Tibet: Proving Truth From Facts
Tibet: Proving Truth From Facts
Tibet: Proving Truth From Facts
At a time when the Tibetans and Chinese were in the process of initiating a fresh dialogue, the Chinese Government
published a White Paper, Tibet - Its Ownership and Human Rights Situation, on September 22, 1992.
In April 1992 the Chinese Ambassador in New Delhi met Mr Gyalo Thondup, elder brother of His Holiness the Dalai
Lama. The Ambassador invited Mr Thondup to visit Beijing, stating that China's policy towards Tibetans in the past
had been "conservative" and that if the Tibetans were prepared to adopt a "realistic" stand, the Chinese Government
would be "flexible". His Holiness the Dalai Lama responded positively by approving the visit, which took place in
June 1992.
Following this, His Holiness proposed to send a delegation to Beijing with a personal letter and a detailed
memorandum to Chinese leaders Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin. The delegation met with the Chinese Ambassador
in New Delhi on September 17, 1992 to discuss their visit to Beijing. At the request of the Chinese Ambassador,
copies of the letter and memorandum were given to him.
The Chinese Government's decision to publish the White Paper at a time like that caused widespread dismay and
disappointment among the Tibetans, and it became necessary for the Tibetan Government-in-Exile to bring out in
1993 the first edition of this document, Tibet: Proving Truth From Facts, to explain the Tibetan position.
Department of Information and International Relations
Central Tibetan Administration
Dharamsala, India
As the international community takes an increasingly keen interest in the question of Tibet, the demand for
information grows. The world is no longer obsessed with the political-ideological conflict between the two
superpowers of the Cold War period, so that governments and non-governmental actors can, once again, turn to other
burning problems, such as the situation in Tibet. Many governments are in the process of reviewing their foreign
policy on many fronts. They should also thoroughly review their Tibet policy in line with the post-Cold War
international reality.
Initiatives by parliaments and conferences in different parts of the world to address the human rights situation in Tibet
and its underlying political cause, as well as moves by a growing number of countries to take up the issue again at the
United Nations, have met with strong resistance from the Government of the People's Republic of China. One of the
results has been a stream of propaganda booklets, following the Stalinist and Maoist tradition, intended to convince
foreign readers of China's right to rule Tibet and the great benefits it has brought to the people of Tibet.
The present document, Tibet: Proving Truth from Facts, is intended to respond to the new demand for concise
information on key points of the Tibetan question. At the same time, it serves as a response to Chinese propaganda,
particularly the booklet issued in 1992 by the State Council under the title Tibet - Its Ownership And Human Rights
Situation, published as a White Paper. The Tibetan Government-in-Exile does not have the resources to respond to
each misrepresentation appearing in China's propaganda. But truth being on the side of the Tibetan people, we feel the
need from time to time to restate the facts plainly, and trust that this will serve the cause of truth and justice.
This publication touches upon many areas of concern. It addresses the fundamental question of the status of Tibet, the
invalidity of China's claim to "ownership" of Tibet, and the Tibetan people's right to self-determination; the
"Seventeen-Point Agreement" and its effect on Tibet's status; the events surrounding the resistance to Chinese rule and
the Dalai Lama's flight to India; the Tibetan social system before the Chinese occupation and democratic reforms
initiated by the Fourteenth Dalai Lama; human rights conditions in occupied Tibet; deprivation of religious freedom;
the state of Tibet's environment; issues related to the militarization of Tibet; and the on-going initiatives to find a
solution to the Question of Tibet.
One aspect of the Tibetan situation has been insufficiently highlighted in the past, even though it is fundamental to
understanding the context of much of what is happening in Tibet today. This is the profoundly colonialist nature of
Chinese rule in Tibet.
We tend to identify colonialism with European colonial expansion in the past two centuries. But, as the Malaysian,
Irish and other governments pointed out during the United Nations General Assembly debates on the Question of
Tibet, colonialism in all its manifestations must be brought to an end, whether perpetrated by countries in the West or
in the East.
The Chinese themselves view Tibet in colonial terms: that is, not as a part of China proper, but as a non-Chinese
territory which China has a right to own and exploit on the basis of a relationship that they claim existed seven
hundred years ago, or, at best, two hundred years ago. This attitude is evident from the title of the Chinese
Government's White Paper, which refers to the "ownership" by a country of which it is already a part. The very notion
of "ownership" of Tibet by China is both colonialist and imperialist in nature.
Colonialism is characterized by a number of important elements, all of which are abundantly present in China's rule
over Tibet. The most common characteristics of colonialism are:
• Domination by an alien power
• Acquisition of control through military force; unequal treaty
• Frequent insistence that the colony is an integral part of the "mother" state
• Maintenance of control through instruments of military or administrative and economic power in the hands of
the colonial power
• Active or passive rejection of alien domination by the colonized people
• Suppression, by force if necessary, of persons opposing colonial rule
• Chauvinism and discrimination
• Imposition of alien cultural, social and ideological values claimed to be "civilizing"
• Imposition of economic development programmes and the exploitation of natural resources of the colony,
primarily for the benefit of the colonial power
• Promotion of population transfer of citizens of the metropolitan state into the colony and other forms of
demographic manipulation
• Disregard for the natural environment of the colony and, in most cases,
• An obsessive desire to hold on to the colony despite the political and economic cost
Most of these characteristics are discussed in this document. Some of these issues are also discussed in the Chinese
White Paper on Tibet in a manner and style which only confirms the Chinese leadership's colonialist and imperialist
view of Tibet.
Department of Information and International Relations
The Status of Tibet
At the time of its invasion by troops of the People's Liberation Army of China in 1949, Tibet was an independent state
in fact and at law. The military takeover constituted an aggression on a sovereign state and a violation of international
law. Today's continued occupation of Tibet by China, with the help of several hundred thousand troops, represents an
ongoing violation of international law and of the fundamental rights of the Tibetan people to independence.
The Chinese Communist government claims it has a right to "ownership" of Tibet. It does not claim this right on the
basis of its military conquest in 1949, or its alleged effective control over Tibet since then, or since 1959. The Chinese
Government also does not base its claim to "ownership" on the so-called "Seventeen-Point Agreement for the Peaceful
Liberation of Tibet" which it forced upon Tibet in 1951.
China's alleged legal claim is based on historical relationships - primarily of Mongol or Manchu rulers of China with
Tibetan lamas and, to a lesser extent, of Chinese rulers and Tibetan lamas. The main events relied on by the Chinese
Government occurred centuries ago: during the height of Mongol imperial expansion, when the Mongol emperors
extended their political supremacy throughout most of Asia and large parts of Eastern Europe; and when Manchu
emperors ruled China and expanded their influence throughout East and Central Asia, including Tibet, particularly in
the eighteenth century.
It is not disputed that at different times in its long history Tibet came under various degrees of foreign influence: that
of the Mongols, the Gorkhas of Nepal, the Manchu emperors of China and the British rulers of India. At other times in
Tibet's history, it was Tibet which exercised power and influence on its neighbours, including China. It would be hard
to find any state in the world today that has not been subjected to foreign domination or influence at some era in its
history. In Tibet's case the degree and length of foreign influence and interference was quite limited. Moreover, the
relationship with Mongol, Chinese and Manchu rulers, to the extent they had political significance, was personal in
nature and did not at any time imply a union or integration of the Tibetan state with, or into, a Chinese state.
However fascinating Tibet's ancient history may be, its status at the time of the Chinese invasion must, of course, be
judged on the basis of its position in modern history, especially its relationship with China since 1911 when the
Chinese overthrew foreign Manchu rule and became the masters of their own country. Every country can go back to
some period in history to justify territorial claims on neighbouring states. That is unacceptable in international law and
The reader of China's White Paper, Tibet -- Its Ownership and Human Rights Situation, will be struck by the scant
attention its authors pay to Tibet's modern history in the decades before 1949. This is because, from 1911 to the
completion of the Chinese occupation in 1951, there is no evidence of Chinese authority or influence in Tibet to
support China's claim. In fact, the preponderance of evidence shows precisely the opposite: that Tibet was to all
intents and purposes a sovereign state, independent of China. This conclusion is supported by most legal scholars and
experts on the subject.
The International Commission of Jurists' Legal Enquiry Committee on Tibet reported in its study on Tibet's legal
status: "Tibet demonstrated from 1913 to 1950 the conditions of statehood as generally accepted under international
law. In 1950 there was a people and a territory, and a government which functioned in that territory, conducting its
own domestic affairs free from any outside authority. From 1913-1950 foreign relations of Tibet were conducted
exclusively by the Government of Tibet, and countries with whom Tibet had foreign relations are shown by official
documents to have treated Tibet in practice as an independent State." [Tibet and Chinese People's Republic, Geneva,
1960, p. 5,6.]
Forty years of independence is clearly sufficient time for a country to be regarded as such by the international
community. Many members of the United Nations today have enjoyed a similar, or even shorter, period of
independence. But in Tibet's case, even its ancient history has been selectively re-written by the Chinese
Government's propaganda machine to serve the purpose of defending its claim to "ownership". Thus, even if it is not
necessary to discuss Tibet's early history in order to understand its status on the eve of China's military invasion, we
believe it is useful to review it briefly, just to set the record straight.
The status of Tibet: 1911-1951
There can be little argument that on the eve of China's military invasion, which started at the close of 1949, Tibet
possessed all the attributes of independent statehood recognized under international law: a defined territory, a
population inhabiting that territory, a government, and the ability to enter into international relations.
The territory of Tibet largely corresponds to the geological plateau of Tibet, which consists of 2.5 million square
kilometres. At different times in history wars were fought and treaties signed concerning the precise location of
The population of Tibet at the time of the Chinese invasion was approximately six million. That population
constituted the Tibetan people, a distinct people with a long history, rich culture and spiritual tradition. Tibetans are a
people distinct from the Chinese and other neighbouring peoples. Not only have the Tibetans never considered
themselves to be Chinese, the Chinese have also not regarded the Tibetans to be Chinese (hence, for example, the
references to "barbarians" in Chinese historical annals).
The government of Tibet was headquartered in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. It consisted of a Head of State (the
Dalai Lama), a Cabinet of Ministers (the Kashag), a National Assembly (the Tsongdu), and an extensive bureaucracy
to administer the vast territory of Tibet. The judicial system was based on that developed by Emperor Songtsen
Gampo (seventh century), Lama Changchub Gyaltsen (fourteenth century), the Fifth Dalai Lama (seventeenth
century) and the Thirteenth Dalai Lama (twentieth century), and was administered by magistrates appointed by the
The Government of Tibet levied taxes, minted its own currency, ran the country's postal system and issued postage
stamps, commanded Tibet's small army, and generally conducted all affairs of government. It was an ancient form of
government which had served the needs of Tibet well in the past, but was in need of reform for the country to keep
pace with the great political, social and economic changes that were taking place in the world. The Tibetan form of
government was highly de-centralized, with many districts and principalities of Tibet enjoying a large degree of self-
government. This was, to a large extent, inevitable due to the vastness of the territory and the lack of modern
communication systems.
