DM No. 139 S. 2019
DM No. 139 S. 2019
DM No. 139 S. 2019
Region VII, Central Visayas
City of Tagbilaran
Aprii 4,2A1.9
rrra. 13'l s. 2019
Schools Division Superinte nd,ent/lW
MMw =
Sudlon, La-hug. Cebu City
ruo.0178 .s.201e
1. For information and guidance of all concemed, attached is DepEd Mernorandum No. 036,
s. 2019, entitled, '2079 Brigada Esl<wela lmplementing Guidelines'which is self-explanatory.
q^Lfi' A'
Director rU
oflict of i:he lllreclor (()RDir)' Tel- Nos.: io32) 231 - i-133; 231-1309;414-7399:414-732-s; oftue of th€ asskixilt .Tet.
llirrctor. l.Ju.: (032) :554542
Fleld Trchnlcet Asrisrrn(e Dtvirion (I.IAD), Tet, Nos .: t[i|) 4t+1.r.]4 (;urrlcuhrm Leirnlng
lllanagement ul*trlo4 tiltrlb;. ;"N.;_.;;,;rX'iiilZ,
Qualil,vAssurancellivisi0n(QAI)),Tel.Nos.:{032)231-l0Tl HumrnRffourceI)weiopmenlDivirtun{HRbD),Te[.Nu.: (0j2)Zj5_5239
Educefion Support Sert'l{es l}tvtdon (ESSD), Tel. No,: (032).?54-?062 ftanDing, ?tli";- rnj Xescrrch Dteiiion
4 l4--7t)6_i "Admtnisrrctiw llivi*isn, Tel. liss.: (012) 4 t4-7316; 414.4367;
[],piini, f",. Nos.r {OJt} I33-90j0;
414,?166i 414_.137?-: ala.alOi
. Ftnsucr Divislon. Tcl. l\'<r,s.: (032i 256-2:}75; 253-806t:414-732t
Bepsrtmert of €Lurntisn
2 CI tlAR 201e
No. 036 2o1e ,"
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schoois Division Superintendents
Pubiic and Private Elementary School Heads
A11 Others Concerned
1. The Department of Education {Deptrd) wiil conduct the 2At9 Brigad.a Eskwela
from lv{ay 20 to 25, 2A19 with the theme na Baltant para sa. Maunlad na
2. Tl:.e Brigada Esktuela is the National Schools Ma.intenance Week that aims to
bring together all education stakeholders to participate and contribute their time,
effort, and resources to prepare public school facilities for the opening of the school
year in June.
3. The host region will hold the national kick-off program on May 16, 2O19 in a
pubiic sci:ool to be announced later.
4. Likewise, regionai oilices (ROs) and schools division offices {SDOsi will hoid
their kick-off ceremonies to launch tlne Brigcttla Eskwela ir: their respective areas on
May 2O, 2Ot9.
5. A11 regional directors {RDs} and schools division superintendents iSDSs) shal1
mobilize their partnerships with school-based focal persons to ensure the effective
implementation of Brigada Eskuela in all public elementary and secondary schools,
and the involvement of their communities.
6. School heads {SHs) shall take the lead in planning the activities geared to
making schools ecologicaliy conscious, resilient, clean, safe, and conducive tc learning.
Important reminders to SHs in the conduct of this activity are indicated in Enclosure
7. Individuals or groups from the national government agencies (NGAs), locai
governmellt units {LGUs), private sectors, international organizations, and volunteers
interested to help the schoois may coordinate u,ith any of the follorving for guidance:
a. External Partnerships Service (BPS} of the DepEd Ceniral Office,
b. Education Support Services Division {trSSD} in the ROs,
c. Social Mobilization {SocMob} and Networking Section under the
Schools Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) in the
SDOs, and/or
d. SHs of the beneficiary schools.
