Applications of Geothermal Energy in The Chemical Industry
Applications of Geothermal Energy in The Chemical Industry
Applications of Geothermal Energy in The Chemical Industry
University: University of the West Indies St. Augustine
Faculty: Engineering
Department: Chemical Engineering
Course: CHNG 2008 Chemical Engineering Practice
Year: 2019
Date Submitted: 15/3/2019
Name of Student: Garion Charles
Student ID: 816006491
The aim of this report was the investigation of possible applications of geothermal energy in
the chemical industry, this was found to be very much possible within the chemical industry
due to the demand for heat in carrying out many heat dependent processes such as desalination
and paper production. Enhanced geothermal systems were also examine which has even more
applications in which can be implemented into the chemical industry. Finally environmental
concerns which hinders the development of geothermal energy were also look at and a brief
fishability of its use in Trinidad and Tobago was examined.
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Abstract ......................................................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1
2. Literature review .................................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Existing and new Geothermal processes......................................................................... 2
2.1.1. Geothermal energy for electricity generation .......................................................... 2
2.1.2. Geothermal energy for direct uses ........................................................................... 4
2.1.3. Enhanced Geothermal systems ................................................................................ 5
2.2. Description of real world cases ....................................................................................... 8
2.2.1. Methanol Production From The George Olah Plant ................................................ 8
2.2.2. Paper Production at the Tasman Pulp & Paper CO.Ltd’s Mill ................................ 9
2.2.3. Dry Ice production at the Kizildere plant in Turkey ................................................ 9
2.3. Environmental Concerns surrounding Geothermal Energy .......................................... 10
2.3.1. Atmospheric Emissions ......................................................................................... 10
2.3.2. Surface and underground water pollution .............................................................. 11
2.3.3. Induced Seismicity and Land Subsidence.............................................................. 11
2.4. Brief Feasibility analysis for the potential of geothermal energy in Trinidad and
Tobago ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.4.1. The potential applications for geothermal energy in its chemical industry ........... 12
2.4.2. Barriers Geothermal energy implementation faces in Trinidad and Tobago ......... 12
3. Analysis of literature ............................................................................................................ 13
4. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 14
References ................................................................................................................................ 15
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1. Introduction
Deep within the earth there is a hot, glowing (outer) core, where the temperatures are
above 6000˚C. There is a very large heat flow from within the planet up towards the surface.
However this flow of heat is not uniformly distributed over our planets surface, but instead
there are weak zones and geological disturbances in our planets crust where large amounts of
heat can penetrate the outside very intensively, this is what we refer to when talking about
geothermal wells and the utilization of the heat from them, this is call geothermal energy. These
events can happen, for example, at the subduction zones of the continental margins.
The interest with Geothermal energy comes from the fact that its always on and
independent of weather conditions, therefore geothermal PowerStation’s can be made to be
turn on or off on demand. (MacKay 2009)
It should be noted that the use of geothermal energy can be use for other applications other
than for the generation of electricity, the heat from geothermal wells can be directly use in
many applications also, for example:
Unfortunately, even though geothermal energy can in theory be use for a wide range
of applications, provided that the area of interest is a well suited geological environment , this
alone is not the only obstacle present, one major concern is the use of groundwater. The
extraction of ground water has the potential of releasing carbon dioxide and hydrogensulfide
into the atmosphere which contributes to global warming.
Additionally the cost of developing plants that utilize geothermal energy has a lot of
upfront cost associated with it, some of these typical cost are seismic sensing, test well drilling,
confirmation testing and many other preliminary test to ensure the plant can meet the desired
production specifications. (Carlson n.d.).
2. Literature review
There is no one process for utilizing geothermal energy but a variety of unique processes
that exist which is dependent mainly on what the energy is going to be use for and its location.
However all these processes can be broken down into three main categories, which are as
Most geothermal power plants uses steam produced by “flashing” the geothermal fluid
made from the geothermal well. However plants existing today can use water in the vapour
phase, a mixture of liquid and vapour and of course also in the liquid phase only, But this
depends on: how deep the well is, its temperature and pressure, and the nature of the geothermal
resource. (Technology: Geothermal Energy n.d.).
