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IELTS Writing

Task 1: Academic

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How to Write an IELTS Task 1 Essay
On this page, you’ll get an overview of how to answer a task 1.

Answers will always vary depending on the type of graph or diagram, and the type of language will
vary, but there is a certain structure that they all follow.

How do I answer an IELTS writing task 1?

To analyse this, look at the following question and the graph.

You should spend 20 minutes on this task.

The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food
consumed by Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features
and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

page 3
There are three basic things you need to structure an IELTS writing task 1.

1. Introduce the graph

2. Give an overview
3. Give the detail

1) Introduce the Graph

You need to begin with one or two sentences that state what the IELTS writing task 1 shows. To
do this, paraphrase the title of the graph, making sure you put in a time frame if there is one.

Here is an example for the above line graph:

The line graph illustrates the amount of fast food consumed by teenagers in Australia
between 1975 and 2000, a period of 25 years.
You can see this says the same thing as the title, but in a different way.

2) Give an Overview
You also need to state what the main trend or trends in the graph are. Don’t give detail such as
data here – you are just looking for something that describes what is happening overall.

One thing that stands out in this graph is that one type of fast food fell over the period, whilst the
other two increased, so this would be a good overview.

Here is an example:

Overall, the consumption of fish and chips declined over the period, whereas the amount of
pizza and hamburgers that were eaten increased.
This covers the main changes that took place over the whole period.

You may sometimes see this overview as a conclusion. It does not matter if you put it in the
conclusion or the introduction when you do an IELTS writing task 1, but you should provide an
overview in one of these places.

3) Give the Detail

You can now give more specific detail in the body paragraphs.

When you give the detail in your body paragraphs in your IELTS writing task 1, you must make
reference to the data.

The key to organizing your body paragraphs for an IELTS writing task 1 is to group data together
where there are patterns.

To do this you need to identify any similarities and differences.

Look at the graph – what things are similar and what things are different?
page 4
As we have already identified in the overview, the consumption of fish and chips declined over the
period, whereas the amount of pizza and hamburgers that were eaten increased.

So it is clear that pizza and hamburgers were following a similar pattern, but fish and chips were
different. On this basis, you can use these as your ‘groups’, and focus one paragraph on fish and
chip and the other one on pizza and hamburgers.

Here is an example of the first paragraph:

In 1975, the most popular fast food with Australian teenagers was fish and chips, being
eaten 100 times a year. This was far higher than pizza and hamburgers, which were
consumed approximately 5 times a year. However, apart from a brief rise again from 1980
to 1985, the consumption of fish and chips gradually declined over the 25 year timescale to
finish at just under 40 times per year.
As you can see, the focus is on fish and chips. This does not mean you should not mention the
other two foods, as you should still make comparisons of the data as the questions asks.

The second body then focuses on the other foods:

In sharp contrast to this, teenagers ate the other two fast foods at much higher levels. Pizza
consumption increased gradually until it overtook the consumption of fish and chips in
1990. It then leveled off from 1995 to 2000. The biggest rise was seen in hamburgers,
increasing sharply throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, exceeding fish and chips
consumption in 1985. It finished at the same level that fish and chips began, with
consumption at 100 times a year.

page 5
Full Model Answer:

The line graph illustrates the amount of fast food consumed by teenagers in Australia between
1975 and 2000, a period of 25 years. Overall, the consumption of fish and chips declined over the
period, whereas the amount of pizza and hamburgers that were eaten increased.

In 1975, the most popular fast food with Australian teenagers was fish and chips, being eaten 100
times a year. This was far higher than Pizza and hamburgers, which were consumed
approximately 5 times a year. However, apart from a brief rise again from 1980 to 1985, the
consumption of fish and chips gradually declined over the 25 year timescale to finish at just under
40 times per year.

In sharp contrast to this, teenagers ate the other two fast foods at much higher levels. Pizza
consumption increased gradually until it overtook the consumption of fish and chips in 1990. It
then leveled off from 1995 to 2000. The biggest rise was seen in hamburgers, increasing sharply
throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s, exceeding fish and chips consumption in 1985. It finished at the
same level that fish and chips began, with consumption at 100 times a year.

(192 words)

page 6
IELTS Table Gap Fill Exercise

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five

European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Proportion of household income five European countries spend on food and drink,
housing, clothing and entertainment.

Food and
Housing Clothing Entertainment

France 25% 31% 7% 13%

Germany 22% 33% 15% 19%

UK 27% 37% 11% 11%

Turkey 36% 20% 12% 10%

Spain 31% 18% 8% 15%

page 7
The table 1. ____________ the amount of household income that five countries in Europe spend
per month on four items. Overall, 2. ______________________ all five countries spend the
majority of their income on food and drink and housing, but 3. _____________________ clothing
and entertainment.

Housing is 4. _________________ expenditure item for France, Germany and the UK, with all of
them spending around one third of their income on this, at 31%, 33% and 37%,
5. _________________________ . In contrast, they spend around
6. _______________________ food and drink. 7. ________________ , this pattern is reversed for
Turkey and Spain, who spend around a fifth of their income on housing, but approximately one
third on food and drink.

All five countries spend much less on 8. ___________________ two items. France and Spain
spend the least on clothing at less than 10%, 9. ____________________ the other three countries
spend around the same amount, 10. _________________________ 11% and 15%. At 19%,
Germany spends the most on entertainment, whereas UK and Turkey spend approximately half
this amount, with France and Spain between the two.

Words choices:
it is evident
However illustrates a quarter on the largest
the remaining ranging between respectively while much less on

page 8
IELTS Pie Chart Gap Fill Exercise

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie charts show the electricity generated in Germany and France from all
sources and renewables in the year 2009.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

page 9
The four pie charts 1. _____________________________ the electricity generated between

Germany and France during 2009, and it is measured in billions kWh. Overall, it can be seen that

conventional thermal was the main source of electricity in Germany, 2. _______________ nuclear

was the main source in France.

The bulk of electricity in Germany, whose total output was 560 billion kWh, came from

conventional thermal, at 59.6%. In France, the total output 3. _____________________ , at 510

billion kWh, and in contrast to Germany, conventional thermal 4. _____________________ just

10.3%, with most electricity coming from nuclear power (76%). In Germany,

5. ___________________________ nuclear power generated electricity was only

6. _________________________ of the total.

Moving on to renewables, this accounted for quite similar proportions for both countries,

7. ________________________________________ 15% of the total electricity generated. In

detail, in Germany, most of the renewables consisted of wind and biomass, totaling around 75%,

which 8. ___________________ than for hydroelectric (17.7%) and solar (6.1%). The situation

9. ________________________ in France, where hydroelectric made up 80.5% of renewable

electricity, with biomass, wind and solar making up 10. _____________________ 20%.

Words choices:
was very at the
was lower compare
different approximately remaining
the proportion of was far higher accounted for one fifth whereas

page 10
A graph in the future
Sometimes you may have to write about a graph in the future.

When you are presented with a line graph to analyze (or a bar graph if it is over time) you should
always look carefully to check what time frame is being referred to.

If you get the time frame wrong, this could have a very negative impact on your score as a lot of
the information will then be presented incorrectly.

Take a look at the line graph below.

1. What is the timeframe?

2. What tenses will you use?

As you will see, it runs from 2012 until 2022.

In some graphs you may be given a time frame that includes the past and the future (or possibly
only the future). In this case you need to be very careful that you are using the past tense when
appropriate and the future tense when appropriate.

These are some common phrases you can use to discuss the future in a graph:

 will + infinitive
 is/are expected to + infinitive
 is/are predicted to + infinitive
Now take a look at the line graph and the model answer.

In order to see clearly how the past and future time frames have been used, the past is in red, and
the future is in green.


page 11
Graph in the Future - Model answer

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The line graph shows the past and projected finances for a local
authority in New Zealand.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features
and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

The line graph illustrates the financial position of a New Zealand local authority from 2012 to 2022.
It is measured in millions of New Zealand dollars. Overall, it can be seen that while rates
revenue and user charges are predicted to increase over the period, borrowings and grants
and subsidies will remain much lower.