8. All DepEd employees are encouraged to join the tsngarla Eskutela activities b1r
volunteering their skiils, sharing their time or providing in-kind suppor:t to public
schoois near their residence. Interested employees are given trvo days to do volunteer
work on of{icial time, provided that such work is approved by their heads of of{ices.
DcpEri conrplex. Meralco Avenue. Pasie citv rooo ,Sa:s -72()81633-2228/632-136r & uro-ourn 'oi'j-62$9 { *oo*,.d.r.,
9. Furlher, nonteaching persannel shall eanl a_cq.5gp-e_ngqlqry Time off (cre) for
the complete eight hours participation in the maintenance efforts on the last day of
Brigada Eskwelct week, rvhich is a Satr-rrdqv.
10. Tcaching personnel are entitled to carn vacation service credits ar-ising from
their active involvement in the Brigada Esktuela activity. Teachers shall earn a one-d.ay
service credit for the accumulated eight hours participation in the maintenance effort.
For further details on granting service credits to teachers, please refer to DepEd Order
No. 53, s. 2003 entitled Updated Guidelines on Grant of Vacation Service Credits to
1 i. Central office key oflicials are enjoined to participate in activities related to the
Big acla Es kuL ela implementation.
72. All bureau and regional directors, ESSD chiefs and Regional Partnerships focal
persons are invited to attend the national kick-oif prograrn. Travel and incidental
expenses shall be charged tc locai funds, subject to the usual accounting and auditing
rules and regulations.
13. The schedule of actirrities fcrr the 2A19 Brigada Eskwela. implementation is as
Activity Schedule
Pre-irnplementation Stage of Bigada Eskwela
(Assessment of Physical Facilities and
Maintenancc Needs of the Schools, Resource
Mobilizalion, Organization of Brigada Dskwela Januanr 3-May 17,2019
Committees and tireir Orientation on Specific
Roies and Tasks, alnong other activities)
Bng*dct Eskruela National Kick-off Program and
Carava.n N{ay 16, 2019
Bigada Eskwel.a Regional and Schools Division
Kick off Program and Caravar: on or before May 20, 2019
Big ada E skutel a lmple men tation anci Monitorin g
of Schools Ivlay 20-25, 2Ol9
Submission of Consolidated Bigada Eskwela
Accomplishment Reports by the Division June 28, 2419
Coordinators to the Regions
Submission of Consolidated Bigada Eskwela
Accomplishment Reports by the Regional
Coordinators to the Exlernal Partnerships Service July 31. 2019
Submission of Division Entries for the Bigada
Eskutela Awards to the Resions
Regional Selection and Deliberation of Bigada
E skut ela Aurard s Candid ate s
August l*SeptemLrer 27, 2O19
Subn:rission of Final List of School Candidates as
Bigada Eskwela National Awardees to Externai
Partnerships Senice, including the submission ol on or before Octohrer 18, 2019
rating sheets reflecting the ranks and scores of
the awardee-candidates
Conduct of Brigada Esku;ela Regional Awarding
Within October.-November 20 1 9
Conduct ol Brigada Eskwela Natior:al Awarding
November 28,2019
14. To implement the selection process in the Search for Briga,da Eskwela Best
Implementing Schools effectively. Deptrd issues a set of criteria, ancl details provided
in Dnclosure No. 2.
15. The SH and school coordinator of tine Bigadtt Esl,;usela Best {mS;lernentinq
Schools sha1l receir.e a certificate of recr:gnition, r"vhich t-hey can present when the1,
appiy for promotion Lrased on the existing hiring and prornotion guidelines. Certificate
of Appreciation shall also be given to the Parents-?eachers Association (PTA), Local
Government Unit (LGU) partner, mqjor private sector partner, the school and to the
Adopt-a- School coordinator.
16. All Brigada Eskwelq. Ha,ll of Fame Autardees shall implement innovative and
community-led efforts to improve student participation and performance.
17. The Brigada Eskutela Plus Program shall be conducted in public schools
nationwide, in phases, consistent with the regular Brigada Bskwela Program. This
program aims (a] to achieve higher and significant goals geared towards increasing
learnersi participation rate, reducing dropouts and helping improve iearning for both
learners and community, and {b} to create a network of community-based
organizations to get total community commitmenr to attain a higher learning, through
coliaborative programs and projects.
18- The implementation a{ Brigada Eskwela Plus Ptagram shall focus on the
[o1l orving key activities:
As stated
DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2003
1/ 15, 20rq
(Enclosure No. I to DepEd Memorandum No.036, s. 2019)
ln view of the implementation of the 2019 Brigada Eskwela, this School Safety and
Preparedness Guide is issued to provide guidance to schools and education partners in
ensuring safety and preparedness of our learners and personnel before, during and
after emergencies. Enumerated below is a list of recommended activities that may
contribute to a safer school. School Principals need to identify which of list are rnost
appropriate and important for their schools. The SH may also identify other measures
that may add-up to this list.
i. FACiliGG tne asiessmbrilofscnoot nuitding structure inO eleciricat wiiing ano
make necessary repairs andlor upgrades to prevent unnecessary incidents"
2. Repair minor classroom damages such as broken windows, doors, blackboard,
roofs and other furniture, etc,
3. lnstall appropriate and available fire suppression, including fire extinguishers,
water source and relevant indigenous materials.
4" Make sure that corridors and pathways are unobstructed and that all sharp,
protruding objects which may cause harm to students are removed,
5. Clean and clear drainage to prevent clogging. Cover drainage canals and
provide necessary warnings.
6. Cordon off and post safety signage for on-going construction, unfinished,
damaged and condemned buildings.
7 Secure cabinets and drawers and ensure that heavy objects are below head
8. Post safety measures in laboratories and workshops.
9. Prepare an evacuationlexit plan and directional signage on every floor of the
10. ldentify evacuation areas and classrooms that may be used as temporary
shelters during disasters and emergencies.
11. Prune trees to avoid entanglement from electrical wirings and avoid potential
hqrf tp l,fe an{pfqperty,
1- Post a directory of ernergency contact numbers of relevant government
agencies and officers, in various areas of the school.
2. Establish and maintain early warning mechanisms in the school.
3. Equip school with first aid kits, flashlights, megaphones, and other supplies
necessary in cases of emergency. Ensure that these items are highly accessible
and can be easily located.
4. ldentify alternative sources andlor maintain supply of drinking water within the
5. Ensure that learners, teachers, and personnel have identification cards with
relevant information.
6. Create database of learners with the contact details of their immediate family
m em bers/relatives/guard ian s.
l. lntroduction
The occurrence of disasters affected school operations to the point of
depriving our students access to quality education. While we have improved our
classroom standards, strengthened our coordination with partners for disaster
response and capacity building, and established the Disaster Risk Reduction
Management (DRRM) Service, there is a need to heighten support for school level
irnplementation of disaster risk reduction.
Our aim is to engage all education stakeholders, which include the following:
. Local Government Units (LGUs) from provincial to barangay levels
". Private Partners
. Civil Society Organizations
. Private Corporations
r lndividualVolunteers
The matrix below provides specific steps that target partners could take for their
active engagement during the Brigada Eskwela week.
The table below breaks down the minimum contents of each school
School Provision Minimum contents
a. Emergency Kitslbags for ./ Wl'ristle
learners { Leaflets of information of the kits
b. Learner's Kit ,/ Notebook (50 leaves)
,/ Pad paper
,/ Pencil
,/ Balt pen
,/ Crayon
,/ Ruler
,/ Small scissors
/ Pencil sharpener4
,/ Paste
,/ Bao
c. Emergency kit for school J First Aid Kit
/ Contact numbers for emergencies
./ Stretcher
,/ Flashlightslbatteries
r' Radioibatteries
{ Bell/waming device
,/ tAftistle
./ Transistor radio
./ ElectricalTape
{ Rnne
d. First Aid Kit ,/ Burn Ointment
,/ Povidone-iodine (e.9. Betadine)
,/ Adhesive Bandage (e.9. Band Aid)
,/ Bandage
,/ Gauze
,/ Plaster Tape
./ Alcohol
/ Hydrogen Peroxide I Agua
,/ Bottled Water
,/ Gloves
,/ Cotton
Teacher's Kit ,/ Manila Paper
./ Bond paper long {cactus)
./ Pair of Scissors
'/ Cartolina
rl Pen (black and red)
./ Permanent Makers (black and
./ Bag
,/ Ruler(12 inches)
,/ Pencil sharoener
Lesson plan notebook
Class record
f. Teacher's Emergency Kit !{/?ristle
Emergency hotline list
Evacuation guide
Bottled water
g. Health and Hygiene Kits '/ Soap, toothpaste, toothbrush
./ Sanitary pads for female high
school learners
./ Drinking water {1 liter)
Annex D
Access to safer water, functional toilets and proper hygiene practice in schools
creates the safe and conducive environment for children to optimally participate
and achieve the leamlng outcomes. Thus, the need to ensure that water,
sanitation and hygiene (WA$H) facilities are adequate in number and well-
maintained and the necessary hygiene and cleaning supplies are available in
6. Provision of rest spam for menstruating girls that are private, secure and
10. Putting up hygiene messages in strategic places (toilets and eating places)
to motivate proper use of toilets and handwashing at critical times,
especially after using the toilet and before eating:
11. Orientation of parents and other stakeholders on WinS and engaging their
support for developing proper WASH practices at home and the
community; and
Category Number of Teachers Number of Teachers
(NationalI {NCR}
Small School 9 and below 40 and below
Medium School 10-29 41 -80
Large School 30-50 81 - 120
Mega School 51 and above 121 and above
S Level
Category Number of Teachere Number of Teachers
(NationalI (NCR)
Small School 15 and below 40 and below
Medium School 16-30 41 -80
Large School 31 -50 81 - 120
Mega School 51 and above 121 and above
Nofe; lntegrated Schoo/ {Knderyarten to Grade 12) may clroose which category
levelthey intend to participate in fhe se/ecfibn.
Hall of Fame Awards shalt be given to schools which were awarded as Best
lmplementing $chools for three consecutive years.
Category Numher of Resource Generated Number of Resource Generated
Toachers (in pesos) Teechers {in pesos}
(Nationall {NCRI
SmallSchool I and below 99,999 and below 40 and below 399,999 and below
Medium School 10-29 100,000 - 299,999 41 -80 400,000 - 799,999
Large School 30-50 300,000 - 499.999 81 - 120 800,000 - 1,199,999
Meqa School 51 and above 500,000 and above 121 and above 1,200,000 and above
Category Number of Resource Generated Number of Resource Generated
Teachers (in pesos) Teachers (in pesos)
(Nationall INCR)
SmallSchool 15 and below SS,S99 and below 40 and below 399,999 and below
Medium School 16-30 100.000 - 299.999 41 -80 400.000 - 799.999
Larqe School 31 -50 300,000 - 999,999 81 - 120 800.000 - 1 .199.999
Mega School 51 and above 1,000,000 and above 121 and above 1,200,000 and above
The evaluation shall consider the School Safety and Preparedness Guide
points, computed as points meetl2l x 6%.
- 21
The WASH in Schools shall consider the 12 ac{ivities and provisions, computed as
points meeU'l2 x6Yo.
Advocacy on Brigada Eskwela theme translated into school overall experiences and
learnings - 3%
2. Data from School Year {$Y} 2A16-2A17 shall be the baseline for the school
participation and drop-out rate. The comparative report of data frorn SY 2016-
2017 and SY 2017-2A18 school participation and drop-out rate shall serve as
the basis for this criterion.