Wialon IPS en V 2 0

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Wialon IPS v.2.

Communication protocol

Wialon IPS communication protocol was developed by Gurtam

for personal and vehicle GPS/GLONASS trackers, which send data to
satellite monitoring system server over TCP or UDP.


Version date Changes

2.0 10/2014 Field «protocol_version» was added in packet L
(login packet) and in packets for UDP protocol.
Packets QT, IT, T, AIT, AT were added for
tachograph files (ddd-files) transmission.
Field «crc16» was added in packets L, SD, D, M,
I, IT, T, US, UC.
Error verifying checksum code was added for
packets AL, ASD, AD, AM, AI, AIT, AT.

Incoming data (TCP)

All data are sent and received in plain text format over TCP
protocol and has the following format:

# Start byte
TP Type of packet, all possible types are listed in table 1
# Separator
msg Message
\r\n End of message, <CR><LF> symbols (0D0A in HEX)

Packet types

Type Description Sender

L Login Tracker
AL Answer to login Server
D Data packet Tracker
AD Answer to data packet Server
P Ping(heartbeat) packet Tracker
AP Answer to ping (heartbeat packet) Server
SD Short data packet Tracker
ASD Answer to short data packet Server
B Blackbox packet Tracker
AB Answer to blackbox packet Server
M Message to driver Tracker/Server
AM Reply to message from driver Server
QI Query photo command Server
I Packet with photo Tracker
AI Reply to packet with photo Server
QT Command to request a tachograph file Server
IT Packet containing information Tracker
about a ddd-file
AIT Reply to AT packet Server
T Packet containing a ddd-file part Tracker
AT Reply to T packet Server
US Packet with new firmware Server
UC Packet with configuration file Server

Login packet


password Protocol version. This field must contain value 2.0

imei Controller unique ID, IMEI, or serial number
; Separator
password Password for access to device, if no password, then
NA is sent
сrc16 Checksum (Appendix 1)

Server sends answer to login packet, AL:

“1” – authorization successful
“0” – connection rejected by server
“01” – error checking password
“10” – error verifying checksum


Short data packet


date Date in UTC format, DDMMYY, if no data, NA is sent

time Time in UTC format, HHMMSS, if no data, NA is sent
lat1;lat Latitude (5544.6025;N), if no data, NA;NA is sent
lon1;lon Longitude (03739.6834;E), if no data, NA;NA is sent
speed Speed, integer, km/h, if no data, NA is sent
course Course, integer, degrees, if no data, NA is sent
height Height, , integer, m, if no data, NA is sent
sats Number of satellites, integer, if no data, NA is sent
сrc16 Checksum (Appendix 1)

If date and time fields is NA, server will set current time for packet.

Server sends ASD packet as an answer to SD packet:
“-1” – packet structure error
“0” – incorrect time
“1” – packet successfully registered
“10” – error getting coordinates
“11” – error getting height, speed or course
“12” – error getting amount of satellites
“13” – error verifying checksum

Data packet


date Date in UTC format, DDMMYY, if no data, NA is sent

time Time in UTC format, HHMMSS, if no data, NA is sent
lat1;lat Latitude (5544.6025;N), if no data, NA;NA is sent
lon1;lon Longitude (03739.6834;E), if no data, NA;NA is sent
speed Speed, integer, km/h, if no data, NA is sent
course Course, integer, degrees, if no data, NA is sent
heightHeight, , integer, m, if no data, NA is sent
sats Number of satellites, integer, if no data, NA is sent
hdop Horizontal Dilution of Precision, double, if no data, NA is
inputs Digital inputs, each bit corresponds to one digital input
beginning from the LSB, integer, if no data, NA is sent
outputs Digital outputs, each bit corresponds to one digital output
beginning from the LSB, integer, if no data, NA is sent
adc Analog inputs, fractional numbers separated by comma, if
no data, empty string is send. Input numbering begins from
1 (adc1..adcN).
Example 14.77,0.02,3.6
ibutton Driver key code, custom length string. If no data, NA is

params Set of additional parameters separated by comma. Each
parameter has the following format: NAME:TYPE:VALUE
NAME – custom string
TYPE – parameter type, 1 – int/long long, 2 – double, 3 –
VALUE – parameter value, depends on type

To send panic button use parameter with 1 type named

“SOS”, 1 mean panic button was pressed.
To send text message use parameter with 3 type named
“text”. This parameter can be used to send driver message
with position and other parameters.

Example: count1:1:564,fuel:2:45.8,hw:3:V4.5
сrc16 Checksum (Appendix 1)

If date and time fields is NA, server will set current time for packet.

Server sends AD packet as an answer to D packet:

“-1” – packet structure error

“0” – incorrect time

“1” – packet successfully registered

“10” – error getting coordinates
“11” – error getting height, speed or course
“12” – error getting amount of satellites or HDOP
“13” – error getting inputs or outputs
“14” – error getting adc
“15” – error getting additional parameters
“16” – error verifying checksum


Ping (heartbeat) packet


This packet is used for keeping active TCP-connection to server and

channel availability.

Server sends AP packet as an answer to P packet:


Blackbox packet


Blackbox packet is used for transmission of several messages at

one time.
In this case “msg” contains several SD or D packets bodies (without
type signature), separated by “ | “symbol.


