Profile (In Brief) :: Department of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology Veterinary College, AAU, Anand
Profile (In Brief) :: Department of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology Veterinary College, AAU, Anand
Profile (In Brief) :: Department of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology Veterinary College, AAU, Anand
Major Activities:
I. Teaching
A. UG Courses
B. Post Graduate Courses
C. Ph.D Courses
II. Research
A. Research Projects Completed(No., Title, Agency, Period, Budget Outlay, PI/Co-I)
B. Research Projects On going (No., Title, Agency, Period, Budget Outlay, PI/Co-I)
1. Modernization of diagnostic facilities - Zoonotic disease and
Campylobacteriosis. - XIITH Five Year Plan Govt. of Gujarat
Budget Head: 12972
Notification No. AAU/RES/PLN-2/ADP 2008-09/6305-54/08
Objectives :
a) Collection of samples from animal and man and isolation and identification
of the causative organisms by using molecular techniques
b) To establish the epidemiological relationship with the contact of animal
and disease
c) To know prevalence of important zoonotic diseases in the area
d) To study incidence of Campylobacteriosis in man and animal including
e) To explore the use of molecular based techniques in rapid diagnosis of
zoonotic diseases
f) To know the carriage of campylobacter in apparently healthy mammals
and avians.
Name and Designation of Officer In charge
Dr.M.N.Brahmbhatt, (P.I)
Professor & Head
Dr. J.B. Nayak (Co. P.I)
Associate Professor
C. Number of M.V.Sc. & Ph.D. degrees awarded
M.V.Sc- 37 Ph.D-05
P.G. Thesis Submitted: For Masters’ Degree (M. V. Sc.)
Sr. Name of
Title of Thesis Name of student Year
No. guide
Studies on the occurrence of aerobic
1 microorganism in meat associated with food Dr. M. Pal 1990
infections and intoxications
Studies on the incidence of Aspergillosis in C.V.Savalia
2 Dr. M. Pal 1990
poultry and poultry handlers (04-1905-87)
Sanitary quality of community drinking water A.K. Chaurasia Dr. J. M.
3 1990
supplies at G.A.U., Anand Campus, Anand (04-2128-88) Anjaria
Human and animal infections caused by V.J. Jadhav
4 Dr. M. Pal 2001
Candida albicans (04-4213-98)
Role of Zoophilic dermatophytes in the etiology Kakoli Ahmed
5 Dr. M. Pal 2001
of human ringworm (04-4214-98)
Meat speciation by molecular and serological J.M.Thumbar Dr. M. N.
6 2002
techniques (04-4597-2000) Brahmbhatt
Isolation and identification of Escherichia coli J.B Nayak Dr. M. N.
7 2004
from retail market mutton (04-4781-2000) Brahmbhatt
Use of cytochrome b gene variability in Jain Shally Dr. M. N.
8 2004
detecting meat species by multiplex PCR (04-5531-2002) Brahmbhatt
Prevalance of Cryptococcus neoformans in Lini Thomas
9 Dr. M. Pal 2004
man, animal, and environment (04-5519-2002)
Seroprevalence of brucellosis in cattle, buffalo R. N. Varasda Dr. M. N.
10 2004
and human being in central Gujarat (04-4599-2000) Brahmbhatt
Prevalance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Gobu B
11 Dr. M. Pal 2005
man, animal, and environment (04-5614-2003)
Staphylococcus aureus in animal, man and B.C.Parmar
12 Dr. M. Pal 2005
environment (04-5221-2001)
Detection of verotoxin, cytolethal distending
toxin and intimin gene by Real Time PCR and C.D. Bhong Dr. M. N.
13 2006
characterization of Escherichia coli isolated (04-5610-2003) Brahmbhatt
from Mutton
Isolation and characterization of Listeria spp. Lohith Kumar Dr. M. N.
14 2009
from poultry meat (04-0436-2006) Brahmbhatt
Isolation and characterization of Aeromonas ChaturYogesh A. Dr. M. N.
15 2009
species from fish (04-0602-2007) Brahmbhatt
Isolation and characterization of Aeromonas Smita Dr. M. N.
