Information & Management: Amy Van Looy, Manu de Backer, Geert Poels, Monique Snoeck
Information & Management: Amy Van Looy, Manu de Backer, Geert Poels, Monique Snoeck
Information & Management: Amy Van Looy, Manu de Backer, Geert Poels, Monique Snoeck
Article history: We have built and tested a decision tool which will help organisations properly select one business
Received 13 November 2012 process maturity model (BPMM) over another. This prototype consists of a novel questionnaire with
Received in revised form 24 May 2013 decision criteria for BPMM selection, linked to a unique data set of 69 BPMMs. Fourteen criteria
Accepted 23 June 2013
(questions) were elicited from an international Delphi study, and weighed by the analytical hierarchy
Available online 1 July 2013
process. Case studies have shown (non-)profit and academic applications. Our purpose was to describe
criteria that enable an informed BPMM choice (conform to decision-making theories, rather than ad hoc).
Moreover, we propose a design process for building BPMM decision tools.
Maturity model
ß 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Business process
Process improvement
Decision support system
Delphi technique
Analytical hierarchy process
0378-7206/$ – see front matter ß 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488 467
existing studies by: (i) identifying a diverse set of BPMMs (in business processes, and suggest improvements to reach the next,
response to the lacking BPMM overview), (ii) identifying the most desired maturity level. Similarly, a BPMM can assess and improve
decisive selection criteria (in response to the lacking knowledge of each capability area separately by capability levels and will
BPMM selection), and (iii) designing a decision tool based on these sometimes also associate certain capability levels with a
criteria. We provide knowledge contributions by filling these particular maturity level. Hence, maturity levels indicate the
important gaps, and by extending the literature with a thorough overall growth through all capability areas, whereas capability
design process, resulting in users being able to make more levels indicate the growth per capability area. The labels of
informed decisions with the BPMM decision tool. The major maturity levels and capability levels may refer to (i) business
managerial implication is that the tool helps each organisation process optimisation (e.g. initial, managed, standardised, pre-
choose a BPMM that will best suit its particular needs. dictable, innovating) [90], (ii) business process management
The theoretical background to this problem statement is (BPM) (e.g. BPM initiation, BPM evolution, BPM mastery) [101], or
explained in Section 2, while Section 3 proposes our solution on (iii) business process integration (e.g. ad hoc, defined, linked,
which we elaborate in Section 4. We also explain how the decision integrated) [86]. Also, the number of levels varies (e.g. five, three
tool was built (Section 5) and tested (Section 6). Section 7 discusses and four).
the tool as a solution to our research problem. We conclude by Further on, de Bruin and Rosemann [59] distinguish two types
summarising the contributions and limitations (Section 8), and of BPMMs, also included as ‘modelType’ in Fig. 1: models that
main findings (Section 9). assess (i) maturity of (one or more) specific business process(es),
and (ii) maturity of BPM in general (i.e. of all business processes in
2. Theoretical background the organisation). For instance, an organisation with ten business
processes can choose between: (i) a BPMM that assesses and
Despite the many maturity models, a common conceptualisa- improves each process separately, (ii) a BPMM that assesses and
tion is still lacking [18]. Hence, Fig. 1 introduces the conceptual improves the organisation’s mastery in BPM, or (iii) a BPMM that
model of a BPMM for this study. combines both alternatives. This refinement may, for instance,
As its name suggests, a BPMM assesses and improves business indicate that the organisation is generally capable of modelling its
process maturity. It does so by defining a number of maturity processes, but that only some processes already have a graphic
levels, each representing a higher or lower degree of maturity. The design, or that support processes do not need the same maturity
highest maturity level represents business process excellence. As level as core processes.
shown in Fig. 1, each maturity level covers a number of concrete Examples of potential decision criteria, derived from the above,
capability areas (or areas of related capabilities), in which a are the capability coverage of BPMMs, the labelling and number of
business process can perform at a particular capability level. Van maturity levels and capability levels, or the number of business
Looy et al. [33] present a framework of process capability areas processes addressed. This study will investigate which other
with six main areas divided into 17 sub areas. The main capability criteria might guide BPMM selection, and which set of decision
areas are business process (i) modelling, (ii) deployment, (iii) criteria is most relevant. Besides relevant decision criteria, a sound
optimisation, (iv) management, and a process-oriented (v) culture, BPMM decision tool copes with requirements of decision-making
and (vi) structure. The authors argue that BPMMs do not always theories, which explain how a motivated decision must be taken.
address all capability areas, but that three clusters exist: (i) BPMMs We consider the following theories that underlie our solution
limited to the first four basic areas in the traditional business (Table 1).
process lifecycle [39], (ii) BPMMs combining the basic areas with a
process-oriented culture, and (iii) BPMMs addressing the basic Theory of bounded rationality [27]: As rational as possible, given
areas plus a process-oriented culture and structure. This classifi- the limited human capabilities to capture data, resulting in
cation is adopted in Section 5.1.2 and is referred to as the optimal and satisfactory decisions.
‘modelType’ of a BPMM in Fig. 1. Theory of information symmetry [1]: With users having the same
Furthermore, Fig. 1 explains that a BPMM can assess the information as designers, resulting in better decisions.
current maturity level of a particular business process or a set of Theory of managerial work [19]: Keeping pace with managers.
468 A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488
Table 1
Applying the design theory components of Walls et al. [37] (i.e. left column) to our study (i.e. right column).
1 Design product
1.1 Meta-requirements (=goals to which the * Utility. The decision tool should enable an informed BPMM choice, which fits the needs
theory applies) * Effectiveness. The decision tool should be based on a limited set of the most relevant
decision criteria
* Efficiency. The decision tool should be quick to use (i.e. less than one hour)
* Quality. The output should be a clear and brief recommendation regarding the BPMM which fits best
1.2 Meta-design (=artefacts to meet the Artefact types in accordance with March and Smith [15]:
meta-requirements) * conceptual model of the BPMM decision tool (constructs)
* overview of decision criteria and their weights (model)
* questionnaire that operationalises the decision criteria (model)
* decision table that applies the questionnaire and selects the best suited BPMM (method)
* decision tool that implements the decision table (resulting instantiation, to which all
requirements apply)
1.3 Kernel theories (=theories for the requirements) * Theory of bounded rationality [27] ) particularly utility and effectiveness required
* Theory of information symmetry [1] ) also quality required
* Theory of managerial work [19] ) also efficiency required
* Multi-attribute utility theory [10] ) particularly utility and effectiveness required
1.4 Testable design product hypotheses (=meta-design * Utility. Organisations are more satisfied with the choice of BPMM if the decision tool is used,
satisfies the meta-requirements?) than if the decision tool is not used (Req1)
* Effectiveness. The decision tool suggests at least one BPMM. If more BPMMs are obtained,
additional information is given (Req2)
* Efficiency. Organisations are satisfied with the time and effort needed to use the decision tool (Req3)
* Quality. Organisations are satisfied with the clarity of the tool’s output, i.e. the advised BPMM (Req4)
2 Design process
2.1 Design method (=procedures for artefact construction) * Content analysis of existing BPMM design documents ) conceptual model of BPMM decision tool
and the way this can be instantiated for different BPMMs by a decision table
* Consensus-seeking decision-making (i.e. Delphi) ) overview of criteria + formulation of questionnaire
* Multi-criteria decision-making (i.e. AHP) ) overview of weighed criteria + sequence in questionnaire
* Decision table design ) decision table
* Programming ) decision tool
2.2 Kernel theories (=theories for the design process) * Multi-attribute utility theory [10] ) Delphi
* Theory of collaboration [5] ) Delphi
* Theory of judging relative importance [4] => AHP
2.3 Testable design process hypotheses (=method satisfies * Experts are satisfied with the criteria (Req5) and weights (Req6) ) overview of criteria and weights
the meta-design?) * Organisations are satisfied with the criteria (Req7), their question formulation (Req8), and their
sequence (Req9) ) overview of criteria and weights, questionnaire, decision table
* The design guidelines of Hevner et al. [7] are met (Req10) ) all artefact types + viable decision tool
The multi-attribute utility theory [10] is an illustration of (i.e. methodology). Since hypotheses in the design-science para-
bounded rationality by decomposing a problem into smaller parts digm refer to design choices or solution requirements rather than
to avoid cognitive overload. In the context of our problem, it explanations (for decision-making), the remainder of this article
assumes that decision-makers use two or more criteria (or will refer to requirements. These requirements will be used to
attributes) to choose a BPMM out of a set of alternatives to discuss our solution in Section 7.
maximise utility. Therefore, the relative importance of criteria must
be judged, which is subject to behavioural biases of individuals [4] 3.1. Proposed solution requirements
or group collaboration [5]. Based on these theoretical backgrounds,
a solution is proposed. Due to the lack of any selection support for maturity models, we
cannot evaluate our tool against similar tools. Instead, our solution
3. Proposed solution requirements are motivated by decision-making theories.
The bounded rationality theory of Simon [27] criticises classical
Various authors assert that two research paradigms dominate decision-making theories as people are not omniscient. Instead,
the domains of applied sciences, such as BPM, operations decision-makers must act as rational as their limited capabilities
management, and information systems (IS) [7]: permit them to do. The multi-attribute utility theory [10] specifies
that such informed decisions are achieved by considering a set of
The behavioural-science paradigm for building/testing theories the most decisive criteria, in order to strike the right balance
to explain/predict situations. between information overload (i.e. too many criteria) and ad hoc
The design-science paradigm for building/testing artefacts to decisions (i.e. too few criteria). By considering this set of criteria,
solve problem situations. the alternative solutions are screened to verify which one best
Our research is situated in the second paradigm, as is other meets particular needs. So we propose that existing BPMMs should
research into developing novel decision support systems [38]. We be examined on a limited set of predominant criteria, enabling an
will rely on (i) the IS design guidelines of Hevner et al. [7], (ii) the IS optimal and satisfactory selection without information overload:
artefact types of March and Smith [15], and (iii) the IS design Req1. Organisations are more satisfied with the choice of BPMM
theory components of Walls et al. [37]. if the decision tool is used, than if the decision tool is not used.