The international relations of Tibet were focused on the country's neighbours. Tibet maintained diplomatic,
economic and cultural relations with countries in the region such as Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Mongolia, China, British
India, and, to a limited extent, with Russia and Japan.
Tibet's independent foreign policy is perhaps most obviously demonstrated by the country's neutrality during World
War II. Despite strong pressure from Britain, the U.S.A. and China to allow the passage of military supplies through
Tibet to China when Japan blocked the strategically vital "Burma Road", Tibet held fast to its declared neutrality. The
Allies were constrained to respect this.
China today claims that "no country ever recognized Tibet". In international law, recognition can be obtained by an
explicit act of recognition or by implicit acts or behaviour. The conclusion of treaties, even the conduct of
negotiations, and certainly the maintenance of diplomatic relations are forms of recognition. Mongolia and Tibet
concluded a formal treaty of recognition in 1913; Nepal not only concluded peace treaties with Tibet and maintained
an Ambassador in Lhasa, but also formally stated to the United Nations in 1949, as part of its application for UN
membership, that it maintained independent diplomatic relations with Tibet as it did with several other countries
including the United Kingdom, the United States, India and Burma.
Nepal, Bhutan, Britain, China and India maintained diplomatic missions in Tibet's capital, Lhasa. Although China
claims in its propaganda that its mission in Tibet was a branch office of the so-called Commission of Tibetan and
Mongolian Affairs of the Guomindang Government, the Tibetan Government only recognized this as a diplomatic
mission. Its status was no higher than the Nepalese Embassy (Nepal had a full Ambassador or "Vakil" in Lhasa) or the
British Mission.
The Tibetan Foreign Office also conducted limited relations with the United States when President Franklin D.
Roosevelt sent emissaries to Lhasa to request assistance for the Allied war effort against Japan during the Second
World War. Also, during the four UN General Assembly debates on Tibet in 1959, 1960, 1961 and 1965, many
countries expressly referred to Tibet as an independent country illegally occupied by China.
Relations with Nationalist China
China's position was ambiguous during this period (1911-49). On the one hand, the Nationalist Government
unilaterally announced in its constitution and in communications to other countries that Tibet was a province of the
Republic of China (one of the "five races" of the Republic). On the other hand, it recognized that Tibet was not part of
the Republic of China in its official communications with the Government of Tibet. Thus, China's President repeatedly
sent letters and envoys to the Dalai Lama and to the Tibetan Government asking that Tibet "join" the Republic of
China. Similar messages were sent by China to the Government of Nepal. Both Tibet and Nepal consistently refused
to join China.
In response to the first letter of Chinese President Yuan Shikai, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama rejected the invitation to
join the Republic, explaining courteously but firmly that Tibetans did "not approve" of the Chinese Government due
to past injustices and stated:
"The Republic has only just been proclaimed and the national foundations are far from strong. It behooves the
President to exert his energies towards the maintenance of order. As for Thibet, the Thibetans are quite capable of
preserving their existence intact and there is no occasion for the President to worry himself at this distance or to be
discomposed."[Guomin Gongbao, January 6, 1913]
In China's White Paper, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama is quoted as having told the "envoy" sent by "Beijing" in 1919 that,
"It is not my true intention to be on intimate terms with the British... I swear to be loyal to our country and jointly
work for the happiness of the five races."
In that year an unofficial, Chinese delegation went to Lhasa, ostensibly to present religious offerings to the Thirteenth
Dalai Lama, but in reality to urge the Tibetan leader to negotiate an agreement with China. However, the Dalai Lama
rejected the overture outright and, instead, called for tripartite negotiations in Lhasa.
Liu Manqing, a woman of mixed Tibetan and Chinese parentage, did arrive in Lhasa in 1930. But her visit was
described as personal. However, during a purportedly personal visit, she tried to approach the Tibetan Government
with communications from the Chinese President, but the Tibetans gave her no encouragement.
In China's White Paper, it is stated that the Thirteenth Dalai Lama, in his communications through her, expressed his
belief that Tibet is a part of China. The Dalai Lama is quoted as having said, "My greatest wish is for the real peace
and unification of China", etc. There is no historical record of the Dalai Lama having made such a statement in 1930.
On the contrary, the official record of the Dalai Lama's reply to the Chinese President in 1930 contradicts this
statement. The record refers to a list of eight questions submitted to the Dalai Lama on behalf of the Chinese President
and contains each of the Dalai Lama's responses.
On relations with China and Chinese influence in Tibet, the Dalai Lama said: "For the stability of Tibet's religio-
political order and the happiness of its subjects, it may be better to hold negotiations and conclude treaties as this will
result in dependable arrangements."
On Tibet's independence and the border territories Tibet wanted returned from China, the Dalai Lama said: "Under the
priest-patron relationship that prevailed so far, Tibet has enjoyed wide independence. We wish to preserve this. We
feel that there will be long-term stability if the territories we have lost to outsiders are returned to us."[Record of the
Thirteenth Dalai Lama's communication, dated 15th day of the 4th Tibetan Month, Iron Horse Year, 1930].
Other Chinese envoys to Tibet, such as General Huang Musung (1934), and Wu Zhongxin (1940), were also told in no
uncertain terms by the Tibetan Government that Tibet was, and wished to remain, independent. It may be stated here
that neither the Chinese Government, nor its "special envoy" (Huang Musung), had any role, as claimed in the White
Paper, in the appointment of Reting Rinpoche as the regent after the death of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama in 1933.
Huang Musung was the first Chinese to be permitted to enter Tibet in an official capacity since 1911. The Tibetans did
not refuse him permission, because he purportedly came to offer religious tribute and condolences for the late Dalai
Lama, an act for which Tibetans hardly refused permission to anyone.
Huang Musung arrived in Lhasa in April 1934, three months after Reting Rinpoche became Regent. The Tsongdu
(National Assembly) had nominated three candidates for the regency; Reting Rinpoche, Gaden Tripa Yeshi Wangdhen
and Phurchok Rinpoche. Out of them, Reting Rinpoche was selected through a dough-ball rotating ceremony
conducted in front of the statue of Avalokitesvara in the Potala. [Thupten Tenthar Lawutara in Bhod ki Lo-rGyud Rig-
gNes dPyed gShe rGyu-cha bDams BsGrigs, Vol. 12, People's Publishing House, Beijing, 1990]
In the White Paper, China claims that Tibetan Government officials were sent to participate in China's National
Assembly sessions in 1931 and 1946 in Nanjing.
In fact, in 1931, Khenpo Kunchok Jungne was appointed by the Dalai Lama to set up a temporary liaison office in
Nanjing, China, and maintain contact with the Chinese Government. Likewise, in 1946 a Tibetan mission was sent to
Delhi and Nanjing to congratulate Britain, the United States and China on the Allied victory in the Second World War.
They had no instruction or authority to attend the Chinese National Assembly. Speaking about this to the International
Commission of Jurists' Legal Inquiry Committee on August 29, 1959, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama said, "They (Tibetan
delegates in Nanjing) had no official part in the Assembly. When the propaganda came to the knowledge of our
Government they were instructed by telegram not to attend."
As for the establishment of the Commission for Tibetan and Mongolian Affairs by the Nationalist Guomindang
Government, that too served only to bolster a myth; to this day, the Guomindang Government in Taiwan maintains
this Commission which, it claims, not only has jurisdiction over Tibet, but also over the whole of Mongolia, including
Outer Mongolia, whose independence has been internationally recognized since 1924. In fact, this Commission was
not recognized by the Tibetan Government and never had any authority with respect to Tibet.
United Nations Debates
When Chinese Communist armies started entering Tibet in 1949, the Tibetan Government sent an urgent appeal to the
United Nations to help Tibet resist the aggression. The General Assembly was advised by Britain and India not to take
any action for the time being in order not to provoke a full-scale attack by China. But, to most countries, China's
attack on Tibet was aggression.
This became especially evident during the full debates on the issue in the United Nations General Assembly in 1959,
1960, 1961 and 1965, when many governments echoed the sentiments expressed by the Ambassador of the
Philippines who referred to Tibet as an "independent nation" and added: "(I)t is clear that on the eve of the Chinese
invasion in 1950, Tibet was not under the rule of any foreign country." He described China's occupation as "the worst
type of imperialism, and colonialism past or present." The Nicaraguan representative condemned the Chinese invasion
of Tibet and said: "The people of America, born in freedom, must obviously be repelled by an act of aggression ... and
particularly when it is perpetrated by a large state against a small and weak one." The representative from Thailand
reminded the Assembly that the majority of states "refute the contention that Tibet is part of China." Similarly the
Government of the United States condemned and denounced Chinese "aggression" and their "invasion" of Tibet.
Irish Representative Frank Aiken stated: "For thousands of years, or for a couple of thousand years at any rate, (Tibet)
was as free and as fully in control of its own affairs as any nation in this Assembly, and a thousand times more free to
look after its own affairs than many of the nations here." [UN GA Docs A/PV 898 1960; A/PV 1394, 1401 1965]
In fact, during those debates, it was only the Communist bloc which openly sided with China on the issue. From the
official statements made during those debates, it is clear that China's assertion that no country ever recognized Tibet's
independence, or considered their military intervention to be aggression, is simply not true.
The Chinese Government cannot deny the fact that Tibet was independent between 1911 and 1951 without distorting
history. Even China's last Head of Mission in Lhasa, Shen Tsung-Lien, wrote after leaving the country in 1948 that
"since 1911 Lhasa (i.e. the Tibetan Government in Lhasa) has to all practical purposes enjoyed full independence".
[Tibet and the Tibetans, Shen, T. and Liu, S., New York, 1973, p.62] Mao Zedong himself, when he passed through
the border regions of Tibet during the Long March, and was given food and shelter by local Tibetans, remarked: "This
is our only foreign debt, and some day we must pay the Mantzu (sic) and the Tibetans for the provisions we were
obliged to take from them." [Red Star over China, Edgar Snow, New York, 1961, p.214. Emphasis added, ed.]
The origin and position of the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama
China's White Paper states, "In 1653 and 1713, the Qing emperors granted honorific titles to the Fifth Dalai Lama and
the Fifth Bainqen (Panchen) Lama, henceforth establishing the titles of the Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Erdini and
their political and religious status in Tibet. The Dalai Lama ruled the bulk of areas from Lhasa while the Bainqen
Erdini ruled the remaining area of Tibet from Xigatse (Shigatse)." This claim is absolutely baseless.
The Tibetan religious scholar and sage Tsongkhapa (1357-1419) founded the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. It
became the fourth major school of Tibetan Buddhism, the others being the Nyingma, the Sakya and the Kagyu.
Panchen Gedun Drup was Tsongkhapa's principal disciple.
Panchen Gedun Drup's third incarnation, Sonam Gyatso, was invited to the Mongol Court of Altan Khan who first
conferred the title of "Talai (Dalai) Lama" on him. The title was applied retrospectively to his two previous
incarnations, making him the Third Dalai Lama. Thus began the line of the Dalai Lamas. It is thus not true, as Chinese
propaganda claims, that the title "Dalai Lama" was first established by a Manchu emperor a century later.
