Lesson Plan

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Grade 1 to 12 DAILY School Matuyatuya Elementary School Grade Level 5

LESSON LOG Teacher Irish S. Recalde Subject English

Date/Time September 18, 2018-Tuesday Quarter 2

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of
Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of
informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations;
informative speech forms; and use of directed/reported speech, passive / active voice,
simple past and perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity;
comprehending informative and narrative texts using schema and appropriate
listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through
various formats; and enriching written and spoken communication using
direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and
connectors correctly and appropriately
C. Learning Competencies Focus Skill: Distinguish fact from opinion in the text (Please provide the code)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages Skill Builders for Efficient Reading pp. 196-203
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
A. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Suggested Task:
presenting the new lesson Review previous lesson whose answers can be a spring board in presenting
the new lesson:

Examples: 1. From the story, how many dogs do Lino have? These dogs
belong to what family?

Lino has five dogs from canine family.

2. How does Lino take care of his five dogs? What can you say
about it.

Lino feeds and trains his pets well. I think Lino has a great love
for animals.

B. Establishing a purpose for Elicit students prior knowledge about Fact and Opinion. Call them to
the lesson accomplish the
KWL Chart
What You Know What You Would Like to Know What You Learned
Note: Teachers will
go back here For
Procedure G
C. Presenting Use the students’ answers in presenting the lesson. (Go back to
examples/instances of the answers in Procedure 1).
new lesson Add more examples of fact and opinion.

Process Questions:
1. What do you think of the first sentence? Is it fact or an opinion?
2. How about the second sentence?
3. How do you distinguish a fact from an opinion?

Note: If no answers for no. 3 provide inputs/discussion in Procedure

D. Discussion new concepts and A fact is a statement that can be proven to be true or accurate. It is an
practicing new skills #1 event or thing known to have happened or exited, a truth that has been
verified from experience or observation.

An Opinion is a judgment that varies from persons to person. It is a

belief not founded on certainty or proof. It may be prevailing or
popular or public opinion.

Practice Skill 1
Recognize whether each sentence is a fact or an opinion.
1. Cats are believed to have nine lives.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
2. A lot of people enjoy reading books.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
3. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
4. I think apple pie is the best dessert ever made.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
5. I think Christmas is the best holiday of the year.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
6. I think bananas taste wonderful.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
7. I feel learning to skate is very difficult
A) Opinion
B) Fact
8. My car has four tires.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
9. I think the Statue of Liberty is beautiful.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
10. We celebrate Valentines Day in February.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
11. A quarter is worth 25 cents.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
12. I think that oceans are beautiful.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
13. George Bush is the president of the U.S.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
14. Monkies are so cute.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
15. There are 50 states in the United States
A) Opinion
B) Fact
Answer Key
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.B
13.A 14.B 15.B
E. Discussing new concepts and Note: Provide a story here then have the students distinguish a fact
practicing new skills # 2 from an opinion.

(See sample attachment)

F. Developing mastery (Leads Group Work:
to Formative Assessment 3) Differentiated Tasks

Group 1: Distinguish Fact from Opinion in a text. Use T-Chart in

presenting your answers. (Provide text here for students)

Group 2: Write 5 facts about….. (from spring board selection)

Group 3: Write 5 opinions about… (from spring board selection)

(See attached Rubrics)

G. Finding practical applications Give instances where you use fact and opinion.
of concepts and skills in daily
living Possible answers:
Opinion is used when giving your belief or thoughts on something.

Fact is used when giving concrete or verifiable information or data

about something.
H. Making generalizations and How do you distinguish a fact from an opinion?
abstractions about the lesson
Note: You have your own generalization.
I. Evaluating Learning Provide selection where they can determine fact from an opinion.
Make the options, standard or multiple choice.

J. Additional activities for Provide additional activity.

application or remediation Example:
Read the story….. distinguish fact from opinion.