Rates revenues and user charges will follow a very similar pattern over the time
frame. Rates revenue stood at just under 1.5 billion in 2012, which was the highest of the
four criteria. Though they remained stable until 2013, they are expected to climb to
approximately 2.4 billion dollars in 2022. Like rates revenues, use charges are predicted to
continuously increase. They began the period at 1 billion and will stand at twice this level
by 2022.

Borrowings, on the other hand, are expected to show considerable fluctuation. Although
having initially increased,they will drop to a low of 600 million in 2016, before reaching a
peak of just under 1.5 billion in 2020. Borrowings will finish the period at around the same
level that they began. Grant and subsidies were the lowest of the four, at under 500 million
in 2012. Despite moving up to exceed borrowing briefly in 2016, this low level will continue
until 2022.

(209 words)

page 12
IELTS Process Diagram
Sometimes you will get an IELTS process diagram to describe.

This should follow the same format as any task 1:

1. Introduce the diagram

2. Give an overview of the main point/s
3. Give the detail

What is an IELTS Process Diagram?

To begin, look at this question:

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram illustrates the process that is used to

manufacture bricks for the building industry.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the
main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

page 13
A process will have a number of stages that are in time order. So you should start at the
beginning, and describe each stage through to the last one.

In the example above, this is fairly clear. It begins with the digging of the clay, and ends with

Processes are not always this clear, and you may have to look more carefully to spot the
beginning, and there may also be two things happening at the same time.

So it is important that you look at other sample processes to get a good understanding of how
they can vary.

Introduce the Diagram

As with any task 1, you can begin by paraphrasing the rubric:

The diagram explains the way in which bricks are made for the building industry.
As you can see, this has been taken from the question, but it has not been copied. You need to
write it in your own words.

Highlight the main points

An IELTS process diagram is different to a line, bar, pie chart or table in that there are not usually
key changes or trends to identify. However, you should still give an overview of what is taking

The ‘public band descriptors’ state that to achieve a band 6 or more for ‘task response’ the
student must provide an overview in a task 1.

As there are no trends to comment on, you can make a comment on, for example, the number of
stages in the process and how it begins and ends:

Overall, there are eight stages in the process, beginning with the digging up of clay and
culminating in delivery.

Giving the detail

Now you need to explain the IELTS process diagram, and there are two key aspects of language
associated with this:

Time Connectors

A process is a series of events, one taking place after the other. Therefore, to connect your
stages, you should use ‘time connectors’. Here is the rest of the answer with the time
connectors highlighted (notice that you simply go from the beginning to the end of the process):

page 14
To begin, the clay used to make the bricks is dug up from the ground by a large digger. This clay
is then placed onto a metal grid, which is used to break up the clay into smaller pieces. A roller
assists in this process.
Following this, sand and water are added to the clay, and this mixture is turned into bricks by
either placing it into a mould or using a wire cutter. Next, these bricks are placed in an oven to
dry for 24 – 48 hours.
In the subsequent stage, the bricks go through a heating and cooling process. They are heated
in a kiln at a moderate and then a high temperature (ranging from 200c to 1300c), followed by a
cooling process in a chamber for 2 – 3 days. Finally, the bricks are packed and delivered to their
These connectors are the same you would use to write a graph over time when you explain a
series of changes.

These are some common IELTS process diagram connectors:

To begin
Following this
After that

** If you use before, this means that you will be mentioning a later stage before an earlier stage,
so you need to use it carefully. If you can use it properly though, it will get noticed.

Here is an example using stages four and five:

Before being dried in the oven, the mixture is turned into bricks by either placing it into a mould or
using a wire cutter.

The Passive

When we describe an IELTS process, the focus is on the activities, NOT the person doing them.

When this is the case, we use the passive voice, not the active.

This is a brief explanation of how to use the passive voice, but if you are new or unsure about
using it, you should do some further study and practice.

page 15
Most sentences use this structure:

Subject + Verb + Object

(S) A large digger (V) digs up (O) the clay in the ground.
In the active voice (as above), the digger is doing the verb i.e. the digger is doing the digging.

When we use the passive voice, we make the object (the clay) the subject, and make the subject
(the digger) the object. We also add in the verb ‘to be’ and the past participle (or Verb 3).

(S) The clay in the ground (V) is dug up (O) by the digger.
So throughout most of your description for your IELTS process diagram, you should be using the
passive voice.

This is difficult as some verbs cannot take the passive. For example, 'to go' cannot be passive, so
it is kept in the active voice:

...the bricks go through a heating and cooling process.

This is why you need to make sure you practice the passive so you know exactly how to use it.

Also, as you will see from the description, it is more usual to to comment on who or what is doing
the action so the 'by...." phrase is excluded.

Here is the same example description with uses of the passive highlighted:

To begin, the clay (which is) used to make the bricks is dug up from the ground by a large
digger. This clay isthen placed onto a metal grid, which is used to break up the clay into smaller
pieces. A roller assists in this process.
Following this, sand and water are added to the clay, and this mixture is turned into bricks by
either placing it into a mould or using a wire cutter. Next, these bricks are placed in an oven to
dry for 24 – 48 hours.
In the subsequent stage, the bricks go through a heating and cooling process. They are
heated in a kiln at a moderate and then a high temperature (ranging from 200c to 1300c),
followed by a cooling process in a chamber for 2 – 3 days. Finally, the bricks are
packedand delivered to their destinations.

Varying your Language

Sometimes it may be appropriate just to use the same language that you are given in the IELTS
process diagram to describe it, but you should try to vary it.

You may be able to use nouns from the diagram as your verbs. For example, the
noun packaging in stage seven becomes:

Finally, the bricks are packed…

The full answer to the question is on the following page.

page 16
IELTS Writing Task 1 – Describe a Process

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for
the building industry.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

The Brick Manufacturing Process

page 17
Process Model Answer
The diagram explains the way in which bricks are made for the building industry. Overall, there are
seven stages in the process, beginning with the digging up of clay and culminating in delivery.

To begin, the clay used to make the bricks is dug up from the ground by a large digger. This clay
is then placed onto a metal grid, which is used to break up the clay into smaller pieces. A roller
assists in this process.

Following this, sand and water are added to the clay, and this mixture is turned into bricks by
either placing it into a mould or using a wire cutter. Next, these bricks are placed in an oven to dry
for 24 – 48 hours.

In the subsequent stage, the bricks go through a heating and cooling process. They are heated in
a kiln at a moderate and then a high temperature (ranging from 200c to 1300c), followed by a
cooling process in a chamber for 2 – 3 days. Finally, the bricks are packed and delivered to their

(173 Words)

page 18
Cohesive Devices for IELTS Task 1 Essays

Graphs and tables analysis

 The graph shows demographic trends
 The table gives information about the attitude towards science
 The graph compares the rate of smoking
 It can be clearly seen, that the rate of smoking is currently declining
 A further prominent feature of the data is that relatively low numbers of students (less
than 10%) in both age groups plan to study
 Another important trend in the data is that
 Whereas the vast majority of English speakers in the UK, more than 58 million out of a
total of 59 million, speak English as a first language, in India...
 Similarly, most English speakers...
 There was a sharp rise to 900 which preceded a gradual decline
 There was a slight drop to 90 which was followed by a more marked decrease to 30
 There was a sudden and noticeable difference between
 The number of people under 18 rose dramatically
 The number of people under 18 increased sharply
 There was a slight decline in the number of married people
 There was a sharp drop in the number of deaths
 It reached a peak in 2012, after which it dropped back to the November level
 It fluctuated around 100, but it levelled out in 2011
 In can be observed that there has been a considerable increase
 A steady increase followed by a gradual decline
 A sharp drop followed by a steady decrease
 A gradual decrease followed by a sudden fall
 A gradual rise followed by a sharp increase
 The main difference between oil and gas consumption is
 Nevertheless, Britain produces much
 In contrast with Germany,
 Admissions to all sciences started at the same level
 Admissions to medicine equalled biology about 5 years ago
 The percentage of students who enjoy science lessons is significantly lower in the 16-18
age group at 25% than it is in the 19-21 age group where the figure is 55%.
 The number is approximately the same in both age groups ...while the number in the
older age group is a mere 1% less
 Spending was highest on transport costs at £64.90 per week, up £6.50 from the previous
year, an increase of 11 per cent.
 Over half of all transport spending (£33.30) was on running costs, which rose by £4.00 (an
increase of 14 per cent).
 Spending in the third highest category, recreation and culture, remained similar to 2009 at
£58.10 per week.
 A weekly average of £4.30 was spent on pets and pet food.
 Clothing accounted for £1.60 of this increase
 The number of people employed in the private sector increased by 205,000 to reach
23.38 million whereas the number of people employed in the public sector fell by 39,000
to reach 5.90 million, the lowest figure since March 2003.
 Indigenous production of fuels in the UK fell by 11.6 per cent in the first quarter of 2012
compared with a year earlier.
page 19
 Of electricity generated in the first quarter of 2012, gas accounted for 27 per cent (its
lowest share in the last fourteen years), whilst coal accounted for 42 per cent.
 Onshore wind showed the highest absolute increase in generation in the first quarter of
2012, increasing by 51 per cent, from 2.4 TWh in the first quarter of 2011 to 3.6 TWh
 Consumption by electricity generators was up by 19.0 per cent to 15.9 million tonnes.
 There is a large discrepancy between the number of people employed in service
industries and those employed in the primary sector.
 Britain’s economy is largely based on its industry, whereas a few hundred years ago it was
an agrarian country.