The relationship established by the Third Dalai Lama with Altan Khan was a spiritual one, but it would have political
repercussions two centuries later, in 1642, when the Mongol prince, Gushri Khan, helped the Fifth Dalai Lama (1617-
1682) to become the supreme political and spiritual ruler of Tibet. The Fifth Dalai Lama, in his turn, conferred the title
of "Choekyi Gyalpo" (Dharma Raja) to his Mongol patron. From that time on, successive Dalai Lamas ruled Tibet as
sovereign heads of state. The political position of the Dalai Lamas was, therefore, not established by a Manchu
emperor of the Qing Dynasty, as claimed in the White Paper, but by the Fifth Dalai Lama with the help of his Mongol
patron, two years before the Qing Dynasty was even established.
Tashilhunpo Monastery was established in 1447 by Panchen Gedun Drup, retrospectively known as the First Dalai
Lama. Successive abbots of Tashilhunpo monastery were given the title "Panchen" because of their scholarship. The
Fifth Dalai Lama gave his teacher, Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen (1570-1662), the ownership of Tashilhunpo
monastery and some additional estates. After that, the Panchen Lamas were selected on the basis of reincarnation,
each successive Panchen Lama retaining ownership of the monastery and estates. This situation was common among
many incarnate lamas, such as the Sakya, Phagpa-la, Dakyab Loden Sherab, etc., who had been given estates by the
Tibetan Government. But this had absolutely no political significance.
Contrary to Chinese Communist propaganda, the Panchen Lamas and other high lamas exercised religious authority
only and were not involved in the political administration of any part of Tibet. In fact, the political authority of
Shigatse and Tashilhunpo lay with the district governor appointed by Lhasa.
Thus, the Manchu emperor played no role in the establishment of the religious or political status of the Dalai Lama,
and none with respect to the Panchen Lama's position either.
After the invasion of Tibet the Chinese Communist government consistently tried to use the late Panchen Lama to
legitimize its position in Tibet. Beijing appointed him to political positions and urged him to denounce, and take the
place of, the Dalai Lama on a number of occasions. But the Panchen Lama refused to do so, and suffered many years
of imprisonment and maltreatment as a result.
The Chinese Government claims in the White Paper, as did past Guomindang governments, that it played a decisive
role, through its envoy Wu Zhongxin, in the selection and installation of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama in 1940 and states
that "the simple reality that the installation of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama needed the approval of the (Chinese)
national government is sufficient proof that Tibet did not possess any independent power during that period (1911-
In reality, the Dalai Lama was selected according to the age-old religious beliefs and traditions of the Tibetans and no
approval of the Chinese Government was needed or sought. It was in 1939, one year prior to Wu's arrival in Lhasa,
that Regent Reting announced the name of the present Dalai Lama to the Tibetan National Assembly. This
unanimously confirmed the candidate.
When the enthronment ceremony took place on February 22, 1940, Wu, like envoys from Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal and
British India, had no special role. Sir Basil Gould, the British Political Officer who represented British India, explains
that the official Chinese version of events was a fiction which had been prepared and published before the
enthronement. That fictitious account by Wu Zhongxin, which China today relies on, reflected what the Chinese had
intended to happen, but what did not in fact occur.
Chinese propaganda has also used a Chinese news report featuring a photograph of the Dalai Lama with Wu
Zhongxin, captioned as having been taken during the enthronement ceremony. But according to Ngabo Ngawang
Jigme, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, this photo was taken a few days
after the ceremony, when Wu had a private audience with the Dalai Lama.
"Wu Zhongxin's claim of having presided over the enthronement ceremony on the basis of this photograph is a blatant
distortion of historical facts," Ngabo said in Tibet Daily on August 31, 1989.
Early history
According to Tibetan annals, the first king of Tibet ruled from 127 BC, but it was only in the seventh century AD that
Tibet emerged as a unified state and a mighty empire under Emperor Songtsen Gampo. With his rule, an era of
political and military supremacy and territorial expansion started that lasted for three centuries. The King of Nepal and
the Emperor of China offered their daughters to the Tibetan Emperor in marriage.
The marriages with the Nepalese and Chinese princesses were of particular importance, because they played vital
roles in the spread of Buddhism in Tibet. Chinese propaganda always refers to political implications of Songtsen
Gampo's wedding to the Chinese imperial princess Wen Cheng, conveniently ignoring the Tibetan ruler's other
consorts, particularly his Nepalese bride, whose influence was, if anything, greater than that of her Chinese
Tibetan Emperor Trisong Detsen (reign: 755-797) expanded the Tibetan empire by conquering parts of China. In 763
China's capital Chang'an (modern day Xian) was invaded and China had to pay an annual tribu?te to Tibet. In 783 a
treaty was concluded which laid down the borders between Tibet and China. A pillar inscription at the foot of the
Potala Palace in Lhasa bears witness to some of these conquests.
The peace treaty, concluded between Tibet and China in 821, is of particular importance in illustrating the nature of
relations between these two great powers of Asia. The text of this treaty, both in Tibetan and Chinese, was inscribed
on three stone pillars: one was erected in Gungu Meru to demarcate the borders between the two nations, the second
in Lhasa where it still stands, and the third in the Chinese capital of Chang'an. Passages quoted from the pillars in the
White Paper are inaccurate and out of context, and aimed at creating the impression that some sort of "union" resulted
from the treaty. Nothing is further from the truth, as is clear from the following principal passage of that treaty: "Tibet
and China shall abide by the frontiers of which they are now in occupation. All to the east is the coun?try of great
China; and all to the west is, without ques?tion, the country of great Tibet. Henceforth, on neither side shall there be
waging of war nor seizing of terri?tory."
It is hard to see how China can, in its White Paper, interpret these events as showing that "the Tibetans and Hans
(Chinese) had, through marriage between royal families and meetings leading to alliances, cemented political and
kinship ties of unity and political friendship, and formed close economic and cultural relations, laying a solid
foundation for the ultimate founding of a unified nation." In fact, the historical records, both Tibetan and Chinese,
contradict such an interpretation and refer to separate and powerful empires.
In the mid-ninth century the Tibetan state fragmented into several principalities. Tibetan attention focused on India
and Nepal from where a strong religious and cultural influence brought about a major spiritual and intellectual
Relations with the Mongol Emperors (1240-1350)
The Mongol ruler Genghis Khan and his successors conquered vast territories in Asia and Europe creating one of the
largest empires the world has ever known, stretching from the Pacific to eastern Europe. In 1207 the Tangut empire
north of Tibet fell to the advancing Mongols and, in 1271, the Mongols announced the establishment of the Mongol
Yuan Dynasty to rule the eastern part of the empire. By 1279 the Chinese Sung dynasty in southern China fell before
the advancing armies and the Mongols completed their conquest of China. Today, China claims the Yuan Dynasty to
be its own dynasty and, by doing so, it lays claim to all Mongol conquests, at least in the eastern half of the Mongol
Prince Goden, grandson of Genghis Khan, dis?patched an expedition to Tibet in 1240 and invited one of Tibet's
leading religious hierarchs, Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen (1182-1251), to his court, thus establishing an enduring
Tibetan-Mongol relationship. Here began the unique ch?-y?n (priest-patron) relationship. Kublai Khan, who
succeeded Goden Khan, embraced Tibetan Buddhism and adopted Drogon Choegyal Phagpa, nephew of Sakya
Pandita, as his spiritual mentor.
This ch?-y?n relationship resulted in Kublai adopting Buddhism as his empire's state religion, and Phagpa became its
highest spiritual authority. In gratitude, Kublai Khan offered his Tibetan lama political authority over all Tibet in 1254,
conferring various titles on him.
These early ch?-y?n relationships were followed by many similar relationships between Mongol princes and Tibetan
noble families and Tibetan lamas. This unique Central Asian relationship also formed the basis of later relations
between Manchu emperors and successive Dalai Lamas. The ch?-y?n relationship itself was purely a personal one
arising from the religious devotion of the patron for the priest and continued to exist even if the political status of the
patron changed. This was evident in the Mongol-Tibetan relationship, which continued to exist even after the fall of
the Yuan Dynasty.
An essential element of the ch?-y?n relationship was the protection that the patron provided his lama in return, not for
the latter's allegiance, but for his religious teachings and blessings. Some ch?-y?n relationships acquired important
political dimensions and the patron was expected to provide military support to protect the lama and his teaching or ?
church'. Superiority of the protector was not implied, as Chinese propaganda suggests, since the lay patron was the
student and worshipper of his lama.
When Buddhism became the state religion in the eastern part of the Mongol empire and the Sakya Lama (Phagpa) its
highest spiritual authority, the Mongol-Tibetan relationship could be best described in terms of mutual
interdependence. This concept provided for dual political and religious paramountcy of the worldly emperor and the
spiritual leader on the basis of equality and interdependence. While the spiritual leader depended on the emperor for
protection and for backing in ruling Tibet, the conquering emperor depended on the lama to provide the legitimacy for
his rule of the Mongol Empire.
It is undeniable that Mongol emperors spread their influence over Tibet. But, contrary to the assertion made in the
Chinese White Paper that, "In the mid-thirteenth century Tibet was officially incorporated into the territory of China's
Yuan Dynasty", none of the Mongol rulers ever made any attempt to administer Tibet directly: Tibet did not even pay
taxes to the Mongol empire, and it certainly was never considered part of China by the Mongol emperors.
Tibet broke its political relationship with the Mongols in 1350 when the Tibetan king, Changchub Gyaltsen (reign:
1350-1364), replaced the Sakya lamas as the most powerful ruler of Tibet. Changchub Gyaltsen did away with
Mongol influences in the Tibetan administrative system and introduced a new and distinctly Tibetan one. He also
enacted a Code of Law (Trimyig Shelchey Chonga, 15-Article Code), for the administration of justice in the kingdom.
The Chinese regained their independence from Mongol rule and established the Ming Dynasty eighteen years after
Relations with Chinese Emperors (1368-1644)
The White Paper claims that the Chinese Ming Dynasty "replaced the Yuan Dynasty in China and inherited the right to
rule Tibet". But there is no historical basis for this assertion. As shown above, the relationship between Mongol khans
or emperors and Tibetan lamas predated the Mongol conquest of China. Similarly, Tibet broke with the Mongol
emperors before China regained its independence from them. The Chinese Ming emperors inherited no relationship
from the Mongols. On the other hand, Mongol Khans continued to maintain their intensive religious and cultural ties
with Tibetans, often in the form of ch?-y?n relationship, for centuries afterwards.
Even if the Mongols did exercise influence in Tibet, it is still too presumptuous on the part of China to claim
inheritance of Tibet through erstwhile Mongol rulers of China when an independent Outer Mongolia today exists as
the only legitimate representative of the Mongolian people and nation.
Contacts between Tibet and Ming China were spasmodic and largely limited to visits by individual lamas of various,
sometimes rival, monasteries to China, and the granting of honorific imperial titles or gifts by the Chinese Emperor to
them. These visits are recorded in Tibetan histories of the fifteenth to seventeenth century, but there is no evidence
whatsoever of political subordination of Tibet or its rulers to China or the Ming Emperors. In its White Paper, the
Chinese Government alleges that these contacts with individual lamas demonstrate Ming authority in and over Tibet.
