Simplify Materials Selection: Your Guide To Making Choices That Reduce The Impact of Corrosion
Simplify Materials Selection: Your Guide To Making Choices That Reduce The Impact of Corrosion
Simplify Materials Selection: Your Guide To Making Choices That Reduce The Impact of Corrosion
Identifying Types of Corrosion Understanding Requirements
Choose with Confidence What is Corrosion Steps to Control Corrosion
and Selecting Materials and Standards
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Application Temperature
That’s where Swagelok can help. We’ve been fighting corrosion since 1947. We simplify
selection with our deep understanding of factors that contribute to corrosion, as well as the
properties of materials that help fight it. We use alloys with at least two, but often up to ten Engineered
different elements in optimized concentrations which give our materials superior corrosion Combinations
resistance that helps our products perform better. ($$)
For instance:
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b e
Identifying Types of Corrosion Understanding Requirements
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For oil and gas producers, the problem can be especially costly. NACE International
estimated the total annual cost of corrosion at $1.3 billion USD1 for the entire oil
and gas production industry. But when personnel can visually identify corrosion and
know where to look for it, the risk can be minimized. Better yet, when engineers
can anticipate corrosion and make the best choices, system integrity, longevity of
assets, performance, and safety improve.
Take these steps to reduce the impact of corrosion on your applications:
Identify types of corrosion—what it looks like, where it occurs, and why
it happens
Select materials resistant to corrosion
Minimize locations where crevice corrosion can occur
Avoid the contact of dissimilar metals, which can cause galvanic corrosion
Specify everything from the supports and clamps to the tubing itself
Estimated by NACE International (NACE) 2002
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6-Moly Alloys
Alloy 2507
6-Moly Alloys
6-Moly Alloys
Alloy 2507
Alloy 2507
Alloy 825 316 with high
Carbon Steel Alloy 825 316/316L 316/316L
carbon content
Key Alloy 625
Alloy 625
Alloy C-276
Alloy C-276
Alloy 400
Alloy 400
General (or Uniform) Stress Corrosion Intergranular
Materials Visual or Materials with Corrosion Cracking in Chloride- Corrosion
affected most Microscopic greater resistance Containing Media
by corrosion Appearance to corrosion type
Type of Corrosion
6-Moly Alloys
Alloy 2507 Alloy 825 Material in contact Materials with the
Alloy 825 Alloy 625 with a much more same or similar
316/316L Alloy 2507 noble material potentials (potential
Alloy 625 Alloy C-276 (e.g., carbon steel difference less than
6-Moly Alloys
Alloy C-276 Alloy 400 and copper) 0.2 Volts)
Alloy 400
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What it is: The most well-known type of corrosion is also the easiest to spot and
predict. It is unusual—but not unheard of—for general corrosion to lead to disastrous
failures. For this reason, general corrosion is often regarded as an eyesore rather
than a serious problem. General corrosion occurs relatively uniformly across a
metal surface. The gradual decrease of the wall thickness of a component must be
considered when calculating pressure ratings.
See Potential Solutions: 316/316L; 6-Moly Alloys; Alloy 2507; Alloy 825; Alloy 625; Alloy C-276; Alloy 400
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194 (90)
What it is: Both pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion are more difficult to detect 176 (80)
than general corrosion, making these types of corrosion more challenging to identify,
predict, and design against.
158 (70)
Temperature ºF (ºC)
140 (60)
How it forms: The material’s protective oxide layer can break down when it is
exposed to fluids which contain chlorides. A material is more resistant to localized
122 (50)
corrosion the higher its Critical Pitting Temperature (CPT) and Critical Crevice Corrosion 104 (40)
Temperature (CCCT). These are the minimum temperatures at which pitting and crevice 86 (30)
corrosion are observed. Methods to measure CPT and CCCT are described in ASTM
Standard G48.
68 (20)
50 (10)
Learn about pitting corrosion
32 (0)
14 (-10)
-4 (-20)
Learn about crevice corrosion 304L 316L 317L 317LMN 904L 6Mo 2304 2205 255 2507
• Measured by ASTM G48 in 10% ferric chloride CCCT CPT
Crevice corrosion can occur at lower temperatures than pitting corrosion. For instance, for 316L stainless
steel in a 10% ferric chloride environment, pitting corrosion can start to occur at 10°C (50°F) whereas
crevice corrosion can begin at -10°C (14°F).
