Functional Correlations of Tympanic Membrane Perforation Size
Functional Correlations of Tympanic Membrane Perforation Size
Functional Correlations of Tympanic Membrane Perforation Size
*Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, AZ Sint Jan BruggeYOostende AV,
campus Brugge, Belgium; and ÞDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery,
Kantonspital Luzern, Luzern, Switzerland
Objective: The correlation between tympanic membrane per- Winverted V-shapeW pattern, additional pathology behind the
forations and hearing loss was studied. eardrum must be assumed and addressed.
Study Design: Prospective data from 220 patients, who un- Conclusion: We propose using standardized photographs or
derwent primary surgery for simple chronic otitis media with a drawings to document preoperative perforation sizes. A linear
perforated eardrum, were analyzed. relationship between the size of a perforation and the conduc-
Setting: Tertiary referral center. tive hearing loss does exist. Umbo involvement at the perfora-
Patients: One hundred fifty-one patients with 155 eardrum tion margin may worsen the hearing by 5 to 6 dB, whereas the
perforations, which were checked for correct diagnosis, nor- position of the perforation itself does not play a role. The least
mal middle-ear status, and integrity of the ossicular chain, were impact of a perforation is seen at the resonance frequency
included. of 2 kHz. An Binverted V-shape[ pattern, above and below
Interventions: All patients underwent primary myringoplasty. 2 kHz, of the air-bone gap is a consistent finding. If the air-
Main Outcome Measures: Preoperative conductive hearing loss bone gap exceeds this pattern, additional pathology behind
due to eardrum perforations. the eardrum perforation must be assumed and addressed.
Results: Hearing loss shows a linear relationship with increas- Key Words: Conductive hearing lossVFrequency of hear-
ing eardrum perforation size. Umbo involvement shows a wor- ing lossVLocationVResonance frequencyVRelation between
sening of the hearing by 5 to 6 dB (p G 0.0001). The least impact air-bone gap and perforation sizeVTympanic membrane
of a perforation is seen at the resonance frequency of 2 kHz. perforationVUmbo involvement.
Above and below 2 kHz, an Winverted V shapeW of the air-bone Otol Neurotol 33:379Y386, 2012.
gap is a consistent finding. If the air-bone gap exceeds the
Chronic otitis media (COM) has been defined as a a TMP is said to result in a low-tone conductive hearing
longstanding inflammatory condition of the middle ear loss, which increases with perforation size and is influ-
and mastoid associated with or without a perforation of enced by the location of the perforation (worse hearing
the tympanic membrane (1). COM with a perforation if the TMP is within the posterior half of the eardrum).
often is accompanied by a past and present history of Recently, 2 other factors have been added: the effect of
intermittent otorrhea and conductive hearing loss. His- malleus involvement (4Y6) and the influence of the volume
torically, a lot of presumptions about perforations of the of the middle ear cavity on hearing (7,8).
tympanic membrane have been made. However, the ef- As ENT physicians, we evaluate tympanic membrane
fects of a tympanic membrane perforation (TMP) on pathologies on a daily basis; however, accurately pre-
hearing were not studied until the 20th century. Three dicting hearing loss in tympanic membrane perforations
notions have been described and passed on in textbooks: is not always straightforward. Moderators of roundtable
sessions tend to surprise the audience with preoperative
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Bob Lerut, M.D., AZ otoscopic pictures not matching the subsequent audio-
Sint Jan Hospital Brugge-Oostende AV, campus Brugge, Bruges, West- gram, and in the discussion with colleagues, there often is
Vlaanderen, Belgium; E-mail: [email protected] quite a discrepancy in the estimation of a perforation size.
Dr. Lerut was an otology fellow supported by the Fisch International Relying on our prospective otologic database, we studied
Microsurgery Foundation ( Neuro-otology 2010 at
Kantonsspital Lucerne, Switzerland.
the relationship between hearing loss and the size and
The other authors disclose no conflicts of interest. location of a TMP in simple chronic otitis media patients,
Supplemental digital content is available in the text. analyzed other possible interfering factors, and reviewed
Copyright © 2012 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the literature. Tools for measuring tympanic membrane egory contains patients with relative TMP sizes less than 2.5%,
perforations were studied, and a simple method will be which corresponds to a microperforation. The second category
proposed. contains patients with relative TMP sizes between 2.5% and
12.5%, which corresponds to a one quadrant TMP. The third
category contains patients with relative TMP sizes between
MATERIALS AND METHODS 12.5% and 32.5%, consisting of kidney-shaped TMP, and fi-
nally, the last category contains all patients with relative TMP
Recruitment of Patients sizes larger than 32.5%, including all subtotal TMP. These cut-
Using a prospective database (Innoforce ENTstatistics, offs were made after careful examination of the shapes of TMP, a search was performed for all patients, and our measurements, irrespective of patient numbers within
who underwent primary myringoplasty for chronic otitis media each category.
simplex at the Kantonspital Luzern, Switzerland. A preopera-
tive audiogram and a perioperative drawing or otoscopic pic- Audiometric Data Analysis and Statistical Analysis
ture and the operating report had to be available. Overall, 220 Using the Innoforce ENTstatistics software, the preopera-
primary operations were checked for correct diagnosis, normal tive air-bone gap (ABG) was calculated for each patient, for
middle-ear status, and integrity of the ossicular chain. Sixty-five the whole patient group and for each category. The ABG was
of 220 TMP (29.5%) were rejected from the study because of calculated for each frequency from 500 to 4,000 Hz, as well
middle-ear pathology (e.g., granulation tissue, malleus adhesive as for the pure tone average (PTA) from 500 to 4,000 Hz. For
to the promontory, synechiae at the level of the ossicular chain) one of the statistical analysis, the patient group was subdivided
or bad quality of photographs or drawings, leaving 151 patients into patients with normal bone conduction (BC) and abnormal
with 155 TMP on which all statistical calculations were per- (920 dB) BC thresholds on preoperative audiogram. Statistical
formed. The study was approved by the institutional review calculations were performed using JMP Statistical Discovery
board of the Kantonsspital Luzern. Software 8.0 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The relation
between the perforation size, mean ABG, average ABG for each
frequency, and each size group were studied using regression
Analysis of the Data methods. A linear model, estimated by least squares, was fitted
through the points. The least-squares method minimizes the sum
Method of Measuring Tympanic Membrane of squared differences from each point to the line. p G 0.05 was
Perforation Sizes considered statistically significant.
Fifteen percent of the 155 included patient files had good peri- The relative position measurements of the TMP and umbo
operative photographs, and all had surgical drawings. After val- involvement were used to evaluate the influence of position of
idating the correct correlation between surgical drawings and TMP on hearing. Using the Innoforce ENTstatistics database, a
preoperative photographs (see below), we chose to use consis- search was performed within our dataset on patients with TMP
tently the perioperative drawings, made by 3 senior otologists. restricted for 90% to the anteroinferior quadrant, as well as the
They were all measured with the Cyclops Auris software (gener- posteroinferior quadrant. The same was done for TMP restricted
ously provided by Dr. Sady da Costa, Porto Alegre, Brazil). After for 90% to the anterior and posterior half of the eardrum. The
reviewing the literature, this computational semiautomated and number of patients with TMP in a certain quadrant was counted,
user-friendly software was selected as it measures the relative and the PTA for these patient subgroups was calculated and
sizes of the TMP to the whole eardrum as well as their relative compared for statistical significant differences.
location in percentages (9,10), (Fig. 1).
Copyright © 2012 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
FIG. 1. Example of tympanic membrane perforation measurement (with umbo involvement). The measurement shows a 32.88 % per-
foration and the repartition between every single quadrant of the tympanic membrane.
Relation Between TMP Size and Hearing Loss bigger. Figure 5 gives an overview of the linear relation-
Figure 3 shows the outcome of all the measurements. ship for each frequency between the perforation size and
With increase in TMP size, the mean ABG increases. We the ABG from 500 to 4,000 Hz and the mean ABG of
found a clear distribution of umbo involvement over all all frequencies. It is clear that 2,000 Hz is the most sta-
the size categories. The relation between TMP size and ble frequency with only minimal change in ABG, whereas
mean ABG is linear (Fig. 3), with the following formula: 4,000 Hz is the most subject to changes in perforation size.
y = (0.35 p) + 10.84, with p being the TMP size. R2 is
0.43, which means that 43% of the variability is explained Relation Between Hearing Loss, Frequency,
by the model. Figure 4 shows the relationship between and Umbo Involvement
tympanic membrane perforation size and hearing loss for The ABG for each frequency was plotted for the whole
each frequency. At each frequency, a clear increase of the patient group and for the 4 size categories, with a 95%
hearing loss is seen, as the size of the perforation gets confidence interval (CI). In every size group, the ABG
FIG. 2. A, A good correlation between drawings made by ENT physicians (irrespective of their level of training) and photographic
TMP images is seen (p 9 0.05). B, A clear overestimation of the actual size of photographic TMP images (p G 0.05): as the tympanic
membrane perforation gets bigger, the margin of error increases.
Copyright © 2012 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the audiogram with the largest ABG found at 0.5 kHz for
every size category and the smallest at 2 kHz. Frequencies
above 2 kHz again show a bigger ABG (Fig. 6, A and B).
The significance of umbo involvement on hearing loss
was studied for individual frequencies and on the PTA.
There is a significant difference (varying from 5 to 12 dB)
for the ABG at all frequencies and, in a multivariate
model (combined with perforation size), remained sig-
nificant at all frequencies. Overall, this hearing loss due to
umbo involvement was 5.5 dB for the whole group.
However, the effect of the umbo involvement was much
smaller than the effect of the perforation itself.
FIG. 4. Relationship between tympanic membrane perforation size and hearing loss for each frequency: A, The ABG in decibels for 500 Hz
for every size category, with a 95% CI. B, ABG for 1,000 Hz for every size category, with a 95% CI interval. C, ABG for 2,000 Hz for every
size category, with a 95% CI interval. D, ABG for 4,000 Hz for every size category, with a 95% CI interval.
Copyright © 2012 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
FIG. 5. Summary of linear relationship for each frequency between the perforation size and the mean ABG from 500 to 4,000 Hz;
2,000 Hz shows the least increase in ABG with increasing perforation size, and 4,000 Hz shows the most increase in ABG with increasing
perforation size.
perforations ( p = 0.69). The difference between high and can be expected because of presbyacusis; however, there
low frequencies also was checked and showed no differ- was no relation between age and size of the ABG in TMP.
ence in ABG related to the location of the TMP.
FIG. 6. A, The mean ABG per frequency for the whole patient group showing an overall inverted V shape. B, The mean ABG per fre-
quency for every size category showing a clear inverted V shape within each group. The ABG for each frequency or the Binverted V[
gets bigger with increasing size of the tympanic membrane perforation.
Copyright © 2012 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © 2012 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
membrane in a cadaver temporal bone study at 2 kHz on the hearing loss. Almost every textbook still mentions
and the resonance frequency between 2 and 3 kHz. Gyo worse hearing if the posterior half is involved. Reviewing
et al. (24) discovered the highest lever ratio of the ossicu- human studies, Anthony and Harrison (4) and Ahmad and
lar chain at 2.2 kHz using laser Doppler vibrometry. We Ramani (5) supported this idea, as have many others since
therefore conclude that the human middle ear has the least then. However, in most studies, position was assigned
loss of sound transmission (or best hearing) around 2 kHz, or estimated but never exactly measured, as can be done
no matter which pathology is at hand. In contrast with the with the Cyclops Auris software (Fig. 7). There are as
stability and consistency found for 2,000 Hz, there is a many studies contradicting this Blocation[ theory. Voss et al.
maximum of variation found at 500 and 4,000 Hz in our (7,20) made it clear with several studies that the theory of
patient group. These frequencies were the most sensitive sound pressures acting directly onto the round and oval
to changes within the eardrum (Fig. 8). windows in posterior TMP and, thus, inhibiting pressure
difference between the windows has only a very small
The Influence of Umbo Involvement in a TMP on influence on the hearing loss caused by TMP. Our data
the Hearing Loss show no significant difference of location of TMP on the
Whereas most studies do not mention or even exclude hearing loss, when comparing anteroinferior and postero-
malleus or umbo involvement in chronic otitis media, inferior quadrant perforations or when comparing ante-
Ahmad and Ramani (5) demonstrated a clear influence of rior half and posterior half perforations and thus affirm the
malleus involvement on the hearing. They made obvious latest data. We feel that the phase cancellation theory must
that hearing got worse once the malleus was involved in be abandoned once and for all.
the TMP. Voss et al. (19) mentioned a 5-dB hearing loss
in case of reduced coupling of the tympanic membrane The Influence of Middle Ear and Mastoid Volume on
to the ossicular chain. It would be a false presumption the Hearing Loss Caused by TMP
to believe that umbo involvement only occurs in large Recently Voss et al. (7,21) introduced the idea of
(subtotal) perforations. Our data show a clear distribu- middle ear and mastoid volume as an influencing factor
tion of umbo involvement in 3 size categories, but it is on hearing loss in chronic otitis media. Several studies
obvious that the bigger the TMP, the more likely the were performed using cadaver temporal bones and theo-
umbo is involved. Because of the conical shape and the retical models to calculate the influence of a varying
radial fibers in the eardrum, the sound is directed toward mastoid volume on hearing loss assuming that the middle
the umbo of the malleus. Gundersen (25) has shown that ear volume is almost constant. They state that, for equal
there is a difference between the acoustical driving force sizes of TMP, the bigger the mastoid volume, the smaller
at the umbo and at the neck of the malleus. All these the conductive hearing loss and vice versa. This idea is
data align with our findings that umbo involvement in based on a model, which shows that the increased sen-
TMP worsens the hearing significantly with 5.5 dB on sitivity (or better hearing) found around the 2-kHz region
mean ABG, meaning that whenever the umbo is involved, shifts toward a lower frequency region (e.g., 1,500 Hz)
5.5 dB can be attributed to the loss of coupling, and the with an increase in mastoid volume. This means that hear-
rest of the ABG is caused by the fact that there is a per- ing loss should change with varying mastoid volumes for
foration in the eardrum. an equal TMP size. How to accurately measure middle ear
and mastoid volume in patients is still a matter of debate.
The Influence of Position of a TMP on the Serial sections of CT scans may be used; however, the exact
Hearing Loss volumetric measurements are tedious to obtain (personal
Since the earliest experiments on TMP, there has been study, not published), and opacifications (e.g., effusion
debate on whether the position of TMP has an influence or granulation tissue) within the pneumatized air cells
Copyright © 2012 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Copyright © 2012 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.