But since Tibet was not ruled by any of those lamas, whatever the nature of their contacts with China, they could not
affect the independent status of Tibet.
From 1350 Tibet was ruled by the princes of Phagmodru and then, from about 1481, by the Rimpung dynasty. In 1406
the ruling Phagmodru prince, Dakpa Gyaltsen, turned down the imperial invitation to him to visit China. This clearly
shows the sovereign authority of Tibetan rulers at that time. From about 1565 until the rise to power of the Fifth Dalai
Lama in 1642 (two years before the fall of the Ming Dynasty), the kings of Tsang ruled Tibet. There are indications of
sporadic diplomatic relations between some of these rulers and Ming emperors, but the latter exercised neither
authority nor influence over them.
In 1644 the Chinese emperors were once again over?thrown by foreign conquerors. The Manchus succee?ded in esta?
blishing their own imperial dynasty, which ruled over a large empire, the most important part of which was China.
They called it the Qing Dynasty.
Relations with the Manchus (1639-1911)
In 1642 the Great Fifth Dalai Lama, with the help of his Mongol patron Gushri Khan, became the supreme political
and religious ruler of unified Tibet. Since then, Tibetans regarded him as their "Gongsa Chenpo" or "The Supreme
Sovereign". His prestige was recognized far beyond Tibet's borders. The Fifth Dalai Lama not only maintained a close
relationship with the Mongols but also developed intimate ties with the Manchu rulers.
In 1639, before the Dalai Lama acquired supreme political power and also before the Manchu conquest of China and
the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, Manchu Emperor Tai Tsung invited the Dalai Lama to his capital, Mukden
(present-day Shenyang). Unable to accept the invitation personally, the Dalai Lama sent his envoy who was treated
with great respect by the emperor. Thus the ch?-y?n relationship between the Dalai Lama and the Manchu rulers was
As was true of the Tibetan relationship with the Mongol emperors, the links developed between Tibetans and the
Manchu emperors did not involve China. As Owen Lattimore points out in reference to the Qing Dynasty, "what
existed in fact was a Manchu Empire, of which China formed only one part." [Studies in Frontier History].
Having conquered China and annexed it to the Manchu empire, Emperor Shunzi invited the Fifth Dalai Lama in 1653
for a state visit to the imperial capital. In an unprecedented sign of respect, the Manchu emperor made a four-day
journey outside his capital (Peking) to receive the Tibetan sovereign and foremost spiritual leader of Central Asian
Buddhists. Commenting on the Dalai Lama's visit, W.W. Rockhill, an American scholar and diplomat in China, wrote:
"(The Dalai Lama) had been treated with all the ceremony which could have been accorded to any independent
sovereign, and nothing can be found in Chinese works to indicate that he was looked upon in any other light; at this
period of China's relations with Tibet, the temporal power of the Lama, backed by the arms of Gusri Khan and the
devotion of all Mongolia, was not a thing for the Emperor of China to question." [The Dalai Lamas of Lhasa and
Their Relations With Emperors of China, 1644-1908, T'oung Pao 11, 1910, p.37]
On this occasion the Fifth Dalai Lama and the Manchu emperor bestowed unprecedented high complimentary titles
upon each other and the ch?-y?n relationship was reaffirmed. In the White Paper, the Chinese Government refers only
to the honorific title given by the Emperor to the Dalai Lama, but conveniently omits any mention of the similar
honorific title granted by the Dalai Lama to the Emperor. Chinese propaganda infers that it was this deed by the
Manchu Emperor which conferred the legal right to the Dalai Lama to rule Tibet. This interpretation intentionally
misses the point of the event, namely that titles were exchanged by two sovereign leaders. If the Dalai Lama was
dependent on his imperial title for the exercise of his authority, then so was the Manchu Emperor dependent on the
title granted by the Dalai Lama for the exercise of his authority.
Throughout the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) relations between Tibet and the Manchu Emperors remained formally
based on the ch?-y?n relationship. The Manchu Emperor readily responded to the appeals for help to drive out
invading Dzungar Mongols and escort the newly-discovered Seventh Dalai Lama to the Tibetan capital in 1720.
Manchu forces entered Tibet on three more occasions in the eighteenth century, once to protect Tibet against invading
Gorkha forces from Nepal (1792), and twice to restore order after civil wars (1728 and 1751). Each time they came at
the request of the Tibetans, and each time the ch?-y?n relationship was invoked.
The Manchus did succeed in establishing some degree of influence in Tibet during those crisis periods. But their
influence declined rapidly afterwards, rendering them unable to play any role when Tibet fought wars against invaders
from Jammu (1841-1842), Nepal (1855-1856), and British India (1903-1904). By the mid-nineteenth century the
Manchu emperor's role (and the related role of the amban) was only nominal.
The White Paper devotes considerable attention to Emperor Qianlong's so-called twenty-nine-article edict, or
regulations, of 1793 concerning Tibet, and to the appointment of ambans (ambassadors). It presents the "regulations"
as if they were an imperial order proving extensive Manchu authority in Tibet. In reality, the twenty-nine points were
suggestions made by the emperor for certain reforms of the Government of Tibet following its war with Nepal. The
ambans were not viceroys or administrators, but were essentially ambassadors appointed to look after Manchu
interests, and to protect the Dalai Lama on behalf of the emperor.
In 1792 the Gorkhas of Nepal invaded Tibet following a dispute between Tibet and Nepal and the Dalai Lama
appealed to the Manchu emperor for help. The emperor sent a large army which helped Tibet drive out the Gorkhas,
and mediated a treaty of peace between Tibet and Nepal. Since this was the fourth time the emperor was asked to send
troops to fight for the Tibetan Government, he wanted some say in Tibetan affairs in order to prevent Tibetans from
becoming involved in conflicts which might again precipitate requests for the Manchu Court's military involvement.
The "regulations" were suggestions made in the context of the emperor's protector role, rather than an order from a
ruler to his subjects. This emerges clearly from the statement made by the imperial envoy and commander of the
Manchu army, General Fu K'ang-an, to the Eighth Dalai Lama, which goes thus:
"The Emperor issued detailed instructions to me, the Great General, to discuss all the points, one by one, in great
length. This demonstrates the Emperor's concern that Tibetans come to no harm and that their welfare be ensured in
perpetuity. There is no doubt that the Dalai Lama, acknowledging his gratitude to the Emperor, will accept these
suggestions once all the points are discussed and agreed upon. However, if the Tibetans insist on clinging to their age-
old habits, the Emperor will withdraw the Ambans and the garrison after the troops are pulled out. Moreover, if
similar incidents occur in the future, the Emperor will have nothing to do with them. The Tibetans may, therefore,
decide for themselves as to what is in their favour and what is not or what is heavy and what is light, and make a
choice on their own." [Quoted from Ya Han Chang's Biography of the Dalai Lama in Bhod ki Lo rGyus Rags Rims
gYu Yi Phrengba, Vol 2, Published by Tibet Institute of Social Science, Lhasa, 1991, p.316].
Rather than accepting or rejecting the Emperor's suggestion, Tibetans adopted some of the twenty-nine points which
were perceived to be beneficial to them, and disregarded those they thought to be unsuitable. As Panchen Choekyi
Nyima, the predecessor of the Late Panchen Lama, said: "Where Chinese policy was in accordance with their own
views, the Tibetans were ready to accept the amban's advice; but ... if this advice ran counter in any respect to their
national prejudices, the Chinese Emperor himself would be powerless to influence them." [Diary of Capt. O'Connor,
September 4, 1903].
Among the important suggestions of this "twenty-nine-point edict" was the emperor's proposal for the selection of
great incarnate lamas, including the Dalai Lamas and Panchen Lamas, by drawing lots from a golden urn. This
important task, however, remained the responsibility of the Tibetan Government and high lamas, who continued to
select reincarnations according to religious traditions. Thus - even on the first occasion when the golden urn should
have been employed for the selection of the Ninth Dalai Lama in 1808 - Tibetans disregarded it.
Another important point of this "edict" was the role of ambans. The amban's role resembled that of an ambassador, at
times, and that of a resident in a classical protectorate relationship, at other times. It is best defined in the explanation
Amban Yu Tai gave in 1903 to Mortimer Durand, the Foreign Secretary of the Government of India (as reported by
him), "he was only a guest in Lhasa - not a master - and he could not put aside the real masters, and as such he had no
force to speak of." [Sir Mortimer Durand: A Biography, by Sir Percy Sykes, London 1926, p.166].
Similarly, two Lazarist missionaries, Huc and Gabet, who were in Lhasa in the mid-nineteenth century, described the
position of the ambans as follows: "the Government of Tibet resembles that of the Pope and the position occupied by
the Chinese Ambass?adors was the same as that of the Austrian Ambassador at Rome." [Decouverte du Thibet, 1845-
1846, M. Huc, 1933, p.50]. The reference to "Chinese Ambassadors" is a common misnomer, because the Manchu
Emperors were careful to appoint not Chinese ambans but Manchus or Mongolians, a fact which stressed that the
appointment of the amban was an extension of the protector's role in the ch?-y?n relationship, a relationship from
which the Chinese were excluded.
The unprecedented invasion of Tibet by Manchu troops in 1908 was a turning point in relations between Tibet and the
Manchu emperor. Previous imperial military expeditions had come to assist the Dalai Lama or the Tibetan
Government at their invitation. But this time, the Manchu emperor attempted to establish his authority in Tibet by
force, largely to remove increasing British influence in Tibet. In 1910 the Dalai Lama fled to neighbouring India, but
the occupation of Tibet was short-lived. When the Manchu Emperor tried to "depose" the Dalai Lama in 1910, the
Dalai Lama declared the termination of the ch?-y?n relationship. The protector had attacked his lama and, thereby,
violated the very foundation of their relationship.
Resistance to the invasion succeeded when the Manchu Empire collapsed in 1912 and Tibetans forced the occupation
army to surrender. That summer Nepalese mediation between Tibet and China resulted in the conclusion of the "Three
Point Agreement" providing for formal surrender and the expulsion of all remaining imperial troops. After returning to
Lhasa, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama issued a proclamation reaffirming the independence of Tibet on February 14, 1913.
Relations with British India (1857-1911)
Since the end of the eighteenth century, Britain developed a keen interest in establishing trade with Tibet. Since all the
Himalayan states which were closely linked to Lhasa had gradually been tied to British India by means of treaties and
other agreements, Tibet feared it would also lose its independence if it did not resist British efforts to gain access to
The Thirteenth Dalai Lama steered Tibet on an independent course. This policy frustrated the British who feared,
more than anything, that a Russian infiltration into Tibet would tip the balance of power in Central Asia. Unable to
communicate effectively with Tibet, Britain approached the Manchu court for assistance in forcing Tibet to cooperate.
