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Unit 039 Further Maths A2 2018-2019C

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Higher Nationals in
Unit:39 Further Mathematics
For use with:
Higher National Certificate and Higher National Diploma in Engineering
Higher National Certificate and Higher National Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering
Higher National Certificate and Higher National Diploma in Nuclear Engineering
Brief Number: 1

First teaching from January 2019

Issue 2
Higher National Certificate/Diploma in
Engineering/Nuclear Engineering/Aeronautical Engineering
Assessment Brief
Student Name/ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 39: Further Mathematics

Academic Year 2018-2019

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Numerical Methods And Ordinary Differential Equations

Issue Date 2 May 2019

Submission Date 6 June 2019

IV Name & Date

Submission Format

You should present

For Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5:
A series of hand written or word processed responses.
Unit Learning Outcomes

LO3 Approximate solutions of contextualised examples with graphical and numerical methods
LO4 Review models of engineering systems using ordinary differential equations
Assignment Brief and Guidance

You work as an electronic engineer for a company that manufactures electronic parts. You have been solving
a number of problems in the production area and have been given access to a range of manufacturing data.

Part 1:
1.1 Using the bisection method, solve
ex  x  2 ,
correct to 4 significant figures.

1.2 Use an algebraic method of successive approximation to solve the following equations to the
accuracy stated.
x 3  2 x  14  0
correct to 3 decimal places.

1.2 A Fourier analysis of the instantaneous value of a waveform can be represented by:

   1
y  t    sin t  sin 3t
 4 8

Use Newton’s method to determine the value of t near to 0.04, correct to 4 decimal
places,when the amplitude, y, is 0.880

Part 2:
2.1 Evaluate

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using (a) integration (b) the trapezoidal rule (c) the mid-ordinate rule (d) Simpson’s rule. In each of
the approximate methods use eight intervals and give the answers correct to 3 decimal places.
Compare to the obtained results of numerical integration methods.
2.2 An alternating current i has the following values at equal intervals of 5ms:

Table 1: Data

Charge q, in coulombs, is given by

30 x103
q 

Use Simpson’s rule to determine the approximate charge in the 30ms period.

Part 3:
3.1 Sketch a family of curves represented by each of the following differential equations:
 2x  3
and determine the equation of one of these curves which passes through the point (1, 3)

3.2 An object is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity u of 20m/s. The motion of the
object follows the differential equation

 u  gt
where s is the height of the object in metres at time t seconds and g=9.8m/s2. g  9.8m / s

Determine the height of the object

3.3 The current in an electric circuit is given by the equation

Ri  L 0
where L and R are constants. Show that
i  Ie L

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given that i =I when t =0

3.4 Solve the differential equation:

2x  x  3y
given that when x =1, y=1

3.5 In an alternating current circuit containing resistance R and inductance L the current
Ri  L  E0 sin t
Given i =0 when t=0, show that the solution of the equation is given by:

 E L  t
 E 
i   2 0 2 2   R sin t   L cos t    2 0 2 2  e L
 R  L   R  L 

Part 4:

4.1 Use Euler’s method to obtain a numerical solution of the differential equation:

dy y
  x2  2
dx x
given the initial conditions that x =1 when y=3, for the range x =1.0 (0.1) 1.5
4.2 Apply the Euler–Cauchy method to the differential equation given in part 2.1 over the same
4.3 Apply the integrating factor method to solve the differential equation in part 2.1 analytically.
4.4 Determine the percentage error, correct to 3 significant figures, in each of the two numerical
methods in part 12.1 and 2.2 when x =1.2
4.5 Use the Runge–Kutta method to solve the differential equation in part 2.1, Work to an accuracy
of 6 decimal places.

4.6 A capacitor C is charged by applying a steady voltage E through a resistance R. The p.d.
between the plates V is given by the differential equation:

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CR V  E
(a) Solve the equation for V given that when time t =0, V =0

(b) Evaluate voltage V when E  50V ; C  10 F ; R  200k , t  1.2s

Part 5

5.1 Find the Laplace transforms of the following functions:

a. 2t  4t  5

b. 3e2t  4sin 2t
c. 2t 4 e 3t

5.2 Find the inverse Laplace transforms of the following functions:

5 12
 5
a. 2 s  1 s
b. s  8s  20

5.3 In a galvanometer the deflection θ satisfies the differential equation

d 2 d
2   4
dt dt
Use Laplace transforms to solve the equation for 
given that when t =0,  =0 and 0

