San Mateo Daily Journal 06-07-19 Edition
San Mateo Daily Journal 06-07-19 Edition
San Mateo Daily Journal 06-07-19 Edition
Selby’s to open
in Redwood City
Fine-dining concept pays homage
to Hollywood restaurant glamour
By Zachary Clark
World War II Normandy campaign veterans take part in a commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. A fine-dining restaurant inspired by
the glamour of Hollywood in the 1930s
Tuesday, June 11
San Mateo County Fair
1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo
Senior Expo open until 3 p.m.
Seniors age 62+ admitted FREE into Senior Expo features:
Fair and Senior Expo until 3pm t Senior-related businesses
Parking on-site $15 and community booths
t Goody bags for first 1000 guests
t Giveaways
Dean Martin impersonator Matt Helm
The all - time “ King of Cool” will sing some old
favorites, as well as Sinatra songs.
Senior Stage, Expo Hall
11:30 am, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm
improvements to be soon addressed.
Traffic calming and control, infrastructure repairs along
Oyster Point, pedestrian safety measures, sewer fixes and
more were among the $101.2 million worth of work dis-
cussed during a study session Wednesday, May 29.
The range of projects which could be approved when offi-
Plus Cert. Fee.
cials decide a budget later this month are possible through
Most Cars &
the sturdy tax income streams projected for the upcoming
Light Trucks.
fiscal year, according to Financial Services Manager Justin
$ 75
2000 & Newer
Lovell. With or w/o
“A lot of this growth is fueled as South San Francisco’s Appointment
economy continues to grow,” said Lovell, referring to the We do:
city’s three main sources of tax income which are projected r5FTUPOMZ
to increase over the coming fiscal year. r)ZCSJE
In all, officials expect to collect $112.6 million in tax r%JFTFMT
revenue, amounting to about $1.3 million more than the 869 California Dr.
$111.3 million in projected spending for the proposed
2019-20 budget. Income is expected to outpace spending
El Camino Real
Burlingame Ave
(650) 340-0492
Palm Dr
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS own. “These robocalls that are being NYPD sorry for ’69 raid at
Robocalls have increased as cheap placed on their own networks are a Stonewall gay bar, now a landmark
NEW YORK — Federal regulators software makes it easy to make mass hassle and a cost for them to handle,”
voted Thursday to give phone compa- calls. Scammers don’t care if you’ve Pai said in an interview. NEW YORK — Nearly 50 years after a police raid at the
nies the right to block unwanted calls added your number to the govern- But commissioner Jessica Stonewall Inn catalyzed the modern LGBT rights move-
without getting customers’ permis- ment’s Do Not Call list, and enforce- Rosenworcel, a Democrat, criticized ment, New York’s police commissioner apologized Tuesday
sion first. ment is negligible. There are 5 billion the agency Thursday for not requiring for what his department did.
The Federal Communications per month in the U.S., according to that the call-blocking service be made “The actions taken by the NYPD were wrong, plain and
Commission’s move could make call- call-blocker YouMail. That works out free. The other Democratic commis- simple,” Commissioner James O’Neill said during a brief-
blocking widespread and help con- to 14 calls per person. sioner, Geoffrey Starks, said the ing at police headquarters.
sumers dodge annoying robocalls, Thursday’s FCC vote could poten- agency would be able to propose rules “The actions and the laws were discriminatory and
which have exploded into a problem tially be a powerful counter against against charging if that’s needed later. oppressive,” he added. “And for that, I apologize.”
that pesters Americans on the level of unwanted calls. While call-blocking Verizon said it will “evolve” its free The apology comes weeks ahead of the milestone
billions of calls a month. apps already exist, you have to turn call-blocking tool for wireless cus- anniversary of the raid and the rebellion it sparked the night
One caveat: Phone companies don’t them on or ask for them. Now, along tomers and be able to provide spam of June 27-28, 1969, as patrons and others fought back
actually have to do anything, and they with clarifying that both wireless and alerts and blocking more broadly, but against officers and a social order that kept gay life in the
could start charging you if they do — landline companies can block unwant- spokesman Richard Young said there shadows.
just as they now charge for some caller ed calls without asking customers will not be “short term across-the- Organizers of what is expected to be a massive LGBT
ID features and other extras. The FCC first, the FCC said that wireless carri- board blocking.” He did not say how Pride celebration in the city this year had called this week
expects phone companies to offer ers are also allowed to block all callers Verizon plans to change its offerings for police to apologize. So had City Council Speaker Corey
these tools for free, but it doesn’t who aren’t on a customer’s contact for landline customers, who today can Johnson, who is gay.
require them to. list. You would have to request that sign up for a third-party blocking The Pride organizers cheered O’Neill’s remarks.
The rise in debt collectors, telemar- from your phone company. service. “The NYPD, as an institution, needed to take responsibil-
keters and, most worrisome, fraudsters Consumers can also “opt out” and ask AT&T did not answer questions ity for what happened at Stonewall. This isn’t going to
ringing up consumers’ phones have their company not to block anything. about its plans but said it is committed undo the decades of violence and discrimination that our
led the FCC and Congress to push FCC Chairman Ajit Pai believes to fighting illegal and unwanted calls. community has experienced at the hands of the police, but
phone companies to do more. The p h o n e co mp an i es wi l l h av e an T-Mobile and Sprint did not immedi- it’s a good first start,” said James Fallarino, a spokesman
companies have been slow to act incentive to step up and offer these ately respond to inquiries Thursday. for NYC Pride.
008 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 8:13 PM Page 1
phones into bag-
By Fernando J. Figueroa
gies says a lot about Guest
ext school year, San Mateo how backward their
High School will implement
a plan that will make stu-
pedagogical prac-
tices are. Maybe the perspective
dents place their phones into a bag movie igh school graduation is a crossing of a threshold.
with the goal of creating a better “Screenagers” was lyze the user term agreement of any A demarcation of sorts from childhood to adult-
learning environment. shown as many app to see what he or she are getting hood, from high school to college, from the past
At a glance, this is a great idea. schools tend to do into. to the future.
Users place their phone on a specially to start a conversation on device use. That future starts now for thousands on the Peninsula who
I am humbled by how teenagers can
designed bag that can only be opened This usually lasts a few weeks. There have toiled for 12 years, 13 if you count kindergarten, to
use and master Instagram and
with a specific magnet. Artists and is often little or no follow through or reach this measure of accomplishment. Most will go to col-
Snapchat or whatever new app
venues have been trying this with efforts to sustain the conversation. Or lege, some will enter the workforce. Some will take gap
appears. They can create innovative, years. Others, albeit a small handful, are still unclear.
some success. By muting these offen- maybe the school addressed digital funny and thoughtful original content
sive devices, everyone can enjoy the etiquette during “code day.” Who Here’s my advice:
and remix it to share with those on • Listen to old people (like
shared space. This is something that knows? their networks. They can also create
every educator strives for — an envi- This is a topic that schools cannot me) who have been around.
the crass, the vulgar and the obscene They know things. You don’t
ronment free of interruptions that talk “at” the students, but rather “talk if they are not taught.
allows for the student to attentively with” and teach the students. It should have to agree, but at least lis-
Training and professional develop- ten to their point of view.
learn from the teacher. If we want to be a two-way conversation and not a ment that directly makes an impact on
give our students every single oppor- top-down policy. As adults, we strug- • Recognize that there are
the student should be at the heart of people with different points of
tunity to succeed, it starts with pro- gle with our devices, just like students this issue. If learning in the 21st-cen-
do. The conversation should be about view than you. And that doesn’t
viding an environment that is con- tury classroom requires that the stu- make them dumb, or evil, just
ducive to learning. what is acceptable device use and dent is knowledgeable on the use of different. You may have precon-
But this is also 20th-century think- management. Students and adults must technology, so should the adults that ceived notions that should be
ing. As much as these baggies know the basic science and engineer- teach them. dispelled.
“solve” the problem of the distracted ing of the devices they use. Hiding This decision to bag phones comes • Think about the economics
student, it only treats the symptom. phones in bags does not do that. more out of frustration than from ped- of an issue. Oftentimes, things
There are only a few school districts For example, most students know agogy. The brief benefits of a phone- touted as a benefit one way
in the Bay Area that effectively tackle how connect to WiFi, but seldom free classroom will be easily achieved actually provide an economic
digital citizenship and etiquette. Most know how it actually works. What if, with this policy, but the opportunity benefit to someone. Think
school districts point at how they use instead of just suppressing phones, to teach and prepare these students about who might benefit.
