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Credit Card Account 4055 9920 4753 0161

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4055 9920 4753 0161

Account Number 1000 0000 1927 1210
Credit Limit

Statement Date Payment Due Date
TOWN AND COUNTRY EXEC VILL 21 December 2018 11 January 2019
Total Amount Due Minimum Amount Due
PHP 72,306.01 PHP 3,615.30

Previous Balance Plus Purchase/Debits Less Payments/Credits Total Amount Due

18,943.15 72,306.01 18,943.15 72,306.01
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Payment Due Date. All payments shall be in the billing currency
of the issued card. Your Payment Due Date is at least 21 days
after your statement cut-off date. If it falls on a holiday or non-
Post Tran Description Amount
banking day, the payment due date shall be automatically moved
to the next business day. Please contact our 24-hour Customer
Date Date
Service at (632) 8-700-700 if you still have not receive your SOA a Previous Balance 18,943.15
week before your usual Payment Due Date.
Minimum Amount Due. The Minimum Amount Due is the PESO ACCOUNT DETAILS
amount that must be paid on or before your Payment Due Date to
avoid late payment fee or penalty. The Minimum Amount Due is EVALYN D TABAG - 4055 9920 4753 0161
computed as the sum of (A) Outstanding balance (which is equal
to Total Amount due less overlimit amount less past due amounts) 11/22 11/22 MERCURY DRUG, MARIKINA, PHL 2,500.00
multiplied by 5% plus (B) any amount in excess of the approved
credit limit plus (C) all past due amounts, if any, or (D) a required 11/27 11/27 PUREGOLD BL CAINTA, CAINTA, PHL 4,223.16
minimum amount imposed by MCC, whichever is higher. Note that
if you pay any amount less than the Total Amount Due or make a 12/08 12/07 ATENEO DE MANILA-GS, QUEZON CITY, PH 57,755.40
cash advance transaction, finance charge at the prevailing interest
rate indicated in our relevant notices and at our website is applied. 12/09 12/08 CASH PAYMENT - THANK YOU - MB ATM 18,943.15 C
Computation of Finance Charge. . If you opt to pay the
Minimum Amount Due or any amount less than the Total Amount
Due, you agree to pay the finance charge and other charges, as
provided by MCC, plus any applicable taxes and charges required
by the government on such charges. The finance charge, at
MCC's prevailing rate, will be computed using the average daily TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 72,306.01
balance method upon the following: (A) your previous balance as
reflected in the current SOA excluding Cash Advance Fee from
start to the end of the statement cycle, plus (B) cash advances
posted during the current statement cycle, accruing from
transaction date to the end of the statement cycle, plus (C) the
previous statement's purchase, installment principal and interest
amortization, fees and charges and other debits, accruing from the PAYMENT MADE EASIER: Pay your Metrobank Credit Card bills through ATM (Metrobank or
corresponding transaction dates to the end of the previous
statement cycle, less (D) payments and credits posted during the
current statement cycle, accruing from their posting dates to the
Bancnet) or through online payment via Metrobankdirect at www.metrobankdirect.com.
end of the current statement cycle except payments and credits
applied to cash advance fee. Any amount unpaid as of the
Payment Due Date shall be deemed payable on the next billing
cycle. Finance charge rates may change and shall be advised Important Reminders:
from time to time.
Check Payments. For check payments to be posted, funds
must be cleared and available on or before Payment Due Date. 1. Paying less than the total amount due will increase the amount of interest and other
Payments made with a Metrobank check through any Metrobank
branch do not require clearing and will be posted on the same day. charges you pay and the time it takes to repay your balance.
Payments with a Metrobank check through other payment
channels as well as payments with any other local check should
be made at least 3 banking days before Payment Due Date.
Payments with regional check should be made at least 4 banking 2. Lost or Stolen Card. For lost or stolen cards, please contact our 24-hour Customer
days before Payment Due Date. Please make the check payable
to Metrobank Card Corporation and write the following information Service at (632) 8-700-700 or 1-800-1888-5775 (domestic toll-free) immediately upon
at the back of the check: (A) cardholder's complete name, (B) 16-
digit credit card number, and (C) contact number/s. Make sure that knowledge of the loss so we can block your card. Your liability for all purchases
the check you issued has no erasures and corrections. Otherwise,
it will not be accepted for payment, or will be rejected for clearing. and/or cash advances made through the use of your lost or stolen card will cease only
Credit Limit Replenishment. Your credit limit will be
replenished only after payments have been posted to your credit
upon your written/verbal notification to and actual receipt or recording thereof by
card. For check payments, credit limit will only be replenished
after the funds have been cleared.
MCC. The replacement card will have a new credit card number.
Delinquent Account. If the Minimum Amount Due is not
paid on or before the Payment Due Date, your account shall be
considered delinquent and in default. You shall be liable to pay 3. Card Security. Never give your credit card or disclose any information pertaining
the Late Payment Fee, finance charge and other charges as
applicable. MCC reserves the right to demand full payment in thereto to any person even if he/she claims to be an employee or representative of
case of default.
Late Payment Fee. If payment is received after the Payment
MCC. Surrender or return of the credit card plastic to MCC or any representative of
Due Date, a Late Payment Fee of PHP850 or Unpaid Minimum
Amount Due (MAD), whichever is lower, will be imposed.
MCC is not required for card account cancellation, expiration/ termination, or
Credit Limit. Your credit card has one credit limit for both replacement. Credit card plastics contain personal information so make sure you
local and international purchases. The cash advance and
installment facilities form part of your total credit limit. Moreover, dispose of your cancelled cards properly.
the credit limit assigned to the principal card member is shared
with all supplementary card members. The total credit limit is
subject to security and credit limit management conditions that
MCC may impose for your benefit. MCC reserves the right to 4. Change in Name, Address and Telephone Numbers. Please notify us of any change in
decline or approve any transaction and/or suspend the credit card
privileges of the principal card member and his/her supplementary your name, billing (residence and business) address or telephone number by calling
card members without prior notice if the credit limit will be or has
been exceeded. MCC may demand immediate payment of the our 24-hour Customer Service at (632) 8-700-700 or 1-800-1888-5775 (domestic toll-
amount over the credit limit or the total amount outstanding. An
over credit limit fee of PHP500 or such other amount as MCC may free). Otherwise, it is presumed that all information are still valid and that you have
set is charged for every overlimit occurrence.
received all communications and billings sent by MCC.
Refund Fee. 1% of the refund amount or PHP100, whichever
is higher, for every refund request.
Foreign Exchange Transactions. All charges, advances, or
amounts in currencies other than Philippine Peso (PHP) shall be
converted to PHP. Transactions in US Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar,
Japanese Yen, Euro, Singapore Dollar, Australian Dollar, British
Pound, and Canadian Dollar shall be converted using the foreign
exchange selling rate of Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company on
transaction posting date. Transactions denominated in currencies
other than the aforementioned shall be converted using Visa's
currency conversion rate at the time of posting. All converted
transactions shall be charged Visa's assessment fee plus 2.5%
processing fee, the rate of which may be adjusted from time to
time. The assessment fee shall likewise apply to transactions
involving foreign currencies converted to PHP at point of sale,
whether executed in the Philippines, abroad, or online. Service
fees may also be charged to cover costs incurred to discharge the
amount(s) due Visa and/or acquiring bank and/or foreign merchant
Cash Advance Fee. A cash advance fee of 3% of the cash
amount availed or a flat fee of PHP600, whichever is higher, is
charged on the date the cash advance is taken. An additional
PHP500 will be charged if transacted over-the-counter. Finance
charges for cash advances at the prevailing interest rate of 3.75%
per month shall accrue from the date the cash advance is taken
and will continue until the cash advance is completely settled.
Gaming Transactions. A 5% service fee will be levied on
gaming transactions charged to your credit card. Gaming
transactions include those that involve the placement of a wager,
purchase of lottery tickets, in-flight commerce gaming, and the
purchase of chips or other values in conjunction with gaming
activities provided by establishments such as casinos, race tracks,
airlines, and the like.
Statement Reprinting Fee. A reprinting fee of P100 will be
charged per request for reprinting and delivery of your monthly
Cash2Go Processing Fee. A processing fee of P125 will be
charged for every Cash2Go transaction.
Balance Conversion Processing Fee. A processing fee of
P100 will be charged for every Balance Conversion transaction.
Returned Check Fee. A fee of PHP1,500 will be charged for
check payments which were returned due to reasons such as, but
not limited to, insufficient funds, unsecured deposit, stop payment
order or closed account.
Overpayments. Overpayments made by the cardholder shall
not earn interest and shall be applied to succeeding credit card
usage and charges. In case of overpayment on closed accounts,
a monthly Account Maintenance Fee of PHP200 or an amount
equivalent to the credit balance, whichever is lower will be charged
to accounts with credit balance that are closed or with no activity
for the past 12 months.
Errors in Your Statement of Account. Please notify us within REWARDS POINTS SUMMARY
thirty (30) days from statement date of any erroneous billing.
Otherwise, the SOA will be considered correct. Likewise, any
payment shall be taken as conclusive proof of your concurrence.
Previous Pts. Balance ADD LESS This Month's Pts. Balance
Pts. Earned/Adjustment Pts. Redeemed/Adjustment

27,796 3,614 0 31,410

# Payment Validation Slip

EVALYN TABAG Account Number: 1000 0000 1927 1210

Total Amount Due: PHP72,306.01 Credit Card Account Number: 4055 9920 4753 0161
Payment Due Date: 11 January 2019 Minimum Amount Due: PHP3,615.30
Metrobank Card Corporation
The MCC Center, 6778 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Philippines
Customer Service: 8-700-700 Fax Numbers: 858-8890 or 91
Domestic Toll Free: 1-800-1-888-5775
Email Address: customerservice@metrobankcard.com

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