IICBS Summaries: Nausea, Vomiting, and Indigestion by William Hasler
IICBS Summaries: Nausea, Vomiting, and Indigestion by William Hasler
IICBS Summaries: Nausea, Vomiting, and Indigestion by William Hasler
Definied as “the unpleasant painless subjective feeling that one will imminently vomit”
Common occurrence with diverse causes and a significant disease burden
Considered to function as a protective mechanism, warning the organisms to avoid potential toxic ingestion
Does not always exist on a temporal continuum with vomiting: there are situations where severe nausea may be
present without emesis, and emesis may be present without preceding nausea
In population studies, more than 50% of adults reported at least one episode of nausea and more than 30% of adults
reported one episode of vomiting within the preceding 12 months, women > men
The underlying mechanisms involved in nausea are complex and encompass psychological states, the CNS, autonomic
nervous system, gastric dysrhythmias, and the endocrine system.
Figure 1. Pathogenesis of Nausea. Central and peripheral pathways involved in the pathogenesis of nausea. Afferent
information from various stimuli are relayed to nucleus tractus solitarius via four pathways: vestibular and cerebellar,
cerebral cortex, and limbic system, area postrema, and gastrointestinal tract via the vagus nerve. Once any of these neural
pathways area activated, it culminates into sensation of nausea with or without vomiting. The efferent information from
nucleus tractus solitarius is also responsible for activation of ANS response via vagal pathwhays. Nausea is also
associated with gastric dysrhythmia and release of vasopressin. However, the cause-effect relationship of this triad is not
very well understood and warrants further studying.
Dynamic Threshold
It is proposed that each individual has a threshold for nausea that changes minute by minute
At any given moment, the threshold depends on the interaction of certain inherent factors of the individual with the
more changeable psychological states of anxiety, anticipation, expectation and adaptation
o Explains the inter- and intra-individual variability that is typically encountered in the face of nauseogenic
Stimuli giving rise to nausea and vomiting originate from visceral, vestibular, and chemoreceptor trigger zone
inputs which are mediated by serotonin/dopamine, histamine/acetylcholine, and serotonin/dopamine respectively.
These relationships serve as the basis on which current pharmacologic therapy for nausea and vomiting is
Central Nervous System
Surprisingly little is known regarding the central mechanisms underlying this sensation
Associated autonomic changes occurring during nausea and emesis (e. g. salivation and sweating) are coordinated
at the level of the medulla oblongata
o Chemosensitive receptors detect emetic agents in the blood and thus information is relayed via the area
postrema to the nucleus tractus solitarius
o Abdominal vagal afferents which detect gastric tone and contents also project to the NTS, which project
to a central pattern-generator which coordinates the various actions involved in the act of emesis in addition
to directly projecting to neurons in the ventral medulla and hypothalamus, from which higher brain areas
can be reached
Cerebral cortex may also be involved in the pathways of nausea
o Medial prefrontal cortex and the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex areas of the brain involved in
higher cognitive function and emotional centers in modulating the parasympathetic to sympathetic shift
associated with nausea
o Nauseaogenic stimulus causes activation of the amygdala, putamen, and locus ceruleus which translates
into fear conditioning and emotional triggering, which ultimately leads to the sensation of strong nausea
o This is followed by continued, sustained activation in the cortical areas such as the insula, anterior
cingulated cortex, nucleus accumbens, orbitofrontal, somatosensory, and prefrontal cortex
Involved in the interoceptive, limbic, somatosensory, and cognitive network which alerts the
suffering individual of the changes in interoceptive signaling so that appropriate autonomic and
motor responses are initiated in a timely manner
Many of these (anterior cingulate cortex, insular cortex, nucleus accumbens, and amygdala) are
known to be involved in the processing of acute and chronic painful stimulus
The medial prefrontal cortex is also known to be involved in chronic pain, thus it is possible that
the brain perceives peripheral stimuli through similar pathways
Autonomic Nervous System
Characteristic physiological changes (sweating, pallor, salivation, increase in BP, tachycardia, cutaneous
vasoconstriction, decreased gastrointestinal motility) occurring before vomiting are mediated by the ANS and are
well described
o Afferent signaling arises from vagal inputs (mechanical or chemical stimuli)
o Increasing nausea perception is associated with decreased parasympathetic and increased sympathetic
ANS outflow and CNS network controlling it could be determinant of overall nausea intensity
Vasopressin, among other hormones, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of nausea
o Vasopressin increases in various emetogenic situations, not because of volume depletion or
o There is a correlation between vasopressin level and nausea intensity, but the cause-effect relationship is
still unclear
Gastric Dysrhythmias
The stomach is a neuromuscular organ, the myoelectrical activity of which can be measured by a number of
techniques including electrogastrography
o Normal gastric myoelectrical activity reflects the balance of the intrinsic pacemaker activity of the stomach,
smooth muscle, the enteric nervous system, the ANS and hormone levels
Bradygastria: activity frequency slower than intrinsic rate
Tachygastria: activity frequency faster than intrinsic rate
o Medications and interventions that promote normalization of myoelectrical activity decrease nausea and
conversely, stimuli that decrease normal myoelectrical activity and increase dysrhythmias promote the
sensation of nausea
Brainstem nuclei – including the nucleus tractus solitarius, dorsal vagal and phrenic nuclei, mexulary nuclei
regulating respiration, and nuclei that control pharyngeal, facial, and tongue movements – coordinate
initiation of emesis
o Neurokinin NK1, serotonin 5-HT3, and vasopressin pathways participate in this coordination
Somatic and visceral muscles respond stereotypically during emesis
o Inspiratory thoracic and abdominal wall muscles contract, producing high intrathoracic and intraabdominal
pressures that evacuate the stomach
o The gastric cardia herniates above the diaphragm, and the larynx moves upward to propel the vomitus
o Distally migrating gut contractions are normally regulated by an electrical phenomenon, the slow wave,
which cycles at 3 cycles/min in the stomach and 11 cycles/min in the duodenum
o During emesis, the slow wave is abolished and is replaced by orally propagating spikes that evoke
retrograde contractions that assist in expulsion of gut contents
Emetic stimuli act at several sites
o Emesis evoked by unpleasant thoughts or sells originate in the brain
o Cranial nerves mediate vomiting after gag reflex activation
o Motion sickness and inner ear disorders act on the labyrinthine system
Stimulates muscarinic M1 and histaminergic H1 receptors