Common Sense Media or Google students were taught this? What are into responsible adults that can han- • Correspond with others in letter form. It doesn’t have to
Applied Digital Skills online courses the rules that govern networks? How dle a device will be completely be actual letters (I’m not insane), but keep in touch with
as solutions. They even include them does information flow and who gets to missed. people using complete thoughts and sentences. It’s good
on their tech plans. Oftentimes there see it? Who owns it? Once students practice to understand what it is you are feeling and to con-
is no followup or almost no data as to are taught, know and understand these vey it thoughtfully.
how effective these initiatives are. In ideas, they are better prepared to han- Fernando J. Figueroa is a teacher on • Learn some basic recipes from people in your family.
my experience, despite all of the tech dle the responsibility that comes with special assignment for data and tech- While it’s easy to send out for food, or look up how to
hype that the companies in our region owning and operating a device. I’ve make something on the internet, there is something about
and communities claim, very little is seen students as early as third-graders nology implementation in the San
a recipe from home. It will comfort you and connect you to
explicitly taught in our schools about been able to do this and yet this poli- Mateo-Foster City Elementary School others who love you. And it helps carry on your family tra-
digital citizenship and etiquette. cy presupposes that students are District. He has taught for more than ditions.
Students are often under the impres- unable to be responsible. That sounds 20 y ears. Ov er the past sev en y ears, he • Don’t take 8 a.m. or Friday classes. You think you can
sion that these are topics only to be to me like giving up on something has activ ely trained teachers and stu- do it, but you really don’t want to.
addressed in “computer class.” A poli- that should have been taught. If the • Always think of a backup plan.
cy of placing phones in bags sends duty of our students is to attend dent grades K-8 on digital tools, digital • Recognize that not everyone will like you, and that’s
the message that students cannot be school, learn to read and become criti- citizenship and etiquette. His opinion OK.
trusted. cal thinkers then it should be funda- is his own. • Carry a notebook for random thoughts, lists and new
The fact that San Mateo High mental that a student is able to ana- vocabulary words. Life is about learning.
• Pay your bills on time. You don’t want to rebuild your
• Vote in every election, but only vote for things or peo-
Letters to the editor ple on which you’ve done sufficient research. You don’t
have to vote on everything on the ballot every time.
• Treat with respect service workers, secretaries, restau-
rant servers and retail workers.
One question for moving out in droves because it’s ter “Faith in kindness for the future” • Dress appropriately for the occasion. Dress up for a job
become too expensive to raise a fami- regarding the 79th annual Posy interview. Buy at least one simple dress outfit, preferably
those opposed to Chick-fil-A ly if you don’t work for Google or Parade in the June 5 edition of the black. You can wear it to funerals.
Editor, Facebook. Maybe then Redwood City Daily Journal. I believe that this • Send thank you notes.
I have one question for those wouldn’t need to shut down schools community event fosters a hope for a • Don’t jump to conclusions. Be open-minded.
opposed to Chick-fil-A setting up in left and right. better tomorrow, through all of • Start a retirement account and place a portion of your
Redwood City: does the chain not its participants, as well as through income in it regularly. There is not a “too small” amount to
allow the LGBTQ community into the support from their parents, invest in the stock market. Invest. When investing,
their stores? No? Then it should not Joe Guttenbeil schools, sports teams and all the remember that cash is a position.
matter what personal beliefs their other organizations who take part in • Be kind to strangers. Offer assistance. Smile at people.
president holds (“Chick-fil-A plans
Redwood City it. Thank them when appropriate.
ruffle feathers” in the June 5 edition My hat is off to those fine young • Put a first-aid kit in your car, along with a sweatshirt, an
of the Daily Journal). ball players. extra pair of sneakers and jumper cables. If you don’t have a
Maybe instead of grandstanding,
Faith in kindness for the future car, think about what small items might be helpful during
David Canepa and the Board of Editor, Peter C. Carey an emergency and put them in a bag you carry.
Supervisors can think of a way to I would like to thank Alice Bisson- • Be aware of your surroundings.
San Bruno
keeping longtime residents from Barnes for her kind and insightful let- • Be aware of your social media presence and how it might
be perceived.
• Be aware that some people are too civilized to let you
OUR MISSION: know what they really think.
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most • Be mindful of other people’s time.
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. • Keep in touch with friends, even if it’s a quick note.
By combining local news and sports coverage, • Learn how to use tools. Be aware of how things work.
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, You never know when you may have to try and fix it.
Mickey Chuakay Michael Davis lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to • Take walks without electronic devices.
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Charles Gould Paul Moisio provide our readers with the highest quality
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Jeff Palter Shanni Brown information resource in San Mateo County. • Don’t drink or do drugs to excess. If you do, don’t make
Joy Uganiza Todd Waibel Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we it a habit. Habits can turn into addictions.
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer
choose to reflect the diverse character of this • Don’t text and drive. In fact, put your phone away.
INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community.
Dave Newlands, Production Manager
Robert Armstrong Charlie Chapman • Find something worth working toward, then work
Will Nacouzi, Production Assistant Jim Clifford Matthew Dalton toward it. It’s helpful to make a list of short-term, mid-term
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events
Talia Fine Maria Garcia-Hernandez SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM and long-term goals.
Brooke Hanshaw Robert Hutchinson • It’s OK to give up sometimes.
Austin Walsh, Senior Reporter Tom Jung Shavonne Lin Follow us on Twitter and Facebook:
Vishu Prathikanti Joe Rudino
• Spell words correctly.
REPORTERS: Joe Roias Nick Rose • Not every relationship is worth keeping. Stay away
Terry Bernal, Zachary Clark, Anna Schuessler Joel Snyder Gary Whitman
from unnecessary drama.
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events Online edition at • Exercise. Go to bed early. Be mindful of your physical
Letters to the Editor • Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy • Money is nice, but it’s not the only thing.
Should be no longer than 250 words. [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors. • Be yourself. Be good to yourself. Be good to others.
Perspective Columns • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily
Should be between 500-780 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and [email protected] Jon May s is the editor in chief of the Daily Journal. He
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107
• Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal can be reached at jon@smdaily Follow Jon on
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual. Twitter @jonmay s.
010 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:28 PM Page 1
Business briefs
Fiat Chrysler-Renault
Plant-based burger maker Beyond
deal collapsed over Nissan role
MILAN — Fiat Chrysler’s surprise decision to withdraw a
Meat beats forecasts in first quarter
merger offer with French carmaker Renault stunned the By Dee-Ann Durbin
industry, collapsing Thursday on fundamental differences THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
over when Renault’s longtime alliance partner, Nissan,
would be brought in. Beyond Meat went beyond expecta-
The merger plan, which had sought to create the world’s tions in its first earnings report since
third-largest automaker, had been viewed positively across its stock market debut last month.
the industry since it was announced last week. And it The plant-based meat maker’s shares
appeared to be a done-deal when the Renault board met for a soared after it beat Wall Street’s first
second day in Paris on Wednesday evening. quarter earnings and revenue forecasts.
But Fiat Chrysler Chairman John Elkann decided to with- Beyond Meat also said it expects full-
draw the offer as the Renault board meeting entered the early year revenue to hit $210 million this
morning hours after the French government - Renault’s top year, more than double its 2018 rev-
shareholder with a 15% stake — asked for more time to seek enue and higher than the $205 million
Nissan’s blessing. analysts had forecast, according to
Google’s challenge to game “We’re being very conservative. I
consoles to kick off in November view this as a floor,” President and
CEO Ethan Brown said.
NEW YORK — Google will kick off its Stadia streaming Beyond Meat’s shares jumped 15%
service to challenge the video game industry in November to $114.27 in after-hours trading.
— but initially only as part of a $130 bundle that includes The El Segundo-based company lost
hardware and a pass for a friend. $6.6 million, or 95 cents per share, in
Google announced the game service in March with few the first quarter, up slightly from a 98-
Products from Beyond Meat Inc. are shown for sale at a market in Encinitas.
details. On Thursday, Google said it will start advance sales for cent loss in the same period a year prior year. That also beat Wall Street’s ceries and restaurants.
the limited “Founder’s Edition” bundles right away, though it ago. forecast of $39 million. Ten-year-old Beyond Meat burst into
isn’t saying how many are available. Google won’t offer Adjusted for stock-based compensa- Sales of frozen items dropped 5% the spotlight last month with its IPO
stand-alone subscriptions, for $10 a month, until next year. tion costs and other items, the compa- in the January-March period after on Nasdaq. Its $25 opening share price
Stadia is Google’s attempt to make traditional video game ny lost 14 cents per share. That was Beyond Meat took its frozen chick- jumped 163% in the first day of trad-
consoles such as the Xbox and PlayStation obsolete. better than the 15-cent loss analysts en tenders off the market. But sales ing, the biggest first-day pop since
had forecast. of its fresh products — burgers and 2015, according to Renaissance
Beyond Meat reported revenue of s aus ag es — jump ed 3 04 %. Sales Capital. Beyond Meat is now valued at
$40.2 million, more than triple the were about evenly split between gro- nearly $6 billion.
