San Mateo Daily Journal 06-07-19 Edition

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001 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:28 PM Page 1



Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Friday • June 7, 2019 • XIX, Edition 245

Caltrain OKs bike car redesign

Cyclists say changes won’t do enough to address theft
By Zachary Clark and each of those cars will have bike “If I can’t bring my bike on board
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF storage on the first level with some and if I can’t see it because it will be
seating and a second level with addi- stolen, you’re pushing me into a car,
Caltrain’s new electric train cars will tional seating. The initial design of you’ll lose me as a rider and that’s
be redesigned to address persisting the electric cars included just three unfortunate,” Giuliana Carlini said dur-
concerns about bike theft, but many seats near the bike storage area on each ing public comment.
cyclists feel the changes don’t go far of the bike cars for a total of six seats At a meeting Thursday, Caltrain’s
DAILY JOURNAL FILE PHOTO enough. per train.  board of directors unanimously
At a meeting Thursday, Caltrain’s board of directors Once electrification is complete in Cyclists have been vehemently approved a $1 million redesign, which
unanimously approved a $1 million redesign, which increases 2022, Caltrain will run trains consist- opposed to that design because they’re increases the total number of seats in
the total number of seats in view of the bike storage area ing of six and sometimes seven cars. worried their bikes will be stolen if
from six to 14 per train. Each train will have two cars for bikes they’re unable to sit within view of them. See CALTRAIN, Page 31

Rendering of Selby’s that will be located at 3001 El Camino

Real in unincorporated Redwood City.

Selby’s to open
in Redwood City
Fine-dining concept pays homage
to Hollywood restaurant glamour
By Zachary Clark
World War II Normandy campaign veterans take part in a commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. A fine-dining restaurant inspired by
the glamour of Hollywood in the 1930s

75 years after D-Day and 1940s is set to open in unincorpo-

rated Redwood City this summer in the
former home of Chantilly’s.
Located at 3001 El Camino Real near
the Atherton border, the 10,000-square- Tim Stannard
foot restaurant called Selby’s will also
pay homage to each of the concepts that previously occu-
Nations honor aging veterans, fallen comrades pied the site, said Tim Stannard, founding partner of
Bacchus Management Group, which is also responsible for
By Raf Casert, alive, 75 years guys in this cemetery,” said 99-year- Michelin-starred Spruce in San Francisco and The Village
Inside after the D-Day
John Leicester and Elaine Ganley old Steve Melnikoff of Maryland, Pub in Woodside.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS operation that standing at Colleville-Sur-Mer, where “One of the more appealing things about the location is
portended the end thousands of Americans are buried. everyone has had a long 20- to 40-year run,” Stannard said.
OMAHA BEACH, France — of World War II. “All these generals with all this “The [former occupants] were all higher end concepts and
Standing on the windswept beaches “We know we brass that don’t mean nothing,” he one of the things that sparked our imagination is they all
and bluffs of Normandy, a dwindling don’t have much said. “These guys in the cemetery, they served what’s now called continental cuisine — a post-
number of aging veterans of history’s time left, so I tell are the heroes.” World War II reinterpretation of European food.”
greatest air and sea invasion received President Trump, my story so peo- Thursday’s anniversary was marked Stannard said Selby’s will offer a modern take on conti-
the thanks and praise of a world trans- often a critic of ple know it was with eloquent speeches, profound nental cuisine, which is known for heavy cream and butter-
formed by their sacrifice. alliances, hails US because of that silences and passionate pleas for an
D-Day partners based sauces, and his team has been combing through cook-
The mission now, they said, was to generation,
honor the dead and keep their memory See page 17 because of those See D-DAY, Page 18 See SELBY’S, Page 23
002 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 8:18 PM Page 1


Thought for the Day

‘Wherever she went, including here,
it was against her better judgment.”’
— Dorothy Parker, American writer

This Day in History

In a crime that shocked the nation,

1998 James Byrd Jr., a 49-year-old black

man, was hooked by a chain to a
pickup truck and dragged to his death
in Jasper, Texas. (Two white men were
later sentenced to death; one of them, Lawrence Russell
Brewer, was executed in 2011 and the other, John William
King, was executed in April, 2019. A third defendant
received life with the possibility of parole.)
In 1 7 1 2 , Pennsylvania’s colonial assembly voted to ban
the further importation of slaves.
In 1 7 6 9 , frontiersman Daniel Boone first began to
explore present-day Kentucky.
In 1 7 7 6 , Richard Henry Lee of Virginia offered a resolution
to the Continental Congress stating “That these United
Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent
In 1 8 4 8 , French painter and sculptor Paul Gauguin was
born in Paris.
In 1 8 9 2 , Homer Plessy, a “Creole of color,” was arrested
for refusing to leave a whites-only car of the East Louisiana
Railroad. (Ruling on his case, the U.S. Supreme Court REUTERS
upheld “separate but equal” racial segregation, a concept it A litter of white Bengal tiger cubs, who were born in May, is pictured at the White Zoo in Kernhof, Austria.
renounced in 1954.)
In 1 9 4 8 , the Communists completed their takeover of In other news ...
Czechoslovakia with the resignation of President Edvard charges Gustavo Gonzalez of Downey Roth and her team found that the
Benes. No more babies: April the with selling 28 puppies to 25 fami- patterns of cortisol levels in the hair
In 1 9 5 8 , singer-songwriter Prince was born Prince Rogers Giraffe is going on birth control lies. Prosecutors say many of the pup- of dog owners closely matched that
Nelson in Minneapolis. HARPURSVILLE, N.Y. — There will pies died soon after they were brought found in their dogs in both winter and
In 1 9 6 5 , the U. S. Supreme Court, in Griswold v. be no more babies for April, the home. summer months, indicating their
Connecticut, struck down, 7-2, a Connecticut law used to giraffe that enthralled viewers world- Gonzalez also is charged with resi- stress levels were in sync.
prosecute a Planned Parenthood clinic in New Haven for pro- wide with two livestreamed pregnan- dential burglary and grand and petty She thinks the owners are influenc-
viding contraceptives to married couples. cies and births. theft. If convicted, he could face up to ing the dogs rather than the other way
Jordan Patch of Animal Adventure 36 years in prison. around because several human person-
Birthdays Park in Harpursville, New York, says
Thursday that 17-year-old April will
It’s not immediately clear whether
he has an attorney.
ality traits appear to affect canine cor-
tisol levels.
start contraceptives on Friday and The researchers don’t know what
retire from the park’s breeding pro- Stressed out? Your dog causes the synchronization in corti-
gram. may feel it too, study suggests sol levels between humans and their
Patch announced on Facebook that pups. But a hint might lie in the fact
the park’s care team decided to retire NEW YORK — When dog owners that the link is stronger with compet-
April following the birth of her fifth go through a stressful period, they’re itive dogs than in pet pooches.
calf, Azizi, in March. More than not alone in feeling the pressure — The bond formed between owner and
300, 000 people watched the birth their dogs feel it too, a new study sug- competitive dogs during training may
live on YouTube. gests. increase the canines’ emotional
April drew more than 232 million Dog owners experiencing long reliance on their owners, she said.
Singer Tom Jones Actor Liam TV personality
views on the site during a seven-week bouts of stress can transfer it to their That in turn could increase the degree
is 79. Neeson is 67. Bear Grylls is 45.
period in 2017 before she gave birth dogs, scientists report in a study pub- of synchronization.
Movie director James Ivory is 91. Former Canadian Prime to another calf , Tajiri. lished Thursday in Scientific Reports. But why do people influence their
Minister John Turner is 90. Actress Virginia McKenna is 88. Patch says the zoo’s breeding pro- The Swedish researchers focused on dogs rather than vice versa? Perhaps
Actor Ronald Pickup is 79. Poet Nikki Giovanni is 76. Actor gram will continue with a new female, 58 people who own border collies or people are “a more central part of the
Ken Osmond (TV: “Leave It to Beaver”) is 76. Former talk Johari, and April’s former mate, Shetland sheepdogs. They examined dog’s life, whereas we humans also
show host Jenny Jones is 73. Americana singer-songwriter Oliver. April will be housed with hair from the dog owners and their have other social networks,” Roth
Willie Nile is 71. Actress Anne Twomey is 68. Actress Colleen Tajiri and Azizi. dogs, looking at the concentrations said in an email.
of a hormone called cortisol, a chem- The study results are no surprise,
Camp is 66. Singer-songwriter Johnny Clegg is 66. Author
Louise Erdrich is 65. Actor William Forsythe is 64. Record Man charged with ical released into the bloodstream and said Alicia Buttner, director of animal
absorbed by hair follicles in response behavior with the Nebraska Humane
producer L.A. Reid is 63. Latin pop singer Juan Luis Guerra is selling 28 sick puppies to stress. Society in Omaha.
62. Vice President Mike Pence is 60. Rock singer-musician DOWNEY — A man who allegedly Depression, excessive physical “New evidence is continually
Gordon Gano (The Violent Femmes) is 56. Rapper Ecstasy sold more than two dozen sick pup- exercise and unemployment are just a emerging, showing that people and
(Whodini) is 55. Rock musician Eric Kretz (Stone Temple pies to people around Southern few examples of stress that can influ- their dogs have incredibly close
Pilots) is 53. Rock musician Dave Navarro is 52. Actress California has been charged with ani- ence the amount of cortisol found in bonds that resemble the ones that par-
Helen Baxendale is 49. Actor Karl Urban is 47. Rock musician mal cruelty. your hair, said Lina Roth of ents share with their children,” she
Eric Johnson (The Shins) is 43. Actress Adrienne Frantz is 41. The case announced Thursday Linkoping University in Sweden. said in an email.


By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Lotto Local Weather Forecast
Unscramble these Jumbles, Fantasy Five
one letter to each square, June 5 Powerball Fri day : Partly cloudy in the morning
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.

17 23 28 34 38 8 1 8 11 16 18 then becoming sunny. Highs in the 50s to
MYIDL Powerball
upper 60s. Northwest winds 10 to 20
mph...becoming west 5 to 10 mph in the
June 4 Mega Millions Daily Four
25 37 46 48 68 25 3 7 4 3 Fri day Ni g ht: Clear. Lows in the mid
RIBEK 50s. Northwest winds 5 to 15 mph.
Mega number
Daily 3 midday Saturday : Sunny. Highs in the lower 60s
June 5 Super Lotto Plus 9 7 9 to mid 70s.
12 16 21 28 41 26 Saturday Ni g ht Thro ug h Sunday Ni g ht: Partly cloudy.
Daily 3 evening Lows in the upper 50s.
NAACLO Mega number

5 0 1 Highs in the upper 60s to lower 80s.

Mo nday : Sunny. Highs in the mid 60s to upper 70s.
The Daily Derby race winners are Solid Gold, No. 10, Mo nday Ni g ht And Tues day : Clear. Lows in the upper
in first place; Lucky Star, No. 2, in second place; and 50s. Highs in the lower 60s to mid 70s.
SIRINA Money Bags, No. 11, in third place. The race time was Tues day Ni g ht And Wednes day : Mostly clear. Lows in
clocked at 1:49.42. the upper 50s. Highs in the 60s to lower 70s.
Now arrange the circled letters
©2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
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003 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 7:11 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Friday • June 7, 2019 3

SamTrans passes budgets Local briefs
The San Mateo County Transit District
Board of Directors unanimously approved pullover a red Mercedes-Benz on westbound
the Fiscal Year 2020 operating and capital State Route 92 near 280. The vehicle didn’t
budgets at its regular board meeting June 5. stop and continued northbound on 280.
The adopted SamTrans’ FY2020 operating Officers pursued the vehicle in a chase that
budget is $216.9 million and the capital reached speed of more than 120 mph,
budget is $14.2 million. according to the CHP, before it crashed and
This is the district’s first annual operating rolled over, coming to rest on the Black
budget to include funds from Measure W, a Mountain Road off-ramp.
voter-approved half-cent sales tax that goes The driver attempted to flee on foot
into effect July 1. Funds from the measure through bushes but was captured. An ambu-
will support day-to-day management of dis- lance was called to the scene, but the status
trict services, including investments called of two other passengers in the vehicle was-
for in the SamTrans Business Plan like the n’t immediately provided, the CHP said.
recently launched SamTrans OnDemand
pilot in Pacifica’s Linda Mar neighborhood
Burglary suspect caught and charged
and the reintroduction of express bus serv- A Vacaville man was arrested in San
ice with a new route between Foster City and Carlos after seen on the 1000 block of
San Francisco scheduled for August 2019. Holly Street allegedly
Approved capital projects include paratran- casing homes while
sit vehicle replacements, IT system walking on the sidewalk,
upgrades and facility improvements, according to the San
according to the transit agency. Mateo County Sheriff’s
One arrested following high-speed The man was identified
pursuit, rollover crash on 280 as Delante Brown, 22, of
Vacaville. Further inves-
At least one person was arrested follow-
Delante Brown tigation confirmed he
ing a high-speed chase that ended in a had walked to the rear of
rollover crash on northbound Interstate 280 the driveway and broken into a parked vehi-
in unincorporated San Mateo County, cle. The stolen property taken from the vic-
according to the California Highway Patrol. tim vehicle was recovered and later returned
The CHP said the pursuit started at 11:10 to the owner, according to the Sheriff’s
p.m. Wednesday as an officer attempted to Office.

Police reports personal items was found by a Redwood

City woman on Edgewood Road, it was
reported at 8:51 a.m. Thursday, May 30.
Di s t urb an c e . Juveniles were throwing
What? A relief? eggs at vehicles, it was reported at 8:26
Vandalism. Someone broke six statues a.m. Thursday, May 30.
on Edna Way in San Mateo, it was Hi t-and-run. A construction worker was
reported at 7:07 p.m. on Friday, May hit by a motorist who did not obey traffic
24. laws on Veterans Boulevard, it was reported
at 7:11 a.m. Thursday, May 30.


Haz ard. A ladder was in the road on Grand theft. Property was taken on El
Highway 101, it was reported at 7:43 p.m. Camino Real, it was reported at 10:42 a.m.
Saturday, June 1. Wednesday, May 29.
Vandal i s m. Someone painted swastikas Th e f t . Property was taken from the
on a house on Marlin Court, it was reported Terrabay Recreation Center on South San
at 12:46 p.m. Saturday, June 1. Francisco Drive, it was reported at 8:56
Hi t-and-run. A motorist hit a parked vehi- a.m. Wednesday, May 29.
cle before driving away on Marlin Drive, it
was reported at 8:48 p.m. Friday, May 31.
Fo und pro perty. A duffle bag including
Burg l ary . Items were taken at Highland
and Hemlock avenues, it was reported at
7:22 a.m. Wednesday, May 29. 20th
Move-In Special
004 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:47 AM Page 1

4 Friday • June 7, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Tuesday, June 11
San Mateo County Fair
1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo
Senior Expo open until 3 p.m.
Seniors age 62+ admitted FREE into Senior Expo features:
Fair and Senior Expo until 3pm t Senior-related businesses
Parking on-site $15 and community booths
t Goody bags for first 1000 guests
t Giveaways
Dean Martin impersonator Matt Helm
The all - time “ King of Cool” will sing some old
favorites, as well as Sinatra songs.
Senior Stage, Expo Hall
11:30 am, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm

Call (650)344-5200 for information
* Events subject to change
005 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 8:05 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Friday • June 7, 2019 5

San Mateo officer arrested for

inappropriate contact with minor
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF REPORT year-old girl on to San Jose police.
several mobile During the follow-up investigation,
A San Mateo police officer was applications and detectives confirmed his identity and
arrested by San Jose police Thursday chatted with an served search warrants on electronic
for contacting a minor to commit a adult male about devices, mobile applications and on
NITOT ON VISUALHUNT felony while off duty in an alleged engaging in sexual his residence. On Thursday, June 6,
Traffic calming and control, infrastructure repairs along Oyster crime that was generated by a tipster activity. The tipster detectives obtained a felony arrest war-
Point, pedestrian safety measures, sewer fixes and more were who posed as a 16-year-old girl in sev- did research and rant and the San Jose Police
among the $101.2 million worth of work discussed during a eral mobile apps, according to author- determined the sus- Department’s Covert Response Unit
South San Francisco study session. ities. Robert Davies pect was a police arrested him in Morgan Hill. He was
The officer, identified as Robert officer in the Bay booked into Santa Clara County Jail

South San Francisco Edward Davies, 40, or Morgan Hill,

was placed on paid administrative
leave, according to San Mateo police.
“This alleged conduct, if true, is in
Area, according to San Jose police.
On Monday, May 13, detectives
launched a criminal investigation and
for contacting a minor to commit a
felony, according to San Jose police.
Anyone with information regarding

examining capital no way a reflection of all that we stand

for as a department, and is an affront to
the tenets of our department and our
learned the tipster created a fictitious
Tinder account as a 19-year-old female,
but filtered the profile photo to appear
as a young girl. The tipster was aware
this incident or any other similar inci-
dents are urged to contact Detective
Michael O’Grady of the San Jose
Police Department’s ICAC/CED Unit

improvement plan profession as a whole,” San Mateo

Police Chief Susan Manheimer said in
a prepared statement. “As San Mateo
police officers, we have sworn an oath
Tinder does not allow accounts for
juveniles, according to San Jose
Detectives discovered the tipster
at (408) 537-1397. Anyone wishing
to remain anonymous may either call
the Crime Stoppers Tip Line, (408)
947-STOP (7867).
Sanitary and sewer fixes, street repairs, to serve and protect our communities. I began chatting with Davies on Tinder A former San Mateo police officer,
traffic calming among top projects eyed can assure you that we remain steadfast on May 11, and they switched to Kik Noah Winchester, of Stockton, is slat-
to this commitment to serving our where the tipster told Davies she was ed to go on trial in September for
By Austin Walsh community with ‘professionalism, 16, and Davies allegedly acknowl- charges he sexually assaulted several
integrity and excellence.’” edged. Davies then allegedly asked her women while on duty between 2013
On Saturday, May 11, Silicon Valley to switch to Snapchat where they also and 2015 while on duty in San Mateo
With improved financial footing fueled by anticipated Crime Stoppers received a tip from a discussed her being 16 and about and for the Los Rios Community
increased tax revenue over the coming years, South San concerned citizen who posed as a 16 engaging in sexual activity, according College Police Department.
Francisco officials recently examined the priority capital

improvements to be soon addressed.
Traffic calming and control, infrastructure repairs along
Oyster Point, pedestrian safety measures, sewer fixes and
more were among the $101.2 million worth of work dis-
cussed during a study session Wednesday, May 29.
The range of projects which could be approved when offi-
Plus Cert. Fee.
cials decide a budget later this month are possible through
Most Cars &
the sturdy tax income streams projected for the upcoming

Light Trucks.
fiscal year, according to Financial Services Manager Justin

$ 75
2000 & Newer
Lovell. With or w/o
“A lot of this growth is fueled as South San Francisco’s Appointment
economy continues to grow,” said Lovell, referring to the We do:

city’s three main sources of tax income which are projected r5FTUPOMZ
to increase over the coming fiscal year. r)ZCSJE
In all, officials expect to collect $112.6 million in tax r%JFTFMT
revenue, amounting to about $1.3 million more than the 869 California Dr.
$111.3 million in projected spending for the proposed
2019-20 budget. Income is expected to outpace spending
El Camino Real
Burlingame Ave

(650) 340-0492
Palm Dr


by about $2 million over the same period of time, feeding a

hearty reserve fund worth about $46 million and building
California Dr
Brake & Lamp Mon–Fri 8:30 AM–5:30 PM
the city’s capacity to establish a sweeping capital improve- 101 Station Sat 8:30 AM–3 PM
ment program.
Anticipated to be most expensive among the proposed
projects is $33.9 million dedicated for the sanitary and
sewer system, followed by $24.4 million for public facili-
ties, $21.7 million for streets, $10.2 million for traffic, $9

