Building Communities Presenation 1
Building Communities Presenation 1
Building Communities Presenation 1
Holly: Read these sections and then lead a class discussion about praise/rewards and the
articles we’ve read.
Appreciative praise= positive and productive.
Describes student’s work, action, or accomplishments.
Evaluative praise= viewed as a threat and brings discomfort or fear.
Attaches adjectives to character
Effective praise
Praise what student does
Not phony
Not competitive, comparing or condescending
Given in private
Punishment Alternatives
Punishment may correct behavior temporarily but does not help students
become ethical adults.
NO corporal punishment.
o Aggression becomes acceptable.
May compromise relationship between teacher and student.
Discipline only produces compliance when the punisher is present
Strategies for working with difficult students (lightly touch on this)
Teachers take responsibility for interactions.
Builds positive rapport.
Perhaps to broad for use with daily problems.
Potentially difficult for students and time consuming for teachers.
Pg. 153 Developing your personal philosophy of CM #1-2
Final activity:
Materials Needed: One or more Large metal washers with 5-7 strings tied to it.
The strings should be 2-3 feet in length. Tennis balls or other firm ball. Cups, cans
or bowls that will hold the balls. Preparation Needed (Ahead of Time): Tie strings
to washers randomly around the washer.
1. Form the participants into teams of 5 –7 each.
2. Give a washer with strings to a team and instruct eachteam member to hang onto a
3. Place a ball on the washer. If the ball falls off the washer they must start again.
4. The team must work together to place the ball in the cup, can, etc. on the other side of
the room.
5. One or more teams can do this at the same time as a timed event or one team at a time
with observers. Teams can try again if they want.
6. Observers should watch for communication, leadership, and teamwork skills.