011 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:24 PM Page 1
AP source: Keuchel, Braves Kepler, who entered hitless in his previ- is projecting how to use Craig Kimbrel,
Baseball briefs ous 21 at-bats, connected in the first, third even before Chicago announces a deal with
near one-year deal for about $13M because only about 115 days will remain in and seventh innings off Indians starter the free agent closer.
NEW YORK — A person familiar with the the 186-day season. Trevor Bauer (4-6). Kepler also walked in Maddon said Thursday he thought the 31-
negotiations tells the Associated Press that A 31-year-old left-hander, Keuchel was the fifth. year-old right-hander might be ready to
free agent pitcher Dallas Keuchel and the 12-11 with a 3.74 ERA in 34 starts last sea- The 26-year-old outfielder came up in the pitch in about three weeks.
Atlanta Braves are near son for Houston and turned down a $17.9 ninth with a chance to become the 19th
player in history to hit four homers in one Kimbrel, who has 333 saves and a 1.91
agreement on a one-year million qualifying offer in November.
game — a feat rarer than a perfect game. But ERA over nine major league seasons, turned
contract that would pay He has options remaining, allowing him
left-hander Josh Smith kept the left-handed down a $17.9 million qualifying offer from
the 2015 AL Cy Young to start his Braves tenure in the minors as he
swinging Kepler in the park, getting him to Boston last November and remained a free
Award winner about $13 builds up arm strength and stamina.
hit a hard grounder to the right side that he agent. Starting this week, a team could sign
him without the loss of amateur draft picks
The person spoke on Minnesota’s Kepler hits three homers beat out for a single.
or international signing bonus pool alloca-
condition of anonymity It was Kepler’s second career three-homer
CLEVELAND — Max Kepler homered tion.
Thursday night because game. The other one also came against the
three times and Jose Berrios (8-2) locked up Chicago’s bullpen has 11 blown saves
the agreement had not Indians on Aug. 1, 2016.
Dallas Keuchel been finalized. Cleveland’s lineup into the seventh inning this year. Brandon Morrow has not returned
as the Minnesota Twins avoided a sweep —
Keuchel’s contract
and their first three-game losing streak —
Cubs’ Joe Maddon thinking from offseason elbow surgery, and Pedro
would include a salary of about $21 million, Strop came back Tuesday from a hamstring
and he would get a prorated share of that
by beating the Indians 5-4 on Thursday ahead to using Craig Kimbrel injury that had sidelined him since May 6.
night. CHICAGO — Cubs manager Joe Maddon Strop and Steve Cishek have been closing.
Perron followed with a shot that banked Binnington. ... Actors Michael J. Fox, Woody Harrelson
Continued from page 11
off Rask’s pad and into the net. The fans
responded with a vulgar chant and a shower
of rally towels; the public address announc-
Boston pulled Rask with a little more
than a minute left and earned several
chances, but couldn’t get the puck past
and John Krasinski were in the crowd. ...
Blues D Vince Dunn was in the lineup after
missing almost three weeks after taking a
er eventually asked them to stop. Binnington. puck to the face. ... Boston D Matt Grzelcyk
missed his third straight game. ... The Blues
O’Reilly scored in the opening minute of Boston did seem inspired — or at least No tes : Binnington’s nine playoff road improved to 9-3 on the road in the playoffs.
the second period, backhanding in a desperate — and cut the deficit to one goal wins is the most by a rookie in NHL histo-
rebound for his third goal in his last five on a delayed penalty with about 6 1/2 min- ry. Ron Hextall won eight in 1987. ... UP NEXT
periods. It was still 1-0 midway through the utes left. Torey Krug took a high stick to the Derek Sanderson and Bobby Orr, the con-
third when the referees disregarded a leg face at the blue line but he played on, nection that gave the Bruins the game-win- The series returns to St. Louis, where the
sweep by Tyler Bozak that knocked Noel straightened his helmet and dished the puck ning goal against the Blues in the 1970 teams split Games 3 and 4. The Blues are 6-
Acciari out of the game. to DeBrusk for a one-timer past clincher, were the pregame banner wavers. 6 at home so far in the postseason.
014 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:25 PM Page 1
assistant coach The incident, and the fallout, was the domi-
nant story on the off day between Games 3 and
4 of the series, which resumes Friday.
“It sucks that this has to take the front page
no place in our league,” NBA spokesman
Mike Bass said Thursday.
Lowry said Stevens has not reached out to
gar manner.
Westbrook also was touched by a young fan
who was seated courtside at another game, and
By Tom Hays him to apologize. reacted calmly.
of the finals,” Lowry said. “It’s been a fun While not a player-fan exchange, New York
finals. It’s been a competitive finals. It really “I don’t know him. I don’t care to know
him,” Lowry said. “He showed his true colors Knicks owner James Dolan made headlines
sucks that this has to take part and had to be a when a fan at Madison Square Garden told him
NEW YORK — A former assistant basketball at the time. And you show what you’re really
part of it.” to “sell the team” in an incident that was cap-
coach at the University of Arizona was sen- about in that time and at that moment. ... No,
tenced to three months in prison and two years Warriors players and coaches lauded the way tured on video. Dolan told the fan he was rude,
Lowry was able to keep his emotions in you showed what you really are.”
of probation on Thursday for his role in a col- Lowry scored 23 points in Toronto’s 123- asked if he wanted to come to any more games
lege hoops corruption scandal. check, and many followed their team’s state- and then told him to “enjoy watching them on
ment and offered apologies to both the 109 victory. The Raptors lead the series 2-1
Before hearing his sentence in federal court in going into Friday’s Game 4 at Oracle Arena. TV.” And earlier in these playoffs, Raptors fan
Raptors and their point guard. Drake actually massaged Toronto coach Nick
Manhattan, Emanuel “Book” Richardson apol- Thursday’s series of events began with an
ogized to the players he coached at Arizona, “Obviously, when you see the video, it’s Nurse’s shoulders during play — to the dismay
apology from the Warriors and an announce-
saying, “I let them down.” pretty clear who was in the wrong,” Warriors of the league.
ment that Stevens would not be allowed at any
guard Stephen Curry said, who added that he NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said the
Richardson, 46, had pleaded guilty earlier more games in this series. Players like Los
doesn’t personally know Stevens. league has “redoubled” efforts to make sure
this year to accepting $20,000 in bribes from Angeles Lakers standout LeBron James said
Christian Dawkins, an aspiring business man- It’s unclear how large a stake Stevens has in that wasn’t enough, and James reached out to that fans understand what conduct is appropri-
ager for pro athletes. He and three other assis- the Warriors, and if the team will allow him to Lowry personally to offer his support. Hours ate and what isn’t.
tant basketball coaches at major programs were remain part of the organization. The team’s later, the NBA came out with the decision to “We have had lots of conversations directly
charged in 2017 with abusing the trust of NBA- media guide lists Stevens — a Silicon Valley fine and ban Stevens. with the players’ association, the players,
bound players by accepting bribes to steer the billionaire — as a member of the six-person The NBA’s ban covers all league games and because absolutely we want them to feel that
players to favored managers and financial executive board. also forbids Stevens from being part of any they’re in a safe environment,” Silver said last
advisers. “A team representative must be held to the team events. week in Toronto when the NBA Finals were
“Instead of prioritizing his student-athletes’ highest possible standard and the conduct of “If Kyle was to then hit back, a lot more beginning. “And we don’t want them to be
best interests, Richardson sought to profit from Golden State Warriors investor Mark Stevens than a fine would have then happened to distracted during the game or think that they
them, treating the student-athletes that he last night was beyond unacceptable and has have to take matters into their own hand.”
coached as assets that he could control for his
own benefit,” prosecutors said in court papers formances for them, especially when they THEY’VE SEEN IT ALL
seeking up to two years in prison for really need them.”
