CL/B Ratio of Geothermal Fluid Around Slamet Volcano, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
CL/B Ratio of Geothermal Fluid Around Slamet Volcano, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
CL/B Ratio of Geothermal Fluid Around Slamet Volcano, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
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Abstract. Geothermal manifestations occurred in four areas surrounding Slamet Volcano, such as
Guci, Baturraden, Paguyangan, and Bantarkawung. These areas are located of about 7.5 km, 8 km,
25 km and 33 km from the summit of Slamet volcano, respectively. We analyzed the chemical
composition of cold and hot hater in order to understand the genesis and hydrological the
relationship of the hot springs. The plot on HCO3-Cl-SO4 ternary diagram classified the hot water
into four water types i.e. chloride-bicarbonate water (Bantarkawung), chloride water (Paguyangan),
sulfate-chloride water (Baturraden), and bicarbonate water (Guci). The Cl/B ratio values indicate
that the southern part of the Slamet volcano (Baturaden) hot springs have high Cl/B ratio compared
to that of the northern hot springs (Guci area). While the hot springs in the western part
(Paguyangan and Bantarkawung) are classified into high and low Cl/B ratio. This indicates that the
hot springs in Paguyangan and Bantarkawung are the outflow of Baturraden and Guci.
1. Introduction
The occurrence of geothermal system beneath Slamet volcano is featured by hot springs discharged in four areas
(Baturraden, Guci, Paguyangan and Bantarkawung) surrounding the Slamet volcano (figure 1). The Baturraden
area is located about 8 km from the summit at southern flank, while the Guci area is located about 7.5 km away
from the summit at northern flank of Slamet volcano. The Paguyangan and Bantarkawung both are located at
western area at the distance about 25 and 33 km from the summit, respectively. The hot springs in Paguyangan
and Bantarkawung discharge from the fracture of sedimentary rock (figure 2).
The Government of Indonesia divides the geothermal prospect surrounding Slamet volcano into two
Geothermal Working Areas (WKP) of Baturraden and Guci (figure 1). The hot springs in Paguyangan and
Bantarkawung are located out of those WKP. Until now, those two WKP’s are still in exploration stage. For
further exploration therefore it is important to understand the characteristic of the geothermal fluid of
Baturraden and Guci hot springs. In addition it also important to understand the relation of hot springs in
Paguyangan and Bantarkawung to the geothermal system surrounding Slamet volcano based on its chemical
composition especially chloride and boron concentration.
Chloride and boron content of geothermal fluids have been commonly used to interpret the origin of the fluid
[1]. Besides, it may give a hint to evaluate the degree of geothermal water mixing and to assess other
characteristics of geothermal systems [1][2][3][4][5][6].
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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
6th ITB International Geothermal Workshop (IIGW2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 103 (2017) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/103/1/012015
Generally, in the western part of Slamet Volcano is dominated by normal fault trending NW-SE and NE-SW
surroundings this volcano, while in the eastern part strike-slip fault can be found [7]. Further to the west of
Slamet Volcano where the lithology is dominated by tertiary sedimentary rocks, the geological structure changes
into fold and thrust fault trending NE-SW and gradually change into NW-SE [9], indicating the change of
physiographical zone into Bogor Zone.
6th ITB International Geothermal Workshop (IIGW2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 103 (2017) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/103/1/012015
Figure 2. Regional geology map of Slamet Volcano and surrounding area [8][9][7]
6th ITB International Geothermal Workshop (IIGW2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 103 (2017) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/103/1/012015
Figure 3. SO₄-Cl-HCO₃ ternary diagram plot for hot springs and meteoric water samples from research area
Figure 4. Na-K-Mg ternary diagram plot for hot springs and meteoric water samples from research area
6th ITB International Geothermal Workshop (IIGW2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 103 (2017) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/103/1/012015
The Paguyangan hot spring is exceptional among others hot springs as it is classified as chloride water. The
Bantarkawung hot springs are chloride-bicarbonate waters. Though, the chloride concentration of the
Paguyangan and Bantarkawung is low (414 ppm and <120 ppm). Moreover, this hot spring is included as
partially equilibrium water based on concentration of Na, K and Mg (figure 4). Based on the graphical
estimation of the Na-K geothermometer in Fig.4 the temperature of the reservoir is about 120ºC. This
temperature is too low for the volcanic hosted geothermal system. The Na/K ratio does not represent the Na/K
ratio of the deep thermal water. Therefore it is hard to interpret that the Paguyangan hot spring is representative
of deep geothermal water. Therefore the thermal water may mixed with high chloride fluid from other source
beyond geothermal system.
Table 1. Geochemistry data of hot spring, cold spring, and other water samples from research area
Location Source pH Cl- SO42- HCO3- Li+ Na+ K+ Mg2+ SiO2 B
Bantarkawung 27.4 6 5.07 28.6 197,64 0 11.56 0.92 6.90 17.85 0.34 -1,0
Bantarkawung River 25.7 6 5.36 21.24 198,05 0 12.88 1.15 7.53 20.86 0.41 -2,5
Guci 22.4 7 3.31 20.72 84,38 0 10.02 4.30 7.05 54.59 0.48 -1,8
Bantarkawung Rain 28.1 5 1.39 5.95 2,24 0 0.62 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.28 -12,4
Bantarkawung 27.8 7 31.8 60.2 409,19 0 32.4 16.81 15.95 30.18 0.42 -2,4
Bantarkawung water 28.4 8 28.3 40.6 374,54 0 31.6 3.90 14.13 30.44 0.40 -2,4
Bantarkawung 26.9 7 25.26 25.32 195,40 0 14 7.96 15.8 35.32 0.30 -1,6
Bantarkawung Cold 27.4 8 3.96 11.23 201,30 0 7.96 0.69 5.31 24.69 0.35 -2,5
Bantarkawung Spring 26.2 7 1.2 6.16 185,85 0 27.52 0.26 9.11 93.57 0.33 -1,6
Baturaden 21 6 13.36 14.68 70,15 0.01 12.48 4.29 7.07 48.02 0.37 -2,3
43 6 43.7 3.59 54,90 0.01 50.9 0.32 0.04 38.29 3.37 1,7
42.6 7 113 2.39 140,30 0.01 89 0.56 2.48 42.38 1.48 -1,5
43.1 7 120 1.20 132,17 0.01 94.9 0.59 1.86 44.15 1.64 -0,7
56 8 105 8.48 56,93 0.01 86.2 0.69 0.05 51.70 7.40 -2,1
Baturaden Hot
(Pancuran 7) spring 50 7 754 609 687,27 0.67 389 76 185 169.14 4.40 -1,5
(Pancuran 3)
46 6 724 600 695,40 0.58 377 76.7 185 163.75 3.97 -1,0
(Pancuran 13)
40.5 8 17.3 32.5 345,67 0.02 57.3 24.35 29.8 121.33 2.84 0,6
50.4 8 44.2 89 549,00 0.06 129 36.3 46.1 134.83 6.87 0,7
Paguyangan 72 7 414 8.51 20,33 0.16 193 2.92 0.23 57.67 3.72 -2,1
the Cl/B ratio value is relatively constant therefore we may use the Cl/B ratio to differentiate the hot springs into
two groups. The first is group of Guci trend. This trend includes hot springs in Guci, Cipanas and Karangpari
(both are in Bantarkawung), and Cilimus cold spring. Those hot springs and cold spring are distributed at the
northern part of Bantarkawung area. The second group is Baturraden group that includes Baturrden hot springs,
Paguyangan hot spring, Cilakar hot springs, Baturraden cold spring, dug well water in Bantarkawung, and
Warudoyong cold spring. The Baturraden group is distributed in the southern part of the Bantarkawung area.
Both the Guci and Baturraden groups have similar Cl/B ratio value. The Baturraden group has higher
intercept on Cl concentration. Therefore it is interpreted that the thermal water that feed the Baturraden group
have been mixed with high Cl fluid possibly formation water from the marine sedimentary rocks. It is estimated
based on the extension of the trend line of Baturraden group that crosses the mixing line of condensate water
and seawater (figure 6).
Figure 5. Cl-Li-B ternary diagram plot for hot springs and meteoric water samples from research area
4. Conclusions
Hot springs surrounding Slamet volcano are the out flow of the geothermal system beneath Slamet volcano. The
Baturraden hot springs is a result of the mixing of volcanic water and surface water.
Cl/B ratio value can distinguish two geothermal system beneath Slamet. The first is the geothermal system
related to Guci hot springs and is purely volcanic related geothermal system. The other geothermal system is
feeding Baturraden hot springs that have contribution of the formation water. Both geothermal system flow
laterally to the west until Bantarkawung area. The Baturraden system is situated in the southern area while the
Guci system flows in the northern area.
The authors thank to Prof. Koichiro WATANABE, Prof. Ryuichi ITOI, Dr. Kotaro YONEZU and Rie
YAMASHIRO san for their permission and help to do laboratories analysis. The authors also thank to JASSO
for giving scholarship to Saefudin Juhri for his stay at Japan for short student exchange in Kyushu University.
6th ITB International Geothermal Workshop (IIGW2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 103 (2017) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/103/1/012015
Figure 6. Cl vs B binary diagram plot for hot springs, meteoric water samples from research area, sea water [16]
and condensate fumarole from Slamet crater [17].
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