Periodontal Restorative Inter-Relationship: A Review

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Journal of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences

NLM ID: 101671413 ISSN: 2454-2288

Volume 1 Issue 3 October-December 2015
Review Article

Periodontal Restorative Inter-Relationship: A Review

Satya Gupta1, Vivek Govila2, Mona Sharma3 , Smita Govila4
Post Graduate student, 2Professor, 3, Reader, Department of Periodontics, Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, Uttar Pradesh, India
Reader, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, Uttar Pradesh, India


The interrelationship between dental restoration and periodontal health is a dynamic and hence should
always be considered. Various guidelines have been given and reviewed here to evaluate compatibility of
periodontium while performing dental restoration. Using these basic clinical parameters and guidelines,
careful and successful restorative procedure can be performed for longer stability. Judiciously performed
periodontal treatment before oral restoration and /or prosthesis provides an aesthetically acceptable,
functionally comfortable and stable dentition. This review article addresses the inter-relationship between
Keywords: significance of health of periodontal tissues and dental restorative procedures.
Periodontitis, Biologic Width, Crown .
Preparation, Pontic

Introduction regarding specific concepts such as biologic width, its

Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of maintenance and applications of crown lengthening in
the tissues that surround and support the teeth. If left cases of Biologic width violation.2 In fact, a most

untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss. common complication to periodontitis and periodontal

Periodontal diseases are generally divided into two therapy is root dentin hypersensitivity, a condition

groups; Gingivitis, which causes inflammation that affect associated with the direct exposure of root dentin to the

the gingival and Periodontitis, which damages the bone oral environment (Gillam&Orchardson 2006)3. Hence,

and connective tissue that support the teeth. Periodontal Maintenance of gingival health constitutes one of the
disease is caused by bacteria. Periodontal health is the keys for oral health. Bender, I.B. & Seltzer, S. (1972)

pre-requisite of successful comprehensive Dentistry1. To observed during endodontic treatment that teeth with

achieve the long term therapeutic targets of, optimum chronic inflammation in the root canal space also shows

function, treatment predictability, longevity and areas of chronic inflammation in the periodontal space

maintenance; acute periodontal infection must be treated adjacent to lateral canals. Caries and/or restorative

and controlled. This has to be done before the initiation procedures can affect the pulps of periodontally involved
of restorative or aesthetic dentistry. More recently, this teeth, and, vice-versa periodontal disease can affect

phase of treatment includes Crown lengthening, pulps of teeth with caries or restorations. New Comb

Covering denuded roots, Alveolar ridge augmentation, 1974, Tal et al 19895 detected evidence from different

Implant site development and Endodontic treatment. An studies and a recent review also suggested that a breach
adequate understanding of the relationship between of biologic width have an impact on Periodontal health

periodontal tissues form and function with restorative and restoration longevity.6 Kipioti A, Nakou M, Legakis
dentistry is paramount to ensure adequate rehabilitation N, Mitsis F. (1984) examined the flora from the root
of the dentition. Even though most clinicians are aware canals and periodontal pockets of teeth with advanced

of this important relationship uncertainty remains periodontal disease in order to compare the predominant

* Corresponding author. Dr. Satya Gupta Address: Department Of Periodontics, Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,
India. Contact: 7376310027 E-mail address: [email protected]

cultivable microflora from the canals with those found in surrounding periodontal tissues. Reasons for establishing
the adjacent periodontal pockets. The study periodontal health before performing restoration are:
demonstrated that the micro-organisms present in the 1) Periodontal treatment should be undertaken to
root canals of caries-free teeth with advanced ensure the establishment of stable gingival margins
periodontitis generally resembled those found in the before tooth preparation for restoration.11,12 In
adjacent periodontal pocket and the pocket could be the addition, tissues that do not bleed during restorative
source of the root canal infections. Torabinejad M, Kiger manipulation allow for a more accessibility and
RD. (1985)8 performed clinical and histological aesthetic result.13,14
examination of twenty-five teeth of a patient with 2) Certain periodontal procedure are designed to
varying degrees of attachment loss resulting from enhance adequate tooth length for retention,
periodontal disease and showed no correlation between impression making, tooth preparation and finishing
the severity of periodontal disease and morphologic of restorative margin.13,15 Failure to complete these
changes of the pulp tissue. procedure before restoration can add to the
D. A. felton et al (1991) studied Effect of crown margin complexity of treatment along with unnecessary risk
discrepancies on periodontal health and observed that a of failure.13
strong correlation exists between marginal discrepancies 3) Periodontal therapy should follow restorative
and gingival index and gingival crevicular fluid volume. procedure because the resolution of inflammation
So a significant quantitative relationships has been well may result in the repositioning of teeth or in soft
established between the marginal discrepancy and tissue and mucosal changes.16
periodontal tissue inflammation for subgingivally located 4) Orthodontic tooth movement and restorations
crown margins.9 completed without considering the importance of
Kosyfaki et al (2010 ) analysed in a systemic review, the periodontal treatment designed for this purpose may
interactions between dental crowns and the marginal be subject to complicate construction and future
periodontal tissues and concluded that the recognition of maintenance .17
the biologic width, in terms of crown margin placement,
is utmost important for periodontal health. Therefore, Biologic considerations
knowledge of dimensions of Junctional epithelium and The importance of the periodontal tissue is often
connective tissue attachment is of high clinical underestimated. In order to avoid pathological changes,
relevance. to predict treatment results more precisely, it is necessary
to keep gingival biological width unaltered during
Rationale for therapy restorative procedures. If there are less than 2 mm from
The relationship between periodontal health and the restoration's margin to marginal bone clinical crown
restoration of teeth is inseparable. For the periodontium lengthening should be considered in treatment plan. The
to remain healthy, restoration must be critically managed line of treatment depends on relationship of crown-root-
in several areas so that they are in harmony with their alveolar bone and patient’s esthetical expectations. In
order to keep margins of restoration supra-gingivally the

Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences 1(3);2015


distance from marginal bone to margins of restoration – Gingival bleeding,

should not be less than atleast 3 mm. The margins of – Periodontal pocket formation,
restoration ideally considered either supra or equi- – Gingival recession.
gingival. When the margins of restoration are prepared
sub-gingivally, the distance from marginal gingiva to
margins of restoration should not be more than 0.7 mm.
To continue treatment in operated area is recommended
not before 4 weeks, and making restorations not before 6

Biological width
The dimension of space that the healthy gingival tissue
Figure 1: Biological width
occupies coronal to the alveolar bone is defined as the
biologic width.19 This term was based on the work of
Correcting Biologic Width Violations
Gargiulo et al; who described the dimensions and
Surgical removal of bone
relationship of the dento-gingival junctions in humans.
To remove alveolar bone the modified widman technique
The biologic width (Figure 1) is essential for
is applied. The bone should be moved away from the
preservation of periodontal health. Gargiulo et al (1961),
margin by the measured distance of the ideal biologic
reported the following mean dimensions: a sulcus depth
width for that particular individual with an additional 0.5
of 0.69mm, an epithelial attachment of 0.97mm, and a
mm of bone removed for a safety zone. Orthodontic
connective tissue attachment of 1.07mm. Based on this
work, the biologic width is commonly stated to be
If the biologic width violation has occurred across the
2.04mm, which represents the sum of the epithelial and
facial surface and the gingival tissue level is correct. By
connective tissue measurements. Radiographic
applying low orthodontic extrusion force, the tooth will
interpretations can identify interproximal violations of
erupt slowly, bringing the alveolar bone and gingival
biologic width. However, with the more common
tissue along with it. The tooth is extruded until the
locations on the mesio-facial and disto-facial line angle
bone level has been carried coronal to the ideal level as
of teeth, radiographs are not diagnostic because of tooth
recommended in that individual. Another option is to
perform rapid orthodontic extrusion where the tooth is
erupted to the desired amount within several weeks.
Biologic Width Violations
During this period, a super-crestal fibrotomy is
Direct or indirect restorations of tooth crown defects
performed weekly in an effort to prevent the tissue and
with margins located in the gingival biological width
bone from following the tooth during its orthodontic
area can potentially induce gingival inflammation, loss
eruption. The tooth is then stabilised for at least 12 week
of periodontal tissue attachment and unpredictable bone
to confirm the position of the tissue and bone so that it
loss. Clinically it could be manifested as:
does not return to previous undesired position.21

Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences 1(3);2015


margins.42.Orkin et al 43
demonstrated that sub-gingival
Margin Placement and Biologic Width restorations had a greater chance of bleeding and
Role of biologic width in preserving healthy gingival exhibiting gingival recession in comparison to supra-
tissues and controlling the gingival form around gingivally placed restoration margin.
restorations is very important. Practitioner must also Renggli et al44 showed that gingivitis and plaque
apply this information in the positioning of restoration accumulation were more pronounced in interdental areas
margins, especially in the anterior esthetic zone, where a even with well-adapted sub-gingival amalgam
primary treatment is to mask the junction of the margin restorations compared to a sound tooth structure.
with the tooth. Flores-de-Jacoby et al45 studied the effects of crown
margin location on periodontal health and bacterial
Margin placement guidelines morphotypes in human 6-8 weeks and 1 year post
When determining regarding the placement of restorative insertion. Subgingival margins demonstrated increased in
margins relative to the periodontal tissue attachment, it is various clinical parameter such as plaque, gingival index
recommended that the patient's existing sulcus depth can score and probing depths. Furthermore, more
be used as a guideline in assessing the biologic width spirochetes, fusiforms, rods and filamentous bacteria
requirement for that patient. The base of the sulcus can were found to be associated with subgingival margins.
be considered as the top of the attachment, and therefore Silness46 evaluated the periodontal condition of the
variations in attachment height are accounted for by lingual surfaces of 385 fixed partial denture abutment
assuring that the margin should be placed in the sulcus teeth. He found that a supra-gingival position of the
and not in the attachment. The extension of any crown margin was the most favorable, whereas margins
restorative margin into the gingival sulcus should be below the gingival margin significantly compromised
considered a compromise, but esthetic or gingival health.
retentive condition and so often make it necessary. Using sulcus depth as a guide in margin placement is
Hence, sub-gingival margins can lead to a compromised necessary to manage gingival health. Once the tissue is
periodontal status , so supra-gingival healthy, the following three rules can be used to place
margins are preferred. . The marginal fit should be intra-crevicular margins:-
optimal because rough restorations or open margins lead 1) If the sulcus probes 1.5 mm or less, place the
to an accumulation of periodontal pathogens that are restoration margin 0.5mm below the gingival tissue
associated with inflammatory periodontal conditions and crest.
can compromise function and form. Intra-crevicular 2) If the sulcus probes more than 1.5 mm, place the
margins are defined as those confined within the gingival margin half the depth of the sulcus below the tissue
crevice and plays a very significant role as periodontal crest.
health indicator. Different studies have demonstrated 3) If a sulcus greater than 2 mm is found, especially on
conclusively that periodontal tissues show more signs of the facial aspect of the tooth, evaluate to see if
inflammation around crown margin with intra-crevicular gingivectomy could be performed to lengthen the
or sub-gingival margins than those with supra-gingival teeth and create a sulcus of 1.5mm.

Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences 1(3);2015


surface of a restoration should not have more than 0.5

Pontic design mm bulge adjacent to the gingival margin because this
Pontics should both esthetically and functionally replace may interfere with adequate plaque removal.55It has been
lost teeth, and at the same time be non-irritating to the hence opinioned that buccal and lingual crown contours
underlying mucosa and allow effective plaque control should be ‘flat’, not ‘fat’ usually less than 0.5 mm wider
and periodontal health mantenance. . than the cement-enamel junction, and those furcation
Classically, four options should be considered in areas should be ‘fluted’ or ‘barreled out’ to
evaluating pontic design: Sanitary, ridge lap, modified accommodate oral hygiene aids in these areas.
ridge lap and ovate designs. The restorative material
used for all four designs can be either glazed porcelain, Overhanging dental restoration and periodontal
polished gold or polished resin. There is no difference in disease
biologic response of the tissue on contact with the An overhanging dental restoration is defined as an
restoration, regardless of the material chosen, as long as extension of restoration margin or restorative material
it has a smooth surface finish . The sanitary and ovate beyond the confines of a cavity preparation. They have
pontics have convex under surfaces and considered been strongly implicated as an aetiology factors in
better design because it facilitate cleaning of area initiation and progression of periodontal diseases and are
beneath it. The ridge lap and modified ridge lap designs alarmingly prevalent. In addition to promoting plaque
have concave surfaces that are more difficult to access accumulation and provide retention for it. There is good
for maintenance of periodontal tissue beneath it even documentation that bleeding on probing, gingivitis and
with dental floss. A modified ridge lap design can be alveolar bone loss has been found to be increased in
given where there is an inadequate ridge to place an tissues adjacent to overhanging dental restoration as
ovate pontic design. Whereas the facial aspect of the compared to homologous teeth. Removal of overhanging
undersurface has a concave shape, which facilitates an dental restoration enhances the effectiveness of hygiene
adequate access for oral hygiene by the more open phase after periodontal therapy. Many overhanging
lingual form. dental restoration, however are not detected on
radiographs and are evident only clinically by use of an
Crown Contour explorer directed sub-gingivally. In the study of
When the gingiva contacts a non-contoured flat tooth pathogenesis and causality of periodontal disease
surface, there is a tendency to develop a thick free processes, lesions of endodontic origin are significant as
gingival margin around the tooth. Over-contouring of they frequently extend and manifest themselves in the
restorations or faulty placement of contour is a much attachment apparatus. These lesions do not only produce
greater hazard to periodontal health than is lack of signs and symptoms of inflammation in apical areas of
contour, since both supra- and sub-gingival plaque teeth, but they may also induce periodontal tissue
accumulation will be enhanced and retained by over- destruction along the lateral aspects of roots and in
contoured margins. The greater the convexity, the more furcations of two- and multi-rooted teeth.
difficult it is to remove the plaque. The facial or lingual

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How to cite this article:

Gupta S, Govila V, Sharma M, Govila S. Periodontal Restorative Inter-
Relationship: A Review .JOADMS 2015; 1(3):142-150.
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared

Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences 1(3);2015

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