Design research also builds and tests theories of designing Req2. The decision tool suggests at least one BPMM. If more
artefacts and is thus different from pure development work [7,37]. BPMMs are obtained, additional information is given.
For instance, Table 1 illustrates how we build a design theory In the theory of managerial work, Mintzberg [19] asserts that
for a BPMM decision tool by formulating hypotheses regarding managers perform a large quantity of varied activities in small time
the design product (i.e. working tool) and the design process periods. As each activity usually takes less than nine minutes and
A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488 469
only a few exceed one hour, overburdened managers seek effective Method: a set of steps (i.e. algorithms or guidelines) to perform a
assistance. Hence, we posit that BPMM selection should keep pace task;
with managers: Instantiation: the realisation of constructs, models and methods
Req3. Organisations are satisfied with the time and effort in a working tool.
needed to use the decision tool.
Furthermore, the theory of information symmetry [1] asserts Translated to our research, the constructs of the BPMM decision
that if buyers and users have similar information on product tool are shown in Fig. 2.
attributes, buyers tend to value a product closer to reality. As more On the right, Fig. 2 indicates that our decision tool will be based
accurate product valuations result in better decisions, potential on a set of relevant decision criteria with corresponding options.
BPMM users should obtain clear and brief advice on which BPMM They are a priori identified by subject-matter experts (through
best serves their purpose. Thus, we propose: consensus-seeking decision-making). Fig. 2 also shows that the
Req4. Organisations are satisfied with the clarity of the tool’s experts will weigh the selected criteria and options (through
output, i.e. the advised BPMM. multi-criteria decision-making). These relative weights will allow
On the other hand, the design process relies on the multi- us to evaluate existing BPMMs with a final score (prior to tool
attribute utility theory [10] by deriving the most relevant selection development), and will determine the sequence in which criteria
criteria in a Delphi study, i.e. a longitudinal panel study aiming at are presented in the tool. Regarding this presentation, the criteria
consensus. This panel must be carefully selected, and remains and options will be translated into questions and answer options,
anonymous during the study to avoid group pressures, as as visualised on the left of Fig. 2. By completing the questionnaire
stipulated by the theory of collaboration [5]. The Delphi panel (i.e. selecting, on behalf of the organisation, the appropriate answer
will also weigh the final criteria by using the analytical hierarchy options to the questions that operationalise the criteria), the tool
process. Specific attention is needed to aggregate individual will present the BPMMs that best match the responses.
weights, as the theory of judging relative importance alerts to Regarding the other artefact types of March and Smith [15], two
individual biases [4]. This leads to the following: models will be designed: (i) an overview of the final decision
Req5. BPMM experts are satisfied with the criteria. criteria and options, including their weights, along with (ii) a
Req6. BPMM experts are satisfied with the weights of criteria. questionnaire. A decision table will be designed as a method to
To be of use by organisations, the final criteria will be translated process the questionnaire. It will explain how answers suggest a
into a practical questionnaire, with criteria of higher weights BPMM choice. The instantiation will be the physical BPMM
appearing first. Not only the experts (during tool building), but also decision tool that organisations can use to choose a BPMM that fits
the users (during tool testing) must be satisfied with the obtained their needs.
criteria and weights. Therefore: Besides tool development, we intend to create a design process
Req7. Organisations are satisfied with the criteria. (or methodology) for building BPMM decision tools. This process
Req8. Organisations are satisfied with the question formulation should allow us to increase the number of BPMMs to choose from
of criteria. without having to re-implement the decision tool. Similarly, the
Req9. Organisations are satisfied with the sequence of criteria. design process that we followed should be replicable, for example,
Finally, the established guidelines of Hevner et al. [7] assist in when a content analysis of newly developed BPMMs reveals the
understanding, conducting and assessing research on viable possibility of new decision criteria to be taken into account.
information systems, like decision support systems. Based on this:
Req10. The design guidelines of Hevner et al. [7] are met. 4. Methodology
March and Smith [15] distinguish four IS artefact types, or In the second quarter of 2010, we sampled 69 BPMMs as
design research outputs: candidate outputs for our BPMM decision tool: 32 of which address
specific process types (24 for supply chains and 8 for collaboration
Construct: a conceptualisation or vocabulary to describe pro- processes), whereas 37 BPMMs are generic and can be applied to
blems and solutions; any process type (Appendix A). We initially searched for articles in
Model: a description of problems and solutions, based on the academic databases (i.e. SCI-Expanded, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-
conceptualisation; SSH, BPM Journal) and non-academic search engines (i.e. Google,
Google Scholar) by using the combined keywords of ‘process’ and a series of sequential questionnaires or rounds, interspersed by
‘maturity’. Then, we traced the references in identified articles for controlled feedback, that seek to gain the most reliable
other relevant sources. Models were included if they: (1) present consensus of opinion of an expert panel [3, p.458].
maturity or capability levels, and (2) primarily focus on improving
We have chosen a Delphi study as its iterative approach
processes instead of other organisational assets.
enhances validity, compared to a single round. According to Van De
The search for decision criteria started in the BPMM literature,
Ven and Delbecq [29], it generally results in a higher quantity and
limited to design criteria as BPMM characteristics. A qualitative
quality of ideas than other group decision-making methods. The
content analysis [12] of the sampled BPMMs resulted in 20
experts remained anonymous during the study, which minimises
potential decision criteria. However, not all design criteria might
group pressures [5]. Moreover, a Delphi study is widely used for
be relevant when choosing a BPMM and also other criteria (e.g.
exploring ideas and structuring group communication on frame-
financial or practical considerations) may become prominent.
work development and rating [59,21].
Hence, four additional criteria were obtained from peer feedback
As shown in Table 2, we followed a ‘modified Delphi’ approach
during a conference on information systems (EIS 2011) [32] and a
[20]. The initial list of 24 criteria was presented in the first round, and
pilot study with BPM scholars. Finally, the criteria were reviewed
missing criteria were requested in an open-ended way. This
throughout a Delphi study, as explained in the next section.
contrasts with a ‘classical Delphi’, which only starts with open
Content analysis is, to some extent, subjective, but multiple
questions. However, our initial list allowed for common ground
aspects guarantee objectivity or inter-subjectivity. First, the
among experts. Hsu and Sandford [8] assert that this way of working
official BPMM design documents were analysed instead of
is easier for experts and coders, and ensures recognising criteria
subjective conversations, feelings or opinions. Secondly, we
from previous research that might otherwise have been omitted.
collected, whenever possible, multiple documents for the same
BPMM. Thirdly, the first author was the main coder, and other
researchers were consulted to obtain a reliable coding. The BPMM 4.2.1. Expert panel
design documents were also repeatedly analysed over time from A balance was sought between BPM representatives in
the third quarter of 2010 until the second quarter of 2012. For academia and industry to stimulate normative discussions. The
reasons of conciseness, we refer to particular BPMMs by IDs academics had credible BPM(M) publications in academic journals,
(Appendix A). and the practitioners designed a BPMM, applied BPM(M), or were
interested in BPMM selection. The practitioners were consultants
4.2. Identifying decision criteria by consensus-seeking decision- and managers with decision power in large to medium-sized
making (i.e. Delphi) organisations, both profit and non-profit. Secondarily, we aimed to
have at least one academic and one industry expert per continent
In order to acquire a more objective (i.e. inter-subjective) set of to ensure global criteria for BPMM selection. Our intention was not
decision criteria, we consulted independent subject-matter to obtain a representation of the (unknown) population or state of
experts in an international Delphi study. A Delphi study is a BPM practices within a given region. Instead, this procedure allows
consensus-seeking decision-making method using us to introduce different backgrounds to minimise bias [5].
Table 2
An overview of the Delphi method.
