Legal Basis of Physical Education
Legal Basis of Physical Education
Legal Basis of Physical Education
Section 1. This Act shall be known as "The Schools Physical Education and Sports Development Act of
Sec. 2. An integrated physical education and sports development program in all schools in the
Philippines shall be undertaken by the Department of Education in accordance with the following
guiding principles:
(1) The goal of physical education is to instill in young citizens a proper appreciation of the importance
of physical development hand in hand with the mental development in individual and social activities;
(2) The sports and other activities in a physical education program should provide opportunities for the
athletic development of children and youth who have the competitive spirit as well as grace,
coordination, stamina and strength;
(3) A well-rounded physical education program must be addressed to physical growth, social training,
and personal, discipline for all pupils and students, as well as superior athletic achievement for those
who are psychologically inclined and physically gifted; and
(4) An integrated program for sports development in the schools requires effective organizational
planning and administration with provisions for adequate training facilities and sustained stable
Sec. 3. Pursuant to the guiding principles as herein above provided, the Secretary of education shall
prescribed by regulation a program of activities in the Bureau of Public Schools, Bureau of Private
Schools and the Bureau of Vocational Education which shall include among others (1) a program of
health education and nutrition with increased emphasis on food production activities to augment and
improve the pupils' and students' diets; (2) a program of general physical fitness for all pupils in the
elementary and secondary schools through an observance of a daily routine of calisthenics exercises and
a separate daily period in the school program for physical education including folk dancing and
gymnastics; (3) a program of competitive athletics in all schools starting in the intermediate grades with
a view to identifying promising athletes whose participation in individual and team athletics should be
further encouraged, developed and supervised more intensively in the secondary schools; (4) a program
of intramural and inter-unit athletic competition within schools, districts and provinces prescribed by
the three bureaus with proper recognition and incentive awards for outstanding performance in
competitive activities; and (5) an annual program of athletic competition within and among regions and
in interscholastic or national meets formulated by athletic associations organized by each bureau:
Provided, That in the formulation of regulations the Secretary of Education shall seek the
recommendation of the Department of Health through its Secretary with respect to the program of
general physical fitness for pupils and students and the program of health education in the present.
Sec. 4. There shall be created in the Department of Education a Physical Education and Sports Center
Development Commission composed of the assistant Secretary for Physical Education, as Chairman the
Director of Public Works, the Physical Director of the University of the Philippines, the three
coordinators each representing the Bureau of the Public Schools, the Bureau of Vocational Education,
and the Bureau of Private Schools and the President of the Philippine Amateur Athletics Federation, as
members. The Assistant Secretary for Physical Education shall be appointed by the President of the
Philippines with the consent of the Commission on Appointments. The three coordinators, who shall
have the rank of division superintendents of schools, shall be appointed by the Secretary of Education.
The Assistant Secretary for Physical Education shall act as Executive Director of the Commission.
Sec. 5. The Assistant Secretary for Physical Education shall oversee the promotion and coordination of
the schools physical education and a sports development program under the general supervision and
control of the Secretary of Education. The Physical education coordinators shall promote and coordinate
the physical education and sports development program in their respective bureaus under the direction
of the corresponding bureau director.
The Physical Education and Sports Development Commission shall submit an annual report to the
Secretary of Education who shall make appropriate recommendations to the President and to the
Sec. 6. There shall be a physical education supervisor in each division of the Bureau of Public Schools, a
regional physical education supervisor for each region of the Bureau of Private Schools, and nine
physical education supervisors in the Bureau of Vocational Education to be assigned by geographical
area. The physical education supervisors shall be appointed by the Secretary of Education upon the
recommendation of the respective bureau directors. The supervisor shall be appointed with priority
from among the highest qualified ranking supervisors from their respective bureaus. These supervisors
shall promote and coordinate the physical education activities in their respective divisions or regions
and shall assume leadership in sports promotion in their respective areas.
Sec. 7. Within one year following the effectivity of this Act, the Department of Education shall
undertake a five-year coach development program, in coordination with similar programs launched by
the University of the Philippines, and the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation (PAAF) and the Armed
Forces of the Philippines, for the training of coaches in the Bureau of Public Schools, Bureau of Private
Schools, and the Bureau of Vocational Education. Phase one of this program shall be on the national
level to consist of the training program on the provincial level by graduate coaching instructors; Phase
three, to consist of coaching seminars or clinics on the school level.
Supplementary training programs may be made available in the form of scholarships of from six months
to on year to the National College of Physical Education or in the University of the Philippines, or in the
form of coaching clinics under specialists invited from abroad.
The five-year coach development program shall be financed from national appropriations: Provided,
however, That scholarships under the supplementary training program as hereinabove provided, shall
be available to participants from the Bureau of Vocational Education and the Armed Forces of the
Philippines: And, Provided, further, That the supplementary training program shall also be open to
participants from private schools, colleges and universities at the expense of the sponsoring institution.
Sec. 8. A ten-year program for the construction and development of sports centers in each province is
hereby authorized to be financed out of funds of the Physical Education and Sports Center Development
Commission created in Section four of this Act. Sports centers shall be established in cities, provincial
capitals or in municipalities determined by the Commission upon the recommendation of the provincial
board or the city council, as the case may be, as the sports center site for the province, which shall have
standard grounds and facilities for track and field and ball games, gymnasia, swimming pools and
dormitory and cafeteria, facilities for coaches and athletes in training for the regional, interscholastic
and national athletic meets. The Commission shall prescribe the rules for their administration and
operation: Provided, That provisions shall be made for the use of the facilities of the sports centers by
the public and private schools and duly organized athletic associations in the region.
Sec. 9. It shall be the responsibility of the Commission to undertake a ten-year construction and
development program of sports centers in all provinces and to administer the funds authorized under
this Act.
SECTION 10. It shall be the function of the Commission to decide on the plans and specifications for
the construction of sports centers or of the improvement of existing ones; to establish the priorities for
their construction of improvement; enter into contracts for all sports center construction projects;
authorize and approve payments of the same; or otherwise perform all such other acts as are necessary
to an efficient prosecution of the sports center development program: Provided, however, That no
construction or improvement projects shall be authorized unless the site shall have been duly decided
upon by local authorities concerned and the property duly acquired by the local government: Provided,
further, That first priority shall be given to provinces which are immediate hosts to an interscholastic
and/or regional athletic meets: And provided, finally, That the national appropriation for the
construction of any new sports center shall not exceed five hundred thousand pesos nor shall the
appropriations for the improvement of an existing one exceed two hundred fifty thousand pesos.
SECTION 11. There shall be charged an athletic fee of an amount not exceeding ten pesos per annum
from each college and university student, public and private, the total sum collected each year to be
expended exclusively for the promotion of the schools physical education and sports center
development program. No other athletic fee of any kind or under any denomination whatsoever; shall
be charged by any school, public or private.
The receipts and expenditures of every school from athletic fees collected under this section shall be
subject to examination by the Physical Education and Sports Center Development Commission.
SECTION 12. The financing of the regional or interscholastic meets shall be met by the host province
from sale of admission tickets for the meet, from transfers of the general funds of the province or city,
or from contributions of member institutions in the case of private schools, or from donations from the
private sector.
SECTION 13. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated annually for five consecutive years starting
with the fiscal year next following the approval of this Act, out of any funds in the National Treasury not
otherwise appropriated, the sum of five million pesos, the five-year annual appropriation to constitute a
revolving fund, to finance the five-year physical education and sports development programs of the
Department of Education, subject to such rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission and
approved by the Secretary of Education. Thereafter, such sums as are necessary to carry on the
programs shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act.
SECTION 14. The sum of five million pesos is hereby authorized to be appropriated annually for ten
consecutive years, starting with the fiscal year next following the approval of this Act, out of any funds in
the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to finance the ten-year sports center development
program, the annual appropriations to be deposited with the Philippine National Bank to constitute the
funds of the Commission established under the provisions of Section four hereof; Provided, however,
That all unexpended balances following the termination of the ten-year program shall be transferred to
the credit of the Department of Education to be expended for the schools sports development program
under such rules and regulations as the President of the Philippines shall prescribe.
SECTION 15. All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed.
SECTION 16. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.