o Gastric irritants and cytotoxic agents like cisplatin stimulate gastroduodenal vagal afferent nerves
Stimulates serotonin 5-HT3 receptors
o Nongastric afferents are activated by intestinal and colonic obstruction and mesenteric ischemia
o The area postrema in the medulla responds to bloodborne stimuli and is termed the chemoreceptor trigger
Stimulates 5-HT3, M1, H1, and dopamine D2 subtypes
Cannabinoids CB1 pathways may participate in the cerebral cortex
Table 1. Common Causes of Nausea
Medications and Toxic Disorders of the gut and CNS Causes and Miscellaneous Causes,
Etiologies peritoneum Psychiatric Disease Labyrinthine Disorders,
and Endocrine
Cancer Chemotherapy Mechanical obstruction Migraine Cardiac Disease
Gastric outlet
Small bowel
Analgesics Functional gastrointestinal Increased intracranial Myocardial Infarction
disorders pressure
Functional dyspepsia Malignancy
Chronic idiopathic Meningitis
nausea Hemorrhage
Cyclic Vomiting Infarction
Sydrome Abscess
Idiopathic vomiting Meningitis
Non-ulcer dyspepsia
Irritable bowel
Cardiovascular Medications Organic gastrointestinal Congenital malformation Congestive Heart Failure
Digoxin disorders
Antiarrhythmics Pancreatic adenoCA
Antihypertensives Peptic Ulcer Disease
o Beta- Cholecystitis
blockers Pancreatitis
o Calcium Hepatitis
channel Crohn’s Disease
Hormonal Preparations and Neuromuscular Disorders of Hydrocephalus Radiofrequency Ablation
Therapies the gastrointestinal tract
Oral antidiabetics Gastroparesis
Oral contraceptives Post-op N and V
Chronic intestinal
Antibiotics/Antivirals Pseudotumor cerebri Starvation
Gastrointestinal Seizure disorder Motion sickness
Nicotine Demyelinating disorders Labyrinthitis
CNS Active Narcotics Psychogenic vomiting Tumors
Antiparkinsonian Drugs Anxiety disorders Meniere’s disease
Anticonvulsants Depression Iatrogenic
Radiation therapy Pain Pregnancy
Ethanol abuse Eating disorders Other endocrine and
Infectious causes Uremia
Otitis Media
Acute intermittent DKA
Addison’s Disease
Detailed history and physical exam forms the cornerstone of evaluating patients with the chief complaint of nausea
o Rule out non-gastrointestinal causes of nausea such as CNS, endocrinological and psychiatric diagnosis
Mainstay of diagnostic evaluation
o Correcting any symptom consequences (electrolyte abnormalities, dehydration, malnutrition)
o Identifying the cause of the symptoms and initiating targeted therapy
o If no cause is found, initiating therapy directed at suppressing the symptoms
Laboratory work
o Electrolytes
o Liver function tests
o Pancreatic enzymes
o Pregnancy test if applicable
Differential Diagnosis can also be grouped based on how the disease affects the body: within the gut, outside the
gut, and drugs or circulating toxins
o Intraperitoneal Disorders: Visceral obstruction and inflammation of hollow and solid viscera may elicit
Gastric obstruction: ulcers and malignancy
Small-bowel and colon blockage: adhesions, benign or malignant tumors, volvulus,
intussusception, or inflammatory disease like Crohn’s disease; Superior mesentery artery
syndrome (occurring after weight loss or prolonged bed rest) happens when the duodenum is
compressed by the overlying superior mesenteric artery
Abdominal irradiation: impairs intestinal motor function and induces strictures
Biliary colic: acts on local afferent nerves
Visceral irritation and induction of ileus: caused by pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and appendicitis
Enteric infections: such as norovirus or Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus can cause
vomiting; CMV and HSV can induce emesis in immunocompromised individuals
o Intraperitoneal Disorders: Gut sensorimotor dysfunction often causes nausea and vomiting
Gastroparesis (symptoms of gastric retention with evidence of delayed gastric emptying which
occurs after vagotomy or with pancreatic carcinoma, mesenteric valvular insufficiency, or organic
diseases like diseases like diabetes, scleroderma, and amyloidosis)
Idiopathic gastroparesis is the most common
Intestinal pseudoobstruction: characterized by disrupted intestinal and colonic motor activity
with retention of food residue and secretions, bacterial overgrowth, nutrient malabsorption, and
symptoms of nausea, vomiting, bloating, pain, and altered defecation
Idiopathic, familial, systemic, or occurs as a paraneoplastic consequence
Gastroesophageal reflux
o Intraperitoneal disorders: Others
Chronic idiopathic nausea: nausea without vomiting occurring several times a week
Functional vomiting: one or more vomiting episodes weekly in the absence of an eating disorder
or psychiatric disease
Cyclic vomiting syndrome: perioidic discrete episodes of relentless nausea and vomiting in
children and adults
Associated with migraines, rapid gastric emptying
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: cyclical vomiting with intervening well periods in
individuals who use large quantities of cannabis over many years and resolves with its
o Extraperitoneal disorders
Myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure
Postoperative emesis occurs after 25% of surgeries, most commonly laparotomy or orthopedic
Increased intracranial pressure from tumors, bleeding, abscess, or blockage of CSF outflow:
vomiting with or without nausea
Psychiatric illnesses including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, anxiety, depression
o Medications and Metabolic Disorders
Drugs evoke vomiting by action on the stomach (analgesics, erythromycin) or area postrema
(opiates, anti-parkinsonian drugs)
Others include antibiotics, cardiac antiarrhymics, antihypertensives, oral hypoglycemics,
antidepressants (SSRIs and SNRIs), smoking cessation drugs, contraceptives
Cancer chemotherapy: acute (within hours such as cisplatin mediated by 5-HT3 pathways), delayed
(after 1 or more days), or anticipatory (use anxioyltics instead)
Metabolic disorders: pregnancy (ost prevalent, affects 70% of women in the first trimester)
Hyperemesis gravidarum causes significant blood loss and electrolyte disturbances
Metabolic disorders uremia, ketoacidosis, adrenal insufficiency, and parathyroid and thyroid
Circulating toxins: endogenous toxins such as that in liver failure or exogenous enterotoxins,
ethanol intoxication
If mechanical obstruction is suggested by clinical presentation
o Radiologic examination such as an abdominal X-ray and abdominal CT scan are typically the first-line
If mucosal diseases such as an ulcer or mass are suspected: esophagogastroduodenoscopy remains the most
sensitive and specific investigation
Scintigraphic measures of solid phase gastric emptying are commonly used to evaluate gastric motor functions
in suspected gastroparesis
o Most would advocate an empirical trial of antiemetic or prokinetic medications prior to specialized testing,
however, many of these agents can alter gut motility
o Cutaneous electrogastrography and antroduodenal manometry is not widely available, expensive, and its
role in diagnosis is not known
It aids in the diagnosis of motor disorders in such cases and helps rule out dysmotility as the cause
of nausea if normal
If patient has unexplained chronic nausea even after thorough investigation and normal gastric emptying studies
o Rome III criteria for functional gastroduodenal disorders can be utilized to diagnose functional disorders