Direction Location
 rose to  directly opposite
 increased to  on the right-hand side of
 went up to  in close proximity to
 climbed to  to the left of
 a rise рост  at the bottom
 an increase  in the bottom right-hand corner of
 an upward trend  exactly in the middle of
 a boom  at the top of
 fell to
 declined to
 decreased to
 dipped to Adverbs
 dropped to  dramatically
 went down to  sharply
 a decrease  steeply
 a decline  substantially
 a fall  significantly
 a drop  markedly
 levelled out at  rapidly
 did not change  suddenly
 remained stable at  moderately
 remained steady at  slightly
 stayed constant at  steadily
 maintained the same level  gradually
 fluctuated around  slowly
 peaked at
 plateaued at
 stood at

page 20
IELTS Writing
Task 2: Academic and
General Training

page 21
page 22
IELTS Writing Task 2
Lesson 1: Identify the Topic
In the writing for task 2, one of the first things you need to do is identify the topic of the essay.
If you write about the wrong topic or go off topic when you write your answer, this is likely to
substantially reduce your band score.

How do I identify the topic?

Remember, in IELTS writing, you are usually presented with some issue or problem that is
currently affecting society and you need to discuss it.

So you need to read the question carefully and identify what the issue is. You will normally only be
looking for one or two key words.

Have a look at the following question. What is the issue?

The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically

in many countries.
Discuss some possible reasons for this increase and suggest

You should have identified teenage crime as the topic.

The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically in many countries.

What if I identified ‘crime’ as the topic?

Your essay would be wrong if you wrote about crime generally. When you have a topic, it may
require you to talk about a particular area, group of people or place.

In this case, the question specifically wants you to address the issue of TEENAGE crime.

When you identify the topic, always look carefully to see if it is being narrowed down to a particular
area that you need to focus on.

page 23
Identify the Topic - Practice
Have a look at the following essay questions and choose the best answer to identify the topic.
Remember, this is not a full analysis of the question - you are just looking for the broad topic area.

Sometimes more than one answer may be possible. In this case, when you identify the topic,
choose the most precise.

1. 'Telecommuting' refers to workers doing their jobs from home for part of each week and
communicating with their office using computer technology. Telecommuting is growing in
many countries and is expected to be common for most office workers in the coming

How do you think society will be affected by the growth of telecommuting?

A. Working from home

B. Telecommuting
C. Computer technology

2. To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable?

A. Animal research
B. Animals
C. Scientific research

3. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses,

hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes.

What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good
thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?

A. The benefits of computers

B. Computers in businesses, hospitals, crime detection, and flying.
C. Computer dependency

4. In what ways has information technology changed work and working practices in the past
10 years?

A. Information technology and work

B. Information technology
C. Working practices

page 24
5. Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is
increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed.
All blood sports should be banned.

Discuss the main arguments for this statement and give your own opinion.

A. Animal cruelty
B. Blood sports
C. Blood sports and uncivilized activity

6. A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that
they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ
animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss the arguments in favour of both these positions and state your own position on the

A. Satisfying human needs

B. Animals and humans
C. Animal rights

7. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Destruction of the world's forests amounts to death of the
world we currently know.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

A. The Earth
B. Deforestation
C. Death of the world

8. The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But
while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the
difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

A. Studying abroad
B. Studying
C. Living in a different culture

page 25
9. Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but not poor alternatives to a natural environment.

Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos.

A. Natural environments
B. Alternatives to zoos
C. Keeping animals in zoos

10. Many countries are currently witnessing an increase in criminal activity among young

Discuss reasons for this phenomenon and suggest ways to deal with the problem.

A. Youth crime
B. Criminal activity
C. Increases in crime

Answers -- Identify the topic

1 B

2 A research on animals

3 C how we need computers and a discussion around this

4 A IT at work

5 C killing animals as sport

6 C

7 B Deforestation isn’t mentioned, but it is defined

8 A It’s not about living in a different culture but studying in a different culture

9 C advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos

10 A

page 26
IELTS Writing Task 2
Lesson 2: Identify the Task
Once you have identified the topic for your essay, you need to identify the task.

The ‘task’ is the part of the question that tells you what you have to do to answer it.

This is one of the most important things you will have to do when you analyze the essay question
because 25% of your grade for the essay is based on ‘Task Response’ - how you have responded
to the task.

How do I identify the task?

In order to grade your task response, the examiner will be looking to see if you have answered
the question.

If you have only partially answered the question, this will decrease your grade for this criteria.

Let’s look at the same essay question we looked at in lesson 1 when you identified the topic:

The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically

in many countries.
Discuss some possible reasons for this increase and
suggest solutions.

In the previous exercise, we identified the topic for this question as ‘teenage crime’.

The task - or ‘what you have to do’ - is usually at the end of the prompt. As you can see, you are
being told to ‘Discuss some possible reasons for this increase and suggest solutions’.

It’s very common in task 2 IELTS essay questions to get asked to do two things, and this
question is a good example of this:

1. Why teenage crime has increased

2. Ways to solve this problem
You MUST discuss both those things to ensure you have fully answered the question and you
must write roughly equal amounts about each part.

Doing any of the following things will reduce your score for task response, and hence may reduce
your overall score:

1. Only writing about reasons or only solutions

2. Writing most of your essay about reasons and only a small part on solutions (or visa versa)
3. Writing about the reasons and solutions for crime in general, and not referring
to teenage crime (the topic)
4. Writing about neither reasons nor solutions

page 27
This is why it is so important to spend some time at the beginning making sure you identify the
task so that you know what you have to write about.

A Common Mistake
It is a common mistake for students to rush at the beginning to start writing as they are worried
about not finishing, and then write about the wrong thing.

For example, when you have finished identifying the task, you will brainstorm your ideas. You may
come up with reasons for an increase in crime such as ‘lack of parental
supervision’ and ‘boredom’.

However, I have seen students come up with problems of teenage crime, such as ‘more young
people being put in prison' and ‘stress for their parents'.

This particular task asks you to write about ‘reasons’, not ‘problems’ (though being asked to write
about 'problems and solutions' is common).

So if you do this you will not be answering the question. This comes from rushing and not taking
enough time to identify the task properly.

Other Question Types

The previous question was fairly easy, so to identify the task was hopefully not too difficult.

Some questions, though, will take more thought in order to identify what you need to write about.

Here is another example:

Advances in technology and automation have reduced the need for manual labour.
Therefore, working hours should be reduced.
To what extent do you agree?
Again, look to the end of the prompt to identify the task.

You have to say if you agree or disagree with working hours being reduced, or, in other words,
automation (machines) taking over from some human’s duties.

You must also say how much you agree or disagree ("to what extent").

Let’s assume you want to look at both sides of the issue. You therefore need to discuss the
reasons why you agree, and the reasons why you disagree. Or put another way:

1. The advantages of reducing working hours

2. The disadvantages of reducing working hours
And of course in the introduction or conclusion you need to make it clear what your opinion is.

If you do all of these things then you will have answered all parts of the prompt. If you find more
reasons to agree than disagree, then you can write more about this side of the argument, or visa

page 28
Identify the Task - Practice
Now you can have a practice identifying the task for some IELTS essay questions.

