Instrument Rating
Instrument Rating
Instrument Rating
Cessna eLearning
Web Based Instructional Programs
Cessna Instrument
Rating Training Course
Steps for Becoming an Instrument Rated Pilot ........................................... i
Course Elements ......................................................................................... i
Course Structure ......................................................................................... ii
What to Expect Before and After Each Flight .............................................. iv
Progressing Through the Syllabus .............................................................. iv
Overall System Use .................................................................................... v
FAA Industry Training Standards (FITS) ..................................................... v
Scenario Based Training ............................................................................. vi
Single-Pilot Resource Management (SRM) ................................................ vii
Learner-Centered Grading .......................................................................... viii
Everyday Use of FITS Concepts ................................................................. ix
Knowledge Content ..................................................................................... ix
STAGE 1: Instrument Flying Skills.............................................................. 1
Phase 1: Developing Instrument Skills ................................................. 2
Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills .................................................... 11
STAGE 2: Using Navigation Equipment ..................................................... 25
Phase 3: GPS, NDB, and VOR Navigation .......................................... 26
Phase 4: Holding Patterns and DME Arcs ........................................... 33
STAGE 3: Flying Instrument Approaches ................................................... 41
Phase 5: Precision and Non-Precision Instrument Approaches ........... 42
Phase 6: Automation, ATC, and Other Approaches ............................. 51
STAGE 4: Cross-Country and Practical Test Preparation .......................... 61
Phase 7: IFR Cross-Country ................................................................ 62
Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation ..................................................... 69
Cessna Instrument Rating Course Training Requirements ......................... A1
Ground Training Summary .......................................................................... A2
Instrument Rating Course, Part 141 ............................................................ A3
Instrument Rating Course, Part 61 .............................................................. A3
Recommended Flight Times (Part 141) ...................................................... A4
Recommended Flight Times (Part 61) ........................................................ A6
PAVE ........................................................................................................... B1
CARE .......................................................................................................... B2
Ver. 1.00
Ver. 1.00
Record of Revisions
R1 Ver. 1.03
Record of Revisions
Ver. 1.00 R2
Cessna Instrument Rating Syllabus
Your Path to Becoming an Instrument Rated Pilot
You now embark on one of the most exciting endeavors—learning to fly through clouds and low
visibility. You will find it challenging and fun, as well as intellectually, physically and emotionally
stimulating. Whether you use an airplane as a tool for business or simply to get above and beyond life
on the ground, you’ll find that the act of piloting an airplane in challenging weather conditions expands
your mind and senses like nothing else you’ve ever experienced.
This syllabus is the guide to your flight training. By following it, you know the objective of every phase of
training and individual flight scenario. It also helps you to understand the topics that you need to study
before you go to the airport.
The Cessna online pilot training
• Provides innovative and interactive learning exercises
• Is accessible anywhere you have an Internet connection
• Includes in-airplane videos that can be downloaded for your convenience
The unique design of the training program
• Integrates web-based knowledge sessions with flight scenarios
• Ensures that before every flight you will have the required knowledge to succeed
• Provides flight previews to give you a pilot’s view of what you will practice in the airplane
You and your instructor will discuss the schedule for your training and you will know
• When to complete the appropriate web-based knowledge instruction and flight previews
• What to bring with you for each flight scenario
Upon completion of each flight scenario you and your instructor will
• Review the elements of the flight scenario and the scenario outcome
• Compare your performance to the completion standards
• Independently evaluate the tasks in the flight scenario
• Discuss and compare the results
• Discuss the next flight scenario
Please note that it may take you more than one flight to complete a flight scenario to the established
i Ver. 1.00
The course is divided into four stages. Each stage is divided into two phases.
Stage 1 Stage 2
Instrument Flying Using Navigation
Skills Equipment
Stage 3 Stage 4
Flying Instrument Cross Country and Practical
Approaches Test Preparation
Each stage has a required Progress Check that
• Checks your progress and the effectiveness of your instructor pairing
• Consists of oral quizzing and a flight
• Is given by the Chief Flight Instructor, Assistant Chief Flight Instructor or a designated instructor
The progress checks
• Are nothing to get nervous about; they are to ensure the completeness of your training
o You will find that flying with another instructor often provides fresh insight and new
• Can be found in
o Stage 1, Phase 2
o Stage 2, Phase 4
o Stage 3, Phase 6
o Stage 4, Phase 8
There are eight phases of training. Each phase has
• Web-based Knowledge Instruction
• Ground Training Checklists
• Flight Scenarios
• Phase Proficiency Checklists
The four stage-ending phases also include
• Progress Check Scenarios
• Progress Check Oral and Flight Checklists
Ver. 1.00 ii
The eight phases are:
1. DEVELOPING INSTRUMENT SKILLS — In this phase you learn preflight preparation
for IFR flight, instrument scan techniques, basic instrument flight maneuvers, using the
magnetic compass and postflight procedures following an IFR flight.
2. POLISHING INSTRUMENT SKILLS — Here you will polish your skills controlling the
airplane by reference only to the flight instruments and learn to receive, copy and fly an
IFR clearance. You will also learn to control the airplane simulating failure of the primary
flight instruments and recover from an unusual flight attitude.
3. GPS, NDB AND VOR NAVIGATION — This phase provides you the opportunity to
develop skills and gain confidence using RNAV, GPS, NDB and VOR avionics systems
for IFR navigation. In addition you will learn to apply these skills flying IFR departure
4. HOLDING PATTERNS AND DME ARCS — This phase introduces holding patterns
including their purpose and the requirements for entering, flying and making reports if
you have received a holding clearance. You will also learn to fly DME arcs.
phase you will fly both precision and nonprecision approach procedures while learning
the visual references needed to make the decision to continue for landing. If the required
references are not visible, you will follow the missed approach procedure.
6. AUTOMATION, ATC AND OTHER APPROACHES — In this phase, you’ll polish your skill
with precision and nonprecision approaches. You will also discover the value of using the
autopilot for instrument approaches. In addition you’ll learn about using a circling maneuver to
align with the landing runway.
7. IFR CROSS COUNTRY — Here you learn the steps involved in planning for and
flying safe cross countries under Instrument Flight Rules. During a long cross country
you will use three different types of IFR approach procedures.
8. PRACTICAL TEST PREPARATION— In this phase you will polish all the instrument
flying skills and knowledge you have learned to meet or exceed the Instrument Rating
Airman Certification Standards.
Ver. 1.00 iv
It is recommended that you only fly scenarios that are in the current phase of training you are in
• However, with the approval of your Chief or Assistant Chief Instructor, you can complete
scenarios that are out of the phase you are currently in
It is highly recommended that aviation training devices be used to familiarize you to new concepts and
techniques whenever possible.
This syllabus is designed for integrated use with a wide variety of aviation training devices (ATDs),
which include basic aviation training devices (BATDs) and advanced aviation training devices (AATDs).
Any scenario labeled with *ATD MAY BE USED* may be performed in an aviation training device. You
will want to be aware that if all scenarios so labeled were flown in an aviation training device (ATD), you
will most likely exceed the maximum number of ATD hours that may be credited toward the total course
requirements. Note that the permitted ATD hours are different depending on whether you’re enrolled in
a Part 141 or a Part 61 curriculum. You and your instructor will want to make sure that you meet the in-
the-airplane training requirements (see Appendix A) before you complete the course.
The Cessna Instrument Pilot training system is designed to provide the most benefit when
• The instructor assigns preparation for the next scenario (normally in sequence) including
o Web-based study, suggested study materials, scenario planning
• Prior to the next scenario, you
o Study the assigned materials
o Print a Phase Progress Report for your training records at the airport
o Perform the necessary scenario planning
• Prior to the flight, the instructor may print your training objective for that day including the
Flight Scenario
Phase Ground Training Checklist and Proficiency Checklist
• During the preflight briefing
o Your instructor will
Review the Phase Progress Report you provide
May introduce or evaluate the items on the phase Ground Training Checklist
o You will
Ask any questions you may have
• During the postflight briefing
o You independently grade the applicable tasks on the Phase Proficiency Checklist
o Your instructor independently grades the tasks on the Phase Proficiency Checklist
o You then both discuss the scenario outcome and compare grading
o The instructor logs the scenario into the Course Tracking Application (CTA) at your
Cessna Pilot Center
This flight training syllabus for Cessna Pilot Center customers uses the concepts developed under the
FAA Industry Training Standards (FITS) program. FITS incorporates three tenets
• Scenario-based training (SBT)
• Single-pilot resource management (SRM)
• Learner-centered grading (LCG)
Scenario-Based Training (SBT) uses real-world scenarios as the foundation of training. Flight
maneuvers are still a vital part of flight training, but the use of real-world scenarios help to develop a
pilot’s decision making skills. The training presents situations and circumstances that pilots face every
day as learning experiences.
Single-Pilot Resource Management (SRM) includes the concepts of aeronautical decision making
(ADM), risk management (RM), task management (TM), automation management (AM), controlled
v Ver. 1.00
flight into terrain (CFIT) awareness, and situational awareness (SA). SRM training helps the pilot to
accurately assess and manage risk, thereby making logical and timely decisions.
Learner-Centered Grading (LCG) includes two parts: learner self assessment and a detailed debrief
by the instructor. The purpose of the self assessment is to stimulate growth in the learner’s thought
processes and, in turn, behaviors. The self assessment is followed by an in-depth discussion between
the instructor and the customer (pilot in training) that compares the instructor’s assessment to the
customer’s self assessment.
The scenario-based approach to training pilots emphasizes the development of critical thinking and
flight management skills, rather than focusing solely on traditional maneuver-based skills. The goal of
this training philosophy is the accelerated acquisition of higher-level decision making skills. Such skills
are necessary to prevent pilot-induced accidents.
Scenario-based training goals include the development of
• Critical thinking skills
• Aeronautical decision-making skills
• Situational awareness
• Pattern recognition (emergency procedures) and judgment skills
• Automation competence
• Planning and execution skills
• Procedural knowledge
• Psychomotor (hand-eye coordination) skills
• Risk management skills
• Task management skills
• Automation management skills
• Controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) awareness
For scenario-based training to be effective there must be a purpose for the flight and consequences if
the flight is not completed as planned.
It is vital that you, the pilot in training, and the instructor communicate the following information well in
advance of every training flight:
• Purpose of the flight
• Pressures to complete the flight (real or simulated)
• Risks/hazards associated with the scenario (real or simulated)
• Scenario destination(s)
• Desired outcomes
• Possible in-flight scenario changes or deviations (during later stages of the program)
With the guidance of your instructor, you should plan and fly the scenario as realistic as possible. This
means that you will know where you are going and what will transpire during the flight. While the actual
flight may deviate from the original plan, this method allows you to be placed in a realistic scenario.
Prior to the flight, you will be briefed on the scenario to be planned. You will plan the scenario; your
instructor will help you the first few times. The flight scenario should include
• Simulated real-world reason to go flying
• Route, including the
o Destination(s), weather, and applicable NOTAMs
• Pressures to complete the flight (real or simulated)
• Risks associated with the scenario (real or simulated)
• Possible deviations
Ver. 1.00 vi
Reality is the ultimate learning situation, and scenario-based training attempts to get as close as
possible to this ideal. The more realistic the training scenario
• The better core safety habits are learned, and
• Decision-making skills can be applied in the real world
Task management (TM) Prioritize and select the most appropriate tasks (or series of
tasks) to ensure successful completion of the training scenario.
Automation management (AM) Program and utilize the most appropriate and useful modes of
cockpit automation to ensure successful completion of the
training scenario.
Risk management (RM) Utilize risk management tools to assess and mitigate risk
associated with the planned flight both during the preflight
planning and in flight.
Aeronautical decision making (ADM) Consistently make informed decisions in a timely manner
based on the task at hand and a thorough knowledge and use
of all available resources.
Situational Awareness (SA) Be aware of all factors such as traffic, weather, fuel state,
aircraft mechanical condition, and pilot fatigue level that may
have an impact on the successful completion of the training.
Learner-centered grading includes two parts
• Learner self assessment
• A detailed debrief by the instructor
The purpose of the self assessment is to stimulate growth in the learner’s thought processes and, in
turn, behaviors. The self assessment is followed by an in-depth discussion between you and your flight
instructor that compares your self assessment to the instructor’s assessment.
Pre- and postflight briefings are essential for setting goals and assessing if the goals were achieved.
During events and tasks that require high levels of attention, there may be little time for learning as the
bulk of your cognitive resources are given to performing the actual task.
The web-based knowledge instruction should be completed before beginning the flight scenarios in
each corresponding phase; you can work ahead as far in the course as you like at your discretion.
• However, the course is designed so that the web-based knowledge instruction corresponds to
the flight scenarios within a phase
• If the phase web-based knowledge instruction is incomplete, your instructor can evaluate
whether you are prepared to benefit from flying a particular scenario by checking your Phase
Progress Report and one-on-one discussion and questions using the Ground Training Checklist
If you have an extended time lapse between studying the web-based knowledge instruction and flying
the companion scenario, you will find it very helpful to take some time to review your last knowledge
sessions just before you fly the associated scenario.
You complete the web-based knowledge instruction satisfactorily by answering all the questions
correctly. Your instructor will
• Review your results before you fly
• Answer any questions you may have
ix Ver. 1.00
The Federal Aviation Regulations, 14 CFR Parts 61 and 141, list aeronautical knowledge areas that
must be included in the ground training for an Instrument Rating Course. All required areas are covered
in this course, but they are distributed throughout the curriculum for subject continuity and logical
development. You will find these required topics included in lessons listed as follows:
(1) Applicable Federal Aviation Regulations for IFR flight operations
PHASE 3; 3.4.2 Airspace
The Airspace System
Glass G Airspace
Class E Airspace
Class D Airspace
Class C Airspace
Class B Airspace
Class A Airspace
PHASE 3; 3.4.3 Weather Minimums
VFR Weather Minimums
Special VFR
PHASE 5; 5.1.1 Instrument Flight Rules
Pilot and Airplane IFR Requirements
Maintaining Your IFR Skills
Continuing Beyond the Missed Approach Point
PHASE 7; 7.1.1 Cross-Country IFR
IFR Procedures and Reports
PHASE 7; 7.2.1 IFR Cross-Country Planning
IFR Flight Planning (Alternate rules)
(2) Appropriate information in the "Aeronautical Information Manual"
PHASE 6; 6.3.1 Clearances, Procedures, and Responsibilities
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
(3) Air traffic control system and procedures for instrument flight operations
PHASE 3; 3.4.1 IFR Departures
Departing Airports With Control Towers
Departing Airports Without Control Towers
PHASE 3; 3.4.2 Airspace
The Airspace System
PHASE 4; 4.1.1 Holding Patterns
The Holding Pattern
How to Fly a Holding Pattern
Holding Pattern Entries
Holding at Intersections and Wayponts
Flying Holding Patterns with the G1000
PHASE 4; 4.1.2 Arrivals
Format and Symbols on STAR Charts
Loading and Flying Arrival Procedures
PHASE 4; 4.2.1 Flying DME Arcs
DME Arcs Using VOR and DME
DME Arcs Using the G1000
PHASE 6; 6.3.1 Clearances, Procedures, and Responsibilities
