Capstone Final Report
Capstone Final Report
Capstone Final Report
Jegadish a/l Padmanabhan 1501005
Ong Chong Leh 1203338
Eddie Kong Chak Sng 1301318
Tan Ser Jie 1300366
Leow Chia Leong 1205254
4.1 Heat Exchanger Network Design to Achieve Maximum
Heat Recovery 68
4.2 Optimization using Linear Programming Method 69
4.3 Design of Waste Gas Treatment 75
8.1 General Statement 111
8.2 Grass Root Capital 112
8.3 Total Capital Investment Cost 113
8.4 Price of Components per ton Methane 115
8.5 Manufacturing Expenses 118
8.6 Contribution of Different Costs to the Total Cost
of Methane Production 120
8.7 Cost-Volume-Profit 121
8.8 Payback Period or Return of Investment (ROI) 122
3.12 Conditions of Light Gases Stream 53
3.13 Conditions of To Exchanger Stream 53
3.14 Design of L-R Exchanger-01 54
3.15 Conditions of L-R Exchanger-01 54
3.16 Conditions of Regen Feed Stream 55
3.17 Design of REGEN-01 55
3.18 Conditions of REGEN-01 56
3.19 Condenser and Reboiler Parameters 56
3.20 Conditions of Acid Gases Stream 57
3.21 Conditions of Regen Bottoms 57
3.22 Conditions of To Tank Stream 58
3.23 Design of MAKEUP-01 58
3.24 Conditions of Water Makeup Stream 59
3.25 Conditions of DEA Makeup Stream 59
3.26 Conditions of To Pump Stream 60
3.27 Design of Pump-01 60
3.28 Parameters of Pump-01 61
3.29 Conditions of Pump-01 61
3.30 Conditions of To Cooler Stream 62
3.31 Design of Cooler-01 62
3.32 Parameters of Cooler-01 63
3.33 Conditions of Cooler-01 63
3.34 Conditions of To Recycle Stream 64
3.35 Design of RCY-01 64
3.36 Conditions of Lean Amine Stream 65
3.37 Summary of Process Parameters 66
3.38 Summary of Compositions 67
4.1 Simplified schema of CSS technology for long
term storage of compressed CO2 75
4.2 Iron-Redox Regenerable System 76
5.1 Flooding correlation for sieve, valve and bubble cap trays 78
7.1 Engineering Drawing of ABS-01. 103
7.2 Engineering Drawing of FD-01. 105
7.3 Engineering Drawing of REGEN-01. 107
7.4 Engineering Drawing of L-R Exchanger-01. 109
8.1 Cost-Volume Profit Chart 121
1.1 Introduction
Biogas is the composed gas that produced by Palm Oil Mill Effluent through
anaerobic process. Biogas is 20% lighter than air and it has ignition temperature
between 650°C to 750°C. The colourless gas burns with a clear blue flame and it is
odourless. Bulk amount of biogas which is methane gas can combust with oxygen easily
makes it a potential fuel. This fuel can be used in various applications such as cooking
fuel, industrial burner fuel, generates electricity by gas engines (coverts fuel energy into
electric energy) and the compressed biogas can power motor vehicles through
Figure 1.1: Biogas Formation Process Flow (Rahayu, et al., 2015)
Hydrolysis phase is where the water reacts with long-chain organic polymers
such as fats, polysaccharides and protein to produce soluble shorter-chain polymers like
long-chain fatty acid, sugars and amino acids. Meanwhile, microorganisms will
produce cellulose, amylase, lipase and protease through this hydrolysis process. In
short, hydrolysis process is to breakdown longer chains organic polymers into shorter
chains of organic polymers.
After hydrolysis, acidification will takes place in acidogenesis phase where the
anaerobic oxidizers consume the sugars, long-chain fatty acids, and amino acids created
during hydrolysis process as substrates. This step is the fastest step in order to convert
complex organic matter into lactate, ethanol, propionate, butyrate, and volatile fatty
acids (VFAs), which the methanogenic microorganisms use as substrates. In this phase,
bacteria respond to high hydrogen concentration to produce the organic acids.
In the acetogenesis phase, conversion of fatty acids and alcohol into acetate,
carbon dioxide and hydrogen will occur by hydrogen-producing acetogenic bacteria.
The acetogens grow slowly and depend on a low partial pressure of hydrogen for
acetogenic degradation to yield energy.
In the final methanogenesis phase, the biogas produced by two routes which are
fermentation of acetic acid and hydrogenophilic methanogens. The chemical reaction
for the first route is
CH3COOH + 4H2 2CH4 + 2H2O
From the chemical reaction above we can know that only key substrates which are
acetate, H2, CO2, methanol, and formate. Based on stoichiometric relations, experts
estimate that about 70% of methane is produced from acetate, while the remaining 30%
is produced from H2 and CO2.
The objective in this project is to separate the acid gases from the biogas
produced by POME. This is important to obtain clean methane gas to use in stated
applications as above. To achieve the objective, several separation process were chosen
and discussed in following subtopics.
1.2 Market Survey and Site Study
Palm oil is an edible oil which has the highest global demand and accounted for
the largest percentage of oil and fats production in world in 2011. Based on Figure 1.2
below, the production of palm oil surpass soybean oil from 13% in 1990 to 28% of total
oil and fats production in 2011 (MPOC, 2011). This is due to the oil palm has higher
annual oil yield per hectare compared to other oilseeds crops such as sunflower,
soybean, rapeseed and it has a relatively lower price compared to other major vegetable
oils (Basiron, 2007).
Figure 1.2: World oil and fat production in 1990 and 2011 (MPOC, 2011).
Figure 1.3 below shows the increasing of palm oil mills from 1999 to 2011 in
Figure 1.3: Number of operating palm oil mills in Malaysia from 1999 to 2011
(MPOB, 2012).
Figure 1.4 below shows that there are total 39 mills in Malaysia which are
invloved in producing biogas in year 2011. Both Perak and Sabah have eight mills
respectively while seven mills are located in Pahang then followed by five mills in
Johor and four mills in Negeri Sembilan. There were three mills in Sarawak and one
each in Kedah, Melaka, Selangor and Terengganu (Abas et al., 2011).
Figure 1.5 below shows the estimation of palm oil mill effluent (POME)
generated based on the crude palm oil (CPO) production in Malaysia (MPOB, 2010).
Biogas has been treated as an unregulated waste product with very little value.
But it can be used to create at least two renewable energy products, electricity and
biomethane, both of them have an economic value. Electricity is different from all other
commodities in that it cannot be stored. Electricity is generated on demand, when it is
needed. Thus the capacity of the system is as important as the quantity of electricity
that is generated.
Table 1.1 below shows that more than 500k tonnes of methane could be
produced if all the POME are treated anaerobically. This amount of methane gas
generated is equivalent to about 800 million liters of diesel in terms of calorific value
and the estimated potential energy generated from the methane is 3.2 million MWh of
electricity, equivalent to 400 MW of the potential power based on a gas engine power
plant with 40% efficiency (Chin et al., 2013).
Table 1.1: Estimated Biomethane Production from POME based on the CPO
Production of Malaysia in 2011 (MPOB, 2010).
Figure 1.6: Planned increase in renewable energy capacity (MW) in Malaysia (2011-
2015) (EPU, 2011)
1.2.1 Our Plantation Site Study:
Geographically, Sarawak is selected as the ideal land for the plantation of palm oil tree
given its undeveloped broad land space, specifically, in a few regions (red points
highlighted within the brown area) in Miri as shown in Figure 4 below:
Figure 1.7: Regions highlighted for palm oil tree cultivation (brown area) and
Production Company (green area) in Miri
The established production company (highlighted in the green region) is also centered
based in Miri with more accessible line of operation and convenient transportation back
and forth the processing mill and palm oil tree site. Our mills are invested in the latest
technology for the treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluents (POME). A tertiary treatment
plant will be constructed and commissioned. The treatment plant has the capability to
reduce the Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Total Suspended Solids levels of the
mill’s final discharge to meet the stipulated requirements set by the Sarawak
Department of Energy (<20mg/L BOD and <100mg/L TSS). In order to reduce green-
house gas emissions, various technologies available for methane capture are currently
being evaluated, with a view of utilizing the captured gas for energy
generation. Methane (CH4) is one of the major green-house gases produced in the
anaerobic treatment of POME (TPB, 2018).