See SOUTH CITY, Page 23

006 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 7:40 PM Page 1


Around the state

Teens graduating in
‘Sell By’ or what? US pushes
California town nearly destroyed by fire
PARADISE — Paradise these days is surrounded by piles
of crumpled garage doors and melted ovens. The roads teem
for clarity on expiration dates
with dump trucks and most street corners are clogged with By Candice Choi
signs advertising debris removal services or pleas to iden- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
tify unclaimed pets.
But Thursday night — six months after a wildfire NEW YORK — If milk is a few days
destroyed most of the town and killed 85 people — the past its “Sell By” date, is it safe to
lights will come on again at the Paradise High School foot- drink?
ball stadium as a class of 220 seniors will receive their U. S. regulators are urging food-
diplomas amid the rubble of their past lives as they seek to makers to be more consistent with
build a new future. Of the 980 students at the school, about labeling terms like “Best By” and
900 lost their homes, according to Principal Loren “Enjoy By” that cause confusion. By
Lighthall. clarifying the meaning of such dates,
“We’re able to end where we began,” said 18-year-old they are trying to prevent people
Lilly Rickards, who has been sharing a bed with her 26- from prematurely tossing products
year-old sister in a small apartment about 15 miles (24 kilo- and to reduce the mountains of food
meters) away in Chico since she lost her house in the fire. that goes to waste each year.
Paradise High School sits across the road from a ceme- Even if you rely more on sight and
tery, next to an Assemblies of God church. The church and smell to size up foods, you might be
nearly every other building around it are gone. The school’s surprised by the risks and practices
parking lot, where seniors have decorated parking spaces in around food spoilage.
bright colors, sits empty behind a chain link fence. But the
buildings, and the football field where graduations have
been held since at least the 1960s, are still intact. Phrases like “Best By,” “Enjoy By” U.S. regulators want to clear up the confusion around ‘Sell by’ and ‘Best by’ labels.
For students from a multigenerational town with deep and “Fresh Through” generally indi-
roots, the school became an anchor after the fire. cate when a food’s quality would instance, while more perishable you’re not sure about when it’s safe to
decline — not when it becomes unsafe foods might be discolored or smell eat around mold, the U.S. Department
Police in uniform now to eat. To help make that clearer, the funky. of Agriculture offers a chart .
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Foods like fresh meat and dairy are Keep in mind spoilage often isn’t
welcome at California pride event recently recommended companies more vulnerable to spoilage in part what’s responsible for food poison-
SACRAMENTO — Organizers of a pride parade in stick with “Best If Used By.” because their moisture allows the ing: “Sight and smell aren’t always
California reversed course Thursday and said uniformed Industry groups got behind the small amounts of bacteria to multiply great indicators of safety, ” said
police officers will be welcome at this weekend’s festivi- phrase after earlier guidance from reg- more quickly, said Martin Bourquin.
ties. ulators, along with the more defini- Bucknavage, a food safety expert at A slab of raw chicken, for example,
The announcement came after the Sacramento LGBT tive “Use By” for perishables food Penn State Extension. might look fresh but contain salmo-
Community Center and the Sacramento Police Department that should be thrown out after a cer- “As time goes on, the few becomes nella. To limit the chances of getting
created a partnership that will include a police liaison for tain date. But the FDA hasn’t endorsed more and more,” he said. sick from such germs, regulators rec-
the center and training for all new officers with discussions the latter phrase, which could have ommend safe cooking and handling
about implicit bias. safety implications. IS SPOILAGE ALWAYS BAD? practices .
The center previously asked city officers not to partici- Regardless, the FDA’s recommenda- Your tolerance for spoilage likely
pate in uniform to acknowledge what it called “the pain and tion isn’t mandatory, and consumers varies depending on the food. Few HOW DO FOOD-MAKERS
marginalization of community members who have been will likely continue seeing varia- would keep pouring chunky milk over PREVENT SPOILAGE?
harmed by police violence.” tions, in some cases because of local cereal, but many might overlook a
regulations. With milk, for instance, Canning in a sealed, sterile con-
The partnership also calls for LGBTQ community forums spot of mold on bread. tainer is a way to preserve foods for
that include Police Chief Daniel Hahn, LGBTQ officers, states may require “Sell By” or other Food safety experts generally rec-
labeling. years, while freezing can also stop
center board members and anyone else who is interested. ommend throwing out food at the first the clock on spoilage. But even in
signs of spoilage. With mold, even a those cases, foods can deteriorate in
HOW ACCURATE ARE THE DATES? small fleck might be an indicator that quality depending on factors such as
It’s difficult for manufacturers to there’s a lot more of it that you can’t acidity and how tightly the package is
pinpoint how long foods will stay see. sealed.
good, given variables like how long “It’s kind of like an iceberg: It’s In the meantime, the trend toward
they sit on loading docks and how only part of what’s going on,” said “natural” foods has prompted some
they’re stored in people’s homes. Leslie Bourquin, a Michigan State food-makers to purge some preserva-
Milk should be good for at least a University professor of food science tives. But companies may find “natur-
few days after its “Sell By” date, and safety. al” alternatives that perform similar
though exactly how long will depend An exception is for certain dense functions, and new ways to make
on factors including pasteurization foods where mold has difficulty foods last longer are emerging. One
methods. spreading. With hard cheeses, for company, for example, developed an
Many people use dates on packages instance, food safety experts say it’s edible peel made from plants that
as guideposts and rely on their sens- fine to carve out a 1-inch chunk helps extend the shelf-life of produce
es. Crackers might taste stale, for around the mold and eat the rest. If like avocados.
007 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 7:44 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Friday • June 7, 2019 7

Around the nation
Ex-deputy in Parkland
shooting out of jail on reduced bail
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — A former Florida deputy
charged with 11 criminal counts after failing to confront the
gunman in the Parkland school massacre
was released from jail Thursday after a
judge reduced his bail and lifted some
Scot Peterson walked out of the
Broward County Jail with his attorneys
after Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer set
bond at $39,500, down from the initial
amount of $102,000. Peterson said noth-
Scot Peterson ing before getting into a car that drove
him away.
Scherer also eliminated a previous requirement that
Peterson wear a GPS monitor. His bond is secured by
$330,000 in real estate and he will be allowed to go to his
home in North Carolina.
“He’s going to be on standard pretrial release,” the judge
Peterson, 56, is charged with child neglect, culpable neg-
ligence and perjury stemming from the February 2018
shooting that left 17 dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas
Federal regulators are giving phone companies the right to block unwanted calls without getting customers’ permission first. High School. If convicted, he faces a potential maximum
prison sentence of nearly 100 years.

Regulators give phone companies

While out on bail, Peterson cannot possess a firearm or
take any job involving children, Scherer said. Peterson,
dressed in beige jail clothes, did not speak during the hear-
His attorney, Joseph DiRuzzo, said Peterson should not

tools to block unwanted robocalls

By Tali Arbel against such automated calls on their services for free.
face the neglect and negligence charges because he was not
legally a caregiver with direct responsibility for the welfare
of the students.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS own. “These robocalls that are being NYPD sorry for ’69 raid at
Robocalls have increased as cheap placed on their own networks are a Stonewall gay bar, now a landmark
NEW YORK — Federal regulators software makes it easy to make mass hassle and a cost for them to handle,”
voted Thursday to give phone compa- calls. Scammers don’t care if you’ve Pai said in an interview. NEW YORK — Nearly 50 years after a police raid at the
nies the right to block unwanted calls added your number to the govern- But commissioner Jessica Stonewall Inn catalyzed the modern LGBT rights move-
without getting customers’ permis- ment’s Do Not Call list, and enforce- Rosenworcel, a Democrat, criticized ment, New York’s police commissioner apologized Tuesday
sion first. ment is negligible. There are 5 billion the agency Thursday for not requiring for what his department did.
The Federal Communications per month in the U.S., according to that the call-blocking service be made “The actions taken by the NYPD were wrong, plain and
Commission’s move could make call- call-blocker YouMail. That works out free. The other Democratic commis- simple,” Commissioner James O’Neill said during a brief-
blocking widespread and help con- to 14 calls per person. sioner, Geoffrey Starks, said the ing at police headquarters.
sumers dodge annoying robocalls, Thursday’s FCC vote could poten- agency would be able to propose rules “The actions and the laws were discriminatory and
which have exploded into a problem tially be a powerful counter against against charging if that’s needed later. oppressive,” he added. “And for that, I apologize.”
that pesters Americans on the level of unwanted calls. While call-blocking Verizon said it will “evolve” its free The apology comes weeks ahead of the milestone
billions of calls a month. apps already exist, you have to turn call-blocking tool for wireless cus- anniversary of the raid and the rebellion it sparked the night
One caveat: Phone companies don’t them on or ask for them. Now, along tomers and be able to provide spam of June 27-28, 1969, as patrons and others fought back
actually have to do anything, and they with clarifying that both wireless and alerts and blocking more broadly, but against officers and a social order that kept gay life in the
could start charging you if they do — landline companies can block unwant- spokesman Richard Young said there shadows.
just as they now charge for some caller ed calls without asking customers will not be “short term across-the- Organizers of what is expected to be a massive LGBT
ID features and other extras. The FCC first, the FCC said that wireless carri- board blocking.” He did not say how Pride celebration in the city this year had called this week
expects phone companies to offer ers are also allowed to block all callers Verizon plans to change its offerings for police to apologize. So had City Council Speaker Corey
these tools for free, but it doesn’t who aren’t on a customer’s contact for landline customers, who today can Johnson, who is gay.
require them to. list. You would have to request that sign up for a third-party blocking The Pride organizers cheered O’Neill’s remarks.
The rise in debt collectors, telemar- from your phone company. service. “The NYPD, as an institution, needed to take responsibil-
keters and, most worrisome, fraudsters Consumers can also “opt out” and ask AT&T did not answer questions ity for what happened at Stonewall. This isn’t going to
ringing up consumers’ phones have their company not to block anything. about its plans but said it is committed undo the decades of violence and discrimination that our
led the FCC and Congress to push FCC Chairman Ajit Pai believes to fighting illegal and unwanted calls. community has experienced at the hands of the police, but
phone companies to do more. The p h o n e co mp an i es wi l l h av e an T-Mobile and Sprint did not immedi- it’s a good first start,” said James Fallarino, a spokesman
companies have been slow to act incentive to step up and offer these ately respond to inquiries Thursday. for NYC Pride.
008 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 8:13 PM Page 1


US and Mexico: No deal yet to avert tariffs

By Jill Colvin, Matthew Lee own Republican Party.
and Luis Alonso Lugo The frantic, last-minute talks
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS underscore Trump’s chaotic
approach even when decisions
WASHINGTON — U. S. and have enormous economic conse-
Mexican officials labored for a quences for both the U.S. and its
second day Thursday to avert closest allies. Trump has embraced
import tariffs that President tariffs as a tool he can use as lever-
Donald Trump is threatening to age against other countries, dis-
impose as he tries to strong-arm missing the potential harm to
Mexico into stemming the flow of American consumers and manufac-
Central American migrants across turers.
America’s southern border. Traveling in Europe, Trump told
Vice President Mike Pence, reporters that negotiators had
monitoring the talks from his made “a lot of progress,” but con-
travels in Pennsylvania, said the tinued to play coy.
U. S. was “encouraged” by “We’ll see what happens, ”
Mexico’s latest proposals but Trump said in Ireland before leav-
that, so far, tariffs still were set to ing for France to attend a D-Day
take effect on Monday. ceremony. “But something pretty
He added that it would be “for the dramatic could happen. We’ve told
president to decide” whether Mexico the tariffs go on. And I
Mexican was doing enough to mean it, too. And I’m very happy
head off the tariffs. Pence said with it.”
that, among other issues, negotia- It remained unclear whether any
tors had been discussing a poten- deal could be struck with Trump out
tial agreement to make it difficult of the country. Many in
for those who enter Mexico from Washington still expect the tariffs
other countries to claim asylum in to go into effect barring a major
the U.S. Mexico has long resisted new concession from Mexico,
that request. though lawmakers who have been
Trump h as t h reat en ed t o in talks with both U. S. and
impose a 5% tax on all Mexican Mexican officials said they were
g o o ds b eg i n n i n g Mo n day as hopeful a deal could be reached to REUTERS
p art o f an es cal at i n g t ari ff satisfy Trump, or at least delay the Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard speaks during a press conference at the Mexican Embassy following
regime opposed by many in his tariffs’ implementation. his meeting on tariffs at the White House.

US commander says Mideast buildup prompted Iran ‘step back’

By Robert Burns “I don’t actually believe the between Iran and several world
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS threat has diminished,” McKenzie powers, and reinstated sanctions
said. “I believe the threat is very on Tehran. Last month, in
BAGHDAD — Iran has chosen real.” response to what American offi-
to “step back and recalculate” after McKenzie, the head of U. S. cials characterized as an imminent
making preparations for an appar- Central Command, and other mili- threat, the U. S. announced it
ent attack against U.S. forces in tary officials are trying to strike a would rush an aircraft carrier and
the Persian Gulf region, but it is balance between persuading Iran other assets to the region.
too early to conclude the threat is that the U.S. is prepared to retali- The U.S. also blamed Iran for
gone, the top commander of ate for an Iranian attack on last month’s attacks on oil
American forces in the Mideast Americans, thus deterring con- tankers in a United Arab Emirates
said Thursday. flict, and pushing so much mili- port.
In an interview with three tary muscle into the Gulf that Iran On Thursday, United Nations
reporters accompanying him to thinks the U.S. plans an attack, in ambassadors from the Emirates,
the Gulf, Gen. Frank McKenzie which case it might feel com- Saudi Arabia and Norway told U.N.
said he remains concerned by pelled to strike preemptively and Security Council members that
Iran’s potential for aggression, thus spark war. investigators believe those
and he would not rule out request- Tensions between the U.S. and attacks were led by a foreign state
ing additional U.S. forces to bol- Iran have worsened since using divers on speed boats who
REUTERS FILE PHOTO ster defenses against Iranian mis- President Donald Trump withdrew planted mines on the vessels.
A damaged ship is seen off the Port of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates. siles or other weapons. from a 2015 nuclear agreement They did not name Iran.
009 0607 fri:1030 FRI 64 6/6/19 8:16 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Friday • June 7, 2019 9

What happened to teaching digital etiquette? Advice for
School is placing

phones into bag-
By Fernando J. Figueroa
gies says a lot about Guest
ext school year, San Mateo how backward their
High School will implement
a plan that will make stu-
pedagogical prac-
tices are. Maybe the perspective
dents place their phones into a bag movie igh school graduation is a crossing of a threshold.
with the goal of creating a better “Screenagers” was lyze the user term agreement of any A demarcation of sorts from childhood to adult-
learning environment. shown as many app to see what he or she are getting hood, from high school to college, from the past
At a glance, this is a great idea. schools tend to do into. to the future.
Users place their phone on a specially to start a conversation on device use. That future starts now for thousands on the Peninsula who
I am humbled by how teenagers can
designed bag that can only be opened This usually lasts a few weeks. There have toiled for 12 years, 13 if you count kindergarten, to
use and master Instagram and
with a specific magnet. Artists and is often little or no follow through or reach this measure of accomplishment. Most will go to col-
Snapchat or whatever new app
venues have been trying this with efforts to sustain the conversation. Or lege, some will enter the workforce. Some will take gap
appears. They can create innovative, years. Others, albeit a small handful, are still unclear.
some success. By muting these offen- maybe the school addressed digital funny and thoughtful original content
sive devices, everyone can enjoy the etiquette during “code day.” Who Here’s my advice:
and remix it to share with those on • Listen to old people (like
shared space. This is something that knows? their networks. They can also create
every educator strives for — an envi- This is a topic that schools cannot me) who have been around.
the crass, the vulgar and the obscene They know things. You don’t
ronment free of interruptions that talk “at” the students, but rather “talk if they are not taught.
allows for the student to attentively with” and teach the students. It should have to agree, but at least lis-
Training and professional develop- ten to their point of view.
learn from the teacher. If we want to be a two-way conversation and not a ment that directly makes an impact on
give our students every single oppor- top-down policy. As adults, we strug- • Recognize that there are
the student should be at the heart of people with different points of
tunity to succeed, it starts with pro- gle with our devices, just like students this issue. If learning in the 21st-cen-
do. The conversation should be about view than you. And that doesn’t
viding an environment that is con- tury classroom requires that the stu- make them dumb, or evil, just
ducive to learning. what is acceptable device use and dent is knowledgeable on the use of different. You may have precon-
But this is also 20th-century think- management. Students and adults must technology, so should the adults that ceived notions that should be
ing. As much as these baggies know the basic science and engineer- teach them. dispelled.
“solve” the problem of the distracted ing of the devices they use. Hiding This decision to bag phones comes • Think about the economics
student, it only treats the symptom. phones in bags does not do that. more out of frustration than from ped- of an issue. Oftentimes, things
There are only a few school districts For example, most students know agogy. The brief benefits of a phone- touted as a benefit one way
in the Bay Area that effectively tackle how connect to WiFi, but seldom free classroom will be easily achieved actually provide an economic
digital citizenship and etiquette. Most know how it actually works. What if, with this policy, but the opportunity benefit to someone. Think
school districts point at how they use instead of just suppressing phones, to teach and prepare these students about who might benefit.
Common Sense Media or Google students were taught this? What are into responsible adults that can han- • Correspond with others in letter form. It doesn’t have to
Applied Digital Skills online courses the rules that govern networks? How dle a device will be completely be actual letters (I’m not insane), but keep in touch with
as solutions. They even include them does information flow and who gets to missed. people using complete thoughts and sentences. It’s good
on their tech plans. Oftentimes there see it? Who owns it? Once students practice to understand what it is you are feeling and to con-
is no followup or almost no data as to are taught, know and understand these vey it thoughtfully.
how effective these initiatives are. In ideas, they are better prepared to han- Fernando J. Figueroa is a teacher on • Learn some basic recipes from people in your family.
my experience, despite all of the tech dle the responsibility that comes with special assignment for data and tech- While it’s easy to send out for food, or look up how to
hype that the companies in our region owning and operating a device. I’ve make something on the internet, there is something about
and communities claim, very little is seen students as early as third-graders nology implementation in the San
a recipe from home. It will comfort you and connect you to
explicitly taught in our schools about been able to do this and yet this poli- Mateo-Foster City Elementary School others who love you. And it helps carry on your family tra-
digital citizenship and etiquette. cy presupposes that students are District. He has taught for more than ditions.
Students are often under the impres- unable to be responsible. That sounds 20 y ears. Ov er the past sev en y ears, he • Don’t take 8 a.m. or Friday classes. You think you can
sion that these are topics only to be to me like giving up on something has activ ely trained teachers and stu- do it, but you really don’t want to.
addressed in “computer class.” A poli- that should have been taught. If the • Always think of a backup plan.
cy of placing phones in bags sends duty of our students is to attend dent grades K-8 on digital tools, digital • Recognize that not everyone will like you, and that’s
the message that students cannot be school, learn to read and become criti- citizenship and etiquette. His opinion OK.
trusted. cal thinkers then it should be funda- is his own. • Carry a notebook for random thoughts, lists and new
The fact that San Mateo High mental that a student is able to ana- vocabulary words. Life is about learning.
• Pay your bills on time. You don’t want to rebuild your
• Vote in every election, but only vote for things or peo-
Letters to the editor ple on which you’ve done sufficient research. You don’t
have to vote on everything on the ballot every time.
• Treat with respect service workers, secretaries, restau-
rant servers and retail workers.
One question for moving out in droves because it’s ter “Faith in kindness for the future” • Dress appropriately for the occasion. Dress up for a job
become too expensive to raise a fami- regarding the 79th annual Posy interview. Buy at least one simple dress outfit, preferably
those opposed to Chick-fil-A ly if you don’t work for Google or Parade in the June 5 edition of the black. You can wear it to funerals.
Editor, Facebook. Maybe then Redwood City Daily Journal. I believe that this • Send thank you notes.
I have one question for those wouldn’t need to shut down schools community event fosters a hope for a • Don’t jump to conclusions. Be open-minded.
opposed to Chick-fil-A setting up in left and right. better tomorrow, through all of • Start a retirement account and place a portion of your
Redwood City: does the chain not its participants, as well as through income in it regularly. There is not a “too small” amount to
allow the LGBTQ community into the support from their parents, invest in the stock market. Invest. When investing,
their stores? No? Then it should not Joe Guttenbeil schools, sports teams and all the remember that cash is a position.
matter what personal beliefs their other organizations who take part in • Be kind to strangers. Offer assistance. Smile at people.
president holds (“Chick-fil-A plans
Redwood City it. Thank them when appropriate.
ruffle feathers” in the June 5 edition My hat is off to those fine young • Put a first-aid kit in your car, along with a sweatshirt, an
of the Daily Journal). ball players. extra pair of sneakers and jumper cables. If you don’t have a
Maybe instead of grandstanding,
Faith in kindness for the future car, think about what small items might be helpful during
David Canepa and the Board of Editor, Peter C. Carey an emergency and put them in a bag you carry.
Supervisors can think of a way to I would like to thank Alice Bisson- • Be aware of your surroundings.
San Bruno
keeping longtime residents from Barnes for her kind and insightful let- • Be aware of your social media presence and how it might
be perceived.
• Be aware that some people are too civilized to let you
OUR MISSION: know what they really think.
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most • Be mindful of other people’s time.
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. • Keep in touch with friends, even if it’s a quick note.
By combining local news and sports coverage, • Learn how to use tools. Be aware of how things work.
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, You never know when you may have to try and fix it.
Mickey Chuakay Michael Davis lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to • Take walks without electronic devices.
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Charles Gould Paul Moisio provide our readers with the highest quality
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Jeff Palter Shanni Brown information resource in San Mateo County. • Don’t drink or do drugs to excess. If you do, don’t make
Joy Uganiza Todd Waibel Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we it a habit. Habits can turn into addictions.
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer
choose to reflect the diverse character of this • Don’t text and drive. In fact, put your phone away.
INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community.
Dave Newlands, Production Manager
Robert Armstrong Charlie Chapman • Find something worth working toward, then work
Will Nacouzi, Production Assistant Jim Clifford Matthew Dalton toward it. It’s helpful to make a list of short-term, mid-term
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events
Talia Fine Maria Garcia-Hernandez SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM and long-term goals.
Brooke Hanshaw Robert Hutchinson • It’s OK to give up sometimes.
Austin Walsh, Senior Reporter Tom Jung Shavonne Lin Follow us on Twitter and Facebook:
Vishu Prathikanti Joe Rudino
• Spell words correctly.
REPORTERS: Joe Roias Nick Rose • Not every relationship is worth keeping. Stay away
Terry Bernal, Zachary Clark, Anna Schuessler Joel Snyder Gary Whitman
from unnecessary drama.
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events Online edition at • Exercise. Go to bed early. Be mindful of your physical
Letters to the Editor • Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy • Money is nice, but it’s not the only thing.
Should be no longer than 250 words. [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors. • Be yourself. Be good to yourself. Be good to others.
Perspective Columns • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily
Should be between 500-780 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and [email protected] Jon May s is the editor in chief of the Daily Journal. He
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107
• Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal can be reached at jon@smdaily Follow Jon on
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual. Twitter @jonmay s.
010 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:28 PM Page 1

10 Friday • June 7, 2019 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Stocks climb on hope of US-Mexico trade deal

By Damian J. Troise and Alex Veiga
High: 25,600.30
U.S. stocks finished higher Thursday as Low: 25,518.05
optimism that the U.S. and Mexico can Close: 25,720.66
work out a deal before costly tariffs kick in Change: +181.09
next week helped power the market to its
third straight gain. OTHER INDEXES
A modest rally gained strength in the
final hour of trading after Bloomberg S&P 500: 2843.49 +17.34
reported that the U. S. was considering NYSE Index: 12,675.67 +60.97
delaying a 5% tariff on Mexican goods that Nasdaq: 7615.55 +40.08
is set to go into effect on Monday.
NYSE MKT: 2504.91 +21.42
The report came as the two countries held
a second day of trade talks. Both sides Russell 2000: 1503.54 -3.26
claimed to be making progress, but Wilshire 5000: 29,249.82 +148.63
President Donald Trump insisted earlier in
the day that a “lot of progress” had to be
made before he would call off the tariffs. 10-Yr Bond: 2.12 +0.00
Investors have been anxious about esca- Oil (per barrel): 53.13 +1.45
Gold : 1,337.40 +3.80
lating trade disputes between the U.S. and
key trading partners, primarily China.
Worries that the trade conflicts will drag
on, stifling economic growth and hurting The S&P 500 index gained 17.34 points, import tariffs that President Trump has betting the Federal Reserve will cut interest
corporate profits, drove a monthlong sell- or 0. 6%, to 2, 843. 49. The Dow Jones threatened to impose unless Mexico acts to rates this year. Fed Chairman Jerome
off in May. That derailed a market run that Industrial Average rose 181.09 points, or stem the flood of Central American Powell said Tuesday that the central bank
culminated with the benchmark S&P 500 0.7%, to 25,720.66. It briefly climbed 260 migrants at America’s southern border. would “act as appropriate” if the Trump
setting an all-time high on April 30. points. Lawmakers who have been in talks with administration’s disputes with China and
Stocks gave up more ground on Monday, The Nasdaq composite reversed an early both U.S. and Mexican officials said they Mexico threatened U.S. economic expan-
but the market has bounced back and is on slide, adding 40.08 points, or 0.5%, to were hopeful a deal could be reached to sat- sion.
track to end the first week of June with solid 7, 615. 55. The Russell 2000 index of isfy Trump, or at least delay the tariffs. The government’s May jobs report, due
gains. smaller companies dropped 3.25 points, or The trade dispute with Mexico and China out Friday, could prove a key factor in what
“History says, as a result of such a good 0.2%, to 1,503.54. threatens to stifle economic growth in the the Fed does next. A separate gauge of
start to the year, don’t be surprised that Stock indexes in Europe finished mixed. U.S. and globally. Uncertainty surrounding employment growth by ADP earlier this
May is down, because it has been 60% of Bond prices fell, pushing up the yield on the trade negotiations has sent many week showed a sharp slowdown in hiring
the time,” said Sam Stovall, chief invest- the 10-year Treasury note to 2.13% from traders fleeing to safer investments, like last month. And economists surveyed by
ment strategist at CFRA. “Yet, after a down 2.12% late Wednesday. bonds and gold. FactSet are projecting that the government
May, we tend to get a reflex rally in June U. S. and Mexican officials continued Still, investors have been in a buying will also report that hiring slowed last
100% of the time.” trade talks on Thursday in a bid to avert mood most of this week because they’re month.