Pick the one that you think best describes what you would write about in order to fully answer all
parts of the question.

1. The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world cities can be
attributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use. In order to reverse
this decline in the quality of life in cities, attempts must be made to encourage people to use
their cars less and public transport more.

Discuss possible ways to encourage the use of public transport.

A. Why people have been using cars more and public transport less

B. How to get people to use public transport more

C. The causes of increasing congestion and air pollution.

2. Do the benefits of study abroad justify the difficulties? What advice would you offer to a
prospective student?

A. (a) A discussion of the benefits versus the challenges of studying abroad (b) Strategies to
cope with studying abroad

B. (a) The benefits of study abroad

C. (a) The benefits of study abroad (b) the difficulties of studying abroad

3. Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however,
growing worldwide demand has made this a global problem.

What are the causes of the increased demand and what measure could governments and
individuals take to respond to this problem?

A. (a) The problems with using too much water (b) Government solutions (c) Individual

B. How (a) Governments and (b) Individuals can solve water shortage problems.

C. (a) Reasons for increased demand for water (b) Government solutions (c) Individual
page 29
4. As global trade increases, many goods including those we use on a daily basis are produced
in other countries and transported long distances.

Do the benefits of the trend outweigh the drawback?

A. (a) The benefits of this (b) The disadvantages of this (c) Your opinion on whether it is more
beneficial or not

B. (a) The benefits of this (b) Your opinion on whether it is more beneficial or not

C. (a) The disadvantages of this (b) Your opinion on whether it is more beneficial or not

5. Some people feel that animals should have the same rights as humans, but others think they
are not as equal or intelligent as us so should not have the same rights.

Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.

A. (a) The arguments for giving animals rights (b) The arguments against this

B. (a) Arguments for having animal rights (b) The arguments against this (c) Your opinion

C. (a) The reasons why animals are not as equal or intelligent as humans

6. Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best
these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

A. (a) How alternative medicine differs from Conventional medicine

B. (a) The dangers of alternative medicine

C. (a) The benefits of alternative medicine (b) The drawbacks of alternative medicine (c) Your

page 30
7. Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.

Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can
tackle these problems.

A. (a) Problems of overpopulation in urban areas (b) Government solutions (c) Individual

B. (a) The problems of overpopulation (b) The solutions

C. (a) How governments can tackle urban overpopulation (b) How individuals can tackle
urban overpopulation.

8. Computers should never have been invented.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

A. (a) The reasons why computers were invented (b) The benefits of computers (c) Your

B. (a) The problems with computers (b) Solutions to these problems.

C. (a) The benefits of computers (b) The drawbacks of computers(c) Your opinion

9. Unemployment has become an increasing problem in the recent past.

What factors contribute to an increase in unemployment and what steps can be taken to solve
the problem?

A. (a) The causes of increasing unemployment (b) How to solve this problem

B. (a) The problems with increasing unemployment (b) How to solve this problem.

C. (a) The reasons why unemployment is increasing.

page 31
10. Some people think that young children should be allowed to do paid work, while others think
that this should be illegal.

Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.

A. (a) The advantages of allowing children to do paid work (b)Your opinion.

B. (a) The advantages of allowing children to do paid work (b) The disadvantages
this (c) Your opinion.

C. (a) The problems of allowing children to do paid work (b) The benefits of allowing them to
do paid work.

Answers -- Identify the Task

1 B

2 A

3 C

4 A

5 B

6 C

7 A

8 C

9 A

10 B

page 32
How do I Write an IELTS Essay?
In order to answer this, let’s first look at a sample question:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In the last 20 years there have been significant developments in

the field of information technology (IT), for example the World
Wide Web and communication by email. However, these
developments in IT are likely to have more negative effects than
positive in the future.
To what extent do you agree with this view?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or

You should write at least 250 words.

An IELTS essay is structured like any other essay; you just need to make it shorter. There are
three key elements:

1. Introduction
2. Body Paragraphs
3. Conclusion
We will look at each of these in turn, using the essay question above as an example.

1) Introduction
You should keep your introduction for the IELTS essay short. Remember you only have 40
minutes to write the essay, and some of this time needs to be spent planning. Therefore, you need
to be able to write your introduction fairly quickly so you can start writing your body paragraphs.

You should do just two things:

 State the topic of the essay, using some basic facts (that you may be able to take from the
 Say what you are going to write about
Here is an example introduction for the above essay question about IT:

page 33
The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people's lives are affected
by IT, with many advances in this field. However, while these technological advances have
brought many benefits to the world, it can be argued that these developments in IT will
result in more negative impacts than positive.
As you can see, the first sentence makes sure it refers to the topic (IT) and uses facts about IT
taken from the question. Note that these are paraphrased - you must not copy from the rubric!

The second part then clearly sets out what the essay will be about and confirms the writer’s
opinion (some questions may not ask for your opinion, but this one does).

2) Body Paragraphs
For an IELTS essay, you should have 2 or 3 body paragraphs - no more, and no less.

For your body paragraph, each paragraph should contain one controlling idea, and have
sentences to support this.

Let’s look at the first paragraph for the essay about IT. The essay is about the benefits and
drawbacks of IT, so these will need to be discussed in separate paragraphs.
Here is the first body paragraph:

To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, much simpler and faster,
resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and business. Furthermore, the World Wide
Web means that information on every conceivable subject is now available to us. For
example, people can access news, medical advice, online education courses and much
more via the internet. It is evident that these improvements have made life far easier and
more convenient for large numbers of people and will continue to do so for decades to
The controlling idea in this first paragraph is the 'benefits of IT', and there are two supporting
ideas, which are underlined. No drawbacks are discussed as the paragraph would then lose

Most of the essay will focus on the negative aspects of IT, as the writer says there are more
negative effects in the introduction. So the next two paragraphs are about these.

The topic sentence in the next paragraph therefore tells us we are changing the focus to the
negative points:

Nevertheless, the effects of this new technology have not all been beneficial. For
example, many people feel that the widespread use of email is destroying traditional forms
of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation. This
could result in a decline in people's basic ability to socialize and interact with each other on
a day-to-day basis.
The final body paragraph gives the last negative effect:

page 34
In addition, the large size of the Web has meant that it is nearly impossible to regulate and
control. This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing unsuitable websites
and viruses. Unfortunately, this kind of problem might even get worse in the future at least
until more regulated systems are set up.

3) Conclusion
The conclusion only needs to be one or two sentences, and you can do the following:

 Re-state what the essay is about (re-write the last sentence of your introduction in different
 Give some thoughts about the future

Here is an example:

In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I believe developments

relating to new technology are likely to produce many negative effects in the future that
must be addressed if we are to avoid damaging impacts to individuals and society.

The full IELTS Essay:

The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people's lives are affected by IT,
with many advances in this field. However, while these technological advances have brought many
benefits to the world, it can be argued that these developments in IT will result in more negative
impacts than positive.
To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, much simpler and faster, resulting in
numerous benefits for commerce and business. Furthermore, the World Wide Web means that
information on every conceivable subject is now available to us. For example, people can access
news, medical advice, online education courses and much more via the internet. It is evident that
these improvements have made life far easier and more convenient for large numbers of people
and will continue to do so for decades to come.
Nevertheless, the effects of this new technology have not all been beneficial. For example, many
people feel that the widespread use of email is destroying traditional forms of communication such
as letter writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation. This could result in a decline in people's
basic ability to socialize and interact with each other on a day-to-day basis.
In addition, the large size of the Web has meant that it is nearly impossible to regulate and control.
This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing unsuitable websites and viruses.
Unfortunately, this kind of problem might even get worse in the future at least until more regulated
systems are set up.
In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I believe developments relating
to new technology are likely to produce many negative effects in the future that must be addressed
if we are to avoid damaging impacts to individuals and society.
(287 words)

page 35
The IELTS essay introduction talks in general about the increasing use of IT, thus introducing the
topic well. The thesis then clearly sets out the writer’s opinion.
The following paragraph mentions the present benefits of these developments, but the opening
sentence in the third paragraph is a qualifying statement (Nevertheless, not all the effects...), so
the writer can now focus on the negative elements.
The fourth paragraph provides two other negative examples (lack of regulation, viruses). Both
paragraphs suggest that these problems will continue in the future.
The essay concludes with a clear opinion that agrees with the statement.
Overall, it is a well-balanced text that mentions the present situation (...this has made life...) but
importantly, also refers to the future of IT (...likely to increase..., might get worse...).

page 36

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Machine translation (MT) is slower and less accurate than human

translation and there is no immediate or predictable likelihood of
machines taking over this role from humans.

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Write at least 250 words.

page 37
Model answer

Read the following sample answer. Complete the answer by filling the gaps with a word or
phrase from the box below.

on the contrary for instance especially because

for these reasons in order to it is true of course

similarly however it seems to me for example

It is true that there have been great advances in technology over the last forty
years. the use of mobile phones and e-mail communication are common
these days. , machines that translate from one language to another are still in
their early stages.

that a machine could never do as good a job as a

human, when it comes to interpreting what people are
saying. , machines can translate statements such as “Where is the bank?”
but even simple statements are not always straightforward -
meaning depends on more than just
words. the word “bank” has a number of different meanings in English.
How does a translating machine know which meaning to take?

understand what people are saying, you need to take into account the
relationship between the speakers and their situation. A machine cannot tell the difference
between the English expression “Look out!” meaning “Be careful!” and “Look out!” meaning “Put
your head out of the window”. You need a human being to interpret the situation.

with written language, it is difficult for a machine to know how to translate

accurately we rarely translate every word. ,
we try to take into consideration how the idea would be expressed in the other language. This is
hard to do every language has its own way of doing and saying things.

I feel that it is most unlikely that machines will take the place of humans
in the field of translating and interpreting. If machines ever learn to think, perhaps then they will be
in a position to take on this role.

page 38
Model Answer

It is true that there have been great advances in technology over the last forty years. For example
/ For instance the use of mobile phones and e-mail communication are common these days.
However, machines that translate from one language to another are still in their early stages.

It seems to me that a machine could never do as good a job as a human, especially when it
comes to interpreting what people are saying. Of course, machines can translate statements such
as “Where is the bank?” but even simple statements are not always straightforward because the
meaning depends on more than just words. For instance / For example the word “bank” has a
number of different meanings in English. How does a translating machine know which meaning to

In order to understand what people are saying, you need to take into account the relationship
between the speakers and their situation. A machine cannot tell the difference between the
English expression “Look out!” meaning “Be careful!” and “Look out!” meaning “Put your head out
of the window”. You need a human being to interpret the situation.

Similarly with written language, it is difficult for a machine to know how to translate accurately
because we rarely translate every word. On the contrary, we try to take into consideration how
the idea would be expressed in the other language. This is hard to do because every language
has its own way of doing and saying things.

For these reasons I feel that it is most unlikely that machines will take the place of humans in the
field of translating and interpreting. If machines ever learn to think, perhaps then they will be in a
position to take on this role.

page 39
Cohesive Devices for IELTS Task 2 Essays
Begin your essay

 Nowadays, many people believe that

 Over the last decades,
 Most people are aware that
 Many people advocate the view that
 On the other hand, opponents claim that
 Opponents argue that
 There exist strong arguments in support of both sides of this debate, which implies that
it is worth examining both points of view before reaching any conclusions.
 It is a common belief that
 Money is clearly something which is often discussed in today’s world.
 Hardly a day goes by without the subject of money being raised in people’s lives.
 Clear agendas have multiple benefits.
 Home education is an issue that generates heated debates with supporters maintaining
 Over the years mankind has recognised the need for social and personal freedom
 Distant education supporters offer a variety of arguments

Stress your point

 Clearly,
 Obviously,
 It is obvious that
 Naturally,
 In fact,
 Undoubtedly,

Give ideas and discuss

 People argue a lot nowadays about whether

 Furthermore,
 Nevertheless,
 On the whole, I believe that
 First, second, third, last
 From an economic standpoint
 In addition, many people
 It is often argued that censorship is necessary
 In contrast, opponents of censorship point out
 Furthermore, it is generally felt that
 An additional advantage of education is that

 The greatest disadvantage of censorship is that

 Another negative aspect of censorship is that
 One convincing argument in favour of censorship is that
 Another drawback of censorship is that

page 40
 Sceptics point out that
 There is another side to the issue
 This is partly true
 It is true to a certain extent

Show your impression

 As far as I am concerned
 It makes an enduring impression on
 The most noticeable feature of it is
 One cannot help, but be impressed by the natural beauty
 Without doubt, the most impressive thing is
 The first thing one notices about
 Undoubtedly, the thing which will disappoint any visitor is

 Streets were just as narrow as they are today
 The cottage was the same as it had been
 The new buildings are considerably less ornate than
 It was by far the most elegant hotel
 The further south you travel, the warmer it becomes
 It looks very similar to
 The places are alike
 Compared with Paris, Rome is
 On the one hand, on the other hand
 The main difference between Rome and Paris is
 Nevertheless, it is a cosy town
 In contrast with winter desertion, in the summer the resort is swarming with tourists

Give your opinion

 It is my opinion that
 In my opinion,
 I firmly believe that
 I am convinced that
 I do not agree that
 I am inclined to believe that
 As far as I am concerned

Provide examples
 For example,
 For instance
 such as
 particularly,
 One typical example of this is

page 41
Suggest solutions
 One way to deal with the situation would be to ensure
 Steps should also be taken to
 A clear solution to this problem is for the government to make sure
 One final suggestion, which would help enormously, would be to
 Measures should be taken in order to deal with
 An alternative way to solve this problem would be
 People should focus their attention to improve the situation
 If attempts were made to address this problem, the effect would be that
 The situation could be improved, if they...

Show the result

 A result of her being open is that she is popular
 She is open, therefore she is popular
 The outcome of those measures might be
 The effect of this would be
 The reason she is popular is that
 As a result, they...
 Consequently,

 In conclusion, it can be said that
 Taking everything into consideration, it can be concluded that
 To sum up, it is clear that
 All things considered, the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that
 To conclude, it is my belief that
 To sum up, I am convinced that
 Taking everything into account, I therefore conclude that
 All things considered, it can be concluded that

page 42
IELTS Writing: Task 2
Topics for the IELTS Task 2 essay relate to anything that a normal adult could be expected to
discuss. Some general topics follow. Topics that appear frequently are underlined.

 the environment: global warming, climate change, pollution, deforestation

 natural resources: oil, coal, water, alternative fuels, energy crisis, depletion of resources
 education: assessment, IT in the classroom, school leaving age, research, student life
 the importance of studying history, science, the arts, a foreign language
 communication: language, linguistics, effective communication
 globalization: tourism, travel, loss of identity/culture, poverty and wealth
 agriculture: flora and fauna, food production, transport of food
 science and technology: space exploration, Internet, computers, telecommunications
 engineering: building design, design and innovation, trends
 globalization: changing attitudes and trends, the modern world
 cities and rural areas: development, urbanization, migration, quality of life
 law and order: rising crime, teenage/youth crime, punishment, criminal justice
 wealth and poverty
 family: family size, parenting, discipline, raising children, relationships, growing up
 health: obesity, diet, exercise and keeping fit, stress, healthcare, smoking, drug use
 human body: the mind, mental and physical development
 employment: retirement, telecommuting, automation, salaries, job importance, child labor
 animals: blood sports, pets, animals for scientific experiments
 lifestyles: leisure activities
 the media: advertising, TV, fame, the news
 culture and society
 government spending
 the arts: art appreciation, creative and performing arts, funding
 sport and recreation: international sporting events, dangerous sports, competitive sport
 transportation: cars, public transportation, air travel, changing trends
 food: availability, transportation, chemicals and fertilizers
 happiness

Types of Essays:
 Agree or disagree
 Discuss two opposing opinions
 Advantages and disadvantages
 Problems and solutions
 Causes and solutions
 Causes and effects

page 43
Model Essay for IELTS - Advertising
This model essay tackles the subject of advertising.

As with model essay 1, this essay is an agree / disagree essay.

In these types of essays, you are presented with one opinion:

So your options are:

1. Agree 100%
2. Disagree 100%
3. Partly agree

In the answer below, the writer agrees 100% with the opinion.