8 Good Agricultural Practices:
Since the beginning, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) have been embedded into all
facets of our plantation operations. Over the past two decades, conventional agriculture
exemplified by the Green Revolution, has given way to sustainable agriculture. The
Third National Agricultural Policy, 1998-2010 provided the basis for initiatives in
sustainable agriculture. As climate change becomes an increasingly important issue,
sustainable agriculture can contribute to both climate mitigation and adaptation. The
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) adopted and implemented by Tradewinds
Pplantation Berhad ensures the sustainability of its plantation operations. The key
elements of GAP addresses many areas, such as land and water management, zero
burning replanting techniques, integrated pest management, palm oil mill effluent
(POME) treatment system, biodiversity and quality assurance. Our palm oil mills have
been equipped with a Continuous Emission Monitoring System to comply with the
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 1978.
9 Integrated Pest Management:
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the combined use of ecological, cultural,
physical, biological and chemical methods to control pests and diseases in our estates.
Our IPM techniques reduce our use of chemical pesticides and their associated
environmental and food chain impacts. We use natural micro-organisms to control
nettle caterpillar and bagworm infestation, planting thick ground cover to control
rhinoceros beetle damage to young replants, complete removal and shredding of
Ganoderma infected palms to control basal stem rot. We also plant beneficial plants
such as the Turnera subulata which act as hosts for attracting insects that help control
the population of damaging pests in our plantations. The emphasis on high standards of
palm sanitation, ablation and good water table control in peat will be the integral
component of IPM against Tirathaba and Termite outbreak.
1.3 Process Selection
The main side products that are required to be removed from the conversion of POME
to biogas are carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
1.3.1(b) Chemical Absorption
Table 1.2: Type of Solvents that can be used in Chemical Absorption (Kapdi et
al., 2004).
Type of Solvents Example
Aqueous solution of amines Mono-ethanolamine, di-ethanolamine and
Aqueous solution of alkaline salts Sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and
calcium hydroxide.
The process is similar with water scrubbing. Biogas is firstly fed into a column
where the biogas will be flushed with the solvents and CO2 will be absorbed by the
solvent; then, the solvent is sent to regeneration column where the CO 2 is released by
heating the solvent (Grande, 2011). Chemical absorption involves formation of forming
and breaking chemical bonds between the solvent and CO2 (Kapdi et al., 2004). Amine
scrubbing is the most economical upgrading process especially for plants with high
flow rates ( Grande and Rodrigues, 2007). Other than that, no further offgas treatment
in plant is needed to reduce methane emission as compared to PSA method (Vienna
Unibersity of Technology, 2012). Amine scrubbing method is having the lowest
methane slip percentage while requiring lowest energy demand as compared to other
methods as shown in the Table 1.3 below.
Table 1.3: Comparison of acid gas removal methods (Vienna University of
Parameter Water Amine PSA Membrane
Scrubbing Scrubbing Technology
Typical methane content
recovered (vol%) 95.00 - 99.00 >99.00 95.00 - 95.00 -
99.00 99.00
Methane recovery (%) 98.00 99.96 98.00 80.00 -
Methane slip (%) 2.00 0.04 2.00 0.5 - 20.00
Typical delivery pressure
(bar) 4-8 0 4-7 4-7
Electric energy demand
(kWh/m3 biomethane) 0.46 0.27 0.46 0.25 - 0.43
PSA can be used to remove CO2 to upgrade biogas in both smaller and larger
scale plant with biogas flowrate ranging from 10 m3/hour to 100 m3/hour (Grande,
2011). This method uses pressure changes to selectively adsorb and desorb target gas
component in mixture (Augelletti et al., 2016). Firstly, biogas is compressed to a
pressure between 4 to 10 bars and then fed to a column where the biogas will be in
contact with adsorbent. CO2 will be adsorbed by the adsorbent which is normally
porous solid with high surface area to maximize the efficiency (Grande, 2011). PSA
can be operated in 2 different modes depending on the adsorbent used and the difference
is shown in the Table 1.4 below.
Table 1.4: Adsorbent Type and Operating Method (Santos et al., 2011).
Type of Adsorbent Example
Adsorbents with stronger adsorption Activated carbon, zeolite 13X, silica gel,
loadings of CO2. and metal organic framework.
(Equilibrium-based adsorbents)
Adsorbents with similar adsorption Carbon molecular sieves, clinoptilolites,
loadings of CO2 and CH4. titanosilicates, DDR zeolites, and
(Kinetic adsorbents) SAPO-34.
For kinetic adsorbents, the diffusion rate of CO2 of are normally controlled by
tightening the micropores size. The longer the time, the more the CO2 is retained which
lead to kinetic separation (Santos et al., 2011). PSA is widely used in industrial scale
gas separation process due to its simplicity, safety, compactness of equipment, low
energy requirements and low capacity investment cost. However, part of the methane
gas will be lost with the off-gas in PSA method as this method has low methane
recovery. 85 to 90% of methane can be recovered by using PSA but off-gas with 15 to
20% methane will be produced (Augelletti et al., 2016). Other than that, additional cost
is needed to build a pre-treatment plant to remove water and hydrogen sulfide contents
in the biogas as these 2 components can irreversibly harm the adsorbent materials
(Vienna University of Technology, 2012). Membrane
CO2 is separated from biogas by permeating through the porous structure of
membrane. Different type of membrane can be used, and the most commonly used
membranes are hollow fibres made of different polymers (Grande, 2011). To obtain
high purity CH4, membrane with high permeability should be used; however, high
operating pressure up to 40 bars must be applied (Kapdi et al., 2004).
1.3.1(e) Cryogenic Separation
Water scrub can be used for H2S removal and the process method is similar with
CO2 removal. However, this process is not preferable if it’s only used to remove H2S
as high amount of water is needed to remove small amount of H2S (Kapdi et al., 2004).
Chemical such as NaOH can be added into water to increase the H 2S absorption
efficiency but the end products (sodium sulphide and sodium hydrosulphide) in water
cannot be regenerated and it is hard to dispose (Kapdi et al., 2004).
Chemical absorption is preferable as compared to water scrub as H 2S absorption
is effective in iron salt solutions like iron chloride solution. Furthermore, the reaction
will yield iron trichloride (FeCl3) which is insoluble precipitates, so the removal of the
end product is easier (Kapdi, et al., 2004). This method is having low electricity
requirement and it is effective (Ryckebosch, Drouillon and Vervaeren, 2011).
H2S reacts well with chemical such as iron oxide (Fe2O3) and iron hydroxide
(Fe(OH)3) to form iron sulphide as shown in the equations below (Ryckebosch et al.,
Fe2O3 + 3H2S → Fe2S3 + 3H2O --- Reaction between iron oxide and H2S
2Fe(OH)3 + 3H2S → Fe2S3 + 6H2O --- Reaction between iron hydroxide and H2S
Wood chips impregnated with iron oxide is used as reaction bed that can be
referred as “iron sponge” to create large surface-to-volume ratio to maximize the
reactions (Ryckebosch et al., 2011). This method is having advantages of low capital
investment cost, simple and high H2S removal efficiency up to more than 99%. But iron
sponge is sensitive to water and it has high operation cost as the iron sponge surface
will be reducing throughout the process. Besides, can be toxic (Ryckebosch et al, 2011).