Business briefs
Fiat Chrysler-Renault
Plant-based burger maker Beyond
deal collapsed over Nissan role
MILAN — Fiat Chrysler’s surprise decision to withdraw a
Meat beats forecasts in first quarter
merger offer with French carmaker Renault stunned the By Dee-Ann Durbin
industry, collapsing Thursday on fundamental differences THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
over when Renault’s longtime alliance partner, Nissan,
would be brought in. Beyond Meat went beyond expecta-
The merger plan, which had sought to create the world’s tions in its first earnings report since
third-largest automaker, had been viewed positively across its stock market debut last month.
the industry since it was announced last week. And it The plant-based meat maker’s shares
appeared to be a done-deal when the Renault board met for a soared after it beat Wall Street’s first
second day in Paris on Wednesday evening. quarter earnings and revenue forecasts.
But Fiat Chrysler Chairman John Elkann decided to with- Beyond Meat also said it expects full-
draw the offer as the Renault board meeting entered the early year revenue to hit $210 million this
morning hours after the French government - Renault’s top year, more than double its 2018 rev-
shareholder with a 15% stake — asked for more time to seek enue and higher than the $205 million
Nissan’s blessing. analysts had forecast, according to
Google’s challenge to game “We’re being very conservative. I
consoles to kick off in November view this as a floor,” President and
CEO Ethan Brown said.
NEW YORK — Google will kick off its Stadia streaming Beyond Meat’s shares jumped 15%
service to challenge the video game industry in November to $114.27 in after-hours trading.
— but initially only as part of a $130 bundle that includes The El Segundo-based company lost
hardware and a pass for a friend. $6.6 million, or 95 cents per share, in
Google announced the game service in March with few the first quarter, up slightly from a 98-
Products from Beyond Meat Inc. are shown for sale at a market in Encinitas.
details. On Thursday, Google said it will start advance sales for cent loss in the same period a year prior year. That also beat Wall Street’s ceries and restaurants.
the limited “Founder’s Edition” bundles right away, though it ago. forecast of $39 million. Ten-year-old Beyond Meat burst into
isn’t saying how many are available. Google won’t offer Adjusted for stock-based compensa- Sales of frozen items dropped 5% the spotlight last month with its IPO
stand-alone subscriptions, for $10 a month, until next year. tion costs and other items, the compa- in the January-March period after on Nasdaq. Its $25 opening share price
Stadia is Google’s attempt to make traditional video game ny lost 14 cents per share. That was Beyond Meat took its frozen chick- jumped 163% in the first day of trad-
consoles such as the Xbox and PlayStation obsolete. better than the 15-cent loss analysts en tenders off the market. But sales ing, the biggest first-day pop since
had forecast. of its fresh products — burgers and 2015, according to Renaissance
Beyond Meat reported revenue of s aus ag es — jump ed 3 04 %. Sales Capital. Beyond Meat is now valued at
$40.2 million, more than triple the were about evenly split between gro- nearly $6 billion.
011 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:24 PM Page 1


<<< Page 13, American teen

dethrones reigning French champ
Friday • June 7, 2019

Women’s World Cup: A platform for change

For many of the players and teams in France, the World Cup is about respect
By Anne M. Peterson pay. For Australia, that means form and it’s as big as it has been The Reggae Girlz want to change
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS increased prize money for the most because we’ve been so successful, the perception of the women’s
prestigious tournament in women’s and on the biggest stages we’ve game in a nation that traditionally
PARIS — Seizing on the once in soccer. And for Jamaica, it means been successful.” hasn’t valued it: Funding was cut
every four years spectacle, teams at more support for the athletes from a The U.S. is the defending champi- when the team didn’t qualify for the
the Women’s World Cup are hoping federation that let the team go on and a three-time winner of the 2008 Olympics. The team was
that the attention the sport will get unfunded, and as a result, dormant, World Cup, which kicks off Friday revived just five years ago.
in France will bring about change at for years. in Paris. Twenty-four teams will Like many teams in the region,
home. “It certainly is a platform. It’s the crisscross France over the next Jamaica’s women have struggled for
USA TODAY SPORTS But it’s not just about soccer. It’s biggest stage that we have,” Megan month, with the winner decided in basic support, even equipment.
American Megan Rapinoe, right, is about respect. Rapinoe said while discussing the Lyon on July 7. There’s been little or no compensa-
one of several players and coaches For the defending champion U.S. U.S. team’s ongoing fight. “It’s a Jamaica, the first Caribbean tion for players.
who are trying to raise the level of women’s team, that means a focus balance, though, because first and nation to qualify for a Women’s
equality for women’s soccer. on the players’ fight for equitable foremost, I think we have this plat- World Cup, is among those teams. See SOCCER, Page 16

Is Klay the key for Warriors? Pushy fan

By Janie McCauley

OAKLAND — Everyone knows

is actually
about Klay Thompson’s ability to
get dangerously hot in a hurry on
His stingy defense might just be
the thing that matters most when
an investor
he returns for the Golden State Warriors executive who
Warriors in Game 4 of the NBA
Finals on Friday night with his shoved Toronto guard is
team trailing Toronto 2-1.
“We can’t fall into the trap of fined $500K and banned
thinking offense alone is going to
win us another championship or from future NBA games
letting that end of the floor affect By Tim Reynolds
our defense,” Stephen Curry said THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
on the heels of a postseason
career-best 47-point performance OAKLAND — Toronto guard Kyle Lowry
in the Warriors’ Game 3 defeat. wanted the Golden State Warriors’ executive
Thompson is scheduled to play who shoved him during an NBA Finals game
Friday barring any further issues ousted from the league.
with his strained left hamstring The NBA decided a one-year ban and
after he sat out the 123-109 loss $500,000 fine is enough for now.
Wednesday, while Kevin Durant Mark Stevens, a Warriors’ investor and a
remains sidelined as he attempts to member of the team’s exec-
work back from a strained right utive board, was banned
calf. from the NBA for one year
With the way Kawhi Leonard, and fined Thursday — one
Kyle Lowry and Danny Green day after he shoved Lowry
delivered time and again for the during the fourth quarter of
Raptors to answer every big shot Game 3 of the Toronto-
by Curry, Thompson’s defense will Golden State finals
be a key part of the two-time matchup. The NBA
defending champions’ adjustment announced its decision not
as they try to even the series at Mark Stevens long after Lowry said
home before another trip to Stevens “shouldn’t be a
Toronto. part of our league.”
“People fall in love with his “Mr. Stevens’ behavior last night did not
shooting and how hot he can get reflect the high standard that we hope to exem-
on the offensive end, but the way plify as an organization,” the Warriors said in
that our team plays defensively a release. “We’re extremely disappointed in
and the chemistry that we have and his actions and, along with Mr. Stevens, offer
the experience, he’s right at the our sincere apology to Kyle Lowry and the
forefront of that,” Curry said. “And Toronto Raptors organization for this unfortu-
it’s a tough adjustment when guys nate misconduct.”
who haven’t been in that position Lowry dove into a row of courtside seats in
consistently and in these type of DAN HAMILTON/USA TODAY SPORTS an effort to save a loose ball. Stevens, wearing
While the Golden State Warriors could have used Klay Thompson’s offense in a Game 3 loss to Toronto,
See FINALS, Page 14 they missed his defense even more. See PUSH, Page 14

Blues take Game 5, one win from Stanley Cup

By Jimmy Golen who left Game 4 dripping his introduction. The Bruins played a video
Blues 2, Bruins 1 blood after taking a of his highlights during an early whistle,
onship in franchise history. Game 6 is deflected puck off his and he went out of the way to deliver the
BOSTON — Jordan Binnington stopped Sunday night and the Blues are riding a red- face. He wore a full-face game’s first hit, just 15 seconds in, on
38 shots, and Ryan O’Reilly and David hot goalie of late. shield on his helmet, but Brayden Schenn.
Perron scored for St. Louis on Thursday “Unbelievable. He won one for us, ” was unable to provide When things went bad later, the crowd
night to give the Blues a 2-1 victory over defenseman Colton Parayko said of more than an emotional tried to spur the team on with chants of
the Boston Bruins and a 3-2 lead in the Binnington. boost. “Chara!”
Stanley Cup Final. Tuukka Rask stopped 19 shots and Jake Chara followed Rask But the 42-year-old defenseman’s tough-
The Blues have won two straight since a DeBrusk scored for Boston. The Bruins were Jordan onto the ice for the ness could only carry so far.
7-2 loss at home and return to St. Louis with lifted by the return of captain Zdeno Chara, Binnington pregame skate, and he
a chance to clinch the first NHL champi- got a lengthy cheer for See NHL, Page 13
012 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:26 PM Page 1

12 Friday • June 7, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Giants bullpen can’t hold on in loss to Mets

By Ben Walker
Mets 7, Giants 3
didn’t think the drive would clear the wall in
Bochy reflects on Normandy
NEW YORK — On an afternoon they put
down three timely bunts, the New York Mets
had a blast.
left-center. Instead, he said, he kept shouting
“get in the gap! Get in the gap!” trip and uncle on D-Day beach
Frazier took a giant hop as he reached first By Ben Walker Bochy said his late dad was serving in the
Three of them, too. base after his fifth homer of the season and Pacific at the time of D-Day.
Amed Rosario and Dominic Smith hit 198th of his career. Adeiny Hechavarria fol- Bochy’s family moved from France when
back-to-back home runs to begin the first lowed with a single and ran through third NEW YORK — The 75th anniversary of he was a toddler. After the 2007 season,
inning, then Todd Frazier took an awkward base coach Gary DiSarcina’s stop sign to eas- D-Day held special meaning for San Bochy and his wife went back to visit.
swing and launched a tiebreaking drive in the ily score on Juan Lagares’ hit-and-run dou- Francisco Giants manager Bruce Bochy. “She wanted to see Paris and see the
eighth that sent the Mets over the San ble. The son of an Army sights, my priority was going to
Francisco Giants 7-3 Thursday. Rosario and Smith got the Mets off to a veteran who served dur- Normandy,” he said.
Along with his homer, Smith beat the shift fast start against rookie Shaun Anderson. ing World War II, Bochy There, Bochy spent a day and half tour-
with a bunt single to the vacant left side. This was the third time in franchise history had an uncle who was ing Omaha Beach and the other landing
“Show them I can do a little bit of every- the Mets had opened the first inning with part of the Allied inva- points for the Allied troops. He said he was
thing,” he said. consecutive home runs, most recently by sion forces in Normandy overwhelmed by the rows of grave markers
That’s what the Mets did at the plate — a Jose Reyes and Asdrubal Cabrera in 2016. on June 6, 1944. at the cemeteries, and thought about what
pair of bunt singles, a sacrifice, a couple hit- “I kind of just figured that was all they were “He was in the Army, his uncle had endured.
and-runs, a steal and slew of pinch-hitters. going to get. Just kind of gathered myself he hit the beach that “It was probably the most moving expe-
Plus, their trio of pitchers combined on a and knew I needed to locate the ball and kind day. He survived, ” rience of my life as far as travel,” he said.
three-hitter. of locked it in after that,” Anderson said. The Mets honor a military member mid-
Bruce Bochy Bochy said before
Pinch-hitter Jeff McNeil singled home the It had been a much longer time since the Thursday’s game way through every game at Citi Field, and
tying run in the seventh, sticking out his bat Giants had given up back-to-back homers to against the New York Mets. they saluted two World War II veterans on
for a bloop single. He stayed in the game and lead off the first — it was Aug. 3, 1994, at The 64-year-old Bochy is among only a Thursday — Army Pfc. Michael A. Vaccaro,
added an RBI single that capped a four-run Candlestick Park when Bud Black served handful of major leaguers from France. He who took part in the D-Day invasion, and
eighth. them up to Cincinnati’s Jacob Brumfield and was born in the southern town of Landes de airman Capt. Bentley Kassal.
New York starter Zack Wheeler overcame a Bret Boone. Bussac when his father, Army Sgt. Major Bochy faced the veterans from the dugout
long homer by Pablo Sandoval and a shot by Both Rosario and Smith got taken out for Gus Bochy, was stationed there. and heartily applauded when they were
Brandon Belt to keep it close into the late pinch-hitters in the seventh when the Mets introduced.
innings, allowing three hits through the sev- scored a run to make it 3-all.
enth. A leadoff walk to Lagares finished straight games at Citi Field. panels askew. Lagares also had a bunt sin-
It was 3-all when Pete Alonso opened the Anderson. A single by Tomas Nido off Reyes gle.
Mets eighth with a single off Mark Moronta set up a sacrifice by pinch-hitter
Melancon (2-1). After Michael Conforto Carlos Gomez, and McNeil singled. FLASHY UP NEXT
grounded into a force play and stole second, “It’s just buzzard luck that inning that Lagares, a 2014 Gold Glove winner, made
changed things,” Giants manager Bruce Gi ants : LHP Drew Pomeranz (1-6, 8.08
Frazier got way out on his front foot as he a leaping catch to rob Steven Duggar of ERA) pitches at home against Dodgers ace
connected, nearly ending up on one knee. Bochy said. extra bases in the third. Lagares banged into
The Mets have homered in a team-record 13 Clayton Kershaw (5-0, 3.20).
Initially, Mets manager Mickey Callaway the wall for the grab, leaving the padded

AP source: Keuchel, Braves Kepler, who entered hitless in his previ- is projecting how to use Craig Kimbrel,
Baseball briefs ous 21 at-bats, connected in the first, third even before Chicago announces a deal with
near one-year deal for about $13M because only about 115 days will remain in and seventh innings off Indians starter the free agent closer.
NEW YORK — A person familiar with the the 186-day season. Trevor Bauer (4-6). Kepler also walked in Maddon said Thursday he thought the 31-
negotiations tells the Associated Press that A 31-year-old left-hander, Keuchel was the fifth. year-old right-hander might be ready to
free agent pitcher Dallas Keuchel and the 12-11 with a 3.74 ERA in 34 starts last sea- The 26-year-old outfielder came up in the pitch in about three weeks.
Atlanta Braves are near son for Houston and turned down a $17.9 ninth with a chance to become the 19th
player in history to hit four homers in one Kimbrel, who has 333 saves and a 1.91
agreement on a one-year million qualifying offer in November.
game — a feat rarer than a perfect game. But ERA over nine major league seasons, turned
contract that would pay He has options remaining, allowing him
left-hander Josh Smith kept the left-handed down a $17.9 million qualifying offer from
the 2015 AL Cy Young to start his Braves tenure in the minors as he
swinging Kepler in the park, getting him to Boston last November and remained a free
Award winner about $13 builds up arm strength and stamina.
hit a hard grounder to the right side that he agent. Starting this week, a team could sign
him without the loss of amateur draft picks
The person spoke on Minnesota’s Kepler hits three homers beat out for a single.
or international signing bonus pool alloca-
condition of anonymity It was Kepler’s second career three-homer
CLEVELAND — Max Kepler homered tion.
Thursday night because game. The other one also came against the
three times and Jose Berrios (8-2) locked up Chicago’s bullpen has 11 blown saves
the agreement had not Indians on Aug. 1, 2016.
Dallas Keuchel been finalized. Cleveland’s lineup into the seventh inning this year. Brandon Morrow has not returned
as the Minnesota Twins avoided a sweep —
Keuchel’s contract
and their first three-game losing streak —
Cubs’ Joe Maddon thinking from offseason elbow surgery, and Pedro
would include a salary of about $21 million, Strop came back Tuesday from a hamstring
and he would get a prorated share of that
by beating the Indians 5-4 on Thursday ahead to using Craig Kimbrel injury that had sidelined him since May 6.
night. CHICAGO — Cubs manager Joe Maddon Strop and Steve Cishek have been closing.


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013 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:25 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Friday • June 7, 2019 13

American teen KO’s Trainer Mott trying

to win Belmont —
reigning champion
without the mayhem
By Tom Canavan “My statistics probably haven’t exceeded
PARIS — Amanda Anisimova smacked one THE ASSOCIATED PRESS his,” Mott said Thursday, acknowledging
last backhand winner to complete her upset of the asterisk reference.
defending champion Simona Halep in the NEW YORK — Standing outside his barn He acknowledged that being in the Derby
French Open quarterfinals, flung her racket and at Belmont Park and wearing a New York winner’s circle Derby was awkward. He felt a
covered her mouth with both hands. Yankees cap, trainer Bill Mott was finish- few of the people shaking his hand were try-
Eyes wide, Anisimova then spread her arms ing a conversation about Roger Maris. ing to get away as quickly as possible. It
with palms up and said, “What?!” Mott had thought the man who broke was almost like apologizing for winning,
In a tournament filled with surprises, Babe Ruth’s record was from his home state, or being named the winner.
Anisimova provided the latest Thursday. Just South Dakota. Actually it “I certainly don’t want the owners or any-
17 and ranked merely 51st, yet possessing the was North Dakota, body else to think I’m not pleased about
mindset and mien of someone much more although the Hall of winning,” Mott said, adding Country House
experienced and accomplished, the American Fame trainer wasn’t ran his heart out in the Kentucky Derby.
withstood a late charge by Halep and won 6-2, about to totally lose the Mark Casse, who trains War of Will and
6-4 to reach her first Grand Slam semifinal. debate. He insisted Maris also will be looking for his second win in
“I don’t think it will sink in, at least not for bought his beer in South this Triple Crown, said he felt bad for Mott
today. Yeah, I mean, it’s crazy,” said Dakota. the day after the Derby.
Anisimova, who was born in New Jersey to After some laughs, the “I think it has been hard on Bill,” Casse
Russian parents and moved to Florida when talk shifted to Saturday’s said. “Bill is such a great guy. You talk about
American Amanda Anisimova celebrates a
she was 3. “I really can’t believe the result Bill Mott Belmont Stakes, the class, you’ll find his name right next to it.
point during her straight-set win over
today. And getting the opportunity to play final leg of what has It’s tough no one wants to win that way.
defending French Open champion
against Simona, that’s amazing. But how it been a chaotic Triple Crown, not only for Nobody wants to win that way.”
Simona Halep.
ended is even crazier to me.” thoroughbred racing but for the 65-year-old What would make his Triple Crown season
That’s a fair assessment of the entire tourna- one after another in the main stadium — will Mott. perfect is having the 1 1/2-mile race go off
ment. Serena Williams, No. 1 Naomi Osaka be played simultaneously on the second- and What will be remembered is that without a hitch.
and No. 2 Karolina Pliskova lost in the third third-largest courts Friday morning. The Maximum Security finished first in the The disqualification marred the Kentucky
round; Angelique Kerber and Caroline biggest arena will host the men’s semifinals: Kentucky Derby and was disqualified for Derby. The Preakness was highlighted by
Wozniacki were gone in the first. Rafael Nadal vs. Roger Federer, and Novak interfering with eventual Preakness winner War of Will’s performance and another horse
The highest-seeded player in the semifinals Djokovic vs. Dominic Thiem. It’s the first War of Will. That elevated Country House to running around the Maryland track after
is No. 8 Ash Barty, the Australian who will face time the top four men’s seeds are the last four first place and gave Mott his first Kentucky unseating his rider.
Anisimova. Barty advanced by beating No. 14 standing at a major tournament since the 2013 Derby win. Ten colts have been entered for the
Madison Keys of the United States 6-3, 7-5. Australian Open. It also put Mott in a category with Maris Belmont, but it seems to be a two-horse
“I felt,” Barty said, “like I was in control.” Djokovic stretched his Grand Slam winning — an asterisk next to their names. race.
The other semifinal is No. 26 Johanna streak to 26 matches as he pursues a fourth Maris got it for hitting a then-record 61 Tacitus, who will be racing for the first
Konta of Britain against unseeded 19-year-old consecutive major trophy, beating Alexander homers in 162 games in 1961. It broke time since being placed third in the Derby,
Marketa Vondrousova of the Czech Republic. Zverev 7-5, 6-2, 6-2. Thiem eliminated No. 10 Babe Ruth’s record of 60 homers in 154 is the 9-5 favorite. War of Will is the 2-1
Not only has none of the remaining women seed Karen Khachanov 6-2, 6-4, 6-2. games in 1927. second choice.
won a Grand Slam trophy, none has participat- “Controlling the points was the key, I Mott will be remembered as the first train- The other eight horses are rated at 8-1 or
ed in a major final. think,” said 2018 French Open runner-up er to win the Kentucky Derby after the first higher.
Because rain washed out all play Wednesday, Thiem, who made only 12 unforced errors, 25 horse across the finish line was disqualified. Trainer Mark Hennig, who handles 12-1
the women’s semifinals — normally Thursday, fewer than Khachanov. “I didn’t miss a lot A wry smile crosses Mott’s face when he Bourbon War, said Tacitus and War of Will
today.” is reminded of the link to Maris. are the most accomplished colts in the field.

