An Appraisal of Cottage Industrial Solid Waste Management Practices in Mubi Metropolis, Nigeria
An Appraisal of Cottage Industrial Solid Waste Management Practices in Mubi Metropolis, Nigeria
An Appraisal of Cottage Industrial Solid Waste Management Practices in Mubi Metropolis, Nigeria
The study examines cottage industrial solid waste management practices in Mubi Metropolis where the
generation and management were dominantly the focal points. Collection of data was largely based on
reconnaissance and questionnaire surveys. The survey administered a set of questionnaire to 124 cottage
firms, where data collected were summarized and presented in form of percentages and tables. Consequently,
descriptive and quantitative statistical analysis for valid decision making was employed. Analysis however
reveals the major types of cottage firms as grain polishing or husk removal, furniture making, bakery, flour
mills, water packaging and brick/block industry, where findings shows waste generated by them being peculiar
to what they produce, as saw dust, grain husk, charcoal and ashes pure water bags and brick/block rubbles.
Some of the waste generated are reusable and are sold as animal feed or given out to people for free which is
dumped on farmland as soil amend. Concerted cottage industrial waste reuse or recycling which partly forms
the cornerstones to shrinking the overwhelming urban waste problem in the area is ardently recommended.
Generally, there are four ways to get rid of solid waste: dump it, bury it, burn it or compost it (Raven
and Raven, 1998). In the rapidly urbanizing cities of the developing world, problem and issue of waste
management has become intractable. The rapid rate of urbanization, population growth, industrialization and
their consequent waste generation overwhelms the capacity of most municipal authorities to provide sufficient
basic management service to handle these wastes. Solid wastes are disposed of in uncontrolled dumpsites and/or
burnt, causing pollution (Zurbrugg, 1996).
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is discharged as a result of human activities such as waste produced
through domestic and commercial/industrial activities in urban areas. On the other hand, cottage industrial solid
waste management practices are the techniques and/or methods employed by cottage entrepreneurs in the
collection, storage, transportation and disposal of solid waste generated from day to day productions.
According to Sheehan and Knapp (2000), waste problems are generally due to resource management,
as a result of bad design, and ultimately, the result of bad decision making (Lombardi, 2001). However, zero
waste is a new way of looking at or managing our waste stream. Instead of seeing used materials as garbage in
need of disposal, they are seen as a valuable resource. Piles of trash represent jobs, financial opportunity and
raw material for new products (Matsch, 2000). It involves reuse and recycling instead of our throw away
norm/ideas (Oyelola and Ojo, (2004). Recovering of resource from waste is a major player in the reduction of
our urban waste stream; it conserves our natural resources and more environmentally benign (Botkin and Keller,
1997; and Raven and Raven, 1998).
Metropolitan cities in developing world are the centers of economic growth particularly small scale or
cottage firms, where development and implications leading to consequences of such growth and development
are bound to happen. These consequences are numerous. For example, land and air pollution, solid and liquid
waste disposal, unsanitary conditions, slum, encroachment etc.
Nigeria cities are rapidly growing not only demographically but in areas of economic pursuit such as
cottage commodity processing among others, where various forms of waste are produced, posing serious
environmental problem that emanates from poor waste collection and disposal (Sada, 1980). Poor urban refuse
management has resulted in ever increasing solid waste heaps found on vacant lots and streets. Despite measures
taken to address the problem, the sanitary conditions in most cities in Nigeria are still far- fetched (Omuta,
In Mubi Metropolis, wastes generation is traced not only to household or domestic chores, but equally
to the production processes of numerous cottage industries found in the area though they differ at varying
degrees of generation. Obviously, cottage industries generate less waste than domestic activities.
The study practically covers some aspects of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generation and
management practices in Mubi Metropolis that concerns cottage firms because they contributes significantly to
the townships waste stream. Consequently, the generation, collection and storage, transportation, and disposal
practices of cottage firms in the metropolis were examined.
Study Area
Mubi metropolis cut across Mubi North and Mubi South local government areas, and located in the
northern part of Adamawa State (see figure 1. It lies between latitude 100 14′ and 100 18′ north of the equator
and longitude 130 14′ and 130 19′ east of the Greenwich meridian (Adebayo, 2004).
To collect data for the study, a reconnaissance survey identifying the various cottage firms in the area,
bearing in mind the objectives of the study. One hundred and twenty four (124) cottage industries were
identified, where proprietors or employees of the cottage firms were interviewed with the help of questionnaire
survey. Data were collected from these cottage industries with regards to; type of firm, organizational set up,
raw material used and their source(s), type and composition of waste generated, reusability of waste generated,
management of non-reusable waste (collection/storage, transportation and disposal).
Data was collected regarding the status of respondents as employees or proprietors of the cottage firms, which
shows 97% of the respondents as employees while 3% as proprietors. This portends that most respondent are
stakeholders and are directly involved in the production process.
