DLL Week3 LC39-40
DLL Week3 LC39-40
DLL Week3 LC39-40
II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled
in a week or two.
Problems Involving
Problems Involving Probability of Simple Intersection and union
Permutations and
Combinations Events (A Recall) of events
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 279 – 284 pp. 279 – 284 288 – 289 pp.290
2. Learner’s Materials pages
328 -329
pp. 301 – 315 pp. 312 – 315 Mathematics 8 Learners pp. 332
Material, pp. 570-571
3. Textbook pages
e-math IV (Advanced
Algebra and Trigonometry),
page 494, 497
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson Study the following BRING YOURSELF
situations then determine Mechanics:
which situations involve 1. Determine five Mechanics:
permutations and which representatives from each 1. From your previous
involve combinations. If the
group. groupings, send a
situations involves 2. Give each group a white representative in each
permutations say “Pak board and a marker. condition.
Avoiding 21 Ganern” if it is 3. Guess what the word is, 2. Condition will be stated
Divide the class into 4 combinations give “ as the clue is being read by in which your
groups and gather each 3Claps” looking at the empty representative should be
group into a circle. The squares in which 1 square able to satisfy.
group is going to count 1. Creating an access code stands for a letter. 3. The group/s that got
around the circle up to for a computer site using 4. One representative the correct answer earns
21. The person who is any 8 alphabet letters. answers one problem. 2 points.
forced to say 21 is “out”. 5. Write the guessed word 4. The group with the
Each person can say 2. Determining how many on the white board. most number of points
one, two or three different ways you can 6. The group/s that got the wins the game.
numbers in a row. elect a Chairman and Co- correct answer earns 3
For example, First Chairman of a committee if points.
person ---“1, 2” you have 10 people to 7. The group with the most
Second choose from. number of points wins the Conditions:
person ---- “4, 5, 6” 3. Voting to allow 10 new game. 1. A girl…
Third person ------ “7” members to join a club (with the longest hair)
etc. when there are 25 that Content:
would liketo join. Word 1 – (EVENT)
2. A boy…
4. Finding different ways to (with the smallest
Hint: It is a set of possible
arrange a line-up for height)
outcomes resulting from a
batters on a baseball team.
particular experiment.
3. a representative…
5. Choosing 3 toppings for (with earrings and a
a pizza if there are 9 watch)
Hint: Activities such as 4. 2 representatives…
tossing a coin, rolling a die (a boy, a girl)
without looking which could
be repeated over and over 5. from the group…
again and which have well- (one with the fairest
defined results. complexion)
Hint: A branch of
mathematics that deals with
calculating the likelihood of
a given event's occurrence,
which is expressed as a
number between 1 and 0.
eggs for breakfast. They where you have to pick 3 be mentioned.
ate exactly three eggs, numbers (0-9) that match b. Procedure:
each person had an egg. the three numbers drawn - One representative from You start moving when I
How is that possible? by the lottery machine. each group. say, “Are you in or out”
Each number is only used - Each group will guess a
once. Order counts! The color that will appear on the Classifications:
order of the numbers you wheel after spinning. a) Math Lovers
pick must match the order - The group who guessed b) English Lovers
that the numbers are the color correctly will c) Math and English
drawn. receive prizes. Lovers
(e.g. additional points, d) Another subject please
1. How many different candies/chocolates, etc)
numbers are there to pick *How many are Math
the winner from? Processing: Lovers? English
a. Answer: 720 1. How many colors are Lovers? Math and English
2. What if order does not there in the wheel? Lovers?
matter? How many 2. Which color do you think
numbers are there? has the greatest or least *What mathematical
a. Answer: 120 chance to occur? Why? concept was used in the
3. During the game, are you activity?
Answer the following certain with your choice of
questions: color? Why? *What operation in sets
1. How are the situations 4. What is the game all denotes the sum of
similar? about? “a” and “b”? the number of
2. How are the situations 5. Which particular topic in “c”?
different? Math deals with chances?
C. Presenting examples/Instances Illustrative example 1: In solving word problem Consider the situations
of the new lesson involving permutation and below. Use your knowledge TRY THIS…
The school canteen in combination, the learners on probability in filling up the Discuss among
Amaya School of Home were able to determine the blanks that follow. your groups the
School of Home tasks/ situations that solution of each
Industries (ASHI) in involve permutation from 1. A die is rolled once. Find problem. No.1
Tanza, Cavite, offers those that involve the probability should be
Turon, Lumpiang combination. of obtaining: answered by
Shanghai, Banana Cue, Illustrative Example group 1, No. 2 by
and Egg sandwich during Permutations vs. group 2 and so
snack time with Lemon Combination on.
juice, Orange juice, and Consider Select a
Buko juice as beverage. these situations. Sample representative to
In how many ways can Example 1: A group has to select a moderator Space:_____________ present and
and a secretary from 5 members in the group.
the students in ASHI How many arrangements of group leaders are explain your
select 2 snacks with a possible? a. a 5 answer in a
beverage? Sample creative way (e.g.