16 2009
species from poultry meat (04-0648-2007) Brahmbhatt
Detection and virulence gene characterization Neha Sinha Dr. M.N. 2011
of Escherichia coli (VTEC) from buffalo beef (04-1129-2009) Brahmbhatt
Detection and characterization of Escherichia garbhai Dr. J. B.
30 2013
coli from milk and milk products. Nayak
Prevalence, isolation and characterization of
Shivani Modi Dr. M.N.
31 Campylobacter species from milk and milk 2014
(04-1997-2012) Brahmbhatt
III . Extension
A. Refresher Training Courses / Summer-Winter Schools conducted
Training Courses are organized every year under Assistance to State for Control of
Animal Diseases (ASCAD) by Government of India, held for the field veterinarians of
Department of Animal Husbandry Gujarat State.
B. Seminar/Symposia/Conference/Workshop organized
C. Diagnostic Services
A. Awards/Honours/Recognitions/Appreciations
Dr. M. N. Brahmbhatt has been awarded as “FELLOW” of Indian Association of
Veterinary Public Health Specialists (IAVPHS) at the International symposium on “New
strategies for prevention and control of zoonoses: An integrated veterinary and medical
approach” and 5th Annual Conference of IAVPHS at Palampur (H.P.) during 12-14
October 2006.
Dr. J. B. Nayak and Dr. M. N. Brahmbhatt received Best Ph.D thesis Award from the
Gujarat Association for Agricultural Sciences (GAAS) by Honorable State Agricultural
Minister Shri K. M. Bhalala on November 2011.
“Dr. S.P. Singh Best Research Paper Award” for the research paper entitled “Effect of
Cooking and Putrification on meat identification using cytocrome b gene variability by
PCR. By Shally Jain, M.N. Brahmbhatt, D.N. Rank, C.G. Joshi, J.V. Solanki and C.D.
Bhong. Published in Journal of Veterinary Public Health, Vol. 5 (1): 9-12, 2007
during International Symposium on “Food Safety, Quality Assurance & Global Trade:
Concerns and Strategies” organized by College of Veterinary and Animal Science,
Pantnagar, India in collaboration with College of Veterinary Medicine. Michigan State
University, East Lansing, USA on 7th November 2008.
Dr. V. N. Bachhil Young Scientist Award for the paper presentation titled “Quinolone
resistance in Campylobacter isolates from man and animal sources and detection of
mutation in topoisomerase genes” at National Symposium & 12th Annual Conference of
IAVPHS 2014 at Khanapara, Guwahati .
DR. J.B.Nayak, Associate Professor, has been awarded as the Best Teacher of year
2015 in Faculty of Veterinary Sc. & A.H., AAU, Anand.
Dr.B.C.Parmar, Associate Professor has been awarded for the best paper award in
2015 from The Society for Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology at 3rd Annual
Meeting of Society of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, held at RAJUVAS,
Bikaner- 334001, Rajasthan, on 7-8 October, 2015.
B. Assignments as Subject Expert / Member (Selection Committee/Advisory Board)
Dr.M.N.Brahmbhatt and Dr.J.B.Nayak are nominated members for different selection
committees as subject experts.
C. Advanced Instrumentation / Lab Facilities
As per the VCI requirement, Department of Veterinary Public Health having all facilities.
BOD incubator
Meat grinder
Refrigerating Centrifuge
Bone & Meat cutting machine
Bacteriological Incubator
Cooling incubator
Hot Air Oven
Water purifier system
Electronic balance
Double door refrigerator
Single door refrigerator
Water jacketed CO2 Incubator
Laminar Flow
Water bath with cooling attachment
Chilled water circulator
Mono pan Balance
PCR Assembly (Two)
UV Gel documentation system
Vortex mixture
Nanodrop Spectrophotometer
ELISA Reader
Horizontal Electrophoresis Unit
Vertical Electrophoresis Unit
DNA sequencing: In total, 82 partial gene sequence has been submitted in NCBI
nucleotide database.
PCR-RFLP has been standardized to type campylobacter isolates obtained from
human and animal sources by fla method using DdeI restriction enzyme which
revealed different flaA profiles.
Multilocus sequence typing: The Campylobacter spp. isolates isolated from
animal and human sources have being typed by multilocus sequence typing
NSS Camps/KrishiMahotsav/ PashupalanShibirs/Radio-TV Talks
* Appropriate snaps documenting the significant activities may be