The result was the conclusion, without Tibet's participation or knowledge, of two treaties (1890 and 1893) between
Britain and China which had provisions regarding Tibet. The Tibetan Government rejected these treaties as ultra vires,
and this precipitated the British invasion of Tibet in 1903. The Manchu emperor did not then come to the assistance of
Tibet and, as noted by Amban Yu Tai, disclaimed any responsibility for the action of the Tibetans. British troops left
Lhasa within a year, after concluding a bilateral treaty, the Lhasa Convention, with the Tibetan Government.
The provisions of the Lhasa Convention necessarily pre-supposed the unrestricted sovereignty of Tibet in internal and
external matters, otherwise Tibet could not legitimately have transferred to Britain the powers specified in the treaty.
The Lhasa Convention did not even acknowledge the existence of any special relationship between the Manchu
Emperor and Tibet. The very act of concluding this Convention constituted an implicit recognition by Britain of Tibet
as a state competent to conclude treaties on its own behalf without having to consult any external power.
In an effort to persuade China to cooperate, Britain convinced it to sign the Adhesion Agreement in 1906, once again,
without the participation and knowledge of Tibet. That agreement and the 1907 agreement concluded between Britain
and Russia, confirmed the existence of a sphere of British influence in Tibet and introduced the concept of Chinese
"suzerainty" over Tibet - something neither Tibet nor the Manchu court accepted.
In 1908, during Tibet's brief invasion by the Manchu army, Britain again signed a treaty concerning trade with Tibet
with the Manchus, with no independent Tibetan participation.
Referring to the British concept of suzerainty, Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of India, explained: "Chinese suzerainty over
Tibet is a constitutional fiction - a political affectation which has only been maintained because of its convenience to
both parties. ... As a matter of fact, the two Chinese (i.e. Manchu) Ambans at Lhasa are there not as Viceroys, but as
Ambassadors." [Papers CD 1920, No.66, GoI to IO, January 8, 1903. India Office Library].
Relations with India
When India became independent in 1947, it took over the British diplomatic Mission in Lhasa, and inherited the treaty
relations of Britain with Tibet. Its recognition of Tibet was clear from the official communication the Indian
Government sent to the Tibetan Foreign Office: "The Government of India would be glad to have an assurance that it
is the intention of the Tibetan Government to continue relations on the existing basis until new arrangements are
reached on matters that either party may wish to take up. This is the procedure adopted by all other countries with
which India has inherited treaty relations from His Majesty's Government." [Notes, Memoranda and Letters
Exchanged and Agreements Signed by the Governments of India and China, Vol 2, 1959, p.39]
China's White Paper speaks about its alleged "ownership" of Tibet; it discusses broad issues relating to human rights,
including social, economic and cultural rights, but does not address the fundamental question of the right of the
Tibetan people to self-determination.
Under international law, populations which meet the criteria of "a people", possess the right to self-determination.
Governments may not deny that right, and must act in accordance with it. In past decades, the right to self-
determination has primarily been applied to colonial countries and peoples, but, particularly in recent years, the right
is applied outside the context of decolonization also.
The Tibetan people clearly constitute a people under international law, as defined, among others, by the UNESCO
International Meeting of Experts on Further Study of the Concept of the Rights of Peoples.
It is difficult to conceive of a better example of a distinct people, with all the characteristics fulfilled: commonalities
in history, language, culture, ethnicity and other manifestations of shared identity and experience; numerousness, i.e.,
enough persons sharing common identity and experience to warrant recognition by the international community; the
existence of institutions to give expression and effect to these commonalities; the will of a people to assert the right to
The right to self-determination means the right of a people to "determine their own political status and to determine
their economic, social and cultural development" free from outside interference. [International Covenants on Civil
and Political Rights, Art. 1; and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Art. 1;] Tibetans
have been denied the exercise of this right since their country's invasion and occupation by China. Under international
law, the PRC has the obligation to permit its exercise.
The implementation of the right to self-determination can lead to integration with a state, association with a state or to
independence, but the choice must be made by the people exercising their right to self-determination. This choice
must be made freely, without any interference from outside that people. Thus, it is for the Tibetan people alone,
without interference from China, to make the choice.
The Dalai Lama has, for many years, called on China to agree to the holding of an internationally-supervised
plebiscite to determine the wishes of the Tibetan people. This is the most desirable approach, entirely in accordance
with the requirements of international law and practice.
Recognition of Tibet's right to self-determination
In 1961 the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted Resolution 1723 (XVI), in which it explicitly
recognized the right of the Tibetan people to self-determination. The UN called on the PRC to cease "practices which
deprive the Tibetan people of their fundamental human rights and freedoms, including their right to self-
determination". Four years later, in 1965, the UNGA expressly reaffirmed this resolution in UNGA Res. 2079 (XX).
Earlier, in 1959, the first prime minister of independent India, Jawaharlal Nehru, expressed his strong support for the
Tibetan people's right to self-determination. Addressing the Lok Sabha, the Lower House of the Indian Parliament, he
said, "the last voice in regard to Tibet should be the voice of the people of Tibet and nobody else".
Recently, on two separate occasions, experts on the question of rights of peoples and international law met to consider
the question of Tibet's claim to self-determination.
The Permanent Tribunal of Peoples, which met in Strasbourg for a week to hear extensive testimony and arguments in
November 1992, found that the Tibetans meet the generally accepted legal criteria of "a people" with the right to self-
determination and "are therefore entitled to exercise the right to self-determination". The Tribunal concluded that "the
presence of the Chinese administration on Tibetan territory must be considered as foreign domination of the Tibetan
people". Finally, in its verdict, the Tribunal decided that, "the Tibetan people have from 1950 been, continuously,
deprived of their right to self-determination." [Session on Tibet, Verdict, Permanent Tribunal of Peoples, Strasbourg,
November 20, 1992, p.15 and 23, resp.].
In an unrelated conference, several weeks later, thirty eminent international lawyers from many countries in Europe,
Africa, Asia and the Americas - among them some of the world's foremost authorities on self-determination - met in
London for four days to consider issues relating to the exercise of the right to self-determination by the Tibetan
people. After extensive consideration of evidence, including the Chinese Government's White Paper, and after a lively
legal debate, the conference participants concluded, in a written statement, that,
1. Under international law the Tibetan people are entitled to the right to self-determination, that this right
"belongs to the Tibetan people" and that "(i)t is not for the state apparatus of the PRC, or any other nation or
state, to deny the Tibetan people's right to self-determination".
2. "Since the military action of 1949-50, Tibet has been under the alien occupation and domination of the PRC
and has been administered with the characteristics of an oppressive colonial administration."
3. "In the particular case of Tibet and having regard to its long history of separate existence", the Tibetan
people's claim to self-determination, including independence, is compatible with the principles of national
unity and territorial integrity of states. [International Lawyers' Conference Statement on Tibet - London 1993,
London, January 10, 1993, p.6-8].
The international conference statement called on the United Nations and members of the international
community to take urgent measures to promote an early implementation and realization of the Tibetan
people's right to self-determination.
In both discussions, that of the Peoples' Tribunal and that of the International Lawyers' Conference, the points
of view of the Chinese Government, in particular as expressed in its White Paper, were discussed at length
and fully considered.
The Chinese Government was invited to participate in both events, but declined to do so. It did, however,
submit to the meetings for consideration the White Paper and numerous other publications stating its point of
view and arguments.
The Tibetan people undoubtedly possess the right to self-determination, by virtue of which Tibetans have the
right to determine their political status and their economic, social and cultural development. Even if self-
determination is primarily applicable to peoples under colonial domination or occupation, Tibetans fully
qualify. The time has come for the PRC to accept its international obligations, and to agree to the holding of a
plebiscite in Tibet under international supervision.
The Invasion and Illegal Annexation of Tibet
Treaties in international law are binding on the countries signing them, unless they are imposed by force or a country
is coerced into signing the agreement by the threat of force. This is reflected in the Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties, which is regarded as a reflection of customary international law.
The People's Republic of China (PRC) feels strongly about this principle, particularly as it applies to treaties and other
agreements China was pressured to sign by Western powers at a time when China was weak. The PRC is particularly
adamant that such "unequal" treaties and other agreements cannot be valid, no matter who signed them or for what
After the military invasion of Tibet had started and the small Tibetan army was defeated, the PRC imposed a treaty on
the Tibetan Government under the terms of which Tibet was declared to be a part of China, albeit enjoying a large
degree of autonomy. In the White Paper, China claims this treaty was entered into entirely voluntarily by the Tibetan
Government, and that the Dalai Lama, his Government and the Tibetan people as a whole welcomed it.
The facts show a very different story, leading to the conclusion that the so-called "Seventeen-Point Agreement on
Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" was never validly concluded and was rejected by Tibetans.
The Dalai Lama writes that the Tibetan Prime Minister, Lukhangwa, told Chinese General Zhang Jinwu in 1952: "It
was absurd to refer to the terms of the Seventeen-Point Agreement. Our people did not accept the agreement and the
Chinese themselves had repeatedly broken the terms of it. Their army was still in occupation of eastern Tibet; the area
had not been returned to the government of Tibet, as it should have been." [My Land and My People, Dalai Lama,
New York, 1992, p.95].
Diplomatic activity and military threats
Soon after the Communist victory over the Guomindang and the founding of the PRC on October 1, 1949, Radio
Beijing began to announce that "the People's Liberation Army must liberate all Chinese territories, including Tibet,
Xinjiang, Hainan and Taiwan". Partly in response to this threat, and in order to resolve long-standing border disputes
with China, the Foreign Office of the Tibetan Government, on November 2, 1949, wrote to Mao Zedong proposing
negotiations to settle all territorial disputes. Copies of this letter were sent to the governments of India, Great Britain
and the United States. Although these three governments considered the spread of Communism to be a threat to the
stability of South Asia, they advised the Tibetan Government to enter into direct negotiations with the Chinese
Government as any other course of action might provoke military retaliation.
The Tibetan Government decided to send two senior officials, Tsepon Shakabpa and Tsechag Thubten Gyalpo, to
negotiate with representatives of the PRC in a third country, possibly the USSR, Singapore or Hong Kong. These
officials were to take up with the Chinese Government the content of the Tibetan Foreign Office's letter to Chairman
Mao Zedong and the threatening Chinese radio announcements still being made about an imminent "liberation of
Tibet"; they were to secure an assurance that the territorial integrity of Tibet would not be violated and to state that
Tibet would not tolerate interference.
When the Tibetan delegates applied for visas to Hong Kong in Delhi, the Chinese told them that the new Chinese
Ambassador to India was due to arrive in the capital shortly and that negotiations should be opened through him.
In the course of negotiations, the Chinese Ambassador, Yuan Zhong Xian, demanded that the Tibetan delegation
accept a Two-point Proposal: i) Tibetan national defence will be handled by China; and ii) Tibet should be recognized
as a part of China. They were then to proceed to China in confirmation of the agreement. On being informed of the
Chinese demands, the Tibetan Government instructed its delegates to reject the proposal. So negotiations were
On October 7, 1950, 40,000 Chinese troops under Political Commissar, Wang Qiemi, attacked Eastern Tibet's
provincial capital, Chamdo, from eight directions. The small Tibetan force, consisting of 8,000 troops and militia, was
defeated. After two days, Chamdo was taken and Kalon (Minister) Ngapo Ngawang Jigme, the Regional Governor,
was captured. Over 4,000 Tibetan fighters were killed.
