Ritu Amrapali Zodiac Data
Ritu Amrapali Zodiac Data
Ritu Amrapali Zodiac Data
PUNEET KUMAR BANSAL 9910027565 O O602 1075 not intersted for sell/28dec not interested
Mr. PANKAJ GOYAL 9910989796 G G201 1325 not intersted for sell
Mr. PUSHPENDRA BHARDWAJ 9650482973 O O1108 2300 not intersted for sell
Mr. SANJAI KUMAR SRIVASTAVA 9810102159 D D606 1075 they will wait till possession/28 dec no pick
Mr. MANAN ADLAKHA 9911557054 C C204 1550 they will wait till possession
Mr. AKHAND PRAKASH MISHRA 9811812207 H H902 1075 not intersted for sell/28 dec no pick
Mrs. PARVEEN KOHLI 9811531290 P P502 1075 not intersted for sell/28 dec not interested
Mr. PEEYUSH KUMAR 9968348999 T T601 1550 not intersted for sell
Mr. ACHIN GARG 9897208176 S S403 1075 not intersted for sell/28 dec not interested
Mr. ANKIT GARG 9989423054 S S703 1075 #switch off/28 dec off
Mr. VIRENDER KUMAR 9873331402 Q Q202 1075 they will wait till possession/28 dec not interested
Mr. KAILASH BHATNAGAR 9560102858 S S802 1075 not intersted for sell/28 dec not interested
Mr. SANJAY KUMAR 9897422020 R R701 1100 not intersted for sell
Ms. RAMA SHARMA 9899677711 D D103 1075 they will wait till possession/28 dec not interested
Mrs. PRERNA SHARMA 9968816722 W W606 1325 she is intersting selling the flat but she is waiting for goes up price
Dr. MAHENDRA DASS 011-26469644 V V101 1775 not intersted for sell , self use
Mr. GANTLA MAHENDAR L L105 1075 28 dec not interested'/21 mar not intrested
Mr. GAURAV AHUJA 9899566990 D D607 1075 not intersted for sell/28 dec off
Mr. RAM PRAKASH 9334222240 G G906 1325 he is intersting selling the flat when will come price 5000 plus in the market
Mr. SANJEEV PURI 9811104749 L L605 1075 this flat is available for rent after 2 month , possession letter in my
hand, I am not selling the flat, if you have any parties for rent let
me know/28dec call not going/21 mar not intrested
Mr. AJAY KUMAR SINGH -9164488317 H H901 1325
Mr. Brajesh Kumar Singh 9958859600 L L100 1075 not intersted for sell/28dec call waiting/21 mar not pick
Mr. BADRI NATH 9818540292 G G1205 950 sold out
Mr. JAGADISH S AWANTY 9818198362 G G802 1075 call me back after some time/28dec not interested/21 mar not
Mr. SIDDHARTH SINGHAL 9717239595 G G702 1075 not intersted for sell/28dec call waiting/21 mar 5100 +transfr
Mr. SUMIT SANU 9311317611 Q Q306 1325 #switch of
Mr. HEMANT SAREEN 9891722822 E E120 1075 not reachable/28dec sale ke liye but ho chucki hai
Mr. M.G. SHAHNAWAZ 9868221506 G G301 1325 not intersted for sell
Mrs. RENU JAIN 9818534636 G G305 950 not intersted for sell
Mr. AMIT PRAKASH 9899106907, G G402 1075 not intersted for sell/28dec not interested/21 mar not pick
Mr. MANOJ KUMAR SINHA 9971802800 G G110 1075 not intersted for sell/28dec not interested/21 mar off
Mr. NASEEM A. SIDDIQI 9811903183 E E505 1075 pnp/28dec off/21 mar not pick
Mrs. LATHA JERISH 9891379686 G G103 1075 all ready rent out but not sell/28dec rented out
Mr. ASHOK KUMAR 9968239132 G G405 950 I don't want to talk regarding properties
Mr. NANDAM JAGADESH 9810846867 K K802 1075 not intersted for sell/28 dec not interested
Mr. SANJAY SRIVASTAVA 9811777498 E E606 1075 28 dec rented out lease 10 month ki
Mr. ANKUR ARORA ### E E110 1075 2dec wrong no/21 mar wrong no
Mr. MOHIT MAHESHWARI 9811211683 T T607 950
Mr. DHARAM PAL GIRI 9650990105 C C706 1075 28dec sale @ possession
Mr. RAJEEV SHARMA 9999505999 E E905 1075 28dec no pick/21 mar not pick
Mr. SUBRAT KUMAR SETHI 9871278498 D D506 1075 28dec living there
Mr. VINAY KUMAR SHARMA 9650999144 C C703 1075 28 dec rent @ possession
Mr. ANAND KUMAR SHIVHARE 9350245275 D D502 1075 28dec saleout before possession
Mr. DEEPAK NAGVANSHI 9650539329 E E605 1075 28 dec 13K/-rented out/21 mar not pick
Mr. Arun Sharma 9899202168 R R605 1075 28 dec for sale @ possession in 3 month
Dr. UMA RAO 9312649012 E E405 1075 28dec not interested/21 mar not intrested
Mr. RAJIB ROY 9871898270 G G120 1075 28dec no pick/21 mar not pick
Mr. TILAK RAJ CHANDAN 9971779462 G G202 1075 28dec for sale @ possession in 3 month/21 mar not intrested
Mr. KUMAR GAURAV 9424142965 C C503 1075 28dec rent out @ possession
Mr. KAILASH CHANDER DHYANI 9818283682 T T100 1075 28 dec for sale rate kam hai
Mr. EK Dass 9868219657 K K202 1075 28dec rent k liye baat ho chuki hai
Mrs. MONIKA ARORA 9910081358 E E105 1075 28dec for sale demand 5500/- sq.ft/21 mar sale demand 5500
Mr. ANOOP SAXENA 9810507300 C C407 1075 28dec rent @ possession
Mrs. Sarojini Xaxa 9958324254 K K302 1075 28dec call not going
Mr. SANJAY KUMAR SHARMA 9818094150 C C402 1075 28dec sale out @ possession in 1 month demand 5000/-
Mrs. POONAM RAI 9312501579 C C307 1075 28dec sale out @ possession in 1 month demand 5000/-
Mr. Ajay Kumar Bajaj 9910378042 K K402 1075 28 dec sale out demand 5400/- sq.ft
Mr. KAPIL GANGWAL 9646583952/941310 D D403 1075 28dec rent out @ possession in 2 month
Mr. ABINASH KUMAR MISHRA 9971003216 C C306 1075 28dec network busy
Mr. MUKESH GUPTA 9999610744 E E100 1075 28dec khud rahta hain/21 mar not intrested
Major VISHAL SINGH 9882356770 D D303 1075 28dec call not going
Mr. ARUN SHARMA 9899202168 H H905 1075 28dec R-605 tower sale @ possession 3 month 5000/-/21 feb off
Mr. RAJEEV KUMAR CHOUDHARY 9810398135 R R405 1075 28dec sale out demand 5500/-sq.ft
Mr. AVADHESH PRATAP SINGH 9899103503 T T302 1075 28 dec no pick
Mrs. SUSHAMA MISHRA 9999648898 N N120 1075 28 dec demand 55lacs (not nego.) modular kitchen & wordvobes,
2A covered parking
Mr. NARENDER KUMAR 9868974500 S S603 1075 28 dec possession next month
Mr. Dharmendra Singh 9810328038 K K505 1075 12 oct interested for rent after 2 months /28 dec rent out @
possession in 2 month/21 mar not intrested/25 may not intrested
for rent
Mr. UPKAR REHAN 98,555,519,539,417,300,000 D D208 1550
Mr. SANTOSH TIWARI 9711181118 E E120 1075 28dec no pick/21 mar sold out
Mr. ANUP KUMAR ### P P107 1075 28dec call ended
Mr. GAURAV NEGI NA N N100 1075 27dec interested for sale @ possession in 1 month
Mr. RANDHIR KUMAR GUPTA 9311025077 C C120 1075 27 dec not interested
Mr. HEMANT KUMAR JAIN 9810190295 R R204 1075 27 dec possession ni mili
Mr. NEEL KANT RAJU 9891687940 C C110 1075 27 dec rent @ possession
Mr. SANJEEV SHARMA 8447018461 S S303 1075 27 dec rented out lease sep tak ki
Mr. ASHOK KUMAR GUPTA 9450962685 V V406 1075 27 dec not interested
Mr. Arshad Mallick 9818588155 K K100 1075 28 dec no pick/21 mar not intrested