Modeling of Soil-Structure Interaction A PDF
Modeling of Soil-Structure Interaction A PDF
Modeling of Soil-Structure Interaction A PDF
Abstract—Software tools are nowadays become very important In addition to the determination of static behaviour,
and essential for the structural problems where a lack of well- determination of the dynamic behavior of tanks which used for
established methods is available for analysis. Soil Structure many engineering fields is also important. Soil-structure and
Interaction (SSI) analysis is similar kind of problem where all the fluid-structure interaction are not important for ordinary
information about analysis is remains up to research level. In this structures as to be for tanks are effective for estimation of
paper, a finite element elevated reinforced concrete water tank is dynamic behaviour of elevated tanks subjected to dynamic
modeled and analysed considering SSI. For mounting soil effect loads. Thus it is necessary to consider the interaction effects
at the base of tank, widely used cone model and elastic solid correctly for elevated tanks subjected to dynamic loads like
modeling techniques has been selected. In first method,
earthquake. It is seen from literature survey that very few
equivalent spring model is used at the base of water tank and for
other soil is modeled as elastic solid body. The effectiveness of
studies have been carried out for elevated tanks considering
both methods is discussed as well as output results are compared interaction effects and related parameters. The basic difference
and contrast between modeling techniques using SAP2000 of fixed base analysis and soil-structure interaction analysis is
structural software. that; the nodal displacement of the structure are relative to
moving base in soil-structure interaction and base movement is
Keywords-elevated water tank; soil structure interaction; spring function of base material provided. There are few research has
support; finite element; SAP2000 program been done to obtain base movement by equivalent spring model
in which value of horizontal stiffness and rotational stiffness
I. INTRODUCTION are found out using either empirical relation and theoretical
Liquid storage tanks are very essential structures in water as approximation. The another approach is to model soil as solid
well as oil and gas industries. On the other hand a number of elastic material and providing a firm interface between super
cases of damage to tanks have been observed due to past structure and soil and then whole system is analysed together as
earthquakes. Concerning the importance of these systems, a single system. In this paper a comparison of seismic response
especially their seismic safety for avoiding the adverse of an elevated reinforced concrete water tank is compared
consequences such as fires, explosions and environment using both the method. Modeling by both the method is
pollution, better understanding of their seismic behavior still discussed and results are compared with fixed base analysis
seems necessary. There are several factors, which affect the results.
dynamic characteristics of a liquid storage tank. It is generally
recognized that the seismic response of a structure supported II. SOIL - STRUCTURE INTERACTION
on flexible ground may diverge considerably from that of the Soil-structure interaction between a structure and the
same structure supported on a non-deformable, rigid base. This supporting soil; is a phenomenon that influences many aspects
difference is due to the effect of the soil-structure interaction in the design of a structure: safety, serviceability (crack
(SSI). Over the last 40 years, the dynamic soil-structure propagation) and costs. Also, produce a significant effect on
interaction has attracted an interest among researchers and the response of the structure and the resulting localization of
engineers in the fields of structural dynamics, wave mechanics damage during seismic events. All structures are effected soil-
and soil dynamics over the world. The methods of their structure interaction with varying emphasis in the earthquake
investigations consist of experimental study and analysis excitation as known. Especially, for structures like elevated
research. The analysis methods are numerical simulation water tank with slenderness and heavy mass at the top, the soil
methods. Due to the underdevelopment of computer effects should be considered for different soil properties as
technology, analytical method was popular in the 1970’s. substructure method to consider soil effects [1]. The estimation
Along with the rapid progress in the art of computer science, of earthquake motions at the site of a structure is the most
now software simulations are widely used to the study on soil- important phase of the design or retrofit of a structure. It is
structure interaction. generally assumed that the elevated tanks are fixed with the
ground. So, attention is focused on the dynamic behavior of the elevated tank under seismic load of Fluid-Structure-interaction
fluid and/or supporting structure, but the effects of subsoil on problems is investigated by using added mass approach
the dynamic behavior of elevated tanks also equally important. suggested by Westergaard (1931).
Haroun and Ellaithy (1985) developed a model including an
analysis of a variety of elevated rigid tanks undergoing
translation and rotation; the model considers liquid sloshing
modes; and it assesses the effect of tank wall flexibility on the
earthquake response of elevated tanks. Resheidat and Sunna
(1986) investigated the behavior of rectangular elevated tank
during earthquakes considering soil-foundation-structure
interaction. They neglected the sloshing effects on the seismic
behavior of the elevated tanks. Haroun and Temraz (1992)
analyzed models of two-dimensional X-braced elevated tanks
supported on isolated footings to investigate the effects of
dynamic interaction between the tower and the supporting soil-
foundation system and they neglected the sloshing effects too.
As seen from studies mentioned above, very few studies have
been carried out on the soil-structure interaction effects for
elevated tanks. Generalised problem for dynamic fluid-elevated Figure 2. FEM model for fluid-strucutre-interaction added mass approach
tank-soil interaction can be seen from Fig.1. If the soil material
can be considered linear, the SAP2000 program, using the solid The general equation of motion for a system subjected to an
element, can calculate either the one-, two- or three- earthquake excitation can be written as,
dimensional free-field motions at the base of a structure.
𝑀𝑢̈ + 𝐶𝑢̇ + 𝐾𝑢 = −𝑀𝑢̈ 𝑔 (1)
In which M, C and K are mass, damping and stiffness
matrices, 𝑢̈ , 𝑢̇ and 𝑢 are the acceleration, velocity and
displacement respectively, and is the ground acceleration. In
the case of added mass approach the form of equation (1)
become as below:
Figure 11. Comparision of base shear for different soil and base
Figure 12. Comparision of overturning moment for different soil and base