related to nausea and vomiting, including chronic idiopathic nausea, functional vomiting, cyclical vomiting
syndrome, and rumination syndrome
Diagnostic Testing
For intractable symptoms or an elusive diagnosis, selected screening tests can direct clinical care
o Electrolyte replacement for hypokalemia or metabolic alkalosis
o Iron-deficiency anemia: search for mucosal injury
o Pancreaticobiliary disease: abnormal pancreatic or liver biochemistries
o Endocrinologic, rheumatologic, or paraneoplastic etiologies are suggested by hormone or serologic
o If obstruction is suspected, supine and upright radiographs may show intestinal air-flulid levels with
reduced colinic air
Ileus: diffusely dilated air-filled bowel loops
Anatomic studies are indicated if initial testing is nondiagnostic
o Upper endoscopy: ulcers, malignancy, retained gastric food residue in gastropresis
o Small bowel barium radiography or CT diagnoses partial bowel obstruction
o Colonoscopy or contrast enema: colonic obstruction
o Ultrasound or CT: intraperitoneal inflammation
o CT and MRI enterography: inflammation in Crohn’s disease
o CT or MRI of the head: intracranial disease
o Mesenteric angiography, CT, or MRI for suspected ischemia
Gastrointestinal motility testing may detect an underlying motor disorder when anatomic abnormalities are absent
o Gastroparesis: gastric scintigraphy
Isotopic breath tests and wireless motility capsule methods are alternative tests
o Intestinal pseudo-obstruction: abnormal barium transit and luminal dilatation on small bowel contrast
o Small intestinal manometry can confirm diagnosis of delayed bowel transit
o These studies can remove need for biopsy
o Rumination: combined ambulatory esophageal pH/impedance testing and high resolution manometry
General Principles
The management of acute vs. chronic symptoms is different and response to therapeutics differ
There is a paucity of evidence evaluating pharmacologic therapy of chronic, unexplained nausea
Nausea is more difficult to treat than vomiting
Therapy of vomiting is tailored to correcting remediable abnormalities if possible
o Hospitalization is considered for severe dehydration, especially if oral fluid replacement cannot be
o Once oral intake is tolerated, nutrients are restarted with low-fat liquids (lipid delays gastric emptying)
Foods high in indigestible residue are avoided because these prolong gastric retention
o Controlling blood glucose in poorly controlled diabetics can reduce hospitalizations in gastroparesis
Current medical therapy falls into two categories: agents directed at suppressing nausea and preventing vomiting
(antiemetic) which acts centrally, and agents modulating gastrointestinal motility (prokinetic)
Antiemetic Medications
Antihistamines (e. g. dimenhydrinate and meclizine)
o Motion sickness and labrynthitis and exert their antiemetic action through central anticholinergic (M1
receptor) and antihistamine (H1 receptor) effects
o Suppress labyrinthine and vestibular stimulation and that of the chemoreceptor zone in the brainstem
o Meclizine 25-250 mg q24 orally, IM, or IV; watch out for drowsiness, confusion, blurred vision
o Diphenhydramine (Cinnarizine, Cyclizine, Hydroxyzine) 25-50mg q6-8 hours Orally
Anticholinergics like scopolamine
o Acts centrally via the muscarinic receptors and blocks the pathway from the inner ear to the brainstem and
the vomiting center
o Scopolamine (0.3-0.6 mg q24 hours) watch out for tachycardia, confusion, dry mouth, constipation, urinary
retention, blurred vision SL, IV, IM, transdermal
Most widely used anticholinergic agent and is administered as a transdermal patch for prophylaxis
and treatment of motion sickness
Selective M3 and M5 antagonist (Zamifenacin) may be equally effective
Dopamine D2 antagonists treat emesis evoked by area postrema stimuli and are used for medication, toxic, and
metabolic etiologies; they cross the BBB and cause anxiety, movement disorders, and hyperprolactinemic effects
o Phenothiazines are antidopaminergic agents which act via nonselective inhibition of mainly D2 and D3
receptors in the region of the area postrema, but also muscarinic and H1 receptors: demonstrate efficacy
in nausea related to migraine, motion sickness, and vertigo, as well as post-op and post-chemotherapy
nausea and vomiting
o Prochlorperazine 5-10mg q6-8 hours orally, IM, IV; watch out for extrapyramidal side effects, tardive
dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, QT prolongation
o Promethazine 12.5-25 mg q4-6 hours
5-HT3 antagonists (e. g. ondansetron, granisetron) peripherally (intestinal vagal and spinal afferents) and centrally
(chemoreceptor trigger zone) can prevent postoperative vomiting, radiation therapy-induced symptoms, and cancer
chemotherapy-induced emesis
o Not superior to metoclopramide or promethazine in a double blinded RCT in controlling nausea symptoms
in adults visiting the emergency department
Cannabinoids (Dronabinol, Nabilone): thought to act primarily via the cannabinoid receptor (CB1) in the vomiting
receptor of the medulla and the area subpostrema of the NTS, although potential to modulate 5-HT3 activation in
nodose ganglions and substance P release in the spinal cord could also contribute
o Not well established
Benzodiazepines (Lorazepam, Alprazolam) are investigated as adjunctive therapy in post-operative nausea and
small reports have shown that its use reduces anticipatory nausea associated with chemotherapy
o Dopamine in the chemoreceptor trigger zone: acts via its sedative, anxiolytic, and amnestic properties in
reducing the anticipatory component of nausea
Corticosteroids can be used with 5-HT3 antagonists for acute and delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and
o Most likely involves prostaglandin formation and inflammation
Aprepitant, an NK1 antagonist, antagonizes the tachykinin receptor since substance P and other tachykinin peptides
may have a role in the vomiting reflex’
o FDA approved for prevention of both acute and delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and
has been showed to potentiate the effects of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists and corticosteroids
o Case reports demonstrate use of aprepitant in treatment of gastroparesis-associated nausea and vomiting
with no change in gastric emptying
Gastrointestinal Motor Stimulants
Includes agents that act as a prokinetic versus those that have both prokinetic and antiemetic properties such as
First choice for delayed gastric emptying
Metoclopramide (combined 5-HT4 agonist and D-antagonist) is effective in gastroparesis but has antidopaminergic
side effects such as dystonias and mood and sleep disturbances, so its use is limited
o Potent antiemetic and prokinetic properties via its central and peripheral action via the gut dopamine
receptor antagonist and the 5-HT4 receptor agonist activity
o Efficacious in post-chemotherpay vomiting and gastroparesis
Erythromycin increases gastroduodenal motility by action on receptors for motilin (endogenous stimulant of fasting
motor activity)
o IV is useful for inpatients with refractory gastroparesis, but oral forms have some utility
o Activation of motilin receptors present on gut smooth muscle, possibly leading to modulation of vagal
nerve pathways involved in emesis
o Efficacious in low disease of 50-100mg before meals in patients with delayed gastric emptying; it causes
