U.S. Congress Honors Patsy Mink

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PAT19481 S.L.C.

S. RES. ll

Honoring the life and legacy of Patsy Takemoto Mink, the first woman
of color to serve in Congress.


Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. BOOKER, Ms. CANTWELL, Ms.
and Ms. SMITH) submitted the following resolution; which was referred
to the Committee on llllllllll

Honoring the life and legacy of Patsy Takemoto Mink, the
first woman of color to serve in Congress.

Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink was born in Paia, Hawaii, to

Japanese-American parents, Suematsu and Mitama
Tateyama Takemoto;
Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink overcame gender discrimina-
tion to become the first Japanese-American woman to
practice law in Hawaii;
Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink devoted her life to public
Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink served in—
(1) the Hawaii territorial House from 1956 to 1958;
PAT19481 S.L.C.

(2) the Hawaii territorial Senate from 1958 to 1959;
(3) the Hawaii State Senate from 1962 to 1964;
Whereas Representative Mink became the first Asian-Amer-
ican woman and the first woman of color to be elected
to Congress in 1964;
Whereas Representative Mink served 12 terms as a Member
of Congress;
Whereas Representative Mink fought throughout her life for
fundamental rights and equity for women, children, Asian
Americans, and other minority and disenfranchised
Whereas Representative Mink—
(1) introduced the first childcare bill; and
(2) co-authored and championed the landmark title
IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C.
1681 et seq.) to promote equal access and equal treat-
ment for women and girls in educational settings;
Whereas Representative Mink maintained a national focus on
issues affecting Asian Pacific Americans, notably edu-
cating people of the United States about the internment
of Japanese Americans during World War II;
Whereas Representative Mink was a committed advocate for
many progressive causes, including—
(1) ending gender and racial discrimination;
(2) promoting social and economic justice;
(3) improving access to high-quality education and
affordable child care;
(4) protecting civil liberties; and
(5) ensuring government accountability;
PAT19481 S.L.C.

Whereas Representative Mink was the first Democratic
woman to deliver a State of the Union response in 1970;
Whereas Representative Mink was a co-founder and chair of
the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus;
Whereas Representative Mink served as the Secretary of the
House Democratic Caucus;
Whereas Representative Mink served as the co-chair of the
Democratic Women’s Caucus;
Whereas, in 1977, President Jimmy Carter nominated Patsy
Takemoto Mink to serve as Assistant Secretary of State
for Oceans and International Environmental and Sci-
entific Affairs;
Whereas, in 2003, Patsy Takemoto Mink was inducted into
the National Women’s Hall of Fame;
Whereas, on November 24, 2014, Patsy Takemoto Mink was
posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Free-
dom, the highest civilian honor of the United States;
Whereas November 3, 2019, marks the 55th anniversary of
the election of Representative Mink to the House of Rep-
resentatives; and
Whereas Patsy Takemoto Mink was a trailblazer who not
only pioneered the way for women and minorities, but
also embodied the true definition of leadership as a ‘‘na-
tional legislator’’: Now, therefore be it
1 Resolved, That the Senate—
2 (1) acknowledges the 55th anniversary of the
3 election to the House of Representatives of Patsy
4 Takemoto Mink, the first woman of color in Con-
5 gress;
PAT19481 S.L.C.

1 (2) pays tribute to the service and dedicated
2 work of Representative Mink—
3 (A) to improve the lives of women and mi-
4 norities;
5 (B) to advance justice and equality; and
6 (C) to promote the rights of all individuals
7 in the United States, particularly in education,
8 the workforce, and democratic processes; and
9 (3) recognizes the extraordinary work and leg-
10 acy of Representative Mink, which has inspired and
11 empowered many to devote their lives to public serv-
12 ice.

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