The selection procedure conforms to [21]. Sixty one invitations 4.3. Weighing decision criteria by multi-criteria decision-making (i.e.
were sent, eight of which were referrals. Twenty two experts AHP)
agreed to participate (Table 3). In mid-November 2011, the Delphi
study was launched and involved 11 academics and 11 practi- The experts weighed the decision criteria that reached
tioners, each from five continents. This size corresponds to other consensus, including their options. A possible criterion is the
Delphi studies, which often vary from 10 to 20 in size to facilitate ‘number of business processes’. The possible answer options to be
group discussions with accuracy and low drop-out rates [21,8]. weighed are ‘one’, ‘more’, ‘all’ business processes, or a ‘combina-
tion’. We would remind the readers that weights will determine
4.2.2. Codification panel the sequence of criteria in the decision tool, but will also allow us a
The responses of the expert panel were anonymously analysed critical view of the many BPMMs if we calculate selection scores
by a codification panel, which consisted of the principal researcher before launching the final decision tool. BPMMs evaluated with the
as Delphi coordinator and three other academics (including one lowest scores will be omitted from the collected BPMM sample to
independent coder from another university to preclude a research guarantee the quality of candidate BPMMs. Given this purpose,
bias). Therefore, the Delphi coordinator managed the random weighing implies eliciting the relative importance of selected
mapping of experts with unique identity codes (i.e. R+ consecutive criteria and options.
number). The questionnaires were analysed with SPSS in rounds 1 Three common ranking methods in Delphi studies are: (i) simple
to 3, and MS Excel in round 4. rankings (e.g. item A > item B), (ii) ratings on a Likert scale, as used in
The coders stopped iterating a particular criterion when one of the other Delphi rounds (e.g. item A = 6/7 and item B = 3/7), and (iii)
the three stopping conditions was reached [21,20]: (i) consensus pairwise comparisons (e.g. item A is three times more/less important
was reached (defined by consensus conditions) to include a criterion than item B). Only the third method calculates relative importance.
in the tool or to exclude it, (ii) results for the criterion became For making pairwise comparisons, we applied a multi-criteria
repetitive (defined by stability conditions) before reaching consen- decision-making method, as many decision support systems do [11].
sus, to exclude a criterion, or (iii) experts were no longer willing to The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) [25] was chosen without
continue iterating (defined by fatigue conditions), in which case all requiring consensus, i.e weights result from geometrically averaging
remaining criteria without consensus were excluded. consistent responses from the experts.
Among multi-criteria decision-making methods, AHP has been
4.2.3. Consensus conditions widely used for three decades. AHP has also been previously
For methodological soundness, our study combined four integrated in Delphi studies, either throughout the rounds [2] or
existing consensus conditions. When applied to ratings on a 7- limited to the final round [28]. Compared to other multi-criteria
point Likert scale (1 = extremely unimportant; 7 = extremely decision-making methods [2], AHP structures the criteria in a
important), these complementary conditions are: hierarchical model and analyses how consistent the judgements of
relative importance are.
Fifty percent of the experts must agree on the two most extreme AHP calculates relative weights based on judgement matrices
scores (i.e. either 1–2 for consensus to exclude a criterion or 6–7 and normalised principal Eigen vectors (i.e. priority vectors). A
for consensus to include a criterion), and judgement matrix uses the typical AHP 9-point scale (1/
Seventy five percent must agree on the three most extreme 9 = extremely less important; 1 = equally important; 9 = extremely
scores (i.e. either 1–2–3 or 5–6–7), and more important) to describe how much more or less important
The interquartile range (IQR, i.e. the distance between the 75th each row item is compared to each column item. For instance, a
and 25th percentile, or the range of the middle 50% of responses 4 4 matrix for the criterion ‘number of business processes’ shows
for a criterion) must be 1.50 or less, and all answer options in the row and column headings: ‘one’, ‘more’,
No opposite extreme score given by any expert (i.e. either no 7 or ‘all’, and a ‘combination’ of business processes. The experts would
no 1 for a criterion), because make six comparisons: ‘one’ to ‘more’, ‘one’ to ‘all’, ‘one’ to
‘combination’, ‘more’ to ‘all’, ‘more’ to ‘combination’, and ‘all’ to
‘combination’. Other entries are derived by transposing the matrix.
‘if dissenters drop out, then there is artificial consensus’ [20, The responses were collected in MS Excel, and afterwards analysed
p.43]. by a dedicated AHP tool: Super Decisions [24]. Besides a thorough
calculation, AHP measures a consistency ratio (CR) per matrix. For
4.2.4. Stability conditions example, an expert could answer that option ‘one’ is three times
Per criterion, responses were assumed repetitive between two more important than option ‘more’, and ‘more’ is four times more
Delphi rounds if: important than ‘all’. Non-random answers would indicate that
‘one’ is five through nine times more important than ‘all’. Examples
A significant positive association exists, measured by Spearman’s of random answers are: ‘one’ is twice as important as ‘all’ (i.e.
rho and Kendall’s tau-b (0 < rho and tau-b = <1; p < 0.05), and inconsistent degree on the AHP scale), or ‘one’ is seven times less
A significant level of agreement exists, measured by Cohen’s important than ‘all’ (i.e. inconsistent direction). Our study
Kappa (0.4 k 1; p < 0.05). geometrically averaged only non-random judgements (CR 0.1).
472 A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488
Table 4
The percentage of experts agreeing on capability sub areas for BPMM.
Yes (%) Seventeen capability sub areas Six main capability areas Three clusters
presented two question formulations. The first alternative listed with an agreeing majority to include them. However, seven of
the main areas as separate options, whereas the second alternative them already became stable (p < 0.05), and two were almost stable
aggregated them into three clusters. The answers were distributed (0.05 < p < 0.10). Particularly, after round 2, the ‘‘level calculation’’
fifty–fifty. To collect different contexts for BPMM use, round 4 and ‘‘level representation’’ were already stable without a tendency
asked the experts what they would use a BPMM for, and which are towards consensus. The ‘‘methodology’’ criterion also became
the main capability areas that correspond to such usage. All but stable after round 2, but was iterated again because some
one expert combined capability areas similar to the clusters in consensus conditions became satisfied after a shift from neutral
Table 4. This supports a question formulation with three clusters, to positive opinions. After round 3, the only remaining criterion
and corroborates the framework of Van Looy et al. [33]. without stability (p > 0.10) was the ‘‘number of assessed
organisations’’. Until now, cross-organisational processes are
5.2. Brainstorming mostly studied from the perspective of one organisation. It is
likely that this criterion will increase in importance, along with the
In the first Delphi round, after the warm-up, a non-exclusive list emergence of cross-organisational processes and supply chains.
of 24 criteria was presented: The overall importance of all criteria reached consensus from the
first round. Fig. 4 shows that 86.37% of the respondents in round 1
(1) Number of assessed organisations (2) Lead assessor
agreed that the initial criteria were somewhat to extremely
(3) Certification (4) Benchmarking
(5) Number of assessors (6) Functional role of respondents
important (score 5-6-7), and 63.64% indicated very to extremely
(7) Business versus IT respondents (8) Data collection technique important (score 6–7). Finally, both values increased to 95% in round
(9) Number of assessment items (10) Assessment duration 3 (i.e. with only two respondents less than round 1). The overall
(11) Rating scale (12) Presence of capabilities importance thus increased, with a high and stable median of 6, and a
(13) Number of business processes (14) Type of business processes
decreased, negligible IQR of 0.
(15) Architecture type (i.e. staged with (16) Number of lifecycle levels
maturity levels or continuous (i.e. maturity levels or capability A consensus to exclude criteria could not be reached, which
with capability levels) levels) means that all criteria were considered important to some degree.
(17) Level calculation (18) Level representation This can partly be explained by our ‘modified Delphi’ approach.
(19) Labelling of levels (20) External view of levels
Another explanation is given by a respondent as: ‘transparency is
(21) Architecture details (i.e. level (22) Creation methodology
of guidance)
key’, or all criteria must be sufficiently explained in the design
(23) Validation methodology (24) Direct costs to access and documents before a BPMM can be properly used. For instance, even
use a BPMM if a BPMM explains all 14 selected criteria, it only becomes usable if
it also explains the less decisive criteria (e.g. how many maturity
Criteria 4, 22, 23, and 24 were proposed by peer feedback
levels it contains, how maturity levels are calculated, who the
(Section 4.1), whereas other criteria were derived from a content
assessors might be, etc.). This finding adds an interesting
analysis of BPMM design documents. Only two missing criteria
dimension to the research. Besides the planned selection score
were added after round 1: (i) the purpose for which a BPMM is
per BPMM based on the final criteria (Table 2), an opportunity
intended to be used (i.e. it replaces criteria 3 and 4), and (ii)
arises to calculate a transparency score per BPMM across all
whether assessment items are publicly available. The second
criteria (i.e. whether each criterion is present in the BPMM design
round started with 24 criteria.
documents). We recall from Sections 4.3 and 4.4 that scoring aims
to evaluate the quality of the BPMM sample, without affecting the
5.3. Narrowing-down by consensus-seeking decision-making
tool’s decision table.
The experts narrowed down the 24 criteria into a critical set for
BPMM selection. After three rounds, we stopped iterating as 75% of 5.4. Ranking and weighing by multi-criteria decision-making
the respondents indicated they were no longer willing to continue
iterating. Fourteen out of the 24 criteria reached consensus of being To facilitate ranking and weighing, we grouped the final 14
important, and are included in the decision tool (Table 5, i.e. four criteria: (i) assessment criteria (i.e. how maturity is measured and
criteria in round 1, six criteria in round 2 and four criteria in round 3). by whom), (ii) improvement criteria (i.e. what is measured as
The 10 criteria not reaching consensus did not show a bimodal maturity, particularly the capabilities and their improvements to
distribution with academics opposed to practitioners. Most criteria reach the successive levels), and (iii) non-design criteria (i.e. not
were blocked due to a few experts with conflicting opinions, but directly related to assessment and improvement).
