Numbers Board Game Fun Activities Games Games Warmers Coolers - 12657 PDF

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What comes How many toes How many How many face

next: 0, 1, 3, have two people cards are there

lives has a
6, 10, 15, X? got? in a pack of
cat got? game cards?

How many stars has What is the What is

the American flag How many How many number of the considered an
senses have we vowels has the house the British unlucky number
got? alphabet got? Prime Minister in your country?
lives in?

How many Which number

How old are players does a is also known as What your
you? soccer team “two fat telephone
have? ladies”? number?

How old have Mention the Which number

you got to be How many three first How many
is also known
to vote? minutes make prime numbers! letters does the
as “two
up an hour? alphabet have?

How many presidents Which number How many How many

have there been in
How many comes after 12 American states seconds make
America till today?
eyelids does a and before 14? are there? up a minute?
camel have?

What is the How many hours How old do you How many times How many days
does a day and have to be to its own weight has December?
number of
night have? drive a car? can an ant lift?
your house?

Mention How many How many Wise

Men came to What is your
three odd siblings do shoe size?
see Jesus at his
numbers! you have? birth?

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