nausea in higher antibiotic doses by contracting the gastric fundus and thus inducing gastric dysrhythmias
and prolonged, nonpropulsive hypermotility of the antrum
Domperidone, a D2 antagonist, exhibits prokinetic and antiemetic effects but does not cross into the brain region,
unlike metoclopramide: anxiety and dystonic reactions are rare
o Major side effects: induction of hyperprolactinemia
Somatostatin analogue octreotide: for intestinal pseudo-obstruction effects by inducing propagative
small0intestinal motor complexes
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as pyridostigmine can benefit some pages with small bowel dysmotility
Novel Therapies
TCAs can provide symptomatic benefit in patients with chronic idiopathic nausea and functional vomiting as well
as in long-standing patients with nausea and vomiting
o Moderate symptom reduction in patients with chronic nausea and vomiting including cyclical vomiting
o Lak of good prospective studies only used in severe or refractory symptoms
o Amitriptyline has been shone to have some benefit in functional upper GI symptoms like painful dyspepsia
o First line for chronic nausea, along with olanzapine, gabapentin, cannabinoids, benzodiazepines
Gabapentin, a gamma-aminobutyric acid analog has been shown to be efficacious in preventing post-operative
nausea and vomiting in multiple RCTs
o Acute and delayed chemotherapy-associated nausea and vomiting, hyperemesis gravidarum, life-
threatening refractory emesis
o MOA involves mitigation of calcium currents in areas such as area postrema
Mirtazapine and olanzapine may exhibit antiemetic effects
o Dopamine and serotonin receptor antagonist
o Efficacy in acute and delayed chemotherapy0induced nausea and voiting
Gastric electrical stimulation: for refractory gastroparesis
o Activation of vagal afferent pathways to influence CNS control mechanisms for nausea and vomiting
o GES with short pulses can improve gastroparesis syndromes
Ginger has been shown to have some efficacy in small studies to reduce severity of post-operative nausea and
vomiting, morning sickness, and motion sickness
o Improvements in gastric motility, anti-5-hydroxytryptamine activity, and central antiemetic effects
Hypnosis, acupressure and acupuncture
o P6 acupoint stimulation significantly reduced nausea, vomiting, and the need for rescue medications
o P6 acupoint stimulation was superior to metoclopramide in achieving complete recovery rate
o Hypnosis in preventing chemotherapy-induced anticipatory nausea and vomiting
1. Singh, Prashant, Sonia S. Yoon, and Braden Kuo. “Nausea: A Review of Pathophysiology and
Therapeutics.” Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology9.1 (2016): 98–112. PMC. Web. 14 Apr. 2018.
2. Kasper, Dennis, et al. "Harrison's principles of internal medicine, 19e." (2015).
Figure 2. Proposed mechanisms for the generation of fever in sepsis. Stimulation of sentinel cells by exogenous
pyrogens produce endogenous pyrogens which stimulate fever production in the POA of the hypothalamus by second
messengers PGE2 and ceramide. PGE2 is also produced from Kupffer cells in the liver in response to stimulation from
LPS which additionaly stimulates the POA via the vagus nerve.
Pyrogenic fever is a common response to sepsis in critically ill patients, and the generation of fever occurs through
several mechanisms
o Interaction of exogenous pyrogens (microorganisms) or endogenous pyrogens (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha)
with the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis leads to the production of fever
o OVLT is one of seven predominantly cellular structures in the anterior hypothalamus wthin the lamina
terminalis, located in the optic recess at the anteroventral end of the third ventricle
Highly vascular and lacks a BBB, permitting it to be stimulated by pyrogenic substance
Its stimulation leads to increased synthesis of prostanoids including PGE2, which acts in the pre-
optic nucleus of the hypothalamus slowing the firing rate of the warm sensitive neurons and
resulting in increased body temperature
o Ceramide, which has proapoptotic and cell-signaling roles, may act as a second messenger independent of
PGE2, and may have significance in early stages of fever
o LPS from gram-negative bacteria may stimulate peripheral production of PGE2 from hepatic Kupffer cells
LPS may also be neutrally mediated, and may account for rapid onset of fever, with cytokine
production responsible for the maintenance, rather than the initiation of ever
o Toll-like cascade may also generate fever, which may be independent of the cytokine cascade
Figure 4. Chronology of events required for the induction of fver.
Febrile response is well preserved across the animal kingdom, and may be beneficial to infections by several
o Human infective pathogens often demonstrate optimal replication at temperatures below 37 degrees Celcius
o Increasing the temperature in vitro from 35 to 41.5 degrees Celsius increases the antimicrobial activity of
many classes of antibiotics
o Thirdly, a rise in temperature may also be associated with microbial destruction
However at temperatures above 40 degrees there is further mortality increase (signifying deleterious effects of
hyperthermia on organ and cellular function outweighing any benefit conferred from hyperpyrexia in acute sepsis)
A non-pyrogenic fever is not of any perceived teleological benefit, and trends towards worse outcomes in the ICU
especially whengreater than 38.5 degrees Celsius
Drug-induced fever
Class Examples of Causes
Antimicrobial Agents Beta-lactam antibiotics (piperacillin, cefotaxime), Sulphonamides
Malignant hyperthermia Suxamethonium, Volatile anesthetic agents
Neuroleptic malignant Dopamine antagonists like chlorpromazine, haloperidol
syndrome Atypical agents like olanzapine, risperidone, paliperidone, quetiapine
Serotonin syndrome Antidepressants, (MAOs, TCAs, SSRIs, SNRIs, bupropion)
Propofol infusion syndrome Propofol
Anticholinergic agents Anticholinergics like atropine and glycopyrrolate, Antihistamines like chlorpheniramine,
Antipsychotics such as olanzapine and quetiapine, Antispasmodics like oxybutynin,
Cyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, doxepin), Mydriatics (tropicaminde)
Sympathomimetic agents Prescription drugs (e. g. bronchodilators), non-prescription drugs (e. g. ephedrine), Illegal
street drugs like cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, mephedrone, dietary
Piperazine compounds Antiemetics (cyclizine), Antihelminths, Legal club drugs (legal X, legal E, frenzy)
Synthetic cathinones Street drugs (mephedrone, meow meow), Buproprion
Endocrine Fever
Hyperthyroidism is associated with hyperthermia: patients with thyroid storm have an average body temperature
of 38 degrees Celsius
o Metabolism of peripheral tissues increases through a peripherally mediated pathway
o Thyroid hormones may also act centrally to increase the hypothalamic set point, and this centrally driven
neurogenic activation of uncoupling protein-1 acting on brown adipose tissue may be responsible for
Adrenal insufficiency is rarely associated with fever, but may be related
Laboratory Tests
Should include CBC, differential count to identify juvenile or band forms, toxic granulations, and Dohle bodies
suggestive of bacterial infection
Cytokine measurement is not helpful