The Chinese aggression came as a rude shock to India. In a sharp note to Beijing on October 26, 1950, the Indian
Foreign Ministry wrote: "Now that the invasion of Tibet has been ordered by Chinese government, peaceful
negotiations can hardly be synchronized with it and there naturally will be fear on the part of Tibetans that
negotiations will be under duress. In the present context of world events, invasion by Chinese troops of Tibet cannot
but be regarded as deplorable and in the considered judgement of the Government of India, not in the interest of China
or peace."
A number of countries, including the United States and Britain, expressed their support for the Indian position.
The Tibetan National Assembly convened an emergency session in November 1950 at which it requested the Dalai
Lama, only fifteen at that time, to assume full authority as Head of State. The Dalai Lama was then requested to leave
Lhasa for Dromo (Yatung), near the Indian border, so that he would be out of personal danger. At the same time the
Tibetan Foreign Office issued the following statement: "Tibet is united as one man behind the Dalai Lama who has
taken over full powers ... We have appealed to the world for peaceful intervention in (the face of this) clear case of
unprovoked aggression."
The Tibetan Government also wrote to the Secretary General of the United Nations on November 7, 1950, appealing
for the world body's intervention. The letter said, in part: "Tibet recognizes that it is in no position to resist the
Chinese advance. It is thus that it agreed to negotiate on friendly terms with the Chinese Government...Though there is
little hope that a nation dedicated to peace will be able to resist the brutal effort of men trained to war, we understand
that the United Nations has decided to stop aggression wherever it takes place."
On November 17, 1950, El Salvador formally asked that the aggression against Tibet be put on the General Assembly
agenda. However, the issue was not discussed in the UN General Assembly at the suggestion of the Indian delegation
which asserted that a peaceful solution which was mutually advantageous to Tibet, India and China could be reached
between the parties concerned. A second letter by the Tibetan delegation to the United Nations on December 8, 1950
did not change the situation.
Faced with the military occupation of Eastern and Northern Tibet, the defeat and destruction of its small army, the
advance of tens of thousands of more PLA troops towards Central Tibet, and the lack of active support from the
international community, the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government decided to send a delegation to Beijing for
negotiations with the new Chinese leadership.
The "Seventeen-Point Agreement"
In April 1951 the Tibetan Government sent a five-member delegation to Beijing, led by Kalon Ngapo Ngawang
Jigme. The Tibetan Government authorized its delegation to put forward the Tibetan stand and listen to the Chinese
position. But, contrary to the claim made in the White Paper that the delegation had "full powers", it was expressly not
given the plenipotentiary authority to conclude an agreement. It was, instead, instructed to refer all important matters
to the government.
On April 29 negotiations opened with the presentation of a draft "agreement" by the leader of the Chinese delegation.
The Tibetan delegation rejected the Chinese proposal in toto, after which the Chinese tabled a modified draft that was
equally unacceptable to the Tibetan delegation. At this point the Chinese delegates, Li Weihan and Zhang Jinwu, made
it plain that the terms, as they now stood, were final and amounted to an ultimatum. The Tibetan delegation was
addressed in harsh and insulting terms, threatened with physical violence, and members were virtually kept prisoners.
No further discussion was permitted and, contrary to Chinese claims, the Tibetan delegation was prevented from
contacting its government for instructions. It was given the onerous choice of either signing the "agreement" on its
own authority or accepting responsibility for an immediate military advance on Lhasa.
Under immense Chinese pressure the Tibetan delegation signed the "Agreement of the Central People's Government
and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" on May 23, 1951, without being
able to inform the Tibetan Government. The delegation warned the Chinese that they were signing only in their
personal capacity and had no authority to bind either the Dalai Lama or the Tibetan Government to the "agreement".
None of this deterred the Chinese Government from proceeding with a signing ceremony and announcing to the world
that an "agreement" had been concluded for the "peaceful liberation of Tibet". Even the seals affixed to the document
were forged by the Chinese Government to give it the necessary semblance of authenticity.
The seventeen clauses of the "agreement", among other things, authorized the entry into Tibet of Chinese forces and
empowered the Chinese Government to handle Tibet's external affairs. On the other hand, it guaranteed that China
would not alter the existing political system in Tibet and not interfere with the established status, function, and powers
of the Dalai Lama or the Panchen Lama. The Tibetan people were to have regional autonomy, and their religious
beliefs and customs were to be respected. Internal reforms in Tibet would be effected after consultation with leading
Tibetans and without compulsion.
The full text of what came to be known as the "Seventeen-Point Agreement" was broadcast by Radio Beijing on May
27, 1951. This was the first time the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government heard of the devastating document. The
reaction in Dromo (where the Dalai Lama was staying at that time) and Lhasa was one of shock and disbelief.
A message was immediately sent to the delegates in Beijing, reprimanding them for signing the "agreement" without
consulting the Government for instructions. The delegation was asked to send the text of the document it had signed,
and wait in Beijing for further instructions. In the meantime, a telegraphic message was received from the delegation
to say that the Chinese Government representative, General Zhang Jinwu, was already on his way to Dromo, via India.
It added that some of the delegation members were returning, via India, and the leader of the delegation was returning
directly to Lhasa.
The Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government withheld public repudiation of the "agreement". The Dalai Lama
returned to Lhasa on August 17, 1951 in the hope of renegotiating a more favourable treaty with the Chinese.
On September 9, 1951 around 3,000 Chinese troops marched into Lhasa, soon followed by some 20,000 more, from
Eastern Tibet and from Eastern Turkestan (Xinjiang) in the north. The PLA occupied the principal cities of Ruthok
and Gartok, and then Gyangtse and Shigatse.
With the occupation of all the major cities of Tibet, including Lhasa, and a large concentration of troops throughout
Eastern and Western Tibet, the military control of Tibet was virtually complete. From this position China refused to
reopen negotiations and the Dalai Lama had effectively lost the ability to either accept or reject any Tibet-China
"agreement". However, on the first occasion he had to express himself freely again, which came on June 20, 1959 -
after his flight to India - the Dalai Lama formally repudiated the "Seventeen-Point Agreement", as having been "thrust
upon Tibetan Government and people by the threat of arms".
In assessing the "Seventeen-Point Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet", and the occupation of
Tibet, two factors are crucial. First, the extent to which China was violating international law when the PLA marched
into Tibet, and second, the effect of the signing of the "agreement".
The law governing treaties is based on the universally recognized principle that the foundation of conventional
obligations is the free and mutual consent of contracting parties and, conversely, that freedom of consent is essential to
the validity of an agreement. Treaties brought about by the threat or the use of force lack legal validity, particularly if
coercion is applied to the country and government in question rather than only on the negotiators themselves.
With China occupying large portions of Tibet and openly threatening a full-scale military advance on Lhasa unless the
treaty was signed, the agreement was invalid ab initio, meaning that it could not even be validated by a later act of
acquiescence by the Tibetan Government. Contrary to China's claim in its White Paper, the Dalai Lama and the
Tibetan Government did not act voluntarily in signing the "agreement".
In fact, Mao Zedong himself, in the Directive of the Central Committee of the CPC on Policies for our Work in Tibet,
issued on April 6, 1952, admitted: "(N)ot only the two Silons (i.e. prime ministers) but also the Dalai and most of his
clique were reluctant to accept the Agreement and are unwilling to carry it out. ... As yet we do not have a material
base for fully implementing the agreement, nor do we have a base for this purpose in terms of support among the
masses or in the upper stratum." [Selected Works of Mao Tsetung, Vol. 5, Foreign Language Press, Peking, 1977,
The National Uprising
When people are oppressed, they are likely to rise up against the oppressor. There was never a popular uprising in
Tibet until the 1950s. The Tibetan resistance movement against the Chinese started right from the time of the invasion.
By 1956 open fighting broke out in the Eastern Tibetan provinces of Kham and Amdo. Three years later the uprising
took on national proportions, leading to the massive demonstrations in Lhasa in March 1959, and the flight of the
Dalai Lama and some 80,000 refugees to neighbouring countries. Tens of thousands of Tibetans were slaughtered by
the PLA.
Since then, Tibetan uprisings and demonstrations have continued. Between 1987 and the end of 1993 alone, there had
been over two hundred demonstrations in Lhasa and other parts of Tibet, some small but others have been massive.
Chinese troops have suppressed most of these demonstrations with brutal force. In March 1989 Tibet was put under
Martial Law for the second time in its history: the first time was in 1959.
The Chinese Government tries to depict the popular resistance by Tibetans to its rule as the work of a few disgruntled
aristocrats who wish to restore the old system of exploitation and oppression of the Tibetan masses.
It depicts ninety five percent of Tibetans as having been serfs, brutally oppressed by a small number of aristocrats and
lamas. What China cannot explain is why these allegedly oppressed masses never rose up against their masters,
despite the fact that Tibet did not have a national police force and for most of its history had no strong army.
Yet, these same Tibetans did rise up, and still do today, against the massive security apparatus and army of China,
knowing the tremendous risk they take.
If we look at the social composition of the Tibetans involved in the successive uprisings and demonstrations, more
than eighty percent of them are not aristocrats and high lamas. Furthermore, more than eighty five percent of Tibetans
in exile belong to what the Chinese would call the "serf class", and not the upper strata of society as China claims.
Events leading up to the 1959 uprising
Let us look briefly at the main causes of the Tibetan people's uprising against China in 1959. Following the entry of
Chinese troops into Lhasa, every effort was made to undermine the sovereign authority of the Tibetan Government
and impose Chinese authority. This was carried out in three ways: First, political and regional divisions were created
among Tibetans under the policy of divide and rule. Secondly, certain social and economic reforms, calculated to
change the fabric of Tibetan society, were instituted against the wishes of Tibetans. Thirdly, various organs of the
Chinese Government, and new bodies under their authority, were set up alongside the existing Tibetan institutions.
• Between November 24, 1950 and October 19, 1953 China incorporated a large portion of Kham province into
neighbouring Chinese Sichuan province. Kham was divided into two so-called Tibetan Autonomous
Prefectures and one Tibetan Autonomous District. On September 13, 1957 another portion of southern Kham
was named the Dechen Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and put under Yunnan Province.
• The bulk of Amdo, together with a small area of Kham, was reduced to the status of a Chinese province, and
named as Qinghai. One portion of Amdo was named Ngapa Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and merged with
Sichuan Province. The remaining area of Amdo was sub-divided into Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous District
(May 6, 1950), and Ganlho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (October 1, 1953), and incorporated into the
Chinese province of Gansu.
• On September 9, 1965 China formally established the so-called Tibet Autonomous Regional Government,
placing under its administration the whole of U-Tsang and areas of Kham.
• China stripped numerous ethnic Tibetans like the Sherpas, Monpas, Lhopas, Tengpas, Jangpas, etc. - who
consider themselves to be Tibetan - of their Tibetan identity, reclassifying them as distinct Chinese minorities.