Data collected further reveals that of all cottage firms interviewed, only one, the Mubi Burnt Brick (1%)
was government owned. The remaining one hundred and twenty three (99%) belongs to private entrepreneurs.
On how long the cottage industries have been in existence, 49% respondents indicates that their cottage
firms have been existing for not less than five (5) years, 30% respondents indicated 5 to 9 years and 21% of the
respondents indicated their firms have existed for over 10 years.
To be able to determine the extent, types and composition of waste generated by the industries surveyed,
data was sought on industry type, whether service or production oriented. The information gathered revealed
that majority, representing (75%), i.e. two third of the cottage firms were productive industries while only a few
(25%) were service industries.
The study was also interested in determining the major products manufactured by the industries
especially the production industries that are likely to produce waste. This is to assess if there are bye products
which are generated as waste. Findings shows that majority of the cottage industries, (19%) were furniture
making firms, bakery (21%), flour mills/grain offal removal (36%) and water packaging business (6%). Others
are the production of red bricks, cement blocks, local drinks, buns/cake, and aluminum utensils (3%), (5%),
(4%), (3%), and (3%) in that order.
Data was collected on the types or composition of raw materials used in cottage industrial production
processes. This is to determine the extent to which wastes could be generated from such industries. Data
obtained shows that majority of the types and source of raw materials used by the firm’s, rice, corn, wheat,
timber/plywood, gravel/clay, fuel wood, generates wastes synonymous with raw materials used; grain husk or
offal, polythene bags, saw dust, charcoal, ashes and brick rubbles. The study further sought to know from
proprietors of these firms sources of their raw materials and data obtained shows that majority of the firms get
raw materials locally (76%), 16% externally and 10% source internally and externally.
In the same vein, information was sought from respondents on wastes generated during production.
About 92% of the respondents affirms their cottage firms generates varying types and degree of some kind of
wastes, while 8% were non affirmative. Furthermore, summary of data on the composition of wastes generated
as it relates to the type of industry, and the raw materials used in the process of production reveals that most of
the wastes generated are grain husk (34%) saw dust (32%), charcoal/ashes (17%) polythene bags (12%) and are
mainly from the service industries. Only 5% of the waste is made up of brick rubbles from burnt brick industry
and block industries.
Data on estimated waste generated per day by the cottage firms were sought and it shows that 29% of
respondents generate between 40 – 49kg of waste per day, 24% generate waste between 50 – 59kg, while 10%
generate between 70 – 79kg and 30 – 39kg per day. The least, 5% generate between 10-19kg per day
respectively. Consequently, it is evident that a substantial amount of waste is generated by the horst generators
which are the cottage industries.
With regards to re-usability of waste generated, data obtained shows that 80% of proprietors said greater
parts of the waste they generate are reusable while 19% said wastes generated are not reusable. The most waste
generated and can be used according to respondents is grain husk or offal (48%), accruing from the processing
of grain like maize, guinea corn and millet. Others are 23% rice husk, 14% saw dust, 10% charcoal/ashes and
5% brick rubbles generated by rice mills, bakeries and burnt brick industry respectively.
The wastes generated as grain chaff or offal are used as animal feed according to (35%) of respondents
while 32% of respondents said rice husk are deposited on farmland and burnt or set ablaze and residues (ashes)
serve as soil amend, or husk, deposited to decompose though slowly, to serve as compost manure. According
to 8% of respondents, saw dust are used as floor-safeguards for poultry bird litters, charcoal is used for heating,
cooking and ironing of clothes (15%) and brick rubbles used as pot-hole filler on bad road (10%). data
The reusable wastes according to 96% of respondents are collected and sold out to other users whereas
4% of respondents say wastes generated are used up by their organization. Data collected also showed that
animal breeders and farmers purchase the bulk of the reusable wastes for animal feeds, and for compost manure,
(42% and 26% respectively), while poultry farmers that use the reusable waste account for 25% respondents
and 5% respondents says they are purchased and utilized by households.
The wastes according to respondents (94%) are sold out for varying amount of cash ranging between
N1000 to N1500 ($6 to $9) depending on the size of the bag while 6% of the respondent gives the bye product
out for free.
However, the researcher’s personal observation in this regard shows that other reusable waste generated
such as excess brick rubbles, saw dust and ashes are mainly disposed off outside the factory or within the
neighborhood of workshops or bakeries, which are hence collected by final users if they so wished for free. The
red bricks are used for erosion control, pothole filler, filler for marshy compounds and streets. Equally, saw
dusts are used for protection of poultry floor against fowl litters, and ashes are used for pests and herbicides
control especially insects that feed on foliage of plants and for the control of strigger weed (wuta-wuta), on
farmlands (Table 1).
Table 1: Types of Cottage Industries in Mubi Metropolis showing Source of Raw Materials, Product
Types, Waste Generated and Uses.
