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1st edition published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Masterclass in Clinical Oncology
The European School of Oncology is extremely pleased to present the first directory of selected winners of its clini-
cal fellowship scheme and participants of the 10 editions of the Masterclass in Clinical Oncology.
Started formally in the year 2000, the ESO fellowship fund is aimed at supporting the different phases of a future
cancer doctor’s career: travel and participation grants are made available to medical students to participate in the
annual ad hoc course, to young oncologists to take part in the annual clinical masterclass and to more senior clini-
cians to attend the updating educational conference in Lugano.
In addition to this support scheme, fellowships are available for intense specific training of senior clinicians willing
to expand their knowledge on specific cancer issues. These fellowships are intitled to the memory of oncologists
who contributed enormously to the growth of the School and who are passed away.
To honour the memory of some of the pioneers and leaders of European Oncology, the 2012 Clinical Fellowhips
are named as follows:
The general ESO Fellowship fund is supported by private donations and it is uniquely dedicated to clinical educa-
tion in cancer medicine. As specifically requested by the donors these fellowships cannot be granted to basic
The ESO Clinical Masterclass Fellowship fund is supported by the annual contribution of the ESO industrial Sustain-
ing Members (see back-cover) who have in such a way often made an incredible difference in the professional life
of these young doctors who are now definitely expected to be among tomorrow’s opinion leaders in oncology.
This directory only includes the data on those colleagues who have given ESO the permission to make them public. Consequently, it
does not represent the full number of Masterclass participants and fellowships assigned by the European School of Oncology.
Masterclass Faculty
ESO wishes to express its gratitude to all the faculty members who have contributed to the success of the Master-
class and whose commitment has been invaluable.
Where those most eager to learn meet
those most willing to teach *
As the ESO–ESMO Masterclass celebrated its 10th anniversary in April,
Peter McIntyre spoke to students and teachers to hear about how this week-long
learning marathon is helping build an army of brilliant young oncologists, many of
whom will be the leaders of tomorrow.
The European School of Oncology edge to the treatment of patients class in Clinical Oncology for young
(ESO) was famously founded on a that is at the heart of ESO initiatives, oncologists has come to be seen as
misdiagnosis and its unique selling exemplified in its motto ‘Learning to a key event bringing together those
point is to prevent tragedies based care’. most eager to learn and those most
on ignorance and lack of education. It does this by enlisting the best ex- willing to teach.
The legacy on which the School was perts from around Europe to present The annual Masterclass is a week of
launched in 1982 was bequeathed the evidence for first-line therapies intensive learning and interaction for
by an Italian businessman who was and subsequent treatments, asking 60 of the brightest and best: 30- to
treated for a year for arthritis before and answering “what if” questions 40-year-olds on the cusp of deciding
discovering that his pain came from on the way. The emphasis is on multi- their ultimate oncology specialism.
bone metastases originat- The course is dedicated to
ing from undiagnosed pros- medical and clinical oncolo-
tate cancer. gists and the focus is on
The whole premise of the the big killers: lung, breast,
school is that mistakes like prostate, colorectal and gy-
this would not happen if doc- naecological cancers.
tors were better educated Alberto Costa, Director of
about cancer and if special- ESO, says that these Mas-
ists were up to date with and terclasses take the school
applied the latest research back to its roots. “When
and best clinical practice. we started ESO, courses
What if…? Students bring difficult case studies for discussion
The Milan group who cre- with international experts such as lung cancer specialist were like this – one week
ated ESO was evangelical and Masterclass Co-Chair Rolf Stahel, pictured here residential courses. But
about improving doctors’ then people had no money
knowledge and understanding disciplinary ways of working and the and people were too busy, and the
about latest treatments and diag- importance of becoming a true spe- hospitals would not let them go for a
nostic tools. cialist so that all patients are in the week. So the courses were cut back
ESO education is about incorporat- hands of doctors who know the evi- to one or two days.
ing research that updates state of dence and how to apply it. “Now we have 60 students for a
the art best practice, while retain- In the variety of ESO courses – Inside week. This is exactly what people
ing tried and tested treatments that Track, Insight conferences, a course of this age need. They are now at
work. It is the application of knowl- for medical students – the Master- the age when they have to choose
*Peter McIntyre, Cancerworld journalist. This article has been written for publication in Cancerworld issue 44
woman who presented with adeno-
carcinoma, and was initially treated
apparently successfully. But after More than 50% of them are now professors in
recurrence and further treatment universities inside or outside Europe
hepatic metastases were found. De-
spite hepatic metastasectomy, it is
clear that the cancer has not been sors in universities inside or outside at the Esslingen Hospital in Germa-
cured. Pavlidis points out that she Europe,” he says. He is sure this ny, specialising in cancer and hae-
is still alive six years after her initial pattern will be repeated with the matology. “My consultant took part
diagnosis, and for much of that time current Masterclass series. in this Masterclass several years
has been able to live a normal life. “We offer real education by distin- ago and recommended it warmly,”
Is this a treatment that has failed, guished experts from Europe. What he said. “He is certainly right about
as the young doctor may feel, or one makes the difference is that not this. It updates you on the facts and
that has given this young woman only do you teach the big killers but on standard diagnosis and treat-
years of good-quality life, critical you also have these people sitting ment. It is hard work, but it is defi-
years with her young children? in these kind of groups presenting nitely worth it.”
Andreia Costa, a medical oncology
fellow at the Hospital de São João,
Portugal, takes her final medical
oncology exams in 2012. “This is
a fantastic revision for me and it
is very important for my training.
It is very intensive, but we do get
some breaks between sessions. I
particularly value the discussion of
the cases in small groups and over
Davit Zohrabyan, a medical oncolo-
gist at the Yerevan State Medical
University Hospital in Armenia, sees
the course as a lifeline to knowl-
edge that is not easily available in
A marathon. Students listen to presentations from international experts between his home country. He saved up the
8.30 am and 4.30 pm, before splitting up for group sessions questions he could not answer at
home so he could ask the experts
Pavlidis has been described as the their own clinical cases. We analyse here. “Armenia is a small country
‘father’ of the Masterclass. Almost and criticise and give directions.” and it is not rich and it does not have
30 years ago, in 1982, as a young big research programmes. It is very
Fellow at the Royal Marsden Hospi- UP FOR THE CHALLENGE important for me and for my country
tal in the UK, he attended the first The participants are clearly up for that I get acquainted with the new
ESO course in Milan. “If you look at the challenge. Jochen Bauer quali- methods and practice. I want to be
who were participants then, more fied as a doctor seven years ago informed with all the important new
than 50% of them are now profes- and now works in internal medicine scientific knowledge. I want to work
tant information is presented and struggling with systemic issues and with many of the same objectives.
everybody has an opportunity to the culture.” The Dubrovnik Mas- “This is a Masterclass and the idea
gain as much as possible from what terclass emphasised the improve- is that we are training future leaders,
is offered here. ments in the quality of medicine so this is very much about clinical
“We ask people at the end if it is too that flow from interdisciplinarity and experience and about looking at key
much and yes, some complain that discussing a case together. skills and developing practice. We
it is too compressed, but they also have looked at putting in place the
always ask us to do something more A MASTERCLASS IN CANCER advanced assessment skills that in
as well! From our follow-up, we see NURSING many countries aren’t systematic or
that for many participants this was The Masterclass in Switzerland was taught. It is not just about the latest
a crucial point in their career, so not only about doctors: 22 nurses breast cancer treatment it is about
that they may have the opportunity
to become head of a department.”
ESO is not resting on its laurels. In
May 2011 it held a Balkan Mas-
terclass in Clinical Oncology in
Dubrovnik, Croatia, co-chaired by
Popescu, who is originally from Ro-
mania, and by Semir Bešlija from
the Institute of Oncology in Sarajevo,
Bosnia. Like the full Masterclass,
this was a residential course paid
for by sponsors, although slightly
shorter, at three days. The Balkans
course was also open to surgeons
who are not covered by the main
Popescu explained that the aim was It’s for nurses too. Twenty-two cancer nurses attended a nursing Masterclass
to devise a course that was particu- held in parallel; this group is discussing issues in patient communication
larly relevant to the clinical environ-
ment in the region. “Some people also attended from 15 countries. It how you would as a nurse manage
come and hear things that they was the tenth Masterclass for doc- targeted therapies and manage the
won’t ever be able to put into prac- tors, and the fourth for nurses. Fund- side effects and look more specifi-
tice, like monoclonals and targeted ing is in place for the nursing course cally at the quality of life issues and
small agents that cost a fortune. to take place alongside the medical enhancing care.”
“There are people from the region course for the next two years. Some The pedagogical methods used by
who are exceptionally bright and presentations are shared with med- the nurses are very different, based
sometimes manage to come to ics, but the nurses also break out around group work and group dis-
Western institutions and do su- to look at the advanced practice of cussion. In a communication seg-
perbly well. It is painful that if they nursing cancer patients. ment they discuss how to respond
want to return to their own region Sara Faithfull, President of the Eu- when a patient inevitably asks:
they find they are not only struggling ropean Oncology Nursing Society “How long have I got?” or when a
with financial issues, they are also (EONS), chaired the nursing course relative says: “Don’t tell them what
Nicholas Pavlidis, MD, PhD
Co-Chairman of the Masterclass in Clinical Oncology
Professor of Medical Oncology
Medical School, University of Ioannina,
451 10 Ioannina, Greece
Wolfgang Gatzemeier, MD
ESO-Masterclass Scientific Coordinator
Chatrina Melcher
ESO- Masterclass Organiser
Table 1. The History of ESO Masterclass of the MCO. Around 60 participants are selected
Year City/Country No Participants EU origin
annually by an ESO Committee. ESO offers free
2002 Montecantini / Italy 53 57 % registration and accommodation to selected par-
2003 Tennerife / Spain 44 68 % ticipants.
2004 Limassol / Cyprus 54 53 % During the past 10 MCO (2002-2011) 546 par-
2005 Limassol / Cyprus 60 57 % ticipants have been selected. Almost 70% were
2006 St. Julians / Malta 54 72 % below age 35 and 55% were females. Seventy-
2007 St. Julians / Malta 52 61 % five percent were medical oncologists, 11% clini-
2008 Sofia / Bulgaria 50 83 % cal oncologists, 4% radiotherapists and 10% were
2009 Sintra / Portugal 54 68 % surgeons, pathologists or radiologists. The major-
2010 Ermatingen / Switzerland 64 85.5 % ity of participants, (67.5%) were originated from
2011 Ermatingen / Switzerland 61 72% countries of the European Union, 22% from non-
European Union countries and 10.5% were non-
oriented training. Europeans (Asia, Africa or South America).
The MCO is an interactive, multidisciplinary full-immer-
sion, 5-days residential course with compulsory par- The Faculty
ticipation throughout the programme. An international faculty of more than 30 European dis-
The MCO offers: tinguished academic experts including mainly medical
• plenary lectures on the most common cancers re- oncologists (41%), radiation (14%) oncologists and sur-
garding state-of –the -art clinical evaluation and gical oncologists (17.5%) are involved. Other scientists
treatments with reference to clinical guidelines i.e. pathologists, radiologists, psychologists, molecular
which are concluded in take home messages. biologists, etc are also contributing. Most faculty mem-
• tumor board sessions with case discussion after bers are well known experts from prominent European
the clinical sessions Universities or Cancer Centres.
• spotlight sessions facilitate a compact update on At the end of most days three members of the facul-
various topics (i.e. supportive care, hematological ty discuss in a very interactive way for 1 ½ h clinical
malignancies, palliative care, etc) cases submitted and presented by the participants in
• case presentations delivered by the participants small groups of 20 students.
and discussion with the chairmen and the faculty
within small groups. The Questionnaire
All participants and faculty reside at the course facili- A questionnaire including the evaluation of the course
tating informal discussions and communication. in general, content, organization and speakers is dis-
tributed to all participants. In addition, it is requested
The Participants to provide helpful suggestions concerning the pro-
Admission to the MCO is by competitive application gramme. They are asked to score each question con-
and attendance is limited to 60 participants and the cerning the topics and faculty members based on a
criteria for admission are: (a) age of 30-40 years, (b) at grading scale from 1 to 4 (1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good,
least 2-3 years experience in oncology, (c) involvement 4=excellent).
in scientific or research activities, (d) fluency in Eng- All characteristics (overall rating, achievement of the
lish, (e) submission of an application form, (d) letter of set goals, usefulness of information, evidence-based
motivation and (e) supporting letter from the head of teaching, interaction) were rated from 3.51 to 3.68,
the department, (f) curriculum vitae and (h) submis- whereas facilities and organization of the course from
sion of a clinical case relating to one of the subjects 3.61 to 3.71. In addition, the rating by teaching topic
were also highly rated (3.21-3.52). The most highly Mediating oncological knowledge and principles in this
scored topics were gastrointestinal cancer and hema- way these intensive five days of full immersion in mod-
tological malignancies (3.52), followed by lung cancer ern oncology create a collective spirit of teaching and
(3.46) as well as breast and genito-urological cancers learning to improving clinical skills and patient care.
(3.42). Also, clinical case presentations were highly The follow-up of MCO alumni clearly demonstrated,
rated by the participants (3.48) (see Table 2). that for many participants this event was a crucial
point in their career.
The challenge
MCO attendees are taught by top faculty presenting Reference
the comprehensive picture, where the latest data are 1. Pavlidis N., Gatzemeier W., Popescu R., Stahel R.,
integrated, but the background is also prepared. Pinedo H., Cavalli F., Costa A. The masterclass of the
The most important information is delivered and eve- European School of Oncology : the “key educational
rybody has an opportunity to gain as much as possible event” of the school. Eur J Cancer 46(12): 2159-65,
from what is offered. 2010.
Every Thursday and first Tuesday of each month
18:15 CET*
e-eso sessions
weekly e-grandrounds and monthly e-oncoreviews
Index by Country
Becker Cornelia Bhosle Jaishree
Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Gynaecological cancers Area of Interest: Lung cancer and DNA repair
Position: Consultant Position: Specialist Registrar
Hospital: University of Leipzig Hospital: The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Department: Dept. of Hematology, Oncology and Hemostasis Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Johannisallee 32A Address: Downs Road
04103, Leipzig, Germany SM25PT, London, United Kingdom
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
Chapet Olivier Claus Dorothea
Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2003
Specialty: Radiation oncology Specialty: Medical oncology and palliative care
Area of Interest: Breast and cervical cancers Area of Interest: Gastrointestinal and lung cancers
Position: Professor in Radiation Oncolgy Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud Hospital: St. Joseph Hospital
Department: Dept. of Radiation Oncology Department: Dept. of Internal Medicine
Address: 165 Chemin Grand Revoyet Address: Beethoven Strasse 20
69310, Pierre Benite, France 65189, Wiesbaden, Germany
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
Dasgupta Sonali Dedic Plavetic Natalija
Masterclass 2010 Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal, genito-urinary and Area of Interest: Breast cancer, angiogenesis and proliferation
gynaecolocical cancers factors
Position: Registrar Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Singleton Hospital Swansea Wales UK Hospital: University Hospital Centre Zagreb
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Skety lane Address: Kispaticeva 12
Swansea, United Kingdom 1000, Zagreb, Croatia
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
Engin Hüseyin Ferreira Castro Ana
Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Genito-urinary cancers, soft tissue and bone Area of Interest: Head and neck cancer, Sarcomas and lung cancer
sarcomas, malignant melanoma and brain Position: Resident
tumours Hospital: Portuguese Institute of Oncology Francisco Gentil
Position: Head of Department Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Hospital: Karaelmas University Address: R. Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology 4200-072, Porto, Portugal
Address: Karaelmas University Dept. Of Medical Oncology email: [email protected]
67600, Zonguldak, Turkey
email: [email protected]
Gyökeres Tibor Hetnal Marcin
Masterclass 2005 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Gastroenterology, internal medicine, clinical Specialty: Radiation oncology
pharmacology Area of Interest: Breast, lung and prostate cancers
Area of Interest: Endoscopy Position: Assistant Professor
Position: President Elect of Endoscopy Section of Hungarian Hospital: Maria Skodowska-Curie Memorial Institute of
Association of Gastroenterology Oncology
Hospital: State Health Centre Budapest Department: Dept. of Radiation Oncology
Department: Dept. of Gastroenterology Address: Ul. Garncarska 11
Address: Podmaniczky Str. 111 31-115, Krakow, Poland
1062, Budapest, Hungary email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
Karamouzis Michalis Kichenadasse Ganessan
Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Aerodigestive carcinomas, breast cancer Area of Interest: Brain cancer, genito-urinary and gynaecological
Hospital: School of Medicine University of Athens cancers
Department: Dept. of Biological Chemistry Hospital: Flinders Medical Centre
Address: 36 Moreos Glifada Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
16561, Athens, Greece Address: Bedford Park
email: [email protected] 5042, Adelaide, Australia
email: [email protected]
Lypas Georgios Mahmood Rana Irfan
Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Clinical oncology
Area of Interest: Cancer genetics Position: Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow Hospital: King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre
Hospital: Dana Farber Cancer Institute MBC
Department: Medical Oncology, Cancer Genetics and Prevention Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
Address: 44 Binney Street SM 233 Address: 64, PO Box 3354
02115, Boston, USA 11211, Riyadh 11211 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
email: [email protected] Saudi Arabia
email: [email protected]
Molteni Luisa Murphy Adrian
Masterclass 2008 Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and gastrointestinal cancers Area of Interest: Colorectal cancer
Position: Assistant of Department Director Position: Research Fellow
Hospital: MultiMedica Hospital: St. Vincent’s University Hospital
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Viale Piemonte 70 Address: Elm Park
21053, Castellanza MI, Italy 3, Dublin, Ireland
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
Ospina-Serrano Aylen Vanessa Pasic Anes
Masterclass 2011 Masterclass 2006
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast and gastrointestinal cancers Area of Interest: Colorectal, ovarian and gastrointestinal stromal
Position: Medical Assistant tumours
Hospital: Hospital San Ignacio, Universidad Pontificia Position: Medical Assistant
Javeriana Hospital: Institute of Oncology
Department: Dept. of Oncology Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology
Address: Cra 7 # 40-62 Address: Bolnicka 25
1, Bogota, Colombia 71000, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
Rentinck Marjolein E.M. Sadawia Faeiz
Masterclass 2004 Masterclass 2005
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Breast, colorectal cancer and malignant lymphoma Area of Interest: Solid tumours
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Consultant Physician and Lecturer
Hospital: Tergooi hospitals hilversum Hospital: Jamaheriya Hospital -
Department: Dept. of Internal Medicine Department: Med. Dept., Medical Oncology and Chemotherapy
Address: Van Riebeeckweg 212 Unit
1213 XZ, Hilversum, The Netherlands email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
Sorarù Mariella Stein Ulrich
Masterclass 2006 Masterclass 2002
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Genito-urinary cancers and haematology Position: Medical Assistant
Position: Day Hospital, Director Hospital: Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis
Hospital: Ospedale P. Cosma Address: Pinnebergerstr. 25
Department: Dept. of Oncology 22457, Hamburg, Germany
Address: Via Cosma 1 email: [email protected]
35012, Camposampiero PD, Italy
email: [email protected]
Thanopoulou Eirini
Sümbül Ahmet Taner Masterclass 2010
Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology
Specialty: Medical oncology Area of Interest: Sarcoma, lung and breast cancers
Area of Interest: Breast, lung, gastrointestinal, genito-urinary Position: Clinical Research Fellow
cancers and lymphomas Hospital: Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Position: Senior Fellow in Medical Oncology Department: Sarcoma Unit
Hospital: Baskent University Faculty of Medicine Address: 44 Fawe park Road
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology SW15 2EA, London, United Kingdom
Address: Bahcelievler, Ankara email: [email protected]
06490, Adana, Turkey
email: [email protected]
Todorovic Mirjana
Tarkkanen Maija Masterclass 2011
Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology
Specialty: Medical oncology Area of Interest: Breast cancer and haemato-oncology
Area of Interest: Soft tissue sarcomas and tumours, Position: Medical Assistant
neuroendocrine tumours, hereditary breast Hospital: Clinical Centre Nis
and ovarian cancers, other hereditary cancer Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
syndromes Address: Bul dr Zorana Djindjica
Position: Acting Head of Inpatient Care 18000, Nis, Serbia
Hospital: Helsinki University Central Hospital email: [email protected]
Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: P.O. Box 180
00029, Helsinki, Finland
email: [email protected]
Todorovic Vladimir
Teixeira Alexandra Masterclass 2004
Masterclass 2010
Specialty: Internal medicine and clinical oncology
Specialty: Medical oncology Area of Interest: Solid tumours
Area of Interest: Breast, gastric, colorectal and ovarian cancers Position: Director of Oncology Clinic
Position: Resident Hospital: Clinical Center of Montenegro
Hospital: Instituto Portugues de Oncologia Francisco Gentil Department: Dept. of Clinical Oncology
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology Address: Naselje Krusevac bb
Address: Rua Dr. Antonio Bernardino de Alemida 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro
4200-072, Porto, Portugal email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
Trifonova Irina
Teo Min Yuen Masterclass 2008
Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology
Specialty: Medical oncology Area of Interest: Breast cancer
Area of Interest: Genito-urinary, neuro-oncology and gastrointestinal Position: Medical Assistant
cancers Hospital: National centre of Oncology
Position: Registrar Department: Chemotherapy Clinic
Hospital: Cork University Hospital Address: Plovdivsko pole 6
Department: Dept. of Medical Oncology 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria
Address: Wilton email: [email protected]
1, Cork, Ireland
email: [email protected]
Tryakin Alexey Unk Mojca
Masterclass 2004 and 2008 Masterclass 2011
Specialty: Medical oncology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Germ cell tumours and colorectal cancer Area of Interest: Lung cancer
Position: Medical Assistant Position: Fellow
Hospital: Blokhin`s Russian Cancer Research Center Hospital: University Clinic of Pulmonary and Allergic
Department: Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology and Chemotherapy Diseases
Address: Kashirskoye Sh., 24 Address: Golnik 36
115548, Moscow, Russia 4204, Golnik, Slovenia
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
Vihinen Pia Von Rohr Lukas
Masterclass 2002 Masterclass 2007
Specialty: Medical oncology and haematology Specialty: Medical oncology
Area of Interest: Melanoma and breast cancer Area of Interest: Breast, gynaecological and lung cancers
Hospital: Turku University Central Hospital Position: Senior Fellow
Department: Dept. of Oncology and Radiotherapy Hospital: Kantonsspital Aarau AG
Address: P.O. Box 52 Department: Centre for Oncology, Haematology and
FIN 20521, Turku, Finland Transfusional Medicine
email: [email protected] Address: Tellstrasse
CH-5000, Aarau, Switzerland
email: [email protected]
Zaiss Matthias
Masterclass 2004
Specialty: Medical oncology and haematology
Area of Interest: Breast cancer and lymphoma
Position: Medical Assistant
Hospital: Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis
Department: Dept. of Oncology
Address: Breisacher Str. 117
79106, Freiburg, Germany
email: [email protected]
European School of Oncology European School of Oncology
Via del Bollo, 4 ESO Bellinzona Office
20123 Milan - Italy Ospedale Regionale Bellinzona e Valli
Tel.: +39 02 8546451 6500 Bellinzona - Switzerland
Fax: +39 02 85464545 Tel.: +41 91 811 8050
[email protected] Fax: +41 91 811 8051
[email protected]
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Progress in