The appropriation by the People's Liberation Army of thousands of tons of barley and other foodstuffs pushed the
Tibetans to the brink of famine for the first time in history and prompted protest meetings in Lhasa.
The first major popular resistance group, the Mimang Tsongdu (People's Assembly), banded together spontaneously
and handed the Chinese Military Command a petition demanding the withdrawal of the PLA and an end to Chinese
interference in Tibetan affairs. The Chinese reaction was swift; the two Tibetan Prime Ministers, Lukhangwa and Ven.
Lobsang Tashi, who had made no secret of their opposition to Chinese rule and opposed the "Seventeen Point
Agreement", were forced to resign and five Mimang Tsongdu leaders were jailed, driving the organization
In 1954 the Dalai Lama visited Beijing at China's invitation. The "special" autonomous position of Tibet, embodied in
the "Seventeen-Point Agreement," was formally abolished with the adoption of the new Constitution by the Chinese
People's Congress. This was followed by the adoption of the "Resolution on the Establishment of the Preparatory
Committee for the Autonomous Region of Tibet (PCART)", a measure designed to further integrate the administration
of Tibet into that of the PRC. The Preparatory Committee was to function as the central administration of Tibet instead
of the Tibetan Government. The Dalai Lama was made its Chairman, but without any authority.
As the Dalai Lama explains in his autobiography: "The Committee was powerless - a mere facade of Tibetan
representation behind which all the effective power was exercised by the Chinese. In fact, all basic policy was decided
by another body called the Committee of the Chinese Communist Party in Tibet, which had no Tibetan members."
[Dalai Lama, ibid, p.133]
In 1956 the PCART was set up and the Tashilhunpo estate, and those regions under the jurisdiction of the Governor-
General of Chamdo (a Tibetan Government appointee) in Eastern Tibet, were separated from the jurisdiction of the
Tibetan Government in Lhasa and their administrative organs given equal status to the Tibetan Government, thereby
reducing the authority of the Tibetan Government. Social, political, and agrarian reforms were imposed by the
Chinese Government in Amdo and Kham and, to a much lesser degree, in the rest of the country. Frequent attacks
were launched on religious personages and monasteries. All of these led to increasingly violent reactions.
The "Seventeen-Point Agreement" guaranteed that no reforms would be forced on the Tibetans. But in Eastern Tibet
they were introduced and enforced at once. Mounting impatience and belligerence of the Chinese administrators
provoked violent reactions and rapidly culminated into armed conflicts in a widening spiral of resistance and military
repression that engulfed the entire eastern Tibetan provinces of Kham and Amdo.
As the violence spilled over to other areas of Tibet, full-scale guerrilla warfare broke out in the summer of 1956.
Refugees from eastern and northeastern Tibet began to arrive in Lhasa in large numbers. Within a year, the uprising
had spread to Central Tibet, and in 1958 Tensung Dhanglang Magar, (the Voluntary Force for the Defence of the
Faith), a union of the Mimang Tsongdu and Chushi Gangdruk (Four Rivers Six Ranges) organizations, was founded.
By the autumn of that year this popular army, estimated at 80,000 men, was in control of most districts of Southern
Tibet and parts of Eastern Tibet.
The Dalai Lama took pains to calm his people so as to prevent a worse bloodbath. Nevertheless, the situation in Tibet
deteriorated rapidly while the Dalai Lama visited India in 1956 to take part in the Buddha Jayanti celebrations at the
invitation of independent India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. In meetings with Nehru and Zhou Enlai in
Delhi, the Dalai Lama expressed his deep concern at the explosive situation in his homeland and admitted he was
contemplating seeking political asylum in India. Nehru advised the Dalai Lama against it.
To induce the Dalai Lama to return home, the Chinese Government promptly announced that the "socialist and
democratic reforms" would be postponed in Tibet for the time being.
It was also agreed that a number of Chinese civil personnel would be withdrawn, and the PCART's departments would
be reduced by half. The subsequent events were to reveal these promises as false. In the years that followed, the
Chinese intensified socialist campaigns and purges against Tibetans and sent considerable army reinforcements to
Tibet, thus more than offsetting the earlier modest reduction of Chinese cadres.
National Uprising and flight of the Dalai Lama
The inevitable showdown occurred in March 1959. There was general fear that the Chinese were planning to abduct
the Dalai Lama and take him away to Beijing. The Tibetan people already had bitter experiences in Kham and Amdo,
where important lamas and local leaders disappeared mysteriously after being invited to Chinese cultural shows and
other functions.
Fears for the safety of the Dalai Lama became acute when the Chinese Army Command invited the Tibetan leader to a
theatrical show in the military barracks on March 10. Tibetans became even more suspicious when the Chinese
instructed that the Dalai Lama should not be accompanied by bodyguards as was the tradition. The people in Lhasa
would not allow the Dalai Lama to give in to this Chinese subterfuge.
On March 10, 1959 a massive demonstration was held and thousands of people surrounded the Dalai Lama's summer
palace, the Norbulingka, to prevent him from attending the Chinese show. Mass meetings were held in Lhasa over the
following days with the citizens demanding that the Chinese quit Tibet and restore the country's full independence.
The Dalai Lama, fearing the explosive consequences of these mass demonstra?tions, urged the large crowd around the
Norbulingka to disperse and wrote three letters to the principal Chinese General, Tian Guansan, in an effort to placate
the Chinese and stave off impending violence. Explaining the circumstances in which he wrote these letters, the Dalai
Lama says in his autobiography: "I replied to all his letters to gain time - time for anger to cool on both sides and time
for me to urge moderation of the Lhasa people... my most urgent moral duty at that moment was to prevent a totally
disastrous clash between my unarmed people and the Chinese army." [Dalai Lama, ibid; p.187].
But, despite the Dalai Lama's efforts, open fighting broke out in Lhasa soon afterwards, with disastrous consequences
to the Tibetans. Seeing that all efforts to prevent open confrontation and bloodshed had ultimately failed, and that
cooperation with the Chinese authorities to minimise their oppression was no longer possible, the Dalai Lama decided
to escape to India in order to appeal for international help to save his people. He left Lhasa on the night of March 17.
On March 28, 1959 Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai issued an Order of State Council "dissolving" the Government of
Tibet. The Dalai Lama and his ministers, while still en route to India, reacted promptly by declaring that the new
Chinese administration in Lhasa would never be recognized by the people of Tibet. Upon his arrival in India, the Dalai
Lama re-established the Tibetan Government in exile and publicly declared: "Wherever I am, accompanied by my
government, the Tibetan people recognize us as the Government of Tibet."
Within months around 80,000 Tibetans reached the borders of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim after arduous escapes.
Many more could not even make it to the border.
The Chinese Government's White Paper tries to portray these events as the work of a handful of Tibetan reactionaries
who, with the help of the CIA, created an armed "rebellion" which was "resolutely" opposed by the masses. The Dalai
Lama was "carried away under duress" to India, the White Paper states. The resistance, they claim, amounted to no
more than 7,000 "rebels," and was put down easily in two days.
This view is hardly credible and has been contradicted even by the Chinese authorities themselves. Chinese army
intelligence reports admit that the PLA killed 87,000 members of the Tibetan resistance in Lhasa and surrounding
areas between March and October 1959 alone. [Xizang Xingshi he Renwu Jiaoyu de Jiben Jiaocai, PLA Military
District's Political Report, 1960]. The CIA's half-hearted assistance to the Tibetan resistance started in earnest only
after the uprising, and, though welcomed by Tibetans, amounted to little.
All the evidence shows that the uprising was massive, popular and widespread. The brutal repression which followed
in all regions of Tibet only confirms this.
Traditional Society and the Democratic Framework
for Future Tibet
China has always justified its policy in Tibet by painting the darkest picture of traditional Tibetan society. The military
invasion and occupation has been termed a "liberation" by China of Tibetan society from "medieval feudal serfdom"
and "slavery".
Today, this myth is repeatedly rehashed to justify China's own violations of human and political rights in Tibet, and to
counter all international pressure on Beijing to review its repressive policies in Tibet.
Traditional Tibetan society was by no means perfect and was in need of changes. The Dalai Lama and other Tibetan
leaders have admitted as much. That is the reason why the Dalai Lama initiated far-reaching reforms in Tibet as soon
as he assumed temporal authority. Traditional Tibetan society, however, was not nearly as bad as China would have us
Whatever the case may be, for several reasons the Chinese justifications for "liberation" are invalid. First of all,
international law does not accept justifications of this type. No country is allowed to invade, occupy, annex and
colonize another country just because its social structure does not please it. Secondly, the PRC is responsible for
bringing more suffering in the name of liberation. Thirdly, necessary reforms were initiated and Tibetans are quite
capable of carrying them through.
In its 1960 report on Tibet, the International Commission of Jurists' Legal Inquiry Committee stated that: "Chinese
allegations that the Tibetans enjoyed no human rights before the entry of the Chinese were found to be based on
distorted and exaggerated accounts of life in Tibet. Accusations against the Tibetan "rebels" of rape, plunder and
torture were found to have been deliberately fabricated and in other cases unworthy of belief for this and other
reasons." [Tibet and Chinese People's Republic, Geneva, 1960].
Traditional society
In terms of social mobility and wealth distribution, independent Tibet compared favourably with most Asian countries.
The Dalai Lama, head of both the spiritual and secular administration, was found through a system of reincarnation
that ensured that the rule of Tibet did not become hereditary. Most of the Dalai Lamas, including the Thirteenth and
the Fourteenth, came from common, peasant families in remote parts of Tibet.
Every administrative post below the Dalai Lama was held by an equal number of monk and lay officials. Although lay
officials hereditarily held posts (however, the posts themselves were not hereditary), those of monks were open to all.
A large proportion of monk officials came from non-privileged backgrounds.
Tibet's monastic system provided unrestrained opportunities for social mobility. Admission to monastic institutions in
Tibet was open to all and the large majority of monks, particularly those who rose through its ranks to the highest
positions, came from humble backgrounds, often from far-flung villages in Kham and Amdo. This is because the
monasteries offered equal opportunities to all to rise to any height through their own scholarship. A popular Tibetan
aphorism says: "If the mother's son has knowledge, the golden throne of Gaden (the highest position in the hierarchy
of the Gelugpa School of Tibetan Buddhism) has no ownership."
The peasants, whom the Chinese White Paper insists on calling "serfs", had a legal identity, often with documents
stating their rights, and also had access to courts of law. Peasants had the right to sue their masters and carry their case
in appeal to higher authorities.
Ms. Dhondup Chodon comes from a family that was among the poorest social strata in independent Tibet.
Reminiscing about her life before the Chinese occupation in her book, Life in the Red Flag People's Commune, she
said: "I belong to what the Chinese now term as serfs of Tibet... There were six of us in the family... My home was a
double-storeyed building with a walled compound. On the ground floor we used to keep our animals. We had four
yaks, 27 sheep and goats, two donkeys and a land-holding of four and a half khel (0.37 hectares) ... We never had any
difficulty earning our livelihood. There was not a single beggar in our area."
Throughout Tibetan history, the maltreatment and suppression of peasants by estate-holders was forbidden by law as
well as by social convention. From the time of the seventh century Tibetan Emperor Songtsen Gampo, many Tibetan
rulers issued codes based on the Buddhist principle of "Ten Virtues of the Dharma". The essence of this was that the
rulers should act as parents to their subjects.
In 1909 the Thirteenth Dalai Lama issued a regulation conferring on all peasants the right to appeal directly to him in
case of mistreatment by estate holders. As a matter of fact, the Tibetan society frowns upon unkind acts. The Tibetan
Buddhist belief in compassion acts as a check on uncharitable deeds - not only against fellow human beings, but even
against animals.
Capital punishment was banned in Tibet, and physical mutilation was a punishment that could be inflicted by the
Central Government in Lhasa alone. In 1898, Tibet enacted a law abolishing such forms of punishment, except in
cases of high treason or conspiracy against the state.
All land belonged to the state which granted estates to monasteries and to individuals who had rendered service to the
state. The state, in turn, received revenues and service from estate holders. Lay estate holders either paid land
revenues or provided one male member in each generation to work as a government official. Monasteries performed
religious functions for the state and, most vitally, served as schools, universities and centres for Tibetan art, craft,
medicine and culture. The role of monasteries as highly disciplined centres of Tibetan education was the key to the
traditional Tibetan way of life. Monasteries bore all expenses for their students and provided them with free board and
lodging. Some monasteries had large estates; some had endowments which they invested. But other monasteries had
neither of these. They received personal gifts and donations from devotees and patrons. The revenue from these
sources were often insufficient to provide the basic needs of large monk populations. To supplement their income,
some monasteries engaged in trade and acted as money lenders.
The largest proportion of land in old Tibet was held by peasants who paid their revenue directly to the state, and this
became the main source of the government food stocks which were distributed to monasteries, the army, and officials
without estates. Some paid in labour, and some were required to provide transport services to government officials,
and in some cases to monasteries. Land held by the peasant was heritable. He could lease it to others or mortgage it.
He could be dispossessed of his land only if he failed to pay the dues of produce or labour, which were not excessive.
In practice, he had the rights of a free-holder, and dues to the state were a form of land tax paid in kind rather than
A small section of the Tibetan population, mostly in U-Tsang province, were tenants. They held their lands on the
estates of aristocrats and monasteries, and paid rent to the estate-holders either in kind or they sent one member of the
family to work as a domestic servant or an agricultural labourer. Some of these tenant farmers rose to the powerful
position of estate secretary. (For this, they were labelled by the Chinese as "agents of feudal lords"). Other members of
these families had complete freedom. They were entitled to engage in any business, follow any profession, join any
monastery or work on their own lands. Although they were known as tenants, they could not be evicted from their
lands at the whim of estate holders. Some tenant-farmers were quite wealthy.
The present Fourteenth Dalai Lama attempted to introduce far-reaching administrative and land reforms. He proposed
that all large estate holdings of monasteries and individuals be acquired by the state for distribution amongst peasants.
He created a special reform committee which reduced land taxes on peasants. The reform committee was authorized
to hear and redress complaints by individuals against the district or local authorities. He approved the proposal for
debt exemption submitted by this committee. Peasant debtors were categorized into three groups; those who could not
pay either their accumulated interest or repay capital were freed from debt altogether; those who could not pay the
interest out of their annual earnings, but had saved up enough to repay the capital, were ordered to make repayments
in instalments and those who had become wealthy over the course of years were made to pay both capital and interest
in instalments. The Dalai Lama ordered that in future no transport service should be demanded without the special
sanction of the government. He also increased the rates to be paid for transport services.
Famine and starvation were unheard of in independent Tibet. There were, of course, years of poor harvest and crop
failures. But people could easily borrow from the buffer stock held by the district administrations, monasteries,
aristocrats and rich farmers.
From 1950 onwards, the Chinese military and civilian personnel were fed on the state buffer stocks and, they forced
the Tibetan populace to sell their personal holding of grains to them at nominal prices. "Liberation" was, in reality, the
right to equal poverty for all.
Palden Gyatso, a monk who escaped from Tibet in 1992 after serving thirty three years in Chinese jails and labour
camps, puts it succinctly: "The Chinese definitely succeeded in making the rich poor. But they did not help the poor.
The poor became poorer and we were reduced to a nation of tsampa beggars."
In his book, Tibet and its History, Hugh Richardson wrote: "Even communist writers have had to admit there was no
great difference between rich and poor in (pre-1949) Tibet." In fact, when Hu Yaobang, former Communist Party
Secretary, saw the extent of the poverty in Central Tibet in 1980, he stated that the living standard should be brought
up at least to the pre-1959 level.
Democratic reforms
In 1959 the Dalai Lama re-established his government in India, soon after his flight from Tibet, and a series of
democratic changes were initiated. A popularly elected body of people's representatives, the parliament-in-exile, was
constituted. In 1961 the Dalai Lama prepared a draft constitution for future Tibet and sought the opinion of Tibetans
on this matter.
In 1963 a detailed draft constitution for future Tibet was promulgated. Despite strong opposition, the Dalai Lama
insisted on the inclusion of a clause which states that the executive powers of the Dalai Lama shall be exercised by the
Council of Regency when the National Assembly, by a majority of two-thirds of its total members in consultation with
the Supreme Court, decides that this is in the highest interests of the State.
On March 10, 1969 the Dalai Lama announced that on the day Tibet regained its independence the Tibetan people
must decide for themselves what system of government they want.
In 1990 further changes were introduced by increasing the strength of the Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies
(ATPD) from twelve to forty six. It was given more constitutional powers such as the election of kalons (ministers),
who were previously appointed directly by the Dalai Lama. The Supreme Justice Commission was set up to look into
people's grievances against the Administration.
In February 1992, the Dalai Lama announced the Guidelines for Future Tibet's Polity and the Basic Features of its
Constitution, wherein he stated that he would not "play any role in the future government of Tibet, let alone seek the
Dalai Lama's traditional political position". The future government of Tibet, the Dalai Lama said, would be elected by
the people on the basis of adult franchise.
The Dalai Lama also announced that during the transition period, between withdrawal of the repressive Chinese
troops from Tibet and the final promulgation of the Constitution, the administrative responsibilities of State will be
entrusted to the Tibetan functionaries presently working in Tibet. During this transitional period, an interim president
will be appointed to whom the Dalai Lama will delegate all his political powers. The Tibetan Government-in-Exile
will ipso facto cease to exist.
The guidelines for Tibet's future polity also stated: "Future Tibet shall be a peace-loving nation, adhering to the
principle of ahimsa (non-violence). It shall have a democratic system of government committed to preserving a clean,
healthy and beautiful environment. Tibet shall be a completely demilitarized nation."
The Tibetan struggle is, thus, not for the resurrection of the traditional system as the Chinese claim. The relentless
Chinese attempts at personalizing the Tibetan issue to make it hinge upon the Dalai Lama's own status is subterfuge to
mask the main issue: The people's own enduring national struggle.
Human Rights
Over 1.2 million Tibetans have died as a direct result of the Chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet. Today, it is hard
to come across a Tibetan family that has not had at least one member imprisoned or killed by the Chinese regime.
According to Jigme Ngapo, son of Ngapo Ngawang Jigme, former Vice-Chairman of National People's Congress,
"after the suppressions of 1959 and 1969, almost every family in Tibet has been affected in some way". These facts
speak volumes about the "democratic reform" China claims to have brought to the "dark, feudal exploitative society"
of Tibet.
Independent Tibet was certainly not an embodiment of a perfect human society. But it was by no means nearly as
tyrannical as it is today under Chinese rule. Its two biggest prisons, located in Lhasa, had, at any one time, no more
than thirty inmates each. But following the Chinese invasion, the whole of Tibet has been turned into a vast network
of prisons and labour camps. There are reports that China has even resorted to the massacre of prisoners to keep the
prison population within manageable limits.
However, China continues to claim that since its "liberation", the people of Tibet have enjoyed wide measures of
liberty and freedom. Let us examine the facts.
1949-1979: Killing and destruction
According to one Chinese source, the PLA "exterminated" more than 5,700 Tibetan "soldiers", and imprisoned about
2,000 in various areas of Eastern Tibet between October 7 and 25, 1950. [A Survey of Tibet Autonomous Region,
Tibet People's Publishing House, 1984].
Accounts of massacres, tortures and killings, bombardment of monasteries, and the extermination of whole nomad
camps are well documented. Quite a number of these reports have also been documented by the International
Commission of Jurists' 1960 report on Tibet.
According to a secret Chinese military document, the PLA crushed 996 rebellions in Ganlho, Amdo, over the period
1952-58, killing over 10,000 Tibetans. [Work Report of the 11th PLA Division, 1952-1958]. Similarly, another Amdo
area, Golok, had its population reduced from about 130,000 in 1956 to about 60,000 in 1963.[China Spring, June
Speaking about the same area, the Panchen Lama said: "If there was a film made on all the atrocities perpetrated in
Qinghai Province, it would shock the viewers. In Golok area, many people were killed and their dead bodies rolled
down the hill into a big ditch. The soldiers told the family members and relatives of the dead people that they should
celebrate since the rebels had been wiped out. They were even forced to dance on the dead bodies. Soon after, they
were also massacred with machine guns." [Speech by the Panchen Lama at a meeting of the Sub-Committee of the
National People's Congress in Beijing on the situation in Tibet, March 28, 1987]
The Panchen Lama specifically pointed out in his speech: "In Amdo and Kham, people were subjected to unspeakable
atrocities. They were shot in groups of ten or twenty. ...Such actions have left deep wounds in the minds of the
In a crackdown operation launched in the wake of the uprising of March 10, 1959 in Lhasa, 10,000 to 15,000 Tibetans
were killed within three days. According to a secret 1960 PLA Tibet Military District Political Department report,
between March 1959 and October 1960 87,000 Tibetans were killed in Central Tibet alone. [Xizang Xingshi he
Renwu Jiaoyu de Jiben Jiaocai, 1960].
Custodial deaths
A compilation of figures based on testimonies of survivors of prisons and labour camps show that throughout Tibet
about seventy percent of the inmates died. For example, in the wilderness of the northern Tibetan plains at Jhang
Tsalakha more than 10,000 prisoners were kept in five prisons and forced to mine and transport borax. According to
some of the survivors of these camps, every day ten to thirty inmates died from hunger, beating and overwork; in a
year more than 8,000 had died.
Likewise, in the construction of Lhasa Ngachen Hydro-electric Power Station, now falsely claimed to have been built
by the PLA, everyday at least three or four dead prisoners were seen being thrown into the nearby river or burnt.
To cite an example from Eastern Tibet, from 1960 to 1962, 12,019 inmates died at a lead mine in Dartsedo district,
according to a former inmate, Mrs Adhi Tap? from Nyarong, Kham.
According to information compiled by the Tibetan Government-in-Exile, over 1.2 million Tibetans died between 1949
and 1979 in the following manner: