Are All Hip Extension Exercises Created Equal?: Take Quiz
Are All Hip Extension Exercises Created Equal?: Take Quiz
Are All Hip Extension Exercises Created Equal?: Take Quiz
ABSTRACT staple exercises in a strength and con- dynamic correspondence. Siff (26)
ditioning practitioner’s program, and described dynamic correspondence as
targeted hip extension exercises often “how closely the means of special
fall into a strength coach’s top 5 most [sport-specific] strength preparation
important exercises (8–11,27). Three corresponds to the functioning of the
AND ENDURANCE IN THE HIP neuromuscular system in a given sport.”
targeted hip extension exercises com-
EXTENSORS. ALTHOUGH THESE One of the principles of dynamic corre-
monly performed in athletic weight
EXERCISES CAN POSSESS SIMI- rooms are the good morning, the 458 spondence is the accentuated region of
LAR MOVEMENT PATTERNS, back extension, and the horizontal force production. If it was shown that
BIOMECHANICALLY THE INSTAN- back extension. Each of these exercises the direction of the human body relative
TANEOUS TORQUE AT DIFFERENT can be classified as “hip dominant lifts” to space led to varying accentuated
RANGES OF HIP EXTENSION as they act primarily on the hip joint, as regions of force production in the good
VARIES DEPENDING ON BODY long as the performance of the 3 exer- morning, the 458 back extension, and
POSITION RELATIVE TO SPACE. cises involves flexing and extending the the horizontal back extension exercises,
FOR THESE REASONS, IT IS PRO- hips while keeping the spine and pelvis a case could be made that the different
POSED THAT: (A) HIP EXTENSION in relatively neutral positions. Because hip extension exercises are better suited
EXERCISES MIGHT TRANSFER the knees do not bend substantially to transfer more toward particular sport
BETTER TO SPORT ACTIONS during each of these movements, they actions and lead to unique structural
WHERE THE REGION OF FORCE could be classified as “straight-leg hip adaptations. Moreover, combining
ACCENTUATION IS MOST SPE- extension exercises.” these exercises in a training program
CIFIC; (B) HIP EXTENSION might have a synergistic effect for sports
Given the similarity in movement that require high levels of force produc-
EXERCISES MAY LEAD TO UNIQUE patterns, it would seem that the afore-
STRUCTURAL ADAPTATIONS; AND tion at different hip angles.
mentioned hip extension exercises
(C) A VARIETY OF EXERCISES are interchangeable. In other words, BIOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF
MIGHT BE NECESSARY TO MAXI- strength and conditioning practitioners SELECTED HIP EXTENSION
MIZE HIP EXTENSION STRENGTH would typically assume that there is lit- EXERCISES
AND POWER THROUGHOUT THE tle difference in the performance and Basic physics can be used to facilitate
ENTIRE RANGE OF MOTION. imposed training adaptations between a better understanding of the hip bio-
the 3 exercises. However, a biomechan- mechanics in each of the 3 straight-leg
ical analysis of these variations has not hip extension exercises, whereby
yet been conducted in the literature instantaneous external torque is calcu-
he muscles of the posterior
hip extensors; back extension exercise;
tion during activities, such as sprinting coaches to design programs that trans-
458 back extension exercise; good
and jumping (1,2,21,22). For this rea- fer to sports performance, and one such
morning exercise; hamstrings; gluteus
son, squat, Olympic-style lift, deadlift, way of attempting to maximize transfer
and lunge variations are considered of training is to use the principle of
Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 17
Hip Extension
of a standing person bent over so that representative of how the move- different hip extension exercises dis-
the torso is parallel to the ground and ment actually occurs. This allows cussed in this article, helping to guide
the torso forms a right angle with the for simpler calculation while not the practitioner as to their application
legs), 1358 hips-flexed positions (think drastically altering the external hip in program design. It should be noted,
of a half-way position between being torque measurement. however, that the aforementioned as-
bent over and standing straight up), 5. The head, arms, and trunk (HAT) sumptions could somewhat skew the
and 1808 hips-neutral positions (think comprise 68% of the individual’s precise mechanical advantage during
of a person standing straight up so that body weight (29). actual performance. In regard to the
his torso and legs form a straight line); 6. The average center of mass of the effects of momentum on hip extension
for visual representations, see Figure 1. HAT is located 0.40 m from the hips. torque, Lander et al. (17) found that
To illustrate these calculations, we used 7. Arm position is in a similar position joint moments varied less than 1%
a hypothetical athletic reference indi- in all the 3 exercises so that the between quasi-static (loading where
vidual (an athletic individual will likely HAT center of mass is unaffected. the inertial effects are negligible) and
store a greater proportion of his torso 8. The individual is 6 feet (182 cm) dynamic analyses during the squat exer-
mass in the upper torso compared with tall and weighs 194 lb (88 kg). cise with near maximum loads because
a sedentary individual) and made a num- 9. Each movement is performed slowly of the inherent slow velocities and ac-
ber of assumptions, including: to eliminate the effects of momen- celerations. Although 100 lb would not
1. The spine and pelvis stay locked in tum, which might not be truly rep- necessarily represent maximal loading
neutral positions while the entire resentative of how the movements and thus would not allow for the use
movement occurs at the hips. really occur. of quasi-static models, it provides a sim-
2. The hips flex to 908, which would 10. The average center of mass of the ple means to predict torque-angle
require good levels of hamstring additional load is located 0.55 m curves at the hips during hip extension
flexibility. from the hips. exercises at different body positions.
3. The knees stay relatively straight 11. The additional load used in each Figure 1 depicts the exercise positions
in each variation. exercise is 100 lb (45 kg). analyzed.
4. The good morning exercise does Simplifying biomechanical calculations
not involve any “sitting back” or in this way enhances our understanding CALCULATIONS
knee flexion, which is not truly of the mechanical advantages of the 3 Each exercise position required the cal-
culation of 2 moments: the moment of
the HAT acting on the hip joint and the
moment of the 100 lb (45 kg) external
resistance acting on the hip joint. Figure 2
illustrates a sample calculation. The cal-
culations are derived as follows:
1. Calculate the weight of the HAT by
multiplying the individual’s body
weight by 0.68 (68%).
2. Convert the weight of the HAT to
Newtons by multiplying the weight
in kilograms by 9.8 (which is the
gravity of Earth, measured in meters
per second squared).
3. Calculate the external torque of the
HATacting on the hip by multiplying
the weight of the HAT (in Newtons)
by the perpendicular distance from
the hip to the HAT center of mass.
4. Convert the weight of the free weight
implement to Newtons by multiply-
ing the weight in kilograms by 9.8
(which is the gravity of Earth, mea-
sured in meters per second squared).
5. Calculate the external torque of the
Figure 1. (A) Good morning exercise: 908, 1358, and 1808 of hip extension. (B) 458 Back free weight load acting on the hip
extension exercise: 908, 1358, and 1808 of hip extension. (C) Horizontal back by multiplying the weight of the
extension exercise: 908, 1358, and 1808 of hip extension. implement (in Newtons) by the
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