CRP and ESR may be helpful in low grade fever
Clinical Presentation of Anemia
Signs and Symptoms
Most often is recognized by abnormal screening laboratory tests
Acute anemia is due to blood loss or hemolysis
o Mild blood loss: enhanced O2 delivery through the Bohr effect (changes in O2-hemoglobin dissociation
o Acute blood loss: hypovolemia dominates the clinical picture
Remember that hematocrit and hemoglobin does not reflect volume of blood lost
Signs of vascular instability appear with 10-15% loss of acute blood volume: hypotension and
decreased organ perfusion
> 30% loss: unable to compensate with vascular contraction and changes in regional blood flow:
postural hypotension and tachycardia
>40%: signs of hypovolemic shock include confusion, dyspnea, diaphoresis, hypotension, and
o Acute hemolysis: signs and symptoms depend on the mechanism that leads to red cell destruction
Intravascular hemolysis with release of free hemoglobin: acute back pain, free hemoglobin in
plasma and urine, renal failure
Chronic or progressive anemia: depends on the patient’s age and adequacy of blood supply to critical organs
o Moderate anemia: fatigue, loss of stamina, breathlessness and tachycardia
o Signs and symptoms will present in young adults only with severe anemia (<70-80 g/L)
o When anemia develops over a period of days to weeks: total blood volume is normal to slightly increased,
and changes in cardiac output and regional blood flow help compensate for overall loss in O 2-carrying
However, this only works in a 20-30 g/L deficit in hemoglobin concentration
Disorders associated with anemia
o Chronic inflammatory states (infection, RA, arthritis, CA): mild to moderate anemia
o Lymphoproliferative disorders (CLL, B cell neoplasms) may be associated with autoimmune hemolysis
Initiate treatment of mild to moderate anemia only when a specific diagnosis is made
Selection of appropriate treatment is determined by the documented cause of anemia
Therapeutic options
o Blood component therapy
o Recombinant EPO
o Targeted gene therapy
Phases of Digestion
o Cephalic Phase: Chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors in the oral and nasal cavity stimulated by
tasting, chewing, swallowing, and smelling of food as well as the thought of food or eating, engaging
primarily neural responses
Food Vagal center of medulla Parasympathetic innervation excites pepsin and acid
o Gastric Phase: Begins when foodstuff enters the stomach and is linked to distention of the stomach and
contents (AAs and peptides), engaging neural and hormonal responses
Local nervous secretory reflexes Vagal reflexes Gastrin-histamine stimulation (increases
acid production)
o Intestinal Phase: Foodstuff enters the duodenu m and is linked to digested constituents of proteins and
fats, as well as H+, engaging hormonal but also paracrine and neural responses
Nervous and hormonal mechanisms
Parasympathetic Nervous System: Typical Functions
o Relax and digest
o Increase secretions, motility, decrease constriction of sphincters, increase blood flow
Upper GI System
Learning Goals
o The constituents and mechanisms of salivary secretions and salivary glands
o Constituents of gastric secretions
o Understand the mechanisms of hydrogen ion secretions, parietal cell control and regulation
Salivary Secretions
o Primary Function: Protection of the oral cavity, lubrication, digestions
o Parotid Gland: Watery secretions which helps hydrolyze food
o Submandibular and sublingual glands: mucus secretions and serous secretions lubrication
o Constituents
K+: Lost to absorb Na+ and H2O
HCO3- buffer acid
Salivary amylase: starch digestion
Lingual lipase: partial lipid digestion
Muramidase: a lysozyme
Lactoferrin: Fe-binding protein which prevents bacterial growth
IgA: immune mediator
o Salivary Glands
Lower flow rates help reabsorption of Na+
Potassium is secreted because it is higher in concentration in the plasma
Bicarbonates are secreted because it’s above the level of the pasma
o Acinar cells (where secretion occurs) and ductal cells (where reabsorption occurs)
o Chloride, Sodium is reabsorbed in the ductal cells
o Bicarbonate and Potassium is secreted
o No net water movement
o Acinar Cells: Na, K-ATPase increases sodium concentration in the interstitial space, allowing a gradient to
form for sodium to go back into the lumen through the paracellular route. Water follows sodium. By
secondary active cotransport, sodium and chloride enter the cells, then sodium is transported along with
hydrogen back into the interstitial space, leaving chloride, which cotransports with bicarbonate out into the
o Ductal Cells: Sodium and Hydrogen is reabsorbed, then sodium is moved into the interstitial change in
exchange for potassium using the Na-K ATPase. The potassium that is brought into the cells is co-
transported with hydrogen out of the cells. Hydrogen ions are simply reabsorbed. Potassium is secreted.
Bicarbonate is produced by metabolism through the carbonic anyhydrase action. Hydrogen ion is removed
from the cell by countertransport with sodium, which is used by Na-K ATPase to move potassium into the
cell and sodium out into the interstitial space. Chloride then exchanges with chloride, thus getting a
secretion of bicarbonate and a reabsorption of chloride.
Lower GI System
Learning Goals
o You will know the constituents and mechanisms of pancreatic secretions and how these glands are
controlled and regulated
o You will know the constituents of biliary secretions, storage, and bile release
o You will understand the functions of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator
Pancreatic Secretions
o Dumps into small intestine via the pancreatic duct
o Made of two different endocrine glands and exocrine glands
Digestive enzymes, water, bicarbonate
o Primary Function: digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
Carbohydrates: Amylase
Fats: Lipase, Phospholipase A2, Cholesterol Esterase
Proteins: Chymotrypsin, Trypsin, Elastase, Carboxypeptidase
Nucleotides: Ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease
Ions and Water: HCO3-
We secreted a lot of hydrogen ions in the stomach, so we need a buffer or else the acidity
will eat up the small intestine
o Secretion Constituents of Exocrine Pancreas
Sodium, Potassium
Chloride decreases in concentration with flow rate (reabsorption)
Bicarbonate (Increases in concentration with flow rate)
o Structure and Function
Endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus release of enzymes into the lumen
Carbon dioxide goes into the cells, converted into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. Hydrogen ions
are exchanged with sodium from he interstitial space, and bicarbonate is exchanged with chloride
into the lumen. Chloride passively goes out. Sodium is extruded with an ATP-ase into the
interstitial space.. Sodium pulls water back from the interstitial space into the lumen
o Control and Regulation
Cephalic Phase (25%): Vagus Nerve
Gastric Phase (10%) Via Vago-Vagal Reflexes
Intestinal Phase (5%): Secretin and Cholecystokinin
Sequence of events: acid releases secretin from the walls of the duodenum; fats and amino acids
causes release of CCK. Secretin and CCK are delivered to the pancreas via the blood stream, while
the vagus stimulates release of enzymes into the acini lumen. Both of these causes copious
secretions of pancreatic fluid and bicarbonate.
Cellular: CCK, ACh, GRP increases intracellular calcium phosphorylation of structural and
regulation proteins fusion of granules with apical membranes. VIP and Secretin stimulate
CAMP, then phosphorylates.
Intestinal Secretions: mucus form goblet cells, endothelial cells and Paneth cells
o Primary function: increase fluid and mucus for protective effect on the walls
Biliary Secretions
o Gallbladder is the storehouse for biliary secretions
o From the hepatic ducts, bile is stored from the liver to the gall bladder.
o It will eventually be released through the bile duct into the small intestine
o Primary Function: Fat emulsification like detergents
o Constituents
Bile Salts, Cholesterol, Lecithin, Bilirubin, Ions
Concentration (5-20%) occurs in the gallbladder via dehydration
o Hepatocytes Canaliculi terminal bile ducts -> perilobular interlobular –> Bile flow
o Structure and Function
Cystic duct Combines with right and left hepatic ducts from the liver Common hepatic duct
Common bile duct Sphincter of Oddi (one of the primary regulatory spots) Duodenum
Mechanisms of Biliary Concentration: Dehydration occurs first by the reabsorption of sodium in
exchange for hydrogen Sodium is exchanged out by sodium potassium ATPase, then potassium
moves out via a channel; chloride is exchanged into the lumen for bicarbonate, then chloride moves
out of the cell; osmotic gradient is created for water to follow
Carbohydrate Digestion
o Amylase: breaks down the bonds of starch
Starch has Amylose (1-4), and Amylopectin (1-6)
Amylase works on alpha 1-4 bonds and is found in salivary and pancreatic juice
Dietary fiber cannot be digested (Cellulose, lignin, gums, pectin)
o Brush border disaccharidases (Glucoamylase, Isomaltase, Lactase, Sucrase)
Lactose Glucose and Galactose through SGLT1 in exchange for sodium
Protein Digestion
o Neutral: Chymotrypsin, Elastase Carboxypeptidase A breaks them down into neutral AAs and short
o Basic: Trypsin Carboxypeptidase B into short and basic amino acids
o Proteins
Chymotrypsinogen Chymotrypsin by Endopeptidase
Pepsinogen Pepsin by Endopeptidase via low pH; secreted by chief cells
ProCarboxypeptidase A and B Carboxypeptidase A and B by exopeptidases
Proelastase and Trypsinogen Elastase and Trypsin by Endopeptidases
Trypsinogen activates brush border peptidases; activated by low pH
Fat digestions
o Triglycerides Breakdown by lipases into fatty acids and monoglyceride backbone
o Cholesterol Cholesterol and Fatty acid by cholesterol ester hydrolase
o Phospholipid Lysolecithin and FAs by Phospholipase A2
o Helped out by bile salts (emulsification), colipase (binding with lipase)
o Enzymes in lumen and brush border reduce CHO to monosaccharides
o Apical SGLT1 transports: 2 Na+ cotransport for either glucose or galactose
Set up by basolateral Na-K ATPase as the diving force
Water is moved across
o Fructose is moved via GLUT 5
o All monosaccharides are moved into the interstitial tissue by GLUT2
o Normally hydrolyzed to AAs and short peptides
o Apical transport
Limited phagocytosis
Amino acid and small peptide utilizes a apical Na and H exchanger mechanisms
o Basolateral transport
Neutral, Acidic, and Basic
Fat Absorption in the Small Intestine
o Short and Medium Chain FAs are lipophilic and so can easily cross the apical membrane and traverse an
enterocyte without special assistance Portal system
o Larger amounts are processed first
Mixed micelles Small pH change starts digestive process Absorbed as long chain FAs,
cholesterol, lysolecithins, and monoglycerols, then are incorporated into triacylglycerides,
phospholipids, and cholesterol esters
They are repackaged into chylomicrons, which cross the basolateral membrane by exocytosis into
the lymphatic circulation liver
Large intestine
o Short chain fatty acid transporter (SMCT1) aids also in water transport
Sodium cotransport mechanism
o Most of absorption occurs in the duodenum
o Jejunum and ileum also participate
o Ions, Iron, Calcium, Folate are primarily absorbed in the duodenum, but calcium throughout
o Bile Acids are absorbed primarily in the ileum
o Cobalamin is absorbed in the ileum
Calcium and Iron Absorption
o Calcium transporters (which can be increased by vitamin D3 along with apical and basolateral transporters)
Calcium is transported across then bound to calbindin (to prevent cytotoxicity) to transport to the
basolateral membrane to transport it out
o Iron
Specialized transporters (DMT cotransports with H+ after it is oxidized by Dcytb) Mobiferrin
binding protein Released via FP1 then reduced by Hephaestin
Heme can be reabsorbed the iron can be released
o Cobalamin
Bound to proteins in food so it needs to be liberated
Acid pH and pepsin release cobalamin is disassociated
Haptocorin binds to cobalamin
Parietal cells secrete IF
Proteases are released from the pancreas and bicarbonate, causing CBL to be released then it binds
to IF. It only gets absorbed in the lower part of the small intestine via an endosome.
Water balance
o Balance of intake and secretions vs. absorption
o Small intestine is the major player (absorbs 80% of water, large intestine absorbs 20%)
o Large intestine is regulated
Splanchnic Circulation
Celiac Artery Spleen, Stomach, and Liver
SMA Pancreas, Small Intestine
IMA Colon
All are linked to the liver via the hepatic circulation
Tissue flow pattern
o 75% Blood flow to the mucosa
o 25% in muscularis
o Oxygen is decreased as you move into the microvilli
Can be ischemic with vasoconstriction can cause problems like allowing bacteria to cross
Gastrointestinal Motility
Learning Goals
o Mechanisms of GI motility
o Understand how swallowing is both initiated and controlled
o Explain gastric emptying and how it is regulated and controlled
GI Motility Overview
o Peristalsis: ACh is released where contraction is necessary, NO and VIP where release is necessary
Both controlled by PSNS and ENS
Enkephalins mediate constriction of sphincters (tonic constriction)
VIP often mediates relaxation
o Mixing and Grinding (Stomach)
o Swallowing
Voluntary Initiation
Involuntary Reflex once mechanoreceptors are stimulated
Pharynx Stomach
LES: acid reflux or regurgitation, Barrett’s Esophagus
Striated muscle in the upper 1/3, Smooth muscle in the lower 2/3
Swallowing Center: coordinates striated and smooth muscle
Glossopharyngeal feedback Nerves directly stimulate striated muscle to contract.
Autonomic nerves regulate via reflexes
Primary Peristalsis Second peristalsis to begin the process Stomach has to be relaxed (VIP)
and receptive relaxation of cardia region by stomach (VIP)
Gastric Motility
o LES and Cardia: Food entry, regulation of belching
o Fundus and Body: Pacemaker (ICC) and reservoir
o Antrum and Pylorus: mixing, grinding, regulation of emptying;
o Stomach Contents Affect Gastric Emptying
Glucose faster than Protein faster than fats
Liquid > Solid
High osmolality: delayed gastric emptying (high sodium concentration)
Intestinal Motility
o Segmentation contractions (involves mixing movements) to move food in both directions
o Fed state: peristalsis
o Fasting: migrating motor complex (for house cleaning)
What controls these movements?
o Interstitial cells of Cajal
o Stomach: 3-5
o Small Intestine: 12-20
o Large intestine: 6-8
o Slow waves: higher amplitude, greater the contraction
Upper slope: Calcium
Lower slope: Potassium channel
Differential Diagnosis
Consider comorbid symptoms and epidemiologic clues when constructing a differential diagnosis
o Functional Category
Irritable bowel syndrome (abdominal pain accompanies diarrhea)
Rome IV: recurrent abdominal pain at least 3 days per month in the last 3 months,
associated with stool frequency and form change, and improvement with defecation
Functional diarrhea (absent abdominal pain):similar stool changes without prominent pain
o Inflammatory cause: significant abdominal pain, fever, GI bleeding
o Carbohydrate malabsorption: gas and bloating
o Substantial weight loss malabsorption, maldigestion, malignancy (older)
o Lymphoma fatigue and night sweats
o Anemia or change in stool caliber colorectal malignancy
Characteristics of Stool
o Small, frequent bowel movements with tenesmus and bleeding Proctitis
o Large volume, less frequent stools Small bowel source of diarrhea
o Steatorrhea fat maldigestion of malabsorption
Epidemiologic Associations
o Travelers: bacterial, protozoal, tropical sprue
o Epidemics and outbreaks: infection, epidemic idiopathic secretory diarrhea, protozoal, viral
o Diabetic patients: altered motility, associated diseases (CD, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, SIBO),
drugs (acarbose, metformin)
o Patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (drug side effects, lymphoma, opportunistic
o Institutionalized and hospitalized patients (Clostridium difficile, drug side effects, fecal impaction,
ischemic colitis)
By Stool Characteristics
o Osmotic Diarrhea
Carbohydrate malabsorption, Osmotic laxatives
o Secretory diarrhea
Bacterial toxins, BAM, IBD, Lymphocytic colitis, Medications and toxins, disordered motility
Addison’s disease, Hyperthyroidism, Neuroendocrine tumors, Medullary carcinoa of the
Idiopathic secretory diarrhea
Stimulant laxative abuse
Colon CA, Adenoma, Laxactives
o Inflammatory Diarrhea
Diverticulits, IDS, bacterial or parasitic infections, pseudomembranous colitis, ulcerating viral
infections, IBD (Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis)
Ischemic Colitis, Neoplacia, Radiation Colitis
o Fatty Diarrhea
Malabsorption Syndromes (ischemia, mucosal diseases, SBS, SIBO)
Maldigestion (pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, inadequate luminal bile acid concentration)_
Pathogenesis of Chronic Diarrhea
Specific foods and diets are often incriminated
o Substances that in sufficient quantities can cause diarrhea e. g. fructose
o Foods that cause diarrhea because of an underlying condition (lactose intolerance)
o Gut alterations that limit digestion or absorption (short bowel pancreatic insufficiency)
o Idiosyncratic food intolerances
o Food allergy is rare
CD: based on on symptoms, serology, intestinal histology
o 700 drugs have been implicated
o Factitious: laxatives secretory diarrhea
Chronic Diarrhea Therapies
o Radiation therapy such as radiation enteritis
Risk factors: low BMI, prior abdominal surgery, comorbidities, technique, etc.
o Abdominal surgery: intentional or inadvertent vagotomy, SIBO, BAM, and short bowel syndrome
Vagotomy: rapid gastric emptying of liquids and diarrhea
Bacterial overgrowth: small intestine bacterial overgrowth causes diarrhea by bile acid
deconjugation, interfering with enzymatic action and damage to the mucosa
Bile acid malabsorption: stimulates fluid secretion and motility in the colon, resulting in diarrhea
Short bowel syndrome: occurs after resection of a large portion of the small intestine
Diagnostics must be rationally directed by a careful history, including medications, and a physical examination
o If this is unrevealing, simple triage tests are warranted to direct the choice of more complex investigation
History and Physical Exaxm should attempt to characterize the mechanisms of diarrhea, identitfy diagnostically
helpful aociations, and assess the patient’s fluid/electrolyte and nutritional status
Therapeutic Trial is often appropriate, definitive, and highly cost-effective when a specific diagnosis is suggested
on the initial physician encounter
o IBS should be initiated with a flexible sigmoidoscopy with colorectal biopsy to exclude IBD, or particularly
microscopic colitis
Further evaluation of osmotic diarrhea: lactose intolerance and magnesium ingestion
o Low fecal pH: carbohydrate malabsorption, can be confirmed by breatth testing or empirical trial of lactose
Fatty diarrhea: endoscopyp with small bowel biopsy should be performed. If unrevealing, small-bowel radiograph
is the next step.