Example 2: A group has to select two Event:______________ storey telling)
leaders from the 5 members in the
group. How many sets of group
officers are possible?
P(E) = = The extracurricular
Let the five group activities in which the
members be A, B, C, D, E senior class at General
b. a 6
Solution to Example 1 Mariano Alvarez
Since the moderator and Event:______________ Technical High School
the secretary are participate are shown in
considered different their the Venn diagram below.
order is important, then the P(E) = =
number of possible _______________
arrangements of group c. an odd number
leaders is Sample
5P2 = = 5 • 4 = 20 Event:______________
(5 – 2)!
P(E) = =
These are the possible _______________
arrangements: 2. A box contains 3 red Extra-curricular activities
balls, 5 yellow balls, and 2 participated by senior
AB BA BC CB CD blue balls. If a ball is picked students of GMATHS
DC DE ED at random from the box,
AC CA BD DB CE what is the probability that a 1. How many students
EC ball picked is: are in the senior class?
AD DA BE EB ______ ( U )
2. How many students
Solution to Example 2. participate in athletics?
______ ( A )
The problem looks at sets
of group officers and is not Sample Space: 3. How many students
particular as to who is the _______________ participate in drama or
moderator and who is the band? ______ ( D U B)
secretary. In this situation, a. yellow ball?
order is not important. AB Sample 4. How many students
and BA are considered as Event:______________ participate in drama and
the same set of objects as band? ______ ( D Π B)
A and B. P(E) = =
5. How many students
From the possible participate in drama, band
b. red ball?
arrangements in Example and athletics? ______ ( D
Sample Event:
1, let us remove those with ΠBΠA)
Solution: ______________
the same people.
If there are 4 kinds of
* How were you able to
snacks and the students P(E) = =
AB BA BC CB find the total number of
need to choose 2 then
CD DC DE _________________ students in the senior
n=4 total no. of
ED AC CA BD class?
snacks to choose from
r= 2 students
AD DA BE EB * How does the concept of
AE EA set help you in finding the
thus, C ( 4 ,2)
intersection and union of
4C2 = When order is not two or more events?
important, the number of
4C2 =
possible arrangements is
only 10.
= 2•3
5C2 = = 10
5!(5 – 2)!
= 6 ways
For Beverage
n=3 total no. of
beverage for sale
r= 1 students
thus, C ( 3, 1)
3C1 =
= 3ways
snacks juice
= 6 ●3
= 18ways
D. Discussing new concepts and Read the problem carefully
practicing new skills # 1 solve and answer the THINK-PAIR-SHARE
question below
Students enrolled in a
a. How many different MAPEH class were
committees of 4 people grouped depending on
can be formed from a pool their skills in dancing. This
Illustrative example 2. of 7 people? is shown in the following
In how many ways can a Venn diagram.
committee consisting of Step 1 .Analyze the
4 members be formed problem. In this problem, is THINK-PAIR-SHARE
from 11 people? order or arrangement
Solution: important? ____ Direction: Name the sample
n = 11, r = 4 space, sample event and
C(n,r) = Step 2. What is the formula solve for the probability of
to be used? ________ an event.
C(11,4) =
Step 3. Solution. The order *If a card is drawn from a
C(11,4) = of being selected for a well-shuffled deck of cards,
committee is not important, find the probability of
thus the problem asks for drawing:
the combinations of 7 Answer the following:
C11,4) = 11•10•3 objects taken 4 at a time a. an ace 1. J Π S Π 20
after common factors are 7C4 = 7!___ b. a diamond 2. J Π S
cancelled 4!(7 – 4)! c. a face card 3. S Π T
4. T Π J
C(11,4) = 330 ways = 7! = 7. 6 . 5. 4! = 5. J U S
_______ 6. S U T
4! 3! 4! 3! 7. T U J
8. How many can dance
b. A class is to select a jive only?
president, a vice president, 9. How many can dance
a secretary and a treasurer salsa only?
from 7 class members. 10. How many can dance
How many arrangements tango only?
of class officers are
Step 3. Solution.
The number of
permutations of 7 class
members taken 4 at a time.
7P4 = 7!
(7 – 4)!
= 7!
= 7 . 6. 5. 4. 3!
= 7X 6X 5X4
= _______
E. Discussing new concepts and Think about it . . . . . ●How did you find the
practicing new skills # 2 1. What is the 1. Can you differentiate GUIDE QUESTIONS: activity?
formula that can permutation from
be used in combination? 1. How many possible ●How is union and
solving 2. Can you give other outcomes are there (number intersection of events
combination situations within our school of cards in an ordinary deck defined?
problems? that illustrate permutation of cards)?