Rice mill Rice Polished rice Rice Husks Little amount is utilized as soil amend
(manure) by some residents as it takes
long time to decompose in soil. Others
dump on farm and burn them to
produce ashes which infuse in the soil
as soil amends.
Corn mills Corn e.g. maize, Polished corn Corn husks or Animal feed/for fattening animals
guinea-corn, offal
Bakeries Wheat flour, Bread, buns, Charcoal, ashes, Charcoal used by tailors, dry cleaning
sugar, water, meat pie waste- water, services and washmen services,
butter, baking disused metals, domestic heating and cooking. Ashes
powder, yeast, polythene used to control aphid pest and strigger
flavour, packages, paper (wuta-wuta weeds).
vegetable oil,
fuel wood,
packaging, labels
Carpentry/ Timber or plants, Chairs, tables, Saw dust, Saw dust is used as protection of
furniture plywood, nails cushions sets, pieces of cloth, poultry floor against bird litter.
vanish, paints, side stools, and leather,
sand paper, tools, doors, wood chips.
adhesives, foam, windows,
cloth and leather cupboard,
upholstery wardrobes,
drawers etc
Brick/block Clay, sand, Red bricks, Brick and block Filling pot holes, erosion site,
cement, water blocks rubbles, waste reclamation, marshy compounds.
Data summary on collection period of waste indicates that majority of respondents (80%) collect waste
from their firms twice a week, 12% collect accumulated waste on weekly basis while 8% of respondent’s sweeps
and collect their waste daily.
Waste collection from the cottage firms is commercialized. Waste collection fare ranges between one
thousand to three thousand naira per collection (six to eighteen dollars). Observation by the researcher shows
waste that cannot be reused are collected and subsequently disposed off into erosion sites and bad roads
especially wastes from burnt bricks and block manufacturing industries.
However, cottage proprietors that do not utilize the above disposal method transport waste to disposal
sites mainly within the vicinity, open dumps and drainage channels. However, some wastes are given out to
people that re-uses them (6%) or at worst burnt (84%), where it is done without due consideration of effects it
may have on the environment (94%). Only 6% respondents are aware of the impact of open air waste
incineration but still burn them openly.
Almost all cottage industries in the study area are privately owned, and this can be attributed to the
dividends of the prevailing democratic dispensation Nigerians are experiencing with respect to the
recapitalization of lending institutions. The banking and finance sector after the major reforms were
strengthened. Depositors and creditors gained confidence once more and there seems to be a lot of capital where
investors could pull from. Equally, government policy on poverty eradication has turned many unemployed
Nigerians into small scale entrepreneurs. All this and other factors culminated into many residents in Mubi
gaining the necessary assistants and consequently, became proprietors of small and medium scale industries.
Most of the small scale industries are productive and not service industries, and engaged mainly in furniture
making, bakeries; flour mills/grain husks removals and water packaging. Others are brick/block industries, local
drinks processing and local production of aluminum utensils, each contributing to varying degree and types of
waste generated.
Among the major waste types generated are grain husks from rice, maize, guinea corn, produced
abundantly as the staple food of the community. Others are saw dust from numerous carpentry and furniture
workshops, charcoal and ashes, and brick rubbles from bakeries and red brick/block industries respectively.
However, some of the waste generated are sold and utilized animal feeds (grain processing) excluding rice husks
which are dumped with impunity. Saw dust is used by poultry farmers as floor protection from chicken
droppings, ashes as well are used by farmers to control weeds (wuta-wuta), and brick rubbles are utilized for
erosion control and filling of pot holes on the intra township road accordingly.
This study was able to appraise the practices of a significant solid waste contributor, the cottage industry.
Cottage industries such as furniture making, bakeries, flour mills/grain husk, block/brick industries and so on
generate significant amount of solid waste in the area but the concerted reuse and recycling of these cottage
wastes as recommended will go a long way in reducing the townships waste level.
1) Public education/enlightenment to sensitize and mobilize cottage industrial proprietors towards a better
attitude for the maintenance of environmental quality as “health is wealth” and “cleanness is next to
godliness” will go a long way in addressing the waste problem.
2) Government in conjunction with private sectors should create waste recycling plants, and encourage or
strengthen existing local recycling outfits in the area such as blacksmiths, spare part fabrications,
household utensils manufacturing etc. This will generate employment and at the same time address the
waste problem.
3) The production of organic fertilizer and biogas/bio-fuel from waste generated in the study area by
acquiring the technology to do so will turn waste to wealth.
Sheehan, B. and Knapp, D. (2000). Zeroing on zero Waste. Eco-cycle Inc. Boulder Country’s Recycling
Professionals. Grassroot Recycling Network 1996-2003, Georgia, U.S.A.
Zrubberg, O. (1996). Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries. Proceeding of the 7 th Annual
Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) on Waste Reduction, Prevention, Recycling
and Composting, Washville, Tennessee: 39-149.