1.3.2(c) Membrane
Biogas can be upgraded by permeating through membrane so H2S and CH4 can
be separated by the micropores. However, membrane selection has to be done carefully
as the material used should be chemically stable and resistant to H2S so that there will
not be any problem occur during the process. Besides, the material should be having
high heat and pressure resistance as high operating pressure and temperature in this
process has to be used (Vrbová and Ciahotny, 2017). This method can have H 2S
removal up to 98% and CO2 removal can be done with this method too; however, this
method requires high operating cost and the maintenance is complex (Ryckebosch et
al., 2011).
1.3.2(d) Biological Filter
4 to 6% of oxygen is added into biogas before feeding into a filter bed that is
filled with plastic carrier, the H2S is then oxidized by the bacteria (Ryckebosch et al.,
2011). At the temperature of 35oC, H2S is promoted to sulphur by oxidation and the
sulphur produced will be retained in the liquid of the filter (Ryckebosch et al., 2011).
Biological filter is widely used for the removal of H 2S as it also needs low operation
costs and it is environmental friendly (Biological filter is widely used for the removal
of H2S as it is economical and environmental friendly (Ryckebosch et al., 2011; Zhao
et al., 2010). The disadvantages of this method are nutrients are required to cultivate
the bacteria; besides, small amount of oxygen and nitrogen will be left in the treated
biogas (Zhao et al., 2010).
Under the operating pressure ranging from 7 to 8 bars and the operating
temperature from 50 to 70oC, activated carbon impregnated with potassium iodide can
react with H2S to form sulphur and water as shown in the equation below (Zhao et al.,
2H2S + O2 → 2S + 2H2O
The biogas is mixed with 4 to 6% of oxygen before entering the column and the
operating temperature is achieved by using the heat generated during compression
(Ryckebosch et al., 2011). The activated carbon can be sent to regenerate or replace
once it is saturated (Zhao et al., 2010). This method has high removal efficiency and
purification rate while it only need low operating temperature while it can handle biogas
in high capacity. However, it requires high capital investment cost and operation cost,
and small amount of biogas will be lost throughout the process. Furthermore, the
regeneration of activated carbon requires high temperature up to 450 oC and temperature
up to 850oC is needed to remove the residue (Ryckebosch et al., 2011).
1.3.3 Process Selection
The complete system comprises an absorber column, flash tank (separator), and
a regenerating (distillation) column. The absorption process is operated counter-
currently (liquid flows downward, gas flows upward) where the gas enters the column
from below (untreated biogas) and leaves at the top (methane), while liquid enters from
the top (lean amine) and flows in opposite direction and exits from the bottom (rich
amine). The composition and process parameter such as operating temperature and
pressure as well as flow rate are listed accordingly down in Table 2.1 (a) Absorber, (b)
Separator, and (c) Regenerator below.
Absorber is operating ideally at a set temperature of as low as 168°F and
pressure as high as 525psi to minimize stage requirements or absorbent flow rate to
lower the equipment volume required to accommodate the gas flow
(, 2010). Internal diameter is 1.50m and height of the column
is 12.19m. Operation is continuous.
Internal diameter of the separator column is 1.50m and its height is 5.539m. Operation
is continuous.
Internal diameter of the regeneration column is 1.50m and its height is 5.5379m.
Operation is continuous.
2.2 Process Synthesis Approaches and Heuristic
Heuristic 1: Select raw materials and chemical reactions to avoid or reduce, the
handling and storage of hazardous and toxic chemicals.
In the production of biogas, the raw material we used is palm oil mill effluent
(POME). Biogas are produced after anaerobic digestion of POME which mainly
consists of methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide and other flue gases. The
storage device we used is spherical pressure vessel made by carbon steel, where the
pressure are controlled in 525psi and the temperature is 111°F. To prevent corrosion of
the tank components and to ensure safe operation, biogas must first be cleaned by
minimizing the H2S and CO2 concentration as low as possible. The product is stored
and transport in accordance with all applicable laws. Storage facilities must be
adequately fitted with safety devices such as rupture disks and pressure relief valves.
All electrical equipment in storage and/or handling areas should be installed in
accordance with applicable requirements of the Department of Occupational Safety and
Health Malaysia. (DOSH) In short, the methane gas must be well-guarded under
controlled condition, along with helps of material safety data sheet (MSDS) to minimize
Heuristic 2: Use an excess of one chemical reactant in a reaction operation to
completely consume a second valuable, toxic, or hazardous chemical reactant
(based on MSDSs).
One of the challenges of the production are to separate the acid gases from the
methane gas. When the biogas pass through the absorption column, it removes gaseous
pollutants such as hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide. When the stream is fed into
the tower and passes through the column, nozzle on the top of the column sprays down
diethanolamine and make contact with the biogas. The contaminated liquid drains down
through the column to the bottom of the tower. And the wastewater collected on the
bottom of the column contains high concentration of the carbon dioxide and hydrogen
sulphide. The gas stream flew upwards to the top and exits the column.
2.3 Preliminary Process Screening
In this case, a biogas filtration system which consists of two filters connected by carbon
steel piping is used (Figure 2.1 to 2.3).
Figure 2.1: Industrial model of the first filter. Figure 2.2: Industrial model of the second
The first filter is known as sieve filter. It consists of several sieves in stainless
superposed on each other. Inside the each sieve, rust is inserted. When the biogas
produced by digester, enters the top of the filter, it is dispersed in the rust which is in
the superimposed sieves. This filter helps to eliminate some H2S thanks to the absorbing
power of rust to avoid saturation of KOH solution by this gas. Consequently, the biogas
is obtained without corrosive elements. Thereafter the biogas enters in the second filter
for the final purification.
Figure 2.3: The lateral view of the filtration system & the sectional view of the filtration
The second filter is called a bubbler in KOH solution. It consists of a Poly Vinyl
Chloride (PVC) column occupied below by a conical base with holes. The column and
base are immersed in the solution KOH. The biogas coming out from the first filter
enters the column and spell in the conical base producing the bubbles dissolved in the
KOH solution. This filter then helps to remove some of the CO2. Finally, a filtrated
biogas with high methane concentration and with lesser of CO 2 and H2S is produced
(Elasri et al., 2015).
2.4 Development of Base Case Flowsheet and Plant Layout
Biogas from
Rich Amine
(H2S, CO2, CH4, DEA, H2O)
Process Description:
Absorption refers to the dissolving of CO2 and H2S molecules into a liquid
solution such as aqueous amine. The complete system comprises an absorber column,
flash tank (separator), regenerating (distillation) column, shell and tube heat exchanger,
pump and cooler. Under continuous operational conditions, the biogas is introduced at
the bottom of the absorber column as small bubbles, passing through the DEA solution
flowing downwards to the flash separator.
The absorption process is operated counter-currently (liquid flows downward,
gas flows upward) where the gas enters the column from below (untreated biogas) and
leaves at the top (methane), while liquid enters from the top (lean amine) and flows in
opposite direction and exits from the bottom (rich amine). The biogas which is in
contact with the DEA solvent, typically contains a reagent that selectively reacts with
CO2 and H2S. The contact occurs in traditional liquid-gas contactor (absorber), in
which CO2 and H2S transfers from gas phase into liquid phase. In the flash tank, the
vapor and liquid is separated. The purpose is to prevent foam formation in regenerating
column, which occurs during condensation when released gas agglomerates at the
liquid surface to form large bubbles. If large foam layer is present, it can occupy a large
amount of the vessel space, decreasing the space available for liquid collection or
gravity settling (, 2018).