Perron followed with a shot that banked Binnington. ... Actors Michael J. Fox, Woody Harrelson

Continued from page 11
off Rask’s pad and into the net. The fans
responded with a vulgar chant and a shower
of rally towels; the public address announc-
Boston pulled Rask with a little more
than a minute left and earned several
chances, but couldn’t get the puck past
and John Krasinski were in the crowd. ...
Blues D Vince Dunn was in the lineup after
missing almost three weeks after taking a
er eventually asked them to stop. Binnington. puck to the face. ... Boston D Matt Grzelcyk
missed his third straight game. ... The Blues
O’Reilly scored in the opening minute of Boston did seem inspired — or at least No tes : Binnington’s nine playoff road improved to 9-3 on the road in the playoffs.
the second period, backhanding in a desperate — and cut the deficit to one goal wins is the most by a rookie in NHL histo-
rebound for his third goal in his last five on a delayed penalty with about 6 1/2 min- ry. Ron Hextall won eight in 1987. ... UP NEXT
periods. It was still 1-0 midway through the utes left. Torey Krug took a high stick to the Derek Sanderson and Bobby Orr, the con-
third when the referees disregarded a leg face at the blue line but he played on, nection that gave the Bruins the game-win- The series returns to St. Louis, where the
sweep by Tyler Bozak that knocked Noel straightened his helmet and dished the puck ning goal against the Blues in the 1970 teams split Games 3 and 4. The Blues are 6-
Acciari out of the game. to DeBrusk for a one-timer past clincher, were the pregame banner wavers. 6 at home so far in the postseason.
014 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:25 PM Page 1

14 Friday • June 7, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Kyle,” Warriors forward Draymond Green said.

Three-month PUSH Continued from page 11
“It sucks that this
has to take the
front page of the
This was not the first high-profile incident
between players and fans this season.
Oklahoma City’s Russell Westbrook was

sentence for an NBA-issued credential, was seated about

two spots away from where Lowry landed.
finals. It’s been a
fun finals. … It
involved in at least two such scenes during the
regular season, one of them leading to a fan’s
permanent ban from all events at the arena the

former college Stevens shoved Lowry in the upper body, and

Lowry said he repeated a vulgar phrase to him
about four times during the brief incident. Kyle Lowry
really sucks that
this has to take
Utah Jazz call home. Westbrook reacted angri-
ly after he said a fan at a Utah game made racist
comments to him, and the league fined
Westbrook $25,000 for responding in a vul-

assistant coach The incident, and the fallout, was the domi-
nant story on the off day between Games 3 and
4 of the series, which resumes Friday.
“It sucks that this has to take the front page
no place in our league,” NBA spokesman
Mike Bass said Thursday.
Lowry said Stevens has not reached out to
gar manner.
Westbrook also was touched by a young fan
who was seated courtside at another game, and
By Tom Hays him to apologize. reacted calmly.
of the finals,” Lowry said. “It’s been a fun While not a player-fan exchange, New York
finals. It’s been a competitive finals. It really “I don’t know him. I don’t care to know
him,” Lowry said. “He showed his true colors Knicks owner James Dolan made headlines
sucks that this has to take part and had to be a when a fan at Madison Square Garden told him
NEW YORK — A former assistant basketball at the time. And you show what you’re really
part of it.” to “sell the team” in an incident that was cap-
coach at the University of Arizona was sen- about in that time and at that moment. ... No,
tenced to three months in prison and two years Warriors players and coaches lauded the way tured on video. Dolan told the fan he was rude,
Lowry was able to keep his emotions in you showed what you really are.”
of probation on Thursday for his role in a col- Lowry scored 23 points in Toronto’s 123- asked if he wanted to come to any more games
lege hoops corruption scandal. check, and many followed their team’s state- and then told him to “enjoy watching them on
ment and offered apologies to both the 109 victory. The Raptors lead the series 2-1
Before hearing his sentence in federal court in going into Friday’s Game 4 at Oracle Arena. TV.” And earlier in these playoffs, Raptors fan
Raptors and their point guard. Drake actually massaged Toronto coach Nick
Manhattan, Emanuel “Book” Richardson apol- Thursday’s series of events began with an
ogized to the players he coached at Arizona, “Obviously, when you see the video, it’s Nurse’s shoulders during play — to the dismay
apology from the Warriors and an announce-
saying, “I let them down.” pretty clear who was in the wrong,” Warriors of the league.
ment that Stevens would not be allowed at any
guard Stephen Curry said, who added that he NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said the
Richardson, 46, had pleaded guilty earlier more games in this series. Players like Los
doesn’t personally know Stevens. league has “redoubled” efforts to make sure
this year to accepting $20,000 in bribes from Angeles Lakers standout LeBron James said
Christian Dawkins, an aspiring business man- It’s unclear how large a stake Stevens has in that wasn’t enough, and James reached out to that fans understand what conduct is appropri-
ager for pro athletes. He and three other assis- the Warriors, and if the team will allow him to Lowry personally to offer his support. Hours ate and what isn’t.
tant basketball coaches at major programs were remain part of the organization. The team’s later, the NBA came out with the decision to “We have had lots of conversations directly
charged in 2017 with abusing the trust of NBA- media guide lists Stevens — a Silicon Valley fine and ban Stevens. with the players’ association, the players,
bound players by accepting bribes to steer the billionaire — as a member of the six-person The NBA’s ban covers all league games and because absolutely we want them to feel that
players to favored managers and financial executive board. also forbids Stevens from being part of any they’re in a safe environment,” Silver said last
advisers. “A team representative must be held to the team events. week in Toronto when the NBA Finals were
“Instead of prioritizing his student-athletes’ highest possible standard and the conduct of “If Kyle was to then hit back, a lot more beginning. “And we don’t want them to be
best interests, Richardson sought to profit from Golden State Warriors investor Mark Stevens than a fine would have then happened to distracted during the game or think that they
them, treating the student-athletes that he last night was beyond unacceptable and has have to take matters into their own hand.”
coached as assets that he could control for his

own benefit,” prosecutors said in court papers formances for them, especially when they THEY’VE SEEN IT ALL
seeking up to two years in prison for really need them.”
Here are some things to watch for Friday Last season, the Warriors had to win Game
Richardson. 7 of the Western Conference finals on the
Continued from page 11 night:
At a trial ending with Dawkins’ conviction in road in Houston. They triumphed with an
May, jurors heard wiretap recordings of DURANT’S STATUS ailing Kerr sidelined for much of the 16-1
Richardson bragging how he could deliver moments are thrown into his minutes. So title run in 2017.
potential clients for Dawkins. In one recording, you would love to have him out there on that Durant wasn’t going to get on the court in
This fifth straight NBA Finals has brought
he even suggested that Arizona head coach Sean end of the floor as well, especially with a a scrimmage situation Thursday as the
on its own challenges, most notably all the
Miller was involved in a deal to pay eventual team like Toronto.” Warriors had initially
No. 1 NBA draft pick Deandre Ayton $10,000 a Thompson, who was injured late in thought, but might do so
“Our best basketball is usually played
month to play for the Wildcats. Golden State’s Game 2 win at Toronto, even as soon as Friday or
when our backs are against the wall,” Green
Prosecutors haven’t accused Miller of any surprised the Raptors when he didn’t take Saturday with the hope he
wrongdoing, and he has vehemently denied the court for tipoff. still could return before
making any payments. the finals are done. FAREWELL TO ORACLE
The Raptors still had him on the board to “There was no setback.
In a letter to the court in the Richardson case, play when the team left the locker room just I was hoping that today Oracle Arena really is on its last hurrah.
the general counsel for Arizona wrote that the before game time. would be the day when he Friday night’s Game 4 is the only remaining
coach’s conduct had done serious damage to the Not facing Thompson became a key could get out on the guaranteed contest at the arena before
school’s reputation and to a basketball program advantage and all five Toronto starters Kevin Durant floor,” Kerr said. “It’s not Golden State moves to the new Chase
“that had previously enjoyed a stellar record of scored in double figures — and Curry was going to be today.” Center in San Francisco next season.
success, on and off the court.” forced to take on a greater load. Durant, the two-time reigning Finals The Warriors might need an even more
Because of the bad publicity, “the recruitment
“He’s a great defender. I think he’s one of MVP who was averaging 34.2 points this deafening response from the loyal home fan
effort for future players became substantially
the best, right up there at the top of the best postseason before the injury, was hurt in base.
more challenging,” the letter says. The school
wing defenders in the league, ” Raptors Game 5 of the Western Conference semifi- “We’re going to miss it here for sure,”
“is also facing the prospect of potentially sig-
coach Nick Nurse said of Thompson. “He’s nals against the Rockets on May 8. He has Kerr said. “We’re looking forward to the new
nificant sanctions and penalties from the
probably underrated in that department. He missed the eight games since. arena. It’s going to be amazing, but we’ll
NCAA flowing from the unlawful actions
really puts in some awesome defensive per- always miss Oracle.”
involved in this case,” it adds.
015 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:26 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Friday • June 7, 2019 15

Wentz and the Eagles have agreed missed 13 games, including five of a back injury. This is only his
American NFL brief
Eagles give Carson Wentz
on a four-year contract extension
through the 2024 season. The deal
playoff contests over the past two
years. He finished third in NFL MVP
second full offseason preparing as
the starting quarterback.

announced Thursday night adds four voting in 2017 when backup quar-
four-year contract extension years to Wentz’s rookie contract. terback Nick Foles led the Eagles to Selected No. 2 overall out of
It’s worth $128 million with more a Super Bowl victory over the North Dakota State in the 2016 draft

dominate PHILADELPHIA — Carson Wentz

proved to the Philadelphia Eagles in
three years he’s worth a huge invest-
than $107 million guaranteed,
according to ESPN.
Wentz is 23-17 in three seasons
Wentz tore his ACL in Week 13 in
2017 and sat out the final three reg-
after Jared Goff, Wentz has thrown
for 10,152 yards, 70 touchdowns
and 28 interceptions with a 92.5
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ment. as the starting quarterback but has ular-season games in 2018 because passer rating.
ROME — Michael Norman
clocked a world-leading time in the WOMEN’S WORLD CUP AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE
men’s 200 meters to edge out fellow FIRST ROUND GROUP D East Division East Division
American Noah Lyles at the Golden GROUP A W L T GF GA Pts W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
Gala meet on Thursday. W L T GF GA Pts Argentina 0 0 0 0 0 0
France 0 0 0 0 0 0 England 0 0 0 0 0 0 New York 39 22 .639 — Philadelphia 35 27 .565 —
Norman’s time of 19.70 seconds Nigeria 0 0 0 0 0 0 Japan 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tampa Bay 37 23 .617 1 1/2 Atlanta 33 29 .532 2
was also a meet record at the Norway 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boston 33 29 .532 6 1/2 New York 30 32 .484 5
South Korea 0 0 0 0 0 0
Diamond League event and a per- Sunday, June 9
Toronto 23 39 .371 16 1/2 Washington 28 33 .459 6 1/2
sonal best for Friday, June 7 England vs. Scotland, 9 a.m. Baltimore 19 43 .306 20 1/2 Miami 23 37 .383 11
France vs. South Korea, noon Monday, June 10
the 21-year-old, Saturday, June 8 Argentina vs. Japan, 9 a.m. Central Division
who was just Norway vs. Nigeria, noon Friday, June 14 W L Pct GB
Central Division
two hundredths Wednesday, June 12 Japan vs. Scotland, 6 a.m. W L Pct GB
Nigeria vs. South Korea, 6 a.m. England vs. Argentina, noon Minnesota 41 20 .672 —
of a second Chicago 34 27 .557 —
France vs. Norway, noon Wednesday, June 19 Cleveland 31 31 .500 10 1/2
Milwaukee 35 28 .556 —
ahead of Lyles. Monday, June 17 Japan vs. England, noon Chicago 29 32 .475 12
France vs. Nigeria, noon Scotland vs. Argentina, noon St. Louis 31 29 .517 2 1/2
“I am really South Korea vs. Norway, noon Detroit 23 36 .390 17
Pittsburgh 30 31 .492 4
happy with the GROUP E Kansas City 19 43 .306 22 1/2
Cincinnati 28 33 .459 6
time, there was a W L T GF GA Pts
Cameroon 0 0 0 0 0 0 West Division
good flow, it China 0 0 0 0 0 0 Canada 0 0 0 0 0 0 West Division
W L Pct GB
Michael was amazing,” Germany 0 0 0 0 0 0 Netherlands 0 0 0 0 0 0 W L Pct GB
South Africa 0 0 0 0 0 0 New Zealand 0 0 0 0 0 0 Houston 43 21 .672 —
Norman Norman said. “I Spain 0 0 0 0 0 Texas 32 28 .533 9 Los Angeles 43 20 .683 —
changed a few Monday, June 10 A’s 30 31 .492 11 1/2 Colorado 32 29 .525 10
Saturday, June 8
things race pattern-wise. I was a lot Germany vs. China, 6 a.m. Canada vs. Cameroon, noon Los Angeles 30 32 .484 12 San Diego 31 31 .500 11 1/2
Tuesday, June 11
stronger today and I tried to hold Spain vs. South Africa, 9 a.m.
New Zealand vs. Netherlands, 6 a.m. Seattle 26 40 .394 18 Arizona 31 32 .492 12
the composure ... I am just happy Thursday, June 13 Giants 25 36 .410 17
South Africa vs. China, noon Saturday, June 15
now if I am progressing like this.” Monday, June 17 Netherlands vs. Cameroon, 6 a.m. Thursday’s Games
Germany vs. South Africa, 9 a.m. Canada vs. New Zealand, noon Tampa Bay 6,Detroit 1 Thursday’s Games
Norman and Lyles, who is also China vs. Spain, 9 a.m. Thursday, June 20
Boston 7,Kansas City 5 N.Y. Mets 7, San Francisco 3
21, have established themselves as Netherlands vs. Canada, 9 a.m.
Cameroon vs. New Zealand, 9 a.m. Houston 8,Seattle 7,14 innings Pittsburgh 6, Atlanta 1
two of the most exciting sprint tal- GROUP C
W L T GF GA Pts N.Y.Yankees 6,Toronto 2 St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 1
ents in the world. Australia 0 0 0 0 0 0 GROUP F
Milwaukee 5, Miami 1
W L T GF GA Pts Minnesota 5,Cleveland 4
“This race didn’t really go as Brazil 0 0 0 0 0 0
Texas 4,Baltimore 3 Colorado 3, Chicago Cubs 1
Italy 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chile 0 0 0 0 0 0
expected, winning is what is Jamaica 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sweden 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oakland at L.A.Angels,late Washington at San Diego, late
always expected, but I run faster Thailand 0 0 0 0 0 0 Friday’s Games Friday’s Games
Sunday, June 9 United States 0 0 0 0 0 0
than in the last race so I can feel Australia vs. Italy, 4 a.m. Arizona (Kelly 5-6) atToronto (Stroman 3-7),4:07 p.m. St.Louis (Mikolas 4-5) at Cubs (Hamels 4-2),11:20 a.m.
great things will happen,” Lyles Brazil vs. Jamaica, 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 11 Minnesota (Gibson 6-2) at Detroit (Boyd 5-4),4:10 p.m. Cincinnati (Mahle 2-5) at Philly (Eflin 5-5), 4:05 p.m.
said. Thursday, June 13 Chile vs. Sweden, 9 a.m. N.Y.Yankees (German 9-1) at Cleveland (TBD),4:10 p.m. Arizona (Kelly 5-6) at Toronto (Stroman 3-7), 4:07 p.m.
Australia vs. Brazil, 9 a.m. United States vs. Thailand, noon
Alex Quinonez of Ecuador was Friday, June 14 Sunday, June 16 Tampa Bay (TBD) at Boston (Porcello 4-5),4:10 p.m. Atlanta (Soroka 6-1) at Miami (Urena 4-6), 4:10 p.m.
third in 20.17. Jamaica vs. Italy, 9 a.m. Sweden vs. Thailand, 6 a.m. Oakland (Anderson 6-4) atTexas (Lynn 7-4),5:05 p.m. Colorado (TBD) at N.Y. Mets (Matz 4-4), 4:10 p.m.
Tuesday, June 18 United States vs. Chile, 9 a.m. Baltimore (Ynoa 0-2) at Houston (Cole 5-5),5:10 p.m. Pitt (Kingham 1-1) at Milwaukee (Woodruff 7-1),5:10 p.m.
In the women’s 100 meters, dou- Australia vs. Jamaica, noon Thursday, June 20
ble Olympic champion Elaine White Sox (Nova 3-5) at Kansas City (Bailey 4-6),5:15 p.m. Washington (Fedde 1-0) at SD (Margevicius 2-6),7:10 p.m.
Italy vs. Brazil, noon Sweden vs. United States, noon
Thailand vs. Chile, noon Seattle (Gonzales 5-6) at Angels (Heaney 0-0),7:07 p.m. Dodgers (Kershaw 5-0) at Giants (TBD),7:15 p.m.
Thompson of Jamaica also ran the
fastest time of the year as she came
champion Dina Asher-Smith in
St. Louis 2, Boston 2 Toronto 2, Warriors 1 Mississippi State vs. Stanford BASEBALL
Monday, May 27: Boston 4, St. Louis 2 Thursday, May 30: Toronto 118, Warriors 109 American League
The British athlete was 0.05 sec- At Dudy Noble Field
onds behind Thompson. Aleia Wednesday, May 29: St. Louis 3, Boston 2, OT Sunday, June 2: Warriors 109, Toronto 104 DETROIT TIGERS — Sent SS Jordy Mercer to Toledo
Starkville, Miss.
Saturday, June 1: Boston 7, St. Louis 2 Wednesday, June 5:Toronto 123,Warriors 109 (IL) for a rehab assignment.
Hobbs of the United States was Saturday: Mississippi State (49-13)
Monday, June 3: St. Louis 4, Boston 2 Friday, June 7: Toronto at Warriors, 6 p.m. SEATTLE MARINERS — Placed OF Braden Bishop
third in 11.12. on the 10-day IL.
Thursday, June 6: St. Louis 2, Boston 1 Monday, June 10:Warriors at Toronto, 6 p.m. vs. Stanford (45-12), noon
There were also world-leading TAMPA BAY RAYS — Released C Erik Kratz. Sent
times in the men’s 800 and 5,000 Sunday, June 9: Boston at St. Louis, 5 p.m. x-Thursday,June 13:Toronto at Warriors,6 p.m. Sunday: Mississippi State vs. Stanford, 6 p.m.
2B Joey Wendle to Charlotte (FSL) for a rehab as-
and the women’s 1,500. x-Wednesday, June 12: St. Louis at Boston, 5 p.m. x-Sunday, June 16:Warriors at Toronto, 5 p.m. Monday: Mississippi State vs. Stanford, 4 p.m. signment.
016 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:25 PM Page 1

16 Friday • June 7, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Up-and-coming forward dropped from Gold Cup roster

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the October 2017 loss at Trinidad and Tobago Wednesday’s match with a sprained left ankle
that ended the Americans’ streak of World Cup and forward Gyasi Zardes with a bruised left foot.
NEW YORK — Turns out Josh Sargent won’t appearances at seven. Altidore is among just six Zack Steffen, 24, is the No. 1 goalkeeper and
play in the CONCACAF Gold Cup or the Under- holdovers from then-coach Bruce Arena’s roster 30-year-old Sean Johnson his backup. Hired in
20 World Cup. in Trinidad, including four other starters: December, Berhalter chose not to pick 34-year-
The 19-year-old forward was among seven Pulisic, defenders Omar Gonzalez, midfielder old Brad Guzan or Bill Hamid, 28. Ethan
cuts from the national team roster Thursday, Michael Bradley and forward Paul Arriola. In Horvath is sidelined by a finger injury.
another setback that follows limited playing addition, defender Tim Ream was on the bench. “It doesn’t mean that these guys will never
time during the second half of his Bundesliga “We’re looking for these guys to show some play for the national team again,” Berhalter
season with Werder Bremen. of the younger players the way,” Berhalter said. said.
National team coach Gregg Berhalter decided “Failures are part of a player’s career. I think if Two players on the roster have no previous
last month to have Sargent train with the you if you ever get afraid to fail, you’re in trou- international experience: No. 3 goalkeeper
national team rather than with the youth group, ble. And it’s about how you pick yourself up and Tyler Miller and forward Tim Boyd, who was
which has advanced to the Under-20 quarterfi- how you respond. And these guys in particular given approval last month by FIFA to switch
nals in Poland behind Sebastian Soto, Tim have done a good job so far.” affiliation to the U.S. from New Zealand.
Weah and Alex Mendez. Sargent failed to con- The U.S. has another exhibition against The ro s ter:
vert any chances in Wednesday’s 1-0 exhibition Venezuela on Sunday at Cincinnati and opens its Go al keepers : Sean Johnson (New York
loss to Jamaica and was among seven cuts USA TODAY SPORTS Gold Cup title defense against Guyana on June City), Tyler Miller (Los Angeles), Zack Steffen
Thursday. Josh Sargent, left, is thought to be a rising star 18 at St. Paul, Minnesota. It will be the (Columbus).
“When I talked to him and gave him the news, for the US National Team, but was left off the Americans’ first competitive match in 20 Defenders : Tyler Adams (RB Leipzig,
one thing I mentioned was that he is going to be roster for this month’s Gold Cup tournament. months. They face Trinidad on June 22 at Germany), Omar Gonzalez (Atlas, Mexico),
the striker for the national team in the future. For his first competitive matches as U.S. Cleveland and complete group play against Nick Lima (San Jose), Aaron Long (New York
We’re sure of that,” Berhalter said. “He wasn’t coach, Berhalter also dropped defenders Panama on June 26 at Kansas City, Kansas. Red Bulls), Daniel Lovitz (Montreal), Matt
able to play as much as he could have. And he Cameron Carter-Vickers and Antonee The roster averages 25 years, 150 days, and Miazga (Chelsea, England), Tim Ream (Fulham,
lacked a little sharpness.” Robinson; Lletget and midfielder Djordje 24 appearances. England), Walker Zimmerman (Los Angeles).
Berhalter said midfielder Sebastian Lletget’s Mihailovic; and forwards Jonathan Amon and Defenders DeAndre Yedlin and John Brooks Mi dfi el ders : Michael Bradley (Toronto),
hamstring injury caused a roster shift that made Joe Gyau. are hurt and missing the tournament, and four Duane Holmes (Derby, England), Weston
it difficult to include Sargent as a third striker Christian Pulisic and Tyler Adams are on the players have injury concerns. McKennie (Schalke, Germany), Christian
Berhalter did not regret the decision not to send 23-man roster after being given permission to Defender Aaron Long has been sidelined since Pulisic (Chelsea, England), Cristian Roldan
Sargent to Poland. report late following their European club sea- injuring his left hamstring playing while for (Seattle), Wil Trapp (Columbus).
“We thought he would he would benefit from sons. Pulisic was to arrive Thursday and Adams the New York Red Bulls on May 8, and forward Fo rwards : Jozy Altidore (Toronto), Paul
the challenge of the full national team and ben- is scheduled to report on Tuesday. Jordan Morris has been out since hurting his Arriola (D.C.), Tyler Boyd (Vitoria Guimares,
efit playing a game, fighting to make the Forward Jozy Altidore was included and could right hamstring during Seattle’s match May 15. Portugal), Jonathan Lewis (Colorado), Jordan
squad,” Berhalter said. make his first international appearance since Midfielder Weston McKennie missed Morris (Seattle), Gyasi Zardes (Columbus).

this,’ to ‘We’re absolutely investing in this champion. That’s double the prize money that the U.S., or Denmark, or Sweden.”

Continued from page 11
because we see this as an untapped market-
place?’ So I think this is kind of a critical
point for us where we can really take some
was awarded for the 2015 World Cup in
However, it is just a fraction of the $400
Last fall, FIFA introduced its global strategy
for women’s soccer, designed to grow the
game. But the plan has been criticized because
strides that maybe we wouldn’t be able to in a million in prize money for the 2018 men’s it’s unclear how much money the organization
non-World Cup year,” Sauerbrunn said. World Cup. France, the men’s winner, was is putting into the effort.
Coach Hue Menzies said the team’s first- U.S. coach Jill Ellis was the first to declare awarded $38 million. The prize money for the
ever appearance in the World Cup is “actually FIFA wants to see women’s participation in
that video review should be used at the 2022 men’s World Cup in Qatar will be $440
a cause.” the sport double to 60 million worldwide by
Women’s World Cup after it was used for the million.
“We want to make an impact socially,” 2026. A key component will be insuring all
first time in 2018 for the men’s tournament in FIFPro, the international players union,
Menzies said. associations have comprehensive women’s
Russia. Ellis has also criticized FIFA, soccer’s said this week that FIFA has agreed to start
The Americans are largely seen as the lead- plans in place by 2022.
international governing body, for scheduling negotiating better conditions for women’s
ers when it comes to tackling equity issues — the finals for the CONCACAF Gold Cup and national team players after the World Cup. The The World Cup is key to driving the strate-
using their status as the top-ranked team in the the Copa America on the same day as the union is “determined to making real and last- gy, said Sarai Bareman, FIFA’s chief women’s
world. Players have filed a federal lawsuit that World Cup championship game. ing progress on behalf of them,” FIFPro said. football officer. She’s hopeful that it leads to
accuses the U.S. Soccer federation of discrim- Other teams have followed America’s lead. But progress in many countries will only progress.
ination and seeks compensation that’s equi- Australia and Ireland are among the teams that come with dedicated funding. “I really believe that a lot of the issues that
table with compensation for the men’s have waged successful campaigns for better “There are a lot of questions among players exist, especially in the more developing
national team. pay and conditions. The Dutch soccer federa- from Latin America about how the federations countries, if we are able to really commercial-
U.S. defender Becky Sauerbrunn sees this tion, the KNVB, said this week that it would are spending the money that comes from FIFA ize the women’s game at the top end, a lot of
World Cup as a turning point. raise the compensation for the women’s team for women’s football. Is it really going to those challenges and barriers will start to
“I think we have so much further to go, but I to equal that of the men’s by 2023. women’s football, or is it going to young come away in the more developing countries
think we’re at that point right now where, for Australia has undertaken a campaign to male players? So we’re not talking about con- as well,” Bareman said. “So we’re putting a
women’s soccer and for this tournament, it’s, protest the prize money pool. The country’s tracts yet, we’re not talking about equal play, big focus, particularly this summer in France,
‘How much can we push this and raise this fur- players’ association is calling on FIFA to because we have a situation and a landscape around promotion, proactive communication,
ther? How much more can we get the neutral bring the women’s prize up to equal the men’s. that is more vulnerable, miles apart,” said raising the profile of our players, really doing
fan to become the die-hard fan?’ Can we get the Prize money for the tournament in France is FIFPro board member Camila Garcia Perez. as much as we can to get as many eyeballs
investors to go from ‘Maybe we’ll invest in $30 million, with $4 million going to the “It’s different than you would even imagine in onto the games.”
017 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 8:09 PM Page 1


President Trump, often a critic of

alliances, hails US D-Day partners
By Jonathan Freking collaboration” with allies.
and Kevin Lemire In his speech, Trump praised allies for
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS their contributions at Normandy, saying
“the full violence of Nazi fury was no match
COLLEVILLE-SUR-MER, France — for the full grandeur of British pride.” He
President Donald Trump, who has at times also credited the Canadians and the French,
questioned the value of NATO and other along with “the fighting Poles, the tough
institutions that emerged from World War II, Norwegians and the intrepid Aussies.”
paid tribute on the 75th anniversary of D- Trump described some 130,000 service
Day to the “cherished alliance” forged in members who took part in the D-Day land-
battle by the U.S. and partner nations. To ing as the “citizens of free and independent
aging warriors gathered on a bluff overlook- nations, united by their duty to their compa-
ing Omaha Beach, he said, “Our debt to you triots and to millions yet unborn.”
is everlasting.” The president paid particular attention to
Under calm blue skies, Trump underscored the few surviving veterans from that day
the magnitude of the tumultuous June day in who were likely to be attending their final
1945: remembrance of arguably the world’s most
“Those who fought here won a future for famous battle. He told their personal stories
our nation. They won the survival of our civ- of heroism and described D-Day participants
ilization, and they showed us the way to as “among the very greatest Americans who
love, cherish and defend our way of life for will ever live.”
many centuries to come.” What has been described as America’s
The president stopped mid-speech to gin- “greatest generation” has been no less
gerly embrace Russell Pickett, a 94-year-old REUTERS
extraordinary in peace, Trump said, crediting
Tennessee man who was wounded in the first Donald and Melania Trump react in the Normandy American Cemetery to commemorate the them for building a “national culture that
wave that came ashore, telling him, “Private 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. inspired the entire world.”
Pickett, you honor us all with your pres- French President Emmanuel Macron, for
ence.” stormed the beaches, but he also sought to fundraiser in Atlanta. his part, told American veterans that “France
Anniversary tributes aside, questions reassure allies who have been rattled by his Trump, in France, made his own harsh doesn’t forget” what they sacrificed for his
about Trump’s commitment to Western “America first” mindset. detour into domestic politics in an interview country’s liberation from Germany’s Nazis.
alliances have been a theme throughout his “To all of our friends and partners — our with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham taped at the After the program and a gun salute, Trump,
presidency and trailed him on his visit to cherished alliance was forged in the heat of cemetery just before the ceremony. The pres- Macron and their wives walked to an over-
Europe. During his stop in England earlier in battle, tested in the trials of war and proven ident derided House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as look above Omaha Beach, the scene of the
the week, Queen Elizabeth II used a dinner in the blessings of peace. Our bond is “Nervous Nancy” and a “disaster” and said bloodiest fighting. They stood silently as a
toast to emphasize the importance of inter- unbreakable,” the president declared. special counsel Robert Mueller, himself a bugler played “Taps.” The couples surveyed
national institutions created by Britain, the Former Vice President Joe Biden, who Vietnam War hero, had made “a fool out of a map of the invasion and watched as fighter
United States and other allies after World War hopes to win the Democratic nomination to himself” with his investigation of the pres- jets and other aircraft, including some that
II, a subtle rebuttal. oppose Trump in 2020, voiced his doubts ident. Pelosi was among the U.S. lawmakers streaked the sky with red, white and blue
In Thursday’s ceremony at Normandy back in the U.S., saying Trump was attending the D-Day observances. smoke, flew overhead. At the cemetery,
American Cemetery, many national leaders “destroying” NATO. In an interview on MSNBC, Pelosi Melania Trump placed a bouquet of white
stressed the alliances that led to D-Day. “If he gets re-elected, watch: NATO will declined to criticize Trump and said she flowers at the base of a cross-shaped head-
Trump focused on the valor of the men who b e di s i n t eg rat ed, ” Bi den s ai d at a hoped he would “convey a renewed spirit of stone.
018 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:12 PM Page 1


“The eyes of the world are upon you. The Canadians came ashore, Trudeau lauded the

Continued from page 1
hopes and prayers of liberty-loving peo-
ple everywhere march with you, ” Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower had said in his order
resulting world order including the United
Nations and NATO that have helped pre-
serve peace.
of the day. “The tide has turned! The free But postwar tensions were evident. Not
men of the world are marching together to invited to the remembrance was Russian
end to bloodshed. victory.” President Vladimir Putin, who had been
French President Emmanuel Macron and
On Wednesday, a commemoration was present for the 70th commemoration of D-
U.S. President Donald Trump praised the
held in Portsmouth, England, the main Day.
soldiers, sailors and airmen who took part
embarkation point for the transport boats. On Wednesday, German Chancellor
in the invasion, codenamed Operation
Then the dignitaries came to the bluffs and Angela Merkel said it was a “gift of histo-
Overlord, saying it was the turning point
beaches of Normandy, where veterans ry” that she was able to participate in the
that ended Nazi tyranny and ensured peace
recalled what they saw 75 years ago. ceremony on Britain’s southern coast.
for Europe.
“You are the pride of our nation, you are “The water was full of dead men, the Some 22,000 German soldiers are among
the glory of our republic, and we thank you beach had burning landing craft,” said Jim those buried around Normandy.
from the bottom of our heart,” Trump said Radford, 90, a British D-Day veteran from The D-Day invasion was a defining
of the warriors who took part in what he Hull, describing the scene near Gold moment of military strategy complicated
called the ultimate fight of good against Beach, where British landed. by unpredictable weather and human chaos
evil in World War II. He was there again to watch the unveil- after D-Day. in which soldiers from the U.S., Britain,
“They battled not for control and domi- ing of a statue at Gold Beach, where a Hundreds of people packed the seaside Canada and other Allied nations applied
nation, but for liberty, democracy and self- memorial to British fighters is to be erect- square in the town of Arromanches to relentless bravery to carve out a beachhead
rule, ” Trump said in a speech at the ed. applaud veterans of the Battle of on ground that Nazi Germany had occupied
Normandy American Cemetery overlook- At dawn Thursday, hundreds of civilians Normandy that ensued. A wreath was for four years.
ing Omaha Beach, the bloodiest of five and military alike from around the world placed outside the town’s D-Day Museum. The Battle of Normandy hastened
landing beaches. gathered on Omaha Beach. Gratitude was a powerful common theme. Germany’s defeat less than a year later.
Macron saluted the courage, generosity Dick Jansen, 60, from the Netherlands, Macron thanked soldiers “so that France Still, that single day cost the lives of
and strength of spirit that made them press drank Canadian whisky from an enamel could become free again” at the Gold Beach 4, 414 Allied troops, 2, 501 of them
on “to help men and women they didn’t cup on the water’s edge. Others scattered ceremony with May and uniformed veter- Americans. More than 5,000 were injured.
know, to liberate a land most hadn’t seen carnations into the waves. Randall ans laid the cornerstone of the memorial On the German side, several thousand were
before, for no other cause but freedom, Atanay, the son of a medic who tended to that will record the names of thousands of killed or wounded.
democracy.” the dying and wounded, waded barefoot troops under British command who died in From there, Allied troops would
He expressed France’s debt to the United into the water, bonding with his dad, who Normandy. advance, take Paris in late summer and race
States for freeing his country from the has since died. “If one day can be said to have deter- with the Soviet Red Army to control as
Nazis. Macron awarded five American vet- Up to 12,000 people attended the cere- mined the fate of generations to come, in much German territory as possible by the
erans with the Chevalier of Legion of mony at the Normandy American France, in Britain, in Europe and the time Adolf Hitler died in his Berlin bunker
Honor, France’s highest award. Cemetery, with U.S. veterans, their num- world, that day was the 6th of June, 1944,” and Germany surrendered in May 1945.
“We know what we owe to you, veterans, bers fast diminishing as years pass, the May said. The Soviet Union also fought valiantly
our freedom, ” he said, switching from guests of honor. As the sun rose that morning, not one of against the Nazis — and lost more people
French to English. “On behalf of my A 21-gun salute thundered into the the thousands of men arriving in than any other nation in World War II —
nation I just want to say ‘thank you.”’ waters below the cemetery, on a bluff over- Normandy “knew whether they would still but those final battles would divide Europe
About 160,000 troops were took part in looking Omaha Beach, and across the rows be alive when the sun set once again,” she for decades between the West and the
D-Day, and many more fought in the ensu- of white crosses and Stars of David. The said. Soviet-controlled East, the face-off line of
ing Battle of Normandy. Of those 73,000 final resting places of more than 9,380 of Passing on memories is especially the Cold War.
were from the United States, while 83,000 the fallen stretched out before the guests. urgent, with hundreds of World War II vet- “War is the most idiotic thing that man
were from Britain and Canada. Troops Britain’s Prince Charles, his wife, erans now dying every day. ever created,” said Charles Levesque, 93,
started landing overnight from the air, Camilla, and Prime Minister Theresa May Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who served in the Pacific theater. “Our ene-
then were joined by a massive force by sea attended a remembrance service at the hailed those who “took a gamble the world mies now are our friends, and our friends
on the beaches of Omaha, Utah, Juno, medieval cathedral in Bayeux, the first had never seen before.” are our enemies. It doesn’t make any
Sword and Gold, carried by 7,000 boats. Normandy town liberated by Allied troops Speaking at Juno Beach where 14,000 sense.”
019 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 5:37 PM Page 1

‘Secret Life of Pets 2’

is a well-crafted sequel
By Mark Kennedy Kevin Hart as the fluffy white bunny stranger is a baby, who Max learns to love ing together. But they manage it, creating a
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Snowball, Eric Stonestreet as the goofy unconditionally but which also ups his anx- solid piece of entertainment for all ages, if
giant Newfoundland, Lake Bell as the lacon- iety levels. (Any helicoptering parent out not a terribly revelatory one.
If the sweet, animated 2016 film “The ic cat Chloe and Jenny Slate as the plucky there knows what we mean.) In one story, Max finds himself ever fear-
Secret Life of Pets” was mostly for kids, its Pomeranian Gidget. This time, though, our ful for her owner’s new toddler, stressing out
main hero terrier Max is voiced by Patton Returning screenwriter Brian Lynch and as the boy’s protector. “Was the world
new sequel might be for another segment of returning director Chris Renaud, who also
Oswalt, replacing the disgraced Louis CK. always this dangerous?” he asks after a har-
the audience altogether — whoever is buy- voices the guinea pig Norman, have actual- rowing New York City stroll. He even devel-
ing the tickets. Amid the cute critter Both films in the franchise deal with a ly concocted three interlocking plots in ops a nervous scratching tick that requires a
shenanigans, this one has plenty of lessons new addition to the family. In the first, it “The Secret Life of Pets 2.” It’s a wise deci- mortifying dog cone. A trip to a farm in the
for the parents. was a new dog that allowed the filmmakers sion since none are deep enough to carry the
Most of the same gang is back this time: to explore sibling rivalry. This time, the film alone, forcing some convoluted stitch- See PETS, Page 22
020 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 5:36 PM Page 1


By Susan Cohn


“Hamilton” is the stage phenomenon
beyond compare, and for actor Julius
Thomas III, becoming the Founding Father
at the center of the action has been an exhil-
arating adventure.
DJ: In “Hami l to n, ” when y o u fi rs t
appear o n s tag e, the audi ence g o es
abs o l utel y wi l d. What i s y o ur fi rs t recording once through, and called in every
memo ry o f bei ng an audi ence mem- favor I could to get a last-minute ticket to
ber, s eei ng a theatri cal perfo rmance, see the show. I saw the original Broadway
feel i ng el ectri fi ed? cast. From there it’s just been all love. The
JT: I saw the touring company of show is genius, and every day I discover
“Showboat” in Chicago back when I was in something new while playing “Hamilton.”
high school. I remember being floored with That’s not just talk. Between this incredible
the level of ability the dancers had. Flips cast and this genius material, it’s never bor-
and leaps and kicks that seemed impossible. ing.
And singing that was so different from what DJ: What was the audi ti o n l i ke?
I heard on a regular basis. It was a sort of JT: Ha ha. How much time have you got?
opening of worlds. An introduction to a new I probably went in for the show about 20
form of expression. I was enthralled. times before being cast. It’s tough material,
DJ: When di d y o u s tart perfo rmi ng ? and there’s a lot to cover. So, I’d put it up
JT: I started singing in church as a kid. there with one of the hardest job interviews
But my first public performance was I’ve ever had.
singing at the school PTA meeting in ele- DJ. Hav e o t h e r p o rt ray al s o f
mentary school. I sang “The Rainbow Hami l to n i mpacted y o ur i nterpreta-
Connection” along with the recording of ti o n o f hi m fo r thi s pro ducti o n?
Kermit the Frog. Needless to say, I brought JT: I loved watching Lin [Lin-Manuel TOM JUNG/DAILY JOURNAL
the house down. Later in high school, I Miranda] do the show in Puerto Rico. By
joined the West Side Theatre guild in Gary,
Julius Thomas III portrays Founding Father Alexander Hamilton in‘Hamilton,’at the SHN Orpheum
that time, I had already crafted my Theatre in San Francisco through Jan. 5, 2020. Featuring a score that blends hip-hop, jazz, blues,
Indiana, and began performing musicals Hamilton, however you never stop crafting.
with them. I was taught the ropes by Mr.
rap, R&B and Broadway,‘Hamilton’ is the story of America then, as told by America now.
So, it was lovely to see the original inten-
Mark Spencer, the late Alger Boswell and tion for the role. But for me, crafting a role pres ence fo r y o u? Orpheum Theatre s tag e do o r after the
Juanita Vincent. has to come out of my experience, and my JT: I’ve passed by Trinity Church [the s ho w?
DJ: Ho w di d “Hami l to n” co me i nto truth. So, I largely take permission to be site of Hamilton’s grave in New York City] JT: I love the stage door. Someone
y o ur l i fe? myself, from watching others perform many a time, and there is definitely an ener- always has a story about me or (“Hamilton”
JT: I didn’t come into contact with the Hamilton. gy that surrounds that place. It’s palpable.
show until I received an offer to audition. As DJ: Wh at ab o ut Al e x an de r DJ: Any s urpri s es wi th fans at the
research, I sat down and listened to the cast Hami l to n, the man hi ms el f? Is he a See CITY, Page 22
021 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 5:50 PM Page 1


Cauliflower burgers burst with complex flavor


These North African-inspired cauli-

flower burgers are bursting with complex
flavor, and we love the contrast between
their creamy, nutty interiors and crunchy,
well-browned exteriors.
We found the trick was to first roast the
cauliflower, which takes less than 30 min-
utes; this intensified its flavor and made it
easy to mash the florets. Before roasting,
we tossed the florets with oil, cumin and
After roasting and mashing the cauli-
flower, we simply added panko (it worked
far better than flour) and an egg for bind-
ing and absorbing excess moisture, along
with shredded carrots and golden raisins.
Peppery baby arugula and herbed yogurt
sauce provided a fresh burst of flavor, and
toasted sliced almonds sprinkled over the
top added textural interest. Use the large
holes of a box grater to shred the carrot.

SPICED CAULIFLOWER Cauliflower burgers are bursting with complex flavor, with a contrast between creamy, nutty interiors and crunchy, well-browned exteriors.
BURGERS WITH YOGURT SAUCE 1 scallion, sliced thin divided 1/3 cup golden raisins, chopped
Servings: 4 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 large egg, lightly beaten
Start to finish: 1 hour, 30 minutes 1/4 teaspoon table salt 1/2 teaspoon paprika 4 hamburger buns, toasted if desired
Yogurt Sauce: Burgers: 1/2 teaspoon table salt 3 tablespoons sliced almonds, toasted
1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt 1 head cauliflower (2 pounds), cored and 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 cup baby arugula
1 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro cut into 1-inch florets 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, 1 small carrot, peeled and shredded See BURGER, Page 22


Sunday, June 9, 10 am - 2 pm
Music by James Moore & Friends
Rain or Shine

For more information, visit:

022 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 5:49 PM Page 1


hyper-masculinity. Wonder, Jefferson Airplane, Coolio and ZZ jokes but also this — a heroine.

Continued from page 19
Ford’s alpha dog is pure action cool, rip-
ping off Max’s cone in disgust (not the best
message for kids in treatment), rejecting
As signs of how well engineered this
movie is, a cover of Bill Withers’ “Lovely
It all builds to a climax where all three
plots converge, some stretched uncomfort-
ably. Max is clearly the emotional center of
Max’s embarrassed neurosis and being the Day” is used at the end, a callback to the orig- the film but Snowball’s journey is just weird,
cold, silent type. “The first step in not being inal song’s appearance in the first film. It starting as a bunny who plays a dress-up
country seems to offer a respite. Getting his afraid, is acting like you’re not afraid,” he also opens with “Empire State of Mind,” an
head right is his quest. superhero, morphing into a real superhero
advises. echo of how the first one opened with Taylor who is revealed to be anything but, before
Before he leaves, he asks Gidget to take Ford gets to play with his own he-man Swift’s “Welcome to New York.”
care of his favorite squeaky toy. She prompt- proving he IS a superhero, kind of. (Stick
screen persona, but we’re not sure this John There are some nifty touches, including a around at the end credits for a clip of Hart as a
ly loses it in a cat lady’s apartment filled Wayne bit — or the whole dynamic of pam- dream sequence in which Snowball fanta-
with crazed felines. Getting it back is her gangsta Snowball rapping “Panda” by
pered city folks versus tough country folks sizes about being a caped crusader, which Desiigner.)
comedic quest. Meanwhile, Snowball is — is what we need right now. Another draw- creates a comic book sequence INSIDE an
asked by a brave Shih Tzu (newcomer Tiffany back is the scary elements: fearful wolves animated film. Bell pretty much steals the If the knock on “The Secret Life of Pets”
Haddish) to rescue a tiger cub held by a and an awful villain with a whip and a cattle movie when her cat gets high on catnip and was that it was a rip-off of “Toy Story,” then
malevolent circus boss. His quest is, like the prod. later teaches Gidget the “way of the cat” — the second film better grounds itself in its
others ones, to find his inner superhero. Even so, the majority of the film is careful- complete with mandatory walking on a lap- own universe. Like its main three characters,
Oswalt is a fine replacement for Max, ly constructed, switching from plot to plot top keyboard and batting mugs off tables. it has learned to be comfortable in its own
able to connect with the character’s timidi- to plot while also incorporating old charac- All this with extraordinary animated effects. animated skin.
ty, wonder and blossoming courage. He is ters — Dana Carvey’s elderly Basset hound You will marvel at how real the illustrators “The Secret Life of Pets 2,” a Universal
helped by a gruff farm dog voiced by and Hannibal Buress as dachshund Buddy — have made this world, from rocky cliffs to Pictures release, is rated PG for “some action
Harrison Ford, who unfortunately muddies in an increasingly complex patchwork, fed speeding cars and dazzling eyes. In a neat and rude humor.” Running time: 86 minutes.
his first animated voice role with some by a lively soundtrack that includes Stevie twist, too, the cat lady becomes the butt of Three stars out of four.

JT: Something written specifically for me, rot, raisins, and egg until well combined.

Continued from page 20
or with me in mind. Writers ... @me, ha ha.
AND MORE: Julius Thomas III, a NAACP
Theatre Award nominee from Gary, Indiana,
Continued from page 21
Divide cauliflower mixture into 4 equal
portions. Using lightly moistened hands,
tightly pack each portion into 3/4-inch-
has appeared on Broadway and in tours of thick patty and place on prepared sheet.
“Hamilton,” “The Scottsboro Boys,” Cover and refrigerate patties until chilled
tickets) “being their Christmas present” or “Motown: The Musical,” “Porgy and Bess,” Fo r the y o g urt s auce: Combine all and firm, at least 30 minutes or up to 24
fan art to pass me. It’s cool to interact with “Shrek” and “Xanadu.” His television appear- ingredients in bowl; cover and refrigerate hours.
folks that are so invested in “Hamilton.” ances include “Modern Family,” “Odd Man until ready to serve. (Sauce can be refriger-
DJ: “Hami l to n” has been ex tended at Heat remaining 2 tablespoons oil in 12-
Out” and “Sesame Street.” Insta: ated for up to 4 days.)
the Orpheum unti l 2 0 2 0 . Are y o u @juliusthomas3. inch nonstick skillet over medium heat
Fo r the burg ers : Adjust oven rack to until shimmering. Using spatula, place
enjo y i ng thi s l o ng s tay i n San “HAMILTON” PARTICULARS. middle position and heat oven to 450 F.
Franci s co ? “Hamilton” runs through Jan. 5, 2020, at the patties in skillet and cook until deep gold-
Toss cauliflower with 1 tablespoon oil, en brown and crisp on first side, 3 to 5
JT: I love the vibe here. So free, and so SHN Orpheum Theatre, 1192 Market St. in cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper. Spread
unapologetically San Fran. I love Dolores San Francisco. Information and tickets at minutes. Using 2 spatulas, gently flip pat-
cauliflower evenly over aluminum foil- ties and cook until browned and crisp on
Park, Brenda’s and trucking off to the red- or (888) 746-1799.
woods. lined rimmed baking sheet and roast until second side, 3 to 5 minutes. Serve burgers
DJ: The way i t i s g o i ng no w, well browned and tender, 20 to 25 minutes. on buns, topped with yogurt sauce,
“Hami l to n” co ul d run fo rev er. But, Susan Cohn is a member of the American Theatre Let cool slightly, then transfer to large almonds, and arugula.
o uts i de o f Al ex ander Hami l to n, what Critics Association and the San Francisco Bay Area bowl. Nutrition information per serving: 415
Theatre Critics Circle. She may be reached at Line clean rimmed baking sheet with
i s y o ur dream ro l e? [email protected]. calories; 142 calories from fat; 16 g fat (2
parchment paper. Using potato masher, g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 55 mg choles-
mash cauliflower until broken down into terol; 769 mg sodium; 55 g carbohydrate;
rough 1/2-inch pieces. Stir in panko, car- 8 g fiber; 19 g sugar; 14 g protein.

- A Touch of Europe -
023 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:16 PM Page 1


Calendar R. Kelly pleads not guilty to additional sex charges
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS stood, Kelly, to 30 years in prison. That is more than
FRIDAY, JUNE 7 game chips. For more information
June Free First Friday. 10 a.m. to 4 call 368-1365. responded, “Yes, four times as long as the maximum
p.m. San Mateo County History CHICAGO — R&B singer R. Kelly sir.” The Grammy term for each of the 10 counts Kelly
Museum, 2200 Broadway, Redwood Morris Day and the Time. 7:30 p.m. pleaded not guilty to 11 additional sex- a wa r d- wi n n i n g was originally charged with in
City. Not only is admission free the to 9 p.m. San Mateo County Event
entire day, but two programs are Center, 2495 S. Delaware St., San related charges on Thursday, including singer, who has February.
planned for the public without any Mateo. This concert is a part of the four counts that carry a maximum denied any wrongdo- Kelly’s defense attorney, Steve
fees. At 11 a.m., preschool children San Mateo County Fair’s concert
will be invited to learn about grow- series. Free for fair attendees. For prison term of 30 years in prison. ing, left without Greenberg, said after the hearing that he
ing things. They will construct a more information call 574-3247. Prosecutors did not ask the judge to speaking to couldn’t speculate as to why prosecu-
paper garden bed with flowers to raise the bond amount for Kelly during
take home. At 2 p.m., museum SUNDAY, JUNE 9 reporters. A status tors brought the new charges, which
docents will lead tours of the muse- The 16th Annual Ryan’s Ride. 9:30 the brief hearing in Cook County court. R. Kelly hearing was sched- pertain to one of the four women he was
um for adults. Free. For more infor- a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Burlingame Main Kelly stood with his hands folded in uled for June 26. charged in February with sexually abus-
mation call 299-0104. Library, 480 Primrose Road,
Burlingame. While the event is free, front of him and listened to Judge Among the 11 new counts are four ing years ago, three of whom were
Kidz in Motion. 10:15 p.m. South children participants raise pledges Lawrence Flood describe the charges to counts of aggravated criminal sexual minors when the alleged abuse
San Francisco Main Library, 840 W. for the Ryan Phua Memorial Fund,
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. established through the Livestrong him. When Flood asked if he under- assault, which carries a sentence of up occurred.
Kids will move, play games, sing, Foundation to fund cancer-related
stretch and balance to foster gross programs in the Bay Area. For more
motor skills. Recommended for ages information call 245-6290. borhoods, raising questions over the The proposal seemed to fall flat
2-5 years old. Free. For more informa-
tion call 829-3860.
British Mah Jong. 1:15 p.m. to 3 p.m.
2019 San Mateo Color 5K charity
fun run. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. College Of
San Mateo, 1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd.,
SOUTH CITY strategy for identifying which areas of
the city are prioritized for work.
though, as Councilman Mark Addiego
questioned the efficacy of the technol-
San Mateo Senior Center, 2645 San Mateo. Registration is required. Officials explained available grant ogy, suggesting many of the criminals
Continued from page 5
Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Cost is $40. For more information call funding can factor into project time- targeted by the readers are often aware
Join an experienced instructor for an 619-6346.
introduction to the game of lines, but suggested if certain neigh- of their presence and will use fake
Mahjong using British Mah Jong The 39th Annual Nativity Carnival. million for storm drains and $1.7 mil- borhoods wish to address needs, a plates to obscure their identify.
Association rules. Free. For more Noon to 6 p.m. Nativity School, 1250 lion for parks. Of the $101 million in town hall meeting can be scheduled to
information call 522-7490. Laurel St., Menlo Park. Food court, City Manager Mike Futrell also
projects identified, $53 million should identify concerns.
games, raffle drawings, music, carni- noted there are security concerns
Science Matters! 3 p.m. South San val rides and tiki bar. Free. For more be set aside for new initiatives and the
information call 323-7914. More broadly, councilmembers which come with mounting the cam-
Francisco Main Library, 840 W. rest are for ongoing efforts, according
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. seemed to support the variety of initia- eras, which must be considered. And
Identify minerals, surf Google Earth, San Mateo’s Spring Dance Show. 1 to a city report.
p.m. to 4 p.m. Central Park Stage, E. tives proposed by officials for the while a city law enforcement official
find Sandy Land, consider conserva- Removing fuel tanks at Oyster Point identified the shortcomings of the
tion and more. Free. For more infor- Fifth Ave., San Mateo. Watch two
and improving flood protections for upcoming year, despite detailed ques-
mation call 829-3860. youth dance shows. Free. For more cameras too, Futrell said more consid-
information call 522-7488. the area, along with erosion control tions raised by Mayor Karyl
CuriOdyssey’s Summer Music Matsumoto. eration could be possible if preferred
Festival. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Ar t Docent Lecture: The Early efforts and storm drain fixes in specif- by councilmembers.
CuriOdyssey, 1651 Coyote Point Celebrity of Peter Paul Rubens. 3 ic neighborhoods plus pedestrian Beyond the capital improvement
Drive, San Mateo. Dance to the p.m. to 4 p.m. Belmont Library, 1110 crossing fixes are among the new proj- program, officials examined the larger “That is something we are willing to
rhythms of New Orleans with Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. explore, but at the end of the day it
Medicine Ball Music. Hot dinner avail- Inside look of the de Young ects identified. spending plan for the upcoming year
able for purchase while kids play Museum’s collection of Peter Paul Councilman Mark Nagales said he and discussed requests for funding from would be a council decision,” he said.
with hands-on science exhibits. Cost Rubens. Free. For more information
included with admission. For more call 591-8286. believed most of the proposed new a variety of departments. No final deci- Also as part of the discussion about
information call 342-7755. projects are suitable initiatives to sion was made, as all financial deci- expanding services, officials agreed to
R agazzi B oys Chorus Presents: sions will come with forthcoming allocate more money to hire an assis-
The 39th Annual Nativity Carnival. ‘Flight.’ 5 p.m. Aragon High School adopt.
5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Nativity School, Performing Arts Center, 900 Alameda “I think these projects are all wor- approval of the budget. tant city clerk, which will allow City
1250 Laurel St., Menlo Park. Food de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Inspired by Hall to start offering passport and
court, games, raffle drawings, music, Mexico and Colorado. $12-$23. For thy,” he said, according to video of the When discussing program-specific
carnival rides and tiki bar. Free. For more information call 342-8785. meeting. spending next year, Matsumoto raised notary service support to residents.
more information call 323-7914. He balanced that perspective though the proposal of bringing license plate Discussions around the budget will
Air Supply. 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. San
Centennial Tribute Concert to Nat Mateo County Fair, 2495 S. Delaware by noting some of the improvements readers to South San Francisco as part return later once the final document
K ing Cole presented by St., San Mateo. Listen to a rock duo are narrowly defined to specific neigh- of an effort to crack down on crime. comes up for approval.
Burlingame Library Foundation. 6 with world-renowned fame. Free. For
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Jazz musician more information call 574-3247.
Freddy Cole will honor his late broth- “Black Label” cheeseburger. patrons will be confronted by a white
er, Nat King Cole, with a Centennial
Concert commemorating his 100th
birthday. Burlingame Library, 480
Primrose Road, Burlingame. Cost is
$35-$95. For more information call
Caption phones for hearing loss.
1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. San Mateo Senior
Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas,
San Mateo. Clear Captions is a feder-
Continued from page 1
The ambitious wine program entails
about 2,000 selections on the opening
list with anywhere between 30,000
marble staircase that spirals up to the
second floor, where a balcony dining
room overlooks the main one.
348-1555. ally funded telecommunications and 40,000 bottles in the cellar at a The main dining room is outfitted
company that provides real-time text
Burlingame Renter Meetup Par ty. of phone conversations for people given time. with brass and crystal chandeliers, art-
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. II Piccolo Caffe, with hearing loss. Free. Registration books from the 1930s through 1960s “It’s probably one of the largest work by local artists, an antique lime-
1219 Broadway, Burlingame. Come required. For more information call for inspiration. opening wine lists in the country in stone fireplace imported from France,
mingle and munch with other 522-7490.
renters and learn about state and “The same concepts [in those cook- the last decade,” Stannard said. and it’s adjoined by three private din-
local efforts to achieve renter protec- Kaiser Knit for A Cause Outreach. books] will apply at Selby’s, but a lot ing rooms and a separate bar and
tions and affordable housing. Free. 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Kaiser Cancer Selby’s will also feature a full bar,
For more information call 430-2073. Treatment Center, 220 Oyster Point of the food we’ll cook is cleaner, deep list of American, Scotch, Irish lounge.
Blvd., South San Francisco. The Kaiser lighter and brighter with less cream,” and Japanese whiskey plus a tableside Stannard envisions a wide range of
SATURDAY, JUNE 8 Permanente Knitting Group meets
Walk with a Doc. 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. twice a month at Kaiser Permanente he said, adding that dishes including martini cart with a selection of ice- diners in Selby’s including couples
Rockaway Beach, 100 Rockaway Cancer Treatment Center and is open oysters Rockefeller, lobster thermi- cold gin and vodka. grabbing a meal before a movie or
Beach Ave., Pacifica. Enjoy a stroll to all knitters. Free. For more informa-
tion call 829-3860. dor, roast crown of duck and chicken a “We’ll build a martini at your table enjoying a wedding anniversary,
with physician volunteers who can
answer your health-related ques- la king will be on the menu. “We’re and the goal is to create the coldest friends meeting for a drink after work
tions along the way. People of all Doodle Club. 6:30 p.m. South San reviewing and refining those recipes,
Francisco Main Library, 840 W. martini on the West Coast,” Stannard or a company launching an initial pub-
ages and fitness levels are invited to
this free community health program. Orange Ave., South San Francisco. but honoring the essential ideas.” said. lic offering.
For more information call 312-1663. Free. For more information call 829-
3860. Overseen by two-Michelin star chef Pâté and spiced crown roast duck, for “It’s important to us that the restau-
San Bruno AARP Chapter 2895 Mark Sullivan, the menu will feature example, will also be carved tableside rant be used by the entire community,”
Monthly Meeting. 10 a.m. to noon. An Evening of Theatrical he said.
Monologues. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. dry-aged steaks and chops from cele- and the dessert menu will be filled with
San Bruno Senior Center, 1555
Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno. Dragon Productions Theatre Co., brated San Rafael-based provider throwbacks, including strawberries Selby’s is named after a tree-lined
2120 Broadway, Redwood City. romanoff, bananas foster and strawber-
Entertainment is Manny Cantania.
Monologues by actor Joshua Klein. Flannery’s Beef, ingredients sourced street adjacent to the property and it’s
For more information call 583-4499.
Cost is $5 to $10. For more informa- from a private organic farm as well as ries roasted in cognac. expected to open in June or early July,
San Mateo Japanese American tion call 493-2006. comfort options, including a signature Upon entering the restaurant, Stannard said.
Community Center Park ing Lot
Sale. 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. San Mateo Queen Nation. 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Japanese American Community San Mateo County Event Center,
Center, 503 E. Fifth Ave., San Mateo. 2495 S. Delaware St., San Mateo. A A
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V
Items for sale will include clothing, tribute to the music of Queen. Free. 1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
For more information call 574-3247. ^]PPQ
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
household goods and plants. For F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
more information call 343-2793.
TUESDAY, JUNE 11 6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb
Hawaiian Music Jam. 9 a.m. to 10:30 0 6 ; <

1>66;4 H>DA1

Writers Group. 10:30 a.m. South San

Francisco Main Library, 840 W. a.m. San Mateo Senior Center, 2645 ?>8=CB
B20;4 A0C8=6
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo.
Free. For more information call 829- Bring your ukulele. Free. Registration "[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]c $   , 2WWP\_
3860. required. For more information call #[[TccTab,
_^X]cb    $ ,  4  g_Tac
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb %    ,  ? a^
The 39th Annual Nativity Carnival.
Noon to 11 p.m. Nativity School, 1250 Textile Tuesday. 11 a.m. South San
_^X]cb "  % %,, 66P\Ta
_^X]cb !  " ",, AA^^ZXT

1 > = G
Laurel St., Menlo Park. Food court, Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
games, raffle drawings, music, carni- Orange Ave., South San Francisco. '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb  !
 0 \PcTda
val rides and tiki bar. Free. For more Free. For more information call 829- ([[TccTab,
, $_
_^X]cb  , ,
 Caah PV
information call 323-7914. 3860.

> 0
Origami time. 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Reach

Senior Day at the County Fair. 11

And Teach, 144 W. 25th Ave., San a.m. to 3 p.m. San Mateo County FT_ _dcb
Mateo. All ages welcome and all Event Center, 1346 Saratoga Drive, ^U[[TccTab2
materials provided free. Free. For San Mateo. Seniors ages 62+ admit-
more information call 759-3784. ted into San Mateo County Fair and 5X]S0
;40BC5 5>DA5 58E4;4CC4A
Senior Expo. Goody bags for the first 4;4<4=CB5 5A><C C74? ?4A8>382

D 0 A =
Slime! 1 p.m. South San Francisco
Main Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., 1000 guests. Parking fee $15. For C01;4XX]ccWTV
more information call 303-6735.

South San Francisco. Through the use
of the scientific method, test, observe
and record findings to better under- Dean Mar tin Impersonator

stand what it takes to make the per- Per formance. 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A = > 6
fect slime. Free. For more information San Mateo County Event Center,

call 829-3860. 1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo.
Sean Martin impersonator Matt
Catsino Night to Benefit Nine Lives Helm will sing some old favorites as

Foundation. 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. well as Sinatra songs. For more infor-
Veterans Memorial Senior Center, mation call 344-5200.
1455 Madison Ave., Redwood City. 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7
7PbQa^88]R %& (
$125. Ticket includes barbecue din- For more events visit !! (7

ner, two drink tickets and $50 in, click Calendar. f
fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ E>FBA A8=6;
024 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:46 AM Page 1

24 Friday • June 7, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL






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FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2019
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THE DAILY JOURNAL Friday • June 7, 2019 25

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The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- GROUNDSPERSON - STATEMENT #281304 Architectural Design
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set strategy. No trvl; no telcomm. Mail re- Genesys Telecommunications Labs in JOURNAL
sumes: ATTN: HR, 2955 Campus Drive, Daly City, CA seeks Staff Software En- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
#110, San Mateo, CA 94403. STATEMENT #281062
gineer. Mail resume to: ATTN: Patricia The following person is doing business
Stoddard, Genesys Telecommunications as: San Mateo Neighborhood Pharmacy,
Labs, 6415 S 3000 E Ste 300, Salt Lake 9 37th Ave., SAN MATEO, CA 94403.
Roblox Corporation in San Mateo, CA City, UT 84121. Include job code 78825 Registered Owner: Patient Centric Phar-
seeks Senior Frontend Engineer. Work in reply. EOE. macy Services, LLC, CA. The business
with the Roblox on distributed systems, is conducted by a Limited Liability Com-
real time communication, 3D co-experi- pany. The registrants commenced to
ence, massive data processing, social SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales
transact business under their FBN on
networking, rendering, physics, and more Representative needed to sell newspa- 10/20/2014.
Mail resume to: ATTN: Susan Leonard, per print and web advertising and event /s/Alvin Jun-Fa Lee/
Roblox Corporation, 970 Park Place, San marketing solutions. To apply, please call This statement was filed with the Asses-
Mateo, CA 94403. Include job code 650-344-5200 and send resume to sor-County Clerk on 4/23/2019. (Publish-
79839 in reply. EOE. [email protected] ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19).

Owner of a luxury home in the Burlingame area is
looking for a Housekeeper. This is a part-time po-
sition, 20 hours per week, paying $20.00 per
hour. Duties include light housekeeping, some
shopping, and keeping the house in good condi-
tion. No manual labor necessary. More impor-
tant, you will be supervising sub-contractors like
landscaping contractors, house cleaners, electri-
cians etc. to make sure that needed maintenance
and repairs get done timely and properly. This
would be the perfect job for a retired person.

Please send your resume to:

[email protected].
025-030 0607 fri:Class Master Odd 6/6/19 3:52 PM Page 2

26 Friday • June 7, 2019 THE DAILY JOURNAL

Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Tundra Tundra Tundra

203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): HEARING William Norman Schwarz, CASE# 19C1V02689 CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso):
18FAM01069 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- aka William N. Schwarz 17CLJ00248
(AVISO AL DEMANDADO) 17, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., (or as To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
soon thereafter as the mat- tingent creditors, and persons who may (LO ESTÁ DEMANDANDO EL DEMAN-
Yan Zhang otherwise be interested in the will or es- PETITION OF DANTE): WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.
ter is heard) in the Millbrae tate, or both, of William Norman Katherine Jenny Romanski NOTICE! You have been sued. The
YOU ARE BEING SUED BY City Council Chambers, 621 Schwarz, aka William N. Schwarz. A Pe- court may decide against you without
PETITIONER: Magnolia Ave., Millbrae, CA, tition for Probate has been filed by Mark TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: your being heard unless you respond
(NOMBRE DEL DEMANDANTE) Schwartz in the Superior Court of Cali- Petitioners: Katherine Jenny Romanski within 30 days. Read the information be-
the Millbrae Planning Com- fornia, County of San Mateo. The Peti- filed a petition with this court for a decree low. SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL)
Jeffry Quang Lee mission will conduct a public tion for Probate requests that Mark changing name as follows: You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso):
hearing on the following Schwartz be appointed as personal rep- Present name: this summons and legal papers are 18STLC03064
You have 30 calendar days after this resentative to administer the estate of Katherine Jenny Romanski served on you to file a written response
Summons and Petition are served on
matters: at this court and have a copy served on NOTICE TO DEFENDANT:
the decedent.
you to file a Response (form F-120) at The petition requests authority to admin- Proposed Name: the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not (AVISO AL DEMANDADO)
the court and have a copy served on the 608 SANTA SUSANA ister the estate under the Independent Katherine Jenny Olsen protect you. Your written response must
petitioner. A letter, phone call, or court be in proper legal form if you want the MICHAEL A. MROZ, an individual; and
AVENUE: DESIGN RE- Administration of Estates Act. (This au-
court to hear your case. There may be a DOES 1 through 75, inclusive,
appearance will not protect you thority will allow the personal representa- THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
If you do not file your Response on time, VIEW to allow for the reno- tive to take many actions without obtain- interested in this matter shall appear be-
court form that you can use for your re-
the court may make orders affecting your vation of an existing single- ing court approval. Before taking certain fore this court at the hearing indicated
sponse. You can find these court forms YOU ARE BEING SUED BY
and more information at the California PLAINTIFF:
marriage or domestic partnership, your story residence and con- very important actions, however, the per- below to show cause, if any, why the pe- Courts Online Self-Help Center (LO ESTA DEMANDADO EL DEMAN-
property, and custody of your children. struction of a new second- sonal representative will be required to tition for change of name should not be
You may be ordered to pay support and (, your DANTE)
give notice to interested persons unless granted. Any person objecting to the
attorney fees and costs. story on a Single-Family res- they have waived notice or consented to
county law library, or the courthouse
name changes described above must file nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing AMERICAN CONTRACTORS
For legal advice, contact a lawyer imme- idence in a Residential (R-1) the proposed action.) The independent a written objection that includes the rea- fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver INDEMNITY COMPANY, a California
diately. Get help finding a lawyer at the Zoning District. (Public administration authority will be granted sons for the objection at least two court form. If you do not file your response on corporation
California Courts Online Self-Help Center unless an interested person files an ob- time, you may lose the case by default,
(, at the Cali- Hearing) jection to the petition and shows good
days before the matter is scheduled to
be heard and must appear at the hearing and your wages, money, and property NOTICE! You have been sued. The court
fornia Legal Services website ( cause why the court should not grant au- may be taken without further warning may decide against you without your be-, or by contacting your local to show cause why the petition should
200 Rollins Road: thority. not be granted. If no written objection is from the court. ing heard unless you respond within 30
county bar association. A hearing on the petition will be held in There are other legal requirements. You
NOTICE-RESTRINING ORDERS ARE Planning Commission con- timely filed, the court may grant the peti- days. Read the information below.
this court as follows: JUN. 28, 2019 at may want to call an attorney right away. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after
ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders sideration of making a rec- 9:00 a.m., Dept. 28, Superior Court of
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the If you do not know an attorney, you may this summons and legal papers are
are effective against both spouses or do- ommendation to the City California, County of San Mateo, 400
petition shall be held on 7/3/19 at 9 a.m., want to call an attorney referral service. If served on you to file a written response
mestic partners until the petition is dis- Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- you cannot afford an attorney, you may
missed, a judgment entered, or the court
Council regarding the appro- County Center, Redwood City, CA
wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or-
at this court and have a copy served on
94063. be eligible for free legal services from a the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not
makes further orders. They are enforce- val of aFINAL MAP to deter- If you object to the granting of the peti- der to Show Cause shall be published at nonprofit legal services program. You protect you. Your written response must
able anywhere in California by any law mine whether the Final Map, tion, you should appear at the hearing least once each week for four successive can locate these nonprofit groups at the be in proper legal form if you want the
enforcement officer who has received or approved by the City Engi- and state your objections or file written weeks prior to the date set for hearing on California Legal Services Web site court to hear your case. There may be a
seen a copy of them. objections with the court before the hear- the petition in the following newspaper of (, the Califor- court form that you can use for your re-
FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the fil- neer, conforms to the re- general circulation: nia Courts Online Self-Help Center sponse. You can find these court forms
ing. Your appearance may be in person
ing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver quirements imposed as a or by your attorney. San Mateo Daily Journal (, or by and more information at the California
form. The court may order you to pay condition of its acceptance. If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- Filed: 5/23/2019 contacting your local court or county bar Courts Online Self-Help Center
back all or part of the fees and costs that /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ association. NOTE: The court has a stat- (, your
the court waived for you or the other par-
This Final Map is for the itor of the decedent, you must file your utory lien for waived fees and costs on county law library, or the courthouse
claim with the court and mail a copy to Judge of the Superior Court
ty. Gateway at Millbrae Station the personal representative appointed by Dated: 5/21/2019 any settlement or arbitration award of nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing
Tiene 30 dias de calendario despues de (TOD #2) project located at $10,000 or more in a civil case. The fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver
the court within the later of either (1) four (Published 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19, court's lien must be paid before the court form. If you do not file your response on
haber recibido la entrega legal de sta 200 Rollins Road. (Public months from the date of first issuance of 6/21/19).
(Citacion y Peticion para presentar una will dismiss the case. time, you may lose the case by default,
Hearing) letters to a general personal representa- ¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no re- and your wages, money, and property
Respuesta (formulario FL-120) ante la tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the
corte y efectuar la entrega legal de una sponde dentro de 30 días, la corte puede may be taken without further warning
California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days decidir en su contra sin escuchar su ver- from the court.
copia al demandante. Una carta o llama- At the time of the hearing, all from the date of mailing or personal de-
da telefonica o una audeiencia de la sión. Lea la información a continuación. There are other legal requirements. You
corte no basta para protegario. interested persons are invit- livery to you of a notice under section
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO de- may want to call an attorney right away.
ed to appear and be heard. 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth- spués de que le entreguen esta citación If you do not know an attorney, you may
Si no presenta su Ruspuesta a tiempo, la er California statutes and legal authority STATEMENT #281398 y papeles legales para presentar una re- want to call an attorney referral service. If
corte puede dar ordenes que afcten su If you challenge the decision may affect your rights as a creditor. You The following person is doing business spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer you cannot afford an attorney, you may
matrimonio o pareja de hencho, sus bi- of the City in court, you may may want to consult with an attorney as: Four Star Automotive, Inc./Four Star que se entregue una copia al deman- be eligible for free legal services from a
enes y la custodia de sus hijos. La corte knowledgable in California law. Truck Repair, 1405 San Mateo Avenue, dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni- nonprofit legal services program. You
tambien le puede ordenar ue pague be limited to raising only SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080. ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es-
You may examine the file kept by the can locate these nonprofit groups at the
manutencion, y honorarios y costos le- those issues you or some- court. If you are a person interested in Registered Owner: Four Star Automo- crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor- California Legal Services Web site
gales. one else raised at the public the estate, you may file with the court a tive, Inc., CA. The business is conduct- recto si desea que procesen su caso en (, the Califor-
Para asesoramiento legal, pongase en ed by a Corporation. The registrants la corte. Es posible que haya un formu- nia Courts Online Self-Help Center
contacio de inmediato con un abogado. hearing described in this no- Request for Special Notice (form DE-
lario que usted pueda usar para su re- (, or by
154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- commenced to transact business under
Puede obtener informacion para encon- tice, or in written corre- praisal of estate assets or of any petition their FBN on 12/20/2004. spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu- contacting your local court or county bar
trar un abogado en el Centro de Ayuda spondence delivered to the or account as provided in Probate Code /s/Anthony P. Bernardini/ larios de la corte y más información en el association. NOTE: The court has a stat-
de las Cortes de California ( Planning Commission at, or section 1250. A Request for Special No- This statement was filed with the Asses- Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali- utory lien for waived fees and costs on, en el sitio web de los Ser- tice form is available from the court clerk. sor-County Clerk on 5/28/2019. (Publish- fornia (, en la biblio- any settlement or arbitration award of
vicios Legales de California ( prior to, the public hearing. teca de leyes de su condado o en la $10,000 or more in a civil case. The
Attorney for Petitioner: ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, or poniendose en contacto For further information or to Kevin S. Veenstra 6/7/19, 6/14/19, 6/21/19, 6/28/19).
corte que le quede más cerca. Si no court's lien must be paid before the court
con el colegio del abogados du suconda- review the materials regard- puede pagar la cuota de presentación, will dismiss the case. ¡AVISO! Lo han
do. Sonoma Law Group Inc. pida al secretario de la corte que le dé demandado. Si no responde dentro de
AVISO-LAS ORDENES DE RESTRIC- ing these matters, please 445 Orchard Street Suite 204 un formulario de exención de pago de 30 días, la corte puede decidir en su
contact the Millbrae Com- SANTA ROSA, CA 95404 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la in-
NA 2: Las ordenes de restriccion estan (707)284-8844 tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum- formación a continuación.
munity Development Depart- FILED: 5/24/2019 The following person is doing business plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su- Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO de-
en vigencia en cuanto a ambos conyug-
es o meimbros de la pareja de hecho ment 621 Magnolia Avenue, (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- as: Auto Pride Car Wash, 195 El Camino eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten- spués de que le entreguen esta citación
hasta que se despida la peticion, se emi- Millbrae at (650) 259-2341. nal on 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/8/19 ) Real, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Regis- cia. y papeles legales para presentar una re-
ta un fallo o la corte de otras ordenes. tered Owner: Auto Pride Car Wash, CA. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco- spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer
Cualquier agencia del orden publico que The business is conducted by a Corpora- mendable que llame a un abogado inme- que se entregue una copia al deman-
haya recibido o visto una copia de estas
If anyone wishes to appeal tion. The registrants commenced to diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni-
ordenes puede hacerlas acatar en cual- any final action taken, transact business under their FBN on puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es-
quier lugar de California. he/she may do so by con- 01/01/1980. abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo- crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor-
EXENCION DE CUOTAS: Si no puede /s/Timothy A. Mitchell/ gado, es posible que cumpla con los recto si desea que procesen su caso en
tacting the City Clerk at This statement was filed with the Asses- requisitos para obtener servicios legales la corte. Es posible que haya un formu-
pagar la cuota de presentacion, pida al ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR
secretario un formulario de exencion de (650) 259-2414, to submit a sor-County Clerk on 5/15/2019. (Publish- gratuitos de un programa de servicios le- lario que usted pueda usar para su re-
CHANGE OF NAME gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu-
cuotas. La corte puede ordnar que usted written appeal and pay the CASE# 19C1V02706 ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio larios de la corte y más información en el
pague, ya sea en parte o por completo, corresponding fee. An ap- SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19). web de California Legal Services, Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali-
las quotas y costos de la corte previa- peal letter must be submit- COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, (, en el Centro fornia (, en la biblio-
mente exentos a peticion de usted o de 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, teca de leyes de su condado o en la
la otra parte. ted before the end of the ap- REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ( o poniéndose en corte que le quede más cerca. Si no
The name and address of the court is (El peal period stated at the PETITION OF STATEMENT #281263 contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo- puede pagar la cuota de presentación,
nombre y dirección de la corte es): conclusion of the hearing. Luke, Adam Le The following person is doing business gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte pida al secretario de la corte que le dé
Superior Court, County of San Mateo as: Auto Pride Car Wash, 909 Woodside tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los un formulario de exención de pago de
400 County Center 6/7/19 Rd., REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061. Reg- costos exentos por imponer un grava- cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 CNS-3262167# Petitioner: Luke, Adam Le filed a petition istered Owner: Auto Pride Car Wash, men sobre cualquier recuperación de tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum-
The name, address, and telephone num- SAN MATEO DAILY with this court for a decree changing CA. The business is conducted by a Lim- $10,000 ó más de valor recibida me- plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su-
ber of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff with- ited Partnership. The registrants com- diante un acuerdo o una concesión de eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten-
out an attorney, is (El nombre, la direc- JOURNAL names as follows:
menced to transact business under their arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. cia.
ción y el número de teléfono del aboga- Present names: FBN on 01/01/1980. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco-
do del demandante, o del demandante Luke, Adam Le /s/Timothy A. Mitchell/ antes de que la corte pueda desechar el mendable que llame a un abogado inme-
que no tiene abogado, es): This statement was filed with the Asses- caso. diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado,
Tu, Minh Huynh The name and address of the court is (El
Dale N. Chen, Esq. SBN 114701 sor-County Clerk on 5/15/2019. (Publish- puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a
Law Offices of Dale N. Chen nombre y dirección de la corte es): SU- abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo-
Proposed Names: ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, PERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, SAN gado, es posible que cumpla con los
4655 Old Ironsides Dr #220 Loc, Tan Lang 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19).
SANTA CLARA, CA 95054 MATEO COUNTY, REDWOOD CITY, requisitos para obtener servicios legales
Tu, minh Lang SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, gratuitos de un programa de servicios le-
FILED: 5/2/2018 400 County Center Redwood City CA gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME THE COURT ORDERS that all persons FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 94063 estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio
DATE (Fecha): 5/2/2018 STATEMENT #281316 interested in this matter shall appear be- STATEMENT #281264
Clerk (Secretario) by, C.Colloum The name, address, and telephone num- web de California Legal Services,
The following person is doing business fore this court at the hearing indicated The following person is doing business ber of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff with- (, en el Centro
Deputy (Asistente) as: The Committee to Rebrand Industrial below to show cause, if any, why the pe- as: Auto Pride Car Wash, 1095 Carolan
(SEAL) out an attorney, is (El nombre, la direc- de Ayuda de las Cortes de California,
Road-San Carlos, 1697 Industrial Road, tition for change of name should not be Avenue, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. ción y el número de teléfono del aboga- ( o poniéndose en
SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Registered granted. Any person objecting to the Registered Owner: Auto Pride Car Wash, do del demandante, o del demandante contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo-
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- Owner: Dominick Chirichillo, same ad-
nal: 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19) name changes described above must file CA. The business is conducted by a Cor- que no tiene abogado, es): Brian N. gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte
dress. The business is conducted by an a written objection that includes the rea- poration. The registrants commenced to Winn (SBN 86779) Laura M. Hoalst tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los
Individual. The registrants commenced sons for the objection at least two court (SBN 101082) John E. Gordon (SBN costos exentos por imponer un grava-
to transact business under their FBN on transact business under their FBN on
days before the matter is scheduled to 01/01/1980. 180053) Stephen S. Zeller (SBN 265664) men sobre cualquier recuperación de
May 20, 2019. be heard and must appear at the hearing Casey M. Jensen (SBN 263593) Jason $10,000 ó más de valor recibida me-
/s/Dominick Chirichillo/ /s/Timothy A. Mitchell/
to show cause why the petition should This statement was filed with the Asses- M. Burrows (SBN 309882) Nicholas W. diante un acuerdo o una concesión de
This statement was filed with the Asses- Lynes (SBN 312463) arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil.
sor-County Clerk on 5/20/2019. (Publish- not be granted. If no written objection is sor-County Clerk on 5/15/2019. (Publish-
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- WINN LAW GROUP, A PROFESSIO- Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, NAL CORPORATION, The Chapman antes de que la corte pueda desechar el
5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19). tion without a hearing. A hearing on the 5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19).
petition shall be held on 7/12/19 at 9 Building 110 E Wilshire Ave Ste 212 Full- caso.
a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, erton CA 92832 (714) 446-6686 (File No. The name and address of the court is (El
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this 16-16046-0-ECC-GD) (4100-00) nombre y dirección de la corte es):
STATEMENT #281158 STATEMENT #281371 Order to Show Cause shall be published STATEMENT #281327
The following person is doing business Clerk (Secretario), by RODINA M. CATA- CALIFORNIA
The following person is doing business at least once each week for four succes- The following person is doing business LANO, Deputy (Adjunto)
as: Ultra Construction, 613 Rocca Ave- COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CEN-
as: 1)AUG Global 2)DSI Global 3)AI sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- as: Snap Fitness Daly City, 6403 Mission 17-CLJ-00248 SUM, Summons Issued / TRAL DISTRICT
nue, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA Body, 555 Twin Dolphin Dr. Ste 135, ing on the petition in the following news-
94080. Registered Ownesr: Delfino Al- St., DALY CITY, CA 94101. Registered Filed 335798 111 North Hill Street,
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94065. Regis- paper of general circulation: Owner: VITALITY Health LLC, CA. The (SEAL) Los Angeles, CA 90012
varado and Ana R. Alvarado, same ad- tered Owner: Delphi Software Int’l, Inc., San Mateo Daily Journal
dress. The business is conducted by a business is conducted by a Limited Lia- 5/17, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7/19 The name, address, and telephone num-
CA. The business is conducted by a Cor- Filed: 5/30/2019 bility Company. The registrants com- CNS-3254062# ber of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff with-
Married Couple. The registrants com- poration. The registrants commenced to /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ menced to transact business under their SAN MATEO DAILY JOURNAL out an attorney, is (El nombre, la direc-
menced to transact business under their transact business under their FBN on Judge of the Superior Court FBN on N/A. ción y el número de teléfono del aboga-
FBN on 6/18/2008. Feb 24, 2016. Dated: 5/22/2019 do del demandante, o del demandante
/s/Ana R. Alvarado/ /s/Valeri Shidlovsky/ (Published 6/7/19, 6/14/19, 6/21/19,
/s/Steve Escamilla/
This statement was filed with the Asses- que no tiene abogado, es):
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- 6/28/19). Tracy A. Stevenson (Bar No. 162408)
sor-County Clerk on 5/2/2019. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/24/2019. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 5/21/2019. (Publish-
Lanak & Hanna, P.C. [#24599]
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 625 The City Drive South Suite 190
5/17/19, 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19). 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19, 6/21/19). 5/24/19, 5/31/19, 6/7/19, 6/14/19). ORANGE, CA 92868
025-030 0607 fri:Class Master Odd 6/6/19 3:52 PM Page 3

THE DAILY JOURNAL Friday • June 7, 2019 27

203 public notices 298 collectibles 300 toys 304 furniture 304 furniture 310 misc. for sale
(714)620-2350 49’er 1990-1991 calendar. Eddie Jump and Play Keyboard brand new, in dining room Table-Antique,Oak, tiki bar - Original from the 60’s,Like blue oyster cult lp signed by donald
FILED: 02/21/2018 deBartolo on cover. Mint condition. original box. $25.00. (650)454-7580. 5chairs, w/ extension $200 Elvis', made of wood, 68”X22X39, $3500 r. Eric b. And Wilcox. $40. Cash
DATE (Fecha): 02/21/2018 $10.00. Leave msg (650)588 0842 (650)290-3188 (650)245-4234. (408)661-6019
Clerk (Secretario) by, Sherri R. Carter star Wars Celebration 3 Darth Vader
Deputy (Adjunto) Francisco Caldera approx. 40 yr old 1/2 l German Beer $20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568
(SEAL) cash register Parts; Much Skin Not
Stein, Raigimal, Gerz. $60 (650)207- dining table (36"x54") and 4 match- tWin bed, mattress, box spring, frame Guts $500 (415)269-4784
NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: 4162 302 antiques ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for $ 50. (650)598-9804.
You are served as an individual defend- $250 .(650)-654-1930. chrome bathroom standard center
ant tWo Wood Book Shelves, $75 with
classic lamborghini Countach beer steins-original from Germa- drawers and pull-down desk call set faucet complete and ready to install,
Print ,Perfect for Garage,Framed Size ny, three different $99 ea. Call for info dining table - (72”x42”)WITH 2 FT $5, (650)595-3933
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- Extension, six upholstered chairs, excel- (650)697-3709
nal: 6/7/19, 6/14/19, 6/21/19, 6/28/19) Medium ,Good Condition $25. (510)684- (650)592-7483
0187 lent condition, $450 (650)692-8012. cosco play Pen with travel bag. Used
used bedroom Furniture, FREE. Call
(650)573-7381. once $35 (650)591-2981
collectable cabbage Patch Kids mahogany antique Secretary desk, dining table. 72" by 42". With leaf
Luncheon Set. Royal Worchester. New 72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- 90". $99 or best offer. (650)228-3389 cut glass serving bowl 8" diameter
Wall unit/room Divider. Simple
Box. Great Christmas Present. $100 elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024. lines. Breaks down for transportation. $25. Call 650-921-4016
dresser-antique Vanity Combo, 3
(650) 572-8895 beveled mirrors, Eight Drawers, $400 $25.(650)712-9962 leave message
roseVille tulip Pitcher, Ca: 1900. deluxe folder Walker - 5" wheels -
(650)290-3188 Never Used - $40 (650)341-5347
cool hot Rod Print "Eddies Market" $45. (650)574-2490. Walnut chest, small (4 drawer with
Perfect for Garage,Size Medium,Perfect english draW Table, $50 Solid Wood upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429 display case, glass top. 27”x20”x2”
condition $25. (510)684-0187 303 electronics 48" with two 12" pull-out leaves, White Wicker Armoire, asking $100, Deep. $15.00. 650-588-0842.
call(650)697-3709 great condition, text for picture (650)571-
depression glass Dining Plate. 8 free teleVision - Mitsubishi, driVe 3-Wheel buggy $45. Call
295 art 3/4", crows foot pattern, clear ruby red. 26"W,22"H,18"D Works Great, Not ethan allen sofa and love seat. Blue
$12 (650)762-6048 Flatscreen, Text (650) 333-8323 Local velveteen. Solid construction. Some col-
oil painting-canVass, Victorian Wood - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x free magazines. Library discards
Delivery available. or fading in spots. Great sofa for reuphol- 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311
Scene, With Frame 56”x44” $350.00 dinah Washington, Autographed stering. Free. (650)593-7001. year old ones. Wide variety. Good for
OBO (650)515-6091 8”x10” glossy photo. Good condition crafts, light reading. (650)952-9074
onkyo aV Receiver HT-R570 .Digital
$1200 OBO (650)342-3825 Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, glider rocker and ottoman, oak, excel- 306 housewares
296 appliances Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393 lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644. free: Wild turkey feathers; whole
games of the 23rd Olympiad maga- budWeiser stein $10 (650)589-5065 wings, full tail fans. Wild duck wings. For
air conditioner 10000 BTU w/re- zine. 1984. $10.00. Leave msg (650)588- phillips-50” color t.V., Heavy, $99 ikea dresser, black, 3 shelf. 23" x fly tying, art projects, etc. Call Mark
mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG 0842 (650)591-8062 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804. crystal Wine glasses new (12ea) (650)207-0882
brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- $20.00 Call 650-592-2648
0898 ikea table, black 58" x 21" x 14" high. genuine sWiss Army Knife with knife
lennox red Rose, Unused, hand 304 furniture $ 30. (650)598-9804.
painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, german stein $10 (650)589-5065 blade, nail file, nail cleaner, scissors, per-
free Washer and 220v dryer, both $12.00. (650) 578 9208. mahogany tV Cabinet, $75 4'H x 3'W fect, $5, (650)595-3933
antique dining table for six people mikasa set. White. Modern (square)
working. Belmont (415) 902-4484. You with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 x 2'D, perfect condition call (650)697- Setting for 4 $30 (415)734-1152.
move, stairs. miller lite Neon sign , work good 3709 hands free, holds any cellphone firm-
$59 call (650)218-6528 neW "bella" buffet triple slow cooker ly on handlebar, completely adjustable,
glass-panel lampshade. Similar antique mohagany Bookcase. Four and food warmer $35.00 call (650)592- locks in position, $9, (650)595-3933
feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. mattress, tWin long, excellent condi-
to TIFFENEY about16" diameter. multi- old, antique, Bottle Collection: 20 tion, $25, (650) 552-9556 2648
ple tan/white mainly.Hang or lampshade. bottles in total. $40 for all. (650)762-6048 hat, t-shirt, sweatshirt and comput-
$75 (650)727-7266 bedstead single, poster style, box neW deluxe Twin Folding Bed, Lin- sink double cast iron. Good condi- erbag $80.00 for all (650)592-2648
one collection of antique Cuban spring, mattress available. $40.00. ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must tion. $99.00. (650)593-7408
hotpoint heaVy Duty Dryer excellent Cigar Bands. $95. (415) 867-6444. No (650)593-7408 Sell! (650) 875-8159. lionel christmas Holiday expan-
working condition Burlingame $50 Call Texting. sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
Dan (408)656-0958 beige sofa $99. Excellent Condition niagara Vibrating Adjustable bed
307 Jewelry & clothing
patrick nagel Print "Gallery in the (650) 315-2319 good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan lionel Western Union Pass car and
maytag Washer excellent working Courtyard ' # 7, Custom Framed , $100 (408)656-0958 anne klein silver-tone watch with dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan .(510)684-0187 bunk beds for sale. Cherry Wood, 2 Swarovski crystals & mother-of-pearl di-
(408)656-0958 years old. Includes Mattresses. $600 or al. $60.00 call(650)872-2371 motley crue lp signed by neil lee
queen sofa Bed, $75 Sherrill (sp?), sixx and mars $75 cash (408)661-6019
small rug beater. $15.00 (650)207- B/O (650)685-2494 Salmon fabric, 91" wide, good condition,
mfg h20labs Model 300 exc cond 4162 call (650)697-3709 308 tools negrini fencing Epee mask size M
counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839. china cabinet Wallet, $20. Call . & France Lames 5 epee blade $95
topps baseball complete set 1987 (650)589-1407 antique iron Hand Drills. 3 available (415)260-6940
neW, singer Sewing Machine Univer- thru 1992, 1998,1999 $99 Rick (415)999- retro hutch Needs refinishing other- at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron
sal Carry Case Model 620, Free Arm Ma- 4474 chocolate broWn living room chair wise good condition. Top detaches from
chine Compatible, $35, (650)483-1222 old b&l Microscope in good condition;
with cushion. In excellent condition, $60. bottom $25. (650)712-9962 craftsman 6”x9” belt/disc sander, 35x 100x 430x $50. (650) 588-0842.
tWo 1998 Star Wars R2-D2 action fig- Call 650-872-2371. used once. Cost $330.00 check Sears
tiffany style Lamp shade. Older- ure variations, new/unopened. $25 for sofa-beige fabric, Orig. $900, website. $150.00 (650)591-6283
multiple panels. 17” diameter. $75. (650) ray-ban top Bar Sunglasses
both. Steve (650)518-6614 computer desk (glass) & chair. Like Rarely used, 7ft long, $350 RB31832 BlackFrameSemi rimless semi-
727-7266. (650)234-8218 craftsman 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
new $75 OBO (650)704-4709 or wrap Lens:GreyUV UltraSleek Light-
Vintage stemWare: 3 styles, 23 [email protected] dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402 weight New w/case $65.00 (650)591-
Vacuum cleaner (reconditioned) solid Wood Dining table with exten-
$10 Call Ed (415)298-0645 pcs. $60, (650)207-4162 6596
sion great piece great condition black lg craftsmen shop vac 6.5hp $60
computer desk with 3 side drawers . (510)943-9221
Pine wood lacquered. Almost new. Ask $80 (650)364-5263 rollerblades, used, size 10. $20
297 bicycles 299 computers for pic . $89 or bo.(650)255-3514 text or shopsmith mark V 50th Anniversary obo. Please call (650)745-6309
leave message solid Wood Entertainment Center-
TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In most attachments. $1,500/OBO.
adult bikes 1 regular and 2 with bal- 19" color Monitor with stand VG con- (650)504-0585 samsonite 26" tan hard-sided suit
loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 dition power cord/owners manual includ- Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in. case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new.
computer sWiVel CHAIR. Padded X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o
ed $60.00 OBO 1-415-279-4857 Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 Vintage craftsman Jig Saw. Circa $45. (650)328-6709
child’s schWinn bicycle, blue in (925)482-5742
1947. $60. (650)245-7517
good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189. recordable cd-r 74, Sealed, Unop- desk 6 drawer - 53"w x 31 1/2"d x 29"h silk saree 6 yards new nice color.for
ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X, table 24"x48" folding legs each end. $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in-
- $40.00 (650)454-4902 Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost 310 misc. for sale
mountain bike new 21 gears $100. (650) 578 9208 formation.
(650)722-3634 $130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141
desk, gd. cond. $99.99 or b.o.
(650)458-3578 500-600 big Band-era 78's--most mint, sink, 33”x22” Top mount with faucet,
300 toys thomasVille dining table, $50 4 no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459 $15.00 (650)544-5306
298 collectibles chairs, mid-century blonde with two
leaves call (650)697-3709.
14-1000-pcs puzzles $3.00 ea. bessy small Evening Hand Bag With slr lens Sigma 28-105mm f3.8-5.6
(650)207-4162 dining room table and six
1984 time magazine. Special 1994 chairs -Antique, Mahogany Chippen- Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371 Sigma SA Mount $25 (650)436-7171
Olympics report. $10.00. Leave msg tWo tier Mahogany finish changing ta-
american flyer locomotive runs dale Chairs- $3000 (650)888-2662 ble with pad great condition-$30.00 bifold shutters 2x28”x79 $10.00 stock air intake, 5.7 hemi $80.00
good #21085 $75.00 (650) 867-7433 (650)771-6324 (650)544-5306 (650)454-4902
025-030 0607 fri:Class Master Odd 6/6/19 3:52 PM Page 4

28 Friday • June 7, 2019 THE DAILY JOURNAL

310 Misc. For Sale 340 Camera & Photo equip. 379 Open houses 620 Automobiles 630 trucks & SuV’s 670 Auto Service
tireS-Set OF four P225 45 R18 $80 nikOn 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel- MAzDA ‘16 Sky Active one owner per- FOrD ‘10 F150 Super Crew cab, 78K
OBO (650)359-2238. lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044 fect condition 4DR Silver Low miles miles. System-One toolboxes and rack. SMOG CheCk
tunturi rOWinG Machine, Good OMeGA B600 Condenser Enlarger, In-
OPen hOuSe $18,995 OBO (650)520-4650. $16K contact or text (650)520-3725 $29.75 + $8.25 certificate
VAliD Mon thru thu
Condition, $75, (650)483-1222 struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940
liStinGS niSSAn ‘01 MAXiMA
$3,500. (650)302-5523
160K miles, leXuS ‘07 GX450, 124K miles, $11,900
9am to 11:30am and 1pm to 5pm
uniDen hArley Davidson Gas Tank Look for coupon in the Daily Journal
phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485 ViVitAr V 2000 W/35-70 zoom and List your Open House niSSAn ‘12 Leaf, Electric, low mileage tOyOtA ‘06 4runner, 190K miles,
original manual. Like new. $99 SSF in the Daily Journal. 34,500 Excellent condition (650)796- $7,900.. (650)302-5523 luxurati Auto
WAlker - Good Condition - Like New - (650)583-6636 3896. 704 N. San Mateo Dr., San Mateo
$35 (650)341-5347
Reach over 83,450 POntiAC ‘97 Passenger Van. Aluminum
635 Vans 650-458-6666
311 Musical instruments 345 Medical equipment potential home buyers & Rims with good tires. Needs engine
tOyOtA ‘08 SIENNA LE, excellent con-
ADJuStABle BAth shower transfer
renters a day, work! $900. Call (650)365-8287 or cell
dition, camera, bluetooth, trailer, 94K
1929 Antique Alto Selmer, Cigar Cut- from South San Francisco 9650)714-3865.
bench with sidebar $15 (510)770-1976 miles. $9,000. text (925)786-5545 See 670 Auto Parts
ter, Newly Refurbished $4,500 OBO Call to Palo Alto. craigslist for pics.
(650)742-6776. tOyOtA ’96 Tercel Original owner,
COMMODe, Very clean and disinfect- in your local newspaper. 30mpg, original paint/Interior, will not 1960S CADillAC hub caps $40
ChrOMAtiC hArMOniCA: Horner
ed. Asking $20 obo. Please call if inter- start, $850.00 (650)367-0597. 640 Motorcycles/Scooters (650)592-3887
ested. (650)745-6309
The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, Call (650)344-5200 BMW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call BriDGeStOne AlenzA 235/65R17,
(650)278-5776. DriVe 3-in-1 commode with seat,buck- 625 Classic Cars (650) 995-0003 $50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
et,cover,splash sheild,armrests $10 used less than 10k. (650)593-4490
(510)770-1976 CADillAC ‘85 Classic El Dorado MOtOrCyCle SADDleBAGS,
ePiPhOne leS Paul Custom Prophecy 44,632 original miles. Needs body work
Electric Guitar. Mint. $625.00. with mounting hardware and other parts CheVy S-10 center caps - 4 / $60.00
DriVe DeluXe two button walker $10 380 real estate Services and headliner $2,475 OBO (650)218- $35. Call (650)670-2888. (650)454-4902
(510)770-1976 4681.
CheVy/GMC 1994. Full size. Front
eVerett uPriGht antique piano. rADiAtiOn PrOteCtiOn 1/2-apron CAll CrOnAn Real Estate today at CheVy ‘55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard 645 Boats plastic/bumper/grill complete. Perfect
Lovely sound. $99. 650-365-5718. Pb free; .5mm Pb equivalent, xl, adjusta- 650 274 0259 to learn how to win Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000 Photos. San Mateo $75 (650)727-7266
ble buckle, gently used; $60; 607-227- in the local real estate market. Lunch obo. (650)952-4036. BOAt- 7 FT Livingston Fiber Glass., 2.5
huGe luDWiG Drum Set Silver Sparkle 7742. is on us! HP. NIssan Outboard Motor. $800.
& Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian GM truCk/SuV 1994? Large Vehicle.
CheVy ‘86 COrVette. Automatic. (650) 591-5404. Front Bumper/plastic/grill unit
Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $3,500 WAlker/rOlAtOr. neW. large, bas-
(916)975-4969 93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800 complete/perfect. Perfect/photos availa-
ket, quickly convert to wheelchair. Large obo. (650) 952-4036. MAliBu 24 ft with tower. Completely re- ble .$75. (650)727-7266
PiAnO-AnDreW kOhler, Mahogany,
size to 400LBS.8" wheels $45.00
470 rooms built and re-finished. Boat and Motor.
Spinet piano, Very Good Condition, $250 COrVette ‘69 350 4-SPeeD. 50k 20K obo. (650)851-0878. OFF rOAD LIGHTS ,Baja Tough by
(415)334-1980 MileS. New upgrades; best offer. Desert Fox ,Quartz Halogen,New in box,
hiP hOuSinG
Garage Sales Non-Profit Home Sharing Program
(415)602-8480. Mr. Roberts. SeA rAy 16 Ft . I/B. $1,200. Needs $30. (510)684-0187
Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732.
San Mateo County DAtSun ‘83 280zx, T-Tops, 159K miles, White StAr Tire Chains, never used.
PlAyer PiAnO 1916 W/Bench 25 mu- (650)348-6660 good condition, cosmentic and mechani- P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
sic rolls $950 Don (415)309-3892 650 rVs PAlO AltO cal. $6500 OBO. 650-302-4747.
GulF StreAM, Sun Voyager ‘04. 680 Autos Wanted
SPinet PiAnO + Bench, $50. Call
hiGh SChOOl 620 Automobiles hOnDA ‘92 CiViC, Classic Commuter
Gas Saver. Restored. 40+ mpg.
36 ft, Excellent Condition. $35,000.
650-349-3087. Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
200k miles. $3,700. (415)999-4947. Novas, running or not
VintAGe AutOPiAnO upright player
piano $99.00 call (650)728-5053 leave
FleA MArket Don’t lose money MerCeDeS ‘79 450 SL with hard top. 670 Auto Service Parts collection etc.
So clean out that garage
message or email [email protected] on a trade-in or Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851- Give me a call
Saturday June 8 0878 Joe 650 342-2483
Wurlitzer uPriGht piano. Fair con-
(9am-3pm) consignment! AA SMOG
dition. Free. No delivery. (650)455-5595 MerCeDeS ‘89 300e, Low Miles, Excel.
Condition, Good Engine, Needs paint, Complete Repair & Service
312 Pets & Animals 50 Embarcadero Sell your vehicle in the $13,900 (650)303-4257. Leave msg. $29.75 plus certificate fee
(corner of El Camino Daily Journal’s MuStAnG ’73- All Original: Miles 300,
(most cars)
One kennel Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani- and Embarcadero) Auto Classifieds. Paperwork, Light Brown Paint, 351 869 California Drive .
mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60.. Burlingame
(650)593-2066 V/8Cleveland, Auto-Trans, P/S, P/B,
(650)324-flea(3532) $30,000 (650)359-6001.
(650) 340-0492
PArrOt CAGe, Steel, Large - approx [email protected] Just $45
4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best We’ll run it POrSChe ‘88 Carrera Targa, 139K
offer. (650)245-4084 ‘til you sell it! Miles, BK-BK, $32,500. (650) 589-9766.

316 Clothes
reach 83,450 drivers 630 trucks & SuV’s
BOOtS -luGz Orange County Chopper GArAGe SAleS from South SF to FOrD ’88 F150 4x4 Camper shell, 83K
Edition Motorcycle Brand New size 10
Black $60 . (510)684-0187 eStAte SAleS Palo Alto R
miles, $2000 obo (650)868-3010

Make money, make room! Call (650)344-5200

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

BrOWn SueD boots, fur-lined, size 8,
new. $15.00. Call(650)872-2371 [email protected]
FAnCy hiGh heel shoes, never worn List your upcoming
garage sale, Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
size 8 1/2 $20.00 (650)592-2648
AutO AuCtiOn
moving sale,
FAuX Fur Coat Woman's brown multi
estate sale,
Every Tuesday 11am
280 A Street Colma ACROSS DOWN 36 According to the 52 __ and Jack,
color in excellent condition 3/4 650-756-3394 1 Leading trio 1 Financing figs. proverb 2019 Gap
length $50 (650)692-8012 yard sale, 4 Cheese made 2 Depression Era 37 Duty acquisition
kAyAnO Men’S Running shoes size 11 rummage sale, CheVrOlet ‘86 ASTROVAN,
miles, $2000 (650)481-5296
from cow’s milk sight 39 Cub slugger 53 “Guess again”
9 Space Invaders 3 Morning aroma 41 Cuts 57 Tempt
good condition $20 (650)520-7045
clearance sale, or
knee-hiGh BlACk women's boots,
whatever sale you
CheVy ‘10 HHR . 68K. EXCELLENT
CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. platform source 44 Officially injured, 58 Org. concerned
14 Swing adviser 4 Spewing dirt? in previous with plants
size 7, wide calf & wide width, new.
$40.00. Call (650)872-2371 have...
GOt An OlDer 15 Come clean 5 Night __ baseball lingo 59 “Hold it right
lADieS Sequin dress, blue, size XL,
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 CAr, BOAt, Or rV? 16 More cold and 6 One for the 46 Men of La there!”
Reach over 83,450 readers
from South San Francisco Do the humane thing. wet money? Mancha 61 Scatters in a field
Men'S StetSOn hat, size large, new,
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40 to Palo Alto.
Donate it to the 17 Play critic? 7 Russian 49 Siouan people 63 Blues-rocker Chris
(650) 578-9208 in your local newspaper.
Humane Society. 18 Paul Bunyan legislative body 50 Hot __ 64 Radon-regulating
Call 1- 866-899-3051
resting his eyes? 8 LAPD messages 51 Kids org.
9 Stops
ShOeS Size 5 1/2 and 6 for $50 or less
(650)508-8662 Call (650)344-5200 20 They might be
tuXeDO Size 40, black, including white
hOnDA ‘10 CiViC, 87K miles, $6,800.
22 Pool tactic
10 __ Boston: luxury
shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189
WeDDinG DreSS-DeSiGner, Size 12, MAzDA ‘06 Miata MX5, Grand Tour- 23 Sushi garnish 11 Clued in
Needs Dry Cleaning, Org. $4000.00 Sell ing, 152K miles, very clean. $5900.00 24 Highly season, as 12 Drone job
for $500 Call (650)867-1728 Call Mike (650)339-0807
eggs 13 Miffed
WOMAn'S AMeriCAn Rag faux leather 26 Head for the 19 Morales of
jacket. Perfect condition. Black MAzDA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con- hills? “Ozark”
/2x/NW0T $25 (650) 952-3466 dition One owner Fully loaded Low 28 What a boring 21 “The serpent
sermon might deceived me”
miles reduced $15,995 obo (650)520-
WOMAn'S tAhAri jacket. Perfect con- 4650
dition. Royal blue/16W/NWT $25 precipitate? speaker
32 Opposite of stiff
(650) 952-3466
25 Cuts
WOMen'S BlACk suede fur lined 33 Belgian city in 27 Cut of meat
1917 headlines 28 Curtail
boots, size 8. $10.00 call (650)872-2371
WOrk BOOtS. Iron Age, size 10-1/2, 34 Region bordering 29 Tolkien hero
Mex. 30 Start of a
brown, with steel metatarsal protection.
In box, $45, OBO. (650)594-1494
38 Project Mercury seasonal
318 Sports equipment chimp Spanish greeting
40 Helpless 31 Together
numbers? 35 Metaphorical
BiG BerthA, Golfsmith Titanium Driver
,Mid Driver, Stinger 1 3 5 - $99 Rick
(415)999-4474 42 Ask influence 06/07/19
43 “Same here”
45 ’70s TV talk
BrAnD neW Golf bag with Stand.
Makes a great gift. $65. 415-867-6444.
No Texting. show
BrAnD neW golf clubs: 1, 3 Woods; 47 Suzuki’s
Irons: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 pw. Makes a great Quadracer, for
gift $95. 415-867-6444. No Texting. short
eAStOn AluMinuM bat.33 inches, 30 48 Like lectures after
oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513 a big meal?
eVerlASt 80# MMA Heavy Bag and 51 NFLer who was
Stand. Like New. $99 (650)654-9966 a 2017 Sports
Guthy-renker POWer Rider,Ever- Illustrated
last 2 1/2 ankle weights, kegel thigh ex- Sportsperson of
the Year honoree
erciser $20 (510)770-1976
knee riDer $ 50.00 joe (650)573-5269 54 Cuffed, old-style
leAther GOlF bag with 23 clubs $90. 55 Attention
(650) 592-2648. 56 Drifters
Men'S rOSSiGnOl Skis. $95.00, 60 Celebrations with
good condition, (650)341-0282. nos.
62 Unexpectedly
One DOzen Official League Diamond
Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger
leGAl nOtiCeS mild storm?
65 Prefix with -bar
tOtAl GyM XLS, excellent condition. Fictitious Business Name Statements, 66 Pronged
Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate, 67 “Fingers
Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
VintAGe nASh Cruisers Mens/ Wom- 68 Case study?
ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz Notice of Public Sales and More. 69 “Love Story”
6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
WOrkOut BenCh, weights, bars, for
flat/incline bench and legs. $100.
Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County. 70 __ bar
71 Part of GPS: By Bruce Haight
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290 Abbr. ©2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
yAMAhA rOOF RACK, 58 inches $75.
Email them to: [email protected]
025-030 0607 fri:Class Master Odd 6/6/19 3:52 PM Page 5

THE DAILY JOURNAL Friday • June 7, 2019 29

Custom Closets Construction 279 Chimney Sweep Hauling Hauling painting

CLOSET CALEDOniAn miSTER CHimnEY HigH TECH nice painting

dba nova Fireplaces Lic#1016421-bonded & insured
FACTORY mASOnRY inC (650)666-7269(Call)
Call Mister Chimney: (650) 631-4531 (408)209-3557(Text)
the art of organization Landscape Design! Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm

We can design your

Closed Saturday & Sunday
by Greenstarr Best Price, Best Quality
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031 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:10 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Friday • June 7, 2019 31

board to reject the staff proposal of two also a Belmont councilman. Board Member Dave Pine, also a San

Continued from page 1
bike cars per train and explore three bike
cars per train. Sure it’ll cost more money,
but it’s worthwhile to accommodate as
Stone also noted that while the electric
trains will carry fewer bikes than the diesel
trains, the increase in capacity associated
Mateo County supervisor, suggested the
design that the board voted for balances the
needs of cyclists, who take up two spaces
many bicycles as we can.” with electrification means Caltrain will in the trains, and those who don’t cycle.
Redesigning the electric trains so that carry more bikes through the corridor than “The lens I look through is we need to
view of the bike storage area from six to 14 three cars per train can accommodate bikes it does today. Right now, Caltrain carries move as many people as possible on this
per train. is estimated to cost $10 million, which is about 6,000 bicycles per day, officials train corridor and there’s obviously a ten-
While 14 seats is an upgrade over six part of why the board rejected that option. said. sion or tradeoff between bike spaces and
seats, most of the cyclists who spoke dur- “We’re constrained by the space we have The latest electric train design will result passenger spaces,” he said.
ing public comment felt that number was and the financial resources we have and I in a 17% increase compared to today in The redesign vote also entails a $3.5
still insufficient and called for a third bike don’t like it, I’d like to have as many onboard bike capacity per peak hour, per million commitment to bike parking and
car per train. Some even wanted all cars to human beings without bikes and as many direction because of increased train fre- micromobility options at stations, includ-
be bike-accessible.  human beings with bikes as would like to quency, according to a staff report. ing bike and scooter share. Board mem-
“You’ve become a trailblazer in bicycle ride Caltrain on there and in my mind I’d And Caltrain currently carries more bikes bers, including Pine, celebrated the invest-
transportation over the last 25 years or so, like them to be able to ride it cheaper than onboard than any commuter rail in the ment.
and while there are problems with it we today, but that’s my perfect world where country. Cameras will be installed in the “Because of the growth of bikes, the
need to keep moving ahead to have resources are infinite and someone else cars and officials are confident a techno- importance of the wayside solutions is
Caltrain be such a trailblazer,” Jeff Carter pays for them and that’s not the way things logical solution will be found to ensure critical. I think that’s the place where we
said during public comment. “I do urge the work,” said Board Member Charles Stone, bikes remain safe. need to vest our efforts,” he said.
032 0607 fri:0607 fri 245 6/6/19 9:45 AM Page 1

32 Friday • June 7, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

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