Depends on the specific etiology: May be curative, suppressive, or empirical
o If can be eradicated: curative
o Controlled by suppression of the underlying mechanism
If evades diagnosis, empirical therapy may be beneficial
Avoid antimotility agents with IBD to avoid toxic megacolon
Clonidine for diabetic diarrhea: poorly tolerated because of postural hypertension
Dyspnea General Principles
Definition: A subjective experience of breathing discomfort that consists of qualitatively distinct sensations that
vary in intensity
Respiratory sensations: consequence of interactions between efferent (outgoing) motor output from the brain to the
ventilatory muscles and the afferent (incoming) sensory input from the receptors throughout the body
o Integrative processing of this information, most probably in the brain
Holistic, like hunger or thirst
Motor Efferent
Disorders of the ventilatory pump
o Most commonly increased airway resistance or stiffness of the respiratory system
o Associated with increased work of breathing or a sense of an increased effort to breathe
Muscle fatigue greater effort to breath
Increased neural output from motor context is sensed via a corollary discharge sent to the sensory cortex at the
same time as motor output is directed to ventilatory muscles
Sensory Afferents
Chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies and medulla are activated by hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and acidemia
o Stimulation leads to an increase in ventilation producing a sensation of air hunger
Mechanoreceptors in the lungs, when stimulated by bronchospasm chest tightness
o J receptors, sensitive to interstitial edema, and pulmonary vascular receptors, activated by acute changes
in pulmonary artery pressure contributes to air hunger
o Hyperinflation sensation of increased work of breathing, an inability to take a deep breath, or an
unsatisfying breath
Metaboreceptors, located in skeletal muscle, are activated by changes in local biochemical milieu of tissue active
during exercise breathing discomfort
Integration: Efferent-Reafferent Mismatch
Mismatch between feed-forward message to the ventilatory muscles and the feedback from receptors that monitor
response of ventilatory pump increases intensity of dyspnea
o COPD or asthma
Contribution of Emotional or Affective Factors in Dyspnea
Acute anxiety or fear increases the severity of dyspnea by altering the interpretation of sensory data or by leading
to patterns of breathing that heighten physiologic abnormalities in the respiratory system
Expiratory flow limitation hyperinflation, increased work and effort of breathing, and sensation of unsatisfying
Assessing Dyspnea
Quality of Sensation: for patients who have difficulty describing their breathing sensations
Sensory Intensity: A modified Borg scale or VAS can be utilized to measure dyspnea at rest, after exercise, or recall
of a reproducible physical task
o Alternative: what activities of the patient are possible
o Baseline Dyspnea Index or Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire
Affective Dimension: To be reported, a symptom must be unpleasant or abnormal
o Air hunger evokes a stronger affective response than increased effort or work of breathing
o Pulmonary rehabilitation may reduce breathing discomfort
Differential Diagnosis
Respiratory System Dyspnea
Diseases of the Airways
Asthma and COPD (most common obstructive lung disease)
o Expiratory airflow obstruction leading to dynamic hyperinflation of the lungs and chest wall
o Moderate to severe disease increased resistive and elastic loads on the ventilatory muscles and
experience increased work of breathing
Patients with acute bronchoconstriction tightness (even when lung function is within normal range)
Tachypneic hyperinflation and reduced respiratory system compliance and limitation of tidal volume
Chest tightness and tachypnea: stimulation of pulmonary receptors
COPD and asthma hypoxemia and hypercapnia from VQ mismatch
Emphysema Diffuse limitation during exercise with emphysema
o Hypoxemia is more common than hypercapnia as a consequence of different ways in which oxygen and
carbon dioxide bind to hemoglobin
Diseases of the Chest Wall
Stiffening of the chest wall (e. g. kyphoscoliosis) or weakened ventilatory muscles (myasthenia gravis, Guillain-
Barré Syndrome) are associated with an increased effort to breathe
Large pleural effusions increased work of breathing and stimulation of pulmonary receptors if with atelectasis
Diseases of the lung Parenchyma
Interstitial lung diseases
o Arise from infections, occupational exposures, autoimmune disorders
o Associated with increased stiffness of the lung and increased work of breathing
o V/Q mismatch and destruction or thickening of alveolar-capillary interface leads to hypoxemia and an
increased desire to breathe
Describe what the discomfort feels like
Effect of position, infections, environmental stimuli
o Orthopnea is a common indicator of CHF
It can also be due to mechanical impairment of the diaphragm associated with obesity, or asthma
triggered by esophageal reflux
o Nocturnal dyspnea suggests CHF or asthma
o Acute, intermittent episodes MI, bronchospasm, pulmonary embolism
o Chronic, persistent COPD, ILD, chronic thromboembolic disease
Risk factors should be elicited
If platypnea (dyspnea while standing and relieved by supine position) left atrial myxoma or hepatopulmonary
Physical Examination
Begins during the interview of the patient
Inability of the patient to speak in full sentences before stopping to get a deep breath
o Condition that leads to stimulation of the controller or impairment of ventilatory pump with reduced vital
Evidence of increased work of breathing (supraclavicular retractions, use of accessory muscles of ventilation, tripod
o Indicative of increased airway resistance or stiffness of the lungs and the chest wall
RR and pulsus paradoxus
o If systolic pressure decreases by > 10 mmHg, presence of COPD, asthma, or pericardial disease is
Signs of anemia, cyanosis, cirrhosis (spider angiomata, gynecomastia)
Chest: Symmetry of movement, dullness in percussion, auscultation for wheezes, rhonchi, prolonged expiratory
phase, diminished breath sounds disease of the airway
o Rales interstitial edema or fibrosis
Cardiac Examination:
o Elevated right heart pressure (jugular venous distention, edema, accentuated pulmonic component to the
second heart sound)
o LV dysfunction (S3 and S4) and valvular disease (murmurs)
o Paradoxical movement of the abdomen (diaphragmatic weakness)
o Rounding of the abdomen during exhalation: pulmonary edema
o Clubbing in the digits interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
o Joint swelling or deformation and Raynaud’s disease collagen vascular process associated with
pulmonary edema
Exertional dyspnea asked to wallk under observation
o Examined during and at the end of the exercise
Chest Imaging
Chest radiograph should be obtained
Lung volumes should be obtained
o Hyperinflation: obstructive lung diseae
o Low lung volume: interstitial edema or fibrosis, diaphragmatic dysfunction, impaired chest wall motion
Pulmonary parenchyma: interstitial disease and emphysema
Prominent pulmonary vasculature in the upper zone: pulmonary venous hypertension
Enlarged central pulmonary arteries: pulmonary arterial hypertension
Enlarged cardiac silhouette: cardiomyopathy or valvular disease
Bilateral pleural effusion: CHF, collagen-vascular disease
Unilateral effusion: specter of carcinoma and pulmonary embolism; may also occur in heart failure
CT if further evaluation is needed (ILD or PE)
Distinguishing CVS from Respiratory System Dyspnea
Cardiopulmonary exercise test if patient has signs of both pulmonary and cardiac disease
o If reaches predicted maximal ventilation at peak exercisedead space or hpoxemiia, bronchospasm
lung disease
o Heart rate > 85% of predicted maximum, anaerobic threshold is early, blood pressure is excessively high,
decreases during exercise, O2 pulse falls, ischemic changes in ECG CVS
First goal: Correct the underlying problem responsible for the symptom
If first goal isn’t met, Effort is made to lessen intensity of the symptom and its effect on patient’s quality of life
Supplemental O2 should be administered if resting O2 saturation is less than or equal to 89% or if it drops to these
levels with activity
For patients with COPD: pulmonary rehab programs
Anxiolytics and antidepressants not well studied
1. Appraising Directness
a. How well the PEO in the study corresponds with our own PEO
2. Appraising validity
a. Were patients randomly assigned to treatment groups?
b. Was allocation concealed?
c. Were baseline characteristics similar at the start of the trial?
d. Were patients blinded to treatment assigned
e. Were caregivers blinded to treatment assignment
f. Were outcome assessors blinded to treatment assignment
g. Were all patients analyzed in the groups to which they were originally randomized
h. Was follow-up rate adequate?
3. Appraising the results
a. How large was the treatment effect?
b. How precise was the estimate of the treatment?
4. Assessing applicability
a. Sex
b. Comorbidities
c. Race
d. Age
e. Pathology
f. Socioeconomic factors
5. Individualizing the results