So, light gases such as hydrocarbon and water vapor are flashed out from its
outlet, whereas, CO2 and H2S-loaded rich amine solution is fed into regenerator vessel
where it is heated to liberate gaseous CO2 and H2S. In the regenerator column, hot
vapors of rich amine liquid are cooled and allowed to drip back, whilst the reboiler boil
the amine liquid from the bottom of the column to generate vapors which are returned
to the column to drive the distillation separation. The lean amine solution is then
circulated back to the absorber with its temperature being lowered down by cooler to
meet absorber operating temperature.
The heat exchanger or the rich/lean amine exchanger is shell-and-tube type. It
allows the heat transfer between two fluids without them having to mix together or
come into direct contact. The purpose is to reduce the reboiler duty by recovering some
of the sensible heat from the lean amine (flowing through the shell) to the corrosive
rich amine flowing through the tube (Jack, 2009). The makeup tank is to maintain the
concentration of DEA at mass composition of water to DEA at ratio of 0.93:0.07. Once
the acidic gas is efficiently and economically removed, the treated biogas with high
methane content flowing out the absorber outlet can be used for power generation,
cogeneration, and heating application.
Plant Layout (Front View)
Three assumptions were made in the material balances below which is:
1. No DEA is loss (In Aspen Hysys simulation, DEA is losses and the loss
concentration maintain by DEA Makeup stream)
2. Basic input is 62000 kg/hr.
3. No reaction is occur
Initial flow is starts from biogas reactor to the Absorber column (ABS-01) at
flow rate of 6600 kg/hr. The flow composed with 62.5 % of Methane gas, 37.2% of
Carbon dioxide and 3000 ppm of hydrogen sulphide (Sarawak Energy, 2018). Another
input at 55400 kg/hr is flows to ABS-01 which is lean amine contains 7% of
diethanolamine (DEA) and 93 % of water. Mass transfer occur at ABS-01 where 98 %
methane with 2 % of water is separated from the acid gas and exit at top of column
while rich amine exit at the bottom. Rich amine flow composition calculated as below:
Overall Balance:
Biogas (B) + Lean Amine (LA) = Methane (M) + Rich Amine (RA)
6600 + 55400 = 2600 + RA
RA = 59400 kg/hr.
CO2 Balance:
6600(0.372) = 59400(CO2,RA)
CO2,RA = 0.0413
H2S Balance:
6600(0.003) = 59400(H2SRA)
H2SRA = 3.33 x 10-4
CH4 Balance:
6600(0.625) = 2600(0.98) + 59400(CH4,RA)
CH4,RA = 0.0265
H2O Balance:
55400(0.93) = 2600(0.02) = 59400(H2ORA)
H2ORA = 0.866
3.1.2 Material Balances for Separator (FD-01)
The rich amine flow stream from the ABS-01 is then flows to the separator
tower (FD-01) to remove any hydrocarbons from the stream. This is important to avoid
foaming in separating towers. The flow enter the FD-01 at 59400 kg/hr and light
hydrocarbons are separated at 4 kg/hr. At the bottom of FD-01 a stream exit to the
Regen-01 with calculated compositions as below.
Overall Balance:
59400 = 4 + R
R = 59396 kg/hr.
H2S Balance:
59400(3.33 x 10-4) = 4(0.02) + 59396(H2SR)
H2SR = 3.317 x 10-4
CO2 Balance:
59400(0.0413) = 4(0.02) + 59396(CO2,R)
CO2,R = 0.0413
H2O Balance:
59400(0.866) = 4(0.01) = 59396(H2OR)
H2OR = 0.866
CH4 Balance:
59400(0.0265) = 4(0.95) + 59396(CH4,R)
CH4,R = 0.0265.
The flow stream from FD-01 then enters the regenerator tower (REGEN-01)
with flow rate of 59396 kg/hr. REGEN-01 is operates to recover the DEA from any
contaminants and recycled back to the ABS-01 as lean amine. At the top of REGEN-
01, acid gases are remove from the rich amine and exit at 4000 kg/hr. The compositions
of acid gases are calculated as below.
H2S Balance:
59396(3.317 x 10-4) = 4000(H2SAG)
H2SAG = 4.925 x 10-3
CO2 Balance:
59396(0.0413) = 4000(CO2,AG)
CO2,AG = 0.613
H2O Balance:
59396(0.866) = 55396(0.93) + 4000(H2OAG)
H2OAG = -0.02
CH4 Balance:
59396(0.0265) = 4000(CH4,AG)
CH4,AG = 0.39.
3.2 Energy Balances
The energy in the plant system can be measured as heat content which is also known as
enthalpy (H) as the pressure in the plant is constant so the equation below is used:
ΔH = mCpΔT
ΔH = heat of reaction
m = molar flow rate
Cp = heat capacity
ΔT= change of temperature
The total heat energy in a stream, Q is the combination of heat of reaction, ΔH and heat
of formation, ΔHfo as shown in the equation below:
Q = ΔH + ΔHfo
The heat capacities of different chemical species at different range of temperature can
be determined by using the equation below:
Cp/R = A+BT+CT2+DT-2
Table 3.1: Constant A, B, C and D for Different Chemical species under Ideal
Gas State
Chemical Species A B C D
Methane 1.702 9.081 x 10-3 -2.164 x 10-6 0
Carbon Dioxide 5.457 1.045 x 10-3 0 -1.157 x 105
Hydrogen Sulfide 3.931 1.490 x 10-3 0 -0.232 x 105
Water (g) 3.470 1.450 x 10-3 0 0.121 x 105
Water (l) 8.712 1.25 x 10-3 -1.80 x 10-7 0
Heat of formation is the change of enthalpy of a chemical under the constant
temperature of 298K. The heat of formation of the chemical species is shown below:
Table 3.2: Heat of Formation for Different Chemical Species
Chemical Species Heat of Formation, ΔHfo (kJ/mol)
Methane -74.520
Carbon Dioxide -393.509
Hydrogen Sulfide -20.630
Water (g) -241.830
Water (l) -285.830
Diethanolamine (DEA) -491.200
Unit change is applied in the calculation below and the conversion is shown below:
Unit used in Simulation Unit used in Calculation
1 MMSCFD 49,804.5 mol/hr
1 MMBtu/hr 1,055,055,852.62 J/hr
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
310.928K (J/mol.K)
Methane 186,766.940 35.886
Carbon Dioxide 49,804.517 38.121
Hydrogen Sulfide 12,451.129 34.541
Q = ΔH + ΔHfo
= 0.111 MMBtu/hr + (-32.011 MMBtu/hr)
= -31.900 MMBtu/hr
The change of enthalpy in the Biogas Stream is -31.90 MMBtu/hr which is close
to the value of the simulation result of -32.09 MMBtu/hr. The small difference between
the result can be caused by the small differences in constants used or the amount of
decimal places used.