Source: Practical Guidelines for the Fabrication of Duplex Stainless Steels, Int. Molybdenum Assoc., 2001
Material Matters: For further reference, see Preventing Pitting and Crevice Corrosion
as published in World Oil.
See Potential Solutions: 6-Moly Alloys; Alloy 2507; Alloy 825; Alloy 625; Alloy C-276; Alloy 400
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Pitting Corrosion
Common in high-chloride environments at elevated temperatures
What it is: Pitting corrosion causes small cavities, or pits, to form on the surface
of a material. 6HN
Although detectable by thorough visual inspection, these pits can grow deep
enough to perforate tubing. Pitting is more often observed in high-chloride
254 SMO®
environments at elevated temperatures. 2507
How it forms: When the protective layer of oxide (or passive oxide layer) on Sanicro® 28
the surface of the metal breaks down, the metal becomes susceptible to loss
of electrons. This causes iron in the metal to dissolve into a solution in the more 904L
anodic bottom of the pit, diffuse toward the top, and oxidize to iron oxide, or rust.
The iron chloride solution concentration in a pit can increase and become more 825
acidic as the pit gets deeper. These changes result in accelerated growth of the 316
pit, perforation of tubing walls, and leaks.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
PREN = %Cr + 3.3 x (%Mo + 0.5W) + 16 x %N
317LMN 904L 6Mo 2304 2205 255 2507 Higher PREN values indicate greater pitting corrosion resistance.
Material Pitting corrosion is best prevented by proper alloy selection. Different metals
and alloys can be compared using their Pitting Resistance Equivalence Number
in 10% ferric chloride CCCT CPT (PREN), which is calculated from the chemical composition of the material.
PREN increases with higher levels of chromium, molybdenum, and nitrogen.
See Potential Solutions: 6-Moly Alloys; Alloy 2507; Alloy 825; Alloy 625; Alloy C-276; Alloy 400
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Crevice Corrosion
Localized corrosion associated with tight spaces
What it is: In a typical fluid system, crevices exist between tubing and tube supports
or tube clamps, between adjacent tubing runs, and underneath dirt and deposits that
may have accumulated on surfaces. Crevices are virtually impossible to avoid in tubing
installations, and tight crevices pose the greatest danger for corrosion to occur.
How it forms: Like pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion starts with the breakdown of
the passive oxide layer that protects the metal. This breakdown leads to the formation
of small pits. The pits grow larger and deeper until they cover the whole crevice.
In some places, tubing can be perforated. Crevice corrosion occurs at far lower
temperatures than pitting corrosion.
Material Matters: When seawater diffuses into a crevice, some Fe++ ions dissolve
and cannot rapidly diffuse out of a tight crevice. In salt water, negatively charged
chloride ions (Cl-) are attracted by these positively charged Fe++ ions and begin to
diffuse into the crevice. As the chloride concentration increases, the crevice solution
becomes more corrosive, causing more iron to dissolve, which in turn attracts more
chloride ions to diffuse into the crevice. Ultimately, the crevice solution turns into an
acidic solution with high chloride concentration, which is very corrosive.
See Potential Solutions: 6-Moly Alloys; Alloy 2507; Alloy 825; Alloy 625; Alloy C-276; Alloy 400
• Measured by ASTM G48 in 10% ferric chloride CCCT CPT
¹/2 O2+H2O+2e -
Stress- Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
➔Common in stainless steels (chloride-induced), mild steel
(cathode) Fe
¹/2 O2+H2O+2e- (alkali-induced), and brass (ammonia-induced)
++ susceptible
to SCC
➔ 2OH -
(cathode) Fe++
e -
What it is: Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is dangerous because it can destroy a
+ 2e- steels are➔
Fe ➔ Festainless
chloride ions, austenitic
++ Fe
component at stress levels below the yield strength
+ 2e
++of an alloy.