2|Page Dry steam plants
These plants directly brings dry steam that was from the reservoirs to the turbine.
Additionally these plants have a much easier time at controlling the steam flow therefore
making them easier at meeting electricity demand fluctuations. The condensate is then re-
injected back into the well (Technology: Geothermal Energy n.d.).
Flash steam plants make up the majority of geothermal power plants and are usually
use for water dominated reservoirs with temperatures above 180˚C , the reservoir fluid is
usually a mixture of hot water and vapour ( which is mostly steam) and works by boiling the
water component by creating a pressure drop causing steam to form which is then separated
and use to turn a turbine, the remaining water can then be further flashed again to make the
processes more efficient, the brine and condensate is then reinjected back into the well
(Technology: Geothermal Energy n.d.).
Figure 2: Flash Steam Plant taken from (Technology: Figure 1: Dry Steam Plant taken from (Technology:
Geothermal Energy n.d.) Geothermal Energy n.d.)
Binary plants utilize and organic Rankine cycle (ORC) or a Kalina cycle, the
advantage of these types of plants is that they can be made by using lower temperature wells
as well as higher temperature reservoirs. This is due to the fact that the geothermal fluid is
brought into a heat exchanger where it transfers its heat to a low boiling fluid (butane or
pentane for ORC and ammonia-water mixture for Kalina cycle) the low boiling fluid
vaporises easily and turns the turbine (Technology: Geothermal Energy n.d.). Desalination
A very new application for geothermal energy is desalination, the process is carried out
as follow. A control flow rate of sea feed water is brought into the bottom of each effect and
then into the tubes in a heat exchanger, where the geothermal energy in the form of hot water
acts as the heating medium heats up the sea water, part of the sea-water is evaporated under
vacuum. The vacuum is created by water ejectors which are connected to each effect. The
vacuum is important because it allows the sea-water to boil at lower temperature and because
it boils at lower temperatures it also prevents scaling on the tubes of the heat exchanger.
The vapour generated in the first effect is then passed through a separation compartment
where the remaining water droplets are separated from the vapour and leaves with the brine.
The vapour is then used as the heating medium in the second effect heat exchanger. The brine
from the first effect is then mixed with sea feed water and brought to evaporation by means of
heat from the vapour from the first effect, this process cycle is then repeated in the third, fourth
etc effects. Separated vapour from the final effect is sent to the condenser where it is then
condensed on the outside of the condenser tubes in which sea cooling water is present.
The condensate is then sent to a flash tank at the bottom of the condenser and finally
extracted by a fresh water pump which sends it to a fresh-water tank. (Kiril Popovski 2010).
Figure 4: Geothermal Powered Evaporators for desalination taken from (Kiril
Popovski 2010)
Drum Dryers are a type of dryer suitable for drying beer and sugar refuse, grains, diary
food and other materials and can directly utilize geothermal energy. Not much modifications
are needed to allow for it using geothermal energy, in fact the only difference is instead of heat
from burning fossil fuel being used to heat air, geothermal fluid is used instead (Kiril Popovski
Figure 5: Drum Dryer for the use of industrial drying taken from (Kiril Popovski 2010)
Enhanced Geothermal system (EGS) processes are a relatively new idea proposed for
utilizing geothermal energy, with a lot of potential beneficial uses in the chemical industry.
The hold idea behind it is to make use of the high temperatures and pressures fluids tend to
attain in reservoirs and make use of these conditions to conduct commercial chemical reactions.
However EGS currently faces many challenges which prevents a sustainable EGS
industry from being built, some of these challenges are:
• Drilling EGS wells deeper than 3000 m are currently only in the experimental
phases as we currently on know how to drill wells to that dept but in low
temperature conditions.
• High amounts of water are required for EGS as fracturing rocks and the injection
of water to capture heat requires a lot of water, which can in the long run be
very costly
• Seismic activity cause from EGS can raise public concern
• EGS wells at temperatures exceeding 375˚C can cause rocks to soften which
can causes the rock to deform, making it costly to maintain fractures in the well.