2. What is the and combination? ●How is the union and
difference 3. What is the importance 2. In an ordinary deck of intersection of events
between of studying permutation playing cards, how many (a) determined?
permutation and and combination in making aces, (b) diamond, and (c)
combination? decision? face cards are there? ●Using Venn diagram,
3. Can you give how are union and
other situations 3. What is the probability or intersection of events
within your chance that you get (a) ace, illustrated?
school that (b) diamond, (c) face card?
4. What is the
importance of
combination in
Illustrative example 2:
The Chief Commissioner
of the Commission on
asks the members of the
board to select three
commissioners from a
group of six candidates.
How can this be done?
Solution: n = ___, r = 3
C(6, 3) =
substitute the given
C(6,3) =
perform the operation
C(6, 3) = ______
Then, there are _____
ways to select the
_____5. A spinner is
divided equally and
numbered as follows:
2. What is the probability
that the pointer will stop at
an even prime?
of the 7 prepared songs, in
how many ways can she
make her choice?
4. Suppose you find 7
articles related to the topic
of your research paper, in
how many ways can you
choose 5 articles to read?
H. Making generalizations and A combination is the A combination is the • Union---the union of two
abstractions about the lesson choice of r things from a choice of r things from a events A and B, denoted
set of n things without set of n things without as AUB , is the event that
replacement and where replacement and where occurs if either A or B or
order does not matter order does not matter Any event which consists of both occur on a single
a single outcome in the performance of an
nCr = n! experiment
sample space is called an
r! ( n-r)! elementary or simple
Linear Permutation. A event. • Intersection---the
Remember : permutation is a linear intersection of two events
n total arrangement of objects, or Probability is a measure or A and B, denoted as AΠB
r want an arrangement of objects estimation of how equally , is the event that occurs if
in rows, in which the order likely each event will occur. both A and B occur on a
of the objects is important. It is denoted as P(E) and is single performance of the
given by experiment
Circular Permutation.
The number of ways to P(E) = • There are different
arrange distinct objects possible ways that Events
along a fixed (i.e., cannot A and B may happen in a
or Space, these are
be picked up out of the
P(E) = presented in the following
plane and turned over)
circle is. The number is Venn diagrams.
instead of the usual
factorial since all cyclic
permutations of objects are UNION OF EVENTS
equivalent because the
circle can be rotated.
Remember: The
permutation of n objects
taken r at a time is
Circular Permutation of n S
objects is (n – 1)! B
(A∪B)= (A) + (B)-( A∩B) ∪
(A∩B) (A∩B)=0
I. Evaluating learning Solve the following Solve the following A group of players
combination problems completely. In one half sheet of paper, identified themselves as
problems.(15 pts) answer each problem within to what game/s they are
1. In a gathering, 1. In how many ways can 30 seconds. Choose the going to play. The result is
the host makes you arrange 5 Mathematics letter that corresponds to presented below.
sure that each books and 3 English books the best answer.
guest shakes on a shelf such that books
hands with of the same subject are 1. Ms. Andrade, a Math
everyone else. If kept together? teacher, draws names to
there are 25 2. In how many ways can 6 see who will answer the first
guests, how students be seated in a problem. There are 10 boys
many row of 6 seats if 2 of the and 16 girls in her class.
handshakes will students insist on sitting What is the probability that Answer the following:
be done? beside each other? he will draw a girl’s name? 1. F Π B Π I
2. A soloist is A. 5/18 B. 8/13 C. 2. FΠ B
auditioning for a 3. In a gathering, the host 5/8 D. ½ 3. B Π I
musical play. If makes sure that each 4. How many can play
she is required guest shakes hands with 2. A set of cards includes 15 football?
to sing any three everyone else. If there are green cards, 10 red cards, 5. How many plays
of the 7 25 guests, how many and 10 blue cards. What is baseball only?
prepared songs, handshakes will be done? the probability that the card
in how many chosen at random will be
ways can she green?
make her A. 3/7 B. ¾ C.
choice? 2/7 D. 4/7
3. Suppose you
find 7 articles 3. What is the probability
related to the that the card chosen in No.
topic of your 2 at random will be red?
research paper, A. 2/3 B. 2/7
in how many C. 3/7 D. 4/7
ways can you
choose 5 articles 4. In scrabble, 2 of the 100
to read? tiles are blank. Find the
probability of drawing a
blank tile from an entire set
of scrabble tiles?
A. 0.02 C. 1/50
B. 2% D. all of
the above
A. 91/115 C. 24/91
B. 24/115 D. None of
the above
b. getting a sum of
2. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What
else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when
you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other