Table 5
The final criteria for BPMM selection.
1 Presence of capabilities The business process capability areas to be assessed and improved
1 Number of business processes The number of business processes to be assessed and improved
1 Type of business processes Whether the maturity model addresses specific process types (e.g. supply chains or collaboration processes)
or can be applied to any process type
1 Functional role of respondents The explicit recognition to include people from outside the assessed organisation(s) as respondents
2 Purpose The purpose for which the maturity model is intended to be used
2 Validation methodology Evidence that the maturity model is able to assess maturity and helps to enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of business processes
2 Architecture type The possibility to define a road map per capability and/or a road map for overall maturity
2 Architecture details The degree of guidance that a maturity model gives on your journey towards higher maturity
2 Data collection technique The way information is collected during an assessment
2 Rating scale The type of data that is collected during an assessment
3 Assessment availability Whether the assessment items and level calculation are publicly available (instead of only known to the assessors)
3 Direct costs The direct costs to access and use a maturity model
3 Number of assessment items The maximum number of questions to be answered during an assessment
3 Assessment duration The maximum duration of a particular assessment
474 A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488
The weights were gradually assigned, following the hierarchical expert, as well as for the aggregations). Examples are given in
AHP model of Table 6. For reasons of conciseness, the hierarchical Tables 7 and 8. The final weights were obtained top-down by
model refers to criteria by IDs (e.g. G2 for the group of multiplying the aggregated priorities with the weight of its higher
improvement criteria and I05 for the ‘number of business hierarchical layer in Table 6, starting from 100% (e.g. 0.5214 100
processes’). or 52.14% for the improvement criteria (G2), and 0.1144 52.14 or
The experts filled out 18 judgement matrices (i.e. one for the 5.97% for the number of business processes (I05)).
groups, three for the criteria per group, and fourteen for the options As a rating method, AHP distinguishes normal priority vectors
per criterion). Afterwards, 18 aggregated judgement matrices were (i.e. with normalised priorities) from idealised priority vectors (i.e.
computed by geometrically averaging only consistent matrices of by dividing each normalised priority by the largest one) [24].
experts (CR 0.1). Appendix B presents the corresponding Normalised priorities can be summed up as 1, and are typically
priorities and consistency ratio per judgement matrix (for each used to distribute weights across criteria (Table 7). Idealised
Table 6
The hierarchical model of weighed decision criteria for BPMM selection.
G1 Assessment criteria 30.46 G2 Improvement criteria 52.14 G3 Non-design criteria 17.40
A01 Rating scale 7.78 I01 Presence of capabilities 17.03 N01 Purpose 7.41
Qualitative 3.57 Modelling 2.69 Awareness 7.18
Quantitative 2.98 Deployment 2.54 Benchmarking 7.41
Both 7.78 Optimisation 2.58 Certification 2.33
Management 4.47
Culture 2.84
Structure 1.91
A02 Data collection technique 7.44 I02 Architecture type 10.55 N02 Validation 6.57
Objective 3.58 Continuous 7.28 Application 2.04
Subjective 2.28 Staged 7.50 Outcomes 6.57
Both 7.44 Both 10.55
A03 Assessment duration 3.91 I03 Architecture details 10.28 N03 Costs 3.42
Day 1.63 Descriptive 5.93 Free 3.42
Week 3.91 Implicit prescriptive 10.28 Charged 1.47
Longer 1.41 Explicit prescriptive 5.84
A04 Assessment availability 3.82 I04 Type of business processes 8.31
Fully known 3.82 Generic 8.31
Partially known 3.31 Domain-specific 4.44
Fully unknown 1.27
A05 Functional role of respondents 3.82 I05 Nr. of business processes 5.97
Only internal 2.10 One 1.83
Also external 3.82 More 4.35
All 4.62
Combination 5.97
A06 Nr. of assessment items 3.69
0–19 1.66
20–49 3.69
50–99 3.10
100–299 1.34
> = 300 0.53
Table 7
An example of aggregated judgement matrix with normal priority vector.
Table 8
An example of aggregated judgement matrix with idealised priority vector.
I05—Number of business processes One More All Combination Idealised priority vector
priorities express the ideal option per criterion as 1 (Table 8). For of capabilities for that particular organisation (and becomes
instance, the ‘number of business processes’ (I05) has a weight of useless as such). Nonetheless, all criteria of Table 6 reached
5.97. This weight is assigned to the experts’ ideal option (i.e. consensus of being of utmost importance for BPMM selection.
‘combination’), whereas other options have lower weights. One Per criterion, a BPMM scores the weight that corresponds to the
exception was made for the options within ‘presence of option to which it applies. For instance, a BPMM that allows
capabilities’ (I01), for which a normal priority vector is required. measuring one, more and all process(es) in the organisation, scores
Its weight of 17.03 is distributed among all capability areas 5.97 selection points for criterion I05. On the other hand, a BPMM
(2.69 + 2.54 + 2.58 + 4.47 + 2.84 + 1.91), instead of assigning that merely allows measuring separate business processes scores
17.03 to the most ideal option (i.e. ‘management’) and lower 1.83 selection points. Hence, a BPMM that meets all ideal options
weights to the other areas. The latter is impossible as BPMMs reaches the maximum of 100 selection points, whereas a BPMM
cover multiple capability areas. Moreover, weights were assigned with the least ideal option on each selected criterion arrives at a
to main areas instead of capability clusters to obtain a stricter selection score of 37.71. As 0 points are assigned for missing values
quality check on the BPMM sample. For instance, the basic cluster (i.e. criteria absent in the BPMM design documents), a BPMM may
can also contain BPMMs that address two of the four basic areas theoretically end up with a minimum score of zero.
(e.g. only ‘optimisation’ and ‘management’) [33]. In our hierar- Besides a selection score per BPMM, the Delphi study raised the
chical model, such BPMMs score lower on this criterion than other need for a transparency score to indicate how complete the design
BPMMs with all basic areas. documents are. In other words, once a BPMM is selected, does the
Table 6 also shows that improvement criteria (G2) should be user get sufficient information to start using it? Table 9 extends
more decisive for BPMM selection than assessment (G1) or non- Table 6 by also reflecting the criteria without consensus. A BPMM
design (G3) criteria. Ratings are indeed not an end goal, but scores 1 transparency point for each criterion present in its design
capability improvements and performance improvements are. The documents, 1 per absent criterion and 0 for criteria that are not
‘presence of capabilities’ (I01) has the highest weight, as it applicable. Although the Delphi study considered 24 criteria, 3 of
ultimately represents what is being measured and improved. The them are duplicated for maturity levels and capability levels:
‘costs’ (N03) received the lowest weight to avoid that an ‘calculation’ (A07-08), ‘representation’ (A09-10) and ‘number of
organisation selects a free model that measures the wrong scope levels’ (I06-07). Hence, a transparency score ranges from -27
Table 9
The transparency requirements of BPMM design documents.
O1 Rating the transparancy of BPMMs (min. score: 27; max. score: 27)
G1 Assessment criteria 14 G2 Improvement criteria 9 G3 Non-design criteria 4
organisation, the user can select ‘‘I don’t know’’ to navigate to the
next question, or directly click on the title of another question.
Multiple answer options can be chosen per question. When
options A and B are simultaneously indicated, all BPMMs with A or
Fig. 5. The BPMM sample by selection score and transparency score. B are displayed (i.e. OR-combination). For AND-combinations (i.e.
AB) a separate option is present, for example, ‘Both’ in question 5
(e.g. criterion A01).
(i.e. when no criterion is present) to 27 (i.e. when all criteria are On the right, a summary is given with the number of matching
present in the BPMM design documents). BPMMs and the responses. We recall from Fig. 5 that this matching
Fig. 5 summarises the collected BPMMs by their selection score procedure only considers those BPMMs which passed an initial
and transparency score. quality check (i.e. independent of the user’s responses). A blocking
Most BPMMs have a selection score between 60 and 80. Only message is shown when zero BPMMs or one BPMM match the
four BPMMs have a higher score, but still below 90 (i.e. MCC1, IDS, selection. The former is a restriction of the BPMM sample (i.e. not
BOH, and CGF). 14 BPMMs have a score below 60, five of which are all combinations are addressed in existing BPMMs). Nevertheless,
below 50 (i.e. RIV, SCH2, AND, STE, ESI2, and SMI). Regarding the if present, the tool advises to undo the last response, and navigate
transparency score, most BPMMs are situated between 15 and 25. to the selection table of resulting BPMMs. The user can switch
Five models achieved the maximum transparency score of 27 (i.e. between the questionnaire and the selection table (Fig. 8) at any
SEI, BPT, BIS, IDS and CGF). The two latter models also have a high time, or retake the questionnaire.
selection score, indicating that their design documents are most The selection table shows the responses in green, missing data
transparent and mainly contain the ideal options. Fig. 5 shows nine (i.e. absent from the design documents) in red, and other data in
outlying BPMMs with a selection score below 60 and a black. If multiple BPMMs match the selection, the user can
transparency score below five: RIV, SCH2, AND, ESI2, STE, SMI, compare them, refine them by answering more questions, or
GAR2, CHA, LEE. They have ten or more missing values on all 27 request additional information to find the best solution. Concern-
criteria, and lack half of the selection criteria. As they are less ing the latter, the button ‘‘Show/hide additional info’’ adds the 13
directly usable after selection, we excluded them from the sample secondary criteria of Table 9. These criteria were not considered
to guarantee the quality of the tool’s output. decisive for BPMM selection (i.e. outside the questionnaire), but
Finally, in a wrap-up round, the Delphi experts were asked to allow a closer look at the proposed BPMMs. Moreover, as multiple
rate their overall satisfaction with the resulting weights (1 = very BPMMs may theoretically result from the selected criteria,
dissatisfied; 7 = very satisfied). supplementary information could influence the final choice (as
With an overall satisfaction rate of 95% and a mode of score 6, requested by requirement Req2 in Table 1). If no BPMM fits a
the vast majority of experts confirmed the resulting ranking and question to which the user still wants to respond, he is advised to
weighing by AHP (Fig. 6). make concessions on less relevant questions and first answer the
most relevant questions.