Nevertheless scientist and engineers have proposed possible way some commercial reactions
can be done with EGS (Jody, et al. 2013):
Ammonia is produced at pressures an temperatures greater then 150 bar and 400˚C,
NH3 synthesis is favoured at low temperatures and high pressures. However NH3 production
is done at high temperatures to increase reaction rate, EGS can be implemented as it provide
the environments carry out the reaction at high pressure and temperatures.
The process can be done by pumping a supercritical solution of H2 and N2 which would
be at 200 bar and 27 ˚C down into an injection well using closed double concentric pipes, the
pipes annulus can be constructed such that catalyst is placed in hot zones. The reactants would
enter from the annulus and the product would rise up to the surface through the inner pipe.
Water is injected into the EGS from a separate pipe in order to keep the fractures open in the
well and to facilitate the conduction of heat from the rocks to the reaction zone (Jody, et al.
Figure 6:Ammonia production using a EGS taken from (Jody, et al. 2013)
2.2. Description of real world cases
CRI’s George Olah Plant located in Iceland began production in 2011 and was
completed in 2012. According to CRI they utilize the lurgi methanol process which uses H2
and CO2 as feedstocks (Marco, Rene and Cindy 2015). All the energy used in the plant comes
from the Icelandic grid which comes from a combination of hydro and geothermal energy, the
plant uses this electricity to produce hydrogen from electrolysis, while the Carbon dioxide is
captured from flue gas, which in actuality are the steam emissions from one of the geothermal
power plants close by.
Additionally the production of the methanol from this process does not create any toxic
by-products as the only chemical released is oxygen from the electrolysis process used to create
the H2. The Methanol is then sold to be blended with gasoline and to use in the production of
biodiesel. (Marco, Rene and Cindy 2015)
Figure 7: The George Olah Plant in Iceland (image taken from (Marco, Rene and Cindy 2015) )
2.2.2. Paper Production at the Tasman Pulp & Paper CO.Ltd’s Mill
The Plant in Question is located in Kawerau in New Zealand, the mill has a production
capacity of 380,000 tonnes of Newsprint and 200,000 tonnes of Pulp. The plant utilizes
geothermal steam in their clean steam heat exchangers to provide process steam for the mill’s
operations. However many changes have occur in the mill over the years specifically in the use
of geothermal steam for direct heating and electricity, the plant now operates on 100% steam
for direct heating and currently uses the steam to run a 10 MW power plant to provide some of
the electrical needs for the plant. The company also plans to improve the plant even further by
building a 25 MW plant which should account for 90% of the mill’s electrical needs. (Albert
and George 1992).
The Kizildere plant in Turkey is technically an electrical power plant which runs on
geothermal energy however the working fluid from the well consist of 1.5 % CO2 which is to
much an can’t be release into the atmosphere however CO2 can be cooled to a solid state dry
ice which is a very important refrigerant for industrial uses. (Karabacak, et al. 2017)
The production of the dry ice starts once the gas has finishing doing work on the turbine
from the power plant the next stage of the processes involves cooling and the removal of
impurities from the gas streams such as hydrocarbons, moisture and dust. Once this has been
completed the liquid CO2 is sent to a special storage thank to form Dry ice, the production is
done at around -23 and -28˚C and pressure level between (16-18 bar). The liquid CO2 is added
be allowing to fall downwards into the machine block from above as it falls in forms a snow
like substances that has an effect of decreasing temperature and pressure under the exiting
atmospheric conditions however some CO2 evaporates an leaves from above as vapor an is
condense back to re enter the machine once again. A vibrator is placed on the machine which
helps the snow like substance to move further down an to accumulate across the apparatus
which provides compression and formation. The accumulated snow is compressed and shaped
with the aid of a hydraulic piston.. The resultant dry ice is then cut into desired dimensions
using a chrome saw (Karabacak, et al. 2017).