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
316.539K (J/mol.K)
Methane 185,554.863 36.248
Water (g) 614.358 33.672
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
336.372K (J/mol.K)
DEA 157,954.573 137.000
Methane 1,185.845 37.513
Carbon Dioxide 50,754.172 39.793
Hydrogen Sulfide 12,569.959 35.147
Water (l) 2,149,225.741 75.763
3.2.4 Light Hydrocarbon Stream (336.872K)
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
336.872K (J/mol.K)
Methane 1,065.084 37.545
Carbon Dioxide 33.693 39.822
Hydrogen Sulfide 16.730 35.158
Water (g) 54.518 33.799
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
316.428K (J/mol.K)
Methane 155.510 36.241
Carbon Dioxide 49,743.624 38.514
Hydrogen Sulfide 12,486.123 34.678
Water (g) 2,416.878 33.671
3.2.6 Regen Bottoms Stream (404.650K)
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
404.650K (J/mol.K)
DEA 157,923.346 137.000
Carbon Dioxide 922.180 43.013
Water (l) 2,146,374.234 76.396
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
377.428K (J/mol.K)
DEA 157,923.346 137.000
Carbon Dioxide 922.180 41.898
Water (l) 2,146,604.78 76.145
3.2.8 Stream To Exchanger (336.872K)
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
336.872K (J/mol.K)
DEA 158,125.303 137.000
Methane 237.069 37.545
Carbon Dioxide 50,732.856 39.822
Hydrogen Sulfide 12,564.679 35.158
Water (l) 2,149,271.362 75.767
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
377.428K (J/mol.K)
DEA 209.279 137.000
3.2.10 Water Makeup Stream (377.428K)
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
377.428K (J/mol.K)
Water (l) 246.981 76.145
Heat Capacity at
Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
Chemical Species 377.928K (J/mol.K)
DEA 157,923.346 137.000
Carbon Dioxide 922.180 41.921
Water (l) 2,146,604.78 76.150
3.2.12 Lean Amine Stream (316.483K)
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
316.483K (J/mol.K)
DEA 158,162.159 137.000
Carbon Dioxide 923.575 38.518
Water (l) 2,149,850.887 75.575
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
366.483K (J/mol.K)
DEA 158,125.303 137.000
Methane 237.069 39.406
Carbon Dioxide 50,732.856 41.394
Hydrogen Sulfide 12,564.679 35.788
Water (l) 2,149,271.362 76.044
3.2.14 Stream To Separator (336.872K)
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
336.872K (J/mol.K)
DEA 157,954.573 137.000
Methane 1,185.845 37.545
Carbon Dioxide 50,754.172 39.822
Hydrogen Sulfide 12,569.959 35.158
Water (l) 2,149,225.741 75.767
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
420.817K (J/mol.K)
Water (g) 469,307.804 34.492
3.2.16 Saturated Condensate Stream (420.817K)
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
420.817K (J/mol.K)
Water (l) 469,307.804 76.544
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
377.428K (J/mol.K)
DEA 157,923.346 137.000
Carbon Dioxide 922.180 41.898
Water (l) 2,146,374.234 76.145
3.2.18 Stream To Recycle (316.483K)
Heat Capacity at
Chemical Species Molar flow rate (mol/hr)
316.483K (J/mol.K)
DEA 157,923.346 137.000
Carbon Dioxide 922.180 38.518
Water (l) 2,146,604.78 75.575
3.2.20 Energy Balance for Regenerator
3.2.21 Energy Balance for Pump
3.3 Simulation using Aspen Hysys for Selected Chemical Process
Figure 3.1 below shows the flowsheet of Aspen Hysys for separation of acid gases from biogas produced by POME.
Methodology of Aspen Hysys:
Simulations in Aspen Hysys starts at selecting Peng-Robinson EOS with a component list
provided is used for the simulation. Peng-Robinson EOS is one of the most enhanced model in
Aspen HYSYS. With a large applicability range in term of T and P, special treatments for some
key components and also provides the largest binary interaction parameter database. The
simulation build up by connecting all the streams with equipments such as ABS-01, FD-01, L-
R-Exchanger-01, REGEN-01, Makeup-01, Pump-01 and Cooler-01 to complete the flowsheet.
All the design parameters and conditions of equipment and material streams used in this aspen
hysys were shown following Figure 3.2 to Figure 3.36.
Figure 3.6: Conditions of Rich Amine Stream
Figure 3.8: Conditions of VLV-01
Figure 3.10: Design of FD-01
Figure 3.12: Conditions of Light Gases Stream
Figure 3.14: Design of L-R Exchanger-01
Figure 3.16: Conditions of Regen Feed Stream
Figure 3.18: Conditions of REGEN-01
Figure 3.20: Conditions of Acid Gases Stream
Figure 3.22: Conditions of To Tank Stream
Figure 3.24: Conditions of Water Makeup Stream
Figure 3.26: Conditions of To Pump Stream
Figure 3.28: Parameters of Pump-01
Figure 3.30: Conditions of To Cooler Stream
Figure 3.32: Parameters of Cooler-01
Figure 3.34: Conditions of To Recycle Stream
Figure 3.36: Conditions of Lean Amine Stream
Summary of Simulation Results:
Figure 3.37 below summarises the parameters such as vapour fraction, temperature, pressure, molar flow, mass flow, liquid volume flow and heat
flow for each streams in Aspen Hysys Simulation.
Figure 3.38 summarises all compositions of all material streams developed in Aspen Simulation Hysys.
To achieve maximum heat recovery in order to minimize the energy usage, a heat
exchanger was added into the plant. The heat exchanger is used to handle the heat duty of 4.1
MMBtu/hr. The heat exchanger is placed in between the Stream to Exchanger (cold stream in),
Regen Feed Stream (cold stream out), Regen Bottom Stream (hot stream in) and Stream to
Tank (hot stream out). The reason of the placement of heat exchanger is due to the higher
temperature of Regen Bottom Stream at the temperature of 131.5 oC is needed to be reduced to
at least 112.8oC before feeding into the makeup tank. On the other hand, the stream to feed into
the regenerator is required to heat up from 75.5oC to 93.3oC before feeding into the regenerator.
Therefore, the excess heat from the Regen Bottom Stream is used to heat up the Stream to
Although the regenerated stream is cooled down after going through the heat exchanger,
the temperature is still too high for the stream to feed into the absorber. So, a cooler is added
to remove the excess heat from the stream until it reach 43.3 oC. The heat duty for the cooler is
13.246 MMBtu/hr in order to reduce the stream temperature by 70.3 oC.
4.2 Optimization using Linear Programming Method
According to Sarawak Energy (2018), the tariff for electricity is RM 0.245/kWh.
Utilities RM/year
Water 1 908 000
Electricity 397 048
Total Utilities Cost (US$) 2 305 048
Using Excel Solver
Table 4.7: Profit estimation for Plant using excel solver before optimization.
Raw Material: Biogas
Cost of Raw Material (RM/year): 541261.03 541261.03
Products: Methane
Selling Price of the Products 33455864.16 33455864.16
Table 4.8: Profit estimation for Plant using excel solver after optimization.
Raw Material: Biogas
Cost of Raw Material (RM/year): 541261.03 541261.03
Products: Methane
Selling Price of the Products 33455864.16 33455864.16
Table 4.9: Sensitivity Report for the Plant.
Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$13 Raw Materials Raw Materials 4000000 0 1 1E+30 0
$B$14 Utilities Raw Materials 0 0 1 0 1E+30
$B$15 Labours Raw Materials 0 0 1 0 1E+30
Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$E$8 1. Funding Available 4000000 -1 0 4000000 29455864.16
$E$9 2. Methane Selling Available 33455864.16 0 0 29455864.16 1E+30
4.3 Design of Waste Gas Treatment Process
As a measure against global warming and reducing the emission of greenhouse gas,
there is an increasing demand for the development of technology for the recovery of CO2 from
process plant, and such development is underway around the world, especially for thermal
power plants, which produce large amounts of CO2 emissions. This technology is called CCS
(Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage) as shown in Figure 4.1 below. At such, the liberated
gaseous CO2 from the regeneration column is collected, dried, compressed and transported to
a storage reservoir in deep underground or in the ocean, or may also be used in some other
application such as EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) which involves the injection of compressed
CO2 into an oil reservoir to help thin heavier kinds of oil so that they flow more freely (R.
Duda, 2010).
Figure 4.1: Simplified schema of CSS technology for long term storage of compressed CO2
Figure 4.2: Iron-Redox Regenerable System
side diameter, DT 4G
fU f 1 d G
The calculation starts with formula of Flow Ratio Parameter (FLG), and flooding correlation
Figure 5.1: Flooding correlation for sieve, valve and bubble cap trays.
From the flooding correlation curve, CSB value at 0.08 and 24 inch tray spacing is 0.35 ft/s.
