Teacher'S Perception On Resnick'S Idea
Teacher'S Perception On Resnick'S Idea
Teacher'S Perception On Resnick'S Idea
As shown in the table, Agree ranked first with a frequency of 20 or 100% and Disagree
It implied that the majority of the respondents believe that “in-school learning” offers
new concepts and theories that is very different than “out-of-school learning”.
Therefore, teachers should help bridge the gap between the two types of learning. 1
Table 2
As reflected in the table, Agree ranked first with a frequency of 18 or 90% and Disagree
with a frequency of 2 or 10%.
As can be gleaned in the table, Disagree ranked first with a frequency of 12 or 60% and
Agree with a frequency of 8 or 40%.
This indicated that problem-based learning is not too time consuming and students can
solve and discover facts. According to Jonassen & Hung, 2008, PBL is a student-
centered, inquiry-based instructional model in which learners engage with an authentic,
ill-structured problem that requires further research.
Table 4
As manifested in the table, Embrace ranked first with a frequency of 17 or 85% and
Discarded with a frequency of 3 or 15%.