5.5. Decision table and questionnaire
6. Testing the BPMM decision tool
The results were translated into a questionnaire with trade-offs
derived from the Delphi comments (Appendix C) and a decision An initial version of the BPMM Smart-Selector was tested by
table with the proposed sequence (Appendix D). The online version employees enrolled for the BPM course of a postgraduate training
is called ‘BPMM Smart-Selector’, and is freely available from http:// program. The tool was subsequently applied in a multiple-case design that covers the different dimensions of BPMM use. Hence,
Fig. 7 illustrates how the questionnaire appears in the online the number of case studies was determined by the need for
version. The user can start with those questions that are most illustrative scenarios, as these are one of the most common
relevant to his organisation (and use other questions to refine the evaluation methods within the design-science paradigm [22]. The
results afterwards), or else follow the proposed sequence. testers represent organisations of different sizes (i.e. a micro, small,
Question explanations and trade-offs are available in comment medium and large organisation), whereas the users represent the
fields. If a question, however, seems not relevant for a specific intended areas of application (i.e. a business scenario for an
organisation not yet using a BPMM, a business scenario for an
organisation already using a BPMM, and an academic scenario).
Please note that a discrepancy exists between our sample of 69 BPMMs and
the 60 BPMMs available in the Smart-Selector. This discrepancy can be explained by
The business scenarios also represent a profit and a non-profit
the quality check of Section 5.4, based on transparency and selection scores. The organisation. More information on testers and users can be found
outliers in Fig. 5 were excluded from the tool to ensure quality. in Appendix E (upper table).
A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488 477
Instead of statistical generalisation, we deliberately opted for still avail the opportunity to deviate from this sequence to find
case studies to demonstrate our solution (instantiated as a their best fit.
decision tool) in particular contexts (i.e. why the tool can be used)
and their selection process (i.e. how the tool can be used). As the 6.2. First example: Business scenario, not yet using a BPMM
case studies covered all application areas without resulting in
significant tool improvements regarding the prescribed require- A first field study was conducted at an international
ments, we decided to bring the process of case study evaluation to organisation that manufactures chemical products. Due to
an end. recent growth, the company is automating its planning activities
as a top-down initiative, led by consultants. The new application
6.1. Testing by BPM practitioners will replace MS Excel files, and will introduce forecasting. The
organisation has a matrix structure, with a horizontal supply
To test the BPMM Smart-Selector at an early stage, we asked chain department crossing functional departments. A BPMM is
feedback from four practitioners working for organisations of desired to increase in-house knowledge, and explore opportu-
different sizes (i.e. each representing a micro, small, medium nities.
and large organisation). These testers were solicited via a The questionnaire was completed by the European supply chain
practice-oriented course on BPM. The tests resulted in four manager. What was crucial to him is that a BPMM must cover all
improvements: (i) additional comments to clarify the OR- and capabilities (I01) for supply chains (I04). Three BPMMs correspond
AND-combinations, (ii) a blocking message for zero or one to this selection: CGF [54], EKN [66], and LMI [50]. All three are free
matching BPMM(s), (iii) a button to retake the questionnaire (N03), fully known (A04), and give prescriptive guidance (i.e.
without returning to the homepage, and (iv) the possibility to implicit or explicit) (I03). CGF was chosen, because it allows
skip questions. Hence, the criteria are shown in a proposed benchmarking (N01) and is validated for both its application and
sequence to guide organisations, but specific organisations can its outcomes (N02). The manager is considering its use in all
478 A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488
international divisions, and seeks to compare their results with (i.e. not striving towards the highest maturity levels) by elaborat-
competitors. ing on external factors, such as, for example, organisation size,
sector, market competitiveness, etc. She intended to use the well-
6.3. Second example: Business scenario, already using a BPMM known and validated MCC1 [86], while the BPMM Smart-Selector
recommends HAM [73].
Another field study took place at the public administration of a Her main requirements were that the BPMM must cover all
large city. The organisation is investing in BPM to obtain work capabilities (I01), present maturity levels (I02) for generic
transparency and avoid knowledge losses when the baby boomers processes (I04), be validated for its application and/or its outcomes
retire. In the mid-2000s, the human resource department was (N02), be fully known (A04) and be free (N03). The initial MCC1
extended with a competence centre for organisational change, and satisfies all requirements, except for the capability coverage.
five BPM experts started modelling departmental processes. Finally, the scholar might consider the proposed BPMM for her
Meanwhile, projects have been launched to reorganise cross- research, and would recommend the tool to others.
departmental processes. Due to its non-competitive environment,
the organisation does not strive for the highest maturity levels. It 7. Discussion
merely wants to introduce BPM principles into its projects. The
organisation has already conducted a BPMM assessment once by The design-science paradigm follows an iterative approach
using WIL [118]. However, its use was discontinued because of with build–evaluate cycles. Although it requires years to evaluate
high charges, and because it focuses on all processes instead of the real impact of innovative artefacts on practice, this article
specific processes and projects. presents a preliminary evaluation with three common evaluation
One of the initial BPM experts used our BPMM Smart-Selector methods [22]:
to find a more appropriate BPMM. Most importantly, the BPMM
must cover all capabilities (I01) for one or more generic processes Expert evaluation (experts): to assess the criteria of the tool
(I04) (I05), be fully known (A04), and be free (N03). As the two (Sections 5.3–5.4);
resulting BPMMs, HAM [73] and HAR1 [75], do not allow a quick Prototyping (testers): to demonstrate the suitability of artefacts
scan (A06), a concession had to be made on a less relevant (Sections 5.5 and 6.1; Appendix E);
criterion. HAM was chosen because it is better validated (N02) and In-depth case studies (users): to demonstrate the tool in real
addresses both the maturity of specific processes and all processes situations (Sections 6.2–6.4; Appendix E).
in the organisation (I05) (i.e. less assessment items must be
answered for only specific processes (A06)). The organisation has This section shows to what extent the empirical data collected
decided to use HAM for new projects. by the evaluation methods demonstrate the prescribed require-
ments regarding our design product and design process (Section
6.4. Third example: Academic scenario 3.1). Since Delphi and case study data cannot be used for statistical
generalisation, we verified whether requirements Req 1–9 are
The BPMM Smart-Selector can also be used by scholars who supported by the majority of experts, testers and users (with
want to apply a BPMM in their research. For instance, a researcher satisfaction rates of 5–6–7 on a 7-point Likert scale), and we
is investigating why some organisations are not process-oriented evaluated the entire design process in requirement Req10.
A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488 479
Table 10
A preliminary evaluation of solution requirements, before the prototype launch.
Table 11
The evaluation by IS design guidelines of Hevner et al. [7].
Table 10 reminds us that the experts were highly positive about 8. Research contributions and limitations
the criteria (Req5) and their weights (Req6). In addition, the users
had positive feedback, particularly regarding the design process This design-science research demonstrates how a decision
(Req7–9), effectiveness (Req2), efficiency (Req3), and quality tool (BPMM Smart-Selector) can solve an important problem, i.e.