Here are some things to watch for Friday Last season, the Warriors had to win Game
Richardson. 7 of the Western Conference finals on the
Continued from page 11 night:
At a trial ending with Dawkins’ conviction in road in Houston. They triumphed with an
May, jurors heard wiretap recordings of DURANT’S STATUS ailing Kerr sidelined for much of the 16-1
Richardson bragging how he could deliver moments are thrown into his minutes. So title run in 2017.
potential clients for Dawkins. In one recording, you would love to have him out there on that Durant wasn’t going to get on the court in
This fifth straight NBA Finals has brought
he even suggested that Arizona head coach Sean end of the floor as well, especially with a a scrimmage situation Thursday as the
on its own challenges, most notably all the
Miller was involved in a deal to pay eventual team like Toronto.” Warriors had initially
No. 1 NBA draft pick Deandre Ayton $10,000 a Thompson, who was injured late in thought, but might do so
“Our best basketball is usually played
month to play for the Wildcats. Golden State’s Game 2 win at Toronto, even as soon as Friday or
when our backs are against the wall,” Green
Prosecutors haven’t accused Miller of any surprised the Raptors when he didn’t take Saturday with the hope he
wrongdoing, and he has vehemently denied the court for tipoff. still could return before
making any payments. the finals are done. FAREWELL TO ORACLE
The Raptors still had him on the board to “There was no setback.
In a letter to the court in the Richardson case, play when the team left the locker room just I was hoping that today Oracle Arena really is on its last hurrah.
the general counsel for Arizona wrote that the before game time. would be the day when he Friday night’s Game 4 is the only remaining
coach’s conduct had done serious damage to the Not facing Thompson became a key could get out on the guaranteed contest at the arena before
school’s reputation and to a basketball program advantage and all five Toronto starters Kevin Durant floor,” Kerr said. “It’s not Golden State moves to the new Chase
“that had previously enjoyed a stellar record of scored in double figures — and Curry was going to be today.” Center in San Francisco next season.
success, on and off the court.” forced to take on a greater load. Durant, the two-time reigning Finals The Warriors might need an even more
Because of the bad publicity, “the recruitment
“He’s a great defender. I think he’s one of MVP who was averaging 34.2 points this deafening response from the loyal home fan
effort for future players became substantially
the best, right up there at the top of the best postseason before the injury, was hurt in base.
more challenging,” the letter says. The school
wing defenders in the league, ” Raptors Game 5 of the Western Conference semifi- “We’re going to miss it here for sure,”
“is also facing the prospect of potentially sig-
coach Nick Nurse said of Thompson. “He’s nals against the Rockets on May 8. He has Kerr said. “We’re looking forward to the new
nificant sanctions and penalties from the
probably underrated in that department. He missed the eight games since. arena. It’s going to be amazing, but we’ll
NCAA flowing from the unlawful actions
really puts in some awesome defensive per- always miss Oracle.”
involved in this case,” it adds.
015 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:26 PM Page 1
announced Thursday night adds four voting in 2017 when backup quar-
four-year contract extension years to Wentz’s rookie contract. terback Nick Foles led the Eagles to Selected No. 2 overall out of
It’s worth $128 million with more a Super Bowl victory over the North Dakota State in the 2016 draft
this,’ to ‘We’re absolutely investing in this champion. That’s double the prize money that the U.S., or Denmark, or Sweden.”
Continued from page 11
because we see this as an untapped market-
place?’ So I think this is kind of a critical
point for us where we can really take some
was awarded for the 2015 World Cup in
However, it is just a fraction of the $400
Last fall, FIFA introduced its global strategy
for women’s soccer, designed to grow the
game. But the plan has been criticized because
strides that maybe we wouldn’t be able to in a million in prize money for the 2018 men’s it’s unclear how much money the organization
non-World Cup year,” Sauerbrunn said. World Cup. France, the men’s winner, was is putting into the effort.
Coach Hue Menzies said the team’s first- U.S. coach Jill Ellis was the first to declare awarded $38 million. The prize money for the
ever appearance in the World Cup is “actually FIFA wants to see women’s participation in
that video review should be used at the 2022 men’s World Cup in Qatar will be $440
a cause.” the sport double to 60 million worldwide by
Women’s World Cup after it was used for the million.
“We want to make an impact socially,” 2026. A key component will be insuring all
first time in 2018 for the men’s tournament in FIFPro, the international players union,
Menzies said. associations have comprehensive women’s
Russia. Ellis has also criticized FIFA, soccer’s said this week that FIFA has agreed to start
The Americans are largely seen as the lead- plans in place by 2022.
international governing body, for scheduling negotiating better conditions for women’s
ers when it comes to tackling equity issues — the finals for the CONCACAF Gold Cup and national team players after the World Cup. The The World Cup is key to driving the strate-
using their status as the top-ranked team in the the Copa America on the same day as the union is “determined to making real and last- gy, said Sarai Bareman, FIFA’s chief women’s
world. Players have filed a federal lawsuit that World Cup championship game. ing progress on behalf of them,” FIFPro said. football officer. She’s hopeful that it leads to
accuses the U.S. Soccer federation of discrim- Other teams have followed America’s lead. But progress in many countries will only progress.
ination and seeks compensation that’s equi- Australia and Ireland are among the teams that come with dedicated funding. “I really believe that a lot of the issues that
table with compensation for the men’s have waged successful campaigns for better “There are a lot of questions among players exist, especially in the more developing
national team. pay and conditions. The Dutch soccer federa- from Latin America about how the federations countries, if we are able to really commercial-
U.S. defender Becky Sauerbrunn sees this tion, the KNVB, said this week that it would are spending the money that comes from FIFA ize the women’s game at the top end, a lot of
World Cup as a turning point. raise the compensation for the women’s team for women’s football. Is it really going to those challenges and barriers will start to
“I think we have so much further to go, but I to equal that of the men’s by 2023. women’s football, or is it going to young come away in the more developing countries
think we’re at that point right now where, for Australia has undertaken a campaign to male players? So we’re not talking about con- as well,” Bareman said. “So we’re putting a
women’s soccer and for this tournament, it’s, protest the prize money pool. The country’s tracts yet, we’re not talking about equal play, big focus, particularly this summer in France,
‘How much can we push this and raise this fur- players’ association is calling on FIFA to because we have a situation and a landscape around promotion, proactive communication,
ther? How much more can we get the neutral bring the women’s prize up to equal the men’s. that is more vulnerable, miles apart,” said raising the profile of our players, really doing
fan to become the die-hard fan?’ Can we get the Prize money for the tournament in France is FIFPro board member Camila Garcia Perez. as much as we can to get as many eyeballs
investors to go from ‘Maybe we’ll invest in $30 million, with $4 million going to the “It’s different than you would even imagine in onto the games.”
017 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 8:09 PM Page 1
“The eyes of the world are upon you. The Canadians came ashore, Trudeau lauded the
Continued from page 1
hopes and prayers of liberty-loving peo-
ple everywhere march with you, ” Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower had said in his order
resulting world order including the United
Nations and NATO that have helped pre-
serve peace.
of the day. “The tide has turned! The free But postwar tensions were evident. Not
men of the world are marching together to invited to the remembrance was Russian
end to bloodshed. victory.” President Vladimir Putin, who had been
French President Emmanuel Macron and
On Wednesday, a commemoration was present for the 70th commemoration of D-
U.S. President Donald Trump praised the
held in Portsmouth, England, the main Day.
soldiers, sailors and airmen who took part
embarkation point for the transport boats. On Wednesday, German Chancellor
in the invasion, codenamed Operation
Then the dignitaries came to the bluffs and Angela Merkel said it was a “gift of histo-
Overlord, saying it was the turning point
beaches of Normandy, where veterans ry” that she was able to participate in the
that ended Nazi tyranny and ensured peace
recalled what they saw 75 years ago. ceremony on Britain’s southern coast.
for Europe.
“You are the pride of our nation, you are “The water was full of dead men, the Some 22,000 German soldiers are among
the glory of our republic, and we thank you beach had burning landing craft,” said Jim those buried around Normandy.
from the bottom of our heart,” Trump said Radford, 90, a British D-Day veteran from The D-Day invasion was a defining
of the warriors who took part in what he Hull, describing the scene near Gold moment of military strategy complicated
called the ultimate fight of good against Beach, where British landed. by unpredictable weather and human chaos
evil in World War II. He was there again to watch the unveil- after D-Day. in which soldiers from the U.S., Britain,
“They battled not for control and domi- ing of a statue at Gold Beach, where a Hundreds of people packed the seaside Canada and other Allied nations applied
nation, but for liberty, democracy and self- memorial to British fighters is to be erect- square in the town of Arromanches to relentless bravery to carve out a beachhead
rule, ” Trump said in a speech at the ed. applaud veterans of the Battle of on ground that Nazi Germany had occupied
Normandy American Cemetery overlook- At dawn Thursday, hundreds of civilians Normandy that ensued. A wreath was for four years.
ing Omaha Beach, the bloodiest of five and military alike from around the world placed outside the town’s D-Day Museum. The Battle of Normandy hastened
landing beaches. gathered on Omaha Beach. Gratitude was a powerful common theme. Germany’s defeat less than a year later.
Macron saluted the courage, generosity Dick Jansen, 60, from the Netherlands, Macron thanked soldiers “so that France Still, that single day cost the lives of
and strength of spirit that made them press drank Canadian whisky from an enamel could become free again” at the Gold Beach 4, 414 Allied troops, 2, 501 of them
on “to help men and women they didn’t cup on the water’s edge. Others scattered ceremony with May and uniformed veter- Americans. More than 5,000 were injured.
know, to liberate a land most hadn’t seen carnations into the waves. Randall ans laid the cornerstone of the memorial On the German side, several thousand were
before, for no other cause but freedom, Atanay, the son of a medic who tended to that will record the names of thousands of killed or wounded.
democracy.” the dying and wounded, waded barefoot troops under British command who died in From there, Allied troops would
He expressed France’s debt to the United into the water, bonding with his dad, who Normandy. advance, take Paris in late summer and race
States for freeing his country from the has since died. “If one day can be said to have deter- with the Soviet Red Army to control as
Nazis. Macron awarded five American vet- Up to 12,000 people attended the cere- mined the fate of generations to come, in much German territory as possible by the
erans with the Chevalier of Legion of mony at the Normandy American France, in Britain, in Europe and the time Adolf Hitler died in his Berlin bunker
Honor, France’s highest award. Cemetery, with U.S. veterans, their num- world, that day was the 6th of June, 1944,” and Germany surrendered in May 1945.
“We know what we owe to you, veterans, bers fast diminishing as years pass, the May said. The Soviet Union also fought valiantly
our freedom, ” he said, switching from guests of honor. As the sun rose that morning, not one of against the Nazis — and lost more people
French to English. “On behalf of my A 21-gun salute thundered into the the thousands of men arriving in than any other nation in World War II —
nation I just want to say ‘thank you.”’ waters below the cemetery, on a bluff over- Normandy “knew whether they would still but those final battles would divide Europe
About 160,000 troops were took part in looking Omaha Beach, and across the rows be alive when the sun set once again,” she for decades between the West and the
D-Day, and many more fought in the ensu- of white crosses and Stars of David. The said. Soviet-controlled East, the face-off line of
ing Battle of Normandy. Of those 73,000 final resting places of more than 9,380 of Passing on memories is especially the Cold War.
were from the United States, while 83,000 the fallen stretched out before the guests. urgent, with hundreds of World War II vet- “War is the most idiotic thing that man
were from Britain and Canada. Troops Britain’s Prince Charles, his wife, erans now dying every day. ever created,” said Charles Levesque, 93,
started landing overnight from the air, Camilla, and Prime Minister Theresa May Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who served in the Pacific theater. “Our ene-
then were joined by a massive force by sea attended a remembrance service at the hailed those who “took a gamble the world mies now are our friends, and our friends
on the beaches of Omaha, Utah, Juno, medieval cathedral in Bayeux, the first had never seen before.” are our enemies. It doesn’t make any
Sword and Gold, carried by 7,000 boats. Normandy town liberated by Allied troops Speaking at Juno Beach where 14,000 sense.”
019 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 5:37 PM Page 1
By Susan Cohn
SPICED CAULIFLOWER Cauliflower burgers are bursting with complex flavor, with a contrast between creamy, nutty interiors and crunchy, well-browned exteriors.
BURGERS WITH YOGURT SAUCE 1 scallion, sliced thin divided 1/3 cup golden raisins, chopped
Servings: 4 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 large egg, lightly beaten
Start to finish: 1 hour, 30 minutes 1/4 teaspoon table salt 1/2 teaspoon paprika 4 hamburger buns, toasted if desired
Yogurt Sauce: Burgers: 1/2 teaspoon table salt 3 tablespoons sliced almonds, toasted
1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt 1 head cauliflower (2 pounds), cored and 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 cup baby arugula
1 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro cut into 1-inch florets 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, 1 small carrot, peeled and shredded See BURGER, Page 22
hyper-masculinity. Wonder, Jefferson Airplane, Coolio and ZZ jokes but also this — a heroine.
Continued from page 19
Ford’s alpha dog is pure action cool, rip-
ping off Max’s cone in disgust (not the best
message for kids in treatment), rejecting
As signs of how well engineered this
movie is, a cover of Bill Withers’ “Lovely
It all builds to a climax where all three
plots converge, some stretched uncomfort-
ably. Max is clearly the emotional center of
Max’s embarrassed neurosis and being the Day” is used at the end, a callback to the orig- the film but Snowball’s journey is just weird,
cold, silent type. “The first step in not being inal song’s appearance in the first film. It starting as a bunny who plays a dress-up
country seems to offer a respite. Getting his afraid, is acting like you’re not afraid,” he also opens with “Empire State of Mind,” an
head right is his quest. superhero, morphing into a real superhero
advises. echo of how the first one opened with Taylor who is revealed to be anything but, before
Before he leaves, he asks Gidget to take Ford gets to play with his own he-man Swift’s “Welcome to New York.”
care of his favorite squeaky toy. She prompt- proving he IS a superhero, kind of. (Stick
screen persona, but we’re not sure this John There are some nifty touches, including a around at the end credits for a clip of Hart as a
ly loses it in a cat lady’s apartment filled Wayne bit — or the whole dynamic of pam- dream sequence in which Snowball fanta-
with crazed felines. Getting it back is her gangsta Snowball rapping “Panda” by
pered city folks versus tough country folks sizes about being a caped crusader, which Desiigner.)
comedic quest. Meanwhile, Snowball is — is what we need right now. Another draw- creates a comic book sequence INSIDE an
asked by a brave Shih Tzu (newcomer Tiffany back is the scary elements: fearful wolves animated film. Bell pretty much steals the If the knock on “The Secret Life of Pets”
Haddish) to rescue a tiger cub held by a and an awful villain with a whip and a cattle movie when her cat gets high on catnip and was that it was a rip-off of “Toy Story,” then
malevolent circus boss. His quest is, like the prod. later teaches Gidget the “way of the cat” — the second film better grounds itself in its
others ones, to find his inner superhero. Even so, the majority of the film is careful- complete with mandatory walking on a lap- own universe. Like its main three characters,
Oswalt is a fine replacement for Max, ly constructed, switching from plot to plot top keyboard and batting mugs off tables. it has learned to be comfortable in its own
able to connect with the character’s timidi- to plot while also incorporating old charac- All this with extraordinary animated effects. animated skin.
ty, wonder and blossoming courage. He is ters — Dana Carvey’s elderly Basset hound You will marvel at how real the illustrators “The Secret Life of Pets 2,” a Universal
helped by a gruff farm dog voiced by and Hannibal Buress as dachshund Buddy — have made this world, from rocky cliffs to Pictures release, is rated PG for “some action
Harrison Ford, who unfortunately muddies in an increasingly complex patchwork, fed speeding cars and dazzling eyes. In a neat and rude humor.” Running time: 86 minutes.
his first animated voice role with some by a lively soundtrack that includes Stevie twist, too, the cat lady becomes the butt of Three stars out of four.
JT: Something written specifically for me, rot, raisins, and egg until well combined.
Continued from page 20
or with me in mind. Writers ... @me, ha ha.
AND MORE: Julius Thomas III, a NAACP
Theatre Award nominee from Gary, Indiana,
Continued from page 21
Divide cauliflower mixture into 4 equal
portions. Using lightly moistened hands,
tightly pack each portion into 3/4-inch-
has appeared on Broadway and in tours of thick patty and place on prepared sheet.
“Hamilton,” “The Scottsboro Boys,” Cover and refrigerate patties until chilled
tickets) “being their Christmas present” or “Motown: The Musical,” “Porgy and Bess,” Fo r the y o g urt s auce: Combine all and firm, at least 30 minutes or up to 24
fan art to pass me. It’s cool to interact with “Shrek” and “Xanadu.” His television appear- ingredients in bowl; cover and refrigerate hours.
folks that are so invested in “Hamilton.” ances include “Modern Family,” “Odd Man until ready to serve. (Sauce can be refriger-
DJ: “Hami l to n” has been ex tended at Heat remaining 2 tablespoons oil in 12-
Out” and “Sesame Street.” Insta: ated for up to 4 days.)
the Orpheum unti l 2 0 2 0 . Are y o u @juliusthomas3. inch nonstick skillet over medium heat
Fo r the burg ers : Adjust oven rack to until shimmering. Using spatula, place
enjo y i ng thi s l o ng s tay i n San “HAMILTON” PARTICULARS. middle position and heat oven to 450 F.
Franci s co ? “Hamilton” runs through Jan. 5, 2020, at the patties in skillet and cook until deep gold-
Toss cauliflower with 1 tablespoon oil, en brown and crisp on first side, 3 to 5
JT: I love the vibe here. So free, and so SHN Orpheum Theatre, 1192 Market St. in cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper. Spread
unapologetically San Fran. I love Dolores San Francisco. Information and tickets at minutes. Using 2 spatulas, gently flip pat-
cauliflower evenly over aluminum foil- ties and cook until browned and crisp on
Park, Brenda’s and trucking off to the red- or (888) 746-1799.
woods. lined rimmed baking sheet and roast until second side, 3 to 5 minutes. Serve burgers
DJ: The way i t i s g o i ng no w, well browned and tender, 20 to 25 minutes. on buns, topped with yogurt sauce,
“Hami l to n” co ul d run fo rev er. But, Susan Cohn is a member of the American Theatre Let cool slightly, then transfer to large almonds, and arugula.
o uts i de o f Al ex ander Hami l to n, what Critics Association and the San Francisco Bay Area bowl. Nutrition information per serving: 415
Theatre Critics Circle. She may be reached at Line clean rimmed baking sheet with
i s y o ur dream ro l e? [email protected]. calories; 142 calories from fat; 16 g fat (2
parchment paper. Using potato masher, g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 55 mg choles-
mash cauliflower until broken down into terol; 769 mg sodium; 55 g carbohydrate;
rough 1/2-inch pieces. Stir in panko, car- 8 g fiber; 19 g sugar; 14 g protein.
- A Touch of Europe -
023 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:16 PM Page 1
1>66;4 H>DA1
1 > = G
Laurel St., Menlo Park. Food court, Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
games, raffle drawings, music, carni- Orange Ave., South San Francisco. '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb !
0 \PcTda
val rides and tiki bar. Free. For more Free. For more information call 829- ([[TccTab,
, $_
_^X]cb , ,
Caah PV
information call 323-7914. 3860.
> 0
Origami time. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Reach
Senior Day at the County Fair. 11
And Teach, 144 W. 25th Ave., San a.m. to 3 p.m. San Mateo County FT_ _dcb
Mateo. All ages welcome and all Event Center, 1346 Saratoga Drive, ^U[[TccTab2
materials provided free. Free. For San Mateo. Seniors ages 62+ admit-
more information call 759-3784. ted into San Mateo County Fair and 5X]S0
;40BC5 5>DA5 58E4;4CC4A
Senior Expo. Goody bags for the first 4;4<4=CB5 5A><C C74? ?4A8>382
D 0 A =
Slime! 1 p.m. South San Francisco
Main Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., 1000 guests. Parking fee $15. For C01;4XX]ccWTV
more information call 303-6735.
South San Francisco. Through the use
of the scientific method, test, observe
and record findings to better under- Dean Mar tin Impersonator
stand what it takes to make the per- Per formance. 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
A = > 6
fect slime. Free. For more information San Mateo County Event Center,
call 829-3860. 1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo.
Sean Martin impersonator Matt
Catsino Night to Benefit Nine Lives Helm will sing some old favorites as
Foundation. 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. well as Sinatra songs. For more infor-
Veterans Memorial Senior Center, mation call 344-5200.
1455 Madison Ave., Redwood City. 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7
7PbQa^88]R %& (
$125. Ticket includes barbecue din- For more events visit !! (7
ner, two drink tickets and $50 in, click Calendar. f
fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ E>FBA A8=6;
024 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:46 AM Page 1
SUDOKU Want More Fun
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The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes,
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(in any order) to produce the target numbers in the
top-left corners. #PHHMF1V[[MF&WFSZEBZJO%BUF#PPL
O Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in
the top-left corner.
FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2019
025-030 0607 fri:Class Master Odd 6/6/19 3:51 PM Page 1
104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- GROUNDSPERSON - STATEMENT #281304 Architectural Design
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errors not materially affecting the value 2 years experience and events setups.
terns to do entry level reporting, re-
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of the ad. All error claims must be sub- registrants commenced to transact busi-
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis- required. tures and interviews. Photo interns al-
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ing conditions, please ask for a Rate Please call Carl 650-851-1457 /s/Dominique Black/
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Thrive at:
(650)777-9000 feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs
of the newspaper and media industries.
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper
experience is preferred but not neces-
sarily required.
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This position will provide valuable Monzon Galdamez, same address and Redwood City, CA 94063
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Roblox Corporation in San Mateo, CA City, UT 84121. Include job code 78825 Registered Owner: Patient Centric Phar-
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Owner of a luxury home in the Burlingame area is
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sition, 20 hours per week, paying $20.00 per
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tant, you will be supervising sub-contractors like
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Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Tundra Tundra Tundra
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): HEARING William Norman Schwarz, CASE# 19C1V02689 CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso):
18FAM01069 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- aka William N. Schwarz 17CLJ00248
(AVISO AL DEMANDADO) 17, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., (or as To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
soon thereafter as the mat- tingent creditors, and persons who may (LO ESTÁ DEMANDANDO EL DEMAN-
Yan Zhang otherwise be interested in the will or es- PETITION OF DANTE): WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.
ter is heard) in the Millbrae tate, or both, of William Norman Katherine Jenny Romanski NOTICE! You have been sued. The
YOU ARE BEING SUED BY City Council Chambers, 621 Schwarz, aka William N. Schwarz. A Pe- court may decide against you without
PETITIONER: Magnolia Ave., Millbrae, CA, tition for Probate has been filed by Mark TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: your being heard unless you respond
(NOMBRE DEL DEMANDANTE) Schwartz in the Superior Court of Cali- Petitioners: Katherine Jenny Romanski within 30 days. Read the information be-
the Millbrae Planning Com- fornia, County of San Mateo. The Peti- filed a petition with this court for a decree low. SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL)
Jeffry Quang Lee mission will conduct a public tion for Probate requests that Mark changing name as follows: You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso):
hearing on the following Schwartz be appointed as personal rep- Present name: this summons and legal papers are 18STLC03064
You have 30 calendar days after this resentative to administer the estate of Katherine Jenny Romanski served on you to file a written response
Summons and Petition are served on
matters: at this court and have a copy served on NOTICE TO DEFENDANT:
the decedent.
you to file a Response (form F-120) at The petition requests authority to admin- Proposed Name: the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not (AVISO AL DEMANDADO)
the court and have a copy served on the 608 SANTA SUSANA ister the estate under the Independent Katherine Jenny Olsen protect you. Your written response must
petitioner. A letter, phone call, or court be in proper legal form if you want the MICHAEL A. MROZ, an individual; and
AVENUE: DESIGN RE- Administration of Estates Act. (This au-
court to hear your case. There may be a DOES 1 through 75, inclusive,
appearance will not protect you thority will allow the personal representa- THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
If you do not file your Response on time, VIEW to allow for the reno- tive to take many actions without obtain- interested in this matter shall appear be-
court form that you can use for your re-
the court may make orders affecting your vation of an existing single- ing court approval. Before taking certain fore this court at the hearing indicated
sponse. You can find these court forms YOU ARE BEING SUED BY
and more information at the California PLAINTIFF:
marriage or domestic partnership, your story residence and con- very important actions, however, the per- below to show cause, if any, why the pe- Courts Online Self-Help Center (LO ESTA DEMANDADO EL DEMAN-
property, and custody of your children. struction of a new second- sonal representative will be required to tition for change of name should not be
You may be ordered to pay support and (, your DANTE)
give notice to interested persons unless granted. Any person objecting to the
attorney fees and costs. story on a Single-Family res- they have waived notice or consented to
county law library, or the courthouse
name changes described above must file nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing AMERICAN CONTRACTORS
For legal advice, contact a lawyer imme- idence in a Residential (R-1) the proposed action.) The independent a written objection that includes the rea- fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver INDEMNITY COMPANY, a California
diately. Get help finding a lawyer at the Zoning District. (Public administration authority will be granted sons for the objection at least two court form. If you do not file your response on corporation
California Courts Online Self-Help Center unless an interested person files an ob- time, you may lose the case by default,
(, at the Cali- Hearing) jection to the petition and shows good
days before the matter is scheduled to
be heard and must appear at the hearing and your wages, money, and property NOTICE! You have been sued. The court
fornia Legal Services website ( cause why the court should not grant au- may be taken without further warning may decide against you without your be-, or by contacting your local to show cause why the petition should
200 Rollins Road: thority. not be granted. If no written objection is from the court. ing heard unless you respond within 30
county bar association. A hearing on the petition will be held in There are other legal requirements. You
NOTICE-RESTRINING ORDERS ARE Planning Commission con- timely filed, the court may grant the peti- days. Read the information below.
this court as follows: JUN. 28, 2019 at may want to call an attorney right away. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after
ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders sideration of making a rec- 9:00 a.m., Dept. 28, Superior Court of
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the If you do not know an attorney, you may this summons and legal papers are
are effective against both spouses or do- ommendation to the City California, County of San Mateo, 400
petition shall be held on 7/3/19 at 9 a.m., want to call an attorney referral service. If served on you to file a written response
mestic partners until the petition is dis- Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- you cannot afford an attorney, you may
missed, a judgment entered, or the court
Council regarding the appro- County Center, Redwood City, CA
wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or-
at this court and have a copy served on
94063. be eligible for free legal services from a the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not
makes further orders. They are enforce- val of aFINAL MAP to deter- If you object to the granting of the peti- der to Show Cause shall be published at nonprofit legal services program. You protect you. Your written response must
able anywhere in California by any law mine whether the Final Map, tion, you should appear at the hearing least once each week for four successive can locate these nonprofit groups at the be in proper legal form if you want the
enforcement officer who has received or approved by the City Engi- and state your objections or file written weeks prior to the date set for hearing on California Legal Services Web site court to hear your case. There may be a
seen a copy of them. objections with the court before the hear- the petition in the following newspaper of (, the Califor- court form that you can use for your re-
FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the fil- neer, conforms to the re- general circulation: nia Courts Online Self-Help Center sponse. You can find these court forms
ing. Your appearance may be in person
ing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver quirements imposed as a or by your attorney. San Mateo Daily Journal (, or by and more information at the California
form. The court may order you to pay condition of its acceptance. If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- Filed: 5/23/2019 contacting your local court or county bar Courts Online Self-Help Center
back all or part of the fees and costs that /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ association. NOTE: The court has a stat- (, your
the court waived for you or the other par-
This Final Map is for the itor of the decedent, you must file your utory lien for waived fees and costs on county law library, or the courthouse
claim with the court and mail a copy to Judge of the Superior Court
ty. Gateway at Millbrae Station the personal representative appointed by Dated: 5/21/2019 any settlement or arbitration award of nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing
Tiene 30 dias de calendario despues de (TOD #2) project located at $10,000 or more in a civil case. The fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver
the court within the later of either (1) four (Published 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19, court's lien must be paid before the court form. If you do not file your response on
haber recibido la entrega legal de sta 200 Rollins Road. (Public months from the date of first issuance of 6/21/19).
(Citacion y Peticion para presentar una will dismiss the case. time, you may lose the case by default,
Hearing) letters to a general personal representa- ¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no re- and your wages, money, and property
Respuesta (formulario FL-120) ante la tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the
corte y efectuar la entrega legal de una sponde dentro de 30 días, la corte puede may be taken without further warning
California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days decidir en su contra sin escuchar su ver- from the court.
copia al demandante. Una carta o llama- At the time of the hearing, all from the date of mailing or personal de-
da telefonica o una audeiencia de la sión. Lea la información a continuación. There are other legal requirements. You
corte no basta para protegario. interested persons are invit- livery to you of a notice under section
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO de- may want to call an attorney right away.
ed to appear and be heard. 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth- spués de que le entreguen esta citación If you do not know an attorney, you may
Si no presenta su Ruspuesta a tiempo, la er California statutes and legal authority STATEMENT #281398 y papeles legales para presentar una re- want to call an attorney referral service. If
corte puede dar ordenes que afcten su If you challenge the decision may affect your rights as a creditor. You The following person is doing business spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer you cannot afford an attorney, you may
matrimonio o pareja de hencho, sus bi- of the City in court, you may may want to consult with an attorney as: Four Star Automotive, Inc./Four Star que se entregue una copia al deman- be eligible for free legal services from a
enes y la custodia de sus hijos. La corte knowledgable in California law. Truck Repair, 1405 San Mateo Avenue, dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni- nonprofit legal services program. You
tambien le puede ordenar ue pague be limited to raising only SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080. ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es-
You may examine the file kept by the can locate these nonprofit groups at the
manutencion, y honorarios y costos le- those issues you or some- court. If you are a person interested in Registered Owner: Four Star Automo- crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor- California Legal Services Web site
gales. one else raised at the public the estate, you may file with the court a tive, Inc., CA. The business is conduct- recto si desea que procesen su caso en (, the Califor-
Para asesoramiento legal, pongase en ed by a Corporation. The registrants la corte. Es posible que haya un formu- nia Courts Online Self-Help Center
contacio de inmediato con un abogado. hearing described in this no- Request for Special Notice (form DE-
lario que usted pueda usar para su re- (, or by
154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- commenced to transact business under
Puede obtener informacion para encon- tice, or in written corre- praisal of estate assets or of any petition their FBN on 12/20/2004. spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu- contacting your local court or county bar
trar un abogado en el Centro de Ayuda spondence delivered to the or account as provided in Probate Code /s/Anthony P. Bernardini/ larios de la corte y más información en el association. NOTE: The court has a stat-
de las Cortes de California ( Planning Commission at, or section 1250. A Request for Special No- This statement was filed with the Asses- Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali- utory lien for waived fees and costs on, en el sitio web de los Ser- tice form is available from the court clerk. sor-County Clerk on 5/28/2019. (Publish- fornia (, en la biblio- any settlement or arbitration award of
vicios Legales de California ( prior to, the public hearing. teca de leyes de su condado o en la $10,000 or more in a civil case. The
Attorney for Petitioner: ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, or poniendose en contacto For further information or to Kevin S. Veenstra 6/7/19, 6/14/19, 6/21/19, 6/28/19).
corte que le quede más cerca. Si no court's lien must be paid before the court
con el colegio del abogados du suconda- review the materials regard- puede pagar la cuota de presentación, will dismiss the case. ¡AVISO! Lo han
do. Sonoma Law Group Inc. pida al secretario de la corte que le dé demandado. Si no responde dentro de
AVISO-LAS ORDENES DE RESTRIC- ing these matters, please 445 Orchard Street Suite 204 un formulario de exención de pago de 30 días, la corte puede decidir en su
contact the Millbrae Com- SANTA ROSA, CA 95404 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la in-
NA 2: Las ordenes de restriccion estan (707)284-8844 tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum- formación a continuación.
munity Development Depart- FILED: 5/24/2019 The following person is doing business plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su- Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO de-
en vigencia en cuanto a ambos conyug-
es o meimbros de la pareja de hecho ment 621 Magnolia Avenue, (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- as: Auto Pride Car Wash, 195 El Camino eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten- spués de que le entreguen esta citación
hasta que se despida la peticion, se emi- Millbrae at (650) 259-2341. nal on 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/8/19 ) Real, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Regis- cia. y papeles legales para presentar una re-
ta un fallo o la corte de otras ordenes. tered Owner: Auto Pride Car Wash, CA. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco- spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer
Cualquier agencia del orden publico que The business is conducted by a Corpora- mendable que llame a un abogado inme- que se entregue una copia al deman-
haya recibido o visto una copia de estas
If anyone wishes to appeal tion. The registrants commenced to diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni-
ordenes puede hacerlas acatar en cual- any final action taken, transact business under their FBN on puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es-
quier lugar de California. he/she may do so by con- 01/01/1980. abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo- crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor-
EXENCION DE CUOTAS: Si no puede /s/Timothy A. Mitchell/ gado, es posible que cumpla con los recto si desea que procesen su caso en
tacting the City Clerk at This statement was filed with the Asses- requisitos para obtener servicios legales la corte. Es posible que haya un formu-
pagar la cuota de presentacion, pida al ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR
secretario un formulario de exencion de (650) 259-2414, to submit a sor-County Clerk on 5/15/2019. (Publish- gratuitos de un programa de servicios le- lario que usted pueda usar para su re-
CHANGE OF NAME gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu-
cuotas. La corte puede ordnar que usted written appeal and pay the CASE# 19C1V02706 ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio larios de la corte y más información en el
pague, ya sea en parte o por completo, corresponding fee. An ap- SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19). web de California Legal Services, Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali-
las quotas y costos de la corte previa- peal letter must be submit- COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, (, en el Centro fornia (, en la biblio-
mente exentos a peticion de usted o de 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, teca de leyes de su condado o en la
la otra parte. ted before the end of the ap- REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ( o poniéndose en corte que le quede más cerca. Si no
The name and address of the court is (El peal period stated at the PETITION OF STATEMENT #281263 contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo- puede pagar la cuota de presentación,
nombre y dirección de la corte es): conclusion of the hearing. Luke, Adam Le The following person is doing business gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte pida al secretario de la corte que le dé
Superior Court, County of San Mateo as: Auto Pride Car Wash, 909 Woodside tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los un formulario de exención de pago de
400 County Center 6/7/19 Rd., REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061. Reg- costos exentos por imponer un grava- cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 CNS-3262167# Petitioner: Luke, Adam Le filed a petition istered Owner: Auto Pride Car Wash, men sobre cualquier recuperación de tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum-
The name, address, and telephone num- SAN MATEO DAILY with this court for a decree changing CA. The business is conducted by a Lim- $10,000 ó más de valor recibida me- plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su-
ber of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff with- ited Partnership. The registrants com- diante un acuerdo o una concesión de eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten-
out an attorney, is (El nombre, la direc- JOURNAL names as follows:
menced to transact business under their arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. cia.
ción y el número de teléfono del aboga- Present names: FBN on 01/01/1980. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco-
do del demandante, o del demandante Luke, Adam Le /s/Timothy A. Mitchell/ antes de que la corte pueda desechar el mendable que llame a un abogado inme-
que no tiene abogado, es): This statement was filed with the Asses- caso. diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado,
Tu, Minh Huynh The name and address of the court is (El
Dale N. Chen, Esq. SBN 114701 sor-County Clerk on 5/15/2019. (Publish- puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a
Law Offices of Dale N. Chen nombre y dirección de la corte es): SU- abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo-
Proposed Names: ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, PERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, SAN gado, es posible que cumpla con los
4655 Old Ironsides Dr #220 Loc, Tan Lang 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19).
SANTA CLARA, CA 95054 MATEO COUNTY, REDWOOD CITY, requisitos para obtener servicios legales
Tu, minh Lang SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, gratuitos de un programa de servicios le-
FILED: 5/2/2018 400 County Center Redwood City CA gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME THE COURT ORDERS that all persons FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 94063 estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio
DATE (Fecha): 5/2/2018 STATEMENT #281316 interested in this matter shall appear be- STATEMENT #281264
Clerk (Secretario) by, C.Colloum The name, address, and telephone num- web de California Legal Services,
The following person is doing business fore this court at the hearing indicated The following person is doing business ber of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff with- (, en el Centro
Deputy (Asistente) as: The Committee to Rebrand Industrial below to show cause, if any, why the pe- as: Auto Pride Car Wash, 1095 Carolan
(SEAL) out an attorney, is (El nombre, la direc- de Ayuda de las Cortes de California,
Road-San Carlos, 1697 Industrial Road, tition for change of name should not be Avenue, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. ción y el número de teléfono del aboga- ( o poniéndose en
SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Registered granted. Any person objecting to the Registered Owner: Auto Pride Car Wash, do del demandante, o del demandante contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo-
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- Owner: Dominick Chirichillo, same ad-
nal: 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19) name changes described above must file CA. The business is conducted by a Cor- que no tiene abogado, es): Brian N. gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte
dress. The business is conducted by an a written objection that includes the rea- poration. The registrants commenced to Winn (SBN 86779) Laura M. Hoalst tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los
Individual. The registrants commenced sons for the objection at least two court (SBN 101082) John E. Gordon (SBN costos exentos por imponer un grava-
to transact business under their FBN on transact business under their FBN on
days before the matter is scheduled to 01/01/1980. 180053) Stephen S. Zeller (SBN 265664) men sobre cualquier recuperación de
May 20, 2019. be heard and must appear at the hearing Casey M. Jensen (SBN 263593) Jason $10,000 ó más de valor recibida me-
/s/Dominick Chirichillo/ /s/Timothy A. Mitchell/
to show cause why the petition should This statement was filed with the Asses- M. Burrows (SBN 309882) Nicholas W. diante un acuerdo o una concesión de
This statement was filed with the Asses- Lynes (SBN 312463) arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil.
sor-County Clerk on 5/20/2019. (Publish- not be granted. If no written objection is sor-County Clerk on 5/15/2019. (Publish-
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- WINN LAW GROUP, A PROFESSIO- Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, NAL CORPORATION, The Chapman antes de que la corte pueda desechar el
5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19). tion without a hearing. A hearing on the 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19).
petition shall be held on 7/12/19 at 9 Building 110 E Wilshire Ave Ste 212 Full- caso.
a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, erton CA 92832 (714) 446-6686 (File No. The name and address of the court is (El
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this 16-16046-0-ECC-GD) (4100-00) nombre y dirección de la corte es):
STATEMENT #281158 STATEMENT #281371 Order to Show Cause shall be published STATEMENT #281327
The following person is doing business Clerk (Secretario), by RODINA M. CATA- CALIFORNIA
The following person is doing business at least once each week for four succes- The following person is doing business LANO, Deputy (Adjunto)
as: Ultra Construction, 613 Rocca Ave- COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CEN-
as: 1)AUG Global 2)DSI Global 3)AI sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- as: Snap Fitness Daly City, 6403 Mission 17-CLJ-00248 SUM, Summons Issued / TRAL DISTRICT
nue, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA Body, 555 Twin Dolphin Dr. Ste 135, ing on the petition in the following news-
94080. Registered Ownesr: Delfino Al- St., DALY CITY, CA 94101. Registered Filed 335798 111 North Hill Street,
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94065. Regis- paper of general circulation: Owner: VITALITY Health LLC, CA. The (SEAL) Los Angeles, CA 90012
varado and Ana R. Alvarado, same ad- tered Owner: Delphi Software Int’l, Inc., San Mateo Daily Journal
dress. The business is conducted by a business is conducted by a Limited Lia- 5/17, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7/19 The name, address, and telephone num-
CA. The business is conducted by a Cor- Filed: 5/30/2019 bility Company. The registrants com- CNS-3254062# ber of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff with-
Married Couple. The registrants com- poration. The registrants commenced to /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ menced to transact business under their SAN MATEO DAILY JOURNAL out an attorney, is (El nombre, la direc-
menced to transact business under their transact business under their FBN on Judge of the Superior Court FBN on N/A. ción y el número de teléfono del aboga-
FBN on 6/18/2008. Feb 24, 2016. Dated: 5/22/2019 do del demandante, o del demandante
/s/Ana R. Alvarado/ /s/Valeri Shidlovsky/ (Published 6/7/19, 6/14/19, 6/21/19,
/s/Steve Escamilla/
This statement was filed with the Asses- que no tiene abogado, es):
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- 6/28/19). Tracy A. Stevenson (Bar No. 162408)
sor-County Clerk on 5/2/2019. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/24/2019. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/21/2019. (Publish-
Lanak & Hanna, P.C. [#24599]
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 625 The City Drive South Suite 190
5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19). 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19, 6/21/19). 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19). ORANGE, CA 92868
025-030 0607 fri:Class Master Odd 6/6/19 3:52 PM Page 3
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Continued from page 1
bike cars per train and explore three bike
cars per train. Sure it’ll cost more money,
but it’s worthwhile to accommodate as
Stone also noted that while the electric
trains will carry fewer bikes than the diesel
trains, the increase in capacity associated
Mateo County supervisor, suggested the
design that the board voted for balances the
needs of cyclists, who take up two spaces
many bicycles as we can.” with electrification means Caltrain will in the trains, and those who don’t cycle.
Redesigning the electric trains so that carry more bikes through the corridor than “The lens I look through is we need to
view of the bike storage area from six to 14 three cars per train can accommodate bikes it does today. Right now, Caltrain carries move as many people as possible on this
per train. is estimated to cost $10 million, which is about 6,000 bicycles per day, officials train corridor and there’s obviously a ten-
While 14 seats is an upgrade over six part of why the board rejected that option. said. sion or tradeoff between bike spaces and
seats, most of the cyclists who spoke dur- “We’re constrained by the space we have The latest electric train design will result passenger spaces,” he said.
ing public comment felt that number was and the financial resources we have and I in a 17% increase compared to today in The redesign vote also entails a $3.5
still insufficient and called for a third bike don’t like it, I’d like to have as many onboard bike capacity per peak hour, per million commitment to bike parking and
car per train. Some even wanted all cars to human beings without bikes and as many direction because of increased train fre- micromobility options at stations, includ-
be bike-accessible. human beings with bikes as would like to quency, according to a staff report. ing bike and scooter share. Board mem-
“You’ve become a trailblazer in bicycle ride Caltrain on there and in my mind I’d And Caltrain currently carries more bikes bers, including Pine, celebrated the invest-
transportation over the last 25 years or so, like them to be able to ride it cheaper than onboard than any commuter rail in the ment.
and while there are problems with it we today, but that’s my perfect world where country. Cameras will be installed in the “Because of the growth of bikes, the
need to keep moving ahead to have resources are infinite and someone else cars and officials are confident a techno- importance of the wayside solutions is
Caltrain be such a trailblazer,” Jeff Carter pays for them and that’s not the way things logical solution will be found to ensure critical. I think that’s the place where we
said during public comment. “I do urge the work,” said Board Member Charles Stone, bikes remain safe. need to vest our efforts,” he said.
032 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:45 AM Page 1
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