The surface tension factor, FST 20
= (61.45 / 20) = 1.252
Value of Foaming factor, FF is 1 for non-foaming system and value of hole-area factor, FHA is
1 for valve type tray. Hence;
C = CSB x FST x FF x FHA = 0.35 x 1.252 x 1 x 1 = 0.4382.
𝜌𝐿 − 𝜌𝐺 0.5 64.12 − 0.006495 0.5
𝑈𝑓 = 𝐶( ) = 0.4382 ∗ ( ) = 43.54
𝜌𝐺 0.006495
𝐴𝑑 (𝐹𝐿𝐺−0.1) (0.08−0.1)
= 0.1 + = 0.1 + = 0.098 ;
𝐴𝑡 9 9
4𝐺 4∗4.04
𝐷𝑡 = [ 𝐴𝑑 ]0.5 = [ ]0.5 = 5.02 ft = 5.1 ft = 1.5 m.
(𝑓∗𝑈𝑓)𝜋(1− )∗𝜌𝐺 (0.8∗43.54)𝜋(1−0.098)(0.006495)
By referring to equation 22.59 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 575,
weight, W (Ib):
W= π (Di + tS) (H + 0.8 Di) tS 𝜌 , ρ = 0.289 lb/in2 for 316 Stainless Steel.
= π (59.06 in + 1.5 in) (511.8 + 0.8(59.06)) (1.5 in) (0.289 lb/in2)
= 46107.75 lb.
Diameter, D 1.5 m
TT Height, H 12.19 m
Thickness, tP 0.0381 m
Weight, W 46107.75 lb
5.1.2 Cost Estimation of ABS-01.
Cv is calculated based on vertical tower equation 22.57 from Product and Process Design
Principles (2004), page 575:
Cv = exp {7.2756+ 0.18255 [ln W] + 0.02297 [ln (W)] 2 }
Cv = $ 145054.85
CPL is calculated based on equation 22.56 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004),
page 574:
Vertical vessel for 3 ft< Di < 24 ft and 27 ft< L < 170ft:
CPL = 300.9 (Di) 0.63316 (L) 0.80161
= 300.9 (5.1) 0.63316 (40) 0.80161
= $ 16242.57
The purchase cost of the trays installed in a vertical tower is calculated based on the equation
22.66 from (pg 577) in Product and Process Design Principles (2004).
Here, the base cost, CBT is for sieve trays at a CE cost index of 500 is calculated from the
equation 22.67, page 577 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004) where the inside
diameter of the tower is in feet and the equation is valid for 2 ft to 16 ft.
CBT= 468 exp (0.1739 Di)
=468 exp (0.1739 (5.1))
=$ 1136.10
The factor for number of trays, FNT is calculated from the equation 22.68, page 577 from
Product and Process Design Principles (2004).
FNT= 2.25/ (1.0414 NT) where NT is the number of trays.
=2.25/ (1.0414 20)
The factor for different types of trays, FTT is as shown as Table 5.2 below (Seider et al., 2004):
Since stainless steel (316) is the material selection for the absorber column,
FTM = 1.401 + 0.0724 (5.1)
= $ 1.77024
By referring to the equation 22.66,
= (20) (0.9996) (1.18) (1.77024) (1136.1)
= $ 47444.62
The f.o.b purchase cost, CP includes an allowance for platforms, ladders and nominal number
of nozzles and manholes (Seider et al., 2004). The equation 22.52 from Product and Process
Design Principles (2004), page 574 is shown as below:
FM = 2.1 for stainless steel 316 from table 22.26 (page 576) from Product and Process Design
Principles (2004).
Cp = FM CV + CPL
= (2.1)( $ 145054.85) + $ 16242.57
= $ 320857.76
The total purchase cost for of the absorber column, Cp is
$ 320857.76+ $ 47444.62 = $ 368302.3
5.2 Distillation Column (REGEN-01).
V = r h = h
V 9.789m3
Height of separator, h = 2
= 2
D 1.5m
2 2
= 5.539 m = 218.071 in = 18.173 ft
By using equation 22.61 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 575, internal
design gauge pressure, Pd (psi):
By using equation 22.60 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 575, wall
thickness, tP (in):
𝑃𝑑 𝐷𝑖
𝑡𝑝 = => S = 15,000 psi ; E = 1.0
2 𝑆𝐸−1.2 𝑃𝑑
= = 0.1704 in
2(15,000)(1.0) 1.2(86.296)
Wall thickness is chose to be 0.25 in as it is the minimum thickness.
By using equation 22.59 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 575,
weight, W can be determined:
W=𝜋(𝐷𝑖 + 𝑡𝑠 )(𝐿 + 0.8𝐷𝑖 )(𝑡𝑠 𝜌) => Density of carbon steel, ρ = 0.284 lb/in3
The f.o.b purchase cost for empty tower, is Calculated using equation 22.52 from Product and
Process Design Principles (2004), page 574
FM = 1.7 for stainless steel 304 from table 22.26 (page 576) from Product and Process Design
Principles (2004).
Costing for Plates
By using equation 22.67 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 574,the base
cost, CBT, is for sieve trays is calculated.
CBT = 468exp(0.1739Di)
= 468exp[0.1739(4.9213)]
= $ 1,101.34
By using equation 22.68 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 577, the
factor for number of trays, FNT is calculated while the number of tray is 18.
The f.o.b purchase cost of trays, is Calculated using equation 22.66 from Product and Process
Design Principles (2004), page 577
CT = $ 59,500.40 + $ 37,756.78
= $ 97257.18
5.3 Separator (FD-01).
V = r 2 h = h
V 9.789m3
Height of separator, h = 2
= 2
D 1.5m
2 2
= 5.539 m = 218.071 in
Specification Dimension
Volume, V 9.789 m3
Diameter, D 1.5 m
Height, H 5.539 m
Thickness, tP 0.00635 m
Weight, W 3,509.630 lb
5.3.2 Cost Estimation of FD-01.
Based on equation 22.57 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 575
Cv = exp {8.9552 - 0.2330[ln W] + 0.04333[ln (W)]2}
= exp {8.9552 - 0.2330 [ln 3,509.630] + 0.04333 [ln (3,509.630)]2}
= exp (8.9552 - 1.9020 + 2.8875)
= $ 20,758.27
The added cost, CPL, for the platforms and ladders for the separator is calculated using
equation 22.55 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 575 is shown as
CPL= 2,005( Di )
= 2,005 (4.9213 ft)0.20294
= $ 2,770.54
The f.o.b purchase cost, is calculated using equation 22.52 from Product and Process Design
Principles (2004), page 574
FM = 1.7 for stainless steel 304 from table 22.26 (page 576) from Product and Process
Design Principles (2004).
5.4 Heat Exchanger (L-R Exchanger-01).
Q = A× U × ∆TLM
A = Area (m2)
U= Overall heat transfer coefficient
∆TLM = Mean temperature driving force
Di = Internal diameter
L = Length of the tube
Mean temperature driving force ∆TLM is calculated,
T1 = Th,in - Tc,in
= 268.7 oF - 167.9 oF
= 100.8 oF
T2 = Th,out - Tc,out
= 235.1 oF - 200.00 oF
= 35.1 oF
T1 T2 100.8 o F - 35.1 o F
∆TLM = =
T 100.8 o F
ln( 1 ) ln
T2 o
35.1 F
= 62.279 oF
By assuming the overall heat transfer coefficient, U = 150 Btu/ ft ℉.
The required heat transfer area, A =
(U TLM )
(150 62.279)
Di= A/( L × 𝜋 )
= (438.885)/ (20 × 𝜋)
=6.985 ft = 2.129 m
Specification Dimension
Area, A 40.774 m2
Diameter, D 2.129 m
Length, L 6.096 m
The material factor, FM for different combination of material is calculated using equation
22.44 in Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 571. Since the material for
both shell and tube is stainless steel, the value of a and b are 2.70 and 0.07 respectively.
FM= a + (A/100)b
= 3.809
The pressure factor, Fp, is based on the shell side pressure, P (psig) and given by the equation
22.45 which applicable to the pressure range from 100 to 2,000 psig. The shell side pressure
P is selected as 100 psig as the operating pressure in the heat exchanger is between 38 to 70
The factor FLis a tube-length correction based on the tube length (20ft) and thus FL= 1.
The f.o.b purchase cost for the shell-and-tube heat exchanger is calculated by using the
equation 22.43, page 571 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004).
= $ 62,259.51
S = Q(H)0.5
= (237.7)(1,127.680)0.5
= 7,982.191
5.5.2 Cost Estimation of Pump-01.
By using equation 22.14 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 561, the
base pump purchase cost is calculated:
From Table 22.20 in Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 561, radial centrifugal
pump with 2+ stages and 3600 shaft rpm is chose due to the high pump head value. The type
factor, FT is 8.90
From Table 22.21 in Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 562, stainless steel is
chosen as material due to the relatively high discharge pressure, material factor (F M) is 2.00.
The f.o.b. purchase cost is calculated by using equation 22.15 in Product and Process Design
Principles (2004), page 561
= (8.90)(2.00)(4909.37)
= $ 87,386.79
The f.o.b. purchase cost is calculated by using equation 22.20 in Product and Process Design
Principles (2004), page 562
= (1.4)(6,017.34)
= $ 8,424.28
5.6 Condenser.
Q = A× U × ∆TLM
A = Area (m2)
U= Overall heat transfer coefficient
∆TLM = Mean temperature driving force
Di = Internal diameter
L = Length of the tube
Mean temperature driving force ∆TLM is calculated,
∆TLM = 90.0 oF
By assuming the overall heat transfer coefficient, U = 150 Btu/ ft ℉.
The required heat transfer area, A =
(U TLM )
(150 90.0)
Specification Dimension
Area, A 18.505 m2
Diameter, D 0.966 m
Length, L 6.096 m
The material factor, FM for different combination of material is calculated using equation
22.44 in Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 571. Since the material for
both shell and tube is stainless steel, the value of a and b are 2.70 and 0.07 respectively.
FM= a + (A/100)b
= 3.749
The pressure factor, Fp, is based on the shell side pressure, P (psig) and given by the equation
22.45 which applicable to the pressure range from 100 to 2,000 psig. The shell side pressure
P is selected as 100 psig as the operating pressure in the heat exchanger is between 38 to 70
The factor FLis a tube-length correction based on the tube length (20ft) and thus FL= 1.
The f.o.b purchase cost for the shell-and-tube heat exchanger is calculated by using the
equation 22.43, page 571 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004).
5.7 Reboiler.
By using equation 22.49 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 573, the
base cost of reboiler CB, is calculated
CB= exp{0.32325 + 0.766 ln [Q]}
= $ 477,429.85
P = 64.70 psi
By using equation 22.51 from Product and Process Design Principles (2004), page 573,
The pressure factor, FP is calculated
By referring to table 22.26 (page 576) from Product and Process Design Principles (2004),
material factor for stainless steel, FM is 1.7.
The f.o.b purchase cost is determined by equation 22.50 from page 573 in Product and
Process Design Principles (2004).
Table 5.6: Cost Summary of all Equipment
Equipment Estimated Cost (USD$)
Absorber 368,302.3
Distillation Column (Empty Tower) 97257.18
Separator 38,059.00
Heater Exchanger (L-R Exchanger-01) 62,259.51
Pump (Pump-01) 70,683.79
Condenser 54,257.10
Reboiler 800,105,59
P&ID is a very common term used in the world of process industries. A process
engineer in a manufacturing plant need to create new and/or modify the already existing P&ID
to the as-is plant modifications. A P&ID shows all piping, including the “physical sequence
of branches, reducers, valves, equipment, instrumentation and control interlocks.” A P&ID is
used to operate the process system, since it shows the piping of the process flow along with the
installed equipment and instrumentation. P & IDs play a key role in maintaining and modifying
the process they describe, because it is important to demonstrate the physical sequence of
equipment and systems, including how these systems connect. In terms of processing facilities,
a P&ID is a visual representation of key piping and instrument details, control and shutdown
schemes, safety and regulatory requirements, and basic start-up and operational information.
As defined in the PIC001: Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Documentation Criteria by
Process Industry Practice (PIP) - a consortium of process industry owners and engineering
construction contractors who serve the industry (Pontius, 2013).
6.2 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
6.3 HAZOP Study
HAZOP study is usually performed during the preliminary design stage, so that design
can be changed accordingly before being constructed. Every completed design is required to
perform HAZOP. HAZOP is carried out as a final test/ final checking when the design of the
system is completed. Besides that, HAZOP study have also to be carried out on current
operation to determine the necessary modifications that should be implemented in order to
minimize risk and operability problems to zero in a plant.
There are two main features of HAZOP study such as system and materials.
Project: Biogas production Page 1
Node Description: Reactors including absorption column, regenerator, heat exchanger, Date: 31 March 2018
pipelines and valve.
Guideword Deviation Cause Consequence Recommendation Action
Flooding of
Shut down the process and evacuate the area.
High flow in column.
Level Replace with new valve or pipelines.
High absorption Mass transfer Level controller
controller fault
column between solute
Install level control system to monitor the
and solvent is
flowrate and make adjustments accordingly.
May cause Pressure Shut down the process and evacuate the area.
High pressure Water failure pipelines to controller.
High in absorption in condenser rupture. Install pressure controller along with the alarm
column Regular system to make sure pressure is always in safe
maintenance. limit.
Temperature of Shut down the process and evacuate the area.
Low flow of High temperature
process fluid
Low cooling water in Pipe blockage alarm.
remains Perform regular checking on pipelines and make
heat exchanger
constant sure do not have blockage.
Check equipment
and pipeline Perform cleaning of the heat exchanger tubes.
setting regularly.
Shut down the process and evacuate the area.
Failure of inlet
High flow of Temperature of
cooling water Install low
cooling water in process fluid Install a temperature regulator which will
valve to close temperature alarm
heat exchanger decrease automatically regulate the temperature when
Failure of Install high
More pressure Bursting of
process fluid pressure alarm
on tube side tube Install an alarm system which will sound
vigorously when it has exceeded threshold level.
Shut down the process and evacuate the area.
Leakage of
Contamination equipment
tube and Contamination Perform regular checking on pipelines and make
Low in heat checking and
cooling water of process fluid sure do not have leakage.
exchanger maintenance.
goes in
Replace with new tube.
Incorrect Equipment Shut down the process and evacuate the area.
Low desired Less
Low equipment checking and
products selectivity.
setting maintenance. Perform equipment checking.
Less desired
product yield. Run respective simulation, and adjust the
Less profit. equipment setting to maximize the efficiency of
product yield.
Shut down the process and evacuate the area.
Blockage in Equipment
Less cost
reactor inlet checking and Perform equipment checking on pipelines and
Low effective.
stream. maintenance. make sure do not have blockage.
regenerated More hydrogen
diethanolamine sulphide
Incorrect Check equipment Replace new pipelines and valve.