Figure 8: Machine used in the production of dry ice taken form (Karabacak, et
al. 2017)
Environmental Concerns surrounding Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Fluids of high temperatures usually contains with in it various gases which
can cause atmospherics pollution, some common gases found within geothermal fluids are
CO2. H2S,H2, CH4 . The compositions of these gases in the geothermal fluid varies according
to a reservoirs features. Usually the two most abundant gases in a geothermal fluid is CO2 and
H2S. ( Manzella, et al. 2018)
Hydrogen sulphide is usually the most abundant non-condensable gas emitted from
geothermal plants, they are usually formed in anaerobic environments and can be found in
volcanic emissions. H2S produces a secondary particulate, that can be washed away by rain or
can be oxidised into SO2 can then form into acid rain in clouds, Acid rains can be vary
hazardous on ecosystems and human health, places which are affected by acid rain usually have
dying or dead trees. Additionally acid rain can leach aluminium from soil, this aluminium can
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be harmful to plants as well as to animal. (United States Environmental Protection Agency
The SO2 and NOx formed from H2S react in the atmosphere to produce fine sulphate
and nitrate particles, that people might inhale into their lungs. Studies have shown a
relationship between these particles and a person’s heart function, it has been shown that people
may suffer heart attacks in people with increased heart disease risk and can also cause berating
difficulties for persons suffering from asthma.
Another Impact geothermal energy production can have on the environment, is the
fact that the geothermal fluids often contains a wide range of ions dissolved in them such as
Li, Ca, K, Na, As, F, Mg, Si, Rb, Sb, Sr, bicarbonates, chlorides and sulphates. Any industrial
geothermal exploitation might have an impact on the quality of the surface water that may be
close to geothermal resource ( Manzella, et al. 2018).
Operations involving geothermal energy can also cause aquifer contamination in several
ways or a combination of them ( Manzella, et al. 2018):
i. Well drilling accidents
ii. small continuous spills in pipelines
iii. Well-casing failure
iv. Spillage of mud and geothermal fluids which temporarily stored before reinjection
Geothermal well drilling has the potential to induce earthquakes, although these
occurrences are very rare and are generally of a small magnitude, there is much public concern.
( Manzella, et al. 2018)
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2.4. Brief Feasibility analysis for the potential of geothermal energy in
Trinidad and Tobago
The islands of the Caribbean resides in one of the most seismically active zones in the
words as a consequence of this a lot of islands in the Caribbean have the potential for the use
of geothermal energy in variety of applications.
Regrettably Trinidad and Tobago does seem to have any potential sites base on current
research that would provide a source of geothermal energy. Therefore this analysis would
consider the hypothetical benefits and challenges that Trinidad and Tobago may face provided
that it had a viable hypothetical site for geothermal energy extraction.
2.4.1. The potential applications for geothermal energy in its chemical industry
Trinidad and Tobago at one point in 2013 was the second largest exporter of methanol
in the world therefore geothermal energy can help facilitate this industry as its clearly of major
importance to Trinidad and Tobago’s economy. We know from previous discussion that its
quite possible to implement geothermal energy into the methanol production processes, CRI’s
George Olah Plant located in Iceland as discussed before gives evidence of the great economic
benefits of this and can be very beneficial to Trinidad as it can be used as a blend for gasoline
which is one of Trinidad and Tobago’s major exports which can rejuvenate Trinidad and
Tobago’s competitiveness in this market.
Several Barriers facing geothermal energy is discussed in these barrier are as follow:
• Price distortion: Geothermal energy faces a high Capital cost and without some sort of
price incentives or state subvention. This is a major barrier for Trinidad and Tobago to
overcome as Fossil fuel technologies has a considerable advantage over any renewable
energy technology due to government subsidies.
• Environmental Concerns: As Discussed previously from ( Manzella, et al. 2018)
Atmospheric emissions, surface and underground water pollution and Induced
Seismicity and Land Subsidence are major risk involved in industrial geothermal
operations additionally a major social concern may be raised with the risk of induced
seismicity due to recent events of a powerful 6.9 earthquake which struck Trinidad and
Tobago in 2018.