As you can see, the writer’s opinion is made clear in the thesis statement (the last sentence of
the introduction).

All the body paragraphs then explain why the writer disagrees. In other words, it discusses
the negative aspects of advertising.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and

unacceptable in today’s society.

To what extent do you agree with this view?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or

You should write at least 250 words.

page 44
Model Answer
The world that we live in today is dominated by advertising. Adverts are on television, on the World
Wide Web, in the street and even on our mobile phones. However, many of the strategies used to
sell a product or service can be considered immoral or unacceptable.

To begin with, the fact that we cannot escape from advertising is a significant cause for complaint.
Constant images and signs wherever we look can be very intrusive and irritating at times. Take,
for example, advertising on the mobile phone. With the latest technology, mobile companies are
now able to send advertising messages via SMS to consumers' phones whenever they choose.
Although we expect adverts in numerous situations, it now seems that there are very few places
we can actually avoid them.

A further aspect of advertising that I would consider unethical is the way that it encourages people
to buy products they may not need or cannot afford. Children and young people in particular are
influenced by adverts showing the latest toys, clothing or music and this can put enormous
pressure on the parents to buy these products.

In addition, the advertising of tobacco products and alcohol has long been a controversial issue,
but cigarette adverts have only recently been banned in many countries. It is quite possible that
alcohol adverts encourage excessive consumption and underage drinking, yet restrictions have
not been placed on this type of advertising in the same way as smoking.

It is certainly true to say that advertising is an everyday feature of our lives. Therefore, people are
constantly being encouraged to buy products or services that might be too expensive,
unnecessary or even unhealthy. In conclusion, many aspects of advertising do appear to be
morally wrong and are not acceptable in today's society.

(296 words)



This essay for IELTS is well organized as there are five clear paragraphs, each containing ideas that are
relevant, well expressed, and related to the topic.

Focusing on the language and structures in particular, the essay starts with an appropriate introductory
sentence. Linking words are used accurately (However, In addition, Therefore).

Phrases that signal opinions are evident (A further aspect of advertising that I would consider
unethical...) backed up by reasons (...encourages people to buy products they may not need or
cannot afford) and examples (Children and young people in particular, are influenced by adverts).

In general, many other useful phrases are used, indicating a good control of language (It is quite
possible... Many people consider... It is certainly true to say...).

page 45
IELTS Writing Example - University Education
This IELTS writing example is on the topic of university education.

In this essay, two opposing opinions need to be discussed.

As the prompt suggests, you MUST talk about both sides of the issue and include your opinion.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe the aim of university education is to help

graduates get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider
benefits of university education for both individuals and
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or

You should write at least 250 words.

page 46
Model Answer
These days, more and more people are making the choice to go to university. While some people
are of the opinion that the only purpose of a university education is to improve job prospects,
others think that society and the individual benefit in much broader ways.

It is certainly true that one of the main aims of university is to secure a better job. The majority of
people want to improve their future career prospects and attending university is one of the best
ways to do this as it increases a person’s marketable skills and attractiveness to potential
employers. In addition, further education is very expensive for many people, so most would not
consider it if it would not provide them with a more secure future and a higher standard of
living. Thus job prospects are very important.

However, there are other benefits for individuals and society. Firstly, the independence of living
away from home is a benefit because it helps the students develop better social skills and improve
as a person. A case in point is that many students will have to leave their families, live in halls of
residence and meet new friends. As a result, their maturity and confidence will grow enabling
them to live more fulfilling lives. Secondly, society will gain from the contribution that the
graduates can make to the economy. We are living in a very competitive world, so countries need
educated people in order to compete and prosper.

Therefore, I believe that although a main aim of university education is to get the best job, there
are clearly further benefits. If we continue to promote and encourage university attendance, it will
lead to a better future for individuals and society.

(279 words)


The writer in this IELTS writing example has a clear thesis in the second sentence of the introduction,
establishing that two sides of this issue will be discussed (While some people are of the opinion...others
think that...).

Looking at the structure, the topic sentences make it clear when the first opinion is being discussed (It is
certainly true that one of the main aims of university is to secure a better job.) and when the writer is
moving onto the next opinion (However, there are other benefits for individuals and society.).

Connectors (To begin... Also... Firstly... Secondly) are used well to introduce each new supporting idea.
Further connectors (For example...A case in point is that...As a result...) are used to expand on these

Finally, the writer has demonstrated that they are able to use complex sentence structures (
order, and has discussed both views and combined this with his/her opinion, thus ensuring the
question has been answered.

page 47
Sample IELTS Writing - Youth Crime
This sample IELTS writing is on the subject of youth crime.

In this essay, you are presented with an issue and asked to discuss the 'reasons' why it is
occurring and suggest 'solutions'.

Crime is a topic that sometimes arises in IELTS essays and in speaking questions.

Be careful to identify what kind of crime is being referred to - this is specifically youth crime.

You need to give some reasons that it is happening and then give some solutions.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities

around the world.
What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or

You should write at least 250 words.

page 48
Model Answer
Over the last few decades, many cities around the world have seen alarming increases in the
levels of youth crime. White there are a number of reasons for this increase, there are also very
workable solutions.

The first reason is connected with the family. In order for a child to grow up in a balanced way, it is
very important that he or she is nurtured well by his or her parents. However, these days, it is often
the case that children are neglected. This may be because of the fact that many parents in cities
now both have to work so are often not around to give their children support when needed.
Another factor is the increasing levels of poverty around the world. We have seen with
globalization the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and this inevitably means that those who
are poorer will have to resort to illegal means to get what others have. Of course, this will include
the children in the poorer families.

However, there are ways to tackle such problems. Firstly, one of the ways to combat the problem
is to have stricter punishments. Although, as discussed above, it can be outside factors that lead
to crime, it is still important to have severe punishments to deter teenagers from crime. All too
often, because they are young, the courts are too lenient. Parents also have to take more
responsibility for their children’s actions. They too should be punished if their children commit

To sum up, several factors have led to increases in youth crime, but measures are available to
tackle this problem.

(271 words)


The topic is clearly stated in the general statement of the introduction, and the thesis tells the reader that
reasons and solutions will be discussed.

It is organized well, with reasons for youth crime discussed in the first body paragraph and solutions in the
next. Each paragraph has two ideas and they are clearly signaled and well supported.

There are some good complex structures (In order for…, often the case that…, means that…,) and
some good examples of topic related vocabulary (nurtured…, neglected…, illegal…, severe
punishments…, deter…, commit crime…).

page 49
IELTS Traffic Problems Essay
This is a traffic problems essay and the specific topic is the taxing of car drivers in order to reduce
these problems.

You are asked to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of introducing such a policy to
tackle the issue.

This question is very clear, and it does not specifically ask you for an opinion.

You just need to look at both sides of the issue.

The logical way to answer it would be to discuss each side in a different paragraph.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax

private car owners heavily and use the money to improve
public transportation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a


Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or

You should write at least 250 words.

page 50
Model Answer
Traffic congestion in many cities around the world is severe. One possible solution to this problem
is to impose heavy taxes on car drivers and use this money to make public transport better. There
are both benefits and drawbacks to such a measure.

One of the first benefits of such a measure is that the heavy taxes would discourage car owners
from using their cars because it would become very expensive to drive. This would mean that they
would begin to make use of public transport instead, thus reducing traffic problems and pollution
as well. Another benefit would be that much more use would be made of public transport if it was
improved. It is often the case that public transport in cities is very poor. For example, we often see
old buses and trains that people would rather not use. High taxes would generate enough money
to make the necessary changes.

Nevertheless, there are drawbacks to such a solution. First and foremost, this would be a heavy
burden on the car drivers. At present, taxes are already high for a lot of people, and so further
taxes would only mean less money at the end of the month for most people who may have no
choice but to drive every day. In addition, this type of tax would likely be set at a fixed amount.
This would mean that it would hit those with less money harder, whilst the rich could likely afford it.
It is therefore not a fair tax.

To conclude, this solution is worth considering to improve the current situation, but there are
advantages and disadvantages of introducing such a policy.

(275 words)


The topic is clearly stated in the general statement of the introduction, and the thesis tells the reader that
advantages and disadvantages will be discussed.

It is organized well, with the advantages of such a solution in the first body paragraph and the
disadvantages in the next.

