Br. No.-312 A

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Preparation of General arrangement Drawing (GAD), details design &

drawing of Girder/Slab bridges including foundations, sub structure, bed
blocks, inspection platform, bearing etc. in between (A) NBQ to KYQ
station Via GLPT and (B) Digaru to Hojai in connection with NBQ to
KYQ via GLPT and Digaru to Hojai Doubling works in N.F.Railway:
CH: -66.000 KM

DOCUMENT NO.: NFR/3853/DPR/CH- -66.000/2017/R0

Dy. Chief Engineer/Con/MLG/III
Maligaon, Guwahati CONSULTANT


AN ISO 9001, 14001 & OHSAS 18001 COMPANY


AUGUST- 2017 KOLKATA-700092
Sl No. Particulars Pg No

1 Design Basis 1 to 6

3 Design of Abutment & Foundation 7 to 55

4 Design of Pier & Foundation 56 to 97


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Design Basis Report
Density of material(Ref-IS-875) Part-I Rcc-
1 Dead Load(DL) 2.2 5.2 2.5 T/m2,steel -7.85 T/m2,Ballast-2.6
T/m2,soil-1.8 T/m2

2 Super imposed Dead Load(SIDL) SIDL as per Standerd RDSO drawing

25 T-2008 loading with a maximum Axle

load of 9.33 T/m on both side of the
locomotive.EUDL shall be as per Appendix
3 Live Load(LL) 2.3 5.3 XXIII(Bridge Rules).loading case shall be
considered. (I)only one Span
loaded (II)Two consecutive spans

Shall be considered for

abutment/wing/return wall LL
4 Live Load Surcharge(LLS) 5.8
surcharge=13.7 T/m2 with uniform
distribution widh of 3 m at formation level

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CDA=0.15+8/(6+L) equation-(1) subjected
to maximum of 1.0. L is Loaded
length of span (m) CDA to multiplied
by factor for calculation of
pressure/reaction at different level of
gravity type substructure(cl.5.4).
(i) Top surface of bed block=1 (ii)
Bottom surface of bed block=0.5 (iii) Top
5 Dynamic Augument (I) 2.4 5.4
3m of substructure=0.50 decreasing
uniformly to zero (iv) Beyond a
depth 3 m below bed block=-no impact
need to be allowed. For ballast wall-upto
depth of 1.5 m=0.5. For design of non
gravity type of substructure full dynamic
augument effect as per equation
(1) should be considered upto scoure level

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Where any portion of structure is not free
to expand or contract under variation of
6 Temperature effect 2.6 5.5
temperature,allowence shall be made for
the stresses resulting from this condition

Forces for (a) & (b) - Appendices XXII &

XXIV (BRIDGE RULES) (I) one span loaded
should be considered for the girders .the
stablity of the abutments & stability of
Longitudianal Force(LF) (a) Tractive
piers carrying Roller and Rocker bearings
Force (b) Bracking Force ( c)
(I) Two span loaded should be considered
Resistance of movement of bearing
for piers carrying fixed/sliding/elastomeric
7 due to chang in temperature and 2.8 5.5
bearings (III) Effect of dynamic
deformation (d) Forces due to
augumentation as per codal provision (iv)
continuation of LWR/CWR over the
Dispersion NIL Point of application of LF at
bearing level (c) coffecient of friction
bearing (µ) Roller-0.03 Elastomeric /PTFE-
0.10 (d) As per clause of bridge
Wind load is not considered as earthquake
8 Wind Loads 2.11
load is guiding
Shall be calculated for abutment/ Return
wall as applicable consider angle of
internal friction of back fill soil ϕ for soil
9 Earth pressure 5.7 material type (Table 1 ,clause
Active & Passive earth pressure co-efficient
(Ka& Kp) ref cl5.7.1 to of sub
structure code

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Shall be calculated for abutment/wing /
Return wall as applicable LL surcharge
10 Earth pressure due to surcharge 5.8.2 to 5.8.4
=13.7 t/m for 25 T loading on width of
uniform distribution at FL of 3m

In the case the state of earth fill viZ-

saturated/submerged earthb fill shall be
Earth pressure increase due to seismic
11 5.12 given due to consideration Increase in
earth pressure due to surcharge (sl no-13),
ref cl- &

In the direction parallel to the pier K as per

table 4 of IRS :sub-structure and foundation
code Velocity of current =as per actual at
site in m/sec In the direction normal to
pier 20% of the intensity of pressure
12 Forces due to Water current(WC) 5.9
calculated in a direction parralel to the pier
. point of application load =1/3 (Distance
measured from top between the upper &
lower wetted limits of the surface under

Type of soil on which foundation is resting

to be specified eg..well
is resting on "Rock" For the design of
foundation full buyancy shall be considered
up to HFL or LWL ,as the case may be
depending upon the most critical
combination ,irrespective of type of
13 Buoyance Effect 5.1
soil.However ,if foundation s are resting on
rock and have adequate bond with
it.suitable reduction in buoyancy may be
considered at the discretion of engineer
responsible for design but in any case the
reduection shall not be less than 50% of full
Combination of loads :Combination of loads & forces are to be consided as per clause 5.13 of Bridge substructure code
permissible stresses: The calculated maximum strsess resulting from the design loading shall not exceed those specified

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in clause 5.14 and 5.15 of bridge substructure and foundation code

Note: In case design by Limit State ,Limit states of clause 10.2 & 10.3 of IRS concrete bridge code shall be considered .
Consideration Consideration of others factors such as deflection ,fatiuge,& durablity will need to be made as refered to in clause 10.4 of the code .
combination of load s to be taken as per clause 1]with appropriate partial safety factor for load s given in table 12 of IRS CBC
2.1 Foundation must be designed in acccordance with clause 6.0 of Bridge substructure and foundation code adequately against any expected failures.
2.2 The foundation has been checked for minimum & maximum pressure effect up to HFL & LWL due to buoyancy.
2.3 For determination of Allowable bearing capacity clause 6.3,6.4,6.5&6.6 of substructure code shall be reffered.
3 Material Properties
3.1 Cement As percl-4.1 of IRS CBC
3.2 Concrete
(a) Density Density of Concrete -RCC = 25 Kn/m3 PCC=24 Kn/m3
(b) Minimum grade of concrete As per Cl No- 5.4.4 of IRS CBC
3.3 Reinforcement-As per clause 4.5 IRS CBC

4 Construction Tolerance of Piers

The construction tolerances to be followed shall be as per clause 6.5 of IRS CBC
5 Design of Super-Structure
Superstructure is as per RDSO Standard drawing.
6 List of Design Codes & Standards
The following codes with up to date correction slips will be referred in various stages of works.
6.1 IRS Codes
(i) IRS Bridge Rules( Reprint-2014)
(ii) IRS Code of Practice for Plain, Reinforced and Pre-stressed Concrete for General Bridge Construction(IRS CBC)-reprint-2014(Update-A&C 3)
(iii) IRS Code practice for the designe of substructure & foundations of bridges-2013 (Bridge Sub structures & foundation Code).
(iv) IRS Manual on the Designe and Construction of Well and Pile foundations (1985) (well & pile Foundation Code).
(i) IRC-5 Section I Standard specification and code of practice for road bridges.
(ii) IRC-6 Section II Loads and Sstresses.
(iii) IRC-78 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Brdges: Foundation and substructures.
(iv) IRC SP 13-Guidelines for the designe of small bridges and culverts.
(i) IS 1893(part-1):2002 Criteria for earthquake resistance designe of structures.
(ii) IS 2911-2010 Code of Practice for designe and construction of pile foundations (Part-I,II,III).
(iii) SP: 34-1987 Handbook on concrete reinforcement detailing

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The system consists of a solid rectangular abutment with monolithic dirt wall, square return wall and solid
abutment cap. The top dimensions of the abutment cap are fixed so as to fit in the details of PSC Slab

For the design of the abutment and its different components generally the provisions of IRS(Indian Railway
Standards) Codes have been followed. Followings are the main references.

i. IRS Bridge Rules v. IS:2911(Part1/Sec2)-2010

ii. IRS Concrete Bridge Codes-1997 vi. IS:14593-1998
iii. IRS Substructure codes. vii. IRC:78
iv.Seismic Guideline of RDSO-(Nov-2015)
Proposed Rail Level RL 57.026 m
Proposed Rail Formation Level RL 56.288 m
Structural Depth of PSC Slab at center 0.575 m
Bottom of Girder Level RL 55.653 m
Top of Bed Block Level RL 55.653 m
Top of Abutment Level RL 55.253 m
Ground Level RL 51.897 m
Top of Pile Cap Level RL 52.843 m
Bottom of Pile Cap Level RL 51.343 m
High Flood Level (HFL) RL 54.71 m
Design Discharge 85.0 cumec

Seismic Zone = V
Z = 0.36 Z/2R = 0.06
Importance Factor (I) = 1.5 Sa/g = 2.5
R = 3


The Abutment is supporting PSC Slab Super-structure of Effective Span 6.1 m. The Details of Span is gives as under

4.1 Span 1

Effective span between c/c of bearing = 6.697 m

Overall span = 7.145 m
Span between c/c of Expansion Joints = 7.165 m

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Rail Formation Lvl = 56.288 m

Top of bed block

55.653 m

55.253 m 0.4 m 1.065 m

1.065 m

T.O.Pc 52.843 m
GL 51.897 m
51.343 m 1.5 m

2.0175 m
5.1 m


C/L of Abutment/Pile Cap


18.56 m 18.58 m
2.0175 m

1.065 m

+ -

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Anticlockwise Moments are taken as positive
+ -

6.1 Dead Load from Railway Superstructure PSC Slab (Refer Drawing No. RDSO/B-10274)
Load for DL = 50.57 T
Weight of superstructure (Span) = 50.57 T
Reaction on Abutment = 25.285 T
No of Superstructures = 3 nos
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Abutment, eL1 = 0.271 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, eL2 = 0.271 m

Longitudinal Moment due to DL about C/L of Abutment = 3 x 25.285 x 0.271 = 20.557 T-m
Longitudinal Moment due to DL about C/L of Pile cap = 3 x 25.285 x 0.271 = 20.557 T-m

The Superstructure is symmetric about Centre Line of Soffit; therefore there is no Transverse Eccentricty
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0m
Transverse Moment due to DL = 25.285 x 0 = 0 T-m

6.2 Super Imposed Dead Load (SIDL) from Superstructure

Total Load for SIDL (considering SIDL @ 6.5 T/m) on single superstructure = 46.57 T
SIDL Reaction = 23.29 T
No of Superstructures = 3 nos
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Abutment, eL1 = 0.271 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, eL2 = 0.271 m

Longitudinal Moment due to SIDL about C/L of Abutment = 3 x 23.286 x 0.271 = 18.932 T-m
Longitudinal Moment due to SIDL about C/L of Pile cap = 3 x 23.286 x 0.271 = 18.932 T-m

The Superstructure is symmetric about Centre Line of Soffit; therefore there is no Transverse Eccentricty
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0m
Transverse Moment due to SIDL = 23.286 x 0 = 0 T-m

6.3 Dead Load from Abutment Cap 0.523 m

Length of bed block = 18.560 m
Width of bed block = 1.065 m
Depth of bed block = 0.400 m
0.635 m

1.065 m 0.4 m

C/L of bearing
C/L of abutment

1.065 m

[a] Dead Load of Dirt Wall for Railway superstructure portion

Dead Load = 0.635 x 0.523 x 18.58 x 2.5 = 15.427 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. Abutment CG = - ( 1.065 - 0.523 ) / 2 = -0.271 m
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pile Cap CG = -0.271 m

[b] Dead Load of Abutment Cap

Dead Load = 1.065 x 0.4 x 18.56 x 2.5 = 19.766 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. Abutment CG = 0m
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pile Cap CG = 0m

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[c] Dead Load of Raised Portion of Seismic Restrainer Block
s/w of seismic restrainer block = 6 x 0.910 x 0.690 x 0.523 x 2.5 = = 4.926 T
Total = 4.926 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. Abutment CG 0.271 m
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pile Cap CG 0.271 m

Total Dead Load from Abutment Cap, dirt wall and seismic restrainer blocks
= 15.427 + 19.766 + 4.926 = 40.119 T
Total Longitudinal Moment about CL of Abutment due to above Dead Load
= 15.427 x -0.271 + 19.766 x 0+4.926x0.271 = -2.850 T-m
Total Longitudinal Moment about CL of Pile Cap due to above Dead Load
= 15.427 x -0.271 + 19.766 x 0+4.926x0.271 = -2.850 T-m

6.4 Dead Load of Abutment Shaft

The Abutment has Rectangular Section.

1.065 m

18.56 m

Total height of abutment = 55.253 - 52.843 = 2.410 m

Sectional area of Abutment Shaft = 18.56 x 1.065 = 19.766 m2
Volume of Abutment Shaft = 2.41 x 19.7664 = 47.637 m3
Dead Load of Abutment Shaft = 47.637024 x 2.5 = 119.093 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity w.r.t. C/L of Pile Cap, eL = 0m
Longitudinal Moment about C/L of Pile Cap = 119.093 x 0 = 0 T-m

6.5 Dead Load of Pile Cap

Length of Pile Cap (perpendicular to track) = 18.580 m
Width of Pile Cap (parallel to track) = 5.100 m
Depth of Pile Cap = 1.5 m
5.1 m


18.58 m

Traffic Direction


Weight of Pile Cap = 18.58 x 5.1 x 1.5 x 2.50 = 355.3425 T


Standard of Loading 25t Loading-2008
(Note : Please Refer Appendix XXIII of IRS:Bridge Rules)
Loaded Length (Overall length) = 7.145 m
Total EUDL Load (Shear) for 7.145 m span ( for single track loaded) = 105.000 T

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Here total 3 Nos. tracks are placed on single sub-structure
Total EUDL Load (Shear) for 7.145 m span ( when 1 track loaded, concentrically ) = 315.000 T

Longitudinal Eccentricity w.r.t C/L of Abutment, eL1 = 0.271 m

Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile Cap, eL2 = 0.271 m

Calculation of transverse eccentricity

[a] When single track at edge loaded

Transverse Eccentricity w.r.t. C/L of Abutment, eT = 0.100 m
(Note : Please Refer Cl: 2.5.1 of IRS:Bridge Rule for Transverse Eccentricity )

Computation of Moment Due to LL

(Note : Please refer clause (a) of IRS:Bridge Rule)
CDA = 0.15 + [ 8 / (6 + L)] Subject to Maximum of 1.0
Therefore, CDA = 0.15 + [ 8 / ( 6 + 7.145 ) ] = 0.759
Augmented load calculation
[a] When single track at edge loaded
Total Live Load (Shear) = 3 x 105 x (1 + 0.759 ) = 554.085 T
Live Load Reaction on Abutment = 554.085 / 2.0 = 277.043 T
Longitudinal Moment due to LL on Abutment, ML = 277.0425 x 0.271 = 75.079 T-m
Transverse Moment due to LL on Abutment, MT = 277.0425 x 0.1 = 27.704 T-m

For Design of Deep Foundation (Pile Foundation)

Therefore, CDA for Foundation = 0.759
Augmented load calculation
[a] When single track at edge loaded
Total Live Load (Shear) excluding CDA = 3 x 105 x (1 + 0.759 ) = 554.085 T
Live Load Reaction on Abutment = 554.085 / 2.0 = 277.043 T
Longitudinal Moment due to LL on Pile Cap, ML = 277.0425 x 0.271 = 75.079 T-m
Transverse Moment due to LL on Pile Cap, MT = 277.0425 x 0.1 = 27.704 T-m


(Please Refer Appendix XXIV of IRS Bridge Rules )
Loaded Length (Edge to Edge of Superstructure) = 7.145 m
Tractive Force for 7.145 m Loaded Span = 33.320 T
Braking Force for 7.145 m Loaded Span = 22.506 T
Governing Longitudinal Force = max ( 33.32 , 22.506 ) = 33.320 T
Dispersion of Longitudinal Force = 0.00 %
(Note : Refer Clause, IRS : Bridge Rules)
Net Longitudinal Force = 33.32 x ( 1.0 - 0 / 100 ) = 33.32 T
Type of bearing = Bitumen layer
Total No of Tracks = 3
So total longitudinal force = 99.96 T
Percent Force Transferred to Abutment = 50.00 %

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Therefore, Net Longitudinal Force Transferred to Abutment = 49.98 T
Tractive force for Type A Live Load = 49.98 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.653 - 52.843 = 2.810 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pile Cap = 55.653 - 51.343 = 4.310 m

Moment Calculation
[a] When single track at edge loaded (Type A)
Moment about Base of Abutment = 49.98 x 2.81 = 140.444 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 49.98 x 4.31 = 215.414 T-m


(Please Refer Cl:5.6.2 of IRS:Bridge & Substructure Code & Cl:2.7 of IRS:Bridge Rule)

Co-efficient of Friction = 0.500

For Railway Superstructure
Total Frictional Force = 0.5 x ( 25.285 + 23.286 ) = 24.286 T
Frictional Force = 24.286 T

Moment about Base of Abutment = 24.286 x 2.81 = 68.24 T-m

Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 24.286 x 4.31 = 104.67 T-m


(Note : Please Refer CL. 5.7.1 Of IRS : Substructure & Foundation Code.)

φ = 30 ° = 0.524 radians
i = 0 ° = 0.000 radians
δ = 10.00 ° = 0.175 radians
α = 0 ° = 0.000 radians
γ = 1.8 T per cum

Co-efficient of active earth pressure

Ka = Cos2(φ-α)/[Cos2αCos(α+δ)[1+√((Sin(φ+δ)Sin(φ-i))/(Cos(α+δ)Cos(α-i)))]2]xCosδ
Ka = 0.304


3.445 m

52.843 m 1.885 T/m2

1.5 51.343 m 2.706 T/m2

At base of Abutment Wall

Earth Pressure at Abutment Base = KaγH
= 0.304 x 1.8 x 3.445 = 1.885 T/m2
Total Force at Abutment Base = 0.5 x 1.885 x 3.445 x 18.56 = 60.263 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Abutment Base = 3.445 / 3.0 = 1.148 m
Moment about Base of Abutment Wall = 60.263 x 1.148 = 69.182 T-m

At base of Pile Cap

Earth Pressure at base of Pile Cap = 0.304 x 1.8 x 4.945 = 2.706 T/m2
Force on Pile Cap only = 0.50 x ( 1.885 + 2.706 ) x 1.5 x 18.58 = 63.976 T

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Lever Arm w.r.t. Pile Cap Base = ( 1.5 / 3 ) x [ ( 2 x 1.885 + 2.706) / ( 1.885 + 2.706 ) ]
= 0.705 m
Total Force at bottom of Pile Cap = 60.263 + 63.976 = 124.239 T
Total Moment at bottom of Pile Cap = 60.263 x ( 1.148 + 1.5 ) + 63.976 x 0.705
= 204.68 T-m


(Note : Please Refer CL. 5.8.2 Of IRS : Substructure & Foundation Code.)

Dead Load Surcharge = V = 6.5 T/m

Live Load Surchage = S = 13.7 T/m
Surcharge Width at Formation Level = B = 3.0 m
Length of Abutment = L = 18.56 m
Height of Abutment = h = 3.445 m
Thickness of Pile Cap = D = 1.5 m
Total height with Pile Cap = H = 4.945 m
Length of Pile Cap = Lp = 18.58 m
L-B= 18.56 - 3 = 15.560 m
Therefore, H < (L - B), Case-1 is applicable
calculation required for Case - 1
Case - 1
Formation Level a b
c bc = 1.274

4.945 3.445 P1

Bottom of Abutment 0.953

Bottom of Pile Cap
e d

Pressure at Top = [ (S + V ) / B ] Ka = [ ( 13.7 + 6.5 ) / 3 ] x 0.304

= 2.047 T/m2
Pressure at Bottom = [ (S + V ) / (B + H ) ] Ka = [ ( 13.7 + 6.5 ) / ( 3 + 4.945 ) ] x 0.304
= 0.773 T/m2
Surcharge Pressure at Bottom of Abutment = 0.953 T/m2
Calculation for Bottom of Pile Cap :
P1 = (0.773 ) x 4.945 = 3.822 T/m
acting at = 4.945/ 2 = 2.473 m
P2 = (0.773 x 4.945 x 4.945 ) / ( 2x 3) = 3.150 T/m
acting at = 2 x 4.945 / 3 = 3.297 m
Calculation for bottom of Abutment :
P1 = (0.953 ) x 3.445 = 3.283 T/m
acting at = 3.445/ 2 1.723 m
P2 = (0.953 x 3.445 x 3.445 ) / ( 2x 3) = 1.885 T/m
acting at = 2 x 3.445 / 3 2.297 m
At Base of Abutment Wall
Horizontal Force at Base of Abutment Wall = (3.283+1.885) x 18.56 = 95.918 T
Moment about Base of Abutment Wall = (3.283 x 1.7225 + 1.885 x 2.297) x 18.56 = 185.318 T-m

At Base of Pile Cap

Horizontal force on Pile Cap = (3.822+3.15)x18.56 = 129.400 T
Total Moment about Base of Pile Cap (3.822 x 2.4725 + 3.15 x 3.297) x 18.56 = 368.146 T-m

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Final Result:

at pile cap
P1 = 3.822 T/m
acting at = 2.4725 m
P2 = 3.150 T/m
acting at = 3.297 m

At Base of Abutment Wall

Total Horizontal Force at Base of Abutment Wall = = 95.918 T
Moment about Base of Abutment Wall = = 185.318 T-m

At Base of Pile Cap

Horizontal force on Pile Cap only = = 129.400 T
Total Moment about Base of Pile Cap = = 368.146 T-m


Height of back fill behind abutment wall = 3.445 m
Avg. height of back fill beyond Return Wall in Trans. Direction = 3.445 m
Eff. width of outer cantilever Pile Cap loaded with Earthfill = 0 m
W = ( 18.56 - 2 x 0 ) x 2.0175 x 3.445 x 1.8 = 232.195 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. CG of Pile Group = - [ ( 2.0175 + 1.065 ) / 2.0 ] = -1.541 m
Longitudinal Moment about CG of Pile Group = 232.195 x ( -1.541 ) = -357.812 T-m


(Note : Please refer RDSO guideline on sismic design of railway bridge)
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient αh = 2.5 x 1.5 x 0.06 = 0.225
Design Vertical Seismic Coefficient αv = 2/3 x αh = 2/3 x 0.225 = 0.150


Longitudinal direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Horizontal Seismic Force for 7.165 (c/c Bearing) Span = 0.225 x 25.285 x 3 = 17.067 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.653 + 0 - 52.843 = 2.810 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.653 + 0 - 51.343 = 4.310 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 17.067 x 2.81 = 47.958 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 17.067 x 4.31 = 73.559 T-m

Transverse direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block )
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.653 + 0 - 52.843 = 2.810 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.653 + 0 - 51.343 = 4.310 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 17.067 x 2.81 = 47.958 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 17.067 x 4.31 = 73.559 T-m


Longitudinal direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Horizontal Seismic Force for 7.165 (c/c Bearing) Span = 0.225 x 23.286 x 3 = 15.718 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.653 + 0 - 52.843 = 2.810 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.653 + 0 - 51.343 = 4.310 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 15.718 x 2.81 = 44.168 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 15.718 x 4.31 = 67.745 T-m

Transverse direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block )
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.653 + 0 - 52.843 = 2.810 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.653 + 0 - 51.343 = 4.310 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 15.718 x 2.81 = 44.168 T-m

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Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 15.718 x 4.31 = 67.745 T-m


[a] Dirt Wall
Horizontal Seismic Force on track portion dirt wall = 0.225 x 15.427 = 3.471 T
Distance of C.G. of Dirt Wall From B/O of Dirt Wall for Railway
= 0.635 / 2.0 = 0.318 m
Track portion
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment for Railway
= 55.653 + 0.3175 - 52.843 = 3.127 m
Track portion
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap for Railway
= 55.653 + 0.3175 - 51.343 = 4.627 m
track portion

[b] Abutment Cap

Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 19.766 = 4.447 T
Distance of C.G. of Abutment Cap From B/O of Abutment Cap = 0.4 / 2.0 = 0.200 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.253 + 0.2 - 52.843 = 2.610 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.253 + 0.2 - 51.343 = 4.110 m

Total Horizontal Load Due to Abutment Cap Components = 3.471 + 4.447

= 7.918 T
Moment about Base of Abutment = 3.471 x 3.127 + 4.447 x 2.61
= 22.460 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 3.471 x 4.627 + 4.447 x 4.11
= 34.337 T-m


Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 119.093 = 26.796 T
Level of C. G. of Abutment (RL) = ( 55.253 + 52.843 ) / 2.0 = 54.048 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Abutment Base = 54.048 - 52.843 = 1.205 m
Lever Arm w.r.t to Bottom of Pile Cap = 54.048 - 51.343 = 2.705 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 26.796 x 1.205 = 32.289 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 26.796 x 2.705 = 72.483 T-m


Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 0 = 0 T
Level of C. G. of Square Return (RL) = ( 56.288 + 52.843 ) / 2 = 54.566 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Abutment Base = 54.5655 - 52.843 = 1.723 m
Lever Arm w.r.t to Bottom of Pile Cap = 54.5655 - 51.343 = 3.223 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 0 x 1.723 = 0.000 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 0 x 3.223 = 0.000 T-m


Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 355.3425 = 79.952 T
Level of C. G. of Pile Cap (RL) = ( 51.343 + 52.843 ) / 2 = 52.093 m
Lever Arm w.r.t to Bottom of Pile Cap = 52.093 - 51.343 = 0.750 m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 79.952 x 0.75 = 59.964 T-m


Total Horizontal Seismic Force on Abutment due to Dead Loads
= 17.067 + 15.718 + 7.918 + 26.796+0 = 67.499 T
Total Horizontal Seismic Force on Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 67.499 + 79.952 = 147.451 T
Total Longitudinal Moment about Base of Abutment due to Dead Loads
= 47.958 + 44.168 + 22.46 + 32.289+0 = 146.875 T-m
Total Longitudinal Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 73.559 + 67.745 + 34.337 + 72.48318 + 0 + 59.964 = 308.088 T-m
Total Transverse Moment about Base of Abutment due to Dead Loads
= 47.958 + 44.16758 + 22.46 + 32.289+0 = 146.875 T-m
Total Transverse Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 73.559 + 67.74458 + 34.337 + 72.48318 + 0 + 59.964 = 308.088 T-m

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(Note : Refer clause 2.12.6, IRS:Bridge Rules)
Point of application of the force at Top of Bed Block = 55.653 m RL
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.653 - 52.843 = 2.810 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.653 - 51.343 = 4.310 m
[a] When single track at edge loaded (Type A)
Horizontal Seismic Force = [ 277.0425 / ( 1 + 0.759 ) ] x 0.50 x 0.225 = 17.719 T
Moment about Base of Abutment = 17.719 x 2.81 = 49.790 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 17.719 x 4.31 = 76.369 T-m
Seismic Force on Abutment due to Dead Loads in Vertical Direction
= 67.499 x 0.15 / 0.225 = 44.999 T
Seismic Force on Pile Cap due to Dead Loads in Vertical Direction
= 147.451 x 0.15 / 0.225 = 98.310 T


[a] When single track at edge loaded (Type A)
Seismic Force due to Live Load in Vertical Direction = 17.719 x 0.15 / 0.225 = 11.813 T


(Note : Please Refer Cl. 5.12.6 Of IRS:Substructure & Foundation Code )
αh = 0.225 φ = 30 °
αv = 0.15 δ = 10.00 °
For + ve αv
λ = tan-1[αh / (1 + αv)]
= 0.1932 radians = 11.070 °
For - ve αv
λ = tan-1[αh / (1 - αv)]
= 0.2588 radians = 14.826 °

Active Earth Pressure Coefficient

Ca =
(((1 + αv) x cos2(φ-α-λ))/(cosλ x cos2α x cos(δ + α + λ))) x [1 / (1 + √((sin(φ + δ) x sin(φ - i - λ)) / (cos(δ + α + λ) x cos(α - i))]2

λ Ca Co-efficient of dynamic increment

11.070 0.518 Ca = Max (0.518 , 0.441 )
14.826 0.441 = 0.518


At Base of Abutment Wall
Increment in Force = [ ( 0.518 - 0.304 ) / 0.304 ] x 60.263 = 42.422 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Abutment Base = 3.445 / 2.0 = 1.7225 m
Increment in Moment about Abutment Base = 42.422 x 1.7225 = 73.07 T-m

At Base of Pile Cap

Increment in Force = [ ( 0.518 - 0.304 ) / 0.304 ] x 124.239 = 87.458 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Pile Cap Bottom = 4.945 / 2.0 = 2.4725 m
Increment in Moment about Pile Cap Bottom = 87.458 x 2.4725 = 216.24 T-m


Equating Moments about Bottom of Pile Cap, the Equivalent Uniform Surcharge Intensity is given by,
qe = (S+V)/B = (6.5 + 13.7)/3 = 6.734 T/m2
At Abutment Base
Increment in Force = [ ( 0.518 - 0.304 ) / 0.304 ] x 95.918 = 67.521 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Abutment Base = 0.66 x 3.445 = 2.274 m
Increment in Moment about Abutment Base = 67.521 x 2.274 = 153.543 T-m

At Base of Pile Cap

Increment in Force = [ ( 0.518 - 0.304 ) / 0.304 ] x 129.40032 = 91.091 T

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Lever Arm w.r.t. Pile Cap Bottom = 0.66 x 4.945 = 3.264 m
Increment in Moment about Pile Cap Bottom = 91.091 x 3.264 = 297.321 T-m


At the bottom of abutment
a Dead Load
6.1 From Rail Super-structure 75.855 20.56 0 0 0
6.3 SIDL 69.858 18.932 0 0 0
6.4 From Abt. Cap & Components 40.119 -2.850 0 0 0
6.5 From Abutment wall 119.093 0.000 0 0 0
6.6 From square return 0.000 0.000 0 0 0
b Live Load
7.0 When single track loaded 277.043 75.079 27.704 0 0
c Tractive force/Braking force
8.1 When single track loaded 0 140.444 0 49.98 0
d Frictional Resistance for bearing
8.2 When single track loaded 0 68.24 0 24.286 0
e Earth Pressure
8.3.1 Due to backfill 0 69.182 0 60.263 0
8.3.2 Due to surcharge effect 0 185.318 0 95.918 0
f Temperature load
8.40 Thermal Expansion of Slab and Retainer 0 0.000 0 0.000 0
g Seismic force
10.10 Dead Load seismic 45.000 146.875 146.875 67.499 67.499
10.11 When single track loaded 11.813 0 49.790 0 17.719
11.10 Dynamic incr. of earth pressure 0 73.072 0 42.422 0
11.20 Dynamic incr. of surcharge earth pressure 0 153.543 0 67.521 0

IRS CBC TABLE-12 Cl-6.7 RDSO Seismic Guideline

Normal condition Seismic Condition
Case-1 ULS SLS Case-2 ULS SLS Description ULS SLS
DL 1.25 1 DL 1.25 1 DL 1.25 1
SIDL 2 1.2 SIDL 2 1.2 SIDL 1.5 1.2
TEMP 1.5 1 Frictional 1.5 1 LL 0.5 0.5
EP 1.7 1 EP 1.7 1 EQ 1.2 1
LL 1.4 1 EP 1.7 1

12.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Abutment

12.1 Servicebility Limit State (SLS)
(Note : Partial Safety Factors are as per Table 12, IRS Concrete Bridge Code)
Case - I ( Vertical Load Case-Considering LL & Temperature Load)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093 +0 ) + 1.20 x ( 69.858) + 1.0 x ( 277.0425 ) = 595.939 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 20.557 + -2.85 +0+0 ) + 1.20 x ( 18.932 ) + 1.0 x ( 75.079) +1.0x(140.4438 ) + 1.0 x
510.45 T-m
(69.182 + 185.318+ 1.0 x 0 ) =
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.0 x ( 27.70425 ) = 27.704 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.0 x ( 49.98 ) + 1.0 x ( 60.263 + 95.918 ) = 206.161 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II (Vertical Load Case-Considering Frictional Load Case)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093 +0 ) + 1.20 x ( 69.858) + 1.0 x277.0425 = 595.939 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 1.20 x ( 18.932 ) + 1.0 x ( 68.24 ) + 1.0 x (69.182 + 185.318 ) = 363.165 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 ) = 0.000 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =

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= 1.1 x ( 24.2855 ) + 1.0 x ( 60.263 + 95.918 ) = 180.467 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+0 ) + 1.20 x ( 69.858) + 0.5 x ( 277.0425 ) - 1 x 45)
= 412.418 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 20.557 -2.850 ) + 1.20 x ( 18.932 ) +0.5 x ( 75.079+ 140.4438 ) + 1.0 x (69.182 + 185.318 ) = 776.177 T-m
+ 1.0 x ( 146.875 +73.072 +153.543 )
Transverse Moment (MT) =
0.5 x ( 27.70425 ) + 1.0 x (49.79) = 63.642 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 49.98+ 1.0 x (60.263+95.918) + 1.0 x ( 67.499 +42.422 + 67.521 ) = 358.613 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0.000 T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+0 ) + 1.20 x ( 69.858) + 0.5 x ( 277.0425 )
- 1.0 x (45 ) = 412.418 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 20.557 -2.850 ) + 1.20 x ( 18.932 ) + 0.5 x ( 75.079+140.4438)
+ 1.0 x (69.182 + 185.318 ) = 402.687 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 27.70425 ) + 1.0 x (146.875 +49.79) = 210.517 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 49.98+ 1.0 x (60.263+95.918 ) = 181.171 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
1.0 x (67.499+17.719) = 85.218 T

12.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Abutment

12.2 Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
(Note : Partial Safety Factors are as per Table 12, IRS Concrete Bridge Code)
Case - I ( Vertical Load Case-Considering LL & Temperature Load)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093 +0 ) + 2.0 x ( 69.858) + 1.4 x ( 277.0425 )
= 821.409 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 2.0 x ( 18.932 ) + 1.4 x ( 75.079+140.4438 ) + 1.7 x (69.182 + 185.318 ) =
= 794.380 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.4x ( 27.70425 ) = 38.786 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.4 x ( 49.98) + 1.7 x ( 60.263 + 95.918 ) = 335.480 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II (Vertical Load Case-Considering Frictional Load )

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093 +0 ) + 2.0 x ( 69.858 )+ 1.75 x ( 277.0425) = 918.374 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 20.557 -2.850 ) + 2.0 x ( 18.932 ) + 1.7 x ( 68.24 ) + 1.7 x (69.182 + 185.318 ) = 595.008 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.75 x ( 0 ) = 0.000 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.75x ( 24.2855 ) + 1.7 x ( 60.263 + 95.918 ) = 308.007 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+0 ) + 1.5 x ( 69.858) + 0.5 x ( 277.0425 ) - 1.2 x 45 - 1.2 x 11.813)
= 468.966 T

Page 19 of 97
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 1.5 x ( 18.932 ) + 0.5 x(75.079+140.4438 ) + 1.7 x (69.182 + 185.318 ) = 1039.13 T-m
+ 1.2 x ( 146.875 +73.072 +153.543 )
Transverse Moment (MT) =
0.5 x ( 27.70425 ) = 13.852 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5x 49.98+ 1.7 x (60.263+95.918) + 1.2 x ( 67.499 +42.422 + 67.521 ) = 503.428 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+0 ) + 2.0 x ( 69.858) + 1.4 x ( 277.0425 ) = 468.966 T
- 1.2 x (45 +11.813 )
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 20.557 -2.850 ) + 1.5 x ( 18.932 ) + 0.5 x (75.079 + 140.4438)
+ 1.7 x (69.182 + 185.318 ) + 1.2 x (146.875 ) = 590.943 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 27.70425 ) + 1.20 x (146.875 +49.79) = 249.850 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 49.98+ 1.7 x (60.263+95.918) ) = 290.498 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
1.2 x (67.499+17.719) = 102.262 T

At the bottom of pile cap

a Dead Load
6.1 From Railway Super-structure 75.855 20.557 0 0 0
6.3 SIDL 69.858 18.932 0 0 0
6.4 From Abt. Cap, railing, pedestal, OHE 40.119 -2.850 0 0 0
6.5 From Abt. Shaft 119.093 0.000 0 0 0
6.6 From pile cap 355.343 0.000 0 0 0
6.7 From square return 0.000 0.000 0 0 0
6.9 Weight of backfill 232.195 -357.812 0 0 0
6.10 Due to Dead Load and LL Surcharge 0.000 0.000 0 0 0
b Live Load
7.0 When single track loaded 277.043 75.079 27.704 0 0
c Tractive force/Braking force
8.1 When single track loaded 0 215.414 0 49.980 0
d Frictional Resistance for bearing
8.2 When single track loaded 0 104.671 0 24.286 0
e Earth Pressure
8.3.1 Due to backfill 0 204.680 0 124.239 0
8.3.2 Due to surcharge effect 0 368.146 0 129.400 0
f Temperature load
8.4 Thermal Expansion of Slab and Retainer 0 0.000 0 0.000 0
g Seismic force
10.10 Dead Load seismic 98.310 308.088 308.088 147.451 147.451
10.11 When single track loaded 11.813 0.000 76.369 0 17.719
11.10 Dynamic incr. of earth pressure 0 216.240 0 87.458 0
11.20 Dynamic incr. of surcharge earth pressure 0 297.321 0 91.091 0

13.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Pile Cap

13.1 Servicibility Limit State
Case - I (Vertical Load-Considering Live Load)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+355.3425+0 ) + 1.2 x ( 69.858) + 1.0 x ( 277.0425 )
+ 1.0 x ( 232.195 + 0 + 0) = 1183.477 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 20.557 + -2.85 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 ) + 1.2 x ( 18.932 ) + 1.0 x ( 75.079+215.4138)
+ 1.0 x ( 204.68 + 368.146 ) + 1.0 x (-357.812 + 0+0 )+ 1 x0 = 545.932 T-m

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Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.0 x ( 27.704 ) = 27.7 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.0 x 49.98+ 1 x 0+ 1.0 x (124.239+129.40032) = 303.619 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II ( vertical load case-Cosidering Frictional Load Case)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+355.3425+0 ) + 1.2 x ( 69.858)
+ 1.0 x ( 232.195 + 0 + 0) = 1183.477 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 20.557 + -2.85 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 ) + 1.2x ( 18.932 )
+ 1 x 104.670505 1.0 x ( 204.68 + 368.146 ) + 1.0 x (-357.812 + 0+0 ) = 360.110 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.1 x ( 0 ) = 0.0 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.0 x 24.2855+ 1.0 x (124.239+129.40032)+1 x0 = 277.925 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP )

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+0+355.3425 ) + 1.2 x ( 69.858)
+ 1.0 x 277.0425+ 1.0 x ( 232.195) - 1.0 x (98.31) = 934.832 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 1.2 x ( 18.932 )+ 1.0 x ( 204.68 + 368.146 )
+ 1.0 x (-357.812 ) + 1.0 x (308.088 + 216.24+297.321 ) = 1222.335 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) =

= 1.0 x ( 76.369 ) = 76.369 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 49.98+ 1.0 x (124.239+129.40032) + 1.0 x (147.451) = 604.629 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III A (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic DN)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+0+355.3425 ) + 1.2 x ( 69.858)
+ 1.0 x 277.0425+ 1.0 x ( 232.195) + 1.0 x (98.31) = 1155.078 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 1.2 x ( 18.932 )+ 1.0 x ( 204.68 + 368.146 )
+ 1.0 x (-357.812 ) + 1.0 x (308.088 + 216.24+297.321 ) = 1222.335 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) =

= 1.0 x ( 76.369 ) = 76.369 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 49.98+ 1.0 x (124.239+129.40032) + 1.0 x (147.451) = 604.629 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+0+355.3425 ) + 1.2 x ( 69.858)
+ 1.0 x 277.0425+ 1.0 x ( 232.195) - 1.0 x (98.31) = 934.832 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 1.2 x ( 18.932 )
+ 1.0 x ( 204.68 + 368.146 ) + 1.0 x (-357.812 ) + 0.5 x (75.079 + 215.4138 ) = 400.686 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) =

= 0.5 x ( 27.704 ) + 1.0 x (308.088 +76.369) = 398.309 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 49.98+ 1.0 x (124.239+129.40032) + 1.0 x (87.458+91.091) = 457.178 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
= 1.0 x ( 147.451+17.719 )+ 1x(87.458+91.091) = 165.17 T

Page 21 of 97
Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic DN)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+0+355.3425 ) + 1.2 x ( 69.858)
+ 1.0 x 277.0425+ 1.0 x ( 232.195) + 1.0 x (98.31) = 1155.078 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 1.2 x ( 18.932 )
+ 1.0 x ( 204.68 + 368.146 ) + 1.0 x (-357.812 ) + 0.5 x (75.079 + 215.4138 ) = 400.686 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) =

= 0.5 x ( 27.704 ) + 1.0 x (308.088 +76.369) = 398.309 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 49.98+ 1.0 x (124.239+129.40032) = 278.629 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
= 1.0 x ( 147.451+17.719 ) = 165.17 T
13.2 Load Combination for Ultimate Limit State
Case - I (Vertical Load-Considering Live Load & Temperatur)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+0+355.3425 ) + 2.0 x ( 69.858) + 1.4 x ( 277.0425 )
+ 1.25x ( 232.195) = 1555.831 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 2.0 x ( 18.932 ) + 1.4x ( 75.079+215.4138)+1.5x(0)
+ 1.7 x ( 204.68 + 368.146 ) + 1.25 x (-357.812 ) = 993.227 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.4 x ( 27.704 ) = 38.8 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.4 x 49.98+ 1.7 x (124.239+129.40032) + 1.5 x 0 = 465.187 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II ( vertical load case-Cosidering Frictional Load Case)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+0+355.3425 ) + 2.0 x ( 69.858)
+ 1.25 x ( 232.195) = 1167.972 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 2.0 x ( 18.932 ) )+1.5x(104.670505)
+ 1.7 x ( 204.68 + 368.146 ) + 1.25 x (-357.812 ) = 743.543 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.4 x ( 0 ) = 0.0 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.5x 24.2855+ 1.7 x (124.239+129.40032) = 467.615 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic-Vertical Seismic )

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+355.3425+0 ) + 1.5 x ( 69.858) +0.5 x (277.0425)
+ 1.7 x ( 232.195) - 1.2 x (98.31 + 11.813 ) = 1423.384 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 2.0 x ( 18.932 )
+ 1.7 x ( 204.68 + 368.146 ) + 1.25 x (-357.812 ) + 1.2 x (308.088 + 216.24+297.321 )
= 1547.281 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
=0.5 x(27.704) = 13.852 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
+ 1.7 x (124.239+129.40032) + 1.2 x (147.451+87.458+91.091) = 822.387 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic - Vertical Seismic )

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 75.855 + 40.119 + 119.093+355.3425+0 ) + 1.5 x ( 69.858)
+ 0.5 x 277.0425+ 1.25 x ( 232.195) - 1.2 x (98.31+11.813) = 1139.416 T

Page 22 of 97
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 20.557 -2.85 0 ) + 1.5 x ( 18.932 )
+ 1.7 x ( 204.68 + 368.146 ) + 1.25 x (-357.812 )
= 577.071 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 27.704 ) + 1.2 x (308.088 +76.369) = 475.200 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 49.98+ 1.7 x (124.239+129.40032) = 456.177 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 198.204 T
= 1.2 x ( 147.451+17.719 )
14 Summary of Forces
14.1 at Base of Abutment
Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
all Loads are in ton all Loads are in ton
Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV
V 595.94 595.939 412.42 412.42 V 821.41 918.374 468.97 468.97
ML 510.45 363.1654 776.18 402.69 ML 794.38 595.008 1039.13 590.94
MT 27.70 0.000 63.64 210.52 MT 38.79 0.000 13.85 249.85
HL 206.16 363.165 358.61 181.17 HL 335.48 308.007 503.43 290.50
HT 0.00 0 0.00 85.22 HT 0.00 0 0.00 102.26

14.2 at Base of Pile cap

Servicibility Limit State (SLS)
all Loads are in ton
Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV
V (T) 1183.48 1183.477 934.83 934.83
ML (T-m) 545.93 360.110 1222.33 400.69
MT (T-m) 27.70 0.0 76.37 398.31
HL (T) 303.62 277.925 604.63 457.18
HT (T) 0.00 0 0.00 165.17

Ultimate Limit State (ULS)

all Loads are in ton
Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV
V (T) 1555.83 1167.972 1423.38 1139.42
ML (T-m) 993.23 743.543 1547.28 577.07
MT (T-m) 38.79 0.0 13.85 475.20
HL (T) 465.19 467.615 822.39 456.18
HT (T) 0.00 0 0.00 198.20

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[Around (BH-03) Abutment Locations]

Pile Shaft Length = 14.00 m from Bottom of Pile Cap (51.343 M).
Maximum Scour Level = (54.641-50.977) = 3.664 m below Existing Ground Level.
Diameter of Pile = 1200 mm Critical depth 17.00 D
FOS of Shaft Resistance = 2.50 Maximum OVP = 11.69 t/sqm
FOS for End Bearing = 2.50
So, maximum Depth upto which pressure will increase = 13.63 m

Layer Top Depth Bottom Depth Eff. Depth Cohesion Φ Adhesion Factor K0 Eff. Density Mean Pressure
No. (M) (M) (M) (kg/sqcm) (Degree) (α) (gm/cc) (t/sqm)
IA 3.66 4.50 0.84 -- -- 1.000 1.00 0.80 0.33
I 4.50 8.50 4.00 -- -- 1.000 1.00 0.80 2.27
II 8.50 10.50 2.00 -- -- 1.000 1.00 0.85 4.72
III 10.50 17.30 6.80 -- -- 1.000 1.20 0.90 8.63

Layer Eff. Depth Effective σz fs1 = α C fs2 = K0σztanΦ fs =fs1 +fs2 Ultimate Shaft Safe Shaft
No. (M) (t/sqm) (t/sqm) Resistance (T) Resistance (T)

IA 0.84 0.33 -- -- -- -- --
I 4.00 2.27 -- -- -- -- --
II 2.00 4.72 -- -- -- -- --
III 6.80 8.63 -- -- -- -- --
13.63 0.00 0.00
For End Bearing
Cohesion C= 0 kg/sqcm
Friction Angle = 34 °
Nq = 42.69
Nγ = 42.90 [ Refer to Table No. 1 of IS 6403 : 1981]
Eff. Ovp. Pressure=p(tip) 11.69 t/sqm
q(tip) =p(tip).Nq+0.5.γ.D.Nγ = 520.84 t/sqm
Ultimate End Bearing = 589.06 T
Safe End Bearing = 235.62 T
Safe Shaft Resistance= 0.00 T Note: Skin friction of the sand layers have been neglected for siesmic zone-V.
So, Total Pile Capacity = 235.62 T
So, Recommended Pile Capacity = 230 T

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[Around (BH-03) Abutment Locations]

Pile Shaft Length = 16.00 m from Bottom of Pile Cap (51.343 M).
Maximum Scour Level = (54.641-50.977) = 3.664 m below Existing Ground Level.
Diameter of Pile = 1200 mm Critical depth 17.00 D
FOS of Shaft Resistance = 2.50 Maximum OVP = 13.49 t/sqm
FOS for End Bearing = 2.50
So, maximum Depth upto which pressure will increase = 15.63 m

Layer Top Depth Bottom Depth Eff. Depth Cohesion Φ Adhesion Factor K0 Eff. Density Mean Pressure
No. (M) (M) (M) (kg/sqcm) (Degree) (α) (gm/cc) (t/sqm)
IA 3.66 4.50 0.84 -- -- 1.000 1.00 0.80 0.33
I 4.50 8.50 4.00 -- -- 1.000 1.00 0.80 2.27
II 8.50 10.50 2.00 -- -- 1.000 1.00 0.85 4.72
III 10.50 19.30 8.80 -- -- 1.000 1.20 0.90 9.53

Layer Eff. Depth Effective σz fs1 = α C fs2 = K0σztanΦ fs =fs1 +fs2 Ultimate Shaft Safe Shaft
No. (M) (t/sqm) (t/sqm) Resistance (T) Resistance (T)

IA 0.84 0.33 -- -- -- -- --
I 4.00 2.27 -- -- -- -- --
II 2.00 4.72 -- -- -- -- --
III 8.80 9.53 -- -- -- -- --
15.63 0.00 0.00
For End Bearing
Cohesion C= 0 kg/sqcm
Friction Angle = 34 °
Nq = 42.69
Nγ = 42.90 [ Refer to Table No. 1 of IS 6403 : 1981]
Eff. Ovp. Pressure=p(tip) 13.49 t/sqm
q(tip) =p(tip).Nq+0.5.γ.D.Nγ = 597.69 t/sqm
Ultimate End Bearing = 675.97 T
Safe End Bearing = 270.39 T
Safe Shaft Resistance= 0.00 T Note: Skin friction of the sand layers have been neglected for siesmic zone-V.
So, Total Pile Capacity = 270.39 T
So, Recommended Pile Capacity = 260 T

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Around Abutment Locations:
Design "N" = 19
Cantilever length(L1) = 40 cm
Dia of pile = 1200 mm
fck of concrete = 35 MPa
Allowable Limiting Deflection = 12 mm (1% pile dia as per IRC-78:2014)

Modulus of Subgrade reaction ηh = 0.302 kg/cucm from Table 3 of IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2):2010
Moment of inertia (I) = 1.018E+07 cm
E of concrete = 29580.39892 N/sqmm = 295803.989 kg/sqcm

Stiffness factor, T = = 397.94 cm

Hence, L1/T = 0.1005

For Fixed Head Pile

Factor for calculating Lf = 2.143 from Fig. 4 of IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2):2010, for fixed head pile
Lf = 852.94 cm
Pile head deflection Y = 1.971E-02 cm = 1.971E-01 mm/T of thrust
Limiting Deflection at cut-off level = 12.56 mm
Moment = 4.46 t-m per T of Thrust
Reduction Factor, m = 0.829 from Fig. 5B of IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2):2010, for fixed head pile

Hence, H = 65.28 T
Corrected actual moment = 3.70 t-m per T of Thrust

For Free Head Pile

Factor for calculating Lf = 1.885 from Fig. 4 of IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2):2010, for free head pile
Lf = 750.04 cm
Pile head deflection Y = 5.459E-02 cm = 5.459E-01 mm
Limiting Deflection at cut-off level = 12.64 mm
Moment = 7.50 t-m per T of Thrust
Reduction Factor, m = 0.421 from Fig. 5A of IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2):2010, for free head pile

Hence, H = 23.79 T
Corrected actual moment = 3.16 t-m per T of Thrust

Considering partial restraint of Pile cap against lateral load,

Average Lf = 801.49 cm
Average Horizontal capacity = 44.53 T Restricted to 40T
Average Corrected moment = 3.43 t-m per T of Thrust

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Design of Pile Foundation

Pile Cap Bottom Level = 51.343 m

Max Scour Level = 50.977 m
Diameter of Pile (D) = 1.200 m
Grade of Concrete (fck) = 35 Mpa
Grade of Steel ( fy ) = 500 Mpa

Modulus of Elasticity of Pile Material (E) = 5000*SQRT ( fck )

= 29580.399 Mpa
= 29580399 2
kN / m
Moment of Inertia of Pile Section ( I ) 4
= π /64 x 1.2^4 m
= 0.101788 4
= 10178800 4


[A] Salient Dimensions

a) Length of Pile Cap along Longitudinal Direction = 5.10 m

b) Length of Pile Cap along Transverse Direction = 18.58 m
c) Thickness of Pile Cap = 1.5 m
d) Diameter of Pile = 1.200 m
e) Total No. of Piles in the Pile Cap = 10 nos

[B] Salient Levels

a) Top of Pile Cap = 52.843 m
b) Pile Cut Off Level = 51.418 m
c) Bottom of Pile Cap = 51.343 m

[C] Other Salient Design Data

a) Total Length of Pile (from below Pile Cap) = 16.00 m
b) Length of Pile (Upto Fixity Level) = 43.328 m
c) Unit weight of Concrete = 2.5 T/m3

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[D] Co-ordinate of Piles

Longitudinal Transverse
2 2
Pile No Co-Ordinate Co-Ordinate n xi yi
xi (m) yi (m)
P1 1.800 7.500 1 3.2400 56.25
P2 1.800 3.750 1 3.2400 14.06
P3 1.800 0.000 1 3.2400 0.00
P4 1.800 -3.750 1 3.2400 14.06
P5 1.800 -7.500 1 3.2400 56.25
P6 -1.800 7.500 1 3.2400 56.25
P7 -1.800 3.750 1 3.2400 14.06
P8 -1.800 0.000 1 3.2400 0.00
P9 -1.800 -3.750 1 3.2400 14.06
P10 -1.800 -7.500 1 3.2400 56.25
Total ∑ 10 32.40 281.25

Traffic Direction

6 1

7 2

8 3

3.750 3.600 18.580

9 4





Page 28 of 97
[E] Summary of Loads and Moments at Center Line of Pile Cap Base
Case - I (Vertical Load-Considering Live Load)

Vertical Load (V) = 1169.51 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 542.15 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 27.70 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 303.62 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 0.00 T

Case - II ( vertical load case-Cosidering Frictional Load Case)

Vertical Load (V) = 892.46 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 356.32 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 0.00 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 277.92 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 0.00 T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic Downward)

Vertical Load (V) = 1279.63 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 1256.09 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 27.70 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 604.63 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 0.00 T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic+ Vertical Seismic Downward)

Vertical Load (V) = 1279.63 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 434.44 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 412.16 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 278.63 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 165.17 T

Page 29 of 97
Load/Case Case I Case II Case III Case IV
V (T) 1169.51 892.46 1279.63 1279.63
ML (T - m) 542.15 356.32 1256.09 434.44
MT (T - m) 27.70 0.00 27.70 412.16
HL (T) 303.62 277.92 604.63 278.63
HT (T) 0.00 0.00 0.00 165.17


Load/Case Case I Case II Case III Case IV

V (T) 1555.83 1167.972 1423.38 1139.42
ML (T - m) 993.23 743.543 1547.28 577.07
MT (T - m) 38.79 0.000 13.85 475.20
HL (T) 465.19 467.615 822.39 456.18
HT (T) 0.00 0.000 0.00 198.20

[F] Pile Reaction

ZL = 18.00 m3
ZT1 = 37.5 m3 ZT2 = 75 m3

For P1 = P/N+ML/ZL+MT/ZT1 P7 = P/N-ML/ZL+MT/ZT2

P2 = P/N+ML/ZL+MT/ZT2 P8 = P/N-ML/ZL
P3 = P/N+ML/ZL P9 = P/N-ML/ZL-MT/ZT2
P4 = P/N+ML/ZL-MT/ZT2 P10 = P/N-ML/ZL-MT/ZT1

Horizontal Load on Single Pile HR = (SQRT (HL^2 + HT^2 ))/ ∑n

Page 30 of 97
Pile Load Case
Reaction Case I Case II Case III Case IV
P1 147.81 109.04 198.48 163.09
P2 147.44 109.04 198.12 157.59
P3 147.07 109.04 197.75 152.10
P4 146.70 109.04 197.38 146.60
P5 146.33 109.04 197.01 141.11
P6 87.57 69.45 58.92 114.82
P7 87.20 69.45 58.55 109.32
P8 86.83 69.45 58.18 103.83
P9 86.46 69.45 57.81 98.33
P10 86.09 69.45 57.44 92.84
Max Value 147.81 109.04 158.79 130.47
Min Value 87.57 69.45 45.95 91.85
Adding Self Weight of Pile
Max Value 174.951 136.185 185.9302 157.6142
Min Value 114.713 96.593 73.0958 118.9974
HR (T) 30.36 27.79 60.46 32.39

Maximum design vertical load per Pile = 185.93 T

Maximum horizontal load per pile = 30.36 T

Recommended Pile Capacity = 260 T

Recommended Horizontal Pile Capacity = 41 T

Length of Pile above Scour Level, 1 L 0.366 m

Depth of Fixity 8.015 m
RL at Depth of Fixity 43.328 m

Keep Founding Level at 35.343 m

Page 31 of 97
Pile Reaction Load Cases
Case I Case II Case III Case IV

P1 211.80 158.11 228.67 158.67

P2 211.28 158.11 228.48 152.34
P3 210.76 158.11 228.30 146.00
P4 210.25 75.49 228.11 139.67
P5 209.73 158.11 227.93 133.33
P6 101.44 75.49 56.75 94.55
P7 100.92 75.49 56.56 88.22
P8 100.40 75.49 56.38 81.88
P9 99.89 75.49 56.19 75.55
P10 99.37 75.49 56.01 69.21
Max Value 238.94 185.25 255.81 185.82 Adding self weight of Pile
Min Value 128.58 102.63 83.89 121.70
HR (T) 46.519 46.762 82.239 49.738

Pmax = 255.81 T
Corresponding Horizontal load = = 82.239 T
Pmin = 83.89 T
Corresponding Horizontal load = = 82.239 T


The Pile is designed as per the "Charts for the Design of Circular columns" to SP:16.
(A) Material Property
Grade of Concrete ( fck ) = 35 mPa
Grade of Reinforcement ( fy ) = 500 mPa

(B)Section Property
Diameter of Pile Section (D) = 1200 mm
Clear cover = 75 mm
Diameter of Outer Links = 12 mm
Diameter of main vertical R/F outer layer = 25 mm
After multiplication of reduction factor with fixed head pile and free head pile , semi fix head
pile capacity moment is calculated
Moment per tonne Horizontal load = 3.430 t-m/t
Effective Cover (d') = (75 + 12 + 25 / 2) = 99.5 mm
d'/D = 99.5 / 1200 = 0.083 mm

(C) Critical Load Case 1 (Minimum load case)

Axial Load Pu(minimum load) = 83.89 T
Moment Mu = 82.239 x 3.43 = 282.08 T-m
Pu /fck D2 = 0.02
Mu / fck D3 = 0.05

From Chart- 60 of SP: 16 - 1980, which corresponds to Fe - 500 grade of Reinforcement

p/fck = 0.05
p = 1.75 %
Therefore; Asc = ( π / 4 x 1200^2x1.75%) = 19792.034 mm

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(D) Critical Load Case 2 (Maximum load case)
Axial Load Pu = 255.81 T
Moment Mu = 82.239 x 3.43 = 282.08 T-m
Pu /fck D2 = 0.05
Mu / fck D3 = 0.05

From Chart- 60 of SP: 16 - 1980, which corresponds to Fe - 500 grade of Reinforcement

p/fck = 0.04
p = 1.4 %
Therefore; Asc = ( π / 4 x 1200^2x1.4%) = 15833.627 mm2

(E) Reinforcement Computation

[Refer Cl: 5.11.1 of IS: 2911 Part 1 Sec 2 ]
Minimum % of Reinforcement in a Circular Section = 0.40 %
( π / 4 x 1200^2x0.4%) = 4523.9 mm2
Design Reinforcement = 19792.0 mm2

Let us provide
In Layer - I 28 nos. 32 mm diameter bars as main R/F in outer layer

Provide T- 12 @ 150 mm c/c as Lateral Ties

(F) Check for Reinforcement Percentage

Gross Concrete Area Ac = 1.131 m2
Total Reinforcement Area As = 0.023 m2

Reqd. R/F Actual R/F Remarks

(%) (%)
1.75 2.03 OK

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ABUTMENT NO. Platform -A2
SPAN ARRANGEMENT:- 1 x 21.145 m

The system consists of a solid rectangular abutment with monolithic dirt wall, square return wall and solid
abutment cap. The top dimensions of the abutment cap are fixed so as to fit in the details of PSC Slab

For the design of the abutment and its different components generally the provisions of IRS(Indian Railway
Standards) Codes have been followed. Followings are the main references.

i. IRS Bridge Rules v. IS:2911(Part1/Sec2)-2010

ii. IRS Concrete Bridge Codes-1997 vi. IS:14593-1998
iii. IRS Substructure codes. vii. IRC:78
iv.Seismic Guideline of RDSO-(Nov-2015)
Proposed Rail Level RL 57.026 m
Proposed Rail Formation Level RL 57.903 m
Structural Depth of PSC Slab at center 1.913 m
Bottom of Girder Level RL 55.990 m
Top of Bed Block Level RL 55.690 m
Top of Abutment Level RL 55.090 m
Ground Level RL 51.897 m
Top of Pile Cap Level RL 52.843 m
Bottom of Pile Cap Level RL 51.343 m
High Flood Level (HFL) RL 54.71 m
Design Discharge 85.0 cumec

Seismic Zone = V
Z = 0.36 Z/2R = 0.06
Importance Factor (I) = 1.5 Sa/g = 2.5
R = 3


The Abutment is supporting RCC T-Girder Super-structure of Effective Span 21.145 m. The Details of Span is gives as under

4.1 Span 1

Effective span between c/c of bearing = 21.145 m

Overall span = 21.705 m
Span between c/c of Expansion Joints = 21.845 m

Page 34 of 97

Rail Formation Lvl = 57.903 m

Top of bed block

55.69 m

55.09 m 0.6 m 1.25 m

1.065 m

T.O.Pc 52.843 m
GL 51.897 m
51.343 m 1.5 m

2.0175 m
5.1 m


C/L of Abutment/Pile Cap


8.56 m 8.56 m
2.0175 m

0.5 m

1.065 m

+ -

Page 35 of 97
Anticlockwise Moments are taken as positive
+ -

6.1 Dead Load from Superstructure

Load for DL = 269.689 T
Weight of superstructure (Span) = 269.689 T
Reaction on Abutment = 134.845 T
No of Superstructures = 1 nos
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Abutment, eL1 = 0.000 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, eL2 = 0.000 m

Longitudinal Moment due to DL about C/L of Abutment = 1 x 134.845 x 0 = 0.000 T-m

Longitudinal Moment due to DL about C/L of Pile cap = 1 x 134.845 x 0 = 0.000 T-m

The Superstructure is symmetric about Centre Line of Soffit; therefore there is no Transverse Eccentricty
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0.27 m
Transverse Moment due to DL = 134.845 x 0.27 = 36.408 T-m

6.2 Super Imposed Dead Load (SIDL) from Superstructure

Caluculation of SIDL:
S/W of Flooring = 0.147 x (10 - 0.5 ) x 21.805 = 30.45 T
S/W of Kerb (C/s area = 0.12 m2) = 0.12 x 21.805 x 2.5 = 6.542 T
S/W of Railing ( @ 3 kN/m ) = 0.3 x 21.805 = 6.542 T
Total Load for SIDL on single superstructure = 43.53 T
SIDL Reaction = 21.77 T
No of Superstructures = 1 nos
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Abutment, eL1 = 0.000 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, eL2 = 0.000 m

Longitudinal Moment due to SIDL about C/L of Abutment = 1 x 21.767 x 0 = 0.000 T-m
Longitudinal Moment due to SIDL about C/L of Pile cap = 1 x 21.767 x 0 = 0.000 T-m

The Superstructure is symmetric about Centre Line of Soffit; therefore there is no Transverse Eccentricty
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0.27 m
Transverse Moment due to SIDL = 21.767 x 0.27 = 5.877 T-m

6.3 Dead Load from Abutment Cap 0.28 m

Length of bed block = 8.560 m
Width of bed block = 1.250 m
Depth of bed block = 0.600 m
2.213 m

1.25 m 0.6 m

C/L of bearing/abutment

1.065 m

[a] Dead Load of Dirt Wall

Dead Load = 2.213 x 0.28 x 8.56 x 2.5 = 13.261 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. Abutment CG = - ( 1.25 - 0.28 ) / 2 = -0.485 m
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pile Cap CG = -0.485 m

Page 36 of 97
[b] Dead Load of Abutment Cap
Dead Load = 1.25 x 0.6 x 8.56 x 2.5 = 16.050 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. Abutment CG = 0.093 m
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pile Cap CG = 0.093 m

[c] Dead Load of Raised Portion of Seismic Restrainer Block

s/w of seismic restrainer block = 6 x 0.910 x 0.690 x 0.523 x 2.5 = = 4.926 T
Total = 4.926 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. Abutment CG 0.271 m
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pile Cap CG 0.271 m

Total Dead Load from Abutment Cap, dirt wall and seismic restrainer blocks
= 13.261 + 16.05 + 4.926 = 34.237 T
Total Longitudinal Moment about CL of Abutment due to above Dead Load
= 13.261 x -0.485 + 16.05 x 0.093+4.926x0.271 = -3.600 T-m
Total Longitudinal Moment about CL of Pile Cap due to above Dead Load
= 13.261 x -0.485 + 16.05 x 0.093+4.926x0.271 = -3.600 T-m

6.4 Dead Load of Abutment Shaft

The Abutment has Rectangular Section.

1.065 m

8.56 m

Total height of abutment = 55.09 - 52.843 = 2.247 m

Sectional area of Abutment Shaft = 8.56 x 1.065 = 9.116 m2
Volume of Abutment Shaft = 2.247 x 9.1164 = 20.485 m3
Dead Load of Abutment Shaft = 20.4845508 x 2.5 = 51.211 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity w.r.t. C/L of Pile Cap, eL = 0m
Longitudinal Moment about C/L of Pile Cap = 51.211 x 0 = 0 T-m

6.5 Dead Load of Square Return

Length of Square Return = 2.018 m
Average width of Square Return = 0.5 m
Height of Square Return = 57.903 - 52.843 = 5.06 m
Weight of Two Square Returns = 2.0175 x 0.5 x 5.06 x 2.5 = 12.76 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity w.r.t. C/L of Abutment/Pile Cap
= - [ ( 2.0175 + 1.065 ) / 2.0 ] = -1.541 m
Longitudinal Moment about C/L of Pile Cap = 12.761 x ( -1.541 ) = -19.660 T-m

6.6 Dead Load of Pile Cap

Length of Pile Cap (perpendicular to track) = 8.560 m
Width of Pile Cap (parallel to track) = 5.100 m
Depth of Pile Cap = 1.5 m

Page 37 of 97
5.1 m


8.56 m

Traffic Direction


Weight of Pile Cap = 8.56 x 5.1 x 1.5 x 2.50 = 163.71 T


Pedestrian live load intensity = 0.75 T/sqm
Width of Platform = 10 m
Lenth of Platform = 21.805 m
So load intensity on platform per meter length = 7.5 T/m
So maximum reaction due to pedestrian load on Abutment = 81.769 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Abutment, eL1 = 0.000 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, eL2 = 0.000 m

Longitudinal Moment due to Pedestrian Live load about C/L of Abutment = 81.769 x 0 = 0 T-m
Longitudinal Moment due to Pedestrian Live Load about C/L of Pile cap = 81.769 x 0 = 0 T-m

There is an eccentricity between the c/l of Platform and the c/l of Abutment
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0.27 m
Transverse Moment due to Pedestrian live load = 22.078 T-m


(Please Refer Cl:5.6.2 of IRS:Bridge & Substructure Code & Cl:2.7 of IRS:Bridge Rule)

Co-efficient of Friction = 0.030

For Platform Superstructure
Total Frictional Force = 0.03 x ( 134.845 + 21.767 ) = 4.698 T
Frictional Force = 4.698 T

Moment about Base of Abutment = 4.698 x 2.847 = 13.38 T-m

Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 4.698 x 4.347 = 20.42 T-m


(Note : Please Refer CL. 5.7.1 Of IRS : Substructure & Foundation Code.)

φ = 30 ° = 0.524 radians
i = 0 ° = 0.000 radians
δ = 10.00 ° = 0.175 radians
α = 0 ° = 0.000 radians
γ = 1.8 T per cum

Co-efficient of active earth pressure

Ka = Cos2(φ-α)/[Cos2αCos(α+δ)[1+√((Sin(φ+δ)Sin(φ-i))/(Cos(α+δ)Cos(α-i)))]2]xCosδ

Page 38 of 97
Ka = 0.304


5.06 m

52.843 m 2.769 T/m2

1.5 51.343 m 3.59 T/m2

At base of Abutment Wall

Earth Pressure at Abutment Base = KaγH
= 0.304 x 1.8 x 5.06 = 2.769 T/m2
Total Force at Abutment Base = 0.5 x 2.769 x 5.06 x 7.56 = 52.962 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Abutment Base = 5.06 / 3.0 = 1.687 m
Moment about Base of Abutment Wall = 52.962 x 1.687 = 89.347 T-m

At base of Pile Cap

Earth Pressure at base of Pile Cap = 0.304 x 1.8 x 6.56 = 3.590 T/m2
Force on Pile Cap only = 0.50 x ( 2.769 + 3.59 ) x 1.5 x 8.56 = 40.825 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Pile Cap Base = ( 1.5 / 3 ) x [ ( 2 x 2.769 + 3.59) / ( 2.769 + 3.59 ) ]
= 0.718 m
Total Force at bottom of Pile Cap = 52.962 + 40.825 = 93.787 T
Total Moment at bottom of Pile Cap = 52.962 x ( 1.687 + 1.5 ) + 40.825 x 0.718
= 198.102 T-m


(Note : Please Refer CL. 5.8.2 Of IRS : Substructure & Foundation Code.)

Dead Load Surcharge = V = 6.5 T/m

Live Load Surchage = S = 13.7 T/m
Surcharge Width at Formation Level = B = 3.0 m
Length of Abutment = L = 8.56 m
Height of Abutment = h = 5.06 m
Thickness of Pile Cap = D = 1.5 m
Total height with Pile Cap = H = 6.56 m
Length of Pile Cap = Lp = 8.56 m
L-B= 8.56 - 3 = 5.560 m
Therefore, H > (L - B), Case-2 is applicable
calculation required for Case - 2

Page 39 of 97
Case - 2
a 2.050 c
Height of abutment = 5.060 m

6.56 m g P2
-0.500 Bottom of Abutment
1.5 m
f e

Pressure at Top = [ (S + V ) / B ] Ka = [ ( 13.7 + 6.5 ) / 3 ] x 0.304

= 2.047 T/m2
Pressure at Bottom = [ (S + V ) / L ] Ka = [( 13.7 + 6.5 ) / 8.56 ] x 0.304
= 0.717 T/m2
Surcharge Pressure at Bottom of Abutment = 0.717 T/m2
Calculation for Bottom of Pile Cap :
P1 = 5.56 x (2.05+0.717) / 2 = 7.692 T/m
acting at 6.56-((5.56/3)x(2x0.717+2.05)/(0.717+2.05)) = 4.226 m
P2' = 0.717x(-0.5+1.5) = 0.717 T/m
acting at (1.5+-0.5)/2 = 0.500 m
Calculation for bottom of Abutment :
P1 = 5.56 x (2.05+0.717) / 2 = 7.692 T/m
acting at 5.06-((5.56/3)x(2x0.717+2.05)/(0.717+2.05)) = 2.726 m
P2 = 0.717x-0.5 = -0.359 T/m
acting at -0.5/2 = -0.250 m

At Base of Abutment Wall

Horizontal Force at Base of Abutment Wall = (7.692+-0.359) x 8.56 = 62.770 T/m
Moment about Base of Abutment Wall = (7.692 x 2.726 + -0.359 x -0.25) x 8.56 = 180.258 T-m

At Base of Pile Cap

Horizontal force on Pile Cap = (7.692+0.717) x 8.56 = 71.981 T/m
Total Moment about Base of Pile Cap (7.692 x 4.226 + 0.717 x 0.5) x 8.56 = 281.330 T-m

Final Result:

at pile cap
P1 = 7.692 T/m
acting at = 4.226 m
P2 = 0.717 T/m
acting at = 0.500 m

At Base of Abutment Wall

Total Horizontal Force at Base of Abutment Wall = = 62.770 T
Moment about Base of Abutment Wall = = 180.258 T-m

At Base of Pile Cap

Horizontal force on Pile Cap only = = 71.981 T
Total Moment about Base of Pile Cap = = 281.330 T-m

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Height of back fill behind abutment wall = 5.060 m
Avg. height of back fill beyond Return Wall in Trans. Direction = 5.060 m
Eff. width of outer cantilever Pile Cap loaded with Earthfill = 0 m
W = ( 8.56 - 2 x 0.5 ) x 2.0175 x 5.06 x 1.8 = 138.918 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. CG of Pile Group = - [ ( 2.0175 + 1.065 ) / 2.0 ] = -1.541 m
Longitudinal Moment about CG of Pile Group = 138.918 x ( -1.541 ) = -214.073 T-m


(Note : Please refer RDSO guideline on sismic design of railway bridge)
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient αh = 2.5 x 1.5 x 0.06 = 0.225
Design Vertical Seismic Coefficient αv = 2/3 x αh = 2/3 x 0.225 = 0.150


Longitudinal direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Horizontal Seismic Force for 21.845 (c/c Bearing) Span = 0.225 x 134.845 x 1 = 30.340 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.69 + 0.3 - 52.843 = 3.147 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.69 + 0.3 - 51.343 = 4.647 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 30.34 x 3.147 = 95.480 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 30.34 x 4.647 = 140.990 T-m

Transverse direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block )
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.69 + 0.3 - 52.843 = 3.147 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.69 + 0.3 - 51.343 = 4.647 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 30.34 x 3.147 = 95.480 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 30.34 x 4.647 = 140.990 T-m


Longitudinal direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Horizontal Seismic Force for 21.845 (c/c Bearing) Span = 0.225 x 21.767 x 1 = 4.898 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.69 + 0.3 - 52.843 = 3.147 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.69 + 0.3 - 51.343 = 4.647 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 4.898 x 3.147 = 15.414 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 4.898 x 4.647 = 22.761 T-m

Transverse direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block )
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.69 + 0.3 - 52.843 = 3.147 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.69 + 0.3 - 51.343 = 4.647 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 4.898 x 3.147 = 15.414 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 4.898 x 4.647 = 22.761 T-m


[a] Dirt Wall
Horizontal Seismic Force on track portion dirt wall = 0.225 x 13.261 = 2.984 T
Distance of C.G. of Dirt Wall From Top of Abutment Cap = 2.213 / 2.0 = 1.107 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.69 + 1.107 - 52.843 = 3.954 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.69 + 1.107 - 51.343 = 5.454 m

[b] Abutment Cap

Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 16.05 = 3.611 T
Distance of C.G. of Abutment Cap From Top of Abutment = 0.6 / 2.0 = 0.300 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Abutment = 55.09 + 0.3 - 52.843 = 2.547 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.09 + 0.3 - 51.343 = 4.047 m

Total Horizontal Load Due to Abutment Cap Components = 2.984 + 3.611

= 6.595 T

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Moment about Base of Abutment = 2.984 x 3.954 + 3.611 x 2.547
= 20.996 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 2.984 x 5.454 + 3.611 x 4.047
= 30.888 T-m


Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 51.211 = 11.522 T
Level of C. G. of Abutment (RL) = ( 55.09 + 52.843 ) / 2.0 = 53.967 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Abutment Base = 53.9665 - 52.843 = 1.124 m
Lever Arm w.r.t to Bottom of Pile Cap = 53.9665 - 51.343 = 2.624 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 11.522 x 1.124 = 12.951 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 11.522 x 2.624 = 30.234 T-m


Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 12.761 = 2.871 T
Level of C. G. of Square Return (RL) = ( 57.903 + 52.843 ) / 2 = 55.373 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Abutment Base = 55.373 - 52.843 = 2.530 m
Lever Arm w.r.t to Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.373 - 51.343 = 4.030 m
Moment about Base of Abutment = 2.871 x 2.53 = 7.264 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 2.871 x 4.03 = 11.570 T-m


Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 163.71 = 36.835 T
Level of C. G. of Pile Cap (RL) = ( 51.343 + 52.843 ) / 2 = 52.093 m
Lever Arm w.r.t to Bottom of Pile Cap = 52.093 - 51.343 = 0.750 m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 36.835 x 0.75 = 27.626 T-m


Total Horizontal Seismic Force on Abutment due to Dead Loads
= 30.34 + 4.898 + 6.595 + 11.522+2.871 = 56.226 T
Total Horizontal Seismic Force on Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 56.226 + 36.835 = 93.061 T
Total Longitudinal Moment about Base of Abutment due to Dead Loads
= 95.48 + 15.414 + 20.996 + 12.951+7.264 = 152.105 T-m
Total Longitudinal Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 140.99 + 22.761 + 30.888 + 30.233728 + 11.57 + 27.626 = 264.069 T-m
Total Transverse Moment about Base of Abutment due to Dead Loads
= 95.48 + 15.414006 + 20.996 + 12.951+7.264 = 152.105 T-m
Total Transverse Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 140.99 + 22.761006 + 30.888 + 30.233728 + 11.57 + 27.626 = 264.069 T-m


Seismic Force on Abutment due to Dead Loads in Vertical Direction
= 56.226 x 0.15 / 0.225 = 37.484 T
Seismic Force on Pile Cap due to Dead Loads in Vertical Direction
= 93.061 x 0.15 / 0.225 = 62.050 T


[a] When single track at edge loaded (Type A)
Seismic Force due to Live Load in Vertical Direction = 0 x 0.15 / 0.225 = 0.000 T


(Note : Please Refer Cl. 5.12.6 Of IRS:Substructure & Foundation Code )
αh = 0.225 φ = 30 °
αv = 0.15 δ = 10.00 °
For + ve αv
λ = tan-1[αh / (1 + αv)]
= 0.1932 radians = 11.070 °

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For - ve αv
λ = tan-1[αh / (1 - αv)]
= 0.2588 radians = 14.826 °

Active Earth Pressure Coefficient

Ca =
(((1 + αv) x cos2(φ-α-λ))/(cosλ x cos2α x cos(δ + α + λ))) x [1 / (1 + √((sin(φ + δ) x sin(φ - i - λ)) / (cos(δ + α + λ) x cos(α - i))]2

λ Ca Co-efficient of dynamic increment

11.070 0.518 Ca = Max (0.518 , 0.441 )
14.826 0.441 = 0.518


At Base of Abutment Wall
Increment in Force = [ ( 0.518 - 0.304 ) / 0.304 ] x 52.962 = 37.282 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Abutment Base = 5.06 / 2.0 = 2.53 m
Increment in Moment about Abutment Base = 37.282 x 2.53 = 94.32 T-m

At Base of Pile Cap

Increment in Force = [ ( 0.518 - 0.304 ) / 0.304 ] x 93.787 = 66.021 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Pile Cap Bottom = 6.56 / 2.0 = 3.28 m
Increment in Moment about Pile Cap Bottom = 66.021 x 3.28 = 216.55 T-m


Equating Moments about Bottom of Pile Cap, the Equivalent Uniform Surcharge Intensity is given by,
qe = (S+V)/B = (6.5 + 13.7)/3 = 6.734 T/m2
At Abutment Base
Increment in Force = [ ( 0.518 - 0.304 ) / 0.304 ] x 60.844 = 42.831 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Abutment Base = 0.66 x 5.06 = 3.340 m
Increment in Moment about Abutment Base = 42.831 x 3.34 = 143.056 T-m

At Base of Pile Cap

Increment in Force = [ ( 0.518 - 0.304 ) / 0.304 ] x 75.47352 = 53.129 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Pile Cap Bottom = 0.66 x 6.56 = 4.330 m
Increment in Moment about Pile Cap Bottom = 53.129 x 4.33 = 230.049 T-m


At the bottom of abutment
a Dead Load
6.1 From Rail Super-structure 134.845 0.00 36.408 0 0
6.3 SIDL 21.767 0.000 5.877 0 0
6.4 From Abt. Cap & Components 34.237 -3.600 0 0 0
6.5 From Abutment wall 51.211 0.000 0 0 0
6.6 From square return 12.761 -19.660 0 0 0
b Live Load
7.0 Pedestrian live load 81.769 0.000 22.078 0 0
c Frictional Resistance for bearing
8.1 Due to DL and SIDL 0 13.38 0 4.698 0
d Earth Pressure
8.2.1 Due to backfill 0 89.347 0 52.962 0
8.2.2 Due to surcharge effect 0 180.258 0 62.770 0
e Temperature load
8.3 Thermal Expansion of Slab and Retainer 0 0.000 0 0.000 0
f Seismic force
9.1 Dead Load seismic 37.484 152.105 152.105 56.226 56.226
9.2 When single track loaded 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000
9.3 Dynamic incr. of earth pressure 0 94.323 0 37.282 0
9.4 Dynamic incr. of surcharge earth pressure 0 143.056 0 42.831 0

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IRS CBC TABLE-12 Cl-6.7 RDSO Seismic Guideline
Normal condition Seismic Condition
Case-1 ULS SLS Case-2 ULS SLS Description ULS SLS
DL 1.25 1 DL 1.25 1 DL 1.25 1
SIDL 2 1.2 SIDL 2 1.2 SIDL 1.5 1.2
TEMP 1.5 1 Frictional 1.5 1 LL 0.5 0.5
EP 1.7 1 EP 1.7 1 EQ 1.2 1
LL 1.4 1 EP 1.7 1

12.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Abutment

12.1 Servicebility Limit State (SLS)
(Note : Partial Safety Factors are as per Table 12, IRS Concrete Bridge Code)
Case - I ( Vertical Load Case-Considering LL & Temperature Load)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211 +12.761 ) + 1.20 x ( 21.767) + 1.0 x ( 81.769 ) = 340.943 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + -3.6 +-19.66+0 ) + 1.20 x ( 0 ) + 1.0 x ( 0) +1.0x(0 ) + 1.0 x (89.347 + 180.258+ 1.0 x 0
246.35 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.0 x ( 22.078 )+ 1 x 36.408 + 1.2 x 5.877 = 65.538 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 ) + 1.0 x ( 52.962 + 62.77 ) = 115.732 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II (Vertical Load Case-Considering Frictional Load Case)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211 +12.761 ) + 1.20 x ( 21.767) + 1.0 x81.769 = 340.943 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 1.20 x ( 0 ) + 1.0 x ( 13.38 ) + 1.0 x (89.347 + 180.258 ) = 259.725 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.0 x ( 22.078 )+ 1 x 36.408 + 1.2 x 5.877 = 65.538 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.1 x ( 4.69836 ) + 1.0 x ( 52.962 + 62.77 ) = 120.430 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+12.761 ) + 1.20 x ( 21.767) + 0.5 x ( 81.769 ) - 1 x (37.484)
= 262.575 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 -3.6-19.66 ) + 1.20 x ( 0 ) +0.5 x ( 0+ 0 ) + 1.0 x (89.347 + 180.258 ) = 635.829 T-m
+ 1.0 x ( 152.105 +94.323 +143.056 )
Transverse Moment (MT) =
0.5 x ( 22.078 ) + 1.0 x (0) + 1 x 36.408 + 1.2 x 5.877 = 54.499 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0+ 1.0 x (52.962+62.77) + 1.0 x ( 56.226 +37.282 + 42.831 ) = 252.071 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0.000 T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+12.761 ) + 1.20 x ( 21.767) + 0.5 x ( 81.769 )
- 1.0 x (37.484 ) = 262.575 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 -3.6-19.66 ) + 1.20 x ( 0 ) + 0.5 x ( 0+0)
+ 1.0 x (89.347 + 180.258 ) = 246.345 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 22.078 ) + 1.0 x (152.105 +0) + 1 x 36.408 + 1.2 x 5.877 = 206.604 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0+ 1.0 x (52.962+62.77 ) = 115.732 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
1.0 x (56.226+0) = 56.226 T

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12.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Abutment
12.2 Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
(Note : Partial Safety Factors are as per Table 12, IRS Concrete Bridge Code)
Case - I ( Vertical Load Case-Considering LL & Temperature Load)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211 +12.761 ) + 2.0 x ( 21.767) + 1.4 x ( 81.769 )
= 449.328 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 2.0 x ( 0 ) + 1.4 x ( 0+0 ) + 1.7 x (89.347 + 180.258 ) =
= 429.254 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.4x ( 22.078 ) + 1.25 x 36.408 + 1.5 x 5.877 = 85.235 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.4 x ( 0) + 1.7 x ( 52.962 + 62.77 ) = 196.744 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II (Vertical Load Case-Considering Frictional Load )

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211 +12.761 ) + 2.0 x ( 21.767 )+ 1.75 x ( 81.769) = 477.947 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 -3.6-19.66 ) + 2.0 x ( 0 ) + 1.7 x ( 13.38 ) + 1.7 x (89.347 + 180.258 ) = 449.324 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.75 x ( 22.078 ) + 1.25 x 36.408 +1.5 x 5.877 = 92.962 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.75x ( 4.69836 ) + 1.7 x ( 52.962 + 62.77 ) = 204.967 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+12.761 ) + 1.5 x ( 21.767) + 0.5 x ( 81.769 ) - 1.2 x 37.484 - 1.2 x 0
= 319.872 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 1.5 x ( 0 ) + 0.5 x(0+0 ) + 1.7 x (89.347 + 180.258 ) = 896.63 T-m
+ 1.2 x ( 152.105 +94.323 +143.056 )
Transverse Moment (MT) =
0.5 x ( 22.078 ) + 1.25 x 36.408 + 1.5 x 5.877 = 65.365 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5x 0+ 1.7 x (52.962+62.77) + 1.2 x ( 56.226 +37.282 + 42.831 ) = 360.351 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+12.761 ) + 2.0 x ( 21.767) + 1.4 x ( 81.769 ) = 319.872 T
- 1.2 x (37.484 +0 )
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 -3.6-19.66 ) + 1.5 x ( 0 ) + 0.5 x (0 + 0)
+ 1.7 x (89.347 + 180.258 ) + 1.2 x (152.105 ) = 429.254 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 22.078 ) + 1.20 x (152.105 +0) + 1.25 x 36.408 + 1.5 x 5.877 = 247.891 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0+ 1.7 x (52.962+62.77) ) = 196.744 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
1.2 x (56.226+0) = 67.471 T

Page 45 of 97
At the bottom of pile cap
a Dead Load
6.1 From Railway Super-structure 134.845 0.000 36.408 0 0
6.3 SIDL 21.767 0.000 5.877 0 0
6.4 From Abt. Cap, railing, pedestal, OHE 34.237 -3.600 0 0 0
6.5 From Abt. Shaft 51.211 0.000 0 0 0
6.6 From pile cap 163.710 0.000 0 0 0
6.7 From square return 12.761 -19.660 0 0 0
6.9 Weight of backfill 138.918 -214.073 0 0 0
6.10 Due to Dead Load and LL Surcharge 0.000 0.000 0 0 0
b Live Load
7.0 Pedestrian Live Load 81.769 0.000 22.078 0 0
c Frictional Resistance for bearing
8.1 Due to DL & SIDL 0 20.424 0 4.698 0
e Earth Pressure
8.2.1 Due to backfill 0 198.102 0 93.787 0
8.2.2 Due to surcharge effect 0 290.638 0 75.474 0
f Temperature load
8.3 Thermal Expansion of Slab and Retainer 0 0.000 0 0.000 0
g Seismic force
9.1 Dead Load seismic 62.050 264.069 264.069 93.061 93.061
9.2 When single track loaded 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0.000
9.3 Dynamic incr. of earth pressure 0 216.549 0 66.021 0
9.4 Dynamic incr. of surcharge earth pressure 0 230.049 0 53.129 0

13.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Pile Cap

13.1 Servicibility Limit State
Case - I (Vertical Load-Considering Live Load)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+163.71+12.761 ) + 1.2 x ( 21.767) + 1.0 x ( 81.769 )
+ 1.0 x ( 138.918 + 0 + 0) = 643.571 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + -3.6 + 0 + 0 + -19.66 + 0 ) + 1.2 x ( 0 ) + 1.0 x ( 0+0)
+ 1.0 x ( 198.102 + 290.638 ) + 1.0 x (-214.073 + 0+0 )+ 1 x0 = 251.407 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.0 x ( 22.078 ) + 1 x 36.408 + 1.2 x 5.877 = 65.5 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.0 x 0+ 1 x 0+ 1.0 x (93.787+75.474) = 169.261 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II ( vertical load case-Cosidering Frictional Load Case)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+163.71+12.761 ) + 1.2 x ( 21.767)
+ 1.0 x ( 138.918 + 0 + 0) = 643.571 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + -3.6 + 0 + 0 + -19.66 + 0 ) + 1.2x ( 0 )
+ 1 x 20.42377092 1.0 x ( 198.102 + 290.638 ) + 1.0 x (-214.073 + 0+0 ) = 271.831 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.0 x ( 22.078 ) + 1 x36.408+ 1.2 x 5.877 = 65.5 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.0 x 4.69836+ 1.0 x (93.787+75.474)+1 x0 = 173.959 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP )

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+12.761+163.71 ) + 1.2 x ( 21.767)
+ 1.0 x 81.769+ 1.0 x ( 138.918) - 1.0 x (62.05) = 540.637 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 1.2 x ( 0 )+ 1.0 x ( 198.102 + 290.638 )

Page 46 of 97
+ 1.0 x (-214.073 ) + 1.0 x (264.069 + 216.549+230.049 ) = 962.074 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) =

= 1.0 x ( 22.078 ) + 1 x 36.408 +1.2 x 5.877 = 65.538 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0+ 1.0 x (93.787+75.474) + 1.0 x (93.061) = 381.472 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III A (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic DN)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+12.761+163.71 ) + 1.2 x ( 21.767)
+ 1.0 x 81.769+ 1.0 x ( 138.918) + 1.0 x (62.05) = 664.737 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 1.2 x ( 0 )+ 1.0 x ( 198.102 + 290.638 )
+ 1.0 x (-214.073 ) + 1.0 x (264.069 + 216.549+230.049 ) = 962.074 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) =

= 1.0 x ( 0 )+ 1 x 36.408 + 1.2 x 5.877 = 43.460 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0+ 1.0 x (93.787+75.474) + 1.0 x (93.061) = 381.472 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+12.761+163.71 ) + 1.2 x ( 21.767)
+ 1.0 x 81.769+ 1.0 x ( 138.918) - 1.0 x (62.05) = 540.637 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 1.2 x ( 0 )
+ 1.0 x ( 198.102 + 290.638 ) + 1.0 x (-214.073 ) + 0.5 x (0 + 0 ) = 251.407 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) =

= 0.5 x ( 22.078 ) + 1.0 x (264.069 +0) + 1 x 36.408 + 1.2 x 5.877 = 318.568 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0+ 1.0 x (93.787+75.474) + 1.0 x (66.021+53.129) = 288.411 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
= 1.0 x ( 93.061+0 )+ 1x(66.021+53.129) = 93.061 T

Case - IV A(Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic DN)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+12.761+163.71 ) + 1.2 x ( 21.767)
+ 1.0 x 81.769+ 1.0 x ( 138.918) + 1.0 x (62.05) = 664.737 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 1.2 x ( 0 )
+ 1.0 x ( 198.102 + 290.638 ) + 1.0 x (-214.073 ) + 0.5 x (0 + 0 ) = 251.407 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) =

= 0.5 x ( 22.078 ) + 1.0 x (264.069 +0) + 1 x 36.408 + 1.2 x 5.877 = 318.568 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0+ 1.0 x (93.787+75.474) = 169.261 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
= 1.0 x ( 93.061+0 ) = 93.061 T
13.2 Load Combination for Ultimate Limit State
Case - I (Vertical Load-Considering Live Load & Temperatur)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+12.761+163.71 ) + 2.0 x ( 21.767) + 1.4 x ( 81.769 )
+ 1.25x ( 138.918) = 827.613 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 2.0 x ( 0 ) + 1.4x ( 0+0)+1.5x(0)
+ 1.7 x ( 198.102 + 290.638 ) + 1.25 x (-214.073 ) = 534.192 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.4 x ( 22.078 ) + 1.25 x 36.408 + 1.5 x 5.877 = 85.2 T-m

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Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.4 x 0+ 1.7 x (93.787+75.474) + 1.5 x 0 = 294.321 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II ( vertical load case-Cosidering Frictional Load Case)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+12.761+163.71 ) + 2.0 x ( 21.767)
+ 1.25 x ( 138.918) = 713.137 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 2.0 x ( 0 ) )+1.5x(20.42377092)
+ 1.7 x ( 198.102 + 290.638 ) + 1.25 x (-214.073 ) = 564.827 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.4 x ( 0 ) + 1.25 x 36.408 + 1.5 x 5.877 = 85.2 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.5x 4.69836+ 1.7 x (93.787+75.474) = 294.791 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic-Vertical Seismic )

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+163.71+12.761 ) + 1.5 x ( 21.767) +0.5 x (81.769)
+ 1.7 x ( 138.918) - 1.2 x (62.05 + 0 ) = 783.016 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 2.0 x ( 0 )
+ 1.7 x ( 198.102 + 290.638 ) + 1.25 x (-214.073 ) + 1.2 x (264.069 + 216.549+230.049 )
= 1290.659 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
=0.5 x(22.078) + 1.25 x 36.408 + 1.5 x 5.877 = 65.365 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
+ 1.7 x (93.787+75.474) + 1.2 x (93.061+66.021+53.129) = 542.397 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic - Vertical Seismic )

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 134.845 + 34.237 + 51.211+163.71+12.761 ) + 1.5 x ( 21.767)
+ 0.5 x 81.769+ 1.25 x ( 138.918) - 1.2 x (62.05+0) = 668.678 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 -3.6 -19.66 ) + 1.5 x ( 0 )
+ 1.7 x ( 198.102 + 281.33 ) + 1.25 x (-214.073 )
= 534.192 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 22.078 ) + 1.2 x (264.069 +0)+ 1.25 x 36.408 + 1.5 x 5.877 = 382.247 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0+ 1.7 x (93.787+75.474) = 287.744 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 111.6732 T
= 1.2 x ( 93.061+0 )
14 Summary of Forces
14.1 at Base of Abutment
Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
all Loads are in ton all Loads are in ton
Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV
V 340.94 340.943 262.57 262.57 V 449.33 477.947 319.87 319.87
ML 246.35 259.725 635.83 246.35 ML 429.25 449.324 896.63 429.25
MT 65.54 65.538 54.50 206.60 MT 85.23 92.962 65.36 247.89
HL 115.73 259.725 252.07 115.73 HL 196.74 204.967 360.35 196.74
HT 0.00 0 0.00 56.23 HT 0.00 0 0.00 67.47

Page 48 of 97
14.2 at Base of Pile cap
Servicibility Limit State (SLS)
all Loads are in ton
Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV
V (T) 643.57 643.571 540.64 540.64
ML (T-m) 251.41 271.831 962.07 251.41
MT (T-m) 65.54 65.5 65.54 318.57
HL (T) 169.26 173.959 381.47 288.41
HT (T) 0.00 0 0.00 93.06

Ultimate Limit State (ULS)

all Loads are in ton
Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV
V (T) 827.61 713.137 783.02 668.68
ML (T-m) 534.19 564.827 1290.66 534.19
MT (T-m) 85.23 85.2 65.36 382.25
HL (T) 294.32 294.791 542.40 287.74
HT (T) 0.00 0 0.00 111.67

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Design of Pile Foundation

Pile Cap Bottom Level = 51.343 m

Max Scour Level = 50.977 m
Diameter of Pile (D) = 1.200 m
Grade of Concrete (fck) = 35 Mpa
Grade of Steel ( fy ) = 500 Mpa

Modulus of Elasticity of Pile Material (E) = 5000*SQRT ( fck )

= 29580.399 Mpa
= 29580399 2
kN / m
Moment of Inertia of Pile Section ( I ) 4
= π /64 x 1.2^4 m
= 0.101788 4
= 10178800 4


[A] Salient Dimensions

a) Length of Pile Cap along Longitudinal Direction = 5.10 m

b) Length of Pile Cap along Transverse Direction = 8.56 m
c) Thickness of Pile Cap = 1.5 m
d) Diameter of Pile = 1.200 m
e) Total No. of Piles in the Pile Cap = 6 nos

[B] Salient Levels

a) Top of Pile Cap = 52.843 m
b) Pile Cut Off Level = 51.418 m
c) Bottom of Pile Cap = 51.343 m

[C] Other Salient Design Data

a) Total Length of Pile (from below Pile Cap) = 16.00 m
b) Length of Pile (Upto Fixity Level) = 43.328 m
c) Unit weight of Concrete = 2.5 T/m3

[D] Co-ordinate of Piles

Longitudinal Transverse
2 2
Pile No Co-Ordinate Co-Ordinate n xi yi
xi (m) yi (m)
P1 1.800 3.000 1 3.2400 9.00
P2 1.800 0.000 1 3.2400 0.00
P3 1.800 -3.000 1 3.2400 9.00
P4 -1.800 3.000 1 3.2400 9.00
P5 -1.800 0.000 1 3.2400 0.00
P6 -1.800 -3.000 1 3.2400 9.00
Total ∑ 6 19.44 36.00

Page 50 of 97
Traffic Direction

4 1


X 5 2 X


6 3.600 3


[E] Summary of Loads and Moments at Center Line of Pile Cap Base
Case - I (Vertical Load-Considering Live Load)

Vertical Load (V) = 639.22 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 251.41 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 64.36 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 169.26 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 0.00 T

Case - II ( vertical load case-Cosidering Frictional Load Case)

Vertical Load (V) = 557.45 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 271.83 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 42.29 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 173.96 T

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Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 0.00 T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic Downward)

Vertical Load (V) = 701.27 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 962.07 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 64.36 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 381.47 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 0.00 T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic+ Vertical Seismic Downward)

Vertical Load (V) = 701.27 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 251.41 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 328.43 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 169.26 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 93.06 T


Load/Case Case I Case II Case III Case IV
V (T) 639.22 557.45 701.27 701.27
ML (T - m) 251.41 271.83 962.07 251.41
MT (T - m) 64.36 42.29 64.36 328.43
HL (T) 169.26 173.96 381.47 169.26
HT (T) 0.00 0.00 0.00 93.06


Load/Case Case I Case II Case III Case IV

V (T) 827.61 713.137 783.02 668.68
ML (T - m) 534.19 564.827 1290.66 534.19
MT (T - m) 85.23 85.235 65.36 382.25
HL (T) 294.32 294.791 542.40 287.74
HT (T) 0.00 0.000 0.00 111.67

[F] Pile Reaction

ZL = 10.80 m3
ZT1 = 12 m3

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For P1 = P/N+ML/ZL+MT/ZT1
P2 = P/N+ML/ZL
P5 = P/N-ML/ZL

Horizontal Load on Single Pile HR = (SQRT (HL^2 + HT^2 ))/ ∑n


Pile Load Case
Reaction Case I Case II Case III Case IV
P1 135.18 121.60 211.32 167.53
P2 129.82 118.08 205.96 140.16
P3 124.45 114.55 200.60 112.79
P4 88.62 71.26 33.16 120.97
P5 83.26 67.74 27.80 93.60
P6 77.89 64.22 22.43 66.23
Max Value 135.18 121.60 169.06 134.02
Min Value 77.89 64.22 17.95 52.98
Adding Self Weight of Pile
Max Value 162.321 148.744 196.2014 161.1638
Min Value 105.037 91.358 45.0894 80.127
HR (T) 28.21 28.99 63.58 32.19

Maximum design vertical load per Pile = 196.20 T

Maximum horizontal load per pile = 28.99 T

Recommended Pile Capacity = 260 T

Recommended Horizontal Pile Capacity = 40 T

Length of Pile above Scour Level, 1 L 0.366 m

Depth of Fixity 8.015 m
RL at Depth of Fixity 43.328 m

Keep Founding Level at 35.343 m

Page 53 of 97
Pile Reaction Load Cases
Case I Case II Case III Case IV

P1 194.50 178.26 255.46 192.76

P2 187.40 171.16 250.01 160.91
P3 180.30 164.05 244.56 129.06
P4 95.58 73.66 16.44 93.84
P5 88.47 66.56 11.00 61.98
P6 81.37 59.45 5.55 30.13
Max Value 221.64 205.40 282.60 219.91 Adding self weight of Pile
Min Value 108.51 86.60 32.69 57.27
HR (T) 49.054 49.132 90.399 51.442

Pmax = 282.60 T
Corresponding Horizontal load = = 90.399 T
Pmin = 32.69 T
Corresponding Horizontal load = = 90.399 T


The Pile is designed as per the "Charts for the Design of Circular columns" to SP:16.
(A) Material Property
Grade of Concrete ( fck ) = 35 mPa
Grade of Reinforcement ( fy ) = 500 mPa

(B)Section Property
Diameter of Pile Section (D) = 1200 mm
Clear cover = 75 mm
Diameter of Outer Links = 12 mm
Diameter of main vertical R/F outer layer = 25 mm
After multiplication of reduction factor with fixed head pile and free head pile , semi fix head
pile capacity moment is calculated
Moment per tonne Horizontal load = 3.430 t-m/m
Effective Cover (d') = (75 + 12 + 25 / 2) = 99.5 mm
d'/D = 99.5 / 1200 = 0.083 mm

(C) Critical Load Case 1 (Minimum load case)

Axial Load Pu(minimum load) = 32.69 T
Moment Mu = 90.399 x 3.43 = 310.07 T-m
Pu /fck D2 = 0.01
Mu / fck D3 = 0.05

From Chart- 60 of SP: 16 - 1980, which corresponds to Fe - 500 grade of Reinforcement

p/fck = 0.05
p = 1.75 %
Therefore; Asc = ( π / 4 x 1200^2x1.75%) = 19792.034 mm
(D) Critical Load Case 2 (Maximum load case)
Axial Load Pu = 282.60 T
Moment Mu = 90.399 x 3.43 = 310.07 T-m
Pu /fck D2 = 0.06

Page 54 of 97
Mu / fck D3 = 0.05

From Chart- 60 of SP: 16 - 1980, which corresponds to Fe - 500 grade of Reinforcement

p/fck = 0.04
p = 1.4 %
Therefore; Asc = ( π / 4 x 1200^2x1.4%) = 15833.627 mm2

(E) Reinforcement Computation

[Refer Cl: 5.11.1 of IS: 2911 Part 1 Sec 2 ]
Minimum % of Reinforcement in a Circular Section = 0.40 %
( π / 4 x 1200^2x0.4%) = 4523.9 mm2
Design Reinforcement = 19792.0 mm2

Let us provide
In Layer - I 26 nos. 32 mm diameter bars as main R/F in outer layer

Provide T- 12 @ 150 mm c/c as Lateral Ties

(F) Check for Reinforcement Percentage

Gross Concrete Area Ac = 1.131 m2
Total Reinforcement Area As = 0.021 m2

Reqd. R/F Actual R/F Remarks

(%) (%)
1.75 1.86 OK

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The system consists of a solid rectangular Pier The top dimensions of the Pier cap are fixed so as to fit in the details of PSC Slab

For the design of the pier and its different components generally the provisions of IRS(Indian Railway
Standards) Codes have been followed. Followings are the main references.

i. IRS Bridge Rules iv. IS:2911(Part1/Sec2)-2010

ii. IRS Concrete Bridge Codes-1997 v. IS:14593-1998
iii. IRS Substructure codes. vi. IRC:78


Proposed Rail Level RL 57.026 m
Proposed Rail Formation Level RL 56.288 m
Structural Depth of Girder 0.575 m
Bottom of Girder Level RL 55.653 m
Top of Bed Block Level RL 55.653 m
Top of Pier Level RL 55.053 m
Ground Level RL 50.715 m
Top of Pile Cap Level RL 51.543 m
Bottom of Pile Cap Level RL 50.043 m
High Flood Level (HFL) RL 54.71 m
Design Discharge 85.00 cumec

Seismic Zone V R= 3
Z = 0.36 Z/2R = 0.06
Importance Factor = 1.5 Sa/g = 2.5


The Pier is supporting PSC Slab Superstructure of Effective Span 6.1 m. The Details of Span is gives as under

4.1 Span 1
Effective span between c/c of bearing 6.697 m
Overall span 7.145 m
Span between c/c of Expansion Joints 7.165 m

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Rail Formation Level=
56.288 m

6.1 m PSC Slab (Refer Drawing No. RDSO/B-10274) 6.1 m PSC Slab (Refer Drawing No. RDSO/B-10274)
Bed Block level =
55.653 m

0.600m 1.065m
55.053 m


GL 50.715m
Top of pile cap
51.543 m


2.018m 5.100m


C/L of Pier /Pile Cap

18.000m 16.935m



Page 58 of 97
Anticlockwise Moments are taken as positive
+ -

6.1 Dead Load from Superstructure (Refer Drawing No. RDSO/B-10274)

Load for DL = 50.57 T
Weight of superstructure (Span) = 50.57 T
No of Super-structure = 3 nos
Reaction on Pier = 151.71 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of pier, eL1 = 0.000 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, eL2 = 0.000 m

Longitudinal Moment due to DL about C/L of pier = 151.71 x 0 = 0.000 T-m

Longitudinal Moment due to DL about C/L of Pile cap = 151.71 x 0 = 0.000 T-m

The Superstructure is symmetric about Centre Line of Soffit; therefore there is no Transverse Eccentricty
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0.000 m
Transverse Moment due to DL = 151.71 x 0 = 0.000 T-m

6.2 Super Imposed Dead Load (SIDL) from Superstructure

Load for SIDL = 46.57 T
No of Super-structure = 3.00 nos
SIDL Reaction = 139.72 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pier, eL1 = 0.000 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, eL2 = 0.000 m

Longitudinal Moment due to SIDL about C/L of Pier = 139.718 x 0 = 0.000 T-m
Longitudinal Moment due to SIDL about C/L of Pile cap = 139.718 x 0 = 0.000 T-m

The Superstructure is symmetric about Centre Line of Soffit; therefore there is no Transverse Eccentricty
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0m
Transverse Moment due to SIDL = 139.718 x 0 = 0 T-m

6.3 Dead Load from pier Cap

Uniform portion
Length of bed block = 18.580 m
Width of bed block = 1.065 m
Depth of bed block = 0.600 m 1.065 0.600m

Tappered portion
Length of bed block at top = 18.58 m
Length of bed block at bottom = 18.000 m
Width of bed block at top = 1.065 m
Width of bed block at bottom = 1.065 m

[b] Dead Load of Pier Cap

From uniform portion :
Dead Load = 1.065 x 18.58 x 0.6 x 2.5 = 29.682 T
Total Dead Load = 29.682 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pier CG = 0.000 m
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pile Cap CG = 0.000 m

Page 59 of 97
[c] Dead Load of Seismic Restrainer:

Dead Load of Seismic Retainer Blocks = 0.690 x 0.910 x 1.065 x 2.5 x 2 = 5.929 T
= 5.929 T

Total Dead Load from Pier Cap including Bearings, Pedestals

= 29.682 + 5.929 = 35.611 T
Total Longitudinal Moment about CL of Pier due to above Dead Load
= 29.682 x 0 = 0.000 T-m
Total Longitudinal Moment about CL of Pile Cap due to above Dead Load
= 29.682 x 0 = 0.000 T-m
6.4 Dead Load of Pier Shaft
The Pier has Rectangular Section. 16.935m



Total height of Pier = 55.053 - 51.543 = 3.510 m

Sectional area of rectengular portion of Pier Shaft = 16.935 x 1.065 = 18.036 m2
Sectional area of circular portion of Pier Shaft = 0.891 m2
Total cross sectional area of pier section = 18.927 m2
Volume of Pier Shaft = 3.51 x 18.927 = 66.432 m3
Dead Load of Pier Shaft = 66.432 x 2.5 = 166.090 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity w.r.t. C/L of Pile Cap, eL = 0.000 m
Longitudinal Moment about C/L of Pile Cap = 166.09 x 0 = 0.000 T-m

6.5 Dead Load of Pile Cap

Length of Pile Cap (perpendicular to track) = 17.980 m
Width of Pile Cap (parallel to track) = 5.100 m
Depth of Pile Cap = 1.500 m




Traffic Direction

Weight of Pile Cap = 17.98 x 5.1 x 1.5 x 2.50 = 343.87 T

Effect of construction Tolerance in Design of Pier P3

The tolerancess for finished concrete bridge structures is due to mainly deviation from plumb or specified, batter for face
of exposed piers as per IRS concrete bridge code Cl. No-6.5

The deviation is 1 in 250, subjected to a maximum value of 0.05 times the least lateral dimension of pier.

Page 60 of 97
Load calculation for P1
Height of Pier : = 3.510 m
Thickness of Pier = 1.065 m
Length of Pier Cap = 18.580 m
Width of Pier Cap = 1.065 m
Thickness of Pier Cap = 0.600 m
Unit weight of Concrete = 2.5 T/m3

Shift in top level of Pile due to construction tolerance = 3.50999999999999/250 = 0.01404 m

s/w of of pier cap = 29.682 T 0.014

s/w of pier = 166.090 T

Total Load at A = 166.090 T

0.007 3.51
Hence total moment due to construction tolerance
= (166.09 x 0.007 + 29.682 x 0.014)
= 1.578 T-m


Standard of Loading 25t Loading-2008
(Note : Please Refer Appendix XXIII of IRS:Bridge Rules)
Loaded Length (overall length) = 7.145 m
Total EUDL Load (Shear) for 7.145 m span ( for single track loaded) = 105 T
For both span loaded , loaded span = = 14.31 m
Here total 3 Nos. TRACKs are placed on single sub-structure
Total EUDL Load (Shear) for 7.145 m span [Case a] = 52.5 T
Total EUDL Load (Shear), two tracks both spans are loaded [Case b] = = 89.865 T

Longitudinal Eccentricity w.r.t C/L of Pier, single span loaded eL1 = 0.271 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity w.r.t C/L of Pier, both span loaded eL3 = 0.000 m

Loaded Loaded Loaded

Loaded Loaded Loaded

Loaded Loaded Loaded

Case a Case b

Calculation of transverse eccentricity

[a] When single track at edge loaded

Transverse Eccentricity w.r.t. C/L of Pier, eT = 0.100 m

Page 61 of 97
Computation of Co-efficient of Dynamic Augment (CDA)
(Note : Please refer clause (a) of IRS:Bridge Rule)
CDA = 0.15 + [ 8 / (6 + L)] Subject to Maximum of 1.0
Therefore, CDA (case-a) = 0.15 + [ 8 / ( 6 + 7.145 ) ] = 0.759
For( case b) = 0.550
Augmented load calculation
[a] When single track at edge loaded
Total Live Load (Shear) = 105 x (1 + 0.759 ) = 184.695 T
Live Load Reaction on Pier = = 92.348 T
Longitudinal Moment due to LL on Pier, ML = 92.3475 x 0.271 = 25.026 T-m
Transverse Moment due to LL on Pier, MT = 92.3475 x 0.1 = 9.235 T-m

[b] When single track both spans are loaded

Total Live Load (Shear) with CDA = 89.865 x (1 + 0.55 ) = 139.291 T
Live Load Reaction on Pier = = 139.291 T
Longitudinal Moment due to LL on Abutment, ML = 139.291 x 0 = 0 T-m
Transverse Moment due to LL on Abutment, MT = 139.291 x 0.1 = 13.93 T-m

For Design of Deep Foundation (Pile Foundation)

(Note : CDA is not considered for design of Deep Foundations as per Cl:6.9.3 of IRS:Code of Practice for
the Design of Sub- Structures and Foundation of Bridges.)
Therefore, CDA for Foundation, for case a = 0.759
Augmented load calculation for case b = 0.550
[a] When single track at edge loaded
Total Live Load (Shear) excluding CDA = 52.5 x (1 + 0.759 ) = 92.348 T
Live Load Reaction on Pier = 92.348 T
Longitudinal Moment due to LL on Pile Cap, ML = 92.348 x 0.271 = 25.026 T-m
Transverse Moment due to LL on Pile Cap, MT = 92.348 x 0.1 = 9.235 T-m

[b] When single track both spans are loaded

Total Live Load (Shear) excluding CDA = 89.865 x (1 + 0.55 ) = 139.291 T
Live Load Reaction on Abutment = 139.291 T
Longitudinal Moment due to LL on Pile Cap, ML = 139.291 x 0 = 0.000 T-m
Transverse Moment due to LL on Pile Cap, MT = 139.291 x 0.1 = 13.929 T-m


(Please Refer Appendix XXIV of IRS Bridge Rules )
Loaded Length (Edge to Edge of Superstructure) = 7.145 m
Tractive Force for 7.145 m Loaded Span = 33.32 T
Braking Force for 7.145 m Loaded Span = 22.5 T
Governing Longitudinal Force = max ( 33.32 , 22.5 ) = 33.32 T
Dispersion of Longitudinal Force = 0.00 %
(Note : Refer Clause, IRS : Bridge Rules)
Net Longitudinal Force = 33.32 x ( 1.0 - 0 / 100 ) = 33.32 T
Type of bearing = Bitumen Layer
Percent Force Transferred to Pier = 50.00 %
(Note : Refer Clause, IRS : Bridge Rules)
Therefore, Net Longitudinal Force Transferred to Pier = 16.66 T
Tractive force for Type A Live Load = 16.66 T
Tractive force for Type B Live Load = 31.50 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 55.653 - 51.543 = 4.110 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pile Cap = 55.653 - 50.043 = 5.610 m

Page 62 of 97
Moment Calculation
[a] When single track, single span loaded (Type A)
Moment about Base of Pier = 16.66 x 4.11 = 68.473 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 16.66 x 5.61 = 93.463 T-m
[b] When single track both span loaded (Type B)
Moment about Base of Pier = 31.5 x 4.11 = 129.5 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 31.5 x 5.61 = 176.715 T-m


(Please Refer Cl:5.6.2 of IRS:Bridge & Substructure Code & Cl:2.7 of IRS:Bridge Rule)
At Pier frictional resistance arised from both span will act in opposite direction with equal magnitude and nullify each other.
Co-efficient of Friction = 0.500
For Type A loading
Total Frictional Force = = 145.714 T
Frictional Force = 145.714 T
Moment about Base of Pier = 145.714 x 4.11 598.88 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 145.714 x 5.61 817.46 T-m
For Type B loading
Total Frictional Force = = 145.714 T
Frictional Force = 145.714 T > 31.5 T Tractive Force
Hence, frictional force will be governing force
Moment about Base of Pier = 145.714 x 4.11 598.88 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 145.714 x 5.61 817.46 T-m


(Note : RDSO guidelines on Sismic Design of Railway Bridges)
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient αh = 2.5 x 1.5 x 0.06 = 0.225
Design Vertical Seismic Coefficient αv = αh = 0.67 x 0.225 = 0.151


Longitudinal direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Horizontal Seismic Force for 7.145 (c/c Bearing) Span = 0.225 x 151.71 = 34.135 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 55.653 + 0 - 51.543 = 4.110 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.653 + 0 - 50.043 = 5.610 m
Moment about Base of Pier = 34.135 x 4.11 = 140.295 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 34.135 x 5.61 = 191.497 T-m

Transverse direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 55.9405 - 51.543 = 4.110 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.9405 - 50.043 = 5.610 m
Moment about Base of pier = 34.135 x 4.11 = 140.295 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 34.135 x 5.61 = 191.497 T-m


Longitudinal direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Horizontal Seismic Force for 7.145 (c/c Bearing) Span = 0.225 x 139.718 = 31.437 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 55.653 + 0 - 51.543 = 4.110 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.653 + 0 - 50.043 = 5.610 m
Moment about Base of Pier = 31.437 x 4.11 = 129.206 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 31.437 x 5.61 = 176.362 T-m

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Transverse direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = = 4.110 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = = 5.610 m
Moment about Base of Pier = 31.437 x 4.11 = 129.206 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 31.437 x 5.61 = 176.362 T-m


[a] Pier Cap

Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 29.682 = 6.678 T
Distance of C.G. of Pier Cap From B/O of pier Cap = 0.6 / 2.0 = 0.3 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 55.053 + 0.3 - 51.543 = 3.810 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.053 + 0.3 - 50.043 = 5.310 m

Total Horizontal Load Due to Pier Cap Components = 6.678

= 6.678 T
Moment about Base of Pier = 6.678 x 3.81
= 25.44 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 6.678 x 5.31
= 35.460 T-m


Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 166.09 = 37.37 T
Level of C. G. of Pier (RL) = ( 55.053 + 51.543 ) / 2.0 = 53.298 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Pier Base = 53.298 - 51.543 = 1.755 m
Lever Arm w.r.t to Bottom of Pile Cap = 53.298 - 50.043 = 3.255 m
Moment about Base of Pier = 37.37 x 1.755 = 65.59 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 37.37 x 3.255 = 121.639 T-m


Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 343.87 77.371 T
Level of C. G. of Pile Cap (RL) = ( 50.043 + 51.543 ) / 2 = 50.793 m
Lever Arm w.r.t to Bottom of Pile Cap = 50.793 - 50.043 = 0.750 m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 77.371 x 50.793 = 58.028 T-m


Total Horizontal Seismic Force on pier due to Dead Loads
= 34.135 + 31.437 + 6.678 + 37.37 = 109.620 T
Total Horizontal Seismic Force on Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 109.62 + 77.371 = 186.991 T
Total Longitudinal Moment about Base of Pier due to Dead Loads
= 140.295 + 129.206 + 25.44318 + 65.59 = 360.534 T-m
Total Longitudinal Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 191.497 + 176.362 + 35.46018 + 121.63935 + 58.028 = 582.987 T-m
Total Transverse Moment about Base of Pier due to Dead Loads
= 140.295 + 129.20607 + 25.44318 + 65.59 = 360.534 T-m
Total Transverse Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 191.497 + 176.36157 + 35.46018 + 121.63935 + 58.028 = 582.986 T-m


(Note : Refer clause 2.12.6, IRS:Bridge Rules)
Point of application of the force = = 55.653 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 55.653 - 51.543 = 4.110 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.653 - 50.043 = 5.610 m
[a] When single track, single span loaded (Type A)
Horizontal Seismic Force = [ 92.3475 / ( 1 + 0.759 ) ] x 0.50 x 0.225 = 5.906 T

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Moment about Base of Pier = 5.906 x 4.11 = 24.274 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 5.906 x 5.61 = 33.133 T-m
[b] When single track both span loaded (Type B)
Horizontal Seismic Force = [ 139.291 / ( 1 + 0.55 ) ] x 0.50 x 0.225 = 10.11 T
Moment about Base of Abutment = 10.11 x 4.11 = 41.552 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 10.11 x 5.61 = 56.717 T-m


Seismic Force on pier due to Dead Loads in Vertical Direction
= 109.62 x 0.151 / 0.225 = 73.568 T
Seismic Force on Pile Cap due to Dead Loads in Vertical Direction
= 186.991 x 0.151 / 0.225 = 125.492 T


[a] When single track, single span loaded (Type A)
Seismic Force due to Live Load in Vertical Direction = 5.906 x 0.151 / 0.225 = 3.964 T
[c] When single track both span loaded (Type B)
Seismic Force due to Live Load in Vertical Direction = 10.11 x 0.151 / 0.225 = 6.785 T



Maximum mean velocity of water (V) = 0.946 m/sec

Depth of water for pier = 3.167 m
width of Pier Shaft = 1.065 m
Depth of water for Pile cap = 4.667 m
width of Pile Cap = 5.10 m
Area of exposed portion for Pier (A) = 3.373 sqm
Area of exposed portion for Pile Cap (A') = 23.802 sqm
Value of K for Pier = 35
Value of K for Pile cap = 79

Total force at pier for Water current = 0.106 T

CG = 1.56 m
Total Transverse moment at Pier bottom = 0.17 T-m
Total longituidinal moment at Pier bottom = 0.03 T-m

Total force at Pile cap for Water current = 1.683 T

CG = 1.7 m
Total transverse moment at Pile bottom = 2.86 T-m
Total longituidinal moment at Pier bottom (20 % of Transverse moment) = 0.57 T-m

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At the bottom of pier
a Dead Load
1 From Super-structure 151.710 0 0 0 0
2 SIDL 139.718 0 0 0 0
3 From Pier Cap, railing, pedestal, OHE 35.611 0 0 0 0
4 From Pier. Shaft 166.090 0 0 0 0
b Live Load
5 Type A Loading 92.348 25.026 9.235 0 0
7 Type B Loading 139.291 0 13.929 0 0
c Effect of Construction tolerance
8 construction tolerance 1.578
d Tractive force/Braking force
9 Type A Loading 0 68.473 0 16.66 0
10 Type B Loading 0 129.465 0 31.5 0
e Frictional Resistance
11 Type A Loading 0 598.880 0 145.714 0
12 Type B Loading 0 598.885 0 145.714 0
f Temperature load
13 Thermal Expansion of Slab and Retainer 0 0.000 0 0.000 0
g Seismic force
14 Dead Load seismic 73.568 360.534 360.534 109.620 109.620
15 For Type A Loading 3.964 0 24.274 0 5.906
16 For Type B Loading 6.785 0 41.552 0 10.110
h Water current force
Water current force 0 0.03 0.17 0.02 0.106

12.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Pier

12.1 Servicebility Limit State (SLS)
(Note : Partial Safety Factors are as per Table 12, IRS Concrete Bridge Code)
Case - I (Normal Case-Considering Frictional Forces)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09 ) + 1.20 x ( 139.718) = 521.07 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.20 x ( 0 ) +1.0 x1.578 + 1.0 x ( 598.88454 ) = 600.46 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.1 x ( 0.17 ) = 0.187 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 ) = 0.000 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II (Maximum vertical load, Type B Loading)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09 ) + 1.20 x ( 139.718) + 1.1 x ( 139.291 ) = 674.29 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.20 x ( 0 )+ 1.0 x 1.578 + 1.0 x ( 25.0261725+129.465 ) = 171.518 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.1 x ( 9.23475+0.17 ) = 15.509 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.0 x ( 31.5 ) = 31.500 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09 ) + 1.20 x ( 139.718) + 0.5 x ( 139.291 ) - 1 x 6.785 = 510.37 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0+0 + 0.034 ) + 1.20 x ( 0 ) + 1.0 x ( 25.0261725+129.465 ) = 439.39 T-m

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+ 1.0 x ( 360.53418+0.034 )+1 x1.578
Transverse Moment (MT) =
0.5 x ( 9.23475) + 1 x (0.17 ) = 7.135 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 31.5 + 1.0 x ( 109.62+0.0212 ) = 125.391 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 10.110 T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09 ) + 1.20 x ( 139.718) + 0.5 x ( 139.291 )
- 1.0 x (73.568 +6.785 ) = 510.37 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0+0 + 0.034 ) + 1.20 x ( 0 ) + 0.5 x ( 129.465 ) 1 x 1.578 = 66.34 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 13.9291+ 1 x(0.17 ) + 1.0 x (360.534 +41.5521) = 409.22 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 31.5 = 15.750 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
1.0 x (109.62+10.11 + 0.106) = 119.836 T

12.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Pier

12.2 Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
(Note : Partial Safety Factors are as per Table 12, IRS Concrete Bridge Code)
Case - I (Normal Case-Considering Frictional Forces)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09 ) + 2x ( 139.718 ) = 721.20 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0+0 ) + 2.0 x ( 0 ) + 1.5 x ( 598.88454 )+2 x1.578 = 901.48 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 2.0 x ( 0.17 ) = 0.340 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.4 x ( 16.66 ) = 0.000 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II (Maximum Vertical Load, Type B Loading)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09 ) + 2x ( 139.718) + 1.4 x ( 92.3475 ) = 916.21 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0+0 ) + 2.0 x ( 0 ) + 1.4 x ( 129.465)+2x1.578 = 184.41 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.4 x ( 13.9291+0.17 ) = 19.7 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.4 x ( 31.5 ) = 47.250 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09 ) + 2.0 x ( 139.718) + 0.5 x ( 139.291 ) - 1.25 x (73.568+6.785) = 694.42 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0+0.034 ) + 2.0 x ( 0 ) + 0.5 x ( 25.0261725) + 0.5 x (129.465 )+1.5x1.578 = 512.30 T-m
+ 1.2 x ( 360.53418 )
Transverse Moment (MT) =
0.5 x ( 13.9291) + 1.4 x (0.17 ) = 7.203 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x ( 31.5 ) + 1.2 x(109.62 ) = 147.294 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

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Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09 ) + 1.5 x ( 139.718) + 0.5 x ( 139.291 ) - 1.2 x (73.568 +6.785 ) = 624.56 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.5 x ( 0 ) + 0.5 x ( 25.0261725+129.465 )+1.51.578 = 79.61 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 13.9291 ) + 1.4 x (0.17 ) + 1.2 x (360.534 +41.5521) = 489.71 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 31.5 = 15.750 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
1.2 x (109.62+10.11)= = 143.676 T

At the bottom of Pile cap

a Dead Load
1 From Super-structure 151.710 0 0 0 0
2 SIDL 139.718 0 0 0 0
3 From Pier Cap, railing, pedestal 35.611 0 0 0 0
4 From Pier. Shaft 166.090 0 0 0 0
5 Dead Load from Pile Cap 343.870 0 0 0 0
b Live Load
6 Type A Loading 92.348 25.026 9.235 0 0
7 Type B Loading 139.291 0 13.929 0 0
c Effect of Construction tolerance
8 Construction tolerance 1.5780
d Tractive force/Braking force
9 Type A Loading 0 93.463 0 16.66 0
10 Type B Loading 0 176.715 0 31.5 0
e Frictional Resistance
11 Type A Loading 0 817.456 0 145.7 0
12 Type B Loading 0 817.456 0 145.7 0
f Temperature load
13 Thermal Expansion of Slab and Retainer 0 0.000 0 0.0 0
g Seismic force
14 Dead Load seismic 125.492 582.987 582.986 186.991 186.991
15 For Type A Loading 3.964 0 33.133 0 5.906
16 For Type B Loading 6.785 0 56.717 0 10.110
h Water current force
17 Water current force 0 0.57 2.86 0.34 1.683

13.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Pile Cap

13.1 Load Combination for Servicibility Limit State
Case - I (Normal Load Case, Considering Frictional Load Case)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09+343.87 ) + 1.2 x ( 139.718 ) = 864.94 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.0 x ( 817.456)+ 1.0 x ( 0.572)+1x1.578 = 819.61 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
1x(2.86 ) = 2.860 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.0 x (145.714 + 0.3366) = 146.051 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II (Normal Load Case, Maximum vertical load)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09+343.87 ) + 1.2 x ( 139.718) + 1.1 x ( 139.291 ) = 1018.16 T

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Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.2 x ( 0 ) + 1.1x ( 25.026308)+1.1x(176.715) + 1.1 x (0.572)+ 1.1 x 1.578 = 224.28 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.1 x ( 9.2348)+1.1 x(2.86 ) = 18.468 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.1 x 31.5 = 34.650 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09+343.87 ) + 1.2 x ( 139.718)
+ 0.5 x 139.291 + 0.5 x 0 - 1 x (125.492 + 6.785 ) = 802.31 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.2 x (0) + 0.5 x ( 25.026308+176.715 ) + 1.0 x ( 582.987) + 1 x 0.5721.0 x1.578
= 686.01 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 13.9291)+1x(2.86 ) = 9.825 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
(1.0 x 31.5 + 1 x 186.991) + 1.0 x (0.3366) = 218.828 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09+343.87 ) + 1.2x ( 139.718)
+ 0.5 x 139.291 - 1.0 x (125.492+6.785) = 802.31 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0 + 0 + 0+0.572 ) + 1.0 x ( 0 ) + 1.0 x ( 0)+1 x(176.715)+1x 1.578 = 103.02 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 13.9291)+1.0x(2.86 ) + 1.0 x (582.986 +56.717) = 649.53 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.0 x 145.714 = 16.087 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 1.0 x ( 186.991+10.11 +1.683 ) = 198.784 T

13.2 Load Condition for Ultimate Limit State

Case - I (Normal Load Case, Considering Frictional Load Case)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09+343.87 ) + 2.0 x ( 139.718 ) = 1151.04 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0 + 0 + 0+0.572 ) + 2.0 x ( 0 ) + 1.5 x ( 0+0.572)+2x1.578 = 1230.06 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.75 x (0+2.86 ) = 5.0 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.5 x 0 = 0.000 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II (Normal Load Case, Maximum vertical load)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09+343.87 ) + 2.0 x ( 139.718) + 1.75 x ( 139.291 )
= 1394.80 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0 + 0+0 )+2x(0)+ 1.75 x ( 25.026308+176.715 ) + 2 x ( 0.572)+2x 1.578 = 357.35 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.75 x (13.9291+2.86 ) = 29.4 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.5 x 145.714 = 55.125 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

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Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.5 x ( 0)
+ 0.5 x 139.291) - 1.2 x 6.785 - 1.2 x 125.492 = 992.09 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0 + 0 + 0+0.572 ) + 1.5 x ( 0 ) + 0.5 x ( 25.026308+176.715)
+ 1.25 x (582.987 )+1.51.578 = 791.02 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 13.9291 )+1.4 x (2.86 ) = 10.969 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 31.5+ 1.2 x (186.991) + 1.4 x (0.3366) = 240.610 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 151.71 + 35.611 + 166.09+343.87 ) + 1.5 x ( 139.718)
+ 0.5 x 139.291 - 1.2 x (125.492+6.785) = 992.09 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0 + 0 + 0)+1.4 x (0.572 ) + 1.5 x ( 0 ) + 0.5 x ( 176.715)+1.51.578 = 91.53 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 13.9291+2.86 ) + 1.2 x (582.986 +56.717) = 774.61 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 31.5 = 15.750 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 1.2 x ( 186.991+1.683 ) + 1.2 x (10.11)
= 238.541 T
14 Summary of Forces
14.1 at Base of Pier
Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
all Loads are in ton all Loads are in ton
Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV
V 521.07 674.293 510.37 510.37 V 721.20 916.207 694.42 624.56
ML 600.46 171.518 439.39 66.34 ML 901.48 184.407 512.30 79.61
MT 0.19 0.187 7.13 409.22 MT 0.34 19.7 7.20 489.71
HL 0.00 0.000 125.39 15.75 HL 0.00 47.250 147.29 15.75
HT 0.00 0 10.11 119.84 HT 0.00 0 0.00 143.68

14.2 at Base of Pile cap

Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
all Loads are in ton all Loads are in ton
Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV
V 864.94 1018.163 802.31 802.31 V 1151.04 1394.797 992.09 992.09
ML 819.61 357.347 686.01 103.02 ML 1230.06 357.347 791.02 91.53
MT 2.86 18.468 9.82 649.53 MT 5.01 29.4 10.97 774.61
HL 146.05 34.650 218.83 16.09 HL 0.00 55.125 240.61 15.75
HT 0.00 0 0.00 198.78 HT 0.00 0 0.00 238.54

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[Around (BH-02) Pier Locations]

Pile Shaft Length = 14.00 m from Bottom of Pile Cap (50.043 M).
Maximum Scour Level = (51.381-48.736) = 2.645 m below Existing Ground Level.
Diameter of Pile = 1200 mm Critical depth 17.00 D
FOS of Shaft Resistance = 2.50 Maximum OVP = 10.91 t/sqm
FOS for End Bearing = 2.50
So, maximum Depth upto which pressure will increase = 12.69 m

Layer Top Depth Bottom Depth Eff. Depth Cohesion Φ Adhesion Factor K0 Eff. Density Mean Pressure
No. (M) (M) (M) (kg/sqcm) (Degree) (α) (gm/cc) (t/sqm)
I 2.65 5.50 2.855 -- -- 1.000 1.00 0.80 1.14
II 5.50 10.00 4.50 -- -- 1.000 1.00 0.85 4.20
III 10.00 15.34 5.34 -- -- 1.000 1.20 0.90 8.51

Layer Eff. Depth Effective σz fs1 = α C fs2 = K0σztanΦ fs =fs1 +fs2 Ultimate Shaft Safe Shaft
No. (M) (t/sqm) (t/sqm) Resistance (T) Resistance (T)

I 2.86 1.14 -- -- -- -- --
II 4.50 4.20 -- -- -- -- --
III 5.34 8.51 -- -- -- -- --
12.69 0.00 0.00
For End Bearing
Cohesion C= 0 kg/sqcm
Friction Angle = 34 °
Nq = 42.69
Nγ = 42.90 [ Refer to Table No. 1 of IS 6403 : 1981]
Eff. Ovp. Pressure=p(tip) 10.91 t/sqm
q(tip) =p(tip).Nq+0.5.γ.D.Nγ = 489.09 t/sqm
Ultimate End Bearing = 553.15 T
Safe End Bearing = 221.26 T
Safe Shaft Resistance= 0.00 T Note: Skin friction of the sand layers have been neglected for siesmic zone-V.
So, Total Pile Capacity = 221.26 T
So, Recommended Pile Capacity = 220 T

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[Around (BH-02) Pier Locations]

Pile Shaft Length = 16.00 m from Bottom of Pile Cap (50.043 M).
Maximum Scour Level = (51.381-48.736) = 2.645 m below Existing Ground Level.
Diameter of Pile = 1200 mm Critical depth 17.00 D
FOS of Shaft Resistance = 2.50 Maximum OVP = 12.71 t/sqm
FOS for End Bearing = 2.50
So, maximum Depth upto which pressure will increase = 14.69 m

Layer Top Depth Bottom Depth Eff. Depth Cohesion Φ Adhesion Factor K0 Eff. Density Mean Pressure
No. (M) (M) (M) (kg/sqcm) (Degree) (α) (gm/cc) (t/sqm)
I 2.65 5.50 2.855 -- -- 1.000 1.00 0.80 1.14
II 5.50 10.00 4.50 -- -- 1.000 1.00 0.85 4.20
III 10.00 17.34 7.34 -- -- 1.000 1.20 0.90 8.51

Layer Eff. Depth Effective σz fs1 = α C fs2 = K0σztanΦ fs =fs1 +fs2 Ultimate Shaft Safe Shaft
No. (M) (t/sqm) (t/sqm) Resistance (T) Resistance (T)

I 2.86 1.14 -- -- -- -- --
II 4.50 4.20 -- -- -- -- --
III 5.34 8.51 -- -- -- -- --
14.69 0.00 0.00
For End Bearing
Cohesion C= 0 kg/sqcm
Friction Angle = 34 °
Nq = 42.69
Nγ = 42.90 [ Refer to Table No. 1 of IS 6403 : 1981]
Eff. Ovp. Pressure=p(tip) 12.71 t/sqm
q(tip) =p(tip).Nq+0.5. γ.D.Nγ = 565.94 t/sqm
Ultimate End Bearing = 640.06 T
Safe End Bearing = 256.03 T
Safe Shaft Resistance= 0.00 T Note: Skin friction of the sand layers have been neglected for siesmic zone-V.
So, Total Pile Capacity = 256.03 T
So, Recommended Pile Capacity = 250 T

Page 72 of 97
Around Pier Locations:
Design "N" = 17
Cantilever length(L1) = 130 cm
Dia of pile = 1200 mm
fck of concrete = 35 MPa
Allowable Limiting Deflection = 12 mm (1% pile dia as per IRC-78:2014)

Modulus of Subgrade reaction ηh = 0.281 kg/cucm from Table 3 of IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2):2010
Moment of inertia (I) = 1.018E+07 cm
E of concrete = 29580.39892 N/sqmm = 295803.989 kg/sqcm

Stiffness factor, T = = 403.63 cm

Hence, L1/T = 0.3221

For Fixed Head Pile

Factor for calculating Lf = 2.087 from Fig. 4 of IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2):2010, for fixed head pile
Lf = 842.54 cm
Pile head deflection Y = 2.546E-02 cm = 2.546E-01 mm/T of thrust
Limiting Deflection at cut-off level = 13.85 mm
Moment = 4.86 t-m per T of Thrust
Reduction Factor, m = 0.866 from Fig. 5B of IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2):2010, for fixed head pile

Hence, H = 58.87 T
Corrected actual moment = 4.21 t-m per T of Thrust

For Free Head Pile

Factor for calculating Lf = 1.868 from Fig. 4 of IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2):2010, for free head pile
Lf = 753.79 cm
Pile head deflection Y = 7.642E-02 cm = 7.642E-01 mm
Limiting Deflection at cut-off level = 14.07 mm
Moment = 7.54 t-m per T of Thrust
Reduction Factor, m = 0.454 from Fig. 5A of IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2):2010, for free head pile

Hence, H = 20.11 T
Corrected actual moment = 3.42 t-m per T of Thrust

Considering partial restraint of Pile cap against lateral load,

Average Lf = 798.17 cm
Average Horizontal capacity = 39.49 T, say 39 T
Average Corrected moment = 3.81 t-m per T of Thrust

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Design of Pile

Pile Cap Bottom Level = 50.043 m

LBL = 50.715 m
Diameter of Pile (D) = 1.200 m
Grade of Concrete (fck) = 35 Mpa
Grade of Steel ( fy ) = 500 Mpa

Modulus of Elasticity of Pile Material (E) = 5000*SQRT ( fck )

= 29580.399 Mpa
= 295803.99 kg / cm2
Moment of Inertia of Pile Section ( I ) = π /64 x 1.2^4 m4
= 0.101788 m4
= 10178800 cm4


[A] Salient Dimensions

a) Length of Pile Cap along Longitudinal Direction = 5.10 m

b) Length of Pile Cap along Transverse Direction = 17.98 m
c) Thickness of Pile Cap = 1.500 m
d) Diameter of Pile = 1.200 m
e) Total No. of Piles in the Pile Cap = 10 nos

[B] Salient Levels

a) Top of Pile Cap = 51.543 m
b) Pile Cut Off Level = 50.118 m
c) Bottom of Pile Cap = 50.043 m
d) Level at Depth of Fixity = 42.063 m
e) Founding Level = 34.043 m

[C] Other Salient Design Data

a) Total Length of Pile (from below Pile Cap) = 16.000 m
b) Length of Pile (Upto Fixity Level) = 7.980 m
c) Unit weight of Concrete = 2.5 T/m3
d) Self Weight of 1 Pile = 45.239 T

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[D] Co-ordinate of Piles

Longitudinal Transverse C
Pile No Co-Ordinate o-Ordinate n xi2 yi2
xi (m) yi (m)
P1 1.800 7.200 1 3.24 51.84
P2 1.800 3.600 1 3.24 12.96
P3 1.800 0.000 1 3.24 0.00
P4 1.800 -3.600 1 3.24 12.96
P5 1.800 -7.200 1 3.24 51.84
P6 -1.800 7.200 1 3.24 51.84
P7 -1.800 3.600 1 3.24 12.96
P8 -1.800 0.000 1 3.24 0.00
P9 -1.800 -3.600 1 3.24 12.96
P10 -1.800 -7.200 1 3.24 51.84
Total ∑ 10 32.4 259.20


6 1

7 2

8 3

9 4

P 10


[E] Summary of Loads and Moments at Center Line of Pile Cap Base

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UNFACTORED LOAD CONDITION (for determining Pile Capacity)
Case - I (Normal Load Case, Considering Frictional Load Case)

Vertical Load (V) = 837.00 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 819.61 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 2.86 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 146.05 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 1.683 T

Case - II (Normal Load Case, Maximum vertical load)

Vertical Load (V) = 976.29 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 178.87 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 16.79 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 31.84 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 1.68 T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic DOWN)

Vertical Load (V) = 1108.57 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 673.5 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 16.79 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 203.1 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 1.7 T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic DOWN)

Vertical Load (V) = 1108.57 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 90.51 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 656.49 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 16.09 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 198.78 T

Page 76 of 97
Load/Case Case I Case II Case III Case IV
V (T) 836.999 976.29 1108.57 1108.57
ML (T - m) 819.61 178.87 673.49 90.51
MT (T - m) 2.86 16.79 16.79 656.49
HL (T) 146.05 31.84 203.08 16.09
HT (T) 1.683 1.68 1.68 198.78


Load/Case Case I Case II Case III Case IV

V (T) 1151.04 1394.797 992.09 1240.11
ML (T - m) 1230.06 357.347 791.02 114.41
MT (T - m) 5.01 29.381 10.97 968.26
HL (T) 0.00 55.125 240.61 19.69
HT (T) 0.00 0.0 0.00 298.18

[F] Pile Reaction

ZL = 18.000 m3
ZT1 = 36.000 m3 ZT2 = 72 m3

Horizontal Load on Single Pile HR = (SQRT (HL + HT ))/ ∑n


Load Cases
Pile Reaction Case I
Case II Case III Case IV
P1 129.313 108.032 148.739 134.121
P2 129.273 107.799 148.506 125.003
P3 129.234 107.566 148.273 115.885
P4 129.194 107.333 148.04 106.767
P5 129.154 107.1 147.807 97.649
P6 38.246 88.158 73.907 124.064
P7 38.206 87.925 73.674 114.946
P8 38.166 87.692 73.44 105.829
P9 38.127 87.459 73.207 96.711
P10 38.087 87.226 72.974 87.593
Max Value 129.313 108.032 118.99 107.30
Min Value 38.087 87.226 58.38 70.07
Adding self weight of Pile
Max Value 156.46 135.18 146.13 134.44
Min Value 65.23 114.37 85.52 97.22
HR (T) 14.606 3.188 20.31 19.94

Maximum Vertical Pile Capacity in Pile(Non Seismic) = 156.456 T

Maximum Horizontal Pile Capacity in Pile(Non-Seismic) = 3.188 T

Recommended Pile Capacity = 250 T

Recommended Horizontal Pile Capacity = 39 T

Page 77 of 97
Length of Pile above Scour Level, L1 1.307 m
Depth of Fixity 7.980 m
RL at Depth of Fixity 42.063 m
Hence we take the pile length 16.000 m
Keep Founding Level at 34.043 m


Pile Reaction Load Cases
(T) Case I Case II Case III Case IV
P1 183.579 160.148 143.46 157.263
P2 183.51 159.74 143.307 143.815
P3 183.44 159.332 143.155 130.367
P4 183.371 158.924 143.003 116.919
P5 183.301 158.516 142.85 103.471
P6 46.906 120.443 55.568 144.552
P7 46.837 120.035 55.416 131.104
P8 46.767 119.627 55.263 117.655
P9 46.698 119.219 55.111 104.207
P10 46.628 118.811 54.959 90.759
Max Value 210.722 187.291 170.603 184.406 Adding self weight of Pile
Min Value 46.628 118.811 54.959 90.759
HR (T) 0 5.513 24.061 29.883

Pmax = 210.722 T
Pmin = 46.628 T
Ultimate Horizontal Load Per Pile = 29.883 T


The Pile is designed as per the "Charts for the Design of Circular columns" to SP:16.
(A) Material Property

Grade of Concrete ( fck ) = 35 mPa

Grade of Reinforcement ( fy ) = 500 mPa

(B)Section Property
Diameter of Pile Section (D) = 1200 mm
Clear cover = 75 mm
Diameter of Outer Links = 12 mm
Diameter of main vertical R/F outer layer = 25 mm
Moment per tonne Horizontal load = 3.81 t-m/t (from soil report)
Effective Cover (d') = (75 + 12 + 25 / 2) = 99.5 mm
d'/D = 99.5 / 1200 = 0.083 mm

(C) Critical Load Case

Axial Load Pu = 46.628 T
Moment Mu = 3.81 x 29.883 = 113.854 T-m
Pu /fck D2 = 0.01
Mu / fck D3 = 0.019

Page 78 of 97
From Chart- 60 of SP: 16 - 1980, which corresponds to Fe - 500 grade of Reinforcement
p/fck = 0.02
p = 0.7 %
Therefore; Asc = ( π / 4 x 1200^2x0.7%) = 7916.813487 mm2

(D) Reinforcement Computation

[Refer Cl: 5.11.1 of IS: 2911 Part 1 Sec 2 ]
Minimum % of Reinforcement in a Circular Section = 0.40 %
( π / 4 x 1200^2x0.4%) = 4523.9 mm2
Design Reinforcement = 7916.8 mm2

Let us provide
In Layer-I 24 nos. 25 mm diameter bars as main R/F in outer layer

Provide T- 12 @ 150 mm c/c as Lateral Ties

(E) Check for Reinforcement Percentage

Gross Concrete Area Ac = 1.131 m2
Total Reinforcement Area As = 0.012 m2

Reqd. R/F Actual R/F Remarks

(%) (%)
0.70 1.06 OK

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PIER NO. Platform-P3
SPAN ARRANGEMENT:- 2 x 20.43 m

The system consists of a solid rectangular Pier The top dimensions of the Pier cap are fixed so as to fit in the details of PSC Slab

For the design of the pier and its different components generally the provisions of IRS(Indian Railway
Standards) Codes have been followed. Followings are the main references.

i. IRS Bridge Rules iv. IS:2911(Part1/Sec2)-2010

ii. IRS Concrete Bridge Codes-1997 v. IS:14593-1998
iii. IRS Substructure codes. vi. IRC:78


Proposed Rail Level RL 57.026 m
Proposed Rail Formation Level RL 57.903 m
Structural Depth of Girder 1.913 m
Bottom of Girder Level RL 55.990 m
Top of Bed Block Level RL 55.690 m
Top of Pier Level RL 55.190 m
Ground Level RL 50.715 m
Top of Pile Cap Level RL 51.543 m
Bottom of Pile Cap Level RL 50.043 m
High Flood Level (HFL) RL 54.71 m
Design Discharge 85.00 cumecs

Seismic Zone V R= 3
Z = 0.36 Z/2R = 0.06
Importance Factor = 1.5 Sa/g = 2.5


The Pier is supporting PSC Slab Superstructure of Effective Span 6.1 m. The Details of Span is gives as under

4.1 Span 1
Effective span between c/c of bearing 21.145 m
Overall span 21.705 m
Span between c/c of Expansion Joints 21.845 m

Page 80 of 97
Rail Formation Level=
57.903 m

Shorter Span = 13.98 m Longer Span = 21.145 m

Bed Block level = 55.690 m

0.500 1.650m
0.500 55.190 m


Top of pile cap

51.543 m
GL 50.715m

2.018m 5.100m


C/L of Pier /Pile Cap

6.000m 4.935m



Page 81 of 97
Anticlockwise Moments are taken as positive
+ -

6.1 Dead Load from Superstructure

Load for DL of Longer Superstructure = 269.689 T
Load for DL of Shorter Superstructure = 182.768 T
Weight of superstructure (Span) = 226.229 T
No of Super-structure = 1 nos
Reaction on Pier = 226.229 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of pier, eL1 = 0.350 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, eL2 = 0.350 m

Effective Longitudinal Moment due to DL about C/L of pier = 134.845 x 0.35 - 91.384 x 0.35 = 15.211 T-m
Effective Longitudinal Moment due to DL about C/L of Pile cap = 134.845 x 0.35 - 91.384 x 0.35 = 15.211 T-m

The Superstructure is symmetric about Centre Line of Soffit; therefore there is no Transverse Eccentricty
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0.010 m
Transverse Moment due to DL = 226.229 x 0.01 = 2.262 T-m

6.2 Super Imposed Dead Load (SIDL) from Superstructure

Calculation of SIDL:
S/W of Flooring on Longer span = 0.147 x (10 - 0.75 ) x 21.805 = 29.649 T
S/W of Flooring on Shorter span = 0.147 x (10 - 0.75 ) x 14.64 = 19.907 T
S/W of Kerb (C/s area = 0.12 m2) for Longer span = 0.12 x 21.805 x 2.5 = 6.542 T
S/W of Kerb (C/s area = 0.12 m2) for Shorter span = 0.12 x 14.64 x 2.5 = 4.392 T
S/W of Railing ( @ 3 kN/m ) for Longer Span = 0.3 x 21.805 = 6.542 T
S/W of Railing ( @ 3 kN/m ) for Shorter Span = 0.3 x 14.64 = 4.392 T
Load for SIDL = 35.71 T
No of Super-structure = 1.00 nos
SIDL Reaction = 35.71 T
Total SIDL Reaction due to Longer span = 21.37 T
Total SIDL Reaction due to Shorter span = 14.35 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pier, eL1 = 0.350 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, eL2 = 0.350 m

Longitudinal Moment due to SIDL about C/L of Pier = 21.37 x 0.35 - 14.35 x 0.35 = 2.457 T-m
Longitudinal Moment due to SIDL about C/L of Pile cap = 21.37 x 0.35 - 14.35 x 0.35 = 2.457 T-m

The Superstructure is symmetric about Centre Line of Soffit; therefore there is no Transverse Eccentricty
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0.010 m
Transverse Moment due to SIDL = 35.712 x 0.01 = 0.357 T-m

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6.3 Dead Load from pier Cap

Uniform portion
Length of bed block = 8.000 m
Width of bed block = 1.650 m
Depth of bed block = 0.500 m 1.650 0.500m

Tappered portion
Length of bed block at top = 8.00 m
Length of bed block at bottom = 6.000 m
Depth of bed block = 0.500 m 1.065m
Width of bed block at top = 1.650 m
Width of bed block at bottom = 1.065 m

[b] Dead Load of Pier Cap

From uniform portion :
Dead Load = 1.65 x 8 x 0.5 x 2.5 = 16.500 T
From tappered portion :
Dead Load = 7 x 1.3575 x 0.5 x 2.5 = 11.878 T
Total Dead Load = 28.378 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pier CG = 0.000 m
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pile Cap CG = 0.000 m

[c] Dead Load of pedestals on pier Cap

Size of pedestals Longitudinal direction = 0.65 m
as seismic arrester block Transverse direction = 0.635 m
Height = 0.171 m
Total nos. of pedestals = 8 nos.
Self weight of Pedestals 8 x 0.65 x 0.635 x 0.171 x 2.5 = 1.412 T
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pier CG = 0 m
Eccentricity w.r.t. Pile Cap CG = 0 m

[c] Dead Load of Seismic Restrainer:

Dead Load of Seismic Retainer Blocks = 0.690 x 0.910 x 1.065 x 2.5 x 2 = 5.929 T
= 5.929 T

Total Dead Load from Pier Cap including Bearings, Pedestals

= 28.378 + 5.929 = 35.719 T
Total Longitudinal Moment about CL of Pier due to above Dead Load
= 28.378 x 0 + 1.412 x 0 = 0.000 T-m
Total Longitudinal Moment about CL of Pile Cap due to above Dead Load
= 28.378 x 0 + 1.412 x 0 = 0.000 T-m
6.4 Dead Load of Pier Shaft
The Pier has Rectangular Section. 4.935m



Total height of Pier = 55.19 - 51.543 = 3.647 m

Sectional area of rectengular portion of Pier Shaft = 4.935 x 1.065 = 5.256 m2
Sectional area of circular portion of Pier Shaft = 0.891 m2

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Total cross sectional area of pier section = 6.147 m2
Volume of Pier Shaft = 3.647 x 6.147 = 22.417 m3
Dead Load of Pier Shaft = 22.417 x 2.5 = 56.050 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity w.r.t. C/L of Pile Cap, eL = 0.000 m
Longitudinal Moment about C/L of Pile Cap = 56.05 x 0 = 0.000 T-m

6.5 Dead Load of Pile Cap

Length of Pile Cap (perpendicular to track) = 8.000 m
Width of Pile Cap (parallel to track) = 5.100 m
Depth of Pile Cap = 1.500 m




Traffic Direction

Weight of Pile Cap = 8 x 5.1 x 1.5 x 2.50 = 153 T


Pedestrian live load intensity = 0.5 T/sqm
Width of Platform = 10 m
Lenth of Longer Platform = 21.805 m
Lenth of Shorter Platform = 14.64 m
So load intensity on platform per meter length = 5 T/m
So maximum reaction on longer Platform due to Pedestrian load = 54.513 T
So maximum reaction on Shorter Platform due to Pedestrian load = 36.6 T
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pier, eL1 = 0.35 m
Longitudinal Eccentricity of Reaction w.r.t. C/L of Pile cap, eL2 = 0.35 m

Effective Longitudinal Moment due to Pedestrian load about C/L of Pier = 54.513 x 0.35 - 36.6 x 0.35 = 6.27 T-m
Effective Longitudinal Moment due to Pedestrian Load about C/L of Pile cap = 54.513 x 0.35 - 36.6 x 0.35 = 6.27 T-m

There is an eccentricity between the c/l of Platform and the c/l of Pier
Transverse Eccentricity of Reaction, eT = 0.02 m
Transverse Moment due to Pedestrian live load = 1.822 T-m

Effect of construction Tolerance in Design of Pier P3

The tolerancess for finished concrete bridge structures is due to mainly deviation from plumb or specified, batter for face
of exposed piers as per IRS concrete bridge code Cl. No-6.5

The deviation is 1 in 250, subjected to a maximum value of 0.05 times the least lateral dimension of pier.
Load calculation for P1
Height of Pier : = 3.647 m
Thickness of Pier = 1.065 m
Length of Pier Cap = 8.000 m
Width of Pier Cap = 1.065 m
Thickness of Pier Cap = 0.600 m
Unit weight of Concrete = 2.5 T/m3

Page 84 of 97
Shift in top level of Pile due to construction tolerance = 3.647/250 = 0.01459 m

s/w of of pier cap = 28.378 T 0.0146

s/w of pier = 56.050 T

Total Load at A = 56.050 T

0.0073 3.647
Hence total moment due to construction tolerance
= (56.05 x 0.0073 + 28.378 x 0.0146)
= 0.823 T-m


(Please Refer Cl:5.6.2 of IRS:Bridge & Substructure Code & Cl:2.7 of IRS:Bridge Rule)

At Pier frictional resistance arised from both span will act in opposite direction with equal magnitude and nullify each other.

Co-efficient of Friction = 0.030

Total Frictional Force = = 3.029 T
Frictional Force = 3.029 T
Hence, frictional force will be governing force
Moment about Base of Pier = 3.029 x 4.147 12.56 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 3.029 x 5.647 17.11 T-m


(Note : RDSO guidelines on Sismic Design of Railway Bridges)
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient αh = 2.5 x 1.5 x 0.06 = 0.225
Design Vertical Seismic Coefficient αv = αh = 0.67 x 0.225 = 0.151


Longitudinal direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Horizontal Seismic Force for 21.805 (c/c Bearing) Span = 0.225 x 226.229 = 50.902 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 55.69 + 0.3 - 51.543 = 4.447 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.69 + 0.3 - 50.043 = 5.947 m
Moment about Base of Pier = 50.902 x 4.447 = 226.361 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 50.902 x 5.947 = 302.719 T-m

Transverse direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 56.9465 - 51.543 = 4.447 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 56.9465 - 50.043 = 5.947 m
Moment about Base of pier = 50.902 x 4.447 = 226.361 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 50.902 x 5.947 = 302.714 T-m


Longitudinal direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Horizontal Seismic Force for 21.805 (c/c Bearing) Span = 0.225 x 35.712 = 8.035 T
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 55.69 + 0.3 - 51.543 = 4.447 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.69 + 0.3 - 50.043 = 5.947 m
Moment about Base of Pier = 8.035 x 4.447 = 35.732 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 8.035 x 5.947 = 47.785 T-m

Page 85 of 97
Transverse direction
(Note : Seismic Force will act at Top of Bed Block)
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = = 4.447 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = = 5.947 m
Moment about Base of Pier = 8.035 x 4.447 = 35.732 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 8.035 x 5.947 = 47.784 T-m


[a] Pier Cap

Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 28.378 = 6.385 T
Distance of C.G. of Pier Cap From B/O of pier Cap = 0.5 / 2.0 = 0.5 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 55.19 + 0.5 - 51.543 = 4.147 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.19 + 0.5 - 50.043 = 5.647 m

[b] Pedestals
Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 1.412 = 0.318 T
Distance of C.G. from top of Pier Cap = 0.171 / 2.0 = 0.086 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Base of Pier = 55.69 + 0.5 - 51.543 = 4.233 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Bottom of Pile Cap = 55.69 + 0.086 - 50.043 = 5.733 m

Total Horizontal Load Due to Pier Cap Components = 6.385 + 0.318

= 6.703 T
Moment about Base of Pier = 6.385 x 4.147 + 0.318 x 4.233
= 27.83 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 6.385 x 5.647 + 0.318 x 5.733
= 37.879 T-m

Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 56.05 = 12.611 T
Level of C. G. of Pier (RL) = ( 55.19 + 51.543 ) / 2.0 = 53.3665 m
Lever Arm w.r.t. Pier Base = 53.3665 - 51.543 = 1.8235 m
Lever Arm w.r.t to Bottom of Pile Cap = 53.3665 - 50.043 = 3.324 m
Moment about Base of Pier = 12.611 x 1.824 = 23.00 T-m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 12.611 x 3.324 = 41.919 T-m

Horizontal Seismic Force = 0.225 x 153 34.425 T
Level of C. G. of Pile Cap (RL) = ( 50.043 + 51.543 ) / 2 = 50.793 m
Lever Arm w.r.t to Bottom of Pile Cap = 50.793 - 50.043 = 0.750 m
Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap = 34.425 x 0.75 = 25.819 T-m


Total Horizontal Seismic Force on pier due to Dead Loads
= 50.902 + 8.035 + 6.703 + 12.611 = 78.251 T
Total Horizontal Seismic Force on Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 78.251 + 34.425 = 112.676 T
Total Longitudinal Moment about Base of Pier due to Dead Loads
= 226.361 + 35.732 + 27.825 + 23 = 312.918 T-m
Total Longitudinal Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 302.719 + 47.785 + 37.879 + 41.919 + 25.819 = 456.121 T-m
Total Transverse Moment about Base of Pier due to Dead Loads
= 226.361 + 35.732 + 27.825 + 23 = 312.918 T-m
Total Transverse Moment about Bottom of Pile Cap due to Dead Loads
= 302.714 + 47.784 + 37.879 + 41.919 + 25.819 = 456.115 T-m

Page 86 of 97
Seismic Force on pier due to Dead Loads in Vertical Direction
= 78.251 x 0.151 / 0.225 = 52.516 T
Seismic Force on Pile Cap due to Dead Loads in Vertical Direction
= 112.676 x 0.151 / 0.225 = 75.618 T



Maximum mean velocity of water (V) = 0.946 m/sec

Depth of water for pier = 3.167 m
width of Pier Shaft = 1.065 m
Depth of water for Pile cap = 4.667 m
width of Pile Cap = 5.10 m
Area of exposed portion for Pier (A) = 3.373 sqm
Area of exposed portion for Pile Cap (A') = 23.802 sqm
Value of K for Pier = 35
Value of K for Pile cap = 79

Total force at pier for Water current = 0.106 T

CG = 1.56 m
Total Transverse moment at Pier bottom = 0.17 T-m
Total longituidinal moment at Pier bottom = 0.03 T-m

Total force at Pile cap for Water current = 1.683 T

CG = 1.7 m
Total transverse moment at Pile bottom = 2.86 T-m
Total longituidinal moment at Pier bottom (20 % of Transverse moment) = 0.57 T-m


At the bottom of pier
a Dead Load
1 From Super-structure 226.229 15.211 2.262 0 0
2 SIDL 35.712 2.457 0.357 0 0
3 From Pier Cap, railing, pedestal, OHE 35.719 0 0 0 0
4 From Pier. Shaft 56.050 0 0 0 0
b Live Load
5 Pedestrian live load 91.113 6.270 1.822 0 0
c Effect of Construction tolerance
8 construction tolerance 0.823
e Frictional Resistance
12 Due to DL and SIDL 0 12.561 0 3.029 0
f Temperature load
13 Thermal Expansion of Slab and Retainer 0 0.000 0 0.000 0
g Seismic force
14 Dead Load seismic 52.516 312.918 312.918 78.251 78.251
h Water current force
Water current force 0 0.03 0.17 0.021 0.106

18.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Pier

18.1 Servicebility Limit State (SLS)
(Note : Partial Safety Factors are as per Table 12, IRS Concrete Bridge Code)
Case - I (Normal Case-Considering Frictional Forces)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05 ) + 1.20 x ( 35.712) = 360.85 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 15.211 + 0+0 ) + 1.20 x ( 2.457 ) +1.0 x0.823 + 1.0 x ( 12.561263 ) = 31.54 T-m

Page 87 of 97
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.0 x ( 0.17 + 2.262) + 1.2 x (0.357 ) = 2.860 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.0 x 3.029 + 1 x 0.0212 = 3.050 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0.106 T

Case - II (Maximum vertical load, Type B Loading)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05 ) + 1.20 x ( 35.712) + 1.0 x ( 91.113 ) = 451.97 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 15.211 + 0+0 ) + 1.20 x ( 2.457 )+ 1.0 x 0.823 + 1.0 x ( 6.27+0 ) = 25.252 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.0 x ( 1.822+0.17 + 2.262 )+1.2 x ( 0.357 ) = 4.682 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 ) = 0.000 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05 ) + 1.20 x ( 35.712) + 0.5 x ( 91.113 ) - 1 x 52.516 = 353.89 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 15.211 + 0+0 + 0.034 ) + 1.20 x ( 2.457 ) + 1.0 x ( 6.27+0 ) = 335.07 T-m
+ 1.0 x ( 312.918+0.034 )+1 x0.823
Transverse Moment (MT) =
0.5 x ( 1.822) + 1 x (0.17 + 2.262) + 1.2 x (0.357 ) = 3.771 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0 + 1.0 x ( 78.251+0.0212 ) = 78.272 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0.000 T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05 ) + 1.20 x ( 35.712) + 0.5 x ( 91.113 )
- 1.0 x (52.516 +0 ) = 353.89 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 15.211 + 0+0 + 0.034 ) + 1.20 x ( 2.457 ) + 0.5 x ( 0 ) 1 x 0.823 = 19.02 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 1.822)+ 1 x(0.17 + 2.262) + 1.2 x ( 0.357 ) + 1.0 x (312.918 +0) = 316.69 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0 = 0.000 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
1.0 x (78.251+0 + 0.106) = 78.357 T

18.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Pier

18.2 Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
(Note : Partial Safety Factors are as per Table 12, IRS Concrete Bridge Code)
Case - I (Normal Case-Considering Frictional Forces)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05 ) + 2x ( 35.712 ) = 468.92 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 15.211 + 0+0 ) + 2.0 x ( 2.457 ) + 1.5 x ( 12.561263 )+2 x0.823 = 44.42 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.4 x ( 0.17 )+ 1.25 x (2.262) + 1.5 x (0.357 ) = 3.601 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.4 x ( 0.0212 ) + 2 x (3.029 ) = 6.088 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0.1484 T

Case - II (Maximum Vertical Load, Type B Loading)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05 ) + 2x ( 35.712) + 1.4 x ( 91.113 ) = 596.48 T

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Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 15.211 + 0+0 ) + 2.0 x ( 2.457 ) + 1.4 x ( 6.27)+2x0.823 = 34.35 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.4 x ( 1.822+0.17 ) + 1.25 x (2.262) + 1.5 x (0.357 ) = 6.2 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.4 x ( 0 ) = 0.000 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05 ) + 2.0 x ( 35.712) + 0.5 x ( 91.113 ) - 1.25 x (52.516+0) = 451.46 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 15.211 + 0+0.034 ) + 2.0 x ( 2.457 ) + 0.5 x ( 6.27) + 0.5 x (0 )+1.5x0.823 = 403.84 T-m
+ 1.2 x ( 312.918 )
Transverse Moment (MT) =
0.5 x ( 1.822) + 1.4 x (0.17 ) + 1.25 x (2.262) + 1.5 x ( 0.357 ) = 4.512 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x ( 0 ) + 1.2 x(78.251 ) = 93.901 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05 ) + 1.5 x ( 35.712) + 0.5 x ( 91.113 ) - 1.2 x (52.516 +0 ) = 433.60 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 15.211 + 0+0 ) + 1.5 x ( 2.457 ) + 0.5 x ( 6.27+0 )+1.50.823 = 27.07 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 1.822 ) + 1.4 x (0.17 ) + 1.2 x (312.918 +0) + 1.25 x (2.262) + 1.5 x ( 0.357 ) = 380.01 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0 = 0.000 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) =
1.2 x (78.251+0)= = 93.901 T

At the bottom of Pile cap

a Dead Load
1 From Super-structure 226.229 0 2.262 0 0
2 SIDL 35.712 0 0.357 0 0
3 From Pier Cap, railing, pedestal 35.719 0 0 0 0
4 From Pier. Shaft 56.050 0 0 0 0
5 Dead Load from Pile Cap 153.000 0 0 0 0
b Live Load
6 Pedestrian live load 91.113 6.270 1.822 0 0
c Effect of Construction tolerance
8 Construction tolerance 0.8230
e Frictional Resistance
11 For DL & SIDL 0 17.105 0 3.029 0
f Temperature load
13 Thermal Expansion of Slab and Retainer 0 0.000 0 0.0 0
g Seismic force
14 Dead Load seismic 75.619 456.121 456.115 112.676 112.676
h Water current force
17 Water current force 0 0.57 2.86 0.34 1.683

19.0 Combination of Loads and Moments at Base of Pile Cap

19.1 Load Combination for Servicibility Limit State
Case - I (Normal Load Case, Considering Frictional Load Case)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05+153 ) + 1.2 x ( 35.712 ) = 513.85 T

Page 89 of 97
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.0 x ( 17.105)+ 1.0 x ( 0.572)+1x0.823 = 18.50 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
1x(2.86 ) + 1 x (2.262) + 1.2 x (0.357 ) = 5.550 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.0 x (3.029 + 0.3366) = 3.366 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 1.683 T

Case - II (Normal Load Case, Maximum vertical load)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05+153 ) + 1.2 x ( 35.712) + 1.0 x ( 91.113 ) = 604.97 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.2 x ( 0 ) + 1.0x ( 6.27)+1.1x(0) + 1.0 x (0.572)+ 1.0 x 0.823 = 7.67 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.0 x ( 1.822)+1.0 x(2.86 )+ 1 x (2.262) + 1.2 x ( 0.357 ) = 7.372 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.1 x 0 + 1 x 0.3366 = 0.337 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05+153 ) + 1.2 x ( 35.712)
+ 0.5 x 91.113 + 0.5 x 0 - 1 x (75.619 + 0 ) = 483.79 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 0 + 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.2 x (0) + 0.5 x ( 6.27+0 ) + 1.0 x ( 456.121) + 1 x 0.5721.0 x0.823 = 460.65 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 1.822)+1x(2.86 )+ 1 x 2.262 + 1.2 x 0.357 = 6.461 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
(1.0 x 0 + 1 x 112.676) + 1.0 x (0.3366) = 113.013 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 1.683 T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.0 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05+153 ) + 1.2x ( 35.712)
+ 0.5 x 91.113 - 1.0 x (75.619+0) = 483.79 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.0 x ( 15.211 + 2.457 + 0 + 0+0.572 ) + 1.0 x ( 6.27 ) + 1.0 x ( 0)+1 x(0)+1x 0.823 = 4.53 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 1.822)+1.0x(2.86 ) + 1.0 x (456.115 +0) + 1 x 2.262 + 1.2 x0.357 = 462.58 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.0 x 0.3366 = 0.337 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 1.0 x ( 112.676+0 +1.683 ) = 114.359 T

19.2 Load Condition for Ultimate Limit State

Case - I (Normal Load Case, Considering Frictional Load Case)
Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05+153 ) + 2.0 x ( 35.712 ) = 660.17 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 15.211 + 2.457 + 0 + 0+0.572 ) + 2.0 x ( 0 ) + 1.5 x ( 17.105+0.572)+2x0.823 = 28.02 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.75 x (1.822+2.86 ) + 1.25 x 2.262 + 1.5 x 0.357 = 8.4 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
= 1.5 x (3.029 + 0.3366 ) = 5.048 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - II (Normal Load Case, Maximum vertical load)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05+153 ) + 2.0 x ( 35.712) + 1.75 x ( 91.113 )
= 819.62 T

Page 90 of 97
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0 + 0+0 )+2x(0)+ 1.75 x ( 6.27+0 ) + 2 x ( 0.572)+2x 0.823 = 13.76 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 1.75 x (1.822+2.86 )+ 1.25 x 2.262 + 1.5 x 0.357 = 11.6 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
1.75 x 0.3366 = 0.589 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 0T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0 + 0+0 ) + 1.5 x ( 0)
+ 0.5 x (91.113) - 1.2 x 0 - 1.2 x 75.619 = 597.13 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0 + 0 + 0+0.572 ) + 1.5 x ( 0 ) + 0.5 x ( 6.27+0.823)
+ 1.2 x (456.121 )+1.50.823 = 552.43 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 1.822 )+1.4 x (2.86 )+ 1.25 x 2.262 + 1.5 x 0.357 = 8.278 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0+ 1.2 x (112.676) + 1.4 x (0.3366) = 135.682 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 2.3562 T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic UP)

Vertical Load (V) =
= 1.25 x ( 226.229 + 35.719 + 56.05+153 ) + 1.5 x ( 35.712)
+ 0.5 x 91.113 - 1.2 x (75.619+0) = 597.13 T
Longitudinal Moment (ML) =
= 1.25 x ( 0 + 0 + 0 + 0)+1.4 x (0.572 ) + 1.5 x ( 0 ) + 0.5 x ( 0)+1.50.823 = 2.04 T-m
Transverse Moment (MT) =
= 0.5 x ( 1.822+2.86 ) + 1.2 x (456.115 +0)+1.25 x 2.262 + 1.5 x 0.357 = 551.61 T-m
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) =
0.5 x 0 = 0.000 T
Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = = 1.2 x ( 112.676+1.683 ) + 1.2 x (0)
= 137.231 T
20 Summary of Forces
20.1 at Base of Pier
Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
all Loads are in ton all Loads are in ton
Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV
V 360.85 451.965 353.89 353.89 V 468.92 596.480 451.46 433.60
ML 31.54 25.252 335.07 19.02 ML 44.42 34.352 403.84 27.07
MT 2.86 2.860 3.77 316.69 MT 3.60 6.2 4.51 380.01
HL 3.05 3.050 78.27 0.00 HL 6.09 0.000 93.90 0.00
HT 0.11 0.106 0.00 78.36 HT 0.15 0 0.00 93.90

20.2 at Base of Pile cap

Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
all Loads are in ton all Loads are in ton
Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV Case - I Case - II Case - III Case - IV
V 513.85 604.965 483.79 483.79 V 660.17 819.619 597.13 597.13
ML 18.50 13.763 460.65 4.53 ML 28.02 13.763 552.43 2.04
MT 5.55 7.372 6.46 462.58 MT 8.37 11.6 8.28 551.61
HL 3.37 0.337 113.01 0.34 HL 5.05 0.589 135.68 0.00
HT 1.68 0 1.68 114.36 HT 0.00 0 2.36 137.23

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Design of Pile

Pile Cap Bottom Level = 50.043 m

LBL = 50.715 m
Diameter of Pile (D) = 1.200 m
Grade of Concrete (fck) = 35 Mpa
Grade of Steel ( fy ) = 500 Mpa

Modulus of Elasticity of Pile Material (E) = 5000*SQRT ( fck )

= 29580.399 Mpa
= 295803.99 kg / cm2
Moment of Inertia of Pile Section ( I ) = π /64 x 1.2^4 m4
= 0.101788 m4
= 10178800 cm4


[A] Salient Dimensions

a) Length of Pile Cap along Longitudinal Direction = 5.10 m

b) Length of Pile Cap along Transverse Direction = 8 m
c) Thickness of Pile Cap = 1.500 m
d) Diameter of Pile = 1.200 m
e) Total No. of Piles in the Pile Cap = 6 nos

[B] Salient Levels

a) Top of Pile Cap = 51.543 m
b) Pile Cut Off Level = 50.118 m
c) Bottom of Pile Cap = 50.043 m
d) Level at Depth of Fixity = 42.063 m
e) Founding Level = 34.043 m

[C] Other Salient Design Data

a) Total Length of Pile (from below Pile Cap) = 16.000 m
b) Length of Pile (Upto Fixity Level) = 7.980 m
c) Unit weight of Concrete = 2.5 T/m3
d) Self Weight of 1 Pile = 45.239 T

Page 92 of 97
[D] Co-ordinate of Piles

Longitudinal Transverse C
Pile No Co-Ordinate o-Ordinate n xi2 yi2
xi (m) yi (m)
P1 1.800 3.000 1 3.24 9.00
P2 1.800 0.000 1 3.24 0.00
P3 1.800 -3.000 1 3.24 9.00
P4 -1.800 3.000 1 3.24 9.00
P5 -1.800 0.000 1 3.24 0.00
P6 -1.800 -3.000 1 3.24 9.00
Total ∑ 6 19.44 36.00


1.00 P P
4 1 `


5 2


6 3


[E] Summary of Loads and Moments at Center Line of Pile Cap Base

UNFACTORED LOAD CONDITION (for determining Pile Capacity)

Case - I (Normal Load Case, Considering Frictional Load Case)

Vertical Load (V) = 506.71 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 18.50 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 7.30 T-m

Page 93 of 97
Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 3.37 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 1.683 T

Case - II (Normal Load Case, Maximum vertical load)

Vertical Load (V) = 597.82 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 7.67 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 7.30 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 0.34 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 1.68 T

Case - III (Normal Load +Longitudinal Seismic+Vertical Seismic DOWN)

Vertical Load (V) = 673.44 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 463.8 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 7.30 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 113.0 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 1.7 T

Case - IV (Normal Load + Transverse Seismic + Vertical Seismic DOWN)

Vertical Load (V) = 673.44 T

Longitudinal Moment (ML) = 7.67 T-m

Transverse Moment (MT) = 463.42 T-m

Horizontal Load in Longitudinal Direction (HL) = 0.34 T

Horizontal Load in Transverse Direction (HT) = 114.36 T

Load/Case Case I Case II Case III Case IV

V (T) 506.71 597.82 673.44 673.44
ML (T - m) 18.50 7.67 463.79 7.67
MT (T - m) 7.30 7.30 7.30 463.42
HL (T) 3.37 0.34 113.01 0.34
HT (T) 1.683 1.68 1.68 114.36

Page 94 of 97

Load/Case Case I Case II Case III Case IV

V (T) 660.17 819.619 597.13 746.41
ML (T - m) 28.02 13.763 552.43 2.54
MT (T - m) 8.37 11.557 8.28 689.52
HL (T) 5.05 0.589 135.68 0.00
HT (T) 0.00 0.0 2.95 171.54

[F] Pile Reaction

ZL = 10.800 m3
ZT1 = 12.000 m3

Horizontal Load on Single Pile HR = (SQRT (HL + HT ))/ ∑n


Load Cases
Pile Reaction Case I
Case II Case III Case IV
P1 86.773 100.955 155.792 151.568
P2 86.165 100.347 155.183 112.95
P3 85.556 99.738 154.575 74.332
P4 83.347 99.536 69.906 150.149
P5 82.739 98.927 69.297 111.531
P6 82.13 98.319 68.689 72.913
Max Value 86.773 100.955 124.63 121.25
Min Value 82.13 98.319 54.95 58.33
Adding self weight of Pile
Max Value 113.92 128.10 151.78 148.40
Min Value 109.27 125.46 82.09 85.47
HR (T) 0.627 0.286 18.84 19.06

Maximum Vertical load in Pile(Non Seismic) = 151.78 T

Maximum Horizontal load in Pile(Non-Seismic) = 0.286 T

Recommended Pile Capacity = 250 T

Recommended Horizontal Pile Capacity = 39 T

Length of Pile above Scour Level, L1 1.307 m

Depth of Fixity 7.980 m
RL at Depth of Fixity 42.063 m
Hence we take the pile length 16.000 m
Keep Founding Level at 34.043 m

Page 95 of 97
Pile Reaction Load Cases
(T) Case I Case II Case III Case IV
P1 113.32 138.841 151.362 182.097
P2 112.623 137.878 150.672 124.637
P3 112.623 137.878 150.672 124.637
P4 108.132 136.292 49.06 181.626
P5 107.434 135.329 48.371 124.166
P6 108.132 136.292 49.06 181.626
Max Value 140.463 165.984 178.505 209.24 Adding self weight of Pile
Min Value 107.434 135.329 48.371 124.166
HR (T) 0.841 0.098 22.619 28.59

Pmax = 209.24 T
Pmin = 48.371 T
Ultimate Horizontal Load Per Pile = 28.59 T


The Pile is designed as per the "Charts for the Design of Circular columns" to SP:16.
(A) Material Property

Grade of Concrete ( fck ) = 35 mPa

Grade of Reinforcement ( fy ) = 500 mPa

(B)Section Property
Diameter of Pile Section (D) = 1200 mm
Clear cover = 75 mm
Diameter of Outer Links = 12 mm
Diameter of main vertical R/F outer layer = 25 mm
Moment per tonne Horizontal load = 3.81 t-m/t (from soil report)
Effective Cover (d') = (75 + 12 + 25 / 2) = 99.5 mm
d'/D = 99.5 / 1200 = 0.083 mm

(C) Critical Load Case

Axial Load Pu = 48.371 T
Moment Mu = 3.81 x 28.59 = 108.928 T-m
Pu /fck D2 = 0.01
Mu / fck D3 = 0.02

From Chart- 60 of SP: 16 - 1980, which corresponds to Fe - 500 grade of Reinforcement

p/fck = 0.02
p = 0.7 %
Therefore; Asc = ( π / 4 x 1200^2x0.7%) = 7916.813487 mm2

(D) Reinforcement Computation

[Refer Cl: 5.11.1 of IS: 2911 Part 1 Sec 2 ]
Minimum % of Reinforcement in a Circular Section = 0.40 %
( π / 4 x 1200^2x0.4%) = 4523.9 mm2
Design Reinforcement = 7916.8 mm2

Page 96 of 97
Let us provide
In Layer-I 24 nos. 25 mm diameter bars as main R/F in outer layer

Provide T- 12 @ 150 mm c/c as Lateral Ties

(E) Check for Reinforcement Percentage

Gross Concrete Area Ac = 1.131 m2
Total Reinforcement Area As = 0.012 m2

Reqd. R/F Actual R/F Remarks

(%) (%)
0.70 1.06 OK

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