) Brasillia
(b) Gaborone
(c) Sofia
(d) Ottawa
Answer: b

The capital of Brazil is:

(a) Brasilia
(b) Ottawa
(c) Bangui
(d) Rio de Janeiro

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

Answer: a

The capital of Brunei-Darussalam is:

(a) Brasilia
(b) Bandar Seri Begawan
(c) Sofia
(d) Bujumbura
Answer: b

The capital of Bulgaria is:

(a) Sofia
(b) Minsk
(c) Plovdiv
(d) Bridgetown
Answer: a

The capital of Burkina Faso is:

(a) Bridgetown
(b) Bobo Dioulasso
(c) Ouagadougou
(d) Ottawa
Answer: c

The capital of Burundi is:

(a) Ottawa
(b) Bujumbura
(c) Yaounde
(d) Praia
Answer: b

check also: Lakes of the World MCQs

The capital of Cambodia is:
(a) Phnom Penh
(b) Bujumbura
(c) La Paz
(d) Port-Novo
Answer: a

The capital of Cameroon is:

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(a) Canberra
(b) Yaounde
(c) Praia
(d) Bangui
Answer: b

The capital of Canada is:

(a) Montreal
(b) Ottawa
(c) Toronto
(d) Calgary
Answer: b

The capital of Cape Verde is:

(a) Mindelo
(b) Praia
(c) Bangui
(d) La Paz
Answer: b

The capital of Central African Republic is:

(a) Praia
(b) Bangui
(c) Sofia
(d) Bouca
Answer: b

The capital of Chad is:

(a) Praia
(b) N’ Djamena
(c) Sarh
(d) Mongo
Answer: b

The capital of Chile is:

(a) Beijing
(b) Santiago
(c) Bagota
(d) San Jose
Answer: b

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

The capital of China is:

(a) Shanghai
(b) Zhengzhou
(c) Beijing
(d) Tajyuan
Answer: c

The capital of Colombia is:

(a) Beijing
(b) Bogotá
(c) Moroni
(d) San Jose
Answer: b

The capital of Comoros is:

(a) Bogota
(b) Moroni
(c) Beijing
(d) Santiago
Answer: b

The capital of Congo is:

(a) Moroni
(b) Kinshasa
(c) San Jose
(d) Kikwit
Answer: b

The capital of Costa Rica is:

(a) Kinshasa
(b) San Jose
(c) Zagreb
(d) Bogota
Answer: b

The capital of Cote d’ Ivoire is:

(a) Yamoussoukro
(b) San Jose
(c) Praha
(d) Dili

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

Answer: a

The capital of Croatia is:

(a) Nicosia
(b) Zagreb
(c) Bogotá
(d) Beijing
Answer: b

The capital of Cuba is:

(a) Havana
(b) San Jose
(c) Praha
(d) Guantanamo
Answer: a

The capital of Cyprus is:

(a) Nicosia
(b) Praha
(c) Santo Domingo
(d) Dili
Answer: a

Czech Republic’s capital is:

(a) Prague
(b) Melnik
(c) San Jose
(d) Bogotá
Answer: a

check also: Rivers of the World MCQs

The capital of Denmark is:
(a) Copenhagen
(b) San Salvador
(c) Zagreb
(d) Bogotá
Answer: a

The capital of East Timor is:

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(a) Ermera
(b) Dili
(c) Nicosia
(d) Quito
Answer: b

The capital of Ecuador is:

(a) Dili
(b) Quito
(c) San Jose
(d) Cairo
Answer: b

The capital of Egypt is:

(a) Cairo
(b) Praha
(c) Alexandaria
(d) Mallawi
Answer: a

The capital of Equatorial Guinea is:

(a) Asmara
(b) Malabo
(c) Tallinn
(d) Suva
Answer: b

The capital of Eritrea is:

(a) Suva
(b) Asmara
(c) Malabo
(d) Nakfa
Answer: b

The capital of Estonia is:

(a) Asmara
(b) Tallinn
(c) Malabo
(d) Suva
Answer: b

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

The capital of Ethiopia is:

(a) Addis Ababa
(b) Libreville
(c) La Paz
(d) Malabo
Answer: a

The capital of Fiji is:

(a) Suva
(b) Asmara
(c) Malabo
(d) Havana
Answer: a

The capital of Finland is:

(a) Helsinki
(b) Paris
(c) Tallinn
(d) Turku
Answer: a

The capital of France is:

(a) Versailles
(b) Paris
(c) Berlin
(d) Lille
Answer: b

Check also: Important Seaports of the World MCQs

The capital of Gabon is:
(a) Suva
(b) Libreville
(c) Banjul
(d) Masuku
Answer: b

The capital of Gambia is:

(a) Banjul
(b) Suva

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(c) Malabo
(d) Berlin
Answer: a

The capital of Georgia is:

(a) Banjul
(b) Tbilisi
(c) Berlin
(d) Accra
Answer: b

The capital of Germany is:

(a) Accra
(b) Berlin
(c) Conakry
(d) Banjul
Answer: b

The capital of Ghana is:

(a) Berlin
(b) Accra
(c) Suva
(d) Malabo
Answer: b

The capital of Greece is:

(a) Athens
(b) Berlin
(c) Paris
(d) Asmara
Answer: a

The capital of Guinea is:

(a) Beyla
(b) Conakry
(c) Tbilisi
(d) Suva
Answer: b

The capital of Haiti is:

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(a) Port-au-Prince
(b) Conakry
(c) Banjul
(d) Suva
Answer: a

The capital of Honduras is:

(a) Talanga
(b) Tegucigalpa
(c) Tbilisi
(d) Suva
Answer: b

The capital of Hungary is:

(a) Budapest
(b) Kamend
(c) Vae
(d) Cegled
Answer: a

Check Also: Islands of the World MCQs

The capital of Iceland is:
(a) Akureyri
(b) Reykjavik
(c) Jakarta
(d) Husavik
Answer: b

The capital of Indonesia is:

(a) Tehran
(b) Jakarta
(c) Tokyo
(d) Asmara
Answer: b

The capital of Iran is:

(a) Mashhad
(b) Tehran
(c) Shiraz

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(d) Zahedan
Answer: b

The capital of Iraq is:

(a) Tikrit
(b) Baghdad
(c) Kirkuk
(d) Karbala
Answer: b

The capital of Ireland is:

(a) Dublin
(b) Asmara
(c) Banjul
(d) Paris
Answer: a

The capital of Israel is:

(a) Rome
(b) Jerusalem
(c) Tokyo
(d) Amman
Answer: b

The capital of Italy is:

(a) Tellinn
(b) Rome
(c) Paris
(d) Budapest
Answer: b

The capital of Jamaica is:

(a) Tokyo
(b) Kingston
(c) Nairobi
(d) Tarawa
Answer: b

The capital of Japan is:

(a) Osaka

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(b) Tokyo
(c) Okayama
(d) Nagasaki
Answer: b

The capital of Jordan is:

(a) Amman
(b) Adir
(c) Madaba
(d) Al-Mafraq
Answer: a

The capital of Kazakhstan is:

(a) Astana
(b) Almaty
(c) Bishkek
(d) Ashgabat
Answer: a

The capital of Kenya is:

(a) Mombasa
(b) Nairobi
(c) Malabo
(d) Kingston
Answer: b

Kiribati’s capital is:

(a) Nairobi
(b) Tarawa
(c) Bairiki
(d) Asmara
Answer: c

The capital of North Korea is:

(a) Pyongyang
(b) Seoul
(c) Tallinn
(d) Malabo
Answer: a

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

The capital of South Korea is:

(a) Seoul
(b) Tallinn
(c) Malabo
(d) Beijing
Answer: a

The capital of Kuwait is:

(a) Kuwait City
(b) Baghdad
(c) Tehran
(d) Jeddah
Answer: a

The capital of Kyrgyzstan is:

(a) Tashkent
(b) Bishkek
(c) Kyzyl-Kyya
(d) Ashkabad
Answer: b

The capital of Laos is:

(a) Vientiane
(b) Tripoli
(c) Jakarta
(d) Budapest
Answer: a

The capital of Latvia is:

(a) Tel Aviv
(b) Riga
(c) Tehran
(d) Budapest
Answer: b

The capital of Lebanon is:

(a) Khaldah
(b) Beirut
(c) Tyre
(d) Sidon

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

Answer: b

The capital of Lesotho is:

(a) Mafeteng
(b) Maseru
(c) Tarawa
(d) Accra
Answer: b

The capital of Liberia is:

(a) Maseru
(b) Monrovia
(c) Riga
(d) Vaduz
Answer: b

The capital of Libya is:

(a) Tripoli
(b) Benghazi
(c) Zitan
(d) Surt
Answer: a

The capital of Liechtenstein is:

(a) Maseru
(b) Vaduz
(c) Tarawa
(d) Triesen
Answer: b

The capital of Lithuania is:

(a) Vilnius
(b) Skopje
(c) Luxembourg
(d) Bamako
Answer: a

The capital of Luxembourg is:

(a) Luxembourg
(b) Oslo

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(c) Brussels
(d) Monaco
Answer: a

Check Also:World General Knowledge MCQs (Famous Places)

The capital of Macedonia is:
(a) Vilnius
(b) Skopje
(c) Kumanovo
(d) Bamako
Answer: b

The capital of Madagascar is:

(a) Vilnius
(b) Antananario
(c) Mahabo
(d) Monaco
Answer: b

The capital of Malawi is:

(a) Lilongwe
(b) Skopje
(c) Mchinji
(d) Kasungu
Answer: a

The capital of Malaysia is:

(a) Ipoh
(b) Kuala Lumpur
(c) Keluang
(d) Sumatra
Answer: b

The capital of Maldives is:

(a) Male
(b) Bamako
(c) Lima
(d) Manila
Answer: a

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

The capital of Mauritania is:

(a) Nouakchott
(b) Akjoujt
(c) Tichit
(d) Tadjikdja
Answer: a

The capital of Mauritius is:

(a) Nouakchott
(b) Port Louis
(c) Bamako
(d) Valletta
Answer: b

The capital of Mexico is:

(a) Mexico City
(b) Port Louis
(c) Skopje
(d) Palikir
Answer: a

The capital of Micronesia is:

(a) Bamako
(b) Palikir
(c) Skopje
(d) Villainous
Answer: b

The capital of Moldova is:

(a) Port Louis
(b) Chisinau
(c) Orhei
(d) Rezina
Answer: b

The capital of Mongolia is:

(a) Ulaanbaatar
(b) Palikir
(c) Rabat
(d) Port Louis

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

Answer: a

The capital of Morocco is:

(a) Safi
(b) Rabat
(c) Maknes
(d) Fes
Answer: b

The capital of Mozambique is:

(a) Maputo
(b) Port Louis
(c) Bamako
(d) Beira
Answer: a

The capital of Myanmar is:

(a) Naypyidaw
(b) Hanoi
(c) Dhaka
(d) Phnom Penh
Answer: a

The capital of Namibia is:

(a) Maputo
(b) Windhoek
(c) Rabat
(d) Bamako
Answer: b

The capital of Nauru is:

(a) Windhoek
(b) Yaren
(c) Mexico City
(d) Dili
Answer: b

The capital of Nepal is:

(a) Katmandu
(b) Lalitpur

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(c) Jajarkot
(d) Pokhara
Answer: a

The capital of Netherlands is:

(a) Amsterdam
(b) Utrecht
(c) Maastricht
(d) Oslo
Answer: a

The capital of New Zealand is:

(a) Auckland
(b) Wellington
(c) Dunedin
(d) Christchurch
Answer: b

The capital of Nicaragua is:

(a) Matagalpa
(b) Managua
(c) Abuja
(d) San Salvador
Answer: b

The capital of Niger is:

(a) Niamey
(b) Oslo
(c) Abuja
(d) Koror
Answer: a

The capital of Nigeria is:

(a) Oslo
(b) Niamey
(c) Abuja
(d) Managua
Answer: c

The capital of Norway is:

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(a) Helsinki
(b) Oslo
(c) Stockholm
(d) Lima
Answer: b

The capital of Oman is:

(a) Abu Dhabi
(b) Muscat
(c) Riyadh
(d) Baghdad
Answer: b

The capital of Pakistan is:

(a) Lahore
(b) Islamabad
(c) Karachi
(d) Quetta
Answer: b

The capital of Panama is:

(a) Panama City
(b) Koror
(c) Niamey
(d) Abuja
Answer: a

The capital of Papua New Guinea is:

(a) Lima
(b) Port Moresby
(c) Koror
(d) Abuja
Answer: b

The capital of Paraguay is:

(a) Lima
(b) Rio de Janrio
(c) Asuncion
(d) Lisbon
Answer: c

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

The capital of Peru is:

(a) Koror
(b) Lima
(c) Abuja
(d) Oslo
Answer: b

The capital of Phillipines is:

(a) Lima
(b) Lisbon
(c) Manila
(d) Bamako
Answer: c

The capital of Poland is:

(a) Lisbon
(b) Warsaw
(c) Maputo
(d) Lomza
Answer: b

The capital of Qatar is:

(a) Koror
(b) Doha
(c) Jaddah
(d) Manama
Answer: b

The capital of Romania is:

(a) Bucharest
(b) Manila
(c) Panama City
(d) Oslo
Answer: a

The capital of Russia is:

(a) St. Petersburg
(b) Moscow
(c) Vologda
(d) Kiev

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

Answer: b

The capital of Republic of South Sudan is:

(a) Juba
(b) Yambio
(c) Vekan
(d) Loma
Answer: a

The capital of Saint Kitts-Nevis is:

(a) Saint Louis
(b) Basseterre
(c) Saint Paul’s
(d) Dakar
Answer: b

The capital of Saint Lucia is:

(a) Kigali
(b) Castries
(c) Apia
(d) Saint Louis
Answer: b

The capital of Samoa is:

(a) Kingston
(b) Apia
(c) Kigali
(d) Freetown
Answer: b

The capital of San Marino is:

(a) Apia
(b) San Marino
(c) San Antonio
(d) Freetown
Answer: b

The capital of Sao Tome and Principe is:

(a) Trinidad
(b) Victoria

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(c) Honiara
(d) Sao Tome
Answer: d

The capital of Saudi Arab is:

(a) Riyadh
(b) Jeddah
(c) Makkah
(d) Madina
Answer: a

The capital of Seychelles is:

(a) Dakar
(b) Victoria
(c) Kingston
(d) Madrid
Answer: b

The capital of Sierra Leone is:

(a) Conakry
(b) Sao Tom
(c) Freetown
(d) Bogota
Answer: c

The capital of Singapore is:

(a) Singapore City
(b) Honiara
(c) Apia
(d) Monaco
Answer: a

The capital of Slovenia is:

(a) Bratislava
(b) Ljubljana
(c) Freetown
(d) Castries
Answer: b

The capital of Solomon Islands is:

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(a) Honiara
(b) Dakar
(c) Apia
(d) Castries
Answer: a

The capital of Somalia is:

(a) Mogadishu
(b) Aden
(c) Nairobi
(d) Addis Ababa
Answer: a

The capital of South Africa is:

(a) Mbabane
(b) Pretoria
(c) Durban
(d) Johannesburg
Answer: b

The capital of Spain is:

(a) Cape Town
(b) Victoria
(c) Madrid
(d) Kingston
Answer: c

The capital of Sri Lanka is:

(a) Trincomalee
(b) Colombo
(c) Jaffna
(d) Kandy
Answer: b

The capital of Sudan is:

(a) Colombo
(b) Khartoum
(c) Addis Ababa
(d) Apia
Answer: b

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

The capital of Suriname is:

(a) Malabo
(b) Paramaribo
(c) Bern
(d) Lome
Answer: b

The capital of Swaziland is:

(a) Mbabane
(b) Sao Tom
(c) Kadake
(d) Kigali
Answer: a

The capital of Sweden is:

(a) Stockholm
(b) Oslo
(c) Tallinn
(d) Copenhagen
Answer: b

The capital of Switzerland is:

(a) Geneva
(b) Bern
(c) Dodoma
(d) The Hague
Answer: b

The capital of Syria is:

(a) Amman
(b) Damascus
(c) Beirut
(d) Baghdad
Answer: b

The capital of Taiwan is:

(a) Bern
(b) Taipei
(c) Dodoma
(d) Ankara

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

Answer: b

The capital of Tajikistan is:

(a) Dodoma
(b) Lome
(c) Dushanbe
(d) Tashkent
Answer: c

The capital of Tanzania is:

(a) Nairobi
(b) Dodoma
(c) Freetown
(d) Kigali
Answer: b

The capital of Thailand is:

(a) Bangkok
(b) Phnom Penh
(c) Honiara
(d) Lome
Answer: a

The capital of Togo is:

(a) Bern
(b) Lome
(c) Accra
(d) Sao Tom
Answer: b

The capital of Trinidad and Tobago is:

(a) Lome
(b) Port-of-Spain
(c) Dushanbe
(d) Paramaribo
Answer: b

The capital of Tunisia is:

(a) Algiers
(b) Tunis

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(c) Tripoli
(d) Valletta
Answer: b

The capital of Turkey is:

(a) Istanbul
(b) Izmir
(c) Ankara
(d) Sivas
Answer: c

The capital of Turkmenistan is:

(a) Ankara
(b) Taipei
(c) Ashgabat
(d) Kiev
Answer: c

The capital of Tuvalu is:

(a) Fongafale
(b) Ankara
(c) Kiev
(d) London
Answer: a

The capital of Uganda is:

(a) Mbale
(b) Kampala
(c) Kigali
(d) Bujumbura
Answer: b

The capital of Ukraine is:

(a) Bern
(b) Bucharest
(c) Kiev
(d) Helsinki
Answer: c

The capital of United Arab Emirates is:

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

(a) Dubai
(b) Abu Dhabi
(c) Riyadh
(d) Sharjah
Answer: b

The capital of United Kingdom is:

(a) London
(b) Birmingham
(c) Bristol
(d) Sheffield
Answer: a

The capital of United States of America is:

(a) New York
(b) Washington D.C.
(c) California
(d) Boston
Answer: b

The capital of Uruguay is:

(a) Buenos Aires
(b) Montevideo
(c) Tallinn
(d) Malabo
Answer: b

The capital of Uzbekistan is:

(a) Vilnius
(b) Bukhara
(c) Tashkent
(d) Ashgabat
Answer: c

The capital of Vanuatu is:

(a) Tashkent
(b) Port-Vila
(c) Montevideo
(d) Kigali
Answer: b

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

The capital of Vatican is:

(a) Vatican City
(b) Rome
(c) Rabat
(d) Freetown
Answer: a

The capital of Venezuela is:

(a) Port of Spain
(b) Caracas
(c) Barcelona
(d) None of these
Answer: b

The capital of Vietnam is:

(a) Bangkok
(b) Hanoi
(c) Phnom Penh
(d) Lusaka
Answer: b

The capital of Yemen is:

(a) Sa’dah
(b) Sana’a
(c) Montevideo
(d) Dhamar
Answer: b

The capital of Yugoslavia is:

(a) Belgrade
(b) Sarajevo
(c) Sofia
(d) Kraljevo
Answer: a

The capital of Zambia is:

(a) Kalulushi
(b) Lusaka
(c) Mumbwa
(d) Kasama

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Capitals of Countries MCQs | World General Knowledge MCQs

Answer: b

The capital of Zimbabwe is:

(a) Bulawayo
(b) Kadoma
(c) Harare
(d) Rusape
Answer: c

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