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• Legislation: In Trinidad and Tobago putting power back on the grid is illegal therefore
any renewable energy implantation would require being totally off T&TEC’s electricity
3. Analysis of literature
Geothermal energy can be shown to have many ways in which it can be applied to the
chemical industry as was shown in literatures such as (Technology: Geothermal Energy n.d.)
in which different ways electricity can be produced from geothermal wells which can supply
the electrical needs for many production plants, additionally in (Kiril Popovski 2010) it was
further shown from his jornal article that geothermal energy may not only be use to generate
electricity but can also be used in processes that have heavy dependence on heat to drive its
production process, such as desalination and industrial drying. Future Processes were then
examine which has the potential to revolutionise several chemical processes that currently
exist, this was discussed by (Jody, et al. 2013) in which they discussed how enhanced
geothermal reservoirs can be used as a reactor for the production methanol and ammonia due
to the high temperature and pressures in which these wells can provide.
Furthermore is was necessary to see how real world cases of geothermal energy was
currently be applied to the chemical industry, although it was very limited in how much real
world cases that currently existed the ones that were found were all very sustainable such as,
CRI’s George Olah Plant located in Iceland which produces methanol which was detailed by
(Marco, Rene and Cindy 2015), Paper Production at the Tasman Pulp & Paper CO.Ltd’s Mill
in new Zealand which was detailed by (Albert and George 1992), and Dry Ice production at
the Kizildere plant in Turkey which was detailed by (Karabacak, et al. 2017).
However Even though all of the research discussed above showed great potential
benefits for geothermal energy research has also shown it can have many negative
environmental impacts such Atmospheric emission, H2S , CO2, CH4 in particular which have
many negative impacts on the environment, surface and underground water pollution, and
induced seismicity and Land Subsidence which was discussed in ( Manzella, et al. 2018).
Finally a crucial roadblock and the major reason why geothermal energy implantation
in the chemical industry is limited can be shown in the feasibility analysis on the
implementation of it in Trinidad and Tobago and the reason is quite simple, Countries wanting
to use geothermal energy require geothermally active sites hence to simply put if the resource
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is not there its potential use in that country becomes zero, which is the case for many countries
around the world, other barriers that prevent geothermal energy and other renewable energy
were also look at by (Sharma, Bahadoorsingh and Aiyejina 2011).
4. Conclusion
In conclusion geothermal energy as renewable resource has much potential upon further
research and development, the current and main way that geothermal energy can be applied to
the chemical industry is through electrical generation, which simply benefits chemical plants
due to the reduce cost to power demand by the plant, however it was then found that geothermal
energy which is heat can be directly applied to the chemical industry which greatly improves
energy efficacy within plants that are heavily dependent on heat to drive its processes and as a
result can make production cost extremely low which is evident by the fact of how sustainable
the paper production plant that was discussed earlier was.
Additionally We saw that Enhance Geothermal systems have much potential which can
even change how chemical processes for many in demand chemicals such as NH3 can be carried
out therefore it’s safe to conclude that geothermal energy can indeed become a major energy
resource for the chemical industry and may be look at with more interest as oil reserves deplete,
but for even more reason as geothermal wells can in future even act as a reactor that can handle
extreme pressure demanding processes.
However much more research must be conducted to allow for geothermal energy to
overcome the many Barriers it currently faces, such as the potential negative impact it can have
on the environment, due to the many potential pollutants that exist within geothermal fluids.
Additionally government needs to have new policies which can help geothermal energy be
competitive with fossil fuels, a consequence of this is scientist in these countries don’t even
consider conducting any research in this area at all as there is no incentive to do so, for example
in Trinidad and Tobago their is little to no research at all being conducted ,despite Trinidad and
Tobago residing in the most seismically active region in the world, but this is also might be
due to no potential sites being found to date to provide geothermal energy on an industrial scale
but it does not help that the current and past governments have always had a strong focus on
natural gas and oil development and little to no focus on renewable resources.
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