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Bdp/Bca/Bts Term-End Examination December, 2018: BSHF-101 No. of Printed Pages: 8

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of Printed Pages : 8 BSHF-101


Term-End Examination

December, 2018



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : All sections are compulsory. Choice of questions is

indicated in each section.


Answer any two of the following questions in about

500 words each :

1. How do you view the legacies of the Indian

National Movement ? 20

2. What are the main features of the

Post-Industrial society ? Discuss. 20

BSHF-101 1 P.T.O.
3. How do you study society ? Give your views. 20

4. Discuss the importance of Fundamental Rights

in the Indian Constitution. 20

BSHF-101 2

Answer any four of the following questions in about

250 words each :

5. Discuss in brief, the advances made by humans

in the Bronze Age. 12

6. What do you understand by Renaissance in the

European context ? Discuss. 12

7. What were the consequences of the new

geographical discoveries for the world ? 12

8. How did the planning process impact the growth

of industry in India ? 12

9. Discuss the development of Kathak as a dance

form in India. 12

10. What do you understand by the term Social

Change ? Discuss. 12

11. What are the functions of the family in the

society ? 12

12. Discuss discrimination against Scheduled Castes

and Tribes. What are the Constitutional
provisions for their protection ? 12

BSHF-101 3 P.T.O.

13. Write short notes on any two of the following in

about 100 words each : 6+6=12

(a) Polygamy

(b) Mixed Economy

(c) Denotified Tribes

(d) Human Rights

BSHF-101 4
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to-sit, 2018

41. .7/1.7V.TE.-101 : m-1 ti igi \Act)

31TETR Luerashil

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aie ?Tilt siPT Nfro7ziff/TR-4* 51R .W 3177T
3M73- ITT E31T I


#4 1W-e" TR4-2:* dri< R772777 500 71f

( -4W) # f :

1. ITR—dizt Trtzt 14-TR:ra- al-rtrk

Tsrr ? 20

2. alletWur (Post-Industrial) tiHl l ~

sniu fa* -Isra-r" TErr ? =0:11


BSHF-101 5 P.T.O.
3. 347 ti 4-1 3117144 -51-*-7 ? 394

tr7 I 20

4. 117#4 4rWR 3TRT-*-T4 *17- NI

A'rr-- 20

BSHF-101 6
1:44>floa # 4 A-7-e
, Wrf gRi dr-H R7TIPT 250 N) .•
# 007 :

5. .44,4 4 4-11.101 RI 41. 1-1 371 d TATFr 4 =4-ai

W—A7I 12

6. ZOcitZ1 T.10 4 T4-41-TRur 4 aTftr TziT ' ? ,zrai

- rr-q7 I 12

7. Fr14-41 1-474 ;Err trfturri:r ? 12

8. ITTTV4A417qr31W:1113h* 1-4-*-71 TIT W-1 I

3rITT4 ? 12

9. 3-irta• 1-> 4>01 --Er 4


10. Act, trit--449. zrr qcoicr aTrcr 4gr-fr4

t ?1,41*rr-A7I 12

11. .1 4-11•71 trfta-R T (chi ) t ? 12

12. 397ftd Wrdzil * 0-Tr4 4=t

a~f :11-A-RI .3-14 Timut 74-44rr-4-
fit? 12

BSHF-101 7 P.T.O.

13. 1:1 1--IiCirtgd A 14 -W-70f 40. tfT - Tri-FT 100

(-5rA-- ) 4 Tifkira. re.uiPiqi -r -rw : 6+6=12
() At-44T TRU (Polygamy)
NO RAM 31.2k4RIT

(TO 31-40.7ftff ( 5.-1 e.,bis) A-1,1 &NT

(Ti) -17-4-4&-*-R

BSHF-1 01 8 90,000

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