(Req4). The first requirement needs a refined view as utility is the way in which organisations can choose the right BPMM to
complex to measure in the absence of any alternative tool, and start improving business processes and enhance performance.
before actually implementing the proposed BPMM. Nevertheless, The solution requirements are derived from decision-making
organisations without an initial BPMM were advised to use a theories. The tool is innovative, as any selection support for
BPMM, while others were redirected towards a BPMM that better maturity models was still lacking. The solution construction or
matches their needs (i.e. responses to criteria). Moreover, all three methodology is transparent, grounded in the literature, and with
users actually consider using the proposed BPMM. We would also an iterative solution process. Solution instantiations are used to
note that the values of the testers were lower than those of the demonstrate the tool and its managerial implications. Regarding
users, as the testers used the initial version (i.e. prior to making the theoretical implications, the design artefacts are our main
significant tool improvements). Generally, it follows that all contribution, including their instantiation in the BPMM Smart-
metrics concretising requirements Req1–9 were positively evalu- Selector. The study extends the BPMM literature by offering
ated by the majority of experts, testers and users, e.g. with insight into the decision criteria, their trade-offs and weights.
satisfaction rates of 5–6–7 on a 7-point Likert scale. Compliance The latter allow a critical view on existing BPMMs by calculating
with the design evaluation guidelines is illustrated in Table 11. scores. Furthermore, the warm-up discussions about business
The search process of guideline 6 involves identifying decision process capabilities give more evidence for the usefulness of the
criteria iteratively and developing alternative tools. As explained in clustering of Van Looy et al. [33]. As the clusters were
Section 4.1, a content analysis with open coding was first experienced quite naturally by almost the entire Delphi expert
conducted to identify BPMM design characteristics. They were panel, our findings corroborate their previous work [33] by
supplemented by peer feedback before starting the Delphi study. subject-matter experts. Finally, a design process for a BPMM
Regarding alternative tools, we considered a mandatory and decision tool is proposed by addressing the design theory
optional order of questions by using MS Excel or a website. components of Walls et al. [37], which also involves a proposed
Furthermore, guideline 7 is met by presenting preliminary findings quality check for BPMMs.
at conferences on the design-science paradigm (DESRIST 2012) In our research, the following methodological limitations are
[34] and on information systems (CONFENIS 2012) [30], and by taken into account.
synthesising the research in this article.
Finally, as this evaluation demonstrates all design require- Expert panel. The study typically relies on a small, non-random
ments, it suggests that our prototype has the potential of offering a sample. Hence, careful attention was given to expert selection
well-advised BPMM choice and can be launched. based on role and region. We used strict consensus conditions
480 A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488
(i.e. four in total) to ensure a broad empirical basis for the include other decision tools (e.g. for selecting maturity models on
selected criteria. business–IT alignment, project management, etc.).
Codification panel. The typical emphasis on impersonal commu- Dependability (i.e. reliability). Hasson et al. [6] assert that Delphi
nication might cause an interpretation bias. Therefore, responses results cannot be repeated due to the small sample. Therefore,
were analysed by multiple coders (including an independent experts were carefully selected based on their role and region,
coder from another university), and the experts received and their responses were analysed by multiple coders.
feedback in each round. Moreover, the testing phase did not flag up any missing decision
Delphi design. Even though the initial criteria might bias the first criteria.
round, the experts were able to give open comments at any time Confirmability (i.e. objectivity). The initial criteria were corrobo-
and propose an unlimited list of missing criteria. This semi- rated by peer feedback. Objective conditions were defined to
structured approach also allowed for common ground among select experts and reach consensus. The coders first coded the
experts. responses individually, before consolidating in team. Further-
Hierarchical model. Future research could include a supplemen- more, the experts could rate and comment the overall impor-
tary AHP calculation within the BPMM Smart-Selector. As the tance per round, and received objective feedback reports. Finally,
hierarchical model assumes independent criteria, AHP could be the tool was successfully tested.
extended to the analytical network process (ANP) to include real-
time feedback [24]. For instance, an organisation can value 9. Conclusion
guidance higher than costs, but when choosing between BPMMs
with good guidance, costs become more important. Currently, Choosing a BPMM for what you want to achieve is critical (i.e. fit
feedback is limited to a selection table (Fig. 8). for purpose). Therefore, an online decision tool, called BPMM
BPMM sample. The BPMM Smart-Selector is a prototype tool Smart-Selector, was built and tested. As illustrated, it serves
implementation, based on BPMM design documents of 2010 or organisations and academics wishing to choose a BPMM. The tool
earlier. Information available in other or more recent documents consists of a questionnaire with 14 decision criteria and trade-offs,
is not taken into account. These BPMM details can be easily linked to a decision table that guides users to the BPMM that best
corrected in the database. The sample is thus a way to test the matches their needs. Particularly, it concerns six assessment
decision tool, and can be updated or extended with additional criteria, five improvement criteria, and three non-design criteria.
BPMMs afterwards. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, its consid- They were elicited after a content analysis of 69 BPMMs and an
erable size of 69 BPMMs is more comprehensive than other international Delphi study (or consensus-seeking decision-mak-
BPMM studies. ing). One of the criteria (i.e. presence of capabilities) corroborates
Testing. Testing was limited to illustrate the use of our BPMM the findings of Van Looy et al. [33] by confirming three clusters of
Smart-Selector. We do not statistically evaluate a scale or business process capabilities addressed by BPMMs. Additionally,
relationships between variables. The latter could be done in AHP (or multi-criteria decision-making) was used to weigh
follow-up research to investigate which organisation type criteria. The final scores for selection and transparency allowed
chooses which cluster (I01). Hence, making the BPMM Smart- a thorough BPMM overview and an a priori quality check to decide
Selector available at this time is thought to be beneficial to whether a BPMM is included in the tool.
organisations and researchers. Further feedback will be used to We genuinely applied the IS design guidelines of Hevner et al.
prepare a next release. [7], the IS artefact types of March and Smith [15], and the IS design
theory components of Walls et al. [37]. The design requirements
Despite these limitations, our study was rigorously executed. Its are supported by the empirical evidence that we collected. Future
soundness is now evaluated by qualitative research criteria [13]. research could investigate whether our methodology allows
theory building on other decision tools (e.g. for selecting other
Credibility (i.e. internal validity). Accurate judgements were maturity models). Another avenue is to build a theory to explain
guaranteed by the absence of group pressures in a Delphi study, why organisations opt for a specific capability cluster, based on the
which involved international academics and practitioners data collected by the tool.
interested in BPMM selection, coding triangulation by multiple
coders, feedback reports checked by the experts, and high Acknowledgements
response rates.
Transferability (i.e. external validity). The BPMM Smart-Selector We would like to thank the coders and the expert panel for their
can be extended to other BPMMs or decision criteria, without the continued support throughout the different Delphi rounds.
need to change the database structure. Future research could Furthermore, we are grateful to the testers for using our prototype
investigate whether our methodology can be generalised to tool.
Appendix A (Continued )
SEI SEI (Carnegie Mellon University) Capability maturity model integration (CMMI) [105,106,107]
CMMI appraisal method (SCAMPI)
SKR Skrinjar et al. BPO maturity model [109]
WIL Willaert et al. Holistic BPO maturity framework [118]
(1.2) Non-academic
BIS Bisnez Management BPM maturity model (in Dutch: ‘BPM volwassenheidsmodel’) [48]
BPM BPMInstitute State of BPM (part of a survey) [51,65]
BPT BP Transformations Group and BPGroup 8 Omega ORCA (organisational readiness and capability assessment) [52]
(former BPM Group)
CAM1 CAM-I Process-based management loop [64]
CAM2 CAM-I Process-based management assessment and implementation road map [63]
CHA Champlin (ABPMP) Process management maturity model [55]
DEL Deloitte and Utrecht University Business maturity model and scan [60]
ESI1 ESI, European Software Institute EFQM/SPICE integrated model [93]
FAA FAA, Federal Aviation Administration FAA integrated capability maturity model [68,69]
FAA-iCMM appraisal method (FAM)
FIS Fisher (BearingPoint) Business process maturity model [70]
GAR1 Gardner Process improvement road map [72]
GAR2 Gartner BPM maturity and adoption model [88]
HAR2 Harmon (BPTrends) Informal BP maturity evaluation model [74]
IDS IDS Scheer, Software AG BPM maturity check [78,82]
BPM road map assessment
ISO ISO/IEC ISO/IEC 15504 [79,80]
O&I O&i BPM scan [115]
OMG OMG Business process maturity model (BPMM) [90]
ORA Oracle and BEA Systems BPM lifecycle assessment survey [91,92]
REM Remoreras Process culture maturity model [97]
RUM Rummler-Brache Group Process performance index [101]
SAP SAP Process maturity analysis and plan [102]
SCH1 Scheer BPM check-up [103]
SMI Smith and Fingar Process management maturity model [110]
SPA Spanyi BP competence grid [111]
(2) Supply chain
(2.1) Academic
ARY Aryee, Naim and Lalwani SC integration maturity model [45]
BOH Böhme and Childerhouse SC integration evaluation tool/maturity model [49]
CAM3 Campbell and Sankaran SC integration enhancement framework [53]
MCC2 McCormack SC management maturity model [85]
MCL McLaren SC integration measurement model [87]
MIC Michigan State University 21st Century logistics framework [57]
NET Netland, Alfnes and Fauske SC maturity assessment test (SCMAT) [89]
RIV Riverola SC management/technology maturity model [98]
TOK Tokyo Institute of Technology Logistics scorecard (LSC) [67]
(2.2) Non-academic
ABE AberdeenGroup Global SC maturity framework [40]
AND Andersen Consulting (Accenture) SC continuum [41]
CGF CGF, Consumer Goods Forum Global scorecard for efficient consumer response capability [54]
(former GCI)
CGR CGR Management Consulting SC management maturity model [46,47]
CHI Chicago Consulting SC maturity model [56]
CSC CSC, SCM Review Magazine, SC maturity model (until 2006) [94]
Michigan State University Ten SC competencies (as from 2007)
EKN eKNOWtion SC maturity monitor (SCM2) [66]
IBM IBM SC maturity model [77]
JER Jeroen van den Bergh Consulting SC maturity scan [116]
and VU University Amsterdam
LMI LMI Research Institute GAIA SC sustainability maturity model [50]
MAN Manugistics and JDA Software SC compass [76]
PMG PMG and PRTM SC maturity model [58]
SCC SCC, Supply Chain Council and APQC SCORmark survey (for benchmarking, resulting in an improvement road map) [43,113]
SCH2 Schoenfeldt SC mgt maturity model [104]
STE Stevens SC integration model [112]
(3) Collaboration
(3.1) Academic
FRA Fraser, Farrukh and Gregory Collaboration maturity grid (for new product introduction and development) [71]
MAG Magdaleno et al. Collaboration maturity model (ColabMM) [83]
RAM Ramasubbu and Krishnan Process maturity framework for managing distributed software [96]
product development
SIM Simatupang and Sridharan SC Collaboration index [108]
TAP Tapia et al. IT-enabled collaborative networked organisations maturity model (ICoNOs MM) [114]
WOG Wognum and Faber Fast reactive extended enterprise–capability assessment framework (FREE-CAF) [119]
(3.2) Non-academic
ESI2 ESI, European Software Institute Enterprise collaboration maturity model [61]
VIC VICS CPFR rollout readiness self-assessment [117]
482 A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488
R01 R03 R04 R05 R06 R07 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R18 R19 R21 R22 Final
O1* 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0370 0.1304 0.0279 0.0000 0.0624 0.0000 0.0370 0.2939 0.0624 0.0000 0.0136 0.0516 0.0035
G1 0.3333 0.2000 0.4286 0.4737 0.1667 0.1047 0.2808 0.3420 0.2000 0.6491 0.3000 0.1047 0.2099 0.2789 0.4000 0.3332 0.2493 0.3046
G2 0.3333 0.6000 0.4286 0.4737 0.6667 0.2583 0.5842 0.5769 0.6000 0.2790 0.6000 0.2583 0.7297 0.6491 0.4000 0.5917 0.5936 0.5214
G3 0.3333 0.2000 0.1429 0.0526 0.1667 0.6370 0.1350 0.0811 0.2000 0.0719 0.1000 0.6370 0.0604 0.0719 0.2000 0.0751 0.1571 0.1740
G1* 0.0039 0.0000 0.0678 0.1411 0.0418 0.0339 0.1088 0.0315 0.0152 0.0469 0.0431 0.0186 0.0240 0.0250 0.0358 0.0358 0.0680 0.0019
A01 0.1378 0.1000 0.2568 0.1051 0.4054 0.1137 0.0800 0.3961 0.1049 0.3587 0.4203 0.1521 0.2845 0.2382 0.2365 0.0392 0.4064 0.2554
A02 0.1284 0.1000 0.4243 0.1694 0.1867 0.4329 0.1513 0.3961 0.1049 0.3158 0.2693 0.1047 0.3448 0.1052 0.2365 0.1991 0.0657 0.2443
A03 0.3394 0.2000 0.0908 0.6047 0.0371 0.1537 0.4419 0.0676 0.2916 0.0585 0.0773 0.3824 0.0346 0.0442 0.0457 0.0801 0.1909 0.1282
A04 0.1284 0.1000 0.1442 0.0354 0.1306 0.0560 0.2536 0.0336 0.1692 0.0281 0.0497 0.2564 0.1637 0.0442 0.2365 0.1671 0.1090 0.1255
A05 0.1284 0.1000 0.0260 0.0263 0.1867 0.2039 0.0299 0.0445 0.2916 0.1854 0.0263 0.0666 0.1044 0.1052 0.1547 0.3153 0.0371 0.1253
A06 0.1378 0.4000 0.0580 0.0590 0.0535 0.0398 0.0432 0.0621 0.0377 0.0535 0.1571 0.0378 0.0681 0.4628 0.0901 0.1991 0.1909 0.1213
G2* 0.0297 0.0461 0.0434 0.0131 0.0478 0.0000 0.0700 0.1392 0.0351 0.0159 0.0167 0.0786 0.0088 0.0260 0.0131 0.0491 0.0217 0.0002
I01 0.1529 0.1665 0.3200 0.2482 0.4677 0.2000 0.4699 0.4885 0.0919 0.2838 0.4702 0.4872 0.2805 0.4847 0.2576 0.4661 0.1073 0.3267
I02 0.1529 0.3375 0.0829 0.1458 0.0628 0.2000 0.1441 0.0690 0.1987 0.2838 0.1211 0.2620 0.2805 0.2202 0.2576 0.0323 0.3580 0.2024
I03 0.4302 0.3375 0.1151 0.1097 0.0877 0.2000 0.0792 0.1221 0.1987 0.2838 0.0902 0.1384 0.2668 0.2202 0.2576 0.0323 0.2981 0.1971
I04 0.1250 0.0536 0.4361 0.2482 0.2206 0.2000 0.0448 0.2827 0.4720 0.1132 0.2678 0.0726 0.0695 0.0375 0.1513 0.2235 0.0685 0.1594
I05 0.1389 0.1049 0.0459 0.2482 0.1611 0.2000 0.2619 0.0377 0.0388 0.0354 0.0506 0.0399 0.1027 0.0375 0.0759 0.2459 0.1681 0.1144
G3* 0.0000 0.0089 0.0824 0.3617 0.0824 0.0000 0.0707 0.0279 0.0000 0.0000 0.0176 0.0370 0.0237 0.0370 0.0000 0.0280 0.1304 0.0006
N01 0.1250 0.2970 0.2255 0.7520 0.6267 0.6000 0.1172 0.5770 0.3333 0.3333 0.6250 0.6370 0.1998 0.6370 0.4000 0.6586 0.0972 0.4258
N02 0.7500 0.5396 0.6738 0.1966 0.2797 0.2000 0.2684 0.3420 0.3333 0.3333 0.2385 0.1047 0.6833 0.2583 0.4000 0.1852 0.7007 0.3774
N03 0.1250 0.1634 0.1007 0.0514 0.0936 0.2000 0.6144 0.0811 0.3333 0.3333 0.1365 0.2583 0.1169 0.1047 0.2000 0.1562 0.2021 0.1968
A01 0.0053 – 0.0904 0.0000 0.0824 0.0000 0.1464 0.1897 0.0237 0.0000 0.0176 0.0370 0.0006 0.1126 0.0000 0.5411 0.0000 0.0017
Quali 0.2154 – 0.1228 1.0000 0.4463 0.3333 0.1357 0.2589 0.2924 0.3333 1.0000 0.1644 0.9615 1.0000 1.0000 0.0534 0.2000 0.4592
Quant 0.4642 – 1.0000 0.5000 0.1494 0.3333 0.3684 0.0805 0.1710 0.3333 0.2184 0.4055 0.1156 0.0790 1.0000 0.2311 0.2000 0.3833
Both 1.0000 – 0.4524 0.5000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.5724 1.0000 1.0000 0.2811 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
A02 0.0000 – 0.0824 0.0000 0.0904 0.0000 0.0707 0.0311 0.0000 0.2836 0.0516 0.0370 0.0000 0.0772 0.0000 0.5411 0.4196 0.0019
Obj 1.0000 – 0.4463 1.0000 0.1228 0.2000 0.1908 0.3989 0.2000 0.3420 1.0000 0.4055 1.0000 0.4421 1.0000 0.2311 0.2732 0.4807
Subj 0.2500 – 0.1494 1.0000 0.2715 0.2000 0.4368 0.1194 0.2000 0.0835 0.3150 0.1644 1.0000 0.0838 1.0000 0.0534 0.0747 0.3062
Both 1.0000 – 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.3969 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
A03 0.0063 – 0.2090 0.4189 0.2837 0.0000 0.2090 0.0904 0.0516 0.0000 0.0147 0.0068 0.0012 0.1126 0.1304 0.5411 0.0516 0.0090
Day 0.3029 – 0.3969 1.0000 0.0836 1.0000 0.3969 0.0921 0.1323 1.0000 0.8740 0.3624 0.1073 0.0790 0.1387 0.0534 1.0000 0.4176
Week 1.0000 – 1.0000 0.2125 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.5179 1.0000 1.0000 0.2311 0.6300 1.0000
Long 0.2751 – 0.1050 0.0581 0.3420 0.3333 0.0900 0.3393 0.4200 0.3333 0.3817 0.1314 1.0000 0.2811 0.4808 1.0000 0.1587 0.3611
A04 0.0516 – 0.0311 0.0000 0.1758 0.0000 0.2593 0.0960 0.0516 0.0000 0.0000 0.1126 0.0000 0.0772 0.1304 0.5411 0.1304 0.0060
Know 0.6300 – 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.1043 1.0000 1.0000 0.4999 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Partial 1.0000 – 0.2992 1.0000 0.3057 1.0000 0.2785 1.0000 0.4200 1.0000 1.0000 0.2811 0.3333 0.1895 0.4808 0.2311 0.4808 0.8659
Un 0.1184 – 0.1194 1.0000 0.0935 0.2000 0.0665 0.4566 0.1323 1.0000 0.2500 0.0790 0.1667 0.0838 0.1387 0.0534 0.1387 0.3335
A05 0.0000 – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Int 0.2000 – 1.0000 1.0000 0.3333 1.0000 0.3333 0.2500 0.3333 1.0000 0.3333 1.0000 0.2000 0.1429 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.5500
Ext 1.0000 – 0.2500 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
A06 0.0389 – 0.0449 0.0019 0.0685 0.0159 0.0768 0.0677 0.0345 0.0655 0.0520 0.0506 0.0304 0.0956 0.1199 0.2085 0.2975 0.0094
0–19 0.8034 – 0.4604 1.0000 0.2034 0.2394 0.6369 0.1509 0.2174 0.3364 0.1786 0.3108 0.3848 0.3351 0.2491 0.4716 1.0000 0.4494
49 1.0000 – 1.0000 0.7856 0.3921 1.0000 1.0000 0.7105 0.6727 1.0000 0.2952 1.0000 0.6741 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
99 0.6325 – 0.6724 0.1198 0.7622 1.0000 0.2707 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.5320 1.0000 0.5508 1.0000 0.4856 0.3745 0.8410
299 0.3846 – 0.1391 0.1198 1.0000 1.0000 0.1247 0.3204 0.2174 0.1869 0.5249 0.1777 1.0000 0.0611 0.5578 0.1298 0.1378 0.3632
> = 300 0.2380 – 0.0712 0.1198 0.0982 0.1249 0.0670 0.0869 0.0794 0.0967 0.1168 0.0900 0.5093 0.0611 0.1237 0.0470 0.0523 0.1448
I01* 0.0153 0.0144 0.0362 0.0044 0.0305 0.0000 0.0153 0.0387 0.0029 0.0353 0.0166 0.0327 0.1940 0.0000 0.0226 0.0396 0.0144 0.0008
Model 0.1257 0.0764 0.0646 0.1089 0.1495 0.1667 0.3154 0.1041 0.1485 0.3178 0.1055 0.1663 0.0214 0.1667 0.0398 0.2210 0.2282 0.1577
Depl 0.1188 0.0588 0.0314 0.1019 0.3573 0.1667 0.2430 0.3790 0.0817 0.3178 0.0888 0.1153 0.0559 0.1667 0.0932 0.1109 0.1080 0.1490
Optim 0.0575 0.1067 0.0826 0.1019 0.1125 0.1667 0.1730 0.2543 0.1485 0.1793 0.1676 0.3340 0.0262 0.1667 0.1061 0.1037 0.0747 0.1515
Mgt 0.2230 0.3883 0.3822 0.2516 0.2501 0.1667 0.1201 0.1817 0.2698 0.1006 0.3652 0.2570 0.3989 0.1667 0.2536 0.2719 0.2283 0.2624
Cult 0.2230 0.2356 0.1817 0.2178 0.0849 0.1667 0.0845 0.0317 0.2698 0.0452 0.2011 0.0726 0.3664 0.1667 0.2536 0.2719 0.2283 0.1670
Struct 0.2520 0.1342 0.2574 0.2178 0.0457 0.1667 0.0640 0.0491 0.0817 0.0393 0.0719 0.0547 0.1311 0.1667 0.2536 0.0207 0.1325 0.1124
I02 0.0000 – 0.0089 0.0147 0.0516 0.0370 0.1304 0.1570 0.0370 0.1304 0.0147 0.0370 0.0033 0.0624 0.1304 0.0000 0.0516 0.0000
Cont 0.5000 – 0.5503 1.0000 0.1587 0.1644 0.4808 1.0000 0.4055 0.4807 0.3817 0.4055 0.9285 0.4297 0.2311 0.3333 0.6300 0.6896
Stage 0.5000 – 0.3059 0.3815 0.2520 1.0000 0.2311 0.2988 0.1644 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.2155 0.1108 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.7104
Both 1.0000 – 1.0000 0.4369 1.0000 0.4055 1.0000 0.1116 1.0000 0.0991 0.8740 0.1644 1.0000 1.0000 0.4807 0.3333 0.3969 1.0000
I03 0.0000 – 0.0036 0.0516 0.1190 0.0000 0.1304 0.0624 0.2090 0.0772 0.0707 0.0068 0.0904 0.0624 0.0000 0.0000 0.1350 0.0074
Descr 0.5000 – 0.1882 1.0000 0.1007 1.0000 1.0000 0.2579 0.3969 1.0000 1.0000 0.1314 0.1228 0.1108 0.2000 1.0000 0.0991 0.5771
Im pr 1.0000 – 1.0000 0.6300 0.2838 1.0000 0.4808 1.0000 0.1575 0.1895 0.4368 0.3625 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.3333 0.4808 1.0000
Ex pr 0.2500 – 0.3542 0.3969 1.0000 1.0000 0.2311 0.1108 1.0000 0.0838 0.1908 1.0000 0.2715 0.4297 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.5685
I04 0.0000 – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Gener 1.0000 – 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.1429 0.2500 1.0000 0.4999 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Dom 0.3333 – 0.3333 0.5000 0.3333 0.3333 0.1667 1.0000 1.0000 0.2000 1.0000 1.0000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.4999 1.0000 0.5348
I05 0.0732 – 0.0183 0.0000 0.0592 0.0016 0.0227 0.0495 0.0297 0.0579 0.0116 0.0286 0.0116 0.0163 0.0579 0.0934 0.0000 0.0015
One 0.0791 – 0.1445 0.5000 0.1340 0.3493 0.1419 0.1784 0.0899 0.0840 0.3426 0.1136 0.2420 0.1706 0.1113 1.0000 1.0000 0.3060
More 0.2201 – 0.2778 1.0000 0.1889 0.1913 0.6048 1.0000 0.2064 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.4080 0.1706 0.4584 1.0000 1.0000 0.7285
All 0.2201 – 0.6743 0.5000 0.3859 1.0000 0.9999 0.1147 0.3320 0.4277 0.2042 0.7617 0.8387 1.0000 0.9999 0.3792 1.0000 0.7743
Comb 1.0000 – 1.0000 0.5000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.5173 1.0000 0.4277 0.5931 0.2584 1.0000 0.4458 1.0000 0.1831 1.0000 1.0000
N01 0.0516 – 0.0176 0.0209 0.1758 0.0370 0.1304 0.0734 0.0000 0.1126 0.0036 0.0000 0.0237 0.2836 0.0000 0.1037 0.0000 0.0017
Aware 0.4200 – 0.5724 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.1084 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9689
Bench 1.0000 – 1.0000 0.5793 0.3057 0.4055 0.1156 1.0000 1.0000 0.2811 0.5313 1.0000 0.2924 0.3420 1.0000 0.3467 1.0000 1.0000
Certif 0.1323 – 0.2184 0.0959 0.0935 0.1644 0.4807 0.3293 0.3333 0.0790 0.1882 1.0000 0.1710 0.0650 0.3333 0.1202 0.2000 0.3140
N02 0.0000 – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Applic 0.2500 – 0.2500 1.0000 0.2000 0.3333 0.1667 0.4999 0.2500 1.0000 0.2500 1.0000 0.1250 0.1429 0.2000 0.2000 0.5000 0.3100
Outc 1.0000 – 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
N03 0.0000 – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Free 0.5000 – 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.4999 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.2000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Charg 1.0000 – 0.2000 0.5000 0.3333 0.2000 0.1429 1.0000 0.3333 0.1111 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.1111 0.3333 0.4999 0.1111 0.4310
I03 Descr Impl prescr Expl prescr Descr Impl prescr Expl prescr
I03 Impl prescr Expl prescr Descr Impl prescr Expl prescr
486 A. Van Looy et al. / Information & Management 50 (2013) 466–488
General information:
General info Perspective Industry (NACE) Org. size Annual turnover Location Department Position Org. BPM User BPM
(employees) (million s) experience experience
Tester 1 Not yet BPMM Human health and 1–10 (micro) < s 2 million Europe Competence Lower No No notion
social work centre management
Tester 2 Not yet BPMM Public administration, 11–50 No answer Europe Business Operational No Theoretical
defence, compulsory (small)
social security
Tester 3 Not yet BPMM Human health and 51–250 No answer Europe Business Lower No No notion
social work (medium) management
Tester 4 Not yet BPMM, Public administration, 1001–5000 s 10–50 Europe Business Middle Yes, in some Theoretical
but quality MM defence, compulsory (large) million management parts of the
social security organisations
User 1 Not yet BPMM Manufacturing of 501–1000 > s 50,000 Europe, Business Middle Yes, in some No notion
products, e.g. (large) million North & management parts of the
equipment, chemicals, South organisation
pharmaceuticals, America,
installations Asia
User 2 Already BPMM Public administration, 5001–10,000 s 50–500 Europe Competence Lower Yes, in some Both, theoretical
defence, compulsory (large) million centre management parts of the and empirical
social security organisation
User 3 Researcher Professional, scientific 5001–10,000 s 500–1000 Europe Business Operational No Theoretical
and technical activities (large) million
Information regarding the requirements:
Requirement Design product Design process
BPMM BPMM Use of Satisfaction Recommend Time spent Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction
after before BPMM after with BPMM to others? (minutes) with time with output with criteria with question with
after spent presentation formulations sequence
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