Submitted By – K. Raghavendra
ID: 1190253003
Business process Model is the activity of representing processes of an enterprise, so that
the current process may be analyzed, improved, and automated.
Business Process Model has a
1. Has a Goal
2. Has specific inputs
3. Has specific outputs
4. Uses resources
5. Has a number of activities that are performed in some order.
6. Creates value of some kind for the customer. The customer may be internal or external.
3. List out Challenging Areas for a BA?
Lack of training: Un trained business analysts cannot gather enough information.
Obtaining sign-off on requirements: If the client is busy obtaining sign-off may take months.
Due do which resources allocated to project will be under utilised.
Change Management: difficult to manage changes at the later stages of the development as
it requires more budget and resources.
Coordination between developers and testers.
Conducting Meetings.
Making sure status reporting is effective
Driving clients for UAT completion
People Management (coordination between different people and different teams)
Overall making sure project health is in good shape and delivered as per the time-lines
without any issues.
4. What are different categories of tools that can be used in a project, you are aware of?
Documentation Tool. (Ms office, adobe buzzword)
UML Drawing Tool. (Rational Rose, Ms visio, Lucid Chart)
Screen capturing Tools.(snag it)
Prototyping Tools. (Balsamiq, Axure RP)
Business Modeling Tools. (active modeler, AgilPro)
Software Development Process Model. (rup)
Change Management Tools. (Rational clear quest, affinity)
Brainstorming Tools. (Ever note)
Meeting Minutes. (Meeting Sense)
SDLC Tools. (Pivotal Tracker, Microsoft Project Plan)
Database Tools. (ms access, ms sql server, oracle 11g, postgresql)
Reporting Tools. (Rational SoDA, SSRS, Cognos BI)
Requirement Management Tools. (Analyst Pro, IBM DOORS)
Testing Tools. (Load Runner, Win Runner)
Configuration Tools. (Change Man, TFS)
Analysis Tools. (Google analytics, web focus)
Enterprise Architecture Tools. (TOGAF, Provision)
Q5. Explain “actor generalization” and “use case generalization” with example?
Generalization: It is a parent child relationship. In Generalization Child inherits the properties of
Actor Generalization: It refers to the relationship which can exist between two actors and which
shows that one actor inherits the properties of another actor.
Customer and Vip Customer both are in generalization. Customer is a Parent and Vip customer
is a child. In Generalization child can perform all the activities performed by Parent along with
some additional activities. The arrow Points towards the parent.
Use Case Generalization: case generalization refers to the relationship which can exist between
two use cases and which shows that one use case (child) inherits the structure, and behaviour
of another use case (parent).
In library management system use cases like access cd, access dvd, access multimedia inherits
the properties of access vip items use case.
6. When do you use "Include" and "extend" in use case diagrams and give an example?
Include: Mandatory.
If Parent use case is not complete without Child use case (dependency) then we use “Include”
Login Book Ticket
availale balance withdraw amout
in account
Extends: Optional.
If Parent use case exist without Child use case, then we use “Extend” relation. (There is no
Withdraw cash Print Receipt
order chequebook vip customer
7.What standards do you follow to create SRS document and write down it's subsections?
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Document Structure
2. System requirements
2.1 System overview
2.2 Assumptions and dependencies
3. Functional Requirements
3.1 Requirements
3.2 Requirements
4. External Requirements
4.1 User Interfaces
4.2 Hardware Interfaces
4.3 Software Interfaces
4.4 Communications Interfaces
5. Non-Functional Requirements
5.1 Performance requirements
5.2 Safety and security requirements
5.3 Usability requirements
5.4 Scalability & Maintainability requirements
5.5 Packaging requirements
5.6 Compatibility Requirements
6 Acceptance Criteria
7 Post Implementation
8 Annexure(s).
with 20 questionnaires to be asked to the client on your initial meeting. (Policy management
system or Point of sale system or New Bank Account opening system or Hotel and & Cab
1.Who are different users going to access the New Bank Account Opening System? (Ex:
3.How many login pages do you need? (customer login, admin login)
4.what are the different fields needed to store customer information in form?
6.Do you want your customer to check the status of their application online?
7.How many new account applications you are expecting per day?
8.Do you want to notify your customer once the account is successfully created? (SMS,
9.What is your target? (Ex: 10000 new bank accounts per day)
10.What all languages you want the system to support? (Ex: English, Telugu)
11.What are the prerequisites to open a new bank account? (EX: Indian, Age,)
12.Do you need a feedback from users to send feedback or complain?
13.Do you want to have a virtual assistant who assists in filling the work?
15.what are the different modes of payment? (cash, card, reward points)
16.What are the different cards you want to accept for payment? (visa, American express,
18.What are the conditions for user name and password? (caps, lower case, alphanumeric,
20.What are the different devices you want your system to be accessible? (mobile, tablet,
10. What is the role of BA in Change Request?
Initially the BA Documents the Change Request
The BA will Analyze the Change Request is really a change or a defect discovered from
need communications
The project manager must provide an initial approval if the Business
Analyst needs to move further in analyzing the change requested.
When it comes to change management whether or not to incorporate the changes,
depends on
yet another important factor which is for the Business Analyst as well as the Project
Manager to
ensure whether the requested change is a complex one or just a minor change.
In case the change is complex, it will not only expand the scope of the project drastically
in turn leads to increase the delivery time.
Business Analysts will help the stakeholders to understand the impact, the change
request will
have on the organization and to help minimize negative impact that results from that
Successful change efforts necessitate the Business Analyst to articulate a realistic or
convincing vision that appeals to both internal and external stakeholders.
Q 11. Draw a Use case Diagram and Activity Diagram for Library Management System?
Vip Customer.
Activity Diagram:
Q12. What are the roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst in given phases?
documenting BRD
focus groups,observations)
requirements BA
Ba traces how requirements are
cases Resources
architecture of it solution
diagrams or db schema
Development Team
Developers refer diagrams and PM
their unit
Update RTM
client PM
Updates RTM
coming projects)