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
Read the text carefully.
Choosing Classic Jewelry
Modern women buy jewelry as an accessory for their wardrobe, as a viable investment for
the future, and as a mark of their success.
As a benefit of their economic freedom, today’s women have created a market for solid
gold jewelry (e.g., two-toned bracelets, basic chains with Spanish medallion, or charm and basic
gem-studded pieces). Jewelry shops in strategic malls offer an array of selection designed and
crafter to suit even the most discriminating women.
When looking for the appropriate jewelry, women should go for the classic pieces.
“Although designs and tastes change with each generation, certain styles find favor time after
time,” explains Felix “Trix” Gorriceta III of Karat World Fine Jewelry’s chain in Metro Manila
and Ilo-ilo City. “Classic ranges from simple to elegant designs whose appeal stands the best of
A well-seasoned jeweler and gemologist fellow of the Gemmological Association of Great
Britain, Trix share with readers some useful tips on how to determine the true marks and makings
of timeless jewelry pieces.
Jewelry design must cater to a variety of tastes. As a form of adornment, jewelry has to suit
a wide-range of tastes and preferences. A good statement of your own personal tastes, which is
actually a reflection of who you are, must come out in your choice of jewelry.
Designs and craftsmanship must bnever go out of style. Jewelry must have a timeless
appeal. The style must be something that would stay regardless of new trends and fashion to
proliferate the scene. Remember the quote “Diamonds are forever”? Well, you can never go wrong
even very simple diamond pieces.
Jewelry must reflect the wearer’s lifestyle. Opt for practical and usable pieces, jewelry
must conform to the needs and demands of your work and social life. Avoid too gaudy (chunky
types) and pretentious pieces if your lifestyle mainly revolves around the house and office
functions. What is important is that you know how to carry it at the right time and place.
Jewelry must be versatile and applicable to both day and evening wear. The jewelry pieces
must be appropriate enough both day and evening wear. The jewelry pieces must be appropriate
enough for office wear and after-office hour appointments. Go for pieces that would sparkle just
as beautifully at nightmare as in daytime. Diamond pieces with stones of one carat and below are
safe bets for day and night functions.
Now celebrating its anniversary month this September, Karat World Fine Jewelry unveils
its classic jewelry line. Aptly called Karat Classics, the collection includes diamond pieces, gold
jewelry, precious and semi-precious stones fashioned into ring and earrings set, imported bracelets
and necklaces, plus, Italian, Saudi, and Chinese gold jewelry. The whole Karat Classics collection
is on sale for the duration of Karat World’s month-long anniversary this September.
-Philippine Daily Inquirer
(August 13, 1996)

A. Each sentence below states either a fact or an opinion. In the space provided, write F it is
expresses a fact and O if it is an opinion.
_________ 1. Modern women buy jewelry both as an accessory for their wardrobe and as a
viable investment for the future.
_________ 2. Jewelry reflects the wearer’s lifestyle.
_________ 3. Felix “Trix” Gorriceta III is a jeweler and gemologist of the Gemmological
Association of Great Britain.
_________ 4. Diamonds are forever.
_________ 5. Diamond pieces with stones of one carat and below are safe bets for day and
night functions.
_________ 6. In celebration of its anniversary month last September 1996, Karat World Fine
unveiled its classic jewelry line.
_________ 7. The Karact Classics collection includes diamonds pieces, gold jewelry, precious
and semi-precious stones fashioned into rings and earrings sets, imported
bracelets and necklaces, plus Italian, Saudi, and Chinese gold jewelry.
_________ 8. Many believe that diamond rings are the best for engagements and weddings.
_________ 9. Metro Manila and Iloilo City are two of the many places/cities in the world
where we can find the Karat Fine Jewelry.
_________ 10. Jewelry is a mark of a person’s success.
Indicators 5 3 1
1. Correctness of work (assigned If all answers are correct If there are 1 to 2 wrong If there are more than 2 wrong
task) answers answers.

2. Mechanical neatness (spelling, If sentences were free from If sentences had 1 to 2 errors. If sentences had more than 2
capitalization, punctuation). errors errors.
3. Adherence to rules If all indicators were If only 2 indicators were If only 1 indicator was
 The task is completed on observed observed. observed.
 The output is neat and
 There is collaboration
within the group.

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