Server sends AB packet as an answer to B packet, where number of

registered messages is specified:


or an empty string which means error verifying checksum.


Message to driver


Serves for sending a text message to driver. “msg” is the actual

text. Message can be sent from either server or tracker.

Server sends AM command as a reply to message from driver.

“1” – message received

“0” – error receiving message
“01” – error verifying checksum


Query photo packet


This type of packet is used to query photoes from the tracker.

Packet with photo

This type of packet is used for sending photos to Wialon's server.

The whole photo is separated into blocks of bytes and then each of
them is sent to the server. Recommended size of one single block
is up to 50 kb. If server fails to receive any image block, it breaks
the connection. In this case we recommend to reduce the size of


sz size of packet's binary data (i.e., 512 bytes)

ind index number of transmitting block (numbering starts from
count index number of last transmitting block
date date in DDMMYY format, in UTC

time time in HHMMSS format, in UTC
name name of transmitting photo
crc16 checksum (Appendix 1)
BIN photo's binary block

Server sends AI command as a reply to packet with photo.

#AI#NA;0\r\n means incorrect packet structure

ind – the number of the transmitted block
result – packet processing result:
“1” – packet with block of photo is received
“0” – error receiving packet
“01” – error verifying checksum

#AI#1\r\n – photo is completely received and saved in Wialon

Tracker: #I#51200;0;1;070512;124010;sample.jpg;crc16\r\nBIN
Server: #AI#0;1\r\n
Tracker: #I#28923;1;1;070512;124010;sample.jpg;crc16\r\nBIN
Server: #AI#1;1\r\n
Server: #AI#1\r\n

Packet to request a tachograph file


This packet type is used to request a ddd-file from a tachograph.

driverid driver identifier

Packet containing information about a ddd-file

This packet type must be sent to the server before sending a ddd-


date date in DDMMYY format, in UTC

time time in DDMMYY format, in UTC
driverid driver identifier
code error code. If there is no error, an
empty string is sent
count total number of ddd-file blocks
crc16 checksum for the following part:

Server responds to #IT#:


state “1” – packet received

“0” – error receiving packet
“01” – error verifying cheksum

Packet #IT# must be followed by #T# packets containing ddd-file

blocks. Packet #T# format is described below.
DDD-file is saved under the following name on the server:

Packet with a ddd-file block


code error code. If there is no error, an

empty string is sent
sz size of packet's binary data
ind index number of the transmitted
block (numbering starts from

crc16 checksum for BIN part
(Appendix 1)
BIN file binary part of sz size

Server responds to every #T# packet:


ind index number of the transmitted

state “1” – packet received
“0” – error receiving packet
“01” – error verifying cheksum

When ddd-file is completely received and saved server responds:


All #T# packets with ddd-file blocks must be transmitted within the
same TCP-connection as #IT# packet.

Packet with new firmware

Serves for sending new firmware to tracker.


sz Size of firmware's binary data

crc16 Checksum (Appendix 1)
BIN Firmware in binary mode

Packet with configuration file

Serves for sending configuration file to tracker.


sz Size of configuration file, bytes

crc16 Checksum (Appendix 1)
BIN Content of configuration file

Incoming data (UDP)

All data are sent and received in plain text format and have
the same structure as in TCP protocol, but with adding of protocol
version and IMEI in the beginning of packet. Protocol version field
must contain value “2.0”. For example, short data packet will look in
the following way:


Data compression

All WIalon IPS data packets directed to server can be

compressed before sending. It's useful for transferring large #B#
For compression should be used the DEFLATE algorithm from
zlib library (http://www.zlib.net/, RFC 1951).
Both of transport protocols are supported (TCP and UDP).
Server always sends usual data packets (without compression)
because its answers are small.

Structure of the container with compressed package:

Size 1 byte 2 bytes Specified size
Content Compression Size of Compressed data
sign –0xFF byte compressed data block, specified
(little-endian, 16- size, as-is
bit integer)

Container should contain only one packet of text protocol.

When compression is used, there is no necessary to append
chars \r\n to end of text protocol packet so they can be omitted
before compression.
Compression is transparent for server that's why it can
receive compressed and usual packets from one tracker at the
same time.

Example of compressed packet:

Source #L#imei;password
Full data of FF180078DA53F651CECC4DCDB42E482C2E2ECF2F4A0
compresse 1002D1C05E5
d packet
(27 bytes, FF – compression sign
in HEX) 1800 – size of compressed data, means 24 (0x18) bytes
78DA… - compressed data

Appendix 1

Crc16 must be a hexadecimal number with a big-endian order of
bytes without leading zeroes on the left, for example:
AA13BB which is 11146171 in a decimal format.

The part of a packet between #TP# and crc16 is used for checksum
calculation in packets L, SD, D, B and M.

Packet sample:

In this case crc16 is calculated for the following part of the packet:

Packet sample:

In this case crc16 is calculated for the following part of the packet:

Field BIN is used for crc16 calculation in packets I, US, UC, T.

Packet sample:

In this case crc16 is calculated for field BIN.

С language code sample for crc16 calculation:

static const unsigned short crc16_table[256] =


unsigned short crc16 (const void *data, unsigned data_size)

if (!data || !data_size)
return 0;

unsigned short crc = 0;

unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)data;

while (data_size--)
crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc16_table[(unsigned char)crc ^ *buf++];

return crc;


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