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO3 Approximate solutions of contextualised examples with graphical D3 Critique the use of
and numerical methods numerical estimation
methods, commenting
P6 Estimate solutions of M3 Solve engineering problems and on their applicability and
sketched functions using a formulate mathematical models using the accuracy of the
graphical estimation method graphical and numerical integration methods
P7 Calculate the roots of an
equation using two different
iterative techniques
P8 Determine the numerical
integral of engineering
functions using two different
LO4 Review models of engineering systems using ordinary
differential equations

P9 Determine first order M4 Evaluate how different models of

differential equations and their engineering systems using first-order
application to engineering differential equations solve
systems using analytical engineering problems
P10 Determine second order
homogeneous and non-
homogenous differential
equations and their application
to engineering systems using D4 Critically evaluate first and
analytical methods second-order differential
P11 Calculate solutions to equations when generating the
linear ordinary differential solutions to engineering
equations using Laplace situations using models
transforms of engineering systems

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When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.
Student name: Assessor name:
Dr. Vu Quang Huy

Issue date: Submission date: Submitted on:

2 May 2019 6 June 2019

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Unit 1: Engineering Maths

Assignment number and title:

Apply number theory and solve systems of linear equations using matrix methods in practical engineering

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the rules,
however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing
practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use appropriate references throughout and keep carefully
detailed notes of all your sources of materialsfor material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded
from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

Student Declaration
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of
plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Date:

HNC/HND Engineering/ Nuclear Engineering/ Aeronautical Engineering 8

1. The assignment should have a cover page that includes the assignment title, assignment number,
course title, module title, Lecturer/tutor name and student’s name. Attach all the pages of
assignment brief/achievement summary with your report and leave them blank for official use.

2. Ensure that authenticity declaration has been signed.

3. This is an individual assignment.

4. Content sheet with a list of all headings and page numbers.

5. A fully typed up professionally presented report document. Use 12 point Arial or Times New Roman

6. Your assignment should be word-processed and should be minimum 3,000 words in length.

7. Use the Harvard / IEEE referencing system.

8. Exhibits/appendices are outside this limit.

9. The assignment should contain a list of any references used in the report.


 Check carefully the submission date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late assignments
may not be accepted with special approval.
 Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
 Do not leave things such as printing to the last minute – excuses of this nature will not be accepted
for failure to hand-in the work on time.
 You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
 If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may
apply (in writing) for an extension.
 Failure to achieve a PASS grade will results in a REFERRAL grade being given.
 Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, you properly reference
them in your text and any bibliography.
 NOTE: If you are caught plagiarising, the University policies and procedures will apply.

HNC/HND Engineering/ Nuclear Engineering/ Aeronautical Engineering 9

Achievement Summary
Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Assessor
Qualification Dr. Vu Quang Huy
Electrical & Electronic Engineering name

Unit Number Student

Unit 39: Further Mathematics
and title name
Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the Achieved?
Reference student is able to: (tick)
First IV
attempt Check
Approximate solutions of contextualised examples with
LO 3
graphical and numerical methods
Estimate solutions of sketched functions using a
graphical estimation method
Calculate the roots of an equation using two different
iterative techniques

Determine the numerical integral of engineering

functions using two different methods
Solve engineering problems and formulate
M3 mathematical models using graphical and numerical
Critique the use of numerical estimation methods,
D3 commenting on their applicability and the accuracy of
the methods
Review models of engineering systems using ordinary
LO 4
differential equations
Determine first order differential equations and their
P9 application to engineering systems using analytical
Determine second order homogeneous and non-
P10 homogenous differential equations and their application
to engineering systems using analytical methods
Calculate solutions to linear ordinary differential
equations using Laplace transforms
Evaluate how different models of engineering systems
M4 using first-order differential equations solve engineering
Critically evaluate first and second-order differential
D4 equations when generating the solutions to engineering
situations using models of engineering systems

HNC/HND Engineering/ Nuclear Engineering/ Aeronautical Engineering 10

Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID
Unit Title Unit 39: Further Mathematics

Assignment Number Assessor Dr. Vu Quang Huy

Date Received
Submission Date
1st submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

IV Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has
taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

HNC/HND Engineering/ Nuclear Engineering/ Aeronautical Engineering 11

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