IFR Clearances That Include VFR Conditions
Radar Services in the Terminal Area
Ver. 1.00 x
PHASE 6; 6.4.1 ATC Procedures
Increasing Traffic Flow
Communications Failure
Complete Radio Failure
(4) IFR navigation and approaches by use of navigation systems
PHASE 3; 3.1.1 RNAV and GPS Navigation
GPS Requirements and Using GPS for IFR
PHASE 3; 3.1.2 Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
Understanding RNP
What WAAS Does for You
PHASE 3; 3.1.3 Using GPS for Navigation
Creating and Modifying a GPS Flight Plan
Enroute GPS
Loading Instrument Procedures
PHASE 3; 3.2.1 NDB Navigation
Understanding the ADF
Homing and Bearings to the Station
The Movable Card Indicator ADF
Intercepting and Tracking NDB Bearings
RMI Orientation and Navigation
PHASE 3; 3.3.1 VOR Navigation
VOR Checks
VOR Navigation
Receiving Localizers on VOR Radios
Intercepting and Tracking VOR Radials
Using an HSI for VOR Navigation
PHASE 5; 5.2.1 Instrument Landing System (ILS) Components
Visual Components
Runway Visual Range (RVR)
Inoperative ILS Components
PHASE 5; 5.2.2 How to Fly an ILS
Choosing Which Approach to Fly
Self-Briefing the Approach
Setting Up for the Approach
Flying the ILS
Flying the Missed Approach
PHASE 5; 5.3.1 Localizer Approaches
Flying a Localizer Front Course
Flying a Localizer Back Course
Flying SDF and LDA Approaches
Flying DME Arcs to a Localizer
PHASE 5; 5.4.1 RNAV Approaches
RNAV Approaches
PHASE 5; 5.4.2 RNAV (GPS) Approach Types
LPV and LP Approaches
LNAV/VNAV Approach
LNAV Approach
GPS Missed Approach
xi Ver. 1.00
PHASE 6; 6.2.1 VOR Approaches
VOR Approach
PHASE 6; 6.2.2 Flying the NDB Approach
NDB Approach
PHASE 6; 6.3.2 Circling, Contact, and Visual Approaches
Circling Approaches
Contact and Visual Approaches
(5) Use of IFR en route and instrument approach procedure charts
PHASE 2; 2.1.1 Low Altitude Enroute Charts
Airports and Navaids
Intersections and Reporting POints
More Altitudes
PHASE 3; 3.4.1 IFR Departures
Departure Procedure Charts (ODPs and SIDs)
PHASE 4; 4.3.1 Approach Charts and Approach Chart Segments
Approach Segments
Overview of Approach Charts
Approach Chart Design
PHASE 4; 4.3.2 Sections of the Approach Chart
Margin Identification
Pilot Briefing
Plan View
Profile View
Minimums Section
Airport Sketch
(6) Procurement and use of aviation weather reports and forecasts, and the elements of
forecasting weather trends on the basis of that information and personal observation of
weather conditions
PHASE 2; 2.4.1 Current Weather Reports
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)
Automated Weather Observations (ASOS/AWOS)
PHASE 2; 2.4.2 Weather Forecasts
Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF)
Area Forecast (FA)
Winds and Temperature Aloft Forecast (FD)
PHASE 2; 2.4.3 In-Flight Weather Advisories and Services
In-Flight Weather Advisories
Supplemental and In-Flight Weather Services
PHASE 2; 2.4.4 Current Weather Charts
Surface Analysis Chart
Weather Depiction Chart
Radar Summary Chart
PHASE 2; 2.4.5 Forecast Weather and Upper Air Charts
Low Level Significant Weather Prognostic Charts
High Level Significant Weather Prognostic Charts
Severe Weather Forecasts
More Upper Air Charts
Stage 1
Instrument Flying
Developing Polishing
Instrument Skills Instrument Skills
At the end of each Phase are the Ground Training Checklist and Phase Proficiency
• All items in the checklist must be completed to the appropriate standard listed before the
Phase is considered complete.
1 Ver. 1.00
Stage 1, Phase 1: Developing Instrument Skills
Ver. 1.00 2
Stage 1, Phase 1: Developing Instrument Skills
3 Ver. 1.00
Stage 1, Phase 1: Developing Instrument Skills
Understand instrument preflight procedures and the preparation necessary for an IFR flight. Experience
flying by reference to instruments only while developing proper instrument cross-check and interpretation
skills, and aircraft control skills.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You have just purchased a new airplane and have arranged to fly it home from the manufacturer with an
experienced, but non-instrument rated, pilot friend. You have a narrow window following your factory
training to pick up the plane, or you will have to wait a month. You have to be in your office the next day.
Where to go:
A point within 30 minutes flight time that is in suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Planned deviations:
As necessary to react to inadvertent IMC
Planned malfunctions:
Risks (real or simulated):
Marginal VFR at departure, expected to be clear at your home field (VFR pilot possibly flying into IMC /
spatial disorientation)
Unfamiliarity with new airplane and new avionics
Overconfidence because of the second pilot
Ver. 1.00 4
Stage 1, Phase 1: Developing Instrument Skills
Continue learning the preparation necessary for an IFR flight and improve your instrument flying skills
including instrument cross-check and interpretation, and aircraft control.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You have planned to fly to a nearby airport for an air show. You will be running a booth there for your
Where to go:
A point within 30 minutes flight time that is in suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Planned deviations:
As necessary to react to inadvertent IMC
Planned malfunctions:
Risks (real or simulated):
Unreported low ceilings and visibilities en route (VFR pilot possibly flying into IMC / spatial disorientation)
5 Ver. 1.02
Stage 1, Phase 1: Developing Instrument Skills
Improve basic control while flying by reference to instruments only, and learn how to use the compass in
the event of an unreliable heading indicator.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are an aerial photographer that has been contracted by a local land development company to take
pictures of a proposed building site. The company needs the pictures by 8 am tomorrow.
Where to go:
A point within 30 minutes flight time in suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Planned deviations:
Planned malfunctions:
Red X on HSI (simulated with PFD mask; reversionary mode not available)
Risks (real or simulated):
Ceiling drops as you approach the site (inadvertent IMC and possible loss of control)
Loss of HSI (subsequently difficulty in following ATC instructions)
Revised primary instrument scan (possible loss of control)
Ver. 1.00 6
Stage 1, Phase 1: Developing Instrument Skills
Improve basic control while flying by reference to instruments only, and learn how to use the compass in
the event of an unreliable heading indicator.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are an aerial photographer who has been contracted by a local land development company to take
pictures of a proposed building site. The company needs the pictures by 8 am tomorrow.
Where to go:
A point within 30 minutes flight time in suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Planned deviations:
Planned malfunctions:
Heading indicator becomes unreliable (simulated with cover over heading indicator)
Risks (real or simulated):
Ceiling drops as you are approaching the area of the development site (inadvertent IMC)
Unreliable heading indicator (subsequent difficulty in following ATC instructions)
7 Ver. 1.00
Stage 1, Phase 1: Developing Instrument Skills
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Explain”
Manage /
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Perform” or
Preflight procedures
Evaluating weather information
Can accurately evaluate weather data from an FAA-approved source
Weather briefing and/or acceptable weather sources
Knows FAA-approved weather resources and proper format to request an IFR weather briefing
Takeoff and landing data
Accurately calculates the required takeoff and landing distances
Weight and balance
Determines that the flight will be conducted within weight and balance limitations
Has current aeronautical charts and publications
Preflight inspection
Can perform a safe preflight inspection without instructor assistance
Cockpit management
Organizes the cockpit, has easy access to the checklist and utilizes items such as a kneeboard, paper
and pen/pencil to record information
Checklist usage
Uses checklist for preflight and all phases of flight
Positive exchange of flight controls
Uses the 3-part verification system to confirm who has control of the airplane
Correlating airport diagrams with taxiway and runway signs and markings
Uses the airport diagram, if available, for situational awareness
Instrument cockpit check
Performs an instrument cockpit check to ensure all required items are in working order prior to flight
Ver. 1.03 8
Stage 1, Phase 1: Developing Instrument Skills
Postflight procedures
After landing, parking and securing
Completes appropriate checklists
9 Ver. 1.00
Stage 1, Phase 1: Developing Instrument Skills
Ver. 1.00 10
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
11 Ver. 1.00
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
Ver. 1.01 12
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
Develop skills in preparing for an IFR flight including: weather briefings, filing the flight plan, and copying,
understanding, and flying an IFR clearance.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are on a scheduled out and return training flight to an airport less than 50 nautical miles away and
will drop off an airplane part for a stranded pilot. You need to hurry to get the part there before the
mechanic goes home.
Where to go:
A nearby airport with an instrument approach
How to get there:
Follow your instrument clearance, vectors
Planned deviations:
Planned malfunctions:
Risks (real or simulated):
Lack of familiarity with copying clearances (likelihood of misunderstanding clearance)
13 Ver. 1.02
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
Recover the airplane from unusual flight attitudes, recognize primary flight instrument failures and control
the aircraft using standby instruments.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You and a friend are flying to an airport 80 miles away for an aerobatic competition he has entered. To
participate, your friend must attend the mandatory 7 am pilot briefing.
Where to go:
A point within 20 minutes flight time that is in suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Vectors and/or simulated clearance
Planned deviations:
To a suitable airport to deal with failures
Planned malfunctions:
PFD failure (simulated by dimming the PFD) (not simultaneously with next malfunction)
AHRS and ADC failure (simulated with PFD mask; reversionary mode not available)
Risks (real or simulated):
Departure airport weather is broken at 2,200 feet and tops are unknown as there are no PIREPS
Mountain ridge between your departure and destination airports, with strong winds aloft (turbulence and
possible loss of control)
Loss of primary flight display (PFD) (possible loss of control)
Loss of all primary flight instruments (possible loss of control)
Ver. 1.02 14
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
Recover the airplane from unusual flight attitudes, recognize primary flight instrument failures and control
the aircraft using the remaining instruments.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You and a friend are flying to an airport 80 miles away for an aerobatic competition he has entered. To
participate, your friend must attend the mandatory 7:00 am pilot briefing.
Where to go:
A point within 20 minutes flight time that is in suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Vectors and/or simulated clearance
Planned deviations:
To a suitable airport to deal with failures
Planned malfunctions:
Vacuum system failure (simulated with covers over attitude indicator and heading indicator) (not
simultaneously with next malfunction)
Clogged pitot tube (simulated with cover over airspeed indicator) (not simultaneously with previous
Risks (real or simulated):
Departure airport weather is broken at 2,200 feet and tops are unknown as there are no PIREPS
Mountain ridge between your departure and destination airports, with strong winds aloft (turbulence and
possible loss of control)
Loss of attitude indicator and heading indicator (possible loss of control)
Loss of airspeed indicator (possible loss of control)
15 Ver. 1.02
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
Recover from unusual flight attitudes, recognize primary flight instrument failures and control the aircraft
using standby instruments.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You and a friend are flying to an airport 80 miles away for an aerobatic competition he has entered. To
participate, your friend must attend the mandatory 7:00 am pilot briefing.
Where to go:
A point within 20 minutes flight time that is in suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Vectors and/or simulated clearance
Planned deviations:
To a suitable airport to deal with failures
Planned malfunctions:
PFD failure (simulated by dimming the PFD) (not simultaneously with next malfunction)
AHRS failure (ATD simulation—reversionary mode does not fix) (not simultaneously with previous
ADC failure (ATD simulation—reversionary mode does not fix) (not simultaneously with previous
AHRS and ADC failure (ATD simulation—reversionary mode does not fix)
Risks (real or simulated):
Departure airport weather is broken at 2,200 feet and tops are unknown as there are no PIREPS
Mountain ridge between your departure and destination airports, with strong winds aloft (turbulence and
possible loss of control)
Loss of primary flight display (PFD) (possible loss of control)
Loss of primary attitude indicator (possible loss of control)
Loss of all primary flight instruments (possible loss of control)
Ver. 1.02 16
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
Increase your proficiency and accuracy with instrument cross-check and interpretation, and aircraft
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are taking a flight to accomplish important surveillance work. You are under contract to complete the
survey within 24 hours.
Where to go:
A point within 20 minutes flight time that is in suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Vectors and/or clearance
Planned deviations:
Planned malfunctions:
AHRS and ADC failure (simulated with PFD mask; reversionary mode not available)
Risks (real or simulated):
Area forecast calls for low ceilings and visibilities (inadvertent IMC)
Primary instrument failures (loss of control)
17 Ver. 1.02
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
Increase your proficiency and accuracy with instrument cross-check and interpretation, and aircraft
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are taking a flight to accomplish important surveillance work. You are under contract to complete the
survey within 24 hours.
Where to go:
A point within 20 minutes flight time that is in suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Vectors and/or clearance
Planned deviations:
Planned malfunctions:
Vacuum system failure (simulated with covers over attitude indicator and heading indicator)
Risks (real or simulated):
Area forecast calls for low ceilings and visibilities (inadvertent IMC)
Primary instrument failures (loss of control)
Ver. 1.02 18
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
*All items to be graded independently by the instructor and customer, then
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Explain”
Shorthand to write down the clearance
System and instrument failures affecting IFR flights
Recovery from unusual flight attitudes
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Perform” or
Preflight procedures
Preflight preparation
Performs necessary items such as weather, takeoff and landing data, weight and balance, appropriate
charts, and applies risk management in decision making
Preflight inspection
Performs a preflight inspection finding the airplane airworthy for instrument flight
Filing an IFR flight plan
Knows and uses the appropriate format to file an IFR flight plan
Alternate planning
Recognizes when alternate planning is required or necessary
How to receive your clearance
Knows how to contact ATC to receive an IFR clearance
Copying your clearance
Uses shorthand to copy an IFR clearance
Runway incursion avoidance procedures
Uses airport diagrams and writes down taxi clearances
Checklist usage
Uses checklist for preflight and all phases of flight
Cockpit management
Effectively maintains an organized cockpit environment and has necessary items within reach
Collision avoidance
Uses resources to ensure collision avoidance and responds to ATC traffic calls
Basic instrument flight maneuvers
Maintains altitude ±150 feet, airspeed ±10 knots, heading ±15 degrees, bank ±5 degrees
Timed turns to magnetic headings
Rolls out ±15 degrees of the desired heading and uses standard-rate turns
Compass turns to magnetic headings
Knows the errors associated with the magnetic compass and can achieve desired headings
Compliance with ATC clearances
Complies with clearances as necessary maintaining altitude ±150 feet and heading ±15 degrees
19 Ver. 1.00
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
Ver. 1.00 20
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
To check that your progress in the course is sufficient to move to the next phase of training
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You have an opportunity to do aerial survey work and you are being evaluated on your ability to use the
instruments to precisely fly the airplane.
Where to go:
A point within 30 minutes that is suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Vectors and/or clearance
Planned deviations:
Planned malfunctions:
AHRS and ADC failure (simulated with PFD mask; reversionary mode not available)
Risks (real or simulated):
Stress that arises with having your performance evaluated
21 Ver. 1.00
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
To check that your progress in the course is sufficient to move to the next phase of training
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You have an opportunity to do aerial survey work and you are being evaluated on your ability to use the
instruments to precisely fly the airplane.
Where to go:
A point within 30 minutes that is suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
Vectors and/or clearance
Planned deviations:
Planned malfunctions:
Vacuum system failure (simulated with covers over attitude indicator and heading indicator)
Risks (real or simulated):
Stress that arises with having your performance evaluated
Ver. 1.00 22
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
Desired outcome for all tasks for the Progress Check is “Perform” or
Preflight procedures
Preflight preparation
Understands the preparation necessary for an IFR flight
Weather briefing and/or acceptable weather resources
Knows FAA-approved weather sources and can interpret them
Takeoff and landing data
Uses POH/PIM to determine takeoff and landing distances required
Weight and balance
Determines weight and balance calculations correctly and understands the impact on performance
Is aware of the chart and publications cycles, uses current publications and charts
Preflight inspection
Determines the airplane is airworthy for instrument flight
Checklist usage
Uses the checklist before, during, and after the flight
Instrument cockpit check
Performs and understands the elements and purpose of the check
Runway incursion avoidance
Uses airport diagrams, maintains situational awareness, and complies with ATC instructions as necessary
Cockpit management
Maintains an organized cockpit and utilizes all resources available to ensure the safety of flight
Collision avoidance
Utilizes a safety pilot or ATC to ensure collision avoidance
Basic instrument flight maneuvers
Maintains altitude ±150 feet, airspeed ±10 knots, heading ±15 degrees, bank ±5 degrees
Loss of primary flight instruments
Recognizes the loss of a primary flight instrument indicator and safely controls the airplane by reference to
supporting instruments, reports failure to ATC as necessary
Timed turns to magnetic headings
Can use time to accurately turn to a desired heading in the case of a heading indicator failure
Compass turns to magnetic headings
Understands compass errors and accurately turns to a desired heading in the case of a heading indicator failure
Recovery from unusual flight attitudes
Recovers using proper pitch, power, and bank inputs and restores positive aircraft control
Postflight procedures
After landing, parking and securing
Completes appropriate checklists, taxis the airplane back to parking and properly secures it
23 Ver. 1.00
Stage 1, Phase 2: Polishing Instrument Skills
Ver. 1.00 24
Stage 2, Phase 3: GPS, NDB, and VOR Navigation
Stage 2
Using Navigation
GPS, NDB and Holding Patterns
VOR Navigation and DME Arcs
At the end of each Phase are the Ground Training Checklist and Phase Proficiency
• All items in the checklist must be completed to the appropriate standard listed before the
Phase is considered complete.
25 Ver. 1.00
Stage 2, Phase 3: GPS, NDB, and VOR Navigation
Ver. 1.00 26
Stage 2, Phase 3: GPS, NDB, and VOR Navigation
3.4.2 Airspace
The Airspace System
Class G Airspace
Class E Airspace
Class D Airspace
Class C Airspace
Class B Airspace
Class A Airspace
3.4.3 Weather Minimums
VFR Weather Minimums
Special VFR
27 Ver. 1.00
Stage 2, Phase 3: GPS, NDB, and VOR Navigation
SCENARIO 1: GPS for IFR Use and ADF/NDB Navigation (If Installed)
Note: Although an ATD may be used for this scenario, the maximum time that may be credited is 10
hours (BATD) or 20 hours (AATD) instrument time for a Part 61 course [61.65(i)] or 25% (BATD) or 40%
(AATD) of the total instrument training requirement (35 hours) for a Part 141 course [141 Appendix C,
Familiarize yourself with the GPS and its use for IFR navigation. If your airplane has a functioning ADF,
you will navigate using a non-directional beacon (NDB).
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are flying with two friends to a ski destination and back.
Where to go:
A nearby airport
How to get there:
IFR flight plan using GPS waypoints, and NDB bearings if an ADF is installed and an NDB is available
Planned deviations:
To a suitable airport to deal with en route icing
Planned malfunctions:
RAIM unavailable
NDB loss of signal
Risks (real or simulated):
Navigation errors due to unreliable signals
Each of you is carrying ski boots and extra clothes
Runway has light snow on it
AIRMET Zulu and Sierra are valid for the route of flight (possibility of encountering structural icing and
IMC or mountain obscurations)
Destination airport is 6,388 feet MSL
Ver. 1.02 28
Stage 2, Phase 3: GPS, NDB, and VOR Navigation
Enhance your skill in using the VOR for situational awareness and intercepting and tracking radials
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are meeting business associates at a nearby airport to sign time-sensitive documents.
Where to go:
En route to a nearby single-runway (simulated if necessary) airport using victor airways, airspace that is
free from obstructions and dense traffic to practice intercepting and tracking courses using VOR radials
How to get there:
VOR navigation, vectors
Planned deviations:
Route and destination changes for unforecast convective activity and airport conditions
Planned malfunctions:
Unable to identify the VOR (simulated by deselecting or turning-down NAV audio)
VOR indicator off flag or missing deviation bar (simulated by changing NAV frequency)
Risks (real or simulated):
Navigation errors due to unreliable signals
Strong crosswinds forecast en route (being off course because of failure to apply appropriate wind
Unforecast convective weather en route
While en route, reported winds at the destination are 13 knots gusting to 19 knots 60° from the runway
heading. A later PIREP from a Corvalis TT landing at your destination indicates wind shear with a loss of
10 knots on final
29 Ver. 1.02
Stage 2, Phase 3: GPS, NDB, and VOR Navigation
Become familiar with and fly published departure procedures
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are flying to your class reunion to show friends your new airplane.
Where to go:
To a nearby airport that has a published departure procedure (if your home airport does not have one)
How to get there:
Published departure procedures, GPS or VOR navigation, vectors
Planned deviations:
As necessary to deal with malfunction
Planned malfunctions:
Rough running engine
Risks (real or simulated):
Compromised ability to meet the departure climb requirements
Ver. 1.02 30
Stage 2, Phase 3: GPS, NDB, and VOR Navigation
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Explain”
*All items to be graded independently by the instructor and customer, then
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Perform” or
Single-pilot resource management
Aeronautical decision making
Exhibits sound decision making during planning and execution of the planned flight
Risk management
Is able to recognize risks and uses good judgment to reduce associated risks
Preflight procedures
Preflight preparation
Performs all preparation required for an IFR flight
Checklist usage
Uses checklist for preflight and all phases of flight
Determining suitability of GPS for IFR flight
Can determine if the GPS is suitable for IFR flight
Familiarity with avionics
Is familiar with the airplane avionics and can effectively use them
Instrument cockpit check
Determines the airplane is in condition for safe instrument flight including all items listed in the ACS
Navigating to a waypoint or an off-airway fix at a safe altitude
Maintains obstacle clearance and can safely navigate to a waypoint or off-airway fix
Navigation system orientation (GPS and/or NDB)
Uses installed navigation systems to establish/maintain situational awareness
Navigation system course intercepting and tracking (GPS and/or NDB)
Intercepts and tracks courses maintaining altitude ±150 feet, headings ±10 degrees, airspeed ±10 kts,
and course within ¾ scale CDI deflection or ±10 degrees on RMI
VOR accuracy check
Confirms usability of VOR for IFR navigation, including required checks and identification in the air
Navigation system orientation (VOR)
Uses VOR to establish/maintain situational awareness
Navigation system course intercepting and tracking (VOR)
Intercepts and tracks courses maintaining altitude ±150 feet, headings ±10 degrees, airspeed ±10 kts,
and course within ¾ scale CDI deflection or ±10 degrees on RMI
Victor airway intercepting and tracking
Understands the boundary of the Victor airway and can accurately maintain navigation on the airway
31 Ver. 1.03
Stage 2, Phase 3: GPS, NDB, and VOR Navigation
Ver. 1.00 32
Stage 2, Phase 4: Holding Patterns and DME Arcs
*Flight scenarios will be repeated as necessary to reach the desired proficiency*
33 Ver. 1.00
Stage 2, Phase 4: Holding Patterns and DME Arcs
Build the skills necessary to copy holding instructions, determine and fly the recommended entry into a
proper holding pattern, and make required reports.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are flying a business associate to a meeting.
Where to go:
To a nearby airport
How to get there:
Vectors, VOR or GPS navigation
Planned deviations:
Holding due to weather
Planned malfunctions:
Risks (real or simulated):
Weather below minimums at destination
Navigational confusion in the hold
Ver. 1.02 34
Stage 2, Phase 4: Holding Patterns and DME Arcs
Learn how to fly a DME arc, and hold at a fix without a published holding pattern.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are trying to impress a date by flying to dinner at a nearby town.
Where to go:
A fix around which you can simulate flying a DME arc on the way to a nearby airport
How to get there:
Flying a clearance, victor airways, or vectors
Planned deviations:
Unplanned hold
Planned malfunctions:
Risks (real or simulated):
Extra fuel consumption due to hold
35 Ver. 1.02
Stage 2, Phase 4: Holding Patterns and DME Arcs
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Explain”
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Perform” or
Preflight procedures
Preflight preparation
Performs all necessary preparation for a safe IFR flight
Instrument cockpit check
Determines the airplane is safe for IFR including items listed in the ACS
Holding entries and procedures
Uses the appropriate entry, makes all required ATC reports, and can accurately fly a holding pattern
Basic instrument flight maneuvers
Maintains altitude ±150 feet, headings ±15 degrees, airspeed ±10 kts, and bank ±5 degrees
Intercepting and tracking navigational systems
Tunes and identifies the navigation facility, applies proper correction to maintain the specified course
Compliance with departure procedures
Uses current navigation publications and complies with requirements
Recovery from unusual flight attitudes
Applies appropriate pitch, bank, and power corrections to return the airplane to stabilized flight
Loss of primary flight instrument
Recognizes the loss of a primary instrument, simulates reporting to ATC as necessary, and applies
risk management in the aeronautical decision making relating to the safety of the flight
Intercepting and tracking DME arcs
Intercepts and maintains the DME arc ±1 nautical mile
Non-published holding procedures
Flies to the intersection, uses the appropriate entry, communicates as required with ATC, maintain
situational awareness, and can maintain altitude ±150 feet
Ver. 1.03 36
Stage 2, Phase 4: Holding Patterns and DME Arcs
37 Ver. 1.00
Stage 2, Phase 4: Holding Patterns and DME Arcs
Fly with a check instructor to ensure satisfactory course and skill level progress.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You would like to fly your airplane on business trips for your company. Your company’s risk manager
requires you to pass an evaluation by the chief or assistant chief instructor at a local flight school.
Where to go:
A point within 30 minutes flight time that is in suitable airspace free from obstructions and dense traffic
How to get there:
ATC clearance, navigation systems, vectors
Planned deviations:
Planned malfunctions:
Rough running engine
Flight display/instrument failure
Risks (real or simulated):
Stress from being evaluated
Ver. 1.00 38
Stage 2, Phase 4: Holding Patterns and DME Arcs
Desired outcome for all tasks for the Progress Check is “Explain”
Required ATC reports when holding
Single-pilot resource management
Procedures for loss of communication in the hold
Desired outcome for all tasks for the Progress Check is “Perform” or
Preflight procedures
Preflight preparation
Can perform all preparation necessary for a safe IFR flight
Instrument cockpit check
Performs and determines the airplane is suitable for IFR flight
Basic instrument flight maneuvers
Maintains altitude ±150 feet, headings ±15 degrees, airspeed ±10 kts, and bank ±5 degrees
Intercepting and tracking navigational systems
Tunes and identifies the navigation facility, applies proper correction to maintain the specified course
Intercepting and tracking DME arcs
Intercepts and maintains the DME arc ±1 nautical mile
Holding procedures
Uses the appropriate entry, makes all required ATC reports, and can accurately fly a holding pattern
Compliance with departure procedures
Uses current navigation publications and complies with requirements
Recovery from unusual flight attitudes
Applies appropriate pitch, bank, and power corrections to return the airplane to stabilized flight
Loss of primary flight instrument
Recognizes the loss of a primary instrument, simulates reporting to ATC as necessary, and applies
risk management in the aeronautical decision making relating to the safety of the flight
39 Ver. 1.00
Stage 2, Phase 4: Holding Patterns and DME Arcs
Ver. 1.00 40
Stage 3 Phase 5: Precision and Nonprecision Instrument Approaches
Stage 3
Flying Instrument
Precision and Nonprecision Automation, ATC and other
Instrument Approaches Approaches
At the end of each Phase are the Ground Training Checklist and Phase Proficiency
• All items in the checklist must be completed to the appropriate standard listed before the
Phase is considered complete.
41 Ver. 1.00
Stage 3, Phase 5: Precision and Nonprecision Instrument Approaches
Ver. 1.00 42
Stage 3 Phase 5: Precision and Nonprecision Instrument Approaches
43 Ver. 1.00
Stage 3, Phase 5: Precision and Nonprecision Instrument Approaches
Learn how to fly a precision approach, using vertical and lateral guidance to descend to the decision
altitude / decision height and decide whether to make a missed approach or continue below the approach
minimums visually
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are making a flight with two friends to a nearby airport for an FAA Safety Seminar
Where to go:
An airport within 30 minutes flight time that has a suitable ILS approach
How to get there:
Vectors or assigned route using navigation systems
Planned deviations:
As necessary if the airport environment is not in sight at the decision height
Planned malfunctions:
Risks (real or simulated):
AIRMET Sierra valid, visibility is expected to be 2 miles in haze with ceilings at 700 feet upon the time of
your planned arrival (possibility of encountering IMC or mountain obscurations)
Distraction in the cockpit
Ver. 1.02 44
Stage 3 Phase 5: Precision and Nonprecision Instrument Approaches
Learn how to fly an RNAV (GPS) approach with vertical guidance to the decision altitude and decide
whether to make a missed approach or continue below the approach minimums visually.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are making an instrument proficiency flight into a nearby major airline airport that will also allow you
to pick up your college roommate and spouse. A presidential temporary flight restriction (TFR) has just
been moved up to start 45 minutes after your friends’ scheduled arrival.
Where to go:
An airport within 30 minutes flight time that has a suitable RNAV (GPS) WAAS approach listing LPV
and/or LNAV/VNAV minima.
How to get there:
Vectors or assigned route using navigation systems
Planned deviations:
To suitable airport to deal with failures
As necessary if the airport environment is not in sight at the decision altitude
Planned malfunctions:
Alternator failure
Risks (real or simulated):
Hurried actions because of the TFR
Wake turbulence
According to the forecast, you expect ceilings 200 feet above the applicable RNAV approach decision
altitude with the visibility 3/4 mile greater than the published minimum upon arrival.
45 Ver. 1.02
Stage 3, Phase 5: Precision and Nonprecision Instrument Approaches
Learn how to fly an RNAV (GPS) nonprecision approach to the minimum descent altitude (MDA) and
missed approach point, and decide whether to make a missed approach or continue below the approach
minimums visually.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You have just discovered a reliability issue with your highest revenue product and are flying to a nearby
airport to meet with your vendor and engineers from their out-of-area supplier of the suspect component.
The engineers depart on an international flight this evening.
Where to go:
An airport within 30 minutes flight time that has a suitable RNAV (GPS) straight-in approach.
How to get there:
Vectors or assigned route using navigation systems
Planned deviations:
As necessary for RAIM not available
As necessary if the airport environment is not in sight at the MDA
Planned malfunctions:
RAIM unavailable
Risks (real or simulated):
Distraction because of focus on product issue
Forecast conditions have been slowly deteriorating, but you expect ceilings 300 feet above the applicable
RNAV approach MDA with the visibility 1 mile greater than the published minimum upon arrival.
Ver. 1.02 46
Stage 3 Phase 5: Precision and Nonprecision Instrument Approaches
Learn how to fly a localizer nonprecision approach to the minimum descent altitude and missed approach
point and decide whether to make a missed approach or continue below the approach minimums visually.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are fulfilling a promise to take a good friend to dinner at a well-known restaurant within walking
distance from the airport in a neighboring city.
Where to go:
An airport within 30 minutes flight time with a suitable LOC, LDA, or SDF straight-in-approach
How to get there:
Vectors or assigned route using navigation systems
Planned deviations:
As necessary to deal with radio failure
As necessary if the airport environment is not in sight at the MDA
Planned malfunctions:
Number 1 com radio failure (Number 2 works fine)
Risks (real or simulated):
A coastal marine cloud layer has covered the destination area with ceilings 150 feet above the MDA and
is forecast to remain the same and is forecasted to remain the same throughout the evening. Visibility is
greater than 6 miles.
47 Ver. 1.02
Stage 3, Phase 5: Precision and Nonprecision Instrument Approaches
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Explain”
*All items to be graded independently by the instructor and customer, then
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Perform”
Checklist usage
Uses checklist during all phases of flight as required
Intercepting and tracking navigational systems
Maintains situational awareness and is never more than 3/4 scale deflection off course
Communication with ATC
Is able to respond to and understand ATC calls
Compliance with ATC clearance
Understands, confirms, and flies clearances. Queries ATC if clearance may compromise safety
Approach briefing
Thoroughly briefs the approach as early as possible
Vectors to final approach course
Can accurately fly ATC issued vectors to the final approach course
Intercept and track localizer course
Anticipates and accurately intercepts the localizer course, does not exceed 3/4 scale deflection
Intercept and track glideslope
Anticipates and accurately intercepts the glideslope, does not exceed 3/4 scale deflection
Precision approach
No more than 3/4 scale deflection, continues to the missed approach point
Load and verify RNAV approach into navigation system
Can accurately load and verify the RNAV approach
RNAV approach with vertical guidance
No more than 3/4 scale deflection, continues to the missed approach point
Intercept and track RNAV approach course
Anticipates and accurately intercepts the approach course, does not exceed 3/4 scale deflection
Intercept and track electronic vertical guidance
Anticipates and accurately intercepts the glidepath, does not exceed 3/4 scale deflection
Terminal arrival area (TAA) procedure or course reversal
Accurately flies the TAA procedure or course reversal as published or cleared by ATC
RNAV approach without vertical guidance
No more than 3/4 scale deflection, continues to the missed approach point
Descent to the minimum descent altitude (MDA)
Descends to the MDA and maintains +100 feet / -0 feet until the missed approach point
Identify the missed approach point
Is able to accurately identify and appropriately respond to arrival at the missed approach point
Ver. 1.00 48
Stage 3 Phase 5: Precision and Nonprecision Instrument Approaches
49 Ver. 1.00
Stage 3, Phase 5: Precision and Nonprecision Instrument Approaches
Ver. 1.00 50
Stage 3, Phase 6: Automation, ATC and Other Approaches
51 Ver. 1.00
Stage 3, Phase 6: Automation, ATC and Other Approaches
Ver. 1.00 52
Stage 3, Phase 6: Automation, ATC and Other Approaches
Learn how to fly a VOR nonprecision approach to the minimum descent altitude and missed approach
point and decide whether to make a missed approach or continue below the approach minimums. If your
airplane has a functioning ADF and there is a NDB approach available, you will also fly a nonprecision
NDB approach.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are making an after-work flight to a nearby airport to participate in a seminar on technically advanced
Where to go:
An airport within 30 minutes flight time that has a suitable VOR approach and an airport with a suitable
NDB approach if the airplane is ADF equipped.
How to get there:
Vectors or assigned route using navigation systems
Planned deviations:
As appropriate to deal with communication failure
As necessary if the airport environment is not in sight at the missed approach point
Planned malfunctions:
Loss of all communication radios during radar vectors for the approach
Risks (real or simulated):
Terrain rises over 3,000 feet above the destination airport elevation within 18 miles.
The only published approaches at the destination airport are nonprecision using ground-based navaids.
The forecast calls for ceilings at 400 feet above the VOR/NDB approach MDA and a visibility of 1 mile
greater than the lowest approach minimums.
53 Ver. 1.02
Stage 3, Phase 6: Automation, ATC and Other Approaches
Ver. 1.00 54
Stage 3, Phase 6: Automation, ATC and Other Approaches
Polish your ability to fly a precision instrument approach while incorporating departure and holding
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are flying to a business meeting that has been planned for a month.
Where to go:
A nearby area with suitable ILS and nonprecision approaches at one or more airports
How to get there:
Vectors or assigned route using navigation systems utilizing a departure procedure at one airport
Planned deviations:
En route holding because of a weather delay at the destination
As necessary if the airport environment is not in sight at the missed approach point or is lost during the
circling maneuver
Planned malfunctions:
Possible radio failure
Risks (real or simulated):
Low instrument conditions forecast for destination airport (ceiling no greater than 50 feet higher above the
applicable minimum altitude and visibility no greater than ½ mile more than applicable minimums)
Reduced fuel reserve because of unexpected holding
The last pilot to fly the airplane noted intermittent static in the radios
55 Ver. 1.02
Stage 3, Phase 6: Automation, ATC and Other Approaches
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Explain”
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Perform” or
Ver. 1.03 56
Stage 3, Phase 6: Automation, ATC and Other Approaches
57 Ver. 1.03
Stage 3, Phase 6: Automation, ATC and Other Approaches
Ver. 1.03 58
Stage 3, Phase 6: Automation, ATC and Other Approaches
Desired outcome for all tasks for the Progress Check is “Explain”
Instrument approach procedures
Single-pilot resource management
Loss of communications
Departure procedures
Holding procedures
Required ATC communications
Emergency operations
Desired outcome for all tasks for the Progress Check is “Perform” or
59 Ver. 1.03
Stage 3, Phase 6: Automation, ATC and Other Approaches
Ver. 1.03 60
Stage 4, Phase 7: IFR Cross Country
Stage 4
IFR Cross Country Practical Test
At the end of each Phase are the Ground Training Checklist and Phase Proficiency
• All items in the checklist must be completed to the appropriate standard listed before the
Phase is considered complete.
61 Ver. 1.00
Stage 4, Phase 7: IFR Cross Country
Plan and fly an instrument cross-country flight to your destination airport.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are flying for a second look at an airplane you are interested in buying. You are bringing along your
friend who is an experienced IFR pilot and certificated airframe and powerplant mechanic.
Where to go:
An airport at least 50 nm straight-line distance
How to get there:
Route as assigned (or modified) in ATC clearance, using installed navigation equipment and vectors (if
Planned deviations:
Diversion to another destination because of weather
Planned malfunctions:
Communications failure, navigation equipment failure (on return leg)
Risks (real or simulated):
Approaching front at your destination airport with rain showers, low ceilings, low visibilities, and winds
gusting to 20 knots.
Runway favored by the wind does not have a straight-in approach
Confusion in the cockpit as to who is the pilot-in-command
63 Ver. 1.00
Stage 4, Phase 7: IFR Cross Country
Fly an instrument approach with failed primary flight instruments.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You are flying, with your significant other, to a nearby town to a business meeting with a prospective
client and/or investor. After departure your significant other wants to immediately return because of
motion sickness.
Where to go:
A nearby area where one or more airports have suitable precision and nonprecision instrument
How to get there:
Vectors or assigned route using navigation systems
Planned deviations:
Need to return to departure airport because of a sick passenger
Planned malfunctions:
Loss of primary flight instruments
Risks (real or simulated):
Controlled flight into terrain
Loss of situational awareness
Pilot disorientation
Distractions in the cockpit
Ver. 1.02 64
Stage 4, Phase 7: IFR Cross Country
Fly a 250 nm distance along airways or ATC-directed routing, with one segment of the flight consisting of
at least a straight-line distance of 100 nm between airports.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
You have a freelance assignment to take photos of the top FBOs at three different airports. Your deadline
is the day after the scheduled flight.
Where to go:
Three different airports with instrument approaches using three different navigation systems
How to get there:
Route as assigned (or modified) in ATC clearance, using installed navigation equipment and vectors (if
Planned deviations:
As required en route
Planned malfunctions:
Alternator failure during missed approach (simulated by using reversionary mode)
Risks (real or simulated):
Unforecast weather
Limited battery life
Possible no-flap landing (because of low battery power)
65 Ver. 1.00
Stage 4, Phase 7: IFR Cross Country
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Explain”
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Perform” or
Preflight procedures
Cross-country planning procedures
Uses all appropriate resources to plan for cross-country flight
Communications with ATC
Is able to respond to and understand ATC calls
Compliance with ATC clearances
Follows instructor, ATC, or published procedures ensuring obstacle clearance
Required ATC reports
Makes any required reports
Intercepting and tracking navigational systems
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Precision approach
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Nonprecision approach
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Precision approach with the loss of primary flight instruments
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Nonprecision approach with the loss of primary flight instruments
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Landing from a straight-in or circling approach
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Ver. 1.03 66
Stage 4, Phase 7: IFR Cross Country
67 Ver. 1.03
Stage 4, Phase 7: IFR Cross Country
Ver. 1.00 68
Stage 4, Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation
69 Ver. 1.03
Stage 4, Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation
This is a review flight before the final progress check in order to polish all skills to the current Instrument
Rating Airman Certification Standards.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
This flight will be tailored to your individual needs and focused on areas requiring special assistance or
Where to go:
An area free of dense traffic having one or more airports with appropriate published instrument approach
How to get there:
Vectors or assigned route using navigation systems
Planned deviations:
As assigned
Planned malfunctions:
As assigned
Risks (real or simulated):
As assigned
Ver. 1.03 70
Stage 4, Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation
71 Ver. 1.00
Stage 4, Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Explain”
discussed and a final grade assessed.
Desired outcome for all tasks by the end of the phase is “Perform” or
Single-pilot resource management (SRM)
Utilizes all resources available to ensure the successful completion of the flight
Preflight procedures
Preflight preparation
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Instrument cockpit check
Performs preflight on instruments, avionics, and navigation equipment
Checklist usage
Utilizes checklist during all ground and flight operations
Communication with air traffic control and clearances
Is able to respond to and understand ATC calls and clearances and make required reports
Compliance with departure, en route, and arrival procedures and
Follows clearances and assigned published procedures
Ver. 1.03 72
Stage 4, Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation
Postflight procedures
Checking instrument and equipment
Notes all flight equipment for proper operation and documents malfunctions
73 Ver. 1.03
Stage 4, Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation
Complete the final progress check for the course.
Purpose/pressures (real or simulated):
This flight will be conducted in accordance with the current Instrument Rating Airman Certification
Standards and is considered a mock practical test.
Where to go:
As assigned
How to get there:
Vectors, ATC clearance
Planned deviations:
As assigned
Planned malfunctions:
As assigned
Risks (real or simulated):
As assigned
Ver. 1.03 74
Stage 4, Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation
75 Ver. 1.00
Stage 4, Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation
Desired outcome for all tasks for the Progress Check Oral is “Explain”
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Desired outcome for all tasks for the Progress Check is “Perform” or
Preflight procedures
Preflight preparation
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Instrument cockpit check
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Checklist usage
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Communication with air traffic control and clearances
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Compliance with departure, en route, and arrival procedures and
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Holding procedures
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Basic instrument flight maneuvers
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Recovery from unusual flight attitudes
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Intercepting and tracking navigational systems and DME arcs
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Nonprecision approach (NPA)
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Precision approach (PA)
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Missed approach
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
Ver. 1.03 76
Stage 4, Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation
Postflight procedures
Checking instruments and equipment
Refer to Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8) in the course Library
77 Ver. 1.03
Stage 4, Phase 8: Practical Test Preparation
Ver. 1.00 78
Appendix A
What you get at an FAA certificated flight school (under 14 CFR Part 141)
If you take a course with this syllabus under Part 141 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, you are
assured that flight school has been approved by the FAA and is required to demonstrate and maintain
• Standardized flight operations, including Safety Procedures and Practices
• A structured training environment
• Detailed training records available for regular and unannounced FAA checks and inspection
• At least an 80% first attempt pass rate for certificate or rating applicants training under Part 141
Because of this level of structure and supervision, a Part 141 approved curriculum is authorized to
graduate qualified applicants in fewer flight hours.
A1 Ver. 1.00
Appendix A
This syllabus accommodates the required 35-hour minimum aeronautical knowledge training when used as a Part
141, Appendix C curriculum as shown in the table above.
The aeronautical knowledge training occurs through multiple paths including online tested self study, viewing the
online flight-preparatory video segments, and instructor/customer interaction in the pre- and post-flight briefings.
Instruction will also be given during the instructor/customer Ground Training Checklist reviews.
A customer receives credit for the online course study when they complete every lesson within the course. To
complete a lesson, the customer must satisfactorily complete every question within that lesson.
Customer aeronautical knowledge competence is assured through instructor/customer Ground Training Checklist
reviews that must be demonstrated to the Explain level and the Cessna Pilot Center (CPC) knowledge test.
Ver. 1.00 A2
Appendix A
A3 Ver. 1.02
Appendix A
• All times listed are the minimum requirements for that flight training category. The 50 hours
of Cross-Country PIC time for a Part 61 curriculum must be met prior to the practical test.
• Flight Training (often called “dual”) means time spent receiving flight instruction from an
authorized instructor.
• By equaling or exceeding the times in each category listed in the following tables, you are
assured that you have met the minimum flight time requirements for your course.
• Since Cessna 172 Skyhawks may be equipped with either analog (“round dial”) flight
instruments or the G1000 advanced avionics system, some scenarios are designated as
specific to the instrument platform. When appropriate, there are parallel scenarios with the
same objective, but tailored for the platform (G1000 or Analog). Only of one of each set of
parallel scenarios are intended to be flown. Shading denotes parallel scenarios.
• Some scenarios are designated such that they may be flown on an Aviation Training Device
(ATD). Instrument training or flight time performed on an ATD, a flight simulator, or a Flight
Training Device (FTD) that exceeds the restrictions permitted for either Part 141 or Part 61
curriculum will not apply to the total instrument training/time requirements.
Ver. 1.02 A4
Appendix A
Phase Scenario Platform Total Instrument Instrument Full Flight Aviation
# # Time Flight Cross- Flight Training Training
Training country Simulator Device Device
5 1 Either 1.4 1.4
2 Either 1.4 1.4
3 Either 1.4 1.4
4 Either 1.4 1.4
6 1 Either 1.5 1.5
2 Either 1.4 1.4
3 Either 1.4 1.4
4 Prog √ Either 1.9 1.9
Stage 8 11.8 11.8
Total 21 24.8 24.8
A5 Ver. 1.02
Appendix A
Ver. 1.02 A6
Appendix A
Phase Scenario Platform Total Instrument Instrument Full Flight Aviation
# # Time Flight Cross- Flight Training Training
Training country Simulator Device Device
7 1 Either 2.0 2.0 2.0
2 Either 1.5 1.5
3 Either 3.0 3.0 3.0
8 1 Either 2.0 2.0
2 Prog √ Either 2.0 2.0
Stage 5 10.5 10.5 5.0
A7 Ver. 1.02
Appendix A
Ver. 1.00 A8
Appendix B
PAVE Checklist
PAVE your way to a safe instrument flight. Before you fly, examine your risk factors.
Remember the cumulative effect. Change your plan whenever more than one risk factor
is marginal.
External Pressures
Make a frank assessment of your own skills.
Evaluate the capability of the aircraft.
Evaluate the environmental factors at the airport and on the runway.
External Pressures
Evaluate pressures that influence you to make or complete the flight.
Appendix B
CARE Checklist
Use the CARE attention scan to recognize and manage the changing risk factors in flight
and for landing.
Manage your workload so that you have time to use the CARE checklist to deal with
External Pressures
Have I accepted the fact that the weather at my destination airport has changed?
Has the goal to land at my destination put me in denial?
Am I dealing with things as they really are enroute and at my destination, or just
as I planned them?
External Pressures