(DEA) contain in
equipment and pipeline
setting. regularly Perform cleaning on regenerator after a long
Operation: Continuous
Design Data:
Temperature : 348.71 K
Operating Pressure : 3619.75 kPa
TT Height : 12.19 m
Diameter : 1.50 m
Wall thickness : 0.0381 m
Material of construction : Stainless Steel 316
Estimated Cost : $ 368302.3
Nozzle schedule
N-1 8” (D) Bottom Inlet
N-2 12” (D) Top Inlet
N-3 8” (D) Top Outlet
N-4 12” (D) Bottom Outlet
MW 19” (D) Man Way
7.2 Separator (FD-01).
7.2.1 Detailed Engineering drawing of FD-01.
7.2.2 Specifications of FD-01.
Operation: Continuous
Design Data:
Temperature : 348.71 K
Operating Pressure : 482.63 kPa
TT Height : 5.539 m
Diameter : 1.50 m
Wall thickness : 0.0064 m
Material of construction : Stainless Steel 304
Estimated Cost : $ 38,059.60
Nozzle schedule
N-1 12” (D) Top Inlet
N-2 8” (D) Top Outlet
N-3 12” (D) Bottom Outlet
MW 24” (D) Man Way
7.3 Distillation Column (REGEN-01).
7.3.1 Detailed Engineering drawing of REGEN-01.
7.3.2 Specifications of REGEN-01.
Operation: Continuous
Design Data:
Temperature : 404.82 K
Operating Pressure : 448.16 kPa
TT Height : 5.5379 m
Diameter : 1.50 m
Wall thickness : 0.0064 m
Material of construction : Stainless Steel 304
Estimated Cost : $ 97257.18
Nozzle schedule
N-1 12” (D) Top Inlet
N-2 8” (D) Top Outlet
N-3 12” (D) Bottom Outlet
MW 24” (D) Man Way
7.4 Heat Exchanger (L-R Exchanger-01).
7.4.1 Detailed Engineering drawing of L-R Exchanger-01.
7.4.2 Specifications of L-R Exchanger-01.
Purposes: To pre-heat the regen feed from 168 to 200 oF and cool down the regen bottom
feed from 269 to 235 oF.
Operation: Continuous
Tube side
Fluid handle : Regen Feed
Flow rate : 59284.52 kg/hr.
Pressure : 100 psig
Temperature : 168 to 200 oF
Tube material : Stainless steel 304
Shell side
Fluid handled : To tank
Flow rate : 55247.55 kg/hr.
Pressure : 100 psig
Temperature : 269 to 235 oF
Shell material : Stainless steel 304
The Chemical Engineering Plant Cost (CE) index for 2018 is 567.5.
Working hours are 8760 hours per year which equivalent to 365 days.
8.2 Grass Root Capital
Major Equipment
Absorber 0.368 4.16 1.531
Distillation Column 0.952 4.16 3.960
Separator 0.038 4.16 0.158
Total Bare Module Cost
of Major Equipment
Auxiliary Equipment
Heater Exchanger (L-R
0.062 3.170 0.197
Pump (Pump-01) 0.071 3.300 0.234
Cooler 0.054 2.170 0.117
Total Bare Module Cost
of Auxiliary Equipment
8.3 Total Capital Investment Cost
Calculation of total fixed capital investment, CFCI
The total fixed capital investment is calculated according to Order-of-Magnitude Estimate
(Based on the Method of Hill, 1956), (Product and Process Design Principles, pg 553)
Step 1: Calculate CDPI
CDPI = (1 + F1 + F2)CTBM
Where the factors F1 and F2 are
Table 8.3: Factor F1 and F2
Outdoor Construction 0.15
Mixed indoor and outdoor construction 0.40
Indoor construction 0.80
Minor additions to existing facilities 0.10
Major additions to existing facilities 0.30
Grass-roots plant 0.80
CDPI = (1+0.15+0.8)($7,034,000)
= $ 13716300
8.4 Price of components per ton Methane
8.4.1 Raw Materials
8.4.2 Solvent
8.4.3 Products
Total: 8,694,946.52
Table 8.8: Price of product per one ton of Methane
Product US$/MMbtu
Methane 7.29
Total 7.29
8.4.4 Utilities
According to water tariff (Kuching Water Board, 2018), the purchase price of industrial
water for more than >25 m3/month is RM1.06/ m3 ≈ US$ 0.28/ m3
Utilities US$/year
Water 496080
Electricity 103232.48
Total Utilities Cost (US$) 599312.48
8.4.5 Operating Labor
Table 8.12: Paid for Labours.
Labour Average Salary per Quantity Total (US$/year)
month (US$/month)
Manager 1040 1 12480
Engineer 858 4 41184
Supervisor 650 2 15600
Technician 390 6 28080
Operators 260 20 62400
Total: 159744
8.5 Manufacturing Expenses
Table 8.13: Summary for Manufacturing Expenses
Specification Cost (US$ million /year)
Manufacturing Expenses
Raw Material
Biogas 0.141
DEA 0.084
Cooling water 0.496
Electricity 0.103
Maintenance and repairs (2% FCI) 0.411
Operating Labors 0.160
Supervisory and clerical labor (10% of operating
Laboratory charges (10% of operating labour) 0.016
Total, ADME 1.427
Local taxes (1% of FCI) 0.206
Insurance (0.4% of FCI) 0.082
Plant Overhead (5% of Raw material) 0.007
Total, AIME 0.295
General Expenses
Administrative Cost (2% of sales) 0.174
Distribution & Selling Expenses (1% of sales) 0.087
Research and development (0.5% of Sales) 0.043
Total, GE 0.304
Total Production Cost, TPC COM+GE 3.260
Sales Revenue
Methane 8.695
Total Sales Income, ASI 8.695
8.6 Contribution of different costs to the total cost of Methane production
Table 8.14: Contribution of different costs to the total cost of Methane production
Contribution of different costs to the total cost of methane production
8.7 Cost-Volume-Profit
Table 8.15: Contribution of Different Cost in Production of Methane at Different Running Capacity.
Running Capacity (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Production Volume (million MMbtu) 0 0.119 0.238 0.358 0.477 0.596 0.715 0.834 0.954 1.073 1.192
Sales Revenue (US$ million) 0 0.870 1.739 2.609 3.478 4.348 5.217 6.087 6.956 7.826 8.695
Variable Cost (US$ million) 0 0.143 0.286 0.429 0.572 0.716 0.859 1.002 1.145 1.288 1.431
Fixed Cost (US$ million) 1.825 1.825 1.825 1.825 1.825 1.825 1.825 1.825 1.825 1.825 1.825
Total Cost (US$ million) 1.825 1.968 2.111 2.254 2.397 2.541 2.684 2.827 2.970 3.113 3.256
Profit/Loss (US$ million) -1.825 -1.098 -0.372 0.355 1.081 1.807 2.533 3.260 3.986 4.713 5.439
The breakeven point is approximately at 25.12% running capacity
6 Sales Revenue
4 Variable Cost
with US$ 2.184 million.
2 Fixed Cost 121
0 Total Cost
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Running Capacity (%)
8.8 Payback Period or Return of Investment (ROI)
The payback period (PBP), return on investment (ROI), venture profit (VP) and annualized
cost (CA) are calculated by using the equations from Product and Process Design Principles
(2004), page 616.
(1 − 𝑡)(𝑆 − 𝐶)
t = income tax rate, 40%
S= Annual Sales Revenue
C=Annual Production Cost
CTCI=Total Capital Investment
(1 0.24)(8.695 3.260)
ROI = x 100%
= 27.34%
Chemical absorption by using DEA as solvent is used to remove acid gases from the
biogas in order to produce pure methane. The annual methane production is 1192722.43
MMbtu. By using ASPEN Hysys, the purity of the methane produced is as high as 98.14% with
the carbon dioxide removal rate of 95.87% and hydrogen sulphide removal rate of 100%.
The fixed capital investment (CFCI) is US $ 2.057 million, while the total capital
investment (CTCI) is US$ 15.107 million. The annual sales revenue is US$ 8.695 million and
the annual production cost is US$ 3.260 million. After the deduction of income tax of 24%,
the net profit is US$ 4.131 million per year. To breakeven at US$ 2.184 million, the running
capacity need to be at least 25.12%. The return on investment (ROI) is 27.34% which lead to
the payback period (PBP) of approximately 4 years.
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