Solution Outlines For Chapter 10
Solution Outlines For Chapter 10
Solution Outlines For Chapter 10
# 15: Suppose that φ is a homomorphism from Z30 to Z30 and Kerφ = {0, 10, 20}.
If φ(23) = 9 determine all elements that map to 9.
Notice that this question is really just asking for φ−1 (9). By the properties of homomor-
phisms, we know that this is the coset 23Kerφ, or {23, 3, 13}.
# 20: How many homomorphisms are there from Z20 onto Z8 ? How many are
there to Z8 ?
Notice that the difference between the first and second question is onto. If I want to map
onto Z8 , the image of φ is 8. But the order of the image must divide the order of Z20 since
|Z20 | = |Imφ| × | ker φ|. But 8 does not divide 20 so there is no onto homomorphism between
Z20 and Z8 .
Now, consider homomorphisms in general from Z20 to Z8 . The order of φ(1) must divide
8 and 20, or divide the gcd(8, 20) = 4. Thus the φ(1) has order 1, 2 or 4. If it has order
1, then φ is the identity map. If it has order 2, the image is {4, 0} so φ(x) = 4x. If it
has order 4, the image is {2, 4, 6, 0} so either φ(x) = 2x or φ(x) = 6x. Hence there are 4
homomorphisms to Z8 .
# 22: Suppose that φ is a homomorphism from a finite group G onto Ḡ, and that
Ḡ has an element of order 8. Prove that G has an element of order 8.
Since φ is onto, there exists a g ∈ G such that φ(g) has order 8. Thus (Thm 10.1), the
order of g is divisible by 8. Say |g| = 8k for some integer k. Since < g > is cyclic, and has
order 8k, there exists φ(8) = 4 elements of order 8 in < g >⊆ G. Hence, G has an element
of order 8.
1. Determine φ(x).
Let φ(1) = k. Then φ(x) = kx. In particular, φ(7) = 7k mod 15 = 6. So k = 3.
Hence, φ(x) = 3x.
# 25: How many homomorphisms are there from Z20 onto Z10 ? How many are
there to Z10 ?
Again, the difference here is onto. We know that the image of φ will have order 10 if
it is onto, and this is possible since 10 does divide 20. To have an image of Z10 , φ(1) must
generate Z10 . Hence, φ(1) is either 1, 3, 7, or 9. So there are 4 homomorphisms onto Z10 .
Now, let’s examine homomorphisms to Z10 . Then φ(1) must have an order that divides
10 and that divides 20. However, this means that φ(1) could be any number is Z10 (since 10
divides 20)! Thus there are 10 homomorphisms to φ(1): φ(x) = kx for any k ∈ Z10 .
# 26: Determine all homomorphisms from Z4 to Z2 ⊕ Z2 .
There are four such homomorphisms. The image of any such homomorphism can have
order 1, 2 or 4. If it has order 1, then φ maps everything to the identity or φ(x) = (0, 0. The
image can not have order 4 since such a map would have to be an isomorphism and Z2 ⊕ Z2
is not cyclic. Finally, the map could have image of size 2 so the images could be < (1, 0) >,
< (0, 1) > or < (1, 1) >. The maps would then be x 7→ (x mod 2, 0), x 7→ (0, x mod 2) and
x 7→ (x mod 2, x mod 2) respectively.
# 31: Suppose that φ is a homomorphism from U (30) to U (30) and that Kerφ =
{1, 11}. If φ(7) = 7, find all elements of U (30) that map to 7.
φ−1 (7) = 7Kerφ = {7, 17}.
# 55: Let Z[x] be the group of polynomials in x with integer coefficients under
addition. Prove that the mapping from Z[x] into Z given by f (x) 7→ f (3)
is a homomorphism. Give a geometric description of the kernel of this
homomorphism. Generalize.
Define φ to be the mapping given above. Then φ(f (x) + g(x)) = φ((f + g)(x)) =
(f + g)(3) = f (3) + g(3) = φ(f (x)) + φ(g(x)) so φ is a homomorphism. Its kernel is
{f (x)|φ(f (x)) = f (3) = 0}. This is the set of functions with integer coefficients whose
graphs go through the point (0,3). To generalize, 3 could be replaced with any integer.