Each paragraph has two ideas and they are well signaled and supported.

There are some good uses of tenses to show the writer is discussing the unreal future i.e. something that
has not happened (would discourage car owners..., would be a heavy burden...,).

page 51
IELTS Essay - Old Buildings
This model essay is about old buildings and whether they should be protected or not.

It is quite a difficult question, so you will need to brainstorm your ideas carefully.

It is basically an opinion essay, as you have to give your opinion on protecting old buildings.
However, it does not ask you whether you agree or disagree.

There are two parts to this essay question so you must answer both.

1) How important is it to protect old buildings?

For the first part you have to decide which opinion you have:

Yes, it's very important - reasons why

No, it's unimportant - reasons why
2) Should history stand in the way of progress?

In this part, you need to give your opinion on whether you think history is so important it
should take priority over a country's progress.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Many old buildings protected by law are part of a

nation’s history. Some people think they should be
knocked down and replaced by news ones.

How important is it to maintain old buildings?

Should history stand in the way of progress?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or

You should write at least 250 words.

page 52
Model Answer

Most nations around the world have at least some, or possibly many, old buildings such as
temples, churches and houses in their cities, villages and surrounding areas which have historical
significance. In my opinion, it is very important to maintain these, but this does not mean progress
should stop.

Preserving certain old buildings is important for several reasons. Firstly, these structures provide
an insight into the history of our countries, showing us how people many centuries ago lived their
lives. Without them, we could only learn by books, and it would undoubtedly be sad if this were the
only way to see them. Many of these buildings are also very beautiful. Take for example the many
religious buildings such as churches and temples that we see around the world. Not only this, but
on a more practical level, many of these buildings provide important income to a country as many
tourists visit them in great numbers.

However, this certainly does not mean that modernization should be discouraged. I believe that
old buildings can be protected in tandem with progress. For example, in many circumstances we
see old historic buildings being renovated whilst maintaining their original character, and being
used for modern purposes. Also, in no way does history hinder progress, and in fact it is the
opposite. By studying and learning about our history, we understand more about the world we live
in, and this helps us to build a better future.

To conclude, I believe that it is very important to protect and preserve old buildings as we can
learn about our history as can others from other countries. Such knowledge can also help us to
understand how to modernize our countries in the best way.

(287 words)

page 53
Cause and Effect Essay
This cause and effect essay is about the issue of skin whitening products: why people are using
them and their possible dangers for health and society.

There are three things you must discuss:

The reasons why they are used

Their effects on health
Their effects on society
This causes and effects essay has been organized into two body paragraphs: the first discussing
the reasons, and the second discussing the effects on health and society.

There are other ways to organize it of course.

For example, you could have three paragraphs, each discussing one of the points above.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In many parts of the world today there is a profitable

market for products which lighten or whiten people’s

Outline the reasons for using such products and discuss

what effects they have in terms of health and society.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or

You should write at least 250 words.

page 54
Model Answer

In many countries, particularly places like Asia, skin whitening products are incredibly popular and
provide huge profits for the companies involved in their sale. While there are number of reasons
why people use these products, it is also important to consider the effects this has on people’s
health and on society.

The principal reason that people use skin whitening products is because whiter skin is seen to be
more desirable than darker skin. To understand why, we need to firstly look at history. In ancient
times, those people of a higher status tended to stay indoors, whilst people of a lower status
worked outside, usually farming. As a result, those people who were indoors had much lighter
skin, which means that whiter skin is now associated with having a higher status than dark skin.
Another reason, which is partly related to this, is the desire for the ‘Western’ look. For example,
plastic surgery to create western eyelids and noses is common in Asia, and the white skin is part
of this. These beliefs and images are also perpetuated in the media, with adverts showing people
with white skin as more successful and attractive.

However, despite the fact that having whiter skin may improve a person’s self-esteem, these
products can have negative effects. Regarding health, there are reports that people are harming
their skin permanently as some products bought over the counter have prescription-strength
ingredients. For instance, some contain steroids or toxins which can severely damage the skin and
other parts of the body. In terms of society, there are also detrimental effects. Such behaviour
perpetuates the belief that ‘white’ is better than ‘black’, and thus those with darker skin may
experience discrimination.

In conclusion, people use whitening products due to the fact that white skin, usually through the
media, is portrayed as more desirable. However, steps should be taken to change this image as
the drawbacks of this are clear, with potentially dangerous consequences for people’s future
health and society as a whole.

(333 Words)

page 55
Diet and Health Essay
This model diet and health essay examines the extent to which individuals or governments
should be responsible for health.

IELTS essays are usually about current topics of controversy, and the declining health of many
nations is certainly of concern to many countries at the present time.

This essay asks you to examine both sides of an issue and to give your opinion.

This means that you must look at both the arguments that are presented.

In this case, these are:

1. It is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet.
2. Governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet.
You must also give your opinion.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that it is the responsibility of

individuals to take care of their own health and diet.
Others however believe that governments should make
sure that their citizens have a healthy diet.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or

You should write at least 250 words.

page 56
Model Answer

An increasing concern for many governments around the world is the declining health of their citizens due
to a poor diet. While some people believe governments should be responsible for improving the health of
their nation, others believe it is up to the individual.

There is no doubt that individuals must take some responsibility for their diet and health. The argument to
support this is the fact that adults have free will and make their own choices about what they eat and the
exercise that they do. Children are also becoming less healthy. However, their parents are the ones who
provide their evening meals so it is their responsibility to ensure these meals are nutritious and encourage
them to avoid junk food and sugary snacks during the day.

Despite these arguments, there is also a case for advocating the intervention of the state. People these
days often have little choice but to depend on fast food or ready meals that are high in sugar, salt and fat
due to the pressures of work. Governments could regulate the ingredients of such food. Some governments
also spend huge amounts of tax money on treating health problems of their citizens in hospitals. It would be
logical to spend this on preventative measures such as campaigns to encourage exercise and a good diet.

Having considered both sides of the issue, I would argue that although individuals must take ultimate
responsibility for what they eat, governments also have a role to play as only they can regulate the food
supply, which openly encourages a poor diet. It is only through this combination that we can improve
people’s health.

(273 Words)


The IELTS diet and health essay has a number of good points which would means it would score highly in the test.
The introduction clearly introduces the topic and sets out both sides of the issue.
Coherence and cohesion are evident from the topic sentences which make the subject of each paragraph very
There is no doubt that individuals must take some responsibility for their diet and health.
Despite these arguments, there is also a case for advocating the intervention of the state.
Transitional phrases and words also guide the reader through the essay. For example:
The argument to support this is...
Children are also becoming less healthy.
However, their parents...
Despite these arguments, there is also...
Some governments also spend...
Having considered both sides of the issue,
The conclusion summarises the writer’s opinion very clearly. It is always important to make it very clear what your
opinion is if it is an opinion essay (you could put your opinion in the introduction too if you wish).
The grammar and vocabulary are appropriate, with a mix of complex sentences and topic related vocabulary.
The content of the essay is also appropriate. It clearly addresses both opinions and provides a number of points to
support each argument. The ideas are clearly explained and will not cause any misunderstanding for someone
reading the essay.

page 57
Stress Essay
This is a model IELTS stress essay. It is about stress in modern society and how to prevent it.

It is a causes and solutions type essay. In other words, you have to identify what causes
stress and then suggest solutions.

This type of essay lends itself to two body paragraphs - one explaining the causes and the next
discussing some possible solutions.

As is important with any IELTS essay, you must always read the question carefully.

The topic is often narrowed down to a particular group of people or topic.

Narrowing down the question

Take a look at the stress essay question:

Stress is now a major problem in many countries around

the world.

What are some of the factors in modern society that cause

this stress, and how can we reduce it?

The key here is that 'modern society' is mentioned.

If you just talk about stress in general but don't connect it to modern society you may be in danger
of not fully answering the question.

You need to brainstorm some issues specific to the world we live in today that may result in stress.

What things affect us today that did not (or not too such an extent) 10, 20, 30 years ago?

Using personal pronouns

Also, you may notice that 'we' is used a lot in the stress essay.

Remember an IELTS essay is not quite the same as an academic essay you will normally write. It
is can be more personal as you only have your own experience to support your answer with.

