Development of Contaminated Land - FINAL

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Developing contaminated sites

An appropriately qualified professional should prepare reports in support

of a planning application.

Reports to support planning applications

If you apply for planning permission and it is possible that the land is
contaminated, you must address this in your application.

Here are some useful checklists to help you prepare a report. The items
listed depend upon the site’s previous uses and the extent of potential or
actual contamination.

The report must reflect the size and complexity of the site, the level of
investigation needed and the likely risk of contamination.

If you send us a report using the checklists we will be able to make the
best decisions on how suitable the land is for development. If you send us
a report which does not give enough information, it will delay your
application or even prevent you from developing.

There is also a list of reference documents, which includes some but not
all of the guidance and information available.

Sending your reports

You need to send at least two hard copies and one electronic copy of your
reports to:

Development Control
First Floor, West Wing
Newham Dockside
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU

The planning case officer will send the reports to the appropriate
consultees for comment.
We advise you not to negotiate directly with the Environmental Health
Pollution Control Unit, the Environment Agency or any other council
consultee without telling the case officer.
A preliminary investigation (desk study) report

1. Purpose and aims of the study

2. Site location and layout plans
3. Appraisal of site history – to build up a picture of previous site
4. Assessment of environmental setting, including:
a) geology, hydro-geology, hydrology
b) information from the Environment Agency on abstractions,
pollution incidents, water-quality classification, landfill sites
within 250m and so on
5. Assessment of the use of the site now and in the future and the
uses of the surrounding land
6. Review of any previous site contamination studies (desk-based or
intrusive) or remediation works
a) preliminary (qualitative) assessments of risks
b) appraisal of potential contaminant sources, pathways and
c) conceptual site model
7. Recommendations for intrusive contaminative investigations, if

The development of contaminated sites

B Site investigation reports

1. Methodology of the site investigation

a) methods of investigation
b) plan showing locations for exploration
c) justification of exploration locations
2. d) Strategies for sampling and analysis - all chemical testing to
conform to the Environment Agency’s monitoring certification
scheme (MCERTS)
3. Results and findings of the investigation
a) ground conditions (soil, ground gas and groundwater
regimes, including made ground)
b) discussion of soil / groundwater / ground gas / surface water
contamination (visual, olfactory, analysis)
4. Conceptual site model
5. Risk assessment – as a minimum, based on contaminant - pathway
– receptor model. The report should take account of severity of
consequences and likelihood of occurrence. Justification of the
Generic and Site Specific Quantitative Risk Assessment models
6. Recommendations for remediation – justification should relate to
proposed site use, risk assessment findings, as well as technical
and financial appraisal
7. Recommendations for further investigations (if required)
C Remediation strategies
Submit before remediation works start.

1. Objectives of the remediation works

2. Detailed outline of the works to be carried out
a) description of ground conditions (soil and groundwater)
b) type, form and scale of contamination to be remediated
c) remediation methodology
d) site plans/drawings
e) phasing of works and approximate timescales
3. Consents, agreements and licences (discharge consents, waste
management licences etc.)
4. Site management procedures to protect site neighbours,
environment and amenity during works
5. These should include where appropriate:
a) health and Safety plans and procedures
b) dust, noise and odour controls
c) control of surface water run-off
6. Details of how any necessary variations from the approved
remediation strategy arising during the course of the works will be
dealt with, including notification of the Development Control Unit
7. Details of how the works will be validated to ensure the remediation
objectives have been met; should include details on
a) sampling strategy
b) use of on-site observations, visual/olfactory evidence
c) chemical analysis
d) proposed clean-up standards (i.e. contaminant

D Validation or verification report

Submit after remediation work

1. Include supplementary documentation as per C(3) to C(6) above

2. Details of who carried out the work and when the works took place
3. Details and justification of any changes from the original
remediation strategy
4. Substantiating data – should include where appropriate
a) laboratory and in-situ test results
b) monitoring results for groundwater and gases
c) summary data plots and tables relating to clean-up criteria
d) plans showing treatment areas and details of any differences
from the original remediation strategy
5. Confirmation that remediation objectives have been met
1. Preliminary investigation (desk study) reports and site investigation
reports may be combined, providing the submitted report contains sections
A(1) to A(6).

2. General recommendations for remediation made in the site investigation

report will not be accepted as a substitute for a remediation strategy.

3. Note that remediation capping layers based upon ‘Cover systems for
land regeneration’ BR 465 by the Building Research Establishment will not
be accepted, as this is not approved by the Environment Agency.

Investigations of contaminated land

Key reference documents include:

1. British Standards Institution, BS 10175, Code of Practice for the

Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Land

2. Building Regulations 2000: Approved Document C- Site preparation and

resistance to contamination

3. Environment Agency ‘Model Procedures for the Management of Land

Contamination’ Contaminated Land Report 11. 2004. The document is
available to download in PDF format free of charge from

4. Health & Safety Executive, 1991. ‘Protection of Workers and the

General Public during the Development of Contaminated Land’

5. NHBC. NHBC Standards Chapter 4.1 Land Quality – Managing Ground


For more information, contact our Pollution Control Team on 020 8430
2000 or email [email protected].

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