- In the presence of
susceptible to SCC. The ions interact with
the material at the tip(anode) (anode)
of a crack where tensile stresses are highest, making it easier for Tensile Conducive Ten
stress above environmental
the crack to grow. While in progress, SCC can be difficult to detect, and final failure can
critical level conditions
occur suddenly. critica
How it forms: For SCC to occur, three conditions must be met simultaneously: Higher nickel content shows
higher resistance to chloride-
Sanicro 28
The metal must be susceptible to SCC induced SCC.
Environmental (fluid or temperature) conditions conducive to SCC must exist
Sanicro 28
The tensile stress (applied + residual) must be above critical level 1000
Time to failure (h)
Materials resistant to chloride-induced SCC include:
Nickel-based alloys 1000
Duplex stainless steels 1
0 10 20 30 40 50
Material Matters: Learn more about selecting fluid system components for sour oilfields 0 10 20 30 40 50
with Swagelok. Read the advice our leading expert has for Offshore Magazine readers. Ni content (%)
See Potential Solutions: 6-Moly Alloys; Alloy 2507; Alloy 825; Alloy 625; Alloy C-276; Alloy 400
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What it is: Sour gas cracking, also known as sulfide stress cracking (SSC), is the deterioration of
metal due to contact with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and moisture. H2S becomes severely corrosive in the
presence of water. This condition can lead to embrittlement of the material, resulting in cracking under
the combined action of tensile stress and corrosion.
How it forms: For SSC to occur, three conditions must be met simultaneously:
The metal must be susceptible to SSC
The environment must be sufficiently sour (high in H2S)
The tensile stress (applied + residual) must be above a critical level
The risk of SSC increases at lower temperatures where materials tend to be less ductile.
Material Matters: The NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 standard describes suitable materials for sour
environments in oil and gas production. For more help selecting components for sour oilfields,
refer to this article published in Offshore Magazine.
Reprinted from Science Direct, Volume 1, Issue 3, S.M.R. Ziaei, A.H. Kokabi, M. Nasr-Esehani, Sulfide Stress
Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Induced Cracking of A216-WCC Wellhead Flow Control Valve Body case study,
Pages 223-224, July 2013 with permission from Elsevier.
See Potential Solutions: Alloy 825; Alloy 625; Alloy C-276; Alloy 400
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Hydrogen Embrittlement
Can occur in high-pressure gaseous hydrogen or when
atomic hydrogen is generated at a metal surface
What it is: Hydrogen atoms can diffuse into metals, making them brittle. All materials
susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement are also very susceptible to sulfide stress
cracking. 80
Source: G.R. Caskey, Hydrogen Compatibility Handbook for Stainless Steels (1983)
Hydrogen Embrittlement Image Courtesy
See Potential Solutions: 316/316L of Salim Brahimi, IBECA Technologies Corp.
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What it is: To understand IGC, consider that all metals consist of individual
grains. Within each grain, the atoms are systematically arranged, forming a three-
dimensional lattice. IGC attacks the material along the grain boundaries (where the
grains that make up the metal come together).
Grain boundary
Oxygen in air
Volts vs. SCE Material
Galvanic Corrosion -1.60 Magnesium
Can occur when two dissimilar materials are Chromium-rich -1.00 Zinc
in intimate contact with each other and an layer -0.95 Aluminum
-0.70 Cadmium
electrolyte is present Chromium-rich oxide -0.60 Steel
layer protecting -0.50 Type 304 (Active)
Stainless steel
stainless steel
What it is: Galvanic corrosion occurs when materials with a dissimilar -0.40 Type 316 (Active)
-0.35 Naval Brass
electrode potential are in contact in the presence of an electrolyte. The -0.30 Muntz Metal
passive layer on stainless steel consists of a very thin chromium-rich -0.30 Copper
oxide film that automatically forms in ambient air and protects the material -0.30 Manganese Bronze
from corrosion. The passive layer makes a material more noble and less -0.25 90-10 Cu-Ni
susceptible to corrosion. The compatibility of metals can be determined -0.20 70-30 Cu-Ni
-0.20 Lead
by the Anodic Index, which describes the potential or voltage difference of -0.15 Nickel
metals measured in seawater against a standard electrode. -0.10 Type 304 (Passive)
Chromium-rich oxide -0.05 Type 316 (Passive)
How it forms: When the potential difference between two dissimilar layer damaged
0.00 E-BRITE® Alloy
(by machining)
metals in the presence of an electrolyte is too great, the material’s passive 0.00 AL 29-4C® Alloy
layer begins to break down. 0.00 AL-6XN® Alloy
0.05 Alloy 625, Alloy 276
To avoid galvanic corrosion, choose materials with a voltage difference .010 Titanium
that does not exceed 0.2V. For example, a 316 stainless steel fitting .025 Graphite
(-0.05V) with 6-Moly tubing (0.00V) would result in a voltage of 0.05V
between the two alloys. This voltage is significantly less than 0.2V, SCE stands for Standard Calomel Electrode.
meaning the risk of galvanic corrosion is low.
Anodic Index
Chromium-rich Highly noble materials with “passive surfaces” are not as
oxide layer reformed susceptible to galvanic corrosion as less noble materials
automatically or as noble materials with “active surfaces.” In this chart,
magnesium is the least noble material, and graphite is the
most noble material.
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Stainless Steel
In all stainless steels, chromium and nickel are critical for corrosion resistance ASTM
and ductility. The addition of >10% chromium transforms steel into stainless requires 17%
steel, creating an adherent and invisible oxide layer that is chromium-rich. This 16-18%
oxide layer forms when chromium in the alloy reacts with oxygen in ambient air.
This layer gives steel its stainless character. The addition of nickel provides good
ductility and ease of forming and welding.
But not all bar stock is the same. Swagelok 316/316L stainless steel tube fittings 12% ASTM
and instrumentation valves contain more nickel and chromium than minimally minimum
required by ASTM standards for bars and forgings.
Industry Trend
Note that although stainless steels will not suffer from general corrosion, they can
be affected by localized corrosion.
Cr Ni
24 28
Chromium Nickel
Stainless Steel
6-Moly Alloys
Standard Austenitics
6-Moly (6Mo) alloys are superaustenitic stainless steels which contain at least 6% 316
molybdenum and have a PREN of at least 40. Alloy 6HN (UNS N08367) contains 6 17% Cr, 10% Ni, 2%Mo
weight percent more nickel (Ni) than alloy 254 (UNS S31254). This increase in nickel
content gives 6HN added stability with respect to formation of undesirable intermetallic
phases. Alloy 6HN has been found to have better corrosion resistance in chloride-
containing media than alloy 254.
+8% Ni
Resistance to chloride pitting and crevice corrosion +4% Mo
Resistance to chloride stress corrosion cracking (CSCC)
+25% Ni
Material yield strength 50% greater than 300-series austenitic stainless steels +Cu +6% Ni +Cu
Impact toughness, workability, and weldability
254 6HN +Cu +5% Ni
Suitability for sour gas applications (NACE MR0175/ISO 15156) +Nb +Ti
+Ta +Al
Superaustenitic Stainless Steels
Swagelok 6-Moly products are available from 6HN (UNS N08367) bar stock
6-Moly Alloys
and forgings qualified to the requirements of the NORSOK M-650 supply chain
C20 825
qualification standard.
Nickel Alloys
+20% Ni
High Nickel Alloys
Duplex stainless steels have a two-phase microstructure of austenite and ferrite grains.
This structure gives these materials a combination of attractive properties, including Lean Duplex Alloy Content Monel
Cr, Ni, Mo, N
strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance. Standard Austenitics increases
agnesium 2205 +Al
uminum highly corrosive conditions. Its composition 17%
includes nickel,
CR, 10% molybdenum, chromium,
Ni, 2%Mo Monel
Zeron Ferralium 625 690
admium nitrogen, and manganese, offering excellent resistance to general corrosion, pitting, 100
teel and crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking (SCC), while maintaining weldability. Super Duplex
ype 304 (Active) +Mo
ype 316 (Active)
aval Brass
Higher yield and tensile strength for increased pressure ratings 2707
Hyperduplex Hastelloys
untz Metal +CR B-2, C-22, C-276
Compared to 316/316L tubing
of same outside diameter and pressure rating, lower
+8% Ni
anganese Bronze wall thickness allows for increased
+4% MO flow of fluids
0-10 Cu-Ni +N
0-30 Cu-Ni l
Weldability 120
ead +CR
ickel +25% Ni 100
Applications up to 482°F
(250°C) +6% Ni +Cu
ype 304 (Passive) 80
ype 316 (Passive)
-BRITE® Alloy
Higher thermal conductivity/lower coefficient of thermal expansion than 316SS 60
L 29-4C® Alloy
L-6XN® Alloy
l 254
Suitability for sour gasSMO 6HN MR0175/ISO 15156)
applications (NACE +Cu +5% Ni 40
+Nb +Ti
loy 625, Alloy 276 +Ta +Al 20
Swagelok 2507Superaustenitic
products are available from bar stock and forgings qualified to
Stainless Steels
raphite the requirements of the 6-Moly
M-650 supply chain qualification standard 0
304L 304 254 SMO 654SMO 2205 2507 2707
C20 825 316L 316 6HN
For Fighting: General Corrosion; Localized Corrosion; Stress Corrosion Cracking
High Nickel Alloys
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Nickel Alloys
+8% Ni
Suitability for sour gas applications (NACE MR0175/ISO 15156) +4% Mo
Resistance in reducing environments (i.e., sulfuric or phosphoric acid)
+25% Ni
+Cu +6% Ni +Cu
+20% Ni
High Nickel Alloys
For Fighting: General Corrosion; Localized Corrosion; Stress Corrosion Cracking; Sour Gas Cracking
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Nickel Alloys
Alloy 625
Resistance to crevice and pitting corrosion in high-temperature use
Suitability for sour gas applications (NACE MR0175/ISO 15156) 600
625 690 X-750
B-2, C-22, C-276
For Fighting: General Corrosion; Localized Corrosion; Stress Corrosion Cracking; Sour Gas Cracking
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Nickel Alloys
Alloy C-276
Alloy C-276 (Hastelloy® C-276) contains nickel, molybdenum, and chromium. Nickel
Its high molybdenum content makes it exceptionally resistant to pitting and
200, 201
crevice corrosion, and it is one of only a few materials that can withstand the
corrosive effects of wet chlorine gas, hypochlorite, and chlorine dioxide.
Resistance to oxidizing and reducing media +Cr
+Cu +Fe
Ductility, toughness, and strength at high temperatures
Resistance to crevice and pitting corrosion, sulfide stress cracking (SSC),
and intergranular corrosion (IGC) 400
Suitability for sour gas applications (NACE MR0175/ISO 15156)
+Al +6%Cr +Ti
+Ti +9%Mo +Al
Note that this alloy is NOT recommended with highly oxidizing environments, +3%Nb
such as hot and concentrated nitric acid.
625 690 X-750
B-2, C-22, C-276
For Fighting: General Corrosion; Localized Corrosion; Stress Corrosion Cracking; Sour Gas Cracking
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Nickel Alloys
Alloy 400
Alloy 400 (Monel® 400) is a nickel-copper alloy known for its exceptional Nickel
resistance to hydrofluoric acid, as well as resistance to stress corrosion
200, 201
cracking and pitting in most fresh and industrial waters.
Strength and corrosion resistance in a wide range of
Note that stagnant seawater has been shown to induce crevice and pitting Monel®
corrosion in this alloy. 400
625 690 X-750
B-2, C-22, C-276
For Fighting: General Corrosion; Localized Corrosion; Stress Corrosion Cracking; Sour Gas Cracking
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Titanium Alloys
A stable, strongly adherent oxide film protects titanium alloys from corrosion. This
film forms instantly when a fresh surface is exposed to air or moisture. Anhydrous
conditions in the absence of a source of oxygen should be avoided since the protective
film may not be regenerated if damaged.
Titanium has been used successfully in many applications because of its excellent
corrosion resistance in:
Chloride-containing solutions and moist chlorine gas
Aqueous solutions of chlorites, hypochlorites, perchlorates, and chlorine dioxide
Natural and chlorinated seawater to relatively high temperatures
Limiting factors for the application of titanium and its alloys include the following:
Unalloyed titanium will sometimes corrode in aqueous chloride environments
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Engineered Combinations
How Corrosion Resistance is Calculated
In marine installations where Swagelok 316/316L stainless steel fittings have performed well, but 316/316L
tubing has experienced crevice corrosion in tube clamps, it may be cost-effective to use 316/316L fittings PREN = %Cr + 3.3 x (%Mo + 0.5W) + 16 x %N
in combination with tubing from a more corrosion-resistant alloy. Engineered combinations use Swagelok ASTM 316 = 16 + 3.3 x 2 + 16 x 0.03 = 23.1 PREN
316/316L tube fittings with tubing from alloys 254, 904L, 825, or Tungum® (copper alloy UNS C69100) tubing.
Swagelok 316 = 17.5 + 3.3 x 2 + 16 x 0.03 = 24.6 PREN
Elevated chromium and nickel levels in 316/316L provide Swagelok tube fittings with higher resistance to
localized corrosion. Superior tube grip is achieved with Swagelok’s patented hinging-colleting™ back ferrule Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number
(PREN) is the measurement of resistance
design that translates axial motion into radial swaging action on the tube, yet operates with a low assembly to localized pitting corrosion. Higher PREN
torque requirement. Swagelok’s patented SAT12 low-temperature carburization process is used to case- values indicate greater pitting corrosion
harden the surface of the back ferrules, which facilitates achieving excellent tube grip on tubing from the resistance.
above alloys.
Engineered combinations can be a cost-efficient, corrosion-resistant solution that provides these advantages
for installations in marine environments:
Higher nickel and chromium contents in Swagelok standard 316 stainless steel than minimally
required by ASTM A479, resulting in a higher PREN value and higher resistance to localized corrosion
High resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion of special alloy tubing
Low risk of galvanic corrosion based on positions of 316, 254, 904L, and 825 in galvanic chart, or
As with any mixed-material assembly, pressure ratings for tubing and fittings from different alloys are governed
by the lower material rating. For pressure ratings, see Tubing Data – Engineered Combinations MS-06-117.
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NORSOK Standards
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NACE Requirements
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Swagelok alloy 2507 tube fittings with ordering numbers having the -SG2 designator meet NACE MR0175/ ISO 15156
requirements for use in any equipment, according to Table A.24 of the standard, if the fittings are wetted internally,
but not externally, by sour gas.
annealed alloy 2507 bar stock bar stock but are not wetted by the system fluid
Shaped tube fitting bodies are produced from solution-
Front ferrules are produced from cold-drawn alloy
Material Matters: For more information, access Swagelok’s full data sheet Alloy 2507
Read more about NACE
Super Duplex Tube, Pipe, and Weld FittingsNACE MR0175 Compliant, MS-06-115.
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For a Swagelok alloy 625 tube fitting and medium pressure tube fitting to function correctly, the nut and ferrules
must be made from cold-drawn bar stock.
This material has the strength necessary to grip to alloy 625 tubing and to hold to the high working pressures
listed in Swagelok Tubing Data Sheet, MS-01-107 and Swagelok Medium and High-Pressure Fittings and
Adapters—Special Alloy Materials, MS-02-474.
Fittings with bodies made from cold-drawn bar stock meet the requirements of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156
Table A.14. Fittings meeting the requirements of Table A.13 are produced as follows:
Straight fitting bodies are produced from l Front ferrules are produced from solution-
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Table A.8 specifies the environmental and material limits for highly alloyed austenitic
stainless steels used for any equipment or components in any type of sour gas
installation. 4
Table A.11 defines the environmental and material limits for highly alloyed austenitic
stainless steels used as instrument tubing, control-line tubing, compression fittings, Component Material ASTM Specification Marking
and surface and downhole screen devices. Alloy 254 (UNS
1 Nut S31254) or Alloy 6HN A479➀ 254 or 6HN on face
(UNS N08367)
2 Back
6HN (UNS N08367) A479➁ 6HN on outer rim
Alloy 254 (UNS
3 Front 254 or 6HN on outer
S31254) or Alloy 6HN A479➀
ferrule rim
(UNS N08367)
Tube and pipe
fittings— 254 or 6HN
Alloy 254 (UNS Straight body—A479➀ on neck
4 Body S31254) or Alloy 6HN Weld fitting— 254 or
(UNS N08367) Shaped body—A182 6HN on body
Pipe and weld
fittings— SG on body
Material Matters: For more information, access Swagelok’s full data sheet 6-Moly Alloy Wetted components listed in italics
➀ A479 (except for elongation, area of reduction, and hardness when cold-drawn bar)
Tube, Pipe, and Weld Fittings/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 Compliant, MS-06-122. ➁ A479 (except for elongation and hardness)
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NORSOK Standards
We offer products manufactured from alloy 2507, 254, and 6HN bars and
forgings that meet the requirements of the NORSOK M-650 supply chain
qualification standard.
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NORSOK Standards
Standard Description
Covers a set of qualification requirements to verify that the manufacturer has:
Sufficient competence and experience with the relevant material grades
M-650: Qualification of Manufacturers Necessary facilities and equipment to manufacture these grades in the required shapes and
Provides guidance, in conjunction with ISO 21457, for materials selection for oil and gas
production on offshore installations, including:
M-001: Materials Selection Corrosion protection and control
M-630: Material Data Sheets and Element Nickel base alloys: Type 625
Identifying Types of Corrosion Understanding Requirements
Choose with Confidence What is Corrosion Steps to Control Corrosion
and Selecting Materials and Standards
Learn More 33
Materials Science Training Additional Resources
operating efficiently
Discover how specific alloys resist corrosion, how materials behave,
NACE standards
Critical concepts covering the nature and behavior of materials, including
Additional Resources
Rather than buy materials off the shelf, we choose to strictly control quality by:
Holding mills to tighter alloy and quality specifications
Employing positive material identification
Making our own tooling
Using technology-based methods of nondestructive testing
Staffing dedicated engineers who work exclusively with the supply chain
These measures enhance material consistency and help prevent defects from
reaching the final product. Once installed in your system, everything we sell is
backed by our Limited Lifetime Warranty.
Identifying Types of Corrosion Understanding Requirements
Choose with Confidence What is Corrosion Steps to Control Corrosion
and Selecting Materials and Standards
Learn More 35
Materials Science Training Additional Resources
Additional Resources
Identifying Types of Corrosion Understanding Requirements
Choose with Confidence What is Corrosion Steps to Control Corrosion
and Selecting Materials and Standards
Learn More 36
Materials Science Training Additional Resources
Additional Resources
Reference Guide Super Austenitic 254 SMo® (6-moly) Stainless Steel Tubing With Stainless Steel
Tubing Data Sheet MS-01-107 Swagelok® Tube Fittings
Tubing Data - Engineered Combinations MS-06-117 PTR-2834 - Tensile Pull Test
PTR-2835 - High-Temperature Thermal Cycling and Hydrostatic Proof Test
PTR-2836 - Low-Temperature Thermal Cycling and Hydrostatic Proof Test
PTR-2841 - Rotary Flexure Test
PTR-2849 - Hydraulic Impulse Test and Hydrostatic Proof Test
PTR-2852 - Hydrostatic Pressure Test
PTR-2853 - Nitrogen Gas Seal Test with Repeated Reassembly
Identifying Types of Corrosion Understanding Requirements
Choose with Confidence What is Corrosion Steps to Control Corrosion
and Selecting Materials and Standards
Learn More 37
HASTELLOY® & HAYNES® are registered trade names of Haynes International, Inc.
MONEL®, INCOLOY® & INCONEL® are registered trade names of Huntington Alloys Corporation.
Offshore Magazine is published by PennWell Corporation © 2007-2018
World Oil is published by Gulf Publishing Company © 2017-2018
NACE® - NACE International—The Corrosion Society © 2018 All rights reserved.
TUNGUM is a registered trademark of TUNGUM HYDRAULICS LIMITED
254 SMO is a registered trademark of Outokumpu Oyj
All servicemarks and trademarks shown are registered by Swagelok Company
unless otherwise noted.
© 2019 Swagelok Company, Swagelok TM - Swagelok Company
CORP-0171, RevA, April 2019