You should avoid too many personal pronouns if possible such as 'I' throughout the essay but
you may wish to use this to give your opinion or examples from your own experience at times. This
is ok, but don't overdo it.

This question specifically says how can 'we' reduce it. So it is already making it personal. So it is
ok to write about what all of us, or 'we', can do.

page 58

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Stress is now a major problem in many countries

around the world.
What are some of the factors in modern society that
cause this stress, and how can we reduce it?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Stress is a problem that can have detrimental effects on many people’s lives, and there are
various factors in modern society responsible for this. However, there are ways to limit the
potential impacts.

The modern world we live in today presents us with many issues that we did not have to cope with
in the past. Firstly, there are issues of terrorism that we are constantly confronted with in the
media. Whether these are real or not, we are led to believe our lives are in constant danger, be it
flying on a plane or travelling on public transport. Climate change is another worry that everyone
has to face. The results of a significant rise in temperatures could radically affect our ways of life,
and our children’s too. There are also more health issues to be concerned about than in the past,
with rises in Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and stroke to name but a few. All of these concerns can result
in stress.

Tackling such problems will not be easy, but there are measures that can be taken. Governments
and the media could play their part by ensuring that instead of persistently bombarding us with
such negative images and information about the world in which we live, we are given more
positive stories too. However, given this is unlikely to happen, we need to develop our own
strategies to distract us from these influences. Of course exercising regularly is one thing we
should do as this has been shown to increase endorphin levels and lead to feelings of happiness.
Sleeping enough helps us to recuperate and restore our body. Finally, eating properly can improve
our health and result in less worry about potential diseases.

All in all, although there are many factors around us today which lead to stress, we can take steps
to reduce it. Given that the strains we face in modern society will likely get worse, ignoring it is not
an option for many people.

(327 words)

page 59
Living Alone Essay
In this living alone essay, you have to examine the trend for more people to live by themselves
rather than with other people.

IELTS essay questions tend to deal with current topics that are being debated and discussed, and
this is a good example of this.

It is another representation of the general trend towards individualism in society.

Remember you should start by examining the question very carefully.

Take a look:

In recent times, many people are making the decision to live alone.

What are the causes of this?

Does it have positive or negatives effects on society?

You should first note that there are two tasks that need to be addressed:

1. The causes
2. The negative / positive impacts on society
You must address all these things.

You should also have noted that it says effects on society. So you should not be talking about
impacts on the individual (or if you do, you should explain how it will then impact society).

You could do three body paragraphs in the living alone essay - one on the causes, one on the
positive effects and one on the negative. Or you could just split it into two body paragraphs.

However, you don't have to write about positive and negative effects if you don't want to. It says
negative or positive, so you could decide it is one or the other.

You should make those decisions after you have brainstormed your ideas. If you can only think
of negative effects then fine, just write about those and make sure your opinion states that.

Now, take a look at the model answer. In the model, positive and negative effects are discussed,
so the opinion is that there are both.


page 60
Model Answer - Living Alone Essay

There has been a tendency in many countries over recent years for more people of all ages to
choose to live alone. There are a number of reasons for this and these reasons can have both
advantages and disadvantages for society.

One reason for this trend is economic. People are generally more affluent than in the past, and
this means that they can afford to make the choice to live alone, something not always possible in
the past. In addition to this, there are also cultural factors. There used to be more pressure to
marry young and think about having a family. Now though, people desire self-fulfillment, and will
marry later or divorce if their marriage is not happy. Also, the developments in communication
technology such as social media mean that people can live alone but still feel connected to others.

I would argue that this development has positive and negative impacts on society. A positive
impact is that those individuals who are young and single have helped to revitalise cities around
the world, as they are more likely to live in central locations and socialise, spend money and
participate in public life than those living with others. However, a drawback is that some people
living alone who experience problems may not have an outlet to talk about them. This lack of
social support could lead to more mental health problems in the general population, which would
need to be dealt with by public health care services.

To conclude, economic and cultural factors, and changes in communication have resulted in more
people living alone, and, although this has benefits to society, there are also negative impacts.

(276 Words)


This living alone essay would receive a high IELTS score.

It is well structured. Paragraphing is appropriate, with an introduction, conclusion, and two body
paragraphs, each one tackling a different part of the question.

The task is fully addressed as well, as the essay discusses both the causes and the impacts on society.
The topic sentence in the second body paragraph makes it clear what the view of the author is, as does the
thesis in the introduction.

There is also a good mix of topic relevant vocabulary and complex sentences.

page 61
Top IELTS Writing Tips
 Use an academic (i.e. a formal) writing style for both tasks.
 Remember, Task 1 in the General Training Test (the letter-writing task) sometimes requires an informal style.
 Answer Task 2 before Task 1.
 Task 2 is more difficult, takes twice as long, requires more words, and is worth twice as much as Task 1. Use
the full 40 minutes given to it, as the Band Score you get for Task 2 is nearly always the Band Score you get
for the Writing Test.
 Always read and understand the question carefully.
 Be very clear about what you have to do. Keep your answer relevant to the topic / task.
 Spend time planning your answer.
 Before writing, you need to analyze, brainstorm, select ideas and information, and organize your answer.
Give yourself five minutes to do this for Task 1, and ten minutes for Task 2.
 You do not need to write long introduction or conclusions. Two clear sentences for introduction and conclusion
paragraphs for the IELTS test are sufficient.
 Make sure your writing appears to be well organized.
 Your answers to both Task 1 and Task 2 must have clear paragraphing.
 Each paragraph should deal with only one main idea.
 Use appropriate linking devices.
 On the other hand, don’t use too many! This will show a weak or immature writing style.
 Be sure to use a formal style of writing for both IELTS tasks. Do not use ‘and’ or ‘but’ to begin sentences. These
words are conjunctions and are used to join ideas and parts of a sentence together.
 Write only a little over the minimum number of words.
 Aim for 160 words for Task 1, and 270 words for Task 2. In the Writing Test, quality is much more important
than quantity.
 Your writing should be clear and large enough to be read easily.
 However, you do not gain marks if your writing is very neat, nor lose marks if your writing is untidy.
 Do not waste valuable time rubbing out wrong words.
 Quickly and neatly cross our wrong words. Continue writing straight after the crossed out words.
 You cannot take your own pens, pencils, highlighting pens, rubbers or correction fluid into the examination
 The Test Centre will supply you with several pencils and a rubber. However, you should avoid using the
rubber (see previous tip).
 Leave a few minutes to carefully check your writing. Check your grammar, spelling, vocabulary and punctuation.

page 62
Tips for Writing Task 1
 Read the instructions and the question carefully.
 Make sure you understand the data in the diagram.
 Think about how to group the information. Are there any significant trends over time, or significant patterns in
the data?
 Start your report with a one-sentence-long general statement about the purpose of the diagram.
 Begin your sentence with words like ‘The diagram compares…’or ‘The graph presents…’.
 Remember NOT to copy the wording from the question.
 In your answer’s body paragraphs, only state the main patterns or interesting points.
 Do not include your opinions on any data (figures) in the diagram, nor any comments on the possible causes
of any changes in that data. Recommendations on what action you think should be taken in view of the data
are irrelevant, as is your speculation about any future trends.
 Include selected data (figures) in your answer.
 Nonetheless, only include the main data items. Do not just include all, or most, of the figures in the diagram!
 Cross-compare items in the diagram.
 Compare each item with other items, pointing out their main similarities and differences (e.g. in numerical
value, and in rates of change). However, this cross-comparison may be as simple as saying that one data
item was (for example) the most popular of all the items.
 If there are several diagrams, look for ways of comparing items in one diagram with items in another
 Do not use repetitive statements about the data.
 Find different ways to describe the same data. Use synonyms (words or phrases with the same or similar
meaning) or pronouns (e.g. ‘it’, ‘they’), rather than repeatedly using the same word or phrase.
 As well, do not keep using the same sentence pattern when describing the diagram. Vary your sentence
structures as much as possible.
 Include a statement of the overall, or most general, trend or pattern.
 This one-sentence-long statement must consider all of the items in the diagram, not just a few.
 Put the sentence immediately following the introduction. If you don’t finish your report and don’t include
the sentence, you will lose marks.
 Check your